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Scientology Dangerous ?

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my aunt has a job selling Scientology kits. she gave me one asking me to read it and watch the dvd . I was annoyed because i have enough to read already . she told me its not a religion . I have not opened the kit.

my grandma mom and stepsister are all very upset that she gave it to me . Grandma says its a cult. my mom say they want to take your money . my stepsister say she had no business giving it to me .

does anyone know anything about scieentology?

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Just what I've heard...kinda like the above. You do have John Travolta and Tom Cruise among the ranks that subscribe to the philosophy. I used to Mow their (Church) lawn when I was a kid, and my grandmother cleaned the inside. Never noticed anything strange, but then again was never there for any services. Something tells me to steer way clear of the whole thing though. thumbsup.gif

I do remember when Dianetics was first out. For some reason I almost bought the book. Maybe I just liked the name L. Ron Hubbard? I mean who wouldn't like a religion based on a science FICTION writer? huh.gif

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techniclyy every religion is a cult including all branches of catholocism/christianity

I couldnt have said it better. Scientologists can be good reasonable people, just like many other people of other faiths. However that said, they also have their wackos. I'm a staunch atheist/agnostic, but i've tried to learn a little bit of each of the various cul... er religions. That said, I think they are worse than many due to their practices.

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I couldnt have said it better. Scientologists can be good reasonable people, just like many other people of other faiths. However that said, they also have their wackos. I'm a staunch atheist/agnostic, but i've tried to learn a little bit of each of the various cul... er religions. That said, I think they are worse than many due to their practices.

I've heard a few things that belie the idea that Scientologists can be good reasonable people, but I don't know enough about the facts to make that statement. The point I'd like to make about this - whether or not a faith, religion or simply a 'practice' or thought - it gets dangerous when you allow others to do your thinking and reasoning for you. Even as an ordained minister myself, I insist that people NOT take everything I say at face value, but think it, feel it, pray on it and come to their own conclusion.

Situations of faith get scary (to me) when we simply turn our minds over to someone else and accept what is said without enough thought and reasoning of our own. Even at that, the most dangerous cults, political and social movements over the history of the world have been created by a charismatic leader stringing together just enough truth to mislead people in their thought process. Whether it's scientology or something that calls itself a legitimate religion, being sucked into a movement which does NOT promote individual empowerment as opposed to submission to a mid-level power proclaiming itself to represent a higher power (god/God/Truth/etc) is scary and dangerous.

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Run away!! There are a few things that make this a standout cult. First the age of the religion is a factor, also L Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer. The "church" of Scientology is known for trying to silence any kind of dissent and it is also known to cut ties that members have to family and friends.

There have been multiple reports of abusive and brainwashing like activities at several of their retreats. If you look into the "sea club" I'm sure you'll find quite a bit. Scientology also requires that you pay to recieve the counselling sessions to cleanse yourself of "theatans" that pollute your body and make you unhappy this seems to me to be counter intuitive. If the point of a religion is to bring happyness and clarity why do they charge a fee to provide this? Are they not guided by a higher power that would provide for them and allow them to do their work?

I could go on about how E-meters have been thoroughly debunked and the list of members who have had their lives ruined because they choose to take a stand. But instead I'll just say, Run Away from this crazy group of people it is not going to make your life any better. At best you'll be out money and at worst they will damage relationships and business in your life.

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Truthfully though... I don't think it would harm you to read the documents or watch the movie and at least be informed. Knowledge is power... then you could simply say to your aunt that you reviewed the information and Scientology is not for you.

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Back in the day, L. Ron and a bunch of other SF writers were having a meeting. L. Ron said "You know how to get rich? Start a religion!" And he did.

People that have gotten in to Scientology have had this happen when they tried to leave:

  • Death Threats

  • Income seized

  • Abandoned by relatives still in the cult

They are a very, VERY, nasty piece of work.

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HI mary Ann, I am glad you had the courage to post this and are open to what others recommend. I am not a 'religious' person, but more "spiritual. I do believe there is a GOD, and life after death etc, but what I have found with 'religions' like Scientology, is that I don't know what they are based on or what they are rooted in. Many True religions, like Christianity for example, are rooted in very basic and fundamental ideas and morals like the 10 commandments, which essentially tell you don't kill, don't steal, don't covet other peoples belongings, etc These Morals and the corresponding parables or stories and examples are the basic building blocks for having an orderly and peaceful and respectful social organization.

As far as I can tell, Scientology doesn't have this basic understructure, sooooo what are the bbasic morals of this group?? I have no idea! With out these basic building blocks and corner stones, you really don't have much to build anything on.

