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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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I travel for work quite a bit, and tonight I checked into my hotel in Ann Arbor, MI, which I have stayed at once before.. Everything was normal until the clerk asked me "how many people" I say "one" and then he asks "are you sure, no kids with you?" no, just me. I hand him my CC and before he runs it agian he asks "you're sure you don't have any kids or babies with you?" again i say "yes I'm sure".. I get my papers and key, and then as I go to leave he says "Ma'am, If we find out that you have extra guests stay in your room, we will charge you the difference.."......WTF??

I am very carefull with my diapers in public places. In hotels I always throw them in an outside can far away from my room.. I leave my wipes in the bathroom trash, and I am kinda messy with the powder, but to the best of my knowledge I did'nt leave a big pile of messy Pampers on the bed.. So what the hell???

Anyway I can't sleep now, I've used 1, but I can't let it out of my sight. Has this happened to anyone else?????

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No it has happened to me but I think if people like that gives you crap about your diapers go to the manager and tell him/her that the employee is harassing you.

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Hi Sabrina,

What lack of professionalism by the desk clerk, since a baby would not add to your charge.

It is no secret I am a litigation partner in a major law firm with offices in many cities and clients all over. Since the summer between my first and second year of pre-law (1981) my work has required me to stay at hundreds of hotels. I have needed diapers in bed all that time. I always carry two waterproof sheets. Like you I am discreet tossing wet diapers. If my stay is going to be more than one night, and that hotel is new to me, I phone the head houskeeper to say I have placed my own waterproof sheet on my bed and I want it to stay there as long as I am in their hotel. I also ask that they make a note so the next time I stay there they will have made my bed with a waterproof sheet.

Before I leave I fold and pack my waterproof sheet and if at the next hotel they already gave me one, super. I try to be careful about powder, and I also always over tip the room maids. That way I have a wonderful reputation with the housekeeping staff. Perhaps it is because when I present my CC the hotel clerks see the name of my firm and figure it best to treat me like gold, but I have never had any similar incident. If anything like that were to happen, not just the clerk but also the manager would be hearing my complaint from their corporate head office.

Sure, in hotels there have been incidents involving me and coworkers. Many times I have answered my door with a pacifier in my mouth, and nobody says anything. Within my firm it is no big secret I am incontinent, but I do not advertise I relax as an AB.

Each hotel and motel guest has rights, but unless you are willing to demand top treatment, sometimes staff will be lax. Still, a generous tip to the maids goes a long ways to reducing harassment. At least that works for me.


What do you say to the manager??? Please don't put that I wear diapers in your computer??? :D
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I travel for work quite a bit, and tonight I checked into my hotel in Ann Arbor, MI, which I have stayed at once before.. Everything was normal until the clerk asked me "how many people" I say "one" and then he asks "are you sure, no kids with you?" no, just me. I hand him my CC and before he runs it agian he asks "you're sure you don't have any kids or babies with you?" again i say "yes I'm sure".. I get my papers and key, and then as I go to leave he says "Ma'am, If we find out that you have extra guests stay in your room, we will charge you the difference.."......WTF??

I am very carefull with my diapers in public places. In hotels I always throw them in an outside can far away from my room.. I leave my wipes in the bathroom trash, and I am kinda messy with the powder, but to the best of my knowledge I did'nt leave a big pile of messy Pampers on the bed.. So what the hell???

Anyway I can't sleep now, I've used 1, but I can't let it out of my sight. Has this happened to anyone else?????

I'd have asked... "And what makes you think I have extra guests?!"

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In response to the last 2 posts. I am quite shy about my desires, and do not want to draw any more attention than needed.. Thanks Angela, but I am not "out" to my company, and I wish to keep it that way. i will try uber tipping the maids like you said, and next time I'm here hopefully things will change...

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LOL! I can just see a desk clerk giving Angela a hard time about diapers or her waterproof sheet and Angela pulling out her law firm business card with her name on it! All she would have to do is hand over her card and ask the clerk if he really wants to "go there"! I do agree with Sabrina though, about wanting to keep things to herself as much as possible. About 7 years ago I had to travle overnight for business and really wanted to wear a diaper at the hotel but due to the hotel being billed to the company I worked for (plus there were 2 others from my office staying at the hotel as well in other rooms) I needed to make sure nothing would possibly get back to anyone in my company about diapers.

