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Lottery Winnings

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I don't know what I would buy first....... Not sure why I'm giving it so much thought, I don't even play the lottery.

I'd go and buy some UGG boots. I've wanted some for at least 3 years now. We'd clear our debt, have a nice holiday and buy a car :)

Eventually I'd buy a BIG house, and foster lots of children. Also I'd buy some new resources for my pre school (No I wouldn't give up work), and give some money to my church.

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Assuming we are talking about a few million bucks, and not a few hundred,I would start shopping for income property do more investing and reinforce and build on my what I already have. establish a comfortable life style level say around $50,000 a year and everything else that isn't needed for that lifestyle gets invested in one vehicle or another (vehicle meaning equities or bonds or other return producing body, not cars) :P

The immediate spending of winning principle is one of the mistakes new lottery winners make. They immediately go shopping, spending principle capitol and burning through it, instead of sitting dowen and thinking FIRST on the best use of the funds and building a reasonable and comfortable life plan.

Money is a liability and responsibility, which most people don't realize. If you don't take care of your money, it wont take care of you.

back to the season tickets, thats a nice personal treat, but don't get used to that kind of luxury just yet, you would have a lot of work to do FIRST, so that you CAN afford such things in the future. ;)

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Us older ones, who have had to work for a while to get what we do have, seem to lean to holding onto the winnings, and then develop a plan - to make it last longer and go further than immediate gratification.

I agree with the Duck. Though, I'm sure, we'd both gratefully deal with the remnants of any win, after taxes were paid, a couple of mil would be great to play with, and make the windfall work for me.

Pay off existing debt, which is small right now, in the scope of debt that a lot of people carry, maybe a little to play at casinos with, and invest the rest. I mean, the money didn't come being expected. Squandering it doesn't make sense. Being patient to enjoy greater creature comforts over time appeals to me...

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Well I know one thing. I am not going to put the money in the bank. I don't trust them. It goes back to when the government gave money to the bank to keep them afloat. Instead of using the money to help out the people who was having trouble with their loans. They gave their executives millions of dollars in bonuses. The same people who got the banks into the problems they was in.

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Depends on how much we're talking but would definately take a long, well deserved vacation on a cruise ship. I'm planning on doing one this year anyway, but I'd go all out. Then, I'd pay off my homes and autos, maybe buy some impracticle car too just for fun. Then invest more and allot myself a salary per year based on what I have left. I'd probably still work as I have a pretty decent job right now but may cut back on how often I'm there and when. I'd probably have my wife quit though and be a stay at home mom. And, ohh, yeah, buy the best diapers, wear full-time and not care anymore what people thought.

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Depends on how much we're talking but would definately take a long, well deserved vacation on a cruise ship. I'm planning on doing one this year anyway, but I'd go all out. Then, I'd pay off my homes and autos, maybe buy some impracticle car too just for fun. Then invest more and allot myself a salary per year based on what I have left. I'd probably still work as I have a pretty decent job right now but may cut back on how often I'm there and when. I'd probably have my wife quit though and be a stay at home mom. And, ohh, yeah, buy the best diapers, wear full-time and not care anymore what people thought.

Why would it take something like winning the lottery to do this?? why do you care what people think regarding your choice of underwear or your interests??? You're not causing any harm or bothering anyone....so who cares?? give yourself THAT gift now, and don't wait for some unknown event that may or may not happen...being happy with who you are and where you are is free, it doesn't cost anything, and should'nt have to rely on some other outside force or event.

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Why would it take something like winning the lottery to do this?? why do you care what people think regarding your choice of underwear or your interests??? You're not causing any harm or bothering anyone....so who cares?? give yourself THAT gift now, and don't wait for some unknown event that may or may not happen...being happy with who you are and where you are is free, it doesn't cost anything, and should'nt have to rely on some other outside force or event.

