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New Years Eve! What You Doing Tonight?

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Spending time at home. No diapers. Girlfriend is on vacation in florida until the 3rd. A year too young to legally drink. Going to be a sucky way to ring in the new year. I'm more looking forward to monday when my girlfriend and I can spend some time together than this whole big event tonight. haha. Maybe I'll sneak a diaper on if i can. ;)

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I generally don't do anything for news years, getting really drunk and acting like a dumbass at midnight isn't my thing. I don't have anything against drinking, just not too excess. A guy at work who had a bunch of Christmas ties, said he needed to get a new years one. I told him I would just wear a 2010 sash and a diaper, half true I don't own a 2010 sash. Last year I was bartending on NYE I got to listen to the band and have fun, not to mention I made a buttload of money that night that was probably my best new years eve. Going into to 2000 was an important one too not because of Y2K or anything but a day that had a huge spiritual impact on my life, and why I am alive today.

If I had my way I would be home this year, no plastic hats and noisemakers, but I will be working until 1:30 hopefully I will be driving home in the window between the midnight idiots and the bars closing at 2:00. I hate driving on NYE too many drunks.

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I'm already in diapers & plastic panties and have been for the last 3 days. Gonna make a new recipe for dinner, watch some football and have a few beers. Probably will be in bed by midnight. Ho hum I guess, but at least I'm in diapers!

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we go to the chineese buffet with boyfriend's parents, then this year will be the first year we are around to hang out with friends, so later in the evening we are gonna go over to a get together at a friends place. We dont drink much, usually a beer that we milk until it hits midnight so we can toast, and kiss, then have a cigarette... all in all its a fun time.. nothing better then celebrating something by hanging out with good friends just having a good time.

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New Years this year seems rather borning to me. I don't have a girlfriend, I don't want any drama or getting together with other people to get drunk in a bar or someone's house. Bar's are too expensive and don't want to get carried away. Don't want to splurge my money. Don't want to be taken advantage of either. I don't even have a DL friend that I could hang out with.so...I told my boss I want to work and I do graves. SO I'll be at work diapered maybe. Depends how I feel and the amount of people coming into the business where I work. I want to see other people get drunk and carry on and on. I want 2010 to be a better year for me.

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Hmm... Gonna probably stay in, which sucks because I'm 24 and should actually have plans to go out with friends and whatnot, but I'd rather stay home with Mommy, who has to work early the next morning. Such sacrifices we make for the ones who love us. . .

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I'll be doing what I'm doing now. Playing Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time but later I'll switch to Uncharted 2. That sums up my night. I believe in the old Fairly Odd Parents Christmas Special quote, "New Years Eve's for Mom and Dad". I really couldn't care less.

The Angel of Hoper,


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We are going out to dinner at one our favorite restaurants where I will drink too much wine:) My loving partner will then drive us home (he doesn't mind, gets to drive the new car not that his isn't nice but new is well new) I will change my by now soaked disposable diaper into fluffy thick cloth diapers and then my new footed pjs. We will have some cake and watch the ball drop in Times Square. I would open champagne but my b/f doesn't care for it and if I drank an entire bottle a hang over would be assured. I might spike his egg nog with some rum. Then off to bed.

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Nothing too special unfortunately. Really low on cash. Just spent my wal mart gift cards on Force unleashed pc game, a star wars figure, champagne, juice, root beer, pizza rolls, and and lemon and lime. My plans are to have a mimosa and play my new game a lil bit. Lord knows I wish i was diapered though.

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Ran a little over 14 miles to prepare for the marathon in 10 days and am now trying to get rehydrated. This evening will be quite. Just the TV and a few lite beers for me while BabyMaggie lets dinner digest in her tummy. Neither of us are into staying up to midnight, but I'm southern and will fix Hopin' John for my lunch tomorrow!

I'm already in my cloth evening diapers and in a couple of hours I'll put BabyMaggie in her night time bloomer diapers.

Hauole Makahiki Hou!


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