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If you're staying at places that charge by the person, you need to start staying at better places.

lol almost the same thing happen to me and a x gf of mine we lelf the motel and about 2 hours later we fond out that we had left the diaper bag there :bash: so we had to go back and get it talk about embearaszing at the time but now i can look back and lol :roflmao:

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I never stay at "Motels" and always choose Hotels with at least a 2.5 star rating. I travel quite a bit, but frequent certain cities often staying in the same hotels. I have NEVER had a problem. I dispose of my diapers in the trash can - or - if provided - use the plastic laundry-service bag so the maids don't have to see them at all. Sometimes I ask for a larger trash-can, and the request is immediately granted without question (common request for business-folks with work to do.) I have found that ALL the hotels I stay at use a discreet mattress cover (the type that looks like extra padding for comfort.) and I wear plastic pants to minimize the risk of leaks.

Stay in quality hotels. Larger chains are best, and stay away from nosey B&B's or privatly owned hotels/motels. The better Chain hotels KNOW they are there to serve you, and know there's a handy customer service number that could get them fired if they disrespect the customers.

As an added touch, I am a member of all the major chains' preffered guest programs, and those little plastic cards go a long way with the front desk as they know the chain respects my business and frequently asks me about recent stays.

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i travel pretty frquently and always stay in the big chain hotels(mostly Hampton Inns or Sheraton). i have never had a problem. i usually let the housekeeping staff know that i will be putting a waterproof sheet on the bed(if there is already one on, then all the better), and like Angela said, i over-tip the housekeeping staff.

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That is weird that some one ask u those questions. but i guess that i have never gone back to the same hotel where they would remember me. i have stayed in many hotels round MI,IN and OH and i leave diapers in the bathroom trash of coarse i put it in its own bag and tie it off so the maid don't have to smell or touch it. i have had only one place call me and complain about leaving diaper in the trash. and it was an Indian run hotel they wanted to try to charge me extra for cleaning. but never did.

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That is weird that some one ask u those questions. but i guess that i have never gone back to the same hotel where they would remember me. i have stayed in many hotels round MI,IN and OH and i leave diapers in the bathroom trash of coarse i put it in its own bag and tie it off so the maid don't have to smell or touch it. i have had only one place call me and complain about leaving diaper in the trash. and it was an Indian run hotel they wanted to try to charge me extra for cleaning. but never did.

I'd be like "Fine, but I want a refund on the toilet rental."

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I remember one weekend when my daddy (ex daddy) and I went away for the weekend and came back to the hotel room to find one of our diapers folded neatly and nicely on the pillow after she had made the bed. We just laughed about it....no one ever said anything to us and we just made sure that we put everything away after that.

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I also travel a lot for work. I have never, ever had an experience like that. I make no effort to do anything with my diapers other than throw them away in whatever trash can the hotel provides. As for worrying about my diapers "getting back to my employer" from the hotel....that is really an odd concern that I have never even thought of. I don't think it is anything you need to worry about. What are they going to do? "Sir, we have a diaper in the trash can of room 412! Quick, cross check the registry and lets find out who that person is and where they work and report them!" I just don't see it happening. Like others have said, stay in decent hotels. And ditto on the rewards programs. Show them one of those cards and they will treat you very well.

With pushy clerks like the one you had it is sometimes a good idea to push back.... "I'm sorry, but why are you asking me this?" or "What are you getting at sir/ma'am?" will often shut them up.

-Mr. Otter

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  • 2 years later...

if you travel alot for work and the company uses the hotel alot the front desk clerk gets to know you quite and they never say anything about finding diapers in the trash and i've left pacifiers in my and they never say anything to me

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Back from the dead, huh?

You know some chain hotels have plastic sheets that they can use if you ask for them to be put on your bed... A very respected member on Incontact (British incontinent fourm) says that he always requests a plastic sheet on his bed and has never experienced any problems, some places even buy them especially for him just to protect the bed...

