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pedialyte for kids and adults

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I have noticed more commercials now trying to sell pedialyte for adults. Now last time i tried it when my son was a toddler it was nasty tasting but that was when it first come out. lol still waiting on Procter & Gamble to get there heads out of the clouds and catch on to this toddler and adult thing. 

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Jeez!  If you need it, just get Gatoraid instead!  That commercial seemed to be a guy in the middle of the night who was sick and all that was available was his kid's Pedialyte.  Whatever is available when you have a need.  Seems that his daughter who must have been around age 6 or 7 didn't mind the taste as she was complaining to her dad that it was hers!  After all, it is a commercial made to sell their product and it's not going to say it tastes bad!  I wonder if she ever got her pony?  

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11 hours ago, rusty pins said:

Jeez!  If you need it, just get Gatoraid instead!  That commercial seemed to be a guy in the middle of the night who was sick and all that was available was his kid's Pedialyte.  Whatever is available when you have a need.  Seems that his daughter who must have been around age 6 or 7 didn't mind the taste as she was complaining to her dad that it was hers!  After all, it is a commercial made to sell their product and it's not going to say it tastes bad!  I wonder if she ever got her pony?  

Heck there are at least three commericals that are pushing Pedialyte.And if you lisen to what they are saying they say,if there is nothing else?

11 hours ago, rusty pins said:

Jeez!  If you need it, just get Gatoraid instead!  That commercial seemed to be a guy in the middle of the night who was sick and all that was available was his kid's Pedialyte.  Whatever is available when you have a need.  Seems that his daughter who must have been around age 6 or 7 didn't mind the taste as she was complaining to her dad that it was hers!  After all, it is a commercial made to sell their product and it's not going to say it tastes bad!  I wonder if she ever got her pony?  

Rusty,if you look up WHY they are pushing it for adults you will see it helps with the runs and dehydration.And also a hangover.

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Gatorade is good, but pedialyte goes down much more easily when you are just fresh from vomiting. I find that gatorade doesn't go down as well when I had just vomited. 

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I’ve had Pedialyte recommended for when I get dehydration headaches. I haven’t had a bad one for a bit, but I tried it anyway. It didn’t taste too bad, but a bit pricey. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been shown that it's the best way to cure a hangover, since you get dehydrated when drink too much. They also said to stick to non greasy foods (like baby food? ?) to also help. I've never had it myself as I much prefer low suger Gatorade. Regular Gatorade is like drinking sugar syrup and I can't stand sugar substitutes.

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I drink pedialyte daily because I get dehydrated easily. I have already had one scary episode of my kidneys shutting down when I was super sick with the flu. My doctor actually recommended it years ago. I can't do Gatoraide and the Berry Frost 33% more electrolytes is pretty good.

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Pedialyte, Gatorade, and Powerade are all electrolyte solutions. Exact same product, but Gatorade and Powerade sales have suffered in recent years over the backlash against sugar-sweetened beverages and the many news stories rightly pointing out that a standard gym workout or soccer practice doesn’t require rehydration with a 600-calorie drink of pure sugar.

Whereas Pedialyte has a veneer of health because it’s what we give toddlers with diarrhea, so they can sell people their sugar water without those negative connotations, for the time being.

It’s pure marketing and rather clever. And yes, I work in marketing. I haven’t worked for one of the large beverage makers in a few years, but I know the landscape.

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