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I am fifty-four years old and I believe that puts me in a class by myself. If I had to guess at the average age here at DD, I would say it is in the twenties. I don't know the exact number of older adults here but I'd say the number is less than ten percent.

For those of you just getting into wearing diapers or the ab or the dl scene, just know this, these feelings that you have will never go away. This attraction to diapers is as intertwined into the core of who you are as DNA is. You can wake up someday and think that you have out grown your need for diapers, pack up all your stuff or throw it all away and think it is all behind you. THINK again, as soon as you are out, give it a week, a month or almost a year and the desire to be in those diapers will be back with a fury.

If I had the choice to go back in time and not be attracted to diapers or to keep things the way they are, I would choose not to have the desire. I have been wearing diapers, either cloth or disposables over half of my life. I have done this by choice. I got tired of all of the mixed feelings that come with this lifestyle. The feeling of being the only one. The feeling of not having anyone to talk to about this,(pre-internet). Being afraid to tell anyone. Thinking there is something drastically wrong with me. All of these feelings and so many more.

I finally came to the realization that in order for me to remain sane and start being happy was to accept you I am. I went from frequent diaper use to 24/7 diaper use. I became comfortable with wearing and wetting in public to the point that I no longer ever wore adult underwear.

To many of you, wearing diapers is a very private and secretive thing that you do. For me it was the feeling of living a secret or double life. So I chose my closest friends and I came out to them about my diapers. It is as though once all of this was out in the open, the weight of the world was off of my shoulders and I could really begin to live.

In my humble opinion be careful what you wish for cause you might just get it all. I have accepted myself and my lifestyle. I wear diapers all of the time and live a fairly normal life, albeit well padded. Nowadays I can't imagine my life without diapers and I have come to the realization that I will Never outgrow my need for them. On the other hand I wish sometimes that I never was attracted in the first place.

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I actually think us 20 somethings are in the minority here, just look at the posts of other threads and generally its an older crowd.

Many of the posters seem to be on the younger side, but there are a number of us old folks...35 plus.....35 plus 25 plus in my case!

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:D Official old fart too! I'm fifty, though most who meet me guess that I'm a lot younger than that. That is a trait that runs in the family though, we look really young for our age, then one day WHAM, we're old! Crazy huh? :screwy:



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I'm 56, male, DL.

DD, I don't want to make anymore work for you but I have wondered about our demographics. I would like to know % age, gender, AB or DL. Is it possible without a diaper-load of hassle? :)


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So I chose my closest friends and I came out to them about my diapers. It is as though once all of this was out in the open, the weight of the world was off of my shoulders and I could really begin to live.

At what age did you come out to your friends?

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I'd be interested in those demographics, too. At nearly 51 tender years of age I thought I'd be in the older minority. Perhaps not!

And remember - it is not the years that age you. It is the miles!

I'm 56, male, DL.

DD, I don't want to make anymore work for you but I have wondered about our demographics. I would like to know age, gender, AB or DL, Is it possible without a diaper-load of hassle? :)


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I'll be 56 in about a month and I still feel pretty young. Have you really looked around this site? I just went to the membership page and did an advanced search using real age 51 as the sole parameter and got 5 pages of members @ 20 per page and a 6th page @ 13. You're definitely not alone youngster :-).



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27 years old here. I believe that if push comes to shove people can chose to walk away from it, just requires a lot of will power and motivation, both of which i have niether to do so right now. I like the fetish and would like to have a wife who likes it too, however most guys want a threesome with their wife. That doesn't seem happen either. I have no desire to please two at once, trying to figure out one woman is hard enough. If I don't find a wife who's into it my life goes on, as long as our sex is good I'm okay with leaving this behind. I rather not have to, however i'm not going to let something like this ruin my life.

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I'm 56, male, DL.

DD, I don't want to make anymore work for you but I have wondered about our demographics. I would like to know % age, gender, AB or DL. Is it possible without a diaper-load of hassle? :)


I am fifty-four years old, male and a DL if that helps

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Well I am surprised to say the least and a little embarrassed at the same time. I realize now that I should have done a members search to actually see you is on the DD sight. My apologies and thanks to all who replied. I feel much better now that I know I am not the only old fart here. Many thanks!

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however most guys want a threesome with their wife.

apparently i've managed to find the one guy who DOESN"T want a threesome.... *sighs* oh well, i guess i'll just have to settle for having him diaper me and let me call him daddy lol

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52, old, DL, Bedwetter and opinionated as hell.

I have been wearing diapers at night for most of my life.

I am fifty-four years old and I believe that puts me in a class by myself. If I had to guess at the average age here at DD, I would say it is in the twenties. I don't know the exact number of older adults here but I'd say the number is less than ten percent.

For those of you just getting into wearing diapers or the ab or the dl scene, just know this, these feelings that you have will never go away. This attraction to diapers is as intertwined into the core of who you are as DNA is. You can wake up someday and think that you have out grown your need for diapers, pack up all your stuff or throw it all away and think it is all behind you. THINK again, as soon as you are out, give it a week, a month or almost a year and the desire to be in those diapers will be back with a fury.

If I had the choice to go back in time and not be attracted to diapers or to keep things the way they are, I would choose not to have the desire. I have been wearing diapers, either cloth or disposables over half of my life. I have done this by choice. I got tired of all of the mixed feelings that come with this lifestyle. The feeling of being the only one. The feeling of not having anyone to talk to about this,(pre-internet). Being afraid to tell anyone. Thinking there is something drastically wrong with me. All of these feelings and so many more.

I finally came to the realization that in order for me to remain sane and start being happy was to accept you I am. I went from frequent diaper use to 24/7 diaper use. I became comfortable with wearing and wetting in public to the point that I no longer ever wore adult underwear.

To many of you, wearing diapers is a very private and secretive thing that you do. For me it was the feeling of living a secret or double life. So I chose my closest friends and I came out to them about my diapers. It is as though once all of this was out in the open, the weight of the world was off of my shoulders and I could really begin to live.

In my humble opinion be careful what you wish for cause you might just get it all. I have accepted myself and my lifestyle. I wear diapers all of the time and live a fairly normal life, albeit well padded. Nowadays I can't imagine my life without diapers and I have come to the realization that I will Never outgrow my need for them. On the other hand I wish sometimes that I never was attracted in the first place.

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If I stay alive until tomorrow I'll be 57. It is so much easier for the younger folks to come to terms with this lifestyle than it was for us at the same age. Awareness is greater, product availability is greater and communications is greater.

When I was a teenager I thought I was the only one who chose to wear diapers and plastic pants. Maybe it was a curse being smaller because Curity diapers and Gerber toddler plastic pants actually fit. I was hooked on the first diaper and I look forward to each new diaper.

I now wet in my sleep on a regular basis so wearing diapers to bed is no longer an option. I don't mind. While I'm not anxious for others to know, I'm also at an age where diapers are no longer unusual.

To the younger crowd, enjoy what you have and try not to care what others may think.

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