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I travel now and then, and have stayed in a wide variety of places, usually Motel 6 because they are usually decent quality for the price (plus they keep the light on for me;) )

I have moved up and try to use la Quinta inns as much as possible because I really like them, good quality, damn comfortable beds, and just nice places :thumbsup:

Down side is there aren't that many around.

Being single, I have never had any problem with any of the desk clerks hassling me about anything, I pay my bill, don't make to much of a mess :blush: use my AAA card and any other membership stuff that I can and live in peace.

Personally, had this happened to me I think I would have asked what the issue was, and why the over interest. If it didn't let up, just change hotels if you have the opportunity, and let the upper management know why you left.

It could have also been that you are a young lady, traveling alone, and for some that just seems weird, and they expect some kind of partying or you smuggling someone else in. Or they could have had problems in the past of women checking in as a single person, then smuggling thier children in later so they (think) they can save money...


what ever, sorry you got harassed, hope you have a nice stay and didn't work to hard!


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On 20 February 2008 I posted up-thread about all this.

My law firm represents corporations owning many hotels and motels. The behavior reported by Sabrina, this OP, is a violation of the policies of all our clients.

There is absolutely no reason adults who need diapers for whatever reason should not be allowed to travel with dignity.

Since apparently bad conduct by front desk employees is a continuing problem, it is appropriate to bring back this topic rather than start a new one.

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Ah, well it's interesting because I've had similar problems with hotels like the Marriott, but it didn't involve diapers. Last year, when I stayed at the Marriott, they accused me of smoking in my room when I didn't and they charged me $103 on my credit card. I was never told how they determined that I was, but I did get a free night out of them after I spoke to the manager for about an hour.

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Ah, well it's interesting because I've had similar problems with hotels like the Marriott, but it didn't involve diapers. Last year, when I stayed at the Marriott, they accused me of smoking in my room when I didn't and they charged me $103 on my credit card. I was never told how they determined that I was, but I did get a free night out of them after I spoke to the manager for about an hour.

Did you get your $103 back plus the free night?

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Personally I don't think the hotel had any idea about the diaper wearing, or at least this wasn't related to the incident. I'm thinking the front desk lady thought she saw someone or a kid with sabrina99 at one point.

I use to stay at the same hotel all the time with work. I never wore while traveling with work but one time I stayed there when I was passing through(they gave me a big discount because they knew me). I didn't wear while I was there but I did have some diapers in my suitcase. About a week later while the front desk girl was checking me in we were joking around and she made a point to tell me she had some great black mail material on me. I was worried she knew about the diapers for a while but then I figured out it was more than likely from something else totally unrelated that had happened and wasn't really that bad.

I feel that I just assume someone knows about my diapers when they don't. I think of the worst thing someone could know and assume that is what they know. Hopefully this was the case and not a bad front desk lady.

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I wear when on the road, and I try and stay in nicer places. I tried to go the route of talking to the front desk of a couple different major chains about needing a waterproof sheet, but the best I ever got, which was at a Hilton, was an offer to have them put a shower liner on the bed. Since I never got the Hotel to provide one, now I travel with a cloth covered vinyl underpad which I purchased in the bedding section of Walmart. The package labeled "Waterproof Mattress Protector" shows a boy about 7 years old sleeping soundly (That's me! I think to myself). Now I just sleep on top of this, and the cloth covered vinyl is comfortable and not hot or sticky and any leaks are taken care of. I wear plastic pants so I don't generally have a problem with leaks, but I don't want to damage someone else's bed, so I use the pad as a precaution, plus it makes an awesome changing pad. In the morning if there are no leaks the the maids just straighten it out and make the bed back over it - there has been one time I have had a bad leak and I removed the pad in the morning and put it in the bathroom to rinse in the tub. When I got back that evening it appeared as if Housekeeping had washed it returned it to my room as it was clean and dry and folded up on top of the luggage rack where my suitcase was. I was sorry I hadn't left a larger tip that morning. As an aside I throw my diapers away in the room trash, sometimes I will bag them if I have a shopping bag or something, but usually I just toss them. 'Course I don't do stinky diapers, but if I did then I think I would bag them 100% of the time.

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