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  1. Well, this is my first ever story for a contest - in particular, this is for Kasarberang's fourth contest, and I'll post the link at the bottom. Anyway, without further ado, welcome to the show! - Chapter One: Sentencing - Ferne Beliveau had presented her closing arguments this Sunday of the capital murder trial with confidence, poise, and the expertise of a long-time professional - which was shocking, since she was the youngest (and newest) District Attorney in the history of Louisiana (all of Louisiana, not just New Orleans, her district) at the tender age of twenty-nine, having been in law school since she was seventeen. She was certain the man before her would be convicted by the jury, who had finished deliberations and were standing before the judge. “Have you reached a verdict?” Judge Anderson, a tired old man with little shock-white hair remaining on his nearly bald head, asked. “We have, Your Honor,” the forewoman said. “What say you?” “We the jury, in the case of the State of Louisiana vs. Hedges, find the defendant unanimously guilty on the charges of capital murder and armed robbery in the first degree.” Ferne looked at Tevin Hedges, a Black teenager, who mouthed, “I ain’t done nothin’,” in disbelief, tears pouring from his eyes, the defense attorneys bowing their heads in shock and guilt. She loved every moment of it. Crushing the hopes and dreams of these men was sweet nectar and ambrosia to her. So what if they were innocent? It looked good on her record. Besides, they deserve nothing less for being criminal scum. “Thank you, Jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned.” Ferne left with the various legal documents in her hands, a bounce in her step, her heels clicking on the floor, as she strode towards the exits. She had almost reached it before she was bumped into, a foul-smelling liquid spilling on her expensive white pantsuit. “Watch where you’re going!” she spat at the offending party: a tall middle-aged woman with long straw-blonde hair and green eyes that were glaring at her coldly. “Perhaps you should be more careful, young lady,” the older woman said in a dialect that was clearly Irish, the glare not leaving her eyes, a familiar look. Ferne huffed a bit, ignoring the woman (had she seen her before? No matter; she had more important things to worry about.) as she went to the restroom to clean up. Whatever liquid (probably liquor) was spilled on her had absorbed itself into her skin, and yet…it wasn’t wet. Definitely going to shower after this, she thought furiously, as she washed her hands, peering into the mirror to see her beautiful light brunette hair smartly tucked in a bun, her twinkling ice-blue eyes, the smug look on her face like the cat who ate the canary. The only thing she hated about her appearance was her size: she was barely 4’10” with a small bust to match. “Hello, Ferne,” a voice said next to her. She was joined by her, well, nobody was exactly a rival to her, but her closest competitor, Taneka Stevens, her ebony complexion, long braids, and still-heavyset figure and giant bust from a very recent childbirth contrasting sharply with Ferne’s toned alabaster skin. The other woman was already washing her hands. “Well, hello, Tannypack,” Ferne replied snootily. “Glad I could have your help on the Hedges case, for what little you did.” Stevens didn’t back down, annoying the younger woman. She was the only one who didn’t back down from her “Bitch-mode” amongst her subordinates - something she was going to have to change. “You know the kid was innocent, right?” Stevens said with a sigh. “We’re not the ones to decide guilt; that’s the job of the jury,” Ferne chided. “Maybe having a kid sapped a bit of your brain in the process?” “Why are you the way you are?” She brushed off the question, ignoring how much it hurt inwardly. “You mean a successful head District Attorney in Louisiana’s biggest parish? Maybe you should try it sometime, Tannypack; it might make you less stupid.” “Never mind. I see how you’re choosing to act.” Stevens left, leaving Ferne to her thoughts. What a stupid whore, choosing to get knocked up over the opportunity of being District Attorney. Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her ruined pantsuit, and she looked at the text. Her stupid ex, Mae Jung-Sook, was the guilty party. Hey, I need you to come to court for child services. Urgent, much love! She rolled her eyes and responded. Did you drink bleach? We’re both women, and there was no child. Fuck off. The next text quickly showed up. It’s about guardianship, power-of-attorney. If you back out now, they’ll assume the child isn’t old enough to be their own legal guardian and POA falls into my hands. Please, dear, last chance to back out. Ferne rolled her eyes. Classic manipulation tactic. You can do whatever the fuck you want with your brat, bitch. For the last time, fuck off! It’s over! In fact, I don’t think there ever was anything between us! Goodbye! She blocked the number on her phone. If Mae was going to be manipulative, she didn’t need her in her life. What a fucking day… Ferne decided to go back home to change; she couldn’t exactly go out for a night on the town in a dirty pantsuit. She saw the Irish woman standing outside the bathroom, her stare making the DA feel a bit uncomfortable, and once again, she had the strangest feeling she had seen her before. Doesn’t matter where I saw her. She’s not my type, anyway. She strode confidently into the parking lot, heedless and uncaring of the other people who were in her way, no matter who they were, as she got out her keys. Her Lexus was ready to go, the front door automatically opening for her (thank God for the money from her job). Ferne sidled in and closed the door, opening her purse that she had hidden in the backseat. It would be the biggest mistake of her life. She checked the open purse, making sure everything was there, seeing an odd canister spewing an odorless gas, barely feeling her eyes droop before everything went black. - Well, here's the link, as promised. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter:
  2. If anyone has read my prior stories, I would like to apologize for not coming out with new chapters. Real life takes various turns and I need focus my attention elsewhere, but I felt compelled to try a new story while working on my older ones. I just wanted to get some inspiration on something new. Hope you enjoy! Pride Of The Little Chapter 1 Lisa saw herself as quite the independent and motivated little and even though she never came out and verbally said it. She felt that she was destined for greater things in life, compared to most portal littles like her. Nine months ago she along with two of her closest friends went to a job fair, however it wasn’t any normal job fair. It was a fair dedicated to see if people like her would be interested in being employed in another dimension that was under the direct control and jurisdiction of a vast group of people known as Amazonians. Lisa was no fool, she heard and understood about the rumors of what amazons thought about portal littles like her. Her two friends though it was some sick stupid joke as they applied for jobs they had found a keen interest in. But what stood out with nearly every opening was that they offered ridiculous high pay in the six figures and also lucrative bonus options such as higher education pay and retirement options, the only drawback was that any portal that agrees to the terms would be contractually obligated to work a specific amount of years in the Amazonian world. It varied depending on the companies that were hiring. It was a high-risk, high reward opportunity. There was also the ability to head back to her normal dimension after one year of being in the work force if she scheduled any vacation time for it. So if things got to dicey she could just not return, though the appeal of gaining a vast financial future was always on her mind. Lisa along with her friends were able to go out and explore the city but where met with many curious eyes. While portal littles were allowed to walk around on their own accord, most amazons felt that very rule was abhorrent for obvious reasons. “It looks like I’m almost there. Perhaps when I’m finished with my job today, I’ll go ask Bonnie if she wants to chill at my place and have a drink..” As Lisa casually paced herself while on the sidewalk in a normal looking suburban neighborhood, she caught the usual glances of a few amazons that seemed to disagree with her walking alone. It was something Lisa had accepted and no longer worried about. Most amazonians around this time had believed it was one of the few legally employed portal littles and not some foolish tourist that decided to venture off into the unknown. The main component that kept Lisa safe was her employment necklace that showed proof that she was off-limits to any giant that was seeking to claim her. Though there were times when some amazons would not care about the importance of the necklace and still try to abduct her, however they all ended up in failure as their were countermeasures for Lisa to use to avoid being illegally adopted. Today, one such female amazon had her eye on Lisa and was about to see how far she could go. "I wish my boss would give me some scooter or something. Walking is nice, but it would be so much quicker...Oh well, it's not like I have to travel far whenever I'm given an assignment." As Lisa looked over her GPS navigation device, she felt a large shadow standing in front of her. Lisa sighed as she put the device in her pocket, already knowing what to expect. She looked up and saw a slightly overweight amazon. The woman was wearing a rather bland dress but did not give off the vibe of someone that was homeless. The neighborhood that she was in appeared to be quite well kept and was far from something that would qualify as a slum. “Hello there little one. I noticed that you are walking all alone. And while this quiet neighborhood is very safe for most folks, it’s still not recommended for someone as fragile as yourself to be out here all alone without adult supervision...Honey can you please tell me where your mommy and daddy are, so we can go look for them together?" Lisa knew where this conversation was going. It always led to the same exact goal for these giants. Thankfully Lisa was trained for this eventuality before she was given any real assignments. Besides her very simplistic job of delivering legal notices to certain households, her other job was to basically keep herself safe. It was a job that a amazon could easily do, but the Amazonian government was desperately trying to appeal for portal littles to work in their dimension as a way to build far greater relations with the littles government, hence the reason for the job fairs that had been going on for years. “ I very much appreciate your concern but as you can clearly see, I'm a legally employed portal little and I'm currently on the clock right now, so I don't have luxury of talking to long." Lisa was only given one assignment a day, which meant that she had plenty of time to do whatever she wanted after she was finished, she just used that response as a way to keep any amazon from trying to get too friendly. "Oh my! I'm so sorry! What exactly is your job? If you don't mind me asking?" The amazon asked as she knelt down to one knee, wanting to get a better look at Lisa. My job is to issue warrants to amazons that may have adopted portal littles that are considered off-limits and are legally required to return them back to their original dimension." Lisa made sure that her necklace was in full-view, without it, she would have easily been scooped up by any random amazon after spending five minutes outside in the vast city “My My…What a very particular job you have…” The female amazonian could barely hold the disdain in her voice, obviously not pleased by what she had just heard. It was a law that had recently passed a few years ago. If gave some very specific portal littles that had rich, well connected family members to reclaim them. Like with the job-fair, it was a controversial law that most amazons did not approve of as they believed that all portal littles did not need to work alongside them, but rather needed to be constantly cared for. But the amazonian government would not cave in as the traffic of portal littles visiting the amazonian dimension had been declining at a record pace due to the constant tourists being claimed and adopted. "It most certainly is...Now if you will excuse me." As Lisa was about to walk passed her, the amazon put her large hand on Lisa's shoulder. A chill went down Lisa's spine as she turned back to wonder what the giant was going to do next. "If you have a moment, I would love to offer you a glass of juice at my house. It is quite warm out today and I know how frail your tiny bodies are." “Ugh, ya…No thanks. I’ll be…”Lisa was once again cut off as the amazon made sure to keep a tight grip on her shoulder. Lisa knew right then that she dealing with an amazon that didn't much care for the laws. She knew she was in for a long day. “Trust me, you will love the juice. It has all the vitamins that you poor babies require. And you look like you are about to pass out and as a law obeying citizen, I can't ignore this!" Before she knew it, Lisa felt her entire body being scooped up and then was now laying over the shoulder of the female amazon. “Ugh…Just great…It's been a few months since I've had to deal with one of these types…What a pain.” Lisa thought to herself as she quietly watched as she was being carried to a part of the neighborhood that was not aligned with her assignment. Most portal littles would start freaking out but Lisa was trained and prepared to deal with this type of situation. A contingency that had never failed her. “You know...If you don’t have a mommy that can properly take care of you, I don’t mind fulfilling that role. In fact, I’ve actually been looking at adopting for some time now and you look like the type that requires constant attention.” The amazon began to pat Lisa’s butt, thinking that she had just found herself quite the catch. Lisa wanted to land a single punch in the woman's jaw but knew that would only make things worse for her. She would try one more time to use dialog before resorting to using her safety net. “Excuse me miss, but if you don’t let me go this instant, I will be forced to alert the authorities to our location. And in case you are not fully aware, illegal adoption has quite the felony charge. Do you really want to spend the next couple of decades behind bars all for the sake of kidnapping me?” Lisa smirked, knowing that by using that exact response, it would usually cause most amazons to second guess their decision and finally give up. “My name is Anna, but you can call me mommy from now on. What is yours hun?” Lisa was caught a bit off-guard as the amazon seemed to either have not heard her or was purposefully ignoring her warning as she was still over the giant's shoulder. Lisa was done, the gloves were off. “HEY! YOU GOT TO THE COUNT OF FIVE TO RELEASE ME! OR I'M ABOUT TO UNLEASHE THE SEVEN LAYERS OF HELL ON YOUR ASS!” Lisa screamed out." Lisa took hold of her necklace and was about to press a button on the middle of it. “I think someone needs a proper timeout. And I’ve got just the thing.” Lisa quickly pressed the button as the amazon pulled something out from her pocket. Before Lisa could continue to voice her protest, a pacifier was forced into her mouth. Lisa was about to spit it out until she felt the bulb in her mouth grow far larger, forcing the soother to remain in it's place. "Now that's more like it. And if I hear any more complaining out of you missy, you are going right over my knee, understand?" Lisa felt legitimately angry and afraid for the first time in months, and without her ability to speak, she could not ask for help, though she wasn't certain if any amazons would even care to listen to her plea. Today was supposed to be just another typical Tuesday and now she was in a most precarious position. The authorities were her final hope and thankfully, they had always been their to save her. It was only a matter of time. “Enjoy this while you can you giant bitch. The police will be up on your ass in the next few minutes. " Lisa was looking forward to seeing the amazons expression once a few patrol cars came into view. “I actually think that necklace is kinda yucky, I can buy you something far more adorable after I get you settled in." Anna quickly removed the necklace around Lisa's neck and then threw it in the nearest garbage bin, thinking to herself that the necklace had a tracker on it. Lisa wanted to smirk but the pacifier kept her from doing so. Unbeknownst to the amazon, the tracker was a small chip that was safely secured inside Lisa's butt. A mandatory requirement that Lisa needed to accept if she wanted to even work in the amazon dimension. It was a bit invasive but worth it, given the circumstances. The next few minutes almost felt like an hour for Lisa as she looked all around the neighborhood, hoping to see several cop cars coming towards her location, but all there was utter silence except the distant sounds of people conversing at the local park nearby. No amount of squirming would be of help. Most amazons would just mistake her for being upset like for not getting the toy she wanted or had an accident. “We are almost home, little one. After I get you changed, perhaps I’ll consider feeding you, so long as you continue to behave. If not, it’s straight to bedtime. Tomorrow, we will head straight to the nearest adoption agency to fill out the proper paperwork to make you officially mine! While I’m at it, I’ll have to come up with a proper name for you. Hmm… You have short red hair and baby blue eyes, perhaps I’ll name you after a gem, maybe Ruby or perhaps Sapphire! Oh the possibilities are endless!”” Lisa cringed as the amazon seemed to be overjoyed by the prospect of becoming a mommy. “For the love of god police, please show up before I'm actually put inside this crazy bitches house!" “Oh Anna! What’s with the little on your shoulder? Don’t tell me that you have finally decided to adopt, have you?” Lisa caught the glimpse of an elderly amazon lady walking up to speak with her kidnapper as they were passing by several houses. “That’s right Olga, as you know, I’ve been holding off on adopting for some time now, but after finding this poor lost little near the city park, I couldn’t help myself and decided to become her new mommy. “Congratulations! She is quite the cutie! Tell me, is she native or portal?” Olga asked as she patted the top of the girl's head. Lisa tried to give a worried expression to the elderly lady, hoping by the far chance that she would understand her predicament. "I think your baby needs her diaper changed based on how she is behaving." Lisa gave up as Anna chuckled to herself, knowing that everything was still going for her. “My whittle red head is a portal.” “Oh my, they are so rare, I can’t believe how lucky you are. I’ve seen several parents give up their native littles in order to qualify to adopt a single portal little. It’s like winning the lottery!” Olga replied with a small chuckle of her own. “I truly am blessed. In fact I'll probably start nursing her after I get her settled in. She hasn't had anything to eat all day!" Anna said as she eyed the house next door. Lisa's eyes widened as she realized that they had arrived the home of her kidnapper. Time was running out. "There is always something special about the first time bonding with a portal little. It's quite the magical experience if you ask me." Olga said as began to head back to walk back to her house. “FUCK! IS THIS SERIOUSLY HAPPENING!" Lisa tried her best to pull herself off the amazon but after a quick smack to her butt, Lisa winced at the pain and momentarily stooped fighting back. "Now baby, don't be impatient, we will get you changed very shortly, okay?...As you can see Olga, I need to get her inside and changed asap. Please give your husband my regards." Anna waved goodbye, wasting no time to unlock the front door to her two story house and then closing it. Leaving Lisa all alone with her wannabe mommy. “We are finally home! I know that this may seem a bit scary for you, but after a few days of adjustment, you will understand that this was the best decision for you.” Lisa was too pissed off to even give the Anna the courtesy of even looking her in the eyes. Anna knew what was going through Lisa's mind but didn't care. She had her baby and knew that it would take some time to break her will, but eventually, she would have the ideal baby that she had been seeking. The climb up the stairs almost felt surreal, Lisa never believed that she would find herself in this position. But here she was. “TA DA! This will be your new nursery from now on!” Lisa immediately could smell the baby powder in the air as she took witness to the bright blue nursery that had pictures of clouds around the walls of the infantile room. There was the standard changing table, crib, rocking chair, and even a rocking horse near the corner of the room. All of which, she had no intention of using. Lisa was still holding on to hope that the cops would show up before then. “God damn it! What a day for the cops to be so freaking incompetent! They have never taken this long, what's going on?" Lisa felt her opportunities running out after noticing that the door to the nursery was closed, which meant that even if she could shake free from her captor, she could not escape the dreaded nursery as the door handle was far beyond her reach. “There goes my first option. Now I really got to improvise…Fuck me…” “Now let's get you out of such deplorable clothes. I originally had planned on adopting a boy, but I don’t exactly mind having a girl. Perhaps after a few months, I’ll consider having you undergo a sex change, hehe.” Lisa felt her body grow cold as she found herself sitting on top of a changing table. Anna gently used her fingers to force Lisa to lay down. Shocked and dismayed were the only thoughts going through the portal littles mind at the moment. “At this point, there is only one last option I can do...Even if this works, it will only delay the inevitable. Lisa could feel her shoes being removed and then shortly after, her socks were next. The young red head knew that she was at the end of the line, right now she her focus was on regaining her ability to speak. “I really do appreciate you accepting your new role. You see, I’m not like most amazon mommies and am willing to listen to reason so long as you are completely obedient with me.” As Anna began to remove Lisa’s pants, Lisa began to wonder if her plan would work. If she could not convince the amazon to remove her pacifier, she was screwed. Lisa felt goosebumps on her legs after her pants were removed. Anna noticed a GPS tracker inside the pants and then quickly crushed it, believing there could have been a tracker on it. She then began to work on her shirt next. "At least there will be no one around if I do this...So damn humiliating. " After having her shirt removed, Lisa looked down at herself, only her bra and panties were left. Lisa decided now was the time to pray that her kidnapper would listen to her. She began to whine and point to her pacifier with tears in her eyes. "What's that? You want to speak baby girl?...How about this, I'll remove your paci, but in return, you need to behave like the proper daughter that you are, okay?" Lisa quickly nodded her head, letting Anna know that she was ready to comply to her every demand. Anna knew that this was going to take a toll on her pride but it was worth it to avoid having herself put into a diaper. “THANK YOU MOMMY!" Lisa yelled out as she quickly hugged Anna after the pacifier was removed. The amazon was caught off-guard but didn't seem to mind. "It's fine baby girl. The pacifier is only needed when you are acting a bit too grumpy wumpy." As Anna began to remove Lisa's bra, the young portal little bit her lip as she was about to speak up again. "Umm...Mommy, can I ask for a favor?" After having her bra removed, Lisa found herself laying on the changing table again as her panties were being removed. She hoped that her Anna would respond in kind. "What can I help you with my daughter?" Lisa had to use all her will-power to refrain from speaking what she truly thought. The idea that this random giant could call her daughter, was so violating. “Mo…Mommy…If…If I’m going to be put into a diaper…I…I would prefer that I at least have a bath first…You know…So that I can be all clean? I feel very dirty.” Lisa began to wonder if the chip in her butt was malfunctioned because she still could not hear any noises from outside, even though the windows were closed, she still would easily be able to hear any sirens. "Hmm...Now that you mention it." Anna placed her face closer to Lisa's stomach and began to sniff it, which only made Lisa feel even more disgusted with herself. "It makes too much sense. A newly a quired baby girl should feel and smell just like a newborn. And I just can't say no to someone so adorable." Anna picked Lisa up by the hips and then kissed her several times on the belly button. “Gross Gross…Fucking hell!” Lisa continued to keep her feelings to herself while playing the role of the obedient baby. She wasn't sure if the amazons was foolish enough to believe her new persona, but she didn't care. "Well, let's not waste anytime and get your bath ready, shall we?" Anna placed Lisa over her shoulder and gave the girl a playful slap on her rear end, causing Lisa to yelp, which made Anna giggle to herself. Being bathed was far from ideal but the idea of being put into a diaper sounded like a fate worse than death for Lisa. She wanted to avoid that at all costs. “It’s unfortunate that we amazons are not allowed to visit your dimension. I bet we could easily help advance your civilization if we took complete ownership of it.” Lisa remained quiet as she allowed Anna to spew out whatever was coming out of her mouth. She would only speak if it meant delaying the diaper change. “I also noticed that you have some naughty stuff on your privates. We will have to get that removed right after your bath. I bet you will be happy to see that! Won't you?" Anna asked as she opened the door to the upstairs bathroom. "I...Will be SUPER DUPER happy...Ya..." Lisa said in the most sarcastic tone. Her face was as red as an apple. Her thoughts were now on the idea that she would end up spending the night in this house of horrors, which meant that she would most certainly in a diaper. "If the authorities don't show up, then I'll have to await until we get to the adoption agency. If they scan my ass, they will see that I'm legally employed and with that, I'll be saved...At least that is what Kelly told me during training....Fuck me." Lisa's thoughts were filled with despair at this point as she watched while sitting on the toilet seat as her so-called mommy filled the bath water. Lisa could see an opening and escape through the bathroom but the idea of running away bare naked, especially if she managed to get outside would not lead to any pleasant encounters. “Even though I thought I was fully prepared, it appears I do not have any bath toys for you to play with baby girl, I'm so sorry. But I promise that I will get you some later this week!" "It's all good...Mommy." Lisa continued to give off a forced smile, as she mentally prepared herself for what was to come. After the bath water had reached a suitable level, Anna picked her newly acquired baby up and carefully lowered her into the warm bath water. Lisa felt guilty by how comfortable her body felt while submerged. “There is so much bonding that we will be doing over the next few weeks, even I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the recent change of events. My friends were all able to find portal littles to adopt over the past few years and while I was happy for them, I did feel a tinge of jealousy. It is so simple to adopt a native, but there is something special about taking care of a little from a different dimension. I bet the feeling is mutual for you, honey bunny.” Anna took her time in washing Lisa’s entire body, while making sure that she didn’t overlook any part of Lisa's petite body. During the whole ordeal, Lisa kept her eyes closed, trying to pretend that she was in some massage parlor back in her dimension. An escape from the nightmare that she was now residing in. "Your awfully quiet. I guess I should understand. It's your first bath. Perhaps next time, mommy will join you and we can bathe each other, how does that sound?" Lisa did not want to respond but knew that she needed to appease the amazon until the authorities arrived at some point. "I...I would...Like...That." Lisa stuttered as she felt her butt being raised in the air as Anna began to gently clean it with a bath sponge. "I may actually be able to nurse you, given how I can feel my hormones change at this very moment. I'm so happy. One thing I would also love to try out in a few months is that very unique unbirth program. When I plan to go seek my folks up north, I would love to have you resting inside my womb. It's quite cold up there, but you would not need to worry as you will be very warm and safe as a part of my body." Lisa felt her hear stop beating for just a moment after hearing such horrific ideas. She had heard about the stories of actual adults like her being breastfed but had never heard of the ability of someone like her being forced inside a giant. It sounded like a nightmare, a bad nighttime story to tell. But given how tall the amazons were. It was very much possible for it be a reality. And for Lisa, she would rather die than suffer such a horrific fate. "Make no mistake, this bitch is a certified nutjob! I have to get away from her and take a few shots of vodka to erase everything I heard today." Lisa's thoughts were interrupted as she was taken out of the bathtub right after having her hair washed. Once she was dried off, Lisa had to admit that she certainly felt clean but still would always prefer to bathe herself. “Alrighty! Let’s go get you dressed for the rest of the night, shall we?” Anna hummed a lullaby as she carried the distraught Lisa back toward towards the nursery. Tears were forming in her eyes as she began to accept her padded fate. The police were a no show. Her reliable protection had now become unreliable. “I have a friend that owns a daycare center not too far from here, I bet she would be able to give me a decent discount when we sign you up, haha.” Lisa ignored the words of her kidnapper as she tried to pretend that she was visiting friends and having a good ol fashioned bbq. Back when she was much poorer but still had her dignity. After having her towel removed, Anna was easily able to lay Lisa down on the changing table without any resistance. She could see the obvious emotional damage that she had done and did feel a bit guilty, but only for just a moment before raising both of Lisa's ankles in the air and then grabbing a wet wipe. Lisa yelped as she felt the cold dampness of the wipe against her most sensitive areas. She just decided to keep her eyes closed and continued to pray for a miracle. "That's more like it. Smooth as my baby's bottom." Anna lightly smacked Lisa's butt a few times before lowering it onto the padded table. The cool breeze on her privates made Lisa bite her lip to allow the pain to overwhelm any of her other senses. “These wipes are not cheap but you get what you pay for. After kissing Lisa directly on her privates, Anna pulled out a thick white diaper underneath the changing table, it was pure white with blue tapes on the sides. There were also cartoon pictures of dogs and cats on them as an added bonus. As the diaper slid under Lisa's butt, she could immediately feel the soft padding that would soon become her jail...Not to mention her toilet. "This is it...The end..." Lisa quietly said to herself as Anna began to lift the top sheet of the diaper to cover her babies privates. "OH! I almost forgot!" I'm such a clumsy idiot!" Anna let go of the top sheet as she went to pull something from underneath the changing table. "We can't have my precious baby girl getting a rash!" Anna pulled out a bottle of baby powder but before she could start to sprinkle the white substance over Lisa's lower half, there was a sudden loud knock at the door. Their was a look of shock and confusion on both of their faces as a third party had now come into the picture. “Seriously. You know, I bet it's Olga. She always knocking at the most inconvenient of times. Probably wanting to gift us with several things to celebrate." Anna took a moment to consider if she should ignore it continuing the process of diapering her baby girl. But after another heavier sounding knock, Anna quicky realized that it was not Olga as her elderly friend did not have the strength to pull such an act off. and began the process of diapering her new baby girl but after another even heavier knock at the door, Anna quickly realized that it was most likely not her neighbor and began to grow worried. She quicky looked at Lisa, wondering if she knew who it was, but from the despair on the girl's face, she assumed that she was alright and perhaps it was some stupid salesman. There were no sirens, so Anna did not believe that the police had come looking for her daughter. Still, it was something that she could not ignore. "Baby girl, I'm going head downstairs for a moment, please suckle on this to pass the time, okay?" Anna took out a pacifier from her pocket and quickly shoved it into Lisa's mouth. Right after doing so, she exited the nursery but did not close the door behind her. Lisa feeling absolutely defeated and violated, sat up and spat out the soother without a moments notice. She carefully hopped off the changing table, not caring how hard the landing was on her butt, she felt a glimmer of hope. A light at the end of a very dark tunnel. "Please...Let it be them..." Lisa noticed that both her bra and panties were torn up after Anna removed them from her body. It pissed her off but right now she wanted to see who was at the door, but first she needed to at least put her pants and shirt on before doing so. Anna's body grow cold as she noticed two police officers standing right at her front door. She knew why they were their. Now she needed to come up with a viable solution to have them leave. It was do or die. “Can I help you with something, officers?” The amazon asked in a calm and collective tone. Secretly wondering how the police were able to track Lisa since she did not the necklace or working GPS. “We have received a notification that there is a possible portal little in your vicinity. We are here just to see if you have accidentally taken in a portal little in by mistake or have seen one in your area.” Anna knew that she was in trouble but also knew that she could talk her way out of this. She wasn't dead to rights. “There actually have been a few littles running around in this neighborhood, it wouldn’t surprise me if a portal little was among them. I believe I saw them heading down Bronson street. You might have more luck if you go down that area. ” Anna nervously chuckled, hoping that the officers would leave her be. Of the two officers, the male one raised an eyebrow before speaking up. “Do you mind if we take a look around? The other officer asked as he tried to get a better look of the inside of the house. Anna stood in front of him, not wanting anyone to enter her domain. “I do mind actually! You see my baby girl is sleeping and I don't want anyone to disturb her, understand!" Anna said in a more direct stern tone. “POLICE! THANK FUCKING GOD! THIS BITCH KIDNAPPED ME AND NEEDS TO BE LOCKED AWAY ASAP! I’M THE GODDAMN LEGALLY PROTECTED PORTAL LITTLE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! PUT THIS BITCH BEHIND BARS NOW! ” Lisa yelled out as she rushed down the stairs, not caring that she was stumbling a bit. Anna had a horrified expression, realizing that she had forgotten to close the nursery door. Before she could act, the officer quickly cuffed her and began to read her rights. The female officer walked over gently picked Lisa up and held the girl in her arms. "Just calm down little one. You will be alright now. But first, we need to verify your identity. So I need to scan your whittle tushy, okay?" Lisa didn't care as she gladly pulled down her pants and allow the officer to do her job. The policeman pulled out a device from her belt and began to rub it over Lisa's butt. A green signal soon appeared which gave Lisa a positive feeling. “Lisa Mackerson. We appreciate your cooperation. If you are ready to leave, I will personally escort you out of here.” The female officer said as she carried Lisa out of her kidnappers house. “But baby girl, I thought you wanted to live with me?” Anna asked as tears were forming in her eyes. Lisa would normally would have relished at the sight but right now she wanted to be as far away from her fake mommy as soon as possible. “Not even on cold day in hell, would I ever allow that!! And my name isn’t baby girl.. It’s LISA! Be sure to remember that once you are in the slammer, haha!” Lisa felt an immense amount of relief while in her darkest hour. She never thought being secured in a booster seat would feel so great. It was a victory, a very brutal one, but yet, still a victory and it allowed Lisa to reclaim some of her lost pride.
  3. Chapter 1 "I know someone for whom it's time for bed," I interrupted the peaceful puppet show of my little sister on the living room floor in a tone that, to my shock, almost sounded like my mother's. "Please Emily, just a little bit longer, I'm not tired yet," begged Sophie, looking at me hopefully with her big, brown eyes. It was the usual evening drama she played when she had to go to bed. "No Sophie, it's bedtime now, there will still be a tomorrow to play," I explained to her clearly. I had more than enough of her daily, evening disagreements. "But...," she started to whine, but I cut her off. "No Sophie, it's bedtime now, no arguing!" Sophie pouted, but when I took her by her hand, she got up without any further grumbling and allowed me to accompany her to the bathroom without resistance. After a few meters, I noticed that her walk was a bit odd. She was walking with her legs much more spread apart than usual, as if she were imitating the walk of a duck. At first, I thought it was just another game of hers, a way to make the trip to the bathroom more exciting. A Game that she might have learned at kindergarten. But then, suddenly, I realized why she was walking so strangely. "Sophie, can you wait a moment please," I asked her with a sense of foreboding, and stopped. I lifted her summer dress and saw that her pull-up was completely soaked. It was almost a miracle that she hadn't leaked yet. " You're supposed to tell me when you need to go potty," I scolded her sourly. She looked down ashamed. "I was having so much fun playing, I didn't want to stop, and then suddenly I had to go potty before I could say anything." Sophie was a highly advanced child for her age of four. Her language skills were significantly above average, and she could not only read the entire alphabet, but also already write several words. Even simple addition problems were not a problem for her. Despite her remarkable intellectual abilities, she struggled with potty training. She still often woke up with a wet diaper and had more accidents during the day than a typical girl her age. My mother had tried every imaginable method to help Sophie overcome this issue, but with no avail. She even experimented with alternative therapies, like Bach flower remedies and Homeopathy, but as expected, they were of no assistance either. Typically, I would have put Sophie on the potty one last time before bed, like every night, but I could spare myself this step now. Instead, we just made a quick stop in the bathroom to brush our teeth. Then I took Sophie to her room, where I placed her on the changing table. I removed her dress, took off her wet pull-up, cleaned her privates, and sprinkled some baby powder on her diaper area. Finally, I put her in one of her nighttime diapers. "Is this the pajama you'd like to wear, my dear?" I asked my little sister, offering her the princess-printed sleepwear she loved so much. She beamed with joy and put on pants and top with my assistance. "And which story would you like for bedtime tonight?" I asked, giving her the option to choose, even though I already knew the answer. With a loud rustling of her diaper, Sophie scampered over to her bookshelf, and, as she does every night, pulled out the storybook about the adventures of a little princess. "What a surprise," I said with a touch of sarcasm as I took the book from her hand, but she simply smiled contentedly. To my surprise, Sophie was still enamored with the book, despite having memorized every story inside and out. "Will Mum come to give me a goodnight kiss?" Sophie wanted to know as I helped her into bed and looked at me hopefully. "Mum is still out and won't be home until later, but I'm here if you need anything". Immediately, any trace of a smile disappeared from her face, although this situation was nothing unusual for her. Our mother was a highly sought-after lawyer and often had to work late at her office. In such cases, I was often the one who had to pick Sophie up from kindergarten and take care of her until our mother returned. Only on days when I couldn't or didn't want to, a babysitter looked after her. "Mom will give you a kiss as soon as she's back," I cheered up Sophie. "Remember that your potty is right beside your bed in case you need to use it during the night. And if you don't want to go by yourself, you can always call me," I reminded her, as I usually did, in the hope of preventing any nighttime accidents. "I know," Sophie replied with a touch of frustration, having heard this reminder every night before bed. It would only have been nice if she had finally put this knowledge into action. "The little princess lived in a grand and magnificent castle," I started reading to Sophie, and before long, her eyes began to close. So much for her insisting she wasn't tired yet. I continued reading a bit longer, until I was certain that she was soundly asleep and wouldn't stir even if I stopped the story. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and tiptoed out of her room. Chapter 2 The pleasant chirping of birds in the garden woke me up from my dreams the next morning. Only two weeks ago I had finished my final school exams and it was still unusual for me not to be woken up by the annoying melody of my alarm clock. Finally, I was free, I was no longer forced to adjust my sleep rhythm to the early morning school hours. I could get up and go to bed whenever it suited me. Of course, I was aware that once I started to go to university, the morning sleep-in would also come to an end, but for now I was going to enjoy every moment of my temporary freedom. Unfortunately, this freedom was still quite lonely. As soon as I had finished my final exams, my mother, my younger sister, and I moved from the city to the countryside. My mother had long dreamed of a small cottage, and she took the opportunity provided by the end of my school years to start a new life in a more idyllic place. Admittedly, the old house and the surrounding countryside were beautiful, but it didn't change the fact that it now felt like we were living at the end of the world. There was no club or bar in the immediate vicinity and nothing else to pass the time as a young person. Without a car, you were completely helpless here and I had neither a vehicle nor a driver's license. As a city child, I had never seen the need to waste my time with tedious driving lessons when you could get around more quickly by bike or public transportation in an urban area. But in the end, it didn't matter that I was not mobile here, it didn't matter that I didn't know anyone my age yet, because in no time at all I would be moving far away to England, the location of my new university. I was about to drift back to sleep when I suddenly realized something was amiss. The area around my buttocks felt uncomfortably wet. Had I sweated excessively in my sleep, causing the mattress to become soaked? But why did only the area around my buttocks seem to be wet? I wondered if I had gotten my period, but it was hard to imagine that the little bleeding I normally had could have caused such a mess. I quickly realized what had happened as I lifted my bedspread and discovered a circular, yellow stain around my buttocks on the otherwise pristine white bedsheet. I had clearly wet the bed, even though it seemed surreal at that moment. After all, I had enough experience finding Sophie's mattress in a similar state when we tried letting her sleep without a diaper at night, to know what such a mishap looked like. Repulsed by the wet, already smelling urine that now also stung my nose, now that the bedspread no longer trapped the odor, I rolled out of bed and immediately stripped off my pajama pants, which were also soaked with urine. No one was ever allowed to know about this mishap. I was 19 years old, not four like my sister. There was no excuse for such an accident at my age. I couldn't even imagine what my mother or friends would think if they found out. I could already picture the rumors spreading through my social circle and my new village. "Have you heard, Emily still wets the bed at 19 years old." I had to act fast. I quickly thought through my options. If I threw my bedding into the washing machine before anyone saw it, no one would ever know about my accident. I quickly took off my sheet from the mattress and also removed the covers. However, now that the mattress was uncovered, my mistake was even more obvious. The big yellow stain in the center of the white mattress was unmistakable and would immediately reveal what had happened to anyone who saw it. I had to turn the mattress over to completely hide the urine stain, but just at the moment I was about to start, there was a knock at the door. "Emily?" I heard my mother's voice. "Please don't come in," I panicked, but as usual, she had already entered without waiting for my permission. "I told you not to come in! You always come in without waiting for me to say it's okay," I yelled at my mother while desperately trying to position myself so she couldn't see my bedding and bed. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to quickly ask if you could unload the dishwasher later, after all, you shouldn't have much to do otherwise," she explained apologetically, but didn't make any effort to leave my room and instead looked curiously inside. She must have just been about to leave the house to go to the kindergarten and then to her office, since she was already holding my little sister at her hand. "Why isn't Emily wearing any pants?" my little sister innocently asked my mom when she saw me. I blushed. Out of sheer fear that my sheets and my bed could be seen, I had forgotten that I was standing half-naked in front of them, giving them an optimal view of my uncovered vulva. I couldn't recall the last time my mother had seen me this exposed, but regardless of when it was, it must have been before I hit puberty. "Uh, I was just about to change", I stammered and quickly brought my hands down to conceal my privates. "Why did you make your bed so early?" My mother wondered as she noticed that my sheets were lying behind me. "Did you get your period and is there some blood on the bed?" "Uh, yeah, that's right” I lied, grateful for this plausible explanation. Unfortunately, it didn't have the desired effect, and she didn't leave me alone. "Is there any stain on the mattress too? You need to act quickly if you want to remove it completely," she explained and before I could do anything, she stepped further into my room and looked at my exposed mattress. She appeared stunned. "Did you wet the bed, Emily?" she asked, clearly in disbelief. The question was rhetorical, she didn't need a response to know what had happened. I was speechless. I stood there, my face red, covering my nudity with my hands and hoping it was just a nightmare from which I would soon wake up. Unfortunately, it was not a dream, and I had to confront the unpleasant truth. To my shock, my mother reacted in the same way she always did when my younger sister had an accident. "Oh Emily, it can happen to everyone," she comforted me in a loving tone. Most people would probably argue that my mother's sensitive and considerate response was a positive thing, something to be happy about, but I would have preferred if she had screamed at me from the bottom of her heart. By reacting to my misfortune in the same way she reacts to my little sister's, I felt like she was equating me with a toddler who was expected to wet the bed once in a while and could therefore not be blamed. "We really have to go now. Are you okay?" my mother asked me with such a soft and concerned voice that I almost started crying. Her caring and considerate demeanor only made me feel that the whole thing was even more of a disaster than I had initially thought. I could only nod silently, as I knew that one more caring word would finally make me cry. "Just put the sheets in the washing machine and let the mattress air out before putting on new sheets," she instructed as she was already walking out the door. "Don't worry Emily, it's probably just a one-time thing. We'll see you tonight," she said finally and in the next moment she was gone with my little sister. Hardly had I been alone when I could no longer hold back my tears. For the rest of the day, I was occupied with crying my eyes out. Why did this have to happen to me and why was I so stupid to get caught as well!?
  4. Hello everyone Welcome to my latest story! Babied By The Sitter! Originally this was going to be 1 of 3 or 4 different stories that I was going to leave up to a vote to see which one would be released first. I now know why that Idea hasn't been done before. Creating stories is a lot of work, even ones that are mostly thought up as they go like mine. Anyway all of those story ideas will come out on here sooner or later! The download for this story can be found at the bottom of this post and will be constantly updated as new chapters get added. You can also find an archived version of this story on Archive.org which will also be constantly updated as new chapters get added. Babied By The Sitter. ====Chapter 1 Alone at last?==== Daniel was an 18 year old living with his parents. They had made arrangements to go to Los Angeles for business and partly for pleasure. Mother: "Alright I think everything is all set and ready to go." Father: "Did you pack everything? I don't want to drive all the way back here because you forgot something. I swear it feels like you always forget things." Mother: "Yes, I double triple and quadruple checked this time! I don't want to miss our Flight" Father: "Alright, promise me you wont ask to drive back if you forgot anything." Mother: "Okay, Okay I promise, now can we please get going?" Father: "I suppose so, everything seems to be taken care of." After discussing amongst themselves they yelled up the stairs "Alright, we're heading out now! Stay safe!" A faint "Okay love you! Have a safe trip!" could be heard from upstairs confirming Daniel had heard them. Daniel was up in his room on the computer talking to friends. Everyone was playing "Doodle Destroyer" a game where one group of people draw buildings and another group draw creative ways to destroy those buildings, Longest to survive wins. The sound of the door shutting could be heard all the way upstairs. Not because it was loud or anything, just because it was a big door and it just so happen to shut loudly. After a couple of hours Daniel got off the computer and decided to go downstairs and get himself a soda. He walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a nice cold soda from the freezer he had placed in there about 30 minutes prior. "Wow, I can't believe I'm home alone for a whole month" Daniel said to himself. He had been home alone before, in fact he would regularly be left at home alone but this was the longest he would be left home alone at a time. Daniel decided he'd play a few games on his own for awhile, maybe browse the web afterwards before heading to bed. He grabbed is Winbendo Twist, loaded up Plumber Platform Creator 2 and began crafting some levels. It was relaxing just being home alone, no one else around to disturb him. He could make his levels and just do his own thing in peace and quite... *Ring Ring* could be heard from the front door. "Who could possibly be here at 4pm? We never get visitors, especially not when my parents are gone." Daniel paused his game and walked over to the front door. He stood on his tippy toes to look through the peephole and make absolutely sure the screen door was closed, otherwise whoever it was could just walk into his house uninvited. After ensuring the screen door was fully closed Daniel opened up the large front door. "Hello?" Daniel nervously said to the stranger at the front door not even getting a good look at them yet. "Hello is this Daniel?" The stranger at the door asked. It was a girl, she had short dark brown hair, glasses and tits the size of Daniel's head, possibly bigger and that was not an exaggeration either. She had a rather large bag with her aswell, filled with who knows what. "Yea... why?" Daniel responded still confused as to who this woman and why she was at his door. "Okay good for a moment I thought I had the wrong house! Hi I'm Ava, Your parents hired me to be your baby sitter. They said something about keeping you company while they were gone. Here I even have the email to prove it!" Ava showed her phone to Daniel and sure enough there was an email by his parents asking Ava to babysit him. "Don't worry I know what I'm doing. I have a 4.85 out of 5 star rating on 'Welp!'" Ava boasted her experience and even showed some of her Welp reviews. Daniel had to admit her record was impressive, it was actually one of the highest Welp ratings he's seen. Daniel Opened the door for her. There was only one minor detail that made him suspicious. "All of these reviews are for children under the age of 5, I'm 18. Are you sure you're qualified to keep an 18 year old company? It's a lot different than babysitting you know." Daniel stated, trying to get out of this situation and stay home alone for the month. "I think I can handle it." Ava ruffled Daniels Hair.Ava was significantly taller than Daniel, by at least 2 or 3 feet. Daniel stood at a modest 5'6'' so Ava must've been atleast 7'6'' tall, which is absolutely giant. Daniel hadn't seen anyone quite that size in his life before, but Ava seemed to think there was nothing wrong with the massive size difference. "Hey do you like movies?" Ava asked with a smile. "Yeah, why?" "Well, I just so happen to have a copy of 'Literally burning to death' by Bizney that I've been meaning to watch and figured we could watch it together if you're interested.." Ava showed Daniel her boxed copy. Bizney was primarily focused on Childrens Animation but after the success of Phony's Adult animated movie Weeny Fiesta they decided to try their hand at an adult animated movie. 'Literally burning to death' was the first movie they made for that audience. "I uhm. It's not too scary is it? I have a low tolerance for horror." Daniel quietly replied. "I don't think it'll scare you, now come on let's watch it already!" Ava picked Daniel up cradling him just like you would a baby. Daniel's whole body was being squished under her giant titties until she sat him down on the living room couch and began fiddling with the TV. Ava put the HD-VD into the HD-VD player, pressed play than went and sat next to Daniel on the couch. "There that should do it." Ava said after she found a comfortable position on the couch. The Beginning of DVD commercials came on, most of them were other Bizney Movies that were currently out on HD-VD or in Theaters but there were two out of the ordinary commercials. One for Adult Sized Diapers and another for Baby Bottles, also marketed towards adults. "What weird product placements to put at the beginning of this type of movie. I didn't even know they made that sort of thing." Daniel said with genuine surprise. "Eh, you can't really understand companies. I'm sure they have their reasons for doing what they do. Market research and what not." Ava replied. What followed was typical movie banter, laughing crying, jumping out of your seat from fear, the usual. After the movie was over Daniel got up to get himself a glass of water. Ava: "You sure you should be getting yourself a glass of water before bed?" Daniel: "Yeah why?" Ava: "I don't want you having any accidents while I'm in charge, so I'm just making sure you can handle it." Daniel: "Of course I can handle it, I haven't had accidents in atleast 10 years." Ava: "Alright if you say so." Once Daniel was finished drinking his water he went upstairs, turned off his light, got into bed and attempted to fall to sleep. After about an hour of trying Daniel finally managed to drift off to dreamland, however his sleep was far from a peaceful one. Daniel tossed and turned throughout his slumber, the scary movie from earlier was clearly effecting him. Daniel woke up the next day in a cold sweat and a wet bed. *knock knock* could be heard on his door. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Daniel said quietly to himself as he tried desperately to find a way to clean or hide the piss that was on his bed and underwear. Obviously his first thought was to change his underwear, but since his door doesn't have a lock on it Ava could just open it up any second and see him naked. Daniel figured that it would be worse if she saw him naked and a bed full of piss as opposed just seeing piss on his underwear and bed. A loud creaking noise could be heard from the door as it slowly opened. "Is everything okay in here?" Ava asked with a genuinely concerned tone. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Daniel rapidly apologized. "I didn't mean to I swear this hasn't happened before in years." "It's okay sweetheart, I'll take care of it." Ava said with a sugary sweet tone to her voice. "Just go downstairs and have a glass of milk, I already have a glass all ready for you. Don't worry about a thing." Ava reassured Daniel, patting his back slowly. ***Meanwhile In Los Angeles*** Mother: "Do you think Daniel is doing okay at home all by himself?" Father: "Absolutely, he's been home alone lots before, I bet he'll enjoy the privacy." Mother: "Okay, if you say so." Father: "We can call and check on him in a few days. We can't call now, it's too soon and it'll seem like we don't trust him." Mother: "I suppose you're right." ******************************* ====End of Chapter 1==== Hope you guys enjoyed and as always feel free to leave me your feedback, I love to read what you have to say! It keeps me motivated to write more stories! Babied By The Sitter ~ A Kasarberang Story
  5. Five women become the playthings of a man calling himself the Magician. Using his powers, he forces them to go through a series of humiliatingly childish challenges, with infantilizing and permanent consequences for the losers. Inspired by the sadly discontinued season one of The Humble Games by Parker Longabaugh. *** Chapter 1 One moment Abigail was sitting at a bar, sending seductive looks over at the handsome man sitting across from her (and receiving looks of hatred in return from the woman sat next to him), and the next moment she was sitting on a hard-backed wooden chair in a large, brightly lit, luxuriously furnished hall. She blinked. What the hell was going on? Looking around, she saw that four other disoriented women were sitting in chairs in a row beside hers, and in front of them stood a man. He was tall, dark haired, and strangely ageless. He could have been thirty or fifty - it was impossible to tell. He wore a well-tailored black suit and the hint of a smirk on his handsome face. “Hello ladies,” he said. His voice was deep, and Abby felt a pleasant tingling in her pussy. If she wasn’t more alarmed about her sudden transportation to this unfamiliar place, he was definitely the sort of man she’d be trying to pry away from his wife and take home with her. “Thank you all for coming.” A woman a couple of places away from Abby was the first to recover. Her short dark hair and mannish suit gave her a somewhat androgynous look. “What’s going on?” she asked. Her voice was severe and authoritative. “Where are we?” “You’re in my home,” the man responded politely. “Who are you? How did-” “Why don’t I do introductions?” he interrupted mildly, and without waiting for an answer he gestured towards a girl on the end of the row with straw-coloured hair, a black crop-top that showed off her slim, well-toned stomach, and a pair of skinny jeans. “This is little miss Susie Taylor, a third-year know-it-all university student who worked hard to earn a scholarship just so she could get away from her controlling mother.” The girl called Susie went red. Know-it-all?! But more alarmingly, how did he know that about her? Was he some sort of stalker? Had he drugged her at university and abducted her to his mansion? The man moved on to the next woman, a beautiful lady with long, white-blonde hair and very large breasts that were shown off classily by her elegant dress. There was something a little snobbish about the disdainful way she glanced at the other girls. “And this is miss Katherine Bower-Thomas, a fashion model from a rather well-to-do family who’s widely considered to be one of the most difficult people to work with in the whole industry, on account of her self-entitlement and overall bitchiness.” Katherine blushed as well. How dare he! She would normally have given this man a piece of her mind, if she weren’t still so wrong-footed by what had just happened. One moment she'd been strutting down the catwalk at her latest fashion show, and the next... “And here we have miss Madelyn Smith,” the man went on. He was indicating the dark haired, severe woman who had spoken earlier. “A lecturer in feminist theory who detests vapid bimbos more than anything, and who loves nothing more than to inflict the people around her with long rants about the evils of the patriarchy.” Madelyn scowled furiously, but restrained herself for the moment. She didn’t understand what was going on here. She could have sworn she’d just been about to give a lecture on early feminist literature. Had she been hypnotised? Was this some kind of reality TV show? If so she was going to sue the producers into oblivion! “And this little cutie is miss Becky Lewis.” The man pointed at the girl sitting next to Abby. She seemed to be the youngest there, pretty, and dressed in a plain white top and a skirt, her chestnut-brown hair tied up in a ponytail. “She’s fresh out of school and working part-time at her local daycare, where she has a reputation for being especially nasty to the poor little boys and girls. She just can’t stand changing nappies!” The man laughed at that, as if he knew some secret joke that they didn’t. Becky squirmed nervously in her seat. It wasn’t her fault those stupid little brats were so disgusting! She’d been enjoying a day off from cleaning up after those annoying little rugrats before she’d suddenly found herself here. “And finally we come to miss Abigail Reid, a very naughty girl who lives off her boyfriend’s money even while she repeatedly cheats on him behind his back. Definitely someone who deserves to be taken down a peg or two.” Abby flushed, and found her voice. “How do you know – I mean, what makes you think I need to be ‘taken down a peg or two’?” she demanded. “Well sweetie, I’m very good with wishes, you see,” he said, smiling at her. His dark eyes glinted unsettlingly, as if there was light behind them. “And dozens of people have wished for you to be put in your place.” He looked around at the others with a smile. “The same goes for all of you.” “You still haven’t told us who you are!” Katherine complained, lifting her head haughtily. “Or how we got here!” “You can call me the Magician, sweetheart. And I brought you here by magic. Isn’t that obvious?” “Excuse me,” Madelyn said sneeringly. “But that’s not really an explanation, is it? I don’t care who you are, but you are going to be in serious trouble. I hope you’re looking forward to going to prison, because you’ve brought us here without our consent and-” “Hush now, sweetie,” the Magician interrupted. “A man is talking. Isn’t there something else you’d rather be doing with that pretty little mouth of yours?” For a moment, Madelyn couldn’t believe her ears. Then she leapt out of her chair and launched into a furious tirade. “How dare you! Women are not your property, you chauvinist! This is so typical of a man.” She turned to the others. “This is exactly the kind of male attitude I spend my life fighting against. Men always think that what they have to say is more important than anything we might have to offer. It’s patriarchal social conswucts wike dese dat pwesent women as overgwown childwen!” The other girls stared at her in shock. Madelyn blushed bright red. What was wrong with her voice?! Then she realised that her thumb was planted firmly between her lips, garbling her speech. She was sucking on it rhythmically, making loud wet smacking sounds, looking for all the world like an overgrown four-year-old. She tried to pull it out, but something stopped her – it was as if her thumb was being drawn magnetically into her mouth! Her eyes wide with fear, she whined and looked desperately at the others for help. “That’s better,” said the Magician. “Daddy doesn’t need to listen to silly little girls who think they know best. I hope you enjoy your new thumbsucking habit, Maddy, because it’s not going away any time soon. Sucking on things is a much better use for a woman’s mouth than all your silly bitching.” Madelyn looked frightened, and started sucking her thumb even more frantically, but Susie just rolled her eyes. “Oh, please,” she said exasperatedly, getting up as well. “This is all just some kind of trick!” She looked disparagingly at Katherine, Becky, and Abby, all three of whom were looking scared. “You don’t actually believe in magic do you? He’s just some stupid stage magician or something, and she’s obviously with him.” She gestured at Madelyn, who frantically shook her head from side to side, looking furious. The Magician’s smile widened. The other girls stared at Susie, but they weren’t paying much attention to her words. As she spoke, her outfit was beginning to change. Her black crop-top turned pastel pink and began to lengthen, its sleeves becoming puffy and frilly. Two pink ribbons appeared out of thin air and began tying her straw-blonde hair into pigtails. “I spent my whole childhood living under some petty tyrant,” Susie went on obliviously, “and I can promise you that they don’t have any real power.” Her jeans melted away, rising up her legs and transforming into a tiny pink skirt that wasn’t even long enough to hide the white cotton, baby-duck patterned underwear that had just replaced her panties. Her socks became ruffled, and her trainers turned into black Mary Janes. “I don’t know how he got us here, but it doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to stop us just walking out, so why don’t we…” Susie broke off. “What are you all looking at?!” she demanded angrily. Then she caught sight of herself in the large mirror that dominated one of the walls, and she let out a girlish shriek. She stared at her new outfit in disbelief. Not two minutes ago she’d been dressed like a stylish college student, and now she looked ready to head off to kindergarten. “H-how did you…?” Susie looked at the Magician, her face now full of fear. “Much better!” he announced happily. “Those silly grown-up clothes were doing you no good at all, Susie. This is a much more appropriate look for you. Now, does anyone else want to interrupt me, or can I continue with my explanation?” There was silence from the women, apart from the sound of Madelyn sucking noisily on her thumb. Susie was frozen, terrified the Magician would do something else to her. She didn’t want to end up as a thumbsucker too. “Good. Now, as I was saying, you naughty girls are well overdue some corrective punishment. So I thought we’d have a little competition. A fun little game. The five of you will go through a series of challenges, with penalties for the unfortunate losers, voting periodically to eliminate one of your number until only one of you is left. Those who get voted out will receive a special punishment, in addition to any… alterations that I make to them over the course of the game. But the winner will get something very special. Three wishes. Anything they want. Anything at all.” Abby shivered at the thought of these ‘special punishments’, but her eyes lit up at the thought of three wishes. Anything she wanted? Anything at all? If she could win… “We’ll start the first challenge very soon, but first we need to get some num-nums in those cute little tummies of yours. Follow me, girls. Lunchtime.” He led them out of the hall and into a large sunlight dining room, and none of them could think of anything else to do but follow. Blushing bright red, Susie tried to tug her tiny skirt down to stop herself flashing her new childish underwear with every step. Madelyn tried desperately to remove her thumb from her mouth, but it was hopeless. The harder she tried to take it out, the more urgently she sucked. A line of drool ran down her chin. She wanted to wipe it away, but for some reason she couldn’t, as though the simple knowledge of how to wipe her face clean had been blocked from her mind. She knew she looked monumentally stupid, a grown woman in a stylish suit sucking her thumb and dribbling down her chin like a giant toddler, but she just couldn’t stop herself! The women stopped dead when they saw the chairs that were seated around the dinner table. They were highchairs. But even worse was what was placed on the table in front of each of them – a baby bottle full of milk, and a large bowl of mushy baby food. “You must be joking,” said Katherine, wrinkling her nose. “Not at all, sweetheart,” said the Magician. He waved his hand, and bright pastel-coloured bibs appeared around each of their necks. Katherine cringed at the sight of the canary-yellow bib that now adorned her front. She couldn’t stand anything that messed with her elegant, classy wardrobe. The other girls looked down distastefully at the bibs on their own chests as well. “In fact,” the Magician continued, smirking once again, “I think you’re all going to enjoy your lunchies very much.” Abby suddenly realised she was hungry. Very hungry, in fact. She stared at the bowls of baby food, and the bottles of creamy milk, and her stomach rumbled. Hers wasn’t the only one. “Hungry babies!” the Magician laughed. “Are you all keen to get some yummies in your tummies?” The five of them rushed forwards and clambered into their highchairs. They were tight and uncomfortable, but none of them cared. They were all too eager to eat. Abby picked up the tiny plastic spoon next to her bowl and started shovelling baby food into her mouth, not even caring that she was getting most of it smeared around her lips. Madelyn was finally able to pull her thumb out of her mouth with a wet pop, only to shove the nipple of her baby bottle into it instead and start guzzling down the warm milk inside. It was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted. Katherine crammed her spoon into her mouth messily. She knew the Magician was doing something to them, knew that she’d never normally do something like this, but it didn’t matter. Baby food soon spattered her bib and covered her chin. It was an insult to her refined upbringing, but she just couldn’t control herself! It was so tasty! The Magician chuckled as he watched the five women desperately shovel down baby food and drink up their baby formula. In no time at all, they were finished, sat in their highchairs with their stomachs full to bursting and their faces and bibs covered in baby food. “Such messy girls!” he announced, making them all blush. A wet cloth appeared in his hand, and he went around one by one, wiping the girls’ mouths clean. A particularly malicious smirk appeared on his face when he reached Madelyn, and saw the drool that was also wetting her chin. “Such a dribbly baby!” he cooed. Madelyn glared at him, but the intimidating effect was ruined slightly by the mucky bib she wore, and the fact that the Magician was wiping her chin for her like some stupid toddler who couldn’t do it herself. Her thumb immediately slipped back into her mouth. “Alright, girls,” he said once he was done and they were all getting out of their highchairs. “Back to the hall. Follow me.” They trailed back into the brightly lit hall, groaning a little at how full they were. Becky couldn’t believe she’d just eaten the kind of meal those stupid brats at her daycare ate every day. It had tasted so good in the moment, but now she felt disgusted with herself. Even if it was magic, how had she let herself be reduced to their level?! “Now, we’re almost ready to start the challenge…” the Magician said to himself once they were all back in the room they’d first appeared in. “What have I forgotten…? Ah yes!” He snapped his fingers. Abby felt a sudden coolness around her legs, and a strange thickness between her thighs, as if her underwear had suddenly expanded. She looked down and squealed in horror. The other girls did the same. Anything they’d been wearing below the waist had vanished, to be replaced by bulky, white, disposable diapers. Susie had kept her childish new clothes, but now instead of her baby-duck patterned undies, it was a thick, crinkly nappy poking out from beneath her miniskirt. “W-what have you done?!” Katherine shrieked. Her dress had vanished entirely, leaving her in just her a nappy and a bra. “We can’t have anything covering up your diaper, sweetie. I need to be able to see if you’ve lost the challenge and need changing. You can have your dress back later, little miss. If you're good." Madelyn cringed as she looked down at herself. She looked especially ridiculous with a suit jacket on the top and a bulky nappy on the bottom, a mockery of the strong, independent woman she was. “Now we can get started,” the Magician said. “You see, that yummy baby food you all just ate has a very special property. Aside from making your tummies nice and full, it has also, for the next half an hour or so only, reduced your toilet training to the level it was at when you were three years old.” All five women went pale. “So,” the Magician went on cheerfully, “we’re going to have a little game to see how well you were all potty trained. Don’t worry, I don’t expect any of you to be able to stay dry very long. The challenge will end when someone makes a stinky in her pants, at which point everyone else will be allowed to use…” He waved his hand, and a row of pink, plastic training potties replaced the chairs they’d been sitting on earlier. “These.” All five girls fidgeted nervously, their thick diapers crinkling between their thighs. “And what happens to the person who loses?” Becky asked fearfully. The Magician grinned. “The first person to fill her nappy will become incontinent. Permanently."
  6. Part 1 Grace is getting married and she’s determined not to let Jessica, her husband-to-be’s ex, ruin the wedding. But if this is her big day, why is she being dressed as the flower girl? *** Grace was walking around the reception, greeting her guests, when she spotted her out of the corner of her eye. Jessica. Grace had invited her out of politeness, but she’d really hoped the woman wouldn’t come. What was she thinking, turning up here? Surely she’d known Grace hadn’t really wanted her to be at her wedding! She was talking with Sophie, one of Grace’s old schoolfriends, and Sophie seemed to be listening raptly to whatever it was she was saying. Grace continued to wander around, accepting congratulations and beaming at everyone, tossing her beautiful blonde hair behind her and feeling like the prettiest woman in the room. Eventually she reached Sophie herself. “Hi, Sophie!” she said. “I’m so glad you could make it!” “Hi sweetie!” Sophie said, turning to look at her. She spoke in an oddly high-pitched, overly-enthusiastic voice, like she was talking to a nursery-schooler. “Are you looking forward to the ceremony?” Grace didn’t know what to say. She’d been expecting Sophie to say ‘congratulations’. Why the hell was she talking in such a stupid way? “Uh, yes!” she managed, deciding it was best to just ignore her friend’s odd behaviour. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long! I hope it’s everything I imagined!” “Awww!” Sophie cooed. Grace felt herself going red. Was Sophie mocking her? “That’s so cute! Are you going to wear a pretty dress, honey?” “Uh, yes of course. I… In fact, I’d better go and get dressed now. It takes a while and I need my bridesmaids to help.” “Of course you do,” Sophie said patronisingly. “Well… See you later, Sophie!” “Bye-bye, cutie!” Sophie waved. Grace turned and walked away. What was that about?! She frowned, thinking. Jessica had been talking to Sophie not long ago. Could she have convinced Sophie to talk to her like that for some reason? Grace hoped the most special day of her life wasn’t going to be tainted by some stupid practical joke. But she couldn’t imagine Sophie taking part of something like that. Sophie had never even liked Jessica! It was probably just nerves, Grace told herself, trying to push the matter from her mind. She needed to get her bridesmaids and go into the back to change into her wedding dress. She felt excitement bubbling up inside her. She’d never really stopped fantasising about the perfect wedding, ever since she was a little girl, and now she was finally getting it! And Rob was the most wonderful man she’d ever met. She flushed at the thought of her gorgeous husband-to-be. She wouldn’t see him until she walked down the aisle though. She wanted everything to be perfect. “Good luck, Gracie!” someone said to her as she made her way through the crowd, and she smiled awkwardly back in the general direction of the voice. She hated being called Gracie – she wasn’t a two-year-old for goodness sake! But nothing was going to ruin her good mood today. She was determined of that. She slipped past a group of guests and found the people she was looking for; Olivia, Caroline, and Annie. Her three bridesmaids. At least the three of them were acting normally. They hurried up to her the moment they saw her, looking almost as excited as she felt. They put their heads together, giggling. “Ready?” asked Olivia, grinning. Grace grinned back and nodded. The four of them moved through the guests and into a room in the back of the venue where Grace could get changed. Her wedding dress was hanging on a clothes rack waiting for her. She beamed at it. It was beautiful – pure white, of course, with a floral-patterned bodice and a flowing, floor-length skirt. Elegant and sophisticated, sexy but still classy. The perfect dress. Grace would barely contain her excitement as Olivia, Caroline, and Annie helped her change into it. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror in front of her as she was steadily transformed into the bride she’d dreamed about being ever since she was a little girl. She was almost done when Caroline suddenly said “Oh!” “What?” Grace asked, worried something had gone wrong. “Your veil! I think your mother has it. Or maybe it’s still in the car…” “Don’t panic,” Olivia soothed, seeing Grace’s face. “The three of us will go and look for it. I’m sure it’s around. We’ll be right back.” Her bridesmaids left the room, leaving Grace alone. But a few moments later, the door opened, and Jessica stepped inside. “Hi sweetie!” she said, with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Hello Jessica,” said Grace, looking at her warily. “Don’t you look pretty!” Jessica cooed, but her eyes were sparkling malevolently. “Looking forward to walking down the aisle?” “Listen Jessica,” said Grace firmly, “whatever it is you’re here for, whatever you’ve got planned…” “Planned?” asked Jessica, cocking her head. “I just don’t want you ruining things by trying to make this all about you,” Grace said coldly. “This is a very special day for me.” “Of course it is, Gracie,” Jessica said. Her smile widened. “The wedding couldn’t happen without you!” She let out a light, tinkling laugh, and then she turned and left the room. Grace scowled. Gracie again. And she didn’t like the way Jessica had been smiling. Did she really not have anything planned? They’d been friends once, but Grace had got together with Rob shortly after he’d broken up with Jessica, and Jessica hadn’t liked that one bit. Grace remembered Jessica screaming at her, calling her a big-titted whore who’d stolen her boyfriend. Grace adjusted her large breasts in her wedding dress. It was true she had a better figure than Jessica, but she hardly thought that mattered. She and Rob had been meant for each other, and that was all there was to it. What else was it that Jessica had said to her? Stupid little girls shouldn’t steal other people’s things, that was it. Grace smirked. Rob was hers now anyway. They were getting married and there was nothing Jessica could do about it. She’d only been invited in the first place because it would have seemed rude not to invite her after Grace had invited all her other old friends – it would make it seem like she was the one still carrying a grudge. Grace shook her head. What was she doing? She shouldn’t even be thinking about Jessica right now. Not on her big day! She admired herself in the mirror, picturing how she’d look walking smoothly down the aisle on the best day of her life. Minutes past, and her bridesmaids still hadn’t returned. But just when Grace was starting to get worried, the door opened again. She look around eagerly as Olivia and Caroline stepped into the room, but her smile faltered when they were closely followed not by Annie, but by Jessica. She was holding something white and semi-transparent in her arms. Was that stupid bitch carrying her veil?! Hadn’t she got the message that she wasn’t wanted? But as Jessica stepped forward, Grace realised the thing she was holding wasn’t a veil at all. It was a dress. A very different dress from the beautiful, elegant, sophisticated wedding dress she was currently wearing. “What’s going on?” asked Grace. She’d just noticed that her two bridesmaids were looking at her rather strangely. They were both smiling, but Olivia was shaking her head from side to side, like a kindergarten teacher amused by the antics of a misbehaving toddler, and Caroline was looking at her with the same sort of sickeningly sweet eagerness that Grace had seen earlier on Sophie’s face. “What are you…?” “Come on, sweetie,” Jessica interrupted, and her eyes were glinting darkly. “It’s time to get you into your proper clothes. That’s enough playing pretend. I need my wedding dress for my big day.” She smiled broadly. “But don’t worry. I’ve found something much more appropriate for you to wear!”
