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22 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Madison ignored the Amazon rolling about on the floor and bent down to look directly into my eyes. She pulled out a syringe and pinned me down with one hand, injecting me in the arm with the other.


My vision started getting blurry as I quickly drifted out of consciousness. The last thing I saw was Madison looking down at me with the biggest grin on her face.



“I told you I’d get you.”

The end of ch 39 and all of ch 40 were nail biting suspense, causing my pulse to race, excellent story telling with the end I had been hoping for. While Ch 41 provides useful background and leads your readers to be on their seat edge wondering what has happened to Liv now that Madison has her. If you can repeat the excitement of ch 39 & 40 that will be an outstanding achievement. Thankyou!

Agreed, we need to read about Livs adventures as Madison’s baby and how she prevents her from escaping, perhaps Madison has another identity and whisks her out of the country making it all the harder for Charlotte to find and rescue her. 

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34 minutes ago, Traycie said:

Agreed, we need to read about Livs adventures as Madison’s baby and how she prevents her from escaping, perhaps Madison has another identity and whisks her out of the country making it all the harder for Charlotte to find and rescue her. 

This is exactly what the sadist in me hopes for.

Madison has kidnapped her to another country - made her unable to walk, taken away her ability to speak and of course all her teeth.

But because Madison is cruel, Liv's mind is still completely intact and Madison tortures her with the knowledge that she is trapped in the baby's body.

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2 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

Fuck just fuck.

Corrupt police and LSS, which is not really a surprise now.

Liv was adopted even if it was reversed.

Then also by Madison oh god who knows what she has already done to Liv.

Then Madison disappeared.

Oh fuck oh fuck. The chapter is so much stress.

But I thought you wanted this? ?

2 hours ago, YourFNF said:

Liv is going to have been tortured and likely suffered permanent trauma... Fuck I really need to know what ultimately happens though.... I need a drink....

Won't have to wait long, next chapter tomorrow I promise!

2 hours ago, Emily Ruby Rose said:

i need more my anxiety and heart can't take this......

Awww I'm sorry! Tomorrow I'll post the next one!

1 hour ago, the diaper mike said:

Once again very unique  writer God you know how to make a cliffhanger  and you can bring tears to people's eyes now I really want to see where this goes

Thank you so much ?

1 hour ago, TerranV said:

Well shit. 

Conspiracy! I hope they find Liv soon. Narratively speaking it would have been a let down if they did just up and find her this time. The tension is mounting.

Liv and Charlie certainly have a bunch of allies in high places...

Thank you for the comment! ?

48 minutes ago, Traycie said:

The end of ch 39 and all of ch 40 were nail biting suspense, causing my pulse to race, excellent story telling with the end I had been hoping for. While Ch 41 provides useful background and leads your readers to be on their seat edge wondering what has happened to Liv now that Madison has her. If you can repeat the excitement of ch 39 & 40 that will be an outstanding achievement. Thankyou!

Agreed, we need to read about Livs adventures as Madison’s baby and how she prevents her from escaping, perhaps Madison has another identity and whisks her out of the country making it all the harder for Charlotte to find and rescue her. 

Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy it! I've got a lot planned still... so I hope I exceed the excitement! ?

13 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

This is exactly what the sadist in me hopes for.

Madison has kidnapped her to another country - made her unable to walk, taken away her ability to speak and of course all her teeth.

But because Madison is cruel, Liv's mind is still completely intact and Madison tortures her with the knowledge that she is trapped in the baby's body.

The next chapter is the same day as this one. But told from a different perspective... ?

Just now, AdultInnocence said:

Wow what a chapter! You didn't just leave us with a cliffhanger, you left us with a cliffhanger of all cliffhangers!

Hehehe! Thank you!

...and if you think this is bad....

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Such a cliffhanger to end on...I imagine an update from Liv is next...which is awesome!  I hope there was a ring in what she was clutching! Cannot wait for the next update!

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8 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Hehehe! Thank you!

...and if you think this is bad....

Hahahaha That's great the next chapter will be even worse. I can see that already. It's going to be so incredibly bad. I can hardly wait.

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9 hours ago, BobbyDrago said:

Your cruel ????

Aww ? I'm sorry! I'm not really! I'm seriously thinking of posting one chapter a day because people seem anxious about these chapters...

6 hours ago, SGTbaby said:

Such a cliffhanger to end on...I imagine an update from Liv is next...which is awesome!  I hope there was a ring in what she was clutching! Cannot wait for the next update!

