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What do you like about diapers and bondage?


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Hi all,

I'm relatively new to this community (last year or so) and I've really taken an "interest" in diapers and bondage.  My interest seems to make little sense, but that got me thinking... what are the various reasons other people like diapers and bondage?  Why do you like diapers and bondage?

Why I like diapers and bondage:

I'm an emotional masochist... something I've known since I was 12.  My first fantasies always involved being degraded and used by my crush - though diapers were never a part of my fantasies.  I've been a lifestyle BDSM sub for the last 6 years, but I've always become acclimated to various forms of play and they stopped being fulfilling.  Then diaper bondage (and age play) happened.  From the very first time I was put in a diaper, to the first time I used it... it still feels just as gross and degrading as it did that very first time (if not more so).  And it continues to feel gross and degrading.  Every.  Single.  Time.  It even facilitates chastity in a way that forces me to redirect my sexual energy towards serving my partner.  For whatever reason, this is emotionally fulfilling for me in a way that nothing else can match.  It's so fulfilling that I wish I was forced to live it 24/7 -- I would even accept or give up almost anything for it; chores/slavery, financial domination, cuckolding, chastity, celibacy...

For me, being degraded translates to a feeling of being loved.  For whatever reason, being controlled, degraded, bullied, and used is my love language.  It's not that I don't feel the pain of humiliation and degradation, it's just that it also allows me to feel loved.  Diapers and bondage is terrible, but it facilitates all of my emotional needs in a simple and sustainable way (assuming my partner is gratified by it).

So what's your reason?



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You will wear these diapers and they will be LOCKED ON so you can't remove them at your own convenience.

Oh you can go when you gotta go either number 1 or number 2 - it won't be as nice and convenient like using the porcelain throne.

Now as for CHANGE - that will occur at our convenience - well seriously when you stink and smell to the high heavens will be soon enough.

Depending on your load dumped will determine how much and many diapers will be required.

You could be packed so round so firm that suitable clothing may not be available to dress you.

Mind we said DRESS you - perhaps a wide hem dress of short enough length to make diaper changing easier will be what is required.

Now you go about your play and see if you can stay out of trouble -

Trouble may result in your hands being locked into thumbless mittens -

Using your voice in inappropriate times tone and level may result in a pacifier gag of sorts -

Since your hands can't manipulate the latches on the gag - so that should be secure -

Try to run away and you will be restrained in reins and tied up out of the way of that trouble thing -

So now that that trouble thing has been adDRESSED diapered restrained and locked away time to dwell on good behavior time of release !


Oh you are not getting away that easily !  LOL !


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Very interesting for I also like diaper bondage. I have a belt system that goes under the bed and comes up in all four corners of the bed with clips like on a dog leash. Two wrist cuffs and two ankle cuffs. I like locking rubber pants, a chain through the waist band and a lock at front or rear which you chose. I will wear knee high rubber boots and a black hood and maybe a black rain coat or what ever turns me on. Now I lay on my back and put the ankle clips in place which spreads my legs wide as I can stand. Then the wrist cuffs get clipped into place and I can move my hands freely to right or left but I am locked in and before long I will climax and depending how long I stay like this I can have 2  3 more and with poop and urine I am filled with a good time and very squishy so nice

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Being forced to pee (and poo) the diapers, but self-bondage just don't work as I always find ways to get out, usually with keys as I don't dare to lock myself up without a way out and I have read some articles about putting the key in oil so it makes a mess in an emergency, so that is an option, which I haven't used yet.

I'm also lack patience and get bored easily 

I have so many bondage fantasies, that will never get fulfilled 

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2 hours ago, Dubious said:

Being forced to pee (and poo) the diapers, but self-bondage just don't work as I always find ways to get out, usually with keys as I don't dare to lock myself up without a way out and I have read some articles about putting the key in oil so it makes a mess in an emergency, so that is an option, which I haven't used yet.

