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  1. (This is a small colab i'm doing with PinkTheDinosaur. Just a small side project for the both of us to do during our free time. This story contains sexual themes so if that is not your thing please leave.) “Come on Melissa, Please!” Kari begged. “Fine, but only for a bit,” Melissa said annoyed at her best friend. “But you do know Hypnosis is fake right?” “Well see!” Kari yelled excitedly as the 7-year-old turned off the lights and pulled out a lighter. Kari had her friend look at the flame and began trying to put Melissa into a trance. After 2 tries, Kari had done it! Melissa stood there, staring blankly at the flame and slightly drooling. Kari had no idea what to do now that her friend was like this. But she had to test it out. “Melissa, suck on your thumb,” Kari told her friend. Melissa raised her hand and began sucking on her thumb. “Awesome!” Kari cheered. “Ok, ok, Melissa, whenever I say “nighty night meli” you will fall into this trance. Melissa nodded. “You will do everything I say and not remember I said it,” Kari told her friend who nodded again. Kari then snapped her fingers and Melissa was taken out of the trance. “Whap?” Melissa said as she realized she was sucking her thumb. “Why am I…” “I made you do it with hypnosis!”Kari exclaimed. “Kari, there's no such thing as hypnosis,” Melissa told her friend. “Is too! I just did it to you!” Kari shouted. “Fine, then prove it,” Melissa demanded. “Make me do something that I wouldn't do otherwise.” “Fine! nighty night meli!” Kari shouted and Melissa went into her trance. But Kari had no idea what to do. Her mind was racing and she wasn't thinking straight. If she was she would say something like, “Write a letter to yourself revealing a secret and saying hypnosis is real.” “Every time you say hypnosis isn't real you'll pinch yourself.” “You'll cluck like a chicken every few seconds until you admit hypnosis is real.” But no, part of her was mad that she didn't believe her, so… “Poop in your pants next time you say hypnosis isn't real,” Kari told her then snapped. “Well?” Melissa asked. “I did it already,” Kari told her. Melissa looked around but saw nothing different and nothing to show she was hypnotized. “Right… believe what you want but hypnosis still isn't real.” Suddenly Melissa let out a loud fart that made both girls jump. Then Melissa’s eyes went wide as she began pooping into her panties! Melissa let out a loud scream before rushing to the bathroom but it was too late. Melissa’s mom heard the scream and came to see her daughter had pooped in her white panties and left a brown stain on them. Kari was then sent home while Melissa’s mom dealt with her daughter. The last thing Kari remembers about her old friend was that she had to wear pull ups for a week after that. Then she moved away. Kari was very upset that her friend was now gone but they promised that they would see each other again one day and that they would always be friends. Only one of those came true… Years later, when Kari turned 16, Melissa moved back. But Melissa had become a stuck up bitch. Melissa was hot and she knew it. Well-toned, curves, nice ass, B-cup boobs, long blond hair. Kari? She was tall and thin. But not much else. At first, Kari was excited to see her old friend. Hoping they could still connect after all these years! But that didn't happen. Instead, Melissa had forgotten all about Kari. While this upset Kari, she at least hoped her the best and hoped to possibly become friends with her again. Instead, Melissa pulled an evil prank on Kari in order to get in with the other popular crowd of Kari's school. During gym, Melissa pored itching powder down the front of Kari’s underwear while she was changing. “Wow Kari, do you got crabs or something?” Melissa asked as Kari began itching in front of the other girls in the locker room. And that's what Kari became known for. For the next 2 years, Melissa continued to bully Kari. Pulling pranks, spreading rumors, and doing everything she could just to humiliate Kari. Then one day, when both happen to go to the college bathroom at the same time, Kari confronted her about it. Kari told Melissa all about how they use to be friends, played together, took baths together, and shared secrets with each other. But Melissa denied it. Then Kari brought up the last time she saw Melissa was when she pooped her panties. That's when Kari remembered the hypnosis. “nighty night meli,” Kari told her bully and had her fall into her old trance. Kari was surprised it still worked. It’s been almost 10 years since it was used! But as soon as she knew it worked, Kari began to think of how she could get back at her bully. Make her run around the school naked? Give a few nerds a blowjob? Have her do something embarrassing in front of her “friends”? No, if she was going to do this, Kari wanted to do it right and take it nice and slow… *********** a few months later ********* “Melissa, your brother and I are going to the store. We'll be back in a little while!” Melissa’s mom yelled. “OK!” Melissa yelled back. Melissa listens for the front door to open and shut before Melissa got up. “Finally! I can get some privacy!” Melissa yelled as she walked out of her room. It was now summer time and Melissa was grounded. Her mom had ground her because of her bad grades. She now wasn't allowed out of the house all summer. Plus she wasn't allowed to have electronics at all. When Melissa had tried to sneak her brother's phone into her room to search the internet, her mom decided she couldn't be trusted behind a closed door and removed it. This had really frustrated Melissa. Now she had no phone, no computer, no privacy, and worst of all, nowhere to masturbate. Melissa was the type of person that needed to rub one out at least once every 3-4 days or she will get really frustrated. Melissa decided to check the whole house just to be certain that her mother was gone before she made her way to her little brother's room. Melissa can only get off while wearing underwear, but she has a small problem, she pees every time she climaxes. She's forgotten how long this has been happening but its been a while. Melissa had to be very careful at hiding her wet panties and has ruined at least a third of her underwear already. Then Melissa thought up a workaround. Her little brother was 6 and still a bedwetter. All Melissa had to do was were his underwear and their mom will just think it was from his accidents. Perfect! She pulled open his underwear drawer and pulled out one of his tighty whities. She slipped out of her underwear and pulled the new ones on. They were a little tight but fit just enough to feel like panties. She is already very excited about all of this and can already feel her pussy getting wet. She’ll just head to the bathroom and rub one out before her mom gets home. But as she turns to leave, something catches her eye. Her brother's body pillow. Melissa isn't a stranger to humping a pillow, but after ruining one of her's she hasn't done it since. But she remembered how good it felt. “Maybe just for a minute and I'll finish in the bathroom,” Melissa said out loud to no one as she got on her little brother's bed and sat down on the body pillow. Once she was there she began to grind her body on the pillow while one hand stroked her pussy. Melissa loved the feeling of the underwear over her pussy as she got herself excited before she began to hump the pillow. The pillow was soft and fluffy as Melissa rubbed her crotch on it. “I-i love this!” Melissa yelled as she humped the pillow. On any normal day, she would use her hand or a toy to get herself off, but a soft pillow was just as good for Melissa. Melissa could feel that she was on the edge, could feel the pressure building up. She knew she should head to the bathroom and finish, she knew what would happen if she didn't, but the pillow just felt too good! “I'm almost there!” Melissa yelled as she began humping harder and faster. “IM CUMMING IM CUMMING!!!!!” Melissa closed her eyes as she screamed out in pleaser and she had a great orgasm! But as she was panting and opened her eyes, she saw her wide-eyed mother staring back at her in shock. Then, Melissa began peeing in her little brother's underwear while still on top of his pillow and bed. ******** “And that's what led little Melissa here to need a babysitter.” Melissa’s mom said as she leads the babysitter to Melissa’s room. “She’s to stay in those pull-ups all summer and possibly all of the next school year.” Melissa was fuming as her mom led the babysitter into her room without asking. She was bright red as she tried to pull her shirt down to cover her pull up. Her mother had taken away all of her underwear and locked up her pants and skirts. The only time she got pants now was when her mother was taking her somewhere in public. “Know I know this is a weird circumstance, but I have no other option. With my husband gone and Melissa unreliable to watch Danny, I just needed someone to watch the two of them.” “It's no problem, I'll make sure they both stay in line,” Kari told Melissa’s mother with a smile on her face. (I hope you all like the first chapter to our story. If you like it, please check out one of our other stories.we would greatly appreciate it. Also, we have a challenge you you all! FINISH THE JOKE! A mom, her baby girl, and her sissy walk into a bar… Whoever can come up with the funniest joke will have it be part of the chapter! And will get a shout out from us!)
  2. Lets start with me The guy I hooked up with actually pissed in the diapers i was wearing before leaving
  3. "Oh Richie! aren't you up yet!?" his mother called from downstairs.Yes, Richie was awake, and trying desperately to change his wet sheets before his mother found out. Richard was 6 years old and like many boys his age had a bed-wetting problem. His mother had been very patient with him at first, trying all the conventional methods to try to get him to dry up. Unfortunately nothing she tried seemed to have the least effect on him. Finally as a last resort she took him to the doctor thinking that maybe there was something physically wrong with her son. The doctor could find nothing except the fact that Richie was exceptionally small for his age. Many people would mistake him for a three year old rather than six. The doctor suggested that Richie's bed-wetting was just something that he would eventually grow out of and that there was really nothing to worry about. His mother however was becoming increasingly upset at his apparent lack of control. The angrier she became at him the more insecure and upset he became, which meant the more he would wet his bed. The night before his mother had helped him to get ready for bed and had warned him that if he woke up wet in the morning then she would have to take drastic action, though just what that action was she wouldn't say. He tried to stay awake all night, too afraid of what would happen if he fell asleep. Finally around 4:00am the inevitable happened and he dozed off, waking up as usual soaking wet. As he worked quickly to change his sheets he could hear his mother walking up the stairs. It's too late, he thought to himself, she is going to find out! When his mother opened his bedroom door there stood Richie in his wet pajamas trying to hide the large wet spot in his bed. "Well young man, I see my talk with you last night did not do any good." she said sternly."I'm sorry mommy" her son answered fearfully."I just fell asleep and when I woke up I was wet! I didn't do it on purpose!! I just couldn't help it!". His mother took his wet sheets from him and said "I'll take care of these, you go take a shower and come back here when you are done." While Richie was in the shower he thought to himself, Gee, mom didn't seem too upset with me! Maybe she forgot what she said last night,maybe she does understands that I really can't stop wetting my bed. I bet if dad was still alive he would understand! After he had dried himself and put his wet pajamas in the clothes hamper he wrapped the towel around himself and went back to his room. When he opened his bedroom door he couldn't believe what he saw! His mother was just finishing putting a pink plastic sheet in a baby crib that was set up in his room! On top of his dresser next to the crib was.....No! it couldn't be!!! A stack of BABY DIAPERS! His mother looked at him and smiled. "I'm glad I kept your old crib now, and your Aunt Mae loaned me some of your little cousins baby things. Now let mommy get you dressed for the day!" Richie couldn't believe what was happening! Surely his mommy wasn't going to make him wear his cousins clothes, She was a GIRL!! and a BABY!!! He started to cry as his mother lifted him up and laid him on the plastic sheet in the crib. "No no no mommy!!!" he cried "I'm not a baby!!!" He began kicking and screaming, desperately trying to escape the crib. His mother calmly turned him over on his stomach, pulled the towel off of him, and spanked his bottom until it was a bright red. "Be still now baby," his mother said sternly "Or do you want another spanking?"Richie lay sobbing and rubbing his flaming bottom while his mother folded several of the white cotton diapers together. Turning him over on his back she lifted him by his ankles and slipped the diapers beneath him. Next she smoothed baby lotion all over his tummy and legs. Baby Becky Part 2 She ordered him to lift his legs over his head so she could put the lotion on his sore bottom. The lotion smelled nice and really took the sting away. Next she sprinkled him with sweet smelling baby powder.Finally she pulled the diaper up between his legs and pinned the corners at each hip. It was like a dream to Richie, he just couldn't believe that he was being diapered like a baby! As he lay there sniffling his mother opened his top dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of toddler size babypants. They had little kittens and puppies printed on them and what was even worse was that they were PINK! "Please mommy!!" he pleaded Don't make me wear those, They're for baby GIRLS!" His mother just smiled at him and guided his feet through the leg openings of the plastic panties and pulled them up his legs and over his diaper. Richie didn't think he could feel any worse but what came next soon proved him wrong. From his dresser drawer his mother pulled a little girls ruffled sun-suit. It was a pink panty style with a bib front and ruffled bottom.Richard began to kick and cry again as his mother guided his feet through the elastic legs bands and up over his baby pants. She made him sit up so that she could button the lacy shoulder straps to the bib in front."This is what you are going to wear from now on Rebbeca" she explained. "Since you want to act like a baby so much I have decided that you will be my baby girl. Your name is now Rebbeca, or Becky for short. You will be in diapers and baby girl clothes until I think that you are grown up enough to wear your big boy clothes. It's a good thing you are small enough to fit in your baby cousins outfits so I won't have to buy you a whole new wardrobe! And if you give me any trouble, Becky, I'll pull down your panties and spank you whenever you need it no matter who is watching! Is that clear??" she demanded. Richie/Rebbeca could only nod his/her head in shame. His mother lifted him out of the crib and stood him on the floor.Richie felt really funny being dressed as a little baby girl. He was so used to wearing long pants that his legs felt cold and bare. The soft diaper between his legs felt good though. It brought back memories from his infancy that he thought that he had forgotten. He suddenly realized how much he had missed the warm secure feeling of a soft diaper between his thighs, and the helpless feeling as he wet or soiled himself. He had almost forgotten how much he had loved the smell of baby powder and lotion, and how pleasant it was to suck from his baby bottle. His mother took him by the hand and led him downstairs for breakfast. With so much diaper between his legs he could only waddle, his bulging bottom wiggling back and forth. He really did look more like a two or three year old little girl rather than a six year old boy. His mother fed him cereal for breakfast and when he was done she cleaned his hands and face.After breakfast his mother said "Since I have a new baby to take care of we will have to do some shopping for you. Would you like to go shopping with mommy Becky?" Richie was horrified! It was bad enough to be dressed in baby clothes here at home, but to be taken outside where everyone could see him! "No! mommy please don't take me out!Everyone will SEE me!!!" he sobbed. "Well of course everyone will see you silly! People love seeing pretty baby girls. Now behave yourself, We wouldn't want to have to take down your panties and spank you in front of everyone, would we?" His mother took him by the hand and led him out to the car. The drive to the department store seemed to take forever. Richie prayed that they wouldn't meet anyone who knew them. He decided that the only thing that he could do was to act like a real babygirl and maybe everyone would think that he was just a little big for his age. Baby Becky Part 3 Finally they pulled into the department store parking lot and the moment of truth had arrived. While walking from the parking lot to the store Richie felt as if everyone was staring right at him. He just knew that everyone could tell that he was in diapers. If his mother hadn't had him firmly in hand he would have run back to the car and hidden. He was sure that everyone could see the bulge of his diaper as his bottom wiggled back and forth. Finally they were in the air-conditioned coolness of the store and his mother picked him up and sat him in the baby seat of her shopping cart. His mother opened her purse and removed a pacifier which she tried to put into his mouth. When he refused to take it she asked softly "Do you want that spanking now Becky?" Richie looked around at the store full of people and quickly slipped the pacifier into his mouth. As she pushed him up and down the isles people would glance at him and smile. He thought they were smiling at him because they knew he was a little boy dressed up as a baby girl and this really embarrassed him. Actually they smiled at him because they saw him as a cute little baby girl and nothing more. When at last they got to the infants department his mother stopped to look around. "We will need some baby bibs for your meals won't we Becky?" she asked with a smile. As his mother picked up each bib she would hold it up to him to see how it would look. She selected several bibs in different colors and nursery prints. She wanted to tie one on him right there but after much pleading by Richie she relented. Next she picked out several baby bottles, babypowder and lotion, and a half dozen diaper pins. Then she was off to the toy department. "Since you have been such a good little girl while shopping I'm going to get a little surprise for you." she said. She picked out the cutest little Teddy Bear and handed it to her baby. Richie sat the Bear on his lap thinking that it would hide the bulge of his diaper and baby pants. What he didn't know was that his sun-suit had slipped down in back leaving the top of his diaper and baby panties exposed above the waistband. Richie thought that they were done at last as they headed for the check out stand. Suddenly his mother stopped and said "Oops! I almost forgot what I came here for!" She wheeled the cart back to the infants section and picked up a large box of disposable diapers and several pairs of plastic panties. Suddenly Richie whispered urgently to his mother"Mommy I gotta go potty!" His mother just looked at him and smiled ."Babies don't go potty sweetheart" she said. "They use their diapers of course.""But mom, I have to do number two!" he whispered. His mother just patted his head. There was a long line at the check out counter and as Richie sat in the cart waiting the pressure in his tummy grew and grew.He was sure that everyone was watching him and that made matters even worse. Finally just as the clerk began ringing up the things in the cart he couldn't hold it anymore and felt the warm mess filling the bottom of his diaper. He was so ashamed to have dirtied himself in front of everyone that he turned beet red. The relief he felt was so great that he began to wet his diaper at the same time. The woman clerk looked at him and said to his mother "My, but your little girl has a red face!" His mother smiled at him and replied "Yes, I think Becky needs her diaper changed, don't you dear?" Richie could only bury his head in his Teddy Bear and cry in shame while his mother paid for the purchases. Baby Becky Part 4 While she wheeled him out the door Richie was very uncomfortable sitting in his wet and dirty diaper. Back at the car his mother said "Lets get the baby cleaned up and changed." She put the packages in the back seat and picked him up and laid him in the front seat on his back. "Mom don't change me right here!" he begged. His Mom ignored him and unbuttoned the straps of his sun-suit, pulling it down his legs and off him.Next his plastic panties were removed and Richie prayed that no one would walk by and see him laying there in just a dirty diaper. Taking several baby wipes from one of the packages his mother swiftly cleaned him up. Then she took a clean disposable diaper from the box and slid it under his bottom and taped it at his hips. From another package she brought forth a new pair of white baby pants with rows of pink ruffles across the bottom. His mother pulled them on over his fresh diaper and said "Since it is so warm today I think that this is all you need to wear right now." Once more Richie began to cry. The sun suit was bad enough but now he was being forced to wear nothing but his diaper and baby girl panties! He didn't think that he could feel more embarrassed than he felt right then.Fortunately they hadn't met anyone they knew while shopping and he hoped his luck would last longer. He had to admit that he was beginning to enjoy the soft feel of his diapers. They felt really neat as he walked and they would rub against his little wee-wee. They made a nice cushion to sit on also. He began to like the idea of being able to wet any time he felt like it and not have to use a toilet. Babies don't have it so bad he mused to himself as he idly rubbed his didy against his penis. Richie noticed that the more he rubbed his diaper the harder his little wee-wee became. It felt so good that he continued rub himself. Soon his wee-wee began to tickle and feel really nice. His mother looked at him and smiled."What are you doing baby Becky? Do you need to be changed again already?" she asked. Richie just blushed and shook his head, taking his hand away from the front of his panties. "Those darling little rhumba panties make you look like the cutest baby girl." his mother said."Please , mom " her son pleaded. "Can't we go home now, I don't want nobody to see me like this!" On the way home Richie hunched down low in his seat hoping to hide his infantile condition from any passers by. While still a few blocks from their house his mother stopped at the neighborhood park. The park was filled with children and grown ups who were out having a good time.The park had a large playground with swings and slides. There was also a large sand box with several small children playing in it. After parking the car his mother said, "Before we go home I thought that you would like to play here for a little while , doesn't that sound like fun Becky?"She got out and had to drag her son out of the car as he cried and protested. Taking him firmly by the hand she pulled him behind her across the park and sat him in the sand box with the other little children."You be a good little girl and play nicely for a while." she said. Richie was so embarrassed that he just sat there for a long time with his head down and his hands in his lap trying unsuccessfully to hide his ruffled baby panties. He felt so naked and exposed and he was sure that everyone in the park was looking right at him. He kept thinking to himself....maybe they will think I'm just a little girl. I hope no on recognizes me!! I might as well act like I really am a baby. Baby Becky Part 5 He began scooping up handfuls of sand as his mother sat on a bench and watched him. He soon had a big pile and was starting to relax and enjoy himself when a little girl who looked about four years old came up and sat down beside him. "Hi! what's your name?" she asked as she helped scoop up sand. Richie blushed and said in a little toddler lisp"Me....Becky".The other little girl smiled and said "I'm Linda and I'm four years old!" She looked at Richie's bulging rhumba panties and said "I don't have to wear diapers no more like you do! I'm a big girl! you're still a baby!" Sure enough she was dressed in a green halter top and green shorts without the tell-tale bulge of diapers. He couldn't think of a good reply so he just sat there and continued to pile sand. Linda continued to help him and soon took on the role of an older sister, showing him how to dig the sand and where to put it. He was so relieved that his new friend had accepted him as a little toddler girl. After a long while he once again felt the urge to wet himself.Seeing no alternative he just sat there and relaxed. Soon his diaper began to feel very warm between his legs and tears of relief came to his eyes.His friend Linda was watching him at the time and said "Becky's wet her diaper! Come take my hand and I'll find your mommy so she can change you." Richie let her lead him over to his mother who looked at him and asked "Does my little girl need to be changed already?" Her son stuck his thumb in his mouth and shook his head up and down. "Maybe your new friend would like to help me change your diaper." his mother added. He began to cry and shake his head no, terrified at the thought of his friend finding out that he wasn't really a little girl.After thanking Linda and saying goodbye his mother took him by the hand and began leading her son back to the car. By that time his diaper was so wet and heavy that as he walked along beside his mother his diaper and panty began to work their way down from his hips. Lower and lower they slipped until suddenly they were around his ankles and he tripped and fell. As his mother stood him up and brushed him off several of the children in the park including his new friend Linda began to point and laugh at him. They had seen him without his diaper and had seen his wee-wee! They knew that he wasn't a little girl and several of the older boys began to shout "Sissy Baby Boy!" over and over. Richie was crying and trying to pull his pants up as they reached the car. The humiliation that he felt was so great that he began to wet himself once again and by the time they arrived home he was so thoroughly soaked that his baby panties were beginning to leak.After his mother had unloaded the car she picked him up and took him to his room and laid him in his crib. "See how dirty you got your nice new panties." she chided as she pulled them off and shook the sand from them. Richie was very uncomfortable laying there in a cold wet diaper and he said to his mother "Becky wants dry pants please!!" His mother quickly untaped his wet diaper and pulled it from beneath his bottom. She cleaned him up with baby wipes and took several cotton diapers from the stack on the dresser. As she pulled the soft cotton up between his legs and pinned the corners he once again felt his penis start to become hard and push against the fabric. When his mother noticed this she began to lightly rub the front of his diaper over the bulge and said"My new baby girl really loves her new clothes, doesn't she??" He blushed and shook his head yes. Baby Becky Part 6 "I won't take my little darling out anymore but as long as we are here at home you will still be my baby girl, Ok?" she asked while still gently rubbing the front of his diaper. Richie's wee-wee was starting to tickle and it felt so good that he began to giggle and kick his legs in the air. As long as he was at home he didn't mind being in baby clothes,even if they were baby girl clothes. He really loved the way his soft diapers felt and now he wouldn't have to worry about waking up in a wet bed any more. Being in diapers and girls clothes wasn't so bad as long as no one but he and his mother knew about it. His mother stopped rubbing him and handed Becky her new teddy bear. "You and your Teddy can take a nap now while I fix dinner. When I get you up I'll show you your new baby dresses, would you like that?" she asked. Richie smiled up at his mom as she kissed his forehead.After she had left he rolled over and lay on his tummy. He just loved the way the soft cotton diaper felt as it rubbed against his bottom and between his thighs. He felt so small and helpless laying in his baby crib wearing only his diaper. His little penis became hard again and started pushing against the mattress. Not really knowing what he was doing he slowly began to push his hard wee-wee against the mattress,feeling it rub against the inside of his diaper. As he lay on his stomach thrusting against the plastic crib sheet his penis once again began to tickle.The more he rubbed the better it felt, the better it felt the faster he would rub. Suddenly he felt wave after wave of sheer undescribable pleasure wash over him. He felt as if he were wetting himself but it NEVER felt like that before!! When he felt the front of his diaper he expected to be soaking wet but to his surprise there was only a small wet spot. Boy that was neat! he thought to himself. I don't remember ever doing that when I was a baby! He rolled on his back and picked up his Teddy Bear. The new baby hugged her Teddy and put her thumb in her mouth. Richard the six year old boy was gone forever. Baby Becky lay in her crib,propped her Teddy Bear beside her, and drifted off to sleep. THE END
