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Warning As with my previous stories, this one contains several elements inherent to a break with social normities. These include, but are not limited to: Diapers and their usage for their intended purpose Non-consensual mental regression through various means (Including possible drugs, hypnosis, and/or surgery) References to surgery to achieve various nefarious goals Humiliation Chastity and forced crossdressing Predominantly female domination (some male) Babying of adults Punishments (often unfair, degrading, and/or humiliating) Experimentation on humans Coerced or manipulated actions through possible means of white lies, gas lighting, or incentives Mild language or use of expletives Depictions of death, illness, or handicaps Political themes associated with revolutions or desires of change or freedoms Graphic imagery associated with any of these warnings This story has not been labeled as mature, due to a lack of specific acts to anything overtly sexual; however, some fetishes maybe touched on in this story more than my previous ones. Still, as usual, this warning serves as a 'turn back' point for any readers who do not wish to read about the previous warnings. Lastly, this list here is subject to change during the course of writing this story. While most of the plot is ironed out, more warnings may be warranted later if needed (though may not be added). If I deem any chapters to be too ‘triggering,’ I will issue another separate warning beforehand. Hey everyone! Welcome back to my little story corner on here. As I noted last time, this story is all about a maturity reform center for boys in a sort of alternative future from our own. Everything basically gets explained in the first chapter, so don’t worry there if you might be confused at all about this notion. It’s pretty easy, but for those of you wondering, I’m not going to lie… the phrase ‘girls rule, boys drool,’ is pretty apt for this story. Keep that in mind with this society’s mindset and a lot of things here will make more sense at least. Fair or logical from our own viewpoints may not always be accurate. Moving on, I do have to give credit where credit is due though. I saw this idea from a post that has been long deleted from ‘nomorepantsforme.’ I’m not even entirely sure it was their original idea either, but I want to give the acknowledgement where I can at least, since I really just couldn’t pass up the framework that I saw that day. I would gladly link the website where I originally saw these images posted, but it was a Tumblr account, and well… I’m pretty sure you all know what happened to it at this point. Still, I’ve expanded the story a lot since those initial postings, and everything pretty much takes on a life of its own after chapter three basically. Considering there are at least 36 chapters right now and this story takes place across a period of over three years during the plot, I would say buckle up, but I guess in the case for most of you, maybe get someone else who you trust to do that for you. All joking aside though, this story will take a bit of time to completely finish and put out on here. I definitely don’t have as much time as I used to, and that’s unfortunate, but I will work on this story as much as I can. I’ve already completed several sections, and I’ve got the plot all mostly ironed out by now, so that should make things easier, but I would just ask for your patience at this point. I can’t stick to a schedule, so I would just suggest staying vigilant for further updates. Looking ahead though, I will post another poll with the next chapter for the story you wish for me to write next. While some of you expressed a desire to move on away from the Strawpoll website where I posted the last poll, I think it was just too successful to stop it completely. I am still curious though about everyone’s continued thoughts, so I have left this poll up (which can be found at https://strawpoll.com/05ZdzWkrbn6). All that being said, if any of you wish to privately message me or post directly on here regarding your desires about polling or even my next story, I would count and read those responses/comments as well. Still, improvements to this system can always be made and I’m pretty open minded, so if any of you have a suggestion for polling in a different way for future stories, I’m very open to any ideas. Last but not least and as usual, I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter of this next story of mine! Chapter 1: Departure Day I clicked the recording the device, cleared my voice, and spoke up. “I’m an average guy in an average city who once lived an average life. I obeyed the law, never stood out from the crowd, and minded my own business as much as I could. I followed the rules and stayed out of trouble. For all intents and purposes, I never expected myself to be at the center of a sweeping change and then be asked to talk about it.” I paused and stopped the recording. Shuffling in my seat, a slight crinkle could be heard, but that was just everyday life for me now. I strained and looked back at Laura. “Is that okay? Do you think that’s what they want?” She smiled and nodded. “Of course. The people interested in how this whole thing went down just want to have a record of what happened. Lots of changes and all and your experiences should be recorded for future posterity. With everything that happened, someone is bound to ask questions about it all one day. So, my suggestion… there is no right and wrong. Just say what you think, sweetie.” I smiled back at her, her help through all this a constant in my life still, sighed, and then turned back to the recording device. I knew someone else would already be condensing my thoughts down later. Especially considering what had happened to me, Laura had suggested the recording device rather than me writing everything down. Writing everything down like that was just a bit too hard timing-wise these days… plus how I got here in the first place wasn’t helping matter either. I was already getting hungry for my midday snack... Still, I had to press on while everything was still fresh in my head. So, taking Laura’s advice, I pushed the recording button once more. I sighed again and leaned back into my chair. “Well, I could start earlier and explain a bit, but I suppose ‘Departure Day’ was where everything truly changed for me…” * * * The day is here at last and now there’s no more waiting. I’m 18, graduated from high school, and now it’s late August. Before everything changed a few years back, for someone like me, that meant a job, travelling the world, or college. It was a mark of maturity for everyone in this country or at least a sign that one’s life was moving forward. Now, however, being a guy, this time of year in my life can only mean one thing for me. I’m headed to a center, or what the government calls a ‘Juvenile Evaluation Center for All Males,’ located somewhere within 100 miles of me right now. Each had a different name and even reputation, but my fate to at least one of them was already sealed. And here I was all this time in my life over the past year, thinking that stupid law would be repealed by the time I reached 18 and then hit the beginning of the term in late August of the same year. I think every guy my age hoped the same thing… I mean, forcibly take a bunch of 18-year-old males and test their maturity as a barrier to enter society as an adult, or if they fail… then something else. A law like that in the ‘land of the free’ just had to be repealed. ‘Right?’ Wrong. Apparently fifteen years of a law enacted was just the right amount of time where most were still happy about the perceived benefits of the law, and any who weren’t, could still be told to ‘just give the law some more time to sink in’ and hope that later, it would become more normalized. Anyone told that last part wasn’t holding their breath… including me, especially now on ‘Departure Day.’ See, before fifteen years ago, no one had ever been to one of these centers, but now, every year after a male turned 18, they got sent off to a center and evaluated for their maturity the following August, whether they wanted to or not. Refusal meant an outright failure, so rebels against the law had almost altogether disappeared in the past 15 years. It was a harsh punishment and sentence for even those of us who went willingly, but everyone knew that if the given male candidate could pass, they would leave the center with a wealth of new information, a career path to a near guaranteed success, and a continuance of education or an already lined-up job fitting with the passion or vocation that they had chosen at the center. It was a mighty reward that ensured society’s continued success, here and even all around the world in most countries now, but for the less optimistic, rowdy, or fortunate bunch regarding their fate, they always knew about option B. Like an axe waiting to strike above our necks, option B always lingered there. A sudden breeze jostled through the open window in my family’s modest house located out in the suburbs. My parents, Henry and Emma, had married a year after college and found two successful jobs: a structural engineer for my mom and a landscape designer for my dad. They raised three kids as normally as possible, and we all lived perfectly normally until four years ago; a picture in the hallway still marked that day, which is where I now found myself lost in thoughts. “Are you tired and need a break from your regressed little one…” I quickly blocked out the noise coming from the family room where my dad was watching the last few minutes of the football game, now interrupted by an all-too-familiar commercial of the past 15 years, highlighting just how common the practice was now. I still found it weird that they hadn’t changed it since the law was first enacted, but by now, it was really more of a PSA than a strict commercial to convince people to comply with the law. Still, despite society’s more or less compliance these days and that the law might have even been seen as a common practice these days, it was an almost unmentionable topic in most households that had one son under 18… including this one. After all, the potential regression of a member of the family could be touchy for everyone involved. So, my family never talked about it… well, except for that one time… * * * My older brother, Ben, had gone to the center himself on his ‘Departure Day’ over two years ago. Like before, he had come back from the center to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, but unlike his usual upbeat and positive self, this time, we could all tell he was worried about something. Mom had been pestering him the whole time about his experience at the center, but he had remained continuously tight-lipped about it in front of anyone who dared ask. His face would darken for a moment, he would snap at us, and we would all move on. Two minutes later, it was like it had never happened. Still, I was just starting out in high school and a morbid curiosity burned within me to know more. Seeing the PSAs and the like about what was potentially going on there, I didn’t want to ask too many questions myself out loud. I was going in four years whether I liked it or not and knew I would find out then. Despite the questions buzzing around in my head, I didn’t need Ben to add to them to my steadily growing fears. Right after we gave our usual beginning thanks, we were just passing around the turkey and mashed potatoes, when he asked the question that we had all been dreading since he had first left. “Are you all actually okay with this whole regression law?” Mom’s face went white. Katie, our younger sister, forcibly busied herself with her cranberries, and Dad seemed sad all of a sudden. Again, fearing my own fate, I made sure I took a quick bite of stuffing to keep from saying my own feelings on the subject while also keeping an open ear to maybe slake one of the questions in my head. Regardless of the palpable tension though, no one spoke, so, the room remained quiet for an uncomfortably long period. Already starting to form a bit of an attitude towards these things though, Katie finally spoke up. “I think it can be sad but maybe also a good thing?” I wanted to break every one of her Barbies right then. She was a good kid, annoying, but kind in her own younger sister kind of way. ‘But this?’ She was a girl, which meant she could go and do what she wanted whenever she wanted to do it. The world was her oyster, but for me and Ben… it was a different matter altogether. “I agree with you sweetie,” my mom then interjected. “If it’s done right, and everyone’s happy, in the end, does it matter how?” My heart formed a tiny pencil-width crack. She had always supported Ben, Katie, and I in whatever we did, but now… I wasn’t so sure if she was on our side anymore. If this stupid law went the wrong way for either Ben or I, she would essentially be losing the sons that she and Dad had raised. If the worst happened, anything that had happened before would have just felt more like window dressing… ready to be removed and forgotten about forever when the time came to revert back to how we once were. Hayden down the street was a year ahead of Ben and seeing him as I went to school this year… my fears had started that night. “Darn right it matters!” My dad obviously had an opinion about the whole thing, and I felt a little justice on Ben and I’s side for once tonight in this whole matter, but the room quickly filled with a mounting argument on either side as well. “In my day, you grew one way, and that was toward the sky and then down to the grave. Not this grow up, grow down, then grow sideways business.” No one dared argue with him when he got like this. He was the best dad, but his stubbornness in certain matters was legendary. Finally, though, Ben broke the silence that had persisted since Dad had shouted out his opinion. “Good to know, Dad. Hard to argue with that logic I guess.” Ever the peace maker, I could tell that Ben just wanted the conversation to move on. Still, he then shifted his gaze toward me, “What about you little bro? You seem awfully quiet over there.” Everyone’s gaze suddenly fixated on me, and I shrunk back instinctively. I hated being the certain of attention, but I knew that the sooner I answered, the sooner all this could just be over with. “I… I guess I just don’t know,” I answered, shrugging my shoulders. “I guess if you’re happy with it, being in it yourself, then that’s what matters now. Honestly though… I just try not to think about it. Why worry about something that’s far off in the future for me, right?” I was lying through my teeth, but I didn’t want to admit to my family that I was outright terrified of the day I would leave for the center as well. I think Ben could tell I had just lied, but he didn’t push the matter any further. So, the conversation ended quickly after that, and it took a dirty joke from my sister and scolding from my mother for the family to begin to crack a smile again that night. * * * It wasn’t even the longest of conversations in the family, but that short period of time had lingered in my mind ever since then. It popped into my head every once in a while, but since I had graduated a few months ago, I could barely think of anything else. Even while we were all at the beach last month, it was hard to pull my eyes away from all the guys who had obviously gone through option B. Waddling around and looking no better than… ‘I just can’t say it…’ But I could see them clearly and I dreaded to think that one day, I could be just like them. ‘Shit! Stupid option B. Friggin’ crappy law!’ I tried to distract myself from thinking about that day at the beach again, but in this house, my averted gaze proved useless. Unfortunately, one only needed to view our neighbor playing in the front yard across the street to know just how bad things could get if one failed the program. Fortunately, though, after his three years at the center, my brother had apparently managed to avoid every outcome of option B, left the center, and then had never looked back or even talked about his time there. My mom had asked once for more details once he had graduated fully, but based on his own dirty look, she knew well enough to never ask again. Still, he had graduated. Determined to make the most of his life, since he had graduated from the center, he had taken his training at the center in stride and then took the remaining required courses at college and became a chemical engineer at a major company in the city. He didn’t live with us anymore but would still visit occasionally; like birthdays, holidays, and the occasional pre-planned stop and say ‘hi’, eat dinner with us, quickly catch up on everything, and then leave once more type of visit. My thoughts of my older brother’s success were soon interrupted by a loud screech outside. Knowing that sound anywhere by now, I quickly rushed to the front window. Of course, for Ben, he would also come on specialty days…like today, now commonly known as ‘Departure Day.’ As I quickly looked out into the street where I saw he had stopped and parked his used 2028 blue glow metallic Chevy Trailblazer, I could see him exit his pride and joy once more. Our parents bought that car for him in high school, I think honestly as a way for him to help with errands more than his own amusement at the time, but back then I honestly cared more about riding in the front seat at that point than the logistics of why. Further, I had even saved it and maintained it with Dad for him when he left the center. It was a symbol of hope of better days and its arrival her couldn’t have come sooner. Despite my feelings toward the car, our parents had been worried during those three years that he was away at the center, especially where they had noticed… changes, but through it all, that car stood as a testament to his success and our hope of him passing. So, him coming back, it was a wonderful feeling when he finally pocketed the keys after so long and then took off for college with a noted swell of happiness all around him. Since then, our family had always joked and been curious if he cared more about leaving that place or just seeing his old car again. Still, my thoughts quickly shifted back to Ben today as he trudged through the lawn and wore his usual khakis and button-down shirt, a lanyard now hanging and bobbing off his neck and body with each step from his job in the city. His normally neutral, or at least reassuring face, stood grim and lost in thought. It was an unusual look for him after the center and the subsequent posting to his new job, but I quickly recognized it as his typical reaction to anything to do with the center. Intrigue had run rampant through my mind before with what had happened to him there, but now, being less than an hour from my own ‘Departure Day,’ that look on his face only twisted up my stomach in fear as I opened the door to greet him. Upon seeing me at the door, however, his expression soon changed to the softer and more welcoming expression I had come to know since he had graduated. For today, though I still questioned his previous look, his usual demeanor was a comfort to me in a way I could never fully explain, but gladly accepted, nonetheless. “Hey there bro! You waiting for your older brother to give you one last nuggie for the road?” Not having time to mount an objection from me, he lunged, bolted past the door, and quickly grabbed me, and proceeded to ruffle and give me his usual annoying but loving nuggie to my hair; a tradition of ours since I had at least tried to start competing with him after I entered middle school. “Ah, quit it, you big loaf!” I growled, trying to swat his large hands off me and away from my head. He stood at a decent and even six feet tall, while I had inherited my mother’s side genes and stood just shy of only five foot eight inches without much chance by now of stretching any higher. “What’s the magic word?” he lovingly but mockingly asked. “Please,” I gasped. With his usual chuckle, he let me go and semi-twirled me to face back at him. Sputtering for a second, I tried to motor my way through our greeting to think about anything else other than the center. “It’s good to see you, bro. How’ve you been? It’s been a few weeks now since we last talked. Work? Date? Is she hot? Does she have a younger sister or some younger friends who don’t mind vertically challenged company? Spill. Come on, don’t leave me hanging!” Ben quickly took on a defensive posture. “Woah, woah, woah there. Slow down.” We both grinned at each other. “It’s nothing really. Honestly, it’s just work for me, buddy. I’ve been working on a project for a new government contract, and it’s been taking all my time up lately.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned in toward me, “I’m not really supposed to tell anyone, but if this thing works, dirty fuel emissions will be knocked down another 30% in a few years’ time and run at least 80% more efficiently without being more dangerous or resource dependent.” “Woah,” I whispered back, reciprocating his lean in. “That’s really cool. Did you find some alien tech or something?” Ben gave me his usual crooked smile whenever I made one of my cornier jokes. My brand of humor annoyed him when we were younger, but ever since the institute, he seemed to not mind as much anymore. “Nah, we just took some of the existing fuel, ran it through a mesh fiber we just developed…” Ben continued on like that for a bit. Science was always his strong suit, even before the center, high school, or even middle school for that matter. He was the kid who asked for a microscope for Christmas and then proceeded to actually use it, rather than just collect dust in a closet somewhere like mine had done when I was ten. Still, despite my lack of scientific talent, I was proud of him for what he was doing, and further on a day like today, it gave me a bit of hope I would be just as successful in my own way after the center, rather than be doomed for option B. “…and that’s it. Nothing else to it,” he finally finished. “Right… simple,” I mocked. “Let me just call Curie or Einstein to translate for me, and we’ll call it simple then.” Ben rolled his eyes. “Haha. Well, maybe you’re right for just this once about what I’m doing lately.” His eyes shifted and his crooked smile returned. “Who knows? Maybe little green men did lend me a bit of a hand this go around.” We both got a good chuckle out of that. It reminded me of how much I missed having my brother around, and maybe it was the prospect of me leaving for three years with few visits to my family in between, but I was feeling his absence more lately. His subsequent return today had elevated that feeling even more. See, I tended to close up around new people unfortunately, but I compensated for it later by usually being far more outgoing with people once I got to know them. It wasn’t always easy, but I never really had to try too hard with Ben. I had always known my brother, and despite a few arguments now and then, I knew I could always count on him and that had been a safety net for me for years now, even when he was at the center. Unfortunately, the back of my mind rationalized that after today, I was about to go to a place where few of those longer-term relationships could even be possible. I knew, especially without seeing my brother very often, I would have to try even harder with anyone I met at the center. “Earth to John. Earth to John. Calling John Clark,” my brother echoed, trying to get my attention and even going so far as to snap his fingers in front of my face. I quickly saw his snapping hand wave in front of my face, and I quickly exited my previous thoughts. I hadn’t realized I had been drifting away so badly. “Huh? Oh… yeah… crud, you say something?” Ben rolled his eyes again. “Nothing really.” He sighed. “I was just seeing if I had lost my brother in some kind of trance or whatnot. I mean, you were really in the zone there for a minute. Where’d you go? Everything okay?” “It’s…it’s nothing,” I shuffled my feet and averted his gaze. My lying game was not on point, and I knew Ben could see right through me… he always did. Still, I didn’t want him to know I was terrified about what was about to happen to me. Luck was never one of my strong suits, and in a place like the center… from what I could find out, I knew you needed a hefty chunk of luck in your back pocket to get through it. “Right… and Dad’s not going to burn anything he puts in the oven this year.” His sarcasm practically screamed at me. We both knew full-well that our dad was infamous for burning anything and everything he ever put in the oven at least. He was a master griller, but at one point, the fire department knew us by our first names growing up when mom ever went on one of her business trips. Despite some of those dinners being ruined, I looked back at that time and by now it was almost comforting to know some things would never change. At the same time though, with his sarcasm, I knew that I had been caught in my lie. “Come on, John. It’s me here. What’s up?” Ben asked, now placing a hand on my shoulder. Again, I didn’t want to show my fear, but I knew that of everyone in this house, Ben might be the only one who actually got what I was feeling and going through today. “It’s… it’s the center.” Ben’s hand dropped from my shoulder and his face clouded over again at the mention of that place, adding further knots to my already twisted stomach. I didn’t want to tell him, knowing that would have been his reaction, but I also knew my time was running out. I almost tried to take it back, but Ben sighed and then took a big breath. “Look, about that place... There’s something you should know...” I leaned in closer. “The heads of the departments, the guy in charge, anyone who can move some minds there… they’re important.” It was an odd way to put that, but I leaned in, wanting to know more. If I could have an advantage going in, I knew I needed to exploit it as soon as possible. “Why? What do you mean, and why them?” “That place is…complicated.” His eyes briefly looked like they were miles away and I wondered what he was thinking back on. “I don’t know which center you’re going to exactly with all the new ones they’ve been building around here lately, but they’re all about the same, at least with their end goals. To get out of there, all you need to do is…” “Eeeeeeee! He’s here! He’s here!” a voice shouted from above us. I didn’t need to see a face to know where that sound came from; I had lived with it for the past 15 years and two weeks. It was my baby sister, Katie, and she still was at least excited to see Ben when he came over. To be honest though, while Katie and I were closer when we were younger, we had both drifted apart during the past few years. I think she was still too immature for me, and I was probably too overbearing for her, but she was still family… which made some of her new views even harder to cope with though. Digging deeper, I knew part of the tension between us had come from her being a girl and me being a boy. That argument probably sounded stupid and even immature, but like I had thought on Thanksgiving, it meant a great bit of difference in the modern age. Those not strictly identifying with one gender or another were given tests in the years leading up to their own ‘Departure Day.’ A few guys even tried to ‘fake’ identifying as girls initially, but after they were caught, they were sent straight to the center and were ‘deemed perfect for one of the punishments there,’ or at least that’s what made the papers from a statement the judge had made at the end of their trial. No one but the accused and their families knew what that meant exactly, but the government had assured everyone that ‘they had gotten what they deserved.’ Regardless though, gender mattered in this new world of ours. “I can’t believe he actually made it!” She sounded so triumphant, and I briefly wondered if she was looking forward to essentially being an only child in this house for the next few years. Being the youngest, she didn’t have it the easiest growing up with two older brothers, but her life was infinitely easier than Ben’s had been and mine was about to be, so I never felt guilty when Mom or Dad took Ben or I’s side when we were growing up. “You think you would have learned some timeliness when you were at the center, huh?” I could hear Ben’s clenched fist crack a bit, but I could also see he was desperately trying to not make a scene with her on my big day. Still, her comment struck me hard as why this whole mess had started in the first place. Simply put, males had been deemed too much of a problem for society as a whole, call it genetics or hunting instincts or whatever, but the government decided that it was best for the new generations to be put through a test of sorts. If they passed, they would be ahead of where they might have otherwise been, but if they failed, society could deal with them accordingly and ‘neutralize the threat.’ Or that’s at least that’s how they justified the law initially. It was a close vote, but the law had passed. Women, like my sister or my childhood crush and neighbor, Laura, could do anything they wanted after they graduated high school. Most ended up in prominent positions and few ever thought of repealing the laws once they were in power. For the men who eventually passed, they had the same opportunities, but oddly, they never seemed to want to repeal the law either. I always wondered why, but being my ‘Departure Day’ already, I knew I couldn’t fight what was coming. “Oh, hush Katie! He’s here and that’s the important thing.” My mom shuffled from the back of the house where she had been preparing cookies for my sister’s bake sale tomorrow and looked at us with a wide smile, as if she was relieved to know we were both still here. I glared at the mixing bowl in her arms, as I felt my sister should have been making her own cookies for the sale, but not wanting another argument with her about her apparent immaturity again, I had simply removed myself from the equation. Instead, I had tried to take the day to try and calm myself down, but with everything ahead of me and all my questions still, it hadn’t worked. “Henry! Henry!” my mom then called out to the backyard where my dad had been the sky, I knew it was likely just had to do with the rain coming later this afternoon. Another person might have gotten upset that the patriarch of the family would grumble about seeing his wife or his children, but it was just on brand for him. He loved us all in his own way, but as he had told us countless times before, rain and gardening were only good together if one didn’t have to weed in a downpour. As if thinking the same thing, Ben and I just scoffed under our breath over his delay in seeing us both, Ben for just arriving, me for leaving soon. Our mom turned back to us. She might have made an excuse if we were other company, but she just rolled her eyes and ran to hug Ben quickly. It was a nice little moment and not even my sister’s entrance and continued distance from both Ben and I, and then our dad’s grumbled annoyance could hurt that. We were all together today, and as my mom pointed out, it might not be like this for a while. I knew I was the reason for that, and my stomach ached a bit in fear over what was coming for me. “How about we take a picture?” Mom suggested. We had done the same thing with Ben, and as if to confirm her reasoning, she pointed to a nearby picture that we had taken on the day that he had left as well. It might have been a bit of a morbid tradition, but most families took one last photo nowadays… just in case. One only had to look outside at our neighbors across the street, the Killian’s, to understand just how much things could change from one’s ‘Departure Day’ to the end of it all. “Alright everyone,” Dad said after setting up the camera on top of the tripod. He liked things old school sometimes, and his 2019 camera was a perfect example of that. Mom always suggested the digital camera on her phone instead, since it was much faster, but he always insisted for moments like these that an ‘actual camera’ was better. “I’ve got a five second delay and… Ben.” Mom and I shot our looks to my older brother. He was playing around with Katie’s hair, clearly trying to get a rise out of her. “You stop that right now,” Mom scolded to him. “You know better than anyone that we don’t have much time today.” Ben’s hand snapped back to his side, and his head drooped down slightly. “Right. Sorry…” Again, I could see that same look of repressed pain on his face. ‘I’d give anything to know his thoughts right now…’ Still, our dad just grumbled a bit and then clicked the photo before running over to the other side of our mom. “Alright. Chins up and smile this time everyone!” Not wanting to waste any more time, we all behaved perfectly and made sure one shot was all it took. Running back, our dad gave a thumbs up and the family dispersed for a moment. Looking at the time myself, I knew the bus would be here soon for my ‘Departure Day.’ I saw it pass by every year, but I knew that today was my turn. So, wanting to make sure everything was packed, I went back up to my room. Not ten minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” I was hoping it was Ben so that maybe I could ask him some more questions like I was going to before our sister interrupted and alerted everyone that he was here, but it was only my mom. “Everything packed already?” she asked, her worried expression coming through clearly. She had already gone through this before and she probably knew the statistics weren’t on my side. It was estimated that at least one of every three guys that went into the program failed it. My brother had passed, and while I could still be the one that made it, my odds weren’t as good now. Zipping my single suitcase, I nodded. “Yeah… I just wanted to check I had everything that was on the list again.” I gestured to my bed where a single white paper was, listing the school supplies and what I should bring or not bring. It was just one of the questions I had for Ben… I wondered why things like clothing had to be kept at home. “Doesn’t seem like much, huh?” My mom had helped me a bit with the list, but I had insisted on maintaining some independence with it and purchased most of the things myself. I could tell that her seeing my packed bag now was already starting to get to her. “Yeah… but it’s not forever, right?” I wanted to stay hopeful for her, even if I wasn’t myself, but my mom’s expression still remained fearful and full of worry. “Right… right. It’s not forever…” She and Ben had gotten closer during his time at the center, and for the first time, I wondered if she actually knew more about his time there than the rest of us. I wanted to ask today again, but when I first did on the day I got my acceptance letter, she had quickly shut me down, calling their moments ‘private.’ She didn’t speak to me for the rest of the night, so not wanting to repeat that, I remained silent. “Well, let me help you bring your bag downstairs at least,” she offered. Seeing it as allowing her to be part of this day in her own way, I let her do that much at least. Downstairs, Ben and Dad were already waiting by the front door and were debating about postage and a forwarding address. “No, he’s going to be the one near Dawsonville,” Dad argued. “No way. I was sent there and that was already a few years ago. There’s no way he would be sent to that one.” Ben seemed supremely confident in his answer, but I knew that neither really knew. “Way more likely to be near Judgeton.” “But that’s on the other side of the city!” my mom shrieked, now clearly listening in, nearly dropping my suitcase from the shock of me being even further away than Ben had been. “Maybe it’s Smacktown,” my sister calmly suggested, flipping through another page of her teen romance novel while sitting nearby in the living room. “I think you mean Smeckton, Katie…” my brother corrected. “Whatever…” Our sister quickly dove right back into her book, not caring if she was right or wrong. “You don’t really think he’ll be sent to that one, do you, Ben?” my mom asked worriedly. Ben hesitated, Mom seemed petrified, and Dad stayed eerily silent. The silence was nearly killing me, and I had enough with the questions already bubbling up inside of me. I wanted… needed to know why everyone was acting so strange about Smeckton. I needed one less question in my head before I left. “Hold on… what’s wrong with that place? Is there something I should know?” Everyone squirmed for a moment, but Ben ultimately sighed and came over to me before placing his hand on my shoulder like he usually did to comfort me. “I’m not sure I should even be telling you this… probably not even going there, but because you asked… the Smeckton center is one of the original locations. It’s far away from pretty much everywhere except the town of Smeckton. It’s…” Ben quickly looked distant as if recalling an old painful memory. “Well, it’s strict.” I could then see the flash of panic in his eyes, and I wanted to know more, but by then, I knew my questions would either kill my nerves or only lead to more questions. Truth is though, no one knew where I was headed until I sent them a letter the first day. For all anyone knew, I could be sent to the center up North by Suttonburg, or the one to the west beyond the mountains in Diana City, or one of the several others within 200 miles of here, the max radial distance as required by law now. Looking down at my feet now, I was reminded by how little I actually knew going into the center. Seeing my single suitcase next to them, all I really knew was that I could pack it and a single backpack with whatever non-banned items, such as the usual cadre of weapons, drugs, and all, that I could stuff in there. Further, no cell phones were allowed, and the school would provide a tablet with a keyboard to be used for the duration of my time there that they would heavily monitor. Normally, if this was some horror movie, that would have been a giant red flag and I would be screaming at the main character to bail as soon as possible, but going to the center was the law now, so my red flags had to be damned. Regardless, I lastly knew that before 1 PM, a bus or van would show up and take me away. Everything else I knew was only rumors, mostly pertaining to option B, and I didn’t want to dwell on those for very long. It turns out I didn’t even have long to dwell on my thoughts even if I wanted to. Just as the clock chimed to announce that it was 12:30, the screeching of van tires could be heard outside. All jokes and conversations going on around me instantly died. We all looked to the front of the house with dread. While my brother’s tires an hour ago now had screeched and seemed to represent a hope or a sense of life and joy, this screech seemed more like the pained echo of the death of all hope, like some wailing spirit from the bowels of all that was bad in the world. Gulping, I went to the window first and pulled back the curtain to confirm that my greatest fear so far in life had now arrived and was waiting to take me away. The tiny bus was white and painted with the official logo for the ‘Juvenile Evaluation Center for All Males’ organization. Like the pale horse of death, it was coming to take me away to my ultimate doom. Though it was never actively talked about, that van was the source of nightmares all around the world for any guy who had just turned 18. With its arrival at their house, the horrors of fate of every guy out there now came as well. Even the guys who eventually passed had to go through this particular gauntlet and whether they admitted it or not… doubt crept into everyone’s minds who stepped onboard. What awaited us on the other side when we eventually exited that van was a mystery to anyone who hadn’t lived it. For those that made it, like my brother, they never talked about it. So, for someone like me, it only made things worse. “It’s here…” My words tumbled out of my mouth like I was announcing that the executioner had just arrived and was ready to lop off my head for committing treason. My family looked equally pained… almost as if they were never going to see me again. Still, our mom quickly launched into me and gave me a huge hug. Our dad soon followed, and even Ben and Katie joined in as well. It was supposed to be comforting, but not even remembering the last time every single member of my family hugged me… it didn’t help my nerves. Finally, though, the bus honked, and everyone let me go. “I guess I’ll see you all at Thanksgiving, right?” I wasn’t even sure about that at this point. Apparently, some didn’t even last that long in the program. “We will, but until then, keep your chin up, John,” my dad said with a swill of pained emotion in his voice. “Listen to them but don’t let them get to you.” “He’s right,” Ben added. “Just follow the rules, and before you know it, it will be done and will just seem like a bad dream.” His old look of pain resurfaced again, and I felt that blasted queasy feeling in my stomach bubble up once more as well. My mom, tears beginning to form in her eyes, gave me a small plastic bag full of homemade cookies. “For the road,” she said, seemingly only seconds away from losing it altogether. “Share them with anyone on there. Try and make a friend early…” she dabbed her eyes briefly. “But we’ll see you soon, okay? We love you.” Not able to form any words at all anymore, I just nodded and turned to my sister. For once in a long time, I didn’t see annoyance in her eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, but she then finally spoke up at last. “Just make it home again, okay?” Abrupt and not really comforting but caring in her own way. It was something, so not really sure what else to do, I simply nodded again and tuned back to everyone else. I cleared my throat and finally found my words again. “Well, wish me luck and see you all soon… I love you all…” It felt like such a weak goodbye, but I could feel my fear gurgling up in my body already and another honk signaled my need to leave anyways. I needed to keep it together, and by now, even if the driver hadn’t just honked again, I knew that I just needed to get on the bus and leave quickly. Prolonging the goodbye was just painful now. So, I donned my previously packed backpack, grabbed my single suitcase, and headed out the door. I then quickly rushed to the bus handed the driver the pass that had been sent to me in the mail last month along with the checklist of what I could, couldn’t, and had to bring with me. “John Clark?” the bus driver asked gruffly as I stood in front of the open door after giving him my ticket. I quickly nodded my head and kept my mouth shut. “Good.” He then placed my ticket in a bin next to him and turned back to me. “No funny business once you’re on board, ya’ hear? One step out of line and you start the center with one giant demerit.” His eyes glared for a moment and then oddly became softer. “Trust me, kid. You don’t want that. Those who start off with that almost never make it to the end.” I gulped but still nodded. “Y… yes, sir. No funny business from me. I swear.” A small grin appeared on his face, and he used his thumb to point to the back of the bus. “Good. Now, wave bye to your family and find a seat in the back. You have 30 seconds.” Not even thinking, I turned back to my family, all still huddled on the front porch, and gave them one last goodbye wave. I knew that it was the last time I was going to see them until the first holiday break over Thanksgiving. It was the longest stretch of time away from home at the center on average, but still, I couldn’t help but drift away from all that and feel a little strange about not seeing Laura or any of my other friends here to wave me off like Ben’s had. I was comforted in the fact that I had said goodbye to each of them already. I also knew Laura had already headed off to college and per the law, my friends were going to their own separate locations, but all this still felt strange. It didn’t feel like my life or that all this was even real, but as soon as I neared the bus and saw a few passengers already seated there as well… somehow, everything began hitting me all at once that all this was very much my new life and not just some horrible dream. Coming out of my thoughts and seeing my family still, I could already tell that mom was starting to break down and that Ben and Dad were trying to comfort her. It wasn’t the cheeriest of goodbyes, but still, it felt nice when each, even Katie, waved back to me and flashed me symbols of love and luck. It was a nice moment, but with the clock counting down and the bus already humming back to life, I waved one last time and then found a spot in the back. A sputter and a small screech later, the bus was off, and my old life was left in the dust behind me. About 20 minutes later, we had picked up two other guys and were now headed into the mountains to the west of the city. ‘Definitely not Dawsonville then…’ I sat back and tried to put my own fears out of my mind as buildings and main highways soon gave way to trees, hills, and valleys. “Name’s Bill.” The voice seemed to come out of nowhere, but I then saw a red headed guy looking right back at me. I then saw his hand arched back over the seat and extended right to me. “Oh, uh, I’m John.” I quickly shook his head. “Good to meet you.” “Hey,” another voice to my left called out. “I’m Luke.” Bill and I turned over to him. His letter jacket seemed an odd choice to bring, since everything would either be burned or shipped back to our houses, but admittedly, there was a part of me that wondered if it was almost like his safety net against whatever was coming or a reminder of better times. Still, Bill and I smiled and quickly welcomed another into our midst. Likely sharing the same apprehensions about where we were headed, we quickly bonded, though admittedly, Mom’s cookies also helped smooth things along. “So, any guess as to why the roommate agreement we signed said, ‘until graduation or one of you departs?’” I had wondered the same thing myself, but it had been a question I was definitely too nervous to even attempt to ask Ben about. “I don’t know… kind of didn’t want to think about it.” “Fair enough,” Bill noted. “I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. I’ve seen some of the older guys in my neighborhood and well…” Luke and I nodded. We both knew what he was implying. “Same here,” Luke said quickly. “This one guy still wets the bed in my neighborhood. Apparently, his parents still consider him a ‘good’ outcome. How messed up is that?” “Very,” Bill agreed. Both turned to me, waiting for my answer, but I couldn’t help but feel differently… As if fate was stepping in, I quickly saw a sign for products to help caregivers with those who had failed the program and were doomed to option B. It was a cheery and even gaudy display of their products with a guy posed off to the side seemingly enjoying them. It stood in stark contrast to the dark and swirling clouds behind it. “Well, all things in perspective, I think it is actually…” I said, turning back to the two guys who I hoped would be my friends. Unfortunately, both looked at me like I had bugs crawling from my ears. “Still messed up, definitely, but… it could be a lot worse.” “Worse than bedwetting?” Luke seemed shocked, but Bill remained quiet for a moment. I thought back to his earlier reference to the older guys in his neighborhood. I nodded. “Much worse.” I sighed and specifically remembered the Killian’s. “My neighbors… we were really close with them. My older brother, Ben, was about as old as their only kid, Franklin, so they became friends pretty quickly growing up. Got even closer when Ben was there for him when his dad died.” “So, what does that have to do with this whole thing?” Luke asked impatiently. “Well,” I continued, “they went to the center together. Lasted over two years even, but then, one day, Ben came home… Franklin didn’t.” “What happened?” I could already hear the nervousness in Bill’s question. He had every right to be and I suspected that despite his question, he already knew the answer. “Ben graduated,” I said, with a feeling of hope that maybe I could as well, but that hope was also dashed because of Franklin. “Franklin didn’t. And now… he spends his days like any other diaper-filling and drooling toddler out there who went with option B… and that’s on his good days. So yeah… considering what could happen, bedwetting isn’t too bad.” Ben and Luke seemed horrified about that outcome and sat back in their own seats, too shocked to say anything more. I had forgotten that outcomes like those weren’t exceedingly common everywhere, but it was a reality that I knew everyone on the bus would have to come to grips with it sooner or later. As if on cue, lightning thundered in the distance as we rounded a corner, and my eyes turned to the distant rocky peaks and curving road we were now on. Staring out, a sign soon came into my view. It was hard to see at first, but a closer flash of lightning illuminated the wording perfectly; Smeckton – 14 Miles… Smeckton Institute and Juvenile Evaluation Center for Males – 15 Miles. I gulped hard at the realization of where the bus was now headed. My pulse began to race, and I closed my eyes, trying to shut out this new piece of bad news. This blasted program was bad enough, but from the little of what Ben had told me about Smeckton… my odds for passing, if its apparent reputation was anything to go off, had just plummeted. I hadn’t even made it to the center yet and already my luck was turning sour. I couldn’t imagine lasting another three years, but I knew that I had to try at least.
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I'm Back with another story. Check out my previous one here >The Girls Holiday.... Hopefully you like this one 😊 The Storywriter (Part 1 ) I guess with every story I must first introduce myself, My name is Robert or Rob for short. Unless if your name is Emily (My Wife) and can get away with calling me Robby, grrr I hate nicknames with a passion. Anyways enough digesting I guess, We live in a small town called Maplewood, every face is a familiar one and we both lived a life threaded with love and quiet dreams, This is where my Ego comes into play I guess with my Slender looks i tend to stay at home a lot and work from home. See I am a Storywriter, People basically email me ideas and plots and I make them into a story of magical wonder and fiction and sometimes fact. Emily works in the local nursery as an administrative assistant and I am very much packing my weight, If you don’t get my expression she makes you double back if you past her in the street and nearly bang your head into the lamppost and forget what you just saw, Lets just say I am a very lucky man however we do have 1 big problem in our relationship and that is we cant have children, Emily has a medical condition, The doctors tried to rectify this due to our young ages however was unable to. Fast forward 1 year to today and I have just has my 21st birthday, Emily is a little older at the age of 24 but we get on and that’s all that matters, We have lived in Maplewood now for 1 year and settled in well. The Community is very small and word gets round this town faster than my Nan can walk to the corner shop. With no family in any reasonable traveling distance apart from the Mother in Law who comes over once a week and cleans for us, Family gatherings are a lot of hard work to organise. As I look out the window I can see that a golden haze settled over the town. I am sat at my cluttered desk and the hum of the computer is like a distant white noise. I am writing a story for a client called “The secrets within” when suddenly I got an email notification on my screen. Now normally I would just ignore this email and keep typing but I was particular curious by the title of the email called ABDL, I was trying to work out the acronym to such a strange email but couldn’t figure it out in my head so I had to click on the email to read more. As I sat reading what was written in the email, a sense of fear came over me if I can do such a thing. I had thoughts about the whole scene and thoughts how I was going to make it into a story, I also had thoughts why someone would want this to happen to them and thoughts about refusing as I do not do sexual stories or erotica at all. My thoughts soon snapped out however when the doorbell to the house rang and made me jump out my seat.