If you are happy in your life and find contentment and satisfaction in what you do in your day-to-day existence....more power to you! :) if you have questions or are dealing with some unhappiness, the best thing I can offer is look to what you have, and where you are, and be thankful. This "Attitude of gratitude" helps a lot, because it brings you back to your center. There is always someone else who doesn't have what you do, and is far worse off. It could be you someday...

people who seek out this kind of 'religion' have other issues and are unhappy and looking for something that will cure it, instead of looking inside and to where they are and being content and grateful for what they have.

Spiritual fulfillment is a 2 way road, like everything else, you don't give you don't get. Happiness comes from inside, not outside. Scientoligy promises to solve all your problems and lead you to happiness, just look at the people who practice it, Tom Cruise has been divorced twice, and his life is in constant turmoil...I don't think thats a good example of what this kind or "religion' can provide.

Personally I think Scientology is based more on monetary gain and success than spiritual morality, and as you might know....actions and results speak louder then words.

Time for the trash can.

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its a belief system based on the idea that there are serpent alien gods....

l.ron hubbard who wrote the book Battlefield Earth (which was made in to a god awful sci fi movie with travolta) was head of scientology.

germany for a long time had a ban on the practice of scientology calling it a cult, and almost wouldn't let them film the movie valkyrie on location because tom cruise is a scientologist.

scientologists claim it is a religion.. and a way of life...

but like any belief system, there are plus's and minus's, only you can decide if it is right for you, but make sure you are making informed decisions, do research, NOT wikipedia research but true legit peer reviewed research about the beliefs of scientology, the practices, and read articles about those who oppose it...

you cannot make a truly informed decision without first reading about all aspects of something, t hose for and those against it.

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They're all absolutely crazy.

It's the only "philosophy" I know of where money can buy you a position.

Personally, I subscribe to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Arghhhhhhh for the FSM! :thumbsup:

I'm an athiest/agnostic, athiest because I don't believe in a god(s), agnostic because I cannot through reason or science disprove his/her/its existence. I do second the motion that knowledge is power. There aren't any evil demons that will leap through the TV at you while you watch the DVD so watching it won't hurt.

To the minister that posted earlier, I agree with everything you said up to the part where you said pray about it. Unless by pray you were referring to some form of meditation in which one stills his/her mind to be able to reason more clearly about a subject, then when one prays as ascribed by the religion then they have already given their minds over to the power of something other than reason (emotion?). IMO, it's best to stick with reason and skepticism.

As to whether Scientology is dangerous... Clarify dangerous? Nearly every religion to date has perpetrated acts that are every bit as terrible as those allegedly perpetrated by Scientology in this thread (I have not seen any proof personally about Scientology and its 'evils', not saying they don't exist, just that I don't know and frankly don't care enough to find out). In some cases other religions have done far worse in the name of their god(s) than what has been listed here. Bottom line, some people will do evil things, especially when they believe they are being ordered to by another 'higher' being. {edit} Just to clarify: I am not saying religion is the sole source of evil as I have seen argued elsewhere, I know moral religious people and evil atheists. And I don't think religion is inherently evil. {/edit}

To the person that mentioned morals, in a way you're right, nearly every religion has some moral code. But, speaking from my experience (I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist home, KJV is the verbatim, living word of God, etc.) the god of the religion with 'morals' nearly always violates the morals which he/she/it has laid out. Even if religions instilled morals in people (which they don't), who is more moral? The person who is doing the 'right' thing based on some ancient text with no concept on how it would translate cultures, languages and technological advancements and is only doing the 'right' thing through either fear of punishment or hope for reward? Or the person who has reasoned out the 'right' thing to do and does it on its merits alone?

In the end, do what you feel comfortable with. If you have no interest in Scientology, don't watch the set, and then tell your Grandmother why. If you're curious and don't mind spending the time, watch it, worst case scenario, it may be worth a few laughs, heck, you may even learn something (perhaps not intended by the DVD) and walk away a better person than you are now.

My two cents that expanded into far more. :lol:

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....when we simply turn our minds over to someone else and accept what is said without enough thought and reasoning of our own. Even at that, the most dangerous cults, political and social movements over the history of the world have been created by a charismatic leader stringing together just enough truth to mislead people in their thought process....