  4. Something I wrote a while ago, but was unsure of whether to post here or not... before thinking to myself, "Why not?" Crossword Puzzle “So bored!” Victor whined for the tenth time that hour as he lazily lounged on the couch in nothing but a shirt and his boxers. “Then do something!” His roommate Kevin replied back, sick of hearing how bored Victor was as he donned his jacket. “I’ve got an idea, why don’t you do a crossword puzzle to pass the time?” “That’s lame!” “Better than hearing you complain ever five minutes. Hmm…” Kevin smiled as an idea came to him. “How about I make you a deal? I’m heading out to pick up a few things, and if can finish a puzzle by the time I get back, then I’ll buy you dinner.” The promise of free food immediately perked Victor’s interest. “Deal!” “Figured you would,” Kevin said as he pulled out a crossword puzzle book from a drawer and flipped it to a random page. “Try this one, I’m sure it won’t be too difficult for someone like you…” Victor just stuck his tongue out as he took the book from Victor and went to work, barely hearing as his roommate left. Victor chuckled, knowing that he had already won this bet. His roommate just said he had to finish the puzzle, he never said anything about looking up the answers if he got stuck… Not that he needed to resort to that, as Victor quickly found himself cruising through the clues, filling in one blank after another with ease. His roommate must have picked one for little kids with how easy this was. Before long, he had breezed through the across section and moved onto the down section. “A short garment typically worn by teenage girls, nine letters…” Victor had to think about that one before it suddenly clicked. “I know, miniskirt!” He chuckled again as he pencilled in the answer. Yep, miniskirt, like the one he was wearing right now. Next clue: “Thumb substitute for an infant, eight letters”. That one didn’t take him too long, as he wrote in “pacifier”. “Twat was ethay!” He mumbled as he suckled away at his Paci, content that he had something to occupy his mouth with other than his thumb. “Disposable garment for a baby, six letters… That’s a diaper!” He loudly announced, crinkling slightly as he shifted in place to accommodate the bulk of his thick diapers. He loved the cushiony feel he got from his diapers and they helped cushion his butt while sitting down. “Mythical one-horned animals, 8 letters,” read the next clue. He giggled to himself as he wrote “Unicorns” into the spaces. Yep, unicorns, like the ones happily prancing across his diaper and the ones that went into hiding whenever it was wet. Not that he needed his diapers, he just liked wearing them was all. “Soaking __, three letters.” “That’s easy! It’s wet!” Hissssss… Victor paused as he felt a warmth begin to envelop his crotch. Taking his mind off the puzzle for a moment, he pulled up his miniskirt and watched as the unicorns happily prancing across the pink padding slowly began to vanish as his diaper began to darken in the front. Reaching down, Victor squeezed the front of his diaper, feeling it squish as it absorbed the contents of his bladder. “Uh oh…” Kevin would be mad that he went himself again. He’d promised to try using the potty more, but he had been so preoccupied with the crossword puzzle that he hadn’t even noticed he’d needed to go. Maybe Kevin wouldn’t be too mad once he finished the puzzle… Moving on to the next clue, Victor ignored an odd voice in the back of his mind as he focused on solving the puzzle before his roommate returned home. “A male caregiver, five letters.” It had to be Daddy! Just like Kevin, his loving Daddy who changed his diapers and took care of him whenever he needed it! Daddy had promised that if he finished this puzzle before he came back then he would take him out to dinner! “Making a ___, four letters, beginning with “M” and ending with “SS”. Moss? No… Miss? Also no… MESS! It just had to be mess, just like… Gurgle, grumble… Like the mess he needed to make right now, lifting up his butt in order to better position himself. Grunting, Victor pushed a load into the seat of his diaper, causing it to sag from the weight of his new mess. Pushing some more, he made sure to get all of it out before sighing with relief and plopping back down, feeling the fresh mess squishing against his rear. While a little unpleasant, he didn’t mind since he knew Daddy would surely change him when he got home. Back to the puzzle, the next clue read, “Hired cleaner, female, four letters.” What was the word for that again? It was on the very tip of his tongue… That’s right, a maid! Just like him! He was his Daddy’s maid, helping clean around the house whenever his Daddy asked him. Daddy even let him wear the cute uniforms like the one he was wearing right now! Only a few more clues were left to be filled in now, one of them being “To follow orders without question, four letters.” Easy, “obey”. Just like he had to obey whenever Daddy told him to do something like clean the house, do the laundry, or make dinner. He loved being able to serve Daddy like that, it made him feel so special! With only one more clue left to solve, Victor perked up at the sound of the door opening. “Daddy!” He called out as he forgot about the puzzle book entirely and happily waddled over to the entranceway, his short skirted maid uniform doing nothing hide the sagging, used state of his diapers. He didn’t care though, Daddy was home and that was all that mattered. Kevin smiled as he saw his now diapered maid run up to him. “There’s my happy little maid,” He said as he ruffled Victor’s hair playfully. “Were you a good sissy while Daddy was away, Vicky?” “I was very good, Daddy!” Vicky replied, sucking away at his pacifier like it was the most natural thing. “I even finished the puzzle you gave me, just like you asked!” “Really? Can you show Daddy then?” Giggling, Vicky happily lead Kevin over to where he had left the puzzle book. “See?” “Hmm… You did a good job, but it seems you left one answer blank…” “What!?” To his horror, Vicky found that in his haste to greet his Daddy, he had forgotten to fill the last space with an answer. He pouted as he realized he had failed Daddy. Surely Daddy would be mad at him for not doing as he was told and punish him with the paddle, or a time out, or, worst of all, sending him to bed without dessert! “Tell you what…” Victor said, “… You did such a good job that I’ll still take you out to dinner like I promised.” “R-Really?! Oh, thank you, Daddy!” Vicky ran over and hugged Daddy, relieved that he wasn’t going to be punished. “On one condition, thought. You finish what you started and solve the last clue. Can you do that for me, sissy?” “Sure I can!” Picking up the book and pencil, Vicky hastily read the last clue. “Sexually stimulated, seven letters.” He thought long and hard about the answer before it suddenly dawned on him. “Aroused! A–R–O… U… S…” Vicky almost dropped the book entirely as a warm tingling quickly spread throughout his diaper, Unlike the warm feeling he got whenever he wet and messed his diaper, this feeling was a thousand times more intense and filled his entire being to the point he could barely fill in the last few letters. “E… D!” As the last letter was filled in, Vicky could no longer contain himself and dropped the book and pencil as both hands grabbed at his diaper, rubbing the used padding up against his growing erection. Before he could get far, however, Kevin stopped him. “Ah, ah, ah, you know the rule, Sissy. You have to ask Daddy first if you want to make cummies in your diapers, remember?” Vicky did remember, and trembled with excitement as he replied through the still building pressure. “Pl–Please, Daddy! Can I make cummies in my… my DIAPERS?!” “Hmm… Alright, you can rub yourself as much as you want but no cummies until Daddy says so. Daddy will count to ten and only when he is done can you make cummies, understand?” “Y–Yes, Da–Daddy!” Without waiting another moment, Vicky began to rub himself furiously through used diapers, squishing it up against his.body as his building orgasm grew.” “1…2… 3… 4…” “Ple–Please, Daddy!” “5…6…7…5… Oh, looks like I’ve lost count. Better start all over again!” “D–Daddy!” Vicky whined as his rubbing only increased further, dropping helplessly to his knees as his mind filled only with the desire to grope himself more and more in a desperate attempt at release. “…7…8…9…” Kevin paused for a moment, savouring it as he looked over the helpless sissy maid lying at his feet. “… 10” With a thunderous cry that likely echoed through their apartment complex, Vicky came hard into his diapers, riding the aftershocks of the greatest orgasm he had ever experienced in his life for several moments. During all this, that nagging voice in the back of his mind that had been attempting fruitlessly to get his attention ever since he had started the crossword puzzle was quietly snuffed out by such a powerful orgasm, leaving nothing but an obedient, diaper loving sissy maid named Vicky remaining. “That’s a good sissy,” Daddy said as he patted Vicky on the head. “Now, crawl your sticky butt to the bedroom and Daddy will get you all ready for to go out, is that clear?” “Y…yes, Daddy…” Vicky replied as he got onto his hands and knees and obediently began to crawl his way towards the bedroom, still panting from the overwhelming orgasm he had just experienced. Kevin smiled as he watched Vicky’s retreating diaper butt, his own erection growing beneath his shorts. “I should have done this a long time ago…”
  5. this is being made for @kasarberang Story Contest. Chapter 1 i fucked up... “Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister. “Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true. “Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me. ********** But I think that’s a little too far ahead. Let’s rewind a bit to last week and the last day of school. “Come on, do you realize how hard it was for me to jack his keys?” I asked my friends as we snuck out of the school and made our way to the high school parking lot. “Are you sure this is a good idea? You’re stealing your brother’s car.” my friend told me “Oh dont worry, this is going to be fun,” I tell them as I got into the car. But my friends had second thoughts. “Fine, ill do it myself,” I tell them drove off to do donuts on the football field. But what was supposed to be a harmless prank were I would do a few donuts before getting out and running away, wound up me flipping my brother’s car upside down and becoming stuck and unable to get out of the car. The police came, I got probation and I was told I would need to pay for all the damages to the school and my brother’s car. Along with replacing a 4 thousand dollar computer, my brother was fixing for his college friend. “Come on dad, you got to help me, theirs no way I can pay for all of this,” I tell my dad over the phone. “Your 18, not my fault you consistent stupid stunts all over town makes it hard for you to find a job. It’s your problem. You fix it.” my dad tells me before hanging up. That last stunt was the last straw with him and he kicked me out and disowned me. With no were left to go I was forced to move in with my older brother. The two of us couldn’t be more different. He was a tall nerdy guy who never really went out or anything. I was two years younger than him and despite being very short, I was a party animal. Always getting into trouble and doing whatever I wanted. “Fucking hell. How am I supposed to pay back all this debt?” I grumble. “Hey bro, you know any high paying jobs that need minimal work?” Honestly, it was mostly just a joke but I did hope he could think of something for me to do. “Actually I do,” he responded to my surprise. “Realy? What is it?” *********** “Hi, im Eric. my brother told me you were looking for some type of help?” I greeted myself. “Yes. I was hoping to higher someone to be my little sister’s playmate.” Julia tells him with a smile. Julia was 20 and was from a rich family. I mainly knew her from a lot of the college party’s I would sneak into. Supposedly her parents are constantly gone for some reason or another. “So you want me to babysit her?” I asked a little confused. “No, I want you to be her playmate. Keep her entertained and such.” Julia tells me. “Well, that doesn’t sound too hard,” I tell her. “How much would the job be?” Julia smiled as handed over a piece of paper. Highlighted was how much I would be making. And my eyes nearly popped out of my head. “I would advise you to read it over carefully before signing. Just call me and let me know if you accept the job.” Julia tells me just before her watch beeps. “Oh, look at the time. Got to go meet up with the next person looking into the job.” “Wait, hold up,” I tell her as I grab her hand to stop her. “I’ll take the job.” “Please, I really think you should look over the contract first,” Julia tells me. ‘Oh, it will be fine.” I tell her. I would be a fool not to take this job.” I tell her as I look down at the paper and start signing my name. I never noticed the sly smile on Julia’s face as I finished writing my name. “So, when do I start?” I asked with a big smile on my face. **************** “You know, dumbasses like you really need to learn to read the fine print,” Julia tells me in a snarky attitude I had never seen before. I just stared dumbfounded at the outfit she had laid out for me. “There is no way im wearing, that!” I shout. “Why dont you take this time to actually read what you sighed yourself up for,” Julia tells me as she hands me a copy of the original contract. To sum it up briefly, I just sined my life to Julia for the next two months to be a live-in “playmate”. While I am staying here, I must ware what I am given and do as im told. Should I disobey, I will be punished by Julia in any way she sees fit. Should I quit or try to leave the job, I forfeit all money I would have made during my stay. I also would be charged a cancellation fee should I brake the contract. And, it wasn't a small amount. “Well, us, I could sue you for tricking me into signing this!” I tell her nervously. “But I recorded the who interview and you eagerly signing the contact,” Julia tells me with a grin. “But if you still want to that’s fine. Just hope you could afford a good lawyer, mine is just a phone call away.” My eyes went wide as I realized just how screwed I was. Julia stood up and slowly walked over to me with a sly grin on her face until she was standing right over me. “I suggest you put on your new outfit. Betty has been dying to meet you.” Like that, I have left alone in a large room looking down at the outfit she was wanting me to ware. I gulped and for just a moment wondered how much of my debt I could pay off if I sold my kidney? Most likely not enough to make a dent in the debt I would have if I broke the contract. Reluctantly, I started striping and picked up the girly pink dress in front of me. Put on the matching pink socks and black mary jane shoes. Finally was the one piece I really didn't want to put on. “You better hurry, she's coming,” Julia tells me through the door. I let out a big sigh as I layout the large diaper on the floor and oddly sat down on it. I had never put on a diaper before and it was much harder then I thought it would. “Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister. “Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true. “Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me. An 18-year-old boy sitting on the floor dressed as a sissy toddler. How much worse could this all get? Much, much worse... “Awww, she’s so cute.” Betty sais as she comes over to pet me on the head while im still on the floor. “Hey, knock it off,” I tell the kid as stand up. Before im all the way up, I feel a hand yank me up and I feel 3 hard slaps to the back of my diaper. I didn’t really feel it, but it was a surprise. “Dont you talk to your big sister that way,” Julia told me as she let go of my arm. “Big sister?” I questioned. “Ya, im the big sister while you're the baby sister,” Betty tells me. “Baby? What are you talking about? Im no baby and im not a girl.” I tell the kid. It was then I noticed Betty was actually taller than me. Which was unexpected. Ya, im short but this kid was taller than average. “Could have fooled us,” Julia commented as she rased up my dress and revealed my diaper. I quickly pushed the dress back down and was blushing. “I think someone needs to be reminded of the rules” Julia commented with a smile. “Ya, the rules.” Better imitated her older sister. Julia walked over to the contract and flipped a few pages. “I’ll summarize it for you, but basically you are now Betty’s live-in baby sister. You are to play with her and do what she wants. If you backtalk to her or me, you will be punished. If you try to hurt her in any way you will be punished. You are not allowed to do anything inappropriate while in this home. You will be provided a living space and meals every day. Along with a new work uniform, you must wear, as you already know.” Julia tells me and smirks at my outfit. “Lastly, should you quit or do anything that could dangerously harm Betty, you will be fired and forfeit the right to all the money you would earn while staying here.” I knew she had put me between a rock and a hard place. If what she said earlier, there is no way I could quit without causing far more problems then I already have. I just had to suck it up and play her stupid game for two months. Once that was over, I would have more than enough to pay back all my debt and even have enough left over to live a cushy life for a while. ‘So what are you?” Julia asked me. “A, Baby sister,” I mumbled. “Ya, you're my baby sister,” Betty shouted as she grabbed my arm. “Now let's go check out your new room.” The kid forcibly drugged me out of the room and through a few hallways. Just how big was this house? Before I knew it I was in front of a bright pink door that had BABY written on the door. “Here we are,” Betty tells me as she opened the door and nearly had my jaw drop. Inside the room was what looked like a huge nursery. In the center of the room was a large crib that looked to be just my size. On the back wall was a strange-looking table with diapers surrounding it. Beside that was a rocking chair. On one wall I could see a large toy box filled with toys and large stuffed animals surrounding it. On the other wall, I saw a large dresser next to a closet. The one thing I wondered about however was something above the weird table. A large label saying WARNING right above a small hook. “Come on, come and see what's inside,” Betty tells me as she drags me into the room. I was sat in front of the toybox while Betty pulled out different toys to show me. “How is the new baby liking her new room?” Julia asked as she came in. “She’s loving it,” Betty tells her while I roll my eyes. “Ya, really loving it,'' I say sarcastically while folding my arms. “I think someone is a little cranky because they are hungry,” Julia says in a mock baby voice. “Lunchtime,” Betty said happily as she grabs my hand again and yanks me up. What the hell was wrong with this kid? Despite being a teen she clearly acted far younger. When we got to the kitchen, I saw a high chair that I was taken to and told to sit in. I rolled my eyes again and did as I was told and sat in the oversized baby furnisher. Betty sat in the chair next to me while waiting for Julia to show up and make lunch. While Betty had chicken nuggets and fries, I was given a bowl of green goop, a bowl of yellow goop, and a bowl with some type noodles in it. “You want to feed the baby?” Julia asked Betty. “Yes,” Betty replied happily as she took a spoon and got some of the green goop. “There is no way I'm eating that,” I tell Julia “Aww, don't be like that, it's good for you,” Julia tells me as Betty starts moving the spoon closer to me. I just smack the spoon out of her hand. “Agin, I'm not eating that,'' I tell them. Suddenly Julia grabs my arm and before I even know what's going on it's tied to the side of the high chair. Then she does the same to the other. Effectively trapping me in place. “Now this is just a warning. Be a good baby and eat your lunch or someone is going to be punished.” Julia tells me with a smile. Despite the warm smile she was giving me, I suddenly had a cold rush down my spine. Betty grabbed a new spoon and tried again. This time, while I was reluctant, I opened my mouth and ate what I was given. The texter was awful, but the taste wasn't too bad. Either vegetable or fruity. I was then free to eat the blamed noodles with my hands. “Such a good baby,” Betty tells me as she pats me on the head. I grumble a bit before I am given a bottle of juice with a baby nipple on top. Of course, I would need to drink from a baby bottle. Fucking hell. I let out a loud sigh before grabbing the bottle and started drinking it. Before I was even done I felt a slight twinge in my bladder. At first, I didn't think anything of it until I realized something. I'm forced to wear a diaper. Are they also going to make me use it? *************** Julia walked out of the kitchen for a moment as she got an important call. “How is my baby girl doing today?” a man's voice sais. “Very good Daddy,” Julia responds with a bright smile on her face. “Everything is going great. Betty is having fun with her new playmate.” “That's great to hear baby girl.” Daddy tells Julia as a pleasant feeling runs down her body. “They haven't cared too much trouble with Betty right?” “No Daddy, they are a little stubborn but they are behaving for now,” Julia tells Daddy. “That's good. Make sure you train them right.” daddy tells her. “I will daddy, I promise I'll teach her everything she needs to know,” Julia tells Daddy. “I can't wait to meet her. Got to go, be a good girl for daddy, and teach her well.” Daddy tells Julia. “I will daddy, love you,” Julia replies as she hangs up. Another pleasant feeling rushes through her body as she lets out a girlish giggle. She peeks back into the kitchen and looks at Eric as he is looking at his diaper with a puzzled look. Julia bites her lip as she fantasizes what she was about to do to Eric to make him into the perfect little sissy for daddy.
  6. This is a sequel to "human to baby Pokémon" it takes place after my story please read that before this one! Storm the part eevee and part ralts child of Dakota the gardevoir and dill the eevee. Storm always knew his mom and dad where hiding something from him but when he snuck in to there room to find out he did not plan on the punishment he would get. He just hopes none of his friends come over. And what will happen when he goes back to school? Well find out in this story. Storm looks kinda like a eevee and kinda like a ralts in ways he can stand on his back legs looking mostly like a eevee that can walk in his back legs. It was the first change in Pokémon breading with different species and being part humans. But after all the humans where gone this became the normal thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Storm is a cute eevee and ralts boy a standing eevee basicly. He about 12 years old he's a guy that's very manly and hates anything childish and girly. Unfortunately though he didn't know about his dad's urges. His mom and dad keep that secret from him. But he was always curious why his dad never evolved. It was stupid to him but he couldn't change his mind. But one day at night while he was soppose to be sleeping he hered his mom taking out the trash. He peeked out his door and seen his mom holing a smelly bag and taking it outside he noticed a thing of baby power sticking out of it. He didn't think much of it And shrugged it off and went back to his bedroom. But he couldn't get the thought of his mom and dad keeping a secret from him. He had to know! "ahh! I can't take it I have to find out what there hidding! But how can I do it without them noticing..." Suddenly a idea hits him. He remembered his parents had a school meeting today to talk about his own school work and stuff. But he couldn't go because it was adults only or something stupid like that. He smirks and covers up just you wait till I find out this secret. Shortly after storm fell asleep. He sleeps only in boxers. After all the humans become pokemon and had kids the adults make all the new kids wear clothing because they have more human like bodys. Kinda. The next morning storm get woke up being shook some. "storm sweetheart it's time to wake up" A gardevoir said in a soft voice. Her name was Dakota. Storms mom. Strom groaned "I'm sleeping leave me alone..." Dakota glares. "brat I said get up..." Dakota picks him up with her psychic powers and walks him to the bathroom. He blushed hating to be picked up like this. "mom!" She smirks. "I don't care young man now take a shower you haven't bathed in like a week you reek..." She sets him down and he grumbles. "I don't reak! I just smell like a big man!" She looks unamused. "mhm.... Or a baby that hasn't been changed" He bushes "alright ill take one! Just leave." Dakota laughes and leaves the bathroom. "and make sure to clean everything young man or ill come do it for you!" His face couldn't go any brighter red. "I hate it when she dose that... Thank God she don't say this stuff when my friends are over..." Storm removes his boxers and gets in the shower making sure to take a good shower then remembering last night. "oh ya! The secret... Heh once I find this out I bet I can use it against them to get anything I want!" He giggles to himself excitedly. Cleaning up quicker and getting out drying off and finding some clothes layed out for him. Must have been his mother choice. They looked casual. He threw on the boxers and a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. "alright they should be leaving after breakfast... Then my chance." He leaves the bathroom and goes to the kitchen to see his dad, dill the eevee sitting on the kitchen chair and smiles at him. "hey kiddo! You going to be OK while me and your mom are gone?" He rolls his eyes. "duh..." He sits in a chair by his dad. And his mom puts pancakes down in front of them both. "ok eat up if anyone needs help I'll feed them." She giggles. And he roll his eyes. He can't belive they would think he can't eat himself he's freaking 12! And she still asks this. Then again she seems to look at dad when she says it. After breakfast mom and dad give me a hug. And mom looks at me. "ok emergency numbers are on the fridge and you know the rules no going in to our room without permission. Got it?" He grones. "yes mother... Shesh...." His Mom kisses his cheek making him blush and they leave. And storm takes a sigh of relief. "about flipping time... Shesh I'll wait a while to make sure they don't come back in." Storm sits down on the couch and watches some TV. Half a hour passes before he remembers. "CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT!" he jumps down from the couch and runs to his mom and dad's room nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Except it smelled like baby powder and stuff almost like a nursery. But he shrugged it off to old people smell and laughed. He looked under there bed and found a strange box he pulls it out and sits it on the edge of the bed. It's a box full of stuff like a pasifier a large one and like toddler toys. "where these my old toys...? This was definitely not my old pasifier though... This thing looks like it's for a adult... Maybe it was when mom and dad where kids? They told me there life story mostly..." He shrugged and put the lid back on it and goes to the closet and opens it up and his eyes get huge. There's a large supply of diapers and not for baby's like adult diapers but they also had some kinda baby print on them. And clothing that looks like it would fit dad suddenly it hits him. His dad dresses up like a baby. He starts to laugh. "oh my God! I can't wait to tell eveyone! I'm going to embarrass him so much!" He pulls out one of the large diaperes and unfolds it. "I sometimes forget dad's still a eevee so he's not much bigger then me... Creepy. These could almost fit-" Suddenly he's cut off from the door shutting and his eyes get big and hide the diaper halfway in his pants and half in his shirt and starts to panic seeing he left the box of stuff out he goes to move it when Dakota walks in. "STORM! What are you doing young man!" He froze with fear. Not even sure what to say his mom turns him around as he's holing the box and the diaper falls our from under his shirt and it hanging down from his pants and he blushes. And his mom smirks. "I see you found daddy's stash. And just what where you planning on doing with that?" He felt his hear beating like crazy. "n-nothing..." She smiles. "oh I get it! You wanted to test them out didn't you?" His eyes get big and shake his head. "n-no!!" Dakota laughes. Then glares at him. "i don't care if you did or not your in a lot of trouble and as punishment... you will while you are at home will be treated very special for ohh... 3 months." He gulps. "s-special...?" She just smiles and takes the box from his hand and sits it on the bed. Then grabs his hand. what could she have in store for him? He wondered it kinda scared him he never seen him mom act so... Sweet it was almost scary. He hopes he won't regret this. Chapter 2 Mom picks me up and sits me on. The Edge of there bed I sit there just staring and mom pulls out the diaper from my pants making me blush she smiles. "dill sweety! Can you come in to our bedroom?" Dad runs in and his eyes get big seeing me siting on the bed and a diaper in mom's hand he blushes. "w-what are you doing with that silly thing Dakota?" He looked very nervous I could see why they would hide this from me...i didn't know my dad was so... weird... "he knows dill" He almost wined a bit. "I think it's time we had a talk with him. And explain this to him." My eyes get big. "n-no I'm fine! I don't-" Mom glares at me it was scary. "storm shut up you are in trouble... Only speak when spoken too understand me young man?" I gulp and look down nodding she smiled. "good! Now as for all this stuff your dad is into acting like a child in diapers. That's also why he hasn't evolved." Acting like a child... And wear diapers... OK he's very weird... And he hasn't evolved because he likes to pretend he's a child... And mom tells me to grow up...I can see dad blushing and I look at him strangely. Mom pulls him closer and yanks off dad's pants and my eyes get big as I see this wet looking diaper on him it was sagging. I can't belive it... My dad's a big baby... "d-dakota!" Dad is blushing insanely and mom smirks. "alright! Dill wanted like a month where he didn't have to do anything he could pretend to be a child or baby." Dad covers his face and I look in disgust. "so dill you and storm will be my baby's for 3 months! No more adult thing except when storm has to go to school. Dill you don't work so you will be a baby most people in town know already so no normal clothes for 3 months" My face goes pale. D-did she just say my name too...dad sighs. "yes Dakota...but storm too? Why?" Mom smirks. "I'm not Dakota I'm mommy for the next few months. And storm is in a lot of trouble that's why. He broke his promise and this is what happens to kids who break promises!" I could barely think straight. "Y-you can't be serious mom...? This is a joke right? I-I'm sorry I won't do it again! But if I get caught people will laugh at me for the rest of my life!" Mom just giggles and winks at me. "then I guess you better not be caught. But don't worry you don't start school for a week you will have time to adjust to your new life style at home baby." I blush and glare "I'm not doing this..." Mom smirks. "I kinda hoped you would say that" Suddenly my body feels paralyzed. M-my mom just used paralyze on me! Oh my God I can't move is all I could think before I fall on my back blushing this can't be about to happen! "ok dill you first let's teach storm the rules while I change your dirty diapy." Dad blushes and walks up to my mom she picked him up and pulled out a strange table from the wall. It was a large changing table. She lays dad on it and starts untappeing his diaper and pulls it down I look away at this point. I don't want to see my dad's... thing... "aww looks like the little baby soaked himself that's OK mommy here to change you and make you all clean." I blush just from like second hand embarrassment. And knowing she's going to do this to me. "d-dose dad have... Like bladder problems?" Mom looked at me as she put a clean diaper on dad. "unfortunately he never learned to use the bathroom..." Dad blushes like crazy. "why?" Mom laughes. "your dad has been into diapers and I think he just didn't want to lean and going this long kinda messed up his bladder and doctors say he will never have control." What do they mean by into them? Like he just enjoys them? Weird... I don't see why people enjoy that... Being mocked looked down on... I'm already looked down on and treated like a child. He dose it willingly. Suddenly mom puts dad down and I float in the air going closer to her and my heart races. "m-mom please! We can talk about this I'm sorry please don't do this!" I start shaking and tearing up. I rarely cry but this was so humiliating I couldn't take it. "aww... Storm... It's ok... Don't cry mommy's here." She hugs me and I lean against her unable to move still crying. And Shaking. I don't even notice my mom taking off my shirt and pants. Then when she removes my boxers it hits me what she's done and I cry more. "no mommy don't please!" She just smiles laying me on the changing table and I'm blushing not liking being naked in front of my mom and dad. Mom grabs a diaper from the closet and unfolds it and lifts up my butt putting the diaper under me. All I can do is watch in horror as my mother diapers me a 12 year old! "aww your going to look so cute Storm!" I blush more and watch as she puts baby powder on me and flips the diaper over me. Just wait till she puts me down Im ripping this thing off. She straps it on then touches the front and a lock appears in it and looks like it locks and disappears. "magic my mom used on me heheh no matter how hard you try you won't be able to remove this." She can't be serious right...? This can't be happening my whole life is ruined! All because i had to find out my mom and dad's secret! And it some how it turned in to my own secret and If I tell people I'll give away my own it's not fair! Mom picks me up and I feel the paralyze disappear and she puts me down in nothing but a diaper. I blush and try and hide it. It's so hard to close my legs completely. I haven't had to use one of these since I was 3...now I get to do it for 3 months. And school starts in one week... If anyone catches me they will humiliate me to no end...this is the end of my life as the cool kid... And my new life as the freaking stupid laughing stalk baby...wait... Mom don't expect me to use this right?! Chapter 3 Mom grabbed my hand and then my dad's hand then she walked us both into the front room and sat us both on her lap. It was so weird to see my dad on my mom lap and looking like a baby. Wait what am I saying I also look like a damn baby sitting on my moms lap! God I want to die from embarrassment. "alright kiddos. Dill you probably know most of the rules but I'm going to explain the rules for the next few months." Dad lays his head on mom and sucks his thumb then looks at me blushes and hides his face in mom's chest. Is it possible to disown my own dad... "alright rule number one. You wear diapers for 3 full months no exceptions. There's a few more for storm once school starts it's a punishment not trying to make him the laughing stalk of the school." I kinda take a sigh of relief. "wait...? So d-dose that mean I got to use it... To... You know?" Mom smirks and quiets me. "I was getting to that. No more trips to the bathroom. You can only use the diaper." My eyes get big. "but that's disgusting!" Mom laughs. "you don't have a choice storm. Now rule number 3 you will both refer to me as mommy. No mom no Dakota nothing but mommy" I blush. "W-what about around my friends?" Mom pats my head. "oh especially around your friends" She giggles and I blush looking down at the padding between my legs. Curiosity killed the cat... Honestly I wish I did more like curiosity diapered the cat... I let out a big sigh. And continued to listen to mom. "rule number 4 you both will act like your age 3 years old when at home well Dill has to act like it for the full 3 months no exceptions. Storm only has to do it when he's at home while out or at school you can act your normal age of 12. Rule number 5 if you need a change you call me if at school or wherever I'll teleport there and change you. I'll try and keep people from finding out." I just stare at my diaper. