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Lucasfilm Bought By Disney, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Announced!


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I'm excited, yet very cautious.

Lucas has said for years that there's not going to be a third trilogy, so the likely motivation behind this is based on money. I don't mind that, because Lucas likely made more from the licensing rights to the Star Wars characters instead of the actual movies themselves, so they have to get some new material, and thus some new interest. I just hope they don't fuck up the cinematic quality of Star Wars, which I believe, they all have.

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I'm excited, yet very cautious.

Lucas has said for years that there's not going to be a third trilogy, so the likely motivation behind this is based on money. I don't mind that, because Lucas likely made more from the licensing rights to the Star Wars characters instead of the actual movies themselves, so they have to get some new material, and thus some new interest. I just hope they don't fuck up the cinematic quality of Star Wars, which I believe, they all have.

Not only what you said, but in my opinion, the quality of sequels, especially after such a long period of time, tend not to be nearly as good as the original movie, or movies. I may be wrong, only time will tell, but I for one will not be getting my hopes up.

Rockies Fan.

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Yeah its quite interesting...

Here is a video about the whole ordeal that Lucas talks about...


I really do hope they make more Star Wars movies but I just hope that they do not ruin it. :P

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George has wanted to be Disney for so long, yet just couldn't. I'm all for Star Wars becoming the glossy, trashy, family-friendly "event cinema" experience it's always wanted to be and progressed towards.

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Not only what you said, but in my opinion, the quality of sequels, especially after such a long period of time, tend not to be nearly as good as the original movie, or movies. I may be wrong, only time will tell, but I for one will not be getting my hopes up.

Rockies Fan.

I enjoyed the Prequel Trilogy, I think they have a charm all their own.

A lot of people say the dialogue sucks, but Star Wars is a "space opera" which means you have to take in the score in as well. The one thing I have never understood is why the John Williams score is not given more attention.

That'll be the true tragedy of a Sequel Trilogy will be if John Williams passes away before the completion of the ninth movie.

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The way Disney churns out crap, we can expect Star Wars: The Teen years to be coming to DVD next month

Better yet, sticking with our Site theme , we could see Star Wars: The Baby years, or Star Wars: The Diaper Years, or.....Nevermind, I could keep going, but you probably get the idea. Anything to make more money. *Sigh*

Rockies Fan.

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Lucas already destroyed Star Wars' legacy with episode one, you know, the fourth one. between Jar Jar and the stupid Nascar scene :censored:

The other 5 were good

I don't think Episode I ruined the series, in fact, it shows how Anakin was discovered, and the first trauma in Anakin's life that eventually led to his fall to the Dark Side.. The podrace was a neat showcase of CGI, and showed to further tie the Prequel Series to the Original Series.

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ummm just remember lucas and disney have LONG had a partnership, which is why they have star tours at the disney parks, one of the most popular rides, as well as why they have indiana jones at the disney parks, and all the star wars and indiana jones merchandise... disney is already all over these films... as well, the avengers was the highest grossing movie of all time..... so while people may say they didn't like it.... they went to see it a hell of a lot of times !

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ummm just remember lucas and disney have LONG had a partnership, which is why they have star tours at the disney parks, one of the most popular rides, as well as why they have indiana jones at the disney parks, and all the star wars and indiana jones merchandise... disney is already all over these films... as well, the avengers was the highest grossing movie of all time..... so while people may say they didn't like it.... they went to see it a hell of a lot of times !

No one said Disney can't make a great movie, its just they can't make good sequels if their life depended on it. The problem is they manufacture sequels and you can see it when they talk about their plans for star wars. They want to make a new Star Wars film every 2 to 3 years. From the company's perspective, that makes good business sense, but the films will be mediocre at best, but poor on average. My guess is the first sequel, everyone will probably like, but as they make more sequels, you will see an exponential decay that will no doubt ruin the reputation of the series.

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in general most sequels are not that great, although i will say i did enjoy the second pirates as much as the first.... but i get ya... i misunderstood...

disney does tend to pound out certain types of movies, but most of those are under the actual disney label.. they own many other 'studios' that people don't always remember are technically disney...

but yeah... i still love the parks! lol even if some of their movies suck...

ohh ohh toy story... not a damned thing wrong with any of those three movies lol..

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Yeah, I'm totally psyched...it speaks volumes that what are arguably the best two Star Wars movies (The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) were not directed by George Lucas. Oh, and that classic scene in Empire where Han gets frozen in carbonite? The line from Lucas' script had Han saying, "I love you too" to Leia instead of the CLASSIC line, "I know"...and then in the Special Editions, in Star Wars, George made Han shoot Greedo, only after Greedo tried to shoot Han point blank in a horribly digital way - some people say big deal, I say HUGE deal - it totally removes Han's status of "Redeemed hero"...I swear, Lucas never even understood his own characters. I can't wait to see what other people can do with the Star Wars universe out of his hands for a change.