Hi. I wrote this as an entry in "Kasarberang's NON-CONtest" It's my first attempt at writing an ABDL story. It's only the first part of something longer I had planned but the story got away from me and it grew too long to write the whole thing in time for the contest. If people like it I'll try to write the rest at some point. Mommy-In-Law: Week 1 PRELUDE "No." Stephen insisted. "I'm sure I'll find a job soon." "It has been 3 months." Amanda reminded him. "We are burning through our savings. We won’t be able to pay rent next month." Stephen pouted. He knew his wife was right but what she was suggesting was humiliating. "It's not like we are begging. It was Mom's idea. She wants us there." "Yeah but…" Stephen didn't believe that last part. He never really got along with Amanda's mother. "Her house is big enough." Amanda continues. " And now that Tanya has moved out, Mom is all alone there." Stephen wanted to argue but he knew that the matter was already settled. They had no other options. They would be moving back to Amanda's hometown to live with her mother. Far too soon, they arrived at their new home. “Amanda!” Her mother greeted her at the door with a tight hug. “Welcome home.” “Thanks Mom.” Amanda returned the hug. Stephen interjected “Hi Janet.” He was unsurprised but still annoyed by her apparent indifference to his presence. Janet released her daughter. “Let’s get you settled in.” She then finally acknowledged his presence “Stephen can get the bags.” Rolling his eyes, Stephen retrieved their luggage. By the time he returned to the front door, the women were already waiting in Amanda’s old bedroom. Amanda had been a very girly girl. She was still extremely feminine but in a more mature way. There was nothing mature about this room. Almost everything was a pastel pink and frilly and the shelves were lined with shelves of dolls and teddy bears. Of course, Stephen had seen this room before. He’d frequently teased Amanda over keeping her room like a little girl’s until she moved out. However, until that moment it did not really register that it would be his room now. Then he noticed another problem. “Um…Where are we going to sleep?” he said, pointing at the single bed, decorated with large pink hearts. “That’s okay.” Janet didn’t seem concerned. “It has a trundle bed which Amanda’s friends used on sleepovers.” She pulled it out to demonstrate. Amanda could tell Stephen wanted to say more but she spoke up before he had a chance. “Thanks Mom. We’ll figure it out from here.” “Let me know if you need anything else.” Janet turned to leave then turned back with a sigh. “It’s so good to have you home again.” After allowing time for Janet to bet out of earshot, He blurted out “A sleepover? I’m your husband.” Amanda tried to placate him. ”Calm down. When one of us finds work we can buy a bigger bed.” “I told you she didn’t like me.” Stephen didn’t seem to hear her. “She thinks I’m not good enough for you.” “It’s not you. She’s had an issue with men since she divorced my father.” “That really doesn’t make me feel any better.” They unpacked and then had lunch with Janet. While Amanda chatted happily, catching up with her mother, Stephen ate in awkward silence planning to retreat to the bedroom as soon as possible. Just as he was about to make his escape, the doorbell rang. Amanda put down her fork and was about to get up when Janet stopped her. “Let Stephen get the door. He’s finished eating.” Stephen got up and went to answer the door. At least it got him away from the table. “Oh. Hi Stephen.” It was Amanda’s sister, Tanya. “Where’s Amanda?” Stephen pointed toward the kitchen. “She’s having lunch with your mother.” Without another word, Tanya went to see her sister. Stephen didn’t mind. She was very similar to her mother and he got along with her just as badly. Stephen heard their excited greetings as he passed the kitchen on his way back to the bedroom. As he was almost out of earshot, he heard Tanya ask “Why are you still married to him?” He moved closer to listen to Amanda’s response. “What are you talking about?” “He’s useless. You had to move back here because he can’t keep a job.” “The company went out of business. It wasn’t his fault.” “Well he had plenty of time to find another one. Instead he’s here, mooching off Mom.” Stephen couldn’t take any more. He returned to the room wondering if Tanya was right. What sort of a man was he? He couldn’t even provide for himself and his wife. That night, Stephen laid awake on the trundle bed. “Are you alright?” Amanda asked from her bed. “I heard Tanya talking about me.” “Oh.” Amanada immediately realised what he was talking about. “Don’t take that too seriously. She doesn’t understand.” “I will find a job.” “I know you will honey.” Soon he heard Amanda’s breathing change and he knew she had fallen asleep. It took him far longer. Stephen woke up late the next day. Amanda was already gone. He sat on the bed, browsing job advertisements on his laptop until the need to use the toilet motivated him to leave the room and wash up for the day. He had barely returned from the shower when he heard Janet’s voice. "Stephen. Can you come here please." She sounded like she was addressing a misbehaving child. He quickly put on some clothes and followed the sound out of the room and found Janet standing at the door to the toilet. "What?" "See for yourself." She pointed at the tiles. Stephen looked where she was pointing and saw the drops of pee. "Sorry." There was no point denying he was responsible as he was the only man using the toilet. "I'll clean it up." "Yes you will." She said, then added "And, if we keep having this problem, I’ll need to potty train you from scratch." Stephen blushed as he stormed off to get the cleaning supplies. As he was cleaning the floor, he heard the doorbell ring and Amanda answer it. “Hi Greg.” Amanda greeted the guest. “Wow. It’s been so long.” “Tanya told me you had moved home.” A man’s voice replied. “I had to see you.” That set off alarm bells for Stephen who quickly finished his task and washed his hands. He joined them in the living room. “Oh there you are. This is Greg. We dated in highschool” Amanda introduced them. “Greg, this is my husband, Stephen.” “Hi” Stephen offered his hand politely. An ex-boyfriend sniffing around was the last thing he needed right now. “Hey.” Greg took hold of his hand, a little too firmly, and shook it. “I hear you’re having trouble finding work.” “Well we just got here.” Stephen said, releasing Greg’s hand. “I’m sure I’ll find something soon.” “I might be able to help you out.” Greg offered. “I run an accounting firm.” “Thanks.” Stephen tried to sound as sincere as possible but he couldn’t stomach the thought of working for Amanda’s ex. “But I’m not an accountant.” “I know but there’s other jobs. There’s currently an opening in the mail room.” Stephen nearly swore at Greg for suggesting he take such a menial job. Amanda sensed this and quickly changed the subject. “So. Are you seeing someone at the moment Greg?” “No.” He replied. “I haven’t met anyone who compares to you.” “Aww. you’re so sweet. I’m sure you’ll meet someone. You’re a great guy.” Stephen didn’t want to be around this guy any longer but there was no way he was going to leave him alone with Amanda.. By the time Greg left, a few hours later, Stephen was furious. He also desperately needed to pee. He’d been holding on, not wanting to leave Greg unsupervised with his wife. He locked himself in the toilet and released the stream. As he was focussed on other things, quite a lot of it missed the bowl. He finished and looked at the mess he’d made. Recalling Janet’s reaction last time, he knew he should clean it up but he was too angry. “Fuck it.” he declared, flushing the toilet and leaving, not even bothering to put the seat down. It didn’t take long for Janet to find his mess. “Stephen!” This time Stephen knew exactly what it was about. He remained in the bedroom, staring at his laptop. Hiding here wouldn’t save him but there was no way he was going to her. He braced himself, expecting her to burst into the room at any moment. She didn’t. Instead he heard her talking to Amanda. He couldn’t make out what was being said but he was sure that she was complaining about the state he left the toilet in. A few minutes later, he heard the front door close and everything was quiet again. Eventually, he worked up the courage to stick his head out of the room. Janet and Amanda were gone. His pee was still on the toilet floor. Now that his anger had passed, and considering what Amanda must be thinking of him, he was embarrassed about leaving it like. He cleaned it up and then returned to the bedroom to figure out how to explain himself and apologise to Amanda and her mother. He had made very little progress on that when he heard them return. Moments later, Amanda followed her mother into the bedroom. They were both carrying bulging shopping bags. “I’m really sorry.” Stephen started. “It’s too late for that.” Janet stopped him. “I warned you what I would do if you made a mess in the toilet again.” “Huh?” Stephen was confused. “We are going to repeat your potty training.” Janet reached into one of the shopping bags and retrieved what looked like a stack of white towels. “I thought you were joking.” Stephen watched, confused as she took the top one from the stack and unfolds it onto his bed. Unlike a towel, it was square. “You clearly don’t know how to use a toilet properly. So I’m going to teach you and we are going to start from scratch” She began folding the mysterious white square and Stephen finally realised what she meant. “No way.” Stephen shook his head. “I am not wearing diapers.” “Stephen. Please.” Amanda took his hand. “Just do what she says.” “You’re on her side?” Stephen pulled his hand away. “How can you agree with this?” “We have no choice. We can’t afford to move out. We have to follow Mom’s rules.” Once again. Stephen knew she was right. He was trapped. “Fine.” “Get undressed and lay down on the diaper.” Janet directs him. “You want me to undress in front of you?” “You might as well get used to it. I’m going to be changing your diapers.” With a resigned sigh, Stephen pulled off his t-shirt and then his shorts. “Underpants too.” Janet directed. “You’re not going to be needing those for a while.” He pulled his underpants down and stepped out of them. Completely naked, he moved to the bed and laid down on the diaper. Janet pulled the thick material up between his legs and, as she fastened it with safety pins, he thought to himself that he could not possibly be more embarrassed and emasculated. He soon discovered that he was wrong. Janet went back to the shopping bags and returned with a huge pair of pink plastic pants with ruffles on the seat. “But those are for a girl.” Stephen protested. “Yes.” Janet explained as she slid the plastic panties up his legs and stretched them over his diapered bottom. “I’m going to potty train you as a girl. I have experience with girls and if you learn to use the toilet like a girl then I won’t have to worry about you missing anymore.” Janet and Amanda helped him stand up from the bed. The diaper felt very thick between his thighs. He couldn’t look either of them in the eye. The humiliating outfit was completed with a t-shirt, too short to even reach the waistband of his plastic panties and pink to match them. “Come out to the living room and we can go over the rules.” Janet instructed as she left the room. “It’s going to be okay.” Amanda hugged him tightly. “Just play along and get through this.” Stephen caught his reflection in Amanda’s full-length mirror. “I look ridiculous.” “I think you look adorable.” For some reason. This made Stephen want to cry. He managed to hold himself together as Amanda led him by the hand to join her mother in the living room. “You can sit there” Janet said to Stephen, indicating a soft pink blanket she had spread on the floor between the sofa and the TV. Stephen sat cross-legged on the blanket as the women took their places on the sofa. “Good girl.” Janet praises him. “If you keep doing as you are told this will be much easier for all of us.” Stephen shifted uncomfortably in his diaper, making his plastic panties crinkle. “From now until I decide your potty training is complete you are a little girl.” Janet began explaining the rules. “We will call you Stephanie and you will call me Mommy. Amanda isn’t your wife. She is your big sister.” “I’ll move into Tanya’s old room. You can keep mine.” Amanda explained. “You always said it looked like a little girl’s room.” Stephen knew she wasn’t trying to be cruel but still glared at her for the comment. “We are going to be starting your potty training from scratch.” Janet continued. “That means that you’re going to get used to using your diapers first. The toilet is off-limits.” “For how long?” Stephen finally spoke. “Until I am convinced that you aren’t even thinking about using the toilet, that you’re going in your diapers as soon as you feel the urge, no matter where you are.” Stephen suddenly realised that this wasn’t going to be over in a day or two. He had been thinking that Janet was just going to make her point by embarrassing him and then things would go back to normal. No. This was going to last weeks, maybe even months. “But I need to find a job.” He complained. “I can’t go to interviews in diapers.” “Silly Stephanie. You’re just a toddler. You don’t need to worry about grownup things like jobs. Mommy will take care of everything.” Janet reassured him. “You aren’t going to do anything for yourself. You will always be supervised, usually by me or your big sister but you will have a babysitter if we are both busy.” That was when Stephen realised that other people would be seeing him like this. It was bad enough with just Amanada and her mother. He felt like crying and buried his face in his hands. Seeing his distress, Amanda moved to sit on the blanket next to him and guided his head down onto her lap. “It’ll be okay honey.” She began stroking his hair. She thought her mother was going too far but didn’t dare argue. They needed somewhere to live and they had no money. Also, she was enjoying seeing him like this. It really was very cute. She was resisting the urge to pat his padded bottom. “You won’t be dressing yourself, bathing yourself or changing your own diapers.” Janet went on, leaving it to Amanda to manage Stephen’s distress. “You will need a grownup to do that for you. If you need a diaper change you can tell us or you can wait for one of us to check you.” Stephen had his eyes closed and was enjoying the attention from Amanda. Maybe being babied by her wouldn’t be so bad. “Do you understand?” Janet wanted to be sure he was still listening. “Yes.” He just wanted Amanda to keep doing what she was doing. “Yes who?” “Yes Mommy.” “Good. Because if you break any of those rules or you are rude to a grownup, you will be punished.” Janet stood up. “Amanda, I’m going to get Stephanie’s dinner ready. Are you okay to watch her?” “Yes Mom.” Amanda said. Stepen stayed there with his head on Amanda’s lap until Janet called out “Stepanie’s dinner is ready. Could you check her diaper and bring her to the table please?” “Do you need a diaper change?” Amanda asked Stephen. Stephen shook his head. He felt strangely conflicting emotions about being asked that. It was of course embarrassing but the caring way she asked made him feel safe and loved. “Okay.” Amanda helped him up. “Let’s go.” She led him to the dining table where a bowl of macaroni cheese was waiting for him. Next to it was a pink sippy-cup. He took his seat and reached for the fork but Janet got to if first. She poked it through some pasta and brought it up to his mouth. “Here comes the airplane.” Stephen just sighed, resigned to the latest humiliation and opened his mouth. As Janet fed him, he noticed the clock on the wall. It was just after 5. Janet was serious about treating him like a toddler. “You’re got food all over her” Amanda giggled as Janet fed Stephen the last few pieces of macaroni. She left and quickly returned with a damp washcloth which she gently cleaned his face with. “We are going to have to get you a bib.” “I’m going to give her a bath now anyway.” Janet says, standing up. Stephen gave Amanda a pleading look. The idea of Janet giving him a bath was too much right now. She didn’t need much convincing. “I’ll take care of that Mom.” Amanda led him to the bathroom and started filling the tub. “This is ridiculous.” Stephen complained when he was confident Janet wouldn’t hear him. “Can’t you talk her out of this?” “I tried.” Amanda insisted. “Just make the best of it.” “The best of it?” He said, angrily. “It’s like a holiday. A holiday from being an adult” She suggested. “You can just relax and let Mom and me take care of you.” “What about when someone else sees me like this?” Stephen demanded. “Nobody else in this town knows you.” Amanda reassured him as she tested the water.. “And if anyone is mean to my baby sister they will have to answer to me.” He just glared at her for that last comment. “Now let's get you into the tub.” She directed him. “Arms up.” She pulled his t-shirt up over his head then pulled down his plastic panties and unpinned his diaper. She held his hand and helped him sit down in the bathtub, surrounded by bubbles. He closed his eyes and relaxed as she washed him all over. Maybe she was right. This part wasn’t so bad at least. When Amanda was satisfied that he was clean, she helped him up out of the bath and wrapped him in a large fluffy pink towel to rub him dry. Then she led him to the bedroom and sat him on the bed while she tried to fold a new diaper for him. “This is tricky.” Amanda laughed as she failed for the second time. “Do you need some help?” Janet asked, letting herself into the room. “I think I need you to show me how to do this one more time.” Amada replied. Janet talked Amanda through the folds then said. “Now we need the baby.” Amanda removed Stehpen’s towel and laid him down with his bottom on the diaper. “Pull the front part up between her legs.” Janet directed. “And make sure it’s firm. You don’t want a saggy diaper.” Amanda followed her instructions. “Now pull the sides up to meet in the middle.” Janet continued. “And be careful with the safety pins. You don’t want to poke her.” Amanda very carefully fastened the diaper with the pins. “Good work.” Janet praised her. “Now you need to get some plastic panties on her so she doesn’t leak.” Amanda retrieved a pair of translucent pink plastic panties and pulled them over Stephen’s diaper. “Thanks Mom.” Amanda said “I think I’ve got it now.” Janet left the room and Amanda looked through the shopping bags before finally declaring “Here it is” She pulled out a short pink nightdress with a teddy bear printed on the chest. She helped him into it. The nightdress barely covered his diaper. He knew it would flash his plastic panties if he bent over at all. He reasoned that at least that was better than the t-shirt.he’d been dressed in earlier. As Stephen reluctantly allowed Amanda to lead him back out to the living room, he became increasingly aware of something he had been trying to ignore for a while. He needed to pee. He knew he was going to have to use his diaper sooner or later and the quicker he got used to doing so the quicker this would all be over. Still, wetting himself, being in a wet diaper and then having Amanda, or worse Janet, change him was not something he was eager to try. Amanda sat him on the blanket, where Janet had placed a few dolls and baby toys. He looked them over but nothing seemed interesting. “I’ll watch Stephanie while you move your things into Tanya’s old room.” Janet told Amanda, turning on the TV and settling down on the sofa. “You don’t want to disturb her moving things after we put her to bed.” Stephen had reached the point where holding on meant fidgeting around. He didn’t want Janet to see him doing the potty dance and know he was about to use his diaper. Once again he knew he didn’t have a choice. He relaxed and released his bladder. He could feel the padding against his bottom become warm and damp. When he was finished he looked at Janet to see if she had any idea what he had just done. She was focussed on the TV and seemed unaware that he had just wet himself. Unfortunately now he had to sit in this soggy diaper. There was certainly no way he was going to tell her he needed a diaper change. Eventually Amanda returned and joined her mother on the sofa until Janet declared “Okay Stephanie. Bed time.” “I can tuck her in.” Amanda offered. “I’ll do it this time.” Janet stood up. “I am her mommy.” Janet helped Stephen up off the floor. His soggy diaper sagged heavily and she quickly noticed. “Looks like someone needs a diaper change. But we can take care of that after we brush your teeth” So she led him to the bathroom and he stood there in his sodden diaper while Janet brushed his teeth for him. She then took him to his bedroom and unfolded a plastic changing mat onto the trundle bed. “I guess we can use this as a changing table for now.” She laid him down on the mat and pulled his plastic panties off, dropping them into a nearby bucket which served as a diaper pail. Next she unpinned the wet diaper and pulled it away from him, dropping it into the bucket too. The air was cold on his wet skin and the wipes Janet used to clean him felt even colder but it felt good to be out of the wet diaper. He looked away, too embarrassed to look at her as she ran the baby wipes all over his privates and bottom. Janet took out and folded another diaper and laid it out next to him on the bed. She slit it under his bottom then took out some baby powder and applied it liberally to his groin before using her hands to rub it over his bottom. “You’re not going to be changed again for a long time.” She explained. “This should help keep you comfortable.” The smell made him feel even more babyish. She pinned him into the diaper and said “Into bed now Stephanie. I’m just going to wash my hands and then I’ll tuck you in and read you a bedtime story.” She took the bucket with the wet diaper and plastic panties with her. Stephen climbed into Amanda’s old bed and tried to get comfortable. It was difficult with the unfamiliar bulk between his legs.. Janet soon returned, carrying a picture book and an empty diaper pail. She sat on the side of the bed and read it to him. “Once upon a time there was a princess.” She turned the book to show Stephen and point. “See. There’s the princess and here is her castle.” Stephen dutifully listened. Not sure why she was doing this. It didn’t seem intended to embarrass him like most of the treatment she had been giving him. She just seemed to want to read him a bedtime story because that’s what mommies do for their little girls. When she finished the book, Janet looked at the teddy bears displayed along the shelves before choosing a fluffy white one. “This is Felicity. Amanda slept with her every night when she was a little girl. I don’t think she will mind sharing her.” She tucked the bear in next to Stephen. Stephen smiled despite himself. “Thank you, Mommy.” Janet being nice to him, even in such a weird way, gave him a warm tingly feeling. Janet smiled down at him. “Goodnight Stephanie.” She kissed him on the forehead. “Goodnight, Mommy.” Janet turned off the light and left, closing the door behind her. He laid there awake. It was far too early for him to sleep and he was not accustomed to sleeping on his back. He thought about how Janet’s treatment at bedtime had made him feel. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Yes it was embarrassing but, for the first time, it felt like Janet wanted him here. He hugged Felicity tightly, feeling the same warm feeling he’d had when Janet gave her to him. Eventually, he fell asleep, still clutching Felicity, but he woke up in the middle of the night, needing to pee again. It didn’t sound like anyone was awake. For a moment, he considered sneaking out to use the toilet but he realised that it wouldn’t help him get out of diapers any sooner and he really didn’t want to upset Janet. He relaxed and soaked his diaper before falling asleep again. MONDAY When Stephen woke up again, light was streaming in through the pink lacy curtains. He felt very well rested but his diaper was now extremely uncomfortable. The only thing to do was find someone to change him. He got out of bed and waddled out of the room. He found Amanda in the living room. “Good morning Stephanie.” Amanda greets him. “I see you’ve made friends with Felicity.” Stephen hadn’t even noticed but he’d still been holding the teddy bear. He blushed deeply at his childishness but didn’t put it down. “Good morning.” He replied. “Um… could you change my diaper please.” “Of course.” Amanda took him back to his bedroom and laid him on the changing mat. She pulled down his plastic panties and removed his diaper, dropping it into the diaper pail. She wiped him clean before folding a new diaper and pinning him into it. Once he had his plastic panties on they emerged from the room. This time he made a point of leaving Felicity on the bed. They ran into Janet in the hallway. “Good morning, Stephanie.” She greeted him with a genuinely warm hug. “Good morning, Mommy.” He returned the hug. “Do you need a diaper change?” “I just changed her.” Amanda informed her.. “Isn’t Amanda a good big sister?” Janet suggested. “Yes, Mommy.” Stephen agreed. “Don’t forget to take the dirty diapers to the laundry.” Janet reminds her daughter. “You don’t want to make Stephanie’s room smelly.” “Oh sorry Mom.” Amanda returned to the room to retrieve the diaper pail. “Come have some breakfast Stephanie.” Janet led him to the kitchen where she poured him a bowl of cereal. Once again, she sat next to him and spoon-fed him, regularly praising him for how cooperative he was. Despite doing his best to earn her praise, Stephen still ended up with cereal on his chin and nightdress. Janet didn’t seem to mind. After breakfast, Janet cleaned him up and left him the blanket in the living room to play. Looking over the toys again, spotting some large blocks he tried to entertain himself building things from them. It wasn’t long before he felt a familiar discomfort in his stomach. He needed to poop. He got up and went to find Janet. “Mommy.” He said, nervously. “What is it Stephanie?” Janet asked. “I need to use the toilet.” “I told you. You don’t use the toilet. That is what your diaper is for.” “But I have to do a poo.” “Your diaper is for that too, silly.” Stephen returned to the blanket. He was going to mess himself. There was no escaping it. Either then or sometime soon when he couldn’t hold on any longer. At least at that moment there were no witnesses. Squatting, he forced the mess out into his diaper. He felt it spread against his bottom. Now finished, and feeling more like a toddler than ever, he was afraid to move because every movement spread the poo further. Amanda soon found him, still frozen in place like that. The smell told her what the problem was. “Someone has a messy diaper.” “It feels so gross.” Stephen whined. “I don’t want to move.” “I’ll get Mom.” Then instead of going to find her Amanda calls out. “Mom. Stephanie has a messy diaper.” The surprise and embarrassment made Stephen lose his balance in his awkward stance and he fell on his bottom, squashing the mess all over the inside of his diaper. He felt like crying. Janet soon appeared. “You can change her if you like.” Amanda shook her head. “No. You’re her mommy.” “Fine.” Janet took Stephen’s hand and helped him up. “But you should watch so you know what to do. If I’m out when she messes you can’t just leave her in it until I get home. She’ll get a rash.” Stephen followed them back to his bedroom, every step reminding him of the state of his diaper. Once again, Stephen laid on the bed as Janet removed his plastic pants and unpinned his diaper. The smell got worse as she pulled it open. He saw Amanada watching, grossed out, as her mother took wipes and got to work. He could feel that he had poo everywhere. Could Amanda look at him the same way after seeing him like this? When she was finally done she threw the diaper in the waiting bucket and then asked Amanda. “Could you get a disposable? We are going out this morning” “Going out?” Stephen panicked. “Where are we going?” “We are going to visit Mommy’s friend.” Janet said as Amanda passed her the adult diaper. “It’s alright. She already knows all about you and is excited to meet my new baby girl” Janet unfolded the white disposable diaper and slid it under Stephen’s bottom. It was thinner than the cloth diapers. Stephen was thankful for that as he was taped into it. “I’m going to deal with this..” Janet told Amanda, picking up the diaper pail. “Can you please get Stephanie dressed.” “No problem.” Amanda opened the wardrobe. Her clothes were gone, so were his. In their place were a few items which she and her mother had bought on their shopping trip the previous day. She took out some denim skirtalls and a red t-shirt, laying them on the bed before going to the drawers and finding some red tights to match and a pair of shiny black Mary Janes. She gathered up the tights and guided Stephen’s feet into them, stretching them up his legs and over his diaper. Next she pulled the t-shirt on over his head. The skirtalls followed. Finally she completed the outfit by sliding his feet into the shoes and doing up their buckles. “Totally adorable.” she declared. “Now let’s do something with that hair.” Stephen had been neglecting haircuts since losing his job. It wasn’t that long but it did give Amanda something to work with. She sat him in front of her old dressing table and brushed it and then strategically added some clips with red bows. Janet returned with a large bag. “I’ll just pack the diaper bag and we’re ready to go.” She gathered some changing supplies into the bag along with other bits and pieces she thought they might need, and, after a final check, zipped it up. “Time to go Stephanie.” “Bye Stephanie.” Amanda said, giving him a hug. “Have fun.” “Wait.” Stephen said. “You’re not coming?” He had only convinced himself he could cope with going out like this because he thought Amanda would be there, holding his hand. “I have a job interview.” She explained. “But don’t worry. Mommy will take care of you.” Janet led him out to her car and buckled him into the back seat. “I expect you to be on your best behavior.” She warned him as they drove. “Yes Mommy.” He replied. They soon parked in the driveway of another house. Janet got out and then helped Stephen out of the car and led him to the front door. He looked around nervously, feeling very exposed out there as Janet rang the doorbell and they waited. A woman, about Janet’s age, answered the door. “Hello Janet.” She then looked at Stephen, smiling warmly. “And this must be little Stephanie.” “Hello Rachel.” Janet greeted her friend. “Stephanie. This is Miss Walker. Say Hello.” “Hello, Miss Walker.” Stephen said, feeling ridiculous. “Come in.” The woman directed them. “Would you like some tea?” “That would be lovely.” Janet followed her inside with Stephen in tow. “I have some books with different options for you to look through on the coffee table.” Miss Walker said as she showed them into her lounge room. “The patterns will be all toddler sizes of course but I can still work from them to make something to fit Stephanie.” On the table, Stephen saw a stack of books with sewing patterns for little girls’ clothes and realised why they were here. “I’ll just go put up the tea.” Miss Walker excused herself. Janet picked up one of the books and sat on the sofa. Unsure what to do with himself, Stephen sat on the other end. “The sofa is for grownups.” Janet told him. “You can play on the carpet.” Stephen obediently moved to the floor and Janet took a doll out of the diaper bag and handed it to him to play with. With nothing else to do, he examined the doll, turning it over in his hands. It was a baby doll and it was wearing an outfit embarrassingly similar to his own. While it had no tights, it was wearing skirtalls and a t-shirt just like him. Also like him, it was wearing a