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. My life is over. I'm going to be called a baby for the rest of my life. Mom sighs. And pets on dad who's clearly embarrassed to see me acting like this. "This is how we will punish you from now on Strom. "little" punishment. This is to teach you what's right from wrong. We don't believe in spanking or anything we don't like violent punishment for reasons. But I'm sure the fear of everyone will find out about this if you don't listen to us will make you act good won't it?" Spanking me probably wouldn't have made me listen... But this... This isn't fair! I don't have a choice or i'll be mocked! I'm that cool kid at my school! But I sigh. "yes mom... " She clears her throat. And glares a bit. "I-i mean... Yes M-mommy..." I bush oh my God that's so embarrassing! I haven't called her mommy since I was also like 3! "alright I think that's most of the rules now I think it's almost bedtime for my Little ones." Wait what? Bed time? I look at the clock. "U-uhh.... Mommy it's only like 7pm..." She nods and stands up holding me and dad in her arms my eyes get big and I hold on to her scared I haven't been held like this for a long time. Mom takes dad to his bedroom and lays him down. "goodnight baby" Dad blushes and smiles. "goodnight mommy!" Man just him calling mom mommy is kinda weird... What am I talking about this has been the strangest day of my life.. Mom takes me to my room and tucks me in to bed and kisses me I blush. "M-mom..." She giggles. "you're so cute your going to make a cute baby for a few months. But it's nap time. Oh you don't need changed do you? Because you won't get one till tomorrow morning." My face goes bright red. "n-no! I don't plan on using it..." She laughs. "well you will have to sooner or later. Unless you can hold it in for 3 months. Anyways good night love you." She leaves my room and i grone but I won't lie she did tuck me in to a really comfortable spot. No I can't fall asleep... It's too early... Only babies go to sleep... This.... Early.... But it was too late I passed out asleep. Probably from all the stress of today. DREAM I woke flipping the covers off me and to my surprise I was still in my boxers I smile great big. "yes! It was just a nightmare!" I jump out of bed and opened my door I see mom and dad sitting on the couch completely normal. "thank God it was just a dream..." I walk in to the front room. "hey mom? Dad? I'm hungry can I get something to eat?" They don't even act like I'm there. "... Mom? Dad? Hello?" I walk in front of them and my eyes get big. Mom and dad were suddenly younger mom was a ralts and dad was still an eevee. They were in diapers laughing and playing with each other. "mom! Dad! What happened to you two?!" Suddenly something talks in a deep voice. "I changed them in to baby's just like I'll do to you next." My body freezes and I turn and look and it's a giant diaper floating in the air coming at me I scream. And cry. NEXT MORNING I wake up screaming sitting up really fast and hugging myself shaking I pull the covers back and I see my greatest fear. The diaper. I sniff and wipe my eyes when mom ran in. "storm?! What's wrong?! Are you ok?" I nod wiping my eyes. "J-just a nightmare..." Mom hugs me and I hugged her back she gives me a confused look and suddenly grabs the front of my diaper I scream and blush. "MOM!" She smiles and kisses my cheek. "looks like that nightmare was very scary... How about we get you change?" My eyes get big and I feel the front of my diaper it was warm. N-no this can't be happening! I never wet the bed! No no no! This was just a one time thing! I know it was. I blush like crazy as mom picks me up. I can't believe this is happening. Chapter 4 While this is happening it hits me. I don't have to deal with this why am I accepting this happened?! I starts struggling in my mom's arms. I might be stuck in a dang diaper buts I'm not stuck acting like a damn baby! "put me down!!" Mom holds me well walking me to her room before I swing my arm and accidentally smack her across the face. My face goes pale as she stops and glares back at me with the most pissed off look I ever seen my mom have. "you're in so much trouble... We might not believe in hitting you but I'll show you something much... Much worse." This was terrible... Good job Strom you went and made a terrible situation worse. Mom lays me on the changing table still looking pissed I didn't move as she removes the diaper and wipes me with a cold baby wipe. I blush a lot it's so weird to have my mom clean me up. But something tells me it's going to be a bad day. Mom pulls out a new diaper and my face blushes like crazy. It was pink very girly. And mom walks over with it. "don't you dare start struggling or it will be so bad on you... Did you know I always wanted a little girl?" Mom puts it under my butt. Holy crap this thing feels thick and it's not even on yet?! Then it hits me. Mom's not planning on treating me like a girl right?! She knows I absolutely hate that. "b-but mom..." She laughs as she puts the new tick girly diaper on me it made my legs spread far then I see the locking thing again. Won't be removing this either... "aww my cute girl stormy! Good thing your the same size as your dad. I'm using the same sissy stuff I used on him when he pissed me off." Mom opens her closet and pulls out a pink dress as well and smirks. I start crying again I don't know why I this makes me cry. But I can't help it. "m-mom I don't want to be a girl it's bad enough I have to be a dumb baby!" She smiles and puts the dress on me. "don't worry, it's just today you really pissed me off for hitting me so this is what you get. Any other day you piss me off depending on how much you make me mad the punishment will change. I just hope for your sake you don't piss me off during school heh" She wouldn't make me dress up as a girl and send me to school right? No... This is mother she would so do that. OK no more pissing off mom... But God kill me. This is so embarrassing mom picks me up and kisses all over my face. "who's momma's pretty little girl!" I just look down to embarrassed to even speak. Mom takes me to the kitchen where I see dad in a highchair he's got syrup all over him and he's only in a diaper and I think we both blush and look away from each other. But dad giggles. "looks like mommy made you her girl... Better you then me..." Mom sighs. "dill your a mess come on let's go give you a shower. Stormy you will sit here and eat some pancakes while I give your dad a bath" Mmm pancakes do sound good mom puts me on the ground on my butt and undoes dad. I'm trying to get up but the damn diapers so thick I can't close my legs enough and I just fall back down and cross my arms and pout. Dad's set beside me then I'm picked up and put in a highchair and locked in with the tray in front of me. Eww... It still sticky from dad... What the heck did he do? Mom picks up dad and puts cut up pancakes on my tray. "alright you eat while I bathe your dad." She turns on the TV to some baby TV show. I grown as mom walks off. "this is awful... This highchairs all sticky! I have this TV thinking I'm some dumb baby now I can't even find my fork! Mom! You forgot my fork!" No response. "Does she really expect me to eat without one..." Then I remember how sticky dad was. Wait... Oh my God she dose... Gross... So I grab one of the pieces covered in syrup carefully with 2 fingers and eat it. At least it's good. I sigh and keep this up till there gone. Getting quite a bit of syrup on me. And sit there for what seems like forever. Watching TV out of boredom. "I'm going to have this stupid song stuck in my head all day... Can I just grab a knife and cut out my own ear drums?" I sigh. "you know what no... That would hurt more than the music..." I sat there though another like 3 episodes of the same show. I hate to admit it but I was kinda starting to like it. The music was catchy the plot was bull. But at least the music was good. It was like watching a Disney show. Suddenly mom walks in and sits dad in a play pen I didn't even know we had. Then again this must have been dad's baby stuff or whatever I don't remember a high chair being in here either. "oh no look like we have another dirty baby!" I blush. And dad laughs. "don't worry, you get use to it after a while... Be careful if mommy gives you a bath though she's rough. Heheh..." I hated hearing dad call her mommy... Wait give me a- my eyes get big. No no no! My own mom is not about to give me a bath! "no im not giving her a bath at them moment I'll wipe off her hands and stuff with a baby wipe I just got her in her cute clothes and diaper." Her? Oh.... Right.... I groan. I forgot... I'm this stupid girl for the day... At Least no one can see me... That's when the doorbell rings. Chapter 5 Mom walks over to the door opening it my eyes get big and I look away praying to God it's no one I know and hopefully they just think I'm some dumb girl... Baby girl. I hear mom talking. "hello?" Then I hear a guy's voice. It sounds so familiar. "howdy ma'am. I'm just here to pass these to all families of kids that go to the new school." No I know I know that voice... "aww thanks so much young man... But what is it?" I got curious I turn and look slightly at them. I see mom talking to a male Grovyle my eyes get big. Why is the school bully here?! I must have caught his eye because I see him look at me and I blush and look away. "well... It's..." he shakes his head "it's the list of supplies you need to bring stuff has changed with the new generation of Pokemon I'm just supposed to pass them out...uhh cute... Babies?" Mom giggles. "thanks there both very rotten especially the one in the high chair" The Grovyle laughs some and I blush a lot thinking he found me out. "well she is cute. She looks a bit tall for her age but I guess most new generation Pokemon do." He shrugs. "by the way my names Bryn. But where's your kid? Shouldn't you have like a kid my age?" I started shaking and look over at them scared moms going to tell him. "oh. You mean Strom? S- ahem he's sick today in his room sleeping." He looks at me for awkwardly long time and this stupid smile goes over his face. "oh ok well I'm going to get going. Have fun with the baby boy and baby girl" Mom shuts the door and I blush hearing some laughing from outside. "m-mom! I-i think he knows!" I feel like I'm going to start crying. "oh relax stormy. He seemed like a sweet boy he wouldn't tell anyone." I look down. "sweet my ass... Mom! He was the school bully! He would pick on me all the time specifically! It's not Fair!" I start crying and Mom sighs and takes me out of the high chair and pats my butt making me blush as it makes noises. But I lay my head In her. "... I'm not over looking how you cursed stormy. That's another punishment. But what?" Dad giggles. "how about you break his bladder?... You always had fun doing that to me." Mom smirks and my eyes get big. "W-what....but I need that!" Mom touched my gut and a strange key like thing popped up and suddenly I hurt for a moment then it was gone and I got confused. "for the rest of today you will have no control of bladder for cursing. Tomorrow I'll fix it." I was shaking and stopped crying. "Y-you're joking... R-right?-" My eyes get huge as I felt warmth out of no where start to spread across my diaper. Mom smirks. "oh no looks like mommy's baby girls having her second accident." I blush insanely and hide my face. "just change me..." Mom tilts her head "nah it's just a small wet" Mom sits me in the playpen with dad. "Dill teach your baby sister how to play with toys and stuff." I was as bright as a tomato at this point. And I thought the embarrassment couldn't get worse. Mom walks off to clean up the kitchen and dad smiles at me and holds up a bunch of toys. "want to play?" I shake my head and lay down in the playpen trying to keep from crying. This has to be the worse time in my life... My dad is happy to act like a weirdo baby... My mom is making me be a baby and wear a freaking dress! I would take it off but who knows what the hell mom would have in store for me next... I shiver at the thought. Dad gets by me. "you best get use to this... You need to get in to a little space. Or this will be the longest 3 months of your life..." I sniff and look up at him. "what's a little space?" Dad thinks for a moment. "it's where you act like a toddler or baby and just forget how old You are and just have fun!" I look at him unamused. "no... No way am I doing that... Ever. I'm a guy! And I'm a teen! I'm not some dumb baby like you! You're just a creepy weirdo!" Dad tears up and start to cry. I look down not knowing what to do just poking at my diaper. It's so mushy and warm it's disgusting. Suddenly mom comes in and picks up dad and pats him and hugs him. "what's wrong sweetie?" Great... I'm going to be in even more trouble... "I-i accidentally pinched my finger!" My eyes get big and look up. "aww dose mommy need to kiss his finger" He nods and mom kisses his finger and giggles and dad lays his head in mom "... I'm tired can I go lay down?" Mom smiles and kisses dad's head. "sure let's go lay you down." They walk off to the bedroom and I sigh. Why was dad so nice and not get me in trouble? He could have made this worse... As much of a weirdo my dad is he's a very nice guy... I'm sorry dad...I pick up one of his toys he had. "I haven't played with toys since the bully mocked me for it... There for babies..." I grab another toy and pretend like there talking. "well guess what stupid bullie I am a baby now so I can play with all the toys I want. And my mommy's going to make. You a baby also" I giggle as I pull out a toy that looks kinda like mommy and and pretend like it beats up the bullie and puts him in a diaper. I laugh. "now who's a baby!" Then I hear moms voice who's clearly been there behind me for a while and my face goes bright red and I throw the toys. "having fun sweetie?" I shake my head "aww that's too bad. I think it was so cute. You need to relax storm. I feel like you think you have to grow up so fast... But you don't you can be mommy's baby as long as you want" I start tearing up and wipe my eyes. Mom leans down and kisses my head. I still hate this. But... I love all the attention I get... I feel like I'm really loved... If I wasn't forced to wear a diaper and a stupid dress... Chapter 6 Mom sat on the couch and watched me as I awkwardly moved toys around. I didn't want to play while she was watching me. It's embarrassing. We probably sat there for a few hours it was dark out. Man the days seem to go by faster when I'm like this. I guess I'm so embarrassed I forget what time it is. Mom comes over and leans down by me. "you getting kinda hungry?" Honestly I was kinda hungry. I keep looking down rubbing the toy I had on the floor lightly not wanting to look up at her. She smiles and picks me up. That's when it hit me I haven't peed all day. but I didn't even notice that I had used it so I just figured I didn't, because I'm not a Dumb baby who can't hold it. She can't take it away from me heh. She takes me to the fridge and pulls out a bottle. I groan please tell me she's not about to bottle feed me... I would rather die... She warms it up and tickels my stomach making me giggle and push her hand away. I blush. "heh your going to like your num nums aren't you stormy?" I look away I'm not giving that a response. I'm just looking forward that tomarrow I get to go back to being Strom and not this dumb stormy... Suddenly the microwave goes off and mom holds me on my back. "hey what are you-" But I was cut off by a bottle being pushed in my mouth. I was about to try to push it out of my mouth when my mom glares and I shake pulling my hands away. Mom's glares are scary... And I know if I piss her off more I might get something worse then a damn diaper and dress... "come on now stormy you should eat up or you might have to go to bed without supper" I grone and start sucking. Actually I hate to admit it but this stuffs not half bad. It's sweet. It's not milk like I thought but kinda like a oatmeal but not exactly. I drank on it about half way I closed my eyes relaxing before I knew it i was asleep. DREAM I woke up and I was in someone's arms. But when I went to say something only noises came out. It was strange. Then I hear moms voice she laughes some. "aww look Dill he's trying to talk." Wait mom? And dad's here? But where am I? On Closer inspection I think I'm on a plane? I keep trying to talk but no words suddenly a pasifier it put in my mouth. I wanted to spit it out. But I couldn't it was like my whole body relaxed and I just sucked looking at my mom and dad. Suddenly there's a large boom. We hear the pilot come over the radio. "where going down! Get eveyone out of the plane immediately make sure they all get out safely!" There was panic even I was scared I started crying shaking. Am I going to die? Mom and dad take me to a plane door they open it helping people out but while doing that I felt the wind blow hard and the plane shook really hard as well. And I flew out of my mom's arms. And out the door falling out of the plane. I cried and cried. I don't want to die! I can't die! No please mommy!! END OF DREAM I was still asleep but Dakota come flying in the room to my crying and screaming for mommy. And she shook me and I woke up. Hugging mom tight and crying and telling her what I saw in my dream but even I know I didn't really say words I was just so scared. "shhh... It was just a dream storm... You been having a lot of nightmare lately haven't you?" Mom holds me in her arms that's when it hit me I was naked but my yellowed diaper... Wait yellowed diaper. I blush insanely. N-not again! This makes me. Whimper a bit mom held me till I calmed down. "now you more calmed down." I was more relaxed I nod "mhm" I wipe my eyes and mom smiles. "good now how about we get you changed? That must have been a scary dream to make you wet yourself." I blush covering my face embarrassed. Mom laughes and picks me up taking me to her room where dad was sleeping in only a diaper... Also wet. But it definitely helped seeing him in the same situation kinda... He enjoyed it but it made me feel a bit more comfortable. Mom changes my stupid pink diaper and cleans me up and puts me in to a normal diaper. I look outside and it looks like the sun just coming up. It must be pretty early. I sigh and mom picks me up after my change and takes me to the front room. "how about some TV To relax to." Honestly that sounded nice. Mom sits down and sits be beside her she turns it on to the same kids shows as yesterday. They where doing more missions and singing. It it was relaxing. I watch them for a while then I lay my head on my mom and I can feel myself falling asleep again. Why am I falling asleep so often? And so early? I can't tell if Im just mentally exhausted... Or something else. Oh well...this has definitely made me grow closer to mom... I love her so much... And that nightmare only made me realize I'm scared that I'm going to lose them. Or maybe it was more they where scared to lose me? Wait? Now that I think about it it was super scary for me too but my nightmare tonight was completely different then yesterdays. Like someone was forcing me to have a nightmare... But that's not possible right? You can't just force someone to have a nightmare? I don't know I just want to rest. I hope today is atleast less embarrassing... Chapter 7 I woke up oddly I was super relaxed. I don't know why but I laid there and sucked on something in my mouth a bit longer. Then it hits me I spit out whatever is in my mouth and blush like crazy seeing a pacifier in my mouth. I throw it down. "damn it mom... I bet she was involved in this... Why would my body want something like that. That's so weird..." I lean up and see I'm still in a diaper and it's soaked. Mom's magic must have still been in effect. I stand up and it sags down I can't help but blush and poke it. I'm so surprised it can hold that much. I'm so tired of this already. I'm a teen not this stupid baby... And yesterday a stupid baby girl... This is all the things I hate in life all in one. I try to remove my diaper thinking mom forgot to lock it. Nope... Still locked. I go to my door and peek out making sure no one else is here just in case. "mom...? Hello?" I see mom peek out of the kitchen "oh morning storm. You sleep well? Come on in I'm cooking breakfast we got some stuff to talk about." I blushed and looked down. "B-but.... I-" She rolls her eyes. "storm come on I'll change you after breakfast." This made the embarrassment worse. I leave my bedroom exposed and walk to the kitchen with the sagging diaper. Dad's in a high chair and he giggles. "whoa soggy butt today aren't we" I blush I thought I was going to cry when mom speaks up. "dill you have no room to speak your diaper was so full this morning we couldn't even wait" He blushed looked at the table. this made me laugh some and mom also smiled and picked me up. "there's a thing at your school going on I know you still got a few days till it starts but this is important for you to go to. So let's explain the rules for your... Problem." I sigh. "problem?... More like a curse..." She laughs. "how ever you think of it. So I told the nurse your problem. She said if your at school and have an accident she will change you in privacy" I blush and my eyes get big. "Y-you told the nurse?! And I have to ask her to change me?! Why can't I do it myself?!" This is it my life is over! "because I don't know if you will change back to one. And if I find out you cut even one out. I'm going to take you to school as stormy the new girl in school who has bladder problems." My face goes pale. She wouldn't dare... No she's my... no she would. I gulp "I-I understand... Do I atleast get enough clothes to hide... T-this?" Mom nods. "Oh ya if your good and don't make this any problem I promise no one will find out. And if your lucky never will even have an idea. But if you mess up in any way I'll promise you won't like the outcome. Understand me." I nod and she smiles putting me down in a chair. And puts some more pancakes cut up in front of me. With a fork this time thank God. "now eat up and I'll give you a bath and a fresh diaper." I sigh. And start to eat before it hits me. "w-wait give me a bath?! No! No no no! I can do that." Mom glares. "hmm let me think what kinda dress would you enjoy for school." My eyes are huge and shake my head. "I-I mean I can't wait for mommy to give me a bath!" I blush just eating. Mom smiles. "aww your such a cute little boy aren't you storm." Dad speaks up. "oh me too! I'm super cute and adorable right mommy!" Mom laughs and goes over and hugs him. "yap that's why... I'm going to give you a very good bath tonight~" I look confused. My mom and dad are weirdos... She took dad out of the highchair and picked him up. "alright storm you finish up I'll bath your brother." I grone. He's not my brother... He's my dad... I hate my life. Mom takes dad to the bathroom I eat and hear dad saying some strange stuff. Can't quite understand him but he's saying "mommy" and groaning but in a weird way... Probably just dad being freaking weird again. I sigh finishing my food. I see mom taking my dad only in a towel to her room. They take a while but mom comes out pushing a stroller with dad in it. He's in shorts and a childish shirt and a pacifier in his mouth. I give him that weirdo look. But he was relaxed and already half asleep. "alright storm your turn!" Oh god this isn't happening. Mom picks me up. "wait I wasn't done eating! Ya!" She pats my dipared butt. "too bad bath time baby's don't get a choice heh." I groaned and leaned over her shoulder and she takes me to the bathroom and she pulls off my diaper and sits me in a fresh tub of bath water it's jot too high but not too short. I blush as she started to wet me and scrub soap in my hair. "I haven't given you a bath since you were like 5. Mommy I do take good baths you would say then come to find out you stood in the bathroom for like 10 minutes and left" She laughs and I blush mom smiles. "you where a super cute kid... Then you became more... Like this." Mom washes the soap from my fur. "like this?" I was confused. What did she mean. "well you act like it's awful if you act a bit childish. Or terrible you act a little girly. You don't even talk about the girls you like." She smirks. "wait storm do you like Guys?" I blushed. "MOM!" she laughs. "sorry sorry! Hey whatever you like we won't judge you or hate you we love you storm. And this might not seem like it but I think you will understand later this is all out of love." I wasn't going to admit I understand... Kinda anyways but this is still humiliating. Mom takes me out of the water and dries me off leaving me in the towel and picks me up taking to the changing table to to no surprise puts me in a new diaper. Then she puts some shorts and a shirt on me. My shorts kinda puffed out some. But not too noticeable. "now to your school thing!" If one person found out they will blackmail me for the rest of my life... Chapter 8 Mom puts me down to let me walk then she walks up to dad in the stroller and pushed it to the door. "storm come open the door please." I sigh "yes mom... " I walked to the door a little awkwardly I forgot it's definitely not easy to walk around in these things. I open the door and mom pushes the stroller out the door with dad in it and I blush going out with them. My dad's sucking a pacifier in a stroller and I'm secretly in a diaper going to school. This will be the worst beginning of school ever. We walk all the way to school girls would laugh at dad who was still asleep mind you. They all thought he was a toddler or My brother...better then them thinking it's my dad... I see a bunch of kids with their parents like me. But I can bet none of them are forced to wear a diaper. "alright your suppose to head to class room 101. Me and your d-farher will head to the parents meet up. They will get you figuring out what your going to do Monday when school officially starts." I sigh and look up at them. "alright..." I walk inside and start to look around for the class it was so quiet I could hear my diaper crinkeling. I pray no one can hear that. As I look someone pushes me over and I fell on my butt. "hey-!" My eyes get big as I see a tall grovyle standing there. Oh no it's Bryn... "whoa hey watch where you're going shorty" He laughed and grabs my hand and pulled me up and bent down to my ear. "or should I say stormy" My face goes pale as he laughed and walked in to class. Yap this is it the end of my life. My ill never live this down...I shake as I step in to class all the seats were taken except for one by Bryn. Just kill me now... "oh storm you finally made it! Take a seat by Bryn would you?" I nod and carefully walk up to him and sit down my him. The teacher starts to talk about how everything's going to go Monday. I could barley pay attention I would look over at Bryn who was just smirking at me. I finally worked up the courage and whisper to him. "h-how much do you know...?" He doesn't stop smirking. And Whispers back. "not much but enough. So I assume you don't want this getting out do you?" I shake and nod. "please... You can't tell anyone... I-I'll do anything..." Bryn lets out a small chuckle. "great. I think this year where going to be the best of friends." He laughs more then the teacher stops and looks at him. "and what's so funny Bryn?" He stops and smiles. "oh i'm sorry. It wasn't a laugh of funny it was a laugh of excitement! I can't wait for the school year to begin ma'am!" The teacher smiles. Damn as much as I hate this guy he's definitely a smooth talker... "isn't that nice but please don't interrupt class like that again. I only get you for an hour today. I know you all probably don't want to be here but it's only an hour so let's make it quick!" The teacher goes back to explain more stuff. What could bryn have planned this scared me. And at the same time I had to pee very badly. I shook my leg up and down Just to take my mind off it. Bryn looks at me. "problem? That's annoying the hell out of me..." I shake my head. "N-nope no problem..." He sighs. "liar... Guess it's time to let out out secret." My