  7. Hello, this is the first story I have ever written, as such please forgive my poor grammar and spelling errors, feel free to point them out and I will correct them. this story is about a college student who finds himself a room for rent with a landlord bent on regressing him, the concept was inspired by a previous story you can find here I definitely recommend it, it is possibly my favorite story of all time, which is why I was inspired to write this one, you may find my story gets a bit sappy at times. and I think I have a habit of over explaining things, the two characters in this story are both male, this is an asexual story in the sense there is no sex. i hope you like my story, without further ado, here it is. Regressed by my landlord: Thomas was an average guy, just turned 18, just finished graduating from high school with average grades, he was happy to finally move out of his moms house on his way to college, the college that he'd picked which had accepted him was one of the rare ones which had no dorms, and as a single child Thomas was used to having a room to himself anyway, he wasn't comfortable with the idea of sharing a room with others, so he was already set on finding somewhere he could rent a room nearby campus. He had been looking for a while, he didn't expect how hard the search would be, he didn't have a lot of money saved up from the odd jobs he'd done over the summer, mowing lawns, pulling weeds, etc, his Mother had surprisingly agreed to help him out with affording rent, but only to the tune of $500 a month, so he had to find somewhere cheap, he didn't think it would be so difficult considering he only wanted a single room, but as it turns out bedrooms nearby campus were in high demand, the closer he got to his budget the further from campus the place was. he was beginning to understand the meaning of 'a college town'. He kept checking though day after day, then one day he saw it, seemingly too good to be true, but out of desperation and fear of missing out, he jumped on the ad the moment it posted, sending off his application minutes after it had been published to the web. they wanted $500 a month which unfortunately would be every dollar he had incoming to him not counting his summer job savings, but they were only a 20-minute bus ride from campus not counting traffic delays. he knew by now he would never find a room so close for that price if he missed out on this one. The ad seemed average enough, roommate wanted, $500 a month, nearby campus I own a house on Shirley ave and I have an available bedroom I'm willing to rent out for $500 a month, all utilities included, you will be expected to sign a lease lasting 3 years, but I will allow you to go month to month once those three years are up, I do of course have house rules that you will need to agree to before I am willing to accept your application, for example I do not allow you to invite over guests or have parties, you must be in the house by 10pm, no wearing shoes in the house, no damaging my furniture, you must use the furniture provided I don't want furniture being moved into my house, if there's something I don't have that you need we can discuss it and I must approve it first, this is just a sample of some of my rules, if you are still interested please contact me with your application, give a summary of yourself and your reason for moving to this area. Contact me at tunuevopapi@Gaagle.com Thomas sent off his application right away. Hello I am Thomas and I am interested in renting your available room, I am a recent high school graduate and I will be attending the local college in the fall to get my degree, I am willing to agree to your rules and will sign a 3-year lease, please let me know if the offer is still available. David was not surprised to see he had received an emailed application only minutes after posting the ad, it almost always went this way, once the student that he'd had living in his room finished getting their degree and moved out he'd wait till summer was over to post the ad at the last minute so those still looking would be desperate and see his ad as a miracle to jump on before it got taken up, this often made it much easier to find tenants willing to comply to all of his rules and stipulations. When David saw the first application he was glad to see this kid Thomas had not asked any questions about the rules, it indicated how desperate the kid was, often David would get applicants wanting to know more details about the rest of the rules before they were even willing to come look at the place, David usually ignored those applications, he didn't want to waste time on people who were more likely to refuse once they saw the whole list. David immediately responded to Thomas inviting him to come take a tour of the house. Instructing him to bring his check book to cover the deposit in case he felt like signing the lease on the spot. "otherwise", David said: "I can't guarantee the room won't get claimed out from under you by someone willing to move on it quicker." David wasn't one to field multiple applicants at a time, too much hassle, but he liked to imply he was, to create extra urgency. When Thomas read David's response his heart leapt to his throat, he hadn't thought about the fact he would have to come see the place before settling on it, Thomas was not wise in the ways of the world, after all he'd been sheltered in his moms house his whole life until now, he hadn't mentioned it to David before, but he did not live anywhere nearby his chosen college and to tour this house he would need to book a flight, he had a little over a couple thousand in the bank though of all his summer savings, so he knew he could afford it, and he didn't want to hesitate lest the room get claimed out from under him like the landlord David had suggested was likely, so Thomas immediately booked himself round trip plane tickets for the very next day to fly out. Responding to David in the affirmative that he could tour the house the very next day if David was available. David of course was very available. David is a scientist with a doctorate in Microbiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, or he was, he had retired early some years back after making some discoveries that proved to be very lucrative for him to sell to the military. they bought the rights to his research, and he in return got to retire to a life of living however he wanted to live, he bought a nice home in the town he grew up in and decided to continue his research on the locals, one college student at a time..... so of course he had all the time in the world to receive Thomas whenever Thomas's schedule would allow for. In a mad rush Thomas flew around his house packing a backpack and a suitcase trying to get ready in time, his flight wasn't until 6am, and it was still only evening, he had plenty of time, but he was nervous, he wanted to get packed immediately, his Mother noticed his flurry and inquired what has got into him, once he told her he was flying out to his college town to see about a place to live she was too relieved to be rid of him to care to ask any further questions, It's not that his mom didn't love him, she just wasn't the most loving person to begin with. She had agreed to help him pay his rent at his new place mostly just to ensure shed get him out of the house, she had been raising him as a single Mother for too many years for her to count, it had exhausted her, she was ready to get back to having an empty home, things were just easier for her that way... sometimes when she looked at Thomas she saw a reminder of the man he came from, someone she thought she loved who abandoned her the moment Thomas was born, being so betrayed by his Father had turned her resentful toward Thomas, she did her best to keep those feelings buried deep but could never get rid of them. Thomas felt the lack of love but over the years had learned to live with it, he too was glad to get away from her, he didn't hate her, he just saw her as a reminder of all the love he wished he'd gotten but never did. She raised him much like a stranger would, giving him the minimum and not much more. Bandaging the ouchies but not giving them any kisses. Growing up Thomas had seen his peers get kisses on their ouchies as just one example of many illustrating the differences in the love his peers got that he lacked, and at first found it odd, then found himself envying them, which eventually turned into resent... Finished packing as best his inexperience could be, for he had never flown before, nor so much as even traveled beyond the town he lived (not counting school field trips) it was only 10pm, with 8 hours until his flight he went to bed, skipping dinner, so he wouldn't have to spend time preparing a meal himself, opting instead to just drink some water to settle his hungry stomach, he downed a glass and brought one full glass to his bedside table, drinking it in the night. at around 2 am he woke from a dream in which he'd been in a pool swimming, he'd just started peeing in the pool when he shot awake and realized he was peeing in real life too, he managed to pinch off the flow but there was a bit of a wet spot on his sheets, he ran to the bathroom to finish his business, while doing so he couldn't help thinking how odd it was to dream of peeing in the pool to begin with considering the few times he did swim in a pool he always peed in the bathroom before getting into the pool just to be sure he wouldn't feel tempted to pee the pool since through the years so many of his peers had expressed disdain to him for those who would, but dreams rarely conformed with reality anyway, Thomas then returned from the bathroom to see his shame spread out on the bedding, the wet spot was about the size of a watermelon, Thomas had never been a bed wetter as far as he could remember, but he could not remember anything from before the age of 6 so who knows beyond that. he certainly wasn't going to open a conversation with his Mother about what he was like back then. Sighing to himself and making a note to not drink any more water at night he took his bedding and underwear to the washing machine then went and laid back down on the bare bed and slept another 2 hours, before getting up to switch the bedding into the dryer, at this point it was 4:30 am, and he knew he needed to get going. he took a fast shower grabbed his luggage and summoned a Lyft to the airport, his Mother would just have to get the bedding from the dryer herself he didn't have time to wait for it to finish. Thomas made it to the airport by 5am, got through security by 550 am, and got to his flight gate just in time for boarding to begin, thrilled his timing worked out so well he began feeling positive and like his bad morning was turning around. he boarded his plane took his seat in coach by the window, and glued his eyes to the window. Being his first time flying he wanted to keep his eyes on the ground as much as he could, excited to see himself lift off the earth, the attendant came by asking if he wanted anything, he gladly took a bottled water to help with his nerves he downed it immediately and the attendant gave him two more these he downed during the take off process, all went seemingly as expected but for takeoff, when the plane began rocketing down the runway he was frightened by the sheer sound of the engines, the shaking of the fuselage, he had no idea takeoff was such a tremendous racket, he wasn't sure if this was normal, he had momentary thoughts that maybe the plane was breaking in some way, he had moments of panic wondering if he'd be OK, all the while he could see the ground going under them faster and faster, The moment the wheels left the ground the fuselage shaking softened greatly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, the engines were still roaring and his body was feeling the extra gravity planting him in his seat more than normal but with the wheels off the earth he knew this must mean the flight was going according to plan, and indeed it did, the plane ascended on and on until the clouds blocked his view of the earth now far below, he stared on at the clouds for a while fascinated by the idea that he was now in clouds, before eventually getting bored by the all white scenery, he closed his eyes and managed to doze off, his blood pressure crashing having passed the peak of excitement in the ride. Smooth sailing saw him sound asleep for most of the flight, he was back in the pool... Swimming and swimming and enjoying his warm summer day in the pool he laid back in the water and floated, he couldn't remember ever feeling so weightless before, like all his worries and stresses had been left at the edge of the pool not following him into the water. he loved this feeling, it was new to him, his waking mind would probably associate it with his newfound freedom of moving out of his Mothers house for the first time. Getting away from the one person he'd been stuck with all his life whom just didn't love him anymore then the minimum prescribed. Thomas awoke with a start, the plane had jostled at a bit of turbulence, in the moment of waking he immediately remembered the dream in the pool and shot up like a rocket his hands shooting to his crotch to check for wetness, hitting his head on the low ceiling as he did so, drawing the attention of the passengers nearby, Thomas was worried the pool dream meant he had wet in his sleep again, he hadn't, but his reaction with his hand checking his crotch told his neighbors that he had expected too, he sat back down with a bump on his head and red in his face, embarrassed at the display he had just made. In all his years he could remember he had that one single bedtime accident and it wasn't even a large wetting he'd even made it stop just as quickly as it had started. and now here he was being paranoid about it like it was an every night thing, once he had eventually shaken off the humiliation he had to laugh at himself for being so ridiculous, 'he wasn't a bed wetter, the other night had been just a fluke, just a one off, he should stop worrying about it', he told himself. Still, he made sure to stay awake the rest of the flight, He was glad he did, watching the clouds break away and the ground come back into view as the plane began it's descent was just as thrilling as the way up had been. he wondered if this is what birds felt like, During the descent he began feeling urgency to pee but just as he considered making his way to the restroom the 'fasten seatbelts' sign came on, he was forced to stay seated. As the plane touched down and the wheels sent the rumble of the concrete into the fuselage the vibrations helped make Thomas aware that his urgency was greater than anticipated as all that water had made it's way through him, glad he had decided not to sleep anymore he was anxious to get to the restroom, of course he'd have to wait until he was off the plane, since the seat belt sign was still illuminated. Landing didn't take long but the pilot came over the intercom and gave what seemed a rehearsed speech about how the flight went well etc then the pilot informed the cabin that they would need to wait awhile because their gate was still occupied by a late to leave plane. they sat on the tarmac and waited, and waited, and waited, the seat belt sign stayed illuminated, what must have been at least an hour went by when finally the plane began moving, Thomas was bursting, he cursed all the water he had drank on the flight and the night before out of nerves and empty stomach, The plane taxied into it's gate and all the passengers began getting off the plane grabbing their luggage and lining up in the aisle, Thomas had bought the cheap tickets, he was in the far back of the plane, he would be the last to leave it, he now understood why the tickets in the back of the plane were cheaper. as he watched the rest of the passengers all in front of him slow walking their way single file down the aisle, he couldn't remember having this much trouble holding his bladder, thinking on it he realized he never needed to, at home the bathroom was always right there, and at school the teachers always let him go to the restroom whenever he needed to.. during his summer jobs he could use the home owners restroom or just go in a bush, this situation where he was forced to wait over an hour with a bursting bladder was uncommon for him. this realization brought a sense of panic, he suddenly was worried if he'd be able to hold it, The crowd began picking up pace a bit and the movement seemed to help him focus, he did get off the plane with dry pants and began wandering the unfamiliar airport wondering where the restrooms were, he saw a sign and followed it's arrow, he got lost for a moment or two but eventually he did find a bathroom, it called itself a family bathroom, and he noted how the one door locked leaving him the whole bathroom to himself, he rushed to sit on the toilet and made it just in time, his underwear only sporting a small damp spot that probably wouldn't show on his jeans, and while seated began glancing around the room, while doing his deed he noticed on the wall a changing table for changing babies diapers, but he was astounded at it's size, it had to be over 6 feet long, and it looks very sturdy, not the usual small plastic they were back home, he thought to himself, 'there must be some pretty big babies here in California'. and perhaps in the back of his mind some associations were made between that table and his earlier panic about possibly not making it off the plane in time., but he thought no more on the issue finished his business and returned to the airport, made his way to baggage claim grabbed his luggage and summoned a Lyft with his phone. he had reserved a hotel room, a cheap motel nearby the house he was due to tour. he went there first to settle his luggage. Checking the time he still had a couple hours for a nap, so he slept.. The alarm he'd set woke him, he once again shot his hands to his crotch to check and find he was indeed dry. he hadn't even been having the pool dream as far as he could recall but still his paranoia about a repeat event remained. Though dry he showered all the same and put on some clean clothes to make a good impression on his potential new landlord. he caught a Lyft to the new house even though it was close enough he could probably just walk it. and prepared himself to meet his new landlord/roommate. Getting out of the Lyft he took in the accommodations, he was surprised, for such a low price for a room the house looked great, it wasn't massive but it wasn't tiny either, it wasn't dirty and the neighborhood was also clean, it really looked like idealized suburbia, it appeared to be two stories, had a small front yard and small garden and seemed to have a backyard as well. Thomas knocked on the door, David had seen the Lyft pull up, they had agreed to meet at 2pm and Thomas had arrived just on time 2 sharp. But David hesitated to answer the door, he wanted to craft more anxiety in Thomas, to leave him hanging just a minute, to foment some more of that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) After Thomas had started shifting in his stance and checking his clock on his phone David threw the door open loudly speaking into his own phone, "yes the room is still available, oh you are interested? OK send me an application, I got to go I have someone touring the place right now, I'll let you know if they claim it or not, yes OK, goodbye" then David hung up. David: "Thomas I presume?" Thomas: "yes that’s right, here to tour the place if it's still free" David: "well it isn't free, it's gonna cost you a thing or two but it is available if that’s what you mean! Come on in buddy! Just please take off your shoes and put them by the door here, the entryway just inside the door is the only place for shoes, the rest of the house we wear only socks or house slippers, To keep the carpets clean." Thomas was at first a bit intimidated, David appeared like some kind of tough man, big muscles, tall stature, lean and fit, Thomas's first thought was that David looked just like the french statue 'Dante the thinker', but Thomas figured he sounded friendly enough and accepted the invite to enter, after entering the home once Thomas stood on level footing with David he realized just how tall David was, Thomas was about 5'10" looking up at David certainly made him feel it now. Thomas's eye level was just below David's collar, David must be at least 6'5" David looked like he was in his early forties but Thomas got the feeling he looked younger than he was. Something about how fit he was told Thomas that David must stay healthy and youthful. Without hesitating for a moment David immediately launched into his tour, David: "so upon entering you see your in the living room here there's the TV. and couch to the right as you enter, off to the left is the dining room table past that is the kitchen, there straight ahead is the stairs we'll get to that in a second, into the kitchen you'll see here beneath the stairs is the washer and dryer, new models works well, to the left of that is the door to the basement, that stays locked, you are not to go down there, if you ever find that I accidentally left it unlocked please let me know immediately, I keep my work projects down there, they are important to me, (before Thomas could get a word or question in David moved on) we have a garage if you have a car the door is here past the kitchen. Thomas: "I don't have a car I'll just be taking the bus." David: "OK that's fine stay out the garage then since it will just be my car in there, by the way would you like some tea? I made this just before you knocked here you go." David thrust a cup of tea into Thomas's hands before he could say no, Thomas didn't want to be rude and refuse, so he took the tea and sipped it, it was good, very good, he hadn't had tea often, but he was sure this was the best tea he'd ever had, before he could ask about it David was already resuming the tour. David: "this way I'll show you to what could be your room up the stairs, first door on the left is my room, stay out of there please of course, the first door on the right is the room available." David opened the door and let Thomas enter, the room looked great, like the rest of the house the carpet looked new and clean, there was a desk to the right, it seemed oddly higher than usual, David explained it could be used as a standing desk, the chair by the desk was higher too, to match the height of the desk, it wasn't an office chair but more like a hardwood kitchen chair with a cushion, the desk looked nice enough, hardwood top with deep drawers. The closet was average, had hangers included. There was a dresser which seemed nice, large and also hardwood, a bedside table held a childish alarm clock on top of it, Thomas recognized it was a paw patrol alarm clock, it had the pup 'Chase' in plastic form standing atop the clock, and beside that a very odd looking bed. The bed appeared to be a twin XL, with tall headboard at the head and the foot, and rails on the one side against the wall, Thomas realized it looked much like a large crib missing rails on one side. The side facing the room was open. he stared at it puzzled for a moment. David: "oh yes I know the bed is a bit odd, my nephew has special needs and occasionally I have to take care of him for a day or two. this is where he sleeps when that occurs, I don't expect it to happen during your stay but if it does I'll manage other arrangements so you won't have to give up your bed or room, it really is an expensive mattress should be quite comfortable. As David said this Thomas pressed his hand to the mattress to check it's stiffness, Thomas prefers a soft mattress, the bed was pleasantly soft but it crinkled as he pressed it. David: "oh right the mattress does have a protector covering it which must be kept on there, as I said it is an expensive mattress and I'd like to protect it from any 'spills'" In elementary school Thomas had a friend he would occasionally sleep over at his house, this friend had a bed wetting problem and Thomas never judged him for it, but that was where he first seen a bed that crinkles, Thomas blushed at this moment remembering his bed wetting friend, seeing his new crinkly mattress, and remembering his small accident from the night before.. David seemed to notice this. David: "you alright there? Something wrong?" Thomas: "oh no it's fine, I've never slept on a mattress with a cover like this I hope it's comfortable but I'm sure I won't mind it" Thomas said hoping he'd evaded suspicion. David: "well lets continue the tour and maybe you'll find out soon enough, this way down the hall we have the bathroom second door on the right." Thomas was impressed at the bathroom, it was spacious, the bathtub could fit 3 people, it had jets, there was plenty of counter space even a wide bench to one side of the room that looked padded and covered in what looked like vinyl. The toilet had some kind of mechanism on it, like eyelets installed to it's side and a steel bar sitting to it's side. But the lid was up so it looked perfectly usable, Thomas wasn't sure he wanted to bother asking about it, probably related to the special needs nephew or something. David: "And over here second door to the left is a spare room I use occasionally for an office, you won't need to be going in there too soon, so I keep it locked, and that's the grand tour finished! Well, other than the attic, but there's nothing up there but cobwebs and old boxes of junk, so if you would please follow me back to the kitchen." Thomas was still sipping at the tea, he couldn't believe how much the cup held, it looked like a regular tea cup just bigger, wider, he knew it held more but it was still deceptive, he felt like he'd drank 20oz already. Thomas followed along wondering about all that this grand tour did NOT show him, strange secret basement, locked. Secret office, locked, master bedroom, locked. Though he figured that was probably all reasonable after all he was only paying for the one bedroom. So Thomas tried to bury his curiosity, in the kitchen David went on. David: "Well Thomas if you don't have any questions I understand if you want time to think about it but I'll have to see you out now as I'm expecting another arrival soon to tour the place as well. Feeling like the opportunity was about to sail past him Thomas blurted out. Thomas: "NO I don't need to think about it I like it I want it!" He realized too late how desperate he sounded, tried to calm down and try again, and chugged the rest of the tea handing back the cup to David." Thomas: "I mean assuming your OK with that, I still haven't seen the lease and what was those rules your ad mentioned?" David: "Oh alright Thomas, well if you are sure you don't want to go think about it I'll get you the lease to sign." David went to the kitchen opened a drawer and came back with a folder, from which he produced what looked like a books worth of paper" David: "Here you go Thomas the first page is the lease agreement the rest is just standard boilerplate to protect my property things like any damage you cause you'll be liable to pay for, if you start the house on fire you'll have to cover the repairs, if you flood the bathtub you'll have to pay for the water damage etc etc things like that you understand, now are you ready to sign here on the last page or should I go ahead and prepare for my next tour?" Thomas had never signed anything in his life. he had never needed to read a contract or a lease before, this was unfamiliar territory, David seemed like a nice guy, Thomas was willing to trust him in his words, besides that David seemed in a rush and Thomas didn't want to let the next person touring the house get the chance to take it from him, Thomas glanced at the first page saw where it said the lease would last for 3 years, then noticed something. Thomas: "Uhm, it says here there is a deposit required up front of $2000..." David: "Oh yes that's right, that's to cover any previously mentioned damages or if you skip out on the lease etc. Don't worry as long as you don't burn the house down or break the other damage clauses you will get your deposit back at the end of the lease." This drained the blood from Thomas's face, as he knew that with a deposit this high his savings would be wiped out, after buying his round trip plane tickets and the Lyfts he wasn't even sure he had enough anymore... Thomas: "OK that's fine, I can do that." Thomas bluffed, he was determined not to let this chance pass him by, he would make it work somehow, he'd figure it out as he went along. He turned to the last page flipping through the middle pages pretending to skim them, but in Thomas's mind it didn't matter what they said, he knew he needed this too bad to bother being picky, with the next tourist soon to be baying at the door, Thomas quickly signed and dated the last page. David smiled seeing this, just the result he'd hoped for, Thomas seemed like a perfect candidate, a little taller than he'd like but that's OK, David has his ways of dealing with that. David: "That's great Thomas but real quick I just need you to initial the bottom of each of the other pages too." Thomas quickly did so without glancing at their contents, mind distracted wondering what he'd do about the deposit. David: "OK Thomas now about the deposit I sure hope you brought your checkbook?" Thomas: "Oh gosh! You know I believe I forgot it in my hotel room, I'm so sorry, I hope you don't mind waiting I'll just run and get it and be right back?" David: "Hmmm, well Thomas, I like you, you seem like a nice kid, you're polite and quiet, I don't think you'll be a bad tenant, so I'll give you a chance, I'll give you an hour, go ahead and go get your check book, when the next to tourist shows at the door I'll tell them to come back in an hour, if your not here by the time they get back I'll have to declare the room available if they want it." Thomas: "Oh thank you I understand don't worry I'll definitely be back in less then an hour." Thomas put his shoes back on and took off running through the front door. Thomas ran around the block then stopped and pulled his checkbook out of his back pocket, making sure it was still there, then checked his bank account balance on his phone, sure enough he was $456 shy of the 2 grand mark. (Thomas's phone is a prepaid no contract line, he gets a set amount of minutes and data which lasts until they run out then he has to refill the balance. so he tries not to use his phone too much.) He sat down on the sidewalk to think, and think, eventually he had to admit, he knew only one solution, he had to call his mom and ask for even more money, it had been hard enough convincing her to help him pay rent, now he had to ask for even more, he hated being indebted to her, he didn't want to owe her a dime, but he didn't see much other choice, hopefully once he settled into his college routine he could find a part-time job somewhere and pay her back and break free of his debt to her. *ring* Mother: "Hello?" Thomas: "Hi, uhm, I've just toured the place." Mother: "Let me guess, you need something, what is it Thomas?" Thomas sighing: "well there's a deposit and I don't have enough to cover it." Mother: "Is this really the cheapest option you can find?" Thomas: "Yes I'm certain and if I don't claim it in the next half hour someone else is already lined up to take it out from under me." Mother: "How much?" Thomas: "I'm short by $500" Mother: "Thomas are you rounding up? what's the actual amount?" Thomas sighing: "$456 but I could use a bit more to get the Lyft back to the hotel and also the airport." Mother: "I'll send you the $456 right now, you can walk, it will be good for you to get the exercise." Thomas through clenched teeth: "Thank you Mother." Mother: "Thomas you better get your degree and do something profitable with it! If you drop out after I spent all this money to get you into college I will be livid, you won't be welcome back here that's for sure, you're an adult now it's time you started taking care of yourself!" Thomas: "Yes Mother..." Mother than hung up. Thomas sat contemplating his conflicting feelings, appreciation that she didn't say no, anger at the way she talks to him, frustration that she told him he isn't welcome back, he felt such a longing for the words he has heard his friends exchange with their parents on the phone, but that seemed so foreign to him, 'I love you' how strange he thought that through all of that, that was what he hated the most, their absence, he wasn't even sure he knew what they would feel like, if he would feel them at all, his friends sure didn't seem to care when they heard them, they'd repeat them begrudgingly like a burden to say it, yet here he was longing to say it to someone that deserved it. He shook himself from his thoughts and checked his bank account on his phone, sure enough she sent the exact amount not a penny more, his balance was now precisely $2000, and he had ten minutes to get back to his new house. He ran back making it just in time, knocking on the door, David opened right away and let him in, guiding him to the dining table, David pulled a chair out for him to sit. David: "So I take it you found your check book? Surely you wouldn't have bothered to return without it? Sure cut it down to the wire the next to tour was at my door just minutes after you left, they'll be here soon." Thomas: "I did I found it I have it here (holding it up) give me a moment and I'll write the check out. It did take Thomas a moment, in high school a teacher once taught his class how to write a check she spent a half hour on it, that was the first and last time Thomas had ever written a check, he had to recall that long ago memory step by step to get it right, David noticed his struggle and offered his guidance here and there. David: "you youngsters with your debit cards and apple pay and amazon accounts you've all no idea how to write checks nowadays, well that's alright I suppose you probably won't be needing to write one ever again after this.... The way that society is going and all that I mean.." Thomas felt a bit of a chill for a moment, not sure why, he handed over the check, watching all his pennies go bye-bye. David held his hand out and shook Thomas's hand. David: "Thank you Thomas, glad to do business with you, frankly I'm glad to give the room to someone who doesn't seem like a party animal or a druggy, looking forward to having you, I am going to run to the bank and cash this right now. Assuming it clears you can move in as soon as tomorrow if you like. I know your classes don't start for a couple more weeks so if you'd rather wait until then that's fine too." Thomas: "Thank you David I'm so relieved to have this settled, now I can finally focus on preparing to start classes, I'll need to return home my flight is in a few hours and I'll need to walk to the airport, but I'll be back soon as I can." David: "Walk? Need the exercise or something?" Thomas realized his slip up, he should have kept that detail to himself." Thomas: "Oh, uh, well, actually I just can't afford a Lyft right now, didn't expect the deposit to be so high, but no worries I'm capable of walking it and I should get paid in just a few days. (he lied he has no paychecks coming, only the rent his Mother would send.)" David: "Oh Thomas I can't have you walking such a distance I'm not convinced you'll make it in time especially with how long security takes at the airport, here I've got a buss pass I can give you consider it a perk of choosing my home to live in." David pulled a slip from a drawer in the kitchen and handed it to Thomas, sure enough it was a buss pass for the current month of august. David and Thomas exchanged phone numbers and parted ways. His hotel was only about a half hour walk away so Thomas walked to his room and packed up his stuff, he'd already worked out a late checkout with the front desk thanks to them having lots of vacancies, he exited the hotel after checking out and walked to the nearest public bus stop. At the nearest bus stop he found it had a map of the routes above the bench, he studied it, struggling to understand what he was looking at, until he saw the word airport, he knew his current location thanks to google maps on his phone, so he compared that with the map to find the bus route that ran to the airport, as a bus was arriving behind him the pressure was mounting to figure out quickly if this was the right bus to get on before it drove off without him, the anxiety of the moment and the pressure brought to his attention another pressure, his bladder hadn't been emptied since the moment he landed that morning, and suddenly he had to go, all that tea David gave him had caught up to him, he'd been too distracted with trying not to lose the room to notice his growing urgency sooner. Trying not to get distracted by his bladder he kept his focus on the map ignoring the bus stopping just behind him doing a little potty dance the whole time. He finally found that he would need to take a bus on this road but going the other direction, and get off at a different road to catch a different bus going to the airport, it was at this moment he felt a little spurt, he pinched it off but there was now a small wet spot on his jeans, he couldn't believe it, he'd never had such trouble holding it in before, he wondered if there was something about that tea that made it harder to hold it, (indeed David had laced the tea with a little muscle relaxants designed to target the bladder) Thomas wore dark jeans and sunset was soon, so he hoped he could get away with it as he had no time to go find a bathroom now. Now with a plan he headed to the nearest cross walk, the direction he needed required the bus stop on the other side of the road, as the light turned and the walk sign came on his blood pressure mounted, he now was walking through a crosswalk with no one else in it, with lots of traffic waiting on the light, all staring down at him walking by with a wet spot on his jeans, he could feel the coldness of the wind as it cooled the wet spot making it feel like it stood out even more, he wasn't sure if traffic could tell, the spot was only about the size of his palm, he tried not looking down at it as he walked by, knowing he'd just be calling attention to it, but he couldn't help a glance or two. Thankfully no one honked or yelled or mocked him, but he felt sure someone had to notice, he fast walked to the other sides sidewalk found his bus stop and sat down, the urge to pee hadn't abated but sitting did seem to help keep it in check. After what was really only about 15 minutes but felt like an eternity during his battle with his bladder the bus finally pulled up, he got on flashed the bus pass at the driver who barely glanced at it and sat down, he could feel a little bit of the wetness on his bottom now, he figured he probably just dribbled a bit while sitting on the bench. 'As long as I stay seated, I know I can hold it' Thomas thought, something about the pressure of the seat seems to make it easier. He sat there wondering what was happening to him, why did he suddenly have such trouble keeping his pants dry. he recollected the earlier thoughts about how uncommon it was for him to have to hold it for any length of time, until now in his life a bathroom had always been a couple minutes away. his Mother never took him on long road trips, school had never denied him a bathroom visit. He suddenly remembered he needed to be paying attention to where he was, he must watch out for the street he needs to get off at, he remembered it's name but didn't know anything else, so couldn't be sure if he'd missed it already or not, he just kept looking ahead studying upcoming street names hoping to see the one he wanted, his bladder straining the whole time. After what felt like too many minutes he spotted it, he pulled the cord that dinged the driver who stopped at the right street, David had to cross the street again this time changing directions from eastbound to southbound, as he stood waiting for the walk sign to come on his urgency increased, standing was not his friend right now, he looked forward to reaching the next bench, he studied the stop lights staring at the green that cross traffic had trying to will it to turn red, suddenly a car honked presumably at another car but it was nearby and the loudness of it startled him, this caused another spurt to occur, it was much more difficult to pinch this one off and the wet spot on his jeans was now larger than his whole hand fingers included. he knew there was no denying it's visibility now, as if to mock him this is when the green turned yellow, then red, and his walk sign came on, without any choice he did his walk of shame once more through the crosswalk to the waiting eyes of traffic, one car at the line had their windows down, and he could hear them laughing, he knew he was the target of their laughter, he made it to the other side, found his bus stop and sat at the bench, eyes watering with tears that he tried to hold back, he'd wet his pants, but he was determined not to blubber about it like some baby. Worse yet he still felt urgency, his bladder was not happy today. he wondered back just what did he drink and again remembered that massive tea cup, cursing himself for forgetting to use the hotel restroom in his rush to get to the airport. After another 15 minute wait that felt like another eternity, the bus arrived, he got on and the bus driver took notice of his wet pants, he held out his bus pass and the driver studied it closely this time, probably hoping to find a flaw to justify not letting the wet pants onboard. After accepting it, the driver in a disgusted tone of voice told Thomas. Driver: "You'll have to stay standing, I don't want piss on my seats." Thomas blushed and looked to the ground, but nodded his head, and grabbed a rail and stayed standing, which of course made his bladder struggle that much harder, the rest of the ride took about 30 minutes thanks to all the bus stops that had to be stopped at, each time the bus hit a pot hole it seemed another spurt occurred, Thomas was trying not to think about it, biting his lip, and holding back what he could, ignoring what slipped past him. The bus pulled into the airport and Thomas finally had made it, his pants had an elongated wet spot down to his knee, but the bathrooms were near. Hauling his suitcase and backpack he bee-lined it into the airport and straight to the bathroom, he didn't know if there was a family bathroom somewhere this side of security, so he took the first option he found, which was not a family bathroom, there were people busy in the restroom but a stall was open, he left his luggage outside the stall first opening the suitcase to pull out a spare pair of pants and underwear, which he hung on the back of the stall door, immediately he sat and emptied his bladder on the toilet, amazed at how much still remained, glad he'd kept holding out what he could this long. Leaving his wet pants on the floor he went to the sink and grabbed a large handful of paper towels getting some of them damp with sink water then returned to the stall, plenty of people in the restroom glared at him and his wet underwear while he did so. He stripped his underwear in the stall and wiped himself down, first with the wet paper towels then the dry ones, then put on his new pair of underwear and jeans. he realized at this moment that if he'd had boxers instead of tighty whities the pee would have more easily reached his shoes and socks, he was thankful that he wasn't a boxer kind of person. His socks and shoes had escaped the damage. At that moment he wanted to toss his wet jeans into the trash, but knowing he could not afford to buy new ones anytime soon he instead shoved them and the wet underwear into the pocket inside his luggage. and made his way out the bathroom to check in for his flight, while going through security the machine flagged him for a pat down, who knows why, the agent patting him down paused at his crotch and sniffed the air blatantly, then glared at the boy, he blushed and looked at the ground, the agent looked disgusted but let the boy pass. Thomas was beginning to feel like he'd made a mistake, like an outcast, his thoughts rang with the various humiliations this trip had wrought, the passengers on the first flight all looked at him when he woke up checking for wetness, the car at the light that laughed at him in the crosswalk with wet pants, the bus driver regarded him with disgust, the security likewise had just glared at him in disgust, Thomas thought 'maybe I'm not ready for this, no one else seems to be struggling like this, Maybe I need to see a doctor.' Thomas considered. With no more time to be distracted he resumed focus on catching his flight he made it to the gate early and took a seat at a bench, as he sat there he began to smell the stench of pee, and realized the agent had not exaggerated, he really did stink like pee, but there was nothing he could do about it now, his plane arrived, boarding began, he entered and took his seat, window in the far back, again, the stewardess came by again and this time Thomas did not want any water.. Thomas stayed awake this flight, he did not have any more accidents, the two passengers next to him clearly smelled him and made faces of disgust, but with no choice in the matter he tuned them out, tried to hid his embarrassment and focused out the window, he made it to the airport in his home town, convinced a friend to come pick him up and drive him home, while driving his friend asked him why he smelled like pee, Thomas made up a lie about his plane seat being wet when he sat on it, then when Thomas got home he saw his Mother on the couch, she didn't even look at him as he entered the door, she had no questions about his trip or anything, he didn't feel she was being intentionally spiteful, she just didn't care, wasn't interested, he then remembered how he felt in that airport, and he decided right then that 'facing disgust from strangers, facing being an outcast to the world, hurt less then this, I may not be ready to be out there, but I am very ready to get out of here. I will just have to figure out the rest as I go along.' he thought. He went upstairs, found his bed still stripped, had to go back downstairs to get his bedding from the dryer, glad his Mother hadn't needed to do any wash for a day, he started his laundry to wash his pissy jeans and underwear and brought the bedding upstairs and made up his bed, he showered, and slept, he woke up the next morning refreshed, he briefly thought about his paranoia of wetting the bed again and felt like he didn't care as much anymore, like it didn't matter as much anymore, like whether it happened or not wasn't going to change his plans, it wasn't a huge difference in attitude, it was subtle, but he noticed it, upon checking found he was dry anyway. Replaying his Mothers lack of interest in his return the night before, he was resolute in his desire to vacate her home as soon as possible, but first, he would need to earn enough money for the plane ticket, this time it will be a one way ticket. He went around town looking for any lawns that needed mowing, asked the home residents if they'd pay him to mow, got a few offers, made a few bucks, but still he didn't have enough. Finally he decided to start pawning his possessions, he decided the less he had to take with him while moving the better anyhow, so he gathered up his old game console and his games, gathered up his Pokemon cards and collectibles, all the things he'd bought himself with summer jobs of years past, and took them around town to the various stores that would buy them off him, he even found a place willing to buy old music CD's he'd nearly forgotten he'd even still had. Each item didn't fetch him very much, cents here dollars there but it all added up, at the end of the day he had a rather empty room with no possessions but some clothes, but enough dollars for a one way plane ticket on the cheapest airline in the cheapest seats. Departing a week hence. Thomas packed up what remained of his items, mostly just clothing, an alarm clock, some essentials like his tooth brush etc, packed them up in a cardboard box and shipped them to David's house, his new house. He figured this way would be cheaper than paying for multiple checked bags on his airline. In his checked bag he stashed enough clothes to last him 4 days, and in his backpack he stuffed some basic school supplies, notebooks, pens, pencils. Etc. He finished packing that same night even though he still had a week before his flight, he was too excited to get out of this town, and start somewhere new, for the next week he just lived out of his suitcase, washing his clothes each night after taking them off, he wanted to stay ready, he didn't want anything getting in his way. He tried doing odd jobs here and there, cleaning gutters, digging ditches, painting a fence, etc, he'd made enough he hoped to cover any other school supplies he might need, and the week finally ended, he had a good final morning having a real breakfast this time, eggs, hash browns, toast, orange juice, then grabbed his luggage and left the house for hopefully the last time, he had a friend willing to drive him to the airport this time, opting to conserve what little cash he had built up from the jobs of the past week, he made it through security and to his gate an hour early, he played with his phone until boarding time was announced, he boarded his plane and took his seat, he was aware of the same urgency in his bladder as the orange juice caught up to him, he realized he should have taken care of that before boarding if he hadn't been distracted by his phone, the seat belt sign was on and the rest of the passengers were taking their seats, he'd just have to wait until the sign went off.. The plane left it's gate and stopped moving on the tarmac, the pilot announced over the intercom that they were in line to take off and must wait on the other planes to go first. Thomas wiggled in his seat trying to get comfortable against the pressure in his groin, it seemed to take forever but eventually his plane was accelerating down the runway while Thomas did somewhat of a potty dance in his seat. he was beginning to wonder how the rest of the world functions without always having immediate access to the restrooms like he had always had in school and at home. he never considered he would have to learn how to plan out his bathroom breaks.. The plane broke through the clouds and leveled off, the seat belt sign turned off and Thomas shot out of his seat dramatically drawing the eyes of his seat neighbors, but he didn't care right now, he had tunnel vision on the bathroom, he squeezed past the seats and bee-lined it to the cramped room, he made it to the toilet on time other than just a small wet spot in his underwear, he sat there irritated with himself for having yet another close call, also he pondered how tight and cramped the airplane restroom was, finding it very uncomfortable, wishing he could avoid having to ever use one of these again, his mind wandered to the last flight and how on that flight he had rushed to the bathroom too, though then it was in the airport and was a family bathroom, large with plenty of room, then he remembered the adult sized changing table, for the briefest of moments he considered the concept, of adults wearing diapers, Not needing to use these cramped airplane toilets, at first he was grossed out, but then he had to appreciate the convenience factor of no longer holding, straining, rushing, or squeezing into small bathrooms. He shook the strange thoughts from his head and redressed and washed his hands in the cramped sink. Retook his seat and tried to take his mind off of the weird ideas by looking into the clouds. Landing went fine Thomas went to baggage claim and waited for his luggage, he waited and waited until everyone had got their luggage except him, there was no more luggage arriving on the belt, he went to the service desk and told them his luggage didn't arrive, they filed a claim and told him it could take awhile for them to investigate, so with only his backpack that he'd carried on he exited the airport and made his way to the bus, he found the bus he had taken before and boarded it's reverse direction, navigating his way back to his new home he arrived with much less stress and drama then the last time he took this bus ride. David was there to welcome him inside. David: "Hey welcome back Thomas glad to see you made it, how was your flight?" Being greeted and welcomed like this was unusual for Thomas, his own Mother never asked 'how was his flight', but he shrugged it off as David just trying to make good first impressions. Thomas: "The flight was good, though those plane bathrooms sure are cramped, never used one before." David: "You never used a bathroom before?" Thomas: "What? NO! I mean Yes! I mean! yes I've used bathrooms before! I've never used an airplane restroom before!" David: "OK Thomas I was just joking with you! And I know what you mean! they are just the worst! if only there was some alternative, I think just about anything would be better than that don't you think so Thomas?" Thomas hesitated to respond feeling like his own thoughts from earlier had somehow been sensed. David: "Anyways go on and get yourself settled go get your luggage into your room but don't forget to remove your shoes at the door, wouldn't want to start your first day with a punishment! haha!" Thomas was already in motion to take his shoes off when David finished that sentence, his ears perked up wondering what the hell David meant about a punishment? he hoped David was just making a bad joke. Thomas: "Actually it seems the airline lost my luggage, they said they'll investigate and get back to me. But I do have some clothes being shipped here in a box so once those arrive I'll be OK, until then I can just rewash this pair of jeans every night I guess.." David: "Hey you know why don't you just set your clothes by your door when you go to bed and I'll throw them in with my own laundry overnight and have them back by your door clean by morning? I mean it's either that or you have to come down to wash them nude, which is alright by me I'm not squeamish about that. Up to you." Thomas: "Oh, uhm, you don't have to do that, that's awfully nice of you but I don't want to impose" David: "Well like I said it's up to you, but you wouldn't be imposing, gotta do my own laundry anyway, doesn't make a difference to me either way." Thomas took his backpack upstairs and set it by his desk, he had no unpacking to do, so he went back downstairs and sat on the couch with David. Eventually Thomas got tired, made himself a meal from canned food in the cupboard, trying to eat cheap in case David expected reimbursement. drank some water, tossed his clothes and stained underwear on the floor of his room, took a shower and went to bed nude. In the morning Thomas awoke to find his only shirt, pair of underwear, and jeans, washed and folded sitting just inside his door on the floor, he thought he had told David not to wash them and he remembered he had not set them by the door, instead they were strewn about his room, so David must have came in while he slept and gathered them up to wash them, Thomas blushed realizing David may have noticed the pee stains on his underwear... That day David did not comment about the pee stains and Thomas thanked him for doing his laundry, David continued doing Thomas's laundry in this way every night and Thomas eventually got used to it. Thomas still had weeks before school started, so he spent a couple days studying the bus routes, and taking all the bus lines between his new home and his campus exploring the territory trying to get familiar and comfortable with the bus lines, enjoying his bus pass, learning where the nearest stores were, he spotted an electronics store nearby his new home and stopped in to see about a computer, they had a cheap model he could afford that should do enough to help him with school, he bought it and lugged the tower and monitor home, he made a second trip to buy a keyboard and mouse, all this had wiped out the majority of what remained of his savings, he set up the PC in his room atop the tall desk. Thomas got a phone call, it was the airline, they had found his luggage. Airline: "Hello is this Thomas?" Thomas: "yes this is he" Airline: "I'm calling in regards to your missing luggage you reported?" Thomas: "Ya have you found it?" Airline: "Yes unfortunately there was a mishap. your luggage is here you can come pick it up but it is damaged" Thomas: "Damaged? how?" Airline: "Well it seems it must have fallen off the cart on the tarmac when it was being driven toward your plane, it got overlooked and sat on the runway for a few hours until it eventually got ran over by an airplane, the luggage was crushed rather drastically, you'll have to come see what can be salvaged and we will try to reimburse you for the rest." Thomas: "uuuuuhhhgg, just what I needed. alright, I'll be right there." Thomas hopped on a bus and went to the airport, he went to the service counter and they brought out what was left of his luggage, it was damaged alright, it looked like it had come out of a war zone, it was torn nearly into two pieces, right down the middle, the clothing he had inside was smashed to bits, nothing was salvageable, the airline agreed to pay him $200 for compensation, if he wanted more he'd have to go through an investigation to determine true value, he didn't want to wait however long that would take, so he took the $200 and went home. He spent the evening getting his new PC up and running, installing the programs he would need, finding free versions of them online wherever he could. When eventually he heard David calling him down stairs. Thomas went down the stairs to see what was going on. David: "hey Thomas it's getting late I'm making dinner figured you must be hungry by now why not join me I'll make a plate for you.." Thomas overwhelmed: "gosh you don't have to do that for me I don't mind making my own meals and I wouldn't want to put you out eating up your half of the groceries." David was delighted to hear Thomas's intent to pay half the groceries, it showed that Thomas was not selfish, was not planning to liberate himself upon the fridge without first stocking it himself, much unlike many of David's prior 'roommates' before their conversions. David: "oh nonsense! In fact I don't want you buying groceries, I will handle all that! I plan to make food for myself each day so it's no problem to me to simply make enough for two, really I don't mind, save your money and your time for school, now come sit at the table and I'll prepare you a plate, by the way, do you have any food allergies I should know of? and particular foods you despise?" Thomas: "Oh my, you are too kind, I'll find some way to repay you for groceries but it would indeed be easier for me if I didn't have to lug groceries on the bus ever, no I do not have any food allergies but I really dislike chili, or beans, or spicy hot food. otherwise, I'm content with whatever you make, if you do want to make something like that just let me know and I'll make my own dinner separately no problem." Thomas was relieved to have this burden taken off his shoulders, he'd been used to preparing all his own meals at his old house, having that problem relieved meant he could focus more on his classes, and he greatly appreciated the help, again he couldn't help wondering why this stranger was so much kinder then his own Mother, who hadn't cooked him a meal in over a decade. he had to face the same realization he often faced that his Mother just wasn't as kind as most people. he tried to shake the thoughts from his mind, he didn't want to think of her right now, perhaps never. Thomas: "So David what do you do for work anyhow?" Thomas was wondering if there was any hours David would not be home, he could do his own laundry then. David: "Oh I am retired, I like to think that what I do for work now is taking care of you! Or whoever happens to be living here at any given time that is!" Thomas blushed a bit at the concept of having someone taking care of him. Thomas: "Oh! You seem kinda young to be retired?" David: "I am older than I look, but yet I am on the young side, I retired a handful of years ago." Thomas: "well what DID you do?" David: "I'm afraid I'd have to kill you if I told you." ... David said this rather seriously, there was a brief pause, then laughter David: "OH I'm just JOKING! I couldn't kill you! I couldn't bare too! But seriously I did contract work for the military and I can't get into details about it, it's classified." Thomas nervously: "Oh uh, uhm. Like. Soldier work? Like private military type contractor?" David: "Oh no, I was a scientist, I mean I guess I still am but now my lab is where I hide it. But no the only work I did for the military was in a laboratory, anyhow that's all behind me, what do you do for work Thomas?" Thomas did not want to admit that his rent was currently being paid by his unloving Mother, he didn't even want to mention her or have to admit what she was like to him, how he felt about her. Thomas: "Oh well, I just did odd jobs around town, mowing lawns, raking leaves, cleaning gutters, digging ditches, any kind of yard work or really any odd job I could find. It was nice to get handed cash and not have to pay taxes on it! hehe. Built up enough savings to manage this move so I could go to school." David: "And I take it you got a student loan to pay for the tuition? No scholarship?" Thomas: "Ya that's right." David: "Oh I see! Well maybe you'd be willing to help around here with my yard, I dislike yard work, tell you what, you do that and I'll consider it more than enough compensation for the groceries, we can be even." Thomas liked this idea. Thomas: "That sounds great! your yard looks pretty fine as it is from what I've seen, haven't look at the backyard though." David: "Oh yes I did skip that on the tour didn't I, well there's not much back there really, just grass. Finish your dinner then you can feel free to go check out the backyard." At this David handed Thomas a plate of burritos, he also sat in front of Thomas a large cup of milk, the glass mug looked like it could hold a litter, it was very wide, it appeared to have once had a handle since broken off, Thomas would have to use two hands to drink from it. he wasn't sure he could down this much liquid, let alone this much milk, but he didn't want to be rude and refuse or waste what was offered, so Thomas politely sat there and ate his burritos and drank his milk. The food was delicious, Thomas had of course had burritos plenty of times in his life, but they had never tasted so good as these, there was so many spices all working together but none of them spicy in the 'hot' sense, just as Thomas liked it. Thomas: "Wow David where did you learn to cook? this is wonderful." David: "Well retiring early has it's advantages, I've had lots of time to learn things I never had the chance to learn before, cooking is just one of those things. I'm glad to hear you like it." David loved watching Thomas drink from the big glass with two hands, he found it adorable, he hadn't even begun to work on this kid and already he was tugging at his heart. Thomas hadn't even complained about the oversized amount and seemed to be trying his hardest to down it all. Most people would at least have stopped half-way and admitted defeat. In many ways this meal was a test, David had stalled dinner until as close to bedtime as he could, he wanted to test Thomas's control, the high fiber would help move his bowels in the night, the milk would keep them from constipating, and would keep his digestion running while he slept, a lot of people don't know this but when normal people sleep the digestive systems go into hibernation, it's why it's often only after you wake up that you suddenly get hit with the urge to pee or poo, but when you ingest calcium rich foods/beverages such as David's calcium fortified milk this forces the digestive systems to keep running during sleep, this is how milk contributes to bed wetting, with milk the kidneys do not wait till morning to fill the bladder. If Thomas has any problems controlling his bladder or his bowels in the night this meal is going to make it evident tonight. Thomas finished his meal none the wiser to the ulterior motives playing out. He finished the rest of the milk soon after. Feeling bloated and noticing the hour had grown late he thanked David for the meal, then went beyond the kitchen past the forbidden basement door, and opened another door, which as he'd presumed led to the backyard, it was a nice back yard, decently sized, it had a grass lawn and some outdoor lounge chairs, there was also a swing set, with two swings, both swings were ADA style swings, seats that held the full body, from feet to head, the one seat was bright green the other bright red, both seemed to be a very thick sturdy plastic material and had buckles in it enough to strap the whole body it appeared. Thomas assumed this was yet another item David had for his nephew, Thomas looked over the yard and made notes of what he could do for it, mowing of course would be needed once or twice a month, there was some weeds to pull, the fence could use a new paint job, one corner of the fence had a bit of a blackberry bush going Thomas figured he could destroy for David. with his yard review complete Thomas said his goodnights and headed to shower and bed. Thomas was in the pool again, but this time he felt fat, bloated like a pregnant lizard. Also unlike last time the pool had a current, it was pushing him toward the end of the pool, he was trying to swim against it. Fighting the current, looking back he realized the pool was no longer a pool, the end he was swimming away from was a fast flowing river, there were rapids behind him possibly a waterfall, he was swimming as hard as he could and feeling like he was making no progress, the current was just strong enough to keep him in place against his efforts. He tried screaming for help but the roar of the crashing water drowned him out, he could barely even hear his own screams. Suddenly there was a crash and his body felt slammed against a hard surface as his eyes shot open, and he found himself on the ground beside the bed, all the bedding was pushed into a clump at the foot of the bed, he realized he must have been swimming against his bed sheets, then he felt it, a powerful pressure in his bowels, overshadowing the pressure in his bladder, ignoring the pain of falling he gingerly but quickly got up and tried to quietly move quickly to the bathroom, on his way he passed a half asleep David in the hall. David: "What's going on I heard a loud crash and what sounded like a cry for help?!" Thomas: "Sorry just a bad dream, gotta go pee!" As Thomas ran past into the bathroom, he made it to sit on the toilet just barely in time for an explosion out of both front and back. David went and observed the bed, it was dry but the sheets were in a heap at the foot, David realized Thomas must have fallen out of the bed, ironically enough David had planned to introduce such a problem to Thomas eventually, but he hadn't even begun to yet and it seemed Thomas was already exhibiting it. 'This kid really needs my treatment' David thought, 'no denying this one, well we will get there eventually.' Finishing his business, Thomas opened the bathroom door to find David. David: "I didn't hear the water running, you must always wash your hands Thomas you wouldn't want me washing them for you, now would you?" Thomas wasn't even sure what he meant by that. Thomas: "uhm, no? Sorry I forgot, still half asleep." Thomas went and began washing his hands. David: "Are you OK? are you injured? You must have fell out of bed huh?" Thomas: "yeah I guess I did, no I'm not hurt, just maybe a bit bruised, I'll be fine. It was just a nightmare, they are rare for me, not sure what brought this on." Thomas finished washing, said goodnight and the two departed to their rooms. Thomas remade the bed and went back to sleep, he had to get up to pee a second time that night, this time without any new bruises. In the morning Thomas woke to the smell of bacon, he figured by his clock he'd had plenty of time to sleep so got up and made his way to the kitchen, sure enough David was just finishing up plating breakfast and had set two plates on the table, Thomas glanced at David. David: "Oh you don't need me to invite you Thomas, I didn't make two plates just for myself, sit down and eat up already!" Thomas gladly did so, surprised he could be so hungry already after such a massive and late meal last night. As David took his seat after Thomas, he set two massive cups of orange juice on the table, one for each of them. Thomas glared at the liter sized cup of orange juice, and pondered just why was David so fond of such massive amounts of liquid, it must be something to do with how fit David is, trying to stay well hydrated for muscle gain or something like that. he shook the thoughts and accepted with two hands his glass of orange juice. It seemed the mug with the busted/missing handle was now designated his, he understood being David's house that it was David's right to give Thomas the cup in the lesser condition. In truth David just loved seeing him use two hands to drink. As though reading his mind, David spoke up David: "You can consider that mug yours now, it's got character, you two fit well together." Thomas wasn't sure what he meant by that last part, but was glad to be given something at all. Thomas: "Thanks, it's awfully big, where do you even get these mugs?" David: "Oh they are like glass German steins, for beer, those Germans love their beer, they drink liters of it at a time. I like them cause I like to stay hydrated. Good for the body and the mind, should help you with your school work too!" David had a smirk that seemed to say there was more, but he said nothing else, just smiled. That night David began the next stage of his plan, one thing about the kind of wealth David kept in his bank, was the freedom to do as he wished, one particular act of whimsy, came to David some years back when he decided to study subliminal messaging, to see just how far he could take it, he got pretty skilled with it but decided he didn't like relying entirely on it, he didn't like how he could never tell just how much of someones interest was their own and how much was simply suggestions fed to them without their knowing it. Still, he did use it occasionally, but only lightly, only to help things along here and there. Mostly he tried to rely on the older methods of creating a problem then presenting the solution, punishment and reward systems, the old carrot and the stick, he felt this got more honest and long-lasting results out of people. During his subliminal experimentation days David had taken the walls down in the guest bedroom and had speakers installed behind the drywall, many many high quality speakers, all wired down to his basement, and controlled via remote from his phone, he also had installed into the smoke detector in the room a high quality hidden mini camera that could detect subtle motions such as breathing rate, it also had advanced thermal imaging capable of detecting pulse rate. with this he could detect if his guest was unconscious or had awoken, and he ensured that any messaging coming from the speakers would mute anytime his guest awoke, so they would never hear it consciously. He hadn't used any of this on Thomas, until tonight, tonight the suggestion was simple. Thomas was resting peacefully, David could see it on his smartphone app he'd had developed just for him. David entered the command he wanted and activated the speakers. The speakers came to life playing a peaceful ocean wave sound effect, hidden in the background of the noise was a soft voice, hard to make out, this voice was AI synthesized, it had been fed samples of Thomas's own voice, and used them to recreate Thomas's own voice, so that Thomas would hear his own voice speaking the suggestions, in his deep sleep state Thomas would assume these were his own thoughts he was hearing in his head in his dreams, the words it would speak each night from here on were: "Coordination with open cups is difficult. It's always been difficult. Spills happen. It's OK if spills happen. I try to avoid them. But they still happen anyway. I don't mean to spill. But it's OK if I spill. I prefer to drink things with a lid. things that don't have a lid make me nervous to drink from. Sometimes my hands get shaky when I get nervous. Sometimes things slip from my grip when I get nervous." These words played on loop behind the gentle ocean breakers sound effects. The sound of the ocean actually helped Thomas sleep even deeper, he did not wake from the noise. He dreamed of the beach, of sharks and dolphins, of sea turtles and seaweed, of sand and sandcastles, of boats and jet skis. In the morning his paw patrol alarm sounded and jolted him awake, for a moment he thought he could still hear the ocean but as he quickly slapped his alarm clock he confirmed he'd heard only silence, but he remembered it echoing in his memories of his dreams, 'I'd like to visit the beach some time soon' he thought, 'it's been too long since I last played in the sand' he thought. David knew subliminal messaging requires repetition to set in, he'd been at this long enough to know not to expect results on the first morning, he'd have to keep the same message for some time before the results would show. During the afternoon while Thomas was in the yard mowing the lawn a delivery guy arrived, he dropped a box and took off, Thomas recognized it was the box of clothes / possessions he had shipped, Thomas stopped what he was doing and went to take it inside, upon inspection he found the box had a giant hole in the side of it the size of his head. and most the contents were missing, all that remained inside it was an ugly winter sweater, a jacket, and an unused notebook. Thomas: "GREAT! just perfect! all my clothes are either missing or destroyed by an airplane!" Emerging from the living room David was curious about the muttering he'd heard. David: "Whats going on? you sound upset." Thomas: "Well the airline found my luggage the other day, it had all been destroyed, they apparently dropped it on the tarmac and didn't notice until it had been smashed to bits.. and now the box that I shipped the rest of my clothing in just arrived and the box is torn open, all my clothes are gone, I've officially got nothing now but this one set of clothes I've been wearing all this time. I cant just keep washing the same shirt and jeans every night." David: "Hey you can borrow some clothes from my nephew, he hasn't been here so long he probably doesn't remember they even exist at this point." Thomas was wary, he wasn't sure he wanted to borrow clothing from David's special needs nephew, Thomas didn't want to be rude however so he couldn't bring himself to say no. Thomas: "Thanks, I'll consider it." That night after showering and returning to his room Thomas found the closet no longer empty, David had placed into it what was presumably some of his nephews clothing, it was all decidedly childish, there was only 2 sweatshirts, one was stripped varying shades of green, and the other identical except in varying shades of blue. there was no other shirts so Thomas would have to pick between these two. and for pants all that was on offer was a pair of cotton shorts, or a pair of overalls. the shorts looked normal but it was pretty cold out for shorts, but the overalls were not normal, they had paw patrol characters patched onto them. Thomas decided he would just keep washing his jeans and shirt every night until he could go out and buy some new clothes. The rest of the week went much the same, David continued giving extra fiber to Thomas but not as much as that first meal, he started with an ordinary dose and over time would increase the dose bit by bit getting Thomas used to it as he went, that first meal had just been a test, to see what he was working with, extra fiber would help Thomas poo more often and in larger amounts and with greater ease, it would become harder and harder to hold it whenever he needed to go, David also made sure to keep Thomas well hydrated, he wanted Thomas to get used to the idea of having to pee frequently, he wanted Thomas to get sick of it, to find it inconvenient and time-consuming, so the alternative David would eventually present would seem more attractive, more convenient. After a couple weeks of this new routine Thomas was becoming quite fond of David, and David likewise of Thomas. David making breakfast and dinner for Thomas and doing his laundry had been more care than Thomas had received since as long as he could remember. Even when he was too young to do these things himself his mother never did any of it with a smile like David did. And David was fond of Thomas's friendly and kind demeanor, Thomas was the most polite student David had yet encountered. Thomas still had not gone and bought new clothes, he only had a little money left and didn't want to spend any of it until after his first day at school when he would learn if there was any other books or supplies he needed to buy.. One morning breakfast was going normally, Thomas handled his glass well though David did note a little trembling, he didn't spill it but when he set it down it did collide with the table more roughly than ordinary. Thomas: "Sorry, didn't mean to slam it." David: "it's alright, I'm sure you're just tired, maybe you didn't sleep too well?" Thomas: "Oh I don't know I actually think I've been sleeping more deeply then usual, maybe I'm just not fully awake yet." They finished their breakfast Thomas being extra careful and slow with his glass and went on with their usual daily routine, this went on like this for more than a dozen days. Each day Thomas seemed a bit less confident with his glass, and a bit more shaky holding it, the number of times he set it back down too hard was increasing. In Thomas's mind he chalked it up to the glass being so large and unruly, 'if only the handle was not busted off' he'd thought/tell himself, 'then I could hold it much more easily'. But it was not the missing handles fault. Eventually Thomas started his classes, learning his campus and where his classes were was a new adventure and Thomas loved exploring the school grounds. after the last class ended Thomas had to go out and buy some more items that his first day had revealed to him would be needed for his classes, he ran his errands, returning home with what he needed and very little money remaining, he decided he'd just have to keep washing his single pair of jeans and shirt until he could get part time work. When he got home that night David was waiting in the living room, he immediately asked Thomas. David: "So how was your first day at school?!" Thomas: "Oh it was great, my professors are great they were all friendly and seemed wise but not arrogant, the classrooms were comfortable, the campus was beautiful I didn't run into any bullies! Even the weather was nice!" Thomas was suddenly struck by how cathartic it felt to say all that, he remembered then how it had been around 15 years since someone had asked him how his day at school was, he remembered all the days he'd come home and WISH his Mother would ask, but she wouldn't, Thomas found himself looking at David feeling many conflicting feelings, the satisfaction of getting something he had long wished for was being overshadowed by his confusion at it coming from a stranger he'd only met some weeks ago, he was also confused at how natural it had felt, only realizing it was happening after the fact. Then his feelings were dominated by the resent that had brewed in him over his many years of his Mothers total indifference towards him. All this painted a somewhat sour look on his face. David: "Well what's wrong kiddo you just came in the door told me how great your day was then looked at me like I killed your cat!" Thomas had to laugh at that Thomas: "I'm sorry, you're right, it was a good day, thank you for asking, I was just having a bad flashback, ancient history, sorry, rather not talk about it, it's in the past, how was your day anyhow!" David: "My day was another in the life of a retiree! I sat here and watched Dr who reruns all day! it was swell, maybe not quite as adventurous as yours though, tell me about your campus?!" David was already very familiar with Thomas's campus, he already heard this same speech from dozens of students that had come through his house in prior years, but he never tired of hearing it all anew, it wasn't so much about what they had to say as it was about being there to hear it from them to see them being childlike in their enthusiasm and satisfaction. Not every student reacted this way to starting college but David loved it when they did and was happy to encourage it. Thomas sat down and recounted the day in detail, David likewise shared the Dr who episodes he'd watched, pleased to see that Thomas was familiar with the show. They sat together on the couch the rest of the day/evening, Thomas didn't have any homework being the first day and all. After some TV watching David went to the kitchen and prepared dinner, when ready Thomas joined him and they had a nice meal, Thomas again held his glass with shaky hands, clanked his glass on the table roughly, and apologized each time. After dinner they watched TV for awhile longer until Thomas went to shower and to bed. From there things settled into a nice routine, Thomas went to school after having breakfast with David, David always had it prepared just at the right time, David always had Thomas drinking a liter of orange juice, Thomas always had to go straight to the restroom by the time his bus got him to his school, barely making it to class on time as a result, often being the last one to enter the room and take his seat. Thomas would get home and David would be right there asking him how his day at school was. Thomas relished being asked, but he was beginning to understand why his peers would treat this ritual like a burden or chore he could see it but it still didn't feel like it to him, to Thomas it felt like finally someone cared about him, even if it was only a little. It was something. If Thomas had homework he'd go upstairs first thing and finish it or make enough progress on it to be satisfied for a day if it wasn't something that needed finished that night. then come down to eat dinner and spend the rest of the evening on the couch with David watching TV. or movies. Before heading to bed, David always kept Thomas's big cup full, of either juice or water, occasionally he'd fill it with milk in the evening, and it would entertain him that night to hear Thomas getting up to pee usually twice on those nights, he was establishing more familiarity with Thomas's biology. Unbeknownst to Thomas, David had also found a hair from Thomas left in the bathroom, a single hair that still had the root attached, must have come out when Thomas was combing his hair, David carefully placed the hair in a vial, and brought it to his basement.... One Friday morning Thomas went down to breakfast and sat at the table, his meal already being plated before him. David was grinning, wondering if today was the day, like he'd wondered many previous days, he set besides the plate Thomas's mug of orange juice, they sat and ate, when Thomas went for his mug he seemed to hesitate, he grabbed it with both hands and David could see a noticeable increase in the trembling, as Thomas brought it to his lips he collided with his front tooth just enough to be audible. David: "Oh ouch, you OK? didn't chip a tooth did you?" Thomas: "No, just kinda hurt, not sure why I did that" David: "No worries mate, those big cups can feel unwieldy at times I know, especially when still tired in the morning." As Thomas set the glass down he did not set it flat, it was on it's edge, first it spilled a little at the top, in a panic he let go, hoping it would flatten itself since he was doing a poor job trying that himself, but instead the cup teetered in the other direction and fell over, spilling orange juice all over the table, and a significant amount went over the edge onto the carpet. David concealed his glee like a professional actor, exclaiming instead. David: "Oh no! Hey don't worry about it I'll clean it up you just stay right there, DON'T MOVE"! he barked like a command. Thomas felt uneasy about this, he felt terrible to spill all over the dining table and the amount that went over the edge to the floor, at first David seemed not too upset but the 'don't move' command had so much weight it seemed perhaps David really was upset and just holding it back. Within minutes David had soaked up as much spill as he could with paper towels and had brought over what looked like a vacuum, David filled a reservoir in the vacuum with water and soap and before turning it on went back to the kitchen, moments later he came back from the kitchen and set before Thomas a large bottle, like a baby bottle, clear glass, no prints or patterns on it, with a silicone nipple on top, the nipple was clearly larger then a babies bottle, sized for an adult, it was huge, like the mugs, it looked like it held about a liter, and it's width was equal to the mugs, meaning it would require two hands, it was filled with orange juice, Thomas's eye were bulging at it in confusion, David declared. David: "Well you know the rules, if you spill you must drink from the bottle for a week, you signed them in the lease I'm sure you remember right?" As if not waiting for a reply David immediately turned on the vacuum, and began cleaning up the spill on the carpet, apparently the vacuum was actually a compact steam cleaner. David emptied and refilled it's water reservoir a few times in the process ensuring it had fully removed the orange juice from the carpet. Thomas gulped, it took a moment for the words to register past his swirling thoughts on what he gazed at. He waited for David to finish and turn off the steam cleaner and said. Thomas: "Huh? that's in the rules? I forgot, I might have missed that part." David: "Yes it's in the rules, must I dig it out for you to read again? It hasn't been that long..." David sounded frustrated, David had just cleaned up Thomas's mess for him. Thomas didn't want to frustrate David, but this was too much, could he really agree to this?? 'Well' Thomas thought, 'I guess I already have agreed to it, serves me right for not reading the rules more thoroughly, I guess it cant hurt me, no one will see me other than David who made the rule himself, if that's his rules then so be it, what a strange rule, I guess it's meant to punish people, to reinforce that they better not spill. Probably meant for party types more than me, but rules are rules and I don't want to beg for an exception.' Thomas wondered for a moment why David even had a bottle like this, then remembered David's mention of a special needs nephew, must be from him Thomas supposed. Not wanting to rock the boat, Thomas grabbed the bottle with both hands, it was just too big, and had no handles, Thomas was already blushing about how this looked, David didn't seem to even be looking as if this was as ordinary as a Monday. Thomas wondered how many college students David had witnessed drinking from this giant baby bottle to have come to regard it as so ordinary. If Thomas only knew..... Thomas put the nipple to his lips, inserted it into his mouth, and sucked, the juice spurted out hitting the back of his throat, this was certainly a new experience, Thomas felt his whole body blushing with shame, he couldn't believe he was doing this, did David really say this would be for a whole week! Thomas was beginning to wonder what else was in those rules he did not read... Then Thomas realized he'd been here many weeks now, and had seemingly not broken any rules until now, so perhaps it didn't matter, he'd only need to put up with a nipple for a week and then things would be back to normal, he'd just need to be extra careful not to spill anymore, especially in the mornings when he was groggy. Thomas continued suckling at the nipple, he began developing a rhythm, realizing he needed to hurry as the mornings catastrophe had made breakfast take longer than usual, so he kept the nipple in his mouth trying to quickly finish the liquid, his meal already nearly complete anyway. He eventually got the rhythm down, breath while suckling, once there's enough in the mouth then swallow, repeat, he was suckling pretty hard at the nipple surprised it took this much effort to drink from a bottle, his humiliation still burned but it was beginning to wane, 'after all' he had said to himself 'I'd better get used to it if it was going to be this way for a week'. He rushed glancing at the clock as he went, nursing his bottle for dear life, he didn't have long if he didn't want to miss his bus. he didn't want to waste orange juice leaving it unfinished, that felt like it would just be further insult to injury to David to waste his groceries like that after making a mess all over David's table and carpet. Thomas's upbringing had involved a lot of guilt from his Mother any time food or drink was wasted. Mother:"there are starving children all over the world who would kill for what you are wasting" Was the words ingrained on his mind, he'd heard it enough for it to echo in his thoughts every time he saw food or drink being neglected, he didn't resent it, he knew on some level it was right not to be wasteful, even if his mother was actually disguising her own selfish intent to not waste money on food that wasn't being eaten. though he certainly wished, when full, that he could summon one of those starving children and share what he didn't want. Thomas managed to drain the last drops with a couple minutes left to exit the house, he swallowed the last remnants of his meal in one last gulp, David volunteered to take care of his plate aware of his time crunch. David: "You know how about you set your morning alarm for 20 minutes earlier from now on so you won't ever have to worry about being late, may as well set an earlier bedtime too to match." Thomas didn't have time to disagree he muttered thank yous for cleaning his mess and cleaning his plate, slipped his shoes on and rushed out the door. David took notice of how the kid did not ever untie his shoes, just slipped them off, so he could slip them back on without tying them again. 'This kid needs Velcro' David thought. 'eventually'. he concluded. For the whole bus ride to school that day Thomas reflected on drinking the bottle, on how embarrassing it was, on how David didn't seem phased in the least, it didn't seem David even once looked at him as he did it, then Thomas thought on how it felt, the nipple in the mouth, the suckling, what an odd experience, is this how babies felt when they drank? The rest of the day went much the same as usual, Thomas rushed to the bathroom the moment he got off the bus, making it just in time, got to class just a bit late, and tried to focus on his studies, occasionally his mind would wander back to that morning, but he tried not to think about it. Lunchtime came and Thomas realized he'd run out of money, he did not buy a meal plan when working out his student loans, he thus far had been buying each day with what little he'd had remaining. Now with no money he'd have to skip lunch. He went through the rest of his day normally except hungry. When he got home he went straight to the kitchen (remembering of course to first take off his shoes at the door). He grabbed what ever he could snack on from the fridge, David saw all this. David: "Decided to skip lunch I take it?" Thomas: "Oh uh, well, to be honest, I'm on a tight budget and kind of can't afford to keep buying lunch everyday so today figured I'd just skip it to save money." David: "Oh you should have said so sooner! Id be happy to pack a lunch pail for you to take to school each morning!" Thomas: "Oh man you already do so much for me making my meals, I can't ask you to make my lunch also!" David: "Thomas seriously it's my pleasure, I enjoy taking care of you, it makes an old retiree feel useful, like I'm still important to someone, please allow me to make you lunch." Thomas: "Well, alright, if you insist, I really appreciate it, that will save me a lot of money." Truth was Thomas had no more money, and the only income he had was from his Mother exactly what he needed for rent, no more, he'd be broke from here on unless he could find part-time work somewhere. David: "Think nothing of it, you're doing me a favor by letting me do it, I'm happy to be of help to someone. So other than starving, how was school today? Anything interesting occur?" Thomas stopped snacking, sat down on the couch and shared the usual small talk with David about his day and vise versa, and then went upstairs and did his homework. The evening went normally except at dinner out came the giant baby bottle again, Thomas did not protest but did not touch it until his meal was nearly done, his throat was parched, he couldn't stall it any longer he needed a drink, so trying to get it all over with in one move he grabbed the bottle shoved the nipple deep in his mouth and suckled quickly trying to finish it completely, fast. David: "Whoa little slugger is thirsty today, take your time no need to rush." Thomas blushed furiously at this, he felt two feet tall, but he did not respond, he didn't want to pause to talk he just wanted to finish the bottle and get it over with. After what felt like forever the bottle was emptied, he finished off the last of his meal, put his plate in the sink, rinsed it, and went to the couch for TV. When David joined him he handed Thomas the bottle, now refilled with milk, Thomas realized his mistake. David always kept his cup full, devoted to hydration, usually Thomas brought his cup from dinner not totally finished to the couch and made it last until bed, having finished off the bottle at dinner meant it had to be refilled and he'd have to drink it down all over again. Worse still, this time it was filled with milk.... making him feel like even more of a baby, having to drink a bottle full of milk on the couch beside David.... He decided he didn't want to suckle from it occasionally all evening long, he rather get it done in one moment, to minimize the embarrassment, but if he did so too soon David would refill it again. He considered asking David to just not refill his cup anymore but that felt like it'd be rude, David was just trying to be kind, to keep him hydrated, and thus keep him healthy, it was a level of care he'd been sorely neglected from his single Mother, he did not want to reject that care, he liked it, so Thomas decided he had only one option, let the bottle sit on the coffee table, staring at him, until the evening was near bedtime, then drink it down in one moment, and that's how the evening went, watching TV. with Thomas staring at the television beyond the bottle, with it in his line of sight, trying to ignore it's ever constant presence in his vision. David: "remember this morning you agreed to an earlier bedtime so you could get up earlier and no longer be rushed to finish breakfast right? so if you get up 20 minutes earlier you should go to bed at least 20 minutes earlier" Thomas had forgotten, he decided not to argue it, it was true it'd be better not to be rushed in the morning, especially with the extra time it would now take to finish off a liter sized bottle through a small hole in a nipple, besides, it was only 20 minutes, Thomas pulled out his mini notepad he kept in his pocket, and made the alterations to his schedule. Here is his new schedule. Wake up at 5:30 am. into shower by 5:40 am. out of shower by 6:00 am. sat down for breakfast by 6:20 am. leave house at 7:10 am. get on bus at 7:20 am roughly, bus may be late or early. Get to school 7:40 am roughly depending on bus. class begins 8 am. classes end 4pm. at bus stop by 4:20 pm. back home by 4:40 pm roughly depending on bus, finished homework by 6:30 pm roughly. finished dinner by 7:30 pm roughly. TV. time until shower at 8:20 pm. bed at 9pm. Thomas looked over his schedule, he realized there was no way he could squeeze work time into this schedule, he would just have to try to find a job that would let him work only on his weekends. David noticed Thomas holding a notepad, he saw what looked like a schedule written on it. David: "You mind if I take a look at your schedule there?" Thomas didn't mind, he handed it over. David: "I love that you are so organized with your time, also it's a good thing you have yourself getting at least 8 hours sleep, that's an important rule!" David handed the schedule back and resumed TV watching. Thomas was lost in thought about what David had said, was getting 8 hours sleep each night really in the rules? Just how much else was in those rules he had failed to read!, Thomas felt relief that he had already intended to sleep 8 hours anyway, he always hated getting any less then that, and he didn't want to know what the punishment for breaking that rule was if it was anything like the baby bottle punishment he was currently stuck with. One day down, only 6 more days Thomas reminded himself, well, one day down after he finished the last bottle that is, he glared at it still sitting on the coffee table between him and the TV, it felt like it glared back at him. After some more TV watching bed time drew near, David got up and grabbed the bottle and took it with him to the kitchen, Thomas wondered if he'd been sparred the bottle, thrown some mercy, but that hope was dashed when 5 minutes later David returned with the bottle and put it right into Thomas's hands. David: "there, that bottle had become lukewarm, I'm sure that wouldn't be pleasant to drink lukewarm milk, it's nice and hot now, not too hot of course, I know it tastes different then when it was cold but it'll be better than lukewarm and it's easier to heat it than it is too cool it back down." David was right Thomas could feel the warmth of the bottle in his hands. Thomas couldn't remember if he had ever in his life drank milk warm, it certainly was compounding his embarrassment, drinking milk from a giant baby bottle was humiliating enough but now David had warmed it up for him too! He had little choice in the matter and the time was upon him anyway so before it could get lukewarm again he put the nipple to his mouth and began suckling, trying to get it over with. He was surprised to find that warm milk was actually pleasant to drink, very easy to go down, didn't seem to bother the taste buds at all, and being so warm he could almost convince his mind he was simply drinking tea. David took his seat and kept his eyes on the TV., he knew it was important not to stare at Thomas, he desperately wanted to watch him drink his bottle, it thrilled him to see this young man regressing one step at a time, Thomas had given up making his own meals, his own laundry and now was drinking exclusively from a baby bottle, one responsibility down at a time. David knew staring would only make Thomas even more self conscious of his debasing act, so David kept his focus on the TV show, acting as normally as could be, commenting here and there on the episode he was watching just as he normally would. Thomas was relieved that drinking a giant warm milk bottle in front of David didn't seem to phase him, Thomas again wondered to himself how many times David had to put up with this with his prior residents spilling things and being punished before he got to this point that it was so ordinary to him, well if David could find it ordinary then Thomas would try too as well, even if only to make it feel less embarrassing. Thomas finished his bottle, overwhelmed to down so much warm milk at once, he was getting more used the quantity then in the first days but it still made him feel bloated, and being warm this time made him feel very lethargic, he was looking forward to sleep, he didn't even bother checking the clock, he simply got up and went to his routine of shower then bed, leaving the empty bottle on the coffee table, David hadn't complained about him leaving empty cups there before, so he seemed safe to continue to do so, besides the less he had to hold or interact with that thing the better in Thomas's mind. That night after Thomas had gone to bed, David snuck into the room quietly like a thief in the night, he knew how to move silently, he crouched over the boy who was sleeping with his face to the wall and his left shoulder sticking out toward the room, David applied some kind of gel from a tube onto a cotton ball and rubbed it around on Thomas's shoulder, the gel was designed to numb the skin, David then stuck a needle into the spot and injected the boy with a concoction of David's own making, the boy felt nothing, the skin sufficiently numbed, he remained sound asleep as David exited the room... That night David made some changes to the ocean whispers playing over the speakers in Thomas's walls. The new whispers behind the ocean waves would be: "Drinking from my bottle is actually pretty pleasant. Drinking warm milk is soothing. I like drinking warm milk from my bottle. If I drink from something other than my bottle then I will likely spill it. It wasn't embarrassing to drink from my bottle. Those feelings I felt were love. I felt loved drinking from my warm bottle of milk. I know it is impossible to spill my bottle. I worry about spilling any other kind of container. I have no worry with my bottle. if I drink from something that isn't my bottle my hands get shaky and I lose my grip sometimes. I feel confident when I drink from my bottle. I feel proud when I drink from my bottle. it is good to obey the rules. I am doing a good thing. This makes me a good boy. I like to be called a good boy. When I am called a good boy I feel warmth and love swell up inside me. It starts in my belly and flows into my chest and through my arms and legs until my whole body is filled with warmth and love. I love being a good boy." This looped all night from then on. Thomas again dreamed of the ocean, this time he was floating on the surface of the ocean on his back, belly up, his ocean friends were swimming all around him, there was the dolphin, the sea turtle, some fishies of various kinds, even an octopus and a shark, he wasn't terribly happy about the shark, but he knew his friend the octopus would keep the shark in line, the shark hadn't been mean to him yet, he just had a mean looking face. He felt the warmth of the sun bathing the front of his body, he felt a warm glow flowing all through him, he'd never felt such warmth inside himself, he wondered if this is what love felt like, his skin was practically tingling with the thrill of how good it felt, he lazed around floating on the ocean for what felt like days, just enjoying the warmth, but then he felt discomfort down below, something was irritating him, he could feel a bad sort of tingling, he tried to push it away and felt wetness against his groin, he shot awake and realized what he was doing, he'd begun to wet the bed again! he cursed the strange ocean dreams, they had relaxed him too much! he rushed to the bathroom making it in time to prevent his wetting from being any worse, he'd left a softball sized wet spot on his underwear, upon returning to bed he found the bed and sheets dry, it seems he got off it quick enough not to spoil it, his jeans and shirt had already been washed and folded by David, so he took his underwear to the washing machine in the kitchen and washed it by itself, then returning to bed nude. he awoke a second time that night needing to pee yet again, groggily he grumbled about drinking too much fluid, finished his business in the bathroom then went back to bed again, forgetting to swap his underwear from the wash to the dryer. In the morning he awoke to find his underwear clean and folded with his clean jeans and shirt by his door, at breakfast David commented David: "Rather a late hour to start a single pair of underwear in the laundry wasn't it?" David had seen while Thomas showered that his bedspread was still in place on the mattress and dry, he'd seen from the hidden camera that Thomas had rushed to the bathroom the first time in a serious hurry, David knew he had some kind of close call, Thomas tossing his underwear in the wash had already told David just what he wanted to know, a small wetting. he was now just adding more stress to the boy, he wanted the boy to associate bedtime wettings sans diaper with stress, so that the stress free alternative of a diaper would be all the greater comparatively. Thomas was stressed, he hated lying to David, David had been so nice to him thus far, low rent, free food, free cooking, friendly welcomes whenever he came back home, but Thomas just couldn't bring himself to admit he'd had an accident in his sleep, no matter how minor. "Thomas: "Oh ya I just wanted to make sure I had clean underwear for today, should have tossed it with the rest before I went to sleep but I was too tired to think about it at the time" he lied. David: "You know I don't mind helping you out with the laundry like this, I got plenty of my own laundry to do it saves time and detergent to just wash everything together every time, so just let me do all your laundry from now on, I insist." Thomas wasn't sure he wanted to permanently relinquish his laundry to David, but he couldn't argue about wasting detergent, especially since David was paying for all of that on his own like all the other groceries. Thomas: "Thanks I appreciate that, and yeah that's fine if you want it, it's alright if you don't too, I don't mind doing it." No more was said on that subject as they sat down to breakfast, Thomas grabbed his bottle and drank some orange juice without even thinking about it, as he set it down it then occurred to him how embarrassing it was, but there was a moment there that he had drank it without reservation, David noticed it even if Thomas didn't. So on the routine went, breakfast was completed without a fuss, Thomas drinking his bottle as he needed to, no longer saving the moment for one rushed move, he was still embarrassed but it did seem lessened, Thomas finished the bottle as well as his meal and David Grabbed up Thomas's plate and empty bottle from him before he could take it to the sink to rinse himself. David: "You just let me worry about the dishes from now on, I don't mind, and this will save you time getting to school from now on." Thomas thanked David and went to put his shoes on and backpack, this time as he went to leave the house David handed him a lunch, it looked decidedly juvenile, it was a small child's backpack with paw patrol characters all over it, it was light blue in parts and aquamarine in other parts. Thomas didn't want to touch that thing, he glared at David with an expression that read, 'you must be joking' David chuckled a bit, David: "Sorry it's my nephews, turns out I don't have any lunch pails in the house, I'll see about getting you a better one soon if you can't bare to be seen with this, I don't want to embarrass you, if you want to skip lunch again we can just leave this here and I'll put the food back in the fridge, you can eat it for dinner tonight." Thomas felt guilty, David had made him lunch, and he was refusing it because David's nephew's backpack was not good enough for Thomas, he didn't like the hurt look on David's face, and he didn't like the idea of David spending even more money on him to buy him a new lunch pail of his own. Thomas: "No I'm sorry, it's fine, I was just surprised, I'll be OK I can take it, it's no big deal, it's college right? Plenty of people have weird things like this, I've seen pink backpacks for goodness sake, so no you don't need to go buying me anything please, thank you for making me lunch I appreciate it." Thomas took the mini backpack/lunch pail and swallowed his pride. he walked to the bus stop and waited, while sitting there he glared at the lunch pail, it certainly did look well-loved, there were scratches and dings here and there, threads bared, zippers that looked chewed on, crayon marks etc, it's clear it had been used plenty of times before, Thomas wondered if he'd ever meet David's nephew, he wondered if David's nephew would be upset that Thomas was borrowing his backpack, the bus arrived to break him from his thoughts, as he boarded the bus he felt self conscious, wondering who might be noticing and judging his childish backpack in his hand, he took a seat and decided to try and fit the small backpack into his bigger backpack, after some struggling he had to face there just was not enough room and gave up, resigning himself to carrying it around on display the rest of the day, as the bus rode on he studied the backpack, on the top by the handle it read "Brave Pup" and had a picture of the police dog from the cartoon. The other characters showed on other faces of the bag with other statements such as 'sit, stay, play!' and 'top pup' and so on, he wondered why kids loved that show so much, he'd never gotten into it as a kid but it hadn't even aired until Thomas was 13 so perhaps he was just too old to 'get it'. Thomas made it to school and like every other day rushed to the bathroom with a bladder full of the mornings orange juice, once again making it to the toilet just at the bursting point, then making it to class just a minute or two late, the professors glare as he entered told him he was getting tired of him always coming in just past the hour mark. he wondered about what else he could do about it, he couldn't control the speed of the bus.. and he didn't want to get to school on the earlier bus, that'd be a half hour of sitting around campus and a half hour earlier bedtime as it all adds up on his schedule.. Thomas's day went fine, no one seemed to bat an eye at his juvenile mini backpack he carried by the handle, when he finally sat down for lunch he opened it to find some reusable ice packs, two sandwiches both cut into triangles with the crust removed, one a ham and cheese and the other a peanut butter and jelly. a small tupaware cup of cut up mixed fruit pieces, some crackers, and a baggy with an orange already peeled and sliced up, plus a large juice box, the juice box said 'motts' on it and had a picture of an apple with eyes and a smile, it looked rather juvenile but it was larger than Thomas had ever seen of a juice box, it had to hold at least 24oz's maybe more. Thomas wasn't sure what to make of the spread he'd laid out in front of him, it's like David had been packing lunch for a giant toddler, perhaps this is just the way David was used to doing it for his nephew, it sure seemed like a lot of unnecessary effort, Thomas didn't need his crust cut off he didn't care about crust, he didn't need the sandwiches cut into triangles, he didn't care about their shape, he didn't care if he had fruit just two sandwiches was plenty enough to stave off hunger until dinner, oh well, food is food, if this is how David wants to do it then fine, what does it matter, Thomas dug in, eating his sandwiches first, after a few bites the bread dried his throat, he plucked up the juice box suddenly feeling an unexplainable nervousness, he stuck the straw into the juice box and brought it to his mouth, at first he missed, poking himself in the eye with the straw, he felt foolish, but to protect his eye balls he tried two hands on the juice box, he managed to get the straw into his mouth with a little help from a wagging tongue, and sucked it down through the straw, he felt shaky, he found himself squeezing the juice box crushing it with his hands as though he was afraid it would leap out of his grasp at any second, once his thirst was satiated he slammed the juice box to the table as though he couldn't wait to be free of the stressful contraption, some juice squirted out the straw and hit his shirt, leaving a streak on his chest, he sighed in exasperation and resumed his sandwiches, occasionally he'd suck at the juice opting to just leave it on the table and guide his mouth to the straw instead of going through whatever that experience was again, this seemed to work well, all he had to do was suckle, and he was getting good at that. With his sandwiches finished he turned to the mixed fruit, he realized that he had no fork or anything to pick at the fruit with, so rather then hunting down some plastic fork somewhere, he decided to just eat the fruit with his hands, there wasn't much of it, about two handfuls, he gulped it all down one piece at a time pinching it between his fingers, he ate the fruit and his orange slices in this way, with that finished he had no napkin and realized since his shirt already had juice on it there wouldn't be any harm in using it further and so wiped has juicy wet sticky hands onto his chest, he wolfed down the handful of crackers last and polished off his juice box, though it was large he'd finished it with ease, he realized perhaps he was getting more used to the heavy hydration habits of David then had previously occurred to him. Thomas had two classes after lunch, the first of which was an hour long, he had no problems there but the next class was 90 minutes, he thought it was going fine until near the end his bladder began protesting the massive amount of juice, he hadn't felt the need to go before starting class, or he would have, now