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  1. Author's Note: This story will be my submission into Kasarberang's non-con contest! I strongly encourage you to go to his original post to see the rules and get a better summary of the expected content of this story. This is just the start of this story, but I hope to have it finished by the deadline for the contest, if not that, then the majority will be written in accordance with the guidelines. This chapter will only have hints of what is to come, but it is very sexually graphic. Please take this as a warning to those who do not like that kind of thing. It will get worse. Heed all my tags as I will be tagging all the relevant things for this story all at once rather than as the story progresses. Please enjoy! Boss Baby or Boss' Baby? : Chapter 1 “Here you go, Baby,” Miss Tammy said sweetly. Jesse blinked as his focus on his computer was broken and turned to Miss Tammy to see her holding a small plate with two donuts stacked on top. The workday had just started and he’d been sending out a few follow-up emails from the previous day when Miss Tammy approached. Seeing that she had his attention, she continued speaking. “I bought donuts for the office but I wanted to make sure you had some while they were still warm,” She smiled and set the plate down on the edge of his desk. “I also grabbed some milk for you.” She put the small bottle of milk right beside the plate. “Eat up!” Jesse’s eyes lit up. He didn’t often have breakfast in the morning, but he’d devour anything given to him by Miss Tammy. Miss Tammy was the supervisor over the whole department. A woman of 35 (her birthday had just passed– They sang to her with cupcakes in the breakroom.) with a strict standard but soft heart. She could easily portray the tough boss aura, but that disappeared as soon as she slipped on her trademark black cardigan and red reading glasses. Said glasses were perched on top of her head, the stems hooked into locks of blonde hair tied in a bun so that they didn’t fall. She must have left her cardigan in her office, Jesse noted as he stood up to hug her in thanks. He was shorter than her on a good day, but now, with her wearing her standard black heels, she was tall enough to tuck his head under her chin and nearly inappropriately close to her bust. “Thank you, Miss Tammy!” Jesse smiled. “That was really sweet of you!” “Oh hush,” She giggled, squeezing Jesse firmly before letting him go. “You know you’re my favorite.” The wink she followed the statement with had him returning the laugh. It was a running joke in the office that Jesse was her favorite employee because of the way she constantly doted on him. Jesse summed it up to being the youngest worker on the floor at just 21 years old. The next person older was Samantha at 25. It didn’t hurt that he leaned into the presumed special treatment by calling her ‘Miss Tammy’. The name was a bastardization of ‘Tammy’ the nickname the other supervisors called her, and ‘Miss Tamera’ the respectful title used by the rest of the floor. The first time he’d used it was an accident, but the resulting coo and sincere hug encouraged him to keep it up. “Oh! Before I forget,” She snapped, suddenly reminding herself of something. Jesse had since sat down at his desk and paused with half a bite of sugary glazed donut stuck in his mouth. “We are doing drug tests later on today starting after lunch.” The words made Jesse’s stomach drop. “W-What?” He stuttered. Miss Tammy carried on as if she didn’t notice his hesitance. “You know how the janitors found weed stashed in the cleaning supplies closet?” She waited for his nod before speaking, leaning against the wall of his cubicle. “Well, I told John,” John Scott, who was her boss. “That none of my employees would ever bring something like that into the building. I even told him that it was probably one of the new janitors!” That led her to a laugh, head tossed back enough that she had to catch her red reading glasses before they fell from her head. “But he was insistent that everyone on the floor get drug tested. Even IT down the hall is getting it done,” She sighed. “Uh,” He wiped the crumbs from his lip, not feeling so hungry any longer. “What happens if someone…fails?” Miss Tammy’s face took on a sad look. “John says they’re getting fired, but if anyone on the floor tests positive, I’ll make my case for them. I love my team so far, I’d hate to see anyone go.” “Yeah,” Jesse cleared his throat after his voice cracked, taking a sip of milk to rinse his mouth. “That would be bad…” “Mhm,” Miss Tammy spared a distant look at him before coming back to her usual chipper self. “But keep that between us, okay, baby?” The pet name a joke just as his own for her. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.” “I will,” He assured, turning back to his computer. He nearly felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. “Thanks again for the donuts…” It’ll be the last donuts he ever receives from her, he’s sure. It wasn’t that he was a smoker. He wasn’t! It was just…a stupid party. That weekend was his brother Travis’ birthday and they’d all taken a camping trip to celebrate. It was a great time with swimming at the lake, roasting marshmallows, and grilling hot dogs that Jesse…well. The blunts were passed around before he could even register it. One ended up in his hand…Travis said he didn’t have to, of course, but the cajoling of his (older than Jesse) friends pressured him into taking a drag. The smoke was awful! Jesse was wheezing and almost felt like he would throw up, much to the amusement of the crowd. When the next blunt came around, he told himself he’d pass it down. But Amber, the friend of Travis’ girlfriend, grabbed him by the chin and shotgunned the smoke in the pantomime of a kiss into his mouth. The hoots and hollers of the crowd spurred him on passed the lesser coughs that came from the lungful. The rest of the night was spent in the company of family and friends alike. And each puff after was like riding a bike. It was the first time Jesse had ever been high…and it was the best weekend of his life so far. But now… He’d be fired! Dread settled so deep in his stomach that he couldn’t work on anything as the office slowly filled with people. Two hours passed, only one more til lunch and then his fate would be sealed. Jesse’s hands were clammy with sweat. Should he just leave? Pretend he was sick and go? That would only delay the inevitable. And Miss Tammy would know he was lying! She’d seen him just this morning. No…He had to tell her before it was too late. Honesty was the key. He wasn’t the one who left the weed in the closet, of course. She would know that! She’d believe his story and she already said she was willing to plead his case to John. Newly emboldened, Jesse shot out of his chair and nearly tripped over his wastebasket on his way to Miss Tammy’s office. He felt the sweat on his face cooling at his quick movements and didn’t even stop to think about what his coworkers would think. A few quick knocks on the cracked door and he barely waited for the “Come in!” before slipping inside and shutting the door behind him. Miss Tammy sat at her desk, glasses perched low on her nose, and her eyes widened when she saw him. “Jesse? Are you alright?” She asked with full concern and turned her full attention to him. “Sit! You look like you’re going to be sick.” Jesse took the seat in front of her desk with slumped shoulders. “Miss Tammy I screwed up,” He said weakly. Tears rushed to his eyes as the events caught up with him. “Baby,” She said softly, her bracelet scratching lightly against the wooden desk as she leaned against it. “Talk to me, what has you all ruffled? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s okay.” “It’s not!” Jesse gasped. “I’m gonna fail the drug test.” At the admission, he slumped forward with his elbows on his knees and sobbed. “I smoked this weekend. I’m going to fail! I’m so sorry!” “Woah,” She kept her calm tone, the sound of her chair rolling back cut through the air. “Take a breath, baby.” Her advice came soft as she walked around the desk. Jesse could see her bare feet where she’d taken off her heels in the privacy of her office. From the vantage point, he could also see a plastic wastebasket being positioned in front of him. If he finished those donuts, he most definitely would have been using it. A gentle hand rested between his shoulder blades and rubbed in circles soothingly. “Breath for me.” The breaths came shaky, but they helped slow the tears dribbling from his eyes and making dark spots on her grey carpet. Fuck, he was a mess. “I’m sorry,” He whispered again. “Don’t worry, baby,” She said immediately. “I don’t want to get fired!” He looked up finally, casting his blurry vision onto her face, mere inches away from his from where she leaned over. “I- I don’t smoke- It was just one time!” “I know,” She nodded. “I know you don’t smoke. You said it was a party. These things happen-” “I’m so sorry-” “I’m not angry with you,” She said for the first time in a firm tone, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “I’m not, baby. I’m just worried you’ve worked yourself into this state.” Jesse’s lip quivered again and he watched her reach over her desk for a tissue. His hand reached up to receive it but was ignored in favor of her dabbing at his wet cheeks. His vision cleared up and to avoid meeting her analytic eyes, he stared ahead, only to flinch as he was rewarded with a view of her breasts. The seam of her bra was just visible in her hunched-over position. It felt like too long had passed before he realized he was looking down his boss’ blouse and his head jerked back up to look at her face, expecting disgust. But there was none. She was carefully mopping at his eyes to avoid poking him and pressed the tissue to his nose. “Blow.” Instinct took over and he blew into it, only feeling embarrassment at his own actions after she cleaned up his nose and tossed the tissue into the wastebasket. “Are you calm now?” She asked, positioning her hands on her knees and Jesse had to force himself not to peek back down at her cleavage. “Yes, Ma’am,” He nodded. “Good boy,” She purred. “Now come here.” Jesse found himself standing from his seat and being led around the desk to where Miss Tammy settled down in her own chair. He could see her heels tucked neatly under the desk and traced the path to her bare feet, up her shapely legs, to her her knees where her skirt was rucked almost too far up her thighs, and- Christ. At this angle he was able to see her breasts even better. The hem of her bra definitely peaking from the dip of her shirt now. Meeting her eyes, he blushed, seemingly caught. “You’ve been naughty this weekend,” She said with a sigh, one leg coming up to daintily cross over the other. “We have to figure out what to do about that.” Jesse frowned, worry creeping in. “I’m-” “Uh uh!” She tsked. “I’m talking, you listen. Understood?” “Yes, Ma’am.” Jesse nodded immediately. “Good boy,” The praise lifted his heart from where it seemed to have fallen right to the basement. “So,” She continued. “You were very naughty this weekend. You told me you were going to your brother’s birthday party, correct?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse fought off the urge to elaborate. “And at this party you smoked weed,” Jesse’s eyes ducked to his feet guiltily. “And now I need to find a way to keep John from firing you.” “...Yes, Ma’am.” “Well, it’s a good thing you’re my favorite. Isn’t it, baby?” She chuckled. Hopefully, Jesse met her eyes, seeing a mischievous look peeking up from the rim of her glasses. A few seconds passed and he realized she was waiting for an answer. “Yes, Ma’am.” He found himself meeting that look with a small smile. “Now,” She rotated slightly back and forth in her seat. “I know how to save your job…but about what you can do for me as repayment.” Jesse blinked in surprise. Seconds ago, it felt as though his job hung by a thread. But now here he was with the reassurance he’d keep his job. Only with the added mystery of suddenly being indebted to Miss Tammy. Never did she ask for repayment for things. Whenever he tried to pass her money for the treats and things she’d give him, she always refused. But…he reasoned, she was saving his job. “I’ll do anything.” He swore. “Anything you want.” “Oh baby,” She laughed warmly. “You don’t want to tell me that.” “But I do,” He assured, crouching down, hell, nearly kneeling at her feet just to look up into her eyes. “You’ve done so much for me. You didn’t even have to tell me about the drug tests but you did. And- And,” He stuttered. “You’ve always treated me nicely. I’ll do anything to repay you for saving my job.” Her lips pursed in thought. “Anything?” “Yes! I’ll detail your car! Or pick up your dry cleaning! Hell, I’d scrub the floors of your house with my toothbrush if you asked me to,” He laughed at the image in his brain of him hunched fetal on what he imagined to be her kitchen floor. A flush overtook his face as he thought of her standing right in front of him. Towering and demanding as he worked hard to please her. “Take your pants off,” The words cut through his imagination. “What?” He asked, seeing her strict look once more on her face. “I said,” She spoke clearly but it might as well have been a yell in the quiet office. “Take. Your pants. Off.” Mouth suddenly dry, Jesse stood up. Was this really happening? It was a plot out of a bad porno, he was sure. He was dreaming! No way was his attractive boss demanding he take his pants off in response to her saving his job. “Well,” She quirked a brow and nodded to his belt. “Are you going to do it, or do I need to call John down here to start working on termination paperwork.” Jesse’s hands were on his belt the next second. His fingers shook as they fiddled with the loops and his cock already started to harden in his boxers. “M-Ma’am, Are we going to-” His question was halted as she suddenly shot forward and smacked his hands away from his belt. Her perfectly manicured fingers pulled at the belt until it dangled open. His pants slackened slightly on his hips. She didn’t stop there, unbuttoning his pants and sliding his fly down with ease. The pants pooled on the floor, his tented boxers left to hide his dick from his boss’ view. Her severe look didn’t change as she looked from his crotch to his face. Her legs uncrossed and her thighs parted. The skirt she wore rode higher on her thighs until he could almost see what color panties she wore. “Come here.” Jesse didn’t need to be told twice as he stepped into the space left between her thighs. His cock brushed against her skirt and would have left a smear of pre-cum had it not already been soaked up by his boxers. Jesse ducked his head to meet her lips, but found himself suddenly knocked off balance and turning. His fall was caught by the hard wooden desk and a firm hand came to press down on his spine to keep him from getting back up. “T-Tamera?” He asked in confusion only to feel a sudden sting radiate from his backside that startled a yelp out of him. His knees went weak but his weight was supported by the desk and hand holding him to it. “What did you just call me?” He heard Miss Tammy’s voice seethe in his ear. “Tamera?” Another sting brought out a hiss of pain. “Fuck!” Another SWAT. And he suddenly realized what was happening. He was being spanked! “Don’t you swear at me, boy!” Miss Tammy scolded. “You come into my office and beg me to save your naughty ass, you don’t get to swear at me.” “I’m sorry, Miss Tammy!” He gasped and yelped at another SWAT as it descended. The pain was fierce now. A sharp throb in his ass cheeks as she had been alternating which one she hit. “You’ve lost that privilege to, naughty little boy!” “Please!” He gasped as three spanks rained on his ass. How a hand as gentle and small as hers could create such force, he wasn’t sure. “I’m sorry!” “Tell Mommy how sorry you are,” Miss Tammy sneered. “Tell Mommy!” “I’m so sorry-” Three more spanks and Jesse felt his legs dance in place on the carpet. “Mommy!” The word was startled out of him as quickly as the blows stopped. A whimper tumbled from his lips as he anticipated another that didn’t come. “Say it again,” Miss Tammy’s gentle voice came once more. “Tell Mommy how sorry you are for being a naughty boy.” “I’m so sorry, Mommy,” Jesse’s lip quivered and he found himself dangerously close to tears once more. Air brushed against his red-hot ass and he rushed to continue before the blow came. “I’m sorry for being a naughty boy, Mommy!” “That’s better,” She sighed and the firm hand on his back loosened. He didn’t dare move though. “You like being my good boy, yeah?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded, his hot face gaining relief from the cold surface of the desk. The hand on his back lifted and Jesse heard her sit back down. “Come here, baby.” Standing up and turning around, Jesse’s gaze dropped to Miss Tammy’s crotch. He had no idea when she’d taken her skirt off, but it lay on the floor near his pants. Her red lace panties were out on display for him to see. His eyes jumped from her pussy lips peaking from the thin fabric to her eyes staring at him intently. The red of her panties matched the red of her glasses, he realized. “Kneel right here for Mommy,” She pointed right between her legs and Jesse didn’t even register the burn of the carpet on his bare knees as he complied. This close, he could see where he slick was darkening the crotch of her panties. Could practically smell her arousal. His dick, having softened rapidly at the spanking, thickened up despite the residual throbs of his ass. “You took your punishment like a good little boy,” She commented and his eyes darted back up to see her smirking. Her thighs parted just a little more and her back bowed to push her hips closer to the edge of the chair. “Does baby like what he sees?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded. Licking his lips. He could count on one hand the number of women he’d been with. And the things he did with them were mounting up to be laughably vanilla in comparison to this roleplay. He couldn’t say it wasn’t exciting even with how confusing it was. “Well,” She sighed and pushed her hips forward again. “Go on.” Needing no other invitation, Jesse found himself devouring the feast right in front of him. He pulled her panties to the side and with what he lacked in experience, he hoped he made up for in eagerness. Miss Tammy’s legs came to rest on his shoulders and her hand tangled in his hair. He didn’t know how long he ate her out, but he did so feverishly, chasing the slick from between her lips to the bud of her clit. Occasionally, he’d secure his lips in a suck around it, earning a sharp tug of his hair and an appreciative moan from Miss Tammy- Mommy. “Mommy’s gonna cum, baby,” She panted. If possible, Jesse redoubled his efforts. Digging his tongue deep into her folds til his chin was covered in her taste, he couldn’t help a mirrored moan with her as she pulled him close through her trembling orgasm. Jesse didn’t stop until the hand in his hair was pulling him away from her twitching cunt instead of closer. Her knees trembled on his shoulders. Rocking his own hips forward, Jesse felt his cock was begging for attention in his boxers. But when his hand reached down from where it rested against the outside of Mommy’s- Miss Tammy’s thigh to stroke himself off, her hand tightened in his hair once more. “Did I give you permission to touch yourself?” She scolded breathlessly. “N-No, Mommy,” Jesse whimpered, hand coming back to rest on her thigh. “That’s right,” She nodded and slowly slid her legs off his shoulder. She reached over and slid open her side desk drawer and pulled out a package of baby wipes. “Bring me my trashcan.” Slowly, Jesse stood up from his kneeled position and retrieved the wastebasket on the other side of the desk. Miss Tammy was using the baby wipes to wipe her pussy lips down and had since slipped her panties off. The panties remained in her hand when she tossed the wipes in the trash and she reached for his boxers. Thinking it was his turn to cum, Jesse helped her by shimmying them off, awkwardly pulling the fabric down past his shoes. He didn’t expect Miss Tammy to hold out her damp panties for him to step into, but when he looked into her eyes, she wasn’t bluffing. As he thought before, a seriously weird roleplay. But he couldn’t deny it was pretty hot. Before the panties were pulled up to his crotch, Jesse gasped as a cold wipe was pressed against his hard-on. “That’s it,” Miss Tammy smirked. “Shrink back down.” It took a few cold wipes before his dick was soft once more, although the thrum of arousal was still present. She pulled her panties up his thigh, his dick actually fitting in the small pocket in the front, although the fabric slid up the crack of his ass uncomfortably. “Put your pants back on.” She demanded. Jesse turned around, receiving a playful swat to his aching backside, and grabbed his pants from the floor. Miss Tammy helped him button and zip his pants and secure his belt once more. “Those will stay on for the rest of the day and you will come to my home instead of yours after work, understood?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse spoke softly. “It’s Mommy whenever it’s just you and I,” She informed. “Understood?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse corrected and watched her slip her skirt back on and rebutton her blouse to hide her bra- wait…had she done that on purpose? “You’re free to return to work, baby,” She said in her usual professional tone. “Go on.” Jesse was stunned. That was it? Miss Tammy made a shooing motion with her hand and Jesse slowly shuffled to the door, the fabric of her panties digging into his skin teasingly. “See you tonight…Mommy,” He muttered and dipped out of the room. Taking a detour to the bathroom, not to take off the panties, but to fix his hair and wipe the cum from his lips. Just what did he get himself into?
  2. posting this thread with a similar idea of "What diaper are you wearing today?"Figured we could share what we are currently wearing. I'll go ahead and start.Currently, under my boy clothes, I'm wearing a 2010 style Girls Goodnite with butterflies on it.And I have my new training bra, it's lavender with a pink bow between the cups.I hope to update this thread a few times a week and hope others will join in too.Thanks
  3. "Good boy! Drink your buh buh so mommy doesn't have to worry when she's shopping." "Mmph," Jerry mumbled as he squirmed in her lap. He sucked on the tip of the bottle, draining the sweet apple juice inside of it. "Good baby. Good boy," his mommy, Jenny, cooed, stroking his back and his hair. He leaned back into her and finished the bottle. "Good baby," she said. She picked him up, and recentered him on her lap so that he was balanced on one knee and facing her. She bounced him a few times, then pulled him in and began patting his back. "Why's that help when you're shopping, mommy?" He asked. He shuffled, luxuriating in the thick padding of his diaper. Double layered, and with two stuffers, it felt like sitting on a cushion. It, along with his baby blue bonnet, matching short blue t shirt with teddy bears printed on it, soft booties, and pacifier, all added to the look of his new role. Finnally, he knew the thick diaper meant he wouldn't need a change for a long time, which was a dangerous notion when his new "mommy" was going out shopping. He burped, then blushed and put a hand over his face. "I can't beleive that actually worked." "Mhmmm," she said and smiled at him. "Lot's of babies like you are suprise at how much I can still treat them like babies." She began bouncing him up and down on her knee, and he bounced along with her, again loving the feeling and sounds of his diaper crushing against him. "So what about the juice?" "Well, Mommy is going shopping and needs to leave her baby behind for a bit." He raised his eyebrows in fake shock. "Not really "treating me like a baby" to leave me behind, Mommy. Seems dangerous. Abusive. Even trial-worthy." She paused her bouncing and patted his backside. "Sometimes we have to make exceptions. Or would you rather I take you out into public with your quadruple thick pampers? I'll tell you what, I'll give you the choice of any of your baby clothes to wear over them and try to hide them. You'll keep your collar on though." He blushed and shook his head. "No no mommy, that's ok!" She resumed bouncing and smiled. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, you'll be plenty safe. Mommy is going to put you down for a nap in your nice and cozy crib, all safe with the roof locked and your hands tied in mittens so my baby doesn't accidently get out and hurt himself, and a pacifier tied into his mouth so he doesn't lose it or accidently cry so loud the neighbours hear." "Gee, thanks mommy," he said, smirking at the selective description of his bondage. "Mhmm. Thought you'd like that. You've had plenty of juice so you won't be thirsty, and you have your extra thick diapies if you need to go potty. You should be fine for a good nap while mommy is gone. I'll be back in an hour or two" Jerry looked down at his diaper. "So if I have to go now..." "Then you'll be sitting in a soggy diaper for a few hours, or a stinky one. You should have been a good baby gone before I changed you into your nap time nappy. Why? Are you holding it in like a bad baby and need a spanking to help?" He forced a massive smile back at her. "That's ok mommy, I'm good!" "Good baby! Thought so! Now," She reached down to the pacifier on his shirt and puts it in his mouth. "Time to go beddie bies!" She lifted Jerry up and cradled him in her arms. Jerry hung on tight as she carried him through the house. Even as a shorter, thin man, he was always baffled by how easily she carried him. "Such a widdle baby! So easy to carry!" She said in a sweet voice, teasing him at his embaressment. She brought him into what was now his bedroom. A full adult sized nursery, with a double sized crib, changing table, bouncer, and piles of toys pastel blue walls, it always made his heart flutter to see. His new life was odd, and often embaressing, but seeing it all at once reminded him of how long he had dreamed of it. Easy days of little to no work, filled with toys and games while everything else was taken care of, wearing cute, comfortable clothes, and of course... He gulped. A few of the other other kinks his Jenny liked to try out on him often using bondage gear. He at a pile of mittens and booties on the ground. "What's that, mommy?" He asked. She put him down on the ground on his bottom, and huffed at the exertion of having carried him. "That's how mommy is going to make sure you're a good baby while she's gone!" She said. "Uhhh huh... I"m just going to go over this way..." he said, and began to crawl away from her. "You come right here, diaper butt!" she shouted. "AUUGGH!" Jerry screamed, and began to crawl as fast as he could. He heard her jog after him, and was tempted to get up on his feet and run, though he knew breaking his role only lead to more punishments. However, before he got far, he felt her grab his ankle. "No no no!" he shouted as she dragged him backward. He kept trying to crawl away and grabbed at the carpet, but felt a hard smack on his behind. "Now now. Behave or Mommy will spank your diapered bottom, babykins," Jenny said. "Hmph," he said. He stopped crawling and turned to face her, but refused to move back. Instead he sat with his arms folded and let her pull him back, sliding on the plastic against the diaper. "I don't think its fair you get to just threaten to spank me whenever we disagree. I am still a grown adult." She rolled her eyes. "SUUURE you are. The only grown adult I know who sits in a diaper and drinks from bottles all day." He blushed. "Anyway, if you don't like it, you can always go back to being a REAL grown adult working your REAL grown adult job like you used to, rather then living off of a more MATURE adult who works while you play with toys." He glared at her, and she watched back, folding her arms in immitation of him. He sighed. Embaressing as his role was, it was still better then working. He put a hand to his collar and pulled the tab that said "Property of Mommy Jenny" toward her. "No, please not that mommy. I know where I belong. I'll be good, mommy," he said. "Good baby. I thought so. Now be still and let mommy get you dressed." "Hmph," he pouted, but didn't fight back as she began to take his soft booties off. He sighed in annoyance. He knew the new footwear he was getting, she had used them on him when she was "crawl training" him, a period which went much faster then his embaressing "diaper training" sessions. It seemed strange to need to be "trained" for such things, but as his "Mommy" pointed out, this was techically now his "job." All "jobs," required training, even if it was being trained in things most people got past by age three. The botties were the same baby blue as his other booties he was already wearing, with the main visual difference being the strings of lace and ribbon she tied securely around his ankle, then the tiny key hole she used to buckle them on. He looked at his right foot. At first, it felt like more of the soft material, but if they were the ones he remembered, that wouldn't last long. He pressed the sole against the ground, yelped, and confirmed what he thought: a series of metal pieces were sewn into the bottom of his booties, each coming to a point against his foot. They weren't sharp enough to cut or to bother him when he was sitting, but they became more then uncomfortable whenever he put weight on his feet, making walking an annoying chore. They were designed to encourage the wearer to crawl, and they worked fantastically well. Next, she had him hold out each hand. She secured them with padded, fingerless mittens, each which locked on with a strap. This meant that not only were his hands useless, but any attempt to yank off his diaper or bootties would become impossible. She kissed him on his forhead. "Say your goodbyes now Babykins, talking time is about to end." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Goodbye mommy! I love you! I promise to be a good baby and not take my diapies off while you're gone!" He said, repeating the same line he always said when she left. "As if I could with these on!" He held up his mittnes. She giggled. "Good baby, love you too." She pushed a giant pacifier into his mouth and securited it with straps behind his head. She then picked him up and deposited him in his crib, and tucked him in under the sheets. She closed the top of it and locked it, then turned on a mobile of spinning stuffed rabbits and elephants. "Goodnight babykins Jerry! Be a good baby until Mommy is back!" She laughed. "As if you possible COULD misbehave like that. Maybe work on making mommy a present in your diapers while you sleep, it will be good un-potty training." "Mmph," he said from behind his pacifier, and watched as she left. She shut off the main light, leaving him with only the soft night light, and closed the door. Jerry lay back in his crib. The mobile turned over his head, playing "Rock A By Baby" in soft, quiet tones. He looked to his side, and grabbed one of the teddy bears beside him, and turned toward it. If he had to play the role, he figured he may as well play it well and enjoy the "fun" parts of it. In this case, "fun" meant cuddling with soft toys while resting. He closed his eyes. He opened them again. There was a knock at the door. He looked around the room and wondered why Jenny would knock on her own door.
  4. Michael, don't you know I was born to turn you on? You must, you've told me it enough times. You've whispered it in my ear in public, making me blush and squirm as you laughed. You've growled it at me as you held me down at hit me with all your strength. You've teased me with it as I lay tied to your bed, unable to move. And I loved it each time. I love that I am that object for you, that toy, that serves that one singular purpose. I love that I do it so well, and that we both know I'll do it in anyway you want. I love how far you've taken me, you've pushed in that direction. My question is, can you see beyond that? (And do I care if you do?) ... "No... no I can't!," I say, shaking my head. There were tears in my eyes already, just seeing what they intended. Michael loomed over me, as he always does. I always felt smell next to him. "No? Are you arguing? Should I get the paddle, and we can have a nice long discussion about it?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. My heard jumped. Even the threat made me more excited. I looked over at what the clothes they had laid out for me. I had played so many roles for them. I had been their pet, their slave, their baby, their maid. I had come out with them wearing leather vests and diapers under my clothes. However, there were still lines. "I don't know that I want that. Not yet." I whimpered. Michael walked to me. He put a hand on my shoulders, and the other reached down and cupped me below the belt. I gasped. "Are you sure you don't want it, diaper boy? Your cock seems to disagree." "I... I don't, Daddy." It sounded as fake as it felt. The truth was I longed for what they showed me, and had dreamed of it for months. The outfit itself wasn't that far off from dozens I had worn for them before. It was a onesie, bright pink and with a heart on its chest. It came with leggings and platform shows, and bows for my hair, which had grown longer and would undoubtably be put in pigtails. My leash was beside it, the collar was on my neck, and I already wore a diaper to go with it. With it, I knew they would probably tie me, and give me a gag to keep me quiet. I had worn the same before. What was different was what it meant today. I felt a hand smack the back of my diaper. Sarah came around my other side with an arm on my back. "Is that true diaper girl? I think its perfect for you. I think its perfect for you to wear every day from now on." "Uhhh..." I moaned. "Daddy, is she allowed to do that?" I asked as the other submissive teased me. To tell the truth, hearing someone who was herself being dominated talk down to me only made me crave more. If there was to be an pecking order, a huge part of me I was terrified of craved more then anything to be on the bottom of it. "Yes sweetie. Remember our ranking?" I thought back. We were both subs under him, but what we wore went beyond that. Regular clothes beat anyone cross-dressed, which beat anyone dressed as an animal, which beat, lowest of the low... "She's also in a diaper Daddy," I said. "We're the same." He shook his head. "Not anymore. Not when she's in her black diapers and her leather clothes, and you have your cute little printed diapies and onesie. You are the lowest here, and will still be from now on." My mind swirled. By far the most humiliating game they had played with me was this one. It was the one thing that pushed me right to the limit, the only that still made me begin to think of saying no. Now, they wanted to take me into public, in our club with all our friends, dressed like that. More, they wanted me to live like that, to come into their home and stay like that permanently. My heart jumped, and I wasn't sure if it was from disgust, fear, or joy. Michael turned me to face him directly. He put a hand on my diaper and pulled me in right next to him, and put the other on the back of my head. I looked away for a moment, but he turned me back, and for a second I thought he would kiss me. Instead, he just stared at me with his clear eyes. My breath caught, as it always did when I looked into them. "Are you sure sweetie? If you don't want it, you know your safety word. This can all be over now. Just say it, or let us dress you again." I was still, but was sure I was falling deep into his eyes again. Every time they hit me it was like all the will to argue left me. I felt myself melt and fall deeply into them, like a man possessed, and he did possess me. The image of me going into the club, crawling in his humiliating costume, all the nervousness it brought, fell along with my willpower into his eyes. Those eyes. It was always those goddamn eyes. ... Oh Michael don't you know you were born to turn me on? That is the part I'm not sure you understand. Or, if you understand it, you understand it all to well. It is everywhere and always to me. That feeling. That incredible, awful feeling. That arousal that is on my mind. That distracts me from work. That distracts me from relationships. That distracts me from all of life outside your impossible, clear eyes. The deep, painful knowledge that that you could get me to do anything you wanted no matter how bad I DON'T want it and the more I don't want it the more I want it because I know you want it because I don't want it and that makes me WANT it and I don't understand that. But you do, and that scares me. I am not in love with you. I am ADDICTED to you. I am OBSESSED with you, and with your impossible clear eyes. When I see them I feel like I am possessed, and I know I am possessed by you. I can stare at them for hours and not be sure what happened. I am addicted to your body. The tight, lean muscles. The strong arms, able to carry me, to pull me, to hold me down, even as I struggle (ESPECIALLY as I struggle) The size that has you always looking down on my ever so slightly, ever so noticeably, with your clear, impossible eyes. I am addicted to all you do to me. All our little games, all the strange clothes, all the things I never would have done if I never had met you. And I cant stop them. I can't stop wanting them. I don't know why I want them, I SHOULDN'T want them, but by god I do. By YOU I do. You are my god now. And that is what I am worried you understand all to well. There are lines I cannot cross, but I don't know what they are when I see those clear, impossible eyes. Not ever since I first saw them, those months ago.