disposable diaper under its skirt. Miss Walker returned with the tea. "Can I get anything for Stephanie?" "Thank you but I wouldn't want her spilling anything on your carpet." Janet responded. "I brought her a bottle." She reached into the diaper bag. For a moment, Stephen was afraid she would pull out a baby bottle but it was just a children's water bottle with a straw. Stephen accepted the bottle and looked at it. It was definitely designed for a little girl. Printed around it's sides were teddy bears, wearing pink tutus in various ballet poses. "That is a very pretty bottle you have." Miss Walker told Stephen. "Do you do ballet?" Stephen shook his head. "Stephanie. Be polite and use words." Janet corrected him. "No, Miss Walker." "Would you like to?" Miss Walker asked. "I used to teach ballet." "No. Thank you, Miss Walker." Stephen did his best to refuse politely. "Would you really teach her ballet?" Janet ignored his refusal. "Absolutely. I taught your other daughters." Miss Walker responded. "And Stephanie will look so sweet in a tutu." "I told you." Stephen snapped. "I don't want to do ballet." "Stephanie." Janet said sternly. "Come here." Stephen immediately realised his mistake. All he could do now is try to appease her. He got up and moved to her side. "Lay across my lap." She directed him. He did as he was told. Janet lifted his skirt and then pulled down the back of his tights and diaper, exposing his bare bottom to Miss Walker. As she started the spanking, Janet said “That was very rude. You do not speak to grownups like that.” At first, the spanking was more embarrassing than painful but after a while his bottom started to sting. Stephen begged “Please stop. I won’t be rude again.” Janet wasn’t satisfied that he had learned his lesson. She kept going until the pain and humiliation were too much and Stephen began to sob. “I am sorry that you had to see this.” She apologised to Miss Walker as she helped Stephen to stand up. “It’s quite alright.” her friend replied. “Little girls need discipline.” Janet pulled Stephen’s diaper and tights up over his red bottom and instructed him. “Now say sorry to Miss Walker.” “I’m sorry, Miss Walker.” Stephen said, tears still running down his cheeks. “We all make mistakes dear. Just try to be the good little girl I know you can be.” Miss Walker stood up and hugged him tightly. “And don’t worry. I’ll still teach you ballet.” “Thank you, Miss Walker.” He tried to sound happy. The women returned to discussing what they might dress him up in and he returned to his spot on the carpet, happy for the cushioning of his diaper between his sore bottom and the floor. With little else to do, he sipped water from his bottle and soon emptied it. Miss Walker helpfully refilled it and he finished it again. It wasn’t long before all that water made its way to his bladder, demanding to be let out. He wondered if he could hold on long enough to get home. Not that it would make much difference, he’d still be going in a diaper but it would be more private. When Miss Walker brought out sandwiches for lunch it was clear they wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. With a sigh, he let go and soaked the diaper. It felt different to wetting his cloth diapers. The padding quickly pulled the liquid away from his skin but in doing so, it expanded and grew stiffer. It was still uncomfortable, just in a different way to his cloth diapers. Eventually, Janet had made her choices and Miss Walker declared “I just need to take some measurements from Stephanie.” Taking a measuring tape, she stood up and offered Stephen her hand. “Stand up sweetie.” Stephen accepted her help and stood up. Miss Walker started taking measurements, starting with his neck and arms and working down to his waist. Then she got to his leg. Holding one end of the measuring tape as his ankle, she ran the measuring tape up the inside of his leg to his groin, feeling the swollen padding between his legs. “I think Stephanie needs a diaper change.” “Do you mind if I change her here?” Janet asked. “Go ahead.” Miss Walker noted the last measurement. “I’m finished.” Janet took the necessary supplies out of the diaper bag and spread a changing mat on the floor. Stephen didn’t want to be changed in front of this woman but he knew that refusing would earn him another spanking so he laid down on the mat without being asked. Janet got to work, pulling down his tights to his ankles and then untaping his diaper and pulling it open between his legs, exposing his privates. Miss Walker didn’t react at all. She continued her conversation with Janet as though this was all perfectly normal. “I have all of the fabric I need for the first couple of outfits and they should be ready in a few days.” Stephen found this made him feel very small. She should at least giggle at a grown man having his diaper changed on her lounge room floor. Instead she reacted as though he really was just a toddler. “Thank you so much Rachel.” Janet said, wiping him clean. “I can’t wait to see them on her.” “When would you like to start her ballet lessons?” Miss Walker asked as Janet rolled up the used diaper and replaced it with a clean one. “I can do it first thing tomorrow if you like. How is 9 o’clock?” “That would be great.” Janet taped Stephen into his new diaper and helped him to his feet so she could pull his tights back up. “I’ll organise a tutu for her.” Miss Walker says happily. Janet packed up the changing supplies and disposed of the old diaper before saying “I’d better get Stephanie home. She is overdue for a nap.” The women said their goodbyes and Janet drove Stephen home. They found Amanda waiting for them. “How did the job interview go?” Janet asked her daughter. “I think it was mostly a formality.” Amanda replied. “I’m pretty sure I already had the job.” “I’ll just put Stephanie down for her nap and you can tell me all about it.” Janet took Stephen to his bedroom. There she removed the clips from his hair and stripped him down to his t-shirt and diaper. She stuck two fingers into the leg elastic to check if it was wet. “Still dry.” She found Felicity and handed the teddy bear to him. “Into bed.” As she was tucking him in, they heard the doorbell ring. Amanda answered it. “Hi Greg. Are the flowers for me?” “I just wanted to give you the good news personally.” Greg replied. “You’ve got the job. I couldn't tell you at the interview because it would look like I was playing favorites.” “Thank you, Greg. This is a huge help.” Janet kissed Stephen on the forehead. “Have a good nap.” She then left the room to join Amanda and Greg. “This is great news.” She said. “But please keep your voices down. I just put Stephanie down for a nap.” After that, Stephen could hear them talking but they weren’t loud enough to make out what they were saying. He couldn’t believe that Amanda would be working for her ex-boyfriend and he was sure Janet was explaining exactly who “Stephanie” was. He wanted to go out there and confront them but that would mean doing so in just a t-shirt and diaper. It would also probably mean a spanking in front of Greg for getting out of bed before his nap was over. So he laid there, imagining them laughing at him, imagining Greg making moves on Amanda. Fortunately Greg wasn’t there for long but, even after Stehpen heard him leave, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. How would he prevent Greg from stealing Amanda while he was stuck in diapers? It wasn’t long before he needed to use his diaper again. He didn’t want to do it. Especially now. He wanted to be a man. A man who could tell Greg to back off. However he also knew that holding on wouldn’t do him any good and it wouldn’t get him any closer to getting out of diapers. So he flooded his diaper and laid there feeling like a toddler until Janet returned. “Did you have a good nap?” Once again, she checked his diaper by sticking her fingers in through the leg hole. “Get on the changing table pumpkin and mommy will change your diaper.” Stephen moved to the changing mat on the trundle bed and laid there while Janet cleaned him up and replaced his disposable diaper with a cloth one and plastic panties. She helped him up and they went out to find Amanda in the living room. The flowers from Greg were displayed on the coffee table. “I have some good news Stephanie.” Amanda told him. “I have a job. I start tomorrow.” There was a lot that Stephen wanted to say but this morning’s spanking was still fresh in his mind so he didn’t respond. “What’s wrong?” Amanda asked. “I think she’s sad that her big sister won’t be here to give her attention during the day?” Janet suggested “I’ll be home on the weekends.” Amanda reassured him. “And I’m here now. What would you like to do?” What he wanted most was to get her away from Janet so they could talk like adults. “Let’s play in my room.” “Okay.” Amanda smiled and led him to his bedroom. Once they were both inside, he shut the door. “I can’t believe you took a job working for Greg.” This threw Amanda a little off balance. She had genuinely been expecting to spend the afternoon playing with her baby sister, not arguing with her husband. “When I told him you wouldn’t be able to work for him he asked me to come in and have an interview instead. He knows we need the money.” “He’s your ex-boyfriend.” Stephen reminded her. “And it’s obvious he’s still interested in you.” “No. He’s just a friend. He wants to help.” “I shouldn’t be stuck here in diapers.” He felt like he was about to start crying for the second time today. “I’m a man. I’m your husband. I should be out there finding a job right now.” “Shh. It’s alright.” Amanda pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. “There’s a TV in my room. Let’s go watch a movie.” Stephen let himself be led across the hallway to her bedroom. “Get comfortable and I’ll find us a DVD.” Stephen sat on the bed and waited for her to return. He looked around the room. It had been Tanya’s. While it was still undeniably feminine, it was far more mature than his. There were no dolls or stuffed toys and there was a TV mounted on the wall opposite the double bed.. “I can’t believe Mom still has this.” Amanda returned holding a DVD case. “This was my favorite movie when I was a little girl.” The pastel color scheme of the cover told Stephen everything he needed to know about this movie. He didn’t even need to see the cartoon princess and fairies prominently displayed on the front. He didn’t complain though. This was something Amanda wanted to share with him and he needed to keep their bond strong in whatever way he could. Amanda started the movie and snuggled in next to Stephen. She reached her arm around behind him and placed her hand on his padded hip, using it to pull him close to her. Stephen relaxed against her, breathing in her perfume. The movie wasn’t that bad. It was definitely for little girls but Stephen found that he didn’t mind. Or maybe he could have enjoyed watching anything while being held by Amanda. When the credits started, Amanda moved to get up and take the DVD out but Stephen held onto her. He wanted to stay in her arms. Amanda smiled and this time didn’t resist the urge to pat his diapered bottom. They stayed like that until they heard the doorbell. “That will be Tanya.” Amanda said. “She is going to babysit you tonight.” “What?” Stephen sat up. “Mom and I are going out to celebrate my new job.” “I don’t want your sister to see me like this.” “Come on.” Amanda stood up and took his hand. “I’ll be with you.” He reluctantly followed her out into the living room where Tanya and Janet were waiting. Tanya immediately burst out laughing. “Oh my God! He’s really wearing a diaper.” Stephen gripped Amanda’s hand tightly. He wanted to stand up to her but what could he say while dressed like that. “She.” Janet reminded her daughter. “Until She is potty trained again she is your little sister Stephanie.” “Does h…” Tanya corrected herself “Does she really use her diapers?” “Yes.” Janet says. “And you had better not leave her sitting in a dirty diaper. I don’t want her getting a rash.” At this, Tanya started laughing again. “Maybe this is a bad idea.” Amanda said. “Nonsense.” Janet says. “Tanya has babysat before. She knows what she’s doing.” “Yeah. Don’t worry.” Tanya gave Stephen a smile which made him want to hide behind Amanda.. “Stephanie and I are going to have lots of fun together.” “Good.” Janet started toward her room. “Amanda and I need to get ready. Could you please check Stephanie’s diaper and then give her dinner. It’s already on the table.” “No problem Mom.” Tanya held back her laughter. Amanda struggled to free her hand from Stephen’s “It will be okay.” She was trying to convince herself as much as Stephen. She took one more concerned look back as she went into her own room. Now alone with Stephen, Tanya circled behind him. “Any poopies in your diaper?” She giggled, pulling back the plastic panties and diaper to look down his bottom. “No. Good girl. Let’s keep it that way. I don’t want to change any messy diapers tonight.” Moving around to face him, she squeezed his groin. “Nope. Not wet either.” She led him to the table where they found a plate of chicken nuggets and vegetables cut into sticks. Next to it sat his sippy cup. “No high chair?” Tanya teased. “You are a big girl aren’t you?” Stephen was just thankful that it was finger food and he didn’t have to suffer the indignity of Tanya feeding him. When he was finished eating, they returned to the living room where they waited for Janet and Amanda to be ready. “Did Stephanie eat all of her dinner?” Janet asked when she returned. “Yes Mom.” Tanya told her. “Good.” Janet said. “Her bedtime is seven thirty and she will need a bath before then.” “I’ll take care of it.” Amanda emerged. Stephen thought she looked stunning and wished he was going with her. “Ready to go?” Janet did a last check of her handbag. “Yes.” Amanda replied. Janet hugged Stephen and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Good night Stephanie. Be a good girl for Tanya.” Amanda hugged him tightly, whispering. “It’s only a couple of hours.” Then they were gone and Stephen was alone with Tanya. “You’re even more pathetic than I thought.” With Janet and Amanda gone, she could say what she really thought. “A real man would never have let his mother in law turn him into a baby girl.” Stephen didn’t know what to do. He found no words to defend himself and just stood there frozen. “I guess you never were a man.” She continued. “Maybe you always were a little girl.” She took out her phone and started snapping photos of Stephen. “What are you doing?” Stephen tried and failed to hide his diaper from the camera. “Stop that!” “I don’t have any photos of my baby sister.” Tanya ignored his protests. “What if I want to show you off to my friends?” “No.” He insisted. “Please don’t” “Or maybe I could send them to your friends, show them the real you.” She threatened. “I’m sure I could find your phone to get their numbers.” “Please.” He begged. “Don’t do that.” “I won’t if you are a good little girl and do whatever I say.” “Okay.” He was trapped. “Good.” She smiled evilly. “Now babies don’t walk. For the rest of the night I want you to crawl.” Stephen got down on his hands and knees. Tanya laughed at how prominent this made his padded bottom. She took the opportunity to get more photos. “Go on.” Tanya ordered “Crawl around like the baby you are.” As Stephen complied he noticed pressure on his bladder again. He wondered if he could hold on until after Tanya put him to bed. Of course then he would be in a wet diaper all night but that would be better than having Tanya change him. "Now lay on the blanket and play with your dolly." Tanya took more photos until her phone rang. "Hi Susan." She answered it, giving Stephen a very welcome break. "No. I am babysitting tonight." "You aren't going to believe this." "It's my brother in law." "No he doesn't have a kid. I'm babysitting him. Mom decided to treat him like a baby girl and the loser just went along with it." "Yeah. Diapers and everything. He is laying in front of me playing with a doll right now." This went on for quite a while. Stephen tried not to listen or think about the gossip which would soon be all over town. “Do you need a diaper change yet?” Tanya asked when her phone call was finally finished. She was hoping for some even more embarrassing photos. The ones she had so far might be explained away as being from a costume party or something but if she had proof of him using his diaper he would have no excuse. Stephen shook his head but felt the pressure growing. Soon enough Tanya noticed his potty dance and smiled. It would not be long. However, she was also aware of the time. It was getting closer to seven and she still needed to give him a bath before bed. She soon decided that she couldn’t wait any longer. “Stand up.” She ordered. Stephen got up off the floor. “Now wet your diaper.” She said. “Unless you want me to share those photos.” Stephen blushed as he released his bladder. Tanya laughed as she watched the crotch grow darker and begin to sag. She took another photo. “Are you all done?” Stephen nodded. “You deserve to sit in it you loser.” She said. “But it’s almost your bedtime and I need to give you a bath. Crawl to your bedroom.” Stephen got back down to the floor and made his way to his room. The soggy diaper hanging heavily between his legs. Tanya followed, documenting it with her phone. He reached his room and climbed up on the change mat. “Suck on your thumb while I deal with this.” Stephen stuck his thumb into his mouth. It was strangely comforting. Tanya removed his plastic panties and giggled at the dark wet, yellow stain on his diaper. She quickly snapped a photo. There would be no denying what had happened in this one. She unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “Look at that little dick.” She snapped a photo. “Does it get any bigger?” She teased him with her fingers until he grew hard. “I guess not. Poor Amanda.” She took another photo. “I hear Greg’s is huge though.” She threw the soggy diaper into the bucket then directed him "Now get to the bath.” Wearing nothing but his t-shirt, Stephen crawled to the bathroom. Tanya followed, watching his penis swinging from side to side as he moved. When they reached the bathroom, she ordered "Sit there while I fill the tub." He obeyed. The tiles felt cold against his naked skin and he felt very exposed in front of Tanya and covered his erection with his hands, surprised to find that he missed the security of his diapers. “Stop playing with yourself.” Tanya snapped at him. “That’s very unladylike.” Stephen stared at the floor and tried to ignore her. “Move your hands away.” She ordered. “Put them on your head.” He reluctantly removed his hands to his head, leaving him exposed again. He sat like that until Tanya pulled his t-shirt up over his head and told him “Get in.” He climbed in. relieved to be concealed by the bubbles. Tanya had no interest in actually washing him so she threw a washcloth in for him to do it himself. He didn’t mind being allowed that little bit of maturity but it did feel a bit awkward with her watching, especially when it got to his privates. “Are you all clean?” She asked when he finished. “Show me your bottom so I can make sure you have done it properly.” Stephen stood up, thankful that his dick was no longer hard, and turned so she could see his bottom. “Bend over and pull your cheeks apart so I can see properly.” He obeyed, furious at this deliberate humiliation but totally powerless to do anything about it. “No. That’s nowhere near clean enough.” She picked up the washcloth from the water and stuck her index finger in the middle of it. She ran her covered finger down his crack. She then ran it back up to his butthole, penetrating him just enough to let him know just how much power she had over him. He felt himself starting to grow hard again but Tanya quickly withdrew her finger. “Much better.” She dropped the washcloth back into the bathtub. “Get out and dry yourself off.” He stepped out of the tub and dried himself with his pink towel. “Now put the towel back and crawl to your bedroom.” Stephen hung the towel back on the towel rail and got down on the floor. He crawled back to his room totally naked. Tanya watched his bare bottom sway from side to side and couldn’t resist giving it a hard smack. He finally reached his room and climbed onto the changing mat. Tanya picked up a cloth diaper. “What the hell am I meant to do with this?” Without bothering to even try folding it, she slid it under his bottom and pulled it up between his legs before fastening it at the sides with safety pins. It didn’t feel right to Stephen. It was very loose and there was nowhere near enough padding against his bottom and between his legs. However he didn’t dare say anything. She pulled a pair of plastic panties up his legs and stuffed the diaper inside them. This felt even worse. It was bulky in all the wrong places and bits of the material stuck out of the elastic of the plastic panties. Tanya pulled a nightdress on over his head and then checked her watch. “Ten past seven. Close enough. Get into bed.” Without even waiting for him to do it, she turned off the light and left. Stephen crawled over into his bed and found Felicity. He hugged her tight and fought the urge to suck his thumb and told himself that Tanya’s torment was over now. Some time later, Tanya let herself back into the room and turned on the light. “I just wanted you to know that I found your phone.” She waved it in front of him to prove it. “If Mom hears that I was anything other than a perfect babysitter, I’m sending those photos to your entire contact list.” She turned the light back off and left. Janet and Amanda returned home not long after that. Stephen could hear them talking to Tanya for a little while but couldn’t make out what was being said. He heard Tanya leave and then outside his door Janet said “I’m just going to check on Stephanie.” She quietly opened the door. Stephen watched her as she approached the bed, very happy to be back in her care after Tanya. “Why are you still awake?” She whispered gently. He reached up and hugged her. “Did you miss Mommy?” She asked, returning the hug. He nodded against her shoulder. She released him and tucked him back up in bed, smiling warmly at him. TUESDAY He awoke the next morning, needing to pee, and used his diaper. Unfortunately, Tanya had done such a bad job of diapering him that it leaked all over his bed. “Good morning. I just wanted to see you before I left for work.” Amanda came in then saw his bed. “Oh dear. What happened. Did you leak?” Janet heard her daughter and came in too. “What’s wrong?” “Stephanie’s diaper leaked.” Amanda informed her. “I’ll deal with it.” Janet told her. “You have to get to work.” “Sorry.” She kissed Stephen on the forehead. “I really do have to go” On the way out she called back “Bye Mom. Bye Stephanie.” “Bye Amanda.” Janet called after her. “Good luck.” She approached the bed and pulled back the covers to inspect the damage. “Don’t worry, Pumpkin. I’ll get this cleaned up.” She removed his wet nightdress and pulled off his plastic panties. She saw his diaper. “Tanya did your diaper all wrong. That’s why it leaked. We will have to teach her how to do it properly won’t we?” Not waiting for an answer, she unpinned the diaper and helped him up. “Get into the bathroom.” Wet and naked, he did as she said. She ran him a bath and helped him in. “We have to get ready quickly today.” She said, scrubbing him clean with no concern for his modesty. “It’s your first ballet lesson this morning.” She helped him up and wrapped him in his towel. “There. Isn’t that better?” “Yes.” He said and meant it. “Thank you, Mommy.” She took him back to his room and laid him on the change mat. There she took out a disposable diaper and slid it under his bottom before taping him into it. He felt much more secure being back in a properly fastened diaper and caught himself smiling up at Janet. She smiled back before going to his wardrobe to decide what to dress him in. Stephen stood up and Janet returned with a yellow sundress with white flowers. “What do you think?” She held it up for him to see. It was certainly cute. He wouldn't mind seeing it on Amanda but that didn’t mean he wanted to wear it himself. Still, he didn’t want to disappoint Janet so he responded with a big smile. “I thought you would like it.” She pulled it on over his head. The dress reached just below the crotch of his diaper. If he had been wearing a cloth one it would certainly be showing. Janet finished his outfit with shoes and a yellow headband then said. “I’m just going to get these wet things into the wash and then we’d better get going.” Soon enough he was reluctantly following her out of the privacy of the house. He let her strap him into the back seat of her car. “You’d better have some breakfast.” She unscrewed the cap from a children’s yogurt pouch and handed it to him. Stephen finished it on the short drive and, as he usually did after breakfast, started to feel the need to poop. He hoped he could hold on until they got back home. At Miss Walker’s house he once again waited nervously at her front door, holding down his dress afraid that the wind might catch it and flash his diaper. “Hello Janet. Hello Stephanie.” Miss Walker opened the door and greeted them with a warm smile. She was wearing a black leotard with a simple wrap-around skirt. “Come in.” She led them back into her lounge room. There was a pink ballet outfit laid out on the sofa. It consisted of a pair of tights and what looked like girls’ one-piece bathers with a stiff skirt sticking out from the waist. Sitting on the floor were a pair of matching ballet shoes. “Wow. Is that tutu for Stephanie?” Janet asked, knowing the answer. “Yes.” Miss Walker replied. “I had a few spare ones laying around. That should be her size.” “Let’s try it on.” Janet was already removing his shoes. Next she took off his headband and pulled his dress off over his head, leaving him standing there in just his diaper. She picked up the tights and gathered up the legs before holding them out for Stephen to step into. She stretched them up his legs and over his diaper. Then came the tutu. She held it out for him to put one foot through each leghole and then pulled it up for him to put his arms though. Finally, she slipped the shoes onto his feet. “Such a pretty ballerina.” She declared, stepping back to look at him. “Do you like your tutu, Stephanie.” “Yes Mommy.” Stephen gave her the answer he knew she wanted. “You can keep it.” Miss Walker declared. Stephen knew that Janet would prompt him to respond to her. He preempted her. "Thank you Miss Walker." "You have very good manners." Miss Walker smiled at her. Janet beamed proudly. Stephen was quickly learning to be a respectful little girl. Earning the approval of these two women made Stephen feel surprisingly good. He hoped it was something he would repeat frequently. "Let's get started." Miss Walker led Stepehn to an empty part of the room and sat down. "First we have to stretch." She demonstrated a stretch and Stephen did his best to copy her. "Good work Stephanie." Miss she rewarded his efforts with more praise before demonstrating the next stretch. As Stephen stretched, he felt the need to poop increasing. All of this bending was not making it easy to avoid missing his diaper. "Okay. Up we get." Miss Walker stood up and Stephen followed. "This is First Position." She demonstrated and he copied, Earning more praise. Stephen kept following Miss Walker's directions, forgetting that he was meant to be a grown man. He was totally absorbed in being a little girl learning ballet and it was wonderful. He was brought back to reality when the pressure was finally too much and, in the middle of a plié, he filled his diaper. From where she sat, Janet could see it happen. She watched as the seat of his diaper expanded with the mess. “I think you’d better take a break.” She told Miss Walker. “Stephanie needs a diaper change.” “Okay.” Miss Walker looked at her watch. “We went longer than I had planned anyway. Stephanie was just such a good student.” Stephen couldn’t help smiling at her but he was embarrassed. Of course he was embarrassed about