Back to Liv... waking up after her little 'nap'.... ?

2 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

Hahahaha That's great the next chapter will be even worse. I can see that already. It's going to be so incredibly bad. I can hardly wait.

I never said the next chapter... plus I was talking about cliffhangers. There are much worse cliffhangers on the horizon... ? 

57 minutes ago, Sparkle Dust said:


It definitely won't be as bad as this ?

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I’m definitely excited to see what happens next. It’s a sadish day for me. It’s my birthday and I’m turning 35 lol. I’m too close to 40 lol. 

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22 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

“Well bad news first, she has legally adopted her. The paperwork was filed last night.”

“But the good news is, she was adopted on the apartment premises. Which means it is not legally binding. Olivia is no longer legally adopted ...”

I am confused here. How can the adoption both be legal and not legal? I don't understand this.

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11 minutes ago, bje said:

I am confused here. How can the adoption both be legal and not legal? I don't understand this.

Madison went through the proper legal system and adopted her. Chris has nullified that adoption through his agreement with the Mayor.

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I’m guessing Madison knew it would be nullified so she went on the run. Especially since she attacked an Amazon just to get her. She needs another spanking and to be in diapers. She’s acting too immature for an Amazon. 

  • Haha 1
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Chapter 42: Baby Daisy

I startled awake and the panic set in.

‘SHIT! WHERE AM I?’ I thought to myself as I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

I was in a crib. Inside a nursery.

All the furniture was either yellow or white, and babyish decals lined the pale yellow walls. There was a rocking horse in one corner, a rocking chair in another, and a changing table alongside the crib I was in.

I went to express my feelings, which were going to be along the lines of “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!” But all I found come out of my mouth were muffles and moans.

Figuring I had a dummy in my mouth, I quickly reached up to remove it, only to find my hands were encased in soft, yellow mittens, and the dummy in my mouth wrapped around my head, locking in the back. There was no way I was removing either the dummy or the mittens.

‘I better check what else I’ve been dressed in.’

Checking the rest of my body, I noticed matching booties encasing my feet, and I was wearing a yellow and white onesie with little ducklings on it that covered a VERY thick nappy. It looked very much like a crawler nappy, so there was no way I was getting this off without any help. I would not be able to stand or walk in it, the best I’d be able to manage, as adequately named, was crawl.

I tried to stand up, which was very difficult, so I used the bars of the crib to pull myself up, falling back on my padded bum twice, each time with a noticeable squish, which indicated that I must be at least wet.

Upon managing to stand up, putting most of my weight against the bars of the crib, and with my legs splayed due to the thickness of the nappy, I sized up the height of the crib. There was no way I was going to be able to climb this thing, especially not with mittens and this damn nappy on, so I fell back and sat there, thinking about how I could possibly escape.


After about 5 minutes of scanning the room for potential escape options and traps, I was interrupted when my captor opened the door to the nursery and entered.

“Hi little baby! I see you’re finally awake! I heard your little attempts to stand on the baby monitor. It was adorable!” Madison teased.


...Was what I tried to scream. Instead it came out more like “FFF OOH!”

“Well I’m certainly going to have to fix that little potty mouth of yours. I could tell what you were saying even with that dummy in your mouth!”

I stared at her with disgust.

“Don’t worry. I’ll enjoy this little fight for a couple of days. Then I’ve got you booked in with the Doctor. He’ll fix you right up, and you’ll be my happy little baby in no time. Oh the things I’m going to get done to you...”

I froze with fear and my heart sunk as I realised escape was most likely impossible, and this woman would get horrible things done to me. My lifelong fears were coming true and I was powerless to stop them.

“I couldn’t get an appointment until Wednesday. And I’m working tomorrow, I’ve got a big deal to close and I can’t miss it, so you’re going to have loads of fun at daycare!”

I audibly gulped.

“Yes you are! Silly little baby! Today is just going to be me and you. And don’t dare try to fight me on anything, I will make sure you regret it if you do.” She said with a smirk on her face.

My will to fight disappeared. Escape was near impossible. Fighting back would probably end up being a mistake. My only hope was Charlie...

‘Charlie... Oh god! I hope she’s okay! It must be her birthday too, and she’s probably panicking and trying to find me...’