  5. This is my first time posting here. This is a story I wrote many years ago, but I have tried to make it better. I'm not so good in grammar, so hope you can see past that. Hope you like it. Introduction: This is the story of a 19-year-old boy who had to accompany his aunt and cousin on a vacation to their summer home. The boy in question is named Sander. He had hoped to be home alone while his folks went on a cruise. Sander is a little short for his age; he is 5'1", and has dark hair, and blue-green eyes. He had an extremely feminine build and face. Many people initially believed he was a young girl. Heidi, his mother's sister, and Hanna his cousin. This is how it began. Chapter 1 I was still in bed when the door to my room opened. I felt a hand touch my hair. "Hello Sander." I turned to my mother. She grabbed the duvet and dragged it off of me. "Hey, stop!" "You have to get up now; we're leaving in a few hours!" "Oh yes, go away." I became irritated as I thought about what I was being punished for. Imagine being punished simply because you were cheeky at a party. Is this that bad? Maybe it was silly to be drunk and flirt with the daughter of my father's boss, but I was penalized for not being alone when my father was abroad. I got up and dressed. Downstairs, my parents awaited me for breakfast. "Hey, Junior! You finally got up! Make sure you have some breakfast; we are leaving soon." I went to make myself some breakfast and sat down with them. "I see you're still annoyed by your punishment, Sander. But, after your little stunt at the party you attended, which caused some friction with my boss, I expect you to understand. Since we're in difficulty, your buddies will be urging you to do more nonsense, therefore you'll be living with your aunt Heidi." Mom smiled before she spoke. "Yes, you'll have a wonderful time with Aunt Heidi, it's a long time since you've seen her, years I think. From what I've heard, your cousin Hanna will also be present. Imagine how cozy it will be. Hanna is a little older than you, but do you remember how fun it was to play with her before? You used to play house together. So sweet! I believe you had a small crush on her." Oh my god, Hanna! Will she also join us? Yes, I had a small crush on her. We always played house together, but I was only about six or seven years old at the time. She wasn't especially friendly to me, but she was incredibly attractive! She always made me dress frilly and other such things. "No, Mom. Please. I promise not to have any house parties." "No, we don't trust you; it's happened too many times in the past, and that's final." My mother was a little furious. The way she stated it made me feel uneasy, even afraid. Then Mom simply grinned. I was still shivering just thinking about this excursion. "Hello! Earth is calling Sander! I'm trying to get in touch with you." "Oh yes, what is it, mom?" "After you've finished eating, go to your room and pack a baggage. Remember to pack wisely because you'll be gone for three weeks. After quite a while of packing, my mother came into my room and asked if I was ready. "Yes, I am." We got in the car and started driving to Aunt Heidi's. After a long drive, we arrived at her home. She was already outside packing baggage into her car. When we came out, I saw Heidi clearly. She approached me and was about to offer me a hug. I was paralyzed because she was surprisingly attractive for a woman in her late forties. She was neither slender nor overweight; she wore trousers and a blouse. I thought she was in good shape, but I couldn't put it into words. Her breasts had a wonderful curve, and the blouse had a great neckline. The bra she was wearing resulted in the most stunning breasts. I felt tingling in my body. Maybe this will be an enjoyable vacation. "Hello, Sander. It's great to see you again; it has been a long time. But you art that much bigger than I so you last kiddo. I know now why your mother needed a babysitter.” Heidi just gave me a somewhat mischievous look. I couldn't respond; I was stunned, but suddenly my mother grabbed my arm. "But Sander, don't you say hello?" Mom murmured, "Hi Heidi," and hugged her sister tightly. They stood and talked for quite a while. Dad, furious, honked from his car. He shouted, "We have to go now!" Mom kissed me on the cheek before getting into the car and departing. Heidi walked up to me and circled me. "Yes, then, it's the two of us little one." I grabbed my bag but was unable to lift it; Dad had carried it in and out of the car and was so heavy. Heidi noticed I was struggling, so she came over. "Shall I help you?" "No, I can do it myself; thanks!" I said, a little annoyed. Heidi was standing next to me, and I could see her little smile. "No, this takes too much time," she said. Heidi nudged me away and lifted it like a pillow. I was astonished; she must be powerful, I figured. At the same time, her lips parted. "Yes, it's good to exercise a little; I can see you should try it a bit." I felt pitiful. When all the luggage was inside, she came over to me, looked at me, and gave me a little smile. "Yes, we will just wait for Hanna. Isn't it great that she will also join us? It is perfect! You and her will have a great time together, just like in the old days." I looked up and saw a red car. I became focused as the vehicle came to a halt, the door opened, and those long, lovely legs appeared. When she got out of the car, a tight top made beautiful contours around her figure. Her full-size breasts strained against the tight top, and you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra since her nipples pressed against the cloth. As she stepped out of the car, I noticed tight-fitting shorts rubbing against her bum. I couldn't help but struggle to keep my dick calm. She was extremely beautiful. The thoughts quickly shifted into a blissful trance; perhaps this wasn't such a bad vaction after all. Hanna was 24 years old, a little older than me, but we played a lot together when we lived side by side. She thought it was great fun playing with me, especially when I had to wear girl clothes, and she had a way to always make me wear diapers. I always got the feeling she just did it to humiliate me to the max. But she's probably outgrown that by now. Hanna proceeded to say hello to her mother before turning and looking at me. She looked at me for a moment that felt like an eternity before her eyes tightened and she began to smile. She approached me, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a great hug. I felt her breasts press against me, and I closed my eyes slightly in pleasure, before she released me and smiled. "I'm glad you'll be joining us, Sander. This will undoubtedly be an amazing journey, as you shall see." She eventually retrieved her stuff. When everything was ready, we went to load the car. Heidi opened the door, and I noticed the car seat was a little unusual. It was protected with plastic covers. Heidi gave me a sneaky glance. "You see, I generally bring a few special friends with me to the cabin. There have been some mishaps in the car with them." Hanna giggled slightly at the expression I made. "Maybe he should have had a car seat for baby’s mum, I guess he must be right on the border of what is legal." Aunt Heidi looked at me seriously and smiled slightly. "You're probably right, Hanna, but I don't have the opportunity to get it now, and Sander is a big kid now, aren't you? Not a little boy in diapers like when you were younger. I remember he always had wet diapers when I played house with you Hanna.” I became so embarrassed of what day said, that I just looked out the window. We started driving, Hanna and I talked about all we'd done and what had happened since they moved several years ago. Hanna had some water bottles in her purse and asked if I wanted one. "So nice, thanks." Because it was so hot outside, the water was perfectly ordinary—and quite good. The summer vacation has definitely begun. She told me that she had done a lot of studying over the past year. She was relieved that it was summer vacation, that she would have more freedom, and that she would be able to visit her friends again. I realized we were approaching a gas station, but I didn't think much of it and leaned against the window to sleep. I awoke suddenly, and my body became utterly stiff. Hanna looked at me with big eyes and then a slight smile on her face. She looked down and noticed a dark line between my crotch and my pants that got bigger. I didn't understand why or what had happened. No, I have not… She smiled slightly, but I didn't understand why or what had happened. I have not wet myself since I was in diapers. Hanna suddenly yelled out. "Mom!" "Yes, what is it?" "Sander wet his pants." I turned red; I didn't know what to say. "I that you were a big boy now Sander? We'll be there soon; he just has to wait until we arrive; there's only 5 minutes left." We pulled off the main road and onto a private drive; there were no houses to view, just trees all around. I could see the sea; the car took to the right and came to a stop shortly after. I stepped out of the car and stood, admiring the beautiful view of the peaceful big lake. The summer house was a large, gorgeous structure that was near to the sea. It featured a spacious entryway and a huge balcony overlooking the lake. There was a large annex next to the original home, as well as a floating jetty into the water. Heidi approached me. "Isn't it nice here?" "Very nice," I mumbled. "But Sander, is it something I should know about?” My face came on fire, I became red. “No Aunt Heidi, it was just an accident.” “Ok kiddo, you'll have to come with me so you can change; you're soaking wet." I looked down. I completely forgot I had peed myself. We stood at the main entrance, which she had opened so we could simply walk in. Inside, there was a huge hall where you could hang jackets and put on shoes; further in, there were three doors in a row. I went in and stopped at every door. Heidi then said. "The first door is my room, the second is a private room, and the third is yours. The bathroom is next door; you can take a shower while I collect the luggage. Hanna will sleep outside, in the annex." When I appeared from the bathroom, wrapped in a large towel, I entered the room assigned to me. It was square, with a large bed with steel bars in the front and back. My suitcase was open, so I found a t-shirt, boxers, and sweatpants. I was going to put on a pair of boxers when Hanna walked in. "Hi, pee-boy, I believed you were a big boy now that you are 19 years old.” She gave a mischievous smile. Her expression made me nervous, so I responded with annoyance. "Haven't you heard of knocking?" "No, I am enjoying myself. Sweet little Sander. Yes, you would still look beautiful in some cute feminine outfits. More now than ever. I see that the name Sandra fits better as you've grown older." She vanished. I walked out and spotted Hanna resting on a sunbed. She was quite hot, lying on her stomach. She was resting with her top off, wearing only her tight shorts. She was really attractive to look at. I couldn't help but glance at her, even though her acts angered me slightly. Her body was extremely sexy! Suddenly, I heard her voice. "Come on, Sandra, lie down next to me." We both lay on our stomachs and started a small chatter again. It was really nice to hear how she was doing. After a long time on the sunbed, Heidi called out to us. "Let’s eat, kids." After supper and a lovely evening together, it was finally time for bed. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then entered my room. Hanna walked in and said good night, as did Heidi. I was tired and fell fast asleep. Someone shoved me, and I awoke slowly. It was Hanna. "You have to wake up your sleepy head." I stroked my eyes and shifted slightly. I came to a halt and developed an odd expression on my face. Something was seriously wrong; it was freezing in bed. Hanna saw it. She grabbed the bedcover and took it off. "No! You've peed yourself again!" She nearly giggled, then called her mother before I could respond. Aunt Heidi came in. "What is it?" Hanna pointed to the bed between my legs. Heide approached and gave a slight sigh. "Yes, get up, then, Sander, take a shower, and get dressed; I'll fix the bed." I walked out of the bathroom, completed dressing, and was on my way into the room. Heidi had just finished changing the sheet. "Hi Sander, are you better? Was the shower good?" "A little." "Good, I have secured your bed with a plastic cover over the mattress." That terrible plastic sound. "But we need to do something about these accidents. You've had two accidents already, but we'll solve them tonight." We went outside, and the sun was shining. Hanna sat at the breakfast table, eating as I sat down to have breakfast with her. The morning passed, and we went outside to swim and enjoy the sun. We had a great time together. I believed the day was slipping away from us. When the evening arrived, Hanna and I planned to watch a movie on television, while Heidi went to bed early because she had a few hours away the next day. When she finished the bathroom, she exited the private room and called my name. I went to meet her in my room. "What is it?" "Come here and sit." I did as she said. "You have had two accidents. I don't have much bedding here, so I can only see one option." Heidi brought out a white object in front of me that created crackling sounds. I then realized what it was, a diaper! "No!" "But you've had two accidents, and it just doesn't stop." She held my arm a little tightly, but in a calm way, she looked at me. "It will only be this one time if you are dry tomorrow morning." I thought about it. "Well, one night should be okay." She asked whether I knew how to put on a diaper. She began to unfold it, and I noticed it had tape on both ends. I had only used up-and-go nappies for nighttime accidents when I was younger, so this was new to me. I said, "I don't know if have I done it, but I'll probably figure it out." "No, I can't take any chances that there will be any leaks; lie down, my little one." I did just what she instructed; I didn't dare to do otherwise. I lay down on the bed, carefully lowering my pants. She quickly grabbed them and pulled them all the way down. She pulled down my underwear before asking me to lift my bottom. I was so naked and embarrassed! "Please no!" "Now you listen." She spoke in a sharp and forceful tone. She grabbed my bottom with her hand and slapped it five times. I tried to get free, but she spanked me harder. No matter how hard I tried to break free, it just grew tougher. My muscles gave out, and tears streamed down my spine. I was now utterly still. She asked me to elevate my bum, so I did. She placed the diaper under my bum, wrapped it in front, and fastened the four tapes in front. "I guess that wasn't so bad, my little one." She was stroking my hair. "Get up, Sander; I must see how it fits." I stood in front of her, and she moved around me, feeling the diaper to ensure it fit correctly. She patted my diaper back to say good night. I was standing on the floor, having just pulled up my boxers. As I tried to pull up my sweatpants, I felt a hand grab the boxers! The elastic in the boxer crashed into me. I jumped and whirled around; there was Hanna! I hurriedly pulled my pants up. She grabbed her hand and slapped my ass. "Now, my little friend, did you miss being a baby again, as I used to do with you? Sandra, it appears that you are wearing the wrong color. You should have worn pink. "Can you stop Hanna? It's not funny!" She had a small laugh. "Stop it; it's not funny; if I'm not wet tomorrow, I don't have to think about it anymore." "Okay, sorry, Sander. Here, take one of my water bottles, it’s good and cold for the movie.” We sat up, talking and laughedas the movie went on. When it was finished we walked to bed. Hanna was looking at me and smiling. “Good night Lille one, well see if you are dry tomorrow Sandra.” She vanished, and I went to sleep. “She will realize that I am not a pee boy.” My eyes became tired, and I fell asleep. The next morning, I awoke with the sun shining on my face and started to mmove. I suddenly realized I was wearing a diaper. When I took my hand down, it felt swollen. I also noticed that the boxers had grown little damp. I stood up straight, with the diaper hanging like a thick lump between my legs. It was very wet. I stood there, wondering why these things had happened when I heard Heidi remark, "Good morning." I wasn't sure what to do. I stood there in a sticky, wet diaper with urine stains on my boxers. Heidi came over to see. "It's ok, Sander; it's probably better to have a wet diaper than a sticky, wet bed." Yes, I thought, maybe she had a point there. She studied me a little more closely. "I think I should put a thicker diaper on you. Go to the bathroom and take a shower, then throw away the diaper. I'm leaving immediately and will be gone for a few hours. Hanna will be in charge because she is the oldest. You to have fun." When I returned to my room, Hanna was sitting on the bed, waiting for me. I had at least thought to bring boxers into the restroom this time. "What are you doing in here?" I said. "Come here and sit, little one." I sat down next to her and said, "Yes, what’s up?" She smiled a little. "You know, my mother has said that I will be in charge here, so then I am the boss, right?" She had a slightly authoritative voice. "Yes, I know. So what?" "From now on, you must do exactly as I say; if you don't, I will punish you!" "What are you talking about?" She took out her mobile phone. "Look here." I leaned against her and gazed, and my face became scarlet. I was in full shock! She had taken numerous shots of me while I was sleeping with the diaper on. She also recorded video of me wetting the diaper. "I have another video." She found a video where I was sleeping in the car on the way to the cabin. You could see it suddenly turned dark on my trousers and down the crotch. "I'm the one who made you pee yourself, you little pee-boy. Good thing that they make a good medicine to make people wet fast where I studied. All I needed to do, was to get you to drink from my bottles with the blended medicine and a little slipping medicine too. All night I have made you listen to wetting hypnosis, just in case.” She began laughing as I just gaped. I attempted to take the phone from her, but she was stronger than me, and she simply pushed me down on my back and held me down on the bed. She gazed at me determinedly. "Now that I am the one making the decisions, you must follow my instructions properly. If you don't, I'll post all of these photos on your social media page and other sites where you have profiles and friends. Oh, and there are several duplicates of these photos on my phone, so deleting them is pointless!" Tears began to slowly run down my cheeks. I didn't know what to say or do. I let go and just laid there. "Good girl. Now you come with me." She got off me and looked down on me. "Get off the bed and go down on all fours and crawl after me, diaper boys belong on their knees. I felt embarrassed, ashamed, and degraded. I just followed her to the private room. She unlocked and opened the door. I got inside and was completely paralyzed! It was a fairly large room. Inside, the walls were blazing crimson, and everything else was jet black. I observed a red leather sofa with a lovely table next to it that appeared to be expensive. Other things I noticed included a large bench and an x-shaped crucifix with multiple attached cuffs. There were shelves on the wall that held a variety of equipment and stuff. This was definitely a BDSM room. I had never seen something like that in real life, only online. She pointed to the bench and told me to get up on it. I was so frightened that my body did not respond. She slapped my ass hard, causing me to scream in pain. I was ready to shove her away and shout at her, when she grabbed my arm and twisted it around my back. She only pressed harder, and I shouted in anguish. "Now listen, if you give me another negative attitude, I'll make sure you have a miserable life. Who do you think would want to be friends with a pee boy? Her arm released mine, allowing me to be free. She removed my boxers and stood looking at me with a giggle. She pointed to the changing table and I just lay down. She fetched some wet wipes, started washing me, and applied a lotion. I noticed that it was some form of hair removal cream. My body was smooth but I had hair on my dick, which should be gone now. With all of her movements around my cock, I started to become a little erect. It felt so amazing as she stood there and took around my dick. "Ooo, see, there's a little thing here that's starting to grow and get hard." She laughed. "I can't do that now." She snapped at my dick head, which blasted in me but instantly softened. She walked up to a drawer and opened it. She rummaged about and closed it, she returned with a bulky diaper in her hand. She unwrapped it, and I instantly noticed that it was a different style of diaper; it was much thicker, and it was pink with princesses and unicorns! She instructed me to raise my bottom so that she could place the diaper below me. "Wait a minute," she said. She returned to the drawer, fetched something else, and grinned at me. She found some cream and spread it over my anal hole while softly playing with her finger outside. I was shaking somewhat, which was unusual. I started to feel stiff again! Suddenly, I felt her put something into my anal hole. It exploded somewhat before sliding into place. I assumed this was an anal toy of some type. She pushed, slipping the bulky pink diaper under my bottom. She slowly drew it up to the dick, which had begun to harden. She simply pushed it down and pulled the diaper over it and the four tape fastened in place. "OK, Sandra, you now have the proper diaper on. "Get up!" I stood there, unable to keep my legs together; it was so thick. "We're missing something; stay put; I'll go get it." She returned, carrying something pink in her hand. My eyes widened as I realized it was a pink Hello Kitty panty! She instructed me to lift my legs so she could fit both legs into the pink pants she had brought. She pushed it up and strained to get it over the bulging ball in the front and back, but it fit wonderfully! "Oh, how cute you are now, little baby Sandra." I flushed hot in the face. She returned and grabbed a pink bodysuit. I could tell it was unique since it had a V form with a white border. The bodysuit slipped down and between my legs. It buttoned up in the center of the crotch. I didn't have any pants, so I figured I could use my sweatpants. She grabbed my arm and forced me stand up straight. She bent down and requested me to raise my legs. There appeared a pink skirt with two white lines. She watched me again before disappearing inside the drawer to look for anything else. "These are perfect! Sit on the bench." She knelt down and lifted my foot. She tugged a sock on me, but it only went up my leg and thigh; it had to be stockings, and they're pink with white stripes! "Now you're done, little sissy. You are perfect." She laughed as she studied me. I just glanced down at the floor, ashamed and embarrassed. Her hand moved towards mine, dragging me towards a giant mirror. Her fingers lifted my head, allowing me to see myself in the mirror. It was terrible! I could obviously see the skirt pull up in front and behind. The bulge made it more obvious. I felt humiliated. She remained standing behind me, her hand still holding my head in place. So I had to study by myself. Her other hand reached down my pants. She slowly rubbed my bum. Again, I felt the wonderful breasts against my back, braless nipples thrusting into me. I felt myself becoming hard and horny. It was humiliating and unpleasant, but it was incredibly delicious. Her head lay against my shoulder. She withdrew something from her pocket. She moved it in front of the diaper. I noticed it began to vibrate, which got me more horny. She started talking into my ear. "Is that good, little sissy? Come on now, little slut, show me you're a little sissy slut." The vibrator just buzzed against the tip, which vibrated all the way to my dick, and my cock became increasingly hard. She pressed her deliciously hard breasts on my back. "Is it good, little sissy? Is little Sandra horny? Tell me how horny you are. Little little one." I was so horny now, I couldn't answer properly. Whispering, I got the word out. "Yes. I'm coming now; I'm coming!" She simply went on and on. I had a massive orgasm! I squirted my diaper, which was full of warm cum. "Mmm, was that good, little sissy?" I was so tired. "Yes. Are you going to take this diaper off me now?" She just laughed out loud. "Why should I do that? I was embarrassed. "Because it is full of hot sperm". "No. Sissy likes cum. I've always known you were a little sissy. I'm going to have a great time with you this summer. So I'm not going to change your sticky diaper simply because you feel horny from wearing diapers and being dressed like a sissy boy and can't keep it in. No, little sissys get to walk about with delicious hot cum in their diaper. Come on, diaper Sandra." I followed her out into the sunlight. Why would she do this to me? I was embarrassed and humiliated by the sensation that the thick diaper between my legs gave me, and it was pink! I had never seen a diaper this thick before. It didn't help that the thick diaper was now filled with warm sperm, and I began to feel erect again!
  6. Diapers or Divorce Part One "I have had enough!" "Pull down your pants this instant." He stared at his very attractive wife, frightened by her outrage and clumsily fumbled with the button of his jeans. He slowly pulled his pants down until they were around his ankles and he stood back up, holding his head down in embarrassment. "Just as I thought, you are wearing a disgusting nappy again." "Clearly you are no longer the man I married. Come to think about it you have never really been much of a man inside our outside our bedroom." "I desire to be with a real man, not a little baby. Since you cannot seem to respect my demands to stop wearing nappies maybe in nappies is exactly where a pathetic excuse of a husband like you belongs." "I am going to make this very simple for you. Nappies or divorce?" Tears started to well up in his eyes as he tried to look at his wife. Clearly, sneaking around behind her back wearing Terry cloth nappies had finally pushed her over the edge. What was his wife of ten years asking? After years of hatred and disgust over his nappy fetish was she now seriously considering leaving him? At 36 years old with great looks,long dark brown hair that almost matched the colour of her eyes ,slim figure she would have no problems finding a new man. "I will not repeat myself again. Nappies or a divorce?" Instinctively he cried out nappies, not fully understanding the consequences of his choice. He would soon find out. A smile grew on his wife's face. She had expected for her husband to decide nappies and she wickedly thought about what that meant for her. Her sexy silky panties started to get moist over the thought she could finally now go out and find a real man and her wimpy nappied husband would have no say in the matter. "Nappies it will be then. Tell me who wears nappies? "Babies do." "Babies do, what?" "Babies wear nappies." "Babies wear nappies what?" He looked at his wife completely confused. What was she demanding he tell her? "How about babies wear nappies,.. Mommy!" His heart began to beat faster. Never had his wife ever role played with his fetish before and now she was standing in front of him demanding that he call her Mommy. "Babies wear nappies, Mommy." "That is right, babies wear nappies. What do babies do in their nappies?" "They potty in them, Mommy." "That is right, both pee pee and poo poo don't they?" "Yes Mommy, babies go pee pee and poo poo in their diapers." "How many times have you shit in your nappy?" He once again looked down in shame and could not find the words to answer his wife. "How many times have you shit in your pants you disgusting sissy wimp, I will not ask you again?" "A few Mommy." "I knew you were that pathetic. Well, guess what, I hope you are ready to become very messy. Do you know why?" "No Mommy." "You will now be wearing nappies permanently, baby. I am not talking about an every once in awhile thing either. You wanted to wear them so much and now you will get to wear them for the rest of your life. At first it will be difficult on both of us but hopefully eventually we both will accept our new roles in our marriage. In time my guess is that by going potty in your nappies all the time that you will become completely unpotty trained. You will have no choice but to be nappies all the time unless I decide to humiliate you by making you go potty in your pants when we are out and about." He was in complete shock. Who had invaded his wife's mind? She had gone from demanding no nappies at all to wearing them all the time for the rest of his life? Part of him was excited yet part of him was scared of the new life he had chosen for himself. "Now that I have shared with you that you will be permanently wearing your potty I think it is time for Mommy to explain to you your new life as my baby." "Since I can never look at you as a man ever again from this day forward I think it is best that you become my little girl, a girl baby will just suit you afterall you are a bit of a sissy and that tiny baby dick belongs in pink frills, would you like that eh. As of right now I have no intentions on removing your tiny wee wee or your pathetic little balls but your behavior could change my mind if you chose to be disobedient. When you are not busy at work providing for us I will be constantly reminding you that you are no longer the man of the house. At work, you will still be required to wear nappies and plastic pants and use them of course and when I want you will wear something more girly under your pants to remind you of being my little girl. At home you will be dressed as a complete sissy baby girl always in an appropriate short cute frilly dress and early bedtimes you can wear one of my frilly babydoll nighties. This is non negotiable and you will do as I say or you will be severely punished. I am still not completely convinced that I should stay with a pathetic sissy like you have become." "The hardest thing you will have to accept is that since you are no longer a man you will no longer be allowed to do grown up things in the bedroom. Do you know what a cuckold is?" "No Mommy, what is a cuckold?" "Something you will most definitely soon become, that is one thing I know for sure." With a devilish grin on her face she left the room without saying another word and he was left standing their with his pants pulled down and his diaper exposed. He could not help but to wet himself.