he was stuck in class and did not want to interrupt the professor by walking out, he figured he could wait, it would only be another 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were incredibly difficult for Thomas, he lost focus on the professor, missing what they were saying, distracted instead with his bladder control, he focused all he could on holding it as the urgency increased and increased minute by minute, 5 minutes left now, the urges were now coming in waves, an intense spike he'd have to bare down to hold then it would wane for a moment before returning, he knew at this stage he didn't have much longer, he stood and began leaving for the restroom, the professor stopped talking and stopped him Professor: "Mr Thomas! the bell has not yet rung! must you leave early today!" Thomas: "Oh, sorry, I just need to use the restroom" Professor: "Thomas the class is nearly over surely an adult like you can hold it a little longer cant you?" Tommy was embarrassed he didn't want argue any further, he quietly retook his seat, the professor resumed his lecture. then some minutes later the bell rang, he'd already packed everything into his bags anticipating his chance to bolt, and bolt he did, he was the first one through the doors a streak of paw patrol light blue, he made it to the toilet in time but only barely, there was a small wet spot on his underwear where a tiny squirt had occurred, but he didn't think it would be visible in his jeans. He chided himself for having yet another close call, he decided he would just have to force himself to the bathroom before his last class from now on, hoping that would solve the problem. He headed home, once there David was his usual welcoming self David: "Hey squirt how was school? Hope the bag wasn't to embarrassing for you?" Thomas wished David had not used the word squirt, he didn't want to be reminded of his latest accident, he didn't think David could tell, it had to just be a coincidence. Thomas: "Oh uh ya school was great, it went fine, the bag was no problem, hey by the way, you don't need to go through so much prep trouble on lunch really I appreciate it, but it seems like more work than necessary, I don't mind crust, and just sandwiches is plenty enough for me. David: "Oh nonsense! It's no hassle at all, this is just how I always made lunch for my nephew, and he always loved it, I'm used to doing it this way, I have it down to a science, really it's probably faster than changing the routine to something new I'd have to learn, besides just cause you're older doesn't mean you don't also need a well-balanced meal, nutrition is important you know! don't think another thing about it I'm happy to help!" Once again Thomas found David to be an immovable object, but rather than the coldness of a massive boulder David seemed to instead radiate the bold smiling stubbornness of a loving parent who simply knew better, Thomas hated to continue burdening David, but he also had to admit he liked having someone treat him like they cared for him, even if it meant cut crusts and mixed fruit in a child's backpack, and so Thomas decided right then to just accept it and move on, free food is free food, he wouldn't have to buy lunch anymore and that was fine by him and his empty wallet. In fact, he realized with his wallet permanently empty he may as well just leave it home from now on, all he really needed to carry was his bus pass. Thomas went to his room to do his homework, upon entering his bedroom he found a plastic tub for use as a dirty laundry bin sitting by his door, and his jacket and the ugly sweater from the box on his bed, washed and neatly folded, he couldn't remember the last time someone had done and folded his laundry for him, it was a strange moment, it was yet more burden Thomas felt he was putting on David but it was also a very nice feeling having someone doing things for him, Thomas grabbed his folded sweater and placed it in a drawer in the dresser, and hung his jacket on a coat hanger in the closet, he took off his damp underwear and left it in the laundry bin going commando the rest of the night. Thomas got to his homework, finished it and got downstairs for dinner, enjoying his bottle with a level of comfortable confidence that wasn't present days past, that wasn't present with his lunchtime juice box. Having learned his lesson he decided not to finish the bottle and bring it with him to the couch for TV. time, he held onto it to be sure David would not try to top it off, and at the end of TV time he finished off his bottle and went to his bedtime routine, placing his jeans and shirt in the bin atop his stained undies. In the night Thomas woke to use the restroom and figured David should be asleep by now, so decided to do his laundry before David got up and tried to do it himself, but on checking his laundry bin it was empty, David must have already grabbed it and put it in the wash on his way to bed. Thomas tried not to freak out about the likelihood David had seen the damp/stained undies, and went to the bathroom washed his hands and went back to bed. In the morning Thomas woke to find his clothing was not washed folded and placed in his room like usual, it must be in the machines still. Thomas took his morning shower and decided he had no choice but to put on one of the sweaters from the closet and the shorts. he considered his own ugly sweater but that thing was itchy and scratchy and though the sweaters in the closet were more childish they were at least soft and comfortable, not itchy. besides he would just go grab his clothes from the wash and change before leaving the house. Thomas went downstairs and found breakfast waiting for him. David: "dig in already it's getting cold" Deciding he could just get his clothes after eating Thomas sat down and ate his breakfast dressed in just the shorts and green stripped sweatshirt. After finishing his meal and his giant baby bottle, Thomas thanked David then turned to the wash, he found the dryer empty.... he looked in the wash and there was his clothes, cleaned but still wet... David: "Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to swap them into the dryer today! I'll do that right now!" Thomas: "I don't have time to wait for that I have to get going right now!" David: "OK well just wear that you'll be fine no one cares if you wear a sweater in the winter, the shorts might look weird though, being so cold out." Thomas: "I don't even have any underwear!" David: "Oh, hmmm, well, we do have some of my nephews pull ups that would fit you, I know it's weird but they would be better than going commando all day, not to mention they'll handle any accidents you might have..." Thomas: "I don't need pull ups! I don't have accidents!" Thomas was blushing not just at the suggestion of pull ups but also because he knew it was a lie, he did have an accident the other day. and it wasn't the first. David: "Thomas it's OK you don't need to hide anything from me, I've been doing your laundry remember? I've seen the pee stains in your undies, it happens to the best of us, if you're having some troubles dribbling after using the potty then pull ups cant hurt, they could only help, besides it's either that or commando, I'm not telling you that you need them OK? I'm just saying they are an option, but Thomas, if you go commando and have any more little leaks then there wont be any layers to keep it off your pants, it'll show right away. So it's probably better to just wear the pull ups don't you think? it's up to you Thomas I don't care either way, but if your problem gets more severe we may have to revisit that in the future." Before Thomas could say something rude he might regret he silently left the room and went to his bedroom to think this over, as he sat on his bed David entered the room and made his way to the dresser opening the top drawer with a package in his hand. David: "Here Thomas I'm going to stock up this top drawer with the pull ups my nephew left behind, if you choose to use them I wont mind a bit I wont say a word I will think of you as a good boy, if you don't use them then that's fine too I just ask that you please don't get any pee stains on my nephews clothing..." David didn't wait for a response, he left the room. Thomas felt a bit of butterflies in his stomach, he wasn't sure why, something David had said, he couldn't place it, Thomas looked over at his paw patrol alarm clock and realized he had no more time to think, he needed to get moving, Thomas didn't want to chance staining the clothing he had to borrow, wearing it was bad enough, coming home with a stain on it would be even more embarrassing, so Thomas dropped his shorts and opened the top drawer, he grabbed one of the pull ups now stacked all in his dresser, it was plump, had a bulkiness to it, and was very colorful, he noted it was covered in more paw patrol characters. he was beginning to feel that this show was surrounding him in this house, without further hesitation he fluffed open the pull up placed one foot through the leg hole then the other and pulled it up his legs, pulling it snug into his crouch, he spread his legs for a moment to get it buried all the way into his crotch then stood, it didn't feel so bad really, just made him feel childish, but he remembered David calling him a good boy for wearing it and decided it was the right decision, he didn't want to put the shorts back on, it was too cold to wear those out of the house, with no other option Thomas pulled on the overalls and buckled the straps, adjusting them for tightness, the overalls pulled his pullup against his bottom, reminding him it was there with each step. Thomas didn't have time to think about this he rushed to grab his bag and head downstairs where he got his shoes on while David handed him his paw patrol lunch bag and he headed out the door to the bus for school. During Thomas's last class of the day he ran into the same problem yet again, his bladder was bursting and class still had about 20 minutes left, he again held on until the bell rang and by the time he made it to the toilet there had been a small spurt or two into his pull up, as he sat on the toilet he analyzed the pull up, it had swollen a little in the front and there was a bit of a yellow tinge to it now, but otherwise it seemed fine to wear, there was no wetness on the outside of it, it truly performed as advertised, Thomas was happy he had chosen to wear it or else those spurts would be visible on the overalls. Thomas got home and didn't bother changing until bedtime, depositing the damp pullup in a trash can in the bathroom as he began his shower. in the morning he found his usual clothes and put them on, over a pull up, he decided if he was going to continue having leaks here and there he'd be better off wearing a pull up to handle them so he didn't ruin his only pair of jeans and underwear. And so on the new routine went, occasionally David would 'forget' to dry Thomas's jeans and shirt and he would go to school in a sweater and overalls, otherwise he'd be in his jeans and t shirt, but either way he kept his pull ups on and by the end of the day they would have damp spots, sometimes smaller ones, sometimes slightly bigger ones. The convenience factor of them protecting his clothes was undeniable to him and he began to appreciate them for that. During the weekends Thomas would tour the town trying to find work, the few places that were hiring wanted more hours than he could provide. It seemed the employers in this region were not struggling with employment on the weekends, but rather the weekdays, another lesson for Thomas about what it means to be a 'college town'. Dejected Thomas ended his weekend Sunday night with another bottle, he'd gotten used to them now, he was no longer blushing when suckling at his bottle, he drank from it with the familiarity as though he'd been doing it all his life, And so the weekdays returned and Thomas fell back into his daily routines, having lunch out of a paw patrol backpack quickly became a non-event in his mind, just another part of his routine, not one person had commented or laughed or so much as glanced at the backpack as he carried it around or ate out of it that he had noticed, so he figured if no one else seems to care then why should he. Each lunch he would keep his juice box on the table and hold it there with both hands to drink from it, he still kept crushing it out of nerves, but at least he could avoid dropping it or slamming it this way. he wasn't sure what was making it so hard for him to make use of a juice box, but he was beginning to hate the things. Though he did like the juice, he always had enjoyed juice and David sure seemed happy to keep feeding it to him, and he was fine with that. Of course Thomas was unaware that the juice was a large contributing factor in his difficulties to hold his bladder, as juice tends to irritate the bladder more so then other beverages. But Thomas managed this by going to the restroom multiple times through the day between classes even when not feeling the urge just to make sure to empty himself out every chance he got, it was a tedious tiresome burden visiting the restroom this often, but what else could he do. One morning Thomas came down for breakfast and found next to his plate his old mug with the broken handle, he realized a week must have passed, he hadn't even realized he had stopped counting the days, how he'd no longer been anxious for his bottle sentence to end, staring at the mug he couldn't help noticing that he was not relieved, that instead he was irritated, the very sight of the mug bothered him, like now he had a new stress to deal with, he couldn't place the reason for his anxiety but brushed it aside and began eating, when he needed a drink he paused, staring at the mug like it was a villain, he slowly carefully reached out for it with both hands, and brought it up to his face knocking it back like he would have with the bottle, this of course spilled the orange juice all over his face and shirt, in shock he thrust the mug back down to the table knocking it clear over in the process. David: "Jeez Thomas! if you wanted your bottle back so bad all you had to do was ask I don't mind if you prefer your bottle, you didn't have to make a new mess for me to clean!" David immediately stood and took the mug to the sink, placing paper towels all over the mess on the table, he even grabbed at Thomas shirt David: "Arms up, lets get that off you it's covered in juice." Thomas hesitated to let himself be undressed by David but quickly reasoned it was only his t shirt and it was indeed covered in juice, so he lifted his arms and let David take the shirt, which went straight into the washing machine. David: "You better go take a quick shower and get the juice off of you while I steam the rest the mess out the carpet. Thomas: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I don't know what happened." David: "It's OK, sometimes you kids just aren't ready for these big mugs, I get it, don't worry about it." Thomas didn't like being told he wasn't ready for a mug, but after what happened he didn't feel he had any grounds to argue it, so he simply went and showered and put on the blue stripped sweatshirt, thankfully his jeans didn't appear to get any juice on them, he came back down to eat his now cold breakfast and of course his bottle was back on the table filled with juice, he felt relieved, he wouldn't have to worry about spilling anymore, at least not for another week. Before he had a chance to analyze these feeling he had to get moving with eating and drinking, his usual extra 20 minutes he'd made for himself in the mornings had just been consumed by an extra shower. he wolfed down his food and power suckled at this bottle, finishing it off and heading out the door, as he did so David handed him a new bus pass for the new month, Thomas felt more like a kid then even when he had been a kid, David had taken his dirty shirt, instructed him to shower, made him a new bottle, made him breakfast every day, was handing him a paw patrol backpack filled with his lunch and now a new bus pass to cover the new month, Thomas looked at David as all these thoughts swirled in his head, all he could say was Thomas: "Thank you." David could tell this wasn't just a thank you for the bus pass, that Thomas was looking overwhelmed about a great many things. David: "Hey don't mention it, I love helping good boy's, and you really are a good boy." David leaned in and gave Thomas a hug. Thomas might have thought a hug unusual ordinarily but at that moment he was being flooded with warm feelings all through his body at the hearing of the trigger phrase, the hug happening at the same time told him perhaps hugs were the cause of these warm feelings, or perhaps it was just hugs with David... rather than protest he leaned into the hug and enjoyed it, they paused that way for a moment or two, then without a word Thomas turned and went off to his bus, David shouting behind him: "have a great day at school, be good!" Thomas smiled, not even sure why. He assumed simply happy to have gotten a hug from someone for the first time in many years. The routine went on this way without any new changes, David kept the ocean whispers to the same setting to reinforce Thomas's new love for his bottle, nothing more. After another week had passed Thomas came down for breakfast and the bottle was still there, Thomas didn't even realize it was overdue to be switched back to the mug, but David brought it up. David: "Hey so I know it's been a week and you're due to go back to the mug according to the rules, and I will give you the mug if you want it, but after last weeks performance I think I'd rather you just keep to the bottle if you don't mind that, I won't make you but it sure would be easier on me then having to keep steaming the carpet. You don't mind do you?" Thomas didn't mind, he was relieved that it was being presented as an option, he liked the bottle now, he didn't want to lose it, it was like a friend to him at this point, he only wished he could bring it to school with him, but he quickly chased that idea out of his mind. Thomas: "No you're right, that would be best, I don't mind, those mugs are just hard for me I guess, I'll just stick with the bottle from now on." Thomas tried to hide his smile. David noticed. David: "Thanks friend I'm glad you're so understanding, that's a very good boy." Thomas feeling the warmth surge through him smiled widely and stretched a powerful full body stretch in his chair nearly falling out of it, then dug into his breakfast like he'd started a race, a newfound vigor driving him suddenly anxious to great the day! He went to school that day with a skip in his stride, and a smile on his face, who knew something so simple could give him such a happy day. Onward the routine went until it felt normal, Thomas enjoying his bottles without reservation, enjoying his childish lunches without hesitation. About mid month David once again snuck into Thomas's room in the middle of the night and once again injected something into the boys shoulder after first numbing the spot, it had been 30 days since David had last done this, and he would continue to do it every 30 days. The effects of this operation had yet to become visible but inevitably they would eventually. Some days later while David was taking a shower he noticed a larger than usual clump of hairs gathered at the shower drain, he smiled at the signs that the effects were beginning to take hold. Thomas had not yet noticed anything different. It had been nearly two months of this routine that had come to feel normal now when David decided the next step was due, David had already been occasionally giving Thomas a milk bottle in the evenings, once or twice a week, to keep it normal but not too regular, now for the next phase he would give David warm milk bottles every evening. After dinner one night Thomas went to the couch with his more than half empty bottle of orange juice when David came over and asked him to finish it off, so he could replace it, rather than complaining Thomas simply quickly downed the rest and let David take the bottle 5 minutes later David returned with a warm bottle of milk, Thomas was at first confused but when he saw and felt the warm bottle of milk he became excited, he had grown to love the feeling and experience of a warm bottle of milk, so he relished the chance to have another, he'd only been getting them once or twice a week and longed for more, so when David did the same the next night, and the next night, he was content with the change of pace, and to accommodate the new expectation he would now always finish his dinner bottle with his meal and leave the empty bottle on the dining table for David to more readily refill it with warm milk, bringing it to the couch for TV time. This of course led to many nights of Thomas waking up in the night to visit the restroom as the milk kept his bladder filling in the night preventing digestive hibernation during sleep. If Thomas knew the cause of his sleep interruptions he didn't indicate, he seemingly enjoyed the warmth of the warm bottles too much to complain about any effects they had on his sleep. This became the new routine and Thomas had more than one close call in the night before he eventually decided to stop sleeping nude, and began wearing the pull ups to bed of his own volition, Thomas did not want to risk making pee stains on the all white bedding, and it was a good thing he'd done this as more than once he'd awake with a start to a spurt that was trapped by his pull ups. David made sure to continually restock Thomas's top dresser drawer so it was always packed full of pull ups, so he always felt he had plenty to use. After a few weeks of this new routine, and more than a few small spurts in the night which had thankfully not yet spoiled any bed sheets. David decided to up the ante. One night after Thomas had finished his warm bottle that evening and went to shower than bed, he came to bed to find a new warm bottle on his night stand, David appeared in the doorway just as Thomas had finished getting under the covers. David: "I figured maybe you'd like to bring a drink to bed, it might help you sleep." Thomas wasn't going to protest more opportunities for a nice warm bottle. Thomas: "That's nice of you, thank you, good night David see you at breakfast." Thomas drank the bottle before passing out, not wanting to miss his chance to have it warm, it just wasn't the same when it cooled down. That night David had changed the ocean whispers, he didn't think Thomas was going to backslide on loving his warm bottles, he took to it to readily to easily, there wasn't any real resistance, this boy clearly craved love, and so a new agenda was called for. The new whispers would be: "Warm bottles make me sleep better. I sleep much deeper with a warm bottle in me. I love my warm milk. I won't wake in the night. Warm milk keeps me deeply asleep all night. I will get much better rest through the night. I won't be bothered by any discomfort. Any pressure will simply pass away from me. I can feel myself letting the pressure go. Any discomfort I feel I will not hold onto. I will let it go. Let go now. I am comfortable. I do not mind the way this feels. It feels good. I feel good." This would loop every night from then onward That morning Thomas awoke, he had slept so well, for the first time in a long time he could not remember getting up in the night to pee a single time, seconds into waking he felt it, a cold wetness on his legs, his crotch, and up his belly, perhaps he had spilled the milk? he thought, no that can't be right I'm sure I drank it all, the empty bottle wasn't anywhere in sight. He jumped out of bed and threw the sheets aside witnessing the massive wet stain to his bedding, he realized with dread what had happened, he had wet the bed, and slept right through it, he checked his pull up and sure enough it was soaked and squishy, it had been well over saturated, this was the first time in his life he could remember this ever happening to him, sure he'd had some close calls, some small spurts but he'd always woke up when that occurred and got it under control before it could become a massive disaster like this, he'd heard of it happening to other kids through school but never knew what it was like, never suspected it could happen to him. he decided right then to stop having bottles at night, he stood there motionless wracked with panic, what the hell was he going to do! How could he possibly cover this up, it was a disaster, just then David barged into the room. David: "Hey Thomas I need your bottle to prep it for breakfast, What the, OH.. OHHH... OK, um.... hey it's OK Thomas, don't worry, I'm not upset, this is not the first time that mattress has seen some pee, remember it has that protector on it? that is designed for just this sort of accident, so do not worry, I'll gladly wash your bedding for you, hey come here Thomas." Thomas was blushing furiously, he was upset that David had barged in, but it was Thomas's own decision not to lock his door, so he couldn't blame David totally, and the way David immediately went into a mode of comforting Thomas, telling him it was OK, forgiving Thomas immediately, Thomas couldn't believe it, he knew he could never expect such a gentle reaction from his own Mother, the one person on earth any normal person might expect such from, David was too kind, and this had Thomas instantly forgiving him for barging in, as David finished his sentence he approached Thomas and threw his arms around him in a hug, he's hugging me?? I just pissed all over his bed and slept in it and he's hugging me? he's not mad? he's not angry? he's not shouting cursing insulting, he's just, hugging me? Thomas couldn't believe his luck that he had someone like this looking after him doing favors for him making his meals and now instantly forgiving him for something so disgusting as peeing the bed and sleeping in it. David: "Shh it's OK Thomas I know you couldn't help it, accidents happen, you're not the first nor the last to have a bedtime accident, this is exactly why it's in the rules, it happens often enough that it had to be made a rule." 'Oh god oh no this is in the rules?!!! Of course it's in the rules!! what ISN'T in the rules!!!!' Thomas thought. Thomas: "Uhm, could you remind me what does the rules say about this?" David: "Surely you remember don't you? You did sign your initials to the very page the rule is written on." Thomas: "Yes I understand I did read them it's just been a few months now and I can't quite remember the exact wording could you please remind me." David: "OK Thomas, by the way you are welcome to read them again if you want I keep a copy in the junk drawer in the kitchen anytime you want to look it over, but I'll tell you now, the rule says anyone that wets the bed even once, must wear diapers to bed, and they must stay in them every night until they can keep the diaper dry by morning for 30 days straight, then you can go back to your usual undies, further more, the rule stipulates that I must be the one to put the diaper on you, and I must be the one to take it off of you in the morning, you are not allowed to touch your diaper. if it leaks it will be my fault, I will be responsible for making sure it is absorbent enough and well fitting enough to do a proper job. I can't be washing bedding every night, it will ruin it, and I can't risk pee running off the side and hitting the bed frame or the carpet, I gotta protect my property, I'm sure you must understand right? You did agree to the rule and sign it after all" Thomas: "You are kidding me right? I mean ya I read that sure I just forgot, and I'm sure I didn't think you were serious!" David: "Why would I make it a rule and put it into a contract if I wasn't serious about it Thomas? Of course I'm serious, you're not going to try to back out on me now are you? I sure hope not." Thomas: "And if I refuse?! I mean I'm a grown adult I can't be wearing diapers to bed I'm not a baby!!" For a moment Thomas remembered the bottle he'd been drinking, and felt like he wasn't as sure of his words as he should have been, doubt about his maturity was starting to take hold in his subconscious.. David: "Well Thomas, if you refuse to follow the rules or their punishments the consequences for that are also in the contract you signed, I suppose you don't remember that either huh? Look Thomas, if you don't want to obey the rules or their consequences anymore then fine, the consequence laid out in the contract for that, is, that I David reserve the right to kick you out of my home instantly and I keep your deposit. But I want to reiterate, I really hope you don't go that route Thomas, I've come to really like you, you've been such a good boy for me so far, I've had no issues with you, and wetting the bed or wearing diapers doesn't change that, that isn't a problem, but refusing to obey the consequences of the rules that is a problem that is going to change that, you'd be a bad boy if you did that, but if you'd rather go piss on someone elses bed instead of just wearing a diaper for a month that's your choice." Thomas's heart was in his throat, he'd do just about anything to avoid wearing diapers to bed, but he could not lose this room, if he was kicked out now he'd be homeless, he'd be sleeping under a bridge somewhere, he was broke and unemployed! he'd be begging for spare change just to eventually afford a plane ticket back to his Mothers hell of a home, he couldn't bare any of those thoughts, he knew what he'd have to do, he'd have to just wear the damn diaper. Thomas: "Only at night right?" David: "Well yes, the rules says only at night for bed wetters, wearing diapers during the daytime is a different rule for day wetters." 'Oh my god of course he has more rules for day wettings!' Thomas thought, Thomas was blushing even more now, he had been having daytime wettings, but they were just small spurts on rare occasion, he'd kept them secret so far he was certain, sure David had said he saw the pee stains but he didn't seem to consider them wettings, he must have figured they were just after toilet dribbles that some people got. Thomas would have to be extra careful about those if he didn't want to end up in diapers during the daytime too. Thomas: "But what if I have to pee in the middle of the night?" David: "That's OK you just come wake me up and I'll take your diaper off and put a new one on you after you've used the restroom, trust me I don't mind being woken up in the night, I don't have to work in the day I get plenty of time to nap while you're in school anytime I want to, so you don't feel bad about waking me in the night if you need to use the bathroom." Thomas: "You're really serious about this huh?" David: "Of course! Why wouldn't I be? Thomas I've changed a lot of diapers in my life even on boys as big as you, my nephew is not a little guy you know, it doesn't bother me one bit, it's even cute sometimes, and that's a far cry better than dealing with wet sheets ruined blankets or ruined carpets and ruined bed frames, doing laundry with a massive pile of bedding covered in piss is much more bothersome to me then just putting a diaper on a good boy and taking it off in the morning and trashing it, in my opinion it's obvious which option is easier to deal with." David had said this would be the option a good boy would choose, at least he had implied it, Thomas had grown to like being a good boy for David, it seemed it was settled. Thomas: "OK David, I'll wear the diaper." David: "And let me be the one to put it on you and take it off in the morning." Thomas: "Yes." David: "Please I wanna hear you say it, so I know you're committed to the rules." Thomas: "Yes I'll let you be the one to put it on me at night and take it off in the morning." David: "And you're not allowed to touch your own diaper." Thomas: "And I'm not allowed to touch my own diaper." Thomas thought 'Having just called it 'my diaper' felt like a jab to the stomach, taking ownership over a diaper like that, made it feel all too real, I haven't even worn the thing yet and already I am staking a claim on it.' Thomas didn't like that, but David had been reasonable and Thomas couldn't disagree with his points, he didn't have a choice in the matter anyhow, all this had long since been settled months ago when he signed that damn contract he had failed to read, a lesson Thomas would never forget. Don't sign things you haven't read. David: "OK Thomas toss that pull up in the bathroom trash bin and go shower, I'll take care of this." Thomas: "OK, thank you David." David stood still facing the bedding while Thomas waddled with his squishy pull up between his legs to the bathroom, took it off and tossed it in the trash, David did not sneak a peak at the boys soggy bottom, and Thomas appreciated that, David was just glad Thomas was getting more comfortable around him even despite the trying moment Thomas had just gone through, besides, David would be diapering his naked body that night and every night from then on so it hardly mattered now and Thomas would soon understand that too. By the time Thomas got out the shower and into his room his bedding had been stripped down to just the plastic protector covering the mattress, he could tell it'd been wiped clean with something, it did not smell of pee, but of some kind of lemony cleaning agent. Thomas put on a pull up, his jeans and shirt then went to breakfast and could hear the washing machine already working his accident out of the bedding, He sat eating his breakfast drinking OJ from his bottle and fretting about the night to come. He'd already agreed and so there was no backing out now, Thomas was just as uncomfortable with the idea of backing out on his word as he was about the diapering to come, the rest of the day went in the new normal way other than the fact that Thomas was frequently distracted by his thoughts of what was going to happen that night, it made him very nervous to think of being diapered by David, somewhere in these thoughts halfway through his day as he was eating lunch and staring at the paw patrol backpack he had a flashback to that airport family restroom with the adult sized changing table, he remembered briefly wondering about the big babies of California, and suddenly he realized he was beginning to fit in with that exact crowd. His face paled at that, but then he reassured himself that his mind was just exaggerating a mole hill into a mountain, Thomas thought 'I'm not special needs, I'm not mentally handicapped, I'm perfectly ordinary, I'm just as smart as my peers, I'm not one of those big babies, this is all just temporary rules I must follow because I agreed to them, it's really all a small price to pay for such convenient kind and cheap living arrangements, and David has bent over backwards to make it all comfortable and easy to go through, I need to get out of my own head and stop being my own worst enemy, I just have to relax go with the flow and stop stressing out, anxiety is not doing me any good.' Thomas remembered his initial fear over carrying around a paw patrol backpack at school, then he thought how he'd been doing that now for many weeks and not one person had made a single comment, this reaffirmed in Thomas's mind that he is right when he thinks he is overblowing all of this, and it is not as big of a deal in reality as it is in his mind. He puts his thoughts back to his school work and went on with his day, that night he got home went upstairs, found his bed had been made back up with new bedding, but it was not the plain clean white bedding of before, now instead it was paw patrol bedding, the comforter was Chase's massive face, the bed sheet was all the characters and related motifs, the fitted sheet on the mattress matched that. even the pillow case was now paw patrol characters. Thomas decided to ask David to switch it back after he got back downstairs, he sat down at his desk then did his homework, came downstairs and ate dinner, in between eating and enjoyably suckling at his bottle of OJ he asked David about the sheets, Thomas: "David I'm sorry I peed the bed but can I please have the white sheets back? I don't really dig the paw patrol bedding..." David: "Oh yes I forgot to tell you when you got home, unfortunately I had to throw the white bedding out, the pee stains in it was too much to remove, it was permanently stained, they must have been sitting on the bedding for hours to get that stuck into it, and I don't keep stained bedding, it isn't sanitary, that paw patrol bedding is all I've got now for that size bed, I'm afraid you'll have to put up with it for now, if you insist I guess I can go out and buy some new bedding tomorrow, assuming you keep your word and keep your diapers on then we wont be staining any new sets of bedding." Thomas felt terrible he had ruined David's bedding, he knew it must have been expensive quality, everything David owned seemed to be expensive quality, and it felt soft to the skin not rough like cheap stuff does. Thomas didn't like the idea of David spending more money on him to replace what he had destroyed. Thomas: "Never mind, you don't have to buy new bedding, that wouldn't be fair to you, I'll be OK with the paw patrol bedding, maybe if I can ever find a job around here I'll pay you back for the white bedding. David: "I appreciate that Thomas, but honestly you don't need to worry about it, it was one accident, and we've taken steps to make sure nothing else gets ruined, so just keep your word and that will be repayment enough for me." Thomas said nothing more, just blushed and glared downcast, eventually he finished his meal and sat on the couch, as had become routine David brought Thomas a warm bottle of milk as he came from the kitchen having finished cleaning dishes, Thomas felt like it was a symbol of being forgiven, the fact David was still going out of his way to make these for Thomas and bring them to him felt like David showing he was not upset with Thomas, that he still cared about Thomas's health and well being. Once the bottle was done and TV time over Thomas went to shower and then went to his room to go to bed, David was there waiting, Thomas had almost totally forgotten about what was coming, but now here it was, David was standing in Thomas's room and Thomas had only a towel around his waist. David: "OK Thomas lets just get this over with, you'll see it's not so bad, I'll be quick." David walked over to Thomas's desk, which held his keyboard mouse and monitor, the PC tower was on the floor to the left of the desk. David grabbed onto the top of the desk, and pulled it free from the rest of the structure, the top and the sides all came loose, apparently it was removable, he carried it to the left and set it down on the floor next to the PC tower, revealing that beneath the desk's top had been a padded top with a vinyl cover, the cover had little prints all over it, it was very colorful, Thomas realized it had been a large changing table all along, his jaw dropped, before he could think much on what that meant David offered explanation. David: "Remember about my nephew? this has been his room often enough that I had this changing table installed in here, very convenient for when he stays here, and when he's not here I just convert it to a standing desk by placing that top over it, works great for both scenarios! If you still need your computer at any point you can feel free to place the top back over the table or you can just sit on the floor and use it there if you prefer, doesn't matter to me either way." Oh yeah, that makes sense, he had momentarily forgotten that this was at sometime David's nephews room, now Thomas felt stupid for forgetting since he had only this morning been staring at the plastic cover on the mattress further evidence of the nephew, Thomas wondered if he was starting to even take ownership over the plastic cover to have forgotten that it was not put there initially for himself. Thomas looked over at the now mini desk on the floor it's small sides had it's surface standing at least 6 inches off the floor, he wondered if it would be comfortable enough to just sit on the floor and use it there, so he wouldn't have to lift it back into place every evening for homework time, it was clearly heavy, David seemed to strain a little at it and David certainly had more muscles than Thomas. Shaking Thomas from his thoughts David patted the changing tables top while staring at Thomas, clearly inviting him over, Thomas slowly approached, hesitant to go through with this, but aware he couldn't back out now. Thomas was about to climb onto the table, still holding his towel around his waist when David grabbed it and yanked it free. Thomas gasped. David: "Can't very well diaper you with a towel in the way now can I, don't worry Thomas I'm sure you don't have anything I haven't seen before. And I will try to keep this as clinical as possible." Now naked Thomas was no longer moving slow, he quickly hopped onto and laid back on the table wanting to get some cloths on asap. Even though that meant a diaper. David wasted no time he pulled a diaper out of the drawers beneath the tables top, Thomas wondered if those had been in there all along, he never bothered to check the drawers, he hadn't had any need, all his supplies were in his backpack. David shook out the diaper checking that the leak guards were all unstuck from the sides and standing proper, David set the diaper on the table between Thomas's legs, then poured baby powder all into the diaper making sure to cover every inch of it's inside surface, he then instructed Thomas to lift his bottom, as Thomas did so David slid the diaper under Thomas's rear end, "down" David said and Thomas went down, feeling the padding now resting beneath his bottom, David checked that it sat in the right spot on the small of Thomas's back then pulled the front of the diaper up between Thomas's legs, the diaper pushing Thomas's legs further apart in the process, Thomas didn't resist, he parted his legs to get them out of the way, David tucked Thomas penis pointing downward then placed the front of the diaper against the boys pelvis, Thomas felt very nervous when David had repositioned his penis but David had touched it only for 2 seconds and so Thomas assumed it must be part of the process, the top of the diaper came just to the bottom tip of his belly button, David tucked the front panels wings around the sides and under Thomas's back, then pulled both rear wings around the sides, then David fastened one tape on top then the other top one, then one tape on bottom, then the other bottom one. Thomas could feel the back side of the diaper rose just a bit higher than the front, all this time Thomas had not been looking, keeping his eyes on the ceiling, he felt if he didn't look maybe he could convince himself it wasn't happening. David: "That's it Tommy all done, see that wasn't so bad was it, you can get down and go to bed now, if you want to wear pajamas over it that's fine." Tommy: "I don't have any pajamas, I usually just sleep in my underwear." David: "If you wanna just sleep in your diaper that's fine, but if you do want pajamas I'm sure I have some spares around here somewhere if you would like?" Tommy: "Yes please." Tommy didn't want his diaper visible, he wanted to cover it up, now that Tommy was climbing off the table he got his first look at the diaper. He couldn't believe it, he was expecting something white, plain, and medical. that is not what this was. The diaper had colorful prints all over it and a colorful backing, it's primary color was white but there was some green along the sides and the prints covering it were little cartooned animals Tommy saw raccoons and lions and cats and monkeys, there were smaller prints in between of trees and ferns and leaves, this was a baby diaper! How could this fit him! Why did David have this!? Tommy: "Whoa, uhm, I was expecting something like, medical, plain, white.... what is this?!" David: "They are my nephew's, remember? he seems to like them, I let him pick what he prefers, it's easier that way, why argue with the kid about his preferences he's the one wearing them after all, well, you now anyway.." Tommy: "Oh ya, of course, well, do you have any plain ones, or are they all like this." David: "Oh no I have many kinds, I don't think I have any that are just solid white, but they all have different prints of different kinds if you wanted to pick your diaper you should have said so I wouldn't mind letting you pick." Tommy felt absolutely infantile, he hadn't meant to imply that he wanted to pick WHICH colorful creatures adorned his diapers, he just wanted something less babyish! But before he said another word, the thought occurred to him that a diaper is a diaper no matter how plain it looks, he supposed he would look babyish no matter what brand it was, and these were David's nephews, he couldn't just ask David to go out and buy a whole new brand just for him, that would only further cement his status as the owner of these diapers, if using David's nephews diapers meant he could further convince himself that these are not his own diapers he's just borrowing them for a time then maybe that is better in some way. And so rather than adding any further complaints upon David for a problem of Tommy's own making, one that David was being super kind and helpful about, he decided to just accept the damn baby diaper and get to bed. David: "I'll be right back, I'll see if I can find you some pajamas." Music to Tommy's ears, if he could cover up this visually loud diaper he could just pretend it was plain and there'd be no way to tell otherwise. With David out of the room Tommy waddled over to his bed, this diaper was thick, he was surprised, he hadn't expected it to interfere with his stride, he was bow-legged like a cowboy that had a too long day. His diaper crinkled as he walked, showing him that it could be loud audibly just as much as visually, he climbed into bed and hid under the covers while waiting for David. David eventually returned with some items. David: "OK you've got two options, there's this two piece set of pants and shirt." David held up the two pieces showing them to Thomas, they were both covered in matching prints of cartoon astronauts and rocket ships and stars and moons with a dark background, it was very childish, seemingly the theme of Tommy's evening. David: "Or there's this footie sleeper, which is probably warmer, if you choose this I can turn down the thermostat or you could even just sleep in it on top the covers." Then David held up the other option, it was a footed sleeper, with booties sewn onto the ankles, it even had mittens for the hands sewn to the sleeves at the wrists, but it was a solid baby blue color, Tommy rolled his eyes, either way he would be choosing a childish option, if he picked the two piece then the cartoon prints would scream infantile at any glance. If he chose the sleeper then at least the color wouldn't look to unusual, but he would feel infantile in the feet and mittens..... He briefly wondered why these and the diaper were in his size, but then concluded David's nephew must be the same size as him, he had been thinking all this time that the nephew must be younger, but David did say he was special needs so that could of course mean the nephew was the same age or size as Tommy. He supposed that would explain why the diapers seemed to fit perfectly. With great dismay Tommy picked the solid color footed sleeper, anything is better then having the diaper plainly visible. At least with a sleeper his waistline couldn't ride up and expose the diaper. Tommy: "I guess that one then." David: "OK great, I'm sure you'll find it very comfortable, they call the material cuddle fleece, very warm and soft, here let me help you into it." David stood near the bed and held the outfit holding it at it's waist for Tommy to step into it. Tommy pulled the covers off himself revealing his diaper to David once more, and put his feet down the leggings one foot then leg at a time, David helped pull the footies into place around Tommy's feet, with both feet now in place in the footies. David: "OK now stand up." Thomas stood up and David pulled the rest of the outfit up in front of him, David held the outfit in front of Thomas for him to put his arms down the sleeves, at this point Thomas felt disoriented, it felt like the outfit was backwards, it was solid material in front of him with the zippers far to the left and right, David saw his confusion. David: "It zips up the back, that's partly why it's better I help you with it, just put your arms down the sleeves now, there you go." Tommy slid his arms into the sleeves and David wrapped the outfit around him and zipped it up in the back, there was a click. Tommy reached back to the back of his neck to see what the click was. David: "It's just a button it keeps the zipper from sliding down on it's own, holds it in place." Tommy realized that reaching the zipper was very difficult, maybe not impossible but definitely an awkward angle. David: "Hey don't worry about it, remember I said you could wake me up anytime you want to go potty I won't mind and besides you've no reason to take the pajamas off anyway, since you're not allowed to touch your own diaper per the rules right? So just relax and get some sleep now." Then David left the room. Tommy felt like he'd just been wrapped in a furry prison, but David was right, it is what it is, so Tommy climbed into bed, pulled the covers over him and relaxed on his back staring at the ceiling feeling his legs splayed wide by the diaper, wondering if this is what life was like for David's nephew, then remembered back to his thoughts from lunchtime, about how he had to get out of his own head and stop turning mole hills into mountains, if this is the way it has to be he would need to stop drumming up anxiety over it, and just accept it and move on, with that he rolled over and saw David returning to the room, handing Tommy a warm giant bottle of milk. David: "Tommy thank you for being a good boy about this, it's nice to not have to fight and argue with my tenant about the rules, not everyone honors their agreements as well as you have, so thank you." Filled with the warm feelings the trigger phrase good boy had sent through him Tommy grabbed his bottle and began drinking it, merely nodding his appreciation at David. David couldn't stand how cute that move was, Tommy took right to that behavior like it was built into him, David was trying to hide his smile but was sure it was still there at least a little. David: "OK good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite, I'll see you at breakfast!" David left the room seemingly in a hurry. He just wanted to escape to his bedroom where he could grin his massive Cheshire cat grin, for he had caught the canary and the thing was so darn cute, he was beginning to realize he was falling for Tommy, he liked Tommy more than any of his prior tenants, he'd never had a tenant that fit into this role so well, this role that David had made for them, with so little fighting, so little resistance, such 'little' behavior, it was like it was meant to be, David was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to be able to let him go at the end of Tommy's schooling. As Tommy nursed his bottle he momentarily remembered his decision from the morning to not have bottles at bedtime anymore, but he was still floating on a high from the trigger phrase of being called a good boy, and besides that the bottles themselves made him feel so good too, so as he was already nursing a bottle he couldn't bring himself to stop, 'besides' he thought/rationalized to himself 'if I don't drink it now it'll just get all room temperature overnight and then it'll be wasted and that's rude to David.' an so he nursed his bottle until it was empty passing out seconds later while the bottle rolled out of his mittens and onto the floor. Tonight David made some minor adjustments to the ocean whispers in Tommy's walls. Adding a few more lines onto the ones presently in place. The whispers would now be "Warm bottles make me sleep better. I sleep much deeper with a warm bottle in me. I love my warm milk. I won't wake in the night. Warm milk keeps me deeply asleep all night. I will get much better rest through the night. I won't be bothered by any discomfort. Any pressure will simply pass away from me. I can feel myself letting the pressure go. Any discomfort I feel I will not hold onto. I will let it go. Let go now. I am comfortable. I do not mind the way this feels. It feels good. I feel good. My diaper feels good. I do not mind my diaper. Wearing my diaper will protect me. My diaper will protect my bed. With my diaper on my bed will never get wet. Diapers are wonderful to protect me. When I wear my diaper I am a good boy. Being a good boy makes me feel very good. Being a good boy fills my body with warmth. It starts in my belly and moves to my chest, it expands to my arms and legs until my whole body is filled with warmth and love and comfort. I love being a good boy." This would loop all night every night from then on. Indeed, Thomas did sleep deep, he did not wake in the night, in the morning he awoke feeling very refreshed, suddenly he remembered feeling this refreshed yesterday morning and leapt out of bed fearful he'd soaked it again, but upon looking the bed was dry, only a second more went by when he realized he could feel a bulk between his legs, the events of last night came back to him, he remembered being diapered for bed, how the diaper felt last night and concluded it felt different now, warmer, thicker, he put his fleecy mitten to the diaper and pushed, it seemed squishy now, my god he thought, I peed the diaper in my sleep! I can't believe it, this is only going to prove to David that I belong in diapers! Tommy was mostly panicked about this, but on some level deep in his mind there was a tiny voice telling him that this is good, that he would be rewarded for this. Tommy realized he couldn't go straight to the shower before breakfast like he usually does because he had agreed to not take off his own diaper, to let David do that instead, so first he would have to find David, whom he knew was downstairs in the kitchen cooking, he could smell breakfast being prepared from his room. David had gotten an early start on breakfast today, he had anticipated this change of the schedule. Tommy waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen in his footed sleeper, he could use David's help getting at it's zipper for one, and for two he didn't want to display his wet diaper to line of sight. David: "Good morning Tommy! I trust you slept well? breakfast is nearly ready take a seat and let's eat, we can get you out of that diaper and into other shower right after we finish." Tommy did not want to sit and eat breakfast in a wet diaper, most of him didn't, some small part of him didn't want to take it off, but he was trying his hardest to ignore that new voice in the far background. Tommy: "Uhm can we just take it off now so I can go shower first?" David: "Oh nonsense it can wait and besides your breakfast will be cold by then! Oh! Unless do you need to go potty right now? if that's the case then sure." Tommy did not need to use the restroom right now he realized, his bladder felt empty, a strange relief to not wake with an aching full bladder as he'd begun to find was the normal anymore, now a problem of the past. he couldn't help appreciating that, at least a little. Tommy didn't know how to press his point without admitting that the diaper was wet, and he wanted out of it, and besides, he didn't want his breakfast to get cold. But could he really just sit at the table in a wet diaper, that seemed gross, stomach hungry and food on the table Tommy thought/ began rationalizing with himself, the pee is already in the diaper, it is already all around my groin, the damage is already done, eating first isn't going to make it any worse, I just have to put up with it a little bit longer to have a meal now, instead of a cold meal later. So without complaint other than his facial expression of 'yuck' as he sat down in the chair and felt the squish of his diaper, he went to dig in to breakfast, except he was stopped, by his mittens, how could he eat with those in the way, seeming to read his mind David came up behind him and unzipped the sleeper, so Tommy could pull his arms out the sleeves, with the top half of the sleeper resting loose in his lap Tommy dug into his breakfast, drinking his bottle of orange juice as he went, it occurred to Tommy, that David must have come into his room while he slept and grabbed the empty bottle to have had it prepared with juice by breakfast time. Tommy ate his meal and drank his bottle, he actually felt like he was enjoying breakfast more than usual for some reason, he wasn't sure why, at the end he stood up and remembered the state of himself, he glanced down at the loose sleeper and wondered what to do next, David piped up. David: "Here Tommy just take that sleeper off I'll put it straight into the wash right now so you can wear it again tonight if you want too." Tommy hesitated, he didn't want to reveal the wet state of his diaper to David, but he couldn't think of a reason to keep the sleeper up the stairs, besides, David would have to see it soon anyway since Tommy isn't allowed to take it off himself. And so Tommy stripped off the sleeper and handed it to David. If David noticed the wet diaper he didn't indicate, David tossed the sleeper into the washing machine and followed Tommy up stairs, steeling glances at Tommy's bottom, enjoying the site of a sagging wet diaper on Tommy, he didn't let Tommy see that he was staring, once in the bathroom David turned Tommy around and simply grabbed the diaper tapes and popped them loose. he pulled the diaper out from under the boy balled it up and bagged it in a small t shirt style bag like you'd get from the grocery store which he had a supply of in a drawer in the bathroom, he tied it up and took it out the room with him and down the stairs, presumably to the trash. It was all so fast and clinical Tommy couldn't even be sure if David had noticed it was wet, he must have Tommy thought, how could he not, I guess he just doesn't mind it, must be used to it by now from his nephew. Tommy took his shower and resumed his usual routine. David tossed the diaper in the kitchen trash can and went about gathering laundry to start the wash. The rest of the day went along the new routine just like normal, Tommy wore a pull up to school, at lunch Tommy again found himself lost in his thoughts while he snacked on his mixed fruit and suckled at the juice box in his death grip against the table, Tommy couldn't help thinking that the diaper experience hadn't been bad, he'd slept better, he'd apparently needed the thing since it was soaked by morning, but why, why was he suddenly peeing freely in the night and not even noticing until morning, at this thought Tommy got a bit worried, perhaps there was something wrong with his health, that could explain all the close calls in the daytime too, Tommy suddenly wanted to see a doctor, but he has no health insurance, he wasn't sure going to a doctor was worth the cost, it's not like he had any real symptoms beyond the night wettings and daytime close calls, Tommy decided he'd go to the doctor if things got worse, but even then only if he could find a way to pay for it... Near the end of the last class of the day Tommy again found himself struggling to hold in the juice from lunch, by the time the bell had rang his pull up had absorbed little spurts here and there, he managed to get the majority into a toilet in the schools restroom. The rest of the day went just like a routine, finished classes, bus ride home, when he went upstairs to do his homework he remembered his computer desk was now at floor level, rather than bothering with picking it up and putting it back on the table, he decided it'd be easier to just sit on the floor, and so that's where he did his homework, he then went and ate dinner, finished his bottle of OJ, finished a bottle of warm milk on the couch, he really seemed to be enjoying these warm ones now, went to shower and then came to his room to find David waiting at the changing table, diaper already laid out and covered in powder, Tommy walked right up to it and hop rolled onto the diaper on his back, David had him lift for a second to perfect the positioning, then taped him into his diaper, as Tommy got off the table he glanced at his diaper, it had different cartoons now, this one had sesame street characters all over it, David already had his sleeper ready and held out, Tommy placed his hand on David's shoulder to balance himself while putting one foot at a time into the legs diaper crinkling with each step, the sleeper was pulled up, his arms threaded in, and zipped up the back, 'click' the button sealed the zipper into place, Tommy climbed into bed and waited for David to come back with his bedtime bottle, he found himself looking forward to the bedtime bottle, he knew it had a lot to do with bed wetting at least in the sense it was more fluid for his bladder, but he didn't want to face the fact that the alternative was to not drink it, he enjoyed it too much, it filled him with warmth and felt like love, he wanted more of that feeling, he could never get enough of that feeling. David came back and handed Tommy his big bottle of warm milk, Tommy wasted no time in getting right to suckling it down holding it with two mittened hands. David paused for just a moment to see his cute tenant wearing his footed sleeper complete with attached mittens encasing his hands, holding his big bottle with both mittens as laid on his back drinking it down. he loved the sight. David went to bed, Tommy finished his bottle and passed out letting the bottle just roll from his hands to the carpet, his dreams that night were different, this time he was in space, he could still hear the ocean waves though, but in his dreams he thought it must be the way space sounds, particles rushing past his ears or something, he felt weightless, the sun peeked out from behind the earth, and he was struck with warmth all over, he played with the stars around him as they seemed to tease him back, he tried to draw in the sky using his hands but the forms coming from his hands wouldn't stay in the shapes he'd made them, he tried the figure of a man but it morphed into a teddy bear, he tried a simple round planet but it morphed into a rattle, he still felt filled with warmth but now a new warmth glowed around his lower half, it blended with his full body warmth, and so he barely noticed it, he just kept dreaming, he was in a rocket ship now, piloting it wherever he wanted the seat felt so soft and cushioned, he knew space was vast and so his travels seemed slow, he moved from one star to another slowly, he saw living smiling teddy bears dancing around one star he visited, and at another golden cherubs flapping their wings and playing on small harps, his dreams were euphoric, his night went on that way, the sound of waves crashing never leaving him. He awoke in the morning well rested, bed dry, diaper soaked, without a worry he went down to breakfast and sat at the table with a squish on his bottom, he didn't make yuck face this time, it was acceptable to him now, he didn't love the squish feeling, but he didn't hate it anymore either, it seemed in some small way to represent in his subconscious a symbol of his newfound deep sleeping ability, the fact he had a squishy bottom was the unavoidable result of having a deep peaceful sleep and a dry bed. David unzipped the back of Tommy's sleeper right after placing his plate and bottle of OJ before him, Tommy gladly dug in, once finished Tommy stood up and David commented. David: "Looks like your diaper leaked a little bit when you sat on it, it's OK it's only a little right on the back by the leg holes, that sometimes happens if it's not absorbent enough, don't worry I'll make sure to use overnight diapers from now on, they are more absorbent. The sleeper is going in the wash anyway so no harm done." Tommy was blushing again, he reflected on the fact he'd gotten pee on his pajamas from a leaky diaper because he'd sat in it... he felt ridiculous for a moment. Tommy couldn't see the leak that David saw, out of the reach of his vision, being behind him and all, but he figured if a more absorbent diaper tonight meant deeper sleep then that was alright by him. whats the difference in the long run, a diaper is a diaper, it's not like he could pretend a less absorbent diaper was any less babyish than a more absorbent diaper, at least this way he shouldn't be leaking in his pajamas again he hoped. The sleeper went into the wash machine and the two of them went together up to the bathroom, David took the diaper off Tommy, and bagged it up and took it to the kitchen trash, Tommy showered, dried, got his pull up and clothes on and went off to school. The rest of the day all went much the same as the previous one, that night Tommy left the shower entering his room to the same sight of David waiting by the table with a diaper open and powdered ready to go, in David's hands was Tommy's warm milk bedtime bottle. David: "I figured it'd save you time to just drink it while I get you dressed so you can go to sleep quicker." Each time David made a change it seemed to bring him more in line with the image of an infant and Tommy couldn't help notice it and this was no exception, Tommy knew he should be protesting each time this happened, but he couldn't help feeling some kind of warmth inside him that made him want to embrace it, so long as it seemed harmless he figured why rock the boat, he had enjoyed it all thus far and after all David was just trying to look out for him. So without complaint Tommy took the bottle hopped up and rolled onto the diaper flat on his back. David: "That's a good boy." Tommy stretched as he felt the warmth flood his body. Tommy then lifted his bottom for a moment without needing to be told, David positioned the diaper just right and Tommy let his butt back down without needing to be told, they seemed to both have found each others rhythm, Tommy already had the bottle in his mouth the moment his butt had hit the table, he nursed it while his diaper was fastened, before sitting up David put his hand to Tommy's chest to keep him down, Tommy glanced down at David. David: "Just stay right there I can get your sleeper on you more easily this way." David slid Tommy's feet in the legs of the sleeper and pulled it up to his bottom, he grabbed Tommy's right wrist and fed it into the first sleeve, Tommy struggled to hold the bottle now with only one hand, it was still too big, it fell from his hand and landed on his chest, but the nipple was still in his mouth, and he found he could still nurse it, the air was not reaching the nipple yet even in that position, so he just rested the bottle on his chest while David grabbed Tommy's other wrist and fed that into a sleeve as well. David: "OK now stand up my good boy." The warmth was already flowing through Tommy but this seemed to regenerate it's strength, Tommy was smiling around his bottle now, he resumed holding it with his mittened hands as he sat up and hopped down, David zipped him up in the back, clicked the button in place, then gave Tommy's rear end a pat to his diaper as he said: "OK Tommy go bed time now." Tommy blushed at the feeling of having his diaper patted, the few steps to his bed made him realize how much thicker these overnight diapers are, he wondered what they looked like, he hadn't thought to take a look before he'd already been sealed into his sleeper, he waddled to bed climbed in and continued nursing his bottle, David turned out the light shut the door and went to bed himself. In the morning when David took the sleeper off Tommy and Tommy waddled to the bathroom his stance wider then ever in the extra soaked and swollen extra thick overnight diaper, Tommy finally got a look at his diaper, as he trekked to the bathroom he kept looking down at it, once in the bathroom waiting for David he was studying it, it was BLUE! with little cartoon rocket ships and cartoon astronauts and even some little aliens and UFO's, he thought this pattern seemed a lot more fun then the others, to Tommy this one looked playful while the others just looked babyish.. David entered the bathroom and noticed Tommy studying his diaper, David had to smile, Tommy was starting to have diaper preferences, David was glad it was the thicker overnight diapers that Tommy liked more, David liked seeing him waddle. And so the new routine had been established, David was satisfied with this new stage being set the way he wanted it and let it settle this way for some time, weeks and weeks passed, there was the occasional clandestine nighttime injections and otherwise each day blended into the same routine, Tommy had taken to this stage of the process with ease, David revisited the pajama options to Tommy one night and he actually choose to switch to the two piece set, he though / rationalized to himself that this way he wouldn't have to have mittens encasing his hands all night, but in truth he hadn't minded them he actually just wanted the space print patterns on the two piece set because they would match his night time diapers. During Tommy's nighttime diapering David took mental note of the hair Tommy had, David never made suggestion to shave it because he knew that would soon be unnecessary anyway, you see David was something of a brilliant scientist, one of his many specialties was DNA modification, the nighttime injections he'd been giving Tommy once a month were meant to cause a couple of permanent changes in the boy, things that he would only need to inject him for every 30 days for about a year before the results would be irreversible without the same type of DNA altering injections to counter them anyway, but David knew he would probably never be doing that, one of the various alterations David sought was pubic hair loss, and he could tell it was working, just as it always did on everyone he'd ever done it to, Tommy's crotch hairs were getting thinner and thinner all the time, in the beginning they were thick enough he couldn't see the skin beneath them, now they were so sparse and thin they barely existed at all, this process had the same effect on his body hair, arms, legs, chest, face, all of it, the only hair spared was that on top of his head, still rich and full as ever. Tommy hadn't noticed the hair loss, he didn't really ever pay much attention to his crotch anymore, when in the shower soaping it he'd once notice it was thinner there and figured it must be related to getting peed on every night, and he never had much love for his body hair anyway, he had however noticed that he hadn't been shaving his face as often, he usually only bothered shaving his face roughly once a week, when the hairs got long enough to look dirty and feel uncomfortable, but lately he'd been shaving about once or twice a month at the same stage of hair growth, he figured it must be related to getting past the growth spurt of his younger teen years, and paid it little mind. Now that David had Tommy used to the feeling of drinking bottles in bed he moved to the next step. Each night, David would sneak into Tommy's room carrying a fresh bottle of warm milk, David would crouch down by Tommy's bed and position the nipple against Tommy's lips, this was made easier by the fact that ever since Tommy started taking bottles to bed he more and more often fell asleep on his back, David would gently rub the nipple along Tommy's lips, trying to get him to engage his suckling reflexively, the first couple times David did this Tommy was resistant, he'd keep his lips shut until David got more forceful and pushed the nipple in, then Tommy would accept the nipple as an old friend, but he wouldn't automatically suckle, he'd just let it sit there while he dozed peacefully, David was patient though, and would hold the bottle up for Tommy, letting the milk drip drip into Tommy's mouth, until it triggered a swallow, once Tommy swallowed the suction of the action would bring a small squirt of more milk, which may or may not trigger another swallow, enough of these sometimes triggered Tommy to start suckling briefly, before stopping again, David kept at this as long as it took for Tommy to empty his bottle, after a handful of nights of doing this Tommy was getting less reluctant to accept the nipple during sleep, though he was deeply resting he would accept the nipple unconsciously the moment it touched his lips, and his suckling would begin now reflexively, David had done it, he had slowly with persistence trained Tommy to take a bottle and suckle it purely on instinct without needing to be awake in the slightest. Once this had been established, David moved to the next step, after Tommy finished his sleep bottle, David would gently guide Tommy's nearest thumb to his mouth, true to form once Tommy felt the thumb against his lips he'd suck it in and suckle at it, David would leave him that way each night, and each morning Tommy awoke to find his thumb in his mouth, wrinkled and soggy, letting him know it had been there for quite some time. The first time Tommy awoke with a thumb in his mouth, his eyes still closed he first noticed he was actively suckling, but drawing no milk, his eyes shot open, and he popped his thumb out with an audible break of the suction, he was quite perplexed, he stared at his thumb for minutes wondering why the hell he had been sucking his thumb, trying to remember when it had gotten in there but having no memory of that moment, Tommy was concerned about this development, it seemed like he couldn't stop himself from sliding backwards in his independence, what bothered him more, was how comfortable he was with that fact, he recognized the issue, but felt no worry about it, and recognizing his lack of worry over his increasingly childish behavior worried him the most, eventually Tommy rationalized to himself that the thumb sucking was probably just a natural instinct re-awoken by his newfound use of a bottle, and while that did bother him he had to admit he couldn't see himself refusing to drink his bottles, he had come to enjoy them too much to even consider letting them go, they gave him a deep full filling warmth that he did not know how to replace, and did not think he could live without. One night David made some changes to the ocean whispers. he added to the whispers: "I enjoy suckling. It doesn't matter if it's my bottle, my thumb, or my bottom lip, or anything. I enjoy suckling, it brings me comfort. It makes me relaxed. It eases any fear or anxiety I might have. It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel protected. Having something to suckle makes me feel hidden. Whenever I suckle at something I feel like I'm being guarded by a protector. It does not matter when or where I am I will suckle whenever I feel like I need any of these feelings. My thumb often enters my mouth without me knowing it. And I like it when my thumb finds it's own way to my mouth." It had been a couple days since Tommy had started hearing these new whispers in his dreams. At this point David had stopped going into Tommy's room at night, it was no longer needed, Tommy was now putting his own thumb into his mouth in the night without any assistance, one morning Tommy was on the bus, on his way to school, he was staring out the window lost in thought, the bus pulled up to his stop and recognizing the location broke him from his thoughts as he turned to stand and grab the rail to steady himself his hand did not come from his side, but rather it came from his mouth, as he grabbed the rail he noticed his thumb was wet and wrinkled, he had been sucking his thumb on the bus and didn't even know it, he nearly stumbled as he stepped off the bus, he got on the sidewalk and stopped, staring at his thumb like it had betrayed him, like it had gotten a mind of it's own and done something to embarrass him, Tommy glanced back at the bus just as it started pulling away and looked at the passengers near the windows, a couple of them were staring at him and smiling, he knew they had seen it, but at least they weren't laughing. he was so humiliated, his face flushed red with shame, he turned and ran off to use the restroom and then to class. His first class went well and about half-way through he was able to put away his notes, the rest of the class would not require note taking just listening, as he sat there listening he did his best to stay focused, it was only when the bell went off, and he looked around breaking from his thoughts that he once again noticed his thumb was in his mouth, he quickly shot his hands down to his side, praying no one had noticed. To Tommy's left a few empty seats away there was a student who had noticed, she saw Tommy suckling at his thumb, not just holding it in his mouth but actively suckling at it like a newborn, she was at first stunned, but then rationalized to herself that Tommy must be some kind of gifted special needs student, she glanced over at the boys backpacks and saw one of them was a child's paw patrol backpack, this confirmed it in her mind, she felt pity for the boy, all alone in college with a thumb sucking habit, she turned her attention away from Tommy trying to resume minding her own business, but he occupied her thoughts the rest of the day, shed even seen him at lunchtime in the cafeteria eating a rather childish looking lunch out of his paw patrol backpack, she noticed how he seemed to struggle at his juice box like it was a fight to the death. Her heart strings had been tugged, she again turned her attention away trying to resume minding her own business, but she did not sit very far away from Tommy as she ate her own lunch, trying to keep her eye on him, just enough to make sure he was alright, she worried what might happen if someone less than kind were to stumble over this poor vulnerable boy. On the bus ride home that day it happened again, half-way through the ride Tommy noticed his thumb in his mouth again and pulled it out, he shoved his hand in his pocket and kept it there, when his bus reached his stop he reached to grab the rail and once again his thumb popped from his mouth, "UHHG!" he groaned in audible disgust with himself for being so out of control with this new habit. He ran home, and collapsed on the couch. David: "What's the matter Tommy?! You look like you had a bad day?" Tommy: "Oh uhhhhhhmmm it was an OK day, I'm just frustrated." David: "OK... why are you frustrated." Tommy did not want to admit he had become a helpless thumb sucker. he quickly made up an excuse Tommy: "Finals are approaching and I'm just nervous that's all." David: "Oh don't worry about that I'm sure you'll do just fine, if your really worried about it I'd be glad to help you study anyway I can just let me know." Once again there's David bending over backwards to volunteer to help me however he can. and here I am lying and hiding things from him. Tommy thought. Tommy went upstairs and got his homework out of the way, he came down for dinner and resolved that while he was around David he would just keep something in both hands to keep his thumb from wandering into his mouth, he went straight to dinner and grabbed a fork in one hand a knife in the other and kept them that way, he'd only set them down to drink his bottle and he'd pick them right back up soon as his bottle was set down. After dinner, he went to the couch and while he waited for David to join him carrying his evening milk bottle he sat on his hands, when David came in with the milk bottle he noticed Tommy sitting on his hands, and figured out what was going on, David realized the subliminal suggestions must have taken hold, Tommy was frustrated cause he couldn't keep his thumb out of his mouth in public, David decided to ease Tommy's fears over this with a new adjustment to the ocean whispers tonight. David pulled out his phone as he sat watching TV, and he added the lines: "Thumb sucking is not embarrassing. There is no reason to hide it. There is no reason to be ashamed. Nobody cares if I suck my thumb. If someone makes fun of me they are just jealous. They want to suck their own thumb too, but they are too afraid to do it. I am brave because I am not afraid to enjoy my thumb and the peace it brings me." Tommy drank his bottle on the couch watching TV, Tommy figured if he just kept the bottle in his mouth his thumb wouldn't have room to get in, so he drank his milk bottle as slow as he could, even just keeping the nipple in long after the bottle had become empty, only setting it down on the table when he was leaving to the shower and bed. as David diapered Tommy that night he was as per routine suckling down his bedtime bottle and that kept his thumb out of his mouth, Tommy got to bed and David had left, Tommy was relieved he had successfully kept his thumb sucking hidden from David today, he decided tomorrow he would spend some time searching the internet for a solution to this new problem, but first he would sleep, and as the last drops of milk left the bottle for his mouth, his eyes drooped, and he dropped into slumber flat on his back, the bottle rolling away onto the floor like it did every night. Shortly after falling asleep his thumb had of course found it's way back to his mouth. Each day Tommy's thumb suckling seemed to get more frequent, and his worries about it seemed to get duller, there were moments he would notice halfway through his bus ride that his thumb was in his mouth, and he would just leave it there, feeling like it was pointless to pull it out since it would only find it's way back in, besides he was starting to enjoy suckling at it anyway. After only a few days of the most recent adjustments to the messages Tommy had done it in front of David, it was after dinner, they were on the couch, Tommy had just finished off his evening milk bottle and sat the bottle on the table, he didn't bother going at it slowly, he'd gone back to his usual pace, and so with the bottle empty and his hands free, his thumb entered his mouth yet again. David: "You know I think you're actually pretty cute like that, that makes you a good boy in my eyes." Hearing this Tommy noticed his thumb in his mouth, at first he was angry he had gone and done it in front of David, he had been trying so hard to hide it from David, but quickly those feelings were wiped away by David calling him cute, and the trigger words good boy sending warmth cascading through his body, when David had initially drawn Tommy's attention to the thumb his first reaction was an intent to pull it out and hide it but upon hearing cute and good boy he stretched and smiled and decided to just keep it there. And there he sat suckling his thumb and smiling around it the rest of the night until bedtime. After another week of this there was hardly a moment Tommy wasn't suckling his thumb. By this point all his class mates knew he was a thumb sucker, but they all saw his paw patrol backpack and came to the same conclusion as the first one who'd noticed, no one picked on him, no one talked to him, they all just let him be, Tommy wasn't worried anymore about his thumb suckling, in the back of his mind some far away voice was full of panic over it but Tommy's primary inclination was to just accept it, he enjoyed it and it wasn't hurting anyone so why not indulge himself, it brought him comfort and peace and thus it was a good thing for him. One day Tommy came home from school and upon entering his room he smelled paint, he looked around and at first didn't notice anything different, but when he turned around to leave the room he saw it, a giraffe cartoon had been painted onto his wall right by the door frame, he wasn't sure what to make of this development, so he went downstairs and found David on the couch. Tommy: "Uhm, you painted a giraffe on my wall??" David: "Oh yes! I did! I felt a little bored and I had some paint cans I found in the garage so figured what the heck why not try to brighten up those boring plain walls in your room! do you like it! I hope I did a good job?" Tommy had to admit it did look professionally done, he was surprised David had such painting skills. Tommy: "Well you did do a good job at it, but why a giraffe? in my room? I mean, it's kinda childish?" David: "Yes well if my nephew ever stays over again I'm sure he'll love it, you don't mind do you? if it bothers you I can just repaint the wall back to the solid color it was before, I have that paint on hand also." Tommy felt bad, David was thinking of his nephew and here Tommy was gonna ruin it for him, Tommy: "No I don't mind, I was just confused, you're right it looks nice, go ahead and paint whatever you'd like I don't mind. I didn't realize you had such painting skills." David: "Oh yes it's just like I said before, when you retire young you get a lot of extra time to learn lots of new things. painting is just one of those hobbies I tried out for awhile" What David didn't confess is the giraffe was really a stealthy measuring technique, David had painted the spots on the giraffes neck at specific intervals so he could tell Tommy's height as he walked by the giraffe, every time Tommy entered or left his bedroom David could see from the hidden camera exactly how tall Tommy was down to the inch. Thanksgiving arrived and Tommy got a break from school, there were no classes for three days with thanksgiving day being the middle day of that break, plus the weekend followed after that giving him 5 days off. David: "So you going home for the holidays this year?" Tommy: "Uhm no, there's nothing for me back there, I'll probably just hang out here on the couch or something." David's heart strings were tugged at hearing this, he'd never asked about the poor little guys family, this sounded like he didn't have any, David didn't want to pry, so he just assumed that for whatever reason Tommy would be happier here with him. So David decided to give Tommy a real thanksgiving, and he hoped this might be a good opportunity to advance Tommy to the next stage. The day before thanksgiving after Tommy had finished breakfast in his usual squishy morning diaper, showered, and entered his room, David was waiting. David: "So I figured if you're gonna stay home all day, and hang out on the couch, chances are good you might fall asleep on the couch, and that's fine and all you should nap all you can during your break it's good for you, but it's not good for my couch unless you are diapered, so are you OK with that? Id like to protect my couch and I'd like you to do what's best for your recuperation and nap freely, if you wake from a nap wet just let me know and I'll gladly change your diaper.." This was the first time Tommy faced the prospect of being diapered in the daytime, he couldn't argue David's reasoning though, so he knew he needed to either commit to staying awake, which might disappoint David given that statement about getting his rest in on break, or accept being diapered in the daytime, some growing ever larger day by day part of the back of his mind looked forward to his diaper every night, so the prospect of having to wear one in the day as long as he was staying home didn't seem to bother him as much as he knew it should, and besides, he knew he would want to nap, it's one of the best parts of break, napping on the couch freely is not something he wanted to give up because of his newfound inability to stay dry while sleeping, Tommy: "I guess you have a good point, I don't want to ruin your couch, and I probably will fall asleep. Alright I'll wear it." David: "That's a good boy, alright hop on up then." David quickly shook out an overnight diaper from the drawer, powdered it and positioned it on the table, Tommy rolled onto it, David this time powdered Tommy's crotch and bottom, rubbing it in gently, this was the first David had touched Tommy like this, Tommy didn't seem to mind, but he was holding really still, as though nervous about it. David: "A little extra powder might be a good idea for an extended daytime wear." He fastened the diaper in place and began threading Tommy's legs into the sleeper. Tommy: "Oh must I wear the sleeper? Those mittens could be a problem in the daytime." David: "Good point, alright how bout the two piece pajamas, you wanna be comfortable during your naps right?" Tommy: "Ya alright, that's fine." David pulled the two piece pajama out of a different drawer in the table putting the sleeper in it's place, pulled the leggings up Tommy's lower half. David: "OK sit up." Tommy sat up. David: "Arms up, reach for the sky." Tommy put his arms all the way up. David slid the pajama top over Tommy's head. Tommy stood up and studied the pajamas, he enjoyed that they were space themed, he looked at the designs and noticed they were all very similar to his overnight diapers, he remembered how he disliked these pajamas for their pattern when he'd first seen them, but now that he'd become accustomed to his nighttime diapers he liked the pattern and felt happy to see it on these pajamas. The pair of them trotted down the stairs and planted themselves on the couch, David first prepared and brought to Tommy a big warm bottle of milk, Tommy gladly took it and greedily began nursing at it. David then pulled out of a nearby closet a blanket, and draped it over Tommy. David: "Here Tommy, you can have this blanket, consider it a gift from me to you, keep it wherever you want, use it whenever you want, it's yours now, I have no need for it." Tommy looked at it and saw it was dark blue and had stars all over it, it felt like he'd been wrapped in outer space, fitting. Tommy thought, the blanket was soft fleece and felt very cuddly. Tommy: "Thank you David, that's very nice of you, you spoil me too much, always giving me things." David: "Well Tommy I'm retired and don't have much else to do with my money, and you're a poor college student so just let me spoil you please, it makes me feel good to do so. Its like giving to charity." Tommy cuddled the blanket tighter and stretched, feeling the warmth of love flow through his body without even hearing any trigger words. David just chuckled quietly and took his seat, they watched their usual shows for a while, at one point David was switching channels and noticed Tommy's eyes getting droopy, his bottle long since emptied David went and refilled it with warm milk, as Tommy nursed a second bottle and his eyes drooped David changed the channel yet again this time landing on paw patrol. he left the TV tuned there, and watched it himself pretending to simply be curious about it, but remained quiet, he wanted to see Tommy's reaction in his tired state with his guard down. Tommy wondered why David was watching paw patrol, maybe it just reminded him of his nephew, maybe David was thinking of his family during this thanksgiving season, Tommy wasn't sure, he made a mental note to ask him about that sometime but for now he was too drowsy to care much for anything, focusing instead on just nursing his bottle and relaxing on the couch, occasionally catching whatever the pups were up to. Before he knew it he was dreaming, in his dreams were the pups, he was in paw patrol helping them rescue people and do whatever the pups needed him to do. David heard Tommy snoring, he kept the TV on paw patrol and even turned the volume up just a little, he knew the sound would influence Tommy's dreams. Tommy's bottle was nearly empty and had fallen from his hands, his thumb had already found it's way to his mouth and he suckled at it happily. David pulled out his phone and made some changes to the ocean whispers Tommy would hear next time he slept in his bed. David didn't worry about removing the old messages, those had sunk in plenty by now, Tommy wasn't bucking the system to any degree so David knew Tommy had taken them as welcome suggestions and incorporated them into himself by this point. The whispers would now be: "I like my blanket. My blanket likes to be called bwankie. Cartoons are more fun then other shows. I like cartoons. I like children's shows. I like cutesy prints. There's nothing wrong with liking the things I like. If it's harmless and makes me happy then it is worthwhile." Tommy woke up a few hours later, finding himself on the couch, David was not in the room but paw patrol was still on the TV, the remote was on David's side of the couch, still lethargic Tommy didn't want to get up to get it, so he just let the TV keep playing paw patrol. It seemed rather boring to him, but then he kinda appreciated something simple at that moment, he was still groggy and didn't want to think too hard about anything. David came into the room and went to Tommy, pushing a finger into the center of Tommy's crotch, Tommy shot his eyes open and looked up at David, as if to say 'what are you doing!' David: "Sorry, force of habit, just checking your diaper, it sure seems soggy from what I could tell, wanna go get changed?" Tommy realized he was right, he hadn't even noticed it until David pointed it out, his diaper was soggy, he could feel the wetness now that it had been mentioned, he realized this only proved David right, he did need to have his diaper checked. Tommy: "Ya OK, you're right, lets go." Tommy couldn't insist on staying in a wet diaper, that wouldn't be any better than accepting the change that'd been offered. David: "Just stay right there, I can change you down here, one of the perks of diapers, they can be changed anywhere." Tommy wasn't so sure about this, but stayed right on the couch, David left the room for a moment and returned with a bag. Like a duffel bag, Tommy saw the paw patrol cartoon prints all over it, and it's powdery baby blue color base and realized it was a diaper bag, Tommy thought 'I'm going to have my diaper changed via the use of a diaper bag... how humiliating...' David pushed the coffee table aside and laid out a changing pad he'd had in the diaper bag, he laid out another overnight diaper onto the pad powdered it, then set it to the side. he wordlessly grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him off the couch, Tommy assisted by rolling himself onto the pad, deciding it was better to get it over with then to complain about the setting or any of the details, Tommy as usual was suckling his thumb the whole time, David made rapid work of pulling off his pajama bottoms leaving his shirt in place, pulling his diaper open and then taking baby wipes to his groin, Tommy hadn't been wiped down like this before, he's not sure why he wasn't expecting it, he knew it was part of a normal diaper change, he had simply forgotten, all his changes up to this point were always after a shower, this was the first time he was going from one wet diaper straight to a dry diaper without a shower, the wipes were a bit cold, he flinched when the first couple touched his skin, but then he adapted to their feeling and stopped flinching, David wiped thoroughly covering every square inch in a pattern of starting at the sides and working inward, he seemed to cover all the regions around the genitals two or three times then he started wiping the genitals, there was nothing sexual about his touch, it felt very clinical and Tommy was glad for that, he would have died if he'd started getting erect from the physical stimulation but thankfully that was not happening, David quickly had everything wiped down then grabbed Tommy's ankles and lifted his bottom, Tommy was surprised at this move, he didn't think he was small enough for this, though David was a pretty strong looking guy, despite that David did look like he was straining a little as he held Tommy's legs high enough to pull his bottom off the open wet diaper, he kept grabbing wipes and wiping him down all over his bottom and piling the used wipes in the wet diaper, he pulled the wet diaper out from Tommy and slid the new one under him, before setting Tommy down he grabbed a baby powder from the bag and dusted Tommy generously all over his bottom, he set him down then dusted his front, he pulled the diaper up and secured the tapes, then pulled Tommy's pajamas bottoms up his legs. David: "You can go back to the couch now my good boy." At that Tommy first had to give a big stretch as the warm feelings of love surged through his body, as he did this David was balling up the wet diaper and bagging it in a t shirt bag pulled from the diaper bag, David finished putting the pad and all supplies back away into the bag and took the used diaper to the trash and the diaper bag Tommy saw him take to a closet nearby the stairway. at the same time as that happened Tommy crawled over onto the couch, and plopped down into it, wrapping back up in the blanket. David returned from throwing the wet diaper into the trash in the kitchen and handed Tommy his refilled big warm bottle of milk. Tommy felt rather spoiled, he briefly wondered if he was overwhelming David with his needs, but as David took his own seat he saw David was smiling, and so Tommy figured David must really enjoy helping people. Eventually David changed the channel off of paw patrol, and found some more Dr who to watch. Tommy didn't protest, yet....... While Tommy sat watching TV. nursing his new bottle David got up and grabbed his jacket, his wallet, his phone, his keys, Tommy looked nervously at him... David: "Don't worry my good little boy, I'm just going grocery shopping, you enjoy your TV I'll be back in just a little while." Tommy: "But what if I need a change?" David chuckled at that David: "You only just got into that diaper buddy, I'm sure it's not wet yet, and if you wet while I'm out don't worry, it can hold a lot more than one wetting, it can wait until I get back, it won't hurt you to be wet for an hour. I'm sure your diaper is wet much longer then that when you sleep in it." Tommy figured he was probably right about that, but it was a different thing to be awake and aware of it, then again he hadn't noticed it was wet earlier so maybe he was just overblowing the whole issue. David took his non-response to be ascent and made his way to the garage, getting in his vehicle, an SUV, opening the garage and heading off to presumably go grocery shopping. Tommy just turned his head back to the TV. and tried not to worry about it. He hadn't taken notice to how dependent he was feeling, and how unlike him that had been just a few short months ago. David wanted to prepare for thanksgiving, he hadn't expected Tommy to stay home with him for it so David hadn't gotten supplies beforehand, getting all the groceries for a thanksgiving dinner the evening before was going to be tricky, he knew most places were usually sold out of turkeys by now, and hams, but he wanted to give Tommy a true thorough thanksgiving, after Tommy's comment earlier David had a sneaking suspicion Tommy hadn't really experienced a true thanksgiving in a long time. The little guy needed it. And besides that, it was time for Tommy to experience a messy diaper, he'd been using the toilet every morning before his shower like clock work all this time, David was impressed by his regularity, it was time to throw a wrench in the works and see how he handled it, find out if he'd keep to the rules about not touching his diaper, find out if he could handle being poopy without bawling about it. and the laxatives David had put in the bottle Tommy was currently nursing was going to make sure that happened while David was coincidentally not around to help him out of that diaper. Tommy finished off his bottle and gave another stretch, enjoying the warmth running through his body, he occasionally looked down at his blanket, his pajamas, and even pulling out the waist band of his bottoms to glance at his diaper, all the space themed content adorning everything was making him feel like he wanted to do something space related, maybe a video game or a book he could read, Dr who had got him in the same mood, but he wanted something new. He grabbed the remote and started flipping channels, trying to see if there was anything fitting on TV, he tried on demand, he tried digital channels, he kept searching and searching when suddenly he farted a big fart, that caught his attention, he didn't usually get so gassy in the evenings, he wondered if maybe he'd had too much milk too fast, another fart, this time a cramp, uh oh, cramps usually meant..... another cramp, this one hurt a bit, Tommy stood up tossing his blanket aside, he was about to go to the toilet when he took a step and felt his waddle and crinkles remind him of the diaper, Tommy thought 'oh ya, I'll have to get David to remove the diaper...... OH YA! David ISN'T HERE! oh shoot oh shoot shoot, what do I do, he's been gone awhile maybe he'll be back soon, maybe I can wait' Tommy sat back down on the couch hoping to help keep it in if he just sat flat on his butt. some time passed, some cramps came and went, Tommy was starting to sweat, the cramps were coming more frequently, they were getting more intense. Tommy realized he was going to have to make a decision. Either I take the diaper off and get in trouble for breaking yet another rule, who knows what the punishment will be for that one, or I shit myself, which is absolutely disgusting, I can't even bare the thought of doing that. No I really don't want to do that, I'll have to just take the diaper off. God but who knows what happens if I get caught doing that. Suddenly Tommy had an idea, he remembered David had told him the rules were in the kitchen in a drawer, Tommy shot to the kitchen throwing open drawers searching for the contract, if he was going to break the rule he'd first like to know what consequence he was about to be accepting. One drawer after another, he seemed to look in all of them, oh, but he saw one he'd missed, easy to miss on the other side of the fridge, he opened it and in it was a lot of junk, stop watches notepads pens super glue etc, buried beneath the junk he could see paperwork, he pulled it out dropping stuff to the floor and eureka, it is the contract, he rushed to the couch to sit back down to help hold his butt closed. He flipped pages looking for the rules, there was a lot of legalese, but then he found it, the center most page, the rules were listed all bullet points, and sure enough there was his initials at the bottom of the page. No shoes in the house, if you are caught wearing shoes in the house you will be forced to wear crawl booties for a week. No spilling drinks anywhere, every time a drink is spilled you will be forced to drink from a oversized baby bottle for a week. No wetting the bed, bed wetters must wear diapers to bed until they can stay dry for a month straight. David must apply the diaper to ensure proper fit, the diaper must stay on until David removes it, if you are caught attempting to remove your diaper yourself then you will be forced to wear locking plastic pants whenever you have a diaper on. if you wet or mess yourself while awake at anytime even while at school you must wear diapers during the daytime from then on until you can prove to David you are capable of keeping your pants dry and clean. Always do your homework, if you skip homework David will take charge of your homework duties and assist you with each piece of homework. If you fall out of bed.... Tommy couldn't read anymore, the cramps had become too intense, he needed to decide right now, he could resume reading the rules later after this was over, he put the paper down and paused just for a moment to consider his options, Tommy wasn't even sure what locking plastic pants were, but the words 'locking pants' told him it was something to make him unable to take the diaper off. He already wasn't allowed to take the diaper off, so really it didn't seem like much of a punishment, it wouldn't be any different than now, he could either continue to be unable to take the diaper off, and poop it, or he could take it off, use the potty er toilet he corrected himself, and then afterwards he would resume being unable to take the diaper off, seemingly all this meant is he had one chance, one moment in which he was going to be capable of taking the diaper off, he could do it one time, and one time only, so would that be now, or later. If he was going to poop it now, then what would be the point of saving it for later, it seemed to Tommy the most important moment to save such a one off chance would be a moment like this, when he had to poop and David was not around to take the diaper off for him, and so his mind made up Tommy ran to the bathroom, throwing off his pajama bottoms along the way, leaving them in the hall, making it to the toilet he ripped at the tapes, unfamiliar with how to remove them, he got one tape torn off, as it unstuck it ripped clear off of the wing, before working the other tapes he first bent to lift the toilet lid, it did not budge, he tried again and it wouldn't move, he looked closer and noticed that steel bar he had noticed when doing the tour before he signed the lease, that had been draped over on the side of the toilet, was now on top of the toilet lid, it was attached at both ends to mounts in the side of the toilet, Tommy realized this was effectively a lock to keep the toilet lid down, Tommy found at one end of the rod was a padlock, which required a key... Tommy didn't have much time left, he was about to loose his fight with his bowels, and the toilet bowl was locked, this was an unexpected turn of events. He paused to try and think of what to do, but his body decided for him, his bowels cramped and seemed to push against his will as mush flowed freely out of him into the seat of his diaper. The diaper was now missing a tape on the top right but it was still holding it's own against the flood now emanating from his bottom, Tommy was thoroughly disgusted with himself, he managed to stop the flow and resuming holding on but not without a significant amount having already filled his seat. he stood there for a moment dazed and confused, totally clueless how to proceed, he didn't want to move, he just wanted to get clean, the shower was in sight and so was the toilet and he couldn't use either of them.. suddenly he heard the garage door opening, he went pale as he realized David had just gotten home, if only he had been able to wait ten more minutes, he didn't want David to find him this way but he was still desperate to finish emptying his bowels, Tommy did not want to resume doing that in the diaper, regardless of it's current state. So Tommy swallowed his pride and called for help. Tommy: "David??!!!! please come here!!!" David had just been stepping out of the garage with groceries when he heard Tommy, he quickly shoved his refrigerables into the refrigerator deciding to organize them later, and went up stairs to where he heard the call from, he saw the pajamas strewn down the hall toward the bathroom and figured what must have occurred. David got to the bathroom and could smell poopy, and he could see Tommy standing still in front of the locked toilet staring at it, David: "Whats going on Tommy? you OK?" Tommy: "No! I'm not OK! my stomach is acting up and I need to poop! why is the toilet locked! what is even the point of locking a toilet!" David: "Tommy please don't take that tone with me, you know I have rules in this house, and I can see you broke a few of them today, you tore one of the tapes off your diaper I see, trying to get it off to use the toilet, that's why it is locked, to prevent exactly that from happening, it's there to enforce the rules, when I take your diaper off I unlock the toilet, when I put your diaper on I lock the toilet I've been doing this from the start, it is there to make sure you don't break the rules by trying to take it off yourself." Tommy: "OK, look, we can discuss this later, I still desperately need to use the toilet please unlock it and take the diaper off me." David: "If you insist Tommy, but honestly I can tell you've already pooped that diaper somewhat, it's honestly easier if you just finish the job and we can change that diaper quickly, but if you insist then I'll have to remove it where you stand and wipe you standing which is more difficult then once you finish the toilet you'll need to take a shower, so do you still prefer to finish in the toilet whats already begun in your diaper?" Tommy: "Yes please, unlock it and take this off, I only pooped a little I couldn't stop it, it forced itself out, I managed to stop the flow though and want to get it out on the toilet. please." Without another word David popped the last 3 tapes off the diaper and lowered it to the ground, Tommy held still while David wiped his bottom until it had no more muck on it, then David balled up the diaper and double bagged it in his baggies, David then took a key out his pocket and unlocked the toilet letting the steel bar fold to the side, then David took the diaper to the trash while Tommy sat down and let loose. After tossing the diaper in the outside trash can David first washed his hands and then went to the living room and saw the rules laid out, he grabbed the contract and put it back away, this time in a different location, it was still in the house, somewhere accessible to Tommy if he really looked hard enough, David just didn't want to make it too easy on him like he would have if it had been put back where it came from. David surveyed the damage to the kitchen, things were a mess, all the drawers were open even some cabinets, many things knocked to the floor in Tommy's panic, the junk drawer had been half emptied to the floor as well. David immediately went about cleaning up the kitchen, closing drawers, cupboards, picking up the stuff off the floor and putting it away, putting away the purchased groceries while he was at it. David noticed there was an old antique stop watch he'd kept in the junk drawer that had broken when it hit the tile of the kitchen floor, Tommy had broken something. Once the kitchen was all cleaned up David went upstairs to find Tommy still on the toilet. David: "Well Tommy, I'm disappointed in you, you've been a bad boy, you broke the rules about taking your diaper off." Tommy: "Well I didn't technically take it off though I was still wearing it!" David: "correction, you ATTEMPTED to take your diaper off, which is exactly how it's worded in the rules, attempting to take it off is just as bad as taking it off." Tommy: "ARGH! Yes OK! I know your gonna make me wear locking pants or whatever, fine I can take it, what I couldn't take was pooping myself cause you weren't here and I suddenly got bad cramps, I tried holding it but you were gone for hours!" David: "Tommy diapers are designed to handle poopies, it wouldn't hurt you to wait in a poopy diaper for a little bit, clearly you only just moments ago pooped that diaper and so you wouldn't have been poopy more than ten minutes before I came in the door. But I am glad to hear you finally remembered one of the rules, perhaps then you also remember the rules about making a mess in the house for me to clean up and breaking things?" Tommy: "Uhm, look, I know I made a bit of a miss in the kitchen just now but I promise I'll clean it up as soon as I get down there, but I didn't break anything!" David held up the stopwatch. David: "I've already cleaned up your mess in the kitchen Tommy, and do you see this? I've had this stop watch most of my life, my Father gave it to me, you broke it when you dropped it to the ground out of the junk drawer, I'm sure it doesn't seem like much to you but it had sentimental value to me, they don't make them like this anymore, it's irreplaceable." Tommy's face went pale, he had not realized he'd dropped something fragile. He felt bad he'd broken an item that meant something to David., Tommy: "Oh, I didn't realize I broke that, I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" David: "Be that as it may, rules are rules, and you still need to go through the punishment." Tommy: "And what is the punishment again?" David: "Well Tommy, you were just quoting the rules to me a second ago, was that one rule the only one you remembered? Alright well, I'll repeat it for you, "do not make a mess in my house, if you make a large mess that I have to clean up then I will have to restrict your ability to make messes, you will wear locking mittens designed to take away your grasp for one week, if you broke something in your mess then I reserve the right to put these same locking mittens onto you anytime I deem it necessary to protect my property from further damage I will have to assist you in all of your daily needs while the mittens are locked in place."" Tommy looked like he was going to cry, he had come to terms with wearing the locking pants whatever that is, but he had no idea he had broken yet an entirely different rule and brought on even newer stranger punishments in the process, he was beginning to wonder if he'd have been better off just pooping his diaper on the couch and waiting for David, David was right at least about that fact he would have only been in it about ten minutes before David came through the door... Tommy: "Is there any alternative David? please?" David: "Tommy, please don't try to beg for exceptions to the rules, you agreed to them without hesitation when you signed them, if you start trying to back out now then what's that say about your word? are you good for your word or aren't you? Rules are rules Tommy, if I made exceptions for people that would look poorly on me just as much as it would on you." Tommy hung his head low and surrendered