“Oh silly little Livie, your ‘girlfriend’ won’t find you. Charlie was detained by the police, and on her birthday no less! That makes it all the more sweeter honestly. She is in no position to help you. And even if she managed to get out of jail, there’s no way she’d find us. My job gives a lot of perks, one being this house, which is not tied to my name in any way. And the adoption isn’t under your name; it’s under ‘Daisy Phillips’. So don’t expect any help anytime soon you little brat.”

She laughed at me, walking over to the crib and looking down at me.

“Now, come here. I need to check your nappy. You must be wet by now.”

She reached down and forced a finger into my nappy.

“Yup. Wet. But because I think you deserve it, I’m going to make you wait until later. Even if you go poopies for Mummy. Because you’re going to have to get used to using it all the time, you’ll be wet, messy or both most of the time.”

My whole body shuddered every time she spoke about my future with her. But I still held out hope that Charlie would be able to rescue me.

“Right, I bet you’re hungry. Let’s get that little tummy of yours fed!”

Madison lifted me up out of the crib, effortlessly carrying me out of the nursery and down the stairs. We walked through the living room, which was bland and beige. The TV was in one corner of the room, the sofa in the opposite. There was a coffee table in front of the sofa, and over by the fireplace was a playpen set up in the corner, one with soft mats and stuffies positioned around the back of the playpen.

‘No doubt I’m going to have to play in there. And soon I bet.’

She carried me straight through the living room and into the kitchen, which was must have been decorated in the past year or two, as the appliances looked brand new, and the table had been hardly used.

“Like the house sweetie? My work gave me this place as a bonus last year when I mentioned that I was going to get back into looking for a little. I picked out all the furniture and colours, but never moved in, saving it for when I found the right little. A few weeks ago I was being really picky about which little I was going to adopt, none felt right. I decided to move here permanently, and adopt the first little I could. But then I saw you with Charlie and I knew I just had to have you. You’re adorable, AND I get to hurt Charlie at the same time. So win-win!”

I frowned as she placed me into the highchair that was positioned at the end of the dining table. She strapped my arms in, followed by my legs.

I struggled against my restraints as she walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a jar of baby food. I could see from the label that it was designed for littles, so it most likely was going to mess my insides up and cause me to mess later, so as Madison reached for the dummy gag, I shook my head from side to side, trying to avoid her hands.

“If you don’t stop this, I’ll make you eat double the amount. And you won’t be able to stop me.”

Figuring I didn’t want to face the punishment, I gave up fighting and let her unstrap the gag. But instinctively I spoke up as soon as the dummy was removed, allowing me use of my mouth.


Madison smiled at me. Her cold, dead eyes creeping me out as she just stood there, smiling at me. She didn’t move. She didn’t say anything. Pretty sure she didn’t even blink.

She just stared.



That’s all she said. Which sent a chill down my spine. The way she said it... it was like there was no emotion behind her voice at all.

Madison grabbed the jar of what looked like apple crumble, walked over to the counter, grabbing a plastic spoon and, switching the jar with something much darker in colour, walked back up to me.

She placed the new jar of food on the tray in front of me, turning it so I could read the label.

My stomach churned as soon as I read what it was.


Opening the jar, the smell hit my nose and I instantly gagged. She then proceeded to get a big scoop of the mushy baby food on the plastic spoon and pushed it towards my mouth.

I shut my mouth and tried escaping the spoon, but with her free hand, she grabbed my face and forced my mouth open, shovelling the spoonful of disgusting food into my mouth.

“Swallow. Now.”

Seeing the silent fury in her eyes and voice, I swallowed everything in my mouth, and I wanted to be sick.

“Good girl. Now... again.”

Spoonful after spoonful, she emptied the whole jar of prunes into my mouth.

Once she was satisfied, she left a bottle of milk on the tray, and I assumed she expected me to drink it all whilst she cleaned up around the kitchen. So I did.

As soon as the milk hit my tongue, I knew just what kind of milk this was and wanted to spit it out. But the taste of breast milk made me crave it more and more, and the taste of prunes was still infecting my mouth so I hungrily swallowed every drop of it to wash away the taste.

“Good girl. See, you’ll learn pretty quickly I don’t put up with shit from pathetic littles like you. You’ll learn to obey or you’ll suffer. You should be grateful we Amazons even adopt you and look after you, otherwise you would have all died out years ago. I mean you can’t even control when you go to the potty!”

I scowled at her, which just made her smile more.