  7. Julie Symms looked into the next room at her sissified husband. He was busy playing with his dollies and glancing now and again at Little Mermaid on the TV. Even from the next room she could see the reflection of a trickle of drool on his chin. She began to wonder if he had wet himself yet. The constant hypnosis had worked wonders and he barely noticed wetting anymore. She remembered a time when it wouldn't have been possible to take him downstairs. Even with his muscles weakened from all the time locked in his crib he would have still attempted to run, not that there was anywhere he could have gone. With the extra thick cotton diapers she kept him in constantly it was hard for him to stand and even if he could manage to get to the door any one of his embarrassing outfits would make him think twice about opening it. After all this time, though, her little husband was a perfect sissy angel. It had taken the dark haired 38 year old attractive wife a lot of work to get him to this point: All the clothes she had to buy to keep him in, all the attention she had to shower on him, not to mention the constant spankings to get him to accept his new life. Not that there hadn't been some fun along the way she thought to herself. She still remembered how bright red he had blushed when she took him in front of a mirror for the first time. With the booties, the bonnet, the layers and layers of frilly petticoats, and the silky satin frilly white party dress he was an absolute vision. and those very cute frilly white satin baby knickers with row upon row of matching white lace on the front and rear in typical baby girl fashion She chuckled when she thought about how he had wet himself out of sheer terror (the diapering started after that). She recalled fondly how he had squirmed when she invited her lady friends to the house to fuss over him. Her absolute favourite, however, were the little sissy tears he had cried when she brought one of her lovers into his nursery to tickle him under the chin. By time she was done having sex in his nursery with the big rough man the tears were almost dry; more than could be said for his diapers. Her husband became accustomed to her lovers visits and to get some relief on such occasions he would listen by her closed bedroom door her ecstatic moans of pleasurable fucking with her well hung lover drove him to play with himself. She knew he was stood by her door playing with himself that tiny penis of his in his frilly baby clothes those plastic pants making loud rustling noises failed to prevent his covert actions being discovered by his wife and lover much to their amazement Then the plastic pants and nappy could never hold back the torrent of urine and she would then have to change her sissy husbands nappy Infront of her lover or anyone else who happened to be visiting. Now she had finished mixing his special bottle. That had been one of her best ideas. Warm milk, mixed with hormones, and the creamy got from him every morning. Since she had to get it every morning to keep him from stroking his diapered clitty anyway, she figured why not put it to good use? Of course he had resisted at first but she was always able to convince him. Just like his little fits over not getting to be milked until he admitted he was a complete sissy. She wondered if he had known how ridiculous his protests had sounded with his new sissy lisp. In each case he had given up after one spanking and now they were his favourite times of the day (except for dress up of course). Of course he had become much more docile after she told him that all of his old things had been sold to pay for his transformation. Dresses ,nappies and ruffled baby knickers and plastic panties and your baby furniture aren't free she had cooed to him. She watched his face light up as she brought his bottle over to him. He bounced and squirmed in his playpen at the sight of her. The rustling of petticoats and frilly nylon lined plastic almost kept her from hearing him wetting his diaper. She handed him his bottle. He held it in both hands and began sucking ravenously. She smiled and decided to spank him today for old times sake. JULIE and her sissy baby husband Mommy sat down next to the playpen and watched as her baby finished his bottle. His mouth kept sucking as she took it from him and he whimpered and kicked when he saw that it was gone. With time his little tantrums had less frequent but more and more babyish, but she knew how to stop them. She pulled out his pacifier and he was sucking rhythmically before she tied its ribbons around his head. Did baby's special bottle get her excited, and does she need a diaper change? she cooed, stressing the female pronouns. He blushed and she heard him wet his diaper again. She wondered whether he was more embarrassed about the diaper or about being referred to as she. Ok baby mommy will change you and let you make poppies. He bounced up and down excited and she could hear the squish of his wet diapers. She opened his playpen and he crawled over to his changing mat. Before it had been so hard removing all the layers and layer of baby clothes for him to use the potty seat. First the frilly pink satin baby knickers and plastic panties, then all the cloth diapers, then the petticoats and frilly pink matching satin short dresses, and in the end he would end up sitting on his pink little potty chair in nothing but a bonnet and training bra. While this was quite a sight to behold she didn't want him poking and playing with his little breasts. He had been overwhelmed when they first started to really appear and had spent the entire day in his crib fondling his little budding nipples. Now she made the bottoms of all his outfits detachable so he wouldn't have to go without his precious sissy clothes. Once his stunning wife/mommy had his diapers off she always made sure to tie a few satin ribbons around his little clitty. She remembered how he had made squirties the first few times she had wiped off his diaper area. His thin miniscule erection barely three inches when fully hard erupted over his frilly satin baby knickers that laid around his thigh. After she had wiped him off she turned his over on his stomach. She pulled out the plug she sometimes kept in him in the mornings to keep him from messing his diapers before potty-time. It was pink and said ˜Mommys helper and the startled look on his face when she first showed it to him was almost the same as his shocked expression the first time she inserted it. She loved that it kept her from having to deal with dirty diapers, and she enjoyed the way he would giggle and smile whenever she would insert or remove it now. Having him use the potty chair was one of her favourite sites. He always looked ridiculous when he sat his pert sissy butt on top of the little pink chair. She chuckled as she saw him sitting and sucking intently on his pacifier. He heard her laugh and blushed furiously causing him to loosen his bowls and her to laugh harder. When he finished and she was wiping his bottom she praised him with her most sugary-sweet voice, Whose mommy's big girl? She knew the answer when she flipped him back over and his little clitty was bulging against its ribbons. She giggled reminding him it was a "baby dick" comparing its size to that of a small toddler and how "much more bigger" her lover was. He could smell baby powder and oil coming off of him before she even began to powder him. He's been so heavily powdered and oiled for so long now that it must be in his skin she mused as she grabbed three more diapers. After that she diapered him up and put all of his frillies back on. Now he was finally ready for his big day. She had been waiting for today for quite some time and had been trying her hardest to go about the normal routine and not drop any hints. She remembered the last time she had been this apprehensive. It was the day her husband cemented his own sissy fate. When she first started his training he had fought her fought her every step of the way. Once the hypnosis started to take effect his struggling turned more and more to crying and pouting, but even once his new life had become routine she could still sense a glare of defiance in his eyes. That's when she realized he would never fully accept his fate unless he chose it himself, and so she came up with her plan. He was shocked when one day instead of waking up in his crib and diapers he woke up in bed next to her in shorts and t-shirt. Fortunately she had made sure his bladder was empty or he would have wet the bed out of fright. Then when she turned to him and apologized for everything she had put him through he was dumbstruck. When she told him she would never force him to go back he feigned a smile, but she could see the faint glimmer of fear in his eyes; everything was going just as she had hoped. You wont have to wear diapers, or dresses, or bonnets, or petticoats, or drink bottles, or play with dolls ever again she had said to him. She was delighted by the pangs on his face at the idea of forfeiting each item. He was barely listening when she told him things could go back to the way they were before. Let me try to make it up it up to you honey she said as she curled up next to him leaned in to kiss him. He had yelped and rolled away. She (rather insincerely) asked what was wrong pretending not to notice he had now had made creamy in his shorts. She almost laughed and broke the act when he asked if that meant he wouldn't get his bottle today. After a second she had looked at him and said, "I guess if you WANT to be my sissy baby its alright, but we cant keep going back and forth. This time it will have to be permanent." This hit him like a pound of bricks. Ill give you the day to think about it" she said as she kissed him on the cheek and left the room. Despite all of her coaxing he was back in diapers before the end of the day. Today was another big day for him she thought. Just then she heard the doorbell ring. It was time for his play date. Mommy saw her baby squirm and squeeze his dolly tight as she went to go answer the door. It was funny how afraid he still was of being seen even after everything that had happened. She wondered how he would react if he knew that she had shown all of her friends the albums full of pictures she had taken of her new baby. The albums had been such a hit that Mommy's young thirty something very attractive neighbour Laura woods had coincidently doing the same thing on her naughty little sissy husband following a rather revealing discovery she had made. They had both chuckled when they agreed that a play-date would be in order once Laura had sufficiently sissified her husband even more than he had bargained for. Her husband was a sissy adult baby but hadn't told Laura about his secret fetish until one day she found out accidently When Mommy answered the door to Laura's baby husband in full baby girl attire he was shyly clinging to his Mommy's hand . Julie wasn't sure how it was possible but he looked even more ridiculous than her own baby husband. Every part of him was covered in pale pink satin . His long blond hair had been curled and tied with pink ribbon into pigtails. He was wearing pink Mary-janes with matching pink laced topped ankle socks. His nails and lips had been painted glittery pink. He was wearing a short pink satin dress with layers of white coloured petticoats. His baby knickers were a of pale pink satin with lace trim ruffles on the front and rear .As a finishing touch his extra thick diapers under a pair of transparent plastic pants (Laura used two terry nappies at a time) . "Well doesn't someone look cute today"? Mommy cooed. The baby minced and blushed even pinker. Then his Mommy gave him an icy look causing him to quickly curtsey exposing even more of his frilly ruffled panties and diapers. She looked down at him again and he lisped, "Hewo, my name is Thithy. Tank you fow letting me come ovow and pway". Sissy, mommy thought, not very original but certainly appropriate. Even though this little speech was obviously rehearsed Mommy could hear the humiliation in it. Julie invited the couple in and offered Laura a hot drink. Then the two sexy wives started chatting about techniques they used with their babies. Laura absolutely loved idea of Julie cuckolding her babified husband she was very intrigued how this can work within a marriage and needed some advice how to go about it. .Julie explained she had just been letting her baby make creamies in his diapers and then spanking him for it when she was with her lover. Laura was fully aware of Julie's cuckolding her sissy husband from previous telephone calls and wanted to learn much more details she found herself giving serious consideration to cuckolding her own baby husband. "It must be a coincidence that most sissies are very poorly endowed" she laughed ,Laura had embarrassingly confessed to Julie that her husband had a micro penis and sex was useless "I can't feel him when hes inside me hes' just too tiny and he keeps slipping out , I feel sorry for him its not his fault but things are just not right in the bedroom and I'm not sure how long I can put up with it ,and then his finished in seconds its always been this way. I suggested using penis extension sheaths but he won't entertain that idea. Hes gets his kicks by dressing up as a baby girl we have had sex when he's dressed up in his frilly pink things but I get no satisfaction and well its just not very manly is it . The weird thing is hes turned on when I tell him I can't feel his penis inside me so I have even begun to tease him about it he -gets so excited he cums in seconds .I even joked that I needed a real man when we were having sex last week and to my surprise and delight I think hes' into that kind of thing ,he wouldn't admit it when I asked him" " Tell you what Laura its the best thing I have done and I know you won't regret sleeping with another man .I'll get my laptop in a while and show you a few websites that might be of interest" Laura and Julie looked down at their sissified husbands to see how they were getting on. Mommy saw her baby's eyes light up when he saw Sissy. He dropped his doll and reached though the bars of the playpen. She wasn't surprised. She wondered if her baby saw Sissy like a new doll, a playmate, or as something more. Not only had she enveloped him in sissyness but she also directed all of his sexual desires towards it. All this time she had made him look at nothing but frilly sissy clothing whenever she had milked him. From the smile on her face she knew Laura was thinking the same thing. When they made the play-date had hoped the two would really ˜hit it off. Mommy also saw the mixed expression of terror, intrigue, and shame in Sissy face . I I think these two are going to be good friends, Laura said as she opened the playpen. JULIE Mommy and Laura smiled to one another as they watched Sissy crawl nervously into the playpen. Mommy was sure her baby's pacifier would have fallen right out of his mouth if the ribbons were not tied around back of his head. She also noticed how Sissy slowly swung his little frilly pantied butt as he crawled; it looked like someone was trying to get attention after all! She also noticed how her baby's eyes followed Sissys sashaying hips and that he was sucking his dummy in rhythm with the movement. She remembered that the nipple on her baby's pacifier was shaped like a tiny penis and wondered if her baby was slowly running his tongue over it as he suckled. Mommys thoughts were interrupted by Laura as she asked, "You know Julie you've never told me what you call your sweet little baby now? Mommy looked up and said, "You know Laura I never really picked a name, but what about Susan silk panties?" Laura laughed and said, Sissy and Susan silk panties? That sounds like a perfect match for these two babies Then, as if on cue, Baby flung his arms around Sissy who proceeded to giggle and blush. Once his cheeks had cooled Sissy looked apprehensively at the two mommies and started playing nervously with his short dress. When Laura gave him a slight nod, his eyes lit up and he turned and gave Baby Susie a kiss on the cheek. Right then Mommy and Laura could see a tiny bulge even through Baby's nappies. Sissy saw it too and his Mommy smacked his hand away right before he could touch. Both mommies were very angry: Sissy knew she shouldn't touch there (yet¦) and Baby had already been milked once today! I think were going to have to spank both of these naughty babies, Mommy said crossing her arms. You mean your gunna take off my diapers, said Sissy shyly. He might sound timid, Mommy though but both she and Laura noticed how hungrily he stared at Baby's crotch when he was speaking and how he began slowly sucking his thumb once he finished. Both mommies had expected the two to be friends, but looking at one another they were amazed at how quickly things were developing. Yes Sissy, his mommy cooed, were going to spank you and Baby's naked bottoms. Mommy could tell it took all of Sissys restraint not to cheer as she knelt down to take out Baby's pacifier. She leaned far over exposing tops of her breasts as she began to untie the ribbons and to pull out the pacifier. She was pleased that the babies eyes remained glued to one another. Mommy did notice, however, that Laura leaned in to eye her figure and for the first time Mommy began to blush slightly. She could feel Baby's lips cling to the pacifiers tip as she slowly removed it, allowing Sissy to clearly see it. The two babies shivered with anticipation as their mommies announced it was spanking time and if their mommies hadn't immediately swooped them up they probably would have begun making sloppy baby kisses right there. The two mommies set up rocking chairs next to one another, pulled their babies frilly knickers and plastic pants along with their diapers and placed them over their lap.. Both women laughed when they saw each others husbands tiny erect penis's for the first time hey were of similar size but Laura's husband was about half inch shorter. and much thinner hardly any sort of shaft was evident Julie was was in hysterics at seeing sissies micro penis “ it’s TINY oh gosh poor you Laura . Laura had mentioned his “ baby size dick” to Julie but now seeing it in the flesh was the cause for great amusement for her . Laura looked at how tiny and puny Susie silk panties penis was and fully understood why he was now an unfortunate cuckold ,admitting that even both Sissies cocks put together wouldn’t compare in size to that of her boyfriend. Susan silk panties had no choice in the arrangement he was a baby now so forced into accepting his wife needs to find a man that could satisfy her sexual needs .Julie boasted to Laura her lover was very well endowed” "his cock is very thick and long he knows how to use it no joke its the best sex I had ever had.” Baby and Sissy were now lying face to face and their mommies pretended not to notice when they started kissing. The sound of deep baby kisses was only interrupted by synchronized yelps as the two babies were spanked. Only once Baby Susie and Sissys bottoms were bright red were they put back into their playpen, this time with no diapers or baby panties. Lets see what mischief our little girls get into together said Laura, looking down at the two ridiculous adult babies. The two women laughed when the babies naked bottom half were on show, their hairless tiny genitals remained stiff from their spanking and the sex talk about intercourse with much better endowed men kept them aroused. The two attractive housewives chatted away sharing thoughts on the best way forward for their sissy little babies. Julie excitedly shared the juicy details of her lovers sexual prowess in the bedroom ,his large magnificent thick penis and how cuckolding changed her marriage for the better. "He gets his pleasure from being my baby girl and playing with his tiny thing when me and my boyfriend are fucking in the bed in the next room he’s so big it can hurt a bit sometimes it must be at least 7 or 8 inches" . "you mean he doesn't mind you having men over for sex ? .Absolutely not, not at all ,his need to be dressed as a baby girl and has this craving for humiliation was the best solution for both of us , he gets what he wants by dressing up and I get all the sexual pleasure I need from a real man". Laura felt her silky white panties becoming quite damp as she dreamed of being impaled on a man of that size ,taking a lover that would give her sexual pleasure she had longed for .She loved her baby husband very much and was aware of his short comings in that department before they married. She thought they could work around this. Laura had recently began thinking of cheating on husband and had plenty opportunities to do so but backed out struggling with mixed feelings of guilt and the love she has for her husband. It was around eighteen months after marrying him, she found out that her husband secretly dressed up as a little girl discovering his baby clothes hidden away under the floor boards in the built in wardrobe. She was shocked, confused and quite angry .She decided to search his browser history revealing web page after webpage of sissy adult babies, femdom sites even small penis humiliation which she found quite ironic All thoughts of a happy fulfilling sex life with him disappeared she could never see her husband as a man after knowing he was into all this. She felt trapped and wasn’t even capable of talking about it with any of her friends for advice, how could she its an embarrassing subject they might be thinking he was some kind of pervert. Laura was often hit on by men at work or on girls night out but declined to take the plunge into cheating however tempting it was after she had found out about his secret fetish. She wanted to save her marriage he was good in many other ways ,loved her so much and treated her like a princess but this was no longer enough not now.. In the end she became more resentful ,things had to changed and decided she was ready to have her own sexual freedom from other men and her poor hubby would have to accept it. Laura asked Julie her thought and if perhaps he to would find it a turn-on? “ . Well of course he will find it a turn on but it shouldn't matter if hes not wanting, don't give him a choice tell him its happening ,tell him he can be a full time baby girl but you will date men ....its only fair . Maybe we could double date when we get you fixed up with someone" Julie suggested ? For the next hour both women searched on a number of internet dating sites for married women seeking men .Laura and Julie began comparing these tall attractive athletic looking hunks many with profile pictures in full frontal nudity proudly displaying their large penis. Laura was intrigued as she was shocked at how big some of these men were. Some described themselves as Bulls that cuckold sissy wimp husbands .One man calling himself Carl clearly stood out from the rest. He was a tall black man , very good looking and more importantly was huge where it counted, describing his penis size of eight inches when erect . Sissy was in the play pen listening to his sexy attractive wife with her dark brown eyes and long blonde hair getting more and more excited as she looked at all the male profiles pages Julie convinced her to message this hunk Carl and arrangements for a date "that good looking guy with that massive eight inches sounds perfect you must send him a message ,Laura if you are going to cheat on your hubby at least do it with someone who is larger in fact MUCH larger ha ha". Sissys micro penis became hard once more intently listening .His erection didn't go unnoticed by Laura yes perhaps he is turned on by her fucking another man she thought to herself smiling .Sissy noticed she had opened her legs just wide enough to see up his wife's dress from where he sat ,those sexy white silky panties and a telling damp spot beginning to form in the gusset of her crotch her wet patch growing even larger ,Laura was becoming more aroused as she clicked on the nude profile picture of this big man . Sissy knowing that his young stunning wife and that sexy slim body that no man could resist excited him always excited him but now. the thought of her being unfaithful with a well endowed man reinforced his own sexual inadequacy his humiliation would be complete .Sissy began making his own damp spot leaking sticky precum into his nappy. Both women were laughing excitedly about humiliating their husbands they knew this talk of cuckolding got these poor babies aroused looking down their sissy babies in their frilly sissy baby girl clothes ,Laura and Julie concluded they actually wanted this lifestyle as much as the women wanted it . It was only a week later sissy was dressed up in his frilliest pink night time baby clothes, dressed for bed in a thick terry nappy, clear plastic panties and pale pink see through chiffon baby panties these were covered in frilly delicate lace on the front and back. The matching frilly baby doll nightie was short enough to expose the baby panties. Laura had hired a young babysitter from the neighbourhood ,Kelly who at only just 18 years old was a rather attractive college student studying psychology .Kelly fully understood Laura's need to see other men after changing her husbands nappy when getting him ready for bed .As part of her course she had studied fetishes and sissy adult babies .Laura even told Kelly she had caught her husband playing with her silky panties even sniffing them .Poor sissy just blushed his new baby sitter burst out into fits of giggling “that’s disgusting you little perv fancy doing such a shameful thing well I suppose it’s because I panties are the closest garment to a woman’s body AND the nearest you get to your mommy theses days” she said ,the psychology student certainly knew her subject he thought .Laura nodded in agreement .”I might let him play with my worn panties when I return IF she’s a good baby “Laura announced sternly with her hands on her hips . SISSY KELLY Kelly quickly got the baby husband into his white large wooden cot whilst he sat and watched his stunning wife getting ready from the bedroom opposite .Laura had ensured she left the door wide open to tease him a little He saw Laura walking around in some new sexy white satin underwear these were of the bikini style of panties that encased her lovely round bottom in the shiny silky fabric, matching stockings and suspender. she then she slipped into a tight fitting black dress and matching high heels. Her hair and make up immaculate his lovely wife came into the nursery bent forward and kissed her baby girl husband on the forehead her long blonde hair cascaded down touched his face ,her perfume smelled intoxicating .Kelly told his mommy how sexy she looked .” Awww precious don’t you look so cute Kelly has chosen the most frilliest girly baby clothes for you mmmmm very cute” .With a mischievous smile and teasingly “ perhaps I might bring Carl back home so he can see you dressed like that what would he think seeing you in your pretties eh ?” She said giggling .“ I saw some of his night things including that pink onesie but I just loved the pink pretty frills on these baby. knickers and this nightie , is soooo short and girly it would be a shame to cover these frilly baby knickers with a longer nightie or onesie .I think it would be quite funny to let your date see your husband dressed as a baby girl ,nothing more humiliating I guess but he or should I say she deserves it, most likely it also turns him on , reinforcing his Sissy beta status and exposed to an Alpha male .Yes it’s very amusing I can’t wait to tell some of my friends on my college course I could even write a paper encompassing sissy adult babies ,humiliation and cuckolding haha yes eh I might even get a grade A or distinction especially having an actual case history to use as an example. .My tutor miss Taylor will love reading my work ,she prefers case evidence from observations examples rather than just theory or third party dialogue” LAURA Laura smiled then looking at her baby husband teased her told him she was going out to have some adult fun with a" real man". He was under strict instructions not to play with his" baby dick" whilst she was gone. A moment later he heard a car horn sound on their drive drive and she excitedly announced to Kelly "my date is here you have fun with my baby girl see ya later" His attractive petite babysitter wearing dark brown rimmed glasses was quite sexy was to ensure no masturbation. Kelly agreed to check Sissys nappy intermittently by placing her fingers in the leg openings of his baby panties checking for "stickie creamies". She couldn't help tease the pathetic man in his pink frills and that tiny soft little penis .He was devoid of pubic hair making his penis look even more infant like . An hour later poor Sissy was laying in his crib when he heard Kelly talking to someone on her cell phone "yes she's still dry I checked her nappy a few minutes ago , really wow he sounds like a real hunk will you be brining him home tonight ....woo lucky you Laura .Yes of course I will I will get plenty of photos and send them straight away" Kelly came up stairs and without saying a word took out her cell phone out and took several photos of sissy in his baby clothes to send Laura. Sissy tried his best to hide his face behind his toy Doll. "Aww don't be shy baby girl your lovely Mommy want to show you off to her new man friend" During the evening Laura had told her date all about her husband , he clearly wanted to learn more about her sissy husband and their arrangement. He found it hard to believe this stunning woman's husband would accept her seeing other men . Kelly even sent some photos of sissy to some her closest friends. Soon after a text reply's from Laura mentioned she had shown the photos to her date to prove she was married to a sissy and now she wants her date to meet her husband in all his baby clothes yes Laura knew this had to happen it excited her to let this man see her wimpy sissified husband dressed up in frilly pink baby girl clothes. Kelly relayed this back to the Sissy . "Well it seem your lovely wife is bringing her date back, you are in a bit of jam eh baby and no covers to hide under eh awwww poor you being seen this way by a man a real man who no doubt will be sleeping with her later and there's nothing you can do to stop this situation nor do I think you want to anyway i bet you are hard thinking about them fucking in her bed " she teasingly mocked .He was scared to let another man see him like this and told Kelly this. Kelly took pleasure in teasing him more "yes your lovely wife is bringing him home to meet her baby girl, he will see you all dressed up in that sissy pink nightie and frilly knickers ,he's already seen the photos and I expect she has told him you are unable to satisfy her because you have a ickle tiny baby dick....a micro penis that's less than 3 inches hard , OH YES she told me how small you are baby when you get hard .Awww don't cry baby I'm sure he will make your mommy feel great in her bed. Yes of course he's going to be staying the night in your wife's bed I'm confident he will be fucking her with his massive cock. Your wife told me he is eight inches in size wow that's enormous isn't it, its a mans penis not a baby's penis like you have. Does it turn you on that you are unable to make your wife cum because of your micro penis and she needs get sex with much bigger men she told me she can't feel you at all when you have sex with her awww poor baby this is so funny " It was just after midnight when he heard the keys in the front door then his wife's heels on the hard wood floor followed by the unmistaken sound of a mans voice as he met Kelly for the fist time. He could hear some laughter from his crib in the spare room what was now a baby's nursery a baby girls nursery. Laura asked Kelly if her baby girl had been well behaved ."I have checked his I mean er her nappy a few times but no sticky mess thank god " Good" my wife said "well this is .Carl and due to the late hour he will be staying the night like I told you earlier do you mind if we run you home in the morning ..your mum won't mind? " No I phoned her earlier and said that you might be late home .I think she's pleased you are dating other men .I have told her of the situation I hope you don't mind." OH no of course not I have already made Megan aware about my husbands er .. problems his er umm you know tiny thingy and the baby girl clothes ,how unhappy and sexually unfulfilling my sex life is Your mum gave some good advice and really empathised with my situation I suppose being a couples counsellor this was to be expected. She agreed that being "married to a sissy adult baby that likes to wear frilly little girl clothing can be problematic for any woman to cope with ,especially one with a tiny infantile sized penis" as she put kindly the issues demanded a workable solution . she told me in situations such as this it’s become more socially acceptable for women to enter into a cuckolding lifestyle it can be positive remedy and even strengthen a marriage if there's honesty and both partners can agree on some ground rules .she’ told me this is something she would have suggested if we were one of her clients. Your mum said if we loved one another it would be selfish for my husband to refuse me a sex life outside our marriage as he gets sexual enjoyment from dressing as a little sissy baby girl . It is clear we will be better off if we want to remain married . Your mum did say I may wish to take several lovers to avoid getting to emotionally attached to one man so something to consider this could be real fun and liberating for me "your mum knows so much about sex doesn't she ? She mentioned that she counsels a couple where the wife has a lover and the husband dresses up as a frilly maid apparently ,he even gets off being humiliated because he also has very small penis and her lover is quite bit larger. I never knew this sort of thing was so common . Cindy did say she would like to meet my me and hubby when dressed up in his baby clothes to find out how this fetish manifested in the first place she also told me she had never seen a micro penis before and I'm more than happy to let her see my babies tiny willy. She might also want to chat with by boyfriend to understand the Bulls perspective. She can come over when ever she wants tell her" “My mum tells me all sorts about her clients I learn so much from our discussions that even though I’m only 18 I’m not easily shocked by such revelations and my college course is a great help. I may decide to be a sex therapist when I complete my degree”. "Right well I'm off up to bed in the small spare room if that’s okay Laura I will check on her get her tucked in for night but I expect you and Carl might keep the baby awake all night haha “ They both laughed Laura impressed at how confident Kelly was “pleased to meet you Carl " He nodded and smirked at Kelly’s remark intimating a night of sex “Thanks for tonight Kelly we will be up in a minute Carl wants to see my baby girl "she laughed. Kelly entered the nursery ,"hello babykins mommy is home now and well well she has found a real hunk of a man , he's very tall well built and quite a handsome man .I think they make a great couple mmm perhaps he will be your new Daddy eh would baby sissy like to have a new Daddy " she teased ,smiling down at the pathetic male laying in the crib .Sissy became frightened when a moment later he heard his wife heels on the stair followed by heavy footsteps of a man .In an instants he felt his full bladder release urine into his nappy. Kelly had deliberately fed him two large bottles of juice so he would piss his nappy before the evening ended more as a form of humiliating him. “Here she is , my baby girl “Laura announced smiling , his stunning wife looking excited as she entered the nursery holding hands with Carl. This is my husband ...my baby girl isn't she adorable ?" The big rough man standing over 6ft 4 tall , was indeed quite muscular .He began to smile before breaking out into laughter Kelly and his wife began to snigger as the poor baby began to glow red with embarrassment. "Is that nappy of yours still dry I can smell pee" Laura asked between fits of giggling. His wife was now resting her arms on the rails of the crib looking down at her baby husband ,Carl had his arms around her slim waist. "I'll just check" Kelly suggested. She approached the crib and once again her petite fingers wormed their way into the leg openings of his frilly pink see-through baby knickers, under the plastic pants until she felt the cloth nappy. " Oh no she's soaking wet now Laura its not creamies ... yes she's pissed her nappy alright , ewww …awwww poor baby girl wet his nappy". Carl and his wife began to laugh in unison “wow he really needs those diapers what a pussy you married " he sniggered. “I told you didn't what I was married to so no need to worry about him disturbing us tonight hun she wouldn't dare or will find herself getting a bare bottom spanking over Mommy’s knees , or perhaps you might that privilege start the way we mean to carry on by making him know who's the real man around here now .I think it would turn me on seeing you spanking my husband over your knees with his nappy and panties pulled down in any case I wouldn't want to break break my new manicured nails " " wow that would make a lovely photos , your husband dressed in baby girl clothes being spanked hard by your boyfriend” Kelly said laughing .The thought of his wife’s lover hauling him across those powerful thighs , yanking down his nappy plastic pants and frilly knickers getting a smacked bottom made his stiff little member hard . He craved humiliation in his fantasy but in reality did he want this ? “I will change his nappy Laura I don't mind I have have babysat a few babies in the past so know what to do. "Kelly undid the large cot sides and leaned in . She placed her soft delicate hands on the waste band of his baby knickers and slid them down slowly the baby’s smooth hairless skinny legs to the ankles .she quickly followed by taking the clear noisy plastic pants pulling them down so they nestled next to his baby knickers .Expertly she unclipped the pink nappy pins and slid out the wet nappy from beneath him.Sissy was in a world of shame at being exposed in front of this new audience but strangely excited at the thought of this man whose large bulge was clearly visible in his trousers yes its quite clear he would be fucking his lovely gorgeous wife tonight ,giving her what he was unable to. His miniscule penis less than an inch long when flaccid was now fully erect for all to see The room erupted in laughter as the nappy was removed and his penis was now on full display. Sissy had no baby blanket in which to cover himself. Kelly was the first to compose herself ,she hadn't seen his erect penis before " oh my gosh he really is so tiny I thought it might grow to about maybe 4 inches but if I’m not mistaken that looks like 3 inches if that ? oh wow awww poor poor baby that’s so pathetically tiny no wonder you like wearing pretty baby girl clothes for mommy . I sometimes babysit toddler boys and I swear Laura they are bigger than your husband . Can I take some photos to show my mum and a few of my friends this is soooo bloody funny .?" Kelly took out her mobile phone snapping away the camera flash blinding him he attempted to hide is face with one hand and the other to cover the hairless baby sized erection, each camera flash was an intimate revealing photo , his small balls and close up shots of his stiffy tiny member some with his penis pacifier in his mouth other photos showing the plastic pants and frilly pink baby knickers around his ankles , all clear evidence this man was nothing but a pathetic sissy adult baby and was now about to be cuckolded for the first but not the last time . Sissy was going to witness his lovely wife being unfaithful to him. Kelly changed Sissys nappy and replaced his plastic pants and baby knickers back into position patting the crotch and smoothing out the frilly lace on the pale pink delicate chiffon fabric .After she was satisfied the knickers were correctly pulled up high to his belly button she checked elastics of his plastic panties were snug tight on his his waist and thighs " we don't want any leaks tonight baby". Laura and Carl had disappeared into the master bedroom .The new baby monitor that was placed next to the bedside drawers in what was now his wife's room it was already switched on and sissy and Kelly could hear the two lovers kissing and giggling from the monitor next to his crib. Sissy began to cry as he sucked on his penis pacifier imagining what was happening in the room across the landing , Laura had deliberately left her bedroom door wide open. Kelly took this as an invitation and decided to open his nursery door wider so the sissy baby would be able to see his wife and her new man, she knew the hapless baby would be turned on by his wife and lover about to engage in hot passionate sex. Yes Kelly knew the psych of cuckolding after spending hours on the internet researching cuckolding porn coupled discussions with he well informed Mother . Perhaps another fetish to be covered in her course work for definite . In a short time the unmistaken sounds of lovemaking could be heard clear and audible from the monitor and open door of the master bedroom .Kelly comforted sissy stroking his hair and patting the front of his baby knickers as the sounds of sex grew louder. Kelly noticed Laura's clothing was scattered about the master bedroom room. ,Laura's white satin bikini style panties lay on top of her bra and dress close to the door. entrance A wicked thought crossed her mind she knew sissy had a thing for women's underwear, .Quietly she walked across the narrow landing and retrieved Laura's panties from the bedroom floor .She brought them back into the nursery inspecting them yes the crotch was indeed wet had Laura cum in them no more likely it was sexual excitement that had caused her juices to flow she pondered. .She saw that sissy was now knelt up in is crib watching his wife having sex with the big powerful man.Kelly began laughing quietly ,she stretched open waist placed the soft sensual silky white satin panties over Sissys head ensuring the very wet crotch was in direct contact with his nose. Sissy immediately became more excited as he instinctively inhaled his wife's erotic sent.Kelly giggled uncontrollable at seeing reaction to the panties. He looked very silly with his pantied head but she was mindful not to laugh too loud so as not to disturb the two lovers who were fucking widly.Kelly took a few more photos of sissy wearing his wife's wet panties over his head. He looked ridiculous she thought to herself. They both watched as Carl was on top of Laura, her long lightly tanned slender legs over his broad shoulders her feet in contact with the wall behind her head. Carl was pistoning his oversized penis into Laura's tight vagina ,stretching it wide during each thrust. Kelly noticed he wasn’t wearing a condom I guess that don’t make them that large she considered? Laura’s soft moans became louder and louder as the large thick pens slammed hard into her cervix .sissy was able to see his pretty wife's face a contorted expression a mixture of pleasure and enjoyable pain a picture of pure pleasurable lust . Soon she announced vocally she was going to cum and pleaded with Carl to continue his fucking "don’t stop she yelled PLEASE HUN FUCK ME HARDER ,FASTER FASTER .Her first powerful orgasm finally erupted into an involuntary shaking ,The headboard crashed and rattled against the wall ,the bed creaked as each deep thrust entered her lubricated pussy. Carls long thick shaft glistening with her wet cum juices ,each deep thrust made Laura moan loudly and sob as waves of ecstasy rippled through her body, she bucked upwards to meet her lovers downward thrusting taking all of his thick long eight inches of manhood into what was once a very tight vagina .Sissy thought she would be spoiled for ever after such a massive organ had penetrated her so deep and wide. At one point Sissy and his wife's eyes met , she smiled knowing her baby girl was enjoying the show , his new cuckold baby girl sissy status ,she whispered to her lover who briefly turned to look at the baby girl in the room opposite and they both began to laugh at the sight of the sissy adult baby girl playing with his tiny penis with her panties on her head .This made Laura even more excited any pangs of guilt evaporated in that second . She knew her husband was more than willing to embrace his babying and cuckolding. She cried out as Carl increased his pace fucking her faster and deeper ,loud slapping noise as his muscular thighs met her own, his heavy large balls hitting her bottom. Waves of pleasure spasmed once again as she climaxed again and again ,his penis reaching parts her vagina her baby husband could only dream of. She compared the feeling of their dicks and sizes. Laura was never able to feel her husband inside her and found sex worse than useless, pointless unless he was giving her oral unless he or using a large dildo on her which he was reluctant to do. Her private masturbation sessions was her only relief. CARL and LAURA Laura began to cry as wave after wave of orgasms continued , this had never happened to her before . She began quivering her face now flushed red ,moaning and sobbing into his shoulders. Sissy was still wanking his tiny member with thumb and a finger from the leg openings of his panties furiously tugging his micro penis yes he was loving the live sex show and encouraged by Kelly .The loud rustling noise of his plastic pants and frillies could be heard on the baby monitor in his wife's room. Involuntary her sissy husband began shouting NOOO MOMMMY NO HES HURTING YOU ... DADDY DADDY YOU ARE HURTHING MY MOMMY”. Kelly egging him on to shout louder and louder "Oh good baby yes mommy and Daddy are having lots of fun but don’t worry baby girl he's is not hurting your mommy he's giving her lots of great orgasms something you are unable to give her yes she’s being pleasured by him and that huge thick cock of his ,this is so sweet isn’t it eh .. its good you are so accepting of this. My mum told me she expects you are going to be a permanent adult baby from now on. A baby girl ..accepting your wife being unfaithful to you, a situation I know you deserve and really secretly desire .Carl will be your new Daddy" .Laura was listening to Kelly she was pleased at hearing her baby girl calling her lover "Daddy" .She was fully confident there was no going back to how things used to be ,she knew he had fully embraced the cuckolding , accepting his fate as her permanent baby girl the way Kelly had correctly stated . Carl will be his new Daddy and will have full authority to placed her husband over his knee if he misbehaves .Sissy was unable to take his eyes off his wife's lustful expression .seeing her lovers large penis making her cum was just too much for him, his humiliation complete finally splattered his creamies over the front his frilly pink sheer chiffon and lace baby knickers. Kelly laughed in hysterics ,his poor tiny penis looked so red .She quickly cleaned up his baby goo with some tissues then placed his still erect baby dick back into the soft confines of his cloth nappy and panties Then taking a blanket that was decorated in babyish animals placed it over her the overgrown adult baby girl before lifting the cot sides back up .She smiled down at the pathetic specimen that no longer resembled a man but rather a baby girl with those long blonde pigtails with pink ribbon the short frilly see through nightie and those very frilly baby girl knickers and ankle socks. The penis pacifier similar in size to his own cock was placed back into his mouth secured by a pink satin ribbon. Kelly had enjoyed this experience her appetite for all things sex the psychology created a need for more knowledge. Kelly and one or two of her close friends will become regular babysitters for Sissy and Laura’s friend Julie and her own baby sissy husband. Laura decided she wasn't going to put sissy on hormones like Julie was doing with her own sissy husband .No sissy was going to endure all the humiliation he could take if this is what he desired and she hoped he would never want to revert back to pretending he was a man.Laura needed a real man around to meet her needs .Carl when not working away on business would visit and be her live in lover and Daddy to sissy.Kelly and some of her friends will babysit when the "Mommy and Daddy want to go out on a date night" Julie was so pleased Laura had enjoyed a wild night of sex with another man she gave Laura a big hug as Laura reflected how she had multiple orgasms for the first time in her life .Laura " So how was he in bed then Laura c'mon I want to know all the details " Oh well that night Carl made love to me like I'd never been made love to in my life. For once I knew what it was like to be really sexually satisfied. What a magnificent cock he's got hes soooo big and thick " Laura showed her friend using her hands " I was unable to get my fingers all the way around his penis Julie, I felt like he was going to split me in two when he first put it in me ,I was so wet I managed to take his entire length after a while. He didn't want to hurt me I told him to be careful because he was by the biggest man I have ever been with.... I came so hard ...several times" .Laura took out her phone and showed her friend the revealing photos Kelly had taken and described in great detail about his "enormous penis how deeply she penetrated . " I was a bit sore the next day he had stamina " Laura found it naturally so easy to sleep with with Carl no misgivings ,regrets or feelings of guilt , no inhibitions. "So did Sissy stay in his cot all night then I bet he was scared when you introduced Carl ". " Lauren laughed Ha ha yes he was so scared he wet his nappy and Kelly had to change him" The fact her husband offered absolutely no resistance When she came home with Carl demonstrated she had his blessing .Guess what he even called Carl "Daddy isn't that so cute" they both laughed ."So did allow SIssy to watch you two fuck then ? Oh yeah by then I didn't care at all but I completely forgot Kelly was around .... she's quite mature for her age" Julie laughed at the photos Kelly had sent to Laurens phone, gosh he look so silly with those panties on his head" . Both began to think up humiliating ideas such as having their boyfriends punish their babies by regular spankings . Laura loved taking lots of humiliating photos of her baby husband to share amongst a select few of her friends. Kelly's mother ,Cindy found them highly amusing more than she was intrigued by it. Cindy would make use of the dialogue she had and some of he photos to some extent without using names due to confidentiality. Wanting to understanding sissy adult baby cravings and other aspects of this lifestyle requite more study she wasn't fully aware of small penis humiliation combined with cuckolding and what drives this misunderstood fetish . Cindy has made arrangements to visit Laura ,sissy and Carl and may write a paper about this subject as a teaching aid for future sex therapy students . They often went out as a foursome when Julie had her boyfriend stay over at her home, employing the service of one of Kelly's friends, Megan was a regular baby sitter for Susan silk panties. Laura craved Carls visits to the house she became damp at thinking about receiving a good hard fucking her sexy panties were sopping wet by the time he unfortunately work often meant she did not see him as often as she would have liked .Laura always dressed up for him in sexy underwear and when Carl got there she dragged him upstairs. she couldn't get enough of him and his oversized penis. Sissy was always placed in his crib when Carl was on his way although he sometimes sneaked out to watch his wife and Carl fuck. MEGAN one of the baby sitters
  8. Diapered on a Camping Trip: Chapter 1 A/N: Here's another story with a slightly different plot than my previous ones. This story focuses on a pre-established Diaper Lover who admits his love of diapers to his rommmate and his rommmate's girlfriend! They all plan a camping trip together, little does he know the couple has more plans for him than roasting marshmallows. General warnings for this story: Sissy activity, dubious consent with regression, wetting diapers, messing diapers. Possible warnings for future chapters that I may or may not get into are: Breastfeeding, enemas, humiliation, and sexual content. I hope you all enjoy! Telling his roommate (and his roommate's girlfriend by proxy) about his diapers was the greatest thing Steven had ever done, he thought as he stacked his suitcase in the back of said roommate's car. At first, it was just out of necessity. After moving out of his parents’ house and into the apartment with his best friend Hayden, Steven was nearly bursting at the seams to finally indulge in his little quirk. The only hang-up was doing it where Hayden wouldn’t see it. Steven ordered his first case of diapers as soon as the last box was unpacked and waited anxiously for it to arrive. “Hey, I have a package coming,” Steven told Hayden casually that morning. “If it shows up before I’m home can you put it in my room?” “Yeah, sure, no sweat,” Hayden said, more focused on making breakfast than questioning what was in the package at all. This continued for the first few months they lived together. Steven occasionally ran into issues disposing of his used diapers discreetly, but that was the only hurdle. That is until Amelia showed up. Amelia was Hayden’s long-time girlfriend. Steven had met her and even hung out with her on a few occasions, but now that they had their own place, she was over almost every day! And she was quite insistent on pulling Steven along in their dates. If there was a movie night, she’d ask him to come watch it with them, if they were going out to dinner, she was asking him to join. It was very sweet of her in a way that didn’t make Steven feel like a third wheel, but at the same time, it encroached on his diaper time. And then it finally came to a head one day. Steven ordered his diapers as usual and waited for them to arrive. Hayden was given the same instructions to just put them on his bed. Only, Steven was mortified to come home after work one day to see Amelia and Hayden digging through his box of diapers right in the living room. Both their heads turned toward him like sharks in freshly chummed water and Steven could barely keep himself from walking out. “Why would you open my mail?!” He cried out in offense, face burning red and charging toward his room. He didn’t care about collecting his diapers right at that moment. He just wanted to hide and never resurface again. Only, Amelia stepped in front of his door with her arms spread wide. “Don’t be mad at Hayden!” She cried, eyes watering. “It was my fault. I ordered some makeup pallets to be delivered here and I thought the package was mine without even looking at the label.” She often had makeup delivered to their apartment so that it didn’t sit out in the sun on her porch. Steven didn’t even think about the possibility of her opening his diapers by mistake. Still, the shame burned bright within him. “Move. I want to go to my room.” He pouted, looking down at his shoes so that he didn’t have to look her in the eyes. “Hey, man,” Hayden’s voice called from the couch. “Let’s talk this out, okay? We promised to resolve every conflict before going to our rooms.” That was one of the conditions they created when they moved in together… Steven gave a shaky sigh and plopped onto the couch farthest away from the open box. That night, he explained his diaper inclination to the pair, encouraged by their curious glances without a hint of judgment. And, much to his relief, they were quite accepting of it. To the point where Amelia packed his box back up with care and offered to carry it back into his room. “I think these are the cutest,” She couldn’t help but mention, pointing to the case on top that had little lions on it. “Are you going to wear one tonight?” “Uh,” Steven had stuttered. He did plan on wearing that night, but it was something different to tell her that. “Maybe…” “Don’t be shy if you do,” She said sweetly. “We were planning to watch some movies tonight and I’d hate for you to be too embarrassed to join us. Okay?” And Steven did. From then on, he wasn’t shy about his diaper-wearing around the couple. And everything went back to normal…just with a little bit of diapers involved. And so, as Steven loaded his luggage in the back of Hayden’s car, he couldn’t help but think it was an amazing thing that Amelia opened that box. Because now they were going on a week-long camping trip, he was encouraged to bring his diapers along for the whole trip. Amelia, the sweet woman that she was, even bought a diaper bag to store extra diapers and supplies in for the 12-hour trip to the campsite. Her eyes had been wide with glee as she picked a handful of diapers from his stash to fill the bag with, adding in a bottle of baby powder, wipes, and cream “just in case” she said sweetly. The trio loaded into the car with excitement buzzing all around. Only, Steven blinked in surprise as Hayden followed him to the back seat and made sure his seatbelt was buckled up tightly. “Just making sure you put it on,” He said casually. “Do you need a diaper change before we go?” Steven’s face burned red. “No! I just put this one on!” He said shyly, shifting around to hear the faint crinkling of the thick diaper as if to prove his point. Not deterred at all, Hayden reached down and pulled the front of Steven’s basketball shorts open to peer at the front of his diaper. “Hayden!” Steven cried out embarrassed. “Calm down, I’m just making sure,” Hayden said dismissively, letting the waistband go with a snap. “Diaper butt dry and ready for a roadtrip,” He announced to Amelia. “I wonder for how long that will last,” Amelia giggled much to Steven’s protest. “I can hold it!” Steven denied. “I think he won’t last an hour,” Hayden bet as if Steven hadn’t spoke. “I give him two hours,” Amelia said kindly. “But Steven you have to tell us when you need a change so we know which of us is right.” “I-” Steven stuttered. “No!” “Are you just going to sit in a wet diaper the entire 12 hours?” She asked with concern, making Steven feel just slightly like an asshole. “Baby, that’s bad for your skin!” Head ducking down, Steven muttered, “I’ll say something.” “Yay!” Amelia cheered. __________ Hayden was right, though. Steven barely lasted 45 minutes down the road before his bladder was twitching. It must have been his overzealous diaper usage because he didn’t remember holding his pee taking so much effort. And it didn’t help that Amelia was handing him small bottles of juice from the diaper bag to sip on as the minutes ticked by. Steven’s first wetting happened 48 Minutes into the drive. Embarrassed, and slightly spiteful, Steven kept his mouth shut. He put on enough baby powder and the diaper was thick enough that he was sure it could hold another wetting with no problem. That wetting came followed by 3 more bottles of juice and another wetting only 40 minutes later. Just what was the deal with all this pee? He’d never gone twice in the same two hour span! As the 2 hour marker approached, Amelia and Hayden kept making glances at him from the front seat. But Steven was determined to keep his mouth shut until the first rest stop. “That’s two hours!” Amelia said proudly and unbuckled her seatbelt. Steven watched her confused as the car was still moving. Only, for his surprise, she climbed over the center console and slid into the back seat with him! Her hands fiddled until they unbuckled his seatbelt. But the swell of his diaper was obvious even though the thin basketball shorts. “We have a wet one back here!” She giggled. “Amelia-” Steven tried to protest but was shushed. Amelia pushed and shoved Steven until he was laying down across the back seat and her hands yanked down his basketball shorts without hesitation. “Oh, he’s super wet!” She laughed. Kneeling over him, Amelia pulled up both of Steven’s knees to expose the butt of his diaper. If he wasn’t wearing it, he’d have everything out on display! “This is definitely two wettings. Maybe even three!” “No!” Steven tried to deny only for Amelia’s hand to rest on the front of his diaper and squeeze. “I think so, baby,” She smirked. “You little fibber. I should wash your mouth out with soap! Hayden, toss me the diaper bag.” The diaper bag was tossed back with an answering laugh causing Steven to hide his face in his hands. “Amelia, stop it!” “Stop what?” She asked, rooting around in the diaper bag before pulling out a clean diaper. “I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just changing a baby’s soaked little pamper.” Steven felt his stomach drop but also his heart flutter. Oh god. There was no way she was actually doing what she said she was. They were in a car! There were no cars around, sure, but they were in a car and she wanted to change him! She never changed him before! And now she suddenly wanted to in a car?! What the hell was going on?!