I'm also lack patience and get bored easily 

I have so many bondage fantasies, that will never get fulfilled 

Wow   Please release those fantasies and share them with us.  It might  make it easier to talk about these fantasies and maybe make them more fun for yourself an d you mlay want to try them Yes you must be patient,  Take  it slow and enjoy.  Relax as you are tied up in a locking diaper and lay on the bed an dclear your mind just enjoy and if yiou have to poop just do it and enjoy it, move around it  and you just might pee and cum and if sso you made it.  Thanks for sharing amnd let  us know how it went

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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, Andrew54 said:

I’ve been spanked and put into diapers by a “special” place I paid good money for. Best afternoon and money well spent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am so glad you enjoyed yourself. I have always said one can buy anything you desire. Goodluck

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Well as a pup, I want to be someone's faithful dog. Be they a Sir or an Alpha, I'll be by their side. I'll be there to serve whatever need they have, sexual or otherwise. I'll be a good boy, and good boys get treats! (not to mention scratching my head/back or doing anything else that might resemble petting is an instant pleasure button for me)

As a little, I want to be cared for. I want to know someone bigger than me is looking out for me. Life is by nature stressful. Having a big bro or daddy is a way I can ease that stress. I could live and work knowing that I'll always have someone I can rely on. And it's not just all about me. I know there are people out there that feel an innate desire to protect others, to be their sword and shield. Not to make serious relationships sound exclusively transactional but if I was the thing this type of people was protecting, my goal would be to support them as much as I can. To be the thing they look forward to at the end of a hard day. To be the one that reminds them everyday how loved and special they are.

I know this all sounds completely off subject so let me get to the point. Diapers and bondage play a very special role as a diaper-pup. Beyond my own sexual reasons for wearing diapers, they help me cope with my stress. When I first heard people saying they wore diapers primarily for a sense of security and protection, I scoffed. But when I finally got one for myself, I realized diapers were more than just a personal fetish. When I (hopefully) find someone to love and be super kinky with, the diapers I wear will be a constant reminder of my place as a sub, pup, and little. Naturally bondage fits right into these desires and dreams. The only times I've felt that someone had real power over me was when they restrained me for whatever reason. I can't fully submit to someone if I can still move. The thrill of knowing they can do whatever they want and I have to just l lie there and enjoy the sensations is wild to me.

Those are my reasons. If I had to guess, this level of thought of why I want/enjoy something might be a key contributor to why I'm always nervous about meeting or talking to other kinksters. ?

Edit: Spelling

Edited by PupLuther
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PupLuther -

Since you want to be someone's faithful dog - have you considered wearing a dog collar as a statement.

A Black plain vanilla one for just a starting step

For a bondage step up a small locking hasp

With sissy leanings a rhinestone collar maybe with a name label "Diaper Guy" -or- "PUPLUTHER" and the color changing to PINK or White or Lavender

You could also escalate this to an extreme level by wearing LOCKING diaper covers over those diapers

You can temper your level of bondage anyway you like it - whatever you decide - enjoy it on your terms even though secretly you would like to be controlled.

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Well, I like diapers and I like bondage, so I guess it's two great things that go well together! Besides, if I'm diapered then I can be tied up for much longer without anyone worrying about me making a mess by peeing on the floor.

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3 hours ago, littleTomás said:

Well, I like diapers and I like bondage, so I guess it's two great things that go well together! Besides, if I'm diapered then I can be tied up for much longer without anyone worrying about me making a mess by peeing on the floor.


How nice you are wearing your very own portable anytime anywhere personal porta-potty - no more waiting to use the loo - skip (to) the loo my darling

you are ready when nature calls on its schedule.

Prolong episodes of bondage mayhem and the alike can be entertained - extra innings - overtime - not even a tie breaker can delay the game.


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On 11/26/2019 at 3:30 AM, Andrew54 said:

I like that I was told “you need to have a nappy on”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Only thing better than that is when you have your nappy/diaper checked. Then getting it changed....

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While I’ve never experienced diaper bondage, I would like being tied into a crib thickly diapered with a pacifier tied into my mouth.

Then a hypnotic tape is put on and I’m forced to listen for hours as it gives me all sort of triggers.

I like the idea of being locked into a high chair too, diapers on full display as I’m forced to wet and mess them in front of others for humiliation 

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23 minutes ago, Rachael-Little said:

While I’ve never experienced diaper bondage, I would like being tied into a crib thickly diapered with a pacifier tied into my mouth.