the argument, he sat on the toilet a few more minutes waiting for all the cramps to finish, wondering all the while just what caused his stomach upset to begin with. David left and went to Tommy's room and waited there for him. After another ten minutes or so, Tommy finished his business on the potty, washed his hands and went to his room nude. David grabbed Tommy's hand and walked Tommy over to the table, he sat out a diaper and instructed Tommy onto it, by the time Tommy started climbing onto the table he was already suckling his thumb and hadn't until that moment noticed it, by this point it was common place for him, and he had almost entirely gotten over the embarrassment of it, so he simply continued suckling at it. David re-diapered the boy in a fresh new extra thick overnight diaper, with plenty of powder, and then with the diaper fastened in place, David instructed Tommy to lift his bum again, this was new Tommy thought, why lift again when the diapers already in place, David told Tommy to put his butt back down and Tommy then felt yet even more padding beneath him, David then pulled the front of yet another diaper up the front this time it was a cloth diaper, it had prints and an hourglass shape, David fastened this over the disposable, the fasteners were Velcro, David then pulled a pair of plastic pants up Tommy's legs, they seemed to be vinyl but like the cloth diaper they were covered in prints as well, the cloth diaper had safari motifs all over it, there were giraffes and lion cubs and plant life of various kinds, and the vinyl pants had baby blocks and ABC's and rattles and bottles and pacifiers and teddy bears all over it, once the pants were pulled over the cloth the waistband was tugged tighter, and a click was heard, David told Tommy to lift his arms Tommy had to pull his thumb out first, then the shirt came down over his head arms threaded into the sleeves, Tommy quickly stuck his thumb back in his mouth, David grabbed Tommy's free hand and placed into his palm a ball, the ball was just the right size to comfortably sit in the palm of Tommy's hand and the ball was squishy like a stress ball would be, except maybe a little less stiff, easier to squish. David: "hold onto that ball." David then slid a mitten over Tommy's hand, the one holding the ball, the mitten did not have fingers it was all one piece, Tommy's hand still gripping the ball fit comfortably inside the mitten, David pulled tight a strap on the wrist of the mitten and fastened it with a click, his hand returned to him Tommy analyzed the mitten, it was a solid baby blue color, no prints, his whole fist was balled up inside the mitten still holding the squishy ball, Tommy realized then that he could not let go of the ball now, there was no way to open his hand with the mitten in place, the fit was too snug for that, Tommy looked at his wrist and observed the strap, it wraps completely around the wrist through a handful of reinforced fabric loops the strap itself had metal eyelets along it, in one was a rod topped with a round black piece with a flat top, there was no keyhole, Tommy couldn't figure out how it went on or how it could come off! While Tommy was analyzing all this David was busy working on Tommy's other hand, he first had to pluck it out of Tommy's mouth then proceeded to repeat the process he'd already performed on the first hand, after another click both Tommy's hands were mittened and stuck grasping squishy balls, there was nothing Tommy could do to get the balls out of his palms his fingers were stuck wrapped around them, his grasp was truly immobilized. David: "There, that should keep you out of trouble, you have to wear these for a week, don't worry, you don't have to wear them to school, but you'll wear them every minute you're in this house." Tommy: "How does that work? How do I do my homework or eat dinner or bathe!!?" David: "As I said before, I will have to assist you with all of that, and anything else you need, the mittens stay on, no matter what, after a week they can come off but since you broke something I will reapply the mittens at anytime I think it is appropriate to protect my property, but this first week is a hard sentence to reinforce the consequence of what you did" David then finished up dressing Tommy by putting his pajama bottoms onto his legs, David then held a hand out to assist Tommy in sitting him up and helping him hop off the changing table, Tommy plopped his mittened hand into David's and let David help pull him up and off the changing table, Tommy was immediately struck by how thick his diaper had become now that it had two layers to it. Tommy: "Why the extra cloth diaper? it's too thick!" David: "It doesn't make sense to have a plastic cover without a cloth layer, if pee leaks out the diaper it will puddle in the plastic, the cloth is there to soak that up, so we don't have risks of puddles floating in the plastic waiting for an angle to spill out the leg holes, it's just practical Tommy, don't worry you'll get used to it.." Tommy: "OK well can I just only wear this at night then, I don't think I'm going to nap anymore today!" David: "True because it's already so late, it's nearly bedtime, and I've already gone through the trouble to get that all on you, it wouldn't make sense to take it all off just to put it all back on after dinner, you were fine wearing one all day and you're surely not gonna poop again so soon so just keep that one on for bedtime please? It would save me the hassle of redoing it all after dinner..." Tommy knew David was right, he'd just have to deal with it another hour or two and then he'd be in bed sleeping anyway. Tommy realized this meant he was skipping his bedtime shower tonight but that hardly mattered since he'd only sat around home all day. The two of them trekked back downstairs, Tommy waddling more than he'd ever waddled in his life, he really felt like he'd rather sit on his butt and scoot, the effort to waddle this bad was more than standing upright was worth. David went straight to preparing dinner, Tommy just sat at the dining table and waited, a couple times he tried to suck his thumb only to smack himself in the face with a mitten, well Tommy thought, I guess I finally found something to stop thumb sucking.... David set the plate of food before Tommy, and a bottle of milk, Tommy didn't usually mix milk and dinner like this. David: "It's a little later than usual for dinner so I figured you can have your evening milk at the same time as dinner since it's about that time anyhow, probably need to go straight to bed once we are done eating at this rate." Tommy looked at the clock on the wall, David was right, there wasn't much time left, David set his own plate off to the side and took a seat right up against Tommy's seat, David was facing Tommy, Tommy was looking down at his plate wondering just how the hell was he supposed to get this food into his mouth with these mittens in the way. David: "You don't have to do anything just hold still and let me feed you." Tommy thought 'Did I hear David right, did he just tell me he's going to feed me? Like a helpless infant! what fresh hell is this! How can he possibly think this is rational punishment for making a mess!' Tommy then thought about what David must have had to deal with in the past with party goers types trashing his place, and what effect this sort of punishment must have had on them, Tommy supposed it must have been pretty effective on those types and figured it must have been catered to make the point to them, Tommy wondered how much had David's nephew inspired these ideas into David's style of punishment, Tommy was broken from his thoughts by David shoving a fork of something at Tommy's lips. David: "Open up Tommy, wouldn't want to make a mess over your pajamas would we?" Tommy reluctantly opened his lips, David gently inserted the food, Tommy gently bit down and David removed the fork, Tommy chewed and swallowed and by the time Tommy had swallowed there was already another loaded fork approaching his lips, he opened and on the process went, Tommy's cheeks were flushed red with blush the entire time, but he didn't whine, he took it like a champ and tolerated the humiliating experience all the while wishing to himself he had simply pooped his diaper and put up with the mess to have spared him this humiliating experience, a poopy diaper for ten minutes would have been better than being fed like a baby twice a day for a week. But there was no undoing what had been done. When Tommy was thirsty he tried to reach for his bottle but David stopped him and grabbed it himself. David: "No no Tommy that would probably be to difficult to manage with the mittens let me help you." David held the bottle to Tommy's lips and Tommy reflexively sucked it in, he began suckling at it trying not to meet David's gaze as he embarrassingly was fed a bottle of milk by David. suckling noisily as he did so. Tommy nodded to indicate the satiation of his thirst, and the feeding resumed, Tommy was fed some pork, some macaroni, some green beans, pees, Broccoli, carrots, all cut into little bites and fed to him by David, when he was finished David took a baby wipe to Tommy's face and wiped it clean then dismissed him to go watch TV on the couch, while David turned to begin eating his own meal, Tommy sat on the couch alone cuddling under his new blanket, occasionally smacking himself in the face unconsciously, his thumb desperately wanted into his mouth, but it just couldn't get there, Tommy was starting to get annoyed by the occasional smack to the face, it didn't hurt, it wasn't a strong smack, just his thumb trying in vain to find his mouth and hitting a wall in the process. David finished his meal, cleaned up the dishes and entered the living room, he glanced at the clock and reminded Tommy of his bedtime, Tommy grumbled having gotten so little TV time, and went upstairs, he almost went for the shower out of routine but remembered he was put into his bedtime diaper early and it was still dry so turned instead to his room, David came in after him carrying his bedtime bottle of warm milk, Tommy climbed beneath the covers and David turned out the light as he approached Tommy, crouched down on his knees, David reached for Tommy's crotch and he pulled the pajama bottoms down then Tommy felt David's finger probe into the leg opening of his diaper deep enough to reach the disposable layer, just as quickly David pulled his finger out and pulled the pajama bottoms back up into place, this made Tommy blush again, Tommy: "Hey now! do you need to check my diaper like that! you can just ask!" David: "Oh lighten up its just easier this way, besides I'm not sure you'd answer accurately if you said you were dry." Tommy: "Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" David: "You might not even know if you are wet, diapers are pretty good about feeling dry even when they aren't, its not your fault if you couldn't tell, so I'll just check whenever I need to." Tommy was too confused by this and too tired to bother continueing the arguement, in frustration he gave up. David having determined his diaper was still dry tucked Tommy in, since he couldn't do it himself now that his hands were useless, David tucked him in tight to make sure the blankets stayed in place all night, before David finished he suddenly started sniffing the air. He sniffed right at Tommy's armpits. David: "Tommy, did you shower tonight?" Tommy: "How could I? you'd already put me in the bedtime diaper early!" David: "Tommy, I thought you'd already showered after you got off the potty, while I was waiting in your room for you. I did tell you to shower once you were done on the potty... I assumed you had done so by the time I was diapering you or you would have said something, you even climbed all the way into bed without so much as mentioning that you had yet to shower.." Tommy: "I guess I just assumed you knew, I didn't think you'd want me to waste yet another diaper just to shower." David: "Well you should know better if you do remember the rules, showering twice a day once in the morning once at night is in there, jeez Tommy how many rules are you gonna break today?!" Tommy was getting sick of this, David's boiling frog tactic had been working great so far but now he was pushing things to fast, the frog might jump if he wasn't careful here. Tommy with clenched jaw in irritation: "And remind me what's the punishment for skipping a single shower?" David sensing a band about to snap: "Don't worry about it Tommy, we don't need to discuss that right now, it won't apply this week anyway, I'll remind you what the rule is when it comes to matter next week, you just drink your bottle and go to sleep now, be a good boy for me, there you go." As David was finishing this sentence he guided the bottle into Tommy's lips, Tommy unclenched his jaw and took it in, he was nearing a breaking point but hearing good boy and for once being told not to worry about a rule made him feel better, he closed his eyes and mentally bathed in the warmth flowing through him as he nursed his bottle, without realizing it Tommy drifted off to sleep when the bottle was only half empty, David continued to hold it in place and Tommy continued suckling it while sound asleep, once the bottle was finished David left the room. phew David thought, that was a close one, I hadn't expected Tommy to break 3 rules in one day, if I don't slow things down he's gonna snap, gotta go slower than this.. it's hard though he's taken to things so easily thus far it just encourages me to keep pushing, I just love seeing him like this it makes me all the more anxious to get him to the finish line, I don't think I've ever felt this enamored by one of my tenants, there's something really special about Tommy, I can tell he wants this, he wants the love that he's getting from this, I can tell he needs it, I'm gonna make sure he gets it. David pulled out his phone and made a new addition to the other lines in the ocean whispers, he added: "When I feel an emotion I will let it out. It's OK to cry. I like wearing my mittens, they are very comfortable. I like being fed by others, it feels like love. They must love me, or they wouldn't bother to feed me. When they feed me I can feel the warmth of their love flowing through my whole body. When they hold my bottle for me it feels so comfortable, so loving. I enjoy being fed food and bottles. My mittens make sure I get more feedings and thus more love. It is so hard to feed myself, sometimes I forget how to do it. Sometimes I spill my food on myself or on the ground whenever I try to feed myself. I know I can't spill when someone else feeds me instead. It's much better to be fed then to feed myself." When Tommy awoke the next morning he felt his face all wet, he felt that he was suckling something, he opened his eyes and his mittened hand was in front of his face but it of course could not fit in his mouth, instead he realized he had been suckling at his pillow case, he had a mouthful of the fabric in his mouth and had been nursing it like it was a thumb, there was a massive wet spot on his pillow case from his saliva spreading out from his mouth. Yuck he thought, this feels like a new low, no longer even capable of sucking my thumb yet I'm still sucking whatever seems to reach my mouth, I miss my thumb, at least it didn't make a mess like this. Tommy stood up from the bed and tried to go downstairs, but turning his doorknob was proving difficult, he had both mittens against the knob and was squeezing as tight as he could, but they would just slide along the metal, he couldn't even get out of his room! in frustration, he banged a padded fist against the door, David heard this and came up to see the problem, in defeat Tommy collapsed to the floor sitting on his squishy bottom, he hardly noticed the squish, it was a normal part of his mornings now. David found Tommy sitting on the floor looking down at himself. David: "what's the matter sport? You look down in the dumps." David glanced over at the bed to see if he'd maybe leaked on it, David saw the massive wet spot on the pillow and the bunched up wad of fabric in the center of the wet spot, David surmised that poor thumb sucker Tommy had been suckling at his pillow case in the absence of a thumb, he'd have to resolve that issue tonight. Tommy: "I can't get out of here! The knob won't turn! These mittens cannot grip the knob!" David: "OOHHHH! I'm so sorry I forgot about that detail! don't you worry I will fix that tonight, you'll see, I'll have a way for you to get out so this doesn't happen again, but Tommy the door is open now so come on lets go eat, breakfast is all ready for you." David grabbed Tommy's mittens and helped pull him into standing position, Tommy's legs felt burdened by the thick double diapers now swollen with so much wettings, walking felt like his legs would buckle any second, he wished he didn't have to walk like this. Breakfast went much the same as yesterdays with David feeding Tommy and holding his bottles for him whenever he was thirsty, Tommy seemed to be at least a little less embarrassed this time, adjusting to the idea that this was just how things would have to be for a week. With breakfast finished Tommy stood up and wandered to the couch, today is thanksgiving, he wouldn't need to rush off to school today. David cleaned the plates and entered the living room, finding Tommy cuddled under his blanket. David: "Tommy didn't we just have a discussion about not skipping bathing?" Tommy: "Uhm ya but I can't exactly shower with these things on now can I?" David: "Correct instead you'll be bathed in the bath I expect you to go wait for me in the bathroom after breakfast from now on, OK?" Tommy didn't like the sound of this. Tommy: "You want to bathe me!!!" David: "I did tell you those mittens would stay on every single minute you are in this house, so unless you want to go bath in the backyard with the cold water of the garden hose then yes you'll have to be bathed by me." Tommy: "This is ridiculous why can't I just have them off to shower then you can put them right back on after." David: "That would defeat the purpose of the lesson, having your abilities taken away is meant to teach you how to depend on and thus appreciate others, to teach you the value of not making a mess out of other peoples stuff or breaking other peoples stuff." Tommy supposed this made sense, but still, to be bathed as a grown adult by another grown adult! this is toooo personal. But then Tommy remembered he must have signed his agreement to this in the rules already, like everything else. and if he raised much more fuss then he'd be backing out on his word just as David had explained yesterday, and how much worse could it be then getting diaper changes, David had already been up close to his nude body, was this really so much different? And so with his heart racing, amazed he was willing to go along with something so intimate, he stood and went upstairs to the bathroom with a wide waddle, in a squishy double diaper. David followed. In the bathroom David first went to the tub and started the water, he entered a temperature setting into a digital display and stepped over to Tommy. then he pulled Tommy's pajama bottoms down and pooled them at his feet. David: "Reach for the sky!" Tommy put his arms in the air still sporting a frown, and David pulled the shirt part way up his arms then stuck his fingers into Tommy's arm pits tickling him relentlessly, Tommy of course collapsed to the floor on his squishy bottom in a fit of giggles, crying "stop!" giggling all the while, his arms were bound by the shirt half way up his limbs, giving David easy access to continue tickling the poor boy, this went on for a minute or two with Tommy writhing around on his diapered butt before David relented. David: "That's better, I had to chase that frown away, it was making the day turn sour." Tommy realized he was indeed smiling now, he tried to stop but it was difficult, Tommy hadn't been tickled in his whole life that he could remember, it had sent tingles all through his body. they were hard to ignore. David finished pulling the shirt off of him, then pulled Tommy to his feet. David then pulled a tiny little key out of his pocket and stepped behind Tommy, there was a click and the vinyl pants waistband came loose, as David lowered it down Tommy's legs Tommy took a look down at the pants, and he saw that in the waistband was embedded a chain, so that explained how he was locking these on, there must a padlock or something in the back end. David then unvelcroed the cloth diaper and let it drop, it had picked up a small amount of wetness at the leg regions but not much, David would of course wash them anyway, David then took Tommy's diaper off and let it drop. David: "OK go get in the tub, let me know if you don't like the temperature." Tommy stepped into the tub, it felt a bit too hot a first, but he let his body adjust before judging it, Tommy was careful to hold his hands up to keep his mittens dry as he sat down slowly, Tommy noticed a sturdy looking hook sticking out of the wall nearby. After David had balled up the used diaper and bagged it tying off the bag, he left it on top the pile of clothes and pushed them into the corner, turning to tend to Tommy's bath time. David grabbed Tommy's hands and hooked the wrist straps onto the hook in the wall that Tommy had noticed, it was a comfortable height, high enough to keep the mittens out of the water free from splashing but low enough not to drain all the blood out of his arms, Tommy could rest his arm muscles, he wouldn't have to hold his arms up. Tommy realized he wasn't the first to go through this experience, this made him feel a little better about it, eased his nerves some, he wondered how many prior tenants had to be punished or if this was just something used on David's nephew when he was naughty. David went right to work bathing Tommy, he grabbed a bar of soap and ran it gently but firmly all over Tommy's skin starting with one forearm then the other then his shoulders and chest and back and belly and lower back he soaped it all up then used a free hand to scrub the soap in, he used a spray nozzle attached to a hose that sat set into the tubs side, to spray down Tommy's soapy exposed bits, then returned with the bar of soap to the submerged bits, he started at Tommy's feet, scrubbing the bottoms first, which of course tickled Tommy causing him to involuntarily giggle, David giggle too and scrubbed the bottoms a bit more than necessary to enjoy the moment, then moved to the top of foot and the ankles and legs. David: "OK Tommy I have to do the sensitive bits now, I'll be gentle and clinical don't worry, it's just like when I changed your diaper in the living room yesterday no different OK?" Tommy nodded, he knew it had to be done, David used the bar soap to scrub at Tommy's upper groin then lower around the legs then the penis and the balls, making sure to clean out any folds/cracks, David noted a few of the sparse remaining hairs down there had come loose during this scrubbing, Tommy was more and more hairless everyday. David: "OK lean forward for me so I can get your bottom." Tommy blushed, but did as he was told, leaning forward to lift his bottom off the tub floor. David took the bar soap and scrubbed Tommy's butt cheeks and then inside the crack, he even took his soapy finger and rubbed Tommy's port hole, even sticking it in just a quarter inch just for a second, Tommy gasped! Tommy: "Hey now is that necessary!" David: "Well if you want the poop cleaned off it is, trust me I've done this hundreds of times, this is the proper procedure. You can sit back down now." Still blushing Tommy did so. David scrubbed his own hands and fingers with the bar soap to be sure they were clean then grabbed the sprayer and sprayed down Tommy's hair, rubbing the water into it, he then grabbed some shampoo and rubbed that into Tommy's hair, Tommy smelled the fragrance in the air and considered it rather powdery, and familiar, he couldn't place it and looked over at the bottle, of course, it is johnsons baby shampoo, of course that's what David would use. Tommy: "Uhm, my shampoo bottle is just over in the shower if you wouldn't mind using that." David: "That's OK this one is right here it's more convenient, besides I think this stuff makes everything so much softer and smoother, it should be more comfortable for you, just try it for this week and if you want to go back to your own after that I won't stop you." Tommy defeated once again allowed himself to be babied further, David used the sprayer to rinse Tommy's hair rubbing at his hair with his free hand, once David finished this he declared Tommy all clean, Tommy stood up and David sprayed him down once more to get all the bath water off of him, David set the sprayer down and grabbed a towel from the cabinet, this towel was bigger and thicker then the ones Tommy had been using before. David: "You should be able to slide your mittens off the hook they aren't locked onto it." David was right, Tommy hadn't even thought to try it. David held the towel out wide prepared to wrap Tommy in it. David: "OK step into me now and I'll get you all dried off. Tommy stepped out of the tub and into the giant towel, it was sooo soft, and fluffy, it felt luxurious, surely an expensive brand, David went wild rubbing the towel all over starting at the top of his head to dry his hair, that dried he went on to dry every inch of his skin moving downward a bit at a time, Tommy placed his mittens on David's shoulders to steady himself while he lifted one foot then the other for David to dry off his legs and feets. then David wrapped Tommy's body in the towel and tucked one end over the other to keep it in place like that and walked off. David: "OK follow me now little guy, time to get you dressed." David had walked out the bathroom Tommy followed, Tommy was often aware that the way David spoke to him was very infantile, Tommy had always figured it was some kind of remnant reflex of how David had to talk to his nephew, or perhaps it was both that and an attempt to expand the punishment further, to reduce the person being punished to a state that they'd be more appreciative of their landlord. Tommy had always been dismissive of it, but currently Tommy couldn't help feeling a little like he enjoyed it, like it made that warm feeling inside him bloom just a little bit. Now in the bedroom Tommy found David by the changing table with an overnight diaper already splayed out on the surface, already thoroughly dusted with power, jeez did he do that before he even came to bathe me? Tommy thought. Tommy: "Must I wear a diaper? Those are only for bedtime! I promise not to nap today!" David: "Tommy! it's thanksgiving! Everyone naps after gorging on thanksgiving food! I don't want you feeling like you have to miss out on a tradition! it's only a diaper Tommy aren't you used to them by now? they haven't hurt you yet, have they? Tell you what, if you really want to skip the diaper until bedtime then I won't make you wear it now but I also won't allow you any milk bottles until bedtime and I will vigilantly make sure you stay awake, or would you rather just wear the diaper so you can relax and enjoy your holiday? You ought to be napping all you can anyway this break ends soon and then it's back to your schedule with no room for naps, rejuvenate your energy levels now while you can!" Tommy was beginning to think he could never win against David, this guy had an answer for everything, perhaps he was secretly a lawyer. Tommy sighed and walked up to the table, hopped onto it and rolled onto the diaper. David: "That's a good boy, I'm glad you made the right decision, I'm proud of my good boy." This was a lot of 'good boys' so quickly, Tommy couldn't help but launch into a full body stretch his mittened hands way out above his head, his legs splayed wide David took this moment as a chance to pull the diaper up Tommy's front placing it against his belly tucking Tommy's penis downward into the diaper as he did so, the diaper came to just the edge of his belly button just as it should, David hadn't needed Tommy to lift, Tommy had rolled onto the diaper into just the right spot, it seems Tommy was becoming so accustomed to the diapers he now had muscle memory for how they should feel and where they should be positioned and had placed himself in just the right spot by reflex. David had already finished taping the diaper on by the time Tommy finished his stretching, his body still tingling David proceeded to get a new cloth diaper under then on Tommy, Tommy glanced down and noticed this one had prints of rabbits of all kinds, some cartoony some more realistic, he liked it, he smiled at the sight of it. David slid a new pair of vinyl locking pants up Tommy's legs, these had the same prints as the last one but it's background color was a light blue whereas the last ones was just clear,. David got the pants in place and again there was a click as the lock engaged and the chain in the waistband tightened. Tommy stayed laying there, he knew that next David would dress him, he was used to the routine already. David pulled from a drawer a new footed sleeper. Tommy: "What about the two piece pajamas?" David: "Well those are dirty Tommy, I'm going to wash them you can wear this one in the meantime, it's not like the other sleeper, it doesn't have mittens sewn onto it, you've already got your mittens right here" David said tapping Tommy's mittens as if he had forgotten about them. David fed Tommy's feet into the legs and then his feet into the footies, David pulled the sleeper up to his waist, and had Tommy feed his mittened hands into the sleeves pulling the sleeper onto his front. David: "OK lets stand you up now so I can zip up the back" David grabbed Tommy's arms and helped him sit up, then David grabbed Tommy in a hug, and pulled him off the table setting him onto his feet, usually Tommy would just hop down, Tommy blushed at the new extra treatment, but also secretly relished the hug, before living here Tommy couldn't remember the last time he'd been hugged, now David had already hugged Tommy three times! thinking on this for a moment brought a tear to his eye, he was careful not to let David notice that. David was busy getting his hands behind Tommy and zipping him up the back, clicking the button shut to lock in place the zipper at the top. All sealed into a new footie sleeper Tommy felt it was very comfortable, very soft and cuddly, he found himself in love with the softness of it. He looked down at it and observed it was lime green with kitty cats all over it. David walked away out the door and down the stairs Tommy took after him with a wide waddle. Downstairs Tommy plopped onto the couch and snuggled under his blanket, David came from the kitchen holding a fresh warm milk bottle, he did not hand it to Tommy, instead he sat on the couch and scooted close to Tommy, Tommy was already scooted down into the couch so it was easy for David to guide Tommy's head into the crook of David's right arm, Tommy didn't resist, he realized this was the only way he'd be getting a bottle of milk, and he really wanted one, David brought the nipple to the boys mouth, and he greedily sucked it in and began nursing, the two of them sat there like this for a while, David had tuned the TV to children's programming, there was blues clues and sesame street and eventually even paw patrol, Tommy didn't flinch at this, he had learned to appreciate these kinds of shows and cartoons, he even was beginning to feel he'd prefer them over anything else, David was smiling like the Cheshire cat, pleased as can be, he couldn't wait until this was the everyday routine, but for now he'd have to be settled with it being just for this break. He didn't know if Tommy's suggestions would take so soon as to have him willingly continuing this treatment after the week sentence was up, that was up to Tommy, after all, people don't just accept subliminal suggestions unless some part of them truly wants it, accepts it, likes it, Tommy had gotten this far, perhaps he would continue all the way. As Tommy finished off the last of his bottle his droopy eyes dozed off. David knew it was risky to pull this next stunt after yesterdays experience, but he didn't know when he'd next get the chance, the opportunity was too convenient to do it right now, his next chance might not be until Christmas, and he didn't want to wait that long for this. David carefully extricated himself from Tommy's embrace, he got up and went to the kitchen, prepared a new warm bottle and placed it into a device that held it, on the counter, it was a bottle warmer, a large one, designed to fit the giant bottles that David owned, he had paid someone to engineer it for him long ago, it would keep the bottle just warmer than the usual warm bottle temperature so Tommy could have it as soon as he wanted it, if he could manage it with those mittens that is. He left a note for Tommy on the table by the remote, as he set the note down he noticed Tommy snoozing with a mouthful of bwankie, suckling at it. And with that David vacated the house, parking his SUV just a few blocks away at a park and tuning into his cameras via his cell phone. The bottle David had just fed Tommy had stool softeners in it, and so did the one he drank for breakfast, and so did the one he drank at bedtime the night before, that coupled with the high fiber breakfast, and the fact Tommy had accidentally skipped his usual morning BM, meant David knew today was the day Tommy would have his first full poopy diaper, not counting yesterdays partial poopy diaper. Meanwhile, Tommy was sleeping peacefully, he was dreaming he was in a desert, he was very thirsty, he had found a wrecked truck, no passenger in sight, the truck was turned over and in the back of the truck the bed had held before depositing onto the ground a tank, a large tank filled with water, the only opening was on top of the tank, it was a tear that Tommy could only just reach his arm through, only barely reaching the water, Tommy decided to take off his shirt and tear it into ribbons, he dipped these ribbons through the opening and soaked them in the water, at first he tried to wring them out over his head to get the droplets, but the fabric would not drip, must be some strange fabric that can hold onto the moisture he guessed, so instead he was stuffing the fabric into his mouth and trying to suck the water out of it, he was dipping one ribbon in and then replacing the one in his mouth with a new ribbon and swapping the two back and forth, one in the tank, one in his mouth, swap, he kept doing this but it felt like he wasn't getting hardly any water out of it, he couldn't understand it, he felt the wet fabric soaking the skin of his face and cheeks but it didn't give his mouth anything to swallow! Then he felt a cramp in his belly, and a toot escaped, he was feeling gassy suddenly, in frustration at his thirst he screamed into the desert, the effort of it seemingly woke him up, he opened his eyes to the sight of a soaked bwankie against his face, a wad of it in his mouth, he realized he'd been suckling his bwankie in his sleep, he pulled the wad out and muttered. Tommy: "sorry bwankie." He wondered why did he call it that, why did he apologize to it like it could hear him, and why did it feel good to do that. then he thought on how bad he felt that he had soaked his bwankie in his drool like this, like he had hurt a friend, his eyes watered at the sheer regret of what he'd done to his bwankie, he didn't cry, but came close, he looked over and noticed David was not in the room, he listened close and could not hear him in the kitchen or any noise from anywhere, he reached for the remote to mute the TV, still blasting paw patrol, and there he found the note. The note read: Tommy, I am sorry I have just realized I forgot the ham for our thanksgiving feast, I must go out and find one, thanksgiving just wouldn't be the same without it, I'll try to get back as soon as I can, in the meantime please just relax on the couch and nap as much as you like, there is a fresh bottle for you in the kitchen on the counter, the device that holds it is keeping it warm for you. Tommy was angry, David had already done this to him just yesterday and now he's done it again, he'd abandoned him, all alone! It was a full minute or two before Tommy had to correct himself, 'what is wrong with me' he thought, I used to spend months by myself, now I get upset when I'm left alone for an hour or two? How have I gotten so attached to this man who is just my landlord, so what if he went to get some groceries I can be alone for a while it won't hurt me, then Tommy shifted to roll over on the couch when he felt his legs squish together his diaper, letting him know it was quite wet from his nap, he sighed at the realization he'd have to stay in the wet diaper until David returned, not much different then he did every morning during breakfast just longer, he decided to himself a bit longer shouldn't make a difference, he'll be fine, he tried to get into a new comfy position to go back to sleep, with the bwankies wet spot not touching him, and felt a cramp, his eyes shot open, and he was struck with the thought, did I poo this morning? I usually do it right before I get in the shower... oh god I didn't shower today, I was bathed! I didn't sit on the toilet I was directed into the tub by David when I usually would poo, I always go every morning, I can't skip it! I doubt I could hold it till tomorrow! oh god I hope David comes back quickly! I can't believe this is happening again I went through this just yesterday! Though that was some kind of stomach bug then, now it's my own darn fault for forgetting to poo this morning! I can't even take the diaper off this time! he's locked those pants onto me! Even if I want to try and destroy them I can't accomplish that with these damn mittens on my hands! oh god what do I do! Tommy was still laying there, holding still, eyes wide open, praying the urge would go away, instead he was rewarded with another cramp, and a toot. Tommy sat up, he looked at his mittens, studying them anew, wondering if there was any way out of them, they seemed to be a very tough type of fabric, they didn't look like they could be ripped, even cutting them looked like it'd be difficult even if he had normal dexterity, but the way the mittens robbed him of grasp made it impossible, if he tried working a kitchen knife or scissors against these he'd be more likely to cut himself, plus even if he did cut them off somehow then David would really be mad, he didn't want to know what the punishment would be if he did that. He thought back to yesterday, David's words rang in his mind, ""Tommy diapers are designed to handle poopies, it wouldn't hurt you to wait in a poopy diaper for a little bit".... Was he really going to do this? Just accept that he had no choice but to poop his diaper?! NO! I will not go easily! I won't let it out, I will hold it, I'm grown up! I can hold it! I won't damage the mittens I won't damage the pants I will just wait, how long could it take to find a ham at the grocery stores? if the worse happens and I just can't hold it then I guess I'll have to poop my diaper but I won't let that happen without a fight! he thought Tommy got up and went to the kitchen, he looked around wishing to find anything that might help him hold it, there of course was no such thing, but he did spy his fresh bottle on the warmer, he didn't think it would help his situation, but he didn't think it could hurt it either, realizing he had no other choice than to wait for David he grabbed the bottle as best he could, no easy feat with the mittens on, he had to use both mittens to squeeze it and even then it was threatening to curl inward and out of his grasp, so he quickly pushed it against his chest with both hands and waddled to the couch, he sat down then bent his neck to grab the nipple in his mouth and pinch it with his teeth to keep a grip on the bottle that way, using his teeth and his two mittens to keep a grip on the bottle he scooted his butt along and managed to lay on the couch on his back, the bottle rested against his chest all he had to do was keep it there, and he could drink it down like this, the cramps were still happening occasionally, and his eyes were watering with the fear of what was impending, he tried to take his mind of the battle ramping up in his bum and focused on his nursing, the warm milk filling him with a warm loving feeling, filling his body all over, then a cramp, then the warmth and love, then a toot, then more warmth and love, he stretched his body feeling the effects of the suggestions that came with drinking his bottle, and the stretch forced out a large toot, scared he had almost lost the battle he decided no more stretching, he curled his legs in, and kept focusing on his bottle, nursing away, many minutes went by like this, some cramps some toots, some nursing, repeat. His bottle was nearly empty when he felt it, he felt the need to toot but it was not a toot waiting, he could feel the pressure now was more solid then that, his body wanted it out and it was tired of waiting, Tommy's wet eyes were dripping now, he was crying, not a sob, but a quiet pitiful cry, he got another cramp and this time could not relieve it with a toot, he resisted it and kept nursing, his bottle was empty now, but he didn't want to stop suckling, it was helping him feel better, even after the milk was gone, Tommy pulled his knees to his chest and rolled to his left side, hoping it might help him hold it, it had the opposite effect, a strong cramp struck him and mush pushed it's way out of him, that was it, it wasn't all of it but some had escaped, Tommy had officially pooped his diaper, just a bit but it was done, his cries were a bit less quiet now, he was feeling pitiful, feeling helpless, he didn't want this to happen but it was too late to stop it, he'd already pooped the diaper a little bit, there was no undoing it, even if David came home now the diaper already had some poo in it, there was no hiding that, with these thoughts another strong cramp hit Tommy, and he gave up, what was the point now in suffering for no reason, the diaper is already poopy he may as well let go of the discomfort, and so the gates opened and more mush came out then more solid, his diaper expanded at the back and the boy bawled, his bottle dropped from his mouth to the carpet, and he cried on, mittens against his face, rubbing his eyes, mouth open screaming a cry, tears falling, diaper expanding, near the end of the ordeal he had to push, he may as well get it all out he knew, the urge to push was too much to resist anyway and so push he did, more solid came out, he pushed and pushed until there was nothing left to push out, during the pushing his bladder gave way, the strain had broken it's seal, and he hardly saw the point in trying to stop it, crying all the while, his cries pausing in volume only when a grunt needed to slip between them. he kept his knees to his chest the whole time, as if afraid that putting his legs down would get mud on them. The ordeal was over, but he was still in this position bawling, he stayed there for a while, until his tears began to pewter out, the smell of his disaster reached him, and he gagged, it wasn't terribly strong with all the layers sealing it in but the idea that it came from his pants is what triggered the gag, he'd never smelled so badly before, he wished he could get away from it, but there was nowhere to go, nothing to do about it, eventually he watched at the TV. and saw there was still cartoons on, he reached over and managed to hit unmute with the corner of his mitten, and tried his hardest to let the television distract him from the feeling of sticky weight on his bottom. After something like half an hour Tommy moved to sit up, upon shifting he felt the poo against him shift and remembered it's presence, he was shocked that for a brief moment he had forgotten it was there, he never would have thought he could ever forget such a thing, the TV had somehow distracted him successfully even if only for a moment, he wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not, he stayed laying and thought on it, eventually he had to conclude that if his choices were to dwell on it's presence until David arrived, or to forget it until David arrived, then obviously forgetting it was preferable, and so he renewed his focus on the television, eventually he again got uncomfortable being stuck on his side, this time he gingerly re-positioned himself, so he was slouched on the couch, bottom near the edge of the cushion, knees-up feet besides his bottom on the cushion, he figured he could probably stay this way for a good while, he kept his focus on the cartoons playing. David had of course watched all of this play out, at first he'd been excited like he always ways to see a tenant reaching this threshold, but when Tommy started crying David's fun was ruined, he couldn't stand watching Tommy cry, it hurt him, he had seen plenty of tenants cry, he didn't like seeing them cry but it never hurt like this, he'd just tolerated it before as something unavoidable about the process, but with Tommy it felt like daggers to his heart, David so badly wanted to go save Tommy from his tears, but he had to steel his resolve, this was an important part, every baby has to have their first poopy diaper sometime, it's important that they come to understand that it isn't so bad as they thought it would be, and this is the only way that can happen. So David stayed parked, he waited and watched, no longer smiling while Tommy cried, eventually David muted the feed, the crying too much to bare, as he did this he felt a tear fall from his own face and realized he too had been crying silent tears, definitely a first for David, David felt then that he owed Tommy, deeply, that he would do his best to make sure Tommy was taken care of for life, no matter what it took, no matter what that would look like. When David saw Tommy watching TV, his tears stopped, he unmuted and heard the cartoons playing, Tommy was doing it, he was adjusting to a poopy diaper like a pro, he was learning that he could just ignore it, that he didn't need to let it bother him, that it was OK to be poopy, he saw Tommy move then stop, he saw the gears turning in Tommy's head, then he saw Tommy continue moving and reposition into a different position, he knew Tommy had reached acceptance, Tommy had accepted his poopy diaper, he was actively working with it to be comfortable despite it's presence, Tommy was past all the most important hurdles, and so David put his phone away and pulled out of the park, heading home. He pulled into the garage, Tommy didn't hear the garage cause he had turned the TV volume up very loud, trying to help drowned out his own thoughts and sensations. David opened a mini fridge he had in the garage and pulled out a semi frozen ham. he put it into a grocery bag that he'd had in his cargo space, and then carried the ham inside to the kitchen, he heard the TV blasting paw patrol and smiled, glad Tommy was using that means to distract his mind, it showed that Tommy was still embracing all his suggestions, he had not gone into rebellion mode. David got some prep work finished in the kitchen to begin cooking dinner, the items that would take longer he got started, running the oven and such, he also quickly made up a new warm bottle of milk, this one also with stool softeners, David intended to keep Tommy on stool softeners regularly from now on, he wanted to make sure Tommy would no longer have any difficulty pooping whenever he needed to, that plus increasing the fiber in his diet should keep his bm's healthy, then he went to the closet and grabbed the diaper bag, he entered the living room and quietly pushed the coffee table out of the way, and laid out a changing pad from the diaper bag, Tommy was so zoned out on the TV, he hadn't noticed David had returned, even as David was present in the living room with him, he was aware David was there at that point but had forgotten that he had been waiting for him, for the moment Tommy had forgotten that he had pooped his diaper, he was too zoned out focusing on the TV, he'd tried so hard to use it to distract his mind, he'd succeeded more than he could have expected, David set out all the changing supplies even prepped the new diaper by unfolding it, dusting it with powder and setting it to the side, David reached over and grabbed Tommy's wrist and pulled him toward the change pad, Tommy let him self be moved towards the pad but as he moved he felt the squish on his bottom and snapped out of his reverie with a wince, not one of pain but of disgust, he leapt up to try and get off his bottom, he looked down at David and everything came crashing back to him, he'd pooped his diaper, he'd bawled over it, then he'd, just watched TV? he hadn't even noticed David's return and David being right in front of him? Tommy saw the change pad all laid out, how had he missed that being done? Tommy couldn't believe he had so easily forgotten his desperation to get out of this nasty diaper, Tommy wondered if maybe it wasn't as bad as he was building it up to be, if he could so easily forget it for the sake of paw patrol then perhaps this was yet another mole hill he'd turned into a mountain, All the same upon realizing the pad was out for him to get out of it he swiftly moved to the pad and laid back onto it gingerly, trying to minimize just how much he squished his bottom in the process. Once on his back David tugged at Tommy's crotch and Tommy felt a pop, then another, after a dozen more pops Tommy's legs felt the air on them and the sleeper was pulled up off his legs past his waist and laid besides his torso, the legs of the sleeper apparently had snap buttons along their inside seem, Tommy had never noticed this, he wondered only for a moment why they had that before he realized this was exactly why, for easy diaper changes. Tommy still got to wear the top half of the sleeper while the bottom half was out of the way for him to be changed. from the belly down Tommy's body was nude except his stinky diaper, David then handed Tommy his newest bottle of warm milk, Tommy struggled to grasp it eventually just letting it rest on his chest while he pinned it there with both mittens, this would work fine and so Tommy suckled away at his warm milk. David ordinarily would give Tommy a bath after a diaper this poopy, if he had his choice, but for Tommy's first it was important it be done with as minimal effort and fuss as possible, he wanted Tommy to come to understand that a poopy diaper is no big deal, it's no great difficulty, that a quick ordinary diaper change is all it takes to have it all sorted, and besides all that the high fiber content in Tommy's diet actually made diaper changes easier, it made the muck far less sticky, much easier to wipe free from the skin. And so David got to work, being swift but thorough, opening up the diaper tape by tape, pulling it down and attacking the mess with wipes, he wiped and wiped until the wipes came back looking clean then wiped a few times more to be certain, he wiped the whole diaper region to be sure all pee had been wiped up as well, he grabbed Tommy's ankles and lifted his bottom to repeat the process on the rear end, once it was all spotless he pulled the used diaper aside and slipped the new diaper under Tommy, pulling it up and taping it in place, the entire time Tommy just nursed his bottle and stared to his left at paw patrol, trying to keep his mind off what was happening. David then again lifted Tommy's ankles and slid a new cloth contour diaper under his bottom to cover the disposable, this would be the routine from now on, keeping Tommy double diapered gave him such a cute waddle, and besides it helped stop any leaks. David fastened this cloth cover then pulled a fresh pair of locking vinyl pants up over Tommy's bulky diaper combo, sealing him in with a click to the lock on the chain in the waistband, Tommy felt the lock and looked down, wondering why he was being put back into locking pants so soon, surely David wasn't already finished was he? Tommy saw David to the side balling up the used diaper and bagging it in an unused empty plastic shopping bag, tying that off then double bagging it into a second bag, seeing his used diaper being bagged up told Tommy that indeed David had already finished the job, Tommy couldn't believe it was already over, he knew he was trying to tune it out with paw patrol, but he still hadn't expected it to go soo easily, like a complete non-event, David even had a smile on his face like it hadn't bothered him at all, Tommy realized he hadn't even said anything to David yet, how did David even know Tommy had needed to be changed? this question was the easiest one to figure out the answer, Tommy of course quickly realized David must have smelled the poopy diaper, Tommy realized he was probably stinking up the whole house, but David never complained or said anything, and the smile he currently held despite having just wiped poop from Tommy's bum told him that David had not minded doing it at all, this truly did seem completely routine to David, just another ordinary day, Tommy thought he must have David's nephew to thank for that mercy, it occurred to Tommy that what David had said yesterday had all been true, waiting in a poopy diaper didn't hurt him, the thing had handled the mess perfectly well, without any leaks or issues, and changing a poopy diaper had been less effort then letting him use the toilet. David went to the kitchen and tossed the bagged up diaper into the bigger trash can, making a mental note to take out the trash that night before bed, David washed his hands then returned to Tommy, still laying on the change pad with his diaper exposed and his sleeper pulled up passed his belly, watching paw patrol and nursing his bottle, David grabbed Tommy's sleeper pulled the leggings back down and feed his feet back into the footies, he then snapped it back shut one plastic button at a time, he grabbed Tommy by the armpits and picked him up, surprising Tommy with his strength, and set Tommy onto his feet, then he pulled Tommy into a hug, he lingered in the hug for a moment and then told Tommy in a whisper. David: "You were a really good boy for me, you pooped your diaper and didn't complain about it, you let me change you and didn't whine, you were patient and polite, a really good boy." Then David guided Tommy to the couch and sat next to him, David pulled Tommy into the nook of his arm and put Tommy's bottle to his lips and proceeded to feed him the rest of it, Tommy meanwhile had his head swimming with conflicting emotions from the moment of the hug, getting a hug felt nice but being poopy was not nice, then being told he was a good boy for pooping himself was strange, yesterday he had been told he was a bad boy for trying to use the potty, now hes being told he is a good boy for pooping his diaper, he loved being called a good boy and the warmth surged through him, but he had also been disgusted at pooping himself and being stuck in it, but David said that made him a good boy and this conflict raged on until Tommy focused on the warmth alone, the good feelings only and stretched and smiled while David held his bottle, and he nursed at it, Tommy tried to just not think about any of it and get lost back on the television. It was too confusing and the TV was simple. Once the bottle was empty David left Tommy on the couch, tucking him into his bwankie, and went to the kitchen to prepare the thanksgiving feast, after an hour of this Tommy could feel his bladder begging to be released, he had thus far only peed while unconscious (not counting the unintentional release that occurred when he was pushing out poopies, that hardly counted in Tommy's mind, he'd already been wet from the nap and then poopy and then that second wetting came unexpectedly but why would it matter to add more wetness to what was already wet and poopy anyway.) he had never actively decided to let go, but rather only as a consequence of not being able to hold it in his sleep, this would be the first time he had peed a diaper while awake out of choice, he wasn't sure he wanted to do that, in fact he was sure he didn't want to do that, Tommy stood and went to the kitchen to find David. David was elbow deep in a turkey, it looked rather intimate. It made Tommy blush. Tommy: "UHHH David?" David: "What's going on little guy? Everything OK?" Tommy: "Uh ya, I just need to go potty, I mean to the bathroom" Tommy realized David's habit of calling it a potty was starting to catch in his own mind, at first he felt embarrassed but then why does it matter what it's called he rationalized, it is what it is, a rose (or in this case a potty) by any other name and all that. David: "Oh OK, uhm, can it wait? I'm kinda in the middle of things in here, I don't want to mess up thanksgiving dinner" Tommy did not feel like he could wait, but he could tell this dinner meant something to David, he'd been spending hours on it today and hours yesterday too, Tommy didn't want to spoil it. He stood there for a moment considering what to say. David: "Tommy if you can't hold it just use your diaper I won't mind, it's totally OK by me, go watch TV and just let it go, that's what they are there for, besides if we take that thing off it's gonna spoil the tapes and have to be thrown away all the same so it doesn't really matter if it's wet or dry it's going to the same place sooner or later." Tommy could see the rationale at work, he couldn't disagree, he just felt bothered letting himself debase himself like this, he'd already fallen so far, now he was going to use a diaper as a choice? Not out of necessity, not because it couldn't be avoided, but because it was just more convenient for David? Tommy went back to the couch with his thoughts, to consider if he would go back to David and reassert his insistence, or just give in, he sat there considering and pondering and staring at the TV and then getting distracted by the TV, and then focusing on the pups playing before him, and then forgetting his urgency, until eventually it spiked and snapped him out of his reverie once again, oh ya he thought, gotta decide..... Tommy began rationalizing again, deep down he didn't want to stop watching paw patrol just to go hassle and irritate David, possibly ruining the important to David thanksgiving meal just to go potty and ruin the diaper at the same time anyway, he rationalized that it just didn't make sense to go through all that, he'd have to just wet the diaper, and then he could keep watching TV. and David could keep cooking, at the conclusion of these thoughts Tommy's urgency spiked again and this time he decided to let it go. Nothing came out though, turns out it isn't easy to pee a diaper on purpose the first time, his body didn't want to let it, it wasn't used to doing this in this way, Tommy had to focus on it, thinking about letting go, thinking about waterfalls and rain, and facets flowing open in the sink and the bathtub, then Tommy thought about the pool dream, and then the ocean, the ocean waves and the way they sounded, and felt his diaper getting warm, he was doing it! that did it! Something about that line of thinking triggered it! he could feel the pee coming out his peepee at first it quickly disappeared into the padding which warmed then as the saturation increased the absorbency rate decreased and some was starting to bounce back against his skin before then being absorbed, it all felt trapped inside the confines of the diaper like a pocket designed just for it, bouncing around until soaked up, Tommy analyzed the sensations and found them not so unpleasant, not so disgusting as he had expected, he'd already survived a poopy diaper and turned out to be far easier than he'd expected, this should be nothing compared to that, especially having already had so many bedtime and nap time wet diapers, this was just feeling how they got to that point for the first time, he decided he'd better stop thinking about it, before he started making yet another mountain, he refocused on paw patrol, just in time to see it end and a different cartoon begin, he felt upset, he had been enjoying paw patrol and now it was over! he'd missed the last bit of it cause he was distracted by peeing his diaper! he hadn't even had a need to focus on that it was all contained on it's own, he shouldn't have wasted his attention on it he thought to himself, he should have just kept focused on his show! Eventually Tommy calmed down and came to enjoy the cartoon that had come on as well, he certainly had begun to consider paw patrol his favorite, but this one was alright too, it was called bluey and seemed to be a family of Australian dogs enjoying family life together, Tommy had heard of it before of course but never really watched it until now. After more than a handful of episodes of this new show Tommy was captivated, something about the way these kids had a daddy willing to play with them and spend time with them kept reminding Tommy about the absence of his own Father from his life, at first thought Tommy was filled with anger at his Fathers absence, but eventually his feelings turned to envy of the love these kids got from their dad, even the mom in this show was a heck of a lot more loving then Tommy's own Mother, Tommy couldn't help an occasional quiet cry at some of the episodes as he felt like he was missing out on the parental love on display in that show. It had been many hours since David had begun his work in the kitchen occasionally he'd get a break while he waited on one thing or another to bake or cook and would sit in the dining room watching Tommy as Tommy watched TV, he was enjoying the sight of Tommy totally enraptured by the child's programming, dinner time was drawing near when David got just such a small break and this time saw Tommy watching bluey, he noticed Tommy seemed to be crying, cheeks wet with tears and an occasional sniffle. David wasn't sure what was going on, if he should come to the boys side or not, but he couldn't help feeling needed, like he must, and so he went to Tommy and sat besides him, he had a bit before he had to return to the kitchen anyway. David: "Heyyyy what's wrong little guy? is everything OK?" David reached out to Tommy's back and rubbed gently, massaging his back. Tommy: "Oh sorry, ya it's stupid I know, just watching this show and it reminded me of my own upbringing a bit, not in a good way, it's stupid I shouldn't bring it up, it's not your burden." David: "Hey now, number one don't apologize for your feelings, there's no shame in having feelings, you aren't a robot you're a human, be proud to feel even when it's sadness, and for two it isn't stupid, if it means something to you then it is meaningful, not stupid, it doesn't matter if it means something to other people or not, your life is your own experience, not theirs, and for three it's my decision what I consider to be meaningful or stupid to myself, and I say you are not stupid, and what you are going through is not stupid, and I want to know you, I want to understand what you are feeling and why, furthermore I want to know more about your upbringing anyway, I've been wanting to ask for a while but I didn't want to pry, so no it's not stupid to me, it's meaningful to me, if you are willing to share it." Tommy had never been spoken to like this, no one had ever been invested in Tommy before, he nearly cried anew just at the sheer compassion of it. Tommy: "OK well, maybe it's not stupid but it's not happy, it's just whining, you don't want to hear whining do you." David: "Sometimes whining is exactly what a human needs to do, if at some point someone told you they 'don't want to hear any whining' that's not a problem with you whining, that's a problem with them listening, what they really meant is they don't want to listen, you just needed to find someone better, someone who does want to hear you, and Tommy I do want to hear you, I think I'm a good listener and I want to hear all about it, so how bout this lets start simple, can you just tell me what about this show caused you to get sad?" Tommy: "Well, I never knew my Father, mom says he left when I was born, she couldn't or wouldn't ever tell me why or where he went or if he is even still alive, so I never got to have a dad like bluey has, I didn't think I was missing out on all that much but this show is kinda making me feel like I was wrong about that, bluey and her sister are just so happy and I see that and I realize I was not so happy as a kid, even my mom wasn't much of a mom, she could have been more of a Mother, I thought I'd gotten past all this when I moved out but I guess it's like an anchor locked to my ankle weighing me down, and I just don't know it's there until some shows like this brings the envy to the surface and shines a light on the weight." David had just been rubbing Tommy's back this whole time listening patiently, not really even sure of what to say David: "Thank you for opening up to me Tommy, I'm sorry you had such a rough childhood, you're a good boy you know, you definitely deserve a loving Father and Mother, and in their absence I'm happy to take care of you, maybe I can fill a little bit of that void if you will let me, I know that may be strange since we've only known each other some months now, but I really feel like I've gotten close to you in that time, it's up to you how close you want to be to me, but I promise you I am all open arms when it comes to you, you come as close to me as you are comfortable doing, anytime." At this David pulled Tommy in for a hug. Tommy absorbed David's words, eyes a bit watery, and returned David's hug, they embraced for a moment before a beep came from the kitchen, David ignored it for a moment, then spoke. OK I better get that or the turkey will be black and crunchy. Tommy giggled a bit and let David go. Tommy realized he hadn't even mentioned needing a dry diaper, at this point he rationalized, it's about dinner time, may as well stay in it until bedtime anyway. Tommy continued watching bluey with a new perspective, rather then feeling red envy he decided to try instead to be happy for bluey, to be happy for all the families out there watching this show who might learn a lesson or two from it. David meanwhile was just preparing dinner, setting platter after platter onto the dining table, filling it out completely. When there was no more space he left some items in the kitchen on the counters, he prepared two plates with a mixture of all the options he could fit onto a plate, and set the plates out on the table, a big bottle of milk besides one of them. David: "OK Tommy it's time! Come on and have yourself a thanksgiving dinner!" At hearing David's invite, Tommy turned off the TV, before it could suck in his attention any further, he stood and waddled to the dining room and gasped, he'd never seen so much food at one time in his life, (not counting the buffet at a restaurant.) Tommy: "Just how many people are you inviting over!!!" David: "Silly you know better, this is just for us of course!" Tommy: "David that's wasteful! there's no way we can eat all this!" David: "Well no of course not Tommy not all tonight! We are gonna stuff ourselves with as much as we can and put the rest in the fridge, you can microwave the leftovers anytime you want until they are gone, you have about a week for most items before they go bad so better keep at it if you don't want to be wasteful! We'll be having left overs for breakfast and for dinner until it's all ate!" Huh, Tommy had heard of giant thanksgiving feasts but he'd never been party to one, he always assumed the massive amounts of food was something to do with families having massive get togethers, lots of food but also lots of people to eat it all. he'd never thought the concept of gorging oneself was this literal! Maybe David just had his own ideas about thanksgiving, Tommy felt a renewed sense of disappointment in himself that he'd gotten himself locked into these mittens just in time for thanksgiving, all this food and he'd have to sit there and let David feed it to him if he wanted any, and he did want a lot of it, it smelled great. David: "There's lots of options we have honey baked ham, a full sized stuffed turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, green been casserole, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, fried chicken wings, salad, brussel sprouts with toasted pecans, stuffing, buttered corn on the cob, roasted butternut squash, beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lambs, rams, hogs, dogs, chicken, turkey, rabbit, home made pecan pie, home made key lime pie, apple pie, there's even some home made mac and cheese!!!!" David was clearly very excited, Tommy hadn't seen him grinning this widely ever before. Tommy: "Uh but.... why?! I mean, I'd be happy with just a couple sandwiches or something! this is such overkill!" David: "That's kinda the point Tommy! Thanksgiving is about STUFFING yourself! and I mean I guess some people say it's like about family and all that too but hey, you and me are all the family we need, so let's be stuffed family, dig in!" At this Tommy simply held up his mittens. David: "Oh, right!, of course, well sit down and I'll help you dig in!" David just kept wearing that big ole smile. Tommy sat down and David went back to the kitchen, then returned behind Tommy, suddenly draping something over his head and down to his chest securing it behind his neck, it was of course a bib. Tommy: "Hey! I don't need a bib! if a mess is made it's you doing it! not me!" David: "That's very true, and with this much food I very well may spill indeed so I just wanna protect your pretty sleeper OK? Just wear it for me, would you? so I don't have to fret about spilling?" Tommy harrumphed but tolerated it, he looked down, the bib had a pocket, it was some kind of solid rubbery material, there was paw patrol pups and various related motifs all over it. Tommy couldn't help feeling a bit of a flutter in his chest at the paw patrol theme, at least it was something he liked he thought. David took a seat up against Tommy and began feeding him, he'd ask Tommy which food he wanted and at first Tommy really couldn't decide, so David started with a bite of each, a bit of turkey a bit of casserole, etc, he made Tommy sample everything even the deserts, then Tommy was more clear in what he liked best, they continued this way David would occasionally hold the bottle up for him to wash things down with, Tommy just sitting there being fed the whole while, occasionally David would grab a bite from his own plate, but getting Tommy fed quickly was priority to David, he wanted Tommy to have a good experience, even despite the mittens, eventually Tommy was full but David kept coming back with more spoon fulls or fork fulls, he told David no more but David would push. David: "Oh come on Tommy we have so much food here, you sure you can't take one more bite?" Holding the bite to his lips the whole time, Tommy would open his mouth to speak and say no but it was too late, the food had entered the opening, and he was chewing yet again, this went on until he felt he was going to burst and finally said through a full mouth "enough! I can't take anymore I'm gonna burst!" David: "good!! that's what thanksgiving is like for most people! they get to the bursting point before they stop, I'm so glad to be able to give you this experience, OK Tommy you are freed! You can go back to the couch now if you want, lay down and I'll set your bottle with you. Tommy: "No bottle please I'm toooooo full!" David chuckled, he knew Tommy meant it if he was refusing a bottle, David could tell that Tommy had come to love his bottles. David: "OK I'll just put it on the coffee table you can get to it whenever you want, it's over half empty you can probably finish it pretty easy you know, I'm sure you don't want to waste all that milk right?" David leaned over and removed the bib from Tommy's neck, only a little food had fallen into its pocket. Tommy sighed, he just got up and went to the couch without responding. David set the bottle on the coffee table and went to finish his own plate, then he went about cleaning up everything, first putting all the leftovers into Tupperware or seranwrapping platters stuffing it all into his fridge, then he went about cleaning dishes and pans and pots and spatulas etc. Meanwhile, Tommy kept glaring at his bottle, it's true he didn't want to waste it, but he thought he might get sick if he downed anything else, suddenly he let out a big burp, the relief that brought made him second guess his fullness, he figured he could at least get down the volume that was just burped up, and so with effort he squeezed the bottle between his mittens and wiggled his way into the couch reclined on his back at a comfortable angle and tried his hardest to hold his bottle up and finish it off, it'd slip from his mitts occasionally and hit his chest and he'd try again, eventually he finished the bottle and resumed his focus onto the TV, bluey still playing some kind of marathon. David eventually joined him on the couch. David: "I thought I'd bring you a fresh bottle but then thought better of it, you're probably too full yeah?" Tommy felt conflicted, he liked his bottles so much he felt he wanted another, but he knew he was definitely to full to even begin nursing again right now. Tommy: "Yeah too full, maybe later." David: "OK well there's one in the bottle warmer waiting for you whenever you want it." Tommy was bloated! They lounged on the couch awhile, eventually Tommy felt his bladder had once again filled, the urgency was becoming uncomfortable, with David so near Tommy considered for a moment if he should have David take the diaper off now, but bedtime was drawing near so surely he'd just immediately be put into his bedtime diaper anyway, and what difference would it make to wet this one now, it's already wet, surely it can handle more. But Tommy wasn't sure he wanted to wet it right next to David like this, both on the couch, at least Tommy was huddled under his bwankie, he rationalized. He tried not to move or do a potty dance, he just held still and tried to control his breathing, he thought back to what had helped him before, the ocean waves, he kept his eyes open on the TV, but he was daydreaming, thinking about the ocean waves, the sound of them, crashing and lapping at the beach, and then he felt his diaper growing warmer, he had released again this time much easier than last time, he hadn't even had to shift positions, he could feel the wetness cascading down his groin to his bottom before getting soaked up, the front was too spent to do much but there was still plenty of absorbency left in the rear, he just stayed in his reclined position and let it happen. He had to admit to himself it felt nice to just let the bladder go and not have to run off to the bathroom every time. a discomfort released just as quickly as it had arrived. He pondered if this could be considered a form of luxury. More time went by and David looked over, noticing Tommy zoned out on the TV with a mitten partly in his mouth, it wouldn't fit, but he was suckling at the corner of the mitten, seemingly unaware he was doing it, David felt bad to have taken his thumbs from him after suggesting into his mind the thumb sucking urges, but he had a plan for that, he would reveal at bedtime. Speaking of which David looked at his watch. David: "Looks likes it's about bedtime buddy." Tommy: "Ya but I don't have school tomorrow and you certainly don't have work so why not stay up a while longer?" David: "hmmmmmmmmmmm, I don't know, it's important for boys to keep to their circadian rhythm." Tommy: "Come on please? Just another hour or two?" David "1 hour then, that's it." At that David moved closer to Tommy and put his arm over his shoulders, Tommy didn't mind, the closeness felt good." after an hour and a half David checked his watch. David: "OK that's an hour up, more than that even, come on lets get you to bed." Tommy grumbled a bit, but got up and waddled a very swollen waddle up the stairs into his room forgetting for a moment the rule to bathe, and thus rerouting to the bathroom, standing there waiting. David was not far behind, he went through the same routine with Tommy as he had for the prior bath, the same steps, all identical, by keeping to the same routine Tommy would find it easier every time, until it became normalized, second nature, effortless. After the bath in Tommy's bedroom the routine was again much the same as before, David went down to the kitchen and came back with the fresh bottle so Tommy could drink it while he was being diapered, after being diapered and redressed into a new clean sleeper this one was dark blue and had glowing ufo's and aliens all over it. (Tommy noted David sure had a lot of these) David then grabbed Tommy wrists, setting the bottle aside. David: "We have to change out those mittens they gotta be dirty by now, especially with a little drool eh? it's OK I got another pair here we will swap them and I'll clean your hands while I'm at it, I can wash the dirty mitts overnight." David pulled out something from his pocket, it was red, it had a flat end that had a black bottom side, it was roughly the size of a cherry, and looked like plastic, David held the flat end against the knob locking the mittens onto Tommy's wrist and the knob clicked and came loose, it was like magic, just the proximity of the 'cherry' to the knob was all it took for it to unlock itself. David: "It's a magnet, designed with just the right dimensions and strength to be able to unlock these locking cuff links, think of it as just another key really." David took off Tommy's mittens and let him set down the squishy balls. David: "How's that feel, your fingers stiff or hurting?" Tommy: "Nah they're fine, I was able to squeeze those little balls whenever I wanted and that kinda exercised my fingers anytime I needed to, though I couldn't straighten them out totally so it's nice to do that even if just for a moment, it does seem a bit harder to totally straighten them." David: "Ya that ll happen, don't worry it wears off in minutes, but you'll find that out at the end of the week, for now lets scrub your hands here." David wiped Tommy's hands down with rubbing alcohol and paper towels, then he wiped them down with a wet rag, then he dried them with a dry rag. David: "That should do it, do they feel all dry?" Tommy shook them about a little bit. Tommy: "Ya they're dry." David: "OK here you go, clean ones. David handed Tommy two squishy balls again, new ones, the others clearly were going to the wash, then David pulled a new pair of identical mittens out of a drawer in the changing table and pulled them onto Tommy's hands, locking them at the wrist, just the same as last time. David also pulled something else out the drawer, he grabbed Tommy's sleeper at the chest and clipped something onto it, it had a strap, David grabbed the other end of the strap and pushed it to Tommy's mouth, reflexively he opened his mouth and took it in, at first he felt he was nursing a bottle again but nothing was coming out, he patted his face with a mitten and felt nothing there but plastic pressed against his lips, like a curved tiny plate, oh! he thought, it's pacifier! he groaned and spit it out! Tommy: "Hey I don't need a pacifier!" David: "The drool spot on those last mittens disagrees, so does your pillow case, your bed sheets, your blanket, face it buddy you need something to suck if it's not a bottle and the thumb is trapped then use the pacifier, that's what they are made for, it's more sanitary then sucking on random fabric, better for the fabric that way too! I still have to change out your pillow case and bed sheets cause of that, I think that can wait till tomorrow though, I'll wash your blanket while I'm at it." Tommy blushed at the acknowledgment of his suckling problem, it had been unspoken until now, and now he'd been given a pacifier to help manage it. He couldn't argue the logic, if he was gonna be sucking on things it may as well be a pacifier, how much worse could that be then a thumb anyhow. David then pulled yet another item out of the tables drawers, he turned a knob on it and it clicked and a green led lit up, Tommy recognized it. Tommy: "A baby monitor?! Seriously?!" David: "Remember this morning Tommy? You couldn't open the door? The mittens wouldn't let you turn the knob, this is my solution! See I told you I had a way to solve that, I will keep the other end on me at all times, if at anytime you need out of your room just call for me and it will wake me up and I'll come open the door for you, don't be afraid to call me I don't mind being woken, I have plenty of free time each day to nap whenever I want! unless you'd rather we just keep the door open? but even if we did that a breeze could close it and then you'd be stuck." Tommy blushed but realized this was entirely practical, he didn't like the idea of waking David but if that's what it took, Tommy didn't like sleeping with his door open, it made him uneasy. And he didn't want to be stuck if it got closed somehow, so he decided to just put up with the monitor. David set the monitor on the table besides Tommy's bed, and grabbed it's receiver from a drawer clipping it onto his belt. David then grabbed Tommy's armpits and lifted him off the table setting his feets onto the floor, Tommy waddled over and climbed into bed, David had to help hold the sheets open, then tucked Tommy in real tight, he grabbed the bottle and held it for Tommy while he nursed it and closed his eyes, he was asleep before it was finished, David just kept holding it, and Tommy kept nursing it between snores, once the bottle was empty David put the pacifier to Tommy's lips, and he of course took it without hesitation, suckling it contentedly while he slept, David left the room and decided to update the ocean whispers the whispers now spoke: "When I feel an emotion I will let it out. It's OK to cry. I like wearing my mittens, they are very comfortable. I like being fed by others, it feels like love. They must love me, or they wouldn't bother to feed me. When they feed me I can feel the warmth of their love flowing through my whole body. When they hold my bottle for me it feels so comfortable, so loving. I enjoy being fed food and bottles. My mittens make sure I get more feedings and thus more love. It is so hard to feed myself, sometimes I forget how to do it. Sometimes I spill my food on myself or on the ground whenever I try to feed myself. I know I can't spill when someone else feeds me instead. It's much better to be fed then to feed myself. I like my blanket. My blanket likes to be called bwankie. Cartoons are more fun then other shows. I like cartoons. I like children's shows. I like cutesy prints. There's nothing wrong with liking the things I like. If it's harmless and makes me happy then it is worthwhile. I like my pacifier. Suckling my pacifier is just as nice as suckling my thumb. Sometimes it's even better cause then I have both hands free. My pacifier is my friend. My pacifier protects me. The shield on my face helps to hide me. People don't notice me as easily when the shield is hiding me. I don't even notice the pacifier is there sometimes. I get so used to having it there it just feels normal to suck my pacifier. There's no reason to hide it. I am proud of my pacifier. People are jealous of my pacifier. They don't have pacifiers cause their Dada's didn't love them enough to give them one. My Dada loves me so he gave me this pacifier. Sometimes when I sleep I get a discomfort in my bottom. When that happens I just puuuush it out and feel all better. Anytime I get a pressure in my bottom I will just puuuuuush it out. It's OK to puuuush it out, I can puuuush it out anytime I want. It won't hurt, it's good for me, and it makes daddy happy. When I puuuuush it out I am a good boy. Because puuuuushing it all out is what good boys do." This would repeat on loop all night every night from then on. David wrapped up his evening, did his shower and other needs and went to bed. In the morning the routine went as usual, Tommy woke up and found the pacifier was in his mouth, he couldn't remember putting it there, but he was glad for it since it meant he had not sucked on his pillow or bed sheets or anything, he did also have a wet diaper as always, it was not poopy, Tommy went to open the door and as his mitten hit the knob his groggy mind remembered that was not an option, he turned to the monitor and couldn't believe he had to do this, he groaned. Tommy: "David?! I'm up! I wanna go down for breakfast now please?!?" The pacifier fell from his mouth as he spoke, hanging from the clip to his chest. He took a closer look at it this time, noticing for the first time it's details, it was slightly transparent but had a green color to it, the button portion had a picture of a diapered baby bugs bunny on it, it seemed bigger then a baby's pacifier, the nipple was bigger and longer and the button and shield was bigger too, probably sized for a larger special needs kid like David's nephew, or like Tommy he realized. Right away Tommy could hear David coming up the stairs, he opened the door for him. David: "Good morning sleepy head! You sure slept in! I think we should not have stayed up late last night, it's nearly noon already! Gonna be tough to fix your schedule tonight." Tommy hadn't bothered to notice the time, he had no alarm today, nothing to do, just relax, sleeping in had been nice, but Tommy was surprised it was almost noon. Tommy and David went down the stairs to breakfast, they of course ate leftovers, Tommy wearing the feeding bib, and David feeding Tommy as had become the new usual. Tommy was more than used to it, he was starting to enjoy it, no longer blushing at all, not hesitating to open wide at each bite, even smiling occasionally, David loved to see him so totally taking to the suggestions, nearing the end of the meal Tommy felt a pressure in his bottom, it felt like only a toot, so without thinking about it, by reflex, he leaned forward to lift his bottom a bit and puuuuushed it all out, as he sat back he felt the mush on his bottom, he gasped! David: "What's the matter Tommy?" Tommy didn't want to admit it, but he knew the smell would give him away any second now anyway, better to come clean first. Tommy: "I can't believe I just did that, I thought it was just a fart! David I pooped!" David chuckled heartily. David: "Oh good boy! is that all! Silly Tommy, it's perfectly normal to need to poo when filling up on food, the fact you don't have to hold it until after you finish is a bonus really, it's OK really don't worry about it, you go ahead and take full advantage of that bonus." Tommy: "But David it's gross!" David: "Nah it's only a bit of poop, it's fully contained in your diaper it's not going anywhere, just don't pay attention to it and I'm sure you'll forget it's there in moments, come now lets finish eating and I'll get you all cleaned up after, it's bath time anyhow so really it's doesn't even matter, it's probably better this way to get all the poop out now rather than dealing with it after the bath." Once again David seemed to have immovable rationalizing, Tommy could only sit there in his poopy diaper while David kept pushing spoons and forks past his lips, he wanted to protest more but David hadn't given him the chance, keeping the food coming at a pace to prevent talking, and besides that Tommy wasn't totally committed that he even had any protests left to give, David's points seemed plenty valid, Tommy still couldn't believe he'd done that, how had that happened? he hadn't even known he'd done it at first! was he just not paying attention? he wasn't sure now, he couldn't remember the moment well, it was just a lean forward to toot, and then he felt the mush, the act itself was not a memory, there was a momentary gap in his recall, like the act hadn't even been worth remembering. Like when you've done something so routine you don't pay close enough attention to the minutiae to remember the details of how you did it this time. David had finished feeding Tommy his food but his bottle of milk was still half full, Tommy hadn't realized it but David no longer gave Tommy orange juice, every bottle had been milk for some days now, David intended to keep it this way, Tommy loved his milk anyhow, he wasn't going to complain, David held the bottle to Tommy's lips, and he had to take it, he nursed and nursed all the while sitting in a wet overnight diaper that was now poopy, Tommy could tell he hadn't gotten it all out, he still felt pressure in his bottom that still seemed like just a toot, but he wasn't gonna strain to get it out right now, now that he knew it was likely going to be more poo. Once the bottle was finished Tommy stood up. David: "OK head to the bathroom for your bath I'll be there in a minute." Right as Tommy stood up the pressure in his bottom felt so unwanted, like he just suddenly had to get it out, like when you have a fart that aches, you just can't hold it anymore, Tommy pushed without thinking, he just puuuushed and got it all out, David watched this fascinated, David had only started the messing suggestions last night and already Tommy was taking right to it, he was very pleased. Tommy finished and stood still for a moment, shocked at what he'd just done, he'd pooped yet again, he knew he had needed to go more but why couldn't he at least wait until he was upstairs out of sight? he just wanted it out so bad he just felt compelled to do it immediately. Tommy began rationalizing to sooth his hurt ego, Tommy thought 'the diaper was already poopy anyway, it was already about to come off for the bath anyway, it's going in the trash either way what's the difference if I pooed it now or minutes later, at least I don't have to carry that discomfort another minute for no reason.' He told himself this and then waddled away and up the stairs to the bathroom, his eyes were a bit watery at the shame and embarrassment he felt, David just sat there a moment smiling, a little stunned, and quite proud. David cleaned up the dishes leaving Tommy to wait in his poopy diaper for a few minutes, then made his way to the bathroom, he went straight to the tub and started it running to the same temp setting as last time, he grabbed Tommy's pacifier and unclipped it setting it aside on a counter, then unzipped Tommy's sleeper and tossed it to the corner, he then held Tommy's wrist and led him over to the vinyl topped padded bench in the side of the room, Tommy realized as he approached it this must be used like a smaller changing table, David lifted Tommy at the armpits and plopped him down on his messy bottom on the vinyl top. Tommy winced at the grossness of his bottom mushing under him, but he hated it less then he'd had the day prior, he was adjusting to it still. David guided Tommy to lay back, then David set a pack of baby wipes next to himself. David got to work unlocking the vinyl pants with his key, pulling them down Tommy's legs, tossing them to the dirty clothes pile, then taking off the Velcro strips of the cloth and pulling it down, lifting Tommy's legs by his ankles and then pulling it out from Tommy's bottom, he put Tommy back down and untapped the disposable, he pulled the front of the disposable open and began wiping up any poop he could find, placing the dirty wipes onto the open used diaper, once the wipes came clean he lifted Tommy's ankles again until his bottom was accessible and repeated the wiping there too, once all cleaned he pulled the diaper out from under Tommy and set Tommy's legs back down, he balled up the diaper, double bagged it, and tossed it aside, then grabbed Tommy's wrists and guided him to the bathtub. The wrists were attached to the hook as Tommy sat down in the water and the rest of the bathing experience went just like last time, once finished Tommy totally clean and dried and smelling like baby shampoo they made their way to the bedroom, the diapering process went just the same as yesterday, an extra thick overnight diaper a clean new cloth cover, fresh locking vinyl pants, and a new sleeper Tommy had not yet seen, it had footies like they all did, no mittens on this one since his mittens are already on his hands now, this fleece sleeper was black in some areas and white in other areas and it had a hood, Tommy could feel appendages on top of the hood of some kind.... David dressed Tommy then clipped the paci to Tommy's chest and put it to his lips, he accepted it without even thinking about it, and nursed it immediately, David lifted Tommy off the table and set him down on his feet, David went downstairs and Tommy went back to the bathroom, curious to see his hood, he looked in the bathroom mirror at himself, his hood had a little panda face, eyes and ears on it, with the color pattern Tommy realized his sleeper looked like a panda bear. Tommy also took notice of the pacifier in his mouth bobbing away, this pacifier had a panda on the button as well, Tommy felt like a baby, he looked like a baby, he'd pooped his diaper at breakfast like a baby, these thoughts whirled is his mind as he teared up, wondering what was happening to him, why was he turning into this, why did he seem so comfortable with it, he considered for a moment running away from all of this, stripping it all off refusing to do anymore of it even if it meant being kicked out broke, he looked at his babyfied self in the mirror and imagined what he'd look like homeless, dirty, starved, unloved, unhappy, he asked himself is this really so bad? is that alternative really better? he had to admit to himself there were aspects of this treatment he was enjoying, he often felt loved, comforted, like he was no longer alone in a lifetime of having been alone until now, he wiped his sniffles and teary eyes with his mittens then went downstairs, Tommy went to the couch, the TV was already on and tuned to blues clues. David went and made up a bottle of warm milk and brought it to the couch, he sat down and repeated the couch time feeding process, positioning Tommy into the nook of David's arm and David holding the bottle up for Tommy, Tommy had to spit out his paci first of course but then nursed away at the bottle contentedly. the earlier thoughts still rang in his head but the warmth and love he felt now from being fed by David this warm bottle of milk told him this was better, this was the right choice, he didn't hate this, it just embarrassed him sometimes. David: "Such a good little boy I've got on my hands here, such a good boy." Tommy writhed a little bit with the flood of warmth flowing through him, and kept nursing and smiling all the while. The day was a lazy day, they stayed on the couch, Tommy being feed bottles occasionally and loving every minute of it, whenever he had to pee he just let it happen, each time was a bit easier than the last, by the end of the day he no longer had to summon images of ocean waves or sounds, he could simply keep his focus on the TV and wet freely, it helped that David had been lacing his bottles with a certain drug, one he was able to manufacture himself in his laboratory, basically a muscle relaxant, designed to target the bladder sphincter, he didn't include enough to totally numb Tommy's bladder control, he just helped relax it some so Tommy could more easily embrace wetting freely for the day, Tommy got his diaper changed three more times during couch time, each change was performed on the carpet in front of the couch atop his portable changing pad from Tommy's diaper bag. Tommy just laid there and kept watching cartoons and drinking his bottle while his diaper was changed. At dinner time Tommy was again fed left overs by David's hand, and a bottle was held for him to wash it down with, they then had so more couch time until the time came that David got up and pulled Tommy up, he didn't say anything this time, he didn't need to, Tommy knew bath/bedtime was nearing, so he knew this must be it, Tommy just let David pull him to standing and David grabbed his wrist and walked Tommy up the stairs and into the bathroom without saying a word, they went through the same bath time routine as before, this time Tommy's diaper was soaked but not messy. After bath on the change table Tommy again had his mittens switched for the ones that just finished drying, his hands washed clean again in the switching process, he was re-diapered in the same two diaper combo and locking pants and this time David simply picked him up and carried him to his bed, holding him in a hug with Tommy's legs crossed around David's waist, David supported Tommy's bottom with his right hand, holding Tommy's back with his left hand, Tommy didn't complain, he was tired, it was easier for him then hoping down and waddling over to it. David tucked Tommy in, fed him the rest of the bottle he'd started on the table, and like a practiced habit Tommy was asleep before the bottle was finished but kept nursing it between snores, once it was empty David inserted Tommy's pacifier into Tommy's lips and left the room. The weekend arrived and the days went much the same with Tommy enjoying his break from school staying diapered for the day so he could nap freely on the couch, saturday after breakfeast Tommy was on the couch nursing a bottle as David held it for him when the urge to poo arrived, he recognized it this time but was trying to ignore it in favor of finishing his after breakfast bottle, he wasnt even half way through it when he realized he wasn't going to hold it any longer, he mumbled for David to remove the nipple which he did. Tommy: "David I have to poo can you please take me to the potty?" David: "Oh Tommy you just enjoy your bottle I'll change your diaper right after" Tommy: "But David I can make it this time I dont want to just poo the diaper on purpose!" David: "Tommy whats the difference? you've had quite a few poopy diapers now, whether its on purpose or not its still just a poopy diaper, it doesnt make any difference to me, I still have to change that diaper eventually one way or the other, its gonna be easier for me if you just poo it and relax and enjoy your bottle, I know its still a weird experience for you but it'll get easier if you let it, its only for the break, just enjoy every chance to relax you can, you only tomorrow left before it all ends anyway. now no more argueing just watch your cartoons, drink your bottle and let it all out, be a good boy for me Tommy" Tommy was conflicted, David shoved the nipple back into his mouth before he could protest any further, if Tommy wanted to force the issue it was clearly going to require conflict, Tommy didnt want to have conflict with David, he could tell David really didnt want to bother with a trip to the bathroom, it made sense in some way, changing the diaper here on the changing pad was less hassle then a trip to the bathroom, while Tommy was trying to rationalize all of this the pressure in his bottom was mounting, it had now reached a point where pushing was hardly necessarry and his will to hold it back had been erroded, and so Tommy relaxed and the mush flowed into the bottom of his diaper, he had to finish it off with a bit of a grunt to get the rest out, this made him blush as the smell hit him his blush deeped, he felt so humiliated to have done this in Davids arms, while being bottle fed, but this is what David had asked him to do he told himself, if David insists on changing poopy diapers then fine, better then arguing and fighting him over it, its not like Tommy hadnt already experienced some poopy diapers by now, this was just one more. so Tommy relaxed now emptied and worked on emptying the bottle tryint to ignore the smell as he did so. When the bottle was over true to his word David changed him right away, Tommy just kept his eyes on the cartoons while he was changed. The rest of the day went much like a new routine, the next day Sunday Tommy found himself in the same sittuation, Tommy was on the couch nursing his after breakfast bottle in Davids arms when he felt the need to poo again, he recalled how yesterday had gone and decided it was pointless to try and arguee it again, so without bothering to hold it he pushed and pushed until it was all in his diaper, and kept right on nursing his bottle the whole while, David couldnt have been more proud, Tommy was blushing through it again of course but much less so, it was beginning to feel almost normal. That night, Tommy dreamed he was on the beach by the ocean, all his sea life friends were there, even his favorite paw patrol pups were there, they looked a bit different, more like real pups, but he knew it was them, they played in the sand for what felt like hours, making castles and mountains out of the sand, running around in and out of the surf, at one point Tommy found himself in a region of deeper looser sand, he sank in it to his knees, he struggled to step out of it, straining and grunting, he fell forwards onto his hands, the sand was up to his elbows and beyond his knees to his middle thigh, he crawled and crawled against the sand grunting and pushing, and he felt a discomfort in his lower half as he did this, and so he kept crawling, trying to crawl away from the deeper sand and away from the discomfort, he finally felt himself breaking free from the deep sand landing on the harder pack and crawling away, he was able to stand up and get back to playing, the rest of his dream what uneventfully. When Tommy woke he felt deeply refreshed, he hadn't tossed at all in the night, he'd slept straight through, though now that he was awake he was aware of a stench, he wondered what was bringing that on, he sat up legs over the side of the bed and felt his diaper squish like it always did in the morning, though this time it was much squishier in the bum then usual, he stood up and then felt a weight on his bottom, a sticky kind of weight, it finally dawned on him, he'd pooped his diaper in his sleep! he couldn't believe himself! he immediately looked to his bed fearful he'd made a mess out of it, but of course the bed was fine, not a mark on it, his diaper had contained it all just as it was designed to do. Tommy stood still for a moment ready to cry, what is wrong with me he thought, now I'm pooping in my sleep? How could this happen?! I slept right through it! Tommy sniffled a little, then called out for David Tommy: "Daviiiiid? haaaaalp!" David ran to Tommy's room, opening the door and immediately smelling Tommy's poopy diaper. He saw the water works building in Tommy's eyes and knew Tommy was upset about this new turn of events. David: "Oh Tommy it's OK, come here buddy." David crossed the room and took Tommy in a hug, rubbing his back as he did so, Tommy just let himself be absorbed into a hug, crying a little. Tommy: "I don't know what happened! I just woke up and the room stank and I can feel there is poo in my diaper I didn't do it! I don't remember doing it! How could this happen while I sleep! I've never done this before I swear!" David: "I know Tommy it's OK, maybe you just had a stomach bug or something, maybe your body is just really liking the diapers and felt there was no point holding it? You know it's not healthy to hold that stuff in any way, did you at least sleep good?" Tommy: "Yeah I guess so, I slept straight through I don't remember waking up or rolling over once." David: "There you see? your body just wanted to get some really good sleep, it knew you had a diaper on so it just let it out so you could keep sleeping really well! there's no harm here Tommy, you got better sleep and that diaper is just going in the trash either way anyhow, really it makes sense you should just use it as much as you can as soon as you can, better for your health and your sleep that way!" Tommy didn't like hearing this, but he also felt relieved that David didn't mind having a bed pooper for a tenant, Tommy figured David was used to this kind of thing from his nephew and that would explain why David was not only tolerant of it but even supportive of it, it made Tommy feel better to think that thanks to this Tommy wouldn't have to worry about David judging him or wanting to kick him out or something over it, heck David was even hugging Tommy rubbing his back and comforting him over it, if anything it seemed this sort of stuff just brought David closer to him, it did not push David away, Tommy was OK with that, David was so nice, so loving. Tommy was thrilled to have someone showing him love. So with these thoughts Tommy decided not to let a poopy diaper bother him, it wasn't his first, and he was starting to figure it probably wasn't going to be the last, he may as well accept it, it didn't hurt him, just his ego, and egos aren't good for anything. David: "Don't worry about it Tommy, lets just get on with our day OK? Come on down and let's eat breakfast." Tommy: "In a poopy diaper? can't I get out of it first?" David: "Tommy you ate breakfast in a poopy diaper just on Friday it didn't hurt you none then." Tommy: "That was different, that happened in the middle of breakfast! I just let you finish feeding me the rest, so we could be done and go take it off! I don't wanna stay in it the entire breakfast!" David: "You've been in it this long it's not gonna hurt you to wait a bit longer, besides breakfast is ready now. if we wait any longer you'll be eating it cold, you don't want that I'm sure, come on it's a diaper it's meant to hold poopies as long as it needs to, we'll go finish our breakfast as quickly as possible then I'll get you all cleaned up!" Tommy: "It really doesn't bother you? Me smelling like poop?" David: "It really doesn't bother me, not one bit, in fact, I think it's cute, it makes you a real cutie, and besides, using your diaper the way they are meant to be used just makes you a good boy, I like when you are a good boy, come on now." As Tommy relished the flood of warmth through his system David grabbed his wrist and walked him out the door down the stairs and to the dining table, he directed Tommy to sit on a chair and sat up next to Tommy and proceeded to feed him more leftovers from thanksgiving, Tommy didn't like sitting down in the poopy diaper, but he had to admit what did it matter anymore anyway, more and more Tommy was learning to just live with it, he tried his best to tune out the sensations and the stink, and sure enough by about midway through the meal he had momentarily forgotten he was poopy, everything was just ordinary routine then, until breakfast ended, and he stood up, the sensations reminding him of it, he shook off the feeling of disgust and moved on with his day, heading to the bathroom and waiting, David arrived, and they repeated the bathing process just like they had the other day, cleaning his bottom on the vinyl top before guiding him to the tub etc. Once back into Tommy's room David had a choice for Tommy to make. David: "OK Tommy, it's back to school today, now, I know you probably want to go back to pull-ups now, and that's fine of course, but after you've been in diapers the last 5 days you might be at risk of an accident or two, just because your body was getting used to them and it takes a bit to retrain it back to holding that nasty stuff inside all over again, you might be fine of course but I think you might want to wear a diaper just in case." Tommy: "NO David! I can't wear diapers to college! that's so ridiculous if someone finds out I'll be the laughingstock of the school!" David: "Tommy no one cares at that school, trust me, there are plenty of students there wearing diapers pooping themselves freely, you'd be quite surprised how common place it is, but if you don't want to wear a diaper that's fine, you take your chances, you're a big boy I'm sure you're right you can probably hold it just fine, but if you do have an accident just remember it's OK, it's not your fault, don't feel bad about it, you can call me if you need help and I'll be there in roughly 5 minutes, I move quicker then a bus." Tommy giggled a bit at that. Tommy: "Ya I don't need diapers, these past 5 days was just cause I was staying on the couch napping, I'll be just fine!" David: "OK well just in case if you do have an accident check your back pack I'll have some emergency supplies for you in there." Tommy just rolled his eyes. With that David held out one of Tommy's pull-ups for him to step into, then his jeans and his shirt, his clothes had begun to get saggy, loose, Tommy's belt had to be fastened on a tighter notch then usual, Tommy didn't seem to notice. When Tommy got to the door to put his shoes on David pulled out the 'key' and took off Tommy's mittens. David: "Remember when you get home you stay right here at the door until I get the mittens back on you!" Tommy: "Yes OK I know." Tommy put his shoes on. Tommy: "My shoes are getting loose, I think they must be getting old or something, there's space in front of the toes that wasn't there before." David: "Oh, hmm ya they are probably just getting old, we'll have to do something about that later, for now you get to school." Tommy went to his bus and to school, his hands freed for the first time, he was back to suckling his thumb on the bus ride, he didn't care anymore, even when he noticed it was in his mouth he just let it stay there and kept suckling away, when Tommy got off the bus he had to pee, like always his breakfast bottle had run through him by the time he'd reached school, like usual he ran for the bathroom nearest his first class, as he ran down the halls he felt warmth on his crotch, he looked down and realized he was peeing while running! he tried to stop it and managed to but not without effort, not without the damage already being done, he kept running and when he reached the bathroom he lost control again as he entered into the room, by the time he was in a stall taking his pants off the pull-up was soaked it had even leaked onto his pants, there was a giant wet spot on his pants in the legs, the pattern was clearly a leaky pull-up, some pee even made it into his right shoe, he pulled down the drenched pull-up to his ankles and sat on the toilet and emptied out but there wasn't much left by that point, he groaned and sniffled and tried not to cry, David was right! I did have an accident! I haven't even gotten to my first class and my pants are already wet! David had stopped giving Tommy the bladder relaxant the night before, it should be out of his system by now, this accident was all Tommy's own doing, Tommy then remembered what David said about "emergency supplies" he opened his backpack, nothing in there but the usual books etc, then Tommy looked in his lunch bag, the paw patrol backpack, crammed in there he found the overalls from his closet, and a pull up. Tommy also found in his paw patrol backpack a packet of baby wipes, and a plastic bag, he took off his shoes and socks one of which was wet, and the pull-up, and put the socks and jeans into the plastic bag and tied it off, shoving it into his backpack. He wiped himself down with baby wipes from his feet to his legs to his crotch and bottom, and tossed the wipes into the used pull-up on the floor, he grabbed the clean pull-up and stared at it, like the last one it had paw patrol characters on it, he couldn't help smiling, he was glad to see his favorite cartoons on something he'd have to wear, he stepped into the pull up and pulled it up his legs, settling it into his crotch, it crinkled a little, he pulled on the overalls adorned also with paw patrol character patches, having just a t shirt and pull-up inside the overalls felt exposed in some way, it did nothing to hide the subtle crinkle of the pull up whenever he moved, he put on his shoes without socks, wincing as his right foot squished a little, he zipped up his bags balled up the used pull-up and took it to the trash can, washed his hands and headed for class, he was really late for his first class this time, it was normal for him to get there a little late but this had to be the record, he entered the room and the professor stopped talking, glaring at him while he took his seat, blushing all the while. The professor resumed speaking. Near the end of class students were reading a section they'd been instructed to read when the bell went off, the second it stopped Tommy's teacher spoke up. Professor mustache: "Thomas pickleson! please see me after class." Tommy gulped, he sat still until the other students had filed out, then approached his professor. Tommy: "You wanted to see me sir?" Mustache: "Thomas! You are always late to my class! Today you were nearly 20 minutes late!" Tommy was sure that had to be an exaggeration, but he wasn't going to argue. Tommy: "I'm sorry sir, I had to run to the bathroom, I usually do when I get off the bus, and there's not much time to squeeze that in between the bus ride and the start of class." Mustache: "The bathroom? I had expected a better excuse then that! if your bathroom habits are going to interfere with my class and the learning of my other students then that is an unacceptable problem! You need to find a solution that gets you to class on time, I won't have these interruptions every day any longer! It isn't fair to the other students! they didn't come here to watch you saunter in the door long after they've already gotten here and taken their seats!" Tommy felt completely berated, he felt bad that he might have had a negative impact on the other students. Tommy: "Yes