I finished the bottle, and I hated myself that I craved more still.

“Right, you can go play in the playpen for a bit before your nap. Then after your nap, you’ll eat again, then its bedtime. Easy day for you today, but don’t worry, you’ve got a fun and difficult couple of days ahead of you.”

Madison freed me from all the restraints and picked me up, my stomach churning and bloated after all the food and milk. She walked into the living room and placed me in the playpen before going sitting down on the sofa and turning on the TV. I quickly looked away, scared that she was going to put something on like the Wibbles or something, something that would melt my mind.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to make you watch anything like that today. The Doctor will fix all that on Wednesday. I’m going to savour the resistance from you today. So just enjoy playing with your little blocks Daisy.”

I looked at her with anger.

‘My name is special to me. And I’m not going to just go and let some arsehole like her go and take that from me. Especially not with ‘Baby Daisy’.’

For now, I figured I needed to play along. Charlie or someone would come rescue me, or some opportunity would make itself available for me to escape. If I tried to force an escape, it would most likely fail and result in me being even worse off than I already am.

But still, I had a deadline.

If that Doctor got his hands on me it’d be Game Over for Olivia... and New Game Plus as Baby Daisy.


I played with some blocks, making towers and knocking them down, trying to keep my mind as occupied as possible. Whilst I couldn’t attempt an escape yet, I had to be ready for any possible opportunities.

Madison watched some boring daytime TV drivel, occasionally glancing over at me to check I was playing and behaving.

“Such a good girl. Honestly, it’s nice to have a day off like this. And after tomorrow, we’ve got up to a year together with my maternity leave. But I’d go mad if I took all that time off work. So a couple of weeks at most, then I’ll shove you in the daycare whilst I’m at work.”

I bottled everything I was feeling as I held a plastic brick in my hand, thinking about how satisfying it would be to lob it at her head. Instead, I placed it at the top of my latest tower and smiled as the tower was as nearly as tall as me.

Then out of nowhere, a cushion came flying at me, knocking the tower over and hitting me in the face.

“HAHAHA! Oh my god, that was priceless. Sorry baby, I couldn’t resist. You looked so proud of your little tower. Don’t worry, when your mind is melted I’ll be a bit nicer to you.”

‘Oh well that’s a relief. You’ll be nice to me once you’ve destroyed my brain and taken everything away from me. Soooo considerate...’

“Right. Time for a nap. Let’s go put you in your crib.”

She got up from where she was sat, walked over and lifted me up out of the crib. I wasn’t going to fight it, but I certainly wasn’t going to help, so I let my limbs go lifeless, like a rag doll. This, to her annoyance, made me much harder to carry.

Sadly even this tiny bit of defiance caused me to be shoved into the crib upstairs with force, making me hit my head on the side.

“Next time, don’t try to be funny!” She said, as she lifted up the crib rails and walked out, leaving me in darkness.

I rubbed my head and snuggled up with a nearby stuffie, the milk from before starting to take effect, making me slowly drift off to sleep.


I woke up to a loud noise.

I jolted upright, trying to find the source of the noise, only to feel the squishing in the seat of my nappy. And that’s when I realised what the noise was. I had just messed my nappy.

It felt so uncomfortable this time round, much more than last time. And I think I messed a lot more than the last time too, I started to worry it may leak.

I came up with an idea.

‘Hey, I’m supposed to be a baby...’

I looked at the baby monitor and started crying. I cried and I cried, until my throat started to hurt. But no one came.

‘What a bitch. She wants me to stay in this nappy, doesn’t she? She must have heard what I had done, and is now making me stay like this. Fuck.’

I gave in and lay down on my stomach, as to not squish the mess I had created in the back of my nappy. I started thinking about Charlie, how today is her birthday, how I had ruined everything by insisting on this ridiculous baby scheme.

I started crying. I didn’t care if it gave Madison pleasure to hear me defeated and crying, I just needed to let it all out. So I lay there, bawling uncontrollably, until I slowly drifted back to sleep.


After falling asleep in the crib, I was startled to see the nursery from a different angle when I awakened. Looking up, I saw Madison’s face of disgust as she proceeded to change my messy nappy.

“Oh, good, you’re awake now. You can suffer through this too. But don’t worry, when I’ve got your diet under control and you’re mostly on liquids, this will be a lot easier to deal with for me. And you won’t care what you do in your nappy at that point. So we both win.”