  9. sissy baby husband18 year old niece babysitterwife and sissy Hey honey how was your day ,hope had good one . while you were at work I did a little snooping around and guess what I found a history of porno sites you visited on the computer. It seems you like to look at adult baby men some even dressed as girl babies and I also interestingly found a few cuckold sites and femdom porn on the Internet because is this what you are into ? Why femdom are you so scared of a strong beautiful woman like me I think it's pathetic, we've been married for a year and you still stinking bad at sex. I don't see how you can give me a baby with that weak sperm or for that matter that tiny baby dick, oh don't try to deny you're a weakling and honestly I really don't know why I married married you .I'm sorry to be so brutally honest I still love you but my sexual needs have never been met by you and its frustrating. Awww look at you crying what a sissy baby .If cuckolding turns you on well that might be the perfect solution. You can be a sissy baby and I can have some great sex from real men. Yes I have given this some thought today and discussed EVERY thing with one of my closest friends, Amy, she said this is just perfect for such man with a fetish like yours and she made some good suggestions . So anyway while you were at work I made some calls and this weekend I'm going to make some changes to our house I'm going to turn our spare room into a baby nursery , a baby girls nursery complete with a crib a diaper changing table and a dresser and lots of frilly little baby clothes which Amy was able to source via a local dressmaker she knows. We laughed as we ordered lot of fluffy diapers and frilly little girl panties , plastic pants and pretty satin dresses. Amy said wouldn't be surprised if you are nappies into your teens or wet the bed until your were into your late teens .She said she could never remain faithful to a man with a tiny dick .This is what you want isn't it David ? what do you mean this isn't what you want too bad you don't have a choice so you're going to do what I say and if you don't I will divorce you and all of your friends and colleagues are going to know about what a loser you are do you understand what a baby you are. Yes me and Amy have found the revealing photos on your hard drive the ones in frilly baby clothes and tiny penis .We eventually found your pink baby clothes in that old suitcase in the loft. You definitely will need a lot more now though since things are going to change. I can't believe you're crying now .From now on in this house I'm going to be your mommy ,wife in loose terms only, you will call me Mommy from now on I intend to treat you like a baby a little baby a little sissy baby girl. I will put you in a diaper with lots of baby powder make you eat baby food in a highchair and drink formula from a baby bottle. You will have a 630 PM bath time and a seven o'clock bedtime you will always be sucking your thumb or have a pacifier in your mouth .only I or anyone else I choose can change your wet diapers and yes that may include Amy or my other friends or perhaps even a baby sitter ? you will get your nappies changed butonly if you are soaking sopping wet and you say mommy please change my diaper I'm sooo wet .I will of course powder you and put you in a dry fluffy diaper and plastic panties mmmm I dress you up as a baby girl complete with a pink dress pink plastic panties the ones covered in sheer nylon with lace ruffles on the front and rear, how cute . since you're such a sissy if you're a bad baby at any time you will get a bare bottom spanking or a mouth soaping or both you are going to live in your new nursery where you belong and I will take over our bedroom. I can tell you that I'll be bringing home a real man and into my bed .Infarct I have met someone at work someone I have been openly been flirting with for a few weeks. I have told him all about your sissy baby fetish and tiny penis ,yes he has even seen the photos of you sucking your thumb and your pretty baby clothes so if you misbehave I'll have my new man put you over his knee and give you a bare bottom spanking .He's quite prepared to humiliate you and put you in your place and you like a girl baby . So when I go out with him for a few drinks I'll have my pretty 18 year old niece and her friends come over and babysit and humiliate you she always said she thought you old were a wimp and I know she'll just love humiliating you and changing your wet diapers . Ha ha don't worry I'm sure she and her friends won't laugh too much when they see your tiny 3 inch erection .I know it will turn you on seeing those attractive girls changing you and teasing you . Yes they will be aware I'm out on a date with a real man that will be satisfying me later. I'm sure they will find the most frilliest sissy pink baby nighties and frilly panties for you to wear so you can meet your new Daddy he's called Jim. He's quite tall and muscular so be careful not to piss him off. you're still gonna go to work to support me but when you're home you're nothing but my little sissy baby girl .Now take off your clothes and get on that changing table to have your diaper on oh yes I'm quite serious oh look you're crying again gosh you're such a baby let's go see if it's time for mommy to diaper you lie down, let's get those big boy pants and underpants off you wow you look so pitiful a grown man lying on his back half naked and about to be diapered by his wife okay lift up your leg so mommy can slide the nice diaper under you , oh dear your tiny little penis is all hard isn't it, does this turn you on baby eh do you want me to cuckold you and treat you like a baby girl ?Do you want me to have sex with a real man while you lay in your baby cot listening to me getting a good fucking with a man whose penis is well over twice your size...a big thick 8 inch cock . After my phone call to him to arrange our date he text me a photo of his cock this afternoon . Amy was stunned at the size and thickness ,it certainly made my panties wet .If you behave I might move your crib into Mommy's room on occasions when Jim comes over to stay the night . Would my baby girl like to see his sexy wife being pleasured by a big strong man eh ? Lift your legs up so mommy can sprinkle a baby powder on your butt and little peepee mm-hmm I wouldn't want you to get a diaper . whats the matter my baby hubby doesn't like being put into diapers well that's too bad you better get used to having your wet diapers changed now I want you to say thank you mommy for putting me back diapers go on let me hear you say it here what a polite baby hmmmm are you crying again .If you carry on my lover will give you such a spanking when he comes over he might even spank you in front of the my niece and all her friends. I'm sure they will love to get some photos of that to share on their socials. My own friends have suggested months ago I should cheat on you when I told them just how tiny your thingy is. They found it so amusing a penis so small that it looked like it belonged on a toddler .Here stop snivelling take this pacifier I'm tired of hearing you cry you know what I think it's time for your nap baby into the crib you go sweet dreams my cute diaper sissy I'm now going to make arrangements for my date isn't this exciting dear?
  10. Chapter 1 Rejection hurt the most when it came in multitudes. Daniel Aster prided himself in his resiliency and independence. He didn’t care what any authority told him, he could bounce back from any criticism. If a critique held merit, he’d listen, and if it just broke him down without purpose, he’d ignore it. He knew he had power, and he knew that with the right training, he could control that power. He was a master warlock in the making. The first rejection slip that came on his doorstep, delivered by a curiously intelligent Peregrine Hawk, he ignored. There were over a dozen great Warlock schools across all eight continents. (Maybe Mundanes thought there were seven continents, but they hadn’t figured out indoor plumbing until the 19th century, so what did they know?) and plenty of smaller private institutions. It didn’t matter if one said no. The second slip, he laughed it off. ‘Fundamentally incapable of controlling power’ may have been a note in both papers, but what did that matter? He knew his control was a weak point, it just took one administrator to see that it could be improved, that it wasn’t hopeless. Besides, they saw his strengths, didn’t they? Good results on written exams, high levels of magical attunement–if it wasn’t for piss poor control, he’d have been a cinch. Eight rejection letters made his confidence waver. He now had a stack of forty. So many letters that they made his waste paper bin overflow, so many that animal control had been called to complain about the bird poop spattering cars in front of his home–bird messengers were traditional, but perhaps a bit inconvenient. When he got to be High Warlock, he’d see about getting official communication channels equipped with telephones and pagers. If he got to be High Warlock. You didn’t get elected to top positions without a prestigious degree to your name. For all his confidence, he admitted needed education, practice, and a good teacher. Nobody became a master on their own; even Merlin had learned from the fae. Only…that wasn’t quite true. He didn’t just need a teacher, he needed remedial classes, maybe a tutor–the kind of education he could only get with a lot of money or a top-tier school. He was like a toddler who’d never learned to walk while his bones were growing, and now required physical therapy to catch up; he knew he had the capacity but he couldn’t stand up to prove it. And with forty academies–public, private, long lasting institutions and barely-accredited night schools–all insisting he was unfit to be a warlock at all, Daniel had to admit that maybe they were right. Maybe. Lying on his bed, Daniel weighed his options. Give up, find a private tutor, bribe his way in–or keep digging for another school that he hadn’t already applied to. Maybe he could make an appeal to his upbringing–his dad had been Mundane, not a lick of magic in him. Only his mom had power, but naturally, she was a witch. Women’s magic worked off the same fundamentals as men’s, but the nuances were vastly different; Warlocks worked alone, with lightning responses and raw strength no witch could manage, witches pooled their magic into covens that operated more slowly but with more delicacy, more staying power. It was like the old saying–If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. Warlocks were fast. Or…they were in theory. Daniel had learned the basics of magic early, but he wasn’t fast, and nothing his mom had taught him had built speed. The catch-22 made him reel–he needed a teacher to get the speed and precision of a true Warlock, but his current abilities were so low that no school would take him. While he pondered this, another hawk smacked into his window, flopping onto the wrought-iron fire escape outside his apartment. He winced, walking over to open it, while the bird gave him an annoyed look. “I keep my space tidy,” he said, rolling his eyes as he untied the letter from around its neck, allowing himself to feel a spark of hope. “Not my fault you can’t tell clean glass from open air.” The hawk gave a croaking little caw, giving him a side-eye that seemed to say, ‘I’m better than you.’ Even the birds were looking down on him today. Once the note was in his hands, the bird squawked, flapped its wings, and took off to the skies once more. “Okay,” Daniel said, turning over the letter in his hands. “Let’s see what we’ve got…Berrier University.” A distance-learning outfit, Berrier had been just about his last choice for application, but it was at least a choice. He didn’t need to attend for the full course–he could enroll for a semester, get enough proof that he could handle his shit, and take those grades to a real school. He just needed his foot in the door. Holding his breath, he slid the envelope open and withdrew the note inside, mumbling the words as he read it aloud. “Dear Mr. Aster, We regret to inform you–” Something was wrong with the note; after reading those first eight words, all the letters turned blurry and illegible. He knew what the note said by heart, anyways. ‘Your control isn’t good enough, you aren’t fast enough, you don’t have the potential to be a warlock–you’ve got good grades on paper, go find work as an enchanter or something, maybe get a job teaching.’ And the message between the lines: ‘You’ll never be a real magician, so take the crumbs you can get. You just don’t have what it takes.’ “Dammit,” Daniel snapped, crumpling the note in his hand and tossing it into his trash bin. It bounced off the rim and rolled away. Annoyed, he snapped his wand–a stubby little thing with an ergonomic grip–off his desk and sent a shower of sparks at the note. It flopped into the air, overcorrected, and soared past the bin again. He tried the spell again, and it this time flew straight up, no closer to being thrown away than if he’d left it to sit. On the third time, he spat out a word and flicked his wand and–instead of levitating the paper–set it on fire. Eyes widening a fraction, Daniel blurted, “Shit,” and ran over, stomping out the flame before it could spread. He stared down at the ashy pile. (Goddammit.) (God fucking dammit.) (Are they right about me?) Grimacing, he went to get a dustpan and clean up the mess. A cleaning spell would have been faster, but the last thing Daniel wanted to do was confirm the worst belief he held about himself. He did have the potential, though. Daniel knew his strengths, and he knew his flaws–he was impulsive, he acted too quickly, he could be too stubborn for his own good. But he had a well of power inside him, one he could feel deep down in his core, the kind of power that warlocks of legend could only dream of. Maybe he was a little cocky, too, but who ever heard of a passive warlock? “Screw them,” he said aloud. “I’m going to get into one of these schools, one way or another.” He wondered about cheating, but that wouldn’t help either. Even if he found a way to pretend to be able to do things he couldn’t, he’d be found out too quickly; he needed something that would get him trained, not just that would get him in the door. His control was that bad–and, being honest, he couldn’t blame it fully on being taught the basics by a witch. Many witches, his mother included, had better control than him even though that was miles away from their field of expertise. And… And… And that gave him an idea. Sitting down, he picked up the phone from his desk, punching in his mom’s number on the hard plastic buttons. It rang twice, and then– “Daniel!” she said, excitedly. “How are you, sweetie? Everything still going okay in Seattle? Have you found a job yet? A girlfriend?” “I told you, I’m just here until I get accepted into college,” he said, scratching his chin. “Why look for a job when I’m leaving in a few weeks?” He heard her click her tongue, a noise she made when she was thinking. “Right, right–it’s just, you never call, how am I supposed to know what’s going on in your life?” “I’m calling right now!” He rolled his eyes. “Look, I was just curious–do you have your old records from when you were studying at Alphebeta?” “I’m sure I’ve got them somewhere,” she said. “Why?” He didn’t detect a hint of suspicion in her tone. Perfect. “For filling out one of these applications–I think it might help. Could you send that over?” There was a way to get the education he needed. If witches had better focus than him, he’d just go learn from witches. His poor control wouldn’t stop him from getting enrolled, and he could fake the rest. Daniel just had one obstacle to overcome: Alphabeta–and, for that matter, any other witches’ school in the world–was an all girls school. Of course it was; ‘all witches’ and ‘all girls’ were practically synonyms. Still, he had a way around that, too. He’d just need his mom’s records, a little sleight of hand, and a dress.
  11. Ordered the new little mermaid pull ups from wal-mart. the designs are super cute and hold a lot of potty suprisenly. Definitely check these out if you're a pull ups lover 😊
  12. Tristan Stone was a lot of things a slayer of dragons, rescue of princesses, courageous, slayer of the evil and breaker of hearts of young maidens everywhere, yes he was brave, daring, cunning and most of all very good looking, yes his exploits and adventures were world renowned or at least that's what he would tell anyone at the local tavern. Truth be told while Tristan was a knight and he was very good looking, the problem is all his adventures and exploits were lies he never slavered a dragon or fought an evil Warlock, while he was cunning he was also tricky, vain, arrogant and selfish. His achievements he had stolen from others thanks to many tricks like a potion to erase someone's memory of the last 5 hours, or waiting for the real hero to weaken the monster get killed and then attack the creature from behind or just sneak in while the creature was distracted to rescue the princess and steal the sacred treasure, yes Tristan Stone was a terrible and the worst example of a knight. So when a bounty for the death of a powerful mysterious sorceress and her powerful ogre, Tristan couldn't resist especially when the promise was to be made King when the job was completed. Tristan had set out with his bag of tricks potions, explosives and traps, his plan was to trick the ogre which he knew for a fact ogres were stupid, then poison it making it go wild and unruly before running away and watching it as it destroyed the cave where it's mistress lived before causing a cave in with explosives and before getting proof and running back to the king for his reward.
  13. (Image by Rosie BRS, commissioned by PrincessofThemyscria) "MMM MMMPH!!" Ed, muffled by the giant pacifier tied to his mouth, tried to shout as his former wife kissed her new boyfriend directly in front of him. He struggled against his binds. Cuffed, held tight in a kneeling position with his hands behind his back in the giant crib he was told was now his bed, gagged with a pacifier, and locked into a tight dress lifted to keep his diaper on display, he could do nothing but watch in humiliation as Sarah and Dwayne made it clear how little they respected him. Lost in their emotional and sexual attraction for each other, he was a non-entity, just their to witness how a "real" man acted, and to add his embaressment and whining to their joy. If he didn't want to look at them, there were few other places he could look without the same embaressment. The room, formerly his office, had been turned into a full on adult sized nursery, and decorated for his new role as the 'baby girle'. Stacks of adult diapers, dresses, and onsies piled on shelves, all intended for him. Toys stood in each corner, piles of teddy bears, a rocking horse with buckles to keep him in place, and a baby bouncer with more of the same locks. Even the walls reminded him of his positon, painted bright pink, with a line of disney princess around it. Of course, it wasn't entirely true that they didn't think of him at all. Sarah stole a glance into his eyes, giving him a malicious grin between kissing her new boyfriend. She turned around so that Ed could see his hand running up and down her back and gripping her bottom hard. Dwayne then opened his own eyes and watched Ed's raction as he spanked her hard, showing his own control over what used to be Ed's, then lifted a hand under her skirt. Sarah put a hand on Dwayne's chest and backed a way. "Alright honey, I need to get going." He smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I could do this allll day." She laughed. "I know, I've seen it before." They kissed again, and she backed away. "But I do need to go to get something for this little stinker here." She pointed at Ed. "Ah," he nodded. "Of course. Go ahead, I'll take care of your baby girl." "Are you sure? You won't mind babysitting? She's about due for a diaper change." Ed looked down at his diaper. At the moment, it was still clean. Hearing her predict his future 'accidents' was always embaressing, especially since she had so far always been right. He couldn't help but think she was deliberatly feeding something to cause it, but the truth was with other option then his diapers, the result was inevitable. "Not a problem. I've changed diapers before, these ones will just be a bit bigger." He turned to Ed and leaned into him. "Won't they, baby girl?" He said in a cooing, teasing voice and pinched Ed's cheek. "Just a bit bigger baby in a bit bigger diapies for a bit bigger diapie changes?" Ed blushed and groaned, but saw Sarah's look from over Dwayne's shoulder. He nodded, agreeing to the humiliating question. Dwayne smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. And if the baby girl doesn't want to get along... well, you already showed me how to spank her padded bottom. I bet a good trip over my knee will remove any problems." Ed shuddered. He had strong, horrible memories of all the times Sarah had spanked him, including the time Dwayne had watched. It shamed him to admit how easily she could bring him to tears with the childish punishment, and looking at Dwayne's powerful, muscual arms, he didn't want to know how much worse it would be. "I'm sure they will," Sarah said. "I know she won't cause many problems anyway. You're a full grown man, someone like this little baby girl won't stand a chance." She looked at Ed and winked. "Won't you baby girl? Widdle baby girl can't stand up to a man? Widdle baby girl Olivia need her baby sitter for her widdle diapies?" She turned back to Dwayne. "And either way, you know how to work her straps." Ed cringed at the teasing, and especially at the new name they had slected for him, which deorated the tag on the collar around his neck under the words "Baby Girl." It had seemed like so little time, and yet they had been so throrough so much of anything that had defined him as a man. Ed pulled at the straps again, but they held tight. He was sure this discussion was planned. They LOVED discussing his new life in front of him as his gag kept him from responding. Going over his changes, his spankings, and his straps one after another was just to get a reaction, and unfortunatly it worked. Already, Ed was squirming in shame, and only a bit more might send him over the edge into another tear filled "tantrum" at his new lifestyle, followed by their choice of punishing him for brattiness or an equally humiliating "soothing" session on their laps to calm down the "whiny baby girl." So, he held his emotions in. Dwayne laughed and hugged Sarah, then gave her another firm pat on the behind. Ed was unsure whether it was for her benefit, Dwayne's, or his own. "So the diapers are still in the same place? And her bottles and baby food in the fridge?" "Yep! Have fun you too! I'll be a bit, widdly baby girl Olivia's credit card has a MUCH better rate then mine. Goodbye Dwayne, byebye widdle baby girl Olivia!" "Say byebye to your mommy princess," Dwayne said. "MMMM MMM!" Ed said from behind his pacifier as she left. She turned to give a tiny wave and blow a kiss, and headed out. Ed's heart was racing. Panic, confusion, shame and humiliation all filled him. He swallowed, and turned to look at Dwayne, who was watching Sarah leave. He turned to Ed and smiled. His punishment had been a lot when it was just Sarah. When Dwayne came in to see him, it was worse, but at least it was still his wife controlling everything. Now, solely in the control of the strange man who slept who replaced him with his wife and as man of his house, had had no idea what to expect. Dwayne watched him, seeming to take pleasure in his obvious fear. He leaned in close to Ed, grabbed his nose, and started playfully tweaking it from side to side. "Well well well, look at this little baby girl. What a pathetic, helpless sight you make, Olivia. You were once a big man? Once married and owned a house? Now look at you, sitting in your diaper and in your crib while another man fucks your wife in front of you. You had everything and you threw it all away so you could cheat and play at being a big man. Hows that feel?" Ed whined, but couldn't do anything to stop him. Dwayne was right, he knew how pathetic he looked. He had initialy hoped this would be a short, private agreement between Sarah and himself, a way to avoid losing everyhting in the divorce. Instead, it seemed he now risked losing far, far more. Dwayne ran his hand down his dress and flicked the skirt. "Such a pretty girl in her pretty dress. Bet you never thought you'd wear something like that, eh?" He rested a hand on Ed's diaper. "Much less this. Still dry it seems." "You know, when she told me how she planned to sissify you, I thought it was hilarious on its own. But when she mentioend diapering you and making you her little baby," he pressed harder, and Ed groaned. "I think I laughed for an hour straight. What a fitting punishment for a low, immature cheater like you." Ed glared and pulled at the ropes, but nothing moved. Sarah teasing him had been embaressing, but hearing this man mock him filled him with rage. Every part of him wanted to reach out and swing at him, to re-assert some level of masculinity and strength, but the straps held in place. Dwayne just laughed, then waved a finger in front of Ed's nose. "Ah ah ah, even without the straps, you know how that would go. Either way, you'll just be pinned down, then over my lap for a spanking." He reached to Ed's bicep and pulled at the soft putty of his arm, then flexed his own. Ed watched him and blushed. His rage was quickly replaced with embaressment and despair. He knew it was true. It had been years since he excercised, and the difference between his own arm and Dwayne's powerful, muscular body was clear. If the straps broke, he'd just end up being beaten back down anyway. Dwayne patted his diaper. "Now, your mommy mentioned that you will be filling your diaper soon. My guess is she knows your body better then you, and she is bound to be right. However, I want to emphasize something to you. You see, you still think this is just an agreement with your wife where she gets to humliate you and I just happen to be here. I you to realize the truth is that even though this is your house, you are such a pathetic little loser that anyone who comes in can control you. So, you are going to mess your diaper for me, and you are going to do it soon. Then I'll change you like your mommy does while you lay helpless in your binds, and you'll know how much you've fallen." "MMM MMM! MMM MMM!" Ed shouted from behind the pacifier. He felt his eyes go wide, and he pulled again at the ropes. Dwayne just laughed. "Now now, you know this is going to happen. There is no way around it, little potty pants. So, here's whats going to happen." He took his cell phone out, placed it on record, and faced it toward Ed. He could see himself in it, backward with the focus directly on the seat of his diaper. Dwayne then took out a second cellphone and showed it to Ed. "This video is streaming directly to my phone so I can monitor the state of your diapers. I'm going to go back down through your house, make myself at home, eat your food, watch your tv, and take my rightful place as man of the house which you used to think was yours. You are going to lay there in your pretty widdle pampers and in your crib, helpless while another man takes advantage of you, and struggle not to mess your pampers. When you fail at that too, I'll see it and come to change you like a baby. How's that sound, little cucky?" Ed, filled with rage but unable to respond, could only watch as Dwayne walked out the door. He glared at the phone, and on it, his own image glaring back. He HATED seeing his own reflection dressed in his new 'style.' He always knew how he looked, but at times he could almost pretend it was normal. Seeing himself with the pacifier in his mouth, frilly purple dress with bows, and thick, exposed diaper, only drove home how humiliating his newfound positon was. If that wasn't enough, he could hear Dwayne living out his promise. He heard the cuboard and fridge open, and Dwayne grabbing at drinks and food he had bought. Dwayne then walked through the house, and Ed heard the TV playing. The image of the strange man sitting on his couch, watching his tv, and eating chips and drinking beer where he used to drove him mad. He pulled at his binds, imagining himself running down the stairs, grabbing Dwayne, punching him, kicking him, and... What? Getting beat up, then still having to play out his agreement with Sarah. He opened his eyes and saw his image again, in the outfit locked onto his body. The same plot played out in his head, except this time he waddled down, barely able to walk in his over thick diaper, charged at Dwayne with his skirt flaring behind him, and struggled, barely able to move in the tight clothing. Even he wanted to laugh at the image of a man dressed as he was trying to seem tough, and it ended only one way: himself pulled over Dwayne's lap, skirt pulled up and diaper pulled down as Dwayne spanked him into submission. Fighting back was nice to imagine, but impossible. Worse, he knew Dwayne was right about another thing. He had no idea what Sarah had been feeding him, but she seemed intent to ensure he had multiple diaper changes a day, and his stomach was telling him it was almost time. The presure came suddenly, his stomach grumbled, and he moaned out loud in dread. The phone chimed up. "Seems like SOMEONE is realizing I'm right! Is the widdle baby girl going to soil her pampers soon?" Dwayne said through the phone. Ed groaned out loud and pulled at the straps, but his stomach kept turning and grumbling. ...