sir, I'll figure something out, I promise." Mustache: "You better, cause if you're not here on time tomorrow then do not enter, I don't want that door opening after I've begun the class!" Tommy: "Yes sir I'll be on time I promise!" Professor Mustache waved Tommy off, seemingly dismissing him. Tommy turned and walked away, a slight crinkling as he did so, the professors ears perked up in the now otherwise totally empty and silent room, the sound stood out, he glared at Tommy's bum as he walked away, the gears turning in his head... Lunchtime eventually arrived and Tommy sat in his usual corner of the cafeteria, and began trying to eat his lunch, he found it much more difficult then he'd remembered, first his sandwich fell apart in his hands as he tried to smash them into his mouth, pieces and globs falling onto his shirt, then the mixed fruit he found he couldn't pinch it in his fingers without them slipping out, so instead he grabbed onto them in his palm mashing them with a full fist into his mouth, the juices getting all over his face, he wasn't sure why it was suddenly so difficult to feed himself, but he was sure making a mess out of it, the juice box was it's usual battle and eventually he finished lunch, with quite a bit of it on him instead of in him, his next class went fine and then the last class came, half-way through the last class he realized he had forgotten to use the bathroom, he usually forced himself to go to the rest room before this class because it was a long 90 minute class and even though he didn't usually feel the need when the class began he was always bursting by the end of it if he hadn't forced himself to empty out just before entering. Today he'd forgotten, the long 3-day break had broken his routine, the accident this morning and the pull-up had set his mind out of the rhythm as well, now he still had 45ish minutes left in the class and his bladder was rapidly filling with his lunchtime giant juice box. The last time he had tried to get up to go to the bathroom from this class it had drawn the professors attention, who in turn had put the whole classes attention onto Tommy, Tommy didn't want to go through that again, especially with all these food stains on his shirt he was aware of, he was embarrassed about it, so he stayed seated trying to make it to the end of class, it didn't take long for Tommy's bladder to overwhelm him and burst a flood into his pull up, he sat there holding still praying it would hold, and no one could tell he was peeing himself in class, he had held on as strong as he could, but he just lost control unexpectedly, he felt he was still clenching even as it flooded out of him, like his clenching just was no longer strong enough to stop the flood gates. Near as he could tell from his sitting position it seemed the pull up had held up, but it was definitely soaked, it felt sodden, it was much different then the diapers of yesterday, those didn't feel so sodden like this, they handled wettings much better, Tommy was a bit grossed out by how it felt, for just a moment he found himself wishing it was a diaper instead, so he wouldn't have to worry about any of this anymore. Tommy had to fart, he'd been ignoring it for a bit now, his bladder was his main focus and the gas wasn't worth even thinking about, he figured he could just ignore it, he couldn't just fart right now the class room was too quiet at this moment, but the pressure was building, I must be really gassy today Tommy thought, he was sure it wasn't poo, it didn't feel solid, it only felt like gas, but he'd been wrong before, he was scared to be wrong again, but the pressure couldn't be ignored forever, he just kept seated and tried to hold it, all these potty troubles was distracting him from the professor, he was missing things, and he knew it, he hated that this was costing him learning, he hated that he was feeling such discomfort in his bottom right now, suddenly a faculty member of the school popped their head in a side door down near the professor, the professor looked over asking: "what is it?" the faculty member waved the professor over seemingly wanting a word in private. professor longhair: "uhm class talk amongst yourselves while I step away to see what the lady requires of me, you should discuss what we just went over in that last chapter." Then the professor left the room. The class all took a breath of relief relaxing from the strain of their focus, and chatted it up with their friends some of them instead just focusing on their books, Tommy figured now was a good time to run to the bathroom to try and pee any that remained, as Tommy leaned forward to grab his bags and stand that was all the strain required for his bottom to open up and a large mass of mush rapidly filled up the back of his pull up, he hadn't even finished standing by the time it was all out of him already, his eyes opened wide bulging out of his head, he couldn't believe that had just happened, he thought 'I could have sworn it was just a fart! I hadn't even decided to fart it just came out! oh my god! I just pooped my pants in the middle of class!' Tommy sat right back down, plopping onto his butt, as if that would help hide what had happened, regretting it as he felt it squish against his bottom, he sat there stiff as a board back straight staring straight ahead lost in thought, what was happening to him, he pooped the bed and then his pants in the middle of class! Hmm, perhaps pooping the bed had prevented him fully emptying, he rationalized, maybe I should have forced myself to empty out more on the toilet once that diaper came off, maybe that's why this happened, I still had to poop this morning I didn't get it all out and now it's caught up to me. All the rationalizing didn't change the fact he was now stuck in class in a poopy wet pull up, he was terrified, what if someone smells that's it's coming from me, what if I leak! I should get out of here immediately! But Tommy was scared to move, he sat still thinking if that was really the best option for another minute or two, when he decided to go for it the moment he shifted to get up the professor re-entered the room and the room immediately went silent, damn! he was stuck now, he sat back down into his muck, wincing a bit, the professor apologized for the interruption and launched straight back into his lecture, Tommy had no choice but to stay put, luckily class was near over anyhow, it was only a few more minutes before the bell rang, Tommy stayed put busying himself with his notes until the students had all left, he wanted to file out last, so no one could get a look at his bottom which must be bulging now he assumed, if not worse, if the pull up leaked then it will be totally obvious what's occurred. He was terrified to find out, once he was last out the door and packed his bags and speed walked/waddled out of the room. He waddled to his bus stop trying not to think about the state of his pants, he couldn't go to the restroom he didn't have any more spare pull-ups on him, he would have to just waddle with his used pull-up until he got home, as he stood there waiting for the bus, it did not come, he realized with dread the bus must have already arrived a few minutes early today, and because he had waited to leave class last, he had missed it, he would have to wait for the next one, during the 15-minute wait his bladder confirmed his earlier suspicion that it had not fully emptied, it's urgency had returned, he was wiggling in place doing a little potty dance trying to hold it, he didn't want to miss another bus, and he certainly didn't want to try going to a potty to have to deal with a pull up that was already messy, he'd just try to make it home where David could help him out. As he saw the bus turn onto his street in the distance Tommy's anxiety peaked and his bladder once again let loose against his will, again he was clenching and it was flowing out all the same! The pull-up was no match for a second wetting, the peepee leaked out the pull-ups leg holes soaking his overalls making very obvious dark wet patches on the sides of his pull up, it not only made it obvious he'd wet himself, it also was pretty obvious that it was a leaky pull-up or diaper, anyone familiar with the pattern of diaper leaks would recognize the wetness on his pants as being just that, Tommy was quickly openly crying, but he sniffled it up and tried to stop the bawling as the bus came to a stop, he had no choice, he'd have to board like this, he got on the bus and flashed his pass hoping to make it by the driver unnoticed, the driver did notice, he grabbed Tommy's wrist and swung him back around to get a look at his pants, he glared at Tommy's pee stain for a minute, seemingly figuring out the matter at hand, his initially gruff approach softened, he must be thinking Tommy is special needs to be having a leaky diaper like this. driver: "You poor thing, here you stand right here by me and hold on tight to this rail OK big guy? don't sit down please? OK? I just want you to stand right there." This was just like the last time this happened, Tommy recognized the bus driver just didn't want Tommy getting pee on his seats, but Tommy was struck by the difference in demeanor, the last time Tommy had wet pants on the bus the driver had been rather mean about it, a real rough harsh tone. But this time the driver was being so gentle so kind, even forgiving, Tommy was really glad for that, he was OK with that, if this was the worst of it then it isn't so bad, Tommy was still breaking down on the inside for sure, but this had helped a great deal to make it easier to stifle those tears for the time being until he could get off the bus and out of sight of the public, Tommy simply nodded at the bus driver and grabbed the rail, thumb popping from his mouth as he did, he hadn't even realized he was suckling his thumb, as the bus driver had studied him, no wonder he was being talked down to, Tommy realized then that if sucking his thumb made people more gentle with him he might just wanna do it more often... Tommy held the hand rail and stared ahead as the bus moved on towards his home, planting the other thumb in his mouth and suckling away, at one point during the short bus ride he felt his bladder once again want some release, he didn't even bother to hold it this time, what's the point, the damage was already done, it wasn't much, but he let it out without difficulty, expanding the wet spots on his overalls as he did, the bus got to his stop, and he hopped off and ran for his door, he threw the door open and ran to David, he didn't even take his shoes off, he was bawling now, David was on the couch but stood as soon as he detected the commotion, he embraced Tommy in a hug and rubbed his back. David: "Whoa! Hey little guy what's the big deal? what happened? Tell me what happened please?" David hadn't seen the wet spot, Tommy had run up to hug him too quickly. Tommy half sobbed half screamed. Tommy: "I don't know what happened! I just couldn't stop it! It happened so quickly! and it got all over my pants and I couldn't help it! why! why can't I stop it!" David could smell him by this point, he understood Tommy had pooped himself, and as likely comes with poo probably wet himself too, David understood he must have leaked on his clothing at school. David: "Oh Tommy it's OK, I did say you might have an accident remember? Do you also remember I said it isn't your fault? I told you this morning do not be hard on yourself, don't let it make you sad, it isn't a big deal, it's OK, remember?" Tommy did vaguely remember that, but it's one thing to hear it and another thing to go through it. Tommy: "But people saw! The whole bus saw my wet pants and I just didn't want them to see!" David: "Don't worry Tommy they will never see you again OK? I'm gonna make sure of that!" Tommy was confused by this unexpected response, the confusion slowed his tears considerably, the reassurance of not seeing the bus people anymore sounded nice. Tommy: "huh? what? But how?" David: "Simple Tommy, I'll just drive you to school each day, and pick you up after, no big deal, I'm usually just sitting around here anyway, it's no sweat off my back." Tommy didn't want to burden David further, but he remembered David's prior words about how this stuff wasn't a burden to him, that he enjoyed doing things for Tommy, so Tommy dismissed the thought and simply accepted. Tommy: "That'd be great actually, thank you David." Tommy's sniffles had died off now, crisis averted, Tommy still felt ashamed, standing there in wet paw patrol overalls and a leaky pullup, but he was much better knowing he'd never see those bus people again. David: "Listen I like standing here hugging you too but I think we need to get you cleaned up before you get anything on my nice carpet. Also, we are gonna have to have a talk about shoes in the house..." Tommy realized he had forgotten to take his shoes off, fuck! he thought, what punishment is that rule going to bring next! Tommy: "What's the punishment for that?!" David: "Shh we don't have to talk about that now, let me get you cleaned up, and we'll talk about it later." David grabbed Tommy by the hand and led him to the bathroom, along the way Tommy asked. Tommy: "Oh ya, what about the mittens." Surprising himself that he didn't just keep quiet about getting away with not putting them on at the door. Though if he was honest with himself he might have to acknowledge that he'd come to like the mittens, he liked how it made David take closer care of him, he liked the extra love. David: "Ya you did forget that too but that's OK, I'll let that one slide just for a few minutes, I'd rather get you cleaned up first, we can get those on after the bath." Tommy felt good about that. Glad to hear that even though the mittens weren't on he was still getting a bath rather than a shower, and all the care and love that came with it. Once in the bathroom David got the bath running, he guided Tommy to the small padded vinyl changing table, David took Tommy's overalls off and made a showing of it's front and back to display the damage done to the pants, the wet spots had reached clear down to the knee on one leg, nearly half-way there on the other, David turned the pants around and Tommy's face went white, there was obvious poop stains on the butt, on both sides of the pull ups leg holes, it was clear from both the front and the back that he had a leaky diaper, and the back was leaking poop into his pants, Tommy had faced forward on the bus, standing at the very front, convinced he was hiding his wet pants from the rest of the bus behind him, but in reality he had been putting his poopy pants on display for all of them the whole ride. His eyes watered but he didn't let himself bawl. Tommy: "I'm glad I don't have to ride the bus anymore" was all he could say. David: "Well Tommy, it's OK, it's not your fault, but I think this means you need to wear diapers from now on." Tommy: "What!!! in the daytime! David I can't do that!" David: "Tommy what you can't do is keep your pants clean and dry! and that's OK, really it isn't a big deal, assuming you wear the diapers, without diapers this becomes a big deal, it makes a mess and it's a lot to clean, these pants are probably ruined, I doubt I can get these stains out, I loaned you my nephews overalls and now they are going in the trash, that won't happen with diapers, they keep it all contained so it never spoils your clothing, no one will know! it's OK! don't worry Tommy! you'll be OK!" Tommy: "Aw but David do I really have to? this was just a fluke I'm just still adjusting from the break you said it yourself!" David: "Yeah Tommy but this is more than just one little accident, this pull up is so over used it had to be more than one wetting, plus you pooped it, I hadn't even expected that one, plus tell me something, when you left today you were in jeans, so on top of what happened in this pull-up you must have also had a leaky accident in your jeans too right?" Tommy just blushed and nodded a gentle embarrassed nod. David: "That's what I thought, and to answer your other question of do you have to, yes actually you do, it's in the rules Tommy, people who wet or mess their pants in the daytime must wear diapers 24/7, you signed it in the contract. Don't worry Tommy this one isn't a punishment, it's just being practical, you'll see. Besides, think how nice it will be to not have to run to the bathroom all the time anymore!" Tommy suddenly remembered professor mustache's warning from today, if Tommy isn't on time tomorrow he won't be allowed into class, Tommy realized a diaper is exactly what he is going to need to do that... and so Tommy reluctantly stopped arguing. David sensed the acquiescence and moved on with the process, the whole time Tommy had just been standing there in only his used pull-up, accentuating his new status, David grabbed Tommy by the armpits and lifted him onto his mushy bottom on the table, then grabbed him by the chest and back and gently settled him down onto his back, taking care to make sure his head was set on the table gently, David tore the sides of the pull up apart, then pulled the front down like a diaper. He used baby wipes to wipe up everything he could to the best of his ability, then grabbed Tommy's ankles lifting them and his bottom up into the air, and proceeded to repeat the thorough wiping on Tommy's backside, his thighs his legs everywhere David could think of, he pulled the used pull up aside and took a wipe to the matt beneath Tommy before setting his bottom back down on it, he noticed Tommy was suckling his thumb, he'd put it in at some point during the process. David double bagged the pull up washed his hands then returned to Tommy, still laying on his back, nude, he grabbed Tommy by the armpits and lifted him back up to his feet, it's a good thing David was really strong, but David could tell Tommy was getting lighter, bit by bit. He grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him to the tub, no more words were spoken from there, the process went as usual, Tommy felt like this was now ordinary, being bathed by David was not just normal now, it was something Tommy looked forward to, it was practically like getting a massage, a soapy watery massage. Once in the bedroom David led the boy, still suckling his thumb, over to the changing table, David grabbed Tommy's wrist and pulled his thumb out, inserting the pacifier in it's place. David then pulled out a clean pair of the mittens and the squishy balls, putting them into Tommy's palms he pulled the mittens onto his hands and fastened the strap at the wrist, he then went about diapering Tommy in the usual way, a thick overnight diaper a cloth contour cover and the locking pants over that. then he dressed Tommy in yet another new sleeper, this one did not have footies, this sleeper was green and had a hood, the hood of this sleeper had a froggy smile and froggy eyes sticking out of it, David was well stocked on sleepers some with attached footies some not, some with attached mittens some not, he had multiple varieties of all sizes, he found it easier to keep someone in a new sleeper each time rather then letting them realize that the same one was suddenly getting larger on them, David didn't want them realizing they were shrinking for as long as possible. This is one of the changes David had been making to Tommy's DNA, Tommy had arrived to this house at a stature of 5 foot 10 inches. At this stage Tommy was closer to 5 foot 5 inches, which David could tell thanks to the giraffe measuring him at his door frame every day. David had been injecting Tommy with DNA altering compounds in addition to the aforementioned reduction of pubic hair the alterations would also tell his body that it was not supposed to be so tall, that his height was supposed to max out at a much shorter height, the final result would be below 4 feet tall, but it would take a long time to get there, the process was just like how the body grew up, it came in growth spurts here and there, but in this case more like shrink spurts, the body had to break down the excess material which was making up the excess height a little at a time, and then reorganize everything necessary to accommodate those changes a little at a time before repeating the process a few more millimeters at a time, on and on day by day, just like how someone grows, just in reverse, David could accelerate the process if he wanted, but that would cause pain and discomfort, a process like this always has 'growing pains' and the slower you go at it the less noticeable those are. Random aches here and there, if David wanted he could shrink a person 2 feet in the span of a month but it would be very painful for them, the ache that you feel with a growing pain would be full body for them and it would be persistent, not short-lived, but rather constant. But this was a level of cruelty David had never yet stooped to, David didn't want to be cruel to anyone, in David's way he believed what he was doing for his tenants was love, he saw them as children growing up too fast, unprepared for the real world, needing a second chance, that they had grown arrogant in their ignorance and by turning them back into babies for just a time, they could readjust their perspectives and realize they were not smarter better or more prepared than anyone else, that they in fact need others, just as others will need them, but Tommy was a special case, day by day David had realized Tommy had anchored a hook into David's heart, that would never let go, David did not want to send Tommy out into the world like he eventually had to do for his prior tenants, David didn't think Tommy wanted to ever do that either, Tommy may not realize it yet but David knew that eventually Tommy would figure it out, he belonged as David's permanent lifelong baby, that was the happiest option for the both of them, David would help Tommy to figure it out, little by little. With Tommy dressed David got a serious look on his face. David: "OK Tommy, now, about what happened with your shoes, you came in the door and ran on the carpet without taking them off, that's a big no no." Tommy was still laying on his back on the changing table nursing his pacifier, his eyes got big as he realized he was in trouble again. David: "Now maybe you don't remember what you agreed to, so I'm going to remind you. The rule states: No shoes in the house, if you are caught wearing shoes in the house you will be forced to wear crawl booties for a week. Now I'm not sure if you know what those are, you never asked about it when you agreed to it, but let me show you." David pulled out what looked like house slippers, they looked just like the fabric that made up Tommy's mittens, same durable thickly padded untearable material, they covered all the way to the ankle where there was again a strap just like the one on the mittens, David let Tommy study them, David then pulled from inside the booty a fabric sole which had metal spikes sticking out of it! Tommy's heart leapt to his throat, and he got very nervous suddenly. David: "Don't worry, they aren't sharp, they may look it but they can't actually break the skin." David pressed the spikes into his own arm and pushed hard, he pulled away and there was no damage, just some depressions that quickly faded. He held the sole to Tommy's arm and pressed so Tommy could feel, they didn't hurt, their tips were rounded, not sharp. David: "These soles stay in the booties and you won't even feel them there, unless you stand on your feet, if you stand up then all your weight goes into the spikes, and they will hurt, they won't break the skin, there won't be any damage, but it is not comfortable, I doubt you could tolerate standing on them for more than a few seconds, it's kinda like walking on rocks barefoot, or gravel or something like that, it just hurts the sensitive feet. The point here is this, you will be forced to crawl for a week, these will leave you no choice, you will wear these and your mittens for the duration of the sentence, being stuck crawling is meant to teach you how to appreciate a clean carpet, if there is a stain or something dirty on the carpet you are going to be up close and intimate with it when crawling, if the carpet is clean the crawling is actually pleasant, this appreciation should reinforce in the future a motivation to never wear your shoes in the house again!" Tommy was less nervous now that he knew the spikes couldn't draw blood and truly harm him, but he was still somewhat nervous about this. David slipped the sole back into the booty spikes facing upwards pointing toward where Tommy's foot would soon be, and then David slipped the booties onto Tommy's feet, Tommy flinched for a moment expecting to be poked with spikes on his feet, but instead once in place it was actually comfortable, the booties were very soft, very padded, he liked the soft comfort they brought to his feet, and the spikes were barely noticeable, with no weight against them their rounded tips only gently rested against his skin, it even tickled a little bit. With a click and then another click David had securely locked the booties into place at the ankles, David grabbed Tommy under the arm pits and lifted him off the table and set him down, Tommy reflexively put his feet down to stand, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to be doing that. Immediately when his weight caught up to his feet the spikes pushed into his feet, and he buckled to his bottom on the floor, it wasn't very painful really just very uncomfortable, he even pondered if he might be able to try again he could probably walk a few steps if he gritted his teeth through it, but he didn't want to try, he wanted to avoid that discomfort, and so he sat there on his bottom, David looking down at him. David: "I know it's gonna take some getting used to, but you'll see, crawling isn't so bad, it's only for a week, now the stairs is a different animal you could try to scoot down on your bottom but take care not to put weight on your feet as you do, you might find it better to scoot down them backwards using your knees, it's up to you, I'm sure you'll figure it out." David turned to walk out leaving Tommy to his business Tommy: "Wait!" Tommy slurred around his pacifier, forgetting it was in his mouth, he spit it out, it dangled from the clip to his sleepers chest. David: "hmm? what's the matter? Want me to carry you? I will if you want." Tommy blushed, not only at the offer to be carried but at his realization he actually liked the sound of that. Tommy: "Uhm, well, maybe later." He said sarcastically as if joking, but it seemed both David and Tommy could tell he was actually considering it. Tommy: "But no, I need your help to do my homework." He said holding up his mittens. David: "Oh yes! Silly me, I forgot you students and your homework duties, OK where's your bag?" Tommy: "I left it downstairs by the door." David: "Well OK my good little boy you wait right here and I'll go get your bag." David left Tommy to his refreshed inner warmth and his thoughts, sat on the floor on his bottom. Tommy explored his booties, looking them over, even trying to slip them off, they would not come off, the ankle strap was locked in place with the same type of lock that was on his mittens, but the botties were indeed very soft and comfy, Tommy found himself really liking the way they felt. They were so padded he could probably kick the corner of the table with his toes and not feel a thing, Tommy suddenly realized he could smell paint again, he looked around the room wondering where it was coming from this time, he found the new painted characters, all along the bottom edge of the wall, they were more noticeable now that he was on the floor, they were all animal characters all baby versions and all wearing diapers, there was a kangaroo, a koala, a raccoon, a fox, a puppy dog, a cow, a piggy, a hippo, a panda, a froggy, a red panda, a couple monkeys, there was even some different types of dinosaurs, all smiling and playfully looking out at Tommy, and all of it looked professionally done, Tommy wasn't upset this time, he understood David just wanted to make the room more fun for his nephew next time he came around, Tommy was just impressed David had done all this while he was at school and done such a good job at it. Tommy then looked over to his computer and realized he needed to be there to do his homework, so for the first time in decades, Tommy got onto his hands, butt in the air, and crawled to his computers mini desk, then plopped his butt back onto the carpet. He hadn't had to crawl far, but still it made him blush crimson, how embarrassing, here he is dressed in double diapers, a froggy sleeper, booties and mittens, suckling a pacifier, and crawling around the carpet, he wondered how much was there left to separate him from an infant. At least infants don't have to do homework he supposed, and giggled a little at that, the joke relieving at least a little of his humiliation. David found the two bags, he opened the paw patrol backpack, preparing to clean it out and get it ready for tomorrows lunch, in there he found the baggy with Tommy's clothes of his first accident of the day, he merely tossed it in the garbage can, the kid could barely fit in those jeans anymore anyway and it was never going to be his style again either. David came back to the room to see Tommy had made it to his computer, a little disappointed he missed Tommy's first crawl, he made a mental note to check back the hidden camera footage later, so he could enjoy it at least that way. David sat down besides Tommy and pulled out what Tommy needed at his instruction, they sat together and went over his homework, David turning books to whatever page Tommy asked for, writing down for Tommy whatever needed written, googling or typing whatever Tommy needed done on his computer, and with Tommy sitting there doing nothing but reading and talking David did Tommy's homework for him, Tommy did the mental work and David did the physical, David found this fun, he enjoyed stealing glances at Tommy's babied state, Tommy was enjoying the closeness, the help he was getting, it made him feel loved to have someone helping him even in this bizarre circumstance. Eventually they completed Tommy's homework. David: "OK come on Tommy lets eat, I'll go get dinner going, shouldn't take long we still have left overs to eat, I'll just reheat them right now, and David left the room, David was anxious to see how Tommy chose to handle the stairs. Tommy didn't want to start crawling again, once David was out of the room Tommy decided to try standing again, the memory of how it had felt was somewhat faded now and walking was still his habit, it felt natural that he must stand and walk now, so he tried again, he couldn't get up, once he put one foot flat and tried to step onto it, it was too uncomfortable to get to standing, putting all his weight onto one foot was definitely out of the question, so he put his hands back out in front, butt up in the air and crawled over to his bed, he figured to try pulling himself up to standing with his bed frame, pouring his weight into it instead. Indeed, he did succeed this way in getting onto his feet, for a moment, the moment he let go of the bed and tried to take a step it was once again too much to tolerate against his foot and collapsed again onto his bottom, sighing in frustration he gave up trying before he hurt himself, collapsing to the floor had been a bit of a hard fall, he didn't want to keep doing that, and so he accepted, he'd have no choice but to crawl, humiliation be damned. Once again nursing his pacifier as he went, hands out in front of him, bottom up in the air he crawled to the door, and through it, then crawled to the stairs and looked down them. It's amazing how in a new position the stairs look so steep, so far down, but when standing and walking he bounds up and down them without even noticing them, how suddenly his face lower to the ground the stairs seem taller, he was nervous to try and get down them, but he was hungry, and could smell the food that had already been microwaved, Tommy didn't notice but David was watching from the bottom of the stairs, he was trying to stay out of sight and peer around the corner, he just had to witness this moment. It was too cute to miss. Sighing again, Tommy approached the stairs inch by inch, sitting on his bottom, he was scooting his bottom toward the top step, he now had his bottom sitting right on the top step, as he faced forward, this put his feet flat on the step below, the spikes were making their presence known, he hadn't put weight on them yet, but they seemed to be saying don't forget we are here, you better not increase your weight on us. Tommy wasn't sure how to do this, scooting his butt down a step usually meant momentarily having weight on the feet, so Tommy turned to his right and leaned onto his side, so instead his weight would be on his leg, Tommy tried to scoot down sideways like this, he made it down one step, then another, then he slipped and started sliding down the steps sideways, he slid a few steps before stopping himself, that was a bit painful, he knew now that going sideways was precarious, so he had to admit defeat yet again, that David was right, he'd have to go down backwards, Tommy put his right knee down on a step, and his other knee beside it, leaned forward and kept his mittened hands against the step at chest level, then slowly carefully lowered one knee down to the next step, then the other knee, then the mittens, he repeated this process until he made it to the bottom, it was a lot like climbing a ladder but in reverse and with knees instead of feet. David went and sat down in the dining table before Tommy could turn around and see him watching, David was quite pleased with the infantile display. Tommy looked over at the table and saw David, Tommy only had two options, ask David to carry him the handful of steps to the table or crawl in front of David, neither seemed like much of a choice, he was going to look like a baby either way, so he began crawling, David trying not to grin too widely just ate some of his own meal as he waited. When Tommy reached his chair, he could not get into it, that would require weight on his feet, he just glared over at David. David chuckled, then set his own meal aside and grabbed Tommy at the armpits and lifted him into his seat, David attached the rubber bib then went straight to feeding Tommy his meal, and his bottle. With the meal finished Tommy went to stand out of reflex, once again having forgotten about the booties, he of course immediately collapsed to his bottom when his weight hit the spikes, he groaned in frustration and went at crawling to the couch, David tried hard not to chuckle. David: "Careful there, you keep collapsing hard like that you might hurt yourself, probably better you just let me lift you from the chair next time OK sport?" Tommy didn't reply, he figured David was probably right about that, but he wasn't ready to admit another defeat even one so small and justified. Tommy simply crawled the rest of the way to the couch and climbed onto it, careful to keep weight off the soles of his feet, wrapping himself in his bwankie. He muttered quietly Tommy:"bwankie, I missed you, hold me." David finished his meal, cleaned up the table and dishes, and made a new warm bottle of milk for Tommy, having finished the one at dinner. David joined Tommy on the couch and held the boy while feeding him his bottle, Tommy enjoyed the moment, suckling while David watched TV, David flipped channels with his free hand, he occasionally would pause on something he liked, something mature, then flip some more than he'd pause on something childish, some cartoon or baby show, Tommy noticed he didn't care anymore about the mature programming, his interest only perked when it was childish shows or cartoons, before he had a chance to wonder too much about this he felt his bladder announcing itself, distracting him from his thoughts, he pondered about it only for a moment before accepting his only course of action available to him, he just let it go, he warmed his diaper while David continued feeding him his bottle, he blushed quite a bit but accepted it as his new normal for now, maybe one day he could figure out the cause of all this and get it back under control, but in the meantime he was willing to enjoy the love and care he got from David that came with the diapers. He zoned out on the cartoon David had finally settled on, when the bottle was finished David slipped Tommy's paci into Tommy's mouth, he took it and nursed away at it like an old pro, with zero hesitation. They spent the evening in this way, occasionally David would reach down and stick a finger in Tommy's diaper checking it's wetness, making sure he didn't need a change. Tommy felt awfully embarrassed about this but he also didn't want to be asked if he was wet, to have to admit it out loud was seemingly more embarrassing then just putting up with David checking for himself. After Tommy had wet the diaper and David had checked but not reacted Tommy came to understand that a wet diaper doesn't mean an immediate change, David was going to let him be wet as long as he wasn't near leaking point, so Tommy had no reason to worry about wetting causing a change to occur, instead he could wet freely and the changes would only come at roughly the same time whether he was holding on to discomfort or not, which made it pointless to hold onto it, in other words, if you wet 3 big wettings in 4 hours, and get a change, it's no different timing wise if you wet 10 small wettings in 4 hours and get a change. Considering this line of thinking Tommy decided to stop holding it in, having an empty bladder felt so much better, so he decided he would just try to keep it empty if he could, there was no reason to hold it anymore. David had already intended to always leave the TV on children's programming for Tommy, to get him used to it, to get him fully familiarized with it, and thus invested in it, today David was switching channels as a test, he wanted to see if Tommy still held any interest at all for the other mature shows, he could tell by his reactions that he did not, he just wanted his baby shows now, David was very pleased with Tommy's progress, after tonight the TV would be reprogrammed, David would rig it to only show children's programming, Tommy would never see any of those other shows ever again, David had a suspicion that Tommy won't even notice their absence anymore. David had total control over what the television showed, he had a programmer friend redesign his TV, so he could access it's backend through his smartphone, and instruct it what shows to display at what times on what channels, David made sure the television still appeared to be showing cable, even though it was really all preprogrammed, he could of course with a password reconnect to the cable, but as long as Tommy was around he would keep the TV to carefully managed programming he had hand picked, he would set up marathons of whatever shows he wanted Tommy watching for the day, and he made it all look natural, he'd slip commercials in between episodes and have the usual intro and outro during the show breaks etc, everything looked like it was just ordinary cable. The commercials were also handpicked, David would often put toy commercials and diaper commercials, and anything else he could think of that would help show Tommy the pleasantness of baby life. Bedtime arrived and David stood up, turned the TV off, and pulled the blanket off Tommy who merely whined a little. Tommy: "My bwankie." Tommy blushed a little at having admitted out loud that he'd been calling it his bwankie, David of course did not flinch at this, acted like it was totally normal, David folded the bwankie and set it aside, then he picked Tommy up, holding him in a hug with Tommy's legs crossed around David's waist, David supported Tommy's squishy bottom with his right hand, holding Tommy's back with his left hand, and carried him upstairs, Tommy could feel the squish of his diaper against David's abdomen the whole time, David took Tommy through the routine, once in the bathroom he first removed Tommy's booties sleeper diaper etc, then had bath time, new bottle for Tommy's bedtime diapering, fresh mittens, fresh booties, fresh sleeper this one had a hood with a raccoon face eyes and ears and the coloring of the sleeper looked just like a raccoon too, David carried him to bed, tucking him in, feeding him the rest of the bottle even past him falling asleep, and inserting the paci into his mouth and leaving the room. That night David decided it was time to revamp his ocean whispers, Tommy had shown he was very readily accepting them, they no longer needed to be as carefully worded, David figured he could start being more direct and simple with Tommy's suggestions, many things Tommy had taken into his personality by now to such a degree David felt they could be removed from the whispers. For example, Tommy clearly loved his cartoons, David doubted that would change even with the suggestion removed, so he rewrote the whole operation focusing on the things he felt still needed some reinforcement, and some new things. The whispers would now be: "When I feel an emotion I will let it out. It's OK to cry. Whenever I feel upset I will cry freely. Crying is a good thing, it gets all the bad feelings out. I love my warm bottles. I love drinking them no matter where I am. I don't care if anyone see's me. I love being fed my food. I cannot feed myself. I always make a mess with food. I love my diapers. I love letting all discomfort go. I will never hold onto discomfort again. When I feel pressure in my bottom I will always puuuush it out no matter where I am. Whenever I feel pressure in my bladder I will let it go, no matter what. My diapers will always protect me. I love my bwankie. I want to always have my bwankie with me. I love when Daadaa dresses me. I love the things he dresses me in. I love my mittens. I love my booties. I love my pacifier. I love crawling. I will always keep my pacifier with me and use it whenever I want. I have no problem doing this, no matter what. Whenever I do any of these things I know I am a good boy. When I am a good boy I feel warmth and love swell up inside me. It starts in my belly and flows into my chest and through my arms and legs until my whole body is filled with warmth and love. I love being a good boy." Tommy dreamed deeply, his dreams were peaceful and content, there was no nightmare event, no difficult moment. When Tommy awoke, he was still nursing his pacifier, he tried to stand up, forgetting for a moment about the booties, and once again he collapsed to the floor onto his bottom, which squished significantly, he realized then that he was poopy, he had yet again pooped in the night, and now Tommy had fallen onto it in his haste to get out of bed, the shock of his hard landing coupled with the shock of being poopy yet again was too much for his groggy mind, and he started bawling like a baby, he hadn't bawled so freely and openly in many years. David came running into the room having heard the bang of Tommy's fall and the crying over the baby monitor, he found Tommy on the floor by his bed. David: "Oh Tommy! Did you fall out of bed again?! I remember you did that when you first got here too! We need to do something about that I think." Tommy was too busy crying to pay attention, he didn't care if David mistook his fall to the floor as being from the bed, it didn't matter, either way he'd hit the floor and it had hurt, and smooshed his mess, both of those are what bothered him. David held the boy and shushed him, rubbing Tommy's back as he did so, Tommy settled down pretty quickly as he woke up more and realized how pathetic he must look bawling on the floor like this, he wasn't sure why he cried so readily from that, it was just too much too soon after waking up so recently. With Tommy's sniffles died off, David picked up Tommy and carried him down the stairs, supporting his squishy bottom beneath his arm, Tommy's legs wrapped around David's waist, David set Tommy in a chair at the table and went straight into feeding him left overs. Tommy's eyes were still red from crying, and he still had a sniffle or two, but he was feeling better. Tommy: "Will these left overs ever end!" David: "Well hey there, glad to see you're feeling better, don't worry there's not much left, we'll probably be done with them at dinner tonight." David fed Tommy his food and his bottle then before Tommy could try to get up he grabbed him and carried him to the bath, they did the usual routine and brought Tommy clean and dried to his room, David carried him the whole way, laying him down on the changing table, he went about diapering him for the day, he put him in the same combo, an extra thick overnight diaper, a cloth contour cover, and the locking plastic pants, Tommy wasn't even really paying attention, just nursing his pacifier and staring at the ceiling lost in thought. David pulled a new shirt over Tommy's head, grabbed his wrists and fed them through the arms on his own one at a time, not even bothering to ask Tommy to help at all. There were some snaps at the crotch as Tommy was buttoned into what turned out to be a onesie, he was still too lost in thought to notice, the onesie had a white background with paw patrol characters and motifs related to the show all over it. David then pulled out a pair of shortalls, and pulled them up Tommy's legs, pulled the straps around Tommy's sides and over his shoulders adjusting their length to fit snug then buckled the straps to the bib, the shortalls were a baby blue color with even more paw patrol characters all over it, made of a dense sturdy weave of 100% cotton. David grabbed the clip end of the strap that holds Tommy's pacifier still in his mouth being nursed, and clipped it to the shortalls. David picked Tommy up off the table and set him down on the carpet, when Tommy's feet touched the ground he reflexively picked his feet up so his bottom would take the weight instead, it seemed his crawl training was going well, his reflex of standing was becoming a reflex of sitting and crawling. David: "OK my good boy, time to go to school, you grab your bag and meet me in the kitchen, I'm gonna go clean up the dishes and get your lunch out." Tommy snapped out of his thoughts, mostly daydreams of things he was already forgetting what they were. He looked around at himself on the floor, David walking out of the room, he looked over to his bags by his computer, contents strewn about, he had to get going he recalled, he crawled over to the bag, with much less reservation then he had the day before, and began struggling to put things back into the bags, the mittens made it tough. Eventually he pouted a bit and called for David. Tommy: "Daaadvid?! I need halp!" he slurred around his pacifier. Tommy sat still staring at his helpless hands and waited, he'd admitted defeat to himself, he couldn't do it. Hearing the call from the baby monitor, moments later David came back to the room. David: "What's the problem little tyke?" Tommy: "I can't get my things in the bag with these mittens!" David: "Hmm, yes we probably should have cleaned that up last night, alright I'll help you little guy." David went over and cleaned up the items putting them away into Tommy's backpack, it took him maybe 10 seconds. To do what Tommy failed at for many minutes. David: "OK now, come on Tommy, I'll carry your bag down for you, meet me in the kitchen." Tommy had really been hoping he'd get carried some more, but with the bag/backpack he supposed that was a bit too much weight all together. Tommy followed after David crawling along the carpet, David was right Tommy thought/mused, crawling really does make me appreciate a clean carpet, Tommy had been staring at the carpet really closely out of necessity whenever he crawled, he was appreciating it's total lack of stains or crumbs or hair clumps or any of the usual dirty gross things you might see in a dirty house with a carpet. Tommy approached the stairs and having learned his lesson yesterday, he turned around at the top step, and went down the stairs on all fours, one knee at a time. His little bottom wiggling all the way as he did so, at the bottom he crawled to the kitchen and then sat on his bottom to look up at David, David was in the process of packing Tommy's lunch into his paw patrol backpack, David zipped it up and carried it over to the front door, he set it there then also got the diaper bag out of the closet and carried that over setting it next to the backpacks. David: "OK Tommy come over here lets get your shoes on." Tommy wondered/thought 'why the hell did David tell me to come to the kitchen if he wanted me at the front door!' David just wanted to make him crawl more, he loved seeing it, and wanted to acclimate him to it as much as possible, he wanted him to miss being carried though too, which is why he'd carried him so much last night, Tommy was getting familiar with the advantages of being carried, by being shown both experiences intermixed. Tommy resumed crawling to the door without complaining out loud, he got there and plopped back onto his bottom, legs splayed out in front of him. David kneeled down with his key and unlocked Tommy's booties, taking them off and setting them to the side, he then slipped some new socks onto Tommy's feet, then David pulled out from the shoe stand something new, brand-new sneakers! David: "Here you go Tommy, I bought these for you yesterday when you were at school, it's a good thing too cause your old ones smelled like pee after yesterday, so I threw them out." Tommy was thrilled! he hated those old shoes, they were great when they were new but that was so many years ago, they had become old, I'll-fitting, pee smelling, plain looking, dirty shoes! Their time was due, Tommy was happy to get some new shoes. Then Tommy looked at the new shoes as they were being slipped onto his feet by David, Tommy still had the mittens on so couldn't put them on himself anyway, he didn't know why David didn't just first take the mittens off, but he didn't mind, he'd started to really like the mittens they were so soft and comfortable. Looking at the shoes he saw they had paw patrol characters on the side! they were blue and green with a bit of other colors splattered here and there, they looked like toddler shoes! they were toddler shoes! Just sized to fit him! as he thought this David fastened the first shoe and Tommy then realized they were Velcro shoes, he hadn't any laces, it was just two Velcro straps on each shoe! Tommy: "David thanks for buying me new shoes but why are they so childish?" David: "Do you not like them? I can take them back if you want something more boring! I just know you like that show and figured you'd like some shoes that were more fun then those plain old nasty ones you just got out of." As he said this David was just finishing up fastening the second shoe into place, with both shoes in place it was done, Tommy was wearing them. It was only now as Tommy looked over the new shoes on his feet that he got a look at the socks and realized they too were colorfull and covered in paw patrol pups. Tommy: "Well, I guess I do have to admit I like that show, and I do like the colors." David: "Then what's the problem? don't tell me you're embarrassed! Look Tommy, you need to live your life for yourself, not trying to please the surrounding strangers! that never works, people don't care what you're wearing! they aren't gonna be happier because you made some miserable boring choice! Live free, live happy, enjoy the things you wear! It won't make a difference to anyone OK? Just wear them today OK? if you don't like them by the time you come home we'll figure something else out." Tommy: "No you're right, I'm just being fearful, it's OK I like them, thank you David, they fit great too!" David had to go down a couple shoe sizes to get the right fit, Tommy's feet were not as big as they used to be. Tommy didn't even realize he was still sitting on his bottom on the carpet even though the booties were off, and he could stand now, he'd gotten used to it. David grabbed Tommy's wrist and took the key to it, freeing the mittens and removing them, he set them by the booties, then grabbed Tommy's hands and lifted him to his feet, Tommy winced the moment he put his weight down, expecting the slightly painful extremely uncomfortable spikes, they of course were removed, but it shows his habit training was having some effect, he was beginning to reflexively expect the need to crawl, if only he didn't have to walk around college he could be kept to the training 24/7! David thought. For the first time Tommy looked down, at first to see his shoes, and how they looked on him, and his socks and how they were plainly visible, the legs of his clothing stopped well above the sock line, just above the knees, then he noticed what he was wearing, he had no idea why he hadn't noticed sooner, Tommy thought 'these are shortalls! and they look so babyish! they are cotton and baby blue with paw patrol all over them! The t-shirt too!' Tommy grabbed the t-shirt and tried pulling it up to see the bottom of it but it was buried and stuck, tugging at his crotch, he pulled an arm into the shortalls and explored what it was stuck on, he found the buttons and realized it was a babies onesie! David was enjoying this realization that was hitting Tommy, he had dressed Tommy in this without him even paying attention and all this time Tommy had no idea what he was wearing until now, the fact it took so long just showed so much trust and acceptance that Tommy now held for what David would dress him in or do with him. Tommy: "Uhhhhhh David this is baby clothes! These are cotton shortalls! this is a onesie! there's paw patrol motifs all over these!" David: "Now Tommy we did just have a discussion about not letting others scare you out of wearing what you want, that's number 1, number 2 you have to wear the onesie cause it will help hold up the diaper as you walk around all day, that's why babies wear them it isn't cause it's made for babies, it's made for diapers, and you have to wear diapers now, remember the bus ride yesterday?, number 3, your jeans from yesterday were ruined, they had to be thrown in the trash, and so were the overalls, they'd both been ruined, and let's be honest they didn't fit you well anyway, they weren't the right size, this is the right size, it fits you great and I think you look super cute in it, I think it makes you look like a really good boy! and besides all that you're gonna be late if we don't go right now so there's no time to change anyway, we can consider something different tomorrow OK? now lets get going!" Tommy had momentarily wanted to refuse to wear this, but now he was distracted by the feelings of being called a good boy, and also upon hearing he'd be late he remembered what professor mustache had told him, he can't be late today, he has to get there on time, and before he could swallow his pride on this fact David had already grabbed his hand and pulled him outside through the front door, they walked around to the garage where the door was already open, David still holding Tommy's hand guided him to the rear passenger side and opened the door, Tommy climbed in and sat down, this was the first time Tommy had seen David's vehicle, he'd never seen anything like it, it was a massive SUV with lots of room, it looked like it could hold two rows of rear seats but instead it seemed modified, to just put the one rear row further back from the front, so there was more leg room, Tommy could stretch his legs all the way in front of him and not hit anything, while he was taking this in David pulled a seat belt over Tommy's left shoulder and buckled it at Tommy's chest, then David pulled a belt over Tommy's right shoulder and buckled it too, then he buckled these two belts in a buckle at Tommy's crotch, Tommy was confused at all the buckling, David adjusted the straps pulling them all tight and snug so Tommy could not wiggle out of them, Tommy realized it was a 5 point seat belt, like one seen in a babies car seat! Tommy: "Why all the extra belts! isn't that just for babies!" David: "No it's not just for babies! it's also for race car drivers! and it's just to make sure you stay safe, your belts can protect you a lot better that way." Tommy felt the usual confliction of being cared for and loved and embarrassed at being treated like a baby, but as he looked down at the seat belt and saw the babyish clothing that it held against him he figured it was fitting to be treated the way he was dressed, David had made his way to the driver seat started up and pulled out, closing the garage door with a button embedded into the vehicles ceiling, David floored it wanting to make sure Tommy was not late. Tommy: "Hey why am I sitting back here anyway? How come I'm not riding shotgun?" David: "Little guys like you have to sit in the back, you're just safer back there, besides this way I can see you in the rear view mirror and talk to you better!" Tommy wasn't sure that made as much sense as David thought it did, but he didn't want to argue since it was David's vehicle it was David's right to choose who sits where anyhow, Tommy figured this was probably just more holdover behavior from David's days of caring for his nephew. They pulled up to the school and Tommy unbuckled his seat belt, or he tried, it wouldn't come loose, the buckle refused to give way, David was already coming round, David opened the door, reached in and grabbed the buckle, unbuckling it in a second like magic. Tommy: "How come I couldn't unbuckle it?" David: "The buckle has a secret trick to keep little boys from being naughty." Tommy wanted to inquire more, but he was gonna be late, so he ran off after first grabbing his backpack and paw patrol lunch pack. David shouted after him: "if you need a change just call me!" Tommy wanted to melt into the earth! that was so embarrassing, couldn't David just text that! it's a good thing Tommy was already running away he couldn't bare to stick around and see who overheard that shout. Tommy ran straight to class, skipping the bathroom for once, he entered the room and it was empty, he stopped wondering if he got lost, he looked at his phone and saw he was ten minutes early! All this rushing, and he hadn't even checked the time he just kept assuming he was cutting it close cause he was always cutting it close, having David drive him and having David dress him and bath him and skipping the bathroom visit all that had somehow made him ten minutes early instead of late! Well, at least his professor couldn't complain about that! So Tommy took his usual seat and got his materials out and simply waited, as he waited he noticed his bladders usual urgency at this time was present, he hadn't noticed it before in all his rushing but now that he was sitting still waiting for class it was undeniable, he decided why bother holding it, with diapers on I can't use the restroom, so either I do it now or I'll have to do it later during class with people around me, and so he let it go. the flood burst into his diaper with ease, it was as though he was a pro at it, he sat in his seat and held still and just let it happen, the diaper swelled and soaked it all up without issue, once his bladder was empty he reached down and felt around the shortalls checking for leaks, there were none but in his exploring he found buttons down there on the shortalls in the crotch, he realized those where there for easy diaper changes, just like babies had, these really were baby clothes, where did David even get these, Tommy turned his head to the class room to see if anyone had arrived yet and in so doing felt his hand turn with his head, realizing he had at some point started suckling his thumb again. He pulled his thumb out and put in his pacifier, which had been dangling from his shortalls this whole time, this pacifier was a dark blue with no prints on it, just a solid dark blue color, Tommy appreciated this and hoped this would help it be less visible. Tommy decided his pacifier would be less noticeable then his thumb, and he couldn't keep his thumb out without the pacifier, so the pacifier was therefore necessary, he rationalized. He nursed his pacifier feeling like a good boy for doing what he was supposed to, feeling the warmth flowing through his body, relaxing him, easing his fears, dwindling his anxieties, soothing him thoroughly all throughout. The students all began to file in, most of them not even looking Tommy's way, the few who did had a look of pity on their face, but otherwise minded their own business, Tommy tried not to pay any attention to them, the professor came in and saw Tommy right away, like he'd been looking for him, at first he seemed pleased he was there on time, then he saw the pacifier and paused, his smile faded, he seemed lost in thought for a moment, but he didn't comment, he merely got on with teaching the class. At the ring of the bell he once again called Tommy up, Tommy again waited until the other students had left then waddled up to the professor still furiously suckling at his pacifier. Professor mustache: "Tommy! I'm glad you were on time to class, I trust you found a solution to your... bathroom troubles.." The professor glanced down at Tommy's bubble crotch as he said this. Tommy blushed, and simply nodded his head a yes. Professor mustache: "Right... Tommy, it's come to my attention you have some special needs, am I right?" Tommy: "huh? what you mean?" Professor: "uhm, well Tommy, for example you are sucking a pacifier right now, is that not a special need? Or are you saying you do that for no real legitimate reason?" Tommy: "oh, uh, ya, it's a needs" Professor mustache: "Right, OK and I take it that's not your only need?" Tommy: "I guess it's not, no....." Tommy's blush grew stronger as he saw the professor again ogling his padded crotch. Professor: "Right, please don't allow yourself to become a distraction to the rest of the class, that's all I can ask of you, if you need any special accommodations let me know and I'll try to help, if you would like a private room where you can change yourself during the day I will make my office available to you, it has a lock on the door you can use, I ask that if you happen to.... The professor hesitated, unsure how to word this. Professor mustache: "Ahem, if you happen to... have an accident of the smelly variety then please exit my class to change immediately. I do not want the students distracted by a stinky bottom! You can go to my office and change yourself right away, I'll try to make a note to catch you up on anything you missed after class. Tommy's face was pale, he was blushing white, how did the professor know! how'd he know that he needs diapers and poops them! was word getting around or was the professor just assuming based on the clothing?! Tommy: "OK, yes sir, sorry sir." Professor mustache: "Tommy, you don't need to be sorry, I understand you special needs cases can't help being who you are, it's OK. Just please work with me in what I've asked of you, thank you." The professor waved Tommy off, Tommy turned and waddled out the class room, taking a deep breath when he got outside, he wasn't sure how much more humiliation he could take. There wasn't anymore events before lunchtime, at lunch Tommy got a text on his phone from David David: "Do you need a change? I can come by if you do." Tommy replied: "I think I'm OK, it's only a little wet." David replied: "OK well how bout we eat lunch together at least? You can meet me where I dropped you, I'm sure I can get there before you can." Tommy thought about it, and decided he'd very much like David's company over the cafeteria of strangers, so he agreed. True to his word David was there waiting in his SUV when Tommy got there, as Tommy got to the car he grabbed Tommy's hand and walked him to the back of the SUV, Tommy didn't even question things at this point, why bother, David always had reasons and always won in the end, he just let himself be taken to the back. David opened the rear hatch of the SUV, the hatch lifted upwards, the diaper bag was sitting back here, David lifted Tommy by the armpits and set him onto his bottom in the back, David turned and hit a button on his tailgate/hatch, suddenly a curtain emerged from the edge of the hatch draping itself almost to the ground, they had privacy, no one could see them now, the rear cargo space was pretty roomy, owing to that third row being removed, the floor seemed padded, like it had some aftermarket alterations to make it much softer, Tommy figured he could probably sleep back here comfortably, David climbed aboard next to Tommy, David sitting cross-legged and Tommy sitting with his legs out in front of him, as he'd become accustomed to do now thanks to his crawl training, David grabbed Tommy's paw patrol backpack and pulled Tommy's lunch out. David: "So anything interesting happen today?" David always asked how school went when Tommy got home, but this was a new experience to be asked half-way through the day, usually Tommy would just recount things they'd studied and gossip and such, but this time Tommy blushed as he recalled what his first professor of the day had said to him, so he told David as David was unpacking and opening Tommy's lunch. Tommy: "My professor told me I could change my diapers in his office.... I don't even know how he knew! I wasn't poopy or leaking I swear! he must have just assumed cause I look like a baby that I must poop myself, he even told me that if I have a poopy diaper I need to leave the class and change in his office right away anytime it happens." As if to accentuate the charge that Tommy was baby like, right then David pulled from Tommy's paw patrol bag a big warm bottle of milk, Tommy didn't even know that had been in there. the bottle was kept in a separate pocket from the other food so the temperatures didn't mix. Tommy: "What? a bottle? no more juice boxes?" David: "I just figured you liked these better, is that OK? Or do you want to go back to juice boxes? Look it's still warm, I've got this device that slips onto it that keeps it warm using battery power." David pointed to a device wrapped around the bottle much like a koozie but with an attachment and made of a different material, the attachment was where the heat was being generated it looked like it held at least 2 D batteries in it. Tommy reached out and felt the bottle sure enough it was just as warm as the ones at home were, his mouth was watering at the thought of it. David saw the look of wanting and took that for an answer, David proceeded to feed Tommy his lunch, Tommy was so used to being fed he didn't complain or move to do anything but sit there and open his mouth chew and swallow, it didn't occur to him that he had no mittens on, and could feed himself, though after yesterday perhaps he knew better than to try that or else make a mess of his new clothes, David put the rubber bib on Tommy and fed him quickly and in much quicker time then Tommy could have managed, all the food and half the bottle was down Tommy's belly, with no spills, David got out a baby wipe and wiped off Tommy's face, Tommy stil wasn't used to that experience, but he rationalized it was no different then using a napkin to wipe ones face, and David was just still in the mode of doing things for him, which he didn't want to end even if it meant putting up with odd moves like that. David moved into position to lean back into the corner of the wall and rear seat, he grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him over letting him rest up against David's chest, Tommy knew this was a bottle feeding he'd gotten used to the position, David grabbed Tommy's bottle and fed him what was left of it, Tommy nursed, and they sat there, being close. David: "Your professor actually sounds pretty kind, even if they don't seem like it, some professors can be pretty mean about even stupid stuff, but yours sounds like they are trying really hard to accept you, I think you should thank them for that, maybe make them a card saying thank you! We can do it together this weekend!" Tommy didn't respond just quietly kept nursing his bottle, lost in the warmth it filled him with, not just cause it is itself warm, but also because drinking it meant he was a good boy, and he knew this thoroughly. As the boy nursed David decided David: "You know Tommy I think we really should change your diaper, I know you said it's only a little wet but there's no harm putting a dry one on you, you don't wanna get a risk of diaper rash I'm sure, besides this way your diaper can hold even more from here on. Again Tommy didn't want to respond, he just wanted to keep nursing his bottle, he didn't much care about anything else when the nipple was in his mouth, he just loved to focus all his attention on the warmth it filled him with. David grabbed Tommy's hands and guided them to the bottle, so he could hold it himself, then David got out of the back of the SUV, he pulled a change mat out of the diaper bag and set it out, he grabbed Tommy's ankles and dragged the boy over onto the mat, Tommy fell flat onto his back in the process against the soft padded flooring, Tommy didn't care he just kept nursing his bottle, nothing could bother him right now. David popped open the snaps of Tommy's shortalls pulling it open up to Tommy's chest, then unsnapped the onesie and pulled it open as well, then unlocked the vinyl pants and pulled them off setting them aside, David unvelcroed the cloth diaper and pulled it out taking a close look at it, he felt it all over and declared it totally dry, Tommy hadn't leaked a drop, Tommy was still just drinking his bottle, something about the cold air on Tommy's thighs triggered urgency, and so he freely released and wet his diaper while it was on display to David, David was just noticing this when suddenly there was a knocking on the side of the SUV, the sidewalk side, and a face popped through the curtain, Tommy didn't seem to hear or notice anything, just nursing his bottle, David looked at the face. David: "Can I help you?!" Security Guard: "Hey sir campus security here, you're parked in a noooo, uhh, a noo, UUHHH..." The guard trailed off upon seeing the boy drinking the bottle with his wet diaper on display. David: "Oh a no parking zone? I'm so sorry I didn't realize, I just needed to change my babies diaper real fast then I'll move right away, is that OK?" The guard snapped his attention back to David: Guard: "Oh, ya, uh, sorry, ya that's OK, just hurry up please, and find a parking stall to use next time." The guard quickly walked off, seemingly more embarrassed then anyone. David simply resumed the diaper change. David: "Maybe I should make the curtain electric so if people touch it they get a shock before opening it rather than after!" Tommy was still lost in his bottle. David untapped Tommy's diaper and took baby wipes to all the pee, cleaning Tommy's skin completely and thoroughly, he had Tommy lift his bum while he wiped the rear area and swapped the used diaper for a new one from the diaper bag, this one had a different look, it was white background with farm animals on it, there was a horse, a sheep, a pig, a cow, etc, and it was even thicker than the overnight diapers, Tommy had gotten used to those by now, David felt he could upgrade without Tommy complaining at this stage. Indeed Tommy didn't notice, still nursing away, David generously powdered Tommy's rump and crotch, pulled the diaper up the front and secured it with the Velcro tabs, the cloth contour diaper was still clean and dry, so he put that back under Tommy and pulled it's front up, then secured it with it's Velcro fasteners also, then he slid the locking vinyl back into place and tightened the chain before securing the lock with a click, he buttoned Tommy's onesie and then shortalls back up and turned to ball up then bag the used diaper. He pulled the change pad out from under Tommy and folded it up, repacked the diaper bag and rejoined Tommy in the back, getting back into position to hold Tommy's bottle, Tommy had really been going at it so there wasn't much left, it was finished quickly and Tommy was then picked up and held in a hug, as David patted his back, a few pats later Tommy belched suddenly and unexpectedly, his usual feeling of being bloated after a bottle instantly went away, he had no idea it was just a burp all this time he'd been tolerating that feeling, now he knew he didn't have to. David: "So Tommy was that so bad? You got a fresh diaper now!" Tommy had been so out of it he hadn't hardly paid attention, now that his bottle was done he started replaying the last few minutes, David really had just changed his diaper right here in the driveway besides the school in broad daylight, and it took him no time at all, the diaper felt like it fit just fine he did a pro job at it even in this circumstance, and no one had seen because of the awesome curtain mod, OH MY GOD! BUT THE GUARD! he hadn't even thought about that damn guard! Someone had seen! Tommy's face went pale again. Tommy: "The guard! he saw!" David: "He didn't see anything bad, just a baby getting a diaper change, I'm sure he's seen it before, don't worry Tommy, it's OK." Tommy: "Wait I'm not a baby!" Tommy felt like he'd just told a lie, it was a bizarre feeling to say something that was both true and a lie at the same time. Like a paradox in the sub/conscious. David: "Maybe not, Tommy, but he doesn't know that, from his perspective he merely saw a baby getting a diaper change, it didn't look any different to him." Tommy: "But I'm bigger!" David: "Remember what I said before? There are plenty of bigger babies out there even many on this very campus, don't worry, everything is fine, I'll make sure to park somewhere better next time OK? besides, have you ever seen that guard before? Tommy: "No." David: "I didn't think so, and I'm sure you'll probably never see him again, even if you do he won't remember, so be a good boy and don't worry!" Tommy writhed a little and stretched, accepting the suggestion, Tommy was so distracted by all this he never even realized he had been burped like a baby, the two of them cuddled for a bit Tommy resting his head on David's chest, David looked at his watch. David: "When's your next class?" Tommy looked at David's watch. Tommy: "Oh no! Ill be late!" Tommy hopped out of the back and ran off! with a bigger waddle then usual now that his disposable was upgraded to a thicker brand. David just shook his head smirking, he pushed a button which sucked the curtain back into the gate, he shut the gate, then he climbed into the driver seat and left. Tommy ran straight to class, his stomach sloshing the whole way, he got there late, by a few minutes, this professor didn't seem to notice or perhaps just didn't care, class went fine, midway through Tommy found his thumb is his mouth and swapped it for his paci, he kept his paci in the rest of the day, in the last class of the day Tommy wet his diaper, when the urge struck he just let it go without much thought, then about 20 minutes until end of class he leaned forward to puuuush out his discomfort, as though it was only a fart, and filled the seat of his diaper with muck, it was only as he sat back that he felt it and realized, he tried to ignore it but was extra nervous of someone smelling it, especially after the warnings from this mornings professor mustache. "Ew." Tommy heard someone say, he didn't know who, or if they meant him. "That's so gross." He heard someone else say, his fears were being realized, he started sweating. "How could they just do that?" His breathing quickened, he was getting light-headed, he was having a panic attack, he had to get out of there, he slammed his items into his backpack and ran out the class room! Only a couple students even noticed him leave, the comments had been directed towards something they were seeing in their workbook, no one had smelled Tommy, his cloth diaper cover plus the vinyl pants plus the onesie all combined to be effective at holding smells in, only someone in close proximity might smell his poopy diaper. but he always sat at a distance from people when he could help it. Besides that, no one ever wanted to sit next to the thumb/pacifier sucking special needs kid. But Tommy didn't stick around long enough to find out that his stink had not been discovered, he was running, he didn't know where, he wasn't sure where to go, he hadn't thought that out, he just ran through the halls, he went in the direction through the center of campus, he was running to areas he didn't know, hoping to find some escape room he hadn't seen before, he reached the end of a hall and opened a door and was outside, just across some grass and sidewalks there were trees, some kind of forest/park, he bolted for it, there he could hide, one sidewalk entered the forest and turned into a trail, he followed it for many minutes before breaking off the trail into the wild, after struggling through bushes he found a nice spot he could sit and think, he plopped onto his butt and the squish reminded him the whole reason he was out here, he'd pooped himself in class, yet again, this time in a diaper, like a baby, he realized he was still suckling his pacifier, this whole time, even when he'd pooped it was in his mouth, he grabbed it and yanked it off his shirt and threw it away, or he meant too, but as his arm reached zenith he couldn't open his grip, he couldn't bare to let go and throw it, despite his anger at everything he still felt like it was his friend, and to throw it would hurt it's feelings, and betray their friendship, he was crying now, he drooped his shoulders and his head as he put the pacifier back in his mouth, trying his best to keep it there and suckle between sobs, he sat there for quite a while, his class was over by now, everyone had gone home, but him. David was frantic, he'd waited for Tommy at the same place he'd dropped him off at, the same place he'd had lunch with him and changed his diaper, but Tommy didn't show, after an hour of waiting the security guard showed up again. Guard: "Didn't I tell you already this ain't a parking space." David:"YOU!" The guard was immediately scared, the tone David had sounded like he was going to kill him. David: "WHAT DID YOU DO! DID YOU HURT MY BABY! DID YOU YELL AT HIM OR MOCK HIM! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!" David was inches from this guys face, ordinarily the guard would act all tough in a situation like this, but it was clear that David was the size to pick the guard up and break him in half if David wanted, so the guard wisely chose not to act tough this time. Guard: "I don't know what you are talking about man I haven't seen your baby other than when I saw you back here changing his diaper earlier, I haven't seen him since then I promise!" David deflated, the guard sounded like he was telling the truth, David still was on edge with him, wondering if he was just a good liar, but for now would give him the benefit of the doubt, David took a step back. David: "I'm sorry, he's missing, I just assumed maybe he ran into you, and you hurt him or something, please help me find him, I'm worried about him, he was supposed to meet me here so I could take him home!" Guard: "OK of course I'll help don't worry, what's his description I'll run it by the other guards" David: "He's about 5 foot 4, dark brown hair, skinny, wearing baby blue shortalls with a shirt under that has cartoon prints on white background." The guard grabbed his radio and called out to the other guards, asked them if they'd seen and to be on the lookout for a special needs kid, and read out that description. The guard who monitors security cameras in a room called back. radio: "Yeah uh I saw that kid right before the end of last class he was running pretty quickly through the halls, thought it was odd cause people don't usually run around before last class has ended like that, saw him head out the east most door. Towards the park." David jumped in his SUV and sped off toward the east, he found the park in question, pulled into the grass and leapt out, he didn't bother parking in a designated parking spot, they could tow it for all he cared. He just had to find Tommy, make sure he was OK, David was so worried he'd gotten hurt, or someone had hurt him, David rounded the park toward the border against the school, he found the east most door and tried to imagine the scene, if Tommy was scared and ran out that door he probably would run straight into the trees, David found a pathway in that direction and followed it, he was trekking for a good way, calling out all the while. David:"Tommy! ARE YOU OUT HERE! Tommy! it's David! I'm WORRIED ABOUT YOU! Tommy! WHERE ARE YOU! SAY SOMETHING Tommy! PLEASE! Tommy!" He just kept calling out, and walking the path, looking for any sign of Tommy, until eventually he could hear crying, he turned in the direction he heard it, right off the path into the bushes and trees, he called out again Tommy?! The crying paused. Tommy: "David?! David!" David began running into the brush, not caring if his clothes got torn or skin got cut in the process, Tommy was scared to move, it had gotten dark, he didn't know what could be out there, and the sound of the brushes breaking sounded like a bear charging his way, he flooded his diaper once more at the mental image of a bear coming for him, but he stayed rooted hoping he'd really just heard David and hadn't just imagined it. Bursting through the bushes into Tommy's sight was David, clothes destroyed, but he looked strong as steel and determined, Tommy got up and ran to David and David kneeled and grabbed Tommy, he hugged him a little too tightly getting a choked squeak out of Tommy, before loosening up. Tommy burst into fresh tears upon reaching David, the trauma of his anxiety attack earlier and the fears of being stuck in a dark forest and the bear charging him in his imagination all reached a crescendo with David's magical appearance from the bushes, all this mixed with the relief of being saved by David had overcome him, all he could do was bawl. David: "Tommy what happened?! Why are you out here?! this is a dangerous area! there's still coyotes and mountain lions that come through here occasionally, you shouldn't ever be out here without me, especially at night, OK? Huh? Tommy are you OK? are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" Tommy could only bawl, as he tried to get his emotions in check, David simply held him in a hug, rubbing his back comforting him, David saw his paci in his hand unclipped and reclipped it to the shortalls and put it to Tommy's mouth wide open crying. David: "Shhhh shhh there there it's OK, I'm here now, I'll make it all better, OK Tommy? Yes I will, here Tommy take your paci, close your mouth on it now, there you go." Tommy closed his mouth on it and held it, then his suckling kicked in, his tears continued but much lessened. David just waited and rubbed his back, and shushed him slowly and gently, rocking him a little back and forth, once Tommy's tears had subsided David asked again. David: "Tommy, what happened?" Tommy: "I, I jus, I pooied my diaper in the midda of cwass, an I was scare they coul tell, a den, den they were saying eeewwww an dat I was gross and disgusping (Tommy slurred around his paci suckling it furiously while he sniffled and spoke) an den I got wealy wweeeallly scare an I had ta geh owd of dere an run away an afore I knew it I was here an I dun eben know where here is! an it got dark an I idn't know which ways tuh go an I was eben more scared! An I'm shtill pooie an den I tawt der was a bear comin tuh eat me! whaaaaaaaa" As he recounted the chain of events his emotions mounted again reaching crescendo as he finished, sending him bawling once more. David resumed comforting and shushing Tommy gently, it didn't take as long for him to calm down this time, just moments. Once he was calm David spoke David: "Is that all Tommy? Look I understand being scared out here in the forest, heck even I'm a bit scared out here in the forest! I might be tough but I don't wanna fight no bears! But I don't think you should be scared in class of anything! So what if they smell you! If you pooie your diaper don't run away! just call me and I'll come change you, you can step out of class for a change that's fine, but you can't run out of class to go hide in the woods, that's called skipping class! it's bad!" Tommy: "I know I'm sorry, I didn't mean to skip I just had to get out of there!" He was getting excited again, David cut that off. David: "Shhhh shhh I know honey it's OK, don't worry, I understand, we are gonna work on that OK? You got scared they might smell you, well that's gonna go away, were gonna make that go away, don't worry." Tommy wasn't sure what David meant, but he liked the sound of not having to go through this again. David broke their embrace. David: "OK Tommy we have to get out of here, it isn't safe in the woods especially at night, I'm gonna carry you home OK? then when we get home we are gonna have to have a talk." Tommy was confused, did he hear that right? that's usually what David says when he has broken a house rule, but Tommy isn't even at home! what house rule could he break at school! oh god what punishment is in store for him now! Tommy pouted and whined a bit, David picked Tommy up, one hand on Tommy's back one under Tommy's bottom, David carefully trekked back the way he came, taking more care this time not to get Tommy hurt by the bushes and trees, David found the trail and followed it back to the park, he found his SUV and the same security guard that saw the diaper change was standing with it. Guard: "Oh good you found the tyke, that's good, hey I'm sorry you lost him there, but I'm glad you found him, I looked after your vehicle, made sure nothing happened to it, no tickets, are you both alright not injured or nothing? We got a med kit at the guard shack if you need it?" David had just finished buckling Tommy into his seat and closing the door as the guard finished speaking. David: "Thank you for your help, I'm sorry I accused you for no reason, Tommy's fine he seems uninjured just needs a new diaper, I'm fine too we didn't see any wildlife thank goodness, I'm gonna get him home now." Guard: "Yes that's fine don't worry I don't hold it against you, I understand the panic that comes from loosing a loved one, hey listen if you need anything any help with anything even just to ask someone to keep an eye on the tyke or anything you feel free to call me, I work here 5 days a week, I'm probably always on campus at the times he is." The guard handed David his card. David: "Thanks I might just do that." David got in his SUV and took off. Any thoughts the guard had had about judging David or his 'baby' had quickly vanished the moment David's fury was on display, David was easily 6 inches taller than the guard and twice the mass and it became clear it was all muscle when David looked like his shirt was about to rip to shreds from his flexing his might at the guard at that moment. Then when the guard found David's SUV and got a closer look at it he realized it was a very expensive model, and the way David had cast it aside to find his tyke also seemed to underscore something in the guards mind, this guy must be loaded he thought, the guard decided he wanted David as an ally even if only to ensure he never became an enemy. Tommy's emotional experience had taken a lot of energy out of him, even though David's home was a ten-minute drive tops, Tommy was passed out halfway there, sleeping in his seat, held securely in place by his 5 point harness, David got home parked in the garage closing it behind him, got Tommy out the car and carried him inside up to the bathroom, Tommy just slept the whole time, occasionally stirring but keeping his eyes closed and trying to stay asleep. David laid him out on the change table in the bathroom, and undressed him, taking everything off completely and starting the tub as well, Tommy was pretty dirty not just from over an hour old poopy diaper, but also from the mud and dirt he'd traipsed around in and sat in while in the forest, David finished the process of undressing Tommy, removing his dirty diaper while holding his legs in the air by his ankles wiping his diaper area clean with baby wipes then he carried Tommy into the bathtub setting him into it gently, the water stirred Tommy awake on contact, once in the tub David tickled Tommy's feet to get home more alert and fully awake, Tommy giggled and struggled under the tickling splashing water all over. David: "Good I'm glad you're awake I need you at least somewhat rigid so I can bath you without you dropping your head in the water and either drowning or turning into a fish!" David bathed Tommy as he usually does, then once finished David carried Tommy to his bedroom and laid him down on the changing table, Tommy was more alert now, already suckling his thumb, David pulled a new pacifier out of a drawer in the table, this one had a fox motif on the button, he traded Tommy's thumb from his mouth for the pacifier, Tommy was glad to get it. David diapered Tommy in the thicker farm prints diapers that he'd be using from now on, put a new cloth cover over that and a new pair of locking plastic pants, he dressed Tommy in a new sleeper, this one was black and had a hood with the face eyes and ears of a bear, just the right size as always, and then pulled out cleaned pairs of the mittens and booties complete with the squishy balls and the spiky soles, applied them and locked them into place on Tommy's hands and feet. OK Tommy lets get your homework done, I know you're probably not in the mood but you can't skip it, it's important. David carried Tommy over to his mini desk on the floor and set Tommy down on the carpet on his bottom and then went to get Tommy's backpack from downstairs in the SUV. Once alone Tommy took a look around the room detecting the smell of fresh paint, he noticed the room was transformed, David had gone all out this time, every wall had been covered with scenery painted in fine detail, one wall seemed to show the savanna and all it's vegetation and baby lions enjoying their time in the sun, another wall had an ocean and lots of baby ocean animals enjoying their time in the waves, another wall had what looked like a jungle with baby monkeys and baby tigers roaming through it, and the 4th wall had a big baby looking straight at Tommy through a monitor at a computer the wall looked broken. The room truly looked like a nursery now, a great one. When he got back to Tommy's room Tommy was laying on his back holding his feet suckling his pacifier with his eyes closed, David sat him back up and got started on his homework, pulling books out turning pages writing what Tommy wanted written etc, Tommy was really dragging his feet being low motivation and low energy but David made sure to push him until it was all done, then David carried him downstairs sat him at the kitchen table and then went and prepared a warm bottle of milk while also microwaving some of the last remaining left overs before bringing it over and getting started on feeding Tommy, it went well Tommy was clearly now enjoying being fed, not a blush in sight, when finished with his food David picked up Tommy and carried him up the stairs to his room and tucked him into bed, Tommy didn't complain that it was way too early for bedtime, he was too tired, and so Tommy got an early bedtime, David fed Tommy the rest of his dinner bottle and Tommy fell asleep, David made sure he had his paci in his mouth and clipped to his sleepers chest before leaving the room and going downstairs, he cleaned everything up including all the laundry and sat on the couch, he made some additions to the ocean whispers. he added: "I love pooping my diapers. I am not sad or embarrassed to poop my diapers. I do not worry about if they smell. I will not run away again. I will stay where I am supposed to be. I will always make sure David knows where I am." Later in the evening right as David was going to bed, he brought Tommy a new bottle of warm milk and fed it to the baby while he slept, this bottle had some melatonin in it and Valerian root, it should help make sure Tommy stays asleep all night despite the early bed time. The next day seemed to finally be the start of a new routine, so much had changed in just a week or two, it was time David thought for things to settle down to a pattern. Tommy woke to find his diaper extra squishy, not only had the extra bottle and early bedtime made his diaper extra soaked, but he was also apparently poopy again, Tommy sighed and decided to accept this would probably just be his new normal morning now. He turned to climb out of bed and conked his head into something which knocked him back into bed, he looked over and saw rails, he looked around and remembered there were already rails on the other 3 sides of the bed, and the one side that didn't have rails now did! His bed had become a crib! Tommy cried out for David. Tommy:"Daaaaaave". David came running in. David: "What's the matter Tommy? Ready to get up?" Tommy: "why... or... how... or... why did you make my bed a crib?" David: "It was always a crib Tommy, I just had the sliding rails removed for you, but after you fell out of bed and hit the floor yesterday I decided I'd better put them back. It's safer for you, hitting the floor could injure you pretty bad you know?" Tommy: "Huh! I didn't fall out of bed, I fell cause the spikes on my feet. David: "Oh uhuh, sure that was it". David clearly didn't believe him. Tommy: "No really I tried to stand out of bed and that was a mistake". David: "oh OK, sure, alright and how about on your first night here? You fell out of bed that night too didn't you?" Tommy: "Huh? My first night? that was ages ago, I don't remember that". David pressed a lever at his foot level and the rail slid down, allowing Tommy to climb out, Tommy leaned over the rail and put his mittened hands to the ground first, using them to support his weight as he crawled out of the crib and onto the carpet on his hands and knees. David: "Well I do! I tried to overlook it, give you a mulligan, but you fell again and I can't be having that, it's one of the rules. I guess I'll have to remind you of that rule also, the rule states: "If you fall out of bed you must have protective rails to keep you in the bed, I will not be liable for injuries because of insufficient furniture." Speaking of the rules, I guess it's as good a time as any to bring up yesterday, you essentially skipped class yesterday, now I don't blame you for the reason but it's still a fact you broke that rule, to remind you, that rule says: "do not skip classes, if you skip any classes David will take charge of your attendance and ensure you are making it to classes on time." so, you will forward me your class schedule and I will be there to walk you from class to class, in addition to this, I have a new watch for you. David pulled out of the table drawer what was apparently a watch, it was solid bright yellow, the band and the watch were all one solid piece, a rubber like material, it was clearly a child's watch but bulky, the material was clearly meant to be waterproof, David wrapped it around Tommy's left wrist and fastened it in place, it sounded like a zip tie being fastened, David made sure it was not too tight, but tight enough it could not come off the hand. David: "As long as you have this watch I can always find you, it has a GPS tracker that communicates with my phone, don't try taking it off, I want to make sure I can't loose you into the woods again, there's bears out there!" Tommy looked at the watch, all it showed was the time in large digital numbers, Tommy could not figure out how it could come off, there wasn't an obvious buckle tongue or clasp, he assumed this was the point, it was designed to be impossible for the wearer to remove, he wanted to protest, but he had to face that he liked having David worry about him, having David protect him like this, it made him feel those warm feelings of love flowing through him, so he accepted these changes wondering just what else was going to be in store for him down the line. David: "Come on Tommy lets go eat breky". David walked out the room and down the stairs to the kitchen finishing up getting breakfast ready. Tommy didn't complain this time about having to stay in his wet and poopy bedtime diaper during breakfast, he understood now that this was just going to be the way it was from now on, he crawled after David, suckling his paci as he went, he backed his way down the stairs, one knee at a time like a pro, and crawled to the dining table just as David finished plateing the meals onto the table, Tommy waited for David and David grabbed him by the armpits and lifted him into his seat. Tommy was pleased to see that breakfast would not be leftovers anymore, he saw eggs and bacon and toast and waffles and sausage, he was quite excited bouncing in his seat despite the poopy wet diaper. David was glad to see him coming to terms with his diapers, it seemed what he went through yesterday was somewhat of a catalyst for him to stop resisting and lean into things more, David fed Tommy his meal and bottle alternating between them. Once fed David leaned over as if to hug Tommy and patted his back firmly until Tommy belched unexpectedly. It was only after the unexpected belch that he realized he had again been burped like a baby, the discomfort it relieved from his belly made him hesistate to complain about the treatment, besides he had to admit he liked the hug. Before he could think on it further David spoke. David: "OK Tommy go get to the bathroom and I'll be there in a minute just want to finish my own meal first." Tommy did not stand up on his own, he hadn't forgotten the spikes this time. David: "Oh ya! good boy waiting for me!" David reached over and grabbed Tommy's armpits picking him up and setting him onto the floor on his bottom, while David scarfed his breky Tommy crawled his butt high in the air, over to the stairs and up them using his knees, he crawled into the bathroom and then laid on his back on the floor and held up his legs trying to hold his legs with his arms, something about the diaper made this position more comfortable, like having his legs forward fit the diapers shape better. David came in after him eventually and saw him playing with his legs on his back, David smiled then proceeded with the process, he lifted Tommy setting him on the change table, undressed, removed the diaper, wiped him clean, into the tub, mittens on the hook, bathing clean, then after toweling, David carried Tommy from the tub to the changing table, he inserted a new clean pacifier into Tommy's mouth, this one had a firetruck on the button and it was red. He re-diapered Tommy in the same usual combo including the locking vinyl pants which David never intended to stop putting on him, he then pulled a new onesie over Tommy's head, this one was red with firetrucks all over it just like his pacifier, he buttoned it at the crotch then pulled a new pair of shortalls up Tommy's legs, fastening the straps over the shoulders onto the buckles, these shortalls were a light green with frogs and lizards and geckos. He then picked up Tommy and set him on the floor on his bottom, Tommy reflexively kept his feet up out of the way. David: "OK Tommy, time you grab your back pack and bring it down stairs with you while I get your lunch ready." David left, Tommy looked over at his backpack, it had at least been repacked this time, but he'd need to zip it up, he crawled over to it and tried pinching the zipper between his two mittens for many minutes but it wasn't working, eventually he tried zipping it up using his teeth but that only made a little progress and hurt his teeth, finally he just said screw it and brought it with the pocket open, he was able to slip a mitten through the handle, so he could carry it the rest the way, he crawled with one hand the other dragging the backpack, and then descended the stairs backwards using his knees, once downstairs he dragged the bag to the door and deposited it there, then he sat down and looked at his new Velcro shoes, they sure were pretty, and he did like the paw patrol characters, he wasn't sure why he whined so much about them yesterday, he liked them more now, who cares if they're Velcro, those are easier anyway, Tommy never did like tying his shoes untying them again later retying them again the next time over and over everyday, now he wouldn't have to. David came back from the kitchen carrying Tommy's paw patrol pack, freshly refilled, he also had the diaper bag strapped over his shoulder, he had brought that in from the SUV last night and repacked a fresh diaper into it, the diaper bag held about 5 of the farm print disposables, and about 3 of the cloth covers, with 3 pairs of the locking pants, but still anytime any of them was taken out he always restocked it back to it's limit as soon as he could, he liked to make sure it was always as fully stocked as he could fit into it. David came out the kitchen and saw Tommy sat on the floor knocking around at his Velcro shoes with his mittens getting a closer look at them from all sides, Tommy was smiling at them, Tommy was sucking in his lower lip, David noticed he did that sometimes when his thumb was locked in the mitten, even though Tommy had a pacifier dangling from his chest.. David walked to Tommy and first unlocked and removed his booties, leaving him sitting on his bottom on the carpet while he slipped Tommy's feet into the Velcro shoes and strapped them on, one foot at a time, Tommy just sat and waited and smiled, enjoying the attention, David then removed Tommy's mittens one at a time and set them by the booties and grabbed his hands and lifted him to his feet, David grabbed Tommy's paci and slipped it between Tommy's lips. David: "Keep that in until lunch, otherwise if you keep sucking your lower lip it's gonna get really fat and you might bite it by accident, and your thumb is usually dirty so don't suck that either, your paci will protect you from both of those things if you keep it in." Tommy nodded a yes. David slipped Tommy's back pack onto Tommy's back, and handed him his paw patrol pack, Tommy grabbed it and with his hand in David's followed David out the front door over to the garage, which was already open, David must be opening it at some point during breakfast prep cause Tommy never noticed when he did it. David holding Tommy's hand led him to the same door as last time, passenger side rear, opened it and had him hop up into his seat, then David fastened Tommy into his 5 point harness, he clicked the two hip clips into the buckle between Tommy's legs, then he buckled the one chest clip located on Tommy's chest, David tugged at the straps on Tommy's shoulders one at a time pulling them snug, then pulled at a loose strap at the bottom of the seat to pull all the slack out tightening the whole thing, and shut the door, David then got into the driver seat and pulling out closed the garage and headed off to school, this time as they arrived Tommy glanced at his new watch, vibrant bright yellow, according to his watch he still had 15 minutes, plenty of time to get to class, he sat there as David pulled up to the usual drop off spot, David got out and came around opening Tommy's door, this time Tommy knew to just sit still and wait for David to let him out, David reached over Tommy and unbuckled the 5 point harness, loosening the two buckles at his crotch and at his chest, David grabbed Tommy by the armpits and lifted him out, setting him on the sidewalk on his feet, for a moment Tommy was ready to lift his legs and land on his bottom but quickly remembered now was not time to crawl. David reached into the vehicle drawing out Tommy's two bags and handing them over to him, Tommy put the one backpack on and held the paw pack then he leapt at David and gave him a big hug!, David was a bit surprised, but very pleased, he returned the hug, rubbing Tommy's back, they paused this way for a moment, David whispered into Tommy's ear. David: "You're such a good boy, keep being a good boy for me all day OK?" Tommy still nursing his pacifier, nodded a yes and strode off, smiling and practically skipping, David was bewildered. David got into his driver seat and just watched Tommy half skipping away to class, David had done this more than a handful of times to students, but it had never gone this way before, it's been 3 months that David had been working on Tommy and already Tommy was diapered 24/7 suckling his paci wherever he wanted, messing in class, wetting freely, being fed, crawl trained, sleeping in a crib, wetting and messing in his sleep, being bathed. Tommy took to this stuff like a fish to water, it was meant for him, he was built for this, it made him happy David could see it, Tommy didn't need to go through this to learn some lesson, he just needed this, to be this, this is just him deep down, and David is just helping him discover his true self, all of David's previous experiences with students had been a battle, a fight, had been difficult, it was often near the end of year 2 before students had been reduced this far, and some of them never got happy about it, Tommy was already this far and happy, David just couldn't believe his luck, he'd found the perfect candidate and in so doing learned that he was the one he loved. David had never really before believed in soul mates, but he couldn't bare to think of Tommy as any less then that at this stage.. he just hoped Tommy could see him that way some day, David knew he'd one day have to level with him tell him the whole truth, or there would always be that barrier between them in David's heart, but first David intended to see this through, he didn't want to risk jeopardizing the end result. It was where Tommy needed to get to for himself, David truly believed Tommy needed it more than anyone ever had. The security guard had been walking his rounds, he came around the corner and saw a car parked in the drop off spot, no one in the passenger side, clearly hogging the drop off spot longer then he should be, the guard approached the car then realized it was David, he immediately turned around and went the other way, he wasn't about to bother David about THAT ever again... David drove to the actual parking area and found a spot, he climbed into the back seat and lowered a flat screen television from the ceiling, it wasn't a huge thing but plenty big enough for this environment, David reclined in the rear seat and watched TV, he linked his phone to the TV, and had a small map of campus in the corner of the TV, with a little dot showing Tommy's location, he watched his show and kept an eye on Tommy, making sure he was going to class, and staying in class. Tommy strode to class slowly, this was the first time he could take his time getting to class, owing to all of David's help, he felt like things were getting better for him, no longer struggling to make it on time, no longer having wet pants accidents, David had been right, the diapers were the right move, he never had to worry about people seeing anything, he only had to worry about the smell now, and something in the back of his mind told him he didn't have to worry about that anymore either, it was a quiet voice back there but each day it would get louder and bolder. Tommy kept an eye on his watch making sure he had enough time and took a slighter longer route to class getting a look at things around campus just browsing the sights, he made it to class with a few minutes to spare and sat down, he had felt his bladder bursting during the walk but letting go while walking intentionally was still challenging, now that he had seated and was still he couldn't stop it if he tried, but he didn't try, he just let it flood his diaper, and tried to pay it no mind, focusing on class unpacking what was needed from his bag turning to certain pages in his book and notebook etc. The teacher entered, making eye contact with Tommy, pleased to see him on time, and began the class, Tommy did great, he suckled his pacifier the entire time but hadn't even recalled that it was there, his focus stayed on his school work and it went by with ease, when class was over and Tommy left the class room David was there at the door. David: "Remember I said I'd be making sure you got to all your classes? Well I'm gonna walk you from one to the other every time! OK?" Tommy just nodded, David reached out and grabbed Tommy's hand, and they held hands as David walked him from class to class, during class David returned to his spacious SUV and relaxed, at the end of the next class David was there and led Tommy away for lunch, holding hands he brought Tommy to his SUV, and they sat in the far back cargo space like they'd had the day prior, David fed Tommy his lunch without complaints, in fact it was clear Tommy loved this routine now, he liked being fed, it was as plain as the smile on his face, David smiled all through lunch too, not much was spoken, both of them flying high on feelings they didn't know how to verbalize, with Tommy's food done with, David handed Tommy his bottle to nurse it on his own while David got to work getting into the diaper bag, setting out the change pad and dragging Tommy onto it, Tommy didn't complain, David hadn't even asked if he'd need a change, David just figured by now it should be certain, of course David found Tommy wet and changed him in the usual way, putting him back into what was now Tommy's usual combo. David re-buttoned Tommy's onesie over the fresh diapers and pants, and the buttons on his shortalls at the legs too, he climbed in and held Tommy while Tommy finished his bottle, Tommy made motion to David indicating he wanted David to hold the bottle and David gladly obliged, David paid close attention to the clock this time. As soon as the bottle was finished David turned Tommy around holding him in a hug, and patted him on the back firmly, forcing a belch out of him which again caught Tommy by surprise, before Tommy could contemplate having again been burped like a baby his time was up, in a rush David left the mess in the cargo space grabbed Tommy by the armpits and lifted him to the ground, Tommy had to again remind himself to put his feet down and stand, this is not bottom time. David shut the SUV hatch and held hands with Tommy walking him to class, David looked over and saw Tommy suckling his thumb, David kicked himself for forgetting to put that paci back in place, he put the paci in place right then, Tommy didn't flinch, David got Tommy to class on time and went back to his SUV to clean up the lunch mess. That class ended and David led him to his last class, it was this class that Tommy's bowels had repeatedly been a problem, and today was no exception, nearing 30 minutes left in the class Tommy felt mush on his bottom, he hadn't even known he'd pooped, he was already leaning forward working in his notebook and when he leaned back it was just there, he couldn't remember pushing, he thought his diaper felt wet too, but he didn't remember doing that either, he reasoned that he simply was too focused on his work to have noticed and it hardly mattered anyhow, he was definitely nervous about smelling, but he tried hard to stamp that down and forget it, the nerves were there, but he acted normal and kept at his work, he didn't panic this time, class ended, and he waited to leave last, David was there and asked. David: "Tommy why'd you wait to leave class last?" Tommy: "I didn't want the people walking behind me to have to smell me..." he lisped around his pacifier. David: " Ohh. Well that is considerate of you, but I don't think you need to worry about that, I doubt they can smell anything through all your layers, and I'm sure they can hold their breath for all of 5 seconds to get out the doors. But I understand you're trying to be polite." Tommy just nodded, this time Tommy reached out and grabbed David's hand before David had a chance to do it, they both smiled, and David led him to his vehicle, David lifted Tommy into his seat after fist putting Tommy's two bags in the seat next to Tommy's seat, Tommy could also see the diaper bag sitting next to him it's presence a reminder of his new status, David strapped him into the harness, first the clip at the chest then the two hip clips into the crotch buckle, pulling it all tight Tommy felt it squeeze his wet messy diaper into himself, he didn't mind the feeling anymore, he remembered when it had grossed him out so badly, but he'd gone through so many poopy diapers by now and none of them had hurt him, so he decided it was just another part of life now. Tommy momentarily tried to lean forward testing the harness, it kept him snug against the seat back, the snugness of being so secured made him feel good, like he was loved, he couldn't get out of this thing no matter how hard he tried, David was just about to shut Tommy's door when Tommy asked. Tommy: "Hey David, I had a thought, what if god forbid we get in a wreck and I need to get out of this thing." David reached over Tommy to the left of Tommy the center seat besides Tommy had a small strap sticking out of it's center, David tugged it and a portion of the center of the seat folded out into like an armrest complete with two cup holders, the front most cup-holder had a portion of it's wall colored red, which looked odd against the black the rest of it was, David grabbed