She clumsily changed my nappy, getting the tapes wrong the first and second try. In the end I was in a fresh nappy, but it was still not as comfortable as when Charlie put them on me. And these changes... these changes didn’t feel special.

Madison lifted me up, carrying me to the rocking chair, and placing me in her arms, she lay back.

“Now, don’t dare bite me. Otherwise I’ll make you regret it.”

Petrified, I nodded my head as she unclasped her maternity bra, exposing her breast to me.

“I know you just had a nap, but honestly I’m a bit bored and don’t want you bothering me whilst I have a few drinks downstairs. So I’m going to nurse you, then hopefully you’ll sleep until morning.”

She directed her breast towards my mouth and I suppressed the urge to fight back, taking it in my mouth as the warm, creamy milk flowed down my throat.

The cravings came back, making me suckle more and more. The more I drank, the sleepier I got. And I wondered why I hadn’t felt sleepy this quickly when I drank the bottle. I figured it must have been something to do with it being from a bottle and not the source, or maybe she drugged it, or maybe it was the food. I wanted to try and think more about this, but found myself fighting against the wave of bliss and relaxation that was hitting me every second the milk flowed through me.

It wasn’t long before I was asleep again, in my new crib, alone, completely helpless, with no apparent hope of rescue.



I hope everyone enjoyed the latest chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Back to Olivia for this one.

Next chapter Saturday? Unless I feel bad for you all and give you an extra chapter tomorrow ?

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You have to hand it to her for being clever.
House under another name, adoption too but that was already reversed so that could be uncovered.

Also how mean she is to Liv is absolutely predictable as you have written Madison so far and yet even meaner when you read it.

One thing you have to admit though "Daisy" is now not the worst name she could have gotten.

There are now in my opinion 3 hopes.

1. tomorrow when she is in the nursery she will be scanned and it will be recognized that the adoption was reversed and the nursery is forced to keep Liv until the police arrives.

2. the same concept on Wednesday at the doctor, unless he is corrupt.

3. the company where Madison works is audited by the police and they have to tell her about the house. 

I'm really excited for Saturday though I hope you'll have mercy and update tomorrow already.

Really this is an absolutely thrilling story.


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9 minutes ago, Guilend said:

I’m guessing Madison knew it would be nullified so she went on the run. Especially since she attacked an Amazon just to get her. She needs another spanking and to be in diapers. She’s acting too immature for an Amazon. 

She doesn't seem to be that smart.

She is in the apartment she got as a bonus from her company, so the company knows where the apartment is, the company knows she adopted, the company granted maternity leave and she contacted a doctor to make changes to Liv.

If the mayor and the judge are smart they will have all doctors ban surgery on Littles for the next week and all Littles will have to be checked before anything is done and in case of emergency the police will have to be called. 

Madison THINKS she is smart but she is far from it.


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1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

You have to hand it to her for being clever.
House under another name, adoption too but that was already reversed so that could be uncovered.

Also how mean she is to Liv is absolutely predictable as you have written Madison so far and yet even meaner when you read it.

One thing you have to admit though "Daisy" is now not the worst name she could have gotten.

There are now in my opinion 3 hopes.

1. tomorrow when she is in the nursery she will be scanned and it will be recognized that the adoption was reversed and the nursery is forced to keep Liv until the police arrives.

2. the same concept on Wednesday at the doctor, unless he is corrupt.

3. the company where Madison works is audited by the police and they have to tell her about the house. 

I'm really excited for Saturday though I hope you'll have mercy and update tomorrow already.

Really this is an absolutely thrilling story.


Thank you ? I think you'll be surprised though.

And I think Liv would hate any kind of name change. Daisy though... just doesn't suit her. ?

1 hour ago, Emily Ruby Rose said:

This is like a drug to me i need moreeeee... plwease? ❤️ 

Because I know chapters like this can make people anxious (I feel anxious reading a lot of stories), and because you're all so lovely, I may post another tomorrow if it'll make people happier.

1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

She doesn't seem to be that smart.

She is in the apartment she got as a bonus from her company, so the company knows where the apartment is, the company knows she adopted, the company granted maternity leave and she contacted a doctor to make changes to Liv.

If the mayor and the judge are smart they will have all doctors ban surgery on Littles for the next week and all Littles will have to be checked before anything is done and in case of emergency the police will have to be called. 

Madison THINKS she is smart but she is far from it.


