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'star Diapers' Videos On Youtube

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Today when I did my usual youtube search for 'diaper', some videos for the infamous 'star diapers' appeared in the results.

We all know that star diapers are basically a medium for pedophiles, are we are all against them.

Does somebody want to report these videos to youtube, and perhaps some law agency? I don't want to click on them.

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What I don't understand is where is this boys parents in all this? Are they the ones perpetrating this or do they not know what is going on? Impossible to tell from our vantage point here but can they not see how positively sketchy these 'videos' are?

This might seem blatantly obvious to me but having an older child run around shirtless in just a diaper is wrong on so many levels IMO. I wonder if this 'company' has been reported to the proper authorities in regards to their 'modelling' practices......

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The fact that it has been around sounds like it is not doing anything illegal. If this were 20 years ago, no one would bat an eyelid but in todays environment, it looks off. Charging a lot of money for a catalog is also VERY sus in my mind. Most companies (mind included) give away flyers and catalogs to anyone who will take them!

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Unless it's a licensed very well known company such as Pampers, Huggies or Luvs. They are stepping on very thin ice doing such a thing otherwise.

Although you do get say LIDL brands of baby nappies showing a baby on it I'm fairly sure... Then again that's a licensed brand through a licensed store.

Unlike some really un-heard of brand(they probably don't have a licence either to allow to take such pictures for their products) through a dodgy website.

And also once the professional photographer for the product has a license.

I'm, very sure they have to have background checks done on them such as a Enhanced Disclosure CRB check. I bet Star Diapers photographers didn't....

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The fact it has lasted as long as it has in the current environment would suggest it is legal, if only barely so. I find it a bit 'icky' and to my thinking clearly a front for child modelling as they spend as much time (or more) advertising their catalog and 'memberships' as they do their diapers. Has anyone ever bought any of their diapers to see if they are legit? I guess no one would admit to it... :))

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"Legal" varies from place to place, but these people will eventually get what they are asking for and it won't be what they want <_< It will make us happier though :thumbsup: Investigations take time, and the more thorough they are, the more time it takes. With the types of people this company attracts my guess is that when the sword of justice falls, a lot of very bad people will be falling under it :girl_happy: Glad for those who reported the Vids, and now we probably have youtube with all it's heft filing a report against them with LE somewhere- and IMHO that's a very good thing :)


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The fact it has lasted as long as it has in the current environment would suggest it is legal, if only barely so. I find it a bit 'icky' and to my thinking clearly a front for child modelling as they spend as much time (or more) advertising their catalog and 'memberships' as they do their diapers. Has anyone ever bought any of their diapers to see if they are legit? I guess no one would admit to it... :))

Just to make things clear: it's legal in the United States for this "company" to photograph a model in diapers to advertise a product. What raises the red flag is the subscription based catalog and "memberships" to a company that sells one product. Context is key: law enforcement needs to find a way to prove that the subscription catalog doesn't pass the Miller test, or prove that the employees are engaged in other illegal activity. Hopefully one of the two will happen soon.

Oh, and the diapers used to also be sold as ABU BMX diapers--somebody here has definitely tried them.

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Well done reporting the videos. I watched a minute of them and came away asking "Who would let their kids model for this stuff? Don't they know this is quasi (sic) immoral?

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Just to make things clear: it's legal in the United States for this "company" to photograph a model in diapers to advertise a product. What raises the red flag is the subscription based catalog and "memberships" to a company that sells one product. Context is key: law enforcement needs to find a way to prove that the subscription catalog doesn't pass the Miller test, or prove that the employees are engaged in other illegal activity. Hopefully one of the two will happen soon.

Oh, and the diapers used to also be sold as ABU BMX diapers--somebody here has definitely tried them.

This discussion looks familiar. It resembles one from about a year ago involving a company that made both childrens' and adult diapers and the name "Tiger" was mentioned. it should be somewhere in the archives. The same modus operandi seems to have been used like memberships and things like that
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Just to make things clear: it's legal in the United States for this "company" to photograph a model in diapers to advertise a product. What raises the red flag is the subscription based catalog and "memberships" to a company that sells one product. Context is key: law enforcement needs to find a way to prove that the subscription catalog doesn't pass the Miller test, or prove that the employees are engaged in other illegal activity. Hopefully one of the two will happen soon.

Oh, and the diapers used to also be sold as ABU BMX diapers--somebody here has definitely tried them.

I got a sample pack from ABU awhile back. They are an ok diaper.

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I avoid any place that is questionable- I am no fan of seeing kids get hurt but the whole 'Star Diaper' thing stinks so bad of being a front for kiddie porn in what legal ways it could be- makes me sick to my stomach.

I too wonder where are the parents in all this? Or are they letting the money talk for them? I have vowed to never support ABU and any other questionable sites that would make my skin crawl. I have my standards- kudos to the person who reported those vids! I had stumbled upon them myself but did I click on them? No- I don't wish to lose my lunch over that!


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This discussion looks familiar. It resembles one from about a year ago involving a company that made both childrens' and adult diapers and the name "Tiger" was mentioned. it should be somewhere in the archives. The same modus operandi seems to have been used like memberships and things like that

One of the links from the incontinence site had a link to Tiger Boys Underwear which looks exactly like the star diapers site but in underwear. What makes it look even more suspicious is the complete absence of any reference to girls thereby raising a red flag over the proprieters sexual preference - as if that should influence a diaper site.

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Personally, I am glad that girls are not mentioned. why should we demean ourselves as to be associated with that. Besides which, I do not think a girl would appreciate being called "Tiger"; more like "Fairy" (or "Fairylet": And do not even THINK of calling me "Tinkerbell": Eww!) or "Tulip" or even "Minou" ("kitty" in French). I hope not "Pinkie". I do not fancy being hounded by the John Birch Society

Rosalie. I am sorely tempted to steal one of youar ideas. for my siggy. Putting a link to my doll album with the text "There is a DOLLY in my bed" (which there is, or are: two of them 36" Lisa Michelle Denise Christine Paradise and 29" Andrea Lynne Rachel Christine Paradise)

Now back to our regularly scheduled topic

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