  14. Disclaimer I sampled The Hypnotist's Volunteer By Horatio Husky And basically removed the furry aspects among other changes in this rewrite The inside of the theatre was already packed and buzzing with various excited people chatting with each other as Terry walked over to his seat near the front aisles. Good thing I bought my seat ahead of time... but the traffic could have been better he mused to himself, as a feeling of annoyance and anxiousness entered his mind when he saw how many people he had to climb over to reach his seat. Several chatty people, a beautiful looking fox, and a particularly grumpy looking bear of a man sat between him and his seat. "Excuse me... Pardon me... Sorry excuse me!" The slightly nervous looking guy shuffled sideways through just as the lights in the theatre dimmed. An audible "Ooh!" came from the crowd, as purple smoke curled from a break in the curtains at center stage. As a blue spotlight shown down onto the parting in the curtains out strode a tall godess in billowing robes covered in large, silver, five-pointed stars. Her arms were raised above her head, as if she were about to embrace the skies above. Across her face was painted a knowing smile, and she cooly observed the crowd before her with perceptive eyes. With a voice as clear and piercing as water from a glacier, she exclaimed to her audience, "My name is Ashley! Master of the mind and sorceress of seduction! Observe my fair viewers, as tonight's performance shall demonstrate the true and vast abilities of hypnotism!" The crowd grew silent in anticipation, eager eyes watching and waiting to see what a godess with such gripping stage presence would do next. She lowered one of her arms and pointed a finger to her lips, surveying the seated furs in front of her slowly and methodically. "In order to demonstrate my connection with the ethereal and the mysterious I shall need a volunteer from the audience!" Her eyes landed on the guy who had just managed to settle down in his seat, his movement probably catching her eye. As her green eyes connected with his, his gaze to his feet and he kneaded his fists in his lap, praying that she wouldn't choose him. As his luck would have it, that day truly was not his. She pointed at him, white spotlights quickly swiveling and shining on top of him from three sources. He blinked and raised his hands in front of his eyes, temporarily blinded. The beautiful hypnotist proclaimed, "You there! I choose you as our volunteer! Does my audience agree!" The disgruntled looking man, who had been less than pleased at having his feet stepped on cheered loudly, "Yes! Pick him!" Terry's cheeks flushed bright scarlet as others joined in, suddenly finding himself surrounded by a large crowd of people egging him onto the stage. Fearing the retaliation of the crowd now if he refused, he took a deep internal breath and stood up, much to the gratification and cheering of the people around him. He shuffled back out of the aisle almost right after he had sat down, this time the people in his way even standing up for him to slip past. Before he had quite internalized that he was standing in front of several hundred people on stage, the fox found himself standing next to the beautiful godess, who as it just so happened, stood a good foot above him in height. "Thank you for agreeing to volunteer! Now then, what is your name, little guy?" Cheeks still flushed, and left ear twitching nervously, he responded into the microphone that a stage hand had rather abruptly thrust into his hands. "Urhm... My name is Terrence, Terry for short" he replied lamely, nerves fluttering as he reminded himself to take deep breaths. The hypnotist smiled approvingly, she raised her arms once more, vocating, "Everyone please give a round of applause for our volunteer, Terry!" The crowd complied with enthusiasm, Terry even hearing the sarcastic jeer of the man he had trod on exclaiming his amusement. As the crowd died down once more the Godess withdrew her hands from his shoulders, and turned to face him now directly. "Alright then Terry, follow my instructions closely. When I count to three I would like you to close your eyes and clear your mind as best as you can. Let the only thing that enters it be my voice and my voice only." Terry nodded, feelings of self-consciousness and apprehension poorly dampened by his vain attempts to calm himself down for her instructions. Ashley spoke slowly, her intense green eyes locked with his own, "One... Two... Three..." I obediently shut my eyes. "Now then little guy, today we're going to try a particular type of hypnotism often used as a therapy against those who find themselves having difficulty realizing their true desires and wants. We shall be engaging in a type of regressive therapy, particular that of behavioral control and internal sensual rearrangement. I will be in control of the entire process and shall administer it throughout. When I count to three once more, I will be holding a stopwatch in front of you. You are to look at it and not waver in your stare no matter what, as well as repeat exactly what I say after I say it, nod if you understand." Meekly, I bobbed my head, blond hair flopping slightly over his eyes which he quickly brushed away with a hand. "Alright, on the count of three open your eyes. One... Two... Three!" Terry opened his eyes, and was immediately transfixed by the golden, circular object hung by a chain before him. Ashley was much closer to him now, and he could feel her breath brushing against his face as she spoke to him, her voice blaring over the speakers with a surprising clarity that filled his mind. The pocket watch began to swing methodically side to side, his eyes following it intently and his jaw hanging slightly agape, but he didn't notice it. His mind was only filled with her words and the pocket watch, gracefully swinging back and forth at a steady pace. A tempo that he soon found himself lost in. He could faintly remember the Godess telling him to relax, as well as to open his mind to instructions. He repeated the lines dutifully, and knew that he said many more lines after that. But try as he might the moment he reiterated her instructions he forgot what exactly it was that he said. He felt those words settle deep inside of him, however. Locked in a place in his mind that his conscious thoughts couldn't access, but which his subconscious thinking knew was there deep inside of him. Try as he might he was so fixated with repeating the words and following the motions of the pocket watch he could not remember the words he repeated after her. Unbeknownst to him, his open mouth had now began to drool slightly, much to the stifled giggles of many of the people in the audience. Still he heard nothing except the hypnotist, and saw nothing except the swinging pocket watch. Suddenly, he heard a sharp snap. He shook his head, blinking wildly and staggering back a few steps. He realized that Ashley had snapped her fingers, shaking him out of his trance. He looked around confused, he seemed to now be fully aware of his surroundings, his mind writhed in complete and utter confusion. Did it work? Am I hypnotized? Why do I still feel awake? Is the whole thing over already? What did she make me do? But all I remember is the pocket watch and saying things... Maybe she failed? Maybe my head is too nervous or too strong to be hypnotized? Ashley spoke up now, pointing at his chest and in a different tone than the hypnotizing melody that came out of her lips before, issued an order, "Terry, take off your shirt at once!" Without thought the fox immediately felt his arms raising up as he gripped the collar of his shirt, swiftly pulling it off of himself and letting it fall from his hand to the floor. He frowned, and looked down confused at the shirt now lying in front of him. Huh? He thought to himself, confused. The crowd oohed and aahed in response, and the hypnotist looked very pleased with herself. "It would seem that it has worked perfectly! You, my dear little guy, are now under a state of hypnosis where you shall obey my commands!" The fox crossed his arms, the turmoil in his head manifesting itself in denial and rebellion. He shook his head, half trying to convince himself as he replied. "N-no I'm not, I did that of my own volition! I don't feel hypnotized I still feel like I'm awake?" The hypnotist cocked her eyebrow, a coy smile playing upon her lips as she shrugged her shoulders, clearly amused by Terry's attempts at convincing her that her hypnotic skills hadn't worked on him. In a tone of mock seriousness, she replied to him, "Alright then Mr. If you're so resistant to my hypnosis, then how come you really, really want to obey everything I'm going to tell you to do?" I digested this for an instant, before a feeling of dread filled his stomach as I came to the realization that her words resonated with truth. He did have a feeling inside of himself, like a nervous potential energy ready inside of him to obey whatever commands were to be issued by the kangaroo. He shook his head, eyes closed as if he were trying to shake those feelings and thoughts out of his head. Now the expression of the hypnotist changed to one of determination. Still smiling, she pointed at him, and twirled her finger around in a circle as she commanded. "Now, now then little guy. Lay down as I put you into more appropriate attire for somebody who's acting like a toddler." The crowd laughed at this, clearly excited to see whatever humiliating punishment the hypnotist was going to force onto me as a result of my lack of compliance. I was still convinced that I wasn't hypnotized, but I found myself to my slight horror immediately lying down on the stage floor, my arms above my head and legs down flat, unable to find the strength or will to get up. The hypnotist began to circle him slowly, examining him from all angles and tapping a finger against her lips repeatedly, as if pondering what exactly she should do with her entranced victim. "I think firstly we need to get something to make sure you don't leave any puddles on this stage, perhaps some more fitting underwear for our little guy!" She stopped pacing, standing by his head and snapped her fingers, then holding out an open palm. A stage hand quickly scuttled over, placing a rather large, pink diaper in her palms. The diaper he handed her was covered with ruffles on the back end and with a pattern of frilly pink bows and daisy flowers, she leaned forward and placed it on my chest. "Now Terry, be a good little guy and change yourself into this diaper to show everyone in the audience just how much of a little baby you are!" Terry scoffed, and shaking his head replied loudly that, he would do no such thing. However, to his great dismay he found himself unbuckling his pants and sliding them down his legs, his underwear following shortly after. He lay there, naked in front of hundreds of people that stared at him intently, many of which now were giggling or outright laughing at his naked person laying on the stage, spotlights almost blinding him and totally helpless under the commands of the hypnotist. Unwrapping the large diaper, he raised his bottom and slid it under himself. With an expertise that surprised him immensely he found himself bringing the forward part of the diaper over his crotch and taping up the sides. Sliding several fingers to bring out the leak guards he finished off by adjusting the back of the diaper and sliding it up for a snugger fit. WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING?! His mind screamed at him, as he experienced only a slight relief from now being not completely naked in front of the crowd. He spluttered, shaking head once more and only managing to get out a weak, "I-I'm... I'm not... I'm not hypnotized I'm just... I'm..." "What? You're what now? A little baby who just put himself into a big sissy diaper because he knows he's too little to be expected to stay dry? Is that what you're trying to say?" The hypnotist cooed at him in a mocking fashion, snapping her fingers once more and pointing upwards. Immediately Terry pushed himself to his feet, and a sense of fight or flight took over his mind. He had to get out of there, but he found his body wouldn't listen to him. A thought bubbled up in his mind, he couldn't leave because the hypnotist wasn't allowing him. She gave him no orders to do so. This thought frightened the boy, and he grappled with it, still refusing to accept that he was hypnotized. The hypnotist stood behind him now, her presence looming up, out of his shadow as she spoke up once more. "Now then my little baby, why don't you show us just how little of a thing you are and just how much you need those diapers you just taped around your waist! Be a good little baby and pee in your diapers for me!" "Fat chance! I'm not going to do any such- oh my... what the hell?!" I looked down and suddenly brought a hand against my now well diapered front, as the audience began to erupt into loud laughter. I had begun to quite obvious soak the front of my diapers, the front turning an obvious darker shade of pink spreading out from the front and causing the diaper to swell. Not only was he wetting it, he was positively flooding it and he didn't stop for almost a whole minute. The entire time he protested loudly, trying to press the diaper against himself to stop the flood but his efforts were completely in vain. He grimaced and shook his head, No... I'm still completely aware of everything that's happening! He was about to turn around and seriously start chewing out the hypnotist for drugging me? Tricking me? I still don't... Seemingly out of nowhere a stage hand scurried over to the hypnotist, handing her what looked to Terry like a pile of pink, frilly cloth. Had one been paying particularly close attention, it would have been apparent that underneath the stage hand's black attire was a suspiciously familiar looking bulge around his middle, almost as if he too were wearing a particular type of underpants. Unfolding the article of clothing the hypnotist revealed the garment to in fact be a short, pink frilly dress, she smirked and spoke aloud, "Now, this is certainly a better match for what you really are, don't you think little guy?" She strode over and threw the dress over him, much to his indignation and spluttering. Before he knew it, she had him well fitted into the dress, he tried pulling the skirt down past his diaper to hide his soggy front, but found that it was by far too short and exposed his wet condition to the crowd quite obviously. "What's the matter little girl, feeling a little shy about showing everyone just how much of a wet baby you are?" The crowd's jeers rose in response as I felt a distinct blush rising in my cheeks in response to her teasing. His thoughts were left unfinished as she snapped her fingers once more, and commanded him in a loud, clear voice, "On your knees little one! Crawl around and show us just how little and helpless you are!" The crowd continued its jubilant noise as Terry found himself kneeling down and then getting onto his hands and knees. He crawled back and forth on the stage and around the hypnotist, the spotlight following him, and his wobbling, padded posterior, the entire way as his cheeks flushed bright crimson. It didn't help either that he was now stammering, practically babbling out his words of protest. And even though the microphone he had been handed earlier was long forgotten, lying on the stage floor where he had diapered himself, the crowd was able to just pick up the panicked gibberish coming from his mouth. The hypnotist pointed to the space in front of her, and in spite of himself the fox obediently crawled into the area she indicated. Reaching into her pocket she retrieved her next prop, and Terry found himself having yet another piece of humiliating clothing being put on him. Pink baby mittens and booties were securely bound around the ends of his limbs, preventing any hope of using his hands to free himself from his current get up or properly walk on his two feet, for he found the booties cumbersome and difficult to stand on. Each step in the overly padded footwear required him to wait for the cushion to settle under his weight before he was stable enough to take the next step. Standing him up again she once more in her authoritative voice, intoned,"Until I command otherwise, you shall find yourself struggling greatly to walk upright! After all, little ones just aren't old enough to know how to walk." Terry's knees wobbled, and with a yelp he found himself falling down onto his hands and knees. He tried to get up, but only found himself floundering further and unable to fully right himself, flailing his limbs as he groaned and grunted with effort, landing on his soggy bottom several times much to the great amuse of the crowd watching him. "S-stop that! I c-command you to stop doing this to me!" The hypnotist cocked an eyebrow, and leaned forward with her hand on her knees to peer down at the fox, a fierce glint in her eye. "What's that baby? You're trying to talk back to me? Command me? Oh the mere notion is absolutely hilarious! Now now, until I allow you to, you shall now only speak to me, and others, using babble! Like only the littlest of pathetic infants do!" Terry opened his mouth, now thoroughly peeved at his helpless nature, but he found that his tongue felt heavy and awkward in his mouth. It was almost as if he were trying to talk with a stranger's tongue instead of his own! "Bwahhhh ahhhh, nyeh... Nyah bwuw! Bwu wah g-gaah!" was all that the now thoroughly humiliated boy was able to blurt out, he reflexively moved his front hands to cover up his mouth, but being on all fours and doing so caused him to fall clumsily on his face, his well padded rear now raised up and facing the audience. The crowd was beginning to lose it, and jeers of hilarity reached his ears. "What a complete baby!" "My toddler has a better sense of balance!" "He's totally helpless!" "Oh my goodness, I'd be mortified!" "I bet he'll never hear the end of this!" "I wouldn't want to go back to work again on Monday if I were him..." "He just totally wet himself! In front of a crowd of people!" "I wonder if he really is just a baby in an adult's body..." Terry's cheeks flushed bright fire truck red, and he attempted to cover him his face to hide it, continuing to babble helplessly as he tried his best to form coherent words but only making more infantile noises. An almost vindictive look came across the hypnotist's contenance as she noticed his discomfort. Once more she reached within her pocket and retrieved a large, oversized pacifier. The hypnotist strode forward, and pushed the pacifier inside the mouth of the boy, who made a futile attempt to resist by trying to move his head away. He found, however, as her eyes fixated on his own, he couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried. As if placing a cherry atop a cake, she reached one last time into her pocket and pulled out a pink strap with a clip on the end. Leaning forwards she clipped it to the front of his dress while tying the string around the ring of the pacifier lodged in his mouth. The crowd, upon realizing what she had done, redoubled their orchestra of hysterics. Why can't I look away? Is this part of the hypnotism? Am I even hypnotized though? Why can't I shake myself from this?! Is it... am I enjoying this? I don't... I can't tell.. I don't think I've been this conflicted before... Ashley spoke, her tone now turning a little bit more sinister with a twist of almost gleeful sarcasm, "My my, it's been quite a while since our little stage baby has used his diapers! Does our little one have to go potty? Raising himself up again on all fours once more, he looked up at the hypnotist defiantly, and mustering all the conviction he could gather, he said slowly but deliberately through his pacified lips, "No!" The kangaroo cocked and eyebrow, and leaned in closer to the fox's face. "What was that, baby? I don't think Momma Alastair heard you quite right?" The boy frowned up at her in response, but his eye betrayed his true emotions. Still, gathering his mental fortitude, he managed to push himself up onto his two legs again, and wobbled a few steps forward, eliciting more amused responses from the crowd and even one from the hypnotist herself as she laughed openly. Now standing, he responded again, softer this time, "No..." "Haha! Look at you toddling around like a little 2 year old! Trying to show mommy that we're all big and grown up?" The boy grimaced to himself, as his arms flailed behind and in front of him while he struggled to maintain his balance, the accursed booties not helping matters at all, and taking several adjustment steps in order to keep his fragile upright position. Ashley raised her arm up, pointing at him directly, as the crowd died down upon noticing her dramatic pose. In a stern voice, she pronounced, "You're no big boy my dear boy, you're just a little helpless baby who can't help but use his diapers for their intended purpose. I command you to make stinkies in your diaper!" Suddenly the grey fox felt something pull sharply at the bottom of his stomach, and soon felt as if he were being attacked with cramps. He clutched at his stomach, his concentration on his balance now shattered as he felt the pressure building on his behind. Letting loose a loud, almost painful sounding grunt he felt his body begin to push his mess out of his behind and into the seat of his diapers, causing a visible lump to form and sag. A small cry came from his throat as he fell onto his padded posterior with a loud squishing noise, which broke the silence of the crowd as the guffaws and jeers once again rose up. The sagging lump squished and soon, was spread evenly against his behind. Several loud farts and squelches erupted from his now almost pulsing behind as he pushed the entire contents of his colon into his diaper, feeling the front of the diaper growing warm again as well, as he wet himself too Terry felt his shoulders slump as he found his protests no longer carried with them a tone of indignation, but now sounded more pathetic and pleading, "B-bwut hypwosis nevew wowks on me! How ish thish happening?! Awe of this... you'we just fowcing me into it! I-I'm nawt obeying youw hypwotic commands for wea-" But he was forced to cut himself off as he found himself putting his paws in front of him and hunching over, panting as the last of the mess was excreted. His backside was now coated in a larger amount of mess than he'd ever imagined he was capable of making, and he'd just done all that in front of more than a hundred people! Practically gloating with power, Ashley started to slowly walk around the defeated looking boy, she leaned over, Terry could feel her breath tickling the inside of his ears as she whispered delicately to him, her voice filling his mind with her power as the words slipped past her lips like drops of honey from a honey bear being squeezed, "You can try and fight me all you like, little boy, but you're nothing compared to my hypnotic techniques. Squirm is all you've done, and all you can ever hope to do. You might as well face that you're utterly powerless and completely under my control!" Straightening up quickly, she advanced towards the edge of the stage, facing the audience with raised up and outstretched arms, "I see my audience is enjoying the spectacle! But can we not go further?" She stepped to the side, revealing the humiliated boy who was once again attempting to get back up to his feet in a pathetic bid to escape his now stinkier situation. "Not only have you demonstrated that you should have always been clad in some pretty thick diapers, but, honestly, given just how well this hypnosis has worked on you, I think you must be enjoying this, right?" Terry tried shaking his head to indicate that he very much was not enjoying what was happening to him, but found himself unable to move. Was there a command in that sentence that forces me to not respond what I think? What's happening? Why can't I tell her no?! Chuckling, she continued, "Better be careful now, little one. If you show you like this too much, you might just always be turned on by being a messy little diaper boy for the rest of your life!" Her grin still plastered across her face, she turned to look over shoulder at the crowd, a mischievous glint in her eye. "What do you think ladies and gentle men? Shall we make it so that the most arousing thing this poor boy can experience is having everyone see just how much of a messy little baby he is?" The hypnotist was rewarded with a roar of affirmation, the crowd now more excited than they had been before. She laughed, looking back down again at the poor boy with vindictive glee painted across her face as she studied the pathetic mess before her. Raising her arm once more and pointing at the boy, she declared, "Until I say otherwise you, Terry, shall find nothing more sexually pleasing than the public knowledge of just how much of a pathetic, messy, subordinate little baby you are!" Terry felt something press down on his soaked diaper front, and he looked down in fear. He was beginning to grope his padded front with increasing intensity. Oh no... he thought to himself, more calmly than he expected to think, What if I won't be able to stop myself... His initial calm realization, quickly turned to a panicked crushing feeling as he adjusted himself to face the audience, legs spread wide. He began to hump the stage, sliding his messy posterior up and down the stage floor and further spreading his large mess even to the front of his diapers, pressing up against his jewels and giving him the full experience of his messy diaper. After pausing for dramatic effect, during which Terry's heart sank down to his toes, she continued, "And if you work your way up to cumming from that sexual fantasy being truth, then I will leave you just like you are. I won't undo any of my ongoing commands. You'll be stuck this way, forever!" Soon enough the poor fox was rock hard and panting, pawing pathetically against the front of his padding as he closed his eyes with the intensity of his diapered public masturbation. The sounds of the crowd filled his mind and even while his eyes were closed he saw all those people staring at him and laughing, the images of the crowd were seared into his mind, clear as day seeing him as he knew they could tell he was totally and utterly helpless under the will of the hypnotist. Unbeknownst to him, Ashley was counting down in her mind. Counting down slowly as she observed her latest victim succumb to her will. Terry struggled hard, but soon found that even the stubbornness in his mind that was disagreeing with the actions of the hypnotist were dissolving into nothing. His resistance ebbed the closer he got to cumming. For a second he stopped, struggling to resist. He could feel his control over his mind and body ebbing away from his grasp. He was getting confused signals, I do want this to happen... don't do? Wait... No I don't! But... why don't I? It feels good and I'm supposed to do this... But wait no I'm... What am I again? As his confused took over he resumed once more, passionately rubbing the front of his diaper. He grimaced and managed to practically babble out, "Bwuh-p-please! J-jusht... undew youw com... com.... commands n-now! B-befowe... it's tew... wate..." "Tew? Too late for what? None of what I commanded you to do is making you masturbate into your baby diapers. You're doing that of your own accord you little thing!" The crowd, upon receiving this bit of information, were particularly tickled by this and their laughter rose up an extra few levels of volume. "Don't you have any sense of self control? Just because you find something particularly arousing doesn't mean you have to act on all of your feelings! But I guess little helpless babies have a hard time with their urges, don't they, baby?" Terry felt something break, and he gave up denying the truth. Ashley definitely hypnotized him, he admitted to himself as he felt the last dregs of fight in him dissolve. "A-alwight... I-I'm hypnowotized... Kah woo undow... eet now?" The sarcasm dripped from her lips her tone suddenly switched to a cooing one, as if she were talking to an actual infant, "It was never about you admitting you were under my power, that was obvious to everyone since you first set foot on the stage!" The crowd cheered and started to applaud, enthusiastically impressed by her performance. As the crowd settled once more, she continued, "No no, little one. I don't have to do anything. It's what you have to do. All you have to do is not cum in your baby diapers and I'll happily undo my commands, like I said I would. But I don't think you're going to be able to handle that, hmm baby? Terry felt crestfallen, as his self control suddenly was nowhere to be found. He felt a sense of doom upon him as he resumed to rubbing himself through his well used diaper. The imposing hypnotist leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry now you little thing, just sit yourself back and think of just how much you're enjoying this. That's the most important thing to you right now, how much you want to enjoy this. Go on, let yourself give into the pleasure." Thoughts of pleasure and sexual fervor began to bombard his mind. It feels so good to be in diapers... Little sissy babies like you ALWAYS enjoy being in diapers... Everyone knows just how big of a sissy and a baby you are... They know that you love making stickies in your little pink crinklepants... Nothing is hotter than being exposed like the big, helpless, and subordinate sissy infant you are! His cock throbbed as he rubbed harder and harder, now fully unable to control himself. His thoughts drifted away from his consciousness like clouds blown away by strong winds, and he felt himself give way to the subconscious hypnotic programming that he'd be subjected to by the hypnotist. Everyone... knows that... I'm a subordinate... helpless... messy... diaper baby... Oh gods! Letting out a loud gasp, Terry felt a shudder run through his entire body like an electric current as he came into the front of his thoroughly messed diapers. With each pulse of his member releasing the hot semen into the front of his soaked diapers the boy whimpered and whined, hips bucking madly against the stage floor. The orgasm seemed to take over his entire reality as his tongue lolled out of his mouth, cheeks flushed and sweating profusely, the boy's head suddenly felt incredibly heavy. He slumped forward, practically wheezing from the effort he had put forth into showing just how much he enjoyed being in his messy, wet diapers. He could barely hear the cheering of the crowd as Ashley turned and bowed several times to acknowledge their adoration. The rest of the performance was a blur in the boy's mind. He vaguely remembered himself being dressed in various humiliating, infantile and sissy outfits by the stage hands, as well as the flash of cameras taking photos of him for, as Ashley put it, "his baby picture scrapbook." Epilogue The following weeks seemed to be as unpleasant as the night he went to see the hypnotist's performance. He had had to shamefully toddle back to the theatre when he realized that he wasn't able to get into his car because his pants which contained his keys had been left behind in the theatre. Not to mention his mitten-bound hands and the intense concentration it took to speak anything more than unintelligible baby babble that prevented him from communicating. The security guard at the front entrance had a seriously difficult time taking him seriously and gave him quite the hassle. After what felt like hours, a stage hand was summoned and helped the poor boy out of his infantile restraints, but had not taken into account the fact that the boy was still missing his pants. He had to run off back to his duties, but had informed him that if he wanted to get them he'd probably have to go back up on the stage and ask for them. Which was why the boy had had to return, yet again, to the stage, wearing nothing but the soft pink booties, the short and frilly pink dress, which still did nothing to hide his smelly and sagging diaper, to ask the hypnotist for his pants back. She had agreed, but only if he phrased the question like an infant would. It took him quite a few attempts he was able to barely manage an intelligible, "pwease may I have muh big boy pants, pwetty pwease?" as his words still were dissolving into babble. Carelessly she had motioned for an assistant to give them to him, and he had toddled haltingly out of the theatre again clutching his prize. After having to sit in his mess during the nerve racking drive home, he had quickly thrown away all the baby crap including the diaper, and showered. He got into his bed shaking slightly, clutching at his covers. He felt as if his life had been turned upside down. Never before had such an experience both shaken up him so severely and turned him on as much as that night. Despite himself he found he was revisiting that night's occurrences every time he felt horny, the feelings of humiliation, embarrassment, and subordination giving him a thrill like no other. The word had spread around his work place quite quickly, and after his boss had found out about the event (through an overwhelming amount of pictures and several videos) had expressed to Terry that he no longer felt that it was appropriate that he was associated with the company. Jobless, the boyclived on savings for several weeks before his frustration got the better of him. He had begun to do some research on his newly found fetishes, and found to his surprise the a website offering work involving humiliation, infantilism, and hypnotization. Before he knew it, he had connected with an associate, and upon expressing his recent griefs found himself before offered a paid position as a "camera baby." Desperate and subconsciously yearning for more experiences like the embarrassing evening he had suffered through, he readily agreed. A little more than one year later... The door clicked open as Ashley let herself into the humble living space of the boy she had hypnotized not so long ago. She smirked to herself as she strode purposefully through the household, nodding shortly at the rather confused looking cleaning lady who was vacuuming the living room at the time. After the thoroughly humiliated boy had left her theatre the hypnotist had kept tabs on him just like she did with all those who fell head over heels for her hypnotic tricks. True, it didn't always work in the long term like it did with Terry, but sometimes everything lined up just right. She smirked to herself as she thought about how malleable he truly was, of course he wasn't too aware of that. Her hypnotic tricks worked so well that she was even able to let herself slip into his life to observe pretty closely without him noticing all this time later. She could hear muffled moans and whimpers coming from behind one of the doors on the second floor of the house, and the hypnotist climbed up the stairs swiftly taking two at a time with her long strides. She strode purposefully through the second level. She gently cracked open the door behind which her sensitive ears had picked up the noise. She stepped into a bedroom which looked rather ordinary, except for the obvious incontinence supplies strewn here and there. It was pretty apparent somebody relied heavily on diapers occupied the bedroom, as a diaper pail stood next to a changing pad laid out in the corner, and several large stacks of unopened cases of diapers were in another part of the room. Alastair walked over to the bed and, confirming her suspicions, ran a hand over the bed feeling and hearing the plastic sheets underneath him, just like a small child with a leaky night time bladder would have on their own mattress. Glancing up she noticed a calendar with various stickers depicting rain clouds on most of the dates. A potty training chart huh? How cute! She reached over and took it off of the wall, flipping back from December to January of that year. The marks started in February, and didn't display any accidents until the end of the month, then they appeared once a week, and then several times a week as she progressed through the calendar getting more and more numerous until two stickers were being placed every few days. Looks like somebody lost control during the day too... My my somebody really has become diaper dependent! The show was in September though... My goodness he would have had to start wearing 24/7 only a month after the show to start having accidents by February!! Wow, how pathetic... Returning the calendar to where she found it, she looked over at a doorway on the opposite side of the room to the one she had entered. The noises were coming from behind it, much less muffled now that only one door separated her from their source. She went over and gently opened the door, peering inside. There sat Terry, dressed in a ridiculously girlish outfit sporting pink ruffles and a dress skirt that was nowhere near long enough to hide the obviously thoroughly soiled pink diapers clung around his waist. The boy was seated near the back of a crib, arms bound snugly to the raised upper back railing. A giant novelty bottle, easily gallon sized had been strung up on a hook above the crib, with a tube attached to it going through to a pacifier gag strapped firmly around his head, leaving him little choice but to drink the bottle's contents. His legs too were well restrained up towards his arms, fully displaying his diaper which had a vibrator wand taped to the front of it, buzzing away much to Terry's obvious pleasure. There were several cameras positioned around the room, and a computer monitor and tower set up in a corner presumably streaming the footage that the cameras were capturing. The boy's eyes were glazed as he stared at nothing in particular, his paws pulled at the restraints, while he suckled at the milk coming through his pacifier gag. Occasionally, a small amount of the liquid dripped down and was being caught by a bib that was strapped around his neck, displaying the words, "Messy Sissy Baby!" Ashley gazed around the room, further taking in the scene before her. Various large stuffed animals were strewn around the room, all looking appropriate for a little girl. A large pink unicorn, giant purple teddy bear, and several other similarly colored animals all were scattered around the room. A pink shag carpet, rocking chair, white wardrobe, and large changing table with various other restraints similar to the ones in the crib also occupied the room. Another, larger, week to week, potty chart was also hung up on the wall, this time displaying not rain clouds but large diaper cub magnets with obvious well soaked diapers, most even looking shy about having done more than just wet in their baby pants, having also messed them quite thoroughly. The chart, of course, was also in perfect view of the camera's line of sight. Ashley closed the door behind her, leaning against it and simply observing the boy for a few moments. With a sly smile she spoke up, softly commanding, "Now now, be a good little sissy baby and wet your diapers for me like a good girl!" At first, nothing happened. The Hypnotist frowned, and repeated the statement once again, only to no avail once more. Suddenly an obnoxiously wet fart filled the room, and with a soft, almost desperate sounding grunt the boy messed himself in front of her, the seat of his diapers beneath the vibrating wand bulging out distinctly as he helplessly fudged his pampers. Her eyes widened as she realized that it wasn't that her hypnotic tricks no longer had any affect on him, it was the fact that he couldn't obey. Terry no longer had control over his bowels or bladder anymore. He'd become utterly dependent on his diapers. Nevermind that then, I think that this one might still work. Clearing her throat she intoned once more, "Alright sissy, show everyone just how much you love being in your well used diapers!" He moaned louder than before and his eyes closed, after a few moments of heavier breathing his legs bucked but were still held firmly and securely by his restraints. He whimpered as he made an obvious show of finishing into his diapers, letting out a sigh of relief as his climax ended You really let yourself get wrapped up in this stuff huh? Had you actually tried to resist my hypnotically induced commands you would have been able to break free in a week or two. But here we are a little more than year later, and they still work like a charm. She shook her head, still smiling as she leaned over to picking up a baby rattle and reaching over to shake it in front of his face, causing his distant eyes to fixate on it vaguely, a gurgling noise coming from his pacifier gag as he seemed to attempt to react to it. That only caused more milk to splotch down on his bib, and Ashley had to place a hand in front of her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud. Opening the door she softly exited the nursery, quietly closing it behind her. Before leaving, after a moment's slight hesitation, left her business card clipped to the potty chart calendar. If anything, I'm sure once he sees it he'll get a good squirm. With a feeling of satisfaction at a job well done, she exited the premises, leaving behind a boy whose life she had forever altered to now consist of sissified infantile humiliation, a lack of potty training, an internet fetish presence that served as his primary source of income, and more diapers than he could have possibly imagined before.