messing himself but he was more embarrassed that, for a while, he felt like a real little girl and loved it. Janet unpacked the changing supplies and then had to completely undress Stephen to get to his diaper. Stripped down to his diaper, Stephen laid on the changing mat. “You did very well at your first ballet lesson.” Janet untapped the diaper. “Mommy is very proud of you.” She thoroughly cleaned his bottom before sealing the diaper and wipes into a plastic bag. When he was taped into a clean diaper, Stephen said “Thank you, Mommy.” “Such a polite little girl.” Miss Walker observed. “You are doing such a good job raising her, Janet.” This made both Janet and Stephen feel great. “Rachel, would you mind getting her dressed while I throw this out?” Janet asked, holding up the dirty diaper. “Of course not.” Miss Walker replied, picking up Stephen’s sundress. Janet left to dispose of the diaper and wash her hands. “Thank you.” “Come here sweetie.” Miss Waker held up the dress and waited for Stephen. He moved closer to her and helpfully raised his arms so that she could put the dress on him. She put his headband back on and then helped him into his shoes. “Thank you, Miss Walker.” He said, ”You are very welcome, Stephanie.” When Janet returned, Miss Walker offered "Will you have some tea?" "Yes." Janet replied. "I think we have time." "I'll put the kettle on." Miss Walker left. While they waited for her to return, Janet took out Stephen's water bottle and gave it to him. "You must be thirsty too." He finished the bottle by the time Miss Walker had poured the tea. He had nothing else to do while the women chatted so he stood up and started practicing the moves Miss Walker had taught him. Janet and Miss Walker smiled. They tried not to make it too obvious that they were watching him. They didn't want him to get embarrassed and stop. As he danced, he gradually felt more and more like a real little girl again. His self-consciousness was gone along with all of his adult concerns. Before he completely lost himself, he was interrupted by Janet. "Time to go home, Stephanie." "Okay Mommy." As he realised that he really needed to pee. He soaked his diaper on the drive home. "Do you need a diaper change?" Janet asked once they were inside. "Yes Mommy." She took him to his room and changed him into a cloth diaper. As he had expected, his dress was not long enough to cover his diaper. “I have to hang out the wash.” She informed him. “You can play in the backyard.” She let him out through the laundry door. She could keep an eye on him from there while she unloaded the washing machine. Stephen stepped out into the backyard. The fences looked very low to him. A neighbour could peer over into the yard at any moment. The backyard hadn’t changed since Amanda and Tanya were children. It had a sandpit, a swing and a cubby house. These had gone unused for over a decade but Janet had kept them in good condition in case she had grandchildren. Stephen opted for the privacy of the cubby house. It was, fortunately, large enough for him to move around comfortably inside. It was currently used mostly as storage for outdoors toys, like buckets and spades for the sandpit. He sat on a chair which was a bit too small for him and watched the backyard through a window. Soon Janet emerged from the house with the washing. She put down the basket and waved to Stephen. Not wanting to disappoint her, he waved back. Janet started pulling things out of the washing basket. Stephen’s sheets from the morning were in there but it was mostly his diapers and plastic panties. His diapers being on display made Stephen feel exposed despite being hidden in the cubby house. “Hello Janet.” Stephen’s fears were realised as a woman called out over the fence. “Hello Kate.” Janet waved back. “It looks like you have a baby in the house again.” The woman observed but then she noticed something strange. “Those are some very big plastic panties.” Janet laughed. “Yes they are.” She turned to the cubby house and signalled Stephen to come to her. “Stephanie. Come out and meet Mrs Thompson.” Stephen hesitated. “Come out Stephanie.” Janed repeated. “You know what happens when you are rude to grownups.” The warning drew Stephen out of his hiding spot. Mrs Thompson hid her mouth behind her hands when she saw him but it was obvious that she was giggling. “Say hello to Mrs Thompson.” Janet prompted him. “Hello, Mrs Thompson.” He did as he was told. “Stephanie here was Amanda’s husband. They have come to stay with me.” Janet explained. “She had some trouble aiming when he used my toilet as a man so now she is a little girl in diapers. When she is ready, I will potty train her.” Stephen could only stand there, turning red. “Maybe I should try that with Peter.” Mrs Thompson said, recalling her long-running frustration with her husband’s toilet habits. Janet smiled at the idea. “I’m sure Stephanie would love to have another little girl to play with.” “I am impressed that you decided to cloth diaper her.” Mrs Thompson says. “That must be a lot more work.” “It’s not that bad. I cloth diapered Amanda and Tanya too. Babies go through a lot of diapers.” Janet explained, motioning toward the clothes line. “It’s just more economical. Plus cloth diapers make their little bottoms so cute.” Mrs Thompson giggled again. “They certainly do.” “Well I’d better give Stephanie some lunch” Janet hung the last diaper on the line. “It’s almost time for her nap.” “If you ever need a break, feel free to leave Stephanie at my place.” She offered. “My Sarah is studying child care and I’m sure she would love to help.” “Thank you, Kate.” Janet said. “I’ll keep it in mind.” It was a quiet afternoon. After Stephen’s nap time, Janet left him to play in the living room, checking on him occasionally as she did various chores around the house. “Mommy, Can I help.” Stephen asked at one point, mostly because he was getting rather bored of the baby toys. Janet appreciated the offer but replied “When you are a bit bigger.” Janet was feeding him his dinner when Amanda finally returned home. “Hi Mom.” She greeted them both with a kiss, her mother on the cheek and Stephen on the forehead. “Hi Stephanie.” “How was your first day?” Janet asked as she brought a spoonful of peas to Stephen’s mouth. “It’s a bit boring honestly. I’m overqualified to be a secretary.” She complained. “But it’s better than nothing.” “Stephanie had her first ballet lesson this morning.” Janet informed her. “Was that fun?” Amanda asked Stephen. “Did you get to wear a tutu?” Stephen could only answer with nods as Janet made sure that his mouth was never empty. “She is a very good ballerina.” Janet commented. “Just like her big sister.” “Will you show me?” Amanda asked Stephen. He shook his head. “I’m sure she will.” Janet insisted. “When she is feeling less shy.” That evening, after Janet had given Stephen a bath, she took him to his room and took out two cloth diapers. She laid them out next to him on the bed. “I think I’ll make your diapers extra thick for bed. We don’t want you to leak again.” She folded the diapers and slid them under his bottom. He could feel the extra thickness already with just his bottom resting on it. She powdered him and pulled the double diaper up between his legs, forcing them apart. Once his diapers were pinned on and covered with another pair of plastic panties, Stephen stood up awkwardly. It was almost impossible to walk with this much padding between his legs. One he was in his nightdress, they joined Amanda in the living room where she was watching the news. When it was finished, Janet suggested. “Maybe Stephanie can show us her ballet now.” Stephen again shook his head. “Please.” Amanda begged. “I really want to see.” With a sigh, he got up off the floor. Janet turned off the TV and started some music. Stephen started going through the moves which Miss Walker had taught him. He felt very self-conscious and awkward in his bulky diapers but Amanda and Janet smiled and clapped for him. While attempting one of the moves, he lost his balance and fell on his padded bottom. Amanda couldn’t help giggling. Stephen pouted which only made the scene even cuter to her. This made her giggle even more. Stephen didn’t want to dance anymore. He returned to his spot on the blanket and stayed there until Janet declared “It’s Stephanie’s bed-time.” “Goodnight Stephanie.” Amanda gave him a hug. “Goodnight Amanda.” Janet led him to the bathroom, where she brushed his teeth, and then took him to his room. “Are you wet?” She asked, feeling his diapers. “No. Still dry.” Stephen climbed into bed and hugged Felicity. Janet sat on the bed next to him and started reading his bedtime story. Stephen closed his eyes and listened. It was so much nicer being put to bed by Janet than by Tanya. Without thinking, he snuggled in close to her, smiling contentedly. He was asleep before Janet finished the story. WEDNESDAY Stephen woke up early enough to eat breakfast with Amanda before she left for work. Then, after he messed his diaper, Janet changed him into a disposable. "Where are we going?" He knew what a disposable diaper meant. "Mommy has a few errands to run today." Janet explained, helping him into pink leggings. Next came a white t-shirt with a large pink heart on the front, white sneakers and a pink bow for his hair. As Stephen looked at his reflection, the thought of being in public like this filled him with dread. The waistband of his diaper stuck out the top of the leggings and the short t-shirt did nothing to cover it. Not that it would have done him any good. The tight leggings left no doubt what was underneath. Janet restocked the diaper bag and they were on their way. Stephen watched nervously from the back seat. He wondered where they were going but wasn’t sure he wanted to know. It was worse than he feared. Janet turned into the carpark of a shopping mall. People were streaming in and out of the entrance. There were so many people who would see him the moment he got out of the car and even more once they got inside. Janet got out of the car with the diaper bag, opened Stephen’s door and unclipped his seatbelt. “Come on.” Stephen shook his head. “I can’t go out there like this.” “Don’t be silly. Get out of this car right now.” “No!” He gripped the seat. “Fine.” Janet put his seatbelt back on. “Have it your way.” She drove him home without another word. As soon as they were inside, she led him to the sofa. She sat down. “Get across my lap.“ Did as he was told, hoping that obedience would mitigate her wrath. “Yes Mommy.” She pulled down the back of his diaper and leggings. “It was very naughty to disobey Mommy.” Her hand came down hard on his bare bottom. “Especially when we are out in public.” “Ow.” He said. “I’m sorry but I can’t let all of those people see me in diapers.” She spanked him again. “You are a toddler.” And again. “Toddlers wear diapers.” And again. “But after.” He endured another smack. “When I’m a grownup again. How will I face them?” “That is a grownup worry.” Janet stops the spanking. “You don’t even need to worry about potty training yet, Pumpkin.” As if to punctuate that statement, she pulled his diaper back up and padded his bottom through it. She then helped him stand up and then fixed his leggings. Stephen thought that the punishment was over. He was wrong. Janet dragged a footstool over into an empty corner of the room. “This is the naughty seat.” She explained. “Sit here facing the wall. You are in timeout. ” Stephen obeyed. He felt so childish sitting there, staring at the corner. He prefered the spanking. “We still need to go to the mall today.” Janet said from behind him. “People will see that you are a little diapered girl. Use your time on the naughty seat to find a way to accept that.” And so he sat there, processing the fact that very soon he would be walking through a shopping mall, very visibly diapered. He imagined it. How would people look at him? What would they say? Many would certainly laugh. He felt the embarrassment as though he was already there. When he felt the need to pee, it was a welcome distraction. He held on, more as something else to focus on than to avoid using his diaper. Eventually that became tedious too and he wet the diaper. Still he had to sit there in his soggy diaper, anticipating his diapered excursion. Eventually he reached a point where he just wanted to get it over with. He just couldn’t stand the anticipation any more. Finally Janet came back and asked. “Are you ready to go to the mall now?” “Yes Mommy.” he replied, sadly. “Good girl.” She helped him up and turned him around so she could give him a tight hug. “Mommy loves you.” She genuinely meant it and Stephen felt that. He returned the hug. She released him and stepped back. Do you need a diaper change before we go?” “Yes Mommy.” Janet changed Stephen into a clean disposable and soon they were back in the mall parking lot. Once again, Janet got out with the diaper bag, opened Stephen’s door and released his seatbelt. She offered him her hand. “Come on, Pumpkin.” Stephen’s heart was pounding but he took Janet’s hand. Somehow holding her hand made him feel better. He was still scared but found the courage to leave the car. “Good girl.” Janet smiled at him as she led him to the entrance. Most people were minding their own business and didn’t even glance at Stephen but a few did notice. They pointed him out and whispered to their companions. Stephen heard a few laughs and gripped Janet’s hand tighter. Their first stop was the hair salon. The young woman at the counter just smirked as she looked Stephen up and down. “Hi Janet. We are just about ready for you. Please take a seat.” Janet led Stephen to the waiting area. Part of it was fenced off and had a basket of toys for young children. The purpose was obvious. It was a playpen where mothers could leave their small children while they had their hair done. That is exactly what Janet planned to do with Stephen. She opened the childproof gate. “In you go.” Stephen reluctantly released her hand and stepped in. The back of the playpen was glass, looking out into the mall. As Janet closed the gate, Stephen realised he was on display to everyone walking past. He turned his back to the window. Realising that this gave the people outside a view of his padded bottom, he sat down. They would still see the waistband of his diaper but this was the best he could do. Meanwhile Janet selected a magazine and took a seat to wait for her turn. It didn’t take long before she was called over to a chair and the stylist got to work. People stopped and stared at Stephen through the window, Some tapped the glass, hoping to get a better look at him but he didn’t turn around. To Stephen, Janet’s haircut took agonizingly long. This was worse than his timeout. At least he didn’t have people gawking at him on the naughty seat. When Janet was finally finished, Stephen watched her pay the young woman at the counter then return to open the playpen. He rushed to hug her. In her arms, he could ignore the people outside staring at his padded bottom. Janet looked at her watch. “Oh dear. We are running late. I’d better get you some lunch.” Stephen held tight to Janet’s hand as she let him deeper into the mall. People were still looking but he ignored them, focussing only on the feeling of his hand in hers. Janet spotted the sign for the toilets and stopped for a moment. “Do you need a diaper change before lunch?” Stephen shook his head, blushing at being asked that so loudly in public. They reached a cafe and found a table. Stephen felt a little more comfortable here. The customers and staff could still see him but he was protected from the crowds outside. Janet looked over the menu and chose meals for both of them without consulting Stephen. She left him at the table as she went to place the order. Stephen made the mistake of looking around. The other customers were all looking at him. Most were being subtle about it but some were blatantly staring. Fortunately, Janet did not take long and was soon sitting across from him again. He could just focus on her and ignore everyone else. “I think you are going to miss your nap today.” Janet worried. “I still have to go to the bank and do the grocery shopping.” While Stephen wasn’t concerned about missing his nap, he didn’t like hearing that they still had things to do at the mall. As they waited for their lunch, he also realised that he needed to pee. He wondered if he would be able to hold on until Janet finished her errands. He wondered if the people watching him would be able to tell if he wet himself. Then he realised that if Janet knew he had wet himself she would likely change him at the mall. While he was worrying about this, a waitress brought their food over. “The kids’ meal must be for you.” Smiling, she placed a plate in front of Stephen. It held some little ham and cheese sandwiches with the crusts cut off two slices of fairy bread. Next to it, she placed a juice box. Stephen knew that Janet would want him to use good manners. “Thank you.” Janet smiled proudly at him and, in spite of his embarrassment, he was happy to have made her happy. “You are welcome.” The waitress failed to keep a straight face but kept up the pretense that Stephen was actually a little girl. “Would you like to do some colouring when you are finished?” “That would be very nice.” Janet answered for him. The waitress retrieved some crayons and a colouring-in picture of a unicorn and placed them in the middle of the table. “Thankyou” Stephen said again. “You are such a polite little girl.” She said. “What’s your name?” “Stephanie.” “That is a pretty name.” She continued. “And how old are you Stephanie?” “Twenty Six” He answered without thinking. The waitress laughed. “Isn’t that a little too old to still be in diapers?” Janet laughed and corrected him. “Stephanie is two.” “Don’t worry.”The waitress teased him. “I’m sure you’ll learn numbers soon.” With that, she left to serve other tables. “Don’t wait for mommy.” Janet told him. “You can start eating.” He did and was almost finished when her lunch arrived. After eating the last piece of fairy bread, he pulled the crayons and coloring picture toward him. It was something to focus on as he tried to ignore the people watching him and the increasing likelihood that he would have to use his diaper in front of them.. He was just finishing off the picture when Janet ate the last few bites of her meal. “That’s very pretty.” She told him. “You are such a good artist.” It was a patronizing complement but a complement nonetheless. “Thank you, Mommy.” Janet folded the picture neatly and placed it in her handbag before once more taking Stephen’s hand and leading him back out to the mall. The next stop was the bank. Janet and Stephen joined the queue. As everyone in front of them was focused on moving forward, none of them noticed Stephen but the man who arrived behind them certainly did. “Is this a dare?” He joked. “Or did you lose a bet?” “Stephanie. You are being rude.” Janet insisted. “The nice man asked you a question.” “It’s a punishment.” Stephen reluctantly turned to face the man. “I missed the toilet and didn’t clean up so Mommy said I have to be potty trained as a girl.” “You’re his mother?” The man asked Janet. “I’m his mother in law.” She explained. “But until Stephanie’s potty training is finished she is a little girl and I’m her mommy.” “Wow.” The man felt sorry for Stephen. “Why are you letting her do this to you?” “My wife and I are living with her because I lost my job.” Stephen admitted. “I don’t have a choice.” “My name is Kevin Brown.” He handed Janet a business card. “I’m a freelance reporter and I’d like to interview you and... Stephanie... for an article.” Stephen shook his head. “Don’t want everyone to know about this.” “Hundreds of people have been seeing you walking around the mall today.” Kevin said. ”They are all wondering why you are dressed like that.” “It would save us from explaining it to everyone.” Janet reasoned. “Good.” Kevin took that as a yes. “Would you be available to do the interview later today?” “I think so. I just need to visit the supermarket after this.” Janet told him.”I will call you when we are home.” By then, Stephen’s need to pee was getting urgent. He was trying to subtly shift his weight from one leg to another to keep it under control without Kevin noticing. Kevin did notice but he didn’t say anything. He just watched, curious about whether Stephen would actually use his diaper. Before they reached the front of the line, Stephen gave up and flooded his diaper. Kevin noticed that he had stopped fidgeting and realised what had just happened. Janet noticed too and once they were finished at the bank, she told Stephen. “Let’s go change your diaper.” He meekly let her lead him back to the toilets. She pushed open the door to the ladies' room And pulled him inside. Luckily, they found the room empty. Janet pulled the baby change table down. "There is no way you are going to fit on that" she decided. After looking around the room and finding no suitable surfaces she shrugged and just pulled Stephen's leggings down where he stood. Just as Janet put the diaper bag down on the counter, the door swung inward. Two women entered the room. their conversation abruptly stopped as they saw him standing there with his leggings around his ankles and his wet diaper on display. "What the hell?" one of them blurted out. “Is she really changing his diaper?” “Oh my God!.” The other declared, heading back out the door.. “I’m getting security.” “Don’t leave me with these weirdos.” The first followed her. Janet ignored them and opened the bag to collect the necessary supplies. She returned to Stephen and had just undone the tapes on his diaper when there was a knock on the door. “This is mall security.” A man’s voice came from the other side of the door. “I’m coming in.” Janet quickly stuck the tapes back in place and pulled Stephen’s leggings back up before the uniformed man let himself in. The man tried to remain serious but couldn’t help smiling at the ridiculousness of what he found. “Both of you will need to come with me.” “Fine.” Janet said, putting the baby wipes and clean diaper back into the bag. “But my daughter needs her diaper changed.” This made him crack and start laughing. “Whatever. Just follow me.” Janet held Stephen’s hand and followed the man through the mall. Stephen’s diaper moved around awkwardly as he walked. In her rush, Janet had not done a very good job of taping it back up and the tapes did not handle being re-stuck very well. They soon gave up, leaving the task of holding Stephen’s diaper in place entirely up to his leggings. The leggings sagged and the damp padding bounced against his bottom with every step. The guard led them through a door marked “Staff Only.” and showed them into an unoccupied office. “Take a seat and wait here.” He told them. On the near side of the simple desk were two chairs. Janet and Stephen sat there and waited. “Great.” Stephen despaired. “Now I’m going to be arrested, dressed like this.” “Watch your tone, Stephanie.” Janet told him sternly. “And don’t worry. I will explain everything.” “Janet?” A middle-aged man recognised her as he entered the room. “Hello Peter.” Janet stood to greet him. “I’m sorry about this misunderstanding.” “It’s quite alright.” He responded. “And this must be Stephanie. My wife told me all about you.” “Stephanie. Say hello to Mr Thompson.” Janet said. “He is our neighbour. You met Mrs Thompson yesterday.” “Hello, Mr Thompson.” Stephen said obediently. “I understand you were trying to change Stephanie’s diaper in the middle of the ladies’ room” He said. “You gave some other shoppers a bit of a shock.” “Yes.” Janet confirmed. “She is too big for the baby change table.” “There’s a spare office next to mine.” Mr Thompson pulled a key, attached to an orange tag, from his drawer. “You can have some privacy in there. Here’s a key.” “Thank you, Peter.” Janet accepted the key. “Thank you, Mr Thompson.” Stephen added without being prompted. Mr Thompson led them to the next office. “I’ll leave you to change Stephanie now. She looks like she’s getting rather uncomfortable in that diaper.” he pointed at another door further down the hall. “You can use the staff bathroom to wash up.” Janet took Stephen into the office. Its furniture was arranged like Mr Thompsons and had a few boxes stacked in one corner but was otherwise empty. “Lay down on the desk Pumpkin.” Stephen did as he was told. His legs dangled off the end. Janet once again pulled his leggings down to his ankles. This time his diaper went with them. “Oh dear.” Janet took the used diaper and rolled it up. “It’s lucky you didn’t wet again. You would have leaked all over.” She took the baby wipes out of the diaper bag and cleaned his privates. “There. All clean again. Isn’t that better?” “Yes, Mommy.” He agreed. Next, she took out the new diaper and unfolded it. “Lift up your bottom a little please, Pumpkin.” He had to place his feet on the edge of the desk to do this. “Thankyou.” She slid the diaper under him and gave him a gentle pat on the side of his bottom. He understood the signal and lowered himself onto the padding. Janet pulled the diaper up firmly between his legs and taped him into it. Stephen felt good to be back in a dry, properly fastened diaper. “Thank you, Mommy.” “You are welcome, Pumpkin.” She smiled as she helped him up and then pulled his leggings back over his padded bottom. Janet disposed of the old diaper, washed her hands and then took Stephen back out into the mall. Their last stop was the supermarket. Janet took a trolley and considered the baby seat. “No. I think your bottom is a bit too big to fit in that.” Stephen sighed with relief. “I want you to keep one hand on the trolley at all times.” Janet directed. “So you don’t get lost.” Stephen held the side of the trolley and kept pace with Janet as she went up and down the aisles, finding what she needed. By then, Stephen had grown accustomed to the stares and comments of the other shoppers. It felt like they had been at this mall forever. Janet had soon gathered everything on her list and took them through the checkout. “Hello Janet.” The young woman at the checkout recognised her.. “Hello Sarah. We were just talking to your father.” “Yes he told me you were in the mall today.” Sarah started scanning the groceries. “Hello Stephanie. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Sarah.” Stephen knew he had to be polite. “Hello Sarah.” “Stephanie. You need to speak to grown ups respectfully.” Janet corrected him. “You must call her Miss Thompson.” “Sorry, Miss Thompson.” This made her giggle. “Mom said you might come to my house to play.” She spoke to Stephen as though she believed he was a real little girl. “Would you like that?” Stephen didn’t think he was allowed to say no. “Yes, Miss Thompson.” “I’m home all day tomorrow.” She addressed Janet. “You can drop her over in the morning and have a break.” “That sounds lovely.” Janet agreed. “Stephanie and I will see you tomorrow.” Janet phoned Kevin Brown on their way back to the car. She told him they would be home soon and gave him the address. By the time the doorbell rang Janet had changed Stephen back into a cloth diaper and plastic panties. The leggings had no chance of stretching over the much thicker padding so he was in just his t-shirt, diaper and plastic panties. He was laying on his pink blanket, watching an educational cartoon for toddlers. Janet let Kevin in and led him to the sofa. “Can I get you some tea or coffee?” “Coffee. Thank you.” Kevin replied, watching Stephen unsuccessfully try to find a way to sit which hid his ballooning pink plastic panties. Janet left him with Stephen and went to the kitchen. The reporter recognised that he might be able to get more honest answers out of Stephen with Janet not listening. “How do you feel about living like a little girl?” “How do you think I feel?” Stephen answered. “It’s humiliating. I spent the day being paraded around the mall in diapers.” “What does your wife think about this?” “Amanda says we have no choice but I think she’s enjoying seeing me like this. She says it’s cute.” “Do you feel cute?” “Um… Sometimes.” Stephen admitted. “Sometimes when I play along I get into the role and feel like a real little girl.” “Do you like that feeling?’ “In the moment, yes. I just feel free and safe.” Stephen found himself opening up more than he had expected. “Like I’m not even embarrassed about the diapers. It just feels natural.” “And you use your diapers.” That wasn’t a question. Kevin already knew he did. “Do you just wet them or do you poop in them too?” “I…” Stephen didn’t really want to say. “I’m not allowed to use the toilet at all.” “What is it like, using your diapers?” “It’s embarrassing. It’s like I’m proving that I need to wear them.” Stephen paused before adding “But when I’m not worried about people watching me it’s also kind of… I don’t know, relaxing. It’s like I don’t have to worry about anything. Even wetting myself.” “And your mother in law changes you?” “Mostly. Amanda has and so has Tanya, her sister.” Stephen stared at the floor. “That’s the most humiliating part of this. Being changed like a baby.” “Is there anything you like about it?” Kevin knew he was holding back something. “Um…” Stephen blushed. He didn’t want to admit this part, even to himself. “Sometimes, it can feel nice being taken care of in such a… an intimate way.” Janet returned with a tray. On it wa Kevn’s coffee, a small pot of tea and teacup for herself. A sippy cup full of water for Stephen and a plate of assorted biscuits to share. She passed the sippy cup to Stephen. “Thank you, Mommy.” Stephen accepted it. “You are welcome. Pumpkin.” She smiled, proud that he was showing good manners in front of her guest. “Thanks.” Kevin picked up his coffee and took a sip before returning to his questions. “How long has Stephanie been… um Stephanie?” “Since Sunday evening.” Janet answered. “I warned her that if she missed the toilet and didn’t clean up again that I would need to potty train her again. She didn’t think I was serious but I was.” She motioned toward Stephen. “Wasn’t I. Stephanie?” “Yes, Mommy.” “So you’re potty training her?” Kevin continued his questions. “Not yet. First she has to get used to using her diapers so she can start from scratch.” Janet explained. “When she has forgotten how to use the toilet like a boy I will teach her to use it like a girl.” “Why are you going to teach her to use the toilet like a girl?” “Because girls don’t miss the toilet. They sit down to make their tinkles.” “How do you feel about changing your son in law’s diapers?” “I don’t really think about it that way.” Janet told him. “She is living as my little girl and that is how I see her. I’m her mommy and I change her diapers like I did for my other two daughters.” It made Stephen feel warm and tingly to hear her say it. “How has this experience affected your relationship with each other?” “We weren’t particularly close before.” Janet didn’t think it was necessary to express just how much she disliked Stephen before he became her little girl. “But I think we have developed a real connection this week.” “Do you feel that way too?” Kevin directed the question to Stephen. “Yes.” Stephen answered genuinely. “I feel a lot closer to her now.” Kevin finished his coffee and thanked Janet and Stephen for their time. He said his goodbyes and promised to let Janet know if his story was going to be published. Because Stehpen had missed his nap, Janet put him to bed early that evening. He was already tucked in when he heard Amanda return home from work. THURSDAY The next morning, Stephen woke up before anyone else. He had wet his diaper during the night and it now felt very uncomfortable. He waddled out to the living room and, with nothing else to do, played with the toys on his blanket. By the time Amanda emerged, he had wet his already-soaked diaper again. “Good morning, Stephanie.” “Good morning.” He replied. “Um... Could you change me please? I’ve been in this wet diaper for ages.” “Okay.” He waddled awkwardly back to his room. Amanda tried not to giggle as she followed. Stephen laid down on the changing mat and waited. He helpfully lifted his hips as Amanda pulled his plastic panties down. Amanda smiled down at him, happy that he seemed to have relaxed into his new position as a toddler. She unpinned his soggy double diapers and pulled them open, exposing his privates. It felt strange to see a penis there. It felt out of place somehow. She told herself that this was a silly thought and got to work cleaning the stale pee off of his groin and bottom. “Your skin is getting a little red.” she noted as she threw the wet diaper into the bucket. “I think you might be getting diaper rash.” She went to the drawers where Stephen’s changing supplies were kept and examined a few tubs, tubes and bottles before finding the right one. She returned with a tube of diaper rash cream and squeezed a little of it out onto her fingers. Starting above his dick she spread the cold ointment all over his diaper area. The intimate touch from his wife made him start to grow hard as she moved down to the skin around his balls. Stephen was ashamed to be visibly aroused by this treatment and tried to think of other things so his erection might go away. It didn’t work. Amanda just tried to ignore it as she moved down to his bottom. She spread it all over his cheeks and then through his crack. This left him throbbing and desperate to cum. While Amanda was usually the person to help him with such a problem she had no intention of doing so then. Instead, she took out a clean cloth diaper and folded it as Janet had taught her. She slid it under his bottom and pulled it up between his legs. Normally his penis would be pointing down but there was no chance of that in his current state. She had no option but to pin him into his diaper with his erect penis pressed tight against his hip. She found herself relieved that she no longer had to look at it as she pulled a clean pair of plastic panties up over his diaper. She helped him up and led him back out to the living room. With each step, the thick fabric rubbed against his dick. It wasn’t enough stimulation to make him cum but it kept him hard. Once he was back on his blanket, Amanda left him alone so she could get ready for work. He tried to rub himself through the diaper but the padding was too thick and he couldn’t get enough sensation through it. He looked around to check that he was still alone and slid his hand down through the elastic waistband of his plastic panties and into the diaper. He grabbed his dick and started moving his hand up and down its length. He closed his eyes and laid back, enjoying the feeling. It had been too long since he’d had any sexual release. He recalled Tanya touching him and sticking her finger inside him. He came almost immediately but just as he did he heard Janet’s voice. “Stephanie. Get your hand out of your diaper.” Still feeling waves of pleasure through his body, he opened his eyes and looked up to see her standing over him. He quickly removed his hand. Janet knew exactly what he was doing and from the way he was moving she was pretty sure he had cum. This somewhat damaged her image of him as her little girl. For a moment she once again saw him as the man who was unworthy of her daughter. “Come with me.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice. “You need to wash your hands.” “I’m sorry, Mommy.” He followed her to the bathroom. Hearing that was all it took for him to be her little girl again. “I know you are Stephanie. You are still learning to be a good little girl. Just don’t do it again.” “I won’t Mommy.” He really meant it. He didn’t want Janet to be disappointed in him like that again. After washing his hands, she took him to the change mat. She removed his plastic panties and diaper and wiped the semen off of his skin. When Janet taped him into a disposable he remembered that she had agreed to leave him next door, in the care of Mrs Thompson and her daughter today. He didn't like the idea but he didn’t argue. There was no point. Soon he was dressed in his yellow sundress and standing, with Janet, at the neighbours’ front door. “Hello Janet.” Mr Thompson answered the door. “Hello Stephanie. Come in.” “Thank you.” Janet let Stephen into the house. “Sarah.” Mr Thompson called out to his daughter. “Stephanie is here.” Sarah rushed out and greeted Stephen energetically. “Hello Stephanie. We are going to have so much fun today.” “Hello Miss Thompson.” Stephen replied, unprompted. “Has she eaten breakfast?” Sarah asked Janet. “No.” Janet replied, handing her the diaper bag. “Your mother said you should have practice changing a messy diaper and she usually does her poos after breakfast .” Stephen was horrified by the thought of this young woman, who was only a couple of years out of highschool, changing his messy diaper. “That’s very thoughtful of her.” Sarah replied, sarcastically. “Don’t worry I’ll give her breakfast.” “Thank you.” Janet said. “And I caught her putting her hand in her diaper this morning.” Stephen started at the floor, embarrassed by Janet revealing that. “I wouldn’t worry about that.” Sarah reassured her. “It’s normal for toddlers to explore like that but I’ll keep an eye out for it.” Janet gave Stephen a tight hug then kissed him on her forehead. “Mommy has to go now but Miss Thompson will take good care of you. Be a good girl for her.” “I will.” Stephen said. “Bye, Mommy.” “Good bye, Pumpkin.” Janet moved toward the door. “I’ll see you this evening.” “Come this way, Stephanie” Sarah led Stephen deeper into the house.”I’ve set up the spare room as a daycare.” Sarah had borrowed resources from her college and dug out bits and pieces which had been packed away when she outgrew them as a child. These were set up around the room. There was a shelf of oversized picture books for reading to a group of children and a child-sized table with 2 chairs. On the floor, in one corner was a futon mattress. In another was a padded changing mat. Scattered around the room were various educational toys. “Oh Hello, Stephanie.” Mrs Thompson came past the door. “Would you like some breakfast?” “No thank you, Mrs Thompson.” Stephen thought that maybe if he didn’t eat he could avoid messing his diaper and having Sarah change it. “Yes please Mom. She hasn’t had anything yet.” Sarah overruled him. “I’ll bring some porridge.” Her mother said, leaving. ”I’d better check your diaper before we give you food.” Sarah circled behind Stephen and pulled up the skirt of his dress, revealing his diaper. She checked the seat of the diaper with a pat. Finding it empty, she moved to the front and pressed her hand firmly against the groin to feel if it was wet. Satisfied that Stephen’s diaper was still clean, she let the skirt fall. “We can have story time while we wait.” Sarah selected one of the books and sat on the only adult-sized chair in the room. “Come and sit on the carpet.” Stephen sat cross-legged on the floor facing her and Sarah turned the cover of the book to face him. “Frogs Can’t Yodel.” She read out the title and then opened the book. She read the text to him with the patronising enthusiasm teachers use with small children. Something about being spoken to like that made him feel more like a little girl than his diaper did. He once again started forgetting his adult self and feeling like a real little girl. The story finished as Mrs Thompson arrived with a purple plastic bowl full of porridge. She placed it on the little table. “Here you go, Stephanie.” “Thank you. Mrs Thompson.” Stephen got up and moved to the little chair in front of the bowl. “You are very welcome.” Mrs Thompson left. Sarah found Stephen’s water bottle in the diaper bag and placed it on the table next to his bowl. “Thank you, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said, picking up the purple plastic spoon which was sticking out of the porridge and beginning to eat. It was lukewarm but he was hungry and quickly finished the bowl. Sarah moved him back to the carpet where she started teaching him counting. Of course he already knew how to count and very proudly showed off how clever he was, earning a lot of praise from Sarah. It didn’t take long for Stephen to begin to feel the familiar discomfort in his tummy. He knew an easy solution though. Moving into a squat, he filled the seat of his diaper. Sarah watched, having little doubt about what he was doing. She was a little surprised at how little using his diaper in front of her seemed to bother him. When she was sure he was finished, she asked as sweetly as she could manage while concealing a strange mixture of amusement and disgust. “Do you need a diaper change?” “Yes, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said matter-of-factly. “Go lay down on the changing mat.” She directed. As he did so, she gathered the necessary supplies from the diaper bag. She then joined him on the floor where she lifted his dress out of the way, exposing his messy diaper. “Someone is a stinky girl.” Stephen giggled as she untapped his diaper and carefully pulled it open. As professionally as she was able to manage, Sarah cleaned him with baby wipes and then re-diapered him. “Thank you, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said as he got up from the mat. Sarah stuck her head out of the door and called out. “Mom. Could you please come watch Stephanie for a minute.” Mrs Thompson soon arrived. “Thanks Mom.” Sarah explained as she left. “I just need to throw this messy diaper out and wash my hands.” “Are you having fun at daycare, Stephanie?” Mrs Thompson asked. “Yes.” Stephen said with a big smile. “Miss Thompson is nice.” Mrs Thompson wondered why Stephen wasn’t more embarrassed that a college girl had just changed his messy diaper. In fact he seemed far more comfortable overall than when he arrived. “What have you been learning?” She asked. “Counting. I’m really good at it.” Then unprompted he showed off just how good he was. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight….” She realised that he was genuinely proud of this. It was as though he had started to believe he really was a little girl. He was still counting when Sarah returned. “One hundred and thirty two, one hundred and thirty three, one hundred and thirty four…” “Wow Stephanie.” Sarah interrupted. “Did you count past 100?” “Yes.” Stephen beamed. “You are a very clever little girl.” She praised him, getting an even bigger smile. “Would you like to do some art?” “Yes.” Stephen nodded excitedly. Sarah took out some blank paper, a glue stick and a tub of various bits and pieces to glue on. “I want you to make a picture of your family.” Stephen got to work, finding just the right part from the tub. As they watched him, Sarah’s mother pulled her aside and whispered “Have you noticed that he really seems to think he is a little girl?” “He was totally unashamed messing himself in front of me.” Sarah replied. “It was like he thought it was completely normal.” “Do we try to snap him out of it?” Mrs Thompson worried. “What if he stays that way?” “He looks so happy.” Sarah argued. “I’m sure he’ll snap out of it himself in a few hours.” “Okay.” Mrs Thompson said, leaving. “But I’d better mention it to Janet.” Stephen worked away on his picture. When he was finished, he held it up proudly. “Good work, Stephanie.” Sarah said, looking at the picture. The picture was clearly two women with a small girl, dressed in pink between them, holding hands with both. “Is this you?” She asked, pointing to the figure in the middle. “Yes.” He said, happy that Sarah had recognised him in his picture. “I’m a ballerina.” “And is this your mommy?” She pointed to the largest figure. “Yes.” He said. “And this is my big sister, Amanda.” He pointed to the last figure. “I think this deserves a gold star.” Sarah said and placed a sticker on the corner of the picture. “Are you ready for lunch?” Mrs Thompson returned to the room. “Yes. Thanks Mom.” Sarah said. She turned to Stephen. “Time to check your diaper again.” Mrs Thompson left to prepare lunch and Sarah lifted Stephen’s dress again. The crotch was yellowed and sagging. It was obviously soaked. To avoid any surprises, she moved behind him and pulled out the waistband of his diaper. Relieved to find there was no poop this time, she took Stephen back to the plastic mat and changed him into a clean diaper. After lunch Sarah declared “It’s nap time.” She closed the blinds and turned off the light. Being the middle of the day, there was still quite a lot of light but it was the best she could do. She guided Stephen to the futon and started some simple instrumental music. When Stephen woke he was disoriented for a moment. This wasn’t his bedroom. Then it came back to him. He remembered not only where he was but how he had behaved all morning. He cringed as he recalled messing himself in front of Sarah and then having her change him. How could he look her in the eye after that. However, he also recalled the feelings. The feelings that came from being praised and cared for, of being innocent and carefree and mostly of being cute. Yes he was embarrassed but mostly he was sad it was over again. Sarah soon came in to check on him. She noticed the change immediately. “What’s wrong, Stephanie?” “Nothing.” He stared at the ground as she turned the light back on and opened the blinds. “You’re not Stephanie any more are you?” Sarah asked. Stephen couldn’t help looking at her. He knew exactly what she meant but still asked. “What?” “I mean, you’re still you.” Sarah clarified. “But this morning you were really a little girl. Weren't you?” Stephen nodded sadly. “And now you’ve remembered that you’re really a man wearing diapers and a dress?” “Yeah.” He was surprised how much she understood. “Does that happen often?” Sarah asked. “Forgetting that you’re not really a little girl?” “It’s happened before.” He admitted. “But not for that long.” “Do you like it?” Sarah asked. “Feeling like a real little girl.” “Yes.” He looked away, once again ashamed. “I liked Stephanie too.” Sarah reassured him. “It was fun taking care of her this morning.” Hearing that gave Stephen a warm feeling. “Would you like to be her again?” Sarah asked, gently. He nodded. “Good.” Sarah was genuinely pleased. “How did we do it before?” “I’m not sure.” Stephen thought. “You were reading to me and your voice… It just sounded like you were talking to a real little girl.” “Okay. Let’s try it.” Sarah selected another book from the shelf and sat on her chair. Stephen took his place on the floor in front of her. Once again, Sarah turned the giant picture book so that he could see the cover and read the title. “Princess Hippo.” Stephen felt her voice wash over him and before she was halfway through the short book he was Stephanie again. Sarah watched the change happen. Stephen’s face lit up and he leaned in, excited to see what happened next in the story. She continued the story, happy that she had the real Stephanie back to play with. Stephen spent the afternoon happily learning about shapes,colours and letters, interrupted only by a couple of diaper changes. Far too soon, Amanda arrived. “Hello Sarah.” Amanda came into the room. “Mom sent me to collect Stephanie.” “Amanda.” Stephen shouted excitedly and ran over to hug her. She was a little shocked by his childish reaction but returned the hug before picking up the diaper bag. “Come on. Let’s go have dinner.” He looked back at Sarah, not wanting to leave. “It’s okay Stephanie.” Sarah reassured him. “You can come back another day.” “Okay.” He accepted that his time with Sarah was over and gave her a tight hug. “Bye, Miss Thompson.” Amanada took his hand and led him home. He confused her more by skipping from the Thompsons’ front door to their own. She wondered if she should be worried about him but he seemed so happy, happier than he had been in a long time. “Hello Stephanie.” Janet greeted him when they got inside. Stephen rushed to her in the same childish way he had greeted Amanda and held her. “Hello Mommy.” “Did you have fun at daycare, Pumpkin?” “Yes.” He said. “Can I go again tomorrow?” “Not tomorrow but soon.” Janet was less shocked by this behavior than Amanda. Mrs Thomspon had visited earlier to discuss it. It was still different to see it in person. “Do you need a diaper change?” Stephen shook his head but she confirmed for herself anyway. “Okay. Come to the table.” She said. “Your dinner is ready.” Stephen followed her to the table and happily let her feed him mashed potato with peas and corn. She marveled at how completely he had slipped into this role and wondered how long it would last. She doubted that it would be permanent but she also didn’t mind if it was. She liked having another baby girl to take care of. “Time for your bath.” Janet told Stephen, wiping his face. “Okay Mommy.” He followed her to the bathroom and let her undress him and put him in the tub. He splashed and played as Janet scrubbed him. He giggled when she playfully splashed him back. Soon she had him back in his cloth diapers and plastic panties and dressed for bed. He ran out ahead of her to get to the blanket and play with his dolls. Amanda watched him, fascinated, totally ignoring the TV. She saw no sign of her husband, just a little girl who somehow looked a bit like him. Stephen started to feel a little tired. He had played for long enough. Now he wanted his mommy. He moved closer to Janet and leaned against her legs, knowing he wasn’t allowed up on the sofa. Janet looked down at him. She had banned him from the sofa so that he would know his place. It seemed that, right now at least, he knew it. Right now he just wanted her affection. She patted the cushion next to her. “Come up here, Pumpkin.” He climbed up and rested his head on her chest. Janet put her arm around him and held him close. He felt safe and loved. He could have stayed like that forever but, eventually, Janet reluctantly declared. “Time for bed.” She brushed his teeth and led him back to his room. Then she checked his diaper and tucked him in with Felicity. He fell asleep halfway through his bedtime story. FRIDAY Stephen woke up feeling great. He was himself again but the feelings from the previous night lingered. He smiled to himself as he remembered snuggling up with Janet. He wet his diaper and found that he liked how small it made him feel. He felt like he could almost slip into being Stephanie again. “Good morning Stephanie.” Janet let herself into the room. “Good Morning, Mommy.” Stephen responded. Janet could tell that he wasn’t thinking like her little girl anymore. He was happy to see her but his affection was self-conscious and slightly hesitant. Still she smiled and hugged him. “How is your diaper?” “It’s wet, Mommy.” He admitted. “Okay, Pumpkin. Move to the change mat.” She changed his diaper and put him in a lavender t-shirt and matching plastic panties. Soon She fed him breakfast and, soon after that, she changed his morning messy diaper. He was expecting Janet to put him into a disposable for another embarrassing outing. When she folded another cloth diaper he was relieved. His relief didn’t last long. He was playing on the living room floor when the doorbell rang. Janet answered the door. “Hello Samantha. Come in.” Janet led her friend to the sofa. “Stephanie. This is Mommy’s friend Ms Campbell.” Stephen blushed but greeted the woman as he knew Janet expected. “Hello, Ms Campbell.” “Hello Stephanie.” Ms Campbell replied, sitting down. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” “I’ll put on the tea.” Janet excused herself. “The others will be here soon.” Ms Campbell stared at Stephen. Janet had told her all about him and his punishment but she still couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. It was absurd. A grown man dressed like a baby girl, playing on the floor in front of her. The tension was broken by the doorbell ringing again. “I’ll get it.” Ms Campbell called out to Janet and answered the door. “Hello Hannah.” She greeted the next woman with a hug. “Janet is just making the tea.” “Hello Samantha.” The woman stepped into the living room and spotted Stephen. “Oh my God. Is that him?” “I think Janet wants us to say her.” Ms Campbell corrected her. “Sorry.” giggled the woman and approached Stephen. “Hello Stephanie. I’m Mrs Miller.” “Hello Mrs Miller.” Stephen dutifully responded. “Oh. My. God!” She squealed, pinching his cheek. “He’s… I mean She’s adorable.” Stephen found himself wishing he could slip into being Stephanie again. Then he wouldn’t be embarrassed by this attention. He might even enjoy it. “Oh hello Hannah.” Janet returned carrying a tray with a teapot, four cups and a plate of biscuits. She placed the tray on the coffee table and started pouring. The sound made Stephen realise that he needed to pee. He considered just going but was uncomfortable with the idea with these women watching him. The doorbell rang once again and Janet answered it. “Hello Rachel. Everyone’s here.” Miss Walker stepped in. She was carrying a very bulky bag. “Hello Stephanie.” She headed straight over to hug him. “How is my little ballerina?” “I’m good, Miss Walker.” He returned the hug. “You’re teaching her ballet?” Mrs Miller asked. “Yes.” Miss Walker confirmed. “And she is very good.” “That’s so cute.” Mrs Miller gushed. “Does she have a tutu?” “Yes.” Janet answered. “And she is so pretty in it.” “You should put on a concert for us.” Ms Campbell laughed. “Just like Amanda and Tanya did.” Mrs Miller added. “I think that’s a marvelous idea.” Miss Walker agreed. “We will start practicing at her next lesson.” “Stephanie.” Janet addressed him. “I think Miss Walker has some presents for you.” “Oh yes.” Miss Walker remembered. “I’ve finished some of your new clothes.” She reached into the bag and pulled out a red and white gingham romper. It had no legs, instead ending in poppers that close at the crotch. It had a skirt but it was completely decorative, it didn’t even cover the bottom. “She’s going to try it on now. Right?” Mrs Miller asked excitedly. “Well I do want to check that everything fits her properly.” Miss Walker agreed. Janet took the romper and moved to Stephen. “Stand up, Pumpkin.” Stephen did and she pulled his t-shirt off before pulling the romper down over his head. “I made the bottom extra roomy.” Miss Walker explained as Janet fastened the crotch. “So it should fit even when you double diaper her.” Janet adjusted the outfit a little and stepped back to look at him. “It’s perfect.” “Do you like it?” Miss Walker asked him. “Yes.” He knew he had to say yes but he actually did. He felt very cute in the outfit. “Thank you, Miss Walker.” “Can I take a photo?” Miss Walker asked. “I like to keep photos of all my work.” “Of course.” Janet answered. Miss Walker pointed her mobile phone at Stephen. “Smile.” The pressure on Stephen’s bladder had built surprisingly fast and in order to stand still enough to pose for the photo he had to release it. As he smiled awkwardly for the photo, he secretly soaked his diaper. “I’ve also finished this one.” Miss Walker reached into the bag again and withdrew a short pink dress. It was decorated with white ribbon and bows and had a frilly collar. “And it has a matching diaper cover and bonnet.” She laid the dress down and pulled these out to show them. The diaper cover had rows of frills across the seat. “That is the sweetest thing ever.” Ms Collins gushed, her initial awkwardness about this forgotten. “Let’s see it on her.” Janet undid the crotch of Stehpen’s romper and pulled it up over his head. “I think someone needs a diaper change.” She commented as she saw his wet diaper. “I can change her.” Mrs Miller volunteered. “I’ll help.” Ms Collins didn’t want to miss that. “Thankyou.” Janet accepted the offer as she neatly folded the romper and placed it aside. “All of her changing supplies are in her bedroom. It’s Amanda’s old room.” “Come on Stephanie.” Ms Collins took Stephen’s hand and led her to the bedroom. Mrs Miller followed close behind. “Is that where your mommy changes you?” Ms Collins asked, pointing at the changing mat. Stephen nodded shyly, not looking forward to being changed by two women he had just met. “Okay lay down Stephanie.” Mrs Miller giggled at the absurdity of what they were doing. Stephen did as he was told and she pulled his plastic panties off and dropped them in the diaper pail. Next she unpinned the diaper and dropped it on top of them. This left Stephen completely exposed to the two women. “Do you want