the red part and lifted a portion of the wall of the cup holder came loose, and he pulled it out, he showed it to Tommy. David: "Tommy this is for emergencies only, never play with this, I can easily take it away and hide it elsewhere if I ever see you touching it, but you see this little slit here? that has a razor blade hidden inside it, it's just big enough to fit the seat belt in the slit and cut the belt, it's aptly called a seat belt cutter, and this here at the tip this pointy metal bit, that is called a glass breaker, I bet you can guess what it does." Tommy: "Breaks the glass?" David: "You're so smart" David gave Tommy a little tickle in the armpits as he said that. David: "That's right Tommy first you cut your set belts, make sure to do that first, then you slam that pointy tip into the window and it will break it, so you can get out, lets just hope you never have to use it. But Tommy if we do get in a wreck someday you go ahead and use it, don't hesitate, I won't be mad, I can always buy new seat belts and new windows, even a new SUV, but I can't buy another one of you, not for all the money in the world, you're irreplaceable. It was at this moment David decided he wanted to change his will, he'd get to it tomorrow he made a mental note. He shut Tommy's door and drove Tommy home, at one point David glanced in the mirror and saw Tommy nursing his paci and playing with his paw patrol backpack humming the paw patrol theme song, this was a behavior David was nowhere near suggesting, Tommy was just doing it of his own volition, David hadn't gotten anywhere near the act of play or humming or singing that was down the road, or, so he thought. They got home, David pulled into his garage, this time leaving the garage door open, he got Tommy out after unbuckling the chest and two hip clips at the crotch, this close to Tommy David could smell Tommy's poopy diaper, he was tempted to give an exaggerated phooowee, but thought better of it, he wasn't sure Tommy was ready for that kind of playful gesture, if yesterday was any indicator, so David gave no indication, and simply lifted Tommy up and out setting him on his feet, handing him his two bags, grabbing the diaper bag and shutting Tommy's door. David grabbed Tommy's hand and led him outside and around to the front door. David: "I prefer to go in this way Tommy, so we can keep our shoes all at the same entrance." Before entering the house David hit a button in his pocket and the garage door closed. David entered the house took his shoes off then Tommy entered, David got down and took Tommy's shoes off for Tommy, slipping the booties on as he did, Tommy of course plopped onto his bottom as David did this, the squishing of his messy bottom not even registering in his mind this time, he'd grown used to it, it was just normal now, then David secured the mittens to his hands too, Tommy squeezed the squishy balls in his mittens as if to say hello to them, still suckling his ever present pacifier. David left Tommy on his bottom and carried Tommy's paw patrol bag to the kitchen leaving it on the counter, he returned and grabbed Tommy's backpack. David: "Come on Tommy lets go do your homework." David went up the stairs to Tommy's room, Tommy put his hands out in front of him and crawled after David, climbing the stairs carefully, David set the backpack on the floor by the computer and began preparing for the diaper change that was needed, he set out the supplies he'd need, wipes new diaper cloth cover, new vinyl pants, then Tommy finally caught up, crawling into the room, Tommy crawled over to David and David lifted him up to the table setting his bottom onto the table, he spun his legs over and laid him back, so he was flat on the table, David then pulled a strap over Tommy's chest and buckled it, and tightened it, holding Tommy to the table, Tommy briefly noticed it, but didn't mind it none, and then David proceeded to change his diaper, first unsnapping the buttons of the shortalls lifting it open and then unsnapping the buttons of the onesie, nothing had leaked on them, so they were still clean to wear the rest of the day, he left them open while he took off the locking pants and cloth cover, the cloth cover had just a tiny bit of wetness at the leg openings so into the laundry bin it went, the disposable was opened and David got to work wiping all over Tommy's diaper area, Tommy just stared at the ceiling and daydreamed, sometimes about cartoons, sometimes about random things like forest animals that lived nearby the school and what their life was like, and what professor mustache's life was like, and some thoughts on paw patrol episodes and characters and random things like this. David was grabbing Tommy's ankles and lifting his bum to continue the wiping on his bottom, and Tommy's thoughts continued to drift while he nursed his paci, paying no mind to the muck being wiped from his bottom, once totally cleaned David pulled the old diaper out put a new one under Tommy and set him down without powdering him yet, first David wrapped up the dirty diaper, then double bagged it, and set it by the door intending to take it out right away, David took a couple baby wipes to his hands to be sure they were cleaned of anything, David returned to Tommy, pulled something out a drawer, then lifted Tommy's ankles and bottom up again, he began rubbing something cool into Tommy's bottom. Tommy:"ah das coold was da?" he lisped around his paci. David: "It's diaper rash ointment, you just had a liiiiitle spot of red and I just wanna make sure it doesn't become a bad rash so this will take care of it no problem, don't worry about it." So Tommy didn't worry about it, getting back to his wandering thoughts, as David rubbed and rubbed getting the ointment all over Tommy's bottom both inside and outside the crack, and covering the front too, he didn't put it on very thick, he believed a thinner layer was better, but he figured since he's doing it in one spot he may as well cover the rest of the diaper area while he's at it, just in case. Tommy had to admit he liked the smell of it, it was somehow soothing. David then covered the whole diaper area in powder which stuck to Tommy's skin better with the cream in place, forming a much more efficient protective barrier than usual, with that done David quickly took a wipe to his hands to get all the powder and cream off them, then he pulled Tommy's new diaper into place fastening it with the Velcro tabs, then pulled a new cloth cover over it, then fresh locking pants and snapped Tommy's onesie shut, he thought about it and decided not to snap the shortalls, instead he picked Tommy up by the armpits and set him on the carpet, Tommy kept his feet out and went down on his bottom, David pulled Tommy's shortalls off up over his head, David wanted to see Tommy crawling around in just his onesie, Tommy didn't seem bothered, he crawled right over to his computer, well aware that it was homework time. David went to the bathroom and washed his hands real fast just to be thorough just in case. He returned and sat by Tommy helping him with his homework, doing all the writing for him and page turning and typing etc. once homework was done, Tommy made sure to ask David to pack his bag back up and zip it this time, they then both went down stairs, Tommy crawling and suckling his paci the whole way, David entered the kitchen after tossing the old diaper out he got started on dinner, Tommy crawled to the dining table and sat besides it on the carpet waiting, David made up a couple warm milk bottles while things cooked, putting one in the warmer, and handing one to Tommy, Tommy found it easier to hold it with the mittens by laying flat on his back on the carpet head to the side, one mitten laid in front of his face backhand to the carpet, bottle sat on top his mitten the other mitten holding the bottle in place so it didn't roll off. He laid there nursing away at his bottle, while David finished making dinner, Tommy seemed to like keeping his legs up, pulling his knees to his chest, the diaper seemed to encourage it, the way it fit, wanted his legs forward rather than straight down, Tommy hadn't noticed it but this also had the effect of making him lean forward more when he walked, increasing his waddle as his butt stuck out a bit more, very much like how a 1-year-old walks when first learning, knees always at least slightly bent. David brought dinner to the table, grabbed Tommy's bottle out of his mittens setting it on the table, and grabbing Tommy by the armpits and picking him up, placing him in his chair, getting the feeding underway. Tommy was so happy to be fed now, no more blushing, just bouncing in his seat, once Tommy was fed David held the bottle in place for him to nurse the rest of it while David used his free hand to eat the rest of his own meal. They finished about the same time, and before David could turn to grab Tommy he simply threw himself from the chair onto the floor with a thud, landing on hands and knees, he oomphed, at the impact, only hurt a little, and then crawled to the couch. David: "you keep that up, and we'll have to do something about that, I can't have you hurting yourself, you need to learn to wait for me to let you down." Tommy just ignored David, he was fine, it didn't really hurt that much, the carpet is soft... Tommy climbed onto the couch, David washed the dishes and came to join him, with a fresh bottle, David wrapped Tommy in his bwankie, held Tommy in the nook of his arm, wrapping his arm around him, and held Tommy's bottle for him, Tommy nursed at it slowly, still quite full from dinner, but he enjoyed nursing it, so he just worked it real slow. Making it last a long time, as he and David cuddled, and he nursed. Tommy wet himself during TV time, his wetting wasn't large, he didn't have strong urgency, he just felt a small pressure and decided to release it sooner, rather than holding it and putting up with it's discomfort, he no longer saw any reason to hold it, anytime he felt it he wouldn't bother to fight it, and so instead of one large wetting Tommy had many small wettings while he nursed and watched TV, at the end of the night David turned off the TV, set Tommy's empty bottle on the table, which Tommy had been nursing still even though it was empty, just enjoying having a nipple to suckle at. then pulled Tommy into a hug and patted his back firmly, Tommy again belched suddenly and unexpectedly. Before Tommy could contemplate yet again being burped like baby David distracted him by announcing. David: "OK Tommy it's bedtime, lets go to the bath now, follow me good boy." Tommy smiling and feeling good fell to the floor and crawled after David, climbing the stairs with his knees and mittens in front of him, in the bathroom the routine was the usual, at bedtime the routine was the usual, the next day the routine was the usual, David had finally found a good point to let things settle, and so he did, when Tommy's mitten punishment sentence was up at the end of the week, David said nothing, he just kept putting the mittens on Tommy whenever he was home, and Tommy didn't seem to mind, either he had forgotten it was temporary or he liked the mittens too much to want it to end, same with the booties when it's sentence was up, David just kept putting them on him, and he seemed to love it, he seemed to now love crawling, and he loved the moments when David would just carry him instead, every morning he'd wake up wet and messy, call for David over the baby monitor and once David let down the rails of his crib he'd crawl to breakfast, after breakfast David would bathe him, Tommy never asked to shower, he had come to prefer being bathed, and so David never had to tell Tommy about the punishment for skipping the shower that one time, which would have been mandatory forced bathing by David, he hadn't even needed that trick, Tommy loved being bathed too much to need to be forced. Every day David would be there between classes and Tommy would hold his hand for the walk, everyday Tommy would keep his paci in his mouth when he could remember too, otherwise his thumb found it's way there until he swapped them, everyday he got a diaper change at lunch in the back of the SUV, pooped in his last class of the day, and stayed in it until he got home, he no longer worried about the smell, and indeed no one ever seemed to notice, he no longer waited to be the last one out of the last class, and again no one seemed to smell him, David's combo of a cloth layer and plastic pants over the disposable seemed to do a good job trapping the smell in, that and the diet he had Tommy on was helping too. Tommy was so settled into his new life David turned off the ocean whispers, they weren't needed now, he would use them again when he was ready to advance the next stage, but for now he just wanted Tommy to settle into this naturally, without any suggestions at night Tommy still kept to it all, he truly loved it on his own, the suggestions had just helped him make the decision to try it out. It was now winter break, Christmas, David had decided he wanted to advance Tommy's regression some more during this break, the first thing he did was turn the ocean whispers back on, wiping the slate clean and just adding one suggestion. Which was: "Daaavid is such a good Daadaa to me. I want to call him Daadaa instead. I don't wanna use his old name I'd rather tell him how much he means to me by calling him Daadaa cause that's his new name! Whenever I try to say daaaavid I will find myself saying daaaadaaa instead. And that's a good thing. He is my Daadaa now. And when I call him Daadaa I am being a good boy!" During break Tommy stayed home of course, he spent his time on the couch watching cartoons, one day, David was upstairs in the shower, when Tommy felt a chill, there was a cold draft coming from somewhere that he hadn't felt before, he was curious, so he went exploring, crawling around trying to find the source, he went into the kitchen, and then he saw it, the basement door was wide open, it was usually locked, and he wasn't allowed down there, but here it was wide open inviting him in, he nursed more intently at his pacifier as he considered taking a peak, as he raised his nerves to go for it he wetted his diaper, the excitement seemingly triggering the flow, he decided if he was quick David wouldn't know, he just wanted a peak at what the big secret was, so Tommy crawled to the door, and peered down the stairs, nothing was in sight but stairs, so he turned his bottom around and started descending backwards one knee at a time as was his custom now, he got to the bottom and turned around and was stunned! The entire basement was a laboratory! there were beakers galore, Bunsen burners, centrifuge's, glass door refrigerators filled with vials all with careful labels, hazmat suits hung in the corner, this was more advanced and outfitted then any school laboratory Tommy had ever seen, Tommy remembered David said he had been a scientist but this looked like he was still heavily engaged in that pursuit, there was equipment plugged in and running, this was beyond Tommy's expertise to understand any of it's purpose or goal, Tommy wanted to explore more, but he knew he had to get back upstairs quickly, he turned and started his knee crawl climb up the stairs, he got to the top and decided to close the door, surely David didn't leave it open on purpose, and if he found it open it would make him suspicious, Tommy struggled to get it to close with the mittens on, but he eventually managed, and as it clicked shut he heard behind him. David: "Tommy! what are you doing?" Tommy jumped and felt his diaper get wetter from the startle, he turned around and there was David, already dressed, just looking him down, he didn't seem upset, just smirking. Tommy: "Uhm.... nothiiiing." David: "Now Tommy, be honest, did you go into the basement?" Tommy: "uhmmmm, nnnnnnooooo, OK maybe, I'm sorry the door was open I couldn't help it I just wanted a peak I'm bored!!!!" David truly hadn't left the door open on purpose, sometimes the latch didn't engage right and if it came loose the door would swing wide cause it wasn't properly level, but David was smirking cause this was another one of his rules.... David: "Well Tommy do you want to know what's down there?" Tommy didn't want to admit that he already knew now. Tommy: "Uhm, uhhhh, kinda?" David: "OK Tommy come here." David picked Tommy up, supporting him under his bottom against David's hip while Tommy wrapped his legs around David's waist, then David opened the door back up using a key from his pocket, and carried Tommy down the stairs. Tommy was nervous he wasn't sure what was about to happen, he felt more wetness leave his bladder, just a tiny amount, since that was all that was in there, having already emptied moments ago, David carried Tommy into the laboratory and explained. David: "Well I told you I retired and it's true, I did, I don't work for anyone anymore, but I'm still a scientist at heart, and sometimes I like to do sciencey stuff, maybe an experiment maybe making new chemicals all kinds of things really, I once gave a frog wings, but he ate them, so that didn't work to well, anyhow, this my general purpose lab, I can do just about anything in this lab that any other lab could do, almost anything. But it's important I keep it locked and it's important you stay out of here cause there are many dangerous chemicals down here sulfuric acid for example, many dangerous things, and even besides that there is sometimes fumes down here, I have a good ventilation system installed but you never know what could be building or lingering when I'm not down here to monitor things, I just can't have you down here, for your own safety Tommy, does that make sense? The great mystery is solved now right?" Tommy took in what he was saying, it made sense, but he couldn't help wondering just what projects he had running now. Tommy pointed to a piece of running equipment. Tommy:"what's dat doin." David: "Why that's my handy dandy Automated Osmometer Tommy! basically it finds tiny things in fluids and tells me about them." this really didn't help Tommy understand what he was up to. Tommy: "What's dat stuff ober der." David: "Well Tommy that is Ethylenediaminetetraacetate." Tommy just looked blank. David: "Can you say it with me Tommy? Ethylenediaminetetraacetate, eth uh leen dahy uh meen te truh ass suh tate." Tommy didn't even bother to try he just glared at David dumbfounded. David chuckled. David: "It's found in your mayonnaise Tommy, it's also useful in DNA work, anyhow, lets go back upstairs now, nothing down here but glass, chemicals, and fumes, and it's cold down here isn't it! Yes it is! Yes it is!" With that Tommy had his tour of the basement, he could make no conclusions about what David was up to down there, something to do with mayonnaise and frogs he guessed. David made sure the door was locked and latched and then plopped Tommy onto the couch. David: "Hey Tommy, you said you were bored yeah? Well, how about this, lets go to the toy store, would you like some toys?" Tommy liked the sound of that, he could do with something to entertain himself cartoons were great, but he was starting to see only reruns at this stage. David: "OK Tommy lets go." David picked Tommy up and started carrying him through the kitchen into the garage. Tommy: "Hey wait! I don't have my shoes or even pants!" Tommy had been sitting around in just his onesie. David: "Oh silly me! Tell you what I'll buckle you in and I'll go grab something OK, just hold on." David put Tommy into his seat and secured the 5 point harness, pulling it tight, Tommy felt it go snug into his diaper, which reminded Tommy he should probably ask for a new diaper first, but David was already back inside, leaving Tommy stuck in the garage in the back of the cold SUV with it off. David returned just a moment later, with the diaper bag and Tommy's bwankie. David: "Here you go Tommy here’s your bwankie you just cover up with that." David handed Tommy his bwankie, bewildered Tommy saw the door close before he could say anything, David opened the rear hatch for a moment, Tommy heard two things being loaded in, one was probably the diaper bag, but he didn't know about the other." David got in the driver seat and started it up, opening the garage too. Tommy: "David what is this! I don't have pants! and my diaper is wet! shouldn't we change it first and put pants on?!" David: "I will check your diaper when we get there, I can change you in the SUV again if I need to, and no you don't need pants, you won't have to walk, you can't walk anyway with those booties on, you can just wrap up in your bwankie no one will know you don't have pants on." Tommy had forgotten he was still wearing the booties, did David expect him to crawl like this? On the dirty ground! Tommy was now really appreciating the cleanliness of David's carpet. Tommy was scared, this was such a departure from their routine, he hadn't gone anywhere but home and school in months! Things were so different now, could he really just go shopping like this! Without pants! Tommy was panicking. David: "Tommy just breath, deep slooooooooow breaths, OK Tommy? are you listening to me? Ill pull over if you don't slow down your breathing. You know me well enough by now Tommy to know I won't let you get hurt, you're gonna be OK, we are just going to get some toys and come home, that's all, you'll see, it will be all OK, just trust me Tommy, OK?" Tommy was listening to David, he tried to slow his breathing, David was right he did trust David, Tommy tried to just hold back his worry, waiting anxiously to see what would happen, feeling his diaper growing warmer yet again, he hardly even noticed he was going this time, that happened occasionally now, he was sometimes wet without remembering when it happened, sometimes even messies happened without him knowing it, and David had taken care of him through all of it, so he deserved some trust. David pulled into a large mall, found a parking space in a parking garage, and got out coming round to Tommy's door, he reached in and stuck a finger into Tommy's diaper, checking it's state. David: "Your diaper is somewhere around half full, and I don't smell poopies, so you're fine, that will last you until we get home I think." David then left Tommy still buckled in, and walked to the back hatch opening it, pulling something out, there were some sounds, clicking of metal and plastic, then wheels rolling, David reemerged by Tommy's door, pushing a stroller, it was larger than a babies stroller, but not by much, the seat was more recessed, allowing for a larger occupant, like Tommy, who at this time was around 5 foot 3. Tommy couldn't believe it! David wanted to take him through a mall in a stroller! Tommy: "I can't go in that! You want to push me around a mall in a stroller!" David: "Tommy how many times have you freaked out like this over the last few months? and every time I tell you it will be OK and you don't need to worry? and every time you eventually see that I was right and it is fine! and then you are happier for listening to me, am I right?" Tommy couldn't argue that. David: "So, I'm telling you now, you can go get toys or go home, that's your choices, if you walk in there you won't have pants and carrying a bwankie will look weird. If however you sit in the stroller you can wrap up in the bwankie, and it will look normal, it's just a stroller and you're wrapped up in a bwankie in it, no one will bat an eye." Tommy: "You don't think they'll notice it's bigger, and I'm bigger?" David: "number one, no I don't think they’ll notice, the stroller isn't that much bigger it's a subtle difference they'd have to be up close looking closely at it to tell the difference and no one is gonna do that they are all busy with their own lives. Number two, so what if they did notice? you're not the first person I've pushed around in a stroller Tommy, there's plenty of special needs people in the world why do you think they build strollers like this one? For people like you, no one is judging you more than yourself, so what's it gonna be Tommy? Toys? Or home?" Tommy mutters: "Toys." David: "That's my good boy." David approached Tommy and unbuckled him, lifting him up and carrying him over to and depositing him into the stroller, David secured the straps around his shoulders and crotch buckling them and pulling them tight, another 5 point harness, then he grabbed Tommy's bwankie and wrapped him up tight in it, like a swaddled newborn, Tommy did feel comfortable in this. David shut his vehicles doors, and stuffed the diaper bag into a holding spot on the back of the stroller, and pushed onwards to the mall. Once inside the mall they could see it was very busy, Christmas was near and everyone was shopping for gifts, this was both a blessing and a curse, this meant there were crowds of people everywhere to blend into, Tommy would be harder to see at a distance, only the nearest people could spot him, but it also meant there was a lot of people to get that chance, on the other hand it also meant everyone was busy and focused trying to find specific gifts, so they were less likely to be paying attention to him. David pushed Tommy through the mall taking his time, he wanted Tommy to see that no one noticed or cared, it was time Tommy acclimated to the world at large, he'd come so far finally coming to terms with this concept as it applied to his campus, but he needed to see it was this way everywhere else too, for the most part anyhow. David pushed Tommy through shops that were not toy shops, seemingly browsing, wasting time, dragging things on, he stopped at the food court and found a place that had apple juice, David asked them to fill one of Tommy's bottles that he pulled from the diaper bag, Tommy was embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything, if he spoke he'd only draw attention to himself, speech coming from a stroller was far more unusual then silence, or cries. So he stayed silent, David handed him his bottle now filled with apple juice. David: "Drink up, your due a bottle, I don't want you dehydrated, besides, you can hide your face behind the bottle if it makes you feel better." David had a good point Tommy thought he could hide his face! So Tommy put the bottle to his face holding it carefully with his mittens, and YUCK! this was TOO sweet! Tommy hadn't had any beverages but warm milk for a long time, he wasn't used to it anymore, it tasted so much sweeter then he remembered, it was harsh on his tongue, he paused to let his mouth adjust, he didn't even want to drink it now, but he did want to hide his face, so he took another sip, still too sweet, but a bit easier to tolerate this time, he kept sipping occasionally until finally his buds had become tolerant of the sweetness, and he nursed freely, suckling down the bottle and hiding his face with it, only really seeing the top half of line of sight, everything that was above peoples heads, Mainly the ceiling. The motion of being pushed around was actually pretty soothing, and like Tommy often did when nursing a bottle he closed his eyes and relaxed, his diaper warmed some in so doing, and he nearly dozed off before the stroller came to a stop at a bench, David sat down with the stroller facing the bench, and he held the bottle for Tommy so Tommy didn't have to struggle at it with his mittens, Tommy relaxed and let David feed him the bottle, from this spot and angle no one could really see him, so he felt comfortable for the moment, he suckled and suckled and closed his eyes and suckled, and before he knew it he really did doze off, but David kept holding the bottle, and he kept suckling as he slept, after a while he'd emptied the bottle, David unbuckled Tommy's harness for a moment to lean him forward and give him some firm patting to his back, he belched which stirred him for a moment but he was already back to sleep as David refastened his 5 point harness and retucked the blanket around him, David packed the empty bottle back into the diaper bag stuck Tommy's paci into his mouth, and resumed pushing Tommy. He pushed Tommy in and out of every store in that mall, Tommy slept through most of it, one cashier said 'cute baby' as he walked by, she was sincere but David was sure she hadn't really got a look at Tommy she was just being polite, other than that no one even noticed Tommy, they all just saw a stroller and ignored it. There was only one shop left to go into, the one they had come here for, a toy store, this toy store was special it was geared towards children under 5 only, they had a large play space in the store and most the product was kept in a backroom with some display models on the floor that kids were allowed to play with, the idea was parents could let their kids come here to play freely and the parents could find out which toys the kids liked by simply watching which ones they played with the most. David leaned over and shook Tommy awake, he'd been asleep long enough, Tommy stirred and opened his eyes, he saw the colorful store and was intrigued he saw toys and was excited but these were toys for babies, surely David's just in the wrong aisle or section, but as David pushed him around the store Tommy slowly realized every toy in this store was for babies, it's a baby toys store..... Tommy also realized as he shifted that he had messed in his sleep, which had become pretty common place for him anymore, at this stage Tommy was less concerned with that then he was the fact he wanted a toy but not a baby toy he was thinking something like a video game or a remote controlled helicopter or something fun! But again he couldn't speak up, he didn't want to draw attention. David circled the store a couple times trying to decide for Tommy, he wasn't about to let Tommy out of the stroller to play, though he wished he could, instead he would just have to decide for Tommy if Tommy didn't want to speak up himself, and so David walked around occasionally grabbing an item here and there, placing them into the stroller with Tommy, by the time he got to the counter Tommy was buried beneath toys, one such that had been sitting right at eye line for Tommy staring him in the face was a teddy bear, a blue teddy bear, and Tommy couldn't help but like it, it reminded him of bluey even though it was a bear and not a dog, just cause it was blue, it was large about the size of Tommy's torso, it looked the perfect size to hold and cuddle, Tommy found himself sneaking a hand from beneath the bwankie to grab the teddies hand and hold it, gently rubbing the teddies hand, feeling it, David noticed this, he was pleased he'd picked at least one thing Tommy would like right off the bat without having to first adapt to them, as he intended to train Tommy to do just that with the rest of the toys. As David unpacked the stroller of it's toys onto the counter for the cashier to ring them up one item at a time, she made small talk while scanning items. Cashier: "Boy! looks like someones a lucky little boy, you got lots of toys today! Christmas came early huh buddy!" Then David got to the last toy, the teddy bear, which was covering up Tommy, David grabbed the teddy bear pulling it from Tommy's grip, and the cashier got her first look at Tommy, at first her smile vanished, and she studied Tommy for a moment, then she perked back up and returned to small talk. Cashier: "What a shy little guy you've got there, a real cutie." The cashier had seen plenty of special needs kids in here over the years, she just took a moment to realize this was one of them. David thanked the cashier, paid for the items and grabbed his stuffed shopping bags, hanging them on the handles of the stroller and pushing Tommy out the store, right as they were leaving the store Tommy got hit with a painful cramp, this was unusual, he'd been so freely emptying himself for a while now he hardly ever got cramps anymore, his body didn't really need them anymore, cause he didn't hold it anymore, then another cramp hit, then Tommy remembered the apple juice bottle, he'd forgotten until this moment that drinking too much apple juice can give you the runs, a fart suddenly erupted from Tommy, then another, he couldn't stop them anymore, he'd stopped bothering awhile ago, and now the idea of holding on made him uncomfortable just to think about, and so the toots repeatedly came out of him, and before long the toots became solid, and that came out of him too, he'd already messed his diaper when he napped earlier while being pushed around but apparently the apple juice had found more to clear out of him and it was happening now, Tommy just huddled under his bwankie and tried not to whimper, as he repeatedly filled his diaper. David caught a wiff on the air and wondered if it was Tommy, he stopped moving the stroller and leaned over checking on Tommy, Tommy was hiding under the bwankie suckling his paci furiously and definitely smelled poopy. Tommy glanced over and saw David inspecting him, he could only whimper, he didn't want to say anything out loud, but perhaps his whimpers would suffice, David already knew, he needed a change, and it shouldn't wait until they got home. David didn't want to do it in the back of the SUV cause it was dark out now and very cold, below freezing temps, and this seemed it wouldn't be a quick job if the whimpers were anything to go by. David rolled the stroller along until he found a map of the mall, on the map he eventually found the family restrooms, he rolled the stroller that way, when he got there a Mother and child were just leaving the rest room and no one was waiting for it, so David entered and locked the door, it was one of those restrooms where you had the room to yourself and could lock the door, as luck would have it this restroom did have an adult sized changing table, so David got it prepared with the change pad from the diaper bag and set out what he would need, some empty baggies a fresh diaper a new cloth cover and plastic locking cover baby wipes powder etc. Then he pulled the bwankie off Tommy, upon having his bwankie taken and his body revealed to the world Tommy noticed then that they were in a bathroom, he realized what David was doing and confirmed it when he looked over and saw the adult sized changing table, he suddenly had a flash back to the restroom at the airport so long ago, when he had commented about the big babies of California, now it was him, he was the big baby, he had that opinion of people who used these big tables and now he was using these big tables, he realized that he had no longer any grounds to deny being a big baby, he had already called himself that before this all began and it had now caught up to him. Lost in his thoughts David simply grabbed the zoned out Tommy under his armpits and lifted him onto his back on the table pulling tight the strap across his chest, and began changing him, as he took the onesie off he noticed it had been spoiled, some of the poo had leaked onto it, not much just a tiny bit but David could not put that back on him and so into a baggy it went, Tommy's onesie's were built with lap shoulders so David was able to pull the onesie downward pulling Tommy's arms and shoulders through the neckhole past the torso legs and feet, since some poo had made it to the onesie David wondered if any had gotten on the stroller, he turned and closely analyzed everything, the stroller had been spared, instead it had gotten on the bwankie, and so David had to bag up the bwankie too, David then returned to Tommy and removed the plastic pants and cloth cover of course had likewise been spoiled so into the same baggy they went, Tommy now lay there totally nude except his soiled disposable, he was just staring at the ceiling zoning out, eyes wide like he'd seen a ghost, and eyes a little watery too, David was worried. David: "You OK Tommy? it's a pretty poopy one but that's OK I'm prepared to take care of it, and we got this nice private bathroom too so you don't have to worry about nothing, so why do you look like you seen a ghost?" Tommy: "Yeah, that's it, I seen a ghost, and the ghost is me, or was me, was what me was, what I was, that's the ghost, the old me...." Tommy was just zoned out on the ceiling as he rambled this nonsense, he wasn't crying really, just kinda stunned. David: "UUHHH, ooookaaayyy....." There was a knock at the door. "You gonna be long in there?" David: "Hey I'm changing a poopy diaper unless you want to volunteer to do it yourself I suggest you give me some space!" "sheesh OK" and whoever it was buggered off, they didn't get anymore knocks but that had got David moving. David: "I'll have to ask you what this ghost stuff is about later, for now lets get this done with. You just sit still and keep nursing your pacifier." Tommy hadn't even realized he was suckling his pacifier, he couldn't even remember when it went in there, but he knew without it he'd instead have a thumb/mitten in it's place, thinking about this in the context of his ghost calling him a big baby just seemed to seal the deal, Tommy is a big baby he thought to himself, and I guess I'm OK with that, it can be tough at times like right now, but daaavid really shoulders most of that problem, I just have to sit still and keep my fears in check, and in return I get so much love and comfort, if this is what it is to be a big baby then I'm OK with it, even despite the poopy diaper changes at the mall or in the SUV, if that's the worst it's still just me holding still while Daadaavid does all the work. Whenever David's name crossed Tommy's mind today it often came across sounding wrong, like it wasn't the right name, he couldn't place it, but he knew that every time he said David the A sounded softer then he remembered, more like DaVinci not like Dame like he intended to say it, or think it, whenever he tried to correct it, it came out like a stutter. while lost in thought as usual, David had gotten on with changing Tommy's diaper, removing the tapes pulling it open revealing the disaster that awaited him David realized his mistake, Tommy's belly was adapted to milk, he'd given him a giant dose of apple juice, which can give even a normal person the runs, but on Tommy it had been even worse. unfortunately for David some more forced it's way out of Tommy right then, David pulled the diaper back in place and waited, Tommy hardly noticed, still staring at the ceiling lost in thought, after a minute or so David resumed his work, pulling the diaper back down and wiping every inch a dozen or so times, once the whole front was clean he grabbed Tommy's ankles and lifted his legs and bottom into the air and resumed wiping this time on the back side, he wiped and wiped and wiped and used up nearly the whole pack of wipes by the time Tommy was clean as a whistle, he pulled out the dirty diaper and set Tommy down on a clean one, he bawled up the dirty one double bagged it in his own baggies then tossed that into the trash can, he took a wipe to the table to make sure nothing was missed, tossed that, washed his hands at the sink real quick, then resumed, he lifted Tommy's bottom again to powder it all down, set him down and powdered the front, pulled the diaper up and fastened it, then put a new cloth diaper cover over that, then a new pair of locking plastic pants, and the he removed the strap from Tommy's chest and placed him into the stroller. Tommy snapped out of his daydreaming at this. Tommy: "Hey wait! My onesie! I'm in only a diaper!" David: "Tommy your onesie is poopy you can't wear it, I didn't pack spare clothes, I should have, I'm sorry, it was an oversight, I'm usually so prepared, when we get home I'll make sure to put spare onesies into the diaper bag right away to make sure I don't forget them again, but for now you'll just have to be in just your diaper till we get home. Tommy: "Wait! My bwankie gimme my bwankie I'll hide under that!" David: "I'm sorry Tommy, that got poop on it also, it is bagged up, I'll wash it when we get home." Tommy: "But David I can't go out like this, it isn't appropriate!" David: "You want I should bury you in toilet paper? I don't think that would be very subtle or sanitary!" Tommy did giggle. Tommy: "Seriously though, we gotta come up with something." David looked at what they had, then figured a solution. David: "Here just hold this real tight." David handed the big blue teddy bear to Tommy. Tommy: "UUHHGG, OK I guess that’ll have to do then." Really the bear was plenty, it covered him totally except his legs that stuck out of the stroller down to the foot platform, anyone looking into the stroller would only see the back of a blue teddy bear, and a couple arms wrapping around it tightly. David unlocked the bathroom door and pushed the stroller out, there was someone waiting on the other side, wanting to use the bathroom, a Father and his adult child, roughly Tommy's size, suckling a pacifier, and also sitting in a stroller, very much identical to Tommy's, except different colors, the occupant gave a wave and Tommy waved back as they passed each other, like two ships in the night. The Father nodded at David and David nodded back. Tommy thought, there goes one of those big babies, I guess I really am one of them now, we had the same stroller and it really felt like looking at a peer. David wondered if that had been the person who knocked on the door, no way to be sure. David pushed Tommy through crowds of Christmas shoppers all too distracted by their endeavors to notice the nude except a diaper college student in a stroller, they exited the mall and Tommy was struck by the freezing cold, it wasn't so bad with his bwankie but now totally nude it was very cold! David started jogging toward the SUV, he didn't like having to have Tommy nude in this cold, it was around 25f. David got to the SUV and hit the remote start button on his fob to get the engine going, he opened Tommy's door and grabbed him by the armpits and lifted him into the seat, the poor guy was shivering like leaf, David quickly fastened the harness's buckles and hit a button on the door side which activated heated seats, then shut the door, Tommy was still gripping the bear of course. David opened the rear and tossed the stroller and shopping bags and diaper bag into the back, he didn't bother folding it down and packing the stroller up, he could do that later, he got in the driver seat and started driving right away, getting the SUV moving would warm up the heater faster than sitting in a parking stall. He cranked the heat setting to max heat, after just a minute Tommy could feel his heated seat kicking in, he'd never felt heated seats before, and on his naked body it felt really good, another few minutes and the vent started blowing warmer air, enough for Tommy to stop shivering, before long they were both comfortable, David even a little overheated, he was keeping the SUV hot so Tommy would be comfy in the nude. David: "Well Tommy we can go straight home now, OR, would you like to see some houses decorated with Christmas lights? We can just drive by and stay in the car? I mean you did tell me this morning that you were bored didn't you? and you got a fresh diaper there, and it's nice and warm in here now so how bout it?" Tommy just shrugged, he didn't care now, he was warm and his diaper was fresh even if not totally dry with his frequent small spurts he always had anymore. Tommy just nursed his paci and let David decide. While David drove Tommy around he asked Tommy. David: "So what was that back there about seeing a ghost?" Tommy: "Oh, well, I just had a flashback to how I was when I got off the plane, and it was like seeing a ghost, some ancient long dead version of myself haunting me, I didn't want to see it anymore." David: "I see, well Tommy, if that ghost ever bothers you, you just ask it, who is more happy, him? or you? and I think I know the answer to that, so that ghost should go away." Tommy liked this advice. David drove Tommy to some affluent neighborhoods places where they were known to go all out on their Christmas light decorations over their large properties, they drove through slowly getting a good look at everything, one property at a time. Tommy had never done this before, it felt magical, the lights all had a bloom to them and there was soooo many lights, so many colors, Tommy was mesmerized thoroughly, they drove around for hours looking at all the lights, eventually Tommy fell asleep and David turned toward home, while driving home David at one point heard some grunting from Tommy, he realized Tommy was messing again in his sleep, guess that apple juice wasn't quite finished with him yet. David pulled into the garage and parked, then closed it behind him, he first got Tommy out of his seat and carried him inside up to his room and laid him in his crib, Tommy was still sound asleep, he tucked Tommy in and raised the rails locking them in place, he whispered to the sleeping boy. David: "I'll get your poopy diaper changed in just a bit baby boy, I'll be right back." David went back to the SUV and unloaded everything into the house, he folded up the stroller the way it should be and packed it back in the garage, he brought in the diaper bag and the dirtied clothing/bwankie and got the wash running, then he pulled something else out of the garage and began setting it up in the living room, eventually he was back in Tommy's room carrying a fresh warm bottle of milk, he set the milk aside and lowered the rails, he lifted Tommy out of his crib and carried him to the changing table setting him onto his back, the momentarily cool vinyl of the tables top woke Tommy up, he looked around and figured out he was being changed, and merely closed his eyes continuing to nurse his pacifier, David grabbed the bottle and replace the paci with the bottle, Tommy nursed away at the milk, David had to grab his mittens and guide them to the bottle, so he would start holding it himself. Then David got on with the diaper change, Tommy was changed into the usual combo and a sleeper this sleeper had the colors and hood with face eyes and ears of a monkey, it even had a tail sewn into the rump, Tommy didn't know it but David had started using sleepers with a zipper that locks in place requiring a tiny little key to unlock, to make sure Tommy wouldn't try taking them off, he never did though, which is why he didn't even realize it. With the diaper change finished David carried Tommy down stairs nursing his bottle all the way, and deposited him onto his bottom in the center of the living room, once on the ground Tommy realized something was different he looked around and saw rails on all sides, he was in a playpen! All his toys they'd bought today were in there with him, the floor was a soft foam mat covered with the print of roads and houses, it was the classic town from above play mat style design every kid from the 90s recognized. Tommy didn't want to stop drinking his bottle, he enjoyed it too much, so decided he'd complain about the playpen once he'd finished it, struggling to hold the bottle in this position he flopped down onto his back with his legs in the air and nursed the rest of the bottle that way, he was trying to focus on the good feelings of the bottle and not be distracted by his irritation of being in a playpen, eventually he let his mind wander, at one point thinking back to the shopping mall and being changed on the large changing table in the family restroom, he pondered that such a large table even exists in public restrooms shows he's not the only big baby around, there must be quite a few of them to be building tables like that for the public use, he even met one as he was leaving the room, proving that they do get plenty of use, Tommy wondered if he belonged in the playpen after all, it was clear there was already a designated big baby status in society that he hadn't previously known existed, and he had simply joined it, not that he was stepping out of what was normal but rather just transitioning to a different kind of lesser known normal. The big baby normal. As if to signal him that he was right on, his bladder released At that moment, he hadn't even realized he'd needed to go, it was a small release as most his releases were now, but he thought on how easy it was to pee himself freely now, how it often happened without even knowing it was going to happen, he wondered if he could hold it if he tried, but concluded he didn't want to try, he didn't miss the discomfort of holding it, he was glad to be free of that burden. Besides straining to hold his bladder in a diaper made as much sense as wearing a scarf in the sun in the summer, it only made you uncomfortable for no reason. As he finished his bottle he sat up and looked to David who was approaching him already, before he could speak David sat down and wrapped Tommy in a hug, and firmly patted his back, with the first pat Tommy realized this was another burping, he embraced it this time anxious for the relief of a belch whichly quickly overcame him without warning. After belching David returned to the couch. Tommy decided right then to just accept the burpings as another new normal, he liked the hugs, and the relief that the belching brought his tummy. Tommy: "whym I ihma pwaypen" he lisped around his mitten which was partially in his mouth being suckled on. He hadn't even realized he'd put his mitten in his mouth, his bottle hadn't been out of his mouth more than one minute and already his thumb had tried to take it's place!! in frustration, he ripped his mitten out and tried again. Tommy: "why am I in a play pen daad...... daa....... I mean daaav.... daaaavid" He wasn't sure why he suddenly struggled to say David's name, it momentarily distracted him from his question as David stared at him with a smirk. David: "Well Tommy as you may remember you signed a contract and initialed the rules within that contract and one of those rules said that you are not to go into places you're not allowed in such as the basement, yet this morning I did indeed find you in the basement, the punishment for going into rooms you're not allowed in is you must be kept in a playpen whenever home for 1 month, and Tommy if you try to get out of the playpen then the sentence resets, only I may let you out of the playpen." Of course this was yet another rule! I should have known! Tommy thought, a month! that's ridiculous! How could he just be stuck in a playpen for a month! Tommy quickly placed his paci in his mouth before his mitten found it's way there. Tommy thought for a moment, is it really any different then just sitting on the couch all the time? At least there was more room to move here, and he had toys even if they were baby toys, then Tommy saw his big blue teddy bear in the corner. Admitting defeat Tommy crawled over to his teddy bear and collapsed onto it, laying there for a moment feeling helpless and frustrated. The playpen was pretty large, occupying the majority of the living rooms space, the coffee table had been removed from the room to make space for it, David had moved the table to the garage, Tommy could easily sprawl out inside the playpen without touching the edges, and then some, Tommy felt a little unappreciative as he looked around at the toys, he knew David was just buying toys that David thought were appropriate, David being the way he is and all, with his 'taking care of the nephew' mindset, and he had spent a lot of money on Tommy doing so, and Tommy had only complained. Tommy: "Thank you daaad.....I mean daaaavid for buying me stuff, it was nice of you to spend money on me, thank you for cleaning me when I made a mess, I'm sorry I was being bratty." Tommy had to swallow his pride to say this, but he knew it was the right thing, he didn't want David getting sick of him, Tommy knew he'd clearly had become someone who needed help, a lot of help, and he didn't want David to become unwilling to provide all the help he so far gave in spades. David: "Ohhh that's so sweet of you to say that Tommy, you're such a good boy, don't mention it Tommy I love taking care of you, you're just such a sweetheart." Tommy sprawled out and stretched enjoying the flow of warmth over him of his favorite words. Tommy didn't want to engage with the baby toys, he knew he'd eventually give in out of boredom but for now he resisted, instead just cuddling his new bear and watching TV, David had mercifully left it on Tommy's kid shows, there was baby loony tunes playing now. When baby loony tunes was over David changed a channel and then it was rugrats, Tommy had never watched rugrats, but he had heard about it, he knew it was a show for babies or real little kids, he watched the babies of the show getting up to their usual antics, and couldn't help identifying with them in so many ways, even the fact they were most often confined into a playpen they weren't allowed out of resembled Tommy's exact current situation, at one point or another Tommy got flashes in his mind of images of himself being there in the show, with the other babies, it helped that the main baby in the show was also named Tommy, they even had similar last names, Tommy felt like this was a sign, like being a baby was more than just his state of being, like perhaps it was his purpose, his destiny. David left the TV on the rugrats marathon and went to make dinner, Tommy didn't even hear him leave, Tommy found a way to recline against his teddy bear turning him into a comfy support and zoned out on the TV, not moving until David came and grabbed him by the armpits without saying a word, lifting him up and carrying him to the dining table for dinner, he fed Tommy in the usual way complete with rubber pocket bib, and when Tommy was done eating he had Tommy hold his own bottle to finish it off but Tommy merely flopped out of the chair onto the floor and dragged the bottle in his teeth as he crawled back to the playpen, David quickly wolfed down the remnants of his own meal and chased after Tommy. David: "Oh no you don't, you're supposed to stay at the table until I place you back in the playpen, that's the playpen rules, you stay where I put you, period." From behind he grabbed Tommy's armpits and lifted him up and over the playpen wall and put him back down on his bottom. Then removed his bib. Tommy had thought if he could just make it to the couch maybe he could blend into it and David would forget if only for a time, but that hadn't worked, Tommy felt like he'd lost a battle. David returned to the kitchen and cleaned up the table and dishes etc, Tommy finished off his dinner bottle left it on the floor and crawled back to his teddy bear and rugrats. Tommy immediately put his paci back in his mouth before his thumb could shove the mitten into it's place. Tommy zoned out on rugrats, something about seeing talking babies living life like their status as babies was the most ordinary thing comforted Tommy, made him feel less out of place, more like he belonged just as he is, like there's nothing wrong with being a talking baby. Eventually David picked Tommy up and carried him to bath time, bathed him in the usual way, and took him to his bedroom all dried off, laying him onto the table and handing him his bedtime bottle, as Tommy nursed that and David diapered the boy he noticed Tommy was now completely hairless (not counting the hair on top of his head) all his pubic hair arm hair chest hair leg hair facial hair all of it, had been getting so sparse day after day he started forgetting to pay attention it, it was getting harder to see, it was only now that he took a close look he realized he couldn't find a single hair remaining, Tommy's skin was now as smooth as could be. Pleased with this, David finished diapering and dressing Tommy in a new sleeper this one was orange with a foxy tail on the rump and foxy eyes mouth and ears on the hood. Then David carried him to bed and tucked him in raising and locking the rail into place, he fed Tommy the rest of his bottle and once finished left the room with Tommy nursing his pacifier. The next day Tommy awoke wet and messy as usual, it didn't phase him in the slightest anymore, if he'd awoke dry or not messy he would have been shocked, this was normal now. He called out for David to let him out his crib. Tommy: "Daadaa.” It took a moment for him to realize what he'd said, “daaaa... daaaa.. da! daaaaaaaaavid!" He realized he was calling David Daadaa now, and it was a struggle not too, he didn't understand where this was coming from, was it just a symptom of being so loved and cared for by a man, was he wishing his own Father had instead been David, was he replacing the idea of his absent Father with David? Tommy wasn't sure what to make of it, his head spun with the thoughts. David entered the room quickly. David: "hi baby, you sleep OK? Something wrong?" Tommy: "I'm sorry I called you Daadaa I don't know what came over me, it's like it's hard to say your name right anymore." David: "well Tommy Daadaa has been my name for many people so if you want to call me Daadaa I don't mind one bit, my nephew always called me Daadaa, I didn't conceive him of course but I like being considered his Daadaa, and I would love to be YOUR Daadaa if you would have me." David was just leaning over the crib rails looking down at Tommy while he spoke, he wasn't letting Tommy out without a response. Tommy: "Uhm. hmmmm. I guess it is fitting, you do take total care of me anymore, and I do like being taken cared of. Are you sure it's not weird to call you Daadaa? and why don't I say dad or daddy it's like Daadaa just feels like the default." David: "Daadaa is just easier, it fits better, I'm sure your just so relaxed you feel like saying what's easiest, and that's great I like to know you are relaxed, it lets me know I'm taking good care of you, so no it's not weird! in my mind a Daadaa is what someone does not what someones birthed! and I think for you I've been a pretty good Daadaa haven't I?" Tommy knew this whole thing was bizarre, not just calling David Daadaa but the entire thing, what he'd been reduced to, his sheer acceptance of it, step by step he hadn't put up any fight, but the other half of Tommy's mind knew the reason why, he loved it, he got so much love and care and affection he'd never had all that before, he'd never realized just how much he missed what he'd never been given until now, and as bizarre as all this was it gave him that missing piece of himself, so if David would like to be called Daadaa and Tommy's mouth wanted to say it anyway then he rationalized he may as well relax and embrace it. Tommy:"OK Daadaa, can I get up now?" Daadaa: "Of course Tommy." Daadaa lowered the rail of the crib, Daadaa went back downstairs and Tommy climbed out and onto the floor and followed after him, his messy wet bottom high in the air as he did. Tommy finished his slow backward climb down the stairs a knee at a time and crawled to the dining table. Daadaa was finished setting up breakfast and lifted Tommy into his chair. Tommy: "Hey Daadaa? Can we take off the watch? it's winter break I'm not going anywhere!" Daadaa: "Does it bother you Tommy?" Tommy: "Well, no, I just figured it's pointless." Daadaa: "It's not pointless! what if someone sneaks into here when I'm not looking and tries to abduct you! with that watch I will track them down and make them regret it!" Tommy giggled. Daadaa got on with feeding Tommy. The rest of the day settled into a new break time routine, after breakfast was a bath and new diaper, Tommy then spent all his time in the playpen Daadaa made sure to give him bottles often, burping Tommy after each one, and occasionally checked his diaper, he got two changes, one was messy, both times he was changed in his playpen on the changing mat from the diaper bag. He watched more rugrats marathons, he wasn't sure why they were doing so much rugrats marathons, but he was glad for it, it was quickly becoming one of his top 3 favorite shows. Eventually some of the episodes were reruns he had already seen, so he turned to the baby toys for stimulation during those episodes, he analyzed one toy at a time, one toy was an etch a sketch with thick green plastic encasing it, he struggled to grab the stylus with his mittens, eventually he spit out his pacifier and tried drawing the stylus in his teeth, he could only make scribbles, but he noticed they were colored, he scribbled the whole screen to reveal the screen had color zones one quarter was red one quarter was green one quarter was blue and one quarter was yellow, he thought it was neat that nowadays they could make the etch a sketch colored like that, he dropped the etch a sketch tired of using his teeth to draw and crawled over to the next toy, there was a collection of 4 toy cars, they were big, the size of his head, they were brightly colored various colors and had sticker on the windshield to show a driver there was a calf, a dog, a squirrel, and a cat. The cars each had an elevated button sticking out of the top, Tommy pushed the button and it depressed all the way down to the cars roof, then when he let go the car sped off! Neat he thought, the car could be powered for a moment with the button, he pushed the button on the other two cars, and they sped off too, he crawled after them, then lined them up like on a starting line, he only had two mittens, so he pushed two buttons at the same time and let go, he watched to see which one was faster and which one went further, he then did the two buttons on the remaining cars, he picked the winners and then raced the winners against each other, he did this for both categories, he figured out which car was the fastest, it was the cat, he declared the cat the winner of the race and decided it was his favorite, the car that went the furthest he declared to be second place winner it was the squirrel, and made it the cats companion, they would stick together. The two losers he decided he didn't care for and set them the furthest away, where they'd be out of his way, he played with his two favorite cars awhile more and then looked to the next toy, he crawled over to it and looked it over closely it was like a marble run tower but much bigger, and had big plastic balls instead of marbles, 2inchs diameter, the thing was tall if he could stand up it'd probably be his height, he noticed it was assembled out of small pieces, that it could be disassembled and reassembled in whatever form one wished, that each segment was small enough to redesign the thing a million different ways, he grabbed one of the plastic balls between his two mittens and carefully lifted it to the big hole on the top, it was a hard reach he had to sit up on his knees and lift his arms all the way above his head, at the maximum of his reach the ball slipped from his clasp and fell to the ground, he had to crawl after it, he had to roll it back to the tower before crawling back to the tower then trying again, he got the ball into the hole this time and watched it race through the course, going down slides and twists and curves and spirals, even leaping gaps here and there, he was actually impressed something like this was a kids toy. The truth was Daadaa had bought 4 of these sets and combined them all together for Tommy, normally a toddler would get a single set of these parts and the tower couldn't be this tall. Daadaa was sitting on the couch watching Tommy through all of this, pleased to see Tommy finally letting his guard down and playing with his toys, glad to see Tommy was able to enjoy them, and didn't find them boring or stupid, Daadaa had intended to work this sort of behavior into the ocean whispers but Tommy didn't seem to need that suggestion, he was enjoying his baby toys of his own free will. Tommy had a lot of fun with the tower watching the balls race through before turning on to the next toy, he crawled over to it and looked it over, it was like a rocking horse, except it was shaped like a dinosaur! It was made of thick hardwood but it was painted green! and it was much larger than a babies rocking horse, Tommy could fit on this thing just fine and have fun if he wanted, he was nervous though, this would be the most babyish activity yet in Tommy's mind (as if getting his messy diaper changed in the playpen wasn't babyish.....) Daadaa saw Tommy's hesitation at the rocking horse and decided to help him out, while Tommy was looking at the Dino rocker he suddenly felt hands in his armpits, Daadaa was lifting him from behind and plopped his bottom onto the rocker with a wet squish, Tommy was embarrassed but decided to embrace the play, he placed his mittens on the handles and began rocking, his diaper squishing a bit each time he rocked back and forth, the rocker rocked with ease it didn't hardly take any effort, Tommy tried picturing himself riding a dinosaur in a wild forest, and started getting absorbed into the play, he imagined he was in that forest he got lost in and was chasing down cougars and bears and wolves and making his dinosaur eat them up. Daadaa was already back on the couch enjoying the show. Tommy had no idea how long he'd rocked, enjoying his fantasies about the power to wield a dinosaur like a horse, eventually he decided he was out of energy to rock so rolled off and fell to his bottom on the floor, he crawled over to the next toy. It was a massive pile of mega blocks, he did like legos as a kid, but he never had his own, he only ever got to play with legos when visiting his friends houses and always wished he could have his own. Mega blocks were almost the same, basically just gentler bigger legos. he went about placing one piece into another and built a tower, then knocked it down with a crash, he built multiple towers and pretended it was a city, then crawled through it like he was the dinosaur now. Then he built big walls and little houses inside the walls like a fortress, he built many things and had a great time with his mega blocks, it occurred to him that mega blocks are bigger because smaller kids can't be trusted not to put them in their mouth and legos could be choked on but mega blocks were too big to choke on, this got Tommy thinking about putting things in his mouth, he already sucked mittens and pacifiers, what must it be like to try to chew on mega blocks he wondered, and so while laying on his belly inside the mega block walls he'd built, he grabbed a mega block and stuck a corner into his mouth, exploring it with his tongue and teeth, trying to bite a corner of it, making marks in it, he did this for a bit before deciding mega blocks didn't make for good mouth toys, he was curious about this now though, and so he crawled to the next toy he could see which looked perfect for a mouth. This toy was like a colorful soft rubber ball the size of a cantaloupe, except it had nodes sticking out of all sides of it, he counted 12 nodes sticking out of the rubber ball, the nodes were also a rubber type material and each end with a round or oblong end, which had various patterns embossed into them, the ball had a small window on one spot showing beads inside that would rattle around as the ball moved, Tommy decided this looked like a good mouth toy, and right away stuck a node into his mouth exploring it with his tongue and teeth, he tried chewing it and could not harm it, it was soft and rubbery but durable, he rolled onto his back and continued exploring each of the nodes and their different patterns with his tongue and teeth, surprised in himself that such an act could be so stimulating, he couldn't remember ever exploring solid items with his tongue but it had it's own fascinating sensation about it, and so he kept at it awhile. He was still absorbed in exploring the teething toy when Daadaa suddenly picked him up, he had his eyes closed and hadn't seen Daadaa approaching, Daadaa carried Tommy off to bath time, the teething toy was ditched in Tommy's crib along the way, Tommy got his usual bath and bedtime diapering plus bottle, he drifted off to sleep while Daadaa fed him the last of his bottle like always, Tommy slept with the teething toy in his crib with him, Daadaa figured it gives him something to play with when he wakes up, Daadaa also went downstairs and came back placing Tommy's teddy bear into the crib with him, Tommy grabbed it unconsciously wrapping an arm around it. The next morning Tommy awoke, wet and messy like every morning, but now he had his bear in his arms, he couldn't remember having the bear at bedtime, but he was happy to see him, he looked at the bear. Tommy: "Good morning bear.... you need a name.. hmmm" Wanting for more creativity he eventually settled on the unoriginal. Tommy: "bwooeey dats your name now, bwooeey!" Tommy giggled at his own lack of creativity in naming the blue bear, but liked the name all the same, it was then Tommy looked over and saw the teething toy, he felt like he struck gold, he wrapped his legs around bwooeey, so he could hold him while having his mittened hands free to work the teether toward him, all this while staying on his back he managed to clasp the teething toy between both mittens and hold it to his mouth, and he resumed yesterdays fun exploring it with his tongue or chewing on the nodes. Daadaa had heard Tommy talking to his bear via the baby monitor and smiled that Tommy was content to hang out in his crib finally, seems a distraction was all he needed, Daadaa decided it may be time to start installing crib toys onto the bars, rather than rushing in for Tommy he decided to just let him play awhile, and started working on breakfast, taking his time as he did. Listening to Tommy's gurgles as he sucked at his teether, and occasionally talked nonsense to his bear with his mouth full of rubber. Once breakfast was totally ready, Daadaa entered Tommy's room to find him still laying on his back chewing at the teether toy, he lifted Tommy onto his waist and made to leave the room stopping when he heard Tommy whine. Tommy:"but bwooeey!" Tommy was reaching one mitten toward his bear, Daadaa grabbed "bwooeey" and placed him in Tommy's arm and resumed carrying the boy to breakfast, the bear had to be taken away and placed in his own chair to watch as Daadaa fed Tommy, occasionally he would pretend to spoon food to the bear and make noises like the bear was gobbling down, Tommy giggled at this silliness. When Tommy was done with his meal Daadaa held Tommy's bottle for him making sure he wasn't gonna try to crawl off in a hurry this time, using his free hand to finish his own meal, with the bottle done he burped Tommy then grabbed Tommy right away and plopped him down into the playpen, he went back to the kitchen and cleaned everything up. Tommy looked over at his Daadaa and for the first time observed the height of the playpen, wondering if he could get over it, it appeared the rail came up to just about his belly button if he were able to stand, so Tommy decided it was unlikely he could climb over it without a jump and that was more than he could stand to even think about with the spikes in his booties, so he turned to explore more new toys. He crawled over to one and observed it was a fisher price musical Learning Table with lots of lights and sounds and buttons, it was the perfect height for him to see the top from on his bottom or knees, and he had fun pushing the many buttons to see what they all did, he went about trying to memorize their sounds and which lights they activated to arrange for himself a little show, it was challenging to hit the buttons he wanted with the mittens on, he'd often accidentally hit the wrong button and screw up his sequence having to start over. His Daadaa also interrupted him picking him up from behind and carrying him to the couch, Daadaa held Tommy in his lap and cradled him, and held a bottle to his mouth, Tommy enjoyed the closeness and drank his milk bottle all the way down. Nearly dozing off by the end of it, but managing to keep himself awake, he wanted to go back to playing he didn't want to sleep, bottle empty Daadaa burped Tommy then put Tommy back into his playpen, he crawled off spying the Dino rocker he beelined for it and rocked some more, fantasizing about being in Jurassic park and chasing around the tourists with his Dino buddy. Again Daadaa would occasionally bring Tommy bottles and make sure he drank them even if it meant he had to feed it to Tommy himself, he burped Tommy after every one of them, then he would occasionally check/change Tommy's diaper right there in the playpen, Tommy's changes consisted of a couple very wet diapers and one messy. they had dinner the same as the day before and so on the routine went, Tommy was having a much less boring time now with his toys, after days of this he no longer disliked the playpen, in his mind it now represented playtime, just as it should all his toys were in there, except the teething toy which now took residency in his crib, and he liked it there, to play with in the mornings, Mr bwooeey always went with him, to bedtime to breakfast time to playpen time to dinner time and back to bedtime, he loved having a bear to keep with him and hold, eventually he introduced bwooeey to Mr Dino and decided they should be friends. Christmas eve arrived and Daadaa announced Tommy had to go to bed early that night. Tommy: "AWWW but why?" Daadaa: "Because Tommy, Santa clause comes tonight and if you're not in bed when he comes he'll skip our house and you won't get any presents" Tommy: "Daadaa Santa not real I learned that really young, my mommy told me he was only for rich kids to pretend about." Daadaa's heart hurt every time Tommy had something to say about his Mother, it seemed it was never anything loving. Daadaa: "Well Tommy that might have been the case for your Mother, but in my family Santa brings us presents and I think that has more to do with love then it does being rich, now you're going to bed right after dinner, and we are having an early dinner and that's all there is to it, or do you really insist there's no Santa? Cause I can tell Santa to just take your presents away if you don't want them?" Tommy:"NOOO! I want them, it's OK, yes Santa is real OK!" Daadaa: "OK! that's more like it!" Dinner did come early and after it was eaten Daadaa took Tommy straight to bath and bed. In the morning Tommy woke up early having gone to bed so early, he played with his teether and cuddled his bear, his paci and now the teether caused him to drool a lot whenever he played with it, in the beginning he was careful to minimize this and wipe it off his face often but eventually he no longer cared, he now gladly drooled freely for more time to have fun with the teether or his paci. This meant there was often drool spots on his clothing around the neckline especially. Even before the teether he'd gotten pretty used to the feeling of drool on his face from his pacifier already, it was becoming uncommon for Tommy to not have drool on his face and often his neckline/chest. Daadaa entered the room, first he unlocked and removed Tommy's mittens, so Tommy could unwrap presents, then picked Tommy up carrying him down the stairs, upon entering the living room Tommy gasped! Right next to his playpen was a real Christmas tree! Not fake plastic, Tommy could smell it, it was fully decorated and lit up with lights! he had seen them in his friends homes in his youth but never had one himself. Tommy: "It's soo pweetty, why you only bring it out today? Why not sooner?" Daadaa: "Well, to be honest I kinda forgot about it at first, but then I decided it might be more fun to have it as a surprise on the day of Christmas, and I think it was, your reaction was fun for me, and it's only the beginning, what's that beneath the tree Tommy?!" Tommy looked down and indeed there were presents all gift wrapped beneath the tree limbs, lots of them. Tommy: "Who's all that for? it's so many!" Daadaa: "they're all for you silly baby, do you see any other silly babies in this house? no it's just you, all for you!" Tommy's eyes locked onto one present in particular because it was massive as far as presents go, very tall for a present, Daadaa:"aha! I see you've spied the most special one of all, that's the one we are gonna open first, in fact lets open it right now, and the rest of them can wait until after breakfast." Daadaa set Tommy on the floor and Tommy crawled over to the tall present. Daadaa: "Now be careful you don't knock it over, just unwrap it with it standing like that." Tommy began ripping away the wrapping paper, it didn't take much effort, the item was not in a box, it turned out, the gift, was a highchair, it was covered in paw patrol characters, it had four legs that appeared to be steel, two legs in front were joined at the floor level by a bar between them, and the two legs at the back also had a bar joining them together at the floor level, for added stability, Tommy looked up at it, the seat looked similar to a car seat, large enough to fit Tommy and it had all his favorite paw patrol characters all over it, it even had buckles that looked like the ones in the car, Tommy could see a toy sticking to the tray and was curious about it, but couldn't see it from the floor, Daadaa pulled the tray off, lifted Tommy from the armpits up into the chair plopping him into it on his bedtime diaper wet a messy as usual, Tommy hadn't even noticed it's state, he didn't pay it any mind anymore, he was just focusing on his new highchair, Daadaa was pleased Tommy hadn't complained about it being only for babies, it showed Tommy was finally accepting himself as a baby. Daadaa pulled the straps around and buckled the chest clip and the two hip clips, it was a 5 point harness, he snapped the tray in place and then Daadaa dragged the high chair over to the dinning table, where breakfast was already prepared, Daadaa sat in a tall bar stool type chair, so he could feed Tommy in his high chair, Tommy had butterflies throughout the experience, he was happy, so strange to be so happy about something like this, he realized baby things made him happy all on their own, his past rationalizing of associating them with this or that no longer mattered, he didn't need mental gymnastics to explain why he might like something, now he could just open up and enjoy it. Daadaa finished feeding Tommy and handed him the rest of his bottle Tommy took it in his hands and reflexively tried to flop out onto the ground but didn't budge an inch, he'd forgotten about the seat belt, he couldn't get out, the highchair did it's job of keeping him in place while he nursed his bottle and Daadaa finished his own meal taking his time. Daadaa finished cleaned up the table and the plates while Tommy was stuck in his chair nursing the rest of his bottle. When he'd finished his bottle and set it onto the tray Daadaa was still cleaning dishes, so Tommy looked to the toys attached to the try, there was two of them one would spin when you slap it, and the other was like a rattle shaped like a flower made of plastic, when you smack it would bend over and shoot back up and wiggle a bit, rattling the whole time, Tommy had fun slapping this one cause he knew Daadaa would hear it and maybe it might annoy him, Tommy figured if he could annoy Daadaa then he might hurry up and get him out of the chair faster, and then Tommy could get on with opening gifts. In reality Daadaa loved hearing him play with his rattle, it made him feel happy his baby was having the time of his life with his new high chair. Once the kitchen was totally cleaned Daadaa unbuckled Tommy lifted him from the chair into a hug and patted his back until he belched, then carried him up the stairs to give him a bath. Tommy: "But what about da udder presents?" Daadaa: "You'll get those after you've been bathed, can't have you sitting in a poopie diaper all day, there's a limit to these things, your bottom wouldn't like it." Daadaa went through the routine of bathing and dressing Tommy, this time Tommy was put into just a onesie, with monster trucks prints all over it, Daadaa carried Tommy downstairs and plopped him into the playpen, before he could complain Daadaa had grabbed a present and handed it to Tommy to unwrap. Before he tore into it he paused and looked up at Daadaa. Tommy: "Daadaa I feel bed, you got me all deez gifts but I did not get you nu thin, you deserve gifts too! But I don't have any money." Daadaa: "Oh Tommy, you've given me plenty of presents all wrapped up in your diaper." Tommy giggled. Daadaa: "But seriously, you are my present, as long as I have you there's nothing I want, I don't need gifts from you Tommy, besides there's nothing you could buy me that I couldn't buy myself, no the best gift is just you, being yourself, seeing you happy, that is a better reward for me then anything money could buy." Tommy smiled and tore into the present, it was a clothing box, he pulled the top off, inside was a bunch of bibs, they were made of fabric unlike the bib he used at dinner, he felt one and it was a very soft fabric, very gentle on the skin, the bibs all had different prints, the first one he saw had construction vehicles all over it, on the back of the bib as he held it up he saw it had his name Tommy, sewn into it. Daadaa reached from behind him and grabbed the bib from him, and wrapped it around his neck fastening it in place on the back of his neck, the bib hugged his neckline just a bit loose, and covered his chest. Tommy: "Why you put it on? We already ate." Daadaa: "Tommy this is called a drool bib, you been getting a lot of drool on your cute onesies and this will help contain that, so your onesies don't get all stained, now you can drool all you want without any worries! isn't that great!" Tommy had already been getting lax about his drooling, he hadn't thought he was staining anything, but he didn't dress himself anymore, so he rarely got a close look at his own clothes that way. Tommy: "fank you Daadaa" he lisped around the pacifier." Daadaa handed Tommy another present, and Tommy tore into it wildly, finally getting into the spirit of gift unwrapping, this one was a small box showing a crib with a mobile over it, Tommy figured out how to open it and pulled out what turned out to be a mobile, the base that mounts to the rail had a little mirror in it, and a bunch of sea animals such as a dolphin an octopus and a sea turtle, motifs of seaweed and various tropical fish and starfish etc. Tommy: "HEY it's my sea fwiends!!! I see them in my dweems!" Daadaa: "Oh really well now they can help put you into your dreams every night!" The mobile came with a curved arm that connected into a slot on the base and at the end of the bend of the arm was a round disc/cone that held on strings more sea animals and the same prints covered the disc as well. Daadaa: "This mobile has lots of features, like it can make ocean noises or it can make flowing river sounds or babbling brook sounds or even nursery rhymes in instrumental, it has dozens of rhymes programmed into it!" Something about hearing ocean waves struck a cord with Tommy, but he wasn't sure why, just the thought of it made him feel like he wanted to lay down and sleep right there, but he snapped out of it when Daadaa handed Tommy a new present. Tommy tore it open and again the packaging had an image of a crib on it, it called itself a crib toy, Tommy opened it and it was like a play center but smaller, it was designed to strap onto the bars of a crib and it had all kinds of buttons that made different noises and had dangled on straps various teething type toys of different materials and shapes. Daadaa: "This also straps into your crib it's something you can play with anytime you're in there waiting for me." Daadaa was already handing Tommy another present anxious to keep things moving. Tommy tore into the next present and it was another fabric box, Tommy opened it up and it was rugrats characters! Tommy gasped with excitement, but he still didn't know what it is, he pulled it out and it was very thick and padded, very soft, rectangular but very long, he pulled it out-and-out and out and more kept coming. Daadaa: "This is called a crib bumper! We will put it around the edges of your mattress it fastens to the rails and acts like a protective bumper so you don't hurt yourself bumping into the rails." Tommy was just thrilled to have rugrats characters in his crib, he was also thrilled the bumper did not have angelica on it, he really didn't like angelica. Tommy was handed another package, this one pretty large, after unwrapping it was a fabric box, a big one! he took the top off and saw more rugrats! Daadaa: "It's new bed sheets, a comforter, and a pillow case, your whole crib will now be rugrats themed!" Tommy: "Woooow, Thank you Daadaa." Tommy was handed the next present and opened it, it was a new teddy bear! this one was identical to bwooeey except it was smaller, about as tall as from Tommy's diaper to his chest, just enough for hugging. Tommy: "Oh I didn't know bwooeey had a son!! bwooeey junior!" Daadaa chuckled. Daadaa: "I figured this way you can take him to school with you, that one should fit in one of your bags." Tommy didn't even flinch at the idea, he already sucked his pacifier and dressed like a baby at school, having bwooeey jr with him wouldn't be anything but welcome to him at this stage. The next present turned out to be another teether toy, this way Tommy could have one in his playpen too. The present opening went on, Tommy got many gifts, some from Daadaa some from Santa. Many toys many clothes lots of fun things, when it was over Daadaa picked Tommy up and carried him to the couch and held him in his lap while he fed him a new bottle, once finished he was burped and put back into the playpen and had fun all day long with his toys, Daadaa locked Tommy's mittens back onto his hands by dinner time, from there the two of them settled back into the new routine, Tommy enjoyed his new crib additions, Daadaa installed everything and showed Tommy how to activate the mobile by pushing a big green button on it, it would run for 30 minutes then shut off automatically, unless he hit the button again, Daadaa would turn it on every time he laid Tommy to bed and Tommy would watch his sea friends slowly spinning above him while he nursed his bedtime bottle as Daadaa held it for him, Tommy played with his crib toys plenty when he woke in the morning keeping his mobile going while he was at it, he'd hit the switch in the mornings to switch it to nursery rhymes mode and listen to those while he either played with the rail toys or mouthed his teether toy. The weeks passed, Daadaa did not celebrate or call attention to new years, he didn't want to give Tommy any reason to think of his aging or his past year. Eventually Tommy's winter break came to an end, by this point his lifestyle had come to feel like normal life, and he did not want to go back to school, he pouted the morning of, wishing he could just keep staying home like he'd had, but Daadaa was insistent that he finish getting his degree, then after that he could choose to do anything he wanted even if that meant staying home all the time. Daadaa had him ready to go for school dressed in his shortalls onesie plus drool bib, after Daadaa had strapped Tommy's Velcro shoes onto his feet, he tried to lift Tommy to his feet but Tommy just kept going back down to his bottom, Tommy hadn't stood in over a month and now he didn't want to, the act of it felt strange and unusual and like a lot more effort then he liked, his muscles had somewhat atrophied, and his balance had suffered too. Daadaa: "I know you don't wanna walk Tommy but you're gonna have to or else I'll have to carry you around all day!" Tommy didn't see the problem with that, he liked being carried, by this time Tommy was about 5 foot sharp, it had gotten a lot easier for Daadaa to carry him as he'd been loosing weight all the while also, staying skinny as he shrank in height, Daadaa had already replaced his Velcro shoes twice without Tommy knowing it, anytime Daadaa noticed them getting loose he'd swap them for an identical pair in the next size down. He was always keeping Tommy in new clothes too so Tommy could never identify a difference in fit in a familiar outfit. Instead his outfits just got smaller with him, on top of this Tommy couldn't see a difference in his eyeline cause Tommy spent all his time crawling anyway.... Daadaa lifted Tommy off the floor and decided to carry him to the car, buckling him into his 5 point harness. Once at school as Daadaa lifted Tommy from his seat to the sidewalk Tommy again went down to his bottom, Tommy just looked up at Daadaa like he didn't know what to do. Daadaa: "Tommy do you just want me to carry you today?" Tommy nodded his head yes. Daadaa: "Well alright then, I guess you'll get a ride on my hip for today." Daadaa picked Tommy up and held him on his hip, together with his two bags Daadaa carried him off to his first class, setting him down at his usual seat he pointed out for Daadaa, who then went back to his SUV to watch TV and monitor Tommy's GPS. Tommy had his pacifier in his mouth the moment he'd finished his morning bath and it was still there now, he'd keep it in as much as he could, this lead to a lot of drool as usual but his bib was there to catch it all. During his first class Tommy did something uncommon for him, usualy when Tommy had a question he kept it to himself, too embarassed to be the center of attention in a class room, but something about knowing David was around campus today gave Tommy confidence, he'd been getting more and more comfortable in his new role and Davids promise to see him at the end of each class made him less afraid of attention. So today when Tommy had a question he raised his hand in class for the first time in many years. Professor Mustache: "Yes Thomas what is it?" Tommy's pacifier fell from his lips as he began to speak, he'd forgotten it was even there, this did not bother him a bit. Tommy: "Professor Mustache, did you want us to finish the rest of this tonight? or stop at a certain chapter?" The class bust out laughing at hearing Tommy's nickname for the professor, his name was of course NOT Mustache, Tommy had been calling him that in his head from day one because of the professors very large mustache that sat on his face like a sleeping long haired rodent. Tommy didnt know why they were laughing, he had forgotten that this was only a nickname, in Tommy's mind, mustache was just his name now. Tommy wasnt embarassed, he just figured he had said something funny and was glad to have entertained everyone. Professor Mustache: "Well Thomas thank you for the compliment, you may call me professor mustache if you wish, I'm quite proud of my mustache, and to answer your question which is a good one, I do infact want the class to stop at chapter 25." Pleased with the answer Tommy reflixivly reinserted his pacifier into his mouth and nursed away without a moments thought on the action. When first class ended Daadaa came into the class as the students made their way out, he went to help Tommy pack his bag when he noticed some of Tommy's notes sitting out from this class, he noticed the handwriting in the notes from today was severely diminished compared to the notes from last class way before the break, Daadaa realized Tommy’s coordination was diminishing due to his hand and finger muscles atrophying from being in the mittens all the time, he never exercised his grip or anything, Daadaa wasn't sure if this was for the best but if Tommy was OK with it as a cost of getting to keep his mittens on then so be it, besides, Daadaa figured he'd probably regain at least some of his coordination taking notes now that school was back on. His bag packed Tommy was then lifted to Daadaa's hip, who then carried him off to his next class, depositing him in his seat and returning to his SUV, after this class Daadaa picked Tommy up from his seat and took him back to the SUV, they sat in the cargo space and Daadaa fed Tommy his lunch then changed his wet diaper while he nursed down the rest of his bottle getting a burping once it and the change was done, Tommy didn't even remember wetting his diaper anymore, he didn't even know when it was wet, occasionally he'd feel it squish when he'd sit down and that was the only time he ever knew it was wet, likewise, for poopies, they just happened so casually he'd puuuush out any pressure and not pay any attention to what came out, he'd feel better with the pressure gone that's all that mattered, and he always seemed to poop during his last class of the day, Daadaa had noted. The next day went much like the last except this time Daadaa brought the stroller, instead of carrying Tommy around the whole campus he would push him in the stroller from SUV to class then class to class, then to lunch and back to class, Tommy didn't walk anymore, he didn't want to, and he didn't need to. At home Tommy was always happy to go back into his crawl booties and grasp reduction mittens, he liked having the excuse to not stand or grab anything, so Daadaa could feed him every meal and bottle, his toys were simple enough he could enjoy them without the need for a grip. One day Daadaa decided to update the ocean whispers in the walls, he wiped them clean and wrote only these lines: "Enunciation is difficult. Its a waste of effort. Daadaa knows what I need. I dun ofen needsta speak at tall. An hen I do I can ooz baby talk. Cause I is jus a baby, so I shud dalk wike a baby. I dunnt needsta sound perfek. As long as Daadaa unnersdands me dats all dat matters. An even if Daadaa dun undasden me dats ok too he aways fwiguhs out wat I need ebentooaly." The messages would repeat on loop all night. The days went by and Tommy regressed mentally further and further, Daadaa hadn't hardly had to do anything at this point, the whispers suggesting he speak baby talk were accepted by Tommy with ease, it seemed to help him fall right into little space and stay there, he actually seemed to do better in school now that he had no worries or stresses, nothing to think about beyond his school work, and play, his handwriting did suffer, but Daadaa often helped out with that, rewriting his notes where it was needed, eventually Daadaa got Tommy a digital voice recorder to use in his classes, so he didn't have to write down all those notes, Daadaa would listen back the recordings and make notes for Tommy himself, making sure Tommy sat and listened while he did so, this actually seemed to improve Tommy's recall since it meant he basically heard many lessons twice. When Tommy's month of playpen punishment ended Daadaa asked Tommy if he wanted to continue using the playpen, Tommy didn't even have to think about it, he had grown to love the playpen and all the playtime he had in it. Of course he could have had the toys on the living room floor without the playpen walls too, but he liked having his own designated place for them. So the playpen stayed, and he spent all his down time in it. During the summer they spent a lot of time outside, mostly in the backyard, Tommy crawling around in shortalls playing in the grass with toys, being pushed on the swingset seated in the 5 point harness seat. Daadaa built a sandbox and Tommy had lots of fun playing in it, one day they even drove to the beach and Tommy got to play in the water, Daadaa had his own private beach he would rent out just so Tommy could have the privacy to run around in the surf wearing just his diaper, people could see from the beaches around the bend if they looked, but from that distance all they'd see is a baby playing in the water while his Daadaa relaxed in a chair and watched. It was around this time Daadaa turned off the ocean whispers for the last time, Tommy didn't need their suggestions anymore, he'd come as far as there was to go in Daadaa's eyes. The next thanksgiving went much like the last, and by the following winter break Tommy had shrank down to 4 foot 3, whether he had noticed or not Daadaa didn't know, Tommy never mentioned it, he either didn't care or just didn't notice, Daadaa was always making sure Tommy was in proper fitting clothes and diapers, changing sizes as necessary. One day as Daadaa carried Tommy to the car to go to school he plopped Tommy into a carseat, it reclined slightly and kept his legs outward, it had little toys dangling in his eyesight and even a little mirror in front of his face mounted onto the headrest of the seat in front of him, so he could see himself nursing at his pacifier, drooling all over his bib, it helped remind him what a baby he was. Tommy had another wonderful Christmas with Daadaa getting lots of toys and lots of playtime in his playpen, After another year like this Tommy was truly a baby now, he was just under 3 feet and had all the babyish behaviors he could have, the only time he behaved any other way was in class, when he would sit quietly nursing his paci and pay attention, he knew it was important to Daadaa that he finish his degree even if it was no longer important to him, when Tommy had decided to start college all he really wanted was to be independent enough that he'd never have to go back to his Mother, Daadaa had granted that wish without requiring him to gain independence at all, when Tommy graduated he was rolled onto the stage in a stroller by Daadaa, who graciously accepted the degree on Tommy's behalf, he handed the degree to Tommy and rolled him off the stage and all the way home, most the crowd assumed Daadaa was the one graduating, a single Father without a babysitter, but the few classmates Tommy had who knew of him knew that it was the baby graduating, it was a mystery to them how this kid seemed to get littler and littler through the years in class yet always stayed ahead in grades, they felt intimidated and confused and didn't want to address it, they watched the boy be wheeled away for the last time in relief, nervous someone would ask how this little baby had so often out performed themselves in class. They tried not to think about it ever again once he was out of their sight. Once home Daadaa had a long talk with Tommy. Daadaa: "Tommy, now that you have graduated, you have a choice, you can take your degree and go be a big boy in the world, doing the jobs you want, making money, paying bills, partying, and making friends, you can grow back up and I'll help you do that, both physically and mentally, I'll even make sure you get good employers with good benefits in whatever field you want to go into." "Or you can stay with me, stay my baby, as long as you want, if you decided in a year or whenever to grow up I'll help you then, if you decide to stay my baby forever I will be thrilled to be your Daadaa forever." Tommy: "daa, wot ibf oooou diieeesss.....?" Tommy's eyes watered up at the mere thought of it. Daadaa: "Don't you worry about that, I'm perfectly healthy I think I'll set the world record for longevity long before I die, I'll probably outlive you if you keep insisting on macaroni and cheese for dinner! but seriously Tommy if worst case scenario something happens to me you will be taken care of, I have already made those arrangements, you'll continue to have the choice to stay a baby or grow up whenever you want, I've got the instructions on how to go about either of those choices all laid out carefully for your next mamma or Daadaa, and I've got experts lined up who will help you find the right mama or Daadaa that is right for you, it will be up to you to pick them out, and my agents will keep tabs on you all the time to make sure you're being well taken care of and loved, and you'll always have the option to change caretakers if they ever start to fail you, so don't worry about that, I don't think I'll be dying anytime soon but my will is all setup to protect you just in case I do, so Tommy, what's your decision." This was a no brainer for Tommy, he'd never been so happy as he was as Daadaa's baby, he got cuddles affection and love every single day, multiple times a day, he felt it in his crib he felt it at breakfast he felt it during bath times and morning diapering and every diapering throughout the day and during bottle feedings and burpings and during dinner and evening bath and bedtime diapering, his whole day was just packed with love, he'd spend lots of time each day cuddling with Daadaa on the couch being fed bottles and burped, being tickled by Daadaa and played with and Daadaa would always take him out of the house somewhere anytime he was getting bored and always showed him fun things, he never wanted it to end. Tommy: "I wanna be your baby forever!" Tommy said without a hint of lisp, he had meant it so vehemently it came out with his adult voice, he wanted to make sure his point was solid and loud and clear. Even if he hated speaking that way anymore, it took effort for him now, concentration, he preferred to relax, and let his natural baby talk run the show. Maybe one day he'd eventually forget how to talk any other way. Daadaa nearly cried. His feelings full of confliction, he had to confess now. He knew he had to, he hated to do it, but Tommy's decision couldn't be considered legit if Tommy didn't know the whole truth. Daadaa: "Tommy, I need to tell you my secret, so you know the whole truth, so there will never be another secret between us, Tommy I turned you into a baby, on purpose, it was by design, I've done it to every person that's lived in that bedroom, all college students, I never had any nephews, I've been doing this to people for many years, I've been putting medicine in your bottles to make it easier for you to wet or mess, I've got hidden cameras throughout the house I can monitor from my phone, I've been playing subliminal suggestions over speakers hidden in your bedroom walls while you sleep, which those only work if subconsciously you want them to work, so it seemed clear to me you wanted this on some level, also I don't know if you've noticed but you're pretty small now, your body is, I did that, I'm a DNA scientist and I know the secrets of how to change someones DNA, I can change anything about them, and I injected you with a concoction of my own design from my basement laboratory, it removed your body hair and it made you shrink, it's basically instructed your body to revert it's size back to when you were a toddler, from your toes to your genitals to your torso hands arms and head, everything, it's done now and out of your system, you'll stay this size unless I reverse the process with more injections, which is part of this choice, if you do decide to grow up I'll give you what you need to get big and tall again, Tommy I've never fallen in love before you, those students previously I did this too to help them, as I think it's helped you, but at the end of their graduation I didn't give them the choice to stay my baby, I just gave them the injections to grow up and sent them on their way, my agents watched over them until they were fully regrown and independently taking care of themselves, I like to think I gave all of them a better handle on life a better perspective on caring for others, letting others care for them, and the importance of love, but it was you who taught me what real love was, none of them ever fully embraced being my baby like you did, you really seem to love me and I really love you too, but if after hearing the truth you have changed your mind I'll understand and I won't blame you, I'll always be here for you no matter what your decision and no matter what the future brings." This was a lot for Tommy to unpack, long ago he had come to a conclusion that he had some kind of illness or disorder that was causing his shrinkage and possibly his regression, but he didn't want it to stop, he started to enjoy it, so he didn't want to bother seeing a doctor who might take away the love and care he'd been getting, now to learn it was all by design hurt him, he didn't know what to say, he knew he still wanted to be Daadaa's baby, but he wasn't sure if he could trust Daadaa anymore, he wasn't sure if he should stay this way now, he had to think on it. In his anger Tommy focused his mind on his words, being extra careful to speak clearly, with great strain he spoke slowly one word at a time making sure to say them properly. Tommy: "I'm angry, and I'm not sure what I'm feeling other than anger, I can't give a good response right now, I might regret what I say, I'll tell you tomorrow." Tommy crawled away up the stairs to his room, laid on his crib and fell asleep, they had only just come in the door, Daadaa took Tommy's shoes off but did not put the booties or mittens on him, crawling was still his choice, Daadaa did eventually come into the room to see the boy sleeping in the middle of the day, he'd still been in his diaper from the days events and it had been poopy since before they'd left the school, he'd messed himself before they'd even gone on stage and not even known it, Daadaa couldn't let his baby sleep in a messy diaper so Daadaa changed him right there in the crib, careful not to wake him, freshly re-diapered in just a onesie Daadaa left Tommy to sleep on his decision and thoughts. Tommy's dreams were fraught with conflict, one scene he was in a fight with Daadaa, both vying for control over the car as it careened down the road, Tommy was scared and wanted to take control over the vehicle, but Daadaa insisted he was safer driving and Tommy need only sit back and let him steer, it seemed like it was their fight that was leading to a wreck when the dream shifted, and he was back home, in his Mothers house, she was ridiculing him for being so useless and helpless, for not becoming more of a man, he was reaching a breaking point about to shout at her, but he couldn't his mouth was filled, he realized it was his pacifier, and she could see him suckling at it, she laughed and mocked him some more, he struggled to spit it out like it was made of glue and before he could try again to shout the dream shifted again, he was in the pool like the dream he'd had right before leaving his Mothers, but this time it was cloudy out, dark and stormy there was lightning all around, the pool was empty except for him, the pool water began sloshing around stronger and stronger threatening to throw him out onto the concrete, he tried swimming to the rail but the water just kept pulling him back keeping him center, there was a loud crash, and he saw the lightning coming down to the pool water and the dream shifted again, he was in an office, a cubical, in some office high rise, the whole floor was cubicles, his was decorated with his own items, even many of his baby toys laid out on the desk, besides them bills, many bills, many reading past due, there were folders labeled workload, thick stacks of folders, his work computer kept dinging, he looked and saw it was all work emails, one after another piling in, bwooeey jr was on the desk but bwooeey had a big frown, he stared at Tommy with a look that seemed to say he was disappointed, Tommy tried to reach for bwooeey jr but he just seemed further and further away as he'd reach until bwooeey jr vanished into thin air, he tried to get up and run out of there but the cubicles became a maze, an endless maze with no visible way out, he ran and ran and kept passing his own desk seemingly running in circles, he saw a window and ran at it breaking through seeing finally the sky and the ground far below and as he began falling the dream shifted again, and he was back at Daadaa's house, in his playpen, the TV on blaring rugrats, his toys around him, everything seemed fine, he was gasping for breath after all that he'd just gone through, he felt relieved to be somewhere safe, but Daadaa was not there, he was alone, and as he realized this the room grew cold and dark the TV made strange sounds and turned off, the house felt abandoned, all the love gone from it, and he was still stuck in the playpen. And then he woke up.... It was morning, he had slept all day, all evening, and all night, he'd never slept so long in his life, he laid there in his crib, the rail was down, he didn't have booties or mittens on, his diaper was wet and messy but only just, Daadaa must have changed him while he slept, in truth Daadaa had changed him three times while he slept, trying to make sure he was taken care of during his extended rest, Daadaa had figured he was catching up on sleep he couldn't get during school while his mind wrestled with indecision. Tommy sat up and leaned his back against the rails on the wall side, he sat there and thought over the dreams, thought of their meaning, thought about Daadaa and what he'd done, how the whole reason Tommy was here was his doing, about his offer to return to the way he was and go live life the way he wanted, he need only decide what he wanted, Tommy knew what he wanted, he was just scared to forgive, to trust all over again and risk a second betrayal, just like in his dreams he was scared, every dream had been a fear of a life not loved, the one moment in his dreams he felt the love return was when he was back in Daadaa's house, before the dream turned sour, and he realized Daadaa wasn't there, Tommy feared abandonment in that dream, he didn't want to be abandoned, and he didn't want to abandon Daadaa either, Tommy got out of the crib and fell to his bottom, he decided to try standing and walking he pulled himself up by grabbing the crib, and tried to walk, it was a strain on his legs, he stumbled a couple steps and fell back to his bottom, he had to conclude that even without the booties and mittens he could no longer walk without retraining. he crawled out the room and down the stairs, he found Daadaa at the dining table seemingly trying to hide that he'd been crying, Tommy had never seen Daadaa cry. Daadaa: "Hey sport, you sure slept a lot, hope you're OK?" Tommy didn't say anything, just crawled to a nearby ordinary chair and pulled himself up into it with some straining. Daadaa: "Listen, I'm sorry, I know what I did was rotten, if you wanna leave I promise I'll do everything I can to let you go however you want to go, you can grow up you can get therapy to walk and talk like an adult again I'll finance everything, I'll make it so your life is easy as long as you'll accept the help, you know I've always thought I was doing these kids a favor, teaching them something important, giving them a valuable experience, I never thought they'd love me for it I knew they'd probably hate me for it, and I didn't care, it wasn't about me, if they hated me forever I was OK with it, as long as I made a good difference in their outlook on life and the world and how they treat others, but you showed me I was wrong, you're the first I really cared about, the first that I wanted to care about me, I just...." Tommy interrupted Daadaa with a finger, and like yesterday he focused his mind on his words, being extra careful to speak clearly, with great strain he spoke slowly one word at a time making sure to say them properly. Tommy: "I think, no, I know I'm happier here then I was any other time in my life, and I know I have you to thank for that, and I understand the other students didn't take to all this the way I have, so I think, I belong like this, I know I don't want to leave, and I think I should forgive you, and I know it will be hard to trust you again, so no more secrets, if you never hide anything from me again never lie to me again, then you and I will be OK, OK?" Daadaa was crying again. Daadaa: "Yes Tommy you're right, I should have never and will never again lie to you, or hide anything from you, thank you for forgiving me, I don't think I deserve it." Tommy: "Forgiveness is not about deserve, it is about love, and I love you." Daadaa's tears grew heavier. Daadaa: "I love you too, and that is the truth I swear it." Tommy chose to stay a baby, David took control over Tommy's phone and bank accounts, he saw how Tommy was hounded by his Mother, he saw how his mother had been paying his rent, David sent Tommy's mother a refund on all the rent she had payed, and then some, and with Tommy's permission he sent her a notice to never contact him again, his mother didn't care, she was just glad to get that money back. Eventually Tommy forgot how to talk properly, he also forgot he'd even ever been a big boy, so settled into his new role it became in his mind all he was and all he'd ever been, and his Daadaa spoiled him rotten, giving him anything he wanted within reason, they took trips to Disney world and anywhere Tommy wanted to go, as long as he kept to his scheduled bath times, dinner times, bed times, breakfast times, bottle times, burpings, and mid day nap. That was how they spent the rest of their lives, Daadaa never DNA altered anyone again, Tommy never wanted to grow up again, they lived happily ever after.
  8. Ivan watched as the girl walking in front of him on the sidewalk tripped over a crack or a rock or who knows what, and fell down, smacking her hands and knees against the cement. Ordinarily he wasn't one to just interact with strangers- him being so big and intimidating, it usually didn't work out well for anyone. This time, however, he paused. He leaned down, grabbed her hands, and helped her up to her feet. He glanced her up and down- she was a bit teary eyed, and bleeding just a bit from her knobby knees. "You should get a bandage." He said quietly. It was an attempt to show concern, but he rarely spoke with others these days, so it sounded awkward. He reached his hands out and wiped her eyes. "There's no need to cry, nothing looks broken." He glanced around at her things, noticing a school bag which had spilled out its contents on the floor. The girl looked a bit young, but she was still very obviously of college age, as she was walking by herself, and headed toward the block of dingy college apartments. He offered his hand and smiled. "Can I walk you home to make sure you don't take another tumble?"