eyes get big and shake my head. "n-no wait... I-I just gotta pee..." Bryn gets this shit eating grin. "well was the other day just a one off or are you still... Uhh diapered I guess?" My face goes bright red and I nod slowly. He smirks. "then go" My eyes get big. "but-!" Bryn clears his throat. "excuse me teacher?" I quickly start to wet myself in fear he's about to tell people. I felt all the warmth go all between my legs. "o-ok I did it please don't..." Bryn smiles. And the teacher looks at them. "what?" Bryn stands up. "I hate to bother you but could I use the bathroom? Me and my friend here storm really need to go." I could feel everyone stare at me and whisper. Bryns never had a friend in years. So I'm definitely a weirdo in this class now... Not as much if people found out about my Diapers. The teacher sigh. "ya I suppose I'll let two people go at once first you two then I'll send another group go on then." Bryn smiles at me to follow and we leave going to the bathroom bryn walks over to the door and locks it. He smirks at me. "take them off." I looks confused. "w-what?" He glares. "I suppose I need to tell everyone how you're a diaper wetting baby. Or you can take off your pants now." I blush and pull them down revealing my diaper I feel him push me up against the wall and cup his hand around the front of my diaper. "wow it's warm you really did wet yourself." He laughs and I blush so badly I want to die. "alright put your pants back on. Your going to do as I ask. If I tell you to wet or mess you do it. No if or ands or buts got me? Also why are you wearing these in the first place. The other day I saw you in them and a dress." I gulp so embarrassed. "w-well I found my dad's secret stuff... It turns out he's some kinda diaper lover or something... And he acts like a child... I was going to make fun of him but my mom used it against me." He looks curious. "interesting... And the dress?" I take a deep breath as I put my pants on. "well I got mad and accidentally hit her..." He smiles. "and if anything bad like that happened again you would probably be back in them huh" I nod Reluctantly. "great. Today after school I want to come to your house and hang out with my new "friend" " I looked confused. " B-but why?" He glares at me. "I have my reasons now your going to tell your mom you want me to come down and I'm your best friend understand me diaper boy?" I look down and nod "good. Now let's get back to class." We both head back to class and sit through the rest of the day. I headed to find my mom and dad outside and walked up to her. "H-hey mom?" She looked at me. "Ya storm?" I breath heavy being nervous. "c-can I have a friend come over today..." Mom looked excited. "of course! But I'm not hiding any of... The stuff." I sigh. "but!... that's fine..." I wave my hand to bryn who was standing not too far away and he runs over and half hugs me. "hello again ma'am! And this is... Storms little brother right?! He's so cute! I'm storms friend! Best friend" Dad blushes and so do I he knows that's my dad what's he playing at. What could he be planning... And why did he grope me today? Was it just to embarrass me... He could have easily seen it was wet... Today has been an awful day. But what could he have planned? Chapter 9 We make It back to my place Bryn hasn't shut up yet he's been talking my mom up. It's like there both best friends now... Of course the bully would have to make friends with my mother... Thats just weird. No weirder then the situation I'm in. Actually I almost forgot I'm wet. I sigh as we walk in mom shuts the door after bryn comes in. Suddenly mom chucks my pants off my face goes bright red as I try and pull my shirt down to cover the diaper. "m-mom!" She laughs and so does bryn which was even more embarrassing. "oh you knew this was going to happen I told you at home you can't keep pants on I got to know when you need changed." Bryn smirks. "oh look at that storms mom I think he's wet." She smiles. "well so he is! Hey I got a idea bryn. Your close friends with storm right?" I shake my head. Like hell if he is... But he would expose me if I said that. I sigh and bryn nods. "of course! Even if my friends a diaper wearing baby it doesn't bother me" She smiles "aww that's so cute. OK how about I give you permission to change him during school time." I blush and bryn smirks. "no way in hel- heck!" Bryn gives my mom a smile. "I would love to help with this punishment! I'm sure going to the nurse would be too embarrassing I bet him asking his best friend would work great." Mom smiles and picks me up. "ok let me go show you how to change him." Bryn nods "yes ma'am!" She takes me to the changing table and I blush insanely. "I-I don't want him to see me naked... Mom please..." She rolls her eyes. "storm please this is your best friend just let him do it." Mom quickly untaped my diaper and bryn watches so carefully. This creep... Is he just staring at me undressed?! Was thats his goal? To be able to see me naked and change me...What kind of weirdo is he...mom gets a new diaper on me and puts me in front of bryn. "and just like that." I could see bryn was blushing slightly smirking. I glare at him and he laughs and spanks my diaper butt and I jump and blush. "he's so cute when he's like this!" I blush like crazy and cover my face. This creep is in to me isn't he?! Well Im not gay so jokes on him! Mom laughs. "I have to agree. You should see him in a dress" She laughs more. And so done bryn. I just want to die... "so are you two more than friends? Is this why he's never had a girlfriend heheh" Bryn laughs more "NO! MOM I'M NOT GAY! how many times do I have to tell you?!" I don't think anyways... But god I hate that she just assumes stuff. "well maybe we will one day" He winks at me and I shiver. "people don't know it but I am bi." Bryn smiles at me all I can do is shiver more. So he was just doing this to stare at me naked... And mom's probably going to let him change me more... As long as I don't got to go back to wearing girls clothes. "oh storms mom you should make him go to school like a girl. If this is a punishment make sure he has to do it at least once." My eyes get big. "w-what?! No! Never!" Mom glares at me. "I wouldn't say never young man. But I like that idea. It would be cute!" No come on! Can't she see he's trying to embarrass me! I don't know if being bi is True or just another way to embarrass me and make me seem bi?! I don't know but I hate this guy! But... I can't do anything he owns me right now... "would it be too much trouble if I stay the night ma'am?" Mom smiles and I shake my head. "you can stay all you like bryn also my names Dakota. Call me that." he smiles and nods. "ok then. Thanks Dakota! I can't wait to play with my friend who's now a baby" He laughs and I just give up. "I'm going to my room..." Mom sighs. "fine but lunch will be ready later. You both go have fun and bryn if he makes a mess go ahead and change him I made it so only you the nurse and me can remove his diaper. And don't remove the diaper for him. I know your friends but-" Bryn smiles and nods. "ok I won't don't worry!" At this point I have already left and was in my room sitting on my bed in a shirt and diaper and sigh. A while later bryn walks in and sits by me. "man this is too easy. I got full permission to rear you like a little baby." I glare. "shut the fuck up..." He smirks. "oh no I wonder what will happen if I tell your mom you said fuck." My eyes get big. "w-wait! We can talk about this..." He keeps smirking the coky little fuck. "fine then for the night you do what I tell you to do got it?" I sigh. "got it..." He looks at me. "now how about you use your diaper like a good boy." I blush and grind my teeth. "I don't have to..." He thinks then smiles. "not even number 2?" My eyes get big. He can't be serious. Please no I don't want to do that it's bad enough I got to wet them... But... I have definitely got to go. "M-maybe..." He pats my diaper. "then squat and mess right here in front of me." I blush and stand up. "and if I don't..." He smirks. "you might end up being a girl for your first week of school." I gulp and sigh. "ok...just please don't tell mom..." I blush as I squat. This isn't real... Right? I just want to wake up. I don't want to do this anymore. It's not fair... Chapter 10 I squat there for a while just looking at Bryn who just smiled down at me. "well?" I look away blushing. And I mumble "I can't..." He glares down at me. "what?" I gulp. "I-I said I can't... I-I don't feel comfortable doing it... I can't force myself." Bryn sighs. "that's a shame. Your going to be a cute girl again" He laughs and it scares me and I fart a bit and my eyes get big. "W-wait I think it's happening!" He looks at me curiously and I feel myself start to go I feel it packing into the back of my diaper. This is disgusting... Oh God I can smell it... My face goes bright red as it just fills. And like out of a habit I also wet. I was kinda surprised by how easily I did it. But then again I never been pee shy. I just don't like to go number 2 around anyone I can't even do it when I'm in the school bathroom with someone... Surprised I did it now. "damn you stink storm!" He laughs and hugs me I blush. What the hells this creep doing? I feel the back of my diaper get pulled back I tried to pull away but it was too late. "wow you really did it. Didn't think you had it in you. That's gross. Your gross." He laughs more. Then groped me from the front again. This has to be the most uncomfortable ever... Oh God I just thought of him changing me! "wow your a wet one aren't you Storm?" He smirks. And pushes me down my eyes get big as I hit the ground and feel everything squish in to me. I shiver in disgust. "aww oh no the baby fell down good thing he had a full diapy to help with the fall." I drop my head in shame I never felt so stupid. When I was just around mom and dad at least they would mock me... But it didn't feel like they were trying to be mean but Bryns doing this on purpose. I start to tear up and whimper. Just hitting my emotional top. Bryn stopped laughing and looked down at me. "are you crying?" I shake my head and start wiping my eyes starting to cry more knowing he's going to mock me for this now. But he sighs. "I didn't mean to make you cry... Well not like this... I wanted to have some fun with you..." He pats my head. And I sniff tying to stop crying but my voice crack. "W-why are you doing this?" He shrugs. "I don't know at first it was because I seen you in a dress and diaper and I was going to mock you but... Never mind that's it I just wanted to mock you! Best go ask your mommy for a diaper change! But uhh I gotta go... I don't think I can stay today I got to go now!" Bryn runs out of the house. What did he mean by he was going to mock me but? Wonder what he was going to say. I stand up and groan. "this is never coming out of my fur..." Suddenly mom walks in "why did Bryn leave? I thought he was staying?" Suddenly she sniffs around the room and I blush worried she might notice it was me. "I-I don't know... He just-" Suddenly mom grabs me and pulls back the back of my diaper and I scream. Hoping it would make her get back. "mom!!" She smiles. "wow, no wonder he ran looks like this little baby made a stinky!" I was so embarrassed I covered my face I didn't even know what to say. Mom giggled "heheheh let's get you cleaned up and a bath then we will get you ready for bed." I mean I was starting to get sleepy. Damn her and making me go to sleep so early... But I don't want a bath or cleaned but at the same time I do... Mom takes me to the changing table and dad was on the floor with toys. "phew... Wait did storm have his first stinky?!" Mom laughs putting me on the changing table and untapping my diaper I was so ashamed this is the worst I ever felt "B-Bryn made me..." She gave me a stern look. "seriously storm now your going to lie about your friend? I Can't believe you. You had an accident all your own get use to it mister." She gets me all cleaned up and takes off my shirt and picks me up going to the bathroom. "but-" She glares. "no buts!" She gives me a small spank on my butt and both our eyes get big moms never hit me before. It didn't hurt but I was surprised and kinda scared. "oh my God storm! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that I have just been dealing with your dad and I have to spank him because he can get a little crazy among other reasons... Anyways I'm so sorry!" She hugs me and I hug back laying my head on her. Me being naked would normally bother me. But I have gotten so used to it over the past few days. "it's ok... You just never hit me before it was kinda scary..." She hugs me close starting some bath water. "I know... How about I make your favorite food for supper?" I look up at her and smile. "you mean mashed potatoes?" She smiles and nods and I smiles great big. "YES!" She laughs and puts me in the water and dumps a bunch of soap on my head and gets me wet and scrubs it in. There's a bunch of toys floating around. Probably from dad. I get curious though I grab one and push it along and it comes back then I push it under water and squeeze it and it makes a noise. I do this for a while I wasn't really having a bunch of fun if it was amusing while I get cleaned. I even forgot to be embarrassed before I notice mom taps me. "huh" She smiles. "I hate to interrupt your play time but you ready to come out?" I blush. "I-I wasn't playing!" I cross my arms and moms picks me up laughing and drying me off. "oh really not paying that's why you stayed in the bath an extra 15 minutes?" My eyes get big. "wait... You been done bathing me for 15 minutes and I didn't notice?!" She nods. "yap it was so cute. Ive never seen you play with toys since you were like 4 it's a shame really most kids still play with toys but you wanted to grow up way too fast...it killed your dad" She laughs and picks me up taking me to the changing table. "because he wanted to play with me right...?" She nods and smiles. "when you were young you two used to play together a lot you loved it. And so did he it was... Weird I guess but it was father and son bonding. But once you became able to talk he got scared to do it around you... Then it becomes this big secret." Mom lays me down getting me in a clean diaper. It was honestly so much more nicer then the messy one that was awful, I hope I never have to mess in one again. "hey mom? Was dad ashamed of himself because of me?" She sighs and nods. "you always wanted to grow up so quickly... That Dill was scared you would do exactly what you did a few days ago." I look away. I feel awful... Even though dad's weird for liking this... He's still my dad... And I love him no matter what I say... "hey mom? Can me and dad play stuff tomorrow." She picks me up and hugs me and I blush. "your dad would love that... You know storm you became such a good young man. It's a shame this will only last 3 months. I could do this forever." She laughs. I laughed awkward. "Y-ya... But I want to go back to underwear sometimes..." She sighs. "I know and I won't stop you. At Least now you understand your dad more and maybe tomorrow you two can grow closer. You and him haven't really been that close." Shs has a point I feel like I barely know him. Well tomorrow's all for dad! It's going to be embarrassing and probably make me wish I was dead but dad will be happy. And right now I know how he feels after Bryn got ahold of me... I get taken to eat and then after getting back to my room and tucked in. I quickly fell asleep hopefully no nightmares tonight.
  7. The adventures of Alex Who was Alex? Well Alex was what most people thought was a young man entering in the big wide world, free from school and the restraints that they had held over him. For many years he had been told what to do, when to do it and always by others. He had grown up under the strong influence of his mother, whom he loved dearly, but he could never bring himself to tell her his deep down secrets and desires. Alex had been late developing into the young man he was growing into, he was shorter than most, well everyone for his age, his voice had never broken and a genetic disorder had meant that he never grew body hair, only his head held the natural blonde locks that matched his mother. He had been slow to be potty trained, still wetting at night after control during the daytime had been achieved. He was just told by his mother that over time it would sort itself out, but his nigh time wetting would be taken care of by her. So for many years after, night after night, Alex's mother was there to make sure he went to sleep in a nappy and plastic pants, then as time moved on a disposable nappy. Alex's mother was a hard working lady, well respected in the business community, with many friends, but still loved her son more than anything else. She was 6ft tall and literally towered over her son; she made sure that she kept fit, using the gym in the house and the pool on her days off and at weekends. Having made a success of her business at a young age, she always made time for Alex, her mother helping to look after him while he was still a baby. By the time that he was ready for school, she was the one to take him and pick him up every day. This would seem odd to a lot of people as it carried on until he left school, some would have thought him a little mummy’s boy, had it not been for the fact that they lived in the countryside outside the main town and off the bus route. He had his friends in school and got on ok with them, more so with the girls if he where honest about it, but rarely did one ever visit his home, sleepovers being out of the question as he felt too conscious about the bedwetting. When he was younger, at nursery school, he had a few parties as wetting problems happened with a few at that age, so he didn't stand out from the others. So Alex was now free from the restraint of school and just about to turn 19 years old, his mother had asked him if he wanted a party, but he never really was the party person. Instead he asked if he could have a vacation somewhere quiet away from the world, but by the sea, where he could just chill out and relax away from everything. There he would have time to think about what his future held, decide what to go on to do regarding work or further education. But also he would have some time alone to let his little side out. This was Alex's big secret that he hoped no-one had found out about, or if they had, they had not said anything to him. Deep down, Alex was still that little boy, he had never really grown up and loved all the time he spent with his mother, he missed the time when she looked after him night after night. But over time he had become used to getting himself ready for bed, it was only natural that as he grew he would take more responsibility. He wanted so much for his mother to do this, but could never build up the courage to ask. So here he was going away on his own for the first time without "mummy", but it would give him chance to wear his nappy during the day if he wanted. He would have them with for night time use, so why not try them during the day as well; maybe he would get those feelings back from when he was younger that he craved so much. His mother was not overly surprised when he refused the offer of the party, so was more than happy for him to have his holiday that he asked for instead. Unknown to Alex, his mother had begun to realise that deep down she was missing having her "little boy" around. She loved looking after him when he was younger but as time went by, she knew she had to release the aprons strings a little and let him develop. His mothers had become a success in the computer industry with her own business, so giving Alex a computer for his school use fine, but she never let on to him that she could remotely access it. So from time to time she found herself checking up on what he had been researching, then purely by accident one day she found one of the sites he had been looking at, then the links to some of the stories he had been reading. She could see that he was reading about "little ones" who still had their mummy even when they were grown up, or little ones that had found and sought out a new mummy. As much as this hurt, she knew that to push and question him straight away would be a mistake, causing her to push him further away or worse still lose him. She decided that he could go on his vacation, let him think for a while but then let him decide what would happen next. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So the day arrived for Alex to board his coach and take the trip. He was filled with both excitement and anticipation; he was unsure what the next few weeks would hold for him but hoped that he would make some decisions that would set him for the future. He knew there was a job for him with his mums company, but at the same time if something else was out there then that would be better, unless he decided to return to college or university. His mum had made the travel arrangements, booked his coach ticket, decided on the little holiday town he would be staying, even found him a nice little guest house to stay in. Unknown to Alex, it was a old friend of his mums that ran it, a best friend from school and college that moved there a few years earlier to take over a family business. She now ran it by herself and was only too pleased to keep an eye on Alex for his mum. She had been told about his little night time accidents so made a few preparations in advance. "Alex" said Leslie his mum, "I need to tell you a few things about your trip before you leave, so come and sit down with me for a moment before I drop you off at the bus station". Leslie sat at the table with her son, reaching out and taking his hand. "Now you are going to the seaside as you wished, it’s not too busy there, just lively enough to keep you occupied. I have booked you into a nice little guest house that is run by an old friend of mine called Val from college. Now don't panic but I made her aware of your night time accidents, I didn't want you getting all wound up and embarrassed". Alex didn't know what to say when his mum told him, he was mad that she told someone else but could see that it actually made sense, even if it was going to be embarrassing when he met Val. "Val told me that she would take care of everything so you don't need to worry" said Leslie, "She will meet you at the bus station in the resort and take you home. She said she will let you settle in and then give you the tour around before letting you do whatever you want to relax". "So make sure you have a good time, be good for her and hopefully I will get to come and visit you later in the week. I have packed everything for you and sent plenty of money ahead to take care of anything you might need". What Leslie didn't mention was that she had added a few extra things into his suitcase, something that she hoped he would like after reading and looking at his favourite pages on Alex's computer history. She had bought him a new dummy with a teat suitable for adults, along with a cloth nappy and some plastic pants. She knew that it was a risk but just hoped that he would accept them and not be scared. If she could have her little boy back then it would make her the happiest mum in the world. "Thanks for all of this mum" replied Alex, "I know telling Val was for the better, even if it makes me feel awkward and embarrassed when I meet her. It will be nice if you can come visit later in the week, you deserve a break just as much as me". So with his things packed, Alex jumped in the car with his mum and headed to the coach station for his trip. After a big hug, cuddle and a kiss, Alex walked onto his coach and took his seat, waving goodbye as the coach pulled away, leaving Leslie with a tear in her eye, waiting for the moment she would be with her little boy again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex relaxed as soon as the coach pulled away; he was on his way, looking forward to getting away for the summer and chilling out. He had become so wound up finishing school, learning never came natural to him like for some of his classmates, he had to really think hard about everything. He had gotten to the point where he was now feeling a bit mentally drained. He sat in his seat watching the world going by as the coach ploughed its way across the country, stopping at various cities along the way to collect other people. He hadn’t really travelled that much in his younger life, his mum always working hard but he would never blame her for this. He knew she wanted him to have the best they could. Finally it was getting close to lunchtime, that meant the coach would take a break and he could get off and take a break, stretch his legs and get a bite to eat. But more importantly get a chance to use the toilet. He had almost wished he was wearing one of his night time pull ups, the drinks his mum had given him for the journey, combined with the several mugs of tea at breakfast made him quite needy for the bathrooms. As soon as the coach stopped he was straight off and heading towards the bathroom area at the service area, the last thing he needed to see was the short queue of people in front of him. He figured that another coach must have gotten in just before they arrived; this was going to be an anxious and awkward wait. Finally he found himself at the front; he dashed into one of the stalls, unfastening his jogging pants as fast as possible, and then lowering his underwear but not before a little dribble came out. In one sense he was happier being in a stall, his mum’s choice of underwear for him was not the best. They could be described as unisex at best, no opening at the front and very plain. He had gotten used to her buying things like that for him over the years; he barely even noticed the pastel colours she would choose. He just used to make sure he wore the white ones whenever he was doing any sports in school. Finally he was sitting on the toilet, able to relieve himself from all those drinks he had consumed so far. He pulled his phone out of his bag to check if he had any messages, the only one being from his mum. It simply said “Love you baby, hope you have fun”. Seeing this from his mum made him feel all warm inside, she often called him baby, he never thought anything of it. He then checked his journey progress and found that they were just short of halfway to his destination. Bearing that in mind he wondered if they would be stopping once more or not, beginning to wonder whether he would be best in one of the pull ups in his bag. This would let him relax a bit; he had dribbled while going this time, so maybe it was for the best. He quickly removed his jogging pants, then “panties” before slipping on one of his pull ups, then pulled his panties back on, thinking they would help keep the pull up in place, before putting his jogging pants back on. Part 4 With himself finally sorted, Alex made his way out of the stall and into the main washroom, walking slightly slowly, now conscious of the pull up he had on. He knew that they were completely covered but still had that feeling that everyone could see it. He washed his hands and then made his way out, trying to tell whether of not his pants where rustling, but the noise in area due to the large numbers of people masked anything he could hear from his pants. He had a walk to the food area and bought himself a sandwich and a drink, before making his way to some of the seating area outside. It was such a nice day, the sun was shining and it was quite warm so why not eat outdoors for once. He found himself a spot on the grassed area but made sure to keep an eye on the time, the last thing he wanted was to miss his coach. But he could see it from where he was sitting so it would be ok. Alex loved to watch people, see them going about their business, but so many doing the same thing but not noticing. He quietly ate his lunch, sitting on the grass in his shorts, the air blowing around his legs. He forgot the fact he was wearing his pull up, his shorts flapping in the breeze; occasionally flapping so that the edge of it would show. He carried on assuming that no-one was any the wiser, not seeing what he was wearing. Sitting at a picnic table across from him was Wendy Johnson, a school nurse at a private girl’s boarding school. She too was on a holiday break, travelling by coach to a nice quiet resort by the sea, looking forward to some nice relaxing fun. She couldn’t help but notice the young man sitting alone on the grass across from her, he was different to the others, they where businessmen and lorry drivers. But she saw him, small for his age but quite content and happy. She wondered where he was going, what he was doing. Having spent the year with nothing but girls to look at in every direction, she was happy to look at the cute young man. Alex finished his lunch, looked down at his watch then saw it was time to go back to the coach, but as he was geeing up he noticed the lady at the picnic table, she was looking at him and smiling. Getting up he felt the pull up against him, but that only let panic set in, he was directly opposite her, had she seen something, was that why she was smiling. He didn’t know but was glad to be going back to his coach knowing he would be alone again. He got up, walked back across the grass, trying to avoid eye contact but couldn’t, she smiled again at him, he moved quicker wanting to be back at the coach. He got back to the coach and began to board when he noticed the other cases now sitting at the side of the coach. He looked towards the driver and asked what was happening, “Nothing to worry about young man” replied the driver, “we just have a few more passengers coming on board, the other feeder coach has arrived”. Alex thought nothing more of it, he climbed on board and went back to his seat, he put his hand luggage bag back onto the seat next to him, then leaned back waiting for the other passengers to get back. He was minding his own business, when a figure appeared by the seat next to his where his bag was. Looking up he saw a lady standing in the aisle, when he saw who it was he nearly wet himself. It was her, the lady from the bench; there she was, looking down at him, “Excuse me young man, is that seat taken” she asked him, still with that smile on her face. “Errrr, no” replied Alex with slight panic in his voice, “I will just move my bag for you”. Alex took his bag off of the seat and placed it by his feet, not noticing the top was slightly open, he was still surprised to see the lady. Part 5 Wendy took her seat next to Alex, the colour just starting to re-appear to his face after his shock. He sat there quietly wondering whether he should say something, but at that time he was simply lost for words, what could he say, what should he say, he didn’t know what she had seen if anything at all. Wendy sat there next to Alex, she loved the expression on his face when she turned up next to him, she was by no way a mean person, but she thought he was such a sweet little thing. Her whole year at the girl’s school had made her realise how much she had missed males, but there was something about this one that made her curious. She had seen the tell tale edge of his pull up when sitting on the grass, it was something easily recognisable to her, many of the girls in the school had need to see her as the nurse she was. “So young man, what is your name, how far are you travelling” said Wendy, deciding it was time to start talking with her companion. “Eeerrrr, my name is Alex” he stuttered out, “I am on the coach until it reaches the coast; I am going for a break there through