to wipe her?” Mrs Miller offered. Ms Collins blushed at the thought and shook her head. Mrs Miller took some wipes and went to work while Stephen covered his face with his hands. “Now we need a clean diaper.” Mrs Miller said, looking around the room. “Where does Mummy keep your diapers?” Stephen had to move a hand away from his face to point to the drawer. Ms Collins pulled it open, finding stacks of clean cloth diapers and plastic panties. She took out a diaper and a clear pair of plastic panties and brought them to Mrs Miller. “Now hopefully I remember how to fold these.” Mrs Miller commented as she spread the terrycloth square out next to Stephen. “Wow. These are huge.” After a couple of attempts she thought she had it right. “Lift up your bottom.” She slid it under him and then pulled it up between his legs. Stephen was happy to have his privates covered again but it didn’t last. “No. I think this isn’t right.” Mrs Miller commented. “What do you think?” Ms Collins came closer. “What if you pull it this way.” She pulled the front of the diaper away, exposing Stephen again and tried to shift it lower. “But then it won’t cover her bottom.” Mrs Miller shows her. “I’ve folded it wrong. It’s too short.” She pulled the diaper away and refolded it. Fortunately she got it right this time and finally pinned him into it and pulled the plastic panties over it. “There. All done.” “Thank you, Mrs Miller.” Stephen said, knowing Janet would be unhappy if she found out he was rude. “Thank you, Ms Collins.” “You are welcome.” Mrs Miller replied. “Such a polite little girl.” Ms Collins commented. Ms Collins led Stephen back to the living room while Mrs Miller washed her hands. “Let’s get you dressed.” Janet held out the pink diaper cover for him to step into. It was a very snug fit over his cloth diapers but it did fit. Next she pulled the dress over his head and finally fastened the bonnet. “Oh my God!” Mrs Miller rejoined the group. “She is so cute.” “I just want to keep her like that forever.” Janet agreed. “You do amazing work Rachel.” “Thank you.” Mrs Walker picked up her mobile phone again and pointed it at Stephen. “Smile.” Stephen posed and did his best to smile. “Get one of her playing with her dolly.” Ms Collins suggested. “Oh and one of her crawling to show off the ruffles on her bottom.” Mrs Miller added. The women made him pose in all sorts of different ways. Squealing as Miss Walker snapped photos. This went on until Janet checked the time. “We’d better have lunch. It’s almost Stephanie’s nap time.” “That reminds me.” Miss Walker went to the bag. “I made you some bibs as well. We don’t want to get her pretty dress all dirty.” She pulled out one which was the same pink as the dress. Embroidered on it were the words “Mommy’s little girl.” Janet fastened the bib around his neck and more photos were taken before they all moved to the dining table where Janet served everyone quiche and salad. “Can I feed Stephanie?” Ms Collins asked. “If you like.” Janet replied. Ms Collins sat next to Stephen and immediately began cutting up his quiche and bringing it to his mouth. He cooperated. As embarrassing as all this was it was better when everyone was happy with him. After lunch, Janet removed his bib and said. “I’m just going to put her down for her nap.” She turned to Stephen. “Say goodbye to everyone. Pumpkin.” “Goodbye everyone.” He said. “Not like that.” Janet told him. “Go say it nicely to each of them.” He went up to Miss Walker. “Goodbye, Miss Walker. Thank you for my new clothes.” Miss Walker hugged him. “You are welcome Stephanie. Goodbye.” “Goodbye Ms Collins.” He went to the next woman. “Goodbye Stephanie.” She replied. “It was lovely meeting you.” “Goodbye, Mrs Miller.” He told the last woman. “Goodbye.” She made him bend down slightly so she could kiss him on the forehead. “We’ll come and see you again soon.” Janet took him back to his room and checked his diaper before removing his bonet and tucking him in. From his bed, he listened to the muffled sounds of the women talking. He was sure they were still talking about him. He felt the urge to pee again and just wet his diaper immediately. In the privacy of his room, he allowed himself to enjoy feeling babyish. He did feel very small in his new dress. When Janet returned, the guests had left. She changed his diaper and put his bonnet back on. Back out to the living room she let him watch some educational cartoons while she did housework. He was laying on the floor, watching the TV, with his ruffle-covered bottom facing the door when Amanda returned home. She smiled at the sight. “Hello Stephanie.” Stephen turned to face her, blushing as he remembered how he was dressed. “Hello Amanda.” She could tell that he was himself again. He wasn’t as comfortable being a little girl as he had been last night. That should have been reassuring, that her husband was still there but it wasn’t. He was so much happier as Stephanie. “Um…” She wasn’t sure how to raise this. “You were acting a little… different yesterday evening.” “Oh… Yeah.” He tried to explain. “Something weird has happened to me a few times. I sort of get caught up in the role and forget that I’m not really a little girl.” “You seemed really happy.” She said. “Do you like being Stephanie?” “I…” He was clearly ashamed to admit this.. “It feels nice when it happens.” “It’s alright.” She reassured him. “It was nice to see you happy.” “But I’m not meant to like being a little girl.” He sighed. “I’m meant to be a man. I’m meant to be your husband.” She just smiled and hugged him tightly “It’s alright.” She didn’t want to worry him with the fact she was struggling to think of him as her husband. She thought she should say more to comfort him but didn’t know what. Fortunately, Janet called them for dinner. They had no more opportunity to talk as Stephen was fed, bathed and dressed for bed. As usual, he was left to play on the floor while Janet and Amanda watched TV. He looked at Janet and recalled the feeling of cuddling with her the previous night. He wanted that again but that was when he was Stephanie. It came naturally. Could he really do that as Stephen? He considered crawling over and snuggling up against her legs in the hope she would invite him up onto the sofa again. He wanted to but in the end he remained on his blanket until bedtime. After Janet had read his bedtime story and tucked him in, he laid awake, hugging Felicity. He was angry at himself for wanting to cuddle with Janet and angry with himself for not doing it. He wanted to be a man, He wanted to be Amanda’s husband but he also wanted to be Janet’s little girl. SATURDAY “Good morning Stephanie.” Stephen was woken by the sound of Tanya’s voice. “Did you miss me?” He opened his eyes to see her smiling wickedly at him. He sat up, feeling the soggy fabric of the diapers he’d wet before falling asleep. “What are you doing here?” “Watch your manners little girl.” She snapped. “Mom said you leaked after I changed your diaper last time. So she’s going to teach me how to do it properly. I’m going to be changing your diapers all day. Aren’t I a good big sister?” He now felt even more uncomfortable in his wet diaper, knowing that Tanya would be changing it. He laid back down and groaned. He did not want to face the day. “Up you get sleepyhead.” Tanya yanked the covers off of him. “Looks like you already need a diaper change. I’ll get Mom.” She left, giving Stephen a few moments of peace to prepare himself mentally for what was sure to be another humiliating day. She soon returned with Janet. “Good morning, Stephanie.” Janet greeted him. “Good morning, Mommy.” He was embarrassed about talking like that in front of Tanya but the spanking he would get for being disrespectful if he didn’t would be even even worse. “Tanya is going to be changing your diapers today.” She said. “As practice for the next time she babysits.” Stephen didn't need to be told what to do. He moved on to the changing mat and waited. Janet supervised while Tanya removed his plastic panties and soggy diaper. As she wiped the stale pee off of his groin and bottom, he realised that while this was certainly humiliating, it wasn’t as bad as he had thought it would be. With Janet watching, Tanya couldn’t be mean to him. Janet talked Tanya through correctly folding a new cloth diaper. She had to step in and demonstrate the correct folds a couple of times. Then Tanya slid it under his bottom and pinned it on. Janet checked the fit before letting Tanya put a clean pair of plastic panties on him. Janet changed him into his pink t-shirt and led him out of the room to give him breakfast. Amanda was waiting for them at the table and Tanya soon joined them. After breakfast, Stephen stuck close to Amanda. With his early bedtime he had barely seen her since she started her job. He also wanted her to protect him from Tanya. Amanda thought it was cute. He followed her around like Tanya did when she was a little girl. She tried to remember what she did with Tanya when they were children. “Do you want to build a blanket fort?” Stephen was insulted by the suggestion but the truth was that did sound like fun. “Umm…” “Come on.” She took that as a yes. “We’ll take some chairs from the dining table to your room and I’ll get some spare blankets.” Tanya rolled her eyes at them and, realising she wasn’t going to be able to get Stephen alone and torment him, she settled down on the Sofa and turned on the TV. She barely watched it though, as she immediately took out her phone and dialed one of her friends to gossip with. In Stephen’s room, Amanda positioned the chairs and draped blankets over them. She was surprised by how much fun she was having. Stephen did not seem to be having as much fun. He was too self-conscious. “I think you’d be having more fun if you were Stephanie.” She commented. “Maybe.” He agreed but he didn’t want to spend his time with Amanda as a little girl. He didn’t really like her seeing him that way either. “You could try it?” She suggested. “I’m not sure how it works.” It wasn’t really a lie but it wasn’t the whole truth. “Okay.” Amanda could tell he was uncomfortable and backed off for now. As they crawled into the completed blanket fort, Stephen became aware that he would need to mess his diaper soon. He didn’t want to do that in front of Amanda. He also remembered that it would be Tanya changing him. It was inevitable but he was in no rush so he held on. Amanda led the game, pretending that the fort was a magical castle and they were fairy princesses. Stephen barely joined in and Amanda wished Stephen could have just been Stephanie again and had fun. Eventually it became impossible to hold on any more. In an attempt to get a little distance between himself and Amanda, he crawled out of the fort but the movement caused him to fill his diaper while he was half-way out. Amanda watched the seat of the diaper expand and did her best to hide her giggle. “I think you need a diaper change.” She crawled out of the fort another way. “I’ll tell Mom and Tanya.” “Please don’t. I don’t want tanya changing my messy diaper.” He begged. “Could you do it and not tell them?” “Sorry.” Amanda felt bad for him. Although, she was happy that this diaper was someone else’s problem. “Mom said Tanya has to change all of your diapers today and she would know you messed when she washes them.” She left the room before he could argue. “Ewww. Gross.” He heard Tanya’s voice all the way from the living room. “I’m not changing his shitty diaper.” “I told you Tanya.” Janet responded calmly. “You will change all of Stephanie’s diapers today so that I am confident you know how to take care of her.” “But…” Tanya started to argue. “No buts. You will change her diapers or you’ll end up in diapers yourself.” Janet threatened. “Like I’d let you do that to me.” Tanya spat back. “I’m not a loser like him.” “You may not be living under my roof but I know your secrets. Remember....” Janet’s voice went too quiet for Stephen to hear. Moments later Tanya came into the room looking angry. “Get on the changing mat.” She ordered. “Don’t be mean to your baby sister.” Janet followed her daughter into the room. “Stephanie. Could you please lay down on the changing mat for Tanya.” Stephen complied and Tanya pulled his plastic panties down. The smell immediately became worse and Tanya scrunched up her nose. She cautiously unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “This is so gross.” She complained, taking a handful of wipes and going to work. “I had to do this for you.” Janet told her. “I might have to do it for you again if you don’t improve your attitude.” Tanya stopped complaining and kept wiping. Stephen just stared at the ceiling hoping this would be over soon. “Clean enough?” Tanya asked. “You have to go right up in her bottom.” Janet told her. “If you don’t get it all she’ll get a rash.” “That would be terrible.” Tanya said sarcastically as she took more wipes and ran them down between his cheeks. She threw the dirty diaper into the diaper pail and began folding a new one. Janet still had to correct her folding a couple of times before it was ready to be pinned on to him. After everyone had cleaned up it was time to lunch then the blanket fort had to be dismantled so Stephen could have his nap. Amanda had an idea. While Stephen was in bed, she walked next door. “Hello Amanda.” Mrs Thompson greeted her. “Hello Mrs Tompson.” Amanda replied. “Could I speak to Sarah?” “Of course. Come in.” She led Amanda to the sofa and called out. “Sarah. Amanda is here to see you.” “Hi Amanda.” Sarah emerged. “What’s up?” “I wanted to talk to you about Stephen.” Amanda explained. “You were playing with him yesterday and something happened.” “He forgot he was a grownup and just enjoyed being Stephanie.” Sarah knew immediately what she was talking about. “Are you worried about him?” “No. I mean it’s weird but...” Amanda wasn’t sure how to say it. “He’s so happy like that?” Sarah finished her thought. “Yeah.” Amanda agreed. “Do you know how to help him do it again?” “I think so.” Sarah told her. “It happened twice when he was here. Both times I was reading a book to him.” “Just reading a book?” Amanda didn’t believe her. “Well I was doing it as though I was reading to very small children.” Sarah explained. “I can show you.” Sarah led Amanda into the spare room. It was still set up like a daycare. She picked up Frogs Can’t Yodel and sat on her chair. “Sit with your legs crossed in front of me.” Amanda sat where she was told and watched Sarah read the story. There was something about the way she read. It did make Amanda feel small. She was worried for a moment that she would forget her adult self like Stephen had. It didn’t happen but she could see how it might happen for someone open to it and primed with all of the babyish treatment Stephen had received. “Thank you.” Amanda said. “I think I understand now.” At the end of Stephen’s naptime, Janet led Tanya into his room. “After her nap you need to check her diaper.” Janet explained. Tanya pulled the covers away from Stephen and saw that he was definitely wet. “I just hope you haven't messed again.” She changed him again. This time Janet only had to correct her folding once. After his change, Stephen went to find Amanda. She was in her room. “Hi Stephanie. Did you have a good nap.” “I wasn’t tired.” He complained. “I spoke to Miss Thompson.” She said. “And she taught me how to help you become Stephanie again.” Stephen had very mixed feelings about that. “Can we try it?” She asked. “I would really like to build a blanket fort with Stephanie.” “I…” He was going to argue but Amanda seemed so excited. “Okay.” “Good.” She picked up a picture book which she had already selected. “Sit on the floor like you’re at daycare with Miss Thompson.” Stephen sat cross-legged in front of her as she positioned herself on the edge of the bed. “Princess Stephanie’s Tea Party.” Amanda deliberately misread the title. It was Princess Amanda’s Tea Party, a book which had been personalised for her when she was a little girl. Stephen listented. Amanda wasn’t as good at the voice as Sarah. He did feel warm and tingly and relaxed but he was still himself at the end of the book. “It didn’t work. Did it?” Amanda asked. Stephen shook his head. Despite his previous reluctance. He found he was disappointed. Amanda thought about how Sarah’s voice had made her feel. Was there some other way she could create that feeling for Stephen? After pondering for a moment, she remembered something that her mother had picked up when they went out to buy Stephen’s diapers. “I have an idea. Wait here.” She left Stephen in her room and prepared what she needed. A few minutes later, she returned carrying a baby bottle full of warm milk. “A bottle?” he asked. “Just try it.” She said, sitting on her bed and patting her lap. “Put your head here.” He laid on her bed with his head resting on her lap. Whether it worked or not it felt great. Amanda held the bottle to his lips and he took the nipple into his mouth.She stroked his hair as he began to suck on the bottle. It didn’t work very well. After a few squirts it stopped working. When he released it from his mouth, air rushed in and it worked again for a few squirts before stopping again. This was a rather frustrating way to drink. “What’s wrong?” Amanda noticed his frustration. “This bottle doesn’t work.” He complained. “I don’t think you’re meant to just suck on it.” She reasoned. “It’s meant to work like a mother’s breast.” Looking up at Amanda's breasts, he imagined that it was her nipple in his mouth. The thought made him grow a little hard in his diaper. Instead of sucking, he squeezed it with his tongue. Milk dribbled out and it refilled. Having figured out how to drink from the bottle he relaxed and enjoyed Amanda’s attention. As he drank the milk he again began to feel small again and her breasts were no longer erotic to him they were comforting and nothing more. By the time he finished the bottle, he was Stephanie again. “Do you want to build a blanket fort again?” Amanda asked as she placed the empty bottle aside. Stephen nodded so they returned to his room and rebuilt the fort and played as fairy princesses. Again, Amanda took the lead, telling Stephen what was happening in their role play, but he played his part enthusiastically and they played and giggled until they were interrupted. “Mom said I need to check Stephanie’s diaper before she has dinner.” Tanya said, peering into the blanket fort. Stephen shook his head. “No.” He knew he was soaked but he didn’t want to stop playing. He was having too much fun with Amanda. “Come on Princess Stephanie.” Amanda said. “Let Tanya change your diaper.” “Okay Princess Amanda.” He giggled as he left the fort and laid on the changing mat, smiling up at Tanya.. As she pulled his plastic panties off she was confused. Stephen wasn’t embarrassed at all. “Are you actually enjoying this?” She asked. “You weirdo!” That snapped Stephen back to reality. He blushed and covered his face. Amanda watched the change with disappointment. It was fun playing with Stephanie. Under Amanda’s supervision, Tanya changed Stephen into a clean diaper and new plastic panties. When Tanya was gone Amanda asked. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” He said a little sadly. “I was having a good time playing with you.” “Me too.” Amanda said, hugging him. “You make a great little sister.” After Stephen had finished his dinner, Janet gave him a bath and then called Tanya to his room to diaper him for bed. He laid naked on his changing mat while Tanya folded his diapers. She needed a bit more guidance to get the double diapers right but Janet was happy with her effort. Tanya slid the bulky diapers under his bottom then Janet passed her the bottle of baby powder. “You have to put some powder on her because she will be in these diapers all night.” She directed. Tanya turned the bottle upside down and squeezed. A puff of baby powder covered Stephen’s groin and most of his stomach. “Make sure you get her bottom.” Janet reminded Tanya. Tanya glared at Stephen as she spread the powder across his bottom with her hand. Once he was pinned into his diapers and dressed for bed, Janet took him to the living room. Tanya washed her hands and then joined them. “I’m going home. I think I’ve changed enough diapers today.” Janet and Amanda said goodbye to her and then settled down on the sofa. Stephen felt much more comfortable with her gone. Once again, he looked at Janet and thought about cuddling up with her. He asked himself what would be so bad if he did. She is treating him like a little girl. Why couldn’t he play along? He had already done it as Stephanie. His mind made up, he crawled over to Janet’s legs and rested his head against them. Janet was surprised. He hadn’t been acting like Stephanie that evening. He was definitely his usual embarrassed self while Tanya was diapering him after his bath. Still, she was happy that he wanted her affection. It was somehow even more meaningful when he remembered he wasn’t meant to. She smiled down at him and played with his hair for a moment before telling him. “Come up here, Stephanie.” He tried not to move too eagerly and he got up onto the sofa. Janet guided his head down onto her chest and put an arm around him. He smiled contently and closed his eyes. He stayed like that until Janet took him to bed. SUNDAY Stephen emerged from his room the next morning and waddled out to the living room. His diapers were totally soaked. There was nothing he could do about that until Janet or Amanda got up so he did his best to ignore the sagging wet fabric. He entertained himself with the toys until Amanda joined him. “Good morning, Stephanie.” “Good morning.” He replied. “Do you need a diaper change?” She asked, pretty sure he did. “Yes.” It was getting easier to admit it. “Come on then.” Amanada took him back to his room and changed him into a dry diaper. Amanda washed her hands and then prepared breakfast for them both. She spoon-fed him his cereal between mouthfuls of her own. Janet soon joined them. “Good morning, girls.” “Good morning, Mom.” Amanda replied. “Good morning, Mommy.” Stephen said just before Amanda put another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “I thought we might go on a picnic today.” Janet suggested as she poured her own cereal. Stephen didn’t like the sound of that but he knew he had no say. “That’s a great idea.” Amanda said. “We haven’t had a picnic since Tanya and I were little girls.” “I should call Tanya and see if she wants to come too.” Janet realised. Hearing that made Stephen feel even worse about the idea but arguing would only mean a spanking. As soon as she had finished eating, Janet dialed Tanya. “Hi Mom.” Tanya answered. “What’s up?” “Amanda and I are taking Stephanie on a picnic today.” Janet explained. “We thought you might like to join us.” “I changed enough diapers yesterday.” Tanya complained. “And I told my friends I’d hang out with them today.” “You can invite them too.” Janet promised. “And don’t worry. I won’t make you change Stephanie.” “Fine.” Tanya agreed. It would at least be fun to embarrass Stephen by showing him off to her friends. “I’ll come.” “Great.” Janet said. “Meet us at the lake at 11. I’ll bring all the food.” Stephen was now dreading the picnic. Not only was Tanya coming, she was bringing friends. “Could you watch Stephanie for a little while?” Janet asked Amanda. “I’ll need to pop out to the shops.” “No problem Mom.” Amanda smiled. Left alone with Amanda, Stephen complained. “I don’t want to go on a picnic like this. Especially not with Tanya and her friends.” “It will be fun.” Amanda reassured him. “Do you want me to feed you a bottle before? Stephen knew she was asking if he wanted to go as Stephanie so he wouldn’t be worried about being out in public in diapers again. The idea was certainly appealing but he shook his head. He was worried about how he might behave in front of everyone. “Okay.” Amanda accepted his answer. “Let me know if you change your mind.” Janet turned the TV on and sat on the sofa. Stephen sat on his blanket and watched from there. It wasn’t long before Stephen felt the urge to poop. He was relieved that it came while they were still at home. He considered moving somewhere more private so Amanda wouldn’t watch him do it but she had seen it yesterday and, as Janet wasn’t home, she was going to be the one changing him anyway. There was no dignity to preserve. He shifted into a more comfortable position for the deed and filled his diaper. It concerned him a little how natural it felt after only a week. “I guess you need another change.” Amanda said with a sigh. “Come on. I knew I was going to have to change a poopy diaper eventually.” He followed her to his room. The feeling of the poop in his diaper concerned him far less that it had the first time. He knew he would soon be in a clean diaper. He laid down on the changing mat and Amanda pulled his plastic panties off and dropped them into the diaper pail. “Okay. Here we go.” She reluctantly unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “Wow. That is a lot of poop.” “I’m sorry.” Stephen looked away from her. “No. It’s not your fault.” She took some wipes and prepared herself for the next step. “You don’t have any choice.” As she wiped around his dick and balls she considered how strange it was that these were once sexual to her. She wondered if she would ever be able to look at him that way again after this. Of course, she could not share any of those thoughts with him. Once Amanda had Stephen rediapered she put these thoughts out of her mind. When his manhood was safely hidden inside the thick padding she could easily forget it was there at all. Janet soon arrived home and they left Stephen to play on his blanket while they prepared the food for the picnic. As the time drew closer, Stephen grew increasingly nervous. He wondered if he should have taken up Amanda’s offer to feed him a bottle. It didn’t matter. The opportunity was gone as she was busy with Janet. When the food was ready, Janet and Amanda got themselves freshened up and dressed for the outing then Janet took Stephen to his room to get him ready. His heart sank when she pulled out the gingham romper Miss Walker had made for him and laid it on his bed. “Let’s get you into a disposable diaper.” Janet said. Resigned to his fate, he laid down and let her remove his plastic panties and cloth diaper. He helpfully lifted his bottom so she could position the disposable under him. He held out his arms to let her pull the romper down over his head and then stood with his legs apart so she could fasten it at the crotch. The outfit was completed with a pair of red sandals. “Just adorable.” Janet stepped back to look at him. That made Stephen feel good and he turned to smile at himself in the mirror. For a moment he forgot that he was about to be taken outside like this and just appreciated that the romper was really cute. Now that they were all ready, Janet and Amanda took him out to Janet’s car. Amanda sat in the front passenger seat while Janet put Stephen into the back and fastened his seatbelt. Janet and Amanda mostly ignored him on the drive. They spoke to each other as he stared out the window. He was imagining all of the indignities he might face when they reached their destination. “Look at the horsies, Stephanie” Janet interrupted his thoughts. They had left the suburbs and were passing hobby farms. When they eventually arrived at a small parking lot, there was only one other car. Amanda recognised it. “Looks like Tanya is already here.” Janet and Amanda left Stephen buckled up while they unloaded things from the back of the car. When they let him out, Amanda had his diaper bag and Janet carried a blanket. Janet pulled a floppy red hat onto his head then she and Amanda each held one of his hands and led him onto a grassy area next to a playground. Tanya was waiting with her friends. There were two men and one other woman. They were in the shade of a large tree near the edge of the water. Janet and Amanda led him right up to the group. The men were laughing uncontrollably by the time Stephen reached them. Tanya was just smiling evilly. “Hi Mom. Hi Amanda.” “Hello Tanya.” Janet and Amanda said in unison and released Stephen to hug her. “Hello Baby Sis.” Tanya turned to Stephen.”I like your romper.” “Are you going to introduce us?” The other woman asked. “Stephanie. This is my friend Melanie.” Tanya said. “This is her boyfriend Brad.” She indicated the man next to Melanie. “And this is my boyfriend Robbie.” She put her arm around the other man. “When you’re bigger you might have a boyfriend.” “Hello.” Stephen mumbled timidly, looking down to hide his face behind the brim of his hat. “Stephanie.” Tanya told him off. “Don’t be rude to my friends. Look at them when you speak to them.” “Hello.” He looked up. The two men went back to laughing but Melanie greeted him with a genuine smile. “Hello Stephanie. It is very nice to meet you.” She turned to Janet. “Could I take her to the playground while you set up?” “Let me put some sunscreen on her first.” Janet found the sunscreen in the diaper bag and squirted some onto her fingers before gently applying it to his face, being very careful around his eyes. She continued down his neck. The romper left his arms and legs completely exposed so Janet had to rub sunscreen all the way along his arms and down his legs from his hips to his ankles. “All done. Now be good for Melanie.” “Yes, Mommy.” Stephen replied. Melanie took his hand. “Come on Stephanie. I’ll push you on the swing.” She excitedly pulled him toward the playground. Tanya and the men followed, wondering what Melanie was planning. Melanie and Stephen reached the swings and he sat on one of them, looking back at the picnic spot. Janet and Amanda had spread out the picnic blanket and were on their way back to the car to collect everything else. Melanie started pushing him. “Let me know if you go too high. I don’t want you to get scared.” Tanya caught up with them “What are you doing?” “What does it look like?” Melanie replied.