  9. Part 1 After Angela cheats on her husband, she agrees to go to couples therapy with him, but each session with the therapist leaves her feeling less and less like a grown-up. *** Angela tapped her foot impatiently while her husband spoke with the therapist privately, probably whining about how angry and betrayed he felt. They were both supposed to go in together in a moment, but for now she was stuck waiting in reception. Really, she couldn’t understand why Eric was being so dramatic. It was only sex! It wasn’t as though she didn’t love him anymore. She just needed to have a little fun sometimes, that was all. They weren’t even thirty yet! He was twenty-eight and she was twenty-seven. Did he really expect her to settle down and stick to a single sexual partner when she was still so young? But he’d insisted on seeing a marriage counsellor and she’d eventually agreed, albeit reluctantly. Their therapist was a man. How was he supposed to understand what it was like for a woman in her situation? And her first impressions of the office hadn’t been great either. The receptionist was a total bimbo! Angela glanced over at her. She was dressed up like some bizarre fetish fantasy. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a pair of high pigtails, and her stripper-sized tits were crammed into a sparkly Disney princess top. Didn’t this place have a uniform? She looked like an overgrown six-year-old for goodness sake! And she’d been acting like one too when she’d tried to match their names to their booking. Her husband had been very patient with her stupid lisping voice and barely passable ability to read, but Angela had wanted to turn around and leave straight away. What kind of serious therapist’s office employed a woman like that? At last the door opened, and the therapist stood in the doorway. He smiled kindly and gestured her to come inside. “He’s weady for you now!” the bimbo receptionist chirped happily, looking up from what looked like a fashion magazine for tweens. Angela rolled her eyes. “Thanks.” She went into the office and the therapist closed the door behind her. Eric was lounged on a sofa facing a hard-backed wooden chair, looking perfectly relaxed. Angela sat down next to her husband, leaving a few inches of space in between them. The therapist didn’t take a seat in the wooden chair, however. He took a tablet from his desk in the corner and stood in front of Angela. “Here,” he said, handing it to her. She looked down at the screen in her lap in confusion. What was this for? Some sort of presentation? “I find that girls always get a bit nervous in my office,” he said, talking to her in a light, overly friendly tone, as if he was talking to a nursery-schooler. “This will help you relax, okay sweetie?” Angela scowled. She was about to launch into a furious tirade. She couldn’t stand being talked down to! Who the hell did this man think he was? If he assumed most women were like his ditzy receptionist then he had another thing coming. But before she could say a word, the tablet in her lap came to life. Brilliant pastel colours swirled and spiralled on the screen, sinking into a single spot in the centre, and her complaints died in her throat. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. It was just so pretty… “There we go,” said the therapist in that same sweet tone. “That always takes care of fussy little girls.” “Is there anything I have to do?” Eric asked. Angela felt strange. She was vaguely aware of the men’s words, but it was as though they were coming to her from the end of a very long tunnel. Her attention was focused on the dazzling lights on the screen. “Not a thing. Let me do all the talking. Did you hear that, Angela? We’re going to have a little talk, okay sweetie? Nothing to be nervous about. I’m a trained professional, after all. We need to have a little talk about how you betrayed your husband. About how he found out you were cheating on him. Because that wasn’t very clever of you, was it Angela? Getting caught.” Angela shook her head, not taking her eyes off the screen. “Not clever,” she echoed. It was true. She shouldn’t have been caught. She should have been more careful not to let him find out. Because even though there was nothing wrong with what she’d done, even though she was completely in the right, Eric wouldn’t understand. “That’s right, Angela,” said the therapist. “You’ve been a very dumb bitch, haven’t you?” Angela frowned. That didn’t sound right. Dumb bitch. Was it okay for the therapist to call her that? “Look at the pretty sparkles, sweetie,” he encouraged, and Angela sank back into the swirling lights. “That’s right. You’re just a dumb bitch, Angela. All women are, but you especially. That’s okay though. You don’t know any better – you’re just girls.” Angela knew vaguely that there was something she didn’t like about what the man was saying, but she was too engrossed in the swirling colours to care. His words were like background noise. She could understand them if she concentrated, but it was so hard to focus with the wonderful patterns in front of her. “Yes, you’re just a girl, Angela. Just a silly little girl. A big child. It doesn’t matter if you do something wrong, because you can’t be held accountable for your actions, can you? You’re sweet and innocent.” Angela nodded eagerly, a dim smile spreading across her face. She hadn’t done anything wrong. If she wasn’t so distracted by her tablet, she’d have smirked at Eric. His stupid attempt to guilt-trip her with marriage counselling was backfiring on him. The therapist was on her side. “Besides,” the therapist continued. “You didn’t cheat on your husband anyway, did you Angela?” Angela was confused. She had cheated on Eric. Was the therapist going to help her cover it up? But Eric already knew, didn’t he? Surely that wouldn’t work! The lights on the screen grew brighter. They were so, so pretty… “You didn’t,” the therapist said again. “In fact, it’s completely impossible for you to have cheated on your husband. You know why, I’m sure. It’s because of your embarrassing bedwetting habit.” Angela wrinkled her nose and started trying to shake her head in disgust. She didn’t wet the bed! The therapist must be confused. He must be mixing her up with some little girl. Maybe one of his other clients was some silly little bedwetter who needed to be reassured that everyone had accidents now and again, but that certainly wasn’t her. “Don’t… I don’t wet the bed…” she mumbled. Her words felt heavy in her mouth. It was hard to think. She just wanted to watch the pretty swirling lights. “Look at the colours, sweetie,” the therapist told her. “That’s a good girl. You are a bedwetter, Angela. You wet the bed every night. You have done for quite a few weeks now. And what man would want to sleep with a woman who still pisses herself in her sleep like a dumb toddler? You’re very lucky your husband puts up with your babyish behaviour, young lady.” Angela’s face slackened as the spirals spun faster and faster. Lucky. She was a lucky girl. She was lucky to have a husband who put up with her bedwetting. Another man might leave his wife if she started peeing herself every night. Especially if she’d cheated on him too. But Eric didn’t know about that. Did he? It was strange. For a while Angela had been sure he did. And the therapist didn’t seem to know either. In fact, he thought it was impossible for a bedwetter like her to cheat on her husband! She blushed even more brightly. How had she done it? Angela frowned slightly. She didn’t know. She couldn’t remember clearly. But the therapist was right – who’d want to have sex with some stupid, bedwetting baby-woman? Why would anyone sleep with her when it meant waking up in piss-soaked sheets, or next to someone in a sopping wet diaper. Her special protection. Her baby pants. Was the therapist still talking? She tried to pay attention. “…because your husband puts up with you in other ways too, doesn’t he?” he was saying. “It’s not just the bedwetting. You actually have quite a few silly, childish behaviours that no adult woman should reasonably be expected to have. You…” Angela tuned out again. She could feel his words entering her ears, but her attention was focused entirely on the lights in her lap. So pretty. Such pretty lights… When she came to, the tablet was gone, Eric was standing up and putting his coat on, and the therapist was looking at her with a satisfied expression on his face. Had she fallen asleep? “Ready to go home?” Eric asked her brightly. Angela smiled back, a little hesitantly. She’d thought she was in trouble, but maybe she’d just been confused. She was such a silly girl sometimes. Such a dumb bitch. Eric held out his hand, and she took it. It felt nice to be holding onto him. It felt reassuring. He held her hand all the way back to their house, and while he walked, she couldn’t help herself from skipping along beside him.
  10. It's been a long time since I tried any creative writing but thought I would give it a go, appreciate any comments / feedback on what I have written so far. The ABDL part doesn't start to show itself until chapter 2. The image doesn't quite capture the story but I can't draw so was just trying to get something from an AI that somewhat fitted the story. Chapter 1 - Welcome to ARC As Michael surveyed his surroundings, he began to think this might not be such a nightmare after all. It had all started a month ago, on a rainy Saturday morning. A hungover Michael had been lying in bed going through his emails, he came across something entirely out of the ordinary. An email from ARC Education notified Michael that he failed to turn up for an exam five years ago while studying for his undergraduate degree. It went on to state that because of this, he did not have enough credits for his degree, which was now considered null and void, and that he should contact ARC Immediately. Michael's heart hammered against his ribs as he stared at the email. His hands trembled as he scrolled back and forth, rereading the message that threatened to unravel his entire life. His mind raced with worst-case scenarios: losing his job, facing humiliation, and being labeled a fraud. Each possibility felt like a crushing weight on his chest, suffocating him with dread. He paced back and forth in his dimly lit bedroom, his thoughts spiraling into a chaotic whirlwind of fear and uncertainty. He needed to talk to someone to make sense of this nightmare before it consumed him entirely. Luckily, Amanda picked up the phone on the second attempt. "Michael?" Amanda's voice crackled through the phone, bearing the remnants of a night that seemed to have treated her as unkindly as it had him. Michael rushed to unload the contents of the email to her, his words tumbling over each other in haste. But before he could finish, Amanda's voice sliced through the air with a sharpness that snapped him to attention. "Michael," she said firmly, "it seems like you may have had too much to drink last night and are mistaking a dream for reality. Rest, and we can discuss it again in a few hours." "It's not a dream," Michael insisted before Amanda could disconnect the call. "I'm forwarding you the email right now." Amanda fell into a thoughtful silence as she perused the email. When she finally spoke again, her tone had softened, laced now with concern. "This seems too coherent to be spam." Michael held his breath, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. "I don't recall you ever missing an exam," Amanda mused, her words slow and deliberate. "But considering we didn't share all the same classes and had a knack for skipping lectures, it's plausible." She paused and exhaled heavily. "Like I said before, it sounds like a bad dream, but maybe this does happen from time to time, and that's where people get the idea from," she said. Amanda paused again and then took a deep breath, her voice now confident. "But you would never have graduated if you had missed an exam, and the university would inform you directly if there were some kind of issue." All the anxiety seemed to lift from Michael as he heard these words: "So you're saying I can ignore this?" "Well," Amanda said, concern returning to her tone. “There wouldn't be any harm in getting in touch with the University to be sure; if there is anything to this, they would have had to be the ones to inform this other company." The dread returned to Michael, but Amanda's plan was sensible. He made her promise to keep this to herself before wishing her luck with her hangover and hanging up to call the University. Michael found the University's website, which he noted had changed dramatically since he had last seen it, and rang the examination office. Given that it was the weekend, he was surprised that someone picked up the phone, but after the third time being put on hold, his fears were confirmed. The examination office stated that while reviewing their records, they had come across a missing examination grade, and after an internal investigation, they had been forced to invalidate his grade. However, they decided to pass the situation on to ARC, a private research company that may be able to resolve the issue. Any lingering hangover Michael had was now well and truly gone. He only felt panic and wanted nothing more than to find a place to hide and forget this was happening. So it surprised Michael when he found he had typed in the number for ARC on his phone and hit the call button. ———— An hour later, Michaels mood couldn't have been more different from when he had first opened the email despite the fundamental situation remaining unchanged. The lady on the other end of the phone understood his situation. She had been quick to point out that it was the University's mistake as well, given that they had awarded him the degree. It was in everyone's interest to resolve the situation quickly and discreetly. She presented Michael with two options: the first was to spend a semester back at the University, retake the module, and then sit the exam he had missed with the other students. The second option was that ARC, a research organization, would use its resources to put him on a two-week sprint program to cover the material and exam at its expense in exchange for Michael's assistance with its research on memory. Option one wasn't an option at all for Michael. It would mean stepping away from his life and job, adding to his already immense student debt and the embarrassment of everyone knowing his situation. While the lady on the phone had recommended he take a few days to think about it, Michael accepted option two immediately. He knew he would have no issue getting the time off work; his boss had been encouraging everyone on the team to take a vacation while the office was quiet anyway. Most importantly, this meant that nobody would find out what had happened. Michael called Amanda back later in the day to tell her it had all been a scam and there was nothing to worry about, to which she was greatly relieved (clearly, she hadn't been able to convince herself that Michael hadn't been foolish enough to miss an exam). Over the next month, Michael had a few conversations with the lady from ARC. She explained that he would live at their state-of-the-art headquarters during the program, with all meals and amenities covered by the company. Then, after he had signed several confidentiality agreements, the nature of the research was also outlined to him, and it seemed genuinely exciting. So, as Michael stood in the ARC lobby, he was almost looking forward to the two weeks ahead. The lady from ARC (who it turned out was called Rachel) met him at reception, gave him his schedule for the next few days, and then took him on a tour of the facility. Monday Morning: Orientation Afternoon: ARC. Research Tuesday Morning: Lesson 1 Afternoon: ARC. Research Wednesday Morning: Lesson 2 Afternoon: Practise Assignment Chapter 2 - Memories? When Michael first heard Rachel's voice on the phone, he assumed she was much older than him due to her smooth, caring tone. She also exhibited a high level of intelligence that suggested she had been working in her research field for a lifetime. However, Michael couldn't have been more mistaken. Rachel was around the same age as him, dressed professionally in a black suit, with her long blond hair tied up in a ponytail. Rachel took Michael on a tour of the facility and he was amazed that not only did she know everyone by name, she was also just as knowledgeable about their research as her own. Her small ideas always brightened the mood of her colleagues, leaving them excited to try something new. The headquarters itself was unlike anything Michael had ever seen before. Rachel began by taking him to the room he would stay in, which was much bigger than his apartment. It featured a king-size bed, a huge TV, and a separate office for his studies. Following this, Rachel showed him around some of the workstations, where almost all the walls were made of glass panels, except for a few offices that senior management used for confidential meetings. This design made everything feel more light and open. All the computers looked brand new, with some workstations featuring VR headsets and access to supercomputers for complex processing. It was a lot to take in, but the best part was when Rachel led him into what she called the canteen. Canteen certainly wasn't the word Michael would use; the place was set out like a fancy restaurant, with a few of Rachel's colleagues already seated and eating anything from steak to Lobster. Michael was new to such high-quality food, so he ordered as much as he thought would be polite. Still, he couldn't help but think about returning later by himself to indulge in every dish the place had to offer. After treating himself to a second dessert, Michael was taken to the research area, his home, for the next few weeks. This room was simple and plain, unlike the glass-encased offices he had seen earlier. The walls were white, with little to no distractions, except for a large window that revealed a computer-filled room. The centre of the room had a solitary chair that reminded Michael of a dentists chair, with its frame entwined with cables that disappeared into the adjacent room through the window. Rachel led Michael towards the chair and began running through what they had already discussed on the phone. ARC had been working on state-of-the-art technology that allowed people to experience their memories as though they were happening to them again. She explained that it was similar to seeing a memory in a dream. They hoped that one day, anyone could relive any memory they wanted at the touch of a button, but there was much more research to do before they got to that stage. Because Michael couldn't remember missing an exam, he would also be a test case to see if they could locate missing memories in a person. This might mean that, eventually, the technology could help people with Amnesia. Rachel left the room after getting Michael seated and attaching some cables to his temples. She reappeared in the adjoining room dressed in a lab coat alongside another younger-looking colleague. "Michael, this is Luke. He is going to be helping me out for the next two weeks. It's his first day here, a bit like you I guess, so you will both be learning more about our research as we go along." Luke was younger than Michael and looked like he had just graduated from school. Having only spoken to Rachel about the research, Michael was a little uncomfortable with having someone else there. Then he then remembered the creme brûlée he had just eaten and realized a little discomfort was worth the price. "Well, we have a lot to cover, so let's get started," Rachel said. "Today, we'll mostly be calibrating the machine with you, Michael. If you could start by closing your eyes, we'll dim the lights and begin." Michael closed his eyes as the room darkened, and Rachel's voice returned to the room before he could think about what was to come. "To calibrate the machine, we need to give it a spectrum of your memories. We like to keep it simple, so first, let's try your most recent memory, and then we can try your oldest memory to see how they compare. "So, for your most recent memory, all I need you to do is picture yourself walking into the room with me and sitting in the chair." Michael was surprised at what Rachel had asked him to do. He knew nothing about how this would work but he had expected a lengthy induction process, potentially even hypnosis, to get him into a specific state of mind to experience his memories. He began to consider whether the research was anything more than a fantasy of Rachel's and not the miracle she had discussed. But he trusted Rachel and was there to do a job, so he decided to see what would happen if he thought of himself simply walking into the room. Immediately, there was a flash of blinding white light and a slight pinch coming from whatever had been attached to the side of his temples. When the light faded, Michael found himself being led back into the room by Rachel, just as he had done a few moments before. He was back viewing the world from his former self's perspective. He realized he couldn't control his limbs or even choose where to look. It was like he was a second version of himself watching the original version play out a scene. He could focus on certain parts of the memory, the way Rachel's hair moved as she led him towards the chair or the taste of dessert still lingering in his mouth. Part of him had expected to be able to freeze the memory in place if he focused hard enough, but events played out just as they had. As Michael looked to see Rachel and Luke enter the other room, the blinding white light returned. When it faded, Michael was back in the room. "Is that really how my hair looks from the back?" Rachel's said, sounding alarmed. "You can see that!" Michael exclaimed, turning to face Rachel and Luke, who were removing what looked like VR headsets and placing them on the table. 'Well, it's not quite as vivid for us as it is for you, but yeah, we can see what you see, and the computers even give us some readouts to indicate how you are feeling". "Can you look at all of my memories with that thing?" Michael asked, suddenly fearful of what they might be able to see. Rachel reassured him, "No, we can only see the memory you are focusing on at that time. And if you are worried about confidentiality, don't be. I signed the same confidentiality agreements as you did." Michael wasn't entirely reassured, but he started to think about everything this technology could do. He could live out the highlights of his life whenever he wanted, even revisit conversations with relatives who had passed away. On top of that, it wouldn't matter that he lived in a small apartment if he could relive the memory of himself lying on a beach in Thailand whenever he wanted. Rachel's voice once again brought Michael back from his thoughts. "Now Michael, that first one was simple, partly because it was so recent and partly because I was there so I recognized what was happening. If you remember, I said we need to calibrate the machine, so now we need to look at your first memory, which may be much more difficult. Can you describe your first real memory for me?" Michael started explaining a time when he was four and had fallen off a swing at the park. He had half expected to see the flash of white light and be there when Rachel began speaking. "If I am being honest, Michael, that sounds like what someone has told you happened rather than an actual memory of your own. Can you try to think of your first actual memory for me?" While he was annoyed at being told his memory wasn't his, he had to admit that he couldn't remember how it had felt to fall off the swing, and there had been a picture of him at the park at his parent's house growing up. He spent a few minutes racking his brain before saying, "Well, I am not sure it's the sort of thing you're looking for, but I have a small flash of a memory of being sat on the carpet at school while the teacher read a book to us, I was probably about seven." "That sounds perfect. Now, all you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate on what you remember, be it the feel of the carpet beneath you or the sound of your teacher's voice." Michael did as he was told, and after a few moments, there was a flash of light and a jolt at his temples. This time, when the light faded, Michael was genuinely amazed. He was inside a much smaller version of himself looking up at his teacher, Mrs Stone, a woman he hadn't thought about in nearly twenty years, yet there she was. She looked about the same age as Michael was now (yet the younger brain he was currently inhabiting thought of her as old), with her long, messy brown hair and oversized glasses. She was reading to the class, and Michael suddenly realized how safe he felt sitting there and the awe at the story. He wanted nothing more than to listen to what would happen to the brave mouse Mrs Stone was telling them about, but the adult Michael was also busy trying to take in the memory and his surroundings. He was sitting on an old grey carpet with his legs crossed, wearing his school uniform—a polo shirt and shorts—like all the other boys. The walls were decorated with brightly colored pieces of work that he and his classmates had worked so hard on. The room was filled with small tables and chairs that were made for someone of his size. At the back of the room, he could see his beloved backpack, which was a brilliant shade of blue with a giant dinosaur embossed on it. He felt a sense of pride wash over him at the sight of the backpack. The dinosaur on it was the biggest one he knew of, a T-Rex. Before he could take it all in, he was once again presented with the white flash and returned to the present, completely stunned by what he had seen. "Holy Shit," Michael exclaimed. "Did you see that? It was like I was seven years old again?" Rachel still seemed to have the headset on and offered no immediate response. Unlike before, the pinching at his temples continued even after leaving the memory. He started to reach up to see if he could adjust them when Rachel finally spoke. "Unfortunately, that didn't seem to work quite so well on our end," her voice not filled with the same excitement as before. "I think we saw a bit of the classroom, but everything was so blurry I couldn't make anything out." "As I said, the older memories are more difficult, but they are important to ensure we can calibrate the system. Please stay where you are and give us a few more minutes while we make some adjustments. Then, let's try it again." Michael wanted to mention the painful sensation, but Rachel had said to stay put, and it wasn't so bad anyway. After a few minutes, Rachel invited him to try again and warned him there might be a bit more pain this time as the system needed to work harder to ensure they could access the older memories. Michael once again closed his eyes, and after a few moments, a white light and a significant amount of pain in his temples, he was back in the classroom. While the memory appeared the same as it had before, as Michael looked toward his teacher, he could still feel a slight pain inside his tiny head. He listened to his teacher before taking in the room around him as he had done before. The boys were all dressed in polo shirts and shorts, and the girls in dresses with checked patterns. He looked down to admire his uniform. The school dress wasn't his favorite, but at least it was comfortable, much like his diaper which he felt rustling between his legs. Again, his eyes looked around the room at the various creations he and his classmates had made before coming to rest on his beloved backpack. It was easy to make out from the small pile at the back of the room. It was the perfect shade of pink with the image of the most beautiful princess wearing a white dress on the front. He began to look back towards the teacher as she continued her story as the white light flashed. This time the light seemed to linger for much longer, but he couldn't tell if it had been a few seconds or a few minutes. When his senses returned Michael jumped out of the seat, the device attached to him falling away as he did and turned towards Rachel, who was still taking off her headset. "Did you see that?" he said with a mixture of panic and embarrassment. Rachel saw Michaels's panic but looked confused. "Yes, we saw it," she said, "and it worked perfectly that time. Was there a problem on your side?" "The problem is that," Michael began, but he couldn't think what he would say. "Oh," Rachel said, shaking her head as though she finally understood something obvious. If you're embarrassed at what you wore to school that day, don't be. Believe me, I have seen so many early memories, and most boys want to see what it's like to wear a dress one day, and most girls want to dress up like a boy for a day. And if it's the other thing, then remember, kids of all ages have trouble with that stuff and relapse from time to time. Michael was partially reassured, but something still felt very strange. He knew the memory was his; it was his earliest real memory, but he had never understood why he had worn a dress to school that day or what accident had led to him needing to wear a diaper. Rachel didn't seem impacted by what she saw. "Well, I think that was a great success," she chirped. "I am sure you would like to do some more. I know I would love to keep going, but it's day one, and it's important we don't push ourselves too hard here. After all, you are not just here to help us with this; you must study tomorrow." Chapter 3 - ARC As Michael left the room, Luke turned to Rachel, who had begun rapidly typing up notes from their session. Luke had recently graduated with an MBA in psychology, specializing in the workings of human memory. Despite this and having been extensively briefed on the work being done at the facility, he was astonished by what he had just witnessed. With barely any work, they had successfully rewritten a person's memory, with the subject being none the wiser. "Impressive, isn't it," Rachel said, looking up from her note-taking. "We didn't create any brand new memories today, but two out of three isn't bad." The three Rachel referred to were the foundations of what she was creating. The machine could alter existing memories and make brand-new ones. This was the A and the C in ARC, addition and change, the ordering of the letters didn’t make logical sense, but someone in corporate clearly thought it sounded cool. Alongside changing Michaels memory, Rachel had run a process called reverberation. Reverberation allowed the mind to re-process any new or altered memories so the patient would accept them. If, for example, someone's memory was changed so that their first memory of their first car was green instead of black, their subsequent memories would be altered to accept this and so they always thought of the car as green. Having gone back to such an early memory showed how far the system had come. From Luke's reading, when the first tests had been done, it was almost impossible for the mind to accept anything from more than a few months prior, as the impact on other memories would cause too much of a disconnect for the participant. This was Rachel’s masterpiece and while the potential of the technology filled Luke with wonder, it also filled him with fear. Changing one persons memories for science was one thing, but if everyone on earth had a headset to view their memories and a corporation (or a government) had the capability to make changes to those memories, the implications were potentially disastrous. "How much will his memories change? Will he think he always wore a dress and a diaper to school?" Luke asked, his understanding of the process still in its infancy. "No, I kept the impact of the change minimal this time. To him, it will be an embarrassing moment that he never spoke about to anyone," Rachel said matter-of-factly. "We need to make a few more changes before we allow that memory to change him more substantially, but he won't forget how comfortable that special underwear felt," she said with a wry smile. The way Rachel described it was as if it was all so obvious. Luke had always thought of himself as intelligent, yet despite her being only a few years his senior and his studies, it was like he was a five year old trying to figure out how nuclear fission worked. "What do you need me to do?" he asked, trying to push away the feeling that there was nothing he could do that she couldn’t do a million times better. She looked at him "It's your first day, Luke. For the next few months, I don't need you to do anything more than observe and study what we are doing and maybe write a few reports. If you can study the logs of what we changed between the two memories and look through the reverberation file, that will be enough for now." Luke took his seat and opened the output files on his computer, but before he started reading, he asked, "Isn't it too much of a contradiction for him to have played out the same memory twice?" Rachel smiled. "He will remember both memories being the same, and tonight he will sleep, which will allow his mind to embed the altered memory further, and then we can start to have some fun."
  11. Melony and her boyfriend meet up with their friends for a garden party, but the girls are acting more like toddlers getting ready for an Easter egg hunt, and Melony’s boyfriend expects her to join them. *** Part 1 “Are you looking forward to playing with your friends, sweetie?” Melony scowled at her boyfriend as they walked up the driveway. “Don’t say it in such a patronising way, Peter!” she snapped, tossing back her long black hair. “How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to me like a child?” “Sorry, Mel,” said Peter, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, baby. I know you’re very sensitive about that sort of thing.” Melony pressed her lips together. Even his apologies were infantilising! Mostly she liked having Peter as her boyfriend; he was tall and handsome, and decent enough in bed, but he could be infuriatingly condescending at times – even though they were the same age, he sometimes treated her more like a toddler than the twenty-four-year-old woman she actually was. But now wasn’t the time for an argument. She’d save her scoldings for when they got home. Peter knocked on the front door, and a few moments later it swung open to reveal a smiling, sandy-haired young man. “About time, you two!” George said cheerfully, standing back to let them over the threshold. “Happy Easter! Come on in. Hazel and Oliver are already here.” He shook hands with Peter as he passed and, to Melony’s annoyance, placed his hand on her back to move her along down the corridor, as though she couldn’t do it by herself. “Hazel’s just upstairs with Oliver, being changed into something more comfortable,” he said, “and Jackie’s playing out in the garden.” Melony clenched her teeth. There was that word again. Playing. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking he was talking about a trio of three-year-olds, and not three grown women in their mid-twenties. And there was something about his smile that Melony didn’t like. But then George often looked like he was laughing at some private joke. It was maddening! She didn’t know how Jackie could stand it. They were led into the bright kitchen at the back of the house. Double doors opened out onto a wooden decking, and beyond that a large green lawn with patches of brightly coloured Spring flowers. But before Melony could head out into the sun, she heard running footsteps on the landing above them, and then the unmistakable sound of someone rushing down the stairs as fast as they could. “Hazel!” she heard a man call. She recognised Oliver’s voice. There were more hurried footfalls above them. “Wait for Daddy, silly girl!” A moment later, a young brunette woman ran, or rather toddled, through the hallway to join them in the kitchen. “Mewwie!” she squealed, coming to a stop in front of them. “Hazel?!” Melony gasped. Her normally shy, reserved friend was standing in front of her wearing a pair of trainers on her feet, a set of bunny ears on her head, and absolutely nothing in between. Her bare pussy and perky breasts were on full display, though it didn’t seem to bother her one bit. There was a vacant, innocent look in her green-brown eyes, and she was grinning broadly. “Hazel, what are you doing?!” Melony asked, blushing scarlet with second-hand embarrassment. “Why are you dressed like that?!” Oliver chuckled as he entered the kitchen behind his girlfriend. “I’m not sure I’d call her dressed at all, Mellie,” he said, winking at her. “My little lady was more comfortable in her birthday suit, but I insisted on shoes.” He patted his girlfriend’s bare bottom. “And of course, she absolutely refused to go without her pretty bunny ears.” He kissed Hazel on the cheek. “Didn’t you, baby girl?” he cooed. “You wanted to be Daddy’s nakie little bunny rabbit!” Hazel giggled delightedly. “Nakie bunny!” she echoed, bouncing on the spot and making her boobs jiggle about. “But she has to tell Daddy when she needs her potty,” Oliver said, “because we don’t want to leave any puddles on George’s floor, do we, baby?” Hazel nodded seriously at her boyfriend. “Tell Daddy,” she agreed. “Don’t need puw-ups!” “Not during the day at least,” said Oliver, bending down to give his girlfriend another kiss, this time on the forehead. “You’re Daddy’s big girl, aren’t you?” “What the fuck is going on here?!” Melony demanded in a shrill voice. She realised she was breathing very fast. A part of her was sure this had to be some bizarre joke, but the blank look in Hazel’s eyes was telling her otherwise. She looked around at Peter and George, but neither of the boys seemed to think there was anything wrong with the situation. In fact, George looked like he was trying to hold back laughter as he took in the sight of Hazel standing nearly nude in front of him, prattling like a toddler. Peter was looking at her, however. There was a smirk playing around his lips, and an almost hungry look in his eyes. Melony suddenly remembered that George had said Jackie was out in the garden, and she rushed to the back doors. Her heart dropped into her stomach when she reached them. Jackie was indeed playing in the garden. She was prancing about awkwardly like the littlest of toddlers, giggling and trying to catch butterflies. She wasn’t naked like Hazel, but Melony almost wished she was. She wore a pale pink dress, all frills and lace, and so short that it did nothing whatsoever to hide the enormously thick nappy she wore beneath. Even as Melony watched, Jackie bent over to peer at something in the grass, and her diapered bottom was thrust high into the air. The padding was sagging and discoloured. She’d clearly wet herself. A moment later, she straightened up and turned around, smiling even more vacantly than Hazel. Her blonde hair had been tied into a pair of pigtails, and she too wore a set of bunny ears. Melony felt sick to her stomach. Something was very, very wrong here. Hazel and Jackie needed the hospital, or a psychologist, or something! They couldn’t be allowed to just walk around humiliating themselves like this! They needed help! Before she could get over her shock, however, Peter had walked up behind her and slipped a pair of fluffy bunny ears onto her head. “What? What are you…?” Melony spun around, confused and angry, to see her boyfriend grinning at her. She lifted her hands to her head, feeling the soft ears, ready to rip them off, but by then it was already too late to stop the warm, fuzzy contentment spreading through her body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes… Part 2 Mellie spotted the green tinfoil wrapping of an Easter egg hiding nestled among some dandelions, sparkling in the warm sunlight, and she toddled over at once to snatch it up before Hazel or Jackie could get to it. She dropped it into her little wicker basket and felt a burst of pride so strong that she simply had to do a happy little dance to let out some of her feelings. Her diaper crinkled between her legs, and she could feel her bunny ears wobbling on her head as she hopped happily from foot to foot. She didn’t like her stupid nappy, but she loved her fluffy bunny ears, and she loved the rest of her outfit too. Her pretty dress was yellow and white, and it had a big bow on the back. Daddy said it made her look very pretty. She heard laughter behind her, and she looked around to see Daddy chuckling at her. He was sitting on the decking with Hazel and Jackie’s Daddies, and they were sipping some grown-up drink out of glasses. She’d already had her orange juice from a nice, safe sippy-cup. Because she was a big girl, Daddy had said. She didn’t need to be bottle-fed like Jackie. She wasn’t as big as Hazel (who didn’t even need a diaper!) but she wasn’t a silly baby either. She grinned back at her Daddy and waved. Hazel toddled over to her. “How many eggs haf you got, Mewwie?” she demanded. Mellie looked into her basket. She didn’t know. Numbers were so hard, but she didn’t want to look silly in front of a big girl like Hazel. “Fwee…” she said, uncertainly. Hazel giggled. “Nu-uh! You gots way more than fwee!” She peered into Mellie’s basket, her face scrunched up with the effort of thinking. “You gots… seven!” She looked back at Mellie and put her hands on her bare hips, smiling smugly. “You can’t count! You just a baby wike Jackie!” “No!” Mellie whined, stamping her foot. “I a big girl!” “Nu-uh!” Hazel said again, shaking her head. “You need nappies! You just a baby!” Mellie felt tears welling up in her eyes. “I don’t!” She hiked up her dress and reached for the tapes of her disposable diaper, intending to rip the stupid, babyish thing off and throw it into the bushes. “Don’t touch your nappy, Mellie!” Daddy’s stern voice rang out across the garden, and Mellie whipped her hand away from the tapes at once with a whimper. “You need it, baby girl! Taking it off is a big no-no!” Hazel smirked with satisfaction and ran off to find some more eggs, bare bottom jiggling, but she stopped after just a few paces and clutched a hand to her princess parts. “Daddy!” she cried, looking over at the grown-ups with sudden desperation. She started dancing just like Mellie had been, hopping from one foot to the other. “I need my potty, Daddy! Gotta pee-pee now!” “Okay, darling!” her Daddy replied. “Come here quickly! I’ve got your potty!” “You too, Jackie!” Jackie’s Daddy said. “Time for a diaper check!” “And you Mellie!” Mellie’s own Daddy called, his voice much gentler this time. He spread his arms wide. “Come to Dada, sweetheart! I want to see how many eggs you’ve found!” Mellie’s bad feelings at being scolded vanished at once, and a big smile tugged at her lips. She ran as fast as she could over to the decking, following behind Hazel potty-dancing her way towards her Daddy. Jackie brought up the rear, toddling along like she’d barely learned to walk. Her nappy was hanging very low between her legs. She was such a silly baby, Mellie thought, throwing a superior look over her shoulder at the girl. Her nappy wasn’t anywhere near that droopy – though as she waddled over to her Daddy, she felt a sudden wetness spreading around her no-no spot. With a blush, she realised she was wetting herself. She wished she could hold it and use the potty like a big girl, but she couldn’t control when she went pee-pee. Daddy had told her so, and Daddy was always right. Warm wee-wee flooded her diaper as she toddled towards the decking, and the thirsty padding between her legs soaked it all up. She could feel her Pampers getting heavier and bulkier, pushing her thighs apart and making her waddle even more pronounced. “Hurry, Daddy!” Hazel pleaded, squirming in desperation as her Daddy placed a white training potty down on the decking in front of her. He took her by the hands and guided her bottom down onto the plastic seat, and Hazel let out a loud sigh of relief. A moment later, the tinkling sound of pee hitting the bottom of her potty reached their ears, just as Mellie reached the decking and fell into her Daddy’s arms. “What a big girl!” Hazel’s Daddy crooned, stroking Hazel’s bare back and bending down to kiss the top of her head. “Look at you going pee-pee in the potty, just like a grown-up!” Hazel beamed up at him, and Mellie watched jealously. Her full lips formed a pout, and her grumpiness only worsened when she felt Daddy pulling back the waistband of her nappy to check her bottom. “No messies yet,” he declared, letting her diaper snap back into place. He slipped his hand down the front of her pants next. “Uh-oh…” he cooed, taking a seat in a garden chair and pulling her into his lap. “I think somebody’s done a big pee-pee, hasn’t she?” He bounced her on his knee and made her soggy diaper squish beneath her. “Does Daddy’s little girl have an icky wet nappy?” “Daddddyyyy…” Mellie whined, wrinkling her nose and blushing. “I’m sorry, baby girl,” he said, kissing her on the nose. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I know how sensitive you are about your baby pants, but you’re just too little for the potty at the moment. Maybe Daddy will potty train you in a few years’ time, hmm? Would you like that, princess?” “Weally?!” Mellie looked into his face excitedly. She didn’t know how long a year was, but she desperately wanted to get out of diapers. Daddy chuckled and bounced her on his knee again. “Sure, baby. It might take a while, but maybe one day you’ll be able to wear big girl pull-ups, or even go bare botty like Hazel!” “Yay!” Mellie wiggled happily in his lap. “Fank you, Daddy!” All of the grown-ups started laughing then. Hazel giggled too, and even Jackie let out a happy gurgle. Mellie joined in, but she didn’t really get what was funny. “I’m not sure my little lady is ever getting out of nappies,” said Jackie’s Daddy as he lifted his baby girl’s legs into the air by the ankles, exposing her messy bottom. Near the beginning of the egg hunt, Jackie had squatted down in the middle of the garden and pooped her pants, but since she didn’t fuss much over a dirty diaper, there’d been no need to change her straight away. “Are you, stinky-bum?” her Daddy cooed while he worked at her bottom with baby wipes. “I think you’re going to spend the rest of your life in messy nappies!” “Methee nappeeth!” Jackie echoed, lifting her legs all the way back over her head and trying to cram her toes into her mouth. “You’re a bit soggy,” Mellie’s Daddy told her, hugging her tightly, “but I don’t think you need a change just yet.” He patted her crotch. “That nappy can hold a lot more.” Once Hazel had finished on her potty, and Jackie was done getting her nappy changed, the three girls had their egg baskets inspected. Mellie had seven, Hazel had ten, and Jackie had four. “There are still a few more out there,” said Jackie’s Daddy. “Shall we take advantage of the good weather and let them keep playing for now?” “Good idea,” said Hazel’s Daddy. “It would be good for them to burn off some more energy before naptime. My little tot will be bouncing off the walls if we take her inside.” “Alright girls,” said Mellie’s Daddy. “Good job finding all those eggs! Do you think you can find the last ones too?” The three ladies nodded earnestly. “Then off you go, little ones!” said Daddy. He gave Mellie’s bottom a pat to send her on her way, and she toddled off back into the garden with her two friends, diaper squishing wetly between her thighs, eager to find as many eggs as she could. Part 3 Melony woke up from her nap feeling strange. Her first thought was of chocolate. Daddy had said she could have some of her Easter eggs after her nap, and she could feel a rumbling in her tummy. But her second thought was about why she was taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon. She wasn’t a baby, after all. Only dumb babies needed naps. She lifted her head off her pillow and looked around blearily. She was sharing a crib with Jackie. Her friend was still fast asleep, sucking her thumb peacefully, and she was giving off a strong smell of urine. But then, Melony thought, as she lifted the covers and looked down at the sodden adult diaper around her own waist, that could just as easily be her… She blinked. Her head felt funny. Or had it been feeling funny before? She put a hand to the top of her head, but there was nothing there. No bunny ears. Where had they gone? A slight frown creased her brow. Why did she want them so badly anyway? They were just a pair of stupid bunny ears. They were for little girls. Or were they for big girls too? Her frown became more pronounced. She was pretty sure she’d seen grown-ups wearing bunny ears. Girls in sexy outfits. So they couldn’t be that immature. Melony got up on her knees, and her mouth twisted into a grimace as her nappy sagged heavily. It was so full of wee-wee that it almost touched the plastic sheet of Jackie’s crib. Her outfit definitely wasn’t mature. Adults didn’t wear yucky wet diapers. She put her hands to her chest, and her felt her breasts through the fabric of the yellow t-shirt Daddy had dressed her in for her nap. But little girls didn’t have these. Then it all came flooding back to her in a rush, all her memories, all her awareness. “Oh my God…” she whispered. She started shaking Jackie awake. “Jackie,” she hissed urgently, panic rising inside her. Their boyfriends were trying to turn them into overgrown toddler freaks! “Jackie, wake up!” Jackie’s eyes fluttered open and she pulled her thumb out of her mouth with a pop. “Dada?” she murmured sleepily. “No, Jackie, it’s me! It’s Melony! Wake up! You’ve got to remember who you are!” Jackie rubbed her eyes with her fists and blinked up at her. “Mewwie?” She clambered awkwardly up onto her knees too, then she grinned. “Mewwie!” she squealed, and wrapped Melony in a tight hug. “I wuv you!” Melony cringed. She could feel her friend’s braless breasts squishing against her. “I love you too, Jackie,” she said, keeping her voice low, “but right now we need to get out of here.” She extracted herself from the cuddle. “You’re not a baby, Jackie. You’re a grown woman, remember? You’re twenty-four years old. You’re training to be a doctor!” Jackie cocked her head, still grinning. She let out a gurgling giggle that suggested to Melony she hadn’t understood a word of what she’d just said, or perhaps she just thought they were playing. Hazel stirred beneath the sheets of her mattress on the floor. She yawned and stretched and got to her feet; as the Hello Kitty covers fell from her body, she was revealed wearing nothing but a soaking wet pair of training pants. It was no wonder the room smelled like pee – all three women had wet themselves in their sleep. “Hazel!” Melony said urgently, turning her attention to her other friend. Hazel blushed and covered her padded crotch with her hands. “Acc-see-dents doesn’t count when it’s naptime,” she mumbled shamefully. “Daddy says.” “Hazel please! You’re not a toddler! You’re an adult!” Hazel beamed. “I a big girl!” she declared proudly, putting her hands on her hips and standing with her legs wide, making the droop of her pull-ups obvious. “Not a baby wike you and Jackie!” “No!” Melony pleaded. “Hazel, we’re all adults! Our boyfriends have done something to us! You’ve got to wake up!” Hazel shook her head in a superior way. “Am awake, Mewwie,” she said. “Siwwy baby!” At that moment, the door to the bedroom opened and Peter came in. “You!” Melony snarled, getting to her feet and gripping the side of the crib, glaring at her boyfriend. “What the hell have you done to us?!” Peter raised his eyebrow. “That’s no way to talk to your Daddy, little one,” he said, sternly. “Keep that up and I’ll have no choice but to put you over my knee.” “You’re not my Daddy!” Melony shouted furiously. “And you can’t talk to me that way! I don’t know if you drugged us or hypnotized us or what, but when I get out of here you’re going straight into a fucking prison cell!” His expression quite calm, Peter walked up to the crib and lowered the bars. Then he took Jackie by the hand and helped her down onto the carpet. “Hazel,” he said, turning to the nearly nude young woman, “be a good girl, take Jackie and go and find your Daddies, okay? I think they’ll give you some of your Easter chocolate! But Mellie’s being a naughty little girl, so I’m going to have to give her a spanking before she can come downstairs.” Jackie’s eyes widened and Hazel giggled. “Yes, Mewwie’s Daddy!” she chirped, and she took Jackie by the hand and skipped out of the room in nothing but her pissy pull-up, dragging her infantilized friend along beside her. Once they were gone, Peter turned back to her. He pointed his finger at the floor. “Come here, Mellie. Out of the crib. You’ve earned yourself a sore, red bottom, young lady.” “You’re crazy!” Melony shouted. “I’m not gonna let you spank me, you monster!” “In a minute or two, you’re not going to have the will to resist, darling. Not when Daddy gives you a stern look. Your mind will be regressing back to babyhood any moment now.” “W-what do you mean?” Melony stammered, as a chill ran through her body at his words. “There we no drugs, sweetie,” said Peter. “No hypnosis. Just your special bunny ears. They made all those wonderful changes inside your head, just like they did with your two little friends, and the effects are totally permanent, baby girl. This is just a little bounce-back, that’s all. Jackie had hers yesterday, and Hazel had hers just before we arrived today. One final little burst of adulthood before it’s back to diapers forever.” “No…” Melony whispered. But she could already feel it happening in her mind. Her head was getting fuzzy again. Soft and fuzzy. Like it was full of cotton candy. She shook her head fiercely. “No!” she shouted. Her face was burning with humiliation at the thought of being stuck as an adult-sized toddler for the rest of her life, being gawped at and cooed over by strangers, by her friends and family, by her lunatic of a boyfriend. “I’m not gonna be wike… like that forever!” “I’m afraid there’s no going back now, baby,” Peter said gently. “If you had any last things you wanted to say as a grown-up, now’s the time, because in a few moments you’ll have the behaviours and intellectual level of a three-year-old.” He grinned. “But I’m going to treat you like you’re two.” He looked her over thoughtfully. “Oliver wanted a happy toddler girl who’s proud as a peach to sit on an oversized child’s potty and pee in it in front of a crowd,” he said. “Hazel was always so shy before, but now she’s quite the little exhibitionist, as I’m sure you’ve noticed! George just wanted to see Jackie transformed into a dim-witted baby, barely out of infancy, without a thought in her pretty little head. She was so smart before; I think George finds it funny that she’s now too dumb to even tell when she’s pooped her pants.” Melony could only stare at her boyfriend in horror. It was getting harder and harder to hold her thoughts together, and there was another problem too – the rumbling in her tummy from earlier had changed into a different feeling, a fullness in her bottom. She clenched her rear tightly. “But I wanted something a little different from both of them,” Daddy went on. Peter. His name was Peter, not Daddy. “I wanted the sweet spot; a girl who’s just mature enough to want to be out of diapers, but who has to wear them anyway. I think that would be perfect for you, Mellie.” Mellie shook her head again, her lips forming a pout. “No!” she whined. Her head felt so empty. So light and fluffy. Fluffy like a bunny. “Don’t wanna… Don’t wike…” The pressure in her bottom was building, becoming impossible to control almost as quickly as it had first appeared. “Go on, baby,” her boyfriend cooed. “Any last thoughts before it’s back to baby-land for good for big girl Melony?” Mellie looked up into his eyes. A mixture of fear and anger and confusion burned in hers. “Gotta go poopy!” she blurted, and then bent her knees, screwed up her face, and started to poop her pants. Above her, Daddy laughed. “That’s my little Mellie,” he cooed, patting her on the head. She let out a loud grunt and pushed a load into her nappy, quickly followed by a long gush of pee-pee. “That’s Daddy’s little stinker! Melony the big girl is all gone now, isn’t she? It’s just silly baby Mellie left, ready to spend the rest of Easter toddling around in a dirty diaper. Ready for a lifetime of loving cuddles and strict discipline from her Daddy. Finish up making your whoopsie, baby, then move that messy bum of yours out of the crib. Your big girl brains might have leaked out into your nappy, but Daddy hasn’t forgotten that you need a spanking!” The End *** If you want to read more evil stories or captions about women being transformed into overgrown babies, I also post on Tumblr, DeviantArt, and SubscribeStar.
  12. A Succubus prowls the night on Halloween and discovers that her powers, in addition to overcoming men with lust, also render women submissive and childish. She decides to seduce a man in a bar, and when his wife tries to protest, she transforms her into an adult baby cuckquean. *** The Succubus strutted down the street in her black high-heels, putting one slender crimson leg in front of the other, making her hips sway with every step. She wore fishnet stockings and a shadowy miniskirt that flashed her dark thong as she walked, and exposed the bottom of her bouncing bum-cheeks. Her tight, red midriff was bare, but the cold October air didn’t bother her one bit. A lacy black bra held up her full breasts, and she wore nothing else above the waist. Two small, sharp horns peaked out from her luscious black hair, and a pointed tail swished behind her. All around her, men stopped and stared as she passed, hypnotised by her blood-red lips, by the subtle jiggling of her breasts and the flashes beneath her skirt. Their wives and girlfriend tugged at their arms angrily, sending bitter, jealous looks her way, though none could meet her gaze. When she flashed her coal-black eyes at them, they blushed and looked at their feet, still tugging on their men’s sleeves and whining like shy little girls trying to get their Daddies’ attention. The Succubus smiled. She supposed it was only to be expected that her powers, though meant to enslave men to their desires, would also have a means of keeping truculent wives from interfering with her seductions. It seemed the poor things would be left unable to do more than pout and fuss while she took their husbands to bed before their very eyes. The thought made her pussy tingle delightfully. This was her first time in this realm, but with luck, she’d be staying. The air was cool and fresh here, and it smelt of earth and pumpkins, quite a change from the other place. All she needed was a man to drain. But, she thought, her smile turning into a grin, if he happened to have a woman along with him too, that would be just fine. She noticed a bar up ahead, light and noise spilling out from it onto the pavement. Perfect. Humans were susceptible enough at the best of times if anything of what she’d heard was true, but a little alcohol in her target’s system couldn’t hurt. She slipped inside and was met with heat and noise, though it was nothing compared to what she was used to. The bar was full of people drinking and laughing, most of them dressed up in costume. Pirates, princesses, vampires, nurses… Strange what these humans were frightened of. She scanned around for someone suitable. She wanted someone handsome, if she could. Not too old, or too young. Ideally someone who wasn’t surrounded by his friends, either… Then she spotted him. A good-looking man with neat brown hair and the shadow of a beard, perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties, sitting in a booth at the far end of the room. He was dressed as a lumberjack – checked flannel shirt, jeans, and suspenders, and there was nobody beside him. The Succubus stalked towards him, hoping he’d look up and see her coming. Human men seemed to enjoy the way she walked. But the man’s attention was focused in front of him, and as she got closer, she realised there was a woman was sitting opposite him. Her blonde hair was tied up in pigtails, and she’d crammed her shapely body into a blue-and-yellow-striped cheerleader’s outfit. A smirk played around the Succubus’s lips. The girl was hot, but not as hot as her. She slid into the booth beside the man, interrupting their conversation, staring into his face with burning eyes. “Hi…” she said, huskily. “Wow…” said the lumberjack. “Uh, nice costume.” “Thanks,” she said, stroking his arm with her finger. “What’s your name?” The man swallowed. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her. “John…” “It’s nice to meet you, John,” she purred, moving her face closer to his. “That’s a good, strong name.” “Hey!” She paused and turned to the woman opposite. The cheerleader was glaring at her furiously. “What do you think you’re doing?!” The Succubus leant back and smiled, her eyes glittering. She was going to enjoy this. “And what’s your name, sweetie?” The cheerleader hesitated, clearly taken aback by her unnerving presence. Despite their rational minds telling them she was just wearing a costume, something deeper in these humans’ heads was screaming otherwise. “Deborah, but-” “It’s nice to meet you, Debbie,” she cooed, her voice like honey. “Are you out with your Daddy?” “My… my Daddy?!” The woman blushed, no doubt wondering if she’d really been mistaken for the lumberjack’s daughter, or if she was just being mocked. “That’s right,” said the Succubus. “There are all sorts of dangerous monsters about on Halloween. It’s a good thing you’ve got your Daddy to protect you, isn’t it?” Deborah glowered. “He’s not my Daddy!” she said, blushing harder when she realised how stupid she sounded. She gritted her teeth. “I’m his wife!” she said. “We got married just last month! Tell her, John!” The Succubus smiled to herself. This one had quite a strong will. But no matter. That just made it more fun. She leaned towards John again, giving him a perfect view of her cleavage. She put an arm under her boobs and jostled them gently, and with the other she reached out under the table, touching his thigh with her hand. “What do you think, handsome? Is she your wife? Or is she just a silly little girl? Or maybe she’s both… Maybe you married her because you thought she was a sexy grown woman, but now that you’re looking at me, you’re realising she’s nothing but a stupid child...” Deborah got to her feet. “That’s enough! Leave him alone! He’s mine! He-” “Bad girl, Debbie,” the Succubus hissed, in her coldest, most terrible voice. Her dark eyes glinted red like smouldering coals. “Don’t throw a tantrum, little missy.” Deborah froze. Her eyes widened in fear and shock, and, to the Succubus’s delight, a dark stain appeared on the front of her skirt. A soft pitter-pattering noise could just be heard over the music as the woman wet herself in front of them. Pee ran down her legs and soaked into her socks and trainers, and a small puddle formed on the floor at her feet. The Succubus tittered. It was a sound like tinkling bells. So much for having a strong will! These humans were even easier to control than she thought! “Whoopsie!” she sang. “It looks like someone’s had an accident! Are you sure you’re a grown-up, Debbie? Maybe you should be out trick or treating with the other kiddies.” She cocked her head. “Or maybe you’re too little for that. Maybe you belong in diapers. Maybe you belong in a nursery.” Deborah’s mouth tried to speak, but no words came out. Her bottom lip trembled as she stared, transfixed, at the inhuman thing sitting before her. “I think we ought to head back to your place,” the Succubus said in John’s ear. The man hardly seemed to have heard what had been going on. He was still staring at her breasts, but there was a faintly confused expression on his face. The Succubus had to giggle. Men were so silly! It looked like he was trying to contemplate something profound between her tits. “Let’s go back to yours,” she said again, breathily, “and you can do more than look.” “But… but what am I supposed to do?” Deborah whined petulantly. “You can come too, sweetie,” said the Succubus, smirking at the woman’s childish transformation. “But go by the store and buy yourself some diapers first. The thickest you can find. Silly little girls who wet their pants can’t be trusted to wear big girl undies.” “But-” “Do as I say, Debbie,” she said, using her iron voice. Deborah whimpered and hurried out of the booth, heading for the door as fast as she could, attempting to cover the wet patch on the front of her skirt with her hands. The Succubus took her lover-to-be by the hand and led him slowly out of the bar after her. Their drinks were left half-finished on the table. They stepped outside in the fresh air, the Succubus revelling in all the stares she was getting. But she had what she needed for tonight. One man would do – in fact, it was all the better for what she had in mind. True, she could bind herself more easily to this realm if she simply found a bunch of frat boys to do her rough until morning, but she didn’t want her permanent entrance to the human world to begin with one cock rammed in her pussy, another down her throat, and a third up her butt. She had a little more class than that, and she had her future here to think about. “Lead the way, handsome,” she said to John, standing up on tiptoe to let her words tickle his ear. It wasn’t a long walk to his apartment, and the Succubus was pleased to see it looked expensive and well-furnished. After all, it might just be her new home. She looked around approvingly at the master bedroom as she slipped off John’s suspenders and began to undo the buttons on his lumberjack shirt. A part of her knew she could just slip into bed with him and get to work, but she lingered, taking her time with the buttons, with his belt, teasing his hardness with her fingers, waiting for his wife to return. Something about the idea of making little Debbie watch while she took her husband away excited her even more than seducing John himself. She grinned when she heard the front door opening. “In here, Debbie!” she called, and a moment later Deborah appeared in the bedroom, her mascara smeared with tears, a large pack of adult diapers in her arms. Fresh tears welled up in her eyes when she saw her husband standing naked in the arms of another woman. “Put them on,” the Succubus instructed, nodding at the nappies. Then she kissed John lustily on the lips, moaning into his mouth as Deborah ripped open the plastic packaging. She could feel herself growing stronger, becoming more rooted to this world as his hands groped her ass and her felt up her breasts. She heard a sob and a crinkle as Deborah began taping her diaper around her waist, and a jolt of power ran down her spine and darted into her nether regions. She let out another moan. Still kissing John passionately, she glanced to the side and saw Deborah holding the bulky pair of baby pants up between her legs, under her pee-stained cheerleader skirt. She thrilled as the woman sobbed again. It’s the humiliation, she realised. A woman’s humiliation feeds me just as much as a man’s lust. She pulled out of the kiss and turned, drinking in the sight of the twenty-something-year-old woman standing before her with an obvious diaper bulge around her waist, and a hint of white peeking out from under the hem of her skirt. “Good girl, Debbie!” she crooned. “The widdle baby’s got her diapee on now, yes she does! No more pee-pee puddles on the floor, huh sweetie?” Deborah blushed scarlet and glared at her, her fists clenched. She seemed to be torn between rage, shame, fear, and confusion. “This is your new life, diaper girl,” said the Succubus. “Say goodbye to fun with men and hello to humping your pillows in pissy Pampers.” She reached behind her and unclasped her black bra, tossing it aside and freeing her large breasts. She laughed when she saw both John and Deborah staring at them, spellbound. She gave her boobs a little shake. “I think my lover’s just seen his favourite toys,” she said, looking at John. “But the baby,” she said, turning to Deborah, “probably just wants a suckle. That will have to wait until later though, little one.” She reached under her wispy black miniskirt, hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, and shimmied them down her legs. She could feel John’s eyes on her tush as she wiggled it from side to side. “It’s about time your husband and I fucked. But as long as you don’t make too much noise, you can stand in the corner and watch, okay?” The Succubus turned back to John, looking at him with her smouldering, hypnotic eyes. She sauntered over, breasts bouncing enticingly on her chest. She grinned as he pulled her naked body tight against his, breathing hard in her ear. She could feel his thick cock pressed against her lower belly. “No!” Deborah screamed suddenly. “Stop this!” She stomped her foot. “You can’t do this! I don’t know what you’ve done to make us act like this, but it’s going to stop now! I’m a grown woman and-” The Succubus stepped out of John’s embrace and faced Deborah sternly, hands on her hips like a strict governess. “Poop your pants!” she ordered, cutting across her. “I… I…” Deborah seemed to struggle internally, fighting with all her might. “NO!” she shouted. “I’m not gonna listen to you, you stupid demon!” A flash of rage crossed the Succubus’s beautiful features, and she advanced on the woman. “Never hold your pee or poop again, Debbie!” she hissed in her icy, terrible voice. “Go to the toilet in your own pants for the rest of your miserable life, you stupid toddler!” Deborah staggered back in terror, her bulky diaper crinkling. For a moment, she just stood there, wide-eyed. Then her body betrayed her. Her face a mask of horror, Deborah sank into a squat and started pooping her diaper. She grunted and strained to push the yucky, warm load into her pants like an oversized two-year-old. Her bladder released again as well, soaking the front of the thirsty padding and turning it faintly yellow. “Nooooo…” she whimpered, as the horrible mess sank heavily into the seat of her diaper, making it sag down to her mid-thighs. “Pleeeease…” The Succubus’s face softened. “There we go,” she said lightly, reaching down to pat the bottom of Deborah’s nappy, squishing the mess inside against the woman’s bottom. “That’s better.” “Ewww!” Deborah wailed, once she’d finished messing herself. “No, no, no!” She stomped her feet pathetically. “I don’t wanna wear diapers! I don’t wanna share my husband!” “Awww, I’m sorry sweetie,” the Succubus cooed in her syrupy voice, “but you’re just a big, stinky baby now. What man is going to find you attractive? You’re not even out of diapers! Besides, we won’t be sharing him, Debbie. Your husband is all mine. You’ll never have sex again. Not with him, not with anyone.” She practically shuddered with euphoria at the expression on the woman’s face. Then she looked at John with her best bedroom eyes. “Did you hear that, lover? You need a real woman, not an overgrown toddler. Look at your wife. She just pooped her pants. You’ll never be able to find her attractive again after this, will you? Debbie belongs in a nursery, not your bed.” John nodded, sparing his wife’s dirty diaper a brief look of disgust before turning his attention back to nearly-naked beauty before him. Debbie sobbed again. “John… No…” “We’ll fix you up a proper nursery in due time, but for now the guest room will have to do,” said the Succubus, pointing at the door. John stood just behind her. He slipped one arm around her waist and bent down to kiss her neck. Deborah looked at them with big, wet eyes, her lip wobbling pitifully. “Do as Mummy says, Debbie,” said the Succubus, her dark eyes sparkling. “You could have stayed to watch, but since you threw a tantrum, you’ll have to make do with listening instead, and using your imagination while you hump your pillows in your full diaper. That’s what sex is to you now, Debbie. Now go to your room this instant, or I’ll spank your naughty bottom over my knee!” Tears streaming down her cheeks, the pigtailed cheerleader turned and toddled out of the room as fast as she could in her saggy diaper, off to put herself to bed. The Succubus could feel the embarrassment radiating off her, and she drank it down hungrily. She hadn’t felt this strong, this real, in all the centuries she’d been alive. But her place here wasn’t yet permanent. There was one more thing left to do. She fell into bed with John, delighting in his strong arms wrapped around her, in the taste of his lips, and, of course, the feel of his manhood as he thrust himself deep inside her. She moaned as loud as she could, imagining Debbie in the next room over furiously grinding her thickly padded clit on her pillow to the sounds of their lovemaking, trying to ignore the squish of her pee-soaked Pampers and the feel of the babyish mess sitting between her bum-cheeks. “Oh, oh, oooohhhh!” John’s hands roamed her body eagerly, pulling and groping, and each touch made the Succubus’s pussy pulse with pleasure. But still, her mind couldn’t help wandering, thinking about her perfect little human family. Her lover and her baby. She’d have to get a crib, of course. And a changing table too. And plenty of toys to make Debbie play with. Not to mention some posters to decorate her room. Disney princesses, maybe, to match the bedsheets she had in mind. She’d hate that. And a highchair, and a bib, and lots of lots of adorable dresses! She grabbed John by the hips and bounced her coochie faster and faster on his cock. And onesies and hairbows and frilly little socks! John groaned beneath her, thrusting up forcefully, and as he came inside her and the Succubus took just a little of his soul to bind herself to the Earth, she moaned in ecstasy and thought, I bet Debbie would look just darling in braces! She slumped against John’s chest as the man fell unconscious, smiling to herself as the red of her skin faded, her horns crept back beneath her dark hair, and her tail began to disappear. Even if she didn’t need to feed herself that way anymore, with the lust of men and the humiliation of women, that didn’t mean she had to throw away her new toys. Her dark eyes flashed, and she grinned. Debbie had a very embarrassing life ahead of her.
  13. We're back to Jackie's perspective for this one, though we're finding her in the midst of a totally new and disorienting experience. If you're new to the Jackie Universe, you might find it helpful to read the other stories first: Baby's Unexpected Trip Jackie's Play Date The Haircut Pushing Boundaries ----- Jackie stirred awake from her sleep. She took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes, taking stock of her surroundings. There was no way to tell what time it was, but the light of the nightlight was plenty enough to remind her that she was not in her own nursery. From her crib, she could see that just a few feet away, sharing the other crib in the room, were her fellow infantilized adults and her de facto hosts, twins Lauren and Katie. Jackie wasn’t exactly comfortable around Lauren and Katie, since she never really talked to them during their occasional play dates and the main thing that she knew about them – that they were doing this willingly – made her completely doubt their judgment. Still, recognizing where she was reminded her that she was in a place that was decidedly more relaxed than her own home. Though still contained in her crib, she wasn’t swaddled as tightly as she would be by her Mama at home, and had relative freedom of movement. Still half-asleep, she decided to take advantage of the freedom by indulging in a big yawn and a deep stretch. Just as her back began to arch and slightly twist, a cramp hit her stomach. Desperately, she clamped down on her pacifier and clenched her butt cheeks together. Now she was pretty sure she knew what had woken her up. She was still feeling pretty tired, and she’d gone to bed much later than normal, so she suspected that it wasn’t just a sleep cycle that had woken her up, and her cramping seemed to confirm that suspicion. Her mind was awake now, desperately scrambling to come up with a plan. If she was right that it was still the middle of the night, she wanted to do anything she could to prevent a messy diaper, since there was no chance she’d be changed anytime soon. Though it was not a common occurrence, she’d experienced enough overnight messes over the last 8 years to know that they were particularly unpleasant. The problem was, there were very few options available to Jackie. There was no way she could climb out of her crib, and despite the relaxed rules here at Lauren and Katie’s house, nobody would be letting her out of her crib. And simply waiting until morning didn’t seem like a likely solution. For years now, she’d had no control at all over her bladder. With her bowels, it was a little different: At least by her standard (not realizing that she was going until she already was or even already had), she’d never exactly had a messy accident. However, depositing each and every poop into the seat of her diaper for the past 8 years had not been without its consequences. Because she was going to be messing eventually, she usually just pushed things out as soon as she felt them coming on. Her diet of baby food and formula meant that she could usually have a soft mush out in just a couple of minutes, and in most circumstances just getting the humiliating task over with was the fastest route to a change. That approach meant she never really held back for very long any more. And, when the time came to do so, she found that she really had only a minimal amount of time before she had to give in to the pressure and mess anyways. Lacking other options, Jackie knew that she needed to try to avoid the mess, and the only way to do that would be to fall back asleep. She wasn’t positive that that would work, since the need to go had already woken her up, but she had had a few times where she’d thought she’d noticed a little bit of an avalanche building in her stomach, only to manage to fall asleep and make it until morning before soiling her pants. Those might have just been a little bit of gas, but she had to pin her hopes on something. Heck, even if she could buy herself another hour or so, that might be the difference between a rash or not on the back end. Jackie knew enough to know that just wishing herself to fall asleep probably would only make things work, so she searched her surroundings for any sort of distraction she could find. Though she’d been over the twins’ house before, it had only ever been for relatively short playdates. She’d napped in this room a few times, but never slept in it until the previous night, and had previously not dedicated a whole lot of energy to looking around. Lit by the soft glow of a pastel pink night light on the far wall, the room seemed about what one would expect out of a nursery. Most of the features pretty closely mirrored her own, though the changing table was larger to allow both babies to be on it at the same time if necessary and practical, and there were probably even more diapers than in her room to accommodate the extra resident. The mobile over her head was predictably uninteresting, and while she’d noticed yesterday that there was a family portrait that hung on the wall over the changing table, the poor light and the angle she had from her crib meant that she couldn’t really make it out to examine that further. Indeed, the only thing that seemed particularly interesting or dramatically out of line with her own room was the fact that there was a second crib. She looked over at the two girls who were somewhat crammed into the twin-sized crib. They were both lying on their sides, perhaps because that afforded them the most space to sleep. Jackie would have felt a little bad that they were forced to share if she’d had any say in coming here at all. Mama had had a death in the family that required her to drive out of the state for a few days, and though Jackie suspected that the decision was mostly logistical instead of merciful, she had decided that bringing her adult baby along wasn’t an option. Normally, she’d just have dropped her off at her biological parents’ house, but they were currently out of the country on vacation, and so Mama had turned to her network of friends who themselves kept infantilized adults for help. Miss Julia and Kevin, Lauren and Katie’s “mommy and daddy,” had apparently been either the first or only people who said they’d take an extra for a few days, and so Jackie had found herself hurriedly packed up and brought over for an extended Wednesday to Sunday visit. Despite having been here a couple of days now, Jackie had only a little more understanding of the two sleeping girls that she was looking at through the bars of her crib. Here in the middle of the night, Lauren wasn’t wearing her glasses, and so Jackie had no idea which twin was which. They were so identical to the untrained eye that they even seemed to be sucking their pacifiers in perfect unison. Jackie could really only see their faces, but they sure looked peaceful. And with their bodies obscured by the blankets, you could forget that they were way too large to be in a crib in the first place. Jackie hadn’t actually ever looked at another adult sleeping in a crib, since she was usually the one inside of one, but she had to admit that she was surprised at how natural it all seemed from the outside. She’d always assumed that this was just another way that their existence was a total farce – after all, she’d seen how universally silly she and her playmates looked while being led through the rest of their ridiculous daily rituals by their caregivers, with the clothes and sized up furniture always adding to the humiliation of their babyish activities without ever for a second making anyone forget that these were not real babies at all. She had always assumed this was part of the point. Maybe the goal wasn’t actually to twist the knife of humiliation a little bit more by reminding the girls that they could never hide the adults that they weren’t allowed to be; never pass off the humiliation as not real because they were just babies, but it certainly had that effect on Jackie. But seeing the two sleeping girls, she actually saw babies. At least at night, there was no humiliation on their faces, only a tranquility that seemed to be very real. Was she like this when she slept? She often felt that sleep was the closest she ever got to escape. When she dreamt, it was often just an extenuation of her current life, which made sense with her second babyhood occupying all of her time and most of her mental energy. But sometimes she’d still dream of a different life – one where none of this had happened. And those dreams (especially the ones that didn’t end with her embarrassing herself by somehow revealing herself to be the big baby she was treated as when she was awake) were the best dreams, even if they could be the hardest to wake up from. But did sleep make her look like the baby that the world went to such great lengths to tell her she was? She couldn’t tell if the thought made her feel like sleep was even more of the escape that she thought of it as, or if even that escape was just another way to further her humiliation. All of these thoughts were interesting, but another cramp emphasized how little they were doing to help Jackie achieve her goal of falling asleep. If anything, her mind seemed more awake, and her body seemed like it was about to betray her. Both cramps that she’d experienced in the last few minutes were pretty significant, and her stomach was now churning so ominously that she was struggling to comfortably lie still in the crib. Jackie sensed that the next cramp would be her last. She probably could fight on another cramp or two, but eventually she’d get tired of it, and she knew that she couldn’t make it until morning. Besides, she had a sort of pride about having never had a full-blown messy accident. Recognizing that she’d lost control over her bladder had been a source of major mental anguish, even if she knew at some level that she was hardly to blame. In moments of reflection, she might concede that she had some doubts about exactly how much control she had over her bowels, but she held tight to the defense mechanism. Not having an accident was sort of a last vestige of adulthood that she could hang her hat on. She’d rather give in and mess deliberately before she strictly had to than test her limits and risk shredding the last bit of confidence she had left. When the next cramp came just a few moments later, Jackie gave a gentle push instead of the frantic clench she’d employed each of the last two times. Immediately, a relatively small, just-barely-cohesive log quickly breached her sphincter and pushed up against the back of her sodden diaper. Even in moments like these where Jackie could move around relatively easily and there was nothing pushing or pulling her diaper tighter than it was naturally taped, pooping in a diaper was a pretty disgusting experience. Though this turd was soft and not very long, it seemed like it instantly met the resistance of the diaper’s back panel. That pressure caused the poop to smush into itself, quickly becoming wider. Soon, Jackie’s crack immediately around her anus was full of goo, and there was more external pressure as she finished with the initial push, which created the unpleasant sensation of not quite feeling like her sphincter was fully closed even as she finished straining. If this had been one of Jackie’s rare firmer messes, it might have reluctantly slid its way down the back in one piece, temporarily holding its form and wedging itself between Jackie’s lower butt cheeks, where it would stay until it was either pushed further down into direct contact with Jackie’s already urine-soaked vagina, front, and eventually wider diaper area by a next piece or else slowly have been jostled around by Jackie’s inevitable movements until it became more of a smeared blob that seemed to cement itself to Jackie’s crack. One wasn’t actually better than the other, as evidenced by the fact that Jackie usually wished that she had done the opposite of whatever she just had. Though it would already be an entirely unpleasant way to spend the rest of the night, Jackie could immediately tell that she was nowhere near finished. In fact, her stomach felt literally no relief as yet. Having broken the seal and beginning her discomfort, now she was committed to silencing her stomach and seeing if she could find a way to get back to sleep. Plus, she knew her limited control and churning stomach weren’t really going to give her much of a choice anyways. She gave a second push, this one with more deliberate effort than the first, cramp-aided thrust. There was little reward at first, although the effort did seem to slide any last remaining bit of the first poop out of her hole and allow it to feel more fully closed as she paused her efforts briefly and took a deep breath. Just as she had prepared herself for another go, a soft but audible gurgle from her stomach let her know that it was ready for her to begin again as well. Her eyes closed as she gave her most effort yet, and this time she was rewarded with much more than she had anticipated. Accompanied by a rather loud, and clearly wet, noise that didn’t seem to have enough air to strictly be called gas, Jackie felt an absolute torrent of runny diarrhea escape into her diaper, almost immediately coating her entire crotch with a wet film and creating a steaming warm pool of waste in between her legs that gravity helped stretch almost to her left hip. As she tried to assess whether her diaper was containing everything, another almighty rumble raced through her abdomen and Jackie automatically pushed a second wave that seemed every bit as big as the first to add to the fetid horror in her underwear. Exhausted, Jackie unconsciously rolled onto her back. She felt the warm, clumpy puddle shift down with her, pooling now in the back half of her diaper, and immediately she could tell that some amount of the liquid was rushing further up her back than her diaper could contain. There was nothing she could really do – despite being tightly diapered by Miss Julia before bed, there was an inevitable gap between the diaper’s plastic backing and the small of her back. Once she’d overwhelmed the diaper’s absorbing capacity, her only chance would have been to be standing, which hadn’t happened to be the case. She could tell that the back of her onesie was now coated with the same wet mess that filled her pants, and was sure that the bed sheets must be as well. The light wouldn’t help her see much, and she didn’t want to put her hands back there, but she assumed it was a horrible scene. She had really ruined everything, and to make things worse, it wasn’t even her bed! Come morning, she was sure Miss Julia would be quite upset, and she could only imagine she’d be in for a heavy round of humiliation and possibly even a punishment. She had experienced a few wet leaks before, but this was different. Her very standardized diet and minimal contact with the outside world meant that diarrhea was very rare, and she’d never experienced it while lying down before. Standing or sitting up, gravity could help to contain things in the seat of her pants for long enough for some more absorption to happen and for someone to realize what had happened and help her get a change. Without that, she was left lying here, feeling thoroughly gross and totally helpless. She took stock of her situation, trying to decide if there was any way that she could get comfortable for the rest of the night. She wasn’t sure, but her assumption was that the diaper would eventually be able to absorb most of the pure liquid that had escaped her, which would at least prevent further leakage. Shifting slightly, she could tell that much of that absorption had already occurred. Even with the risk of further leakage subsiding by the minute, she was left with two uncomfortable realities that were unlikely to go away any time soon. The first was the state of her diaper, onesie, and bedsheets. The mess was cooling unpleasantly, and seemed to be turning into a cold, sticky layer that was touching every corner of her diaper area, with plenty of nasty little clumps thrown in for good measure. Further, her wet-with-diarrhea onesie was clinging to her back, pressed up against her by sheets that she knew had barely fared any better in the previous few minute’s avalanche. The other problem was the smell. The initial nastiness of the mess itself had for a moment rendered the smell of what she had done irrelevant. But now, even a room with a diaper pail that did only a little to hide that it held several dirty diapers, what Jackie had done was literally overpowering. Even if she could turn out all of the rest of discomfort, that smell was so bad that she wondered if she’d ever fall back asleep. Gingerly, she tried to shift to a position where at least the parts of her that weren’t in contact with her diaper might be more or less comfortable. She slowly turned back onto her side, and slid herself slightly closer to the bars of the crib so that she was outside of the wet patch that she’d created on the sheet. It wasn’t much, but it was better. Jackie still wished for sleep, but knew that it would take a minute. This was truly the messiest diaper she’d ever experienced. She wondered how this could have happened, and how she could have been so unlucky as to have it happen while she was in a stranger’s house. She supposed it wasn’t really surprising in retrospect. Apparently, on Thursday nights, her hosts had a tradition in which they broke out of their mommy/daddy/babies relationship and all had a more normal dinner. It had been explained to Jackie that afternoon that the twins got to pick what was on the menu, usually got to cook it if they wanted, and that the meal was used as a way for everyone to check in, talk about the week, and make sure that everyone was happy. Jackie had been pretty stunned when she heard about it, as nothing of the sort happened in her normal life. And even if Mama had asked her questions like that, she was pretty sure that the answers would only be used to further her misery. Instead, it had quickly been explained to her yesterday morning as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Further, as the guest, she’d been asked if she’d like to choose what they would have for dinner. That had been an absolutely overwhelming choice for her, and when Miss Julia had told her, her immediate reaction had been to ask what her options were. Miss Julia had laughed, and said that anything that they could buy or make within a few hours would be fine with everyone. That was nice, Jackie was sure, but when you’d only eaten baby food for the past 8 years, and not so much as picked out your own clothes even once over that time either, that was an almost impossibly wide set of options. She’d found herself wracking her brain a little bit, wondering what she should do with this golden opportunity to have whatever she wanted after so long. The strangest thing was that she wasn’t even having trouble choosing so much as she was having trouble coming up with options. Her bedtime at home was 7 PM, and she was always fed before bath time, which functionally meant that there was not any overlap between her meals and those that Mama and her boyfriend would eat after she went to bed. Sometimes as she was falling asleep she’d detect some great smells, but they were never for her, and she didn’t even really know what they were. She detested the baby foods that she was subjected to, but without getting used to their terrible tastes, she had gotten used to the idea of meals as things you simply got through, and she didn’t exactly crave more normal foods the way she had in earlier years of her babyhood. Her indecision almost got to the point where it was embarrassing her. Finally, she decided to just try to go for foods she remembered missing during those early years. The two that came to mind were pizza and chicken parmesan. Pizza seemed easy, but she decided that maybe she should take this opportunity to make the more sophisticated choice and went with chicken parmesan. Miss Julia had said that that sounded great, and, for a while, that seemed to be that. They’d gone through the remainder of the morning with the girls all playing at various dumb baby games and then endured a normal baby food lunch – although Jackie noted that since they didn’t mix varieties here, the food was simply unappetizing as opposed to disgusting. After that, the three girls had been herded off to nap time. But it was after that nap-time that things had taken a turn outside of what she expected. After a quick round of diaper changes for both Jackie and Katie (Lauren hadn’t been wet enough to need one), Miss Julia’s tone had changed pretty much entirely. “Alright,” she’d said, “Jackie requested chicken parm for dinner, so we probably need about an hour and a half to make that. So everyone has about 2 hours to themselves. Girls, your phones and your books are both in the office.” Although Jackie was baffled, the twins clearly knew exactly what that meant. Lauren, who’d been seated with her legs over the lowered side of the crib she’d just shared with Katie, had taken out her pacifier and set it on the pillow, then jumped down and walked calmly out of the room. Katie had jumped off of the changing table and followed right behind her, not bothering to remove her pacifier. The two of them were both wearing relatively simple t-shirts, diapers, and socks, and while they seemed to now have the run of the place, neither had bothered to change out of those outfits. Jackie had been seated at the very top of changing table, having been situated over there by Miss Julia after her wet diaper had been changed so that she would be out of the way of Katie’s change. She was still wearing the dress she’d been in all day, as her Mama had only packed her clothes that were either clearly meant for nighttime and some of her fanciest (and most embarrassingly babyish) dresses, perhaps owing to the fact that the visit was a sort of extended playdate. Reflexively, she sought instruction. “Wut should me do now, Miff Juwia?” she’d asked from behind her pacifier in her exaggeratedly high-pitched voice. “Oh, right, I should explain,” Miss Julia said, sounding apologetic. “First of all, from now until bedtime, you can just call me Julia, ok?” Jackie was a little stupefied, but gave a slight nod. She’d later found that that was a somewhat difficult task, because after knowing her as “Miss Julia” for two years, that was her name in her mind and it was difficult to call her anything else. “Thursday afternoons are free time around here from after nap time until we start making dinner. Sometimes the girls will grab their phones and call their parents or text some friends or something, or sometimes they will read a book or whatever. I guess you don’t have any of that with you though. Hmm…why don’t you come with me? Would you like to watch a movie?” “Umm, otay,” Jackie said. She didn’t have anything else in mind, and she hadn’t watched a movie in years, so that sounded pretty good to her. “Oh, you can take your pacifier out, too,” Miss Julia continued. “Katie probably didn’t remember to, but she probably will have by now. And you don’t need to use baby talk either.” With that, she had walked out of the room. Jackie reached up and took her pacifier out of her mouth, feeling more than a little naughty as she placed it next to the baby powder on the corner of the changing table. Still, she had had little time to dwell on it, as she needed to keep pace with Miss Julia despite her somewhat unstable legs. Fortunately, they only headed about 20 feet out to the living room, where Miss Julia got to busying herself with the remote control on the couch. Jackie sat down on the other side of the couch, soaking in the feeling of sitting on furniture like a normal person, as she normally was only on a couch when she was laying on her back to drink a bottle. “How about Frozen?” Miss Julia had asked, in a casual tone that Jackie could intuitively sense meant that it was a popular movie. “Ife neva heard of it,” she’d been forced to admit, with the admission made even more embarrassing by the fact that she’d automatically reverted to her lisp for the first half of her sentence. “Oh, well then I think you’ve gotta watch it,” Miss Julia had said, not missing a beat, even if she sounded more like she was talking to a 12 year old than a peer (or, in fact, a woman a little bit older than her). She’d started the movie for Jackie, and then left, presumably to go to tend to something more pressing. It had taken Jackie a few minutes before she processed that it was an animated movie that had been selected for her, and she wondered if it had been chosen because it wasn’t too mature. However, she had to admit that she was finding it enthralling, and soon Lauren and Katie had emerged from wherever they had been and were both watching the movie as well, which seemed to indicate that it wasn’t too boring. Sure enough, the movie proved much better than she’d anticipated at the start. Though it clearly was targeted towards children, it was much more mature than anything Jackie normally got to consume. She couldn’t tell for sure whether it was just the years of exclusively hearing stories targeted at children that couldn’t yet say their own names, but she felt like there was some real depth to the story. The other girls clearly knew it well, and had even unabashedly sang what seemed like the main song when it came on. Jackie had thought the song was a funny choice, since it seemed very sad to her, even if it was defiant. The twins, however, had seemed to feel like it was a total celebration, and had acted accordingly. Perhaps, she thought, if she’d known the movie better, she would have understood. After the movie was over, Miss Julia had emerged from another room and told both Jackie and then the twins that it was time to make dinner. At that point, Miss Julia had realized that maybe the dress that Jackie was wearing wasn’t all that appropriate for the task at hand. However, they ran into the problem of not having a natural alternative. Finally, they settled on having her take off her dress and put on an apron, which did provide her a degree of modesty as it covered her chest. Her diaper was still very exposed in the back, but the twins’ were as well, and Jackie was sometimes left topless at home, so this was hardly a major indignity in comparison. They’d all gotten to cooking together, with Katie, who seemed to be a pretty good cook, taking the de facto leadership of the kitchen. It quickly became apparent that Jackie was not well-practiced, so she was left the somewhat mindless job of mashing up the tomatoes to help make the sauce. Frankly, though, she didn’t mind at all, as she was able to sit. It was a little awkward, as the women around her chatted familiarly. For starters, there was no hint of the baby-mommy dynamic that had seemed entirely natural earlier this morning. They updated each other on family and friends, and talked a little about recent news. While the news could have been applicable to Jackie, she’d had no idea what people were really talking about. At first, they’d tried to politely invite her into the conversation, but Jackie was really struggling to make small talk, and eventually they’d mostly given up, which was a welcome relief. Jackie remembered that she sort of wished she’d had her pacifier, because then nobody would have expected anything out of her. The most awkward part, although it seemed positively mild given the current state of her diaper, was that she had messed herself just a few minutes before they were ready to get things onto the stove. As the smell had wafted around the room, Miss Julia had playfully asked “Alright, who was that?” In near perfect unison, both Lauren and Katie had denied that they were the source, also chuckling. But, with the two of them ruled out, they suddenly knew what had happened, and Jackie had felt them tense up a little. Although they clearly felt awkward, she’d been somewhat glad that her secret had come out, especially since she actually hadn’t been forced to explicitly claim the deed. Miss Julia had bailed her out by reacting fastest. “No problem at all,” she’d said in the same casual tone. “If you don’t mind, I should just finish breading these last couple of pieces of chicken so that we can put everything in the oven on time for Kevin to get home, and then I’ll check these two and change anyone who needs one.” In a sense, Jackie had been most relieved by that. She’d been pretty sure that she was still supposed to use her diaper, and would have needed help to get out of it to use a toilet, so she’d just gone ahead. It had seemed safest. But as soon as she’d done it, she’d realized that she was in a lot of trouble if she was expected to change herself. As much as she didn’t really want to be cleaned up by a near stranger, it seemed to beat the alternative. Soon enough, she’d been cleaned up, along with Lauren, who’d actually volunteered that she was now wet enough that she should change before dinner. In a way, it had seemed like her change was more awkward for her and Miss Julia, since they weren’t sure how much to slip back into mommy and baby mode during it, whereas Miss Julia and Jackie had not just been talking like two old friends and so switching back was less of a departure. By the time dinner had been ready, Kevin had gotten home from work, and they’d all sat down for dinner. The food itself was so incredible that Jackie was nearly brought to tears. She couldn’t be sure, but she felt like it was worthy of a high-end restaurant. But it was more than taste. Just to chew her food for once was amazing, and to actually enjoy a bite as it went down. She knew she was barely containing herself, but she couldn’t help but go back for seconds. There had even been wine, which she had most certainly not had since her forced regression. She was a little self-conscious that she’d wound up with a little sauce on her face, but nobody seemed to care that she was a little rusty with a fork and knife. Thinking back, Jackie wasn’t sure whether it was the richness of the food or perhaps the unexpected introduction of wine, but it seemed pretty obvious that the dinner had been her undoing. Her stomach had clearly not been able to make the sudden adjustment from the normal mush and milk that it was used to, and the fact that she had had a full-blown feast probably had only made things worse. Recognizing what had happened was alarming. She frequently comforted herself by telling herself that one day this would all be over, and she’d be able to go back to a normal life. She didn’t really have any hope that it would be any time in the near future, but she generally believed it. But, if even just eating a normal meal was going to have such horrible consequences, she realized, then perhaps she was further from being a functioning adult than she wanted to think. While she was slowly starting to feel her tiredness take over from her discomfort, Jackie wasn’t quite drowsy enough yet to fall asleep. Shifting slightly, she could tell that her back was still pretty gross, and that it was arguably getting worse as it dried. Her diaper was beyond hopeless, but she was somewhat used to spending time in horrible diapers. She didn’t need to sleep in messy diapers very often, but it had happened enough times that she at least knew it was possible. Her only question was whether she’d wake up with a rash in the morning, although, unless it was closer to morning than she thought, in this case that seemed pretty unavoidable. Once again, Jackie found herself examining the sleeping twins. It had been strange to watch the two of them at dinner. Like during the cooking, Jackie had been brought into the conversation a little for the sake of being polite, but it was clear that the dinner conversation came with a real agenda: the girls and their “parents” were there to discuss how the week had went, and whether anything was needed changing in their relationship. The conversation had proven incredibly foreign to Jackie. Not only was she quite positive she’d never have an equivalent conversation with Mama, but she’d never say some of the things that these girls were saying. For starters, they’d said that the last week had been pretty good overall. That, on its own, was pretty mind-boggling to Jackie, but as the conversation had continued, she’d only felt more out of touch. The girls were asked if there was anything that they wanted to change about the previous week, and Lauren had voiced a minor complaint that during times when they were all home she and Katie had been left to their own devices too much. It seemed like she actually wanted to be forced to do more babyish things, which Jackie couldn’t believe. While it could be boring, she always wished there would be more times when she’d just be left alone in her playpen. Most of the time, even if she was left in a room by herself, a baby monitor was left in there as well, and Mama would expect to be able to hear her playing. The only time she ever felt like she could just be on autopilot was when she was having a bottle or breast feeding, and even then, if she was being fed a bottle on the couch she was supposed to always be playing with her own feet as if she found them incredibly interesting. Having to maintain her role, even when no one was really watching, was mentally exhausting, and she couldn’t understand how these girls could even come close to asking to be forced to do it more. Throughout the dinner, it had been clear to Jackie that her presence was making everyone just a little less comfortable than they otherwise would have been. It was pretty clear that this was a conversation that normally took on a pretty set course each week, but Jackie sensed that it was actually important to each of them. And for it to really work, it probably needed to not have a visitor present. Still, they seemed committed to having it, but Jackie felt like maybe they were holding back a little bit. It also seemed like nobody was quite sure how to include her. She’d felt a little awkward watching everything unfold, so they probably felt a little awkward too. She’d tried to mostly just focus on the food, which was truly delicious, but it hadn’t helped with anyone’s perception of her as a fifth wheel. Every once in a while, either Miss Julia or Kevin would try to find a way to ask Jackie a question as well, but it was never very natural. After all, questions about her week were not really too applicable. Instead, they’d asked if she was enjoying her visit. She’d answered truthfully, that it was going better than expected, especially with the dinner. It was extra awkward to be babied by what amounted to strangers, but otherwise these people were far nicer than Mama was. Still, Jackie hadn’t opened up much more, for fear that fully honest answers would only increase everyone’s discomfort. She knew that this was only sort of the same thing as what she experienced at home, and she could tell that everyone else knew too. It wasn’t that she was impossibly out of place, but there was nothing that could be done tonight that would bridge that divide. In a few days, she’d be going home, and that would be worse for her, but since it wasn’t going to change, it didn’t feel like there was even a way to discuss it. The only time that Jackie had fully engaged had been near the end of the dinner, when she’d been asked how she’d liked the movie. For once, she felt like there might be an opportunity for her to really participate in the conversation. She’d liked the movie overall, and she’d said as much, but then she took the opportunity to ask the girls a question that had been on her mind since it had ended. “What was it about that song you guys liked so much?” she’d asked, hoping they’d know what she meant despite not being sure of the name. “Oh, Let It Go?” Lauren had asked. “It’s just so great. You hadn’t heard it before?” “Well, no,” Jackie answered. “What about it do you like? I thought it seemed kind of sad, but the two of you seemed like you were really excited about it.” “Hmm,” Lauren said, pausing for a second to consider the question. “Well, I’m thinking about what I feel when I hear it - I guess it feels like a song about just being who you are. And for me and Katie, that is a little…different. But I guess I just like the idea, you know? Like, I felt so much pressure to have a big job and everything, but I didn’t really want that. I wanted to have a job that made ends meet and to be able to just kind of explore this side of myself. A lot of people would think that was crazy, but when I hear that song, it’s just sort of like: ‘Go for it. Who cares what other people think.’ Which is just awesome. You know, it’s like, ‘be you. Be awesome!’” “Yeah,” Katie had chimed in. “Honestly, I’m curious what even seems sad to you. I think it is such a release of a song, and it happens at such a good part of the movie.” Jackie had recognized the question as genuine, but had still felt a little defensive. It had been so long since anyone had asked her to explain her opinion, and she was finding it hard to find the words. “Well,” she’d said, “I guess I’ve only heard it once, but to me it seemed like it was a song about hiding yourself. Maybe I was just listening mostly to the first part, but it seemed like it was all about the rules you have to follow, and how you just sort of are trapped by them. I guess I get that it’s cool that she is deciding that she can be who she wants to be, but she’s a princess with superpowers. Not everyone can just decide that they want things to be different and just go ahead, let that go and make them different. I guess maybe I let it go too, but it feels a little different. Like, at home, it’s better for me if I just let it go and don’t think about it too much. If I do, that makes it harder, and sometimes it makes me act up, and then I am more likely to get in trouble.” She was getting a little upset, which she hadn’t expected, and she didn’t know where all this was going, so she’d stopped. This was the level of transparency she’d been avoiding, and she felt sure she’d been right to try to steer clear. She could tell that her hosts weren’t sure what to say, and also that they weren’t going to keep talking about the song anymore. When Lauren finally spoke it had seemed like she was flailing a little. “I think, maybe, we are hearing different things because we are having different experiences,” she said, seeming almost like she was about to cry. “I hope someday you hear it our way.” Jackie had accidentally brought the conversation to a close, and a few minutes later they had all cleaned up and the girls were brought back into the nursery. With a round of fresh diapers and the reinsertion of their pacifiers, they’d officially resumed their baby roles and been tucked in for the night. The way the conversation had gone had reinforced for Jackie that she believed that the girls were genuine. She really couldn’t understand it, but they must like this. They really did seem to have a choice, even if during the week they gave up a tremendous amount of control. She had kind of always thought that they were crazy, at best, and losers, at worst. But maybe she wasn’t quite right. They were weird, but that might not be the worst thing you could be. She almost laughed. Even if she hadn’t been in the dirtiest, most uncomfortable diaper she’d ever worn, this would be a nightmare for her. And there they were, sleeping as if they didn’t have a care in the world. People could be funny, she supposed. --- Though she hadn’t really noticed falling asleep, Jackie could remember some wild dreams, all of which were really nightmares. The worst, as far as she’d been concerned, was the last one she’d remembered. She’d been at dinner with the family again, and she’d told all that she didn’t want to do this anymore. All at once, all of them had burst into laughter, not controlling themselves even when Jackie asked what was so funny. Finally, Miss Julia had composed herself, and with some of the kindness in her voice gone, explained. “You don’t get it, do you? You really are just a baby now. You couldn’t stop even if you had a choice!” With that, the whole room had burst into laughter again, and Jackie had suddenly become conscious that her diaper had leaked onto the chair at the kitchen table. --- To be continued...