  15. Hi, I hope you enjoy this story. In the past I have started lots of stories here and never finished them. I wrote this about a year ago, and posted it to fetlife. I meant it to just be a one off story but a few people asked for more and I kept going. I'm now on part 10. Since I have written so much I thought I should share it here too. It took him a few minutes realize his situation when he woke up, not in his own bed, cramped, wet and uncomfortable. He could see the white rails going up in front of him. "Dammit," he said out loud. He was laying in a 52 inch crib staring up at a stuffed animal mobile. The morning erection which would usually greet him every morning was stifled by the pink plastic cock cage, when it rolled his squished penis hurt. In an attempt to avoid this very thing he'd tried to pee really good before he went to bed, as his wet diaper now indicated. He relaxed and tried to let the pee flow, it wasn't easy but eventually he soaked the already wet nighttime diaper and even felt a little creep out into his sleeper. This was Saturday morning. Normally on a Saturday morning in Summer he'd meet his pal Ted and go fishing on his boat, he instinctively looked at his wrist, and remembered his wife took his watch away. There was no clock in the nursery, I wonder if I could still catch Jim he thought. He sat up in the crib, and thought about getting out, the rails were up be he could get over them if he wanted. Still the rule was that he wasn't allowed out of the crib until Mommy came to let him out. Getting out would be trivial but his wife had set the crib on 12 inch risers meaning that from the top of the rail down to the floor was 55 inches. He stood up and looked down over the rail. Of course the latch they had rigged up was locked with a small padlock. The same kind of small padlock that was keeping his cock locked in it's cage. It's probably really early, she's probably not even up yet. I could just go get some snips and cut the cage off, he thought about the wonderful orgasm he would whack out as soon as he got the cage off and he felt his little guy start to stiffen up and press against the cage again and he moaned in discomfort. This has got to end, he thought. "Bahh", he said as he threw a leg over the rails and got out of bed, he reached his foot down but couldn't quite touch the ground, his soaked diaper sliding against the top rail as he stretched. He tried to reach just a bit farther but lost his balance as his diaper snagged on the rail. He found himself falling and hit the floor with a thud. How the hell did I end up like this, he thought. A month earlier he was in a similar situation, laying on the floor of the guest room wearing a diaper and a cute onesie with bright pink trim and printed with hearts. His diaper was soaked and messy and he was listening to a hypnotic track on headphones, and he was happily suckling a big pink pacifier. He didn't even notice his wife walk into the room until she was looking down at him. She'd got off work early and came home to surprise him. The next few hours were rough, he explained his diaper fetish, and swore over and over again that it had nothing to do with children. His wife was shocked, then upset, then angry, really angry, then sad, really sad. She eventually packed a suitcase and left. She called the next day, and they talked on the phone for hours. Her anger had died down and she'd done research on adult babies, finding out that as he had said the fetish had nothing to do with pedophilia. That evening she came home and they had a long discussion, he explained he'd been doing this since he was a little kid, and that he didn't know why he liked to do it, but he loved it. At her request he showed her all of his stuff, his diapers, his onesies, his bottles and pacifiers. "I'm so sorry, I'm going to bag all this stuff up and throw it away," he said. "Well... I was thinking, I've always had this fantasy of being a tough in charge kind of woman," she said. He laughed, his wife was super sweet and nice and rarely wanted to be in charge of anything. "Seriously don't laugh, and since you know, we can't have a baby, it might be kind of fun if you were my baby." His eyes opened wide, words that he'd imagined his whole life just poured out of his wife's mouth. "Ummm, wha.." he stammered. "But there will be strict rules, you have to understand what hurts me more than anything about this is how you kept it away from me all this time, it's almost like you were cheating," she said. "I'm sorry," he said trying to fight back tears but losing. "It's just so, embarrassing," he said and began to sob. "Oh come to mommy," his wife said and wrapped herself around him and he cried into her shoulder while she gently rocked him back and forth, She supported his head and whispered into his ear, "Your mommies baby now and she loves you so much," in a few moments she felt his cock growing stiff and realized how incredibly horny he was. She pulled off her shirt and undid her bra, then guided her husband's mouth to one of her nipples. "Fussy baby, here you go," she gently said. While her husband latched on and suckled she alternated between rubbing the front of his pants and his nipple. Soon he was unable to control himself and was humping and grinding her legs. She undressed him and then herself then lead him to the bed where they had mind-blowing sex. His cock was harder and went deeper then she'd ever felt, he moaned in rhythm with her. "Yes, baby, yes baby," she began to say as she felt herself heading towards orgasm. "Yes mommy, yes mommy," he said back. They came together, both screaming in a mind shattering orgasm, then collapsed on the bed. "Would you like me to diaper you now?" she asked. "Nahh, I'm good," he replied. She wondered how closely his adult baby desires were connected to just having an orgasm. "That's something we'll have to work on," she said with a laugh. The next day they had the best day of their lives, something they'd always dreamed of doing together, they converted a guest bedroom into a nursery. They bought the biggest crib they could find, which wasn't really big enough, but would have to do. They bought a white table that they converted to an adult sized changing table, and some organizers for diapers and toys. They filled a cart at Baby's R Us, with all kinds of baby supplies and neither one could wipe the big smile off their face. Finally, they ordered several cases of different adult diapers. "That's a lot of diapers," he said. "Well you're going to need them," she replied
  16. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone remembers the first panties they bought? Not wore (like trying on a relatives or significant others) but actually went to a store or online and purchased. Id love to hear the details about the panties and the experience. I've been wearing panties daily for almost a decade and I love it. Here's the story of my first pair. It was my senior year of high school and had a part time job finally making my own money. I had wanted to wear panties since elementary school but was too scared to ask for them. I finally worked up the courage to buy my own. My parents were out of town so I knew I could sneak them into the house without issue. I went to the Ross up the road from my house and began checking the women's lingerie/pajama section. I didn't see anything I liked (everything looked to "mature" and boring) with boring neutral colors or basic polka dot patterns. So I went to the Girl's section and was almost overwhelmed my choices. They had plenty to pick from. I didn't know what size or style I wanted. I didn't know the difference between a bikini or hipster. I finally found one pair in the clearance pile that I immediately fell in love with. It was light blue with little smiling snowmen and snowflakes on it. And they were only 50 cents. They were a girl's size 10 and I was fairly skinny so I thought I could make it work. I went to the register and the guy behind the counter said "uhh dude I don't think these are your size haha" (it was in jest and light hearted) I panicked and said "ummm they're for school... we're doing and experiment in my psychology class... we're supposed to buy items we wouldn't normally buy. I have a friend who's buying tampons and another buying make-up...and we're journaling the data for our class" He laughed and said "alright well cool..I haven't ever been a part of a study...hope it goes well" I turned bright red as he handed me my receipt and ran out of the store. I got home and immediately ran to the bathroom. I tried squeezing into the panties. They were so tight I could barely move. I felt so embarrassed and stupid for not knowing what size I needed and wasting money on something I didn't "need". I modeled them for a few minutes in the mirror and then I heard our front door unlock. It was my grandma dropping off some magazines for my mom. I pulled my basketball shorts on and greeted her. So nervous about the tight panties around my waist. She left and I was so anxious I ripped the panties off trying to get out of them. I threw them in a dumpster down the street and wanted to cry because I felt so dumb. Fortunately, once I got to college and got another job and my own place I got more comfortable with my sissy side. My ex even help me pick out some pairs when we'd shop together. And I've never had another awkward experience with a cashier either. I try to go to female cashiers of possible and most don't say anything. Or if they do its just the standard "have a nice day" I even had one cashier at Justice say "those are super cute! I might have to get them too!!" So that's the story of my first pair I bought with my own money. Thanks for reading. Id love to hear your stories too (any memorable pair or persons you've come in contact with while shopping)
  17. Hello Again! I would like to present my follow up story to "Sally's Got a Brand New Baby Sister" and the further misadventures of Baby Cindy! This one is for all the mud butts out there. I see you. I love you. Please Enjoy! 💖 Chapter 1: Baby Cindy’s Very Stinky Saturday Morning Baby Cindy, a 20-something year old dressed in a frilly pink baby romper, was waddling through the most lush courtyard she’s ever seen, like something out of a hand drawn Disney cartoon. Surrounding Baby Cindy were Cinderella, Belle, and Rapunzel. Three Disney Princesses frolicking with her through the spacious backyard of a giant Princess castle, “Come along Baby Cindy” Rapunzel called out to the big baby, trying her best to keep up with her extra padding. Belle and Cinderella slowed down and held onto Baby Cindy’s hands as they all trotted along. “Oh my goodness, Can it be?!” Exclaimed Rapunzel, the Princesses and Baby Cindy stood in front of a towering fountain in the center of the courtyard, it was large and pushing out brown goop up into the air into a big pond. “It’s a chocolate fudge-y fountain!” squealed Belle. All of the Princesses walked up slowly and pulled out little silver spoons from their Princess clutches. Rapunzel scooped a dollop of fudge and brought the spoon to her lips and into her mouth. “This is delectable!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth while talking with it full. Baby Cindy approached excited but cautious, she wasn’t allowed to have anything that rich without permission from Mommy, but the Princesses wouldn't stop a big baby like her from a special treat. As she approached the edge, leaning in for a handful, she lost her balance and plopped face first into the massive pool of sticky warm fudge. Getting chocolate all over herself, she looked up at the Princess’s, All of them giggling but cooing at her mishap. “Baby had an oopsie!” Laughed Cinderella as Baby Cindy sat back up, getting strangely comfortable sitting in the mushy mess. Her paci dropped out of her mouth as she shoved a big handful into her waiting mouth. As it entered her mouth, she didn’t get the taste she expected, what she got was a lot stinkier. Baby Cindy groggily opened her eyes, her first sight being a still mobile with rainbow stars dancing above her head. She looked to her side into the dark nursery, she could see light peeking through her blinds. It was early in the morning, around the usual wake up routine for Baby Cindy, lying in a polyester Tinkerbell sleep shirt, an exposed diaper bottom, a pink sleeping bonnet and her favorite princess tiara pacifier. Sally, Baby Cindy’s “big” sister, was lying still inside a sleeping bag on the floor beside the crib. Every Friday night, Sally would join Baby Cindy in her nursery for a sleepover. Her presence made Baby Cindy smile, she rolled onto her belly and felt a squish against her bottom. She sniffed the air again and was able to surmise she had taken a nice big poopy in her sleep. Her exposed bottom half showed a discolored rear with the large load resting inside her huggies. Baby Cindy began to whimper, her cold and mushy behind wasn’t as comfy as when it had been fresher. Baby Cindy sat up in her crib onto her knees, her head popping out from the top of the bars. Baby Cindy started to bounce up and down on her cot, making fussy sounds behind the paci she kept between her lips. She kept up her docile temper tantrum, building to get her sisters attention. Finally, Sally let out a big yawn and opened her eyes, a pungent odor immediately entering her nose as she turned towards her big baby sister whimpering from the crib. “Oh my gosh sissy, you’re really poopy.” she held onto her nose and got out of the sleeping bag, wearing her own footie one piece, to tell their Mother, who had begun to hear the commotion over the baby monitor. Sally returned to the nursery with Joan, the girl’s Mommy, in tow. Wearing a satin purple robe and matching slippers, “Oh my gosh how did you two sleep in here last night?” Mommy chuckled as she approached the crib and nudged Baby Cindy around to get a peek at her behind. Her bottom unsubtly displaying the mess inside, “I think Baby Cindy ate a little too much hot fudge Mommy.” Sally also giggled, still holding her nose and smiling at Baby Cindy, still watching from the crib. Despite the smell, the two were certainly used to the diapers of a big baby. “Didn’t I warn you that it was too rich for her tummy?” Mommy rubbed Baby Cindy’s back, making her feel a little better. The previous night, Mommy had promised Baby Cindy and Sally some ice cream after they were good while Mommy got her work done that afternoon. Sally was served a hot fudge sundae and Cindy got plain vanilla while strapped in her high chair. Baby Cindy was jealous of her sister's sundae and Sally pleaded for Baby Cindy to get some hot fudge, doing her best to be a good sister, and Mommy caved. Sally asked Baby Cindy to let her know when to stop as she poured the fudge onto her ice cream, the hot fudge covered everything and Mommy warned that there was too much on for her sensitive big baby tummy to handle. But the girls didn’t listen and Baby Cindy literally got her just desserts. She bounced around the walls with her sister the remainder of the night until she fell asleep to Sally reading her a bedtime story during their sleepover. Leaving Baby Cindy to enter dreamland and the pamper packer factory. Mommy opened up the crib and gave Baby Cindy a kiss on her forehead as she crawled down. “Smelly girl” she chuckled as watched Baby Cindy slide onto the floor and made a b-line crawl over to Sally, wanting to give her big sister a “Good Morning” hug. Sally cooed and opened her arms to the big baby, trying to hold her breath as best she could. “Good morning Baby Cindy” she patted her baby sister’s back and let go to hold her nose again. “Sorry Baby Cindy but that diaper is stupendous stinky!” Sally said as she backed up a little next to Mommy. “Sally! What an impressive word!” Mommy exclaimed as she picked up Sally and gave her a squeeze. Baby Cindy looked up at Mommy and Sally from the floor, their giggles and nose holding becoming a moment of bonding for the ladies of the house, making Baby Cindy blush behind her smile. “I think it’s too early for me to face that diaper, How about you go watch cartoons and I’ll start breakfast, I’ll change your sister a little later.” Mommy suggested as she carried Sally out of the nursery. “But Baby Cindy looked a little uncomfy before,” Sally asked, looking up at Mommy. “She’ll survive, if she doesn’t sit with losing her potty training, she’ll wanna stay in diapers forever!.” Mommy smiled back at Cindy as she closed the gate to the nursery.“Hehe, I think that’s too late!” Sally giggled as she gave Baby Cindy a last wave before making her way downstairs. Mommy chuckled and followed behind, leaving Baby Cindy to her own devices. She took a seat from her crawling position and felt the mess press against her smooth, plump bottom. A relaxed grin stretched behind her pacifier as she turned her attention to her toy chest on the other side of her nursery, crinkling and smushing across the soft pink carpet. Baby Cindy had spent so much time with a hefty load pressed against her butt, the smell bothered her much less than anyone would expect someone her size. The smell had become a sign of comfort at this stage in Cindy’s babification, a blunt reminder of her demoted status in the household and one that excused her of all responsibility. Something she realized she didn’t mind. The nursery itself was given a Lilac-mahogany wall air freshener to fight back the odors, but the faint scent of a full diaper pail was always fighting that freshness. Baby Cindy saw one of her favorite stuffed toys on the floor by the chest. It was a lime green and pink caterpillar with little beads inside that made it rattle. Its soft plastic facial features were a favorite for Baby Cindy to nibble on at times. Baby Cindy crawled towards a corner of the room occupied by a pile of stuffed animals and toys. She flopped into them like a big pillow. As she played, Baby Cindy felt the push of her mess from inside her diaper. It was soft but still firm, staying mostly intact snugly against her cheeks. Baby Cindy lied gently hearing Mommy turn on some gentle baby music. The music gave her a new sense of calm. Suddenly the nursery music switched into something more poppy and sweet sounding. Mommy had put on a playlist of Baby Cindy’s favorite nursery rhymes to change up the vibe in the nursery. Baby Cindy started to crawl out of the stuffie pile, shaking her padded booty. With such a relaxed lifestyle, Baby Cindy has gained a thick layer of baby fat and then some. Mommy had to think of creative ways to help get Baby Cindy some exercise while keeping her lifestyle unaltered. The answer was nursery dance parties! Baby Cindy got on her feet and was bouncing to the catchy jingles Mommy queued up for her. Shaking her messy bottom around the room, The room shook from all her big baby energy being exerted in the second floor nursery. Baby Cindy had her poopy pampers bouncing for 10 more minutes when Mommy finally got upstairs to find her baby girl on her feet, unlatching the baby gate and clapping with the beat. “Shake that diaper, baby girl!” She giggled, approaching Cindy, holding her squirmy hips and giving her diaper a peak from behind before wincing, “Alright baby girl, let's get you cleaned up before breakfast.” Baby Cindy toddled obediently to her changing table, climbing up with the help of a stepstool, readily prepared for another standard diaper change. Mommy opened the messy girl’s diaper and took a deep breath and said, “Let’s do this!” She used a good number of wipes wrestling Baby Cindy’s mess down into the diaper and giving her girl a clean bottom. She worked her way up to Baby Cindy’s soft pen-is, wiping it clean. The dirty diaper was wrapped up tight and neat, dropping into the changing pail. Baby Cindy was changed into a fresh Tykables Unicorn with a heavy dosing of powder. “There’s the clean baby girl we all know and love!” Mommy cooed as she tickled her tummy and helped her down from the changing table. “Let’s go eat some yum yums” Mommy said rubbing her tummy, giving Baby Cindy a butt patt to exit the nursery and scoot down the stairs. She crawled into the kitchen, with Mommy close behind. Mommy made scrambled eggs and bacon for Sally and herself. Baby Cindy was served oatmeal, mixed with some applesauce, letting Baby Cindy feed herself today. With a “Mommy’s Hungry Girl” bib tied around her neck, Baby Cindy ignored the pink spoon beside her and scooped a big handful of oatmeal into her mouth, dribbling down her chin and getting all over her hand. Sally giggled at her sister’s messy eating while she used a pink fork. Mommy couldn’t help but laugh at Baby Cindy licking her fingers all grubby, “My my we have a messy baby on our hands.” She quipped as she took her empty plate in the kitchen sink. She started wiping off Baby Cindy with a wet paper towel as Sally put her own plate into the dishwasher. “Hehe, Katies gonna get Messy Baby Cindy today at her party.” She giggled with a devilish glee. “Don’t jinx it Sally! Your cousin Katie will flip if we bring Messy Baby Cindy to her birthday party!” She played up her pleading as she cleaned up Baby Cindy, who sat in her high chair fidgety around her face wiping . “I don’t know Mommy, I can just feel it” Sally prophesied. “Are you sure you’re not just smelling it Honey?” They both giggled and helped Baby Cindy step out of her high chair. “OK, I’m gonna get cleaned up, can you take a shower and get yourself ready?” Mommy checked in with Sally, “and then you can help me with your sister?” Sally nodded up and down as she walked into the living room, Baby Cindy instinctually crawled behind Sally and sat beside her. “Baby Cindy needs morning cartoons! She can watch them while we’re getting ready!” Sally called out to Mommy. “Ok, but she’s going to sit in her bouncer too.” Mommy agreed as she strapped Baby Cindy into her bouncer, hanging above her playpen in the back corner of the living room. Baby Cindy was secured and started to bounce up and down with delight, feeling like she was in her own little theme park ride.. Giggling as her toesies barely touched the padded floor of the playpen. “What do you wanna watch Baby Cindy?” Sally giggled as picked up the remote and went through all the smart tv streaming services. “Cocomelon!” Baby Cindy called out behind her paci. Mommy laughed at the request of her “eldest” daughter. But she was also impressed by how fast Sally was using the remote buttons. But Mommy had to object, “No no no, I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s a Messy Baby Cindy show. We need a Clean Baby Cindy show” Sally giggled and nodded in agreement, still shocked how much Cindy likes the most baby show she’s ever seen. “How about Bluey?” she asked the bouncing baby, who bounced up and down, nodding happily. “Bluey is a good choice.” Mommy agreed and gave Sally a head scratch before exiting the living room to go change, trusting Sally to take care of the rest. Sally switched to Disney+ and started to play Baby Cindy a Bluey episode. “Enjoy Baby Cindy, we’ll help you get ready when we’re done.” Sally put down the remote and skipped out of the room, leaving bouncy Baby Cindy to her show. Baby Cindy smiled swaying above the floor as she watched Bluey. She laughed and lightly babbled as she got investment from the characters, in the few stories she could still follow. As she bounced up and down, Baby Cindy could feel her tummy sloshing around with a familiar cramp, making a familiar rumbling sounds like the previous night in her crib. Baby Cindy immediately started to grunt and make pushies like always when she got that feeling. Which led to Baby Cindy marking her second poopy diaper of the day and it wasn’t even 10 AM. She felt the softer mound mush around her bouncy bum. Baby Cindy got a whiff of that freshly produced smell and giggled with glee a little, no one around to see. Bouncing and turning her attention back to Bluey, she laughed at the cartoon and her pacifier slipped out her lips, dangling across her tummy. She took drooly paci and shoved it back into her lips, bouncing around in a state of bliss in her mucky butt diaper.
  18. A friend gets shrunk down to doll size by his friend. She decides to humiliate him and punish him in so many humiliating ways. Using him as her new toy.
  19. A while back I tried to write a sissy/feminisation story but had my work cut out and it ended up being a bit too big of a task for me but I’m still keen to write something along those lines, so I’m giving it another try with a different story. Here it goes. Also wanted to try a story where I link to real life items of clothing etc. I’m based in the UK so sorry if anyone can’t see the websites due to being in different countries! ———————— Neighbour’s Paradise Chapter 1 “Elliott I’m just about to leave for work! Have a good day and please get out of the house and don’t sit in your room all day!” Elliott’s mum Penny shouted as she unlocked the door and took one step onto the porch. “Okay see you later mum!” Elliott replied as he lifted his headphones off his head. Elliott is an 18 year old boy from northern England who had just finished college and was soon to be heading to university in London in a few months time. He is a quiet boy with few friends and was generally seen as a bit of a ‘weirdo’ at school and college. Puberty didn’t hit him particularly hard so he had little to no facial hair, stood just over 5ft 5in and sported longer dirty blonde hair that reached just below his ears. He wore baggy skater clothes and didn’t care too much for how he looked. Elliott paused the YouTube video he was watching and quickly ran out of his room and into the spare bedroom, where he could get a view of the driveway infront of his house. He peered over the top of the window ledge and saw his mum’s silver BMW reverse off the drive and down the road. ‘Yes!’ he said to himself as he rushed back into his room and prepared to leave the house. He turned off his iPad, gave his hair a quick comb and bolted downstairs and quickly laced up his vans trainers. Before you knew it he was out of the door and heading to the house directly across the road from his. As he crossed the road he looked both ways to see if anyone had spotted him crossing and thankfully the coast was clear, it was a quiet morning and there were no other nosy neighbours or dog walkers to be seen. Elliott walked up the driveway of the quaint semi-detached house adorned with flower beds below the windows displaying in-bloom and colourful flowers. He reached the front door and pressed the doorbell, which chimed elegantly. He could see a silhouette getting closer through the frosted glass panels of the front door. “Oh hello Elliott nice to see you! Come on in” said a tall, brown haired lady who was dressed in a plain white t-shirt, peach colourful sports leggings and a dark blue cooking apron. “Hello Liz nice to see you” Elliott politely replied. He stepped into the house as Liz closed the door behind him. “So… how long do we have today?” Liz asked Elliott as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “Well I’ve not got anything planned today and mum is at work until at least 6pm so all day!” Elliott replied excitedly. “Lovely stuff, shall we get started then?” Liz suggested. “Sounds good to me” Elliott replied back. Liz then put her other hand on Elliott’s other shoulder and led him up the stairs. As Liz followed she excitedly squeezed his shoulders, which made Elliott feel an intense warmth inside. They both reached a closed door with a flower plaque on. Elliott let Liz pass him and she plucked a key from her apron pocket and unlocked the door. As she opened it Elliott could see a pink light emerge from the door as it slowly opened. They both entered what appeared to be a girls bedroom. The walls were covered in flower wallpaper and the there was a bed with Cinderella bedsheets on, closed pink polka dot curtains and opposite the bed was a large table with a padded cushion on top and draws underneath. “You know what to do by now sweetheart” Liz said to Elliott before turning around and opening the cupboard. Elliott got to work, he took off both his t-shirt and baggy cargo shorts and then jumped up onto the large table and then removed his socks, leaving just his green underwear on. He scooched back and laid down on the slightly cold plastic cushion. “There we go all be- Elliott! I thought you knew to take off all your clothes! Don’t worry I’ll deal with that.” Liz said as she walked over to the table carrying a large folded plastic square. It was the unmistakable sight of a nappy: Elliott’s face went red and his crotch began to stir with excitement. Liz placed the nappy beside him and she grabbed the waistband of his underwear and yanked them down. He voluntarily lifted his legs as she slid them down. “Won’t be needing these for a while! They are yucky and way too boyish for you” Liz teased as she threw them on top of the pile of his clothes. “Let’s get you into something more suitable”. Liz then slid the nappy under Elliott’s hairless bum and she got to work powdering him and slathering his private parts in nappy rash cream. Before he knew it the nappy was being lifted over his penis and strapped tightly in place. “Much better! Sit up and hang your legs over the changing table for me” Liz said as she held his hands and lifted him up. Elliott obliged and dangled his legs off the tall table. Liz then picked up a pair of pink tights and a white camisole: Liz helped Elliott into the camisole and then began sliding the tights up Elliott’s legs until she reached just below his knees. “Come on then up you get” Liz said as she lifted him off the table and onto his feet. She towered over him so she made light work of picking him up. Liz then slid the tights over his knees and then over the top of his thick colourful nappy before stopping just below the waistband for the nappy. Liz then quickly returned to the cupboard before turning around and revealing Elliott’s outfit for the day: She quickly pulled it over Elliott’s head and then pushed it down into position. It fell just above the knee so whenever Elliott sat down or bent over his nappy underneath his pink tights would likely be on full display. Liz then added the final touch by stepping behind Elliott and putting his hair long hair into two pigtails either side of his head with two pink scrunchies. “There we go, much better! Give me a spin” Liz asked. Elliott span around twice quickly, his dress lifted to reveal his padded bottom. He then grabbed the bottom of the skirt and nervously swayed side to side. “Thank you!” Elliott quietly said softly. “Thank you what?” Liz questioned him. “Thank you nanny” Elliott quietly replied. “That’s okay, let’s go downstairs and get you some breakfast. Come on cutie” Liz said as she picked out a pink dummy and placed it in Elliott’s mouth: “Good girl, baby Ellie” Liz cooed as she led the dress and nappy clad boy out of the bedroom and downstairs, crinkling with every step.
  20. I don't think you crash through the door, making noise without any number of somebodies wondering just where you emerged from so I might as well just go ahead and write one even if it won't be the full super long biography of Tammy. Tammy was assigned as male but it didn't take long before just being out of sync with pretty much any boy as much as you might of done the odd thing they did which wasn't that different than girls and gravitated to "TomBoys" who sometimes had a hard time for not being stereotypical for the era so we had something in common even though in time it became obvious I was more "girlie" than most girls and I had no interest in being a woman. Like most, you explored looks when the eyes were well away and rather liked that reflection and in an evening Tammy "got born" as a sissy not seeing yourself as being a girl nor of no gender. I'm majorly on the little side Sissy and that means what I enjoy is being a me I'd sooner of had the opportunity to present and just be myself as that child and when like that everything is very much what it would be for any child, so if I'm playing that's just it and the bigger side of Sissiness which I understand some of the adult little girls don't feel comfortable around takes a rest. Rest assured Little Space for me is very much for Littles however we identify. I'm happy to play with any Little on Little terms. There is as implied a bigger side that does come out but that exists in Adultland and I can't see anything around that being mentioned here beyond the "Sissy" space and then only in passing, it's simply I see no point in denying things when they are a part of you even if most of the time it doesn't come into what you doing and where you might be. I do have accounts at all the usual spots but things here seem to be broader and that suits me
  21. Hi, really just plucked up the courage to join. I am a diaper wearing sissy. I’m still in the closet and looking for some friends or a nice aunty to play with. just ordered my first pack of nappies xx
  22. (Author's note: Please bear with me a bit on this one. This was initially a commission, with a story that was VERY dark, and VERY dirty. I've been trying to edit it from the initial version to follow the rules of different groups I post in while still maintaining some semblance of the original plot. Hopefully it will work out) "I don't know man, it seems suspicious." Ryan looked at his outfit up and down in the mirror. His best jeans, a black button up shirt, and hair combed neatly back. He turned to Jerald, his roommate, and looked at him with an eyebrow raised and moved his hands down his body as if displaying himself. "Why is that? You don't think she'd want someone like me? Am I not hot enough?" Jerald shrugged. "Well, you're alright, but she's a definite 10, and you're a..." "A what?" Jerald rolled his eyes. "What I mean is, you've been after this girl, Sawyer?" Ryan nodded at the name. "Yeah. Sawyer, who you've creeped on for months, and honestly it was kind of creepy to see. You creeped her facebook, talked to all her friends, and kept going into the coffee shop she owns. All that time, she didn't pay you any mind. Now, she suddenly invited you out of the blue to a new years eve party. Isn't that weird?" "Maybe she noticed how dedicated I was and decided it was attractive." "Maybe she noticed how creepy you were being and decided it was creepy." Ryan shook his head dismissively. "Then why would she invite me to a fancy party with all her hot, female friends? Obviously they want me." "You mean all the other girls you've creeped? Maybe they want revenge." Ryan laughed. "What? Revenge for being interested? And what would they do? Give me a spanking?" He laughed. His phone buzzed, and he looked down at it. A message from Sawyer read "almost ready? Remember to come by my apartment early, I have a surprise for you ;)' "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." "They want you to show up at noon for a new years eve party?" "Yeah so?" Jerald shook his head. "Alright man, have fun. Be careful!" "I will!" Ryan put his jacket on and left the apartment, feeling his best. He entered the elevator and pointed finger guns at his own reflection in the mirror. "Ummm..." the elevator's other passenger, a tall blond woman, said. Ryan blushed. "Oh, ah, hi, just, making sure my clothes are alright." "Ok," she said, and covered her face to laugh. Ryan tried to run out of the elevator as soon as the bell went off, slammed into the door, then made himself wait patiently and walked out. He tried to ignore the women's laughter behind him. The walk to Sawyer's apartment was short but cold. He hurried along, eager to get to the apartment and promised party. Her texts called him forward, promising something he had longed after for months. Already, his stomach was turning over in excitement. Her apartment complex was far larger, and, he couldn't help but notice, nicer then his. Black steal and glass rose in dual towers in front of him, hinting at a garden, or possibly a pool, between them. He imagined coming back there to meet her in the summer, going into the pool at night, getting into all sorts of... He cleared his throat. He could daydream about that later. Right now, he had the real thing only minutes away. He found her bell number and rang it. "Hello?" Sawyer's voice came through. "Hi! It's Ryan! You told me to come early, right?' "Yes! We're just upstairs waiting! Can't wait to show you what we have planned!" "Wait, we?" Ryan asked. He heard a giggling from the other side, then Sawyer shushing the source. "Don't worry about it! Just get your butt upstairs!" The speaker clicked, and the door opened. Ryan walked it, and headed for the elevator. So there was more then one woman in her apartment. Ryan didn't know if that should disappoint him or excite him. On the one hand, Sawyer hadn't intended them to be alone together, which shut down his initial hope. On the other, she may still have expected to do something "fun," and it just meant more women would be involved. Her final comment did sound flirty, so he told himself he still had a chance. Her apartment was on the 20th floor. The elevator told him it was top, and he couldn't help but wonder what that said about the cost of where she lived. He had seen her working at a coffee shop, but he never knew what her role was there. From the looks of things, she was making a lot of money. He got out of the elevator. The top floor had a hallway with only two doors- one at the far left, one at the far right. Alright, so she made a TON of money, enough to own half a floor. He walked to the left and knocked. The door opened a crack, and Sawyer's long brown hair and hazelnut eyes popped out. She smiled at him. "Oh hey Ryan," she said in a voice he took as flirtatious. "Come on in! We are waiting!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him in. "Hey thanks for... what?!" Ryan gasped. The first thing he noticed was Sawyer's outfit. She was wearing a short, black dress, low cut and dotted with shining crystals. Beneath that, she wore lace tights and healed boots that rose almost to her knees. Ryan's mouth hung open for a second at the sight of her, and she giggled when she noticed. The second thing he noticed was that she wasn't the only one in the room. Three other women, all dressed similar, and all familiar. He swallowed. It was Alyssa, Jordan, and Liz, three other women he had been, in his roommate's words, "creeping." Each wore clothes that made Ryan's hear beat faster and his face slush. They lounged on couches, sipping champaign and waving at him. "I... I..." he stuttered. The women all giggled at him. "What's going on?" he blurted out.
