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Morning Motorcycle Ride

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Sorry to be annoying but with the Ninja 300, 7,500 rpm is 65 mph and that’s after I dropped 3 teeth on the rear sprocket (most folk just go for a 15 tooth counter shaft sprocket).

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They wanted to earn the reputatation that most bikers want to avoid; low IQ dead meat in the making, that of deserving the Darwin Award. they need to spend time in the hospital with several broken large bones amd crushed organs

I am against seat belt and helmet laws for just that reason. If these individuals were kept aware of how vulnerable they are, rather than hide behind false security they would think before they act. When you "guarantee" personal safety, you delete personal responsibility and the false sense of security causes a failure of prudence. Superman does not need to worry about gunmen. A person deluded into believing they are are Superman does not feel the need to worry about gunmen and guess what. I wonder if we should not ban motorcycle helmets and car seat belts and let persons see just what the world is made of. maybe they would think twice or three times if they see someone's brains spilled all over the road or if they see someone's head jammed through a windscreen and realize "this can happen to me" and if not then it is only a matter of time before we have one less micro-mind to have to look after

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Those who ride without fear die young, but one must ride boldly enough to not be disregarded as someone who can be easily and safely ignored B) On the road, a crash at speed usually equals a very damaged rider or worse with the cager involved having little or no injury.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howre you liking the 300? Ive been hearing tons of good things about it since its drop date. I ride a super sport bike, nothing like it in the world. Love the feeling, Ill never give up riding!

As far as riding diapered, I have only done so on days that I decided to wear at work, so my diaper is usually dry for the ride, and I usually change before I ride home. I cant imagine NOT having leaks if I wet while riding... due to mt body positon on the tank, how firm the seat is, and how open my legs are spread. Do you only wear a single abena m4? Do you wet while riding and not have problems with leaks? I like to wet heavy and full so Im not sure i could get away with this, but it would be nice for those long rides through the canyons

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Yeah those are some sweet lookin bikes, would love to ride one one day. Yeah Im fimilar with the crestline road, highway 18. I ride it all the time up to lake arrowhead to our family cabin. practicly grew up on that road. Not sure of wearing while riding still though, even on my moms or friends cruisers I cant imagine not having leaks.

I like to throw the hang loose sign to everyone. Doesnt matter if theyre wearing a cut or riding a scooter, we all ride two wheels and all face the same idiots on the street. Respect to all

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