the summer. Wendy was delighted to hear this; she too was travelling to the coat and knew they were headed for the same destination. “Well I am very pleased to meet you Alex, my name is Wendy Johnson” came the response, “I too am travelling down to the coast for a holiday. The girl’s school where I work as a nurse has broken up for the summer, so I decided I needed a holiday”. Alex was relaxing a bit now, but the thought of having her next to him for the rest of the journey was not that thrilling. He was taken back a bit when she told him what she did for a job; it just wasn’t expected at that point. The thought of having a nurse next to him made him think once more about the pull ups, he knew that a trained nurse would only have needed the slightest glance to recognise them. “It looks like we will be spending the journey together Alex” said Wendy, once more looking at him with that smile once more. “Now why don’t you give me that bag of yours, I can put it up on the luggage rack with mine, and then you will have far more room for the journey”. Alex was left with little choice and couldn’t reason his way around it, it would give him more room for his legs. So he reached down to grab his bag, but as it was lifted the zip sprung open and there in plain sight was his other spare pull up. He tried to quickly close his bag so it was out of sight, but he could see that Wendy had already spotted it. Wendy calmly took the bag from him, zipped it up and proceeded to place it in the luggage rack. Alex had sat back down in his seat, not knowing what to do or say at that point, it no longer mattered if she had seen it before, now she would know. “It’s ok Alex, there is no need to be ashamed” said Wendy softly as she sat back down, “lots of people have to wear pull ups and nappies, for lots of different reasons. I am a nurse so it is nothing new to me”. Alex was left stunned, he knew now that she had seen him for definite now, his pull up must have been showing while sitting on the grass area. Alex was brought back to his senses by the coach starting up and leaving the service area, a few more passengers had joined but not enough to fill the coach, yet she decided to next to me he thought. Part 6 Alex sat thinking for a moment, now taking the occasional glance at Wendy, studying her more closely. She appeared about a similar age to his mum, but noticeably taller than he was and very good looking at the same time. He thought only pretty school nurses appeared in naughty boy’s dreams. He decided that he should try and explain his situation more clearly, he didn’t want her thinking he wore the pull ups all of the time. “I don’t usually wear pull ups, it’s just that I am on a long journey and my mum gave me a lot to drink” said Alex quietly, hoping that no one could overhear him. “I occasionally need them at night, but with the traffic being as it is these days, I didn’t want to take a chance after the service stop”. Wendy turned and listened to him while he was speaking, thinking how sweet it was of him to try and explain everything. She knew quite well that he could have a genuine reason for using them, but it was just the fact that he looked so cute in them when she saw him. “There is no need to worry about it little one” replied Wendy, grinning and chuckling at Alex, “I knew there was some genuine reason for you wearing them, you just looked so cute and innocent sitting on the grass with the frilly edge of the pull up showing”. “I am only teasing Alex, I am sorry if I offended you, I hope you forgive me, I just want some nice company for the rest of the journey”. Alex was a bit taken back, but decided that Wendy seemed a nice person deep down, even if she was enjoying teasing him. Was it worth not getting along for the rest of the coach journey, it would only be a matter of hours and they wouldn’t see any more of each other. “It’s ok Wendy, I didn’t take offence” replied Alex, “But I never realised they had little frilly edges on them” he laughed, “I really hope my mum never bought me the girls ones”. Wendy began to laugh with Alex, her hand patting him on the leg, she so wanted to lift the edge of the shorts and touch his pull up, but she feared he would be scared off and that was the last thing she wanted. Deep down she had missed not being a mother to anyone herself, she went to university then trained as a nurse then got the job in the school, things such as relationships and settling down had passed her by. So over time she had begun to wonder whether she could find someone that she could give her special attention to, a man, a young man, but someone like Alex would be just perfect. Alex was feeling a bit better now they were laughing about it; he was relaxing, actually starting to like Wendy a bit. A nervous thrill went through his body when she touched his leg, it was something he had never had from a woman before, he had never come close to having a girlfriend. Still laughing and joking, Alex lifted the edge of his shorts to reveal the edge of the pull up, “there you go” he said, “see they are not frilly at all”. But when he looked he could see that they were a bit puffier than his regular ones. He wondered how this escaped his notice before, but he was in such a state and rush in the toilets so he didn’t get caught, it made sense he did notice. “Thanks mum” he thought to himself, “what other surprises have you got for me”. Wendy caught sight of it once more, thinking that it looked so much like some of the ones worn at the school where she worked. It was natural for her, but to see it on a boy was something different, offset against his soft white hairless flesh it looked so nice. “Ok, well maybe no frilly, but slightly girlish you must agree” said Wendy, now gently rubbing his leg. “You have such soft skin for a male Alex, I know lots who would adore to have legs like yours, it’s such a shame to keep them covered up”. Alex was now getting quite aroused at the touch from Wendy; never could he have imagined that events would unfold like this. He could feel the front of his pull up starting to tent, but to cover it with his hands would have given it away immediately, he could do nothing, and he was stuck. He had no way out but now he didn’t want one, her touch was driving him wild, his lack of girl experience was showing; he was far too excited to think straight now. Wendy could see the effect she was having on him, it was becoming more and more obvious, she wondered how far she could push him, was he really so shy with girls, he really was the perfect little creature. She leaned closer to him, then whispered in his ear, “You really love this don’t you, you need this, you are wearing your pull up because it excites you as well”, “I can see the effect it is having on you, relax and let nurse Wendy take care of you”. Alex was unable to resist, he needed so much to be able to release, to release at someone else’s touch and not his own, for it to be at the hands of a woman, at this moment for it to be Wendy. Part 7 Alex was having feeling that he had never experienced before, but they where ones that he was enjoying, he could feel himself growing within his shorts. Just the simple touch of Wendy’s hand on his leg was doing this to him, he knew that she had him under her control but he was quite helpless to do anything about it. He could feel the pressure building up within him, he would not be able to last must longer, but what was he to do, he wasn’t sure but shortly he would pass the point of no return and find out what she planned. Wendy was feeling so good with herself at this point, she had him all worked up at just the touch of her hand, she moved it higher until it found the edge of the pull up. She too was getting excited at the thought of what was to come, could she really do this, could she make him loose himself within the confines of his pull up. She gently stroked his pull up, her hand inside his shorts, but always making sure that no one around them would become suspicious of their actions. She continued to rub her hand on little Alex, slowly and softly, feeling the tension growing within him, she knew it would happen, and then with a sudden shudder it did! Alex tried to hold on but it was no use, his body shuddered softly and then he felt himself release in his pull up. He could feel the little creamies leaking from him, pooling around his pee pee and little parts, it felt warm but the sensation was so good. It was obviously not his first orgasm, but it was in this way, making him feel embarrassed and humiliated, but at the same time so aroused. “Oh you sweet little thing” whispered Wendy softly in his ear, “I never thought my touch would make that happen, but I am overjoyed that it did”. “I will give you a moment to compose yourself, and then I think we had best have a go at cleaning you up and changing you without anyone knowing”. She let Alex calm himself down, holding his hand softly, feeling the last little trembles running through him. Then she released him, stood up just to grab her bag from the luggage rack, before sitting down again. Her back pack was one from the school, she had a few supplies with her as a couple of the young ladies from her school had travelled to the coach station with her, and she always looked out for them. They then went their separate ways, the ladies back home and she on her travels, where she boarded her coach that eventually brought her to Alex. She opened the bag and retrieved a box of wipes, a largish towel and a fresh pull up. Alex was a bit surprised to see these items come from her bag, but when he saw the pull up he was unsure whether to be scared or excited. It was a pull up just like normal, but it was the colour and design that startled him, pale pink in colour with little butterfly patterns. “Well I did say that I would take care of everything” said Wendy looking down at Alex, “don’t worry about the colour; they do just the same job as yours do”, “I am sure they will look so cute on you, your girlish soft legs deserve some girlish pull ups”. Alex looked at her but knew he couldn’t say anything, people would suspect something if he caused a scene, so decided that to cooperate would be the best course. He lifted up slightly in his seat allowing Wendy to lower his shorts, before then sitting down and removing them completely. He was now left in a pull up, one that was full of his own creamy mess. Wendy tore the sides, finally lowering the front revealing the young man’s little cock. She was feeling all giddy seeing this, it was so small, and how could someone his age be so undeveloped, there was practically no hair around it. Alex felt so embarrassed at this point, he had been made to have an orgasm in his pull up, now sitting on a coach seat in it with the sides torn apart, his little parts exposed to her. His bigger problem was that he loved the embarrassment and more so the attention, he was experiencing feelings he couldn’t explain. She gently wiped him clean with the baby wipes, making sure she checked everywhere, then dried him off with the towel. She wanted to apply baby powder but that would have been too risky in this situation. Wendy removed the old pull up from under him, folding it up and tucking it away in her bag, then she opened the new one for him, placing the new pink girls pull up at his feet, guiding them through the leg holes. The final touch was to bring it up his legs and secure it over his bottom, before once more hiding it away in his shorts. PART 8 (apologies for getting a name mixed up, Alex’s mum is called Leslie, hope you are all enjoying) Alex was now entering completely new territory, nothing like this had ever happened before, he wasn’t really sure how he should be feeling. All that he was sure about was that the experience he had just had was quite amazing, something he wanted to happen again and again but not on the coach. He was disturbed from his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing, he wondered who it was while fumbling through his shorts pockets. He opened it up to find that it was his mum, she was checking up to see how he was getting along. He was pleased to hear her voice as he spoke quietly to her, he was missing her but excited by his new adventures. They chatted only briefly, she would speak longer once he was alone in his guest house with Val. As he closed the phone and said “Goodbye mum, love you”, Wendy looked across and saw the picture of his mum still showing on the screen. Wendy was left stunned, surely it could not be, but she was sure it was. It was Leslie from college, “Oh my god” she thought, Alex is her son, I have just done that with one of my best friends little boy. Wendy recognised the picture as they were both still friends and on Facebook, she decided to speak to Alex about it, better now that having him find out later. “Alex” she said tentatively, “I take it that you where taking to your mum on the phone, do you mind if I see the picture again, I couldn’t help notice it before”. “Yes it was mum” he replied, “I guess you can see the picture, why, what is wrong” he said opening it up to the contact page again, then showing her the picture. “Nothing is wrong sweetie” said Wendy, looking once more to be certain. “Oh my, I was right, it is her” said Wendy, “tell me is your mothers name Leslie, she went to St. Mary’s Girls College after she finished school”. “Yes her name is Leslie” replied Alex, “I think that is where she went to college, why do you ask, what is wrong”. “Nothing is wrong I promise” said Wendy trying to calm down Alex, placing her hand on his leg again. “I have to tell you that your mum and I are old friends from college, we are still in contact via facebook today, we still keep up with each others careers”. Alex looked shocked when he found out, he had just been made to orgasm in his pull up by one of his mums friends, what would she do and say if she found out, he didn’t know what to say. “There were three of us that used to be best friends in college” said Wendy, “your mum, me and a girl called Val. I think she moved to the coast somewhere”. When Alex heard this it all kind of made sense, he was pretty certain that the person he was going to stay with was the same Val that Wendy was now talking about. His mum told him that she was a friend and trusted her to look after Alex, he thought that it might be good to phone her and tell her who he was sitting next to. “Bare with me a moment please Wendy” said Alex as he pressed the button to call his mum “Hi mum” said Alex when his mum answered, “nothing to worry about, I am safe and ok, I just have someone sitting next to me that you might want to chat to”, Alex then gave the phone to Wendy. “Leslie, Leslie Jones, is that really you” said Wendy, “It’s me, Wendy, from facebook, it’s such a surprise to find myself sitting on a coach next to your son, he is such a cute little thing”. Alex sat and starred out of the window for a while, letting Wendy have a chat to his mum, only picking up on the odd thing, “yes he is fine”, “oh don’t worry about that”, “no little accidents”. The last little snippet made his eyes turn back toward Wendy, looking at her having a good idea what they are talking about. “Well it has been great talking and hopefully we can meet up soon” said Wendy to Alex’s mum, “I will take good care of him until we get to Val’s, bye for now”. Alex said a quick goodbye to his mum, her final words telling him that Wendy would look after him until he got to Val’s, she trusted her totally. Part 9 “Well young Alex” said Wendy, “it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of each other than we both thought”, “Your mum is going to speak with Val to see if she has availability for me as well, then we can have lots of fun over the summer”. Alex wasn’t quite sure whether this was going to be a good thing or a bad thing. Yes he liked Wendy and enjoyed what had happened between them, but he was hoping to get some time to himself to be able to rest, relax and chill out a bit. Before he had chance to say anything to Wendy, his phone was ringing with the picture of his mum showing on the front of it. “Hi mum” he said when answering, “what’s up, what do you want, I have only just finished talking to you”. “Nothing to worry about sweetie” replied his mum, “just pass on a message to Wendy for me” “Tell her that I have spoken to Val and everything is sorted, there is a room waiting for her and I will be joining you later once I get finished up here”. “Okay mum, no problem, take care and don’t overdo things” replied Alex, “I will let Wendy know”, “Bye for now, love you mum”. “Love you too sweetie, take care and be good for Wendy and Val” replied Leslie, thinking how sweet her little boy was; she wanted him back, her little baby boy. “That was my mum on the phone again” said Alex looking at Wendy, “she says that everything is sorted with Val, there is a room waiting for you to stay in and she will join us later”. Alex decided not to mention the part about being good for her and Val; he thought that it would give Wendy the illusion that Alex had to be with her all the time. He wanted his own time when he could get it, to be able to do what he wanted, when he wanted, in his regular underwear and not in pull ups, or worse still the pink pull ups given to him by Wendy. Wendy thought to herself that things could not be more perfect, should would be staying with an old friend; have Alex staying in the same house, then hopefully the three best friends being reunited where they could concentrate on Alex. Little did Alex know but it was no coincidence that Wendy had found him, Leslie had told her where his coach would be stopping. Leslie had arranged for Alex to be staying with Val, as she knew Val would be only too happy to help her with her need to get her little boy back. She had told Val about his bed wetting and told her of the little surprise she had put in his suitcase, just to make sure that Alex did not try and dispose of it. By the time she was joining them, she hoped that Alex would be in pull ups and nappies full time, not really knowing what was happening to him. Alex leaned back in his seat, watching the world going by; completely unaware of what was in store for him, looking forward to his well earned break. Without even realising it, his hand had slipped to his lap where he was slowly rubbing across his shorts, his fingers then moving the material so that he was able to touch his pull up; the soft pink pull up that Wendy had put him in. Wendy was watching him all this time, seeing him play with the edge of the pull up was getting her aroused, she saw him slipping further and further into the sweet little one that Leslie wanted him to become, but he was totally unaware of it. She put her hand on top of his, just as he was playing with the pull up; she hoped he wouldn’t be startled too much. He looked down, only then realising what he had been doing; he was now blushing; the redness filling his cheeks in embarrassment. Wendy slowly moved his hand and placed it on her leg, and then slowly moving it up and down, she wanted to push him further, make him want to be with her. She finally moved his hand to rest between her legs, wondering what sort of reaction this would bring, had he ever been with a woman before. She was rewarded with a noticeable bulge showing in his shorts, she began to wonder if she could get him to orgasm once more, but this time in his girls pull up. Part 10 Alex was now growing bright red with embarrassment, he was unable to control the reaction in his shorts, he wasn’t even touching them and neither was Wendy, but the feeling he had just touching Wendy was like electric flowing through him. He was unable to control his emotions and this was obvious for Wendy to see, she knew she was being unfair playing with the emotions of Alex, but needed to get some release for herself. With her hand still firmly on top of Alex’s, still resting between her legs, she needed to know something, she needed to question him. “Alex my little sweet” whispered Wendy into his ear, “Have you ever been with a woman before, have you ever touched one, it’s ok, you can be honest with me”. Alex was not surprised to hear this, considering the delicate situation he was in, but what could he say, how could he admit to her that even though he was 18, soon to be 19, he had never had a girlfriend, let alone been with a girl before. He had been kissed by girls, but only because he was such a sweet and caring boy when around them. He looked up towards Wendy, their eyes meeting, he wanted to say something but just couldn’t, and he just gently shook his head from side to side. Wendy had a feeling what his answer would be before even asking, but she just needed to know from him. She wanted him to have his moment at some point, but now would not be that time; instead she just removed both their hands from her legs. Holding him closely, she looked into his eyes, “Don’t worry about that little one, we will make sure that at some point you get to enjoy the experience”. “But for now, do you need to use your pull up, did little Alex have fun last time, but I am sure you would love to have some fun in your little pink pull up”. While Alex was thing whether or not he could go through with it again, the coach driver made an announcement. “We will be arriving in the next hour at the final stop, this will be the place for all passengers to leave the coach, I hope you have had a good journey with us today”. Wendy saw this as an opportunity to help Alex once again, “There you go sweetie” she said to him, “soon we will be arriving, then we will be off to Val’s guest house for our lovely holiday. So if you want to have a little fun we can get you cleaned up at Val’s”. He hadn’t thought about Val for some time, he had never met her, but he had wondered if Wendy knew her as well. His mum told him that she was a friend of hers and she would look after him once he arrived, but that was before Wendy entered the equation. He knew his mum had made arrangements for her to stay as well. All he could think was that his holiday was certainly going to be different. Alex had come so far in just a few hours, he loved being made to cum in his pull up, but now he was in a girls pink pull up, this would feel so different, but he thought he needed to try, the feeling felt so good to him last time. He looked at Wendy, and then simply said “yes please”. Wendy felt so pleased, he loves the emotions set off within him, maybe this will be easier and more fun than Leslie thinks, and her little boy would be putty in her hands once finished. “Okay sweetie, let me help you achieve what you need, just lift up slightly, I think you will enjoy it better”. Alex didn’t even think about it, he lifted his body allowing Wendy to lower his shorts, leaving him sitting there in just a pink pull up. She put her arm around him, drawing him close to her, then placed her other hand on top of his pull up. She then slowly started to rub the front of it for him, feeling him growing within. Without realising Alex’s hand was now playing with the edge of the pink material, rubbing it and flicking it between his fingers, all the time enjoying the touch of Wendy on his front. He was moaning softly, shivers running through him, unable to control his feelings, unable to stop himself from getting closer and closer to erupting once again. “Come on my sweet little Alex” whispered Wendy, “let yourself go, let your emotions out, empty yourself into that cute girly princess pull-up, let those feelings come out”. Alex could not hold out, he had no choice, but surprising himself he erupted into the pull up at the moment Wendy mentioned the words “cute girly princess pull-up”, it acted like a trigger, fluid flowing from him, the front of the pull-up getting slightly darker with the wet spot forming before him. Part 11 Wendy was feeling so happy and pleased with herself, she knew that the main goal was to help Leslie achieve her wishes, but she was going to make sure she had her fun along the way. Leslie had told her she could play with her little boy as she would have to wait until she joined them, but Leslie thought that it would be easier getting Alex to do whatever they wanted if he was getting some fulfilment himself. With her hand now resting on his pull up, Wendy looked at him, “Aww, Alex sweetheart, you are such a good boy, I bet that feels all nice doesn’t it”, “But we need to get your shorts back on, we will be arriving shortly and Val will be there to meet us”. Alex was so much out of it with his own personal enjoyment; this brought him back to his senses. He quickly pulled up his shorts, wanting to be covered up ready for when they stopped in the bus station, he knew people would be moving around so didn’t want to arouse suspicion. Wendy could see him trying to make sure he was all covered up again, she thought it so sweet and innocent, but by the time they had finished with him there would be none of it. He would not care who saw him and where he was, he would be that little boy for his mum and her friends. Within minutes the coach was pulling into the bus station, people were up and about, rushing around the coach trying to get their things together. Wendy made sure that Alex stayed still in his seat, letting everyone else start to leave until she was ready to leave. Eventually they got up out of their seats, Wendy passed down Alex his back pack from the luggage rack, then brought hers down, and then after checking they had everything, they walked down the front of the coach and then got off. Alex was now for the first time for as long as he could remember wearing a pull up in public, but not only that, he was wearing a girls pink pull up, one that was all damp inside because of his own excitement. He followed Wendy away from the coach, heading towards an area where some people had gathered to greet friends that had travelled. Alex did not know Val by sight, it had been quite some years since Wendy had seen her friend, but when things had settled, there was only one lady left standing there. Wendy went over towards her, “Val is that you, it has been such a long time but you’re still so tall and elegant”. “Hi Wendy” replied Val, “it has been so long but Leslie sent me a few pics from your Facebook so I would recognise you”. They had a warm embrace before Val turned her attention to Alex, looking him up and down, “Well hello sweetie, you must be my little guest for the next few weeks, it’s so good to finally meet you, and your mum has told me so much about you”. Alex went to shake her hand, but Val just put her arms around him, pulled him close and hugged him tightly. He could feel her arms around him and her hands then giving his bottom a little squeeze, if only to confirm her knowledge of him. When they stepped apart, Wendy and Val started loading the luggage in her 4x4, giving Alex chance to clearly look her over. She was taller than both Wendy and his mum, maybe a bit older as well, long flowing dark hair, slim body with large breasts that pressed against her tight clothing. If it had been in any other situation he could even have found himself attracted to Val, she was older yes, but so pretty. This was going to be a lot harder for him now, Wendy had him wanting her, Val was just as pretty and she would be looking after his special requirements for night time. “Right then Alex” called out Val, “no day dreaming, get in the car, then I can get you and Wendy settled in, I am quite sure that you could do with a bath or shower”. Alex went over to the car where Val had the back door opened for him, Wendy already seated in the front. He was a bit surprised to see a 5 point harness attached to the seat, but with a few boxes on the other seat had no choice but to get in. “Oh I am sorry about this Alex” said Val, “I had my niece staying last week; her mum insisted that I had the harness fitted”, “It should fit you; she is quite big for her age whereas you are small for yours”. Before he could say anything, she was securing him in, including fastening the crotch strap up between his legs. Part 12 Alex was left speechless as he was fastened into the back of the car, a position that unknown to him he would become accustomed to in the not so distant future. He thought about protesting but knew that if he caused any trouble, his mum would find out. While everything was going on, there was still one thing in the back of his mind, his mum had made the arrangements and he could never bring himself to upset her in any way. He sat quietly in the back of the car listening to some music playing, whilst up front Wendy sat chatting with Val, he couldn’t make out what they were talking about, but occasionally thought he heard his name being mentioned. It was only a short ride before they pulled up outside a large house at the end of a road, just off the main seafront, but looking out over a beach that appeared quite secluded. Val and Wendy climbed out of the car, before Val came around to his door and opened it, he had tried himself but found the child lock in place on the door. He had to wait for Val to release his harness; it fastened in a way that made it impossible for him to reach the locking point. She went to release him but not before looking down at his shorts, unknown to him they had ridden up enough so that the edge of his pull up was now showing. “Come on sweetie” said Val releasing him from the seat, “let’s get you inside and settled down, I am sure that you could do with a bath and a change out of those”. The last part was said as she had her hand on his pull up, rubbing the edge of it. He went to the back of the car to collect his case, but not knowing what little surprises his mum had packed in there for him. His usual underwear had been replaced with much thicker terry cotton pants, ones that would be better described as a pair of training panties for toddlers. Then there was the usual pull up which he wore for sleeping in at night, but the special surprise was the cloth nappy and plastic pants she put in there, one just like those he had been viewing on-line. They made their way into the house, Alex was impressed with what he saw, very large hallway, very well furnished but all looking slightly feminine, but at the same time very homely. From his position in the large waiting area, he could see out over the sea, the beach looked very private but that was perfectly ok with him. Wendy had already gone up her room by the time Val had collected Alex’s room key, “Come along Alex, let’s go find your room, I am sure you will, it is right next to mine, so I can keep an eye on you like I promised your mum”. They made their way up the first flight of stairs, then along a corridor after going through a door marked private, “It’s ok Alex” said Val, “I just wanted to make sure that you get some nice peace and quiet, sometimes the guests can be a bit noisy”. Finally they reached a door marked with a little sign saying “ALEX”, which was a bit of a shock to him, he hadn’t realised how much trouble Val had gone through. The door was unlocked by Val and Alex was greeted by daylight once again. Before him stood a vast room, with a large double bed against one wall, directly opposite was a large TV mounted to the wall, then a dresser with plenty of drawers for his clothes. There was also a large dressing table with its own chair, but to his surprise in the corner a desk with a laptop computer on it. “That was a present from your mum for doing so well at school” said Val as she saw him looking at it, “through that door over there is your own private bathroom, the other door leads to my room but it is locked so don’t worry about that”, “The last door over there is the walk in wardrobe, but I think the