BIG PLUS :thumbsup: And therein lies my rub with religions/cults/whatever. If you have a brain, and can read their texts for yourself, then why the he!! do they need to interpret it for you? Why do they need a 'leader' of any kind at any point? If what they say is so true then why do they need to 'sell'' other people on their ideas- won't they see for themselves and come a-running on their own? angel_not.gif

If you want to learn the real truth about anything, the first thing to do is to put as much distance between those who want to teach you and yourself as you can so that they do not interfere with your learning process. Then you get copies of the stuff they teach from and read them for yourself ;) Once you get done reading their texts, you will find that what they claim is true or proper is usually a far cry from the truth- plus the person trying to sell you on their idea is even further removed from what their texts said they should be like :o That's why they have to sell you on their ideas- they know that you'll see right through them otherwise, and then you'll have power over them, for truthful knowledge is power-and that power is stronger than their power :ph34r:

-There is no truth that cannot be unequivocally proven; everything else is an unproven theory.

-Belief that something exists does not make it exist and the same goes for not believing something exists when it does; that only deludes the believer or non-believer which taints the rest of their thought processes.

-That which is good, right, proper, and true needs no outside support to be that way; in fact if it cannot stand alone without support then it's not good, right, proper, and true at all and if someone is trying to convince you otherwise they are not someone worthy of your attention.

Take note that nowhere did I say that there is or is not a "god" of any kind. I have my own proof and if you want your own proof you'll have to seek it on your own like I did. Be warned- you may not like what the truth turns out to be, but at least you'll have whatever comfort knowing the truth brings you rolleyes.gif

Bettypooh, truly missing easy-to-use emoticons

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Any religion that wants your money first I see as a problem.

I believe in intelligent design and embraced Christianity. A NDE does that.

To not believe in intelligent design, one would have to believe that someone could place all of the raw material to produce a fine Swiss watch in a bag and if the bag was shaken and subjected to the elements, for a long period of time, a fine Swiss Watch would be rendered.

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I believe in intelligent design

To not believe in intelligent design, one would have to believe that someone could place all of the raw material to produce a fine Swiss watch in a bag and if the bag was shaken and subjected to the elements, for a long period of time, a fine Swiss Watch would be rendered.


That analogy completely misses the arguement for intelligent design.

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To not believe in intelligent design, one would have to believe that someone could place all of the raw material to produce a fine Swiss watch in a bag and if the bag was shaken and subjected to the elements, for a long period of time, a fine Swiss Watch would be rendered.

ROFL that old chestnut? The theory of evolution does NOT state that life developed by any kind of 'chance' incident like that.

Feed your mind:


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Scientology is a cult revolving around the insane ramblings of a science fiction writer. I'd suggest you burn the materials she gave you and recommend she see a shrink.

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Any religion that wants your money first I see as a problem.

I believe in intelligent design and embraced Christianity. A NDE does that.

i agree... if they say they are a religion, but you have to pay to join... sounds pretty shady..

whats an NDE?

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Any religion that wants your money first I see as a problem.

I believe in intelligent design and embraced Christianity.

Oh but the Christian Church wants your money too.

Jesus asked his followers to leave their worldly goods behind and follow him, yet the Vatican is decorated with gold and precious stones. Hypocrisy anyone?

Christianity is responsible for more destruction and death than any of the others... the Crusades, the Inquisition, annihilation of the Incan and Mayan cultures, "witch hunts", I could go on. Churches teach judgment and intolerance, they harden hearts and close minds... which is the last thing that we need in an ever shrinking world.

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Jesus asked his followers to leave their worldly goods behind and follow him, yet the Vatican is decorated with gold and precious stones. Hypocrisy anyone?

IMHO, I feel that is because your statement implies a latent, conditioned acceptance of a notion that the Vatican has supreme, undebatable authority as a vicar of Christ, even though you would expressly--and logically--deny it. The Vatican is a self-proclaimed 'supreme authority' which is no more or less valid than that of any other religious entity which embraces many of the basic tenets of Jesus' teachings. I think Jesus would very well be appalled by most everything about every organized religion which claims to do His "bidding". Their confidence in their religious stature is based largely on the fact that Jesus has not come down in person to either endorse or rebuff their authorities. Self-assumed authority by virtue of an absent superior with no confirmation of such from said absent party is no authority at all. History is liberally pockmarked with examples which amply demonstrate this.

This logic can be applied to governments and their subordinate ministries and agencies because they all form an entity which claims sovereignty "in the name of God". So the questions are thus: What is God's name? Is there one or many gods? Whose god(s) do we embrace? Can we consult them? Do they take physical form? Of course, the logical person will answer each question in the negative capacity, and it becomes clear that sovereignty is technically a fallacy because it relies on a standard other than logic: it relies on intangibles for its viability. If a logical society were to respond and mobilize on that concept, the world's governments would not exist. They exist because they are necessary entities for order and equity of a given society, in spite of what a society's religious moralists or its corporate coffers would have us embrace...or goose-step to.

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