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I just have a sick feeling that Luke and Leia's children are going to sing a 5 minute sappy song about the magic of friendship, that the bad guy will get converted to the good side, and will sing about how happy he is now, etc. They are going to kill it, it is going to be a kids movie!

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Yeah, I'm totally psyched...it speaks volumes that what are arguably the best two Star Wars movies (The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) were not directed by George Lucas. Oh, and that classic scene in Empire where Han gets frozen in carbonite? The line from Lucas' script had Han saying, "I love you too" to Leia instead of the CLASSIC line, "I know"...and then in the Special Editions, in Star Wars, George made Han shoot Greedo, only after Greedo tried to shoot Han point blank in a horribly digital way - some people say big deal, I say HUGE deal - it totally removes Han's status of "Redeemed hero"...I swear, Lucas never even understood his own characters. I can't wait to see what other people can do with the Star Wars universe out of his hands for a change.

I can understand both sides of the Han Shot First argument. Lucas changed it so that Greedo shot first so kids won't take it the wrong way, that just because someone is trying to get money from you, its okay to cap them. I prefer Han shoot first though because it shows his rebel side.

The most glaring issue I have with the re-edits, is the end of ROTJ, when they replaced Sebastian Shaw as Anakin's Force ghost with Hayden Christiansen. It is my belief that at the end, Anakin was redeemed as the older version, not his pre-fall version. Plus, Sebastian Shaw was an acting legend, and having him alongside Sir Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan was pretty amazing, considering both were acting legends, and may not have appeared onscreen together anywhere else. I understand he wanted to tie together the two trilogies, but C'mon man, Vader had to have aged a lot after the years under that mask, not to mention, ROTS clearly shows no hair on Anakin on Mustafar, and you can't have long flowing locks under the black suit.

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Guest diaperj71

There has always been the deal that there are nine "movies".. this was confirmed back in my 1970s Star Wars card collecting days. So I won't complain who makes the sequels, just give me the 3 more movies that were promised on the back of one of those damn cards...

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George Lucas has to be one of the most overrated directors of all time, and that is from somebody who considers himself a fairly big Star Wars fan. Disney can screw up things as good as anybody else in Hollywood, but they can do anything worse to the franchise than what Lucas has already done.

Generally, those of my generation, who were the age that first sequel was written for (I was 7 when New Hope came out), Star Wars has huge place in our hearts. Even those who aren't science fiction fans, at least were part of the Star Wars experience. The first movie was very good, but didn't have a lot to say, and clearly has flaws that come out with analysis. If watched in the eyes of a seven year old, it was great. It was exciting and it wasn't scary.

Empire is a great movie no matter how slice. It is just a great story. I'm not sure who is responsible for the best part (the whole son-father thing was a stroke of genius and made the franchise), but I know that Lucas wasn't the only one involved and a lot of the good ideas ended up not being his. He wanted the Han Solo character to be almost like the Watto character in the 1st movie.

Jedi was a good ending, and it has redeeming qualities, but that's where it starts going bad.

The more Lucas got involved, the worse things got, and then there is the whole Han shot first fiasco (knowing about this is sign of true geekhood).

And then came the prequelogy.

I eagerly awaited Episode 1, and watch it the first weekend. It sucked! Scores of Youtube videos have described why this sucked better than I can, but it sucked. Episode 2 came out and I thought, "Well, it can't suck as much as Episode 1." Well, it didn't suck as much, but it still left me empty. It was bloated, it was exhausting to watch, and the story was kind of pointless. I watch Revenge of the Sith because I wanted to finish the damn thing, and knew that it would be the best of the bunch, and it was a decent movie. The story was actually better than Jedi, although I think he screwed up the fight seen with Anakin and Obi-wan. Compare that one to the fight in Empire. The CGI effects on Sith made it seem epic, but so much stuff was going, but it didn't have the same level of drama. It was as good in movie making, it just relied on massive special effects. Mind you, that was battle scene that I had wanted to watch ever since Obi-wan told us he once taught Vader.

The only good thing to come out of those movies is the amount of great youtube videos explaining why they suck (there are some really funny ones). At worst, Disney turns it into a cheesy franchise, at best they do a some good movies.

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Guest Baby Rina

Lucas isn't much of a director at all. He's barely directed anything. Three films in the 70s and then the prequels and that's it. Not exactly a large output. I agree the prequels are unequivocally terrible.

what 3 films in the 70s?

Empire was Directed by Ivan Kershner

RotJ was directed by Richard Marquand

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Films and shorts directed by george lucas - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000184/#Director

among them Star Wars in 1977, and Star Wars Episode 1 in 1999. The other two films in the 70's were american graffiti and THX 1138. So he did direct three films in the 70's but only one of the 'original' three star wars.

Films written by George Lucas - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000184/#Writer

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