dresser will be ok for your things”. “So let’s get you unpacked then you can have that nice warm bath that we both know you need”. Unaware of its contents, Alex lifted up his case onto the bed, but as it landed he thought he heard something rustling, Val came over to him, putting her arm around him, “That noise is only the protective mattress cover I put on the bed for you, your mum did tell you that she told me about your little problem and the last thing we want is for your bed to get wet. We can deal with a wet sheet or two but not a wet mattress”. He did remember what his mum had told him, so in all fairness it was to be expected, but it was just the shock of it, he just looked at Val and smiled. He started to open the case, then once open he undid the luggage straps inside it, removing the towel off the top. Directly underneath where his pull ups, all laying next to each other, which Val picked up and then walked over to the dresser with before laying them in one of the drawers, next to more pink ones which she already had prepared. He removed his t-shirts himself only to find the new underwear selection his mum had packed for him. At first he was unsure what they where, but having given the shirts to Val he quickly picked a pair up, only now understanding what they were. He had seen them on some of the sites he looked at but never imagined he would have some himself, especially not so many. Val came back over to him, looking at what he was holding, “Oh my, aren’t they the cutest little panties ever, so thick and sensible for a sweet boy like you, we will have to take care washing these, we don’t want them losing all that puffiness do we”. With that, Val took them from him and then places them in the dresser, the next drawer down from his pull ups. Alex then removed the next layer which contained some jeans and some more shorts, only to finally reveal the final surprise from his mother. There in plain view was the thickest terry cotton nappy he had seen, resting next to a pair of pale pink plastic panties that where covered in see through organza, with fine lace edging. For Alex he could see straight away what they where, it was something he had looked at so many times before, something he always wanted to try but never had. He was stuck in a trance until Val rested her hand on his, before looking at him, waiting to see if he would say anything. A few moments later with Alex still quiet, Val picked up the nappy and pants, removed it from the case and placed it on his bed next to the pillow. She closed the case, put it under the bed then looked at him, “Now you get undressed, I will go and run the bath. We can discuss the nappy later; there must be a good reason that your mum put it in there”. Part 13 Alex was speechless, he couldn’t believe that his mum had done this, he was trying to work out in his mind what would have made her do it, was there any way possible that she had found out his secret. In his mind he had been so careful, he never left his computer switched on, it was locked with a completely unique password. But while he was still thinking and trying to work things out, he had completely forgotten to get himself undressed, Val returned and caught him day dreaming. “Now come on Alex sweetie, I was hoping you would all ready and undressed ready for your bath” said Val in a sweet and motherly voice, “I can see that I am going to have to keep a firm eye on you in the future”. Before he had chance to start, Val was helping him remove his clothing, the bath was already full ready for him. Off came his t-shirt and shorts, leaving him standing there in just his sock and the cute pink pull up that Wendy put him in. Next off came his socks, just leaving him standing there in that pink pull up. Next thing he knew there was a flash of a camera; he turned to see Wendy standing the doorway taking a few snaps of him. “Forgive me Alex but I just had to have a few pics” said Wendy, “after all, it was me that put that on you”. But before Alex could reply, Wendy was off and gone. She needed to send those pics to his mum. Val took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom, then slowly tore each side of the pull up, before slowly pulling it away from his body. All the sticky cum was now stretching from him to that soft pink material, but the little strings broke away and he was now completely naked. Val looked at him and thought he looked so sweet, she could see now why Leslie wanted to get her little boy back again. Apart from his head, she noted that his body was practically hairless; he really was so young looking for his age. She would make sure that when the time was right, she would have all those stray hairs removed, he would be as smooth as a baby. “Come on sweetie, stop dawdling” said Val, “let's get you in the water before it starts getting cold, I will be back shortly to check on you”. With that Val helped Alex into the water and then gave him a large sponge to wash himself with, before leaving him alone to enjoy the nice hot water. He sat there for a while trying to take in what had happened over the last few hours since those services on the motorway. He knew things had changed, some of the things he wanted where starting to happen, but not quite in the way he expected. His peace was soon disturbed by a returning Val, but now she had a long length PVC apron on, her hair tied back out of the way. She came into the bathroom with a large fluffy white bath towel and put it down on the vanity unit. “Just as I thought” she said, “I leave you here to wash yourself and once more I find you day-dreaming, I think that I had best take care of things”. Without another word, she grabbed the sponge off Alex, added some all over baby wash, and then proceeded to wash Alex from head to toe, not even blinking when she got to private parts. She simply grabbed hold of his pee pee, and then washed it all over, top to bottom. Once she was done she had him stand up in the water, then she proceeded to wash between his legs, running her soapy fingers all over his bottom and between his cheeks. Alex was enjoying the touch once more, he wanted to say something, he was a young man and old enough to wash himself, but his natural instinct was to let her take over. All too soon for him it was over and she was taking his hand to help him out of the bath, then wrapping his soft skinned little body in the large fluffy towel. She dried him off in a motherly way, taking care to ensure he was totally dry, before leading him back into the bedroom. “Now I think it is still quite early, so let’s get you some clean underwear out, then get you dressed and I think we can go and get some dinner”. Val thought about using the nappy but decided that bedtime would be a far more appropriate time for its introduction to Alex. Instead she picked a pair of his thicker underwear from the dresser, ones she knew where actually training panties. She added a bit of powder to his private area, and then helped him into the panties, pulling them up making sure they were nice and snug. Next she gave him a t-shirt and shorts to wear, both plain white, followed by some small socks and then his white trainers. He loved the touch of Val while being dressed, she was stern like a mother would be, but at the same time so soft and gentle with him. He was once more getting aroused in his panties, something that didn’t go unnoticed to Val, but this would have to wait until later. “Come on sweetie, let’s go and get you some dinner, then you can have a look around the place, you might like what you see”. Apologies to all who have been reading, I got a bit snowed under with work so this had to take a seat on the backburner. Hopefully I will have more time to write once more. Chapter 14 Val took him by the hand and led him from his bedroom, back down the corridor they had come along. It was only just dawning on him that he was not going to be eating dinner in private; he would be going to the main dining room where all the other guests where eating. He worked out that the guest house was not huge, but it was full so there would be quite a few people there, probably all wondering who the young man all dressed in white was. Val had a few guests that were staying for the summer as well as Alex and Wendy, she was sure that they would want to meet little Alex at some point. When they reached the dining room, Wendy was already there sitting at a table, he could see the other place setting so knew that he must be joining her. As he made his way across the room he only really found his eyes meeting with two other ladies sitting together, both looking about the age of Val, wearing sleeveless tops and trousers, one dark hair and the other a blonde. He thought they were quite attractive even though they were older, but looked fit and trim at the same time. They smiled as he walked passed them before taking his seat with Wendy, the only two in the room that made eye contact with him. Val could see they noticed little Alex, “I see that Hannah and Angela have noticed you sweetie” said Val, “they are staying all summer just like you, they come every year for the summer season, selling their clothing at a stall in the summer market. When they are off they love to keep fit, I am sure you will love to meet them at some point”. Alex was ok with the keeping fit side of things, that is why he was always so slender, but he did wonder what they sold, assuming it to be ladies clothing, but he would find out another time. “Now don’t you look a handsome little boy” said Wendy, drawing Alex’s attention back to her and Val, “you look so sweet all dressed in white, we must make sure you have a nice big napkin to keep you clean”. That was when Val reached around him, putting the dark pink napkin in his lap, before tucking another in his shirt collar, draping down his front. Val then left Wendy and Alex to bring out the first course for everyone. They both enjoyed some tomato soup, and then chicken with potatoes before dessert was served. Everyone except Alex had cheesecake, but he was given ice cream with little sugar sprinkles on the top. He wondered why at the time but loved ice cream so didn’t bother to ask. With dinner over, Wendy retired to her room to do some work she had brought from the school, leaving Alex once more in the care of Val. “Now then sweetie” she said to him, removing his napkins and wiping his mouth and face, just like a mother would to a little child, “Why don’t we go for a little walk and I can show you the beach and the seafront”. “Do you need to use the bathroom first” she asked him, just loud enough for Hannah and Angela to overhear, causing a little smile and giggle from them. “I guess I better had” replied Alex, the last thing he wanted was to be caught short. So standing up Val once again led him back through the dining room, before taking him to his bathroom. But what shocked Alex was that she went in with him and without a word, lowered his shorts and training pants before pushing him down onto the toilet seat. “It's ok Alex; I have had a son of my own, so I have seen it all. Now you go pee pee for Aunty Val, I did promise your mummy I would take care of you”. Alex was lost for words, he didn’t know what to say, what to do, so he just sat down and did his best to let his pee flow out. He stood up and was about to pull his pants back up when he got a look from Val that said just one thing, hands off! So instead he just stood still and let her take care of things. She then wiped his little cock softly, before sprinkling some baby powder over it, then sliding his training panties back up. Now she was smoothing them out, rubbing him gently to get a reaction from him. It worked, she was now feeling a little bulge growing in his pants, and Alex was wriggling slowly at her touch, so she carried on. She then had him step out of his shorts, leaving him standing there in just the training pants, socks and trainers. While still rubbing him she reached into a cupboard and pulled out a pair of clear plastic pants, wanting to put him into them as soon as possible. “Now come on sweetie, be a good boy for Aunty Val, lets slip these onto you then we won’t have anything leaking through that we need to worry about”. He was like putty in her hands, the feeling flowing through him once more that he had experienced with Wendy. He put one leg then the other into the pants, before Val slowly lifted them up his smooth legs, pulling them into place. She now need to reward him she thought, let him see how good he was for letting her do this to him. Val now had her hand rubbing and caressing the front of him, her other hand now inside the back of his panties, holding his soft pink botty cheeks. A stray finger slowly edging towards his soft little hole, she knew she would have that one day soon. “Come on sweetie, show Aunty Val what a good boy you are, let it all out, you know you want to cream you soft terry panties, especially now you are safe in your plastic pants”. Alex was now beyond the point of no return, he wanted to release so much, Val had done the same to him that Wendy had before. Then suddenly he tensed up and just as Val’s finger touched his little hole, he squirted into the training pants. “Oh you perfect little darling” said Val to him softly, “I bet that felt so nice didn’t it, I bet you are glad we put your plastic pants on, such a lot of wet sticky cream would have soaked through your new training pants”. Chapter 15 Alex was left standing there with emotions running through his body like nothing he had never felt before. Val had made him feel so special, he wanted to thank her but felt too embarrassed to say anything, he had enjoyed it but it should have felt so bad. He looked at her but just could not bring himself to say anything. Instinct told Val that she had him all mixed up inside, he had been dressed as pure and innocent as possible but still in adult clothes, well on the outside anyway. Then without any fuss she had taken him into the bathroom to use the toilet, before getting him all worked up and making him cum in his little training panties. “Come on sweetie” Val told him, “I think you need a little bit of fresh air to cool you down and let you get a breather”. Val took him by the hand and led him back out into the corridor before heading outside, but not before collecting a small bag. It held a jumper for both of them in case the air got a bit cool, but they where, unknown to Alex both in pale baby pink. She also had two rain capes in there as it had forecast the chance of a shower later in the evening. On the way out through the door Alex passed both Angela and Hannah, both of them giving his bottom a little pat on the way through the door before giggling. It was as though the sound of his plastic pants was echoing to them; he began to wonder if they knew already, or if not, how long it would be before they found out. Leaving the guesthouse entrance, Alex once again found himself hand in hand with Val, well more so Val taking his hand. With every little step he took he could feel the damp patch in the front of his pants pressing against his skin, he knew that if it weren’t for the plastic pants there would be a large wet spot showing. He knew that Val had left him this way for her own enjoyment, but maybe for his own humiliation. But after a while he had gotten used to the feeling and carried on as though nothing mattered. Val carried on walking trying not to look down on her sweet little charge, but she kept having the odd little glance at him, seeing the conflict in his face, looking at the picture of innocence, still dressed all in white. They approached one of the shelters along the sea front so Val decided it was time to sit down and add a layer of clothing now that the sun was setting. Val sat down and lifted Alex onto her knee, the size difference between them making the job quite easy. “I think it’s time for a sweater for both of us sweetie” said Val, “we don’t want to catch cold, your mummy would never forgive me”. “Here we go” said Val reaching into her bag and pulling out two sweaters, “I hope you don’t mind that I got matching ones for us, they where the first ones I grabbed out of the cupboard”. Val tried to make it sound like a coincidence she had picked two pale pink sweaters, but that had been her plan all along. “I guess it doesn’t matter” replied Alex, “it’s not as though mine is a girls or ladies one”, not really knowing one way or the other just making a logical assumption. “It does feel really soft though” said Alex, “it will keep me nice and warm”. Val proceeded to dress Alex in his new sweater knowing full well that it was a girls, it was also a mix of lamb’s wool and angora, designed to be super soft on smooth skin. She knew only too well that it would tingle the soft blonde hairs on his arms; what few of them there were. She then proceeded to put her own on, before giving Alex a small carton of juice with a little straw in it. When they set off again, Alex once again hand in hand with Val, they looked like mother and child, from a distance they could have been mistaken for mother and daughter with Alex dressed in pink and white. Val now understood more and more why his mom wanted him back as her little one, he was so unassuming and innocent with regards to the big wide world, he needed the close love and attention, and so far that is what he had been getting. Alex finished his drink while walking along, Val pointing out small things along the way; the best part of the beach; where he could swim and where to get the best ice cream. Alex tried to pay attention but was having a bigger problem, the need for the bathroom. The little mess he had made in his trainer pants earlier, combined with the carton of juice now meant he needed to visit the bathroom. “Erm Aunty Val” said Alex, wondering what to say, “is there anywhere with a bathroom nearby, I need to use one”. Val thought for a moment, wondering whether it was too soon to have Alex wet himself, she so wanted to but decided that outdoors would be unfair to him. “Come on sweetie, there are some toilets further along” she said, “can you be a good boy and hold on for me, it’s not far”. Alex had little choice but to carry on hoping that he wouldn’t leak anything, he was now quite relieved to be wearing the plastic pants. They soon reached the bathroom but there was a sign on the door of the mens room saying it was out of order, saying the next was about 15 mins away. He knew he could not hold for that long so rather than take a boy into the ladies; Val opened the door to the baby change room, knowing it would be empty this time in the evening, then pulling Alex in behind her. To avoid adults using this room as a toilet, there was only a potty chair in the corner suitable for a child, so Val told Alex he would have to use it. To stop him getting his white shorts dirty by touching the floor, Val insisted that he take them off first. So he soon found himself sitting on a child’s potty, wearing only his trainers and socks with his white polo and pink jumper. With Alex looking down, Val took the opportunity to take a quick picture of him, before sending it to his mum. “Are you all done sweetie” said Val bringing him back to his senses, “stand up so I can wipe you dry”. Val took hold of his little cock and gently dabbed it dry with some paper, still seeing the remains of the shiny cum glistening on his skin. “I think that we will have to give someone a shower when they get home, you really did fill your panties for Aunty Val didn’t you, you where such a good boy”. Those words from Val only had one effect on young Alex, I made him excited once again, but all Val did this time was to clean him further with his cloth training pants. When she finished, she held them out and looked at Alex, “You can’t wear these back home, they are far to damp for your delicate skin” “I am afraid that you will just have to wear your plastic pants under your shorts, but I am sure that you will be ok” “Come on; let me put them back on you”. Val slid the plastic pants back up his legs, fitting them over his bottom and pulling them up at the front, but his now semi stiff cock pointing upright beneath the soft PVC. She then helped him back into his shorts, fastening them up, and then patting the front of them. “Come on sweetie” said Val gathering their things, “time to head back I think”. The first few steps Alex took where the strangest ever to him, the soft PVC now caressing him with every step he took, making him harder and harder. But Val just gently smiled at him, wondering how long he could hold on for. Chapter 16 The light was beginning to fade as the sun started to set out over the sea, the temperature still relatively warm but the need for the soft jumper Alex was wearing justified with the sea breeze. It was the first time he had really noticed the small resort he would be spending his summer in, somewhere he could feel safe, already finding himself being very intimately cared for by Val and Wendy. As they carried on along the sea front back towards Val’s guesthouse, Alex found himself getting more and more excited within the confines of his plastic pants, the soft smooth PVC encasing his little private parts, rubbing him slowly with each step he took. Val knew full well the effect it was having on little Alex but was not letting up and carried on walking, her hand gripping tightly to that of Alex, making sure the pace was kept up. As they approached the shelter they stopped at on the way down, the sky clouded over very quickly from the land, a few droplets of rain starting to fall. They just made it in time before the rain got heavier; joined at the same time by two ladies that had come from the opposite direction. It was only when they all met at the same side of the shelter that Alex could see it was the two ladies from the guest house that had spoken to him earlier; Hannah and Angela. “Hello there sweetie” said Hannah, surprised to see Alex standing there, “don’t you look all nice and warm in that soft pink sweater” “I might have to ask Val where she got that, I would love one like that myself, it looks so soft and girlish, maybe Val will take us shopping for one”. Val looked down at her little companion, she loved how embarrassed he would get but still not say anything. “I think I can find time to show you where they came from” said Val, “it would be a good idea to get another for Alex for these cooler summer evenings, maybe one in lemon or white, what do you think Alex”? Alex was caught with nowhere to go, he had to be good and didn’t want to anger Val, even though the colours she mentioned where just as childish and girlish as the pink one he was wearing. “Maybe it would be a good idea” replied Alex, “it does feel nice and warm”. He answered as best he could hope that in time they would forget about the idea. “It looks like this rain is set for the evening” said Angela, “I do hope you have a coat to keep your soft wool nice and dry Alex”. But before he could answer Val had her hand in the bag she was carrying, “I thought I would bring these just in case” replied Val pulling out a folded up PVC raincoat, “you never can tell with this sea air”. Hannah took the coat from Val and opened it up, letting out a pleasant smile and little giggle when she saw that it was pale pink, but still see-through. “Come along Alex” she said, “let me help you on with this then you can be on your way, back home to nice warm bath before bedtime”. Hannah held the coat out while Alex slipped his arms in without any arguments; it was soft and smooth, and quite figure hugging to him. Hannah smiled to him as she closed the front and did up the buttons. Her hands smoothed it out around his body, only then did she hear the rustling of his panties, those plastic ones that had caressed him all the way to his present location. Val could see that Alex was getting embarrassed again, his shorts slightly tenting at the front again, she wondered if he would react to Hannah touching him the same as when she did. “Please excuse me for a moment” said Val, “I need to make a phone call, and I just remembered I had forgotten to order something for tomorrow”. “Now Alex, you stay here with Hannah, I will be just around the corner”. All of the phone call talk had been an excuse made up by Val, but none of them knew that apart from her. Once Val was around the corner, Hannah sat down on the bench and lifted Alex onto her lap, holding him close with one arm, her other hand now resting on top of the bulge in his pants. “Do you like your plastic pants sweetie” she whispered to him, “I bet they are so soft and smooth rubbing on your little pee pee, have you already been naughty in them”? Alex just looked at her and nodded, he knew that without anyone stopping her, he would soon have another mess in them. Hannah now had her hand inside the shorts and was playing with him, rubbing him slowly, telling him quietly and softly that he was such a sweet boy. “You are going to make the perfect little one for your mummy” said Hannah to him, something which he secretly wanted but had still never let out. “Now be a good little boy and fill your panties for Aunty Hannah, let all that boyish little cream out”. This was getting too much for him, his body tensed up more and more with each touch from Hannah, until she whispered one last comment, “You will be doing this lots and lots when with me, I guarantee” That sent Alex over the edge; he began to spurt more of his creamies into the panties. Chapter 17 Hannah held Alex close while he did his best to regain his composure, there was a grin on her face from side to side, enjoying so much what she had just put the poor boy through, but now looking forward even more to the next time she play with him. Alex was coming back to his senses when he felt Angela run her fingers through his hair, “Awww, such a sweet little boy” she told him, “I can’t wait to go swimming with you tomorrow”! Alex new nothing about this but felt strangely comfortable with all the ladies he was now acquainted with, no matter what they seemed to be doing to him. He had been through so many emotions so far but all of them so pleasurable. Val had finished her so called phone call and re-appeared from the other side, but she had been watching Alex without him knowing, loving every moment of it. But now was the time to take him home and get him settled for the night, he had had quite a day so far and must have been exhausted. “Come along little one” said Val, “I think it is about time we were going, I am sure that you will have plenty of time to play with Hannah and Angela”. Alex just blushed at the thought, wondering what Val meant, but his mind was brought back to the present moment as soon as he stood up. All that fluid was now gathering once more in the bottom of his plastic panties. His little balls now coated in the emissions that both Val and Hannah had coaxed from him. So finally with his pink PVC raincoat fastened up, his hood pulled up, Val took him by the hand and they set off back towards the guesthouse. The walk back was quiet, neither saying much, both getting covered in the rain that was still falling, but Alex quite happy to be dry in his coat, even if it was pink. Once safely back indoors, Val helped him off with his coat. “Well I think it is time for you to go have a bath” said Val, “I am sure that your pants must be quite full by now, I can’t leave you in them, now can I”. Val led him upstairs back towards his bathroom, to be greeted by Wendy coming out of her room, “Well hello sweetheart” said Wendy, “I hope you have had a nice walk”. “Are we going for a nice warm bath”? “Yes” replied Val before Alex could speak, “his little underwear didn’t last too long”, “But it is ok, his plastic pants managed to hold all his little messes, so I think it time to get him cleaned up before bed”. “Well I can’t let you do all the work” said Wendy, “you go and check that all is ok with the staff and guests, I will get Alex started with the bath”. Wendy took Alex to his bathroom, and then started the water running in the bath while she slowly proceeded to remove his clothes. Alex felt a little nervous as this was the first time Wendy had actually seen him totally naked. While she turned off the water, Alex was left to stand in just his plastic panties, the see-through PVC doing nothing to hide all the cumsie sloshing around inside. Wendy turned around to look at him, knowing full well what had happened, Val actually messaged her earlier to let her know what fun they had been having. “My oh my” she exclaimed trying to be surprised, “you really have been enjoying yourself haven’t you”. She spread a towel on the floor, then slowly lowered the panties from Alex, strings of white cum hanging from his skin, leaving his little cock and balls all shiny. Once he had stepped out of them she wondered for a moment, thinking would he taste it, but then thought that could wait for another time. “Right then, into the bath with you” said Wendy, “I will just wash these out in the sink then we can make sure that you are all clean”. Alex lowered himself into the water, sinking slowly under all the soft bubbles that now surrounded him, trying his best to wash as quickly as possible. He looked around for a sponge but there was none to be found, a washcloth neither, he now knew he would not be washing himself. “Right then little one” said Wendy, turning her attention back to him, now holding a large sponge in her hands, “let’s get you all washed and clean, then Val will be back to get you dressed for bed”. “But...but..but” stammered Alex, “I can wash myself if you give me the sponge, I am sure I can manage”. “Nonsense” replied Wendy, kneeling down at the side of the bath, “we all promised your mummy that we would take good care of you, and so that is what we will do”! With that she put her fingers in the bubbles and then brought some up and dabbed them onto Alex’s nose, causing Alex to giggle as he accepted his fate, he could never go against his mums wishes no matter how strange they seemed. Wendy then plunged the sponge in to the water, then brought it up to Alex’s chest and began to wash him, making sure that no place was left untouched. With the top of his body done, Wendy had Alex get on his hands and knees in the bath, where she proceeded to wash his bottom before turning her attention to between his legs. Alex was giggling like a little girl while this was happening; she had now found his ticklish week spot. She slowly washed every part of his little body; his balls, and then finally his little pee pee. He could not help it when it started to grow under her soft touch, but this time he would not be getting any relief from it, the ladies had decided that he had gone through enough today. Just as Wendy finished washing him, Val returned to the bathroom with a very large white fluffy towel in her arms. She could help but laugh when she saw little Alex on his hands and knees in the water, still with a big pile of bubbles sitting on his bottom. “Come on sweetie, it’s time to get you out before you get addicted to those bubbles” said Val, still chuckling to herself. She waited for Wendy to pour some water over Alex’s bottom, before helping him to stand up, then wrapping the big warm fluffy towel around him. “Now don’t you look all snug and warm in there” said Wendy, “I think I can leave you safe in Val’s arms for the rest of the night”. With that she kissed Alex on his head, and then left Val to dry Alex off and get him ready for bed. Leaving the bathroom and going back into Alex’s bedroom, the first thing Alex noticed layed out on his bed was the big white fluffy towelling nappy and the plastic pants that his mum had packed and sent with him.