Her company is already shady, so they probably won't be able to track her through that...

In this world, do you really think Doctor's who go around regressing littles are all nice and all above board? ?

And in a society that is run mostly on the adoption of littles, I don't think they'd be able to stop surgeries or use of nanites on littles like that. Especially not just for one kidnapped little.

But you're right. She definitely thinks she's smart.

1 hour ago, Guilend said:

So many ways this can go. I’m just going to sit back and see where it goes. 

I hope everyone enjoys where it does go!

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1 hour ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Madison went through the proper legal system and adopted her. Chris has nullified that adoption through his agreement with the Mayor.

Huh? I thought the story took place in a state governed by the rule of law. There a mayor cannot simply annul a lawful legal action. But perhaps the place of the story is a dictatorship where a mayor has autocratic power in his city and is not governed by the law?

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20 minutes ago, bje said:

Huh? I thought the story took place in a state governed by the rule of law. There a mayor cannot simply annul a lawful legal action. But perhaps the place of the story is a dictatorship where a mayor has autocratic power in his city and is not governed by the law?

As a hint, this is the DD if the author writes that it is possible then it is so.

Furthermore, the adoption was legal, but how Madison got Liv was illegal, and so the whole process that followed can be declared illegal again.

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Awesome chapter  this could go some anyways I'm not sure where you're going to take it you're unique writing style you won't be cruel and mean but you definitely was there something 4 curveball in there

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1 hour ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Her company is already shady, so they probably won't be able to track her through that...

In this world, do you really think Doctor's who go around regressing littles are all nice and all above board? ?

And in a society that is run mostly on the adoption of littles, I don't think they'd be able to stop surgeries or use of nanites on littles like that. Especially not just for one kidnapped little.

But you're right. She definitely thinks she's smart.

Yes, but they also have to abide by the law and I think that the mayor and the judge have many possibilities.

Of course I also know that the doctors do not let themselves be told much but I think one will find a way.

PLEASE PLEASE update tomorrow. I know I'm the first to yell or write that I want to see something bad but I HATE Madison so much I don't want her to torture Liv anymore. I would rather have her sit in a children's home for a few days and be subjected to some harmless hypnosis that can be undone.

With Madison, I'm afraid that what the doctor is going to do is not going to be so easy to fix.

Oh, and I don't know if I've said this before, but I think the occupant of the apartments for Littles is the head of the underground to free the Littles, how else would he know Clair?  

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36 minutes ago, bje said:

Huh? I thought the story took place in a state governed by the rule of law. There a mayor cannot simply annul a lawful legal action. But perhaps the place of the story is a dictatorship where a mayor has autocratic power in his city and is not governed by the law?

15 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

As a hint, this is the DD if the author writes that it is possible then it is so.

Furthermore, the adoption was legal, but how Madison got Liv was illegal, and so the whole process that followed can be declared illegal again.

Yeah this ^^^^ I was in the middle of a long explanation  but this summed it up better. The adoption would normally be legal, but how she got her was illegal. There are certain areas or circumstances in which a little can not be adopted. And the Mayor has the power to deem areas safe for littles. Much like the mall was able to prevent adoptions. It is private property after all.

9 minutes ago, the diaper mike said:

Awesome chapter  this could go some anyways I'm not sure where you're going to take it you're unique writing style you won't be cruel and mean but you definitely was there something 4 curveball in there

Thank you ? I hope you enjoy it!

2 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

Yes, but they also have to abide by the law and I think that the mayor and the judge have many possibilities.

Of course I also know that the doctors do not let themselves be told much but I think one will find a way.

PLEASE PLEASE update tomorrow. I know I'm the first to yell or write that I want to see something bad but I HATE Madison so much I don't want her to torture Liv anymore. I would rather have her sit in a children's home for a few days and be subjected to some harmless hypnosis that can be undone.

With Madison, I'm afraid that what the doctor is going to do is not going to be so easy to fix.

Oh, and I don't know if I've said this before, but I think the occupant of the apartments for Littles is the head of the underground to free the Littles, how else would he know Clair?  

Their society is set up to benefit Amazons. Madison's living off grid with no ties to her company or her new house. Any Doctor Madison finds... I wouldn't trust them. Lots of shady back-alley docs out there happy to do some nasty stuff to poor littles...

Don't worry, I probably will post another chapter tomorrow. ?

You'll just have to wait and see, won't you? ??

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