“I’m pushing your little sister on the swing.” Tanya rolled her eyes. “He’s not my sister. He’s my loser brother in law.” “Don’t be mean to her.” Melanie said. “It’s fun to pretend. I think she’s cute.” “You wouldn’t think he was so cute if you had to change his poopy diapers.” Tanya insisted. “You changed his diapers?” Robbie asked. “You mean you touched his dick?” “My mother made me do it.” Tanya replied. “Are you jealous?” Melanie asked Robbie. “We can put you in diapers and Tanya can change you too.” “Eww. No.” Tanya laughed. “If you start shitting yourself I’m dumping you. Brad can wipe your ass.” “No way.” Brad laughed. “You’re on your own there.” “Don’t worry Robbie.” Melanie joked. “I’ll change your poopy diapers.” “Whatever.” Robbie didn’t have any comebacks. “Let’s go for a walk Tanya.” Tanya sighed and followed Robbie. There would be plenty of time to tease Stephen later. Brad sat on the other swing to stay near Melanie. He told himself that he didn’t have much to worry about from a guy dressed up like a diapered little girl but he wasn’t sure. Melanie was giving Stephen a lot of attention. “If you want me to push you too, you’re going to have to make yourself a lot cuter.” Melanie teased. “I’ll manage by myself. Thank you.” Brad replied. Stephen knew that Tanya had led the others to the swing with the intention of teasing him. He was impressed with how easily Melanie had defused that. Janet and Amanda returned to the blanket with the picnic basket and a few other bags. Stephen watched as they set up a portable cot. He had no doubt that it was intended for him. As Melanie pushed him on the swing he felt pressure on his bladder. He held on for a while, reluctant to wet himself in front of Brad. His old instincts told him to maintain his dignity, what little remained, in front of other men. However, the movement of the swing made it difficult and soon he was forced to release his bladder into the diaper. Of course nobody could tell and he smiled, feeling strangely proud of himself for getting away with it. “Do you smell pee?” Brad asked after a while. “Did you wet yourself?” Melanie asked him. “Ha. No.” He replied. “It must be Stephanie then.” She stopped pushing the swing and let it come to a stop before offering Stephen her hand. “Come on. Let’s go get your diaper changed.” Stephen accepted her hand and allowed her to lead him back to Janet and Amanda. Brad followed, staying behind so that Melanie could not see the look of disgust on his face.. “Did you have fun on the swing, Pumpkin?” Janet asked. “Yes, Mommy.” He replied. “I think her diaper is wet.” Melanie informed her. “I can change her if you like.” “Thank you.” Janet accepted the offer. “Everything you need is in her diaper bag.” She indicated the bag next to the cot. “You’re going to change her?” Brad didn’t like the idea. “If you’re going to get jealous like Robbie, I will diaper you too.” She warned him. He shut up but stayed close. Melanie opened up the diaper bag and looked through the supplies. “Wow. These are really big diapers.” She pulled out one of the disposable diapers and unfolded it. Placing it to one side, she found the wipes and the changing mat. She placed the mat on the grass. “Lay down here please, Stephanie.” Stephen did as he was told and Melanie opened the crotch of his romper and pulled it up to expose his wet diaper. She untapped the diaper and pulled it open. He had already been changed by women he had just met this week but being changed out in the open was new. He felt extremely vulnerable but Melanie smiling down at him as she began to wipe his privates made him feel safe. He smiled up at her and blocked out the rest of the world. He even forgot to be embarrassed about this pretty lady changing his diaper. For a moment, he thought he was attracted to her but that wasn’t it. He realised that he didn’t want to sleep with her. He wanted her to take care of him exactly like she was. The realisation concerned him. He could dismiss it if he had been Stephanie but he was himself. He shouldn’t have been thinking like that. Melanie soon had him taped into a clean disposable and refastend his romper. “All done.” She gave him a playful patt on his padded bottom to let him know he could get up. “Thank you, Melanie.” He got back to his feet. As he did, he realised that Tanya and Robbie had returned and were laughing at him. “Ignore them, Stephanie.” Melanie gave him a hug and glared at Brad for joining in. “I think it’s time to eat.” Janet decided. Everyone found a spot on the blanket. Stephen wanted to sit with Melanie but felt he should sit with Amanda. He told himself that Melanie probably wanted to sit with her friends anyway. He Positioned himself next to Amanda and was pleasantly surprised that Melanie sat on the other side of him. Brad sat next to her, still not comfortable with his girlfriend’s interest in this guy, even if he seemed to be nothing but a baby to her. Tanya had been getting bored. She’d hoped to get some entertainment out of embarrassing Stephen in front of her friends but Melanie had ruined everything. Not only was she being nice to the loser, she’d managed to shame the guys into silence. She did have one trick up her sleeve though. She took Stephens’ ballerina bottle out of the diaper bag and when she was sure she wasn’t being watched, quickly unscrewed the lid and added the flavourless laxatives she had brought. Surely even Melanie would stop thinking this was cute after he shit himself. She passed the bottle to Stephen with a smile. “Here’s your bottle, Stephanie.” “What a pretty bottle.” Melanie commented. “Look at the ballerina teddy bears.” Lunch was mostly finger food. Stephen found that he was disappointed that this meant Melanie wouldn’t be feeding him. He tried to put the thought out of his mind. Why would he want the humiliation of being spoon-fed in front of Tanya and the two guys? Before long, Stephen’s stomach began to feel funny. He decided that he had better stop eating. Something was not agreeing with him. Janet noticed that he was finished eating and declared. “I think it’s time for Stephanie’s nap.” This drew more laughter from Janet and Robbie. Melanie squeezed Brad’s arm to warn him against joining in. “Let me check your diaper.” Janet helped Stephen up and pulled his romper aside. “Still dry.” She led him to the portable cot and held his hand as he climbed in and sat down. The cot wasn’t big enough for him to stretch out in but he could comfortably curl up on his side. With his stomach starting to cramp, it’s how he would have been laying even if he’d had more room. He watched the others through the mesh wall of the cot as the leisurely finished their lunches. He quickly lost any hope of getting home or even back to the car before he would be forced to fill his diaper. Still, he thought that maybe Tanya and her friends would go for a walk after they finished eating and give him just a little privacy. Of course, Tanya knew what was going to happen and wanted her friends to be there when it did. They weren’t going anywhere. “I’d like to go for a walk.” Janet stood up after she’d finished eating. “Could one of you please stay and watch Stephanie?” “We’ll stay here.” Tanya quickly volunteered. “You can go too Amanda. If you’d like.” “Thanks.” Amanda joined her mother, leaving Stephen in the care of Tanya and her friends. Stephen’s discomfort grew and he let out a fart loud enough to draw the attention of Janet and the others. “Ewww Stephen.” Tanya stood over him. “That’s gross.” Stephen groaned. “Are you okay?” Melanie asked with genuine concern. “I think I ate something which disagreed with me.” He explained. “He’s going to shit his diaper.” Tanya told the others. “Just watch.” “Gross.” Robbie complained but got up to look anyway. Stephen felt another cramp and lost control. He noisily filled his diaper. The others knew exactly what had just happened. Janet and Robbie started laughing. Brad knew better than to join in. “So are you going to change him now?” Robbie asked. “Not a chance.” Janet laughed. “He can sit in it. Unless Melanie wants to do it.” “I don’t mind.” Melanie moved between Janet and the cot. “Come on Stephanie. I’ll get you cleaned up.” Stephen carefully stood up but another wave of cramps hit him and he doubled over, forcing even more poop into his diaper. “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay.” Melanie took his hand. “It’s what your diapers are for.” Stephen let her lead him over to the changing mat. She gathered the necessary supplies from the diaper bag and came back to him. Once again, Stephen watched her face and was able to block out everything else. Janet and her boyfriend’s taunting didn’t matter. She untapped his diaper and pulled it open, revealing the embarrassing mess to everyone present. Melanie's face didn’t change and Stephen didn’t look at the others to see their expressions of disgust. Melanie got to work cleaning him up. She got into every nook and cranny with the baby wipes. When she was satisfied that his bottom was clean, she rolled up the wipes in the old diaper and tied it up in a plastic bag. “Could you get her into a clean diaper?” She asked Brad, looking around for a bin. “I’m going to throw this out and wash my hands.” “You want me to put a diaper on him?” Brad asked. “Her.” Melanie corrected him. “I’ve done the hard part.” She held up the soiled diaper. “And don’t let the others be mean to her. I’ll be checking with her when I get back.” She turned and left before he could argue. With a sigh, Brad picked up the clean diaper Melanie had taken out. He unfolded it and turned it around in his hands to understand how it was meant to go on. “Are you actually going to do it?” Robbie asked, laughing. “You’ll be wiping his bum next.” “Shut up, Rob.” Brad said, kneeling down. “Um. Could you lift up a bit?” He asked Stephen. No longer in the protective bubble of Melanie’s care, Stephen heard the taunts from Janet and Robbie loud and clear. He blushed deeply as he lifted his hips to let Brad slide the diaper under his bottom. “Maybe you and Melanie can adopt him.” Janet teased. “You can be his Daddy.” “Are you going to spank him when he’s naughty?” Robbie added. “Guys. Cut it out.” He demanded as he pulled the diaper up to finally cover Stephen’s privates. “You want me to have a fight with Melanie?” “You don’t have to worry about that.” Janet informs him. “I’ve got photos of him that I’ll send to all of his friends back home if he ever tells anyone I’m not the best big sister in the world. He’s not going to say anything.” Brad considered for a moment as he fastened the tapes. He looked down at Stephen. He seemed so pathetic in his diaper and romper. He felt silly for feeling threatened by the attention Melanie gave him. Stephen wasn’t a man to her. Picking on him didn’t seem fair or fun. Brad even started to feel a little protective on Melanie’s behalf. “No. Just leave her alone.” “Why would you stand up for this loser?” Robbie demanded. “I’m warning you.” Brad finished fastening Stephen’s romper and stood up. “Just drop it.” “I guess you are his daddy.” Robbie continued. “One big happy pervert family” Brad charged at Robbie and knocked him to the ground. Robbie got up and dusted himself off. “Let’s get out of here, Tanya.” “But Melanie and Brad came in my car.” Tanya reminded him. “How will they get home?” “They can get a ride with their baby.” Robbie said, already moving to the car park. “Come on.” Brad watched them go just to make sure Robbie didn’t change his mind and come back for a fight then helped Stephen up off the ground. “Thank you.” Stephen said. “You didn’t have to do that.” “Yeah I did.” He replied. “You haven’t seen Melanie angry.” Stephen smiled at that. Soon Melanie rejoined them. “Where are Tanya and Robbie?” “We had a disagreement.” Brad explained. “They left.” “He stood up for me.” Stephen added. “My hero.” Melanie put her arms around Brad and kissed him. “Tanya is blackmailing him.” Brad informed Melanie. “What?” Melanie was shocked. “Please don’t tell anyone.” Stephen begged. “If Mommy… I mean Janet finds out then Tanya will send photos of me like this to everyone I know.” “Have you told Amanda?” Melanie asked. “She might be able to help.” “No.” He admitted. The discussion ended abruptly as they saw Janet and Amanda returning. “Where did Tanya and Robbie go?” Janet asked. “Robbie wasn’t feeling well and Tanya took him home.” Melanie lied. “Would it be okay if we got a ride back with you?” “Of course it would.” Janet replied. “Have you been good for Melanie?” Janet asked Stephen. “Yes, Mommy.” He replied. Janet looked to Melanie for confirmation. Melanie smiled and nodded. “Amanda, I thought I might take Stephanie back to the playground.” Melanie said. “Would you like to join us.” “Sure.” She was a bit confused by the invitation but accepted. “I’ll help pack up.” Brad volunteered. With Melanie holding one of Stephen’s hands and Amanda holding the other, they walked back toward the playground. When they were far enough away to not be heard, Melanie said. “Tanya is blackmailing Stephanie with photos of her.” “What?” Amanda was immediately angry. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I’m sorry.” Stephen said. “She said she would send them to every contact on my phone if I told anyone.” “I’m not angry at you, Honey.” Amanda said. “But there’s something you should know.” “What?” He asked, concerned. “That story about you in the local paper.” Amanda explained. “It got shared online, along with some of the photos people at the mall took.” “What?” He repeated, although he already knew where this was going. “Everyone back home already knows.” She said.”I’ve been getting calls and messages about it since yesterday.” “No!” Stephen felt like crying. “It’s okay.” Melanie tried to reassure him. “You live here now. You don’t have to go back there.” Amanda held him in a tight hug. “And now Tanya doesn’t have anything to threaten you with.” “That’s right.” Melanie said. “We should tell your mommy right now.” They turned around and made their way back to where Janet and Brad were packing up the picnic. “You changed your mind about the playground?” Janet asked. “Mom. We need to tell you something about Tanya.” Anger was obvious in Amanda’s voice. “She has been blackmailing Stephanie with photos.” “What photos?” Janet asked. “She took photos of me the night she babysat.” Stephen explained. “She threatened to send them to everyone I knew if I told you how mean she was to me.” “It’s true.” Brad confirmed. “Tanya told me herself.” “I’ll deal with her.” Janet said menacingly. They soon had everything packed and They squeezed into the car. Amanda sat in front with Janet and Stephen sat between Melanie and Brad. .Melanie could tell Stephen was tense. ”Are you alright?” She squeezed his hand. “I don’t know what to do.” He told her. “How can I ever face my friends now that they know I’m living like this?” “If they are really your friends, it won’t bother them.” Melanie told him and he almost believed her. “What if it does?” He felt like he was about to cry. “Then you have real friends here.” Melanie said. “Who?” “Me.” She smiled at him. “And Brad.” she shot Brad a look to tell him he’d better agree. “Yeah.” Brad confirmed. “We are your friends.” Part of Stephen was certain that they were just saying that to be nice but he ignored that and let himself feel comforted by their reassurance. Janet dropped Melanie and Brad off at Melane’s place before finally going home. Stephen had wet during the long drive and Janet asked Amanda to change him while she called Tanya. Amanda took Stephen to his room and changed him out of his wet disposable and into a cloth diaper and plastic panties. When they emerged, Janet had finished her call. “Tanya is on her way.” She informed them. Half an hour later, Tanya arrived. “Come with me to Stephanie’s room.” Janet said. “Everyone.” Tanya was confused but went with her mother. Amanda and Stephen followed behind into the room. There was a cloth diaper folded on the change mat. Next to it was a pair of baby blue plastic panties and a matching t-shirt. “You called me here to change his diaper?” Tanya asked. “No. That’s your diaper.” Janet explained. “I know you’ve been blackmailing Stephanie. This is your punishment.” “What makes you think I’ll let you put me in diapers?” Tanya demanded. “I moved out. You can’t punish me.” “If you don’t do as you are told then Robbie will find out about the guys you cheated on him with.” Janet threatened. “For how long?” Tanya knew she had to play along. “One week.” Janet said. “Longer if you misbehave.” “But I have to go to work.” Tanya almost whined. “You can wear disposable diapers under your work clothes.” Janet told her. “I’ll come by and change you during your lunch break.” Tanya wanted to argue more but she knew nothing would get her out of this. “Whatever.” “Get undressed and lay down on the diaper.” Janet directed her. “With them watching?” Tanya indicated Stephen and Amanda. “You don’t need to be shy.” Janet told her. “Stephanie is a little girl like you and Amanda is going to be helping me change you this week.” With a sigh, Tanya turned away from them and stripped down to her bra and panties. “Underwear too.” Janet told her. Tanya reached back and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Finally she pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she laid down on the thick material, with her arms crossed across her chest, and stared at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe she was letting herself be humiliated like Amanda’s loser husband. Amanda and Stephen watched as Janet wrapped the diaper snugly around Tanya and pinned it in place. Next, Janet put Tanya’s feet through the plastic panties and pulled them up her legs and over her padded bottom. Finally, Janet helped Tanya off the bed and pulled the t-shirt on over her head. Tanya didn’t look at anyone. Instead, despite knowing she didn’t want to see it, she checked her reflection in the mirror. She looked as ridiculous as she felt. “How am I going to explain this to Robbie?” She asked herself more than anyone else. “Can you watch the girls for me?” Janet asked Amanda. “I need to go pick up Tanya’s work clothes from her place because she’s going to be sleeping over here this week.”. “No problem, Mom” Amanda smiled, looking at her two baby sisters. “Should we go to the park?” “No!” Tanya’s eyes went wide in panic. “You can’t take me outside like this.” Amanda laughed. “Fine. We can play in the backyard.” Tanya didn’t like the idea but it was better than the park. Amanada led them outside, Tanya waddled awkwardly in her thick diapers while Stephen had mastered walking with the padding between his legs. She sat them down in the sandpit. “Now play nicely you two.” She told them, getting them the buckets and spades from the cubby house before, finding a comfortable chair to watch them from. “I can’t believe I’m stuck in diapers with you.” Tanya complained. Stephen ignored her and focussed on building a sand castle. “I am definitely sending those photos to all of your friends now.” She said. “Go ahead.” It felt good to finally stand up to her.. “They already know everything.” “Smile!” Amanda called out from her chair. She had her phone pointing at them. “No.” Tanya Panicked. “Don’t!” Stephen just smiled for the photo. “Adorable.” Amanda, looked at the photo. “Maybe we can get that one framed.” Tanya pouted, hoping Amanda was joking. By the time Janet got back, Tanya already needed to pee. She held on, hoping that she would get a chance to sneak away and use the toilet. When Janet called her and Stephen for dinner she had still not found such an opportunity and she was absolutely bursting. It was obvious to the others but nobody said anything. They just waited for the inevitable. Next to each of their plates was a bib. A blue one for Tanya and a red one for Stephen. Amanda sat in with Stephen and fastened his bib. “Thank you, Amanda.” Stephen said as she started feeding him. Janet did the same for Tanya but got no thanks. Stephen cooperated with Amanda, happily letting her shove spoonfuls of food into his mouth. It was too embarrassing for Tanya. She kept her mouth clamped shut, causing Janet to smear food across her face. Stephen smiled as he chewed between mouthfuls. He remembered when he had been that difficult. He was much happier being a good little girl. By the time their dinner was finished, Tanya had lost the battle with her bladder and soaked her diaper. Janet took them both to the bathroom. She started filling the tub then undressed Stephen. Once he was stripped completely naked, she reached for Tanya’s t-shirt. “Wait.” Tanya stepped away from her. “You’re putting us in the bath together?” “Yes.” Janet stepped closer and pulled Tanya’s t-shirt off. “I put you and Amanda in the bath together when you were little.” “But...” Tanya had no argument and let her mother pull her plastic panties down and unpin her diaper. The soggy diaper fell heavily to the tiled floor. The yellow stains left no doubt what she had done. Despite her embarrassment, it felt good to no longer have the wet fabric against her skin. Janet helped them both into the bath, first Stephen at one end, then Tanya at the other. Tanya crossed her arms over her breasts and they both awkwardly avoided looking at each other. Janet washed Stephen first. He was now accustomed to the routine and helpfully moved when needed to let her scrub him all over. Tanya was less cooperative. She held her arms firmly across her chest. “Move your arms please.” Janet asked when she got to Tanya’s chest. “I don’t want him to see my boobs.” Tanya complained. “Don’t be silly. You’re just a little girl. You don’t have breasts.” Janet said. “Now move your arms or you’ll get a spanking.” Tanya reluctantly moved her arms away from her chest while still trying to block Stephen’s view. It was good enough for Janet and she finished washing her daughter. She then helped both of them out of the tub and wrapped them in towels before leading them to Stehpen’s room. She folded Tanya’s bedtime double diapers and then pulled the towel away from her. “Lay down.” Tanya did as she was told and her mother powdered her and pinned her into the extra-thick diapers then dressed her in yellow plastic panties and a short yellow nightdress. “You can go watch TV with Amanda.” She told Tanya as she started folding Stephen’s diapers. Tanya waddled out to find Amanda on the sofa. Amanda managed to stop herself from laughing but couldn’t hide her smile when she saw her sister in that state. Tanya went to sit on the far end of the sofa. “The sofa is for grownups.” Amanda pointed at Stehpen’s blanket. “Babies sit on the floor.” Tanya glared at her but sat where she was told. It felt weird. It was like she was carrying a cushion stuck to her bottom. Janet and Stephen soon joined them. Stephen was in a pink nightdress, in the same style as Tanya’s, and matching pink plastic panties. Janet sat down on the sofa near Amana and Stephen joined Tanya on the blanket. He played with the toys for a little while but grew tired of that. He looked back at Janet and she smiled at him. She knew what he wanted. “Come cuddle with Mommy.” She patted the cushion next to her. He eagerly left Tanya and climbed onto the sofa to cuddle with Janet. “Seriously?” Tanya rolled her eyes at him but he didn’t care. Too soon, Janet declared “It’s bedtime for Stephanie and Tanya.” Stephen sighed but got up to follow her. Tanya wanted to complain but being in bed was probably better than sitting out in the living room with her diapers on display. She followed behind Stephen. In Stephen’s room, Janet checked both of their diapers then pulled back the covers of Stephen’s bed. Stephen climbed in and clutched Felicity. “Where am I going to sleep?” Tanya stood with her hands on her hips but, dressed as she was, it only made her look like a pouty toddler. “You can share with Stephanie.” Janet said. “Her bed is more than big enough for two little girls.” “No!” Tanya stamped her foot. “I’m not sleeping with him!” “That’s it.” Janet sat on the edge of the bed. “Get across my lap.” “No way.” Tanya insisted. “I’m not letting you spank me.” “Then I’ll just call Robbie right now.” Janet threatened. “Okay.” Tanya tried to negotiate. “I’ll share the bed.” “I know you will.” Janet said, patting her lap. “But you need to be punished for talking back.” Resigned to her fate, Tanya bent across her mother’s lap. Janet pulled down the back of Tanya’s plastic panties and diapers. Stephen couldn’t see her bare bottom from where he was but he could see her face. She glared angrily at him but her expressions turned to shock when Janet’s hand came down hard on her bottom. Tanya’s bottom grew more sensitive with each blow and soon it was stinging. “Please stop.” She begged. Janet kept going until Tanya was sobbing. Stephen watched the tears streaming down her cheeks. Recalling his own spankings, he couldn't help feeling a little sorry for her. When the spanking finally finished, Janet pulled Tanya’s diapers and plastic panties back up and gave her a hug. Tanya submissively allowed herself to be tucked in next to Stehpen. While the bed was big enough to fit both of them, it didn’t give them much personal space. Their bulky diapers were squashed against each other. Janet handed Tanya her old teddy bear. “You remember Penelope?” She read them a bedtime story and then kissed them each on the forehead. “Good night, Mommy.” Stephen said. “Good Night, Stephanie.” Janet replied. “Good night, Tanya.” Tanya didn’t reply. “I think I’m going to have to work on your manners this week.” Janet told her daughter as she turned off the light. Stephen had nothing to say to Tanya and she was too ashamed after crying in front of him to say anything to him so they laid there in silence until they eventually fell asleep, wondering what the next week would bring.
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Daniel was never much of a man, he wasn't effeminate however he wasn't studly either. Marcy loved him at one point but when she met Arnoldo the tanned muscle Italian at work she knew it would never been enough with Daniel anymore,Arnoldo wanted Marcy and Marcy wanted him,but she couldn't break her husband's heart,Arnoldo demanded to see a picture of Daniel,as soon as he saw the picture, he knew it would be fun to dominate him so he came up with a plan to help Marcy spare his feelings and yet not cut him out of her life completely.