Unfortunately, right now, I care. I wear almost full time when home and around my wife but at work and around family, not so much. Not that money would fix everything and I agree, it seems odd to want to do it just because I have the money but it's just a peronal choice right now too not to do it full time. Partly because of the expense and I'd rather have other things over spending hundreds a month on diapers. The frequency in which I currently wear is enough for me right now and my wife doesn't care if I wear all the time but I do. To me, not worth crossing that bridge with family, friends and co-workers over a diaper fetish. I would be more stressed wearing around those people whether they knew or not then it would be for me to feel the release of stress in getting to wear 24/7. I've weighed it out and with all the variables, my chose is to continue the way I am now unless something changes in my mind or something else does. Winning the lottery may or may not get me 24/7 but I feel it may change the way I think about it too.

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I have to also say depending on amout of what was won, I'd as follow.

1. pay off all debt.

2. Buy a better truck for my work truck & get my wife/baby a new as efficent as possible car/keeping her car we have now since it isn't bad on fuel mileage.

3. either build new house where I live now or find some property & build a new house there, keeping this house for family needs.

4. take whole family (including parents, sisters/brothers including inlaws & their immediate family) on at least a 1-2 week long vacation. Not sure where but it would be tropical.

5. Make a few investment w/ part of it.

6. save some for rainy day.

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ohhhh i love this game, i remember like a year or two making this same thread! and its just as fun!!!

well i would pick the 30 year payment plan. I would get a good financial advisor to help me learn how to save it correctly. I have a select few charities i would donate to yearly. I would also set up a scholarship fun at my old high school (it was private) and at my undergrad univ.

I would pay off the mortgage on my in-laws house, and on my boyfriends parents house.

i would pay of my student loans, all my outstanding credit stuff, and my boyfriends.

i would buy us a house.

I would continue to work and go to school, because i actually really enjoy my job, and going to school.

i would finish paying on my time share, increase it, and take awesome lavish vacations every year.

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Guest little_jonny

1. get my teeth fixed and the jaw sugery i need.

2. have my mom's 1970 mustang fully fixed

3. have a log cabin built for my mom

4. pay my parents bills off

5. buy a house in town

6. pay all of my bills

7. invest in something and double ot triple my money

and maybe some other stuff

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Guest dragonmaster4066

i do agree that it would depend on the amount. but i know that my first thing would be to help out my family and friends. i'm not the type to buy expensive cars or a huge house. i would feel much more joy seeing my family and friends happy. yes, i would do a few things for myself also but not like most people would think. a new bike and truck would be on the list.

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my list of goodies goes as such:

1- pay off debt

2- pay off family's debt

3- give some cash to family

4- give some cash to friends

5- buy a chunk of property in the hills/mountains

6- buy a cool pick up truck

7- build a nice cozy cabin on said hill/mountain

8- fill said cabin with goodies (nice tvs, furnature, diapers, trains, firearms, so on)

9/10- establish a homestead (veggie patches, hop yard, grapes, livestock, etc)

9/10- start and/or continue my gun building

10- donate to various organizations and charities

11- invest in land, real estate, metals, etc

12- continue to enjoy life with friends and family


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SOOOOO many drugs xD

nah but seriously

i would buy my own place somewhere in the mountains.

make a room designed with a place to sit in the middle of the room,

and have trees and stuff and a little river.

then procure some weed, dmt, acid and shrooms.

then i would proceed to explore the universe through

my mind and recreational drug use.

not really sure if diapers or stuff like that would even be important at first.

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If I Won $100 Million Dollars

First thing I would do is: pay off all outstanding debts (including to family members)

Second: get a car

3rd: put all my stuff in storage (I currently live with my mom)

4th: apply for a passport

5th: travel the country and when my passport came in I'd travel the world

6th: find a place to live, maybe design my own home

7th: in my dream house set up a music studio and buy a bunch of music gear

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None of my family or friends will be in debt...ever...as long as there's some winnings leftover.

I'd continue to work, though more of a part time basis. I love what I do.

After debts are paid, I'd

buy houses for my immediate family members,

buy a house for myself,

buy an airplane or possibly an airport.

Maybe I'd open an AB/DL shuttle service to all the best diaper parties!!!!! :)

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First thing i would do if i won, was pay off any and all debts i have whether i believe i deserved them or not (people screwing up on contracts) then i guess, i would buy a car. Nothing flashy, nothing extravagent, just a good decent car.

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