  8. (This is a collection of short stories I wrote to go along with pictures as part of art trades or requests. Credit to the actual artists for the drawings,, as described for each. Most of these are older.) 1. Sissy Talent (Both Pictures are by BlackRose Seduction on Deviantart, the italicized writing is from her descriptions) "Nnnf..." "Now now, sweetie. If you keep fussing like that, you're going to lose your pacifier and it's going to get aaaallll dirty. I think you've had enough lessons today to know better, hm?" :: Alex's bottom was still sore from the last lesson he learned. "No fussing when putting on dresses for Mommy." His bottom still stung, even in his big, comfy pink car seat.:: "Now, are you going to behave like a good little girl during this Pageant?" :: Alex nodded his head, a constant blush running across his cheeks. He was dolled up and ready as Mommy wanted him. He couldn't touch anything; he wasn't physically permitted to. Even though the false eyelashes bothered him, his hands were encased in sleeves, which were linked to the harness placed around his dress. No, he would remain just as Mommy wanted him until the Pageant was done. He was a good little girl.:: :: With a leash clicked to his baby harness, he had no choice but to follow like a little child. His skirt was too short to hide his diaper, and he didn't dare let go of his pacifier to speak again. He dutifully followed his Mommy like a little trained puppy, walking to the building with the giant Marquee that read "Little Teapot Beauty Pageant tonight":: "Good. Mommy wants to win, tonight. Be a good little girl and give the judges a good show.~" "Oh, and Little one... put all worries aside; your diaper is most DEFINITELY showing.~" Alex waddled behind her as best as the thick padding would allow. Even after all this time, every crinkle, every flash of white plastic and every awkward, waddling step made him blush. This was especially true with all those eyes on him. He nodded at the mistress' words, knowing he better do his best to win or face the consequences, and pouted at her comment about his diaper. Though he knew it was clearly showing, he hated to have it pointed out.He tried to think back on how he got himself into this mess. It all seemed so natural, he didn't really know what had caused it. He had arrived at the Mistress' house, told he was there for 'rehabilitation', not really knowing what that meant. It was as much his choice as anyone else's. He figured he would be out in a week or so, and move on. At first it had seemed like a game, a little bit of acting up, followed by a little bit of 'fun' punishment.... Except that he soon realized he couldn't say no to the games. The one week turned into weeks, then months, and the punishments went from brief little games to his full time life. They got more and more embarrassing, as he found himself being treated as if he were younger and younger. When the Mistress finally took out a diaper and lay it underneath him, (replacing the pull up she had him in at the time) it simply seemed natural. A spanking ended any argument, a few months without 'big boy privileges' ended any thought he didn't belong in them. Eventually, his "Mistress" became his "Mommy".Now here he was at the dreaded pageant. When she first mentioned it he had thought, or at least hoped, she was joking. He had gone out in public before, which was embarrassing enough, but an actual pageant? With all those eyes on him? He shuddered. As ordered he waved sadly at the tv cameras, trying not to think about how far they could be broadcasting.Making matters worse was a surprise twist he had only found out about that morning. He remembered waking up, nervous enough as it was for the upcoming pageant. He ate breakfast in his high chair slowly, wishing he could make the clock move slower. At that point, he was dressed in a blue baby boy onesie, diaper, and bonnet, which he would have told anyone was about as embarrassing as it gets. Oh, how naive he was. When he finally finished the last of the oatmeal shoved into his mouth by his "mommy's" over aggressive spoon, he sighed and let her help him get out of the high chair. He followed her into the bed room, expecting to find some childish version of a suit, maybe a costume, or perhaps a sailor's outfit all designed to prominently display his padded rear. Instead, to his shock, he found a frilly pink dress lying neatly on his crib. At first he didn't want to believe it. "Wha... what is that?" he asked nervously, dreading the answer. "Why, that is your dress for the pageant!" his mistress replied cheerily, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He looked at her with wide eyes. "Wha..What do you mean!?" "I mean we are going to put you in a nice dress so everyone can see what a pretty little girl you are." The realization he had been avoiding finally clicked. They meant to put HIM in a DRESS, and say he was a GIRL!? "No! Please!" he shouted desperately. "I'm not a girl!" "Really?" his mistress said with mock surprise. "Is that so? Then why does it say right here on your form, 'baby girl'? It seems to be all filled out that way, are you sure your not a girl? I think we better put you in the dress just to be sure. Oh and look, you signed it, so it must be true." She showed him the form, "Sarah Paeron's Sissy Pageant," where the box 'girl' really was checked, then signed. By his own hand. Why had he missed that? He recalled signing it in a rush, with eyes full of tears, having just been 'persuaded' to do so and hoping the persuasion was over. "Silly baby, what did you think "Sissy" meant anyway? That they wanted manly babies? Is there even such a thing?" she asked. "But... but..." his complaints fell on deaf ears as she pulled the dress over his head. As soon as she let go of him, he reached for the hem of his dress. Though deep down he knew it was pointless, part of him hoped that by fighting back enough eventually she would give up. Maybe he could tear the dress? "I'm. Not. A. GIRL!" he said, yanking at it. He had barely a moment of rebellion before he found himself turned upside down. The dress, now partially flipped over his head, trapped him and kept him immobile while he was positioned over the women's knee. "Nooo..." he shouted, kicking. He knew full well what was coming next. WHAP! The familiar sting of the paddle came down upon his plastic-padded backside. He yelped in pain, and braced for the next. WHAP WHAP WHAP! They rained down as he cried and wailed. "You. Are. A. GIRL." she said, mimicking his earlier words, and punctuating each one with another spank. "You. Will. Be. A. Good. Baby. Girl. You. Will. Do. Your. Best. To. Be. Pretty. Effeminate. And. Cute. And. Win. The. Pageant. For. Mommy. Or. This. Spanking. Will. Seem. Like. A. Cakewalk. Understand?" "YESS!!!" he wailed, giving in. She finally stopped the spanking, sat him on her lap, and wrapped his arms in long, finger less sleeves. She wiped his tears from his cheeks and hugged him. "There's a good baby girl. Just let the tears come out until your done, mommy needs to do your makeup." If anything, that made him want to cry even more. So here he was, at the competition as a baby girl. Alex hoped this change wasn't permanent, but something told him it was. He stared jealously at those who were actually dressed as boys, then at his own, more effeminate competition. He wondered how many of the skirts he saw belonged to actual girls, and how many were just sissy boys like him. He joined a group of other adult babies in their own special category. Some looked as miserable as he was, while others seemed to have accepted their position and waved happily at the crowds and cameras. "See?" his mistress said, pointing at the happier ones "if you learn to accept what you are, you can love it too!" Alex cringed at the thought, hoping he never got to that point. Or so he told himself. He could feel part of his mind telling him it was better that way, that he belonged in, even preferred this lifestyle, that he really, truly hoped for it... He remembered the hug after the spanking, how soothing it was... Should he accept it and learn to love it, rather then finding it all humiliating and constantly being punished? ... Maybe it was better, accepting a life of cuteness, being adored, no responsibilities...He shook those thoughts out of his mind. He would NOT let himself go there. Anyway, he had other, much more pressing matters to worry about. He would be on stage soon, expected to look cute for the judges. If he didn't do his best to win, there would be more punishment in store, and he knew his mistress was all too happy to spank him right on stage. He really would have to work, which made his growing problem even worse... in his stomach, he could feel a rumbling, and cramps getting harder and harder to hold back. Perhaps Mistress had put something in his bottle earlier, perhaps it was just poor timing, he didn't know. He looked down at his skirt, barely covering the diaper, leaving it all visible for the crowds and cameras... He watched the line, trying to calculate how long it would take to get on stage, and how long he would be there demonstrating his babyish 'talents'... what were those talents again? Did she ever tell him what kind of show they would put on? Oh lord, what had she planed!? He hoped it had nothing to do with what he thought. More so, he hoped he wouldn't prove he needed his pampers right on stage. Did any of the things he had hoped for work out?Another cramp hit him. He hoped, oh he hoped... * :: The pageant was enough to put a tinge on any sissy's cheeks. Back stage was a mess of wardrobe changes and ruffles galore! So many prissy sissies being dolled up for their big performance. Some wore wigs which were pasted cruelly to their hair, others restrained while their nails dried, posture collars in place to assure they didn't move as their makeup was perfected, etc. Everyone aimed to win, especially the sissies that often had much at stake if they lost. Alex could still feel the sting of his bottom from his last practice performance, so he knew he had to win this for Mommy if he wanted to be able to sit anytime soon!:: :: He was careful to walk past the other poor, pathetic little dolls in the hallway, moving his skirt from any staining hazards, tip-toeing past the chairs to be sure his shoes were not scoffed. He was a good sissy with a lot of practice keeping his outfit in ready shape, though of course, everyone wished to win... which meant there were competitive mothers that would do anything to make sure their investments paid off.:: "...Ooops! Dear oh Dear... you should watch where you're going!" :: Alex looked down with despair as he realized she was talking to him, seeing a nice, thick streak of blue across his white stockings. He didn't dare speak up to her, though before he met his Mommy, he knew he would need to remove those stockings!:: "Oh Sweetie. What happened to your stockings? I thought you wanted to keep your little diaper covered?" :: Alex blushed and looked away shyly from his Mommy. He couldn't think of a response, and remembering that his diaper was showing now, he couldn't even think to turn around and see if people noticed. As he thought on it, his Mommy was moving him somewhere in the room, and he realized pretty soon that he was looking out the side of the stage!! It was a huge crowd!! His eyes froze in horror as he was pushed out onto the stage. He hadn't been paying attention, but it was his turn to perform a dance for the pageant!:: :: His performance utilized several pirouettes, to which the audience always lit up in camera flashes. It wasn't exactly rare to see sissies wearing diapers, but the obvious embarrassment and unexpected shock on his face made it far too priceless to not capture that moment. Perhaps it was also something else... but Alex was too focused on his performance and humiliation to think on it. He shamefully twirled and danced across the stage, just as he had been trained to do, his Mommy proudly looking back to the other Dominant characters with a smugness to her success.:: :: As it would seem, this accidental tweak to the routine was enough to win the judges over! Alex stood proudly with his trophy, even if the title did make him blush: "Pageant's Biggest Sissy." It was a sissy's dream come true, and he let the moment sink in as a final relief to his humiliating performance. He felt a pat on his shoulder which made him swell with a little pride in his duties. ...But then he felt a pat on his bottom, to which he only just now realized... was wet this entire time.::Dear Readers,I have read the above messages and would like to clarify some points here. There is a clear and direct attempt to slander my good name here. This was all a deliberate and successful plan to manipulate the judges, not an embarrassing mistake. I obviously just took a diaper since I definitely do not need them and barely ever wear them, and I used a bottle of apple juice to- segrsrgsfg(Please ignore Alex's previous statement. He is currently spending some quality time with a paddle and a bar of soap for the obvious naughty lie. I'll have him write a more accurate explanation later.) ... (The following is the truth. Alex will have to write honestly if he wants to get rid of the soap, and I'll be nearby with a paddle to ensure accuracy.)"That was a lie, I am sorry for misbehaving. I am very naughty baby for doing it. I always wear a diaper because I am a baby, and definitely do not do so willingly. I need them and know it is for the best that my mommy puts me in them. I accidentally tore my tights and was crying like a sissy baby as I was told I had to wear my pampers without anything covering them. I was so nervous I used them, as I often do, which one of few dsrgs - one of many, many, nearly uncountable reasons I need them. (There you have it, he admits the truth. Oh, and to say he was merely 'wet' is being kind to him. He knows better then to lie about such things. However, what he doesn't know is that it doesn't matter anyway, as it was filmed and broadcast on television, so anyone can see the truth. Right now we are going to finish his spankings as he gets to watch his most adorable, embarrassing moments on the big screen. Oh, and did his eyes go wide when he read that! If only I could capture that reaction.Also, don't tell him, but this competition qualified him for the next level of competition, which will be broadcast prime time internationally. He won't know until after of course, and we are sure to have something even more 'fun' planned.) 2. Cleaning: (Drawing by AshleyOTK on Deviantart) Maybe some of you are wondering how this happened. If you’re thinking I did something to deserve this, you’re totally, 100% wrong. What you see here is a totally unfair, mean, and not deserved punishment. This is NOT what I had expected when I agreed to be their baby. Since when do babies clean? Never, that’s when! You see, it began a while ago, when, after some friendly encouragement and some less than friendly encouragement, I decided independently and free from coercion or petition based court orders to become an AB. I was not forced due to ‘unbelievable immaturity,’ ‘being a huge brat’ or “cause literally everyone ever thought I should,” or whatever else the liars told you. So, I went on my own free will to the AB Adoption and Training center. Being kept in diapers, playing with toys, crawling… This is what I had learned. Sure, it was embarrassing. I had to be held down the first time I was put in diapers, and the first time going out in public I was in tears. Being pushed in a stroller and lead on a baby harness near people I used to know as a grown up…. I can still here the laughter. But aside from that, I loved it! I got to play around, using toys I otherwise would have had to give up years ago, wear cute clothes… But best of all was the total lack worries. No responsibilities, no anxiety… All I had to do was play. They bathed me, checked my padding, fed me... and, of course, put my toys away for me. Always. How could it be otherwise? That had all changed after the adoption. You see, a well-to-do couple I had been friends with before and who took care of other subbies- a ‘kitten’ and a ‘puppy’- were looking for a baby, and since they knew me, decided to ask. I agreed to permanent adoption. It was embarrassing at first, being a sub to people barely older than me and I had known as equals for years. I blushed every time I called them “Mommy” and “Daddy” instead of their first names. However, I had already been taught to think of people my age and younger as being my elders, and it was hard to argue after they diapered my bum. As before, everything was taken care of- I got toys, clothes, play dates with other ABs… everything. Plus, they lived in a nice neighborhood, in a big house with a staff to maintain it, and rented out rooms to other families so I always had company. As the only baby, I got lots of embarrassing but fun attention. I made friends with the ‘pets,’ was bounced on knees and given treats by the adults, and babysat by college students I was told were actually older then me. I overheard my caretakers talking about the need for another maid, so I figured that was all the better. They said I was spoiled rotten, but I think it was all alright. However, there was one problem. My ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ started asking me to clean. Just pick up my toys when I was done, to make the staff's job easier. At first I thought they were joking. No way a baby would do that, right? I ignored it and kept playing. A few days passed, and they asked again. I couldn't believe it. Asking a baby to clean… that’s so… so mean! They were being big meanies! Totally unfair, not part of the deal! So, feeling rebellious, I decided to teach them a lesson. I made a big mess, spreading my toys everywhere. I took off the blue onesie they put me in and spit out my paci (both big no-nos), put a spare diaper on my head as a hat and began to draw on the walls while signing as loud as I could. When they came in I gave them my most innocent smile (a look I had perfected at the AB Centre), thinking I had won. Obviously, they should have seen this was a totally fair reaction and learned their lesson. I felt smug on the inside. That smugness turned to suprise as I found myself picked up flipped over my Mommy’s knee. She pulled down my diaper and began spanking. I was shocked! They had given me time outs, even locked me in my high chair, but spankings!? I was the baby- to be spoiled, not spanked! I tried to struggle, but was warned fighting would only make it worse. The meanie spanked me until I was cried. It hurt so bad! The pain built and built, and I could feel my bottom getting red. Then, just when I thought it was over, I was picked up again and put over my Daddy’s knee for more! Next, I was lead, whimpering and sobbing like a baby (duh), to the corner. I was left there, with a bar of soap in my mouth and red bottom on display to any passerby, to think about what I had done. All I could think about was what the next punishment could possibly be. My question was answered when my caretakers returned. They pulled my diaper back onto my still burning bum (OUCH!), turned me around, and I almost began crying again at what I saw. In my 'parents' hands was a pink, frilly dress, along with a full baby girl outfit. My mind raced, not believing it. I kept thinking, why do they have those? They are for girls, or… oh god… sissys… But I’m not a sissy! Am I? I never had been before… A baby sure, but not that… I mean, I guess it was up to my caretakers, but surely they couldn’t mean… they didn’t… No... Mommy began to rub it in like meanie. "Aww, don't look so scared," she said. "You'll look sooo cute! Besides, with your pout and pretty blond hair, you really do look the part, Princess..." She ruffled my hair. But she made me pout! Its her fault, not mine! And my name is NOT Princess! Not fair at all! It was even more embarrassing then when I was first fitted for my pampers, but I knew better then to argue. They replaced the soap with the paci, reminding me to suckle it and not talk. They dressed me slowly, making me see and feel every part of the humiliating outfit, and pinned the skirt up to show off my spanked bum and diaper. Just to be extra big meanies, they put that sign on it. The, they handed me a broom and told me to get cleaning if I didn’t want more. They told me that they weren’t raising a spoiled brat and, along with my new girly clothes, I could expect plenty more punishments unless I was a “good little princess.” They didn’t even try to hide their snickering, and I could hear giggles from others in the hall. It was all SO unfair, SO cruel! I heard my Daddy on the phone ordering stuff to match my new found sissy status. They got pink paint, decorations, and a crib head board labeling me “Princess” as an extra cruel touch. They’ve already put girl dolls and Hello Kitty toys in my play pen! They’re getting a whole new wardrobe of pink diapers, girly onesies, dresses… and maid’s outfits. A whole bunch of maid’s outfits, all with different designs, and all in my size… I guess I’ll be doing some cleaning after all. So you see, its all unfair, and totally not deserved! You believe me, right? Babies shouldn’t have to clean! I’m not a maid, and definitely not sissy! Can you tell my Mommy and Daddy? Please? Anyone? Please? I don’t want to be Princess any more… 3. Lies, All Lies (art by 34Qucker) SO again you might want an explanation here. If anything this might take more explaining then the last one. You see, there I was minding my own business, doing absolutely nothing wrong, when for no reason at all, something beyond my control totally(Sorry for the interruption. Headmistress here. Alex was being watched and his naughty lies were noticed. He was properly disciplined and taught the difference between lies and truths. As far as he is concerned, the difference is one of them involves soap and spankings. He will be writing it properly in a moment, and I will be adding inserts to correct any other naughty misbehavior)Alright, I'll be writing quickly because it hurts to sit down. I apologize for my complete lies earlier and hope you can forgive me for my misbehavior.So anyway, as it turns out, spending all your free time riting naughty stories online isn't considered a 'mature' thing to do. It certainly isn't 'responsible' or 'productive," or "what anyway in the right mind would ever do seriously what the $&%^ *#&$&# you #*&$ weirdo."I always thought I was so clever. I went on at night, locked my computer, didn't give my address, etc. etc. Of course, that was far from enough. I've been told I was given several chances to stop and do something more productive, but I kept doing it anyway.And that's how I found myself one day at the Corrective Home for Immature Young Men. Apparently there had been some kind of vote, and a few measly petitions, along with some 'professional opinions,' and other stuff like that that said I should go, none of which in anyway is(insert: again, sorry, correcting his lies)So then it was completely and totally fairly decided that I should go. In reality, if I stopped being such a silly little boy, I'd agree. Definitely. It is true beyond doubt I should be.Anyway, this is a place where boys who don't act their age go. There is a strict "be treated the way you act" policy. This means that arrivals are regressed based on the severity of their crimes, and allowed to move up in age if they behave. The absolute lowest are the stinky babies, made to crawl around in diapers, no potty privileges, and getting fed from bottles and high chairs. Moving up are todlers in pull ups and training pants, who are taught basic things like numbers and holding utensils, then school aged students who attend kindergarten and grade school classes, and finally teenagers. If you make it past there, you graduate, and are allowed out. If you go back to far, then you are declared a permanent baby, and sent to live with one of many loving adopting families. Along the entire way, there are plenty of childish punishments allowed by the staff, from spankings, to time outs, to the dreaded soap.When I first arrived, I was given the benefit of the doubt and let into kindergarten classes. I tell you, at the time I thought nothing was more embarrassing then sitting there in a batman t-shirt, jean shorts, and even more embarrassing Disney Princess briefs...(inert- we should point out little Alex owned those clothing articles before arriving. He wore them willingly.)...while having to learn basic math and reading. The teachers stood over us patronizingly, praising us for fulfilling the most basic tasks, feeding us juice boxes, having us play with little toys...(insert: check his spelling and tell me he doesn't need classes. Go on. I dare you.)Naturally, I couldn't stand it.So, I decided to be a bit rebellious. You know, harmless fun. I was brought to the front of the class and asked to read from a Barney book. However, I was prepared. Instead of the expected beginning, I started with "A friend of mine, when he was thirteen years old he heard about "pegging." This is when a guy gets banged up the butt with a dildo..." and continued to read Chuck Palahniuk's "Guts." You know, when the guy who wrote Fight Club decided that Fight Club wasn't violent enough. If any of you haven't read it, I strongly suggest you don't. I got about half a page in before I was drowned out by the collective screaming of the class and the teacher grabbing me.Anyway, that was about the seventh time I ended up in the corner with the dunce cap on.The next incident was even worse. I will spare you the details, but it involved noodles and three of the staff retired.That time, there was an assembly for the "students." I was dragged in front of the entire school and had my pants pulled down to show the humiliating My Little Pony underwear (insert: Again, his own.)pulled over the principles knee, and spanked there and then in front of the entire 'school.' I struggled, I squirmed, and eventually I screamed. Finally I was given the dunce cap again and made to stand with my pants down, this time in the corner of the open hallway so everyone could see and jeer.Not a good day.Anyway, after that I was demoted from school student to toddler. My undies were replaced with pull ups, and I was taken out of school.At the time, i really did think it couldn't get worse. I was never out of site of a 'grown up,' was spoon fed my meals, sent to be early, and had my pull ups constantly checked for wetness. I was given a chart with a star for every 'dry' day, and a frowny face and a spanking for any bad day. Too many bad days, and someone could end up in diapers. Of course, no one really got close, but it didn't matter if I filled out chart after chart with smiley faces(insert: HA!)and never had an accident at all(insert: Does anyone believe that?? I'm not going to even bother correcting it.)they still made the point of taking you in front of everyone, having you strip down to your pull ups, and checking as if expecting to find something. I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my life, especially when they deliberately poor water into them before hand as a trick.(insert: if you believe that, get your head checked while I get some soap for this lying little brat. Do you trust the maturity of someone who can't even spell "pour")I couldn't stand that. There is no way it could go one. Not to me of all people. The indignity! I was far too mature and clever to stay here. Plus, I had mad skills to employ.(oh Lord... We will let him finish this to see what kind of hole he digs for himself)So, I hatched a plan. A brilliant, full proof plan. It would have succeeded too if it weren't for those meddling adults.First thing I had to do was get a map of the area. It wasn't too hard to do, I just had to sneak one of the staff's cell phones off, google it, memorize it, and return the phone. Then I needed clothes so i couldn't be identified as a one of them. It wasn't too difficult, I just went to the locker room when some of the staff were in gym, distracted my supervisor, and took something. I only took a few things at a time, so it would be mistaken for random loss. Then when we were allowed out to play, i stored them in a space atop a tree. Along with it was some money I needed to get a train ticket.Then came the night of my escape. I waited until after dark and most of the staff had gone home. Then, I took out the spare key I had stolen when no one was looking. I climbed out of the bed they had me in, making sure to walk as silently as possible. I unlocked the door, and crept out.It was there I saw it. The guardian, a three headed monster guarding the gate. Taking my might sword, I char...(insert: no)... I kung-fu'd my way through a dozen guards...(insert: no)....I hit one in the back of the head with the potty-chair seat and kicked the other in the balls.(insert: better)But I also ran into a few others which I used my martial arts training to overcome. Just a few.(insert: uhhh... yeah sure why not)I was judo throwing them around, kicking some in the face, skillfully deflecting their blows...(insert: don't push it)when I realized I was running short on time. The next shift would be coming soon, which would mean more to avoid.I made it outside and ran like the wind for the first fence. This was a high steel wire construction that surrounded the main building itself. The playground, where I had stored my clothes, was on the other side. If I could get there I could not only change, but hide in the woods nearby.I made it and parkoured over it. I ran for the woods, climbed the tree in question, and got dressed.Then I walked out. I simply walked out. Looked everyone dead in the eye, nodded, and left. No one suspected a thing once I was no longer dressed as a toddler. All I had to do was act confedent.I walked like that rite into town and toward the train station. When I got there it was almost morning. ,I got my tickets, and waited in the nearby mall until it was time to go. The hour drew near, and I saw the train coming, walked toward it, and....Saw my Headmistress standing right at the gate, staring directly at me. She shook her head."Did you really think it would be that easy, Alex?" she said.I gasped, and turned to run, but I saw more of the staff in a line around me, all of them staring with disappointment and anger in their eyes. I got ready to fight, but I felt someone grab me, and I couldn't break free.They began taking the clothes I had taken off. It only lasted a minute, and I struggled the entire time, so I couldn't really tell what was happening until the end. This picture was of me right then when I first got a view of my fate. They left me standing, dressed as above, with everyone in the station staring and laughing.I couldn't believe it! I had been demoted even farther past todler, to the lowest of the low, the babies. I was thickly diapered, unable to even get my legs together, dressed in a childish (and girlish!) pink onesie and a bonnet. They even put a pacifier in my mouth and tied it behind my head, just letting me know I wouldn't be doing too much talking anyway. The booties are soft, because, as the headmistress put it, "with all the time you'll spend crawling, getting pushed in strollers, and in bouncers, you won't need harder soles anyway." All this was explained to me as they spanked my now diapered bottom in front of a growing crowed. I was left to think about my new role in life.Then, just to add to my humiliation, they lead me around the entire mall, making me apologize for lying and pretenting to be a 'big boy', letting everyone see me and know who I am so I couldn't try the stunt again. Even if I made it, I'd only be spanked and re-diapered and held until the staff can pick me up. Then, they brought me back to the center, paraded me again in front of all the other students, and gave me a final, more painful, spanking.Now I'm sitting, bum still sore despite all the padding underneath it, and writing this so anyone who reads it and sees the picture will know not to trust me when I try to pretend to be a grown up again. They are telling me they don't think I'll make it out, and I can expect to stay like this for a long, long time. "Maybe its for the better" the headmistress said, "after all, it is what you wanted." Har har. A few stories don't mean I want it.My greatest ragret? Not using the toilet at the mall when I had the chance. I can feel an ominous rumbling in my stomach, and I'm afraid I may have already used the potty for the last time.So, if anyone sees this, come and help me please? Its pretty clear that I was unfairly misjudged and framed. I promise to be a good boy for you! Just get me out of here!(insert: Well that was... mostly true. Its good enough for now as we are out of soap (Alex took a lot of it) and my spanking arm got tired. Also, it isn't really factually wrong, just sort of... misleading. First of all, we knew about his 'escape plan,' from the start. We pretty well saw him do everything, and its obvious he is up to something when he keeps hiding behind things and whistling the Mission Impossible theme. The "key" he had was actually a baby teething toy. Even I was surprised he couldn't tell the difference. Anyone whose walked with him, or frankly even been in the same building when he does, can tell you how quietly he 'creeps.' If a heard of elephants is sneaky, then I suppose he is too. Also, no one seeing the way he dressed would believe he was supposed to be like that. Someone should have told him that you can't just pick random pieces of clothing from a locker room and expect them to go together or even fit properly. With a pair of short shorts, pokemon t shirt, horribly undersized suit jacket, top hat and high heels, he was frankly more embarrassing then the baby outfit. We got him in it so quickly to AVOID making a scene. How this guy ever expected to make it in the real world is beyond me.Oh and as for his "ragret"- he is absolutely right about this part. From the smell of things, he himself has proven it.We left the last line in because technically it is true, though not in the way he thinks. He was vastly misjudged when he was originally treated as an adult, and when we tried to make him a toddler. Also, we appreciate anyone willing to help. We will take any bottles, diapers, toys, or clothes you can give, even have him try them on for you. If you want to 'get him out of here,' we allow supervised day trips, and you can take our little's on trips to parks, ice cream stores, where ever you want. As long as you can take care of them, it is usually fun for both groups, if embarrassing for them to be seen. Oh, and WE do promise he will be a 'good boy,' - we give you a paddle to make sure.Anyway, I have a squirming, stinky baby to take care off. He is looking at me with the saddest puppy eyes you have ever seen, probably hoping for a diaper change and a bottle. I guess he has learned pretty quickly why it wasn't a good idea to push the limits, and perhaps other people can learn from his bad example. The look would be heartbreaking if it wasn't also all too adorable, with him thinking we will go easy on him because of it. It is definitely justified with how he is acting. Really, though we give them a benefit of the doubt, I think this will be a permanent 'new role in life' for him. We will try for a while, but I'm betting he'll be a never grow old. Expect to seem him up for adoption soon, or maybe we'll just keep him for fun. Regards, Headmistress Victoria and Baby Alex) .... later...AAAAGGG this gives the phrase 'hot and bothered' and entirely new, horrible meaning!