Then a hypnotic tape is put on and I’m forced to listen for hours as it gives me all sort of triggers.

I like the idea of being locked into a high chair too, diapers on full display as I’m forced to wet and mess them in front of others for humiliation 

It is all about CONTROL !

Being forced LOCKED restrained unable to care for oneself and that ultimate exposure in outfits and devices of humiliation to the "Nth" degree !

Not quite a free ride like for Halloween or Mardi Gras where every/any thing goes !

Now we are going to strap that Paci back in your mouth put you hands in locking thumbless mittens and double diaper you up in LOCKING plastic

crinkly noisy diaper covers and send you out to play - now waddle along with the play program - when you have sufficiently used your own very

personal portal potty prison will consider the next move - perhaps it will be a change for the better - but until then - go with the flow pee that is !

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Best thing is being forced to wet myself, I'll wear low capacity pull-ups like Tena Silhouettes so my clothes get wet as well, then get my clothing and nappy pulled down and get spanked, it's a bit pricey but just glad to have found a Mistress who is willing to indulge me lol,,, 

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  • 1 year later...

I think it's about the helplessness and power. I love the idea of having the power to control someone else. Controlling your bowel/bladder and choosing to move are both such basic things, and if I can strip those away, that makes me pretty powerful.

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On 1/13/2021 at 1:56 PM, Elbs said:

I think it's about the helplessness and power. I love the idea of having the power to control someone else. Controlling your bowel/bladder and choosing to move are both such basic things, and if I can strip those away, that makes me pretty powerful.

Thanks, that pretty well sums up a dynamic between my Dom Husband and i. He’s highly aroused at my loss of privacy of bodily functions with diapers.

Also, being diapered is key to age regression, another form of dominance that arouses Him.

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  • 3 years later...

For me it is about helplessness and humiliation. I like it not to be in control for once and depend on other’s decisions. Most of the time, I can just enjoy this feeling when using the services of a pro-Dome, who makes fun of me and my inevitably wet diapers. 

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As I posted previously:

Posted January 17, 2021  One neat thing about diapers and bondage is there is no need for a TIME OUT for relief.


YES - no intermission (half time) required - no interruptions of the story in progress -

no need to reset the clock and clean up the mess (well until it gets out of hand or a fully loaded diaper).


Imagine getting all dressed up in your favorite embarrassing humiliating wardrobe (limited or otherwise)

and then needing to use the loo requiring undressing and starting all over - - -

Well mister that what diapers are for - the game/show must go on - on schedule - don't be late !



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  • 3 weeks later...

I adore metal bondage, at the moment I just have a set of court transport chains ie cuffs and leg shackles with a connector, but love those chinese black leg irons with the yale style locks so they are on my wish list. Being in diapers and being chained in a way that they cant be tampered with or removed is just two lovely scenarios added together to make double the eroticism. I love to be chained with NO possibility of escape not knowing what time mummy will be home and therefore HAVING to pee and poo from necessity. 

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1 hour ago, Andrew54 said:

That would be a dream afternoon, chained up and diapered, unabe to touch the diaper, and not having to use the toilet. 🙂

That would be a dream afternoon, chained up and diapered, unable to touch the diaper, and not having THE use of the toilet.

EDIT line with "THE" bold print.

And perhaps wearing a humiliating outfit highlighting your plight - - -

A minor hindrance --- a chain running through a ring fastened to a bondage belt at the back -

The ends attached to wrist cuffs such that when the left hand moves to the frontal forbidden play area the right hand MUST

move to the back - both hands being unable to help each other in that frontal forbidden play function area - or effect any

disengaging release - - -

OH and the hands should be in LOCKING thumbless mittens or something on the order of bulky boxing gloves simply helpless !

And the humiliating outfit --- highlighting a LOCKING bulging multi-diapered cover with frilly rows of ruffled lace - - -

Think of a feminine Michelin man - - -

The list could go on and on - - - - -

A fantasy is a terrible thing left to go to a diapered waist !

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