  23. Hello everyone! Long time lurker first time poster! Please enjoy my goofy little story. I tried to make something fun and silly that I hope everyone can enjoy. I need more fuel to finish off the sequel I'm working on... Thanks for reading!! Chapter 1 - How Baby Cindy was (Re)Born The Berry family seemed like they had the perfect life. They had a nice house in the suburbs. The matriarch Joan ran a very successful Salon chain in the state, all while a single mother of two to boot! But things weren’t always as pristine as everyone thought. Her son Chris had always been the boy who never fit in. He didn’t have many friends and would usually get mixed up with poor influences. Joan would do her best to show her son he was loved, but he just carelessly acted out anyway. Joan decided to get pregnant while Chris was barely finishing high school. She wanted someone to care for when he went away, almost like a second chance. Sally was born and was the apple of Joan’s eye. Sally brought Joan so much joy, but Chris started to get jealous of all the attention of his little sister. Only enabling his acting out more so, not thinking about all the work his Mother had running the Salon while raising a baby girl. Coincidently when Sally was in the middle of her terrible twos, Chris moved back in after failing out of college. The return of her son didn’t make life easier for Joan. An ungrateful brat of a son wasn’t needed while dealing with an over-excitable toddler girl. One who was unfortunately struggling with her potty training. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the night Chris crashed Joan’s Lexus Sedan into a tree while under the influence. Joan didn’t know what to do with him anymore. Looking after a literal toddler had her in no mood to entertain his grown-up temper tantrums. So Joan had a funny idea. She told Chris he was grounded for the foreseeable future. Except he was no longer allowed in his room with his computer and PS5 until he saw a serious attitude adjustment. “You’ve been setting a terrible example while I’ve been looking after your baby sister Sally who is somehow less of a hassle than my 20 year old son! So you’re going to be Sally’s twin, and if I’m lucky her sweetness will rub off on you!” Chris made his disagreements loudly and abundantly clear, all of which were shot down by Joan. For the first time in almost 2 decades, she spanked her son’s bottom bright red. The next couple days Chris was given a whole new wardrobe, Joan had larger doubles of Sarah's rompers and dresses manufactured in her brother’s size. He begrudgingly was put into a romper exactly matching Sally, while being changed into a large disposable diaper. When Sally first saw Chris she was so excited and giggly, seeing her big brother in a completely new, gentler light. Chris had an attitude, but even he wasn’t able to escape Sally’s adorably welcoming energy. They were both fed with bibs and booster seats. They watched the same baby shows and kept the same nap schedule. Along with Joan changing double the diapers, a small price to pay for the much more peaceful house order. A week in, Joan decided that Chris wasn’t a good girl name for Sally’s new sister. So they started calling him Cindy, who was promptly referred to as a little girl ever since. The routine was a drastic adjustment for Cindy. But there were enough days of playing alongside her sister, she began meeting Sally on her level and Cindy’s insecurities slowly began to melt away. The loneliness of college really isolated Cindy from the people who loved her, especially her Mother. But all the thoughts that she wasn’t important disappeared as she was doted on alongside Sally. After only a couple months of the new arrangement, Joan noticed an incredible attitude adjustment from Cindy. Sally really was an incredible influence on her. But this plan ended up working a little too well. It was over the following months Sally started getting the hang of using her big girl potty in the girls bathroom. She even advanced to Pullups, to Joan and even Cindy’s delight. But as the time went along, Joan found Cindy was forgetting to tell her Mom when she needed a change, more often following Sally’s pullups victory. Looking through the nursery camera in the girl’s nursery, Joan watched as Sally would get up to use the bathroom, which was Cindy’s cue to crawl into a corner beside her crib and purposely use her diapers. Returning to play like nothing happened after the fact. Joan was seeing that Cindy seemed to be losing interest in growing up like her big sister. Sally even began coming out to tell her mother when Cindy’s poopy diapers were stinking up their nursery. It was then Joan came to a conclusion. That night at dinner, Joan told her daughter’s how proud she was of how they’ve been behaving over the past six months. Cindy and Sally felt proud as they ate their chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. It was then Joan told Sally that she was going to give Cindy’s old room to her with a brand new big girl bed. Sally looked so excited as Cindy slowly processed what her Mom was saying in between spoonful's of mac and cheese, finding herself to be more sad not sharing a room with Sally anymore than losing her old adult room. Sally also realized that and looked upset. “Wait Mommy, what about Cindy?” she looked back at her sister with soft eyes, the two being close as ever. “Well sweetie, the nursery will be Cindy’s now, big girls don’t have to sleep in cribs, but Cindy is still a baby and needs hers.” This was when it dawned on Cindy, she was now the baby of the family. “Does that mean I’m Cindy’s big sister?” Sally asked curiously and Joan perked up and gave Cindy a grin, “Yes it does sweetheart! You’re my big girl! And now Cindy is going to be your baby sister!” Sally jumped up in her booster seat and cheered, a huge smile came across the messy three year old’s face, taking in her new responsibility as she turned to her baby sister. “I’m gonna be the best big sister ever! I promise Baby Cindy”. Cindy was blushing bright red at the news. Looking over at her sister in her booster chair, with her food divided in little piles. Cindy was sitting in a special high chair she got a couple months ago, and all her food was mushed together in the same bowl and a pink princess crown bib around her neck. Cindy was not becoming the baby sister, she already was. Yet, Cindy really was so grateful and proud of Sally growing up, and wasn’t exactly complaining about her new lifestyle. She put down her spoon and said “Big sister” softly back to her, blushing more and making Sally fall into a giggle fit along with Joan just beaming at the girl’s acceptance. Sally took Baby Cindy’s paci from her high chair and put it in her mouth, keeping an awe-inspiring smile into her big baby sister’s eyes. Baby Cindy suckled the paci and accepted her new permanent role. Shortly after this, the sisters only fell deeper into their roles. Sally moved into her own room across the hall and couldn’t be happier with all her space. She got her own bed and picked out her Bluey bed sheets. She had a lot more room for her big girl toys. She got a boombox and was promptly spoiled by Joan. She was happy to help with the sliding scales of her daughters. Baby Cindy was given a brand new special crib, one that was accessible for Sally to help her baby sister out of. She got all new furniture sized up for her. Her wardrobe went from toddler outfits, to full on infant wear. Baby Cindy never wore anything that wasn’t showing her bare thighs for the world. She continued in diapers and her potty training simply evaporated. Sally loved helping Mommy out with Baby Cindy. Joan felt incredibly lucky to get so much bonding with Sally while taking care of her perpetual big baby sister. Things were finally perfect. So it was on this Wednesday morning two years later that Baby Cindy felt herself groggily waking up in her car seat as Mommy was driving her Lincoln SUV through their quiet town. Baby Cindy was 22 years old now and deeply settled into her baby routines. She looked around and saw Sally, now 5 years old in her own big girl car seat next to her. Sally could hear the rustling and smiled at her, “Mommy, Baby Cindy is awake!” she sang out. “Thank you Hunny, we’re right around the corner from school”. Joan pulled into the parking lot of a big pastel complex. She parked and helped Sally out of her seat while Baby Cindy suckled her paci still waking up from her short car nap. Sally started unstrapping Baby Cindy as Mommy pulled out a large plush stroller out of the trunk. The Car door opened and Baby Cindy was helped into her stroller and strapped in snugly. Joan started pushing her towards the entrance as Baby Cindy looked in front of her, giving a happy coo as she saw them approach the building the girl’s would be staying for the day, “Sweetie Pie Kindercare Center!” with a banner underneath reading “Featuring Big Baby Cindy!” with a cutout of her on the end. Chapter 2 - Baby Cindy’s Nursery Morning Mommy was out the door after checking her daughter’s into the building. A teacher leads Sally down the hall to Kindergarten as Sally blows one last kiss towards her baby sister. Baby Cindy coos as a daycare assistant began to push her down the opposite hall. suckling on her paci and smiling at all the other teachers and kids who are walking down the hall past her. Baby Cindy was dressed in her favorite pink princess party onesie with a clear outline of her thick, crinkly disposable diapers underneath. A pair of chunky light up sneakers and frilly socks were on her feetsie’s. A snug and poofy Baby bonnet was tied under her chin to complete the absolutely infantile ensemble that Baby Cindy wore with the silliest look of pride. She was pushed into the "Caterpillar" Nursery room at the end of the hall. This was where Baby Cindy spent most of her day. She gets unbuckled and is helped on the floor by one of her teachers to go play with the other babies who all shared her play skill level. She crawled amongst her peers. Finding some toys and plopping her crinkly bottom onto the soft carpet of the Nursery. Little did she know she was in for a busy day. When Baby Cindy was first enrolled into Sweetie Pie, she was invited into Sally’s Preschool Class (after a large donation from Joan towards the center) , being that was the age she seemed to get along with. But best she tried, Cindy was always sliding into more infantile tendencies than her classmates, despite her size. It was shortly decided that Baby Cindy was better kept as the baby she was clearly meant to be. She was even given her own playpen in Preschool. It was a total delight for the other kids watching their biggest classmate revert to the most infantile in the class, as most anyone would be amused. But the Baby Cindy ripple effect appeared to make an impact on the entire Preschool class, as they all were on their best behavior. It was like having Baby Cindy around seemed to give the kids a better sense of responsibility. All of the kids, especially the girls, were glad to help with her feedings, leading and including her in their playtime, even keeping an eye on her diaper. Baby Cindy was a welcome distraction to the room. When Joan heard about the great success Baby Cindy was having in Sally's Preschool class. She decided to work out a deal with the staff as Sweetie Pie. Now modeled on getting kids an early jump on their maturity. Sweetie Pie ran like just about any other daycare, but for a period every other day. Each class would get a visit from Baby Cindy, and each class would design activities around playing and taking care of her for the day. She was getting the toddlers out of diapers faster, Preschoolers to take care of themselves and their little siblings. All because none of them wanted to end up like Baby Cindy. With that, Baby Cindy was moved into the nursery room to be fed and put down on a similar schedule as the other infants. Baby Cindy was playing with ring stacks and cooing listening to the soft nursery music. She was bouncing around when she felt a hand on her padded bottom, someone was sticking a finger inside and checking that she was clean. This was Miss Harriet, Baby Cindy’s All-Day Daycare Nanny. She was assigned specifically to facilitate all of Baby Cindy’s needs, and oversee other students lending a helping hand. She fell in love with Baby Cindy and was the perfect replacement for Joan during the day. Miss Harriet sat beside Cindy and rubbed her back. “Are you having fun with your rings sweety?” She asked warmly, Baby Cindy nodded quietly with a big smile. Having gotten accustomed to being nonverbal more often than not. Miss Harriet was very excited to bring her around today. She loved watching Baby Cindy bring out the best in the other children. Miss Harriet got back to helping the other Nannies get all the babies settled in for the day. Leaving Baby Cindy to play for a little while longer, which she didn’t feel one way or the other, relying on everyone else to tell her what to do having made her a very obedient baby. As she continued playing, a little baby boy named Jacob crawled beside Baby Cindy. Jacob was in a pair of overalls and sat down next to Baby Cindy, picking up the stuffie beside her. They didn’t pay much mind to one another as they played with their toys. But Tyler started to grunt and soon Baby Cindy smelled the very familiar scent of a freshly loaded pamper. The smell made Baby Cindy’s nose wrinkle a little, but it certainly didn’t bother her much. She had been accustomed to that particular stinky smell for a while now. She just continued suckling on her paci and living in the moment with her fellow crawler. Miss Lauren, the head of the nursery room, walked past and caught a whiff looking down at the pair of babies. She leans down and goes for Baby Cindy before feeling a still dry disposable on her bottom. Miss Lauren giggled and picked up Jacob, confirming he was the stinker. “Wowwe, sorry Baby Cindy, you’re always such a safe bet for Morning poopy’s. But Jacob is gonna give you a run for your money!” She giggles and pats Baby Cindy’s bottom before walking away to change Jacob. Leaving Baby Cindy to coo and crawl around the room as her classmates continue their morning playtime until it’s finally time for Baby Cindy’s grand tour! Chapter 3 - Baby Cindy Goes to Daycare Miss Harriet helped Baby Cindy back into her stroller when it was time to head to the daycare wing with the toddlers. Baby Cindy cooed and bounced with excitement, waving to her little friends, who barely noticed she was leaving. Baby Cindy was always most excited for the toddler room. It was where she felt the most appreciated by the other kids. Maybe it’s because the kids were closer to babies than the others, but they all seem to be in awe of Baby Cindy. Like an oversized baby dolly turned to life that they couldn’t wait to play with. Baby Cindy watched the door open in front of her as she was pushed into the “Butterfly” daycare room to a bunch of toddlers squealing and giggling at her grand entrance, “Hiii Baby Cindy” “It’s Baby Cindy!” “Hehehe big baby is back!” they all exclaim and get excited. The rowdy class of toddlers excited for their morning play date with Baby Cindy. She would coo back and babble softly as her stroller was pushed to the front of the class as all the kids circle around her on the carpet. “Hey kids, Has everyone said hi to Baby Cindy this morning?” Miss Harriet asks smiling. “Yeessssss” They all shout back. “That’s very good, because this morning Butterfly class is going to help me feed Baby Cindy her breaky!” She beamed and the kids all giggled excitedly, a bunch of little girls looked especially giddy and smiling up at the equally excited, bouncing baby girl staged in front of them. Miss Harriet takes out a bottle of formula from Baby Cindy’s diaper bag in the back of the stroller. The kids watch quietly and patiently. “You see, babies can get a little excitable sometimes while waddling around, so you gotta keep them fed so they can keep lots of calories. So this Baby Formula is made special to keep Baby Cindy full and healthy.” The kids giggle again, seeing Baby Cindy smile big at the bottle, her big tummy protruding from her onesie clearly marking that she stays well fed. Miss Harriet pulls out Baby Cindy’s paci from her lips and sets it on the stroller table. Baby Cindy can’t help but whimper as more giggles come at her neediness. But as soon as the bottle was pressed in between her lips. The baby girl begins calming down, as Baby Cindy enjoys her breakfast for the class. The kids all watched and murmured to each as Miss Harriet kept the bottle steady for Baby Cindy. “Who wants to help me out today?” Miss Harriet asked the rest of the class. Many of the girls raised their hands and only one girl near the front was picked out. Emily, one of the girls teachers have noticed is most receptive to caring for Baby Cindy. Emily approaches Miss Harriet and Baby Cindy, still suckling away at her bottle. “Keep it nice and still for her. Remember you’re the one feeding her, you just want it to be easy for the baby to drink.” Emily puts her hand on the bottle, keeping it tilted as Miss Harriet lets go. Emily smiles big as Baby Cindy continues her hungry noisy suckling for the beaming little girl. “She’s so hungry” Emily giggled as Baby Cindy finished off her bottle shortly afterwards. Emily gave the bottle back to Miss Harriet as she put it back in the diaper bag. She then went to unstrap Baby Cindy, leaning her forward and keeping her steady in her arms. “Now we need to help the baby make burpees ok?” Emily nodded already well aware of what came next. Standing on her tippy toes, she starts to softly pat on Baby Cindy’s back. Baby Cindy looked forward to the rest of the class while being held by Miss Harriet. She could feel a bubble come up from her belly and she let out a big baby burp to many more laughs from the little crows sitting watching the special baby care presentation. Miss Harriet leaned Baby Cindy back and wiped her lips for any milk dribbles and started a little clap, “Let's hear it for Emily for being such a big girl today” Miss Harriet pulled out a yellow star sticker from her back pocket and taped it onto Emily. It read “I was a big kid today!” The whole class clapped and Baby Cindy just smiled and bounced, as she had her paci returned to her by Emily, suckling happily with it returned to her lips. Emily took a seat back in the group and Baby Cindy was unsnapped out of the stroller and helped out, before being placed on the floor and getting a pat on the bottom from Miss Harriet, “Go on honey, join the others for now” Baby Cindy crawled over as the kids smiled, The same group of girls Emily came from made room and Baby Cindy sat around them, their hands all over her excitedly, as they felt her onesie and bonnet and little sockies. Her diaper crinkled a little as she settled into being another plaything for the girls. They made her feel included in a funny way, cooing softly behind my paci. The toddler teacher, Miss Wendy took over and sat in front of the class opening up a story book. The kids learned about colors and shapes, while Baby Cindy mostly was distracted by the girls who had brought little tinker toys and were all trying to get Baby Cindy’s attention. She kept looking around, staying giggly and distracted as the other kids listened to the little lesson. Shortly after story time, the girls lead Baby Cindy over with them towards their favorite play table, they all like to color with Baby Cindy and bring her over as she stays on the floor, a little too big for the table. Emily was feeling very confident having helped feed Baby Cindy earlier, so she was a little bossy with her friends Sophia and Bonnie, two other toddlers who also like having Baby Cindy around. They all started coloring together in their books and showing each other what they’ve been working on. Baby Cindy looks and coo, not saying much with them. Happily listening to their excited chatter, finding herself having much in common with the girls. Baby Cindy colors in her princess coloring book, though wasn’t doing great at coloring in the lines. Bonnie peeked over and decided to help her color in the lines easier. Miss Harriet watches behind and admires how well all the girls play together. Baby Cindy felt her bottle start to catch up with her and began to wet herself while she watched Bonnie, suckling her paci slowly as she felt urine flood her diaper and soak up the padding in her crotch as the swell hugged her chubby thighs, her onesie settling as it fills up. Bonnie looks over to tell Baby Cindy her favorite color for skies when she sees the big baby’s frozen stare, looking down and noticing Baby Cindy’s padding sagging under the table. Bonnie giggled and bounced up for her seat, “Miss Harriet Miss Harriet!” she squeaks to the close by teacher, grabbing at her hand with a little bounce. “Baby Cindy pee-peed her diaper” she giggles and points Baby Cindy’s way. Baby Cindy looked a little blushy only just realizing she had wet, given she doesn’t totally retain all that goes on in her diaper anymore. Miss Harriet walked over and felt the back of Baby Cindy’s pampered bottom, feeling its squishy heft and smiling. “Wow Cindy you really had to go huh?” She chuckles and turns back to Bonnie. “That was really good work Bonnie.” She goes into her pocket and hands her a little star sticker like Emily’s. Sticking it to Bonnie’s shirt, she gets a big grin. Miss Harriet gives her a pat on the head and turns back to Baby Cindy. “We’ll get you changed before lunchtime, baby doll” she rubs her back gently before getting up to talk with Miss Wendy. Bonnie returns to her spot next to Baby Cindy with a slightly jealous looking Emily. Chapter 4 - Lunch and a Diaper Change for Baby Cindy The clock hit 11:45 and Miss Harriet started to lead Baby Cindy back into her stroller. All the kids waved good-bye to her as she got strapped back into her seat. sucking her paci and looking around at all the toddlers faces. Some of the kids were laughing at Baby Cindy, in a way that didn’t always feel nice. It used to make Baby Cindy embarrassed but she was starting to lose some of her social skills after being babied for a couple years now. But other toddlers were all giggly and smiling at Baby Cindy, appreciating their time with the big baby. Before they left, Miss Harriet tapped Bonnie on the shoulder and knelt down to her level, waving over Emily as well. “Bonnie and Emily dears, since you were both such a big help today. I want you both to be today’s Junior Nannies with me in the Caterpillar room!” Both of the girls squeal excitedly, jumping up and dancing around together. Baby Cindy giggles and coos back, smiling at the two girls, having enjoyed their coloring time, excited to play with them more. The girls walked over to the stroller beaming back at Baby Cindy. Giggling as they hold hands and stand beside the stroller as Miss Harriet starts pushing Baby Cindy out with Emily and Bonnie. “So girls, first we’re gonna need to get Baby Cindy into a fresh diaper, and then it’s going to be lunchtime. So we’ll need to feed her. Can I count on you both?” She asks doubtfully, giggling as they bounce up and down making sure Miss Harriet knows they’ll be a big help to her. They enter the nursery as the other babies start rotating through their lunch time. “Awww so many babies!” Emily coos as she skips inside and looks around the nursery. Bonnie giggles and squeezes her hand, “hehe, but we get to help with the biggest one ever!” They both let out giggles as the stroller is parked and Baby Cindy is helped out, standing up with Miss Harriet. Bonnie holds her other hand and they all walk over to Baby Cindy’s special changing table. With Baby Cindy joining the daycare full time with no sign of graduating, she needed appropriate furniture. Baby Cindy’s Mommy was happy to supply everything they’d need to make her baby fit right in with the others, while also making something to enhance the special program. For one, the changing table was in the back of the room with the regular nursery table. But beside it sat a larger, plushy table, fit for a baby of Cindy’s size. It was covered in Princess’ and was fully stocked with only the best changing accouterments available, including special ones produced by Joan. And it was monogrammed with “Baby Cindy” on the poofy white changing pad that sat above it. The girls giggled and looked over it in awe, as Baby Cindy approached the changing table, or as Miss Harriet called it, “Her royal throne”. Baby Cindy was helped onto the table and rested comfy, bringing her legs up to her and rocking back and forth. Waiting for yet another change out of her very soggy pampers. As blushy as she could be perpetually in diapers, she had found acceptance, as well as a sense of entitlement. With all the attention that comes from being a big baby. Miss Harriet looked back at the girls, “Bonnie I’m going to have you stand under and hand us what we need to change Baby Cindy, Emily you’ll hop up with me and be my assistant.” Bonnie pouted a bit not getting to be the helper. But Emily was a little bit older and had been working her way out of pullups, unlike Bonnie. So Emily got picked up onto the table. “Hi Baby Cindy, we’re gonna get that soggy diapie off of you!” She giggled. Baby Cindy cooed and rocked more. Miss Harriet then went right to it like every day. She unbuttoned the snaps on Baby Cindy’s onesie, pulling it up and showing her soggy Bunnyhops. Emily giggled at her cute, yellow diapers as she sat on her knees and watched Miss Harriet. “Bonnie! She’s got Bunnies on her diapie!” she called down to Bonnie who giggled and bounced from the side trying to get a peak. Miss Harriet opened up Baby Cindy’s diaper and started to wipe her down. Baby Cindy looked up and started to drift into her baby space, where she usually goes when she’s getting changed. Especially at daycare. Which helped her be less blushy during diaper changes with Junior Nannies. As Miss Harriet wiped down Baby Cindy’s sticky little privates. Emily giggled and asked without a second thought, “Does Baby Cindy like being a girl even when she used to be a boy?” A question that made Baby Cindy blush bright red, unsure if she should say or do anything, just lying helplessly in her open wet diaper. Before she could think anything else, Miss Harriet chirped up “Baby Cindy is the happiest big baby I’ve ever seen, and she’s especially happy to be a baby girl isn’t that right pumpkin?” She tickled Baby Cindy’s tummy and made her wiggle and giggle bunches, making Emily and Bonnie giggle and awww. Answering that question for everyone. Miss Harriet pulled out her wet diaper under her bottom and rolled it up shut. Tying it up and handing it to Emily to put it in Baby Cindy’s diaper pail beside her. As Emily took care of it, Miss Harriet asked for a diaper from Bonnie, who kneeled down and picked up a clean diaper for her. This time a special diaper, brought in from Baby Cindy’s Mommy. A XXXL Bluey huggies made for babies like Cindy. “Ooo great choice” Miss Harriet smiled as she laid down the diaper and slid it under Baby Cindy’s bottom. “Now what am I gonna ask for next” Asked Miss Harriet to Bonnie. Who was already pulling out the baby powder and rash cream. “Wow so smart!” said Miss Harriet. Giggling as she applied some cream onto Baby Cindy’s bottom. She then took the Baby powder bottle and had Emily hold onto it with her as they sprinkled a little over Baby Cindy’s baby bits. Emily beamed as Miss Harriet taped down her diaper and snapped her onesie back over the fresh crinkly huggies. A little pat on the butt signaled to Baby Cindy she was clean. Giving out happy gurgles and smiles behind her paci. “You did such a good job changing Baby Cindy today girls! Let's cheer for them Cindy!” Miss Harriet would clap for them as Cindy joined in, the girls were bouncing and bowing feeling so proud. “Can you say thank you Baby Cindy?” Miss Harriet asked the excited baby, “Thwank wuh” she made out with her paci still in her mouth. Making everyone laugh. Now that she was fresh, Baby Cindy was brought over to her special highchair with Bonnie and Emily in tow. Baby Cindy took a seat with Miss Harriet's help and strapped into her chair, tall enough that her chubby legs dangled from the seat. Bonnie and Emily were brought to her height with an extra seat built into the highchair. “Now girls, I’m gonna have Bonnie help me feed Baby Cindy her lunch ok?” Emily immediately got pouty, “What do I get to do then?” she asked. Miss Harriet ties a big bib around Baby Cindy’s mouth, it reads “Princess Pamper Packer”, she also hands a little cloth to Emily, “You’ll help keep Baby Cindy clean. She can be a messy eater” giving Emily so much joy as she dances in her seat. The girls feed Baby Cindy two jars of big baby food. The thought process around Baby Cindy has become to keep her as the youngest infant she can be. So she’s been without solid food for almost a year now. Her Mommy thinks she is doing just wonderful on a strict formula and baby food diet. Even Baby Cindy has been enjoying it, especially when it’s a special blend Mommy has been making. Giving her yummy different dinners all mushed up in a jar. Or just some regular flavors, to keep her level and not expecting something too exciting for her sensitive tummy. Bonnie feeds Baby Cindy a jar of carrots and peas and a jar of banana strawberry. Baby Cindy fills her cheeks and still chews, feeling it drip down her chin as she doesn’t eat with her mouth closed and having the girls work to get it all in. “Sit still silly!” Emily giggled as Baby Cindy wiggled around as she had her face wiped. Miss Harriet laughs at how much of a handful she was being. One that was thoughtfully watched over by someone as experienced as Miss Harriet. After she’s all fed, Baby Cindy is put back into her stroller and the girls follow behind. “Thank you so much for all your help today, girls. I know Baby Cindy really appreciated it.” The girls giggle and skip back to their class, where they’ll go to have their own lunches. “Goodbye Baby Cindy!” they call out as their teacher brings them back inside. Baby Cindy waves and Miss Harriet kneels down beside her stroller. “Alright Baby Cindy! Are you ready to play with the preschoolers!” She pumps her fists up. Baby Cindy nods and bounces excitedly. Miss Harriet started to push the stroller down the hall and through a door leading outside into the playground. Chapter 5 - Baby Cindy’s Playground PratFall The “LeapFrog” Preschool class had been taken out to the playground following their lunch. Young kids aged 3 to 4 ran around the fenced yard of the building, making up games to play with one another. They were all being watched by a young woman named Miss Carol. As Miss Harriet approached her with Baby Cindy, Miss Carol waved them over. Most of the kids were still playing but others ran over when they saw Baby Cindy getting pushed over. “Welcome Baby Cindy! The kids have been excited for you to join them!” Miss Carol said as Miss Harriet helped Cindy out of the stroller. A couple kids approached Baby Cindy, Patty was an eager little girl bouncing in place with her friend Peter, a more shy little boy. “Miss Harriet, Miss Carol, can Baby Cindy play tag with us?” Patty asked shyly. Miss Harriet nodded, “Sure thing kids, but Baby Cindy can’t always play big kid games well. So if she gets fussy just let me know.” She giggled and patted Baby Cindy’s bottom as the kids took the big baby’s hand as she toddled out onto the grass. Baby Cindy followed obediently, if not a little shy herself, a little shyer around the preschoolers, who were already becoming more advanced than she was. “Okie Baby Cindy, we’re gonna play tag. We're gonna run around and someone is it. Don’t get it or you gotta tag another kid.” Patty explained this to Baby Cindy who was barely listening, looking around at the green grass and screaming toddlers running around the playground and swings. She smiled but didn’t realize that all the kids were running away. She started to toddle around in circles, doing her best to fit in. But was soon tagged by another boy. “Baby Cindy’s it!” the boy yelled out laughing. Baby Cindy saw the boy running away from her. She started waddling after him, but he quickly outran her. She tried chasing other kids but everyone was a little faster than her despite her longer legs, her thick diaper bottom seriously slowing her down in the grass. After a minute or so, Baby Cindy was getting tired of everyone running away. She stopped in her tracks and pouted, sitting in the grass and huffing, a minor temper tantrum compared to what Baby Cindy was capable of. Patty saw Baby Cindy wasn’t having fun and ran back to her, trying to console her, “Awww I’m sorry Baby Cindy, you can tag me if you want?” She kneeled on the grass and rubbed her back. Miss Harriet, having watched everything, started to approach, deciding that for the sake of the other kids, Baby Cindy played something less challenging. Patty raises her hand “I can take Baby Cindy to the sandbox. I don’t mind playing with her.” Miss Harriet pulled out a gold sticker for her. “That’s a great idea sweetie, have fun you two. Make sure she doesn’t put any sand in her diaper.” She giggled as Baby Cindy crawled after Patty in the grass towards the sandbox. Baby Cindy and Patty played around in the sandbox for the next 15 minutes. Patty had picked out some sand buckets and started filling them up to work on a castle. She found a little shovel and gave it to Baby Cindy, “Do you want to build the moat?” she offered as Baby Cindy started digging a hole around the space. The girls worked together and admired their sandy princess castle. “Wow we did so good, Baby Cindy, do you want to live in the castle together?” Patty asked. Baby Cindy cooed and went to sit on the castle, her big diaper bottom smushing the castle and getting her onesie all sandy. Patty giggled a bunch and patted Baby Cindy on the head, giving a big silly smile back. The two bonded playing together quietly, much calmer than most of the other preschooler’s. “Have you played Patty Cake before Baby Cindy?” Patty asked curiously, Baby Cindy cooed remembering playing it before with Sally. Patty smiled and sat in front of her, the two of them clapped hands together and Patty sang to the claps, “Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man, Bake me a cake, as fast as you can; Pat it, prick it, and mark it with B, Put it in the oven for baby and me!’ She gave Baby Cindy a tummy tickle when they finished and made her giggle. “Good job Baby Cindy! What do you wanna do before we go inside?” Patty asked curiously, wanting to let Baby Cindy pick something. Cindy looked around nervously, there were so many fun things to do and she didn’t know what to pick. But when she saw the slide in the jungle gym. She just pointed at it while sucking her paci and Patty understood. “Let’s slide Baby Cindy!” The two joined hands and made their way to the jungle gym. Baby Cindy toddled up the tough stairs, getting in line with Patty as they both waited to slide. Suddenly, Baby Cindy felt a familiar ping in her tummy, clenching as the feeling was a bother, one she knew how to easily get rid of. She started to grunt and push besides Patty. Patty looked over seeing her face scrunch up and started to realize what she was doing with a knowing giggle. Baby Cindy huffed and felt her lunch make its fated return, taking a large, soft poopy plop into the seat of her diaper. It made a small lump on her bottom as she emptied her tummy, Just Patty and her left on the jungle gym. Baby Cindy finished as turned back to Patty, giving her a knowing smile and a little giggle. Patty gave Baby Cindy a pat on the bottom, feeling her mushy lump and giggling more “Hehe, what a good baby.” to Baby Cindy’s soft, appreciative coos towards the positive reinforcement by her new friend. The girls looked from the top of the jungle gym as Miss Carol began to call the kids back inside. Patty quickly jumped down and slid a few feet down to the bottom. Looking back up at her padded playmate. “Come on Baby Cindy, slide down to me!” Baby Cindy looked at the slide and smiled, Getting in position to slide down and falling a bit onto her bottom with a harsh squish as her butt met the contents of her messy diaper, giggling to herself, almost like she did it intentionally. Baby Cindy slid down and joined Patty who gave her a friendly hug, before walking her to the doorway back inside. Miss Harriet followed with the stroller, letting Baby Cindy use her legs with Patty, who was doing a great job of making sure she didn’t leave the baby behind. The two of them entered the classroom and joined the rest of the kids in the middle of the classroom for storytime. Patty walked in holding onto Baby Cindy so they could sit next to each other. Patty could smell Baby Cindy, trying her best not to mind it so she wouldn’t lose her new baby friend. They sat together on the carpet as other kids joined them, leaving some distance between the two. As Miss Harriet walked through the door. It was pretty clear something was up with Baby Cindy and Patty. But the mystery was solved when Peter called out, “Ewwww, Miss Carol! Baby Cindy smells like poop!” Chapter 6 - Baby Cindy’s Poopy Preschool Predicament Miss Carol looked down at the carpet and could see Baby Cindy looking rather shy, along with a suspicious Patty beside her, but it was an unmistakable smell that someone in here had dropped a load into their pants. The suspect list dropped to one being Baby Cindy was the only one in the room still wearing diapers full time. Miss Carol smirked and came up with an idea, happy to make an example of the big baby sitting in her classroom. “Patty, can you bring Baby Cindy up to the front of the class for me please?” she asked Patty. The preschooler walked Baby Cindy to the front beside Miss Carol. Miss Harriet joined her on the side, standing close by the kids and getting a whiff of Baby Cindy’s bulging behind. Miss Carol looked at the class, “Well it smells like someone had a stinky accident huh kids?” she mocked, all the kids nodding and exclaiming “YES!” Baby Cindy looked around shyly with all the eyes on her being so judgmental. Miss Carol turned back to her, “Baby Cindy, did you make poopy on the playground?” Baby Cindy looked back and was so shy. She was used to the act but all the questions made her lose any big kid words she had left. “Patty, you were watching Baby Cindy? Didn’t you notice that she’s so smelly?” Miss Carol quizzed Patty, holding her nose and looking down shyly like she was in trouble. Miss Harriet decided to step in and cooed towards Cindy, placing her hand on her back. “Kids, remember Baby Cindy is still a baby.” she explained earnestly. “Babies like her don’t know when they need to potty like you guys.” More kids giggled and Miss Carol nodded. “Well if you don’t mind Miss Harriet, I want to check Baby Cindy with the class even if she isn’t so sure.” She smiled to more giggles from the crowd. Miss Harriet nodded, respecting what Miss Carol wanted to do and kneeled down next to Patty. “Patty do you wanna help me dear?” Miss Harriet asked her, Patty smiled and agreed. Holding Baby Cindy’s hand as they turned her around for the class. Cindy was suckling her paci and spacing out more as all the attention went to her, and specifically her bottom. Miss Harriet unbuttoned the onesie and pulled it open with a small gasp. “Oh Cindy hunny.” she tsk’d as she opened up the onesie to see a little bit of runny poop pushing out of the leg creases in her diaper. The back of her huggies were shaded a heavy brown, discoloring the dancing Bluey and Bingo palling around over her heinie. The class got really rowdy with giggles and ewws. Pulling up the onesie further showed the mess had crawled up her back and got on her onesie. Baby Cindy had a big blowout on the slide and the class couldn’t handle it. “Ewwww you can see all her poop!” The kids were giggling as Baby Cindy was turned around and blushing at all the noise, looking more shy at all their jeers. Feeling all of their negative energy as she started to well up behind her paci, genuinely not being able to help what the poop did in her diaper. “Now kids can we please go easy on Baby Cindy, it’s not her fault!’ Miss Harriet tried to hush the crowd, rubbing Baby Cindy’s back to calm her down. She sighed, trying to roll some positive in with this particularly embarrassing lesson. She looked to Patty who was blushing standing next to the huggies disaster beside her. “Patty sweetie. Do you know what it’s called when this happens to Baby Cindy?” Patty started to smile and nodded. “Baby Cindy had a diaper blowout Miss Harriet, sometimes my baby sister plays too long in her poopy diapers and then it starts to come out too” she giggled after she finished her sentence. “That’s right. Cindy is a very active baby and her diaper can’t always keep up with her.” Miss Harriet nodded and gave Patty a second star for the day. Not before saying, “And that’s why we need to tell a teacher when she needs a change. So she doesn’t get a rash alright?” Patty nodded bashfully and took her second sticker on her shirt. “Thank you kids for letting me know. I think It’s time Baby Cindy got changed out of this stinky old diaper.” Miss Harriet smiled and tugged Baby Cindy’s onesie back down, but not snapping it back, her full diaper peeking out below, giving it one last pat. “Can I please help Miss Harriet? I’m really good with my sister” asked Patty genuinely. Miss Harriet just chuckled. “I think I’m gonna handle her myself for right now. But maybe next time?” Patty nodded and gave Baby Cindy a pat on her thigh and smiled up. “Have a good changie Baby Cindy” she giggled, Cindy cooed sadly as her new friend sat back with her class. Miss Harriet went behind the stroller and got Baby Cindy’s diaper bag around her arm. She took Cindy’s hand and started leading her into the Preschool bathroom as Miss Carol got the kids attention again with a new story to be read. Baby Cindy waddled into the bathroom and started to head towards the potty to sit down. Miss Harriet held her back, “Sweetie just stand still please. We don’t want you getting your poopy on the big kids potty.” She rubbed her tummy with a smile and placed the diaper bag on the sink. Baby Cindy’s diaper bag was a necessity in most any situation, stocked with everything one could need looking after such a stinky big baby. Miss Harriet pulled out Baby Cindy’s Moana changing pad and rolled it onto the floor of the bathroom. “Come come, stand here please” she patted the floor and Baby Cindy waddled on top of it. Miss Harriet took off Baby Cindy’s Bonnet and set it aside, she pulled up her onesie and tossed it on the floor for now, it didn’t stand a chance against a Baby Cindy Blowout. In just her very smelly huggies, Baby Cindy sucked her paci and hugged her body. Looking down as Miss Harriet untapped her diaper and gently brought it to the ground. A big swath of brown covered the inside of the diaper, with plenty left around Baby Cindy’s waist. She had successfully caked herself in her own mess after the bumpy slide ride. Miss Harriet sighed a little and looked up at Baby Cindy, finding her smile again saying, “You can be quite the handful baby girl.” She chuckled as she started to use some baby wipes to clean off Cindy's mushy bottom. Baby Cindy felt her soft touch wiping her off, feeling cleaner as Miss Harriet worked through, wiping down her little privates, feeling them flinch a little at her touch but barely growing by any noticeable measure. “Patty looked like she really liked playing with you sweetheart.” she cooed. Putting down the last wipe as she spun Baby Cindy around to make sure she was clean from all her mess. Baby Cindy smiled, feeling less yucky and also cooing at her words. “So many of the girls love being able to help take care of babies, and you’re really the best baby I’ve ever seen Baby Cindy” she kept gushing to her as she balled up the messy diaper and put that on the side of the stinky onesie. She helped Baby Cindy down onto the changing mat, reaching into the diaper bag and pulling out a fresh Tykables Unicorn for her. “I’ve looked after a lot of babies hun, and I’ve never met one as obedient, darling, and quite as adorable as you Baby Cindy.” She pulled open the diaper and laid it down, scooting Baby Cindy up and sitting her back into the fresh crinkles. “Plus growing up is good and well for the other kids, but babies as special as you deserve to stay that perfect forever.” She cooed, rubbing Baby Cindy’s privates and bottom in diaper rash cream and adding a sprinkling of baby powder, filling Baby Cindy’s nose with all her favorite nice smells. “So don’t ever worry about making lots of pee pee and poo poo’s in your diaper baby for me. Because I’ll always be around to change them” Miss Harriet taped up her diaper and gave her a gentle tummy rub. Seeing Baby Cindy’s confident smile behind her paci as proof she was good as new. Baby Cindy sat up on the changing mat and bounced softly. Hearing the familiar crinkles of a clean diaper. Miss Harriet leaned over to peck Baby Cindy’s forehead. “All clean!” She smiled as she stood up and put the changing supplies back into the diaper bag. “Now we need to get you a new outfit Princess!” She looked down as the happy baby, rocking gently on the floor in her diapers and sketchers. Miss Harriet’s eyes lit up as she pulled out Baby Cindy’s spare onesie. A sparkly pink onesie with princess dress prints along the chest and tummy. Complete with poofy sleeves, back ribbon, and ruffles on the butt, it certainly made a statement for the wearer. “How darling!” Miss Harriet giggled as she showed Baby Cindy, who cooed happily at her new onesie. Mommy told her Sally picked it out for Baby Cindy’s birthday, and it was one of Sally’s favorites for her sister. She cooed and lifted her arms as Miss Harriet pulled the onesie over her head, bringing Cindy up and snapping the crotch and fixing out the frilly Princess outfit. “I don’t think that’s all” Miss Harriet smiled as she pulled out the final pieces for Baby Cindy’s outfit. A poofy bonnet with green gems on the brim. “I swear no one works a bonnet like you Baby Cindy.'' Miss Harriet giggled as she tied it around Baby Cindy's head. Next was a bedazzled pacifier, Baby Cindy felt her old paci replaced as well as a new frilly paci clip attached to the front. Last but not least was a little rattle toy, blinged out like a scepter fit for a baby. “Wowwe, you look like the most regal crinkler I’ve ever met Baby Princess Cindy!” Miss Harriet turned Baby Cindy around and showed her. She looked like the most frilly, fanciest baby who ever lived! With so many different odds and ends, Baby Cindy sucked her paci with her usual grin, not sure what else to do in the moment but bouncing around all excited. Miss Harriet folded up the messy onesie and put it in the diaper bag with everything else. She picked up the messy diaper in one hand and Baby Cindy's free hand with the other. Taking her out of the bathroom just as the preschooler’s were getting ready for naptime. “OH MY GOSH LOOK AT BABY CINDY” Patty screamed. All of the kids looked over and got a big reaction out of Baby Princess Cindy. A mix of oos, aahs, and giggles for sure as Baby Cindy was led into her stroller and smiled back at the other kids, shaking her rattler to more giggles. “Can we please play with her later!” Patty asked from her mat up at Miss Harriet, giving Baby Cindy the most glassy eyes in awe. “I’m sorry hunny, I gotta take Baby Cindy back to the nursery for her nap. She still needs to sleep in a crib. But she’ll certainly be back another day” Miss Harriet explained empathetically to the kids. “Now say bye-bye Baby Cindy” she called out, “BYE-BYE BABY CINDY!” They all spoke in unison. Cindy gave everyone a wave with her rattler as she was turned around and pushed out the door by Miss Harriet, leaving the kids to their nap. Baby Cindy and Miss Harriet made it back into the Nursery as naptime was already in progress. The blinds were pulled down and the infants were sleeping on floor mats, a few others taking cribs in the back. That was where Baby Cindy was heading. Baby Cindy was brought over to the crib area, where her specialty plush crib was set up among other smaller regular ones. “Wow, we're being visited by royalty today in the Caterpillar room huh?” giggled Miss Lauren. Getting a smile from Miss Harriet and Cindy. Miss Harriet unstrapped Baby Cindy and opened up the crib for her to climb into. Baby Cindy got on her back and the bars were pulled up. She saw Jessa, a pink poodle, one of Baby Cindy’s favorite nursery stuffies still in her crib. Snuggling it in her arms and giggling. Miss Harriet smiled back at her through the bars and pulled out an apple juice bottle cut with water for Baby Cindy. “Sweet dreams Princess” she smiled and gave her one last tummy tickle before walking away and letting the sweet nursery music play. Baby Cindy took a few sips of her bottle before she was lulled to sleep.