  9. DISCLAIMER!!!!! The original story does not belong to me, this is just a personal remake and updated version of Baby Care Class by wndash2 (link to there page at the bottom) they wrote this story a few years ago, and I liked it at the time. But recently after rereading the whole thing, I realized there wasn't much of a story here besides a guy being tortured for no real reason. So because I like making stories, I began thinking up a story to help fix that problem. If you haven't yet, please go check out the original. _________ Paradise private College, how the hell I wound up going here I don't know. Most of my grades suck, and I barely attended high school anyway. The only reason I'm even going to this college is by some miracle my mother sent in a college application that got excepted. “Look! You can either go to the school or get the fuck out of my house!” my mom yelled at me the day I said I wouldn't go. "All you do if fuck off and don't work. The only people in this house that get to do that are kids in school, the sick, or the retired!” I will admit that I may not have been the best son. But hell, having a rare condition that makes you look 4 feet tall will make you hate the world. I'm not a dwarf, per say, I'm just the first with a new rare genetic disorder that stopped me from growing. I just look like an average person was shrunk down. Heck if it wasn't for the facial hair I have then most people would assume I'm a child. Which has happened to me more than once! So my mother made me a deal. She would pay for the school, an apartment for me and give me a 200 dollar allowance for food every two weeks if I went. However, I must attend classes. If I miss classes more than four times without a doctor's note, she will cut all ties with me. So because I didn't want to work yet, I decided to go. Plus who doesn't like going to college parties? So I traveled nearly two states away just for school. Paradise private College was built a long time ago and was made on top of a large hill. Why they decided on that, I have no idea. Maybe because the rich people who built it meant it only for the upper class at the time. But thanks to it being on such a large hill a lot of people have to climb a ton of stairs just to get to the school, and for a short guy like me, that's just hell. One of the thing that came with the acceptance letter was another letter attached saying they were introducing a new program for people and that he was one of the few to start in it. It was a program to help people who didn't have the best grades in high school still go to college, just with a little extra help. That help was having to get to the school at 7:00 Am, an hour before the school opened, and attend a catch-up class. By the time I got to the top, I was even more exhausted than when I woke up this morning. Everything was dark outside and very cold. Even with a jacket on, I was freezing. I took a look at my phone that said it was 6:50, well at least I wasn't late. I walked over to the front of the school and tried to open the doors, but they were locked. What the hell? “Excuse me? Are you lost?” a woman asked me. I quickly looked and saw a gorgeous blond hair woman. “Um ya, I'm William, and I'm here for the catch-up class,” I told her. “well so am I, I can show you where it is.” the women told me with a warm smile as she pointed in the direction we had to go. “Thank you, um?” I told her. “Jen, my name is Jen,” she told me as I followed her around the school and to a back door. “I came here last week and was told where it was. Because it's such a new program, the school placed it in the back.” I guess that made since I thought as I walked through the door and into a hallway. The hallway was pretty dark with a few dim lights but near the end of the hall was a bright room lighting up the entrance. I walked over to the light with Jen right behind me. But when I got to the doorway of the room I stopped in confusion as instead of a classroom with a bunch of desks, there was instead what looked like a giant nursery? “What the heck?” I asked when I was suddenly pushed into the room and Jen locked the door. “You have no idea how long I waited for this,” Jen said as she immediately grabbed me and lifted me into the air. I tried to fight back but thanks to my small size I was nothing to her as she threw me onto a table and began strapping me to the table. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” I screamed at her before she rubbed some weird cream stuff on my face before large pacifier was shoved into my mouth and strapped to the back of my head. “Quiet you, babies shouldn't scream,” Jen told me as she lifted scissors into the air and I grew even more scared. So scared that I began to piss my pants. “Aww, would you look at that. The baby had an accident. Well, that's what happens when you don't wear the right protection.” I had no idea what she was talking about as she then began to cut off my I'm, before throwing them into a trash can. She then proceeded to get out a giant diaper which I began to thrash around after seeing it. But since I wasn't able to get free Jen just taped the diaper onto me with no real difficulty. Next came two large pink mittens put over my hands. I didn't see what she grabbed next but one at a time Jen unstrapped my arms and legs before putting something on me and restriping me in place. When she finished, she took one last look at me with a broad smile on her face. Jen then unstrapped me and lifted me up. Agin, I tried to fight, but nothing worked. Jen the put me on the ground beside a large mirror and had me take a look, and I was horrified! I was in a tiny pink baby girl's dress that only covered half of the thick diaper Jen put me in, a pair of white stocking was on my legs, and I was wearing mary jane shoes that were somehow just my size! Since I haven't had a chance to get a haircut yet, my hair was slightly long. For some reason when I took a closer look all my facial hair was also gone and with everything else just made me look like a girl toddler! I immediately began screaming into the pacifier, but only a muffle came out. Jen just laughed at the whole thing as she looked at me with a broad smile on her face. “I think someone must be hungry.” gen said as she picked me up again to re strapped me to the table. Jen then walked over to a mini-fridge and pulled out a large bottle of milk. “This will help the baby grow,” she said mockingly as she unscrewed something at the top of the pacifier and attach the bottle to it. “Now drink up sweetie, or I'll have to hold your nose to force you to drink.” I didn't care what she said, I wasn't drinking it. That is until Jen did plug my nose and forced me to drink just to get air. I was only ¾ done with the bottle when I began to feel full and stopped drinking. “Come on baby, you need to finish it,” Jen told me as she plugged my nose again and this time didn't let go until the bottle was gone. “Good girl.” Jen then removed the bottle, and I was panting heavily. I felt like my stomach would burst at any minute. My stomach was slightly bloated, and Jen decided to give it a little rub before smiling at me. “Alright, that's enough for now," Jen said before unstrapping me and cared me over to a large baby crib where she laid me on my back before taking a large lid and placing it on top of the crib, making it impossible for me to climb out. Suddenly I heard a loud bell and Jen made her way to the door. I got on my knees and began banging on the crib bars. "Well, I got to get to class, but I’ll be back to take you to the Baby Care Class!" Jen told me excitedly, before turning off the lights and leaving me alone in the dark, dressed as a toddler. Thank you for reading ^.^ I much appreciate it! Here's the link to the original story that I hope you check out. https://wndash2.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Care-Class-Part-1-363391183
  10. This story is created for Kasarberang contest if you wish to join just click the link! this is only the start and have a bunch of chapters to come i just hope one person out there enjoys it! Word cound if curious 29,795 Story is 100% complete Chapter 1 A Young girl about 27 years old named ivy stretches after getting dressed, her hair a mess after just getting out of the shower. she grabs a brush and begins to brush her hair walking to her room. Her house was pretty big, she even had her own science lab where she could get into any kinda trouble she wanted. She lived alone and let's just say she's not perfectly sane but she balmes that on high school. Being a so called 'nerd' she was picked on a lot especially by a bully by the name of ash. He was the worst bully at the school. lucky she hasn't seen him since school, who knows she probably wouldn't even recognize him. It sends a shiver down her spine remembering what he made her do. As she thought her grip tightened on her brush before she chucked it at a wall making it smash through the wall and getting stuck half way through. She quickly jumps up and covers her mouth. "oopsie…" She sighs. "come on vy let it go it's been over 10 years learn to let things go…i was the one who lived though it not you." She scoffs at herself. "let it go? like hell! he hurt you I! He made you feel like shit he's the reason we can't sleep at night!" She nods to herself. "I know vy… Sorry didn't mean to make you more angry." She rolls her eyes. "you're like a little sister to me I. Even if we are the same person, I feel like I'm the one who's got to take care of us. And I promise if I ever see this man again, that ass by the name of ash. I'll get your revenge." She giggles. "ass… Ash" She smiles. "you like that one huh?" She nodded “Ya it was cute” She blushed and cleared her throat. "Anyways we need to get to bed, maybe we can get a normal day's worth of sleep." Ivy lays down throwing the cover over herself. "maybe we shouldn't have wasted all our chloroform… We could have used that to get to sleep again." She shivers. "like hell… that reminds me we need to buy more supplies at the store tomorrow." She nods to herself halfway asleep. "damn it I… Stop falling asleep so fast I'm trying to… Thin-" Suddenly ivy falls asleep, Her and her other side. If you didn't know any better they almost seem like two different people in the same body. She has been like this since her accident at school with the bully. Suddenly ivy begins to rock back and forth in her sleep as the nightmares begin. Ivy is being shook awake by her mom. "come on ivy its time school" A 17 year old ivy sits up yawning very cutely in an over sized lab coat she loves to sleep in. Her hair was a mess but she didn't seem to care. She wasn't the best at taking care of herself. "alright mom… any news on if ash got suspended after yesterday?" Her mom sighs and shakes her head. "unfortunately, I don't think so…" Her eyes get big. "what?! But why?! He exploded the toilet with a cherry bomb! How can he not?! I saw him do it and told on him." Her mom frowns. "I know… I don't know how he did it, just ignore him for now. school's almost over and remember if you keep them straight A's me and your dad will help you get that place you wanted really bad with the lab." Ivy jumps up with glee excited and ready to start school. "alright mom! Now leave so I can get dressed, a woman needs her privacy to get ready!" She laughs. "sure I'll see you in like 10 minutes when you get bored of combing your hair and give up in the makeup" Ivy blushes. "it's not my fault… I Could be doing something far more interesting like… Learning 200 digits after pi Instead of 100" Her mom rolls her eyes and leaves. "hmm maybe that's not a great idea. I might need to know something else, heh not like I won't remember it anyways. My memories are the best in the whole country. Shoot, my brains are better than anyone in this whole world!" She takes off her lab coat and has nothing on underneath. The lab coat was basically a night gown for her. She grabs her some panties and a bra putting them on. She grabs some tight black pants and puts them on then a sweater that says 'I love science' on the front and also puts it on. She runs down stairs not worrying about her hair or makeup. "Alright, I'm going to head to school!" Her mom stops her. "no, first you're going to eat breakfast. You skipped supper last night to study. So this morning you will eat." Her stomach growls loud thinking of food. "hmm well I do need something to eat logically. Fine I suppose I can eat." Her father was at the table reading the news on his phone. "we are proud you are so smart ivy, but you also need to remember to take care of yourself." Ivy goes over to the table and sits down, her mom nods. "Your father's, right if you don't who will?" Ivy though for a while. "well you and dad obviously, right?" They both look at each other and sigh. "me and your father won't be here forever ivy…" She says laying some pancakes down on the table and passes them out to everyone. Ivy looks down and sighs and pokes her food with a fork. "i-I know I just… Don't want to think about that…" Her dad speaks up. "you want to live alone in your own house don't you? What about then? Will you remember to eat? Will you remember to care for yourself? Another part of you won't be there to take care of you." She just keeps poking her food looking sad when her mom hugs her. "That doesn't mean we hate you or don't love you… We love you a lot ok? We are so happy you're so smart. But… Taking care of yourself comes first. Can you do that for us? If something were to happen to us we want to know you will be ok? Makes sense?" Ivy nods. "ya… It does I'm sorry. But I'll do better! I promise starting today uhh… Tomorrow ya, Tomorrow! I'll begin to take care of myself better and show you two I can do it alone!" They both smile and her mom kisses her cheek. "that mommy's girl!" Ivy blushes and laughs. "yuck gross!" Both her mom and dad laugh. They all eat their pancakes and ivy heads off to school. She has a pretty normal day at school. A's on every project like normal and not talking to anyone but one thing has been kinda freaking her out ash has been giving her this creepy smile all day. She honestly feels like he's planning to kill her or something. It Finally gets to the end of the school day and ivy goes to her locker and begins to put up her stuff when suddenly ash slams his strong arms into the lockers beside ivy making her jump. "ahh! What the hell?? H-hello ash..." He smirks at her. "heard you were the one to tell on me. Is that correct?" She shakes and backs up against the lockers gulping. "i-I don't know if ‘tell on’ is the correct term…" He punches the lockers again making her jump and tear up. She was scared for her life. "shut the hell up! Now I think revenge is in order." Ivy gulps, shaking more and more. "and I got just the thing for baby's who tell on people." Ivy looked confused. "b-baby…?" He nods. "Ya only baby's tell on the teachers to get someone In trouble! Now-" He grabs her by the arms and drags her to a empty class room and locks the door smirking. Ivy struggled the whole way. "look please! I'm sorry, let me go. I want to go home!" she cried and struggled. Suddenly the guy grabs her by the pants and begins yanking them off and shirt bra then panties she tried to fight but she was nothing compared to him she just cried in fear. Was she about to be raped? Ash smiles. "wow to be so ugly you got kinda a cute body" She blushed and screamed before her screams were stopped by something being rammed in her mouth some kinda gage with a rubber thing in it. She just cried, not even fighting what could she do anyways. But what was in her mouth. "I bought a bunch of stuff for a cry baby tadle tell. Like this gag special made to be like a pacifier so enjoy sucking on your pasi little baby." She was now more embarrassed. She keeps crying till Ash takes his backpack off and pulls out a large diaper with mittions and feet mittions that locks once they are on. there's no way she could do anything with her hands or walk. she shook her head making any noises. "MMM!" She begged and pleaded for him to stop but he forced the mittions on her and locked them the same with the feet ones he lays her down and begins to diaper her she cried during the whole thing a bib was put on her that says big baby. Ash laughs. "there we go a perfect look for a big fucking baby." She laid on the floor and cried. she had given up. "alright I'm leaving, have fun being locked in school till tomorrow. I'm sure once school starts you will be found, maybe even get a diaper change you will probably need it!" He laughs and leaves the room putting something against the door making escape impossible. Ivy layed there embarrassed here she was in a stupidly huge diaper and sucking a pacifier. She didn't have to but right now if she focuses on that it helped her think more logically. She begins to try to get the diaper off looking around for her clothing as well. All gone that ass hole ash must have took them all not only that she couldn't grip anything in these damn mittions she couldn't even stand this was so dumb there's no way she's stuck like this till she's found. She will never live this down. She stayed there crying all night. She was getting tired and cried herself to sleep when she woke up. She let out a whine that this wasn't a dream but worse she didn't wake up because it's morning she had to pee and bad. There was no way she could hold it till school started. It was only a bit past midnight she sat there and bounced trying not to pee. To take her mind off it it worked especially with the pacifier. Well for as long as it could. "MMMMM!!!" She screamed just before she felt the warmth run between her legs and her diaper begin to expand. This is not happening she thought. No way this is so disgusting she couldn't stand the feeling of the wet touching her but she didn't have much of a choice. She Finally begin to fall back asleep. She's soon woken up by the noise of people talking and laughing. She opens her eyes to a class room full of people laughing and talking. She remembers what happened and begins to cry here she is nake from the top up and in a soaked diaper bad enough it was super obvious it was wet being pure white with a yellow stain. Ivy cried till she couldn't no more; she was eventually saved and went home. And there she cried thinking of revenge. "hey… You need help don't you?" She said to herself she nods. "Mhm… I had a horrible time…i want revenge" She wipes the tears from her own eyes. "I know. Call me vy I'm a part of you, your more… Angry side and if you need help I'll be here for you for anything." She sniffs. "thanks vy…" Suddenly an alarm is going off, ivy sits straight up in bed. We are back to present, ivy hits the alarm clock so hard it breaks some. She rubs her face and takes a deep breath. "damn it… Can't we go one night without that God damn dream…" She gets her legs out of bed. "I don't think so...we have had it for over 10 years… I hate reliving it. the embarrassment still kills me… i-i know I don't say this much vy… But if we meet this man again you can take over as long as you need…" She smirks. "heh deal, now let's go eat. you need to take care of yourself" Ivy smiles. "I'm glad I got you here to take care of me vy"
  11. (Note on the authorship. This initial came as part of a request. The writer Peculiar Changeling had a contest to win a 500 word story, which I won. The parts in italics are what he wrote based on my request. The rest is my addition) Alex woke up better rested than he’d felt in days. Since last week, he’d been waking up in the middle of the night, every night, chronically needing to pee. It had gotten bad, bad enough that he was waking up two or three times and not getting any good rest. Not waking up to exhaustion was a pleasant surprise. It was going to be a good day, he could feel it. He was feeling good, his bed was squishy, and nothing could get in his- Wait, what was that? Blinking, he looked down in alarm. He’d wet the bed. No, that wasn’t exactly the right way to put it. He had flooded the bed. It was soaked through, yellow stains on his sheets and covers from his chest to his toes, just positively drenched in pee. Almost falling out of bed in alarm, he got to his feet, looking up and down the room. He was the first one awake. Maybe, just maybe, if he got the sheets pulled off his bed and to the laundry room, nobody would find out, and he wouldn’t get punished. He calmed down, a little. Yeah, I can do that. Nobody has to know. … “Alex! Are you almost ready? She’s coming!” the voice rang from the front of the room. At this point all other students were ready. They stood at the feet of neatly made beds, arms folded in front of pleated skirts and dress shirts. At first glance they would seem identical, but closer inspection revealed differences- they all had bright pink blankets were plain, others had floral or Disney inspired designs, they all had toys lain, centered on the blankets, but some were dolls, others were stuffed bears or rabbits, they all had variations of a school girl dress with slight variations towards western or Asian designs, and come different colors. They might not seem like much visually but the meaning in their school could huge. A small apron or a picture of teddy bear on the chest could be easily missed, but represented entirely different training plans. This was the case with Alex. A few weeks earlier the dreaded teddy bear had began appearing on his dresses. At first he thought it was a mistake, but the instructors ignored his complaints and sent him off with a few good whacks on this thighs for complaining. Nothing else had changed, except perhaps a slightly more condescending tone, and the glances of his fellow students at the sissy school. He had counted himself lucky it wasn’t an apron- that normally meant extra chores- but the teddy bear had some implications he didn’t like. At first there was no reason for it, but if he was caught now, it would solidify its accuracy in everyone’s minds. “Yeah! Just one minute!” Alex said. He had hoped the spot would wear away in the sunlight, but it was still there. He had hastily shoved his sheets in the laundry then searched for clean ones, but found only empty shelves. Next he tried flipping them all over to see if it was harder to see. Now, he grimaced at the still plainly soaked sheets, and lay the blanket over them. He hoped the inspector would glance over him and not notice. He hoped. Something tapped his shoulder, and Alex jumped up. He remained facing forward, toward the wall. Slowly, he went back to arranging his sheets as if he hadn’t felt anything. “Alex!” a stern, female voice said. It was undoubtedly the inspector speaking to him. “Ummm, must be some other Alex.” Alex stopped again, then continued to work. “Alex you are the only person here, turn around.” He continued folding sheets. “Well I don’t know who it is if I don’t see her. Him. Someone.” “Turn around!” “Not turning around!” “Alex, this is Inspector Britta. Turn around now.” “I still don’t know its you, you cant punish me if I don’t see you!” A strong, firm hand smacked his bottom hard, and he yelped. Alex rubbed his bottom. “Ok it seems you can.” A hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. “Oh hi inspector Britta! Didn’t know you were there.” “Mhmmm,” the inspector said. "And why weren’t you standing at the front of your bed, like all our other little sissies? Alex looked down the line of beds. Everyone else was standing, arms still folded and heads bent modestly, like every morning. Like every morning, they all would have curtsied as the inspector passed and checked to ensure their beds every morning. “Hmmm yes I suppose you could say that everyone else is. I guess I didn’t know we were supposed. Must have missed the memo.” “I see. And why isn’t your bed ready?” Alex faked an innocent look. “Oh, isn’t it?” “Mhmmm,” the inspector smiled. She held out her switch and pulled his blankets back. Alex winced as the massive damp spot was revealed. She folded her arms. “Say, Alex, where are your pajamas?” “Oh? Just… around. Why?” She pointed with her switch down the line of beds. “Every other sissy has their pajamas folded on the chest in front of their bed. Yours are missing.” “Oh, I suppose you could say they are missing.” “ANd where are they?” “Mailed to outer Mongolia. Big accident. Should be back later.” “Ah yes, a big accident was probably involved. Where are they actually?” “Maybe I didn’t have any.” “You did. Don’t you think your friends would want to see them?” Alex waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, I couldn’t see why. Very plain. Ugly even. “If I recall you had some very pretty pink ones with teddy bears. Don’t you think people would want to see them?” her voice was sickly sweat, teasing him with her knowledge. She was right about the design. Almost as a rule, everything Alex was given ended up being pink, and normally with teddy bears or something equally childish. It had become a joke among the students. “Nah, I can’t imagine why.” “I think they would.” “Nah.” “I think you should get them and put them at the foot of your bed so everyone can see how pretty they are.” “I think we should just move on. We might be late for classes!” “Oh, is there a reason why?” “No, just…” “ALEX!” she said sternly. “NOW!” Alex jumped at her tone. “Errr…” he lifted his mattress and pulled a pair of pink, frilly silk pajamas from under. “Oh look! There they are! That isn’t where they go?” “No, put them where they belong. Now.” Alex held the soaking wet clothes gingerly carried them to the chest. “Alex…” He stopped and looked at her, pouting and eyes wide, pleading. The puppy dog eyes sometimes worked, it was something they were actively taught to do. “Hold them up so everyone can see.” Alex bowed his head, then held them up. A quiet giggle started in the room, slowly grew louder, and louder, until the entire room was laughing at him. “Bend over the bed, Alex.” “Wha, I…” he looked at the soaked spot. She snapped her switch into her hand. “NOW!” Alex scrambled to the bed. He bent at the waist slightly, a few feet over the soaked mattress. She spanked him again. “Face down on the bed now. And you’re only making it worse buster!” Alex sank down until he was lying right on the spot. “But my clothes will get wet!” “Don’t worry, we’ll have something else for you to wear later.” Alex felt her hand lift his skirt, then pull his panties down. Normally that was where it stopped, but now she pulled his panties all the way down to his feet, took them off, and he watched as she dropped it in a garbage bin. “Wha…” Alex was stopped as her switch came down hard on his bottom. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The switch dag into his skin, quickly leaving Alex in tears. Still, he lay submissively down in his own disgusting, humiliating accident, not daring to protest or fight back. Spanking as a punishment was common at the sissy school, something every applicant knew, but most drastically underestimated. After the first few times instructors caught a sissy breaking one of their many, always changing rules, or simply made an excuse to bend a cute sissy over their laps or desks so they could get their hands on their pretty pantied bottoms, they learned that any sign of struggle or argument would only make it worse. The best way to end it quickly is to embrace it and let tears come, crying as they were taught any sissy should. The whacks let up, leaving a sniffling Alex still pouting on his bed. He began to straighten. “NO!” another whack. “Back down in your mess.” He whined, but lay down submissively. This was far from the only reason sissies were expected to bend over for the dominents, but perhaps the worse he had experienced. “Now, do you know why you are being punished?” “Because I wet the bed?” Another whack, another shout. “No.” “What?” “Any one here who happens to be a bed wetter, raise your hand!” She commanded. “Now, Alex, look at your friends here.” Alex looked around at a few, shame full hands raised over blushing faces. “Now, were any of you ever punished for wetting the bed?” They shook their heads. “That is right. The school recognizes that many sissies have troubles at night. We are alright with this, it is part of being a sissy. That is why we ask everyone who comes in if they are, and those who say yes are given their special underwear, little pull ups to wear at night. As long as they keep them on, no punishment.” “Alex, you were asked this. What did you say?” Another whack. “Ow! I said no!” “What did you say?” WHACK. “Ow! I said no!” “So you lied to us?” “Well…” At the time it hadn’t been a lie. It hadn’t happened to him for years, and he was shocked that it had now. “I wouldn’t say a lie, more of a dramatic flair. It was true, from a certain point of view.” Another whack. “Yes, you lied. And when you had your first accident, the one we hid from everyone else, we asked if you needed extra punishment. What did you say then?” “I said no! OW!” “Good boy. So it seems you lied about this three times. Once when you came in, then when you had your first accident, and now again when you thoroughly ruined your mattress. Is that right?” “Yes ma’am.” “Good sissy,” she said, then patted his bottom, making him wince. “Too bad we had to put such ugly marks on your pretty little bottom before you told the truth.” She rubbed his aching backside, patted it again, and pulled his skirt down. “So what happened now, do you think?” she asked. “Ummm… All is forgotten and we move on?” “Don’t make me get the strap.” “I get pull ups at night too?” Alex said. She chuckled and shook her head. She then patted his head condescendingly. “No, not quite, little one. You will get your own special underwear though.” She stood up and spoke to the rest of the students. “Now, Alex is very dirty after lying on that bed. He’ll need a bath. Who is going to help him with it?” “Ummm… I can do that myself. I can shower,” Alex said, confused. She shook her head. “No, no you can’t. Not anymore. And you’ll be taking a bath.” She pointed to some of the students. “You and you, come take our little Alex to the bathroom.”
  12. Hi all. I’m new here and live in Northern California. I’m looking for a mommy or daddy that can have me over maybe bi-weekly for babysitting. I am 30, white, completely shaved and looking for someone who would like a sissy. Hope to hear back!
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