  24. Hello, I want to ask if anyone's read books that have elements that would work perfectly in kink stories (ABDL, sissy, pet play, bdsm, what have you) but are written as normal, or for apparent other reasons. This can be as extreme or subtle, and deliberate or accidental as possible. For example: Brideshead Revisited (a semi classic novel) has a character named "Sebastian" who is a university undergrad that carries around a teddy bear, acts in a very childish manner, and is generally treated in line with that. He definitely isn't meant to be a "little," it was a critique of the naivete of the upper class, but I could definitely see the same character in a kink story. The Garden of Eden, an unfinished novel by Hemingway, deals with a lot of gender flipping. A male character is pressured to present as female while his wife presents as male. Again, not sure what Hemmingway intended, but some parts would definitely work in a sissy story. A probably ripe genre would be (As in swords and dragons fantasy, not AB fantasy) books I've read. The Wheel of Time (spoiler alert for the show) contained things that I only realized later were comparable to pet play, bdsm, and age play. Sword of Truth takes it further with an army of women who are basically dominatrixes. In both cases they are just written as normal parts of their 'worlds,' but I'm fairly certain that is what the author intended.
  25. "Awe, what's wrong little sissy," my mommy asked me as we pulled into the driveway. "I don't want to do this," I replied. "What," Mommy said. "You've been saying for months how much fun it would be to have a sissy play date. Now that I've set one up for you, you want to back down?" "Yes," I answered. "I know I said that, but I meant like watching cartoons and coloring with another person in diapers and dresses. This is a sleepover, and you won't even be there!" "Well too bad sissy. Now get going," Mommy said as she stepped out of the car. "Everything is already set up, and I have plans tonight that I will be late for if you keep dragging your feet. So unless you want to come home to a punishment tomorrow you'll put some pep in your little sissy steps." Mommy took me by the hand and led me up the walk to the house's front door. She rang the doorbell, holding my hand in a vice-like grip. A diaper bag was slung over her other shoulder. The door was answered by an older woman, hair starting to gray. She and Mommy embraced in a warm hug. Mommy then handed her my diaper bag. "Hi Kathleen," Mommy said. "Everything little sissy Brian needs is in there. Sorry he isn't wearing anything. He is nervous about his sleepover with Sam tonight, and was being fussy so I didn't have much time to get him ready. Thank you so much for doing this tonight though." "I don't worry about. You know I love dressing up sissies," Kathleen said. "You didn't need to pack all this though. You know I have plenty of diapers for the two little sissies." "I know, but I didn't want to take advantage. I will be by to pick him up tomorrow at 10:00 though," Mommy said. Turning her attention to me, she said, "now Brian, you be a good sissy tonight and listen to everything Aunty Kathleen tells you. She has my permission to punish you any way she sees fit, and if I hear you needed a punishment, you can bet it will be worse when you get home tomorrow. Now give me a kiss goodbye. " Chastised and blushing, I gave Mommy a kiss before being pulled into the house by Kathleen. Kathleen then closed the door, causing Mommy to disappear from my view. "Now, should we get you properly dressed?" Kathleen asked me. "Yes Ma'am," I replied. Kathleen then took me by the hand, leading me deeper into the house. We headed up a flight of stairs, stopping outside of A soft pink door. Kathleen opened the door, revealing an adult baby nursery that every sissy baby dreamed of having. A crib with a twin sized mattress dominated one corner of the room. A changing table with diapers stacked underneath dominated the opposite corner. Both were covered in restraints that could completely immobilize anyone using the furniture. A large rocking chair occupied a third corner of the room underneath a large window, and sex and baby toys were scattered across the floor of the rest of the room. "Once you are properly dressed you can go play with Sammy. Does that sound fun Brianna?" Kathleen asked me. She started undressing me instantly, so I don't think my answer mattered beyond avoiding punishment for being rude. So I responded, "Yes, Ma'am." Kathleen untied my shoes first, making me rest my hand on her back while she pulled my shoes and socks off my feet. She then unbuttoned my shorts, pulling them and my underwear down in a single smooth motion. Kathleen made me rest my hands on her again for support as I stepped out of the leg holes. I wanted to cover myself with my hands in one last act of modesty, but as my arms moved down Kathleen caught them and lifted them up above my head. Then, she pulled my t-shirt up above my head and I was naked. Once undressed, I was ushered up on top of the changing mat, and Kathleen buckled a single strap across my waist, holding me onto the table. "Your momma would be so upset if something happened to her little sissy, so I need to take extra special care with you, don't I?" This time, I left it as a rhetorical question and didn't respond. Kathleen bent below my eye site for a second, returning with a diaper thicker than any I had ever seen before. Kathleen set it on my chest. So I could stare right at it, while she pulled out the other supplies she needed. I wondered how badly I would be waddling in the diaper until I felt something cold around my balls. The diaper blocked my view, but I could tell that Kathleen was putting my chastity cage on me. Chastity was a kink that my wife and I often indulged in with one another. But having your wife lock away your cock was one thing, and an older woman who had never touched you intimately before was entirely another. Normally, I was hard as a rock and my wife had to use a cold washcloth or another trick to get me into the cage. This time, I was so timid about being locked up by Kathleen that my cage was almost too small for me. "I have no idea why your mommy said I should expect trouble getting your cage on you," Kathleen said as she sealed my dick in with a click. "You have such a well behaved sissy clitty for me." Kathleen then lifted my hips up, slipping the diaper underneath me. A liberal cloud of powder soon coated my chastity cage and butt crack. I turned and twisted on the table as Kathleen rubbed the powder into my diaper area. Sam often had a bruised ass when I hung out with him, so I knew Kathleen wasn't shy about delivering a spanking. Because of this, I tried to stay still, but it was also deeply embarrassing having Kathleen touching my genitals so thoroughly and business-like, as if I were nothing more than a child she was babysitting. Satisfied that my nether regions were thoroughly protected from diaper rash, Kathleen then taped the diaper up with the same efficiency. Kathleen then ran her fingers through the waist and leg bands, checking the fit of the diaper. Satisfied, she slid a pair of plastic locking panties up my legs. Once they covered the diaper, Kathleen released me from the changing table, so she could roll me onto my side to lock the plastic panties on with a click. I wasn’t allowed off of the changing table until she had given the panties a few test pulls to make sure they wouldn't come off. After the diaper and plastic panties were put on me, Kathleen went digging through Sammy's sissy closet for an outfit for me to wear. She was in there for a minute before she popped back out with an armful of clothes. First, Kathleen had me put on a simple white camisole. Then came a very frilly pink dress, with ruffles and frills on both the skirt and shoulders. Kathleen made me raise my arms above my head while she slipped it over my head. She then zipped it up my back. A small click indicated she had locked the dress around my neck when she had fully zipped it up my back. A bright white corset was then wrapped around my torso. Since it was more decorational than for waist shaping, Kathleen only tightened the corset until it was mildly uncomfortable. Next, Kathleen snuck a matching pair of bloomers up my legs and over my diaper. Lastly, two petticoats were slid up my legs and around my waist, adding a nice poof and flair to my outfit. "You make such a lovely little sissy Brianna," Kathleen said. "Now you just need a lovely little wig and something to cover up that unfortunate addition God put on your throat. You be a good sissy and stay right there." Kathleen left the room, leaving me alone. She was gone for a while. At least long enough for me to be bored, and start swishing my skirt and petticoats back and forth, watching them twirl around my waist. Kathleen caught me off guard as she reentered the room. "A sissy and her skirts," she said as she walked back in, a box in her arms. I blushed, embarrassed, while she pulled a blonde, ringlet wig out of the box. "We discovered, Sammy is more of a brunette than a blond, so he doesn't wear this one much." Kathleen placed a wig cap on my head, then slid the wig into place. A few adjustments and a pink headband later she was finished with my hair. To complete my outfit, a pink ribbon was tied around my throat to cover up my Adam's apple. "Now you look like such a darling little sissy," Kathleen said. She didn't let me look at myself in the mirror though. Instead, she took me by the hand, leading me out of the room and back downstairs to her living room. *Part Two* Set up in the center of the room was a large playpen. Another sissy sat in the center of the playpen, half heartedly pushing two teddy bears around in front of them while baby cartoons played quietly on the tv. The sissy in the playpen was Sam, or Sammy, the person I was having a "sleepover" with. They were dressed in a yellow baby party dress, wearing a brunette bob wig with a small bonnet tied around their chin. As Kathleen helped Sammy stand up out of the playpen, I saw his skirt was stiff enough and accompanied by enough petticoats that the bottom of his diaper and plastic pants just peeked out between his legs. It was interesting, seeing Sammy and Kathleen so close together. Unlike my mommy, who was only a few years older than me, Kathleen was older than Sammy by a couple of decades. The marked age difference and between Sammy and Kathleen, and his appearance, truly made Sammy appear to be a child, even though he was only two years younger than I. "Now, doing each other's makeup and nails is a classic sleepover activity for girls. I was thinking you two sissies would love doing that for each other, wouldn't you?" Kathleen said. "Yes mommy," Sammy said. I simultaneously said, "Yes aunt Kathleen." "Alright, both of you be good and sit on the floor, while I go and get the makeup," Kathleen said. Sammy and I knelt on the floor as Kathleen left. We sat there in awkward silence, neither of us sure really how to start a conversation in our present state. Kathleen finally returned, makeup caboodle in one hand and a bag of makeup brushes in the other. Setting the items down, she said, "Ok, which one of you wants to be made up first?" After an awkward silence, I eventually raised my hand. "Good sissy Brian," Kathleen said. She sat on the ground in between Sammy and I, and began unpacking all of the things she had brought down. First, she directed Sammy in applying foundation to my face, then eyeshadow, blush, and lip gloss. Once Kathleen was satisfied with Sammy's work, she had me do the same, following the same steps of dabbing the foundation onto Sammy before gently coloring his eyes in a yellow eyeshadow to match his dress. Then a forced smile so that I could brush foundation onto the apples of his cheeks. Finally, strokes of lipgloss left a pink glittering shimmer on his lips. Kathleen showed us the results of our makeovers in a small hand mirror. Overall, they weren't great. I knew I could have done a better job with my makeup myself, and I knew that I didn't do a great job either on Sammy's makeup. It had been the first time I had put makeup on another person though, and I am sure Sammy was in a similar boat. Painting each other's nails went much better though. This time, Sammy went first. He was much more confident with the nail brush than makeup brushes, painting my fingernails in smooth baby pink streaks. Once my fingernails were coated in the delicate pink lacquer, my toenails received the same treatment. I then had to sit, hands and toes spread while my nails dried. The process was then repeated, as Sammy applied a second coat. When he was finished, my nails were a solid, baby pink color, and, unaccustomed to regularly having my nails painted, the paint gave my fingers an unusual weight. When my nails were finally dry, it was my turn to paint Sammy's nails. Kathleen had me paint his nails in a bright red that stood out when contrasted against his dress. As I finished the first coat, Kathleen had me gently sprinkle a little glitter across his fingernails, so that it got stuck in the nail polish. The second coat then sealed the glitter in, giving his nails a nice sparkle in addition to the red color. As we waited for Sammy's second coat of nail polish to dry, his stomach began to grumble with hunger. "Awe, is someone's tum-tum saying it wants din-dins," Kathleen teased. "Well don't you worry. I'll make a nice dinner for my two little sissy babies. Now I only have one high chair, and since his tummy is growling, I am going to feed Sammy first, is that ok Brian?" "Yes aunty Kathleen," I replied. "Such a helpful little sissy. No wonder you're Mommy never has to punish you. Unlike this one," Kathleen said, pinching Sammy's arm playfully. "Since you are the better behaved sissy, I am going to leave you here while I put Sammy in the high chair. Then I will put you in the bouncer so you can work up an appetite for dinner. Will you be good and sit here quietly while I do that?" "Yes Aunty Kathleen," I said again. She then helped Sammy stand and led him into the kitchen. Kathleen was gone for fifteen minutes before she returned, a padded, harness-like object in her hands. There were two long straps on the thing in her arms, which she connected to two pulleys suspended from the ceiling. I then stepped into the harness, holding my skirts and petticoats up, at Kathleen's command. She then lifted the harness up around my waist, gently tucking my petticoats and skirts intonthe waistband of the harness. A set of straps then went across my chest, holding the harness tight against my diaper, and holding me tight between the two straps connecting me to the ceiling. Kathleen then tightened the straps, so that it was just uncomfortable to stand flat footed on the ground. My wrists were then placed in two cuffs attached to the straps. She then unrolled a black mat, spreading it out underneath me. Two pads were connected to the mat, which she stuck just inside the leg bands of my bloomers. "From what your mommy has told me, you will enjoy this as much as Sammy, even if you won't admit it. It will also make sure you are nice and ready for dinner," Kathleen said as she plugged a cord extending from the mat into an outlet. As soon as the prongs connected, I jumped into the air, feeling an electric shock jolt through my legs. It happened again and again, and without any active effort on my part I was soon bouncing away. Kathleen had a smirk on her face as she left to feed Sammy. It didn’t take too long for me to connect that the pads on my legs and the mat I kept landing on were making a circuit that was providing the shocks. They weren't painful, so much as an unpleasant sensation in my legs. I couldn't tell if it was the sensation, the surprise of the shock, or a reaction from my legs but each shock launched me into the air, keeping me bouncing away. I tried curling my legs underneath me, once, to try avoiding the shocks. All this brilliant idea accomplished was giving me a diaper wedgie that crushed my balls and rammed my chastity cage unpleasantly into my crotch. I had no concept of time while bouncing away, but eventually I was able to collect my thoughts and think about something other than the shocks. The actual bouncing sensation felt rather good, causing my diaper to rub against me in a way that soon had my dick straining against its cage. I could also feel my diaper and the harness putting pressure against my butt. I was eventually wishing I had something inside of my ass, so I could fuck myself to orgasm while I bounced away. When Kathleen finally returned, she was leading Sammy from behind, who, in addition to his previous outfit, was sporting a massive bib covered in baby food and a pacifier bobbing in and out of his mouth. Kathleen unplugged the mat and pads from the wall, letting my feet land and stay on the ground. My legs were shaky as they landed on the ground. I realized that I was panting for breath, exhausted from my constant bouncing. Kathleen released me from the cuffs and harness, and I dropped on the floor, legs wobbly from the bouncer and exhaustion. I stayed on the floor, panting and trying to get the feeling back into my legs, until Kathleen had Sammy strapped into the bouncer. She then led me away into the kitchen while Sammy sucked a pacifier while bouncing away. Kathleen brought me into the kitchen, where a pink polka dot padded high chair with a white plastic tray was set against an island. Water streaks drying on it indicated it had just been thoroughly wiped down. Kathleen pulled the tray off the high chair, and helped me into the seat, fluffing my skirt and petticoats so that they would sit just right and not be ruffled by the tray. She then buckled straps across my shoulders and waist. Two more velcro straps pinned my arms firmly against the sides of the chair. Two final straps, one over my thighs, one over my ankles, bound me firmly to the chair. My legs could do little more than shuffle along the footrest while my arms could only wriggle at my sides. Kathleen then clicked the white tray into place. Kathleen started by affixing a bib, more akin to a hairdresser's cape, around my neck. It was so large it used multiple buttons to secure it around my neck, rather than tying in the back like a normal bib. She then placed two large baby bottles of milk on my tray. Next came a bowl of a thick, white pasty substance. Lastly, Kathleen placed three jars of baby food on the tray. Reading the labels, I could see the contents were peas, squash, and carrots. Kathleen opened each of the cars, stirring them into the bowl with the white substance using a large soup spoon. Kathleen then dipped the spoon into the mushy mixture. Her mouth opened to start making a noise, but before she made a sound I opened my mouth to swallow the heaping spoonful. "Such an obedient sissy," Kathleen said as I wrapped my lips around the spoon. I coughed and sputtered trying to choke it down. It had an unpleasant taste combined with a vile mouth feel. Remembering the mess across Sammy's bib, I guessed that he enjoyed his dinner as much as I did. Kathleen was unphased by my reaction. She giggled to herself as she scooped up another spoonful bringing it to my mouth. I swallowed it, if only because I was determined not to get as messy as Sammy had clearly gotten during his feeding. While I was technically successful in this goal, I still got much more baby food on me than I liked. Kathleen would waste just long enough for me to choke down most of a spoonful, before feeding me the next. This made it inevitable, with each spoonful, that my mouth wouldn't be ready to receive it, and the food would smear onto my face or be scraped off the spoon and down onto my waiting bib. Kathleen didn't let me have any milk until I had eaten all of the bowl of mush. She then held the baby bottles to my lips. While I could control the rate at which I suckled, short air breaks were the only reprieve I had from anything other than drinking down the milk. I felt bloated by the time I had finally finished everything. Thankfully, Kathleen quickly wiped my face off and removed the bib. My Mommy must have shared with Kathleen how much I hated to be dirty and that it would remove me from subspace. Kathleen left me in the high chair while she washed the bowl and baby bottles. She then inserted a paci gag into my mouth, buckling it behind my head. I was then freed from the numerous restraints, and led back into the living room. Once Sammy was freed from the bouncer, Kathleen helped both of us into the playpen, where we were left to color in some coloring books. Part 3 "Wha vas hat groth pace?" I asked Sammy once Kathleen had left the room. "Wice pudding," Sammy gurgled out from behind his pacifier. I noticed he wasn't gagged, just obedient by not removing his pacifier. "Do you eath thath othen?" I continued. "Mothly on weethends. Mommy wets me eath normal fooths on worthdays, buth on weethends iths nether anyfing sowid," Sammy continued. I didn't ask him any more questions after that. The lisping induced by the pacifiers put an unfortunate damper on the ease of conversation. So instead we colored with our crayons in silence. We could hear Kathleen cooking dinner for herself in the kitchen. It smelled far more delectable than our meal. The smells of the kitchen though were replaced by a less pleasant odor as time wore on. I couldn't believe that Sammy had just let loose, messing his diaper like that with me right next to him. I knew toilets would be off limits with Kathleen as our caretaker, but I figured he would at least have tried to go when Kathleen could change him right away. From all of the milk I drank at dinner though, I did wet my diaper fairly well dur8ng our time in the playpen. Around half an hour later she returned to the living room, but didn't even comment on the foul odor that now hung in the room. Instead, she said, "You two have been such good sissy babies for me. How would you like a reward of going out for ice cream?" Sammy said "Yes please mommy," with excitement. I couldn't tell if his enthusiasm was real or fake. I suspected that we would be going out for ice cream dressed as we were, and I could feel my stomach start to rumble. I knew Inwould be soon doing the same action Inhad judged Sammy for about ten minutes earlier. For these reasons, I stupidly said. "No tank you pwease. I don wantha go outhide wike dis." "Oh, and you were being such a good little sissy Brian," Kathleen said, before brusquely yanking me out of the playpen and back up to the nursery. I put up no resistance, partly because I was deep in a submissive space at this point, partly because I was worried all of the walking would make me poop myself sooner. Kathleen sat down in the rocking chair in the nursery, and almost immediately afterwards had me down across her knees and the arms of the chair. Before I had a second to prepare myself, I felt a paddle slapping into my diapers with a loud WHACK. The diapers offered some protection, but soon the pain of the paddle was coming through and I was dancing across Kathleen's lap from the whacks and swats. She was merciless in her punishment, the blows coming hard and fast. Just when I thought my ass could take no more, she switched to my thighs, delivering a series of blows to my left, then right thighs. I doubted I would be sitting at work much Monday after this spanking. "Now, choose your next words carefully, sissy," Kathleen said, her tone adopting an iciness that broke nothing but fear. "Is there something you would like to ask me?" On the verge of tears, I stuttered out around my paci-gag, "Pwease Aunthy Kaffween, can I go outh for ith cream in my pwetty dwess, ethen though I hath been a bad thithy?" Kathleen's tone changed instantly, and she responded in her normal motherly voice, "why of course you and Sammy can go out for ice cream in your pretty dresses, and you haven't been a bad sissy dear." Kathleen then led me back downstairs, me awkwardly waddling in her wake. She slipped a pair of high heels on each of our feet, and fhen asked "Is it ok if Brian sits in the car seat Sammy, since he's our guest?" "Yeth mommy," Sammy responded. The car seat was impressive, and like the bouncer, made my submissive sissy heart do summer saults with glee. In Kathleen's van, one of the seats had been removed and replaced with a car seat that had extra padding, pink of course, with a hard frame that fully enveloped a person from their head to their butt. A five point harness kept them held tight against the chair, while two cuffs prevented anyone from freeing themselves on their own. It took almost no time for Kathleen to have me hooked and bound within the car seat. In fact, it took her a longer time to tie Sammy to his seat in the car, immobilizing him as well. With us two sissies bound and restrained in the back of the car, Kathleen pulled out of the garage and onto the road. She drove for nearly an hour, taking us to a place far outside of town. During the car ride, I messed my diaper several times. Each time, I thought I would be feeling the urge to go soon, but before I could control it, I would feel myself messing my diaper. I suspected that Kathleen put something into our food, since normally it took an abnormal amount of effort for me to mess my diaper. I noticed from a few grunts and moans that Sammy too was continuing to use his diapers. I really did enjoy the bondage of the car seat, but I would have enjoyed it more under different circumstances. My bottom was extra sensitive from the thrashing it had received, and every time I added to my diapers load, either through wetting or messing, it just irritated it more. I spent the majority of the long car ride fighting the restraints trying to find a comfortable position. Nearly an hour later, as it was just growing dark, we pulled into the parking lot of an ice cream stand out in the country. Before freeing Sammy and I, Kathleen went tonthe back of the van, and removed what turned out to be a life size stroller. She then removed the pacifiers from our mouths, and freshened up our lipstick. I was the first one freed, released from the car seat only to be sat in the stroller. It was almost identical to the carseat in terms of restraints and bondage. The only real difference was that my seat was now made of a thick canvas and I was angled at sixty degrees. I had a feeling this was a subtle way of Kathleen preventing me from standing while we got ice cream. With me restrained in the adult stroller, I could do nothing but continue to helplessly fill my diaper in small amounts and feel it smear against my sore bottom. Sammy was prevented from having too much freedom for himself via a collar and leash that were placed around his neck and tied to the stroller, respectively. Kathleen parked us near the van, at one of the farther away picnic tables, before leaving to go order us ice cream. "Does her baby food usually make you mess your diapers like this?" I asked Sammy. "Yeah. That's why I only am fed it on weekends." He replied. "Also, don't worry, Mommy brings me here a lot. The owners are kinksters too, and so are a good majority of the customers. There are a few vanilla customers that discover the place and wanded in, but they only really advertise this place in the kink community as a place you can go for some light public play." "That's good." I said, trying to be nonchalant. Actually, this was a massive relief to me. I was always self conscious about going out as a sissy, even to kink spaces. I had never worn a diaper to a kink party, and outside of a few ageplay events at private homes, had never been a sissy baby in public before. If I wasn't so deep into sub space at the moment, I probably would have been having a mental breakdown. Kathleen returned, carrying two bowls of ice cream and a milkshake for herself. She pulled out two baby spoons from her purse, sticking them into the bowls of ice cream. She then handed one of the bowls to Sammy, who was allowed to feed himself. I had to be slowly fed the ice cream by Kathleen. Normally, I inhaled ice cream. Having to use these small spoons and take such delicate little bites made it take forever to eat the ice cream. About halfway through our bowls of ice cream, a large bear of a man came over. "Is that Kathleen and little baby Sammy I see over here," the man said as he approached. "Why, I barely recognized you in the dark. Oh, and it looks like you have another little sissy. Who is this?" "Hi Robert," Kathleen said. "This is Sissy Brian. He is having a sleepover with baby Sammy tonight. Since they were such good little sissies, I thought I would take them out for ice cream. Sammy, aren't you going to greet Robert?" Sammy sat his ice cream down, then stood up, needing to take a step nearer to me on his heels to not be choked by the collar and leash. Robert obliged Sammy, taking another step as well. Robert would have towered over Sammy, were it not for his heels. These gave Sammy just enough height to kiss Robert on each cheek before giving him a kiss on the lips. "Hello Sir," Sammy then said. Robert then leaned down toward me, his face a few inches from mine. I knew he wanted a greeting from me as well. The welts from my previous paddling were acutely noticeable in my dirty diaper, so I complied, not wanting to receive another punishment. I strained against the restraints of my stroller, reaching up to give him a soft kiss on each cheek before one on his lips, which went longer than I intended. I don't know if that was my subconscious doing or his. "Hello Sir, nice to meet you," I said to Robert. Robert's face was bristly from his beard, and his lips were dry and chapped, whereas I don't think stubble could be felt on my soft face and lips. The contrast between us at that moment truly had me feel like a simpering, pathetic, pantywaist, and my cock was straining against its cage to become hard as a rock. Robert sat down where Sammy had been seated, scooping the sissy up onto his lap. He gave the sissy a few bounces on his knee, making Sammy blush and moan. Then, he struck up a conversation with Kathleen, and began feeding Sammy the rest of his ice cream. I was curious just how familiar Robert was with Kathleen and Sammy, being that he could just start feeding him without asking him, or even Kathleen if they were ok with it. Robert dominated most of the conversation, talking about some recent trip of his to Boston. I didn’t know him, and calling the conversation vanilla would indicate it was more interesting than it was, so I zoned out, losing myself in my own little world of eating small bites of ice cream, feeling a twinge in my stomach, and filling my diaper a little more. I wet my diaper a couple of times as well while eating ice cream, which was a weirdly pleasurable experience. As I sat, I wondered how my diaper was holding up. I never used my diaper this much with my Mommy, and it was safe to say this was the most I had ever filled one. My musings on the structural integrity of my diaper were interrupted by emptying my bowl of ice cream. I was embarrassed to re enter reality, with Kathleen gently rocking me back and forth in the stroller while Sammy was once again being gently bounced up and down on Robert's knee. "It's getting late. This little one almost fell asleep here on us. I better get these sissy babies into their crib for the night," Kathleen said. "Good idea," Robert agreed, setting Sammy on his feet on the ground. "They could also use a bedtime bath too, boy do these sissies reek." Sammy and I turned a crimson shade of red from the comments about the state of our diaper. Robert gave Sammy a goodbye kiss, before giving Kathleen a hug and patting me on the head before heading back to his own car. Kathleen took us back to ours, transferring me once again from the stroller into the carseat, and tying Sammy into his chair, before taking us home. I woke up to Kathleen gently rubbing me awake. Apparently, I had passed out as soon as the car started moving, and was sleeping deeply the entire car ride, despite my bondage and the state of my diaper.
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