  14. The Pumpkin Prince: Prologue A/N: Hello again! This story will be my next pet project on this site and it's an idea I've had since October. It's taken me this long to put it into action. but I hope you'll enjoy it. This story focuses on our Main Character Nathan who finds himself in a mysterious world where he must masquerade as the child of a prestigious Count. It's a bit weird, I admit, but vampires and supernatural creatures are my special interest and I've been wanting to write this story for months. It won't contain much of a horror element as much as the Halloween tag may fool you. It will contain semi-forced regression, coercion, intimidation, breastfeeding, bondage, and despite all of that, a lot of fluff. This is just the prologue and while it may seem like a lot so far, I promise we haven't even gotten to the best bit. Without further ado, let's get into it! Nathan hit the bottom of the chasm with a harsh thud. He had no time to prepare himself as the ground had crumbled beneath his feet while walking through a simple pumpkin patch; practically picked clean by patrons the previous days. Groaning, he found he had landed on yet another pumpkin which broke most of his fall. Hissing, he pushed himself up onto his knees. There was a throbbing in his rib and it was with no light amount of disgust that Nathan found he was covered in pumpkin goop. “Fuckin’ hell,” He tried to comment but a rustling of leaves nearby halted him. He finally noticed his predicament as he absorbed his surroundings. He was deep in a cavern, the walls arching up some 30-40 feet up. Lanterns hung down from the ceiling along with a multitude of simple floating candles. He found himself in the middle of a bountiful pumpkin patch. Very Charlie Brown-esque. The rustling grew nearer and was soon accompanied by a voice. “Fibby, Tibby, is that you? You know your mom said she’d ground you if you two picked my pumpkins again-” Time seemed to stop as the figure revealed himself and Nathan felt his stomach drop. Standing in front of him was a tall, lanky figure. It towered over him and was dressed in well-worn overalls; the kind with patches on the knees and one strap broken. It wore gloves that had to have been white at some point but were now stained a dark brown with time. A simple threadbare flannel under the overalls and worn black rainboots finished the ensemble. However, what shook Nathan was the burlap sack over the figure’s face. Bits of straw poked through the bag forming a patchy beard while the bag conformed to the shape of a face. The eyeholes were wide and expressive and looked down at Nathan with what he was sure was a faux concern. “Oh, you poor thing-” The Scarecrow cooed as he leaned down toward Nathan, finally forcing him to act. “AHHHH!” Nathan screamed, scrambling away as quickly as he could. Which wasn’t very quick mind you. He found himself slipping in the pumpkin goop until his back hit a large white fence. Pain shot through his side and leg at the moment, but Nathan was more focused on the scarecrow now approaching him quickly. Another scream tore through him. “Shhhh!” The scarecrow hushed him quickly. “I’m not gonna hurt ya, little guy. Honest.” Throat now burning from exertion Nathan could only whimper as the scarecrow shuffled closer. Its gloved hand reached up toward the bag on his head and pulled it off slowly. With the bag off, Nathan balked at a very familiar sight. “M-Mister Myles?” He stuttered looking into the soft wrinkles of Mr. Myles Patch, the sweet and kind middle-aged man who kept his minuscule town stocked with award-winning pumpkins every fall season. Mr. Myles nodded slowly, seemingly emboldened by Nathan’s waning fright. He snuck a bit closer, gently placing a hand on Nathan’s leg causing him to gasp in pain. “You bumbled yourself quite a bit.” He muttered worriedly. “We need to get you inside so I can call a doctor before anyone sees you here.” Nathan opened his mouth to speak but had to bite down on his lip to fight a wail as Myles lifted him from the remains of the pumpkin. He was swiftly carried inside what looked to be a cozy cottage. Mr. Myles wasted no time carrying him towards a living room that looked like something out of a granny’s dream home catalog. However, the couch was more comfortable than it looked as Mr. Myles laid him down. “Sit tight, kiddo while I call a doctor.” ‘I’m not a kid.’ Nathan wanted to comment as he was 17, about to be 18 come next season. But he was more focused on trying not to cry what with his throbbing leg and side. There was quick mumbling coming from the tiny kitchen. Mr. Myles saying something about ‘-An emergency. Come quick and come alone.’ When he returned, he held a glass of clear water, a thin straw sticking out the top rim. “Come on,” He encouraged as he held the straw to Nathan’s lips. “Have a sip.” The water was cool and refreshing to Nathan’s sore throat, but it didn’t erase his questions. “Where am I?” He demanded. “What happened?” Mr. Myles bit his lip before putting the glass down and sitting on the armchair nearby. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. It sounds crazy.” Nathan huffed out an annoyed breath. “I fell through the ground into a pumpkin patch owned by a scarecrow who just so happens to be the friendly old man who lives up the street.” He summed up. “I’m in pain and I want to go home. Just tell me what’s going on!” Mr. Myles seemed to be battling with himself for a moment longer before he sighed. “This is Autumn Hollow…A village that’s existed below yours for centuries…It’s another world, of sorts. The hole you fell in was a portal. I don’t know how you found it, usually, it’s closed.” “I was walking through your patch…” “I closed up yesterday morning, though, son. Shouldn’t you be trick or treatin’?” Nathan shrugged and winced. “I was passing through. Clearing my head.” It was definitely more than that. But he wasn’t about to dump his whole home life on what was essentially a stranger. Luckily, a quick knock on the door saved him from having to explain. Mr. Myles got up to greet the doctor and soon he was leading in an elderly woman in a black apron. She looked nice enough with her grey hair curling around her ears under a wide-brimmed black hat. When she saw Nathan tense with pain on the couch, her face fell. “Oh you poor dear,” She set a heavy bag down on the coffee table with a thud and pulled a square cloth from her pocket. Nathan could only lay there as she dabbed at the pumpkin goop drying on his face. “Ma’am, are you a doctor?” He asked hesitantly. “Oh, sweet child. I’m better than a doctor,” She smiled reassuringly. “I’m a witch!” “Can you help me?” Nathan pleaded. He had seen so much already and frankly he wasn’t in the mood to dispute the logistics of an old woman being a witch while laying on a couch belonging to a scarecrow. “I’m in a bit of pain.” Immediately, the witch nodded. “I’ll fix you right up, baby. We gotta let the cauldron boil.” What followed was a series of terrifying events all leading up to an anticlimactic finish. As the unseen cauldron started to boil, the witch disappeared into the kitchen with Mr. Myles leaving Nathan a mere 20ft away. “Myles hand me your eyes of newt.” “Lucky I picked some up not too long ago.” “Now we add the spider legs…” “We need the plan to get him home. You know I can’t tote him through town.” “Spider. Legs. Myles.” “Right, apologies.” “I could have sworn I brought some snake fangs…” “Right here. So what do you think we should do?” “Hmm…You have a half-sister, don’t you? The one married to the Count?” “So?” “Say he’s your nephew. Problem solved.” “You’re missing the moon drops-” “Don’t tell me how to brew!” “Well- I can’t say he’s my nephew! Nobody would believe that even if he could pass as their son, why would she let him visit now?” “It’s none of their business. Just say he’s your nephew and move on.” “But he can’t pass for Hollow Folk, Debs.” This bickering continued until Nathan felt as if his stomach was turning inside out. After all, goat’s tears?! No way he was drinking that. He’d rather suffer. But when Mr. Myles and the witch returned, she wasn’t holding some disgusting concoction in a glass bottle. Rather, she held a plain white mug with a mountain of what looked like whipped cream and chocolate shavings. The cherry on top was a cookie wafer straw sticking up through the foam. “Okay, baby. I made you some nice hot cocoa to help you feel better.” Immediately Nathan looked at her with mistrust. There was no way that came from those ingredients. But she only looked at him with gentle regard. “Come on, son. You don’t want it to get cold.” Very hesitantly, he took the mug, wincing as Myles propped up pillows behind him to sit up. Nathan sniffed the mug, but only smelled sweet chocolate and whipped cream. He licked the whipped cream peak and found it to be exactly as he remembered it to taste. His reservations slowly disappeared when he took the wafer straw into his mouth and took the tiniest sip. It was hot chocolate. Warm, sweet, creamy even. Not even burning hot considering how quickly they had brought it out to him. As he took another, deeper sip, he realized his aches and pains were starting to melt away. Breathing was getting easier. His knee throbbed less and less before halting completely. Each sip of the delicious liquid made him feel warm and soft. Before he knew it, the mug was empty. Even the whipped cream had melted into the cocoa and he crunched the softened wafer straw before putting the mug on the coffee table. “Feel better?” The witch asked and Nathan nodded. “Thank you, ma’am,” Because he had manners. “Oh, please,” The witch sat down on the couch beside him, ignoring the pumpkin goop smeared on the cushion. “Call me Debbie.” Nathan gave her a gentle smile before Mr. Myles’ throat cleared. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, son, but we have to get you home before nightfall.” “We’ve already discussed it, Myles. He’ll play your nephew and you can get him to the return portal!” Debbie groaned. “I can make him look like Hollow Folk if it makes you feel better, but it’s not as big of a deal as you say.” “Whatever gets me home.” Nathan agreed readily. Myles ran a hand over his face, somehow ditching his gloves when Nathan didn’t notice. “What if my sister hears?” “Then you can explain. She’d understand. She’s not as uppity as you make her seem. She was a small farm town girl at one point.” Debbie seemed determined, rooting through her heavy bag. “I have just the thing too.” As she was searching, Myles pulled on his burlap sack once more. It was a strange sight to see as it contoured to his face looking identical to him now that Nathan wasn’t panicking. Debbie hummed triumphantly as she pulled out what looked to Nathan to be a set of plastic vampire fangs. The kind that came with a cheap vampire costume and made it hard to talk. He wasn’t sure of the intelligence of the Hollow Folk, but a simple set of plastic fangs couldn’t possibly fool them. Debbie, understanding his confusion, pointed to Myles. “It’s like his mask, son. This will disguise you well enough to fool anyone in town. Pop them in, and bite down as hard as you can. Be prepared to adjust.” Nathan had no idea what adjust meant but he took the fangs anyway and slipped them into his mouth. Before he bit down, Debbie stood. “I’ll get the sink ready for a bath.” He dismissed her words as more magical nonsense and bit down as hard as he could. A rush of warmth overtook his body. It almost felt like the drop of a roller coaster and his back met the soft pillows. Opening his eyes that he didn’t know he closed, Nathan took in the sight of the cottage. What was originally a dimly lit, the worn-down cottage was now a rich, homely environment. There were motes of light casting soft shadows around the room and he couldn’t help but stare. “The improved eyesight is a pretty good deal,” Myles noted and Nathan was startled upon realizing Myles towered over him so harshly. ‘Give me space!’ He tried to say, but what came out was a high-pitched slur. “Spay!” “Spuh-” He stuttered. “Spay!” “Easy there, son,” Myles reached for Nathan and lifted him off the couch by his underarms. “The magic goes by your spiritual maturity. Relax and let me get you home.” Nathan ignored him. “Me dow’! No!” He squirmed as he was carried to the kitchen, just as cozy and lit as the living room. And Debbie had filled a large farm sink with sweet lavender-scented suds. “Let’s get that pumpkin guts off him. I’ll bathe him while you find him something to wear?” Nathan was stripped much to his protest and deposited into the sink. To his horror, he fit inside. He felt tears fill his eyes as he looked up at Debbie. “Noo!” He warbled. Looking down at his hands. They were small and chubby, little clumsy sausages gripping the edge of the sink. “Baby,” Debbie cooed, running a warm cloth down his back. “The sooner we get you clean the sooner you can go home.” “No’ baby!” Nathan pouted, pushing the suds in rebellion as tears started to dribble. “Wan’ go ‘ome!” “You will,” Debbie promised. “Trust me.” He cried through the entire fiasco that was the bath and even harder as Debbie wrapped him in a fluffy red towel to dry while Myles hunted for clothes. “That man,” Debbie huffed the longer he took. “Grab anything and I’ll shrink it down!” Myles returned soon enough with a handful of garments. First was a billowy nightshirt in impeccable condition. Not a spec of dirt or wear which happened to be a sharp contrast to the entire home. The second was a rectangle of fabric. “This was my sister’s growing up,” He held out the nightshirt. “And I figure this…Is necessary.” He held out the fabric. “Oh, my my,” Debbie said with a pleasant smile. “He’ll look so adorable. Like a little Pumpkin Prince should!” She grabbed the garments and held a squirming Nathan over to Myles while she shrunk them to size. Myles bounced Nathan slightly, trying to cheer him up. “You’re gonna go home, kiddo. We’ll go right after we get you dressed.” Nathan’s cries ceased from exhaustion once the clothes were ready. Debbie slipped the nightshirt over his head and tied the neckline in a neat bow. His humiliation increased as he realized the strip of fabric was in fact a diaper. But it was an old-school sort. The kind that was done up with safety pins Debbie had no trouble conjuring out of thin air and secured the diaper on. “There we go, Viscount Dracul.” She spoke in a heavily accented tone before scooping him into her arms and encouraging him to lean against her shoulder. “Let’s go then.” And Nathan watched as Myles packed a small canvas bag with various items. A blanket, a stuffed pumpkin plush, and an umbrella which most definitely shouldn’t have fit in the bag but did. “Remember, Nathan. I’m your uncle. Your mommy and daddy let you stay with me for the day and now we’re sending you home. You are 18 months old and you’re very tired after a long day of playing.” “M’tay.” Nathal gave a shuddered breath. It wouldn’t be too hard to pretend to be exhausted, he thought. Boy was he wrong as they stepped out into the front yard. If the inside of the cottage was straight out of a movie, the outside view was an otherworldly vision. Myles’ cottage sat on top of a large hill overlooking an entire village. The village was abuzz with sights. Quaint little houses all as cozy and homely as Myles lined up along a grid of walkways. But the further out the walkways went, the more the town changed. It was as if it were one big carnival. The music carried through the air, wrapping around Nathan’s mind and luring him in. He could smell the sweetness of caramel apples and kettle corn. “Head down, baby,” Debbie instructed softly. The trio walked (well Nathan was carried) down the hill to the entrance of the town. Chatter could be heard all around. They didn’t make it far before a chirp-like voice called out to them. “Mr. Myles! We’ve been looking for you,” Nathan turned his head to see a rather short creature with the head of a raven approaching. “We need another judge for the pumpkin carving contest!” “I wish I could, Cork, but I need to get this little guy home.” “Oh?! Who is this?” They asked stepping up to Debbie. “My nephew,” Myles said quickly. “Really we have to go. His mother wants him home before nightfall. And he’s already so sleepy. You know how babies are-” The bird creature gave a pleasant tweet as it held its hands-wings? Up to Debbie to receive the child. “Let me get a looksie!” Nathan watched Mr. Myles give Debbie a look as she bent over and handed Nathan over. “He doesn’t look so sleepy to me,” Cork trilled while looking Nathan over. “What’s his name?” “Uh..” Myles’ eyes shifted back and forth to get an idea. “Nathaniel.” Cork nodded and Nathan felt a delicate feather pressing his chin down slightly. He let out a noise of discontentment and Cork let him go quickly. “Such a strong name. And I can see his fangs poking through he’s gonna be a heartthrob for the ladies. I can already tell!” Cork handed Nathan back to Debbie as he started to squirm. “You should bring him ‘round to Martha. She’d love to meet him!” “I would, but-” “Martha!” Cork cawed through the air. Pretty soon a whole horde of Hollow Folk came to get an eyeful of Mr. Myles’ nephew Nathaniel. And with them came gifts. Nathan couldn’t help but preen at the attention even if some of the Hollow Folk made his tiny heart clench at the sight of them. They were all quite nice from their first impression. He didn’t know which one had deposited a sunflower crown on his head, but it made him feel special nonetheless. One woman in a similar, newer-looking, black apron compared to Debbie’s came up with a small spoon food of orange-tinted puree. “Let’s see how the baby likes my pumpkin pie.” Nathan wasn’t one to turn down treats, especially if they were as delicious as the hot cocoa he was served before. The tiny spoon slipped into his mouth and he mushed the paste around with his clumsy tongue. It was miles better than the store-bought pies his mother tended to buy at the last moment for Thanksgiving. The filling filled his mouth with warmth and as he swallowed his bite, he couldn’t help but let out a gurgled giggle. “‘Ummy!” He tried to tell the woman who visibly melted at the sight of his joy. “Oh my stars, he loves it!” She cheered triumphantly. “Now, wait a minute,” A sweeter voice chimed in from the back of the crowd. “I want him to try mine!” “And mine!” Several more voices piped up and Nathan found himself the sole judge in a pie-baking contest. Debbie sat down on a bench made from woven fibers and a line of women wanting their pie judged filled in front of her. When each pie was tasted, and each woman gave a word of praise from his limited vocabulary (because each one, he swore, was the best pie he had ever tasted) he was handed a large blue ribbon. “Which one was the best?” Debbie encouraged him to pick. She even set him down on his feet to choose despite his bare feet. The ground was soft even for a child, tufts of grass not too long to trip, but long enough to cover the soil. He took one step forward towards the group. Nathan blinked at the group of women eagerly waiting to be chosen for the ribbon. This attention was as far different than before. He was the center of attention, but rather than doting on him, they were waiting for him to do something. It was all too familiar to his parents. Waiting for him to decide on a college, waiting for him to graduate, waiting for him to do something impressive. Eager to just get it over with, Nathan rushed over to the first woman, the youngest of the group, and handed her the ribbon. He didn’t wait for their response before he rushed to the nearest adult he recognized which just so happened to be Myles. Myles of course wasted no time scooping him up into his arms. Nathan buried his face into the rough texture of the flannel on Myles’ shoulder and held onto him tightly. “‘Ome. ‘Ome.” The revelry of the group seemed to dissipate as they realized their judge wasn’t as enthusiastic as before. “Oh no,” One baker cooed softly. “Did we scare him?” “No, no,” Myles was quick to assure. “Poor baby isn’t used to such a large crowd. He’s really looking forward to seeing his Mommy and Daddy again.” “Well, if Mary would bring him by once in a harvest moon he wouldn’t be so jumpy,” Someone scoffed. “But she’s pretty busy up in her ivory tower now, too busy to say hi to us hicks, huh?” “That’s my sister you’re talking about,” Myles warned. “She’s just been busy what with her work and now the baby-” Debbie took it as a great time to step in. “You all forget how old-school the Count is. He was around before we folk started to spread out. It took him and Mary a great deal of thinkin’ before they decided to let Myles keep the baby overnight.” She lied flawlessly. “Now instead of judging a first-time mom, we should all be thankful and show her her faith was not lost on us to show her baby boy a good time.” “But that can wait til the next trip!” Myles stepped in once more. “She only let me watch him for a few hours so we should get him back about now-” “Awww can’t it wait just a little longer?” Cork lamented. “We haven’t had a baby around since Tibby and Fibby were born!” “And that was over a decade ago!” “Next time,” Myles swore. “If I don’t get him back by nightfall, she’ll be so angry she won’t let me watch him again.” A gasp overtook the crowd as if he admitted to some heinous crime. And then it wasn’t so hard to walk through the village. People waved and cooed at Nathan but didn’t try to halt their path. A few times, they would hand the boy small trinkets and gifts which he accepted happily. A hand-carved wooden dog, a necklace with a bat on the end, and even a woven bracelet slipped onto his chubby wrist. Despite his fright from before, Nathan felt his heart sink the closer and closer they grew to an old white building with purple light emanating from stained glass panes. Was he ready to go home? Wouldn’t it be better to just stay here where people clearly wanted him around? He made a small noise of distress and Myles patted him on his back soothingly. “We’re almost there, bud. You’ll be home soon.” “Wha…” The baby stuttered, fingers dipping closer to his lips in nervousness. “I ‘tay?” He asked. “What is it?” Myles asked, pausing in his steps and looking at Nathan’s hidden face. “Wan’ ‘tay.” Nathan spoke clearer. Debbie chose then to pipe up. “I think he’s asking to stay, Myles.” At once, Myles’ face fell. “Oh, son,” “Wan’ ‘tay.” “You gotta go home, son. Your parents are probably wondering where you are. I already told the town you’re going home…Your place is up there,” Myles motioned to the dirt ceiling. “You’ll go home and eat dinner and…this will all just seem like a weird dream.” Tears sprouted in Nathan’s eyes as his lip quivered. “Nooo!” Myles didn’t know what it was like. Myles could just disappear down here where people liked him and forget about the outside world. His fists struck, thumping against Myles’ shoulder without force but the man kept walking. “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if he stayed,” Debbie piped up. “Just for a little while…” “Time moves differently up there, Debs,” Myles sighed. “Each night here is two months up there. He has a life and family up there. And we can’t keep him. Especially if my sister heard that I’ve been toting around a topsider as my nephew.” Nathan sobbed heaving breaths. If he went home, he’d have to go back to a family who barely cared about him. To friends too busy deciding their own futures to even spend the day with him. To the stack of transcripts and pamphlets on his desk demanding he decides what he was going to do when there wasn’t anything that interested him in the world. He wasn’t an athlete or a genius. He was just Nathan, a small-town boy who sometimes bagged groceries at the EZ Mart on the corner. What was there in the world for him when there was something so homely and soft right under his feet? Myles kept walking until he opened the door to the white building. He set Nathan down on the ground and Nathan found himself in a small room. The purple light came from an arched portal in the wall, swirling and glowing with energy. “Now all you have to do is walk through that portal and you’ll be home…” “Wan’ ‘tay!” Nathan said once more but Myles shook his head. “No, you don’t, buddy. You have a life you need to live…And I’ll still see you around occasionally. Maybe even come back to my patch next year and I’ll share a cup of cocoa with you.” Nathan looked up at Myles, his face crumbled and pleading. “You’re breaking my heart here, kid.” Myles sighed… “Go on…” Hands balled up in the fabric of his nightshirt, Nathan turned to the portal and ran through. Clearly, he wasn’t wanted… Nathan woke up on the cold hard ground with a gasp. Shooting up, he turned his head around to see that he was once more back in the pumpkin patch. He was in his old clothes free of any pumpkin guts and part of him wondered if he had just dreamed the entire thing. Tears bubbled in his eyes and he took a moment to cry at the loss. But as he went to stand, several things caught his eye. There in the grass was a sunflower flower crown, a hand-carved wooden dog a bracelet…and a plastic set of vampire fangs. Fishing around his neck, he felt the cold chain of a necklace as well. So it had happened… Gathering his trinkets, Nathan stood and had no other choice but to head home…He walked into the back door hoping to not be noticed, but his luck had always been terrible. “Nate? Is that you? Where have you been?!” His mother called out from the kitchen. “I haven’t seen you all day!” “I was over at Mike’s house…we were…looking at scholarships…” He lied quickly, already heading for the stairs and going up. “Well, we already ate dinner.” She called up to him. “Your plate’s in the fridge.” “Thanks, mom…” She left him alone after that and Nathan was free to hide away his new trinkets on his nightstand. He would lay in bed that night and dream about a world underground. People who looked odd, but had hearts made of gold. Being doted on. Being loved. He’d shed tears on his pillow, hoping one day he could go back.
  15. Hi ! This is my first story here, i hope you'll like it. I've been reading ABDL stories here for a while now and i've always liked creating stories, so i thought i should make my own one. I'm not a writter, and i'm pretty sure my writing style is pretty bad (+ my native language is not english). But, who cares, i mean i enjoy writing this, i guess that's the most important, and i hope you'll enjoy reading it Feel free to give your opinion ! ----------------------------------- Kelia's New Childhood Kelia felt terrible. She had just had another argument with her mother. Her relationship with her mother had been deteriorating for months, ever since she turned 18 in fact. Her mother has always been rather restrictive, which has always upset her, as Kelia has always had a rather rebellious and independent nature since she was a teenager. But the fact that this hadn't changed since she turned 18 annoyed her even more. She was an adult now, yet she felt that her mother still treated her like a child. She wasn't allowed to go out as she pleased, rarely allowed to invite friends over or sleep over. Kelia took a deep breath. If her mother had taught her anything, it was how to deal with emotions. It was already late, but she wasn't tired, so she plunged into her sketchbooks, until she finally fell asleep on her desk. The next morning, Kelia awoke to the sound of her bedroom door opening softly. Her mother appeared in the doorframe. "Can I come in?" Her mother asked in a soft voice. Kelia nodded, yawning. Her mother entered, closing the door behind her. She sat down on the bed and beckoned Kelia to come and sit beside her. Kelia was apprehensive about the discussion that was about to take place. When her mother looked so soft and solemn, especially soon after an argument, it often meant that she was about to make an important decision. Kelia came and sat down next to her mother, who remained silent for a moment, seemingly searching for words. "Kelia, these last few months have been complicated for both of us, with a lot of tension." began her mother. "Last night I called Mickaela, my friend who works in psychiatry who I told you about the other day. I explained our problems to her, and she suggested a solution. It's a special program based on a new technology that consists of... regress a person in order to soften their behavior, or relieve them of pressure." Kelia wasn't sure she understood, but it didn't sound like good news. Her mother resumed: "I signed you up for this program. All you have to do is sign a few papers. Then, the doctors will use a machine to make you smaller. The program is supposed to last 1 year." Kelia, confused, practically cut her mother off. "Wait, I don't understand, what do you mean by regress? What do you mean shrink me? I don't know what you're talking about." Her mother cleared her throat and spoke again. "Well, this program consists of making you relive your early childhood, and everything that goes with it. Basically, you'll become a baby again for the space of a year." Kelia almost let out a nervous laugh, so surreal was what she'd just heard. She knew her mother could sometimes go too far when it came to punishment, or Kelia's behavior in general, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined. She seriously considered for a few moments that her mother might be playing a joke on her. Did such "technology" even really exist? And how far would her regression go? Kelia tried to organize her thoughts and answered her mother. "What if I refuse and don't sign those papers you mentioned?" Her mother thought for a moment. "You don't have a choice. You're living under my roof, you're obliged to comply. You probably won't like this experience at first, but it's for your own good, and it's an opportunity to reforge a healthy mother-daughter relationship. I assure you, it will bring you nothing but happiness." A slight smile appeared on her mother's face, but Kelia began to get angry. "No! I don't want that, we'll do what you want, we'll have counselling sessions if that's what you want, but not that, that's ridiculous!" "Kelia, I've already made up my mind." Replied her mother in a firmer tone. "I'm your mother, and as long as you're living here, I'm the one who decides." "But I'm an adult! I'm 18, I have the right to make my own decisions!" "Kelia, that's enough." Her mother frowned, and took a warning tone. Kelia knew it was pointless to argue, that once her mother had made her decision there was no going back. But it all seemed so ridiculous, it was hard to believe. Kelia's mother took a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolded it. "Here's the paper you have to sign." The tone of her voice clearly left no room for discussion and Kelia knew it. She couldn't refuse to sign it, otherwise where would she sleep? Would her mother be able to throw her out? Kelia wasn't sure, but knowing her mother, she certainly didn't want to tempt the devil. She grabbed the paper and stood up, walking over to her desk, grabbing a pen and reluctantly signing at the bottom of the sheet filled with long blocks of text that she didn't even take the time to read. Looking satisfied, her mother stood up. "We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at the hospital." The tone of his voice softened a little, as if to change the subject. "Now come and join your sister and me downstairs for breakfast." She said, smiling slightly.
  16. Hi everyone, it's me again, coming at you with a new Academy Works story. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should maybe start by reading Academy I (Part 1) or Academy B (Part 2). These stories aren't really linear, so you can skip those, but it might help you understand what's going on a little bit better. Anyway, this is Academy T. It kind of steps outside the precedents set by the first two stories, so I hope people realize that Academy Works is a lot more than just a series about a regression facility. ? Same as last time, if you want to support me there's a Patreon link you can go to. Thanks for reading and leaving comments and stuff!! ~Mia~ --------------------- Academy TBy Mia Moore "The tower built for the sun and the tower built for the moon are in pursuit of different heavens." -The Source Chapter One Talita Campbell sat on her bed, staring blankly at the rails surrounding her. She was hungry. Her diaper was wet. She wanted to get out! But no matter how long she stared at the contraptions, she couldn't figure out how they worked. Every time Mommy lowered the bars, it seemed like magic. So Talita did the only thing she could to get her Mommy's attention: she cried. The LED on her bedside baby monitor glowed softly in the morning light; Mommy was listening. "And who’s a fussy baby this morning? The sun is barely awake and already you’re so eager to get up and go play, huh baby girl?" Play. With the others. That was how Talita spent a good deal of her mornings and afternoons. Playing in the playpen with neighborhood kids, or playing outside in the grass, or being taken to the park. Her Mommy had told her that it was good for her to play with the other kids, and that did make sense, although Talita knew she wasn’t a kid and neither were the others. Her thoughts were derailed - as they so easily were nowadays - by Mommy reaching down and slipping her finger between her onesie and her skin to check what she already knew was going to be a wet diaper. Talita always woke up wet. "Mommy…" Talita muttered as her Mommy took down the rails. She pressed a button, or kicked a lever, or something! But to Talita, it was magic all the same. She wiped her wet eyes and tried to close her legs, squishing the diaper between her thighs. She couldn't even remember the last time her knees touched. "Hm?" Talita's Mommy helped her off the bed. She waddled across the room to the changing table. "Can I please wear undies, just this once...? I promise I won't have any accidents, I promise..." Every day for almost a month, Talita had asked that question. It almost felt routine, as was her Mommy’s quick dismissal. But today was different. Instead of an outright no, Mommy paused to think about it. Talita's heart raced and she jumped in with renewed confidence. "One time! One time, and I swear! If I have any accidents, I pinky promise I'll never ask again!" "Oh, you pinky promise, do you? And you know what happens to little girls who break pinky promises, don’t you darling?" "...uh huh." Talita swallowed glumly. "And you want to make a pinky promise that if you have even a single accident today, you’ll never ask again?" "Maybe…um… maybe not a single accident..." "And maybe you can show Mommy how dry you can keep this diaper today, and then we’ll talk?" "Mo-mmeeee, I want to wear undies! Pretty pleeeeeaaaase?" The truth was, Talita wasn't sure she could keep up her end of the bargain. For well over a month, she had woken up in a wet diaper. Every day, it felt like a struggle to keep what little of her toilet training she had left. But if she truly was so helpless as to have an accident without even thinking, then maybe she didn't have the right to ask for underwear anyway. However, Talita had always been a risk taker. Sometimes things ended up bad and sometimes they didn’t, but Talita never regretted it. Life was more fun when she took her chances. Or, it was until she woke up in this place. "I can do it. Not any accidents." Though Talita's voice was full of confidence, her stomach was flipping with anxiety. Mommy helped her onto the changing table and looked her square in the eye. They were the same height when standing, down to the millimeter, but there was something diminutizing about sitting on the changing table that made Talita feel smaller. "Okay," Mommy said. "But if you fail, and you break your promise, then you'll be a Bad Girl for a month." Talita's eyes went wide and the color drained from her face. A month? But even if Talita had an accident, the least she could do was keep her promise. She could do that, for sure. "Otay..." The ‘undies’ in question were far from being the kind of panties an adult might wear. These were thick, cotton, stuffed with a lining of padding with prints of strawberries and unicorns on them - training pants by any assessment. To Talita, they were the most mature thing in the whole world, so much so that it distracted her from her dread as she watched her Mommy pull them out of the drawer. One day. Just one day. No accidents. She could do it. There was no way Talita was going to end up as a Bad Girl again! Mommy changed her diaper and wiped her clean. Talita wouldn't be wearing a diaper for the first time in months, but her Mommy powdered her all the same. Then, without ceremony, she slid the strawberry training pants up her legs and around her hips. Talita looked down at her knees and touched them together, a shiver of delight rushing up her spine. She was a big girl now! Everyone at school was going to be jealous! "Now it’s important you remember, Talita my darling girl, that you’re making a deal with Mommy." The woman held her finger up with all the earnest seriousness of... something serious. Talita couldn’t follow her own metaphor. So she linked pinkies with her Mommy, and just like that sealed the deal. "I’m so essited, I’m gonna be... gonna be so... so flippin’ cool, Mommy, you don’t even know!" "Well, let's get you dressed then. Daddy is making breakfast." Talita was all sunshine as her Mommy dressed her. She wore a short dress with frills underneath, flashing the seat of her training pants when she so much as bent over. Frilly ankle socks adorned her feet, along with a set of white ballet flats. Her long hair was tied in loose pigtails with plastic bauble elastics. Finally, a pacifier was clipped to her dress and pressed firmly between her lips. She was a picturesque toddler in the body of an adult, but Talita didn't even seem to notice, let alone mind. Talita walked with one foot in front of the other - something she couldn't do when waddling in a diaper - all the way to the kitchen, where Daddy was plating eggs and toast. Though she and her Mommy were the same height, Daddy was a bit taller with mussed hair and a clean beard. The couple couldn't have been more than ten years older than Talita, but they were her parents nonetheless. "Eggies!" Talita clapped her hands happily, then tried to reel in her enthusiasm. She wanted her Daddy to see just how cool and mature she was today. "That’s right, cupcake: eggs with toast." He flashed her a warm smile. "It’s not got seeds innit right, Daddy?" Talita screwed up her nose. "I dun’ like the toast with seeds innit." "Not a single seed as far as the eye can see, cupcake." Talita pursed her lips and looked skeptically, then nodded her head. "You took them all out, Daddy?" Explaining that white bread didn’t have seeds in it was going to be an exercise in futility, as it often was with Talita. She was beautiful, immature, darling, and very very dumb; so her Daddy just smiled and nodded. Breakfast in the Campbell household was all too ordinary. Talita ate bites of toast, spilling crumbs down her bib and into the little pocket at the bottom. Mommy told Daddy about Talita's promise and how she didn't need diapers anymore. Daddy got up early from the table to ready Talita's stroller for the trip to her school. Yes, breakfast in the Campbell house was all too ordinary, if Talita really had been a toddler and not a 29 year old woman. "Can I walk instead?" Talita asked as Daddy buckled her into the stroller. "I'm a big girl today, so it makes sense." "How about," Daddy said, snapping the last belt in place with a metallic click, "if you can get out of the stroller before we get there, you can walk the rest of the way." Talita's eyes lit up at the challenge and nodded her head, immediately getting to work on the buckles wrapped over her shoulders and around her waist. Ordinarily, perhaps a long time ago, Talita may have considered the best way to win this challenge. Like, for example, to wait until the last possible moment before getting out of the stroller so that she could have victory and get to show up to school walking on her own and not be so tired from the walk that she needed a nap as soon as she got there. Cool kids didn’t need a nap until at least lunchtime. Talita, though, was a very special variety of bimbaby. The kind of girl to whom such advanced machinations would never occur. In fact, they were only a few minutes from the house when she was so sure she’d managed to wriggle free already. "Daddy I did-" Her words were cut short by a frown and a gasp as the straps over her thighs and lap held fast. In all her excitement to work on the shoulder straps - which she could squirm out of and cheat her way to freedom - she’d completely forgotten to account for the others that held her firmly in place. "Did what, cupcake?" Her Daddy asked, slightly amused, as he pushed the stroller. "Nothing Daddy..." Efforts must be doubled!
  17. CHAPTER 1 In a remote area there is a town of about 50,000 inhabitants which is totally isolated to the population, the only facade accessible to the public is a huge building called «REGRESSION SHOCK THERAPY BUILDING » Inside that building there was a man who was giving a press conference about the success of a private state channel called "The AB Show » This show was based on the film « The Truman Show » 23 years ago The man with absolutely no shame explained that the state has found a way to make huge amounts of money at the expense of broken persons who have suffered a post traumatic shock by easily breaking them down completely so that they become adult baby of 3 years old The tv reality show It's an incredible success, there are thousands of channels available and the public is addicted to « The AB Show » In fact the public is fascinated to see adults baby couple behave and talk like baby, but mostly they are entangled and turn on by the way they having sex, of course they have sex the way they were educated It only takes six weeks before applicants are completely brainwashed. Following this they live in the state hook as a couple in a closed city among thousands of other AB. They are fed, changed, washed etc the only thing they have to do is play with their toys having sex and naturally some spanking to keep them sexually stimulated Soon I’II show you said the men, the video tape that captured all the explicit details of Pete and Katy transformation. Of course the sensitive heart I would suggest you not to watch because there is a lot of violent spanking, humiliation, crying but also a lot of positive reinforcement, and the beautiful thing with positive reinforcement its that when they are no more capable of pain they begin to accepted more and more what happening to them and in a twisted way they begin to craved the humiliation they undergo So let me explain, Pete arrived here 8 january 2020 in a post-traumatic shock, It arises from exposure to trauma resulting in a death Pete was a train operator (subway) in is old life before someone jump in front of is train. So when the paramedics picked him up after all the police interrogation etc, they brought him here to the REGRESSION SHOCK THERAPY BUILDING (RSTB), of course he didn’t know where he was brought, but most importantly he didn’t know he was breating his last moment of is adulthood When he arrived at the RSTB the doctors put him in a artificial coma stade 3 for 14 days by sedating drugs, such as midazolam or propofo, this is deep coma that will put him on any reaction to painful stimuli. During the 14 days the subjects will receive some surgery, here is the list -Minor anal operation (cut the sphincter muscles) -Minor lobotomy -Removal of all teeths -Permanent removal of all hair -Injection of medication via a catheder to weaken the blader -Head phone session (Babyis hypnosis) Now let's go to a commercial pose for a few minutes so that after that I explain these various surgery to you and then I will show you Kati and Pete video transformation
  18. Hey y'all - been awhile! I don't get much time to write, but over the last several years I've slowly been building up a little bit of a catalogue. I have enough content to post that I plan to slowly drip it out over the next several months. After that, maybe I'll have more stuff that isn't written yet, or maybe not - I will never start posting something before I think that the entire piece is finished, so it comes down to the mix of time and inspiration. But in the meantime, I thought I'd repost the original since I'm sure it will be new to lots of people. I'll repost the other next week, and then start with some new stuff. Thanks for the occasional posts and messages over the years. It's nice to know at least a few people have enjoyed it over the years. --- “Good morning, Baby!” Jackie's mother woke her with the same enthusiasm that she used every morning. At first, her syrupy sweet tone was almost too much to take, but over time, like much of her new life, Jackie had grown to accept it. Yawning, she answered, “Good mowaning, Mommy,” as was expected of her. As her mouth was closing, her mother picked up her pacifier from her pillow and slipped it back into her mouth, where it had been when she fell asleep and where it was expected to stay while she was awake unless it was removed by what she was forced to call “a grown-up.” Her mother checked her diaper and found it wet, as she always did now in the mornings. Jackie had not been a bed-wetter when her parents had decided that she would once again become the baby in the family, but several months without using anything but her diapers had been enough to completely destroy her bladder control, especially when asleep. Jackie seldom stayed in a dry diaper for more than a half an hour at a time any more, and, unlike at the beginning of her new life, when she would often soak her diapers heavily and require a nearly immediate change to prevent a leak, she now often stayed in damp diapers through several hours of minor wettings until finally she was given a change. This morning was no exception, and her mother declared that she would be able to last until she had finished her breakfast. Within seconds, the side of Jackie's crib had been lowered and she was helped down to the ground by her mother. Still in her pink, very short nighty that she had been put to bed in, Jackie began to crawl out of her room, with her mother following close behind her. When she got to the stairs, she shifted positions and slid downstairs on her bottom. Returning to crawling, Jackie crossed through the living room, past her playpen and toys, and into the kitchen. When she arrived there, her mother helped her up into the highchair that sat waiting for her near the table. As with every morning, Jackie was strapped in, with her mother reminding her that “we wouldn't want our precious babykins to fall out,” in the same awful coo that she was always addressed in these days. The tray of her highchair was soon locked into position against her chest, and her mother crossed the kitchen to begin preparing the oatmeal that Jackie was fed every morning for breakfast. As it heated in the microwave, her mother fastened one of Jackie's many embarrassing bibs around her neck. This one was relatively mundane, however, simply reading “Mommy's Little Princess” in pink letters across a plain yellow fabric, and Jackie rarely even bothered to read her bibs anymore knowing that they were only ever seen by people who were well aware of her new status as a baby. Soon enough, the microwave beeped and Jackie's mother brought her over her steaming hot oatmeal and began spoon-feeding it to her. Jackie accepted the oatmeal without any fuss. She did not particularly enjoy it, and she particularly disliked being spoon-fed it by her cooing mother, but she had learned long ago that there was no sense in resisting it. Her mother always made sure that she ate all of her food, no matter how much time that took, and any real resistance usually just led to some sort of punishment afterwards, which Jackie never enjoyed and avoided like the plague. Besides, though the oatmeal was not very tasty and there was always far more of it than Jackie truly wished to eat (her mother said that Jackie had become too skinny), breakfast was easily the best meal of the day for Jackie. At other meals, she was forced to eat real baby foods, rather than the comparatively adult selection of oatmeal. These meals, she had decided, were the ones that were truly disgusting, and so she had come to see breakfast as the best meal of the day, for better or for worse. Just as her mother was shoveling the last spoonful of oatmeal into Jackie's increasingly dirty mouth (her mother always made sure that an appropriate amount of baby food ended up on Jackie's face and bib, no matter how politely Jackie accepted her feed), Jackie saw her father walk into the room. After she swallowed, her mother asked “What do you say to your daddy, little girl?” “Hewwo Daddy,” Jackie lisped out in the ridiculous voice that she was always required to speak in. One of the rules of her new life was that she was always to speak in a babyish voice, which was made easier by the large nipple of the pacifier that was normally in her mouth. Still, this humiliating speech was one of the things that Jackie hated most about being a baby again, especially since she was usually only allowed to speak when she was repeating what she was told to say by an adult, with the only exceptions being to answer questions which she already knew the answer too like the one that her mother had just asked her. Her father crossed the kitchen and kissed her on the top of the head, which was just about the only way he could avoid getting oatmeal on his lips. “Good morning Princess,” he answered, using his preferred nickname for his big baby daughter. Jackie noticed that her father was not dressed in his work clothes as he normally was. That was odd, she thought. She was almost sure that it was Friday, though it was hard for her to tell given that she wasn't even sure what month it was and rarely even glimpsed a clock. In converting her into a full time baby, her parents had seemingly taken great care to deprive her of her ability to track time. Her highchair faced away from the clock in the kitchen, and there was no way to tell time either in the living room where her playpen was or in her nursery. She spent very little time outside, so all she really knew about the time of the year was that it was quite hot, and thus she assumed that it was summer. At first she had known how many days and weeks it had been since her parents had made her a baby, but as the weeks turned to months and it became increasingly clear that her newly lowered status would not be ending anytime soon, she gave up on diligently keeping track in her head. She tracked days of the week through whether or not her father had gone to work in the morning, but this was imperfect for a number of reasons. Her dad, like everyone else, occasionally took days off. Beyond that, Jackie often found that she simply lost track by the time Thursday, Friday, or Saturday rolled around because it really made little difference to her what day it was, as the only difference that the day of the week would make to her daily routine would be that her father would be around if it were a weekend day and would most often be at work on the weekdays. Thus, Jackie dismissed the idea that her father's casual clothing meant much of anything and assumed that it was simply Saturday and she had lost track of time again. Her musings on her dad's clothes were interrupted by her mother tilting her head back from behind and putting a bottle of formula into her mouth. Of all the ways to be fed from a bottle, this one was undoubtedly the worst in Jackie's opinion. To her immense displeasure, she drank exclusively baby formula. She found it to be too thin, too sweet, and just plain gross. She particularly hated its horrendous aftertaste, which hung around for hours and almost left her feeling thirsty again, though another drink of formula was the last thing she wanted. Despite her distaste for the milk, Jackie found that bottles were an inescapable part of her daily life. She was given one after each meal, along with two each as a “snack” in both the morning and afternoon and another after nap time and before bed, plus the other one or two she might be given to drink on her own over the course of the day. Being fed in the highchair, as she was now, was particularly embarrassing to Jackie. With her head tilted back, the bottle feeding forced her to look up at her mother, who usually put her face very close to Jackie's and whispered coos to her about how little or cute or precious or well behaved she was. Beyond this, Jackie felt particularly infantile because of the way that the bottle simply poured into her mouth and she had to suck even more furiously than normally just to keep up with the flow of the bottle. Fortunately, after just a few short minutes of the torture, Jackie finished the bottle. Her mother quickly and efficiently used her bib to clean up the oatmeal and milk that had remained on Jackie's face and then replaced her pacifier before removing the tray from the highchair. After she unbuckled the straps, she helped Jackie down to the floor. On autopilot, Jackie crawled into the living room and towards the playpen to begin her daily routine of nearly insufferable boredom. However, her mother had a different plan for her. “Where do you think you're going, silly?” she asked Jackie, as if Jackie were stupid for assuming that her day would begin in the same way that it had for literally weeks before. “We have a big day ahead of us today, so Mommy is going to give her little baby a nice bath so that if we don't have time we don't have to do it later.” Suddenly Jackie's curiosity was piqued again. Perhaps it was Friday, and her dad being home wasn't a coincidence but part of the “big day” that her mother was talking about. Jackie knew it was better not to ask, that her parents would tell her what was up eventually, but she was certainly afraid of what might be to come. Her mother had never said anything like this before, and normally she didn't get a bath until sometime just before dinner. She wasn't sure she liked the idea of a big day given her humiliating status within her family. Jackie crawled up the stairs and into the bathroom. Her mother started the water for her, then told her to sit still while she fetched her a nice new diaper for when she got out of the bath. Before she had time to so much as think, her mommy returned holding diapering supplies. As if to humiliate Jackie even more, her mommy said simply “we wouldn't want baby to do pee-pees all over the floor on her way to her nursery, would we?” All Jackie could do was avert her glance in shame, knowing full well that her mom was not totally off base. Soon Jackie had been stripped out of her nighty and her quite damp diaper and, with just a quick wiping, deposited in the bathwater. The water was warm and refreshing, but her mother did not give her more than the few seconds it took to clean up her wet diaper and put her nighty in the hamper to enjoy it. In a record time, Jackie was given her usual, thorough bath that included a scrubbing of all of the places that Jackie had once assumed her mother would never see again. Within just a moment of the scrubbing ending, Jackie was hauled out of the tub, dried off, and once again laying on the changing mat. By now, Jackie could confidently say she was unlikely to make good on her mother's prediction of being wet before her nursery, but only because she had already peed while sitting in the tub. As the diaper was laid out and Jackie was being powdered, she realized that she was once again being put into a thick, nighttime diaper, which was normally reserved for when she was about to be put in her crib for the night. This had never happened before, which gave Jackie further misgivings about what “big day” was in store for her. As if to answer her question, her mother said, “Don't worry baby, we just have a long car ride ahead of us and it will be much easier if Mommy and Daddy don't need to pull over every couple of hours just to change their little tinkle-pants.” Jackie wasn't sure whether to be dismayed or glad after that comment. Her parents weren't the only ones who didn't want to be pulling over every couple of hours in order to change Jackie's diapers. Any diaper change that began with pulling over sounded like the most humiliating experience of Jackie's time as a baby. But hearing that they would be traveling that far scared Jackie very much. Where could they possibly be going? Jackie didn't even have time to ask. As soon as her bulky diaper was taped shut, she was flipped over and ordered to march to her nursery. Naked but for the thirsty disposable between her legs, Jackie did as she was told, though her apprehension caused her to move slow enough for her mother to give her a quick smack on the rear as a signal to hurry up. With a somewhat renewed vigor, Jackie finished her short crawl into her nursery. As always, she was helped onto her changing table by her mother to be dressed. She sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the table while her mother opened the drawer of her dresser across the room. She soon returned with a relatively simple pink onesie for Jackie to wear. While it wasn't the most embarrassing piece of clothing in Jackie's extensive new wardrobe, it was still more than she really wished to be seen in public in, especially given the frilly lace around the arm holes and across the bottom. She was also put off by word “baby” spelled out in baby blocks the chest, but supposed that the fact that she would be wearing a onesie over a thick, bulging disposable diaper meant that the label wasn't really telling anyone anything they couldn't figure out. Only after her mother pulled it over her head and fastened the buttons in her crotch did Jackie realize that the ensemble was not yet complete. Her mother told her to stay where she was. She soon returned with an item that she had never before seen. It was pink, though much brighter than the pastel shade of her onesie. It took Jackie only a moment longer to realize that it was a denim pair of shortalls. While they were loud and quite babyish and seemingly likely to draw a stare from anyone who really examined them, Jackie's first reaction was to let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness that much of the onesie would be covered! Soon, though, her delight was diminished. As her mother brought the shortalls up her legs, she realized that they were closed on the bottoms with the same humiliating buttons that her onesie had, thus making it obvious that they were hiding diapers that may need changing. Still, at least the ruffles on the seat of her onesie were mercifully covered up. What bothered her most, though, was the wording on the front of the garment. Stitched in clear, large blue letters was the simple monogram “Baby Jackie.” Clearly, this was a custom article of clothing. In her size how could it not be. Jackie began to cry. She knew she was going out of the house, and now she knew she would be doing so in clothes that openly announced her status to anyone who took so much as a second glance at her. Her mother reacted quickly to her tears. Hugging her daughter, she cooed “Shh shh shh, baby, its ok, Mommy's here. Whats the matter diddums? Does baby need a bubba?” Tears came much less frequently now for Jackie, who had felt at least some of her embarrassment at her new station in life wear off as the novelty of it did as well. At first, almost every new humiliation that her parents had in store for her reduced her to sobs, but over time Jackie had reached a point where only extreme humiliation, a particularly severe punishment, or a notably depressing day could send her into such a spiral. Ever since the beginning though, her mother reacted the same way. She always behaved as if she had no idea what could be wrong, though it was almost always quite obvious what the problem was. Instead, she pretended that Jackie must simply be suffering from a problem that may make a baby cry. Diapers were always checked, and if they proved not to be the answer (they never did, as her mother was always fairly well aware of their state) then she would give Jackie a bottle under the assumption that she was hungry and/or thirsty. This time was no different. Jackie soon found herself, still sobbing, in her mother's lap as she sat in the oversized rocking chair in the corner of her room. Her mother positioned her head on her shoulder, with Jackie's diapered bottom on the chair just next to her legs. Removing Jackie's pacifier, she inserted a bottle into her waiting mouth. As Jackie's mother told her that she was her precious little baby, she did her best to calm down. She knew that continuing to cry through her bottle was likely to lead to a nap time under the assumption that her tears indicated tiredness, which was the last thing that she wanted, as she would simply be left to contemplate the daunting day ahead of her. Jackie had indeed finished crying by the time her bottle was empty. Her mother gave her a kiss and then popped her pacifier back in her mouth. She left Jackie on the rocking chair for a moment. When she returned, she carried a pink ribbon with a pin. She tied the open end of the ribbon to the loop on Jackie's pacifier, and pinned the other end of the ribbon to the part of her onesie that stuck out on top of the shoulder straps of her shortalls. “We don't want your paci to fall out in the car while mommy and daddy are in the front seats, and can’t help you, right baby?” was the explanation that her mother gave her. “Time to go to the car, princess!” her mother continued. With a distinct sense of dread, Jackie allowed herself to be lifted down from the rocking chair. She began to crawl into the hallway, and once again bumped her way down the stairs. Her mother seemed to forgive her slow pace this time. Jackie had only left the house on a handful of occasions since she had become the family baby once again, but she knew the drill. She crawled her way to the door in the kitchen that led to the garage. There, her mother opened the door (babies weren't allowed to open doors, as she had learned early on in her new life) and allowed Jackie to bump down the three more stairs that led to the garage floor. “Take Mommy's hand so you don't go boom and make an ouchie,” her mother commanded, standing her up. The hand she was offered was perhaps more welcome than her mother knew. On an average day, the only time Jackie ever stood was to be put into and taken out of her highchair and to be raised onto or off of the changing table. In both of these instances Jackie was to crawl to the very spot where she would need to be standing in order to take the step up into her babyish position, and so most days she didn't take a single step while standing. All of this meant that, while Jackie could still walk, she was significantly worse at it than she had been before the months of inactivity had diminished her balance. Though Jackie walked due to the dirty garage floor, she didn't walk far. It was less than ten steps to the car. When she got there, her mother quickly gave her a boost up into the back seat of the mid-sized SUV that she normally drove. Jackie wondered for a split second why they were not taking her father's car, which they usually took when going on longer trips, but her answer came just as quickly when she remembered that her custom-made, adult-sized car seat had been installed in the rear of her mother's car and was quite a hassle to remove. Despite her misgivings about the trip, Jackie obediently settled herself into the seat and allowed her mother to strap her in. The restraint was extremely snug, especially in the areas where it came into contact with her extra thick nighttime diaper. “All right baby, you're all nice and safe for our ride! We have quite the trip ahead of us! We're going all the way to a place called Maine for a family reunion! You'll get to meet all of your aunts and uncles and cousins! They'll think you're so cute! But we have a long ride ahead of us, so you need to be a patient baby while we drive, ok?” Jackie resented so much of what she was told. She resented being treated like she'd never heard of Maine. She resented the idea that she would be traveling strapped in this car seat for a minimum of ten or so hours, given that her family lived in Virginia and she had no idea how far into Maine they were going. Most of all though, she resented that her parents were very clearly intent not just on bringing her to a family reunion in diapers, but on displaying her in her fully babied state when they got there. As she was still processing what would be happening to her, her mother continued “Daddy and I need to finish packing the car, so you sit tight, and we'll get on the road in just a few minutes.” “As if I have any choice,” Jackie thought, though she continued to simply suck on her pacifier. About ten minutes later, after the trunk behind her had been opened and closed several times, her parents finally got into the car. As her dad started the car, Jackie noted that the clock on the dashboard read 8:30. This made sense to her, as she was pretty sure she was normally awoken at around 7:00 in the morning. “Great,” she thought, “best case scenario, we won't get there until at least 6:30. Just in time for dinner and my 8 o'clock bedtime. This is going to be an even more boring day than usual.” After a quick stop at a local gas station, during which Jackie felt glad for the Elmo-themed sunblocker that sat in her window but also had the benefit of preventing any acquaintances outside of the car from seeing her in her infantile state within, Jackie's family was on the road. The monotony quickly set in for Jackie. Her mother had played her a CD of lullabies over the car stereo, but given that she had only just woken up from her 11 hours of sleep, she was nowhere near able to sleep yet. About an hour and a half after they got on the road, her mother passed back a bottle to Jackie and told her to drink up. She did as she was told, and it was followed by a second, in keeping with her normal morning routine. Beyond that though, there was virtually nothing for Jackie to do. With her dread setting in, Jackie found herself reflecting on how she came to be in her position. She had never expected to find herself even living at home at this point, not to mention doing so as the family baby. Back in May, Jackie had finished her college career. She had graduated with honors and was looking forward to embarking on an exciting career. However, since she had gone to school several states away, and wanted to get a job closer to home, Jackie hadn't yet begun the process of applying for jobs. She was quite unworried though. She knew that she had solid credentials and her parents had agreed to allow her to live at home until she had landed a job, which Jackie expected would take no more than a month or so. Jackie had no idea that her parents had other plans for her. As an only child, they had always thought that she had grown up too fast. Beyond that, though, they had grown increasingly disappointed in her behavior throughout college. Unlike her parents, who were both very successful lawyers, Jackie had no interest in the law. This had been a source of tension with her parents. They were also disappointed with her inability to make lasting friends at college. She had been unable to even tolerate any of her roommates at school. While her parents had been supportive over the phone, it was clear to them that Jackie was the source of conflict in each case and they were unable to gently persuade her that she should change her ways. When Jackie had returned home, they had told her all of this, and concluded that Jackie was essentially an arrogant brat. In fairness to Jackie, this wasn't totally true. Jackie wasn't mean spirited, by any stretch of the imagination. She was difficult to get along with, but part of that was just that she was difficult to communicate with because she was something of a loner as a result of being an only child. She didn't consider herself to be arrogant. Instead, she considered herself to be smart enough that she always knew what was best. Still, Jackie was never allowed a rebuttal to her parents' criticisms. They told her that they wanted the perfect little angel back that they had once had, and that they were going to get it. Within an hour of Jackie's return to her house, she was led up to her old bedroom, which had been thoroughly converted into a nursery in her size. Jackie soon found herself strapped onto the changing table, sobbing and wearing a diaper. Her mother and father explained to her that life would be very different from the one she had left. At its core, she was to live as a baby of approximately one year old, with all the trappings that came with it. Diapers were to be used, baby clothes to be worn and baby food to be eaten, plus all of the other indignities that were to become part of her daily life. Most shocking to Jackie, her mother would be retiring from her job to become a stay-at-home mom to her baby. When she was able to think rationally about it, Jackie had realized how serious her parents were. They had spent a lot of money to acquire all of the custom-made items that Jackie's new life would require. Her mother had left her job as well. While her family could easily afford both of these measures, they indicated that her parents intended to keep her as a baby for an extended period of time. This, as much as the news itself, came to be what bothered her the most. The uncertainty of when, if ever, she would be allowed to grow up made Jackie feel extremely uneasy and made it hard for her to stay positive. She desperately wished to be allowed to grow up one day, but was often afraid that it would never happen. Within the first few days, Jackie began to get the hang of her new life. Two things immediately stuck out at her. The first was that being treated as a baby was extremely humiliating. Feedings, changes, baths, outfits and bedtimes all made her blush furiously and, at first, often reduced her to tears or petulant fits. The second thing that she realized was just how boring being a baby was. Jackie spent hour after hour in her playpen, sometimes without even seeing her mother for more than an hour at a time. She was sometimes allowed to watch a lone episode children's television, but even then the most mature shows she was allowed to watch were taped episodes of Teletubbies, which was infinitely below her years and totally boring to her. When the television was off, only a few dolls and blocks were available to her, none of which really provided her any entertainment, even when her mother took them in her hands and played with them in front of Jackie's face while assigning them annoying, babyish voices. In the beginning, Jackie had fiercely resisted her role as the family baby. This didn't last long, however. Every time that she acted out, her parents found a way to punish her. The punishments were truly unbearable. Her parents never spanked her, except for a light swat on the outside of a diaper to correct the most minor of offenses. In truth, Jackie would probably have preferred to be spanked. Her parents instead gave her punishments designed to increase her boredom. Sometimes she was given extended naps or much earlier bedtimes. Early in her new life, Jackie had once found herself in her crib for the night at three thirty in the afternoon, which meant that she had been forced to lie there for 16 mind-numbing hours. That punishment was even worse then, because Jackie had not yet been able to adjust her sleep schedule and hadn't managed to fall asleep until close to 10 o'clock, more than six hours since she had first been put down for the night. Another hated punishment was a seemingly simple timeout. At first, Jackie had been forced to sit on a low stool during timeouts while facing the corner. However, her parents found that unless they sat there for the duration of her timeout, which for Jackie was normally at least 30 minutes and sometimes much, much longer, Jackie would simply try to get up in an act of further rebellion. They quickly put a stop to this by buying what Jackie considered to be the most horrible invention of all time. It was a baby bouncer that hung from the ceiling, but it was designed for adult-sized babies. During time outs, Jackie now found herself suspended from the ceiling for up to several hours at a time, with literally nothing to do and nowhere to go. Her first trip to the bouncer, which had lasted 90 minutes, left Jackie sobbing for more than an hour and vowing to herself that she would be good from now on. That had not happened, of course, but her obedience had improved significantly from that moment forward. Looking back, it seemed to Jackie that she had settled into her life as a baby with an alarming speed. Within little more than two weeks, she had basically accepted her new life and grown accustomed to it. She realized that much of this owed to the fact that, for the most part, she ran on a simple daily routine of meals, bottle feedings, play time, and bed times, with little that ever interrupted it. This made Jackie somewhat numb to the ordeal that she was going through and sped up the process of accepting it. About the only time Jackie's day ever changed was when she had a “play date.” She had had four thus far, all with the same girl. That girl, Stephanie, was two years older than Jackie, and had been being treated like a baby by her parents for over four years. Jackie could never figure out how her parents had ever discovered such a playmate for her, as she had never met Stephanie and lived almost an hour away from her. Jackie had twice been to Stephanie's house, and twice Stephanie had visited hers'. Each time had been incredibly awkward for the two girls. They were expected to kiss each other fully on the lips as a way of greeting each other, and then Jackie had to endure a round of kisses from Stephanie's nanny (a babysitter only slightly older than the two babies actually were who Stephanie's parents had hired to watch over their oversized bundle of joy while they were at work) while Stephanie was similarly doted on by Jackie's mother. After that, the two were expected to play with each other while sharing a playpen. This often proved to be incredibly frustrating, however, as while it was the rare time that either of them was encouraged to speak (at least while providing voices for their dolls), neither of them could really say anything intelligible from behind their oversized pacifiers, which they were still forced to suck even as they played. The result was that the girls had to endure a few awkward hours of babbling at each other before being fed lunch. After that, they would inevitably find themselves cuddling in a crib where they were to remain absolutely silent and take a nap, each all too aware of the presence of another in a bed that was normally the site of solitary confinement. After nap time, the play date would always end with another round of humiliatingly mushy kisses and then a long trip back home in a tight car seat for whichever girl was visiting on that day. Though Jackie didn't mind the idea of a change in routine in theory, in practice she always found it exhausting and couldn't wait until it was over. Jackie had been absentmindedly reminiscing for over an hour when she was interrupted by the car slowing down and entering into a small roadside picnic area that also included restrooms. She realized that if her parents had talked over the decision in the front seat, she had totally missed it. Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was just past noon, and Jackie surmised that it may be lunchtime. She hadn't really even thought of how that would work. All of Jackie's consternation had been reserved for the specter of a diaper change on the road. Quickly though, she realized that despite her diaper that seemed to be nowhere near the point where she would be changed, this too would be quite an ordeal. Fortunately for Jackie, only a few cars seemed to have chosen this secluded rest stop for their break on the road. Her parents each took a turn visiting the restroom, while the other babbled nonsense to Jackie, asking her if she knew how cute she was and whether she was ready to eat a yummy lunch. Although the answer to the latter question was a resounding “no” in Jackie's head, she soon saw her mother preparing a picnic table on the far end of the rest stop from her vantage point in the car seat. Before long, both parents were out of the car and rummaging in the trunk. After what seemed like a surprisingly long time, Jackie's father opened the back door of the car and unbuckled his oversized toddler. As he slid Jackie out of the seat and moved her towards the door, she began to realize what had taken so long. Jackie was surprised to see an adult-sized stroller waiting for her on the ground. This was another item making its debut on the trip. Before she had even finished processing the device, Jackie was seated inside of it. The canopy top may have protected her from the sun somewhat, but it felt to her like it couldn't have done less to conceal its occupant from any outside gazes. To her relief, none of the few other people seemed to pay any attention to their party at all, and her disgraceful new ride was, at least for now, kept as her little secret. Jackie was pushed over to the secluded picnic table that her mother had chosen, and the stroller was situated so that it was facing the end of one of the benches. Within seconds a totally nondescript bib had been fastened around Jackie's neck, and she realized that she was about to be fed while still in her stroller. “This will be interesting,” thought Jackie, noting that the stroller had her facing upwards in an effort to keep her low to the ground without forcing her to drag her feet. Indeed, it was interesting. In addition to being a cold feed, since her mother was unable to heat up the disgusting blend of beef and vegetables baby food as she normally would have at home, the angle seemed to throw off the coordination of mommy and baby, resulting in an even more messy face than Jackie was accustomed to. Other than that though, the feed was pleasant enough, and Jackie ultimately suffered no more indignity outside than she would have had she been inside, though the worry that she would kept her constantly on edge. Only after she had finished the bottle that her mother held with one hand while eating a sandwich with the other did Jackie's anxiety truly begin to subside. Her parents finished their food, and soon Jackie had been cleaned up and pushed back to the car. After a quick diaper check confirmed that she had a few hours of safety left, Jackie was returned to her car seat and her parents began to reload the car for the next leg of the journey. As the car rejoined the light traffic on the freeway, Jackie was reminded by her mommy that it was nap time and that she should go to sleep. In reality, Jackie needed no reminder. She resented the naps, especially since she also spent about 11 hours in bed each night, but Jackie had also learned to sleep during them. Like a baby, Jackie now truly needed to nap during the day, or else she wouldn't make it all the way through the night. With the relatively happy thoughts of her embarrassment-free lunch still in her head, Jackie quickly drifted into a docile sleep. A little over an hour and a half later, Jackie was lightly stirred by her mother, who had reached an arm back from the back seat. As Jackie groggily rubbed her eyes, her mother said “Wakey-Wakey, beautiful. Mommy doesn't want you to sleep too long and ruin your night time sleep.” Just a moment later, Jackie was passed a bottle to drink. Normally she would have had that bottle in her crib while her mother cuddled her and woke her up, but this was obviously impossible in the car. Instead, Jackie fed herself the dreadful formula and wished there was a way to be able to avoid just such a thing. Traffic seemed to still be moving well enough, and Jackie saw that it was about 2:15 on the car clock. She couldn't figure out where they were based on road signs because of the screen on the window, but Jackie guessed that they must be making good time. Jackie wasn't really sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It was only a few minutes after her bottle that her father pulled the car off into a rest area. Jackie wasn't totally sure what the reason could be for this stop. When she realized that this was simply a parking area and that there weren't any restrooms here for her parents to use, she was even more confused. Her mother got out of the car and went into the trunk, but was only there for a second. Before Jackie could figure out where she had gone, the door nearest to her seat was opened and her father began to get her out of the car. “What's going on?” thought Jackie, still a little groggy from sleep. This time, as she was helped down, Jackie saw that there was no stroller for her to be placed in, which she considered a mercy, even though the parking area was completely deserted and she was unlikely to be seen by anyone but the motorists passing several hundred feet away on the highway. Just two steps around the car made Jackie forget her sense of comfort, and if it hadn't been for her dad's suddenly tight grip on her hand and her wobbly, unused legs, Jackie might have tried to run back around to the other side of the car. Her mother was standing at a nearby picnic table, and laid out on the table was her changing mat, along with a fresh diaper and all the supplies needed to change Jackie into it. Jackie's dad practically dragged her the remaining few steps to the table, and a quick warning spank was needed before she could be boosted up onto the table. The idea of an outdoor change, even in this relatively anonymous location, had Jackie petrified, and she found herself in tears for the second time that day. Both of her parents were cooing at her, but it was her mother that she heard clearly. “Now, now, baby, its time for our little princess to have her diaper changed. We don't want you to get a leak and ruin your pretty clothes and make your car seat all wet, do we?” Though Jackie was used to being changed, the process was particularly horrible this time. Soon, the snaps on each of her layers of clothing had been unbuckled. With the diaper now on display, Jackie was a wreck, barely even able to see out of her sobbing eyes. When that diaper was opened and Jackie was exposed to the open air, she froze. Her focus was on the road, and the entrance into the parking area. Jackie lost all perspective, and as her mother wiped the excess urine off of her diaper area and dropped the wipes into the used diaper, she was certain that every car on the road could not only see her, but could tell that she was far too old to be in need of a diaper change from her mother on the side of the road. The change itself was actually quite efficient, but to Jackie, it took an eternity. Her mother's thorough powdering was taking forever in her eyes, and even after she was mercifully taped back in to another thick disposable (an experience she never thought she would consider merciful), she wished her mother would hurry up and button her back in to the comparatively less embarrassing baby clothes. Finally, Jackie was boosted up off of the table. Her mother escorted her back to the car, while her father disposed of the sodden diaper and gathered up the supplies and returned them to her diaper bag. Less than ten minutes after they had entered the rest area, they were back on the road. As they re-entered the highway, Jackie felt herself let out a small, involuntary stream of urine, and silently cursed herself for being unable to enjoy the luxury of a dry seat for even a few minutes. The afternoon portion of the ride soon proved to be the most monotonous for Jackie. She would have liked to have had at least a stupid baby toy to play with in the back of the car, but all she could do was stare at the back of her mother's seat, as the screen that shielded her eyes from the sun also served to prevent her from being able to even so much as stare out the window. At this point, Jackie's mind was filled with nothing but dread. She had been to one family reunion several years prior, and if this was to be anything like that experience, she worried about what to expect. Given that they were on their way to Maine, she was almost sure that they would be visiting with her father's side of the family, who almost all hailed from that state. She vividly remembered that, at the last reunion, she had been the youngest person there at age twelve. This owed to the fact that her father was about five years younger than each of his siblings and cousins. All of them had had children a little earlier than her parents had had Jackie, as well, so the result was that all of the other youths at that reunion had been at least in their mid-teens. Jackie wondered if they would all be in attendance now, in their mid-twenties, or if they would be off living lives of their own. She also couldn't help but fear that she would be viciously made fun of by those closest to her own actual age, as they would see her as a weak excuse for an adult who was entirely worthy of their mockery. All of this dread made the time pass very slowly. The two bottles that she was given in quick succession around three o'clock didn't really help time pass any slower, though they did remind Jackie just how much she hated baby formula. She found herself praying for a distraction. Perhaps if Jackie had thought about who might hear those prayers, she would have thought twice about making them. If anybody was watching over her very closely, it seemed to her that they had a sick sense of humor to allow her to be converted so thoroughly into the infantile creature she had become. The distraction she was sent confirmed that the joke really was on her. Only a few minutes after Jackie finished the second of her bottles and once again was commanded to begin sucking on the giant nipple of the pacifier dangling from her shirt, a familiar and dreaded pressure took hold in Jackie's abdomen. Immediately, she knew that she was in deep trouble. “I can't! Not here, in this tiny little car seat! I have to hold it!” she thought. Even as she thought it though, Jackie knew that it was basically no use. She knew that at this point, by the time she knew that she had a problem, she didn't have much time left. Unlike her bladder, Jackie still retained a semblance of control over her bowels. However, had she been allowed to not use her diaper, she imagined that her level of control would be similar to that of a beginning potty-trainer, who needed to be rushed to the bathroom as soon as they asked in order to prevent an accident. In the desperate fight against time, time won. Within about ten minutes of increasingly agonizing pressure, Jackie's will to fight broke. She knew, however, that this would be as difficult of a mess as there was, as she was secured tightly to her seat and had no way to shift so that she could raise a leg. Jackie pushed, and hard. When Jackie let out a rather loud, involuntary grunt, the idle conversation between her parents in the front seat ended abruptly. Fortunately for Jackie, she was so focused that she didn't really notice the small chuckles that her beet red face earned. The floodgates took a few moments to open. They finally did so with a pair of short, noisy farts that Jackie was decidedly not too focused to miss. Her embarrassment continued to grow as the quiet sound of several gushes of a soft, mushy mess slid into her diaper. One more push sent a final wave into the seat of her pants, and Jackie's exhausted body relaxed back, sinking her into her own filth. It was obvious that Jackie's parents were well aware what had happened, but they let the moment breathe for a moment. Finally, her mother asked what might have been the most unnecessary question possible. “Did my baby make a stinky in her diapee? Pee-Whew, I think so! Somebody is a smelly baby!” This was practically a routine when Jackie was discovered to have messed herself, but that didn't make it any easier for Jackie to bear. There was still no end to her embarrassment when she found herself declared a stinky baby while sitting in a diaper full of her own poop. A moment later, her father said, “Can you stand it well enough?” “Yes,” her mother said, “if you can. We only just changed her into this diaper an hour and a half ago, and if she hadn't made a mess she could have lasted until Maine. She can wait a little while anyways.” “Sounds good,” her dad answered. “Great,” Jackie thought. “A poopy diaper for as long as they wish, and then the worst change of my life!” As the poop cooled and began to itch, not to mention smell, Jackie thought about just how much she hated messing her diapers. It had most definitely been the hardest part of her terrible new life to accept. She had resisted all pooping for the first three days of her babyhood, and tried to remove her diaper when she finally did need to give in to the urge. She had been caught, and put into locking plastic pants on that occasion, then been forced to take an extended nap in freshly messed diapers before finally being changed. The experience had taught her that she was best off not trying to avoid using her diaper, because she would only wind up wearing her waste for longer. Still, while Jackie had accepted that she would need to mess eventually, at first she had held out for as long as possible before doing the dirty deed. She only messed a few huge messes the first week or two, as she continued to hold on for as long as she could. Slowly, though, that changed. She had become somewhat accustomed to the messes and the humiliating changes that always followed, and she didn't see the need to strain so heavily to keep her urges held back. Additionally, the consistency of her poop had forced her hand somewhat. Her diet, which consisted of literally nothing that needed to be chewed, turned her mess into a far more liquidy beast than it had been during her adult life. Not only did this make her poop start to smell much more like that of a real baby's than that of an adult, but it also made it even harder to hold on for days at a time. Over time, she returned to the one-mess-a-day pattern that she had normally held during her previous life. But even that didn't hold. In part because Jackie made increasingly less of an effort to hold on when she felt the need, she found that almost as often as not she now found herself in a messy diaper twice a day instead of her usual once. She told herself that this was due to the fact that she was fed more food than she had been eating when she had made her own choices, which had an element of truth to it, but much of it had to do with a steady loss of control, which was a fact she denied to herself. Jackie really, really hated “having stinkies,” as her mother often called a messy diaper. She tried to do it when she was alone in a room as often as possible, because the act of pooping herself in front of others was still too much to bear easily. When her mother did discover a mess in her pants, however, she always seemed to suddenly be quite busy. Even when she had, to her great shame, messed during one of her play dates, she had stayed seated in her smelly prison for over a half an hour, and while it had been a little shorter than the average amount of time that she was left to stew before she was cleaned up, she had been mortified, though later she had still felt superior to Stephanie when she had messed herself during naptime and had stunk up the crib to the point that Jackie could hardly sleep. The mess had long since cooled and become itchy by the time Jackie felt the car once again slowing down and pulling into a highway rest area. She had actually been glad the first time they had passed a rest stop, because she had realized that it was one of the ones that had gas stations and food options and was so crowded that she would have been entirely sure to have been seen. But as other, quieter rest areas had passed without a stop, she had become increasingly despondent. She desperately wanted to be changed before they got to the reunion, but it seemed like it was possible that that luxury was not coming. As they pulled into a parking spot in the mostly empty parking lot, however, the knot in Jackie's stomach simply changed purpose. She was still filled with dread, but now it was because she knew she would be changed from a messy diaper in an at least somewhat public setting. She knew that messy changes were not at all like wet changes. They were slow, owing to the way that feces caked all over her diaper area, and required even more time in the humiliatingly-exposed, legs-up position. When Jackie was pulled out of the car, she looked around for the picnic table she would be led to, but never found it. Instead, she was lead around to the tailgate of the SUV and lifted up, leading to one final, disgusting squishing of her mess around her diaper before she was laid back on the changing mat, which had been placed in a small opening in the trunk just big enough for her upper body to fit in. “Change time, princess!” her father announced, as if it were not the most obvious statement in human history. Her mother did the actual changing. Jackie's diaper was soon opened, and the momentous task of wiping her filthy, smelly anus began. Jackie was unsure whether she felt better or worse being unable to see outside the car past her mother. She knew for sure, though, that her legs and some of her bottom were on display out of the back of the car. That made her uncomfortable for sure, but she could allow herself to think that she may have looked a little more like any other baby from this angle. The wiping finally ended, and after a thorough powdering, another diaper was taped up. For the first time that day, Jackie found herself only wearing a daytime diaper. While it was still quite thick and very noticeable under her clothing, it was not even close to how thick the billowing nighttime diapers were. Jackie felt fortunate to know that the first time she met her family at the reunion her diapers would at the very least not make her bottom look almost twice its normal size. As she got out of the trunk and back to her feet, she realized that, from afar, her change had just been watched by an astonished young couple, perhaps a year or two older than her at most, who appeared to have been hiking in the woods before returning to their car. The male cried out “Cute baby! Isn't she a little big though?!” from across the lot. “We've got our hands full!” her mother responded, as her husband buckled a mortified Jackie back into her car seat. “Big baby, big poopies!” Jackie had perhaps never been more embarrassed in her life. Tears came cascading down her face as her parents disposed of the dirty diaper and got into the car. The tears earned Jackie little more than a shushing and bottle of nasty formula, and Jackie wished for all she was worth that the world would open up and swallow her. “Just another hour and a half until we get there baby!” her father explained, making it clear Jackie was supposed to be excited. Jackie looked at the clock, and saw that it was about 5:15. She still didn't know exactly where they were going, but she could now guess that it was very close to her grandparents house. She remembered that when her family had last held a reunion they had rented out a very large house where everyone had stayed. She guessed that this would be the case this time as well. The imminent arrival would give her a much better idea of what to expect, though, and she was particularly in the dark as to how her status as a baby might impact her trip. The final stretch of the ride actually passed a little faster than the rest of the trip had for Jackie, mostly because she was distracted with her thoughts of her latest diaper change. She could not shake the fact that a couple of her approximate age, and especially a fairly attractive young man, had seen her compliantly lie still while her exposed privates were wiped clean of poop. Thinking about the past made her temporarily forget her dread of the future, and Jackie was surprised that they were so near when they got off the highway an hour later. It was still another twenty minutes before they finally arrived, but by then the dread had set back in for Jackie, and she was officially back to wanting to be anywhere else in the world. “We're here, baby!” her mother explained as she removed Jackie from the car seat and, oddly in Jackie's opinion, set her straight down into her new stroller. “Here” turned out to be a very large, lakeside building that had a massive front yard. The stroller started to make a little more sense when Jackie saw that she would be pushed several hundred feet up the hill from where the car was parked to where the house was actually located. “Now, princess,” her father said, bending down to put his face right in hers, “Daddy knows that this is a very exciting weekend for you, but you need to be on your best behavior for Mommy and Daddy or you will be in very big trouble. Is that understood, little girl?” This was one of the questions that Jackie was trained to answer. “Yeth Daddy, me am gonna be a puhfect angel,” she lisped from behind her pacifier, though the promise was nothing more than what she was required to say. The stroller ride took a minute or two. A few feet before the door, Jackie's grandmother and aunt came out to greet them. “Hi!” the two women shouted in unison. “Hey Mom, hey Sally, it’s great to see you!” her dad answered. Hugs were exchanged, and her mother also shared greetings. For just a moment, Jackie thought that she was going to be ignored, but she was not so lucky. Suddenly, from behind her, Aunt Sally emerged, and then she was not only not being ignored, but the center of attention. “Hellll-o Baby Jackie,” she bellowed, no more than three inches from her face. “It's your Auntie Sally! It's so exciting to see you, cutie-pie! We all love you very much!” Then she plopped a loud, wet kiss on Jackie's face. The exercise was repeated by her grandmother, and then her mother reached around and removed her enormous pacifier. “Give nana and auntie a kiss, baby,” her mother instructed. Jackie, of course, was still strapped into the stroller, so she had to wait for each of the women to come to her. When they did, in turn, Jackie pressed her lips against them, and pushed her tongue out while sort of half-shouting “mmmmmm-aah!” as she had been taught to do when ordered to kiss someone. Both women positively squealed at the kiss. “Oh my goodness!” exclaimed her aunt. “She kisses just like a real baby!” “She is a real baby,” her mother responded, “in every way you can imagine. She's our beautiful little bundle of joy.” “I can think of a few ways I'm different than a real baby,” Jackie thought, but even if she had actually wished to offer that opinion, she wouldn't have been able to, because her mother pushed the pacifier back into her mouth. “Let's head inside,” her father said. “We don't want the baby to catch a cold.” Jackie was pushed the last few steps to the house, and then was unbuckled from the stroller. She was lifted up under the shoulders by her dad, took one step up over the threshold, and then, without needing to be told, immediately dropped to her knees. “That's so adorable! Does she always crawl?” asked her grandmother. “Of course, just like any other baby,” her mother responded. “I love how her cute little diapered butt waddles back and forth when she crawls,” her aunt said. “So cute.” Jackie's face was turning beet red, but since she was facing the floor it wasn't totally clear to the others in the room. She wasn't really sure where she was going, so she slowed herself as she reached the end of the entry hallway. “I'll show you to your room so you can get all settled,” said her grandmother. “That would be great, Helen.” her mother responded. “Do you mind watching the baby for a minute while we bring everything in?” “I'd love to! Feel free to run back out to the car if you need to too. I've got the baby. Don't I Jackie? I think I do. I think I do.” Jackie wished the floor would swallow her, but it of course did not. As everyone else left the room, her grandmother crossed over to the sofa and beckoned her to her. Jackie crawled over to her grandmother. A pat on her knee and a pair of hands under the shoulders told Jackie to climb up onto her grandmother's lap. When she sat there, she realized just how close her face was to her grandmother's. The ridiculousness of the situation was driven home when she saw that she was a head taller than her grandmother when sitting on her lap. Even still, any thought of defiance melted away in shame almost instantly when two fingers went probing into the front of her diaper. “Oops,” announced her grandmother. “Somebody has had a little accident.” Jackie just continued to suck on her pacifier. She hated to admit it, but the pacifier had become a source of comfort for her over her second period as a baby. It allowed her an excuse to say nothing (not that she was really allowed to) and made it possible for her to focus on something other than her moments of most extreme humiliation, even if the coping method was admittedly shameful in itself. Still, in times like these when she had nowhere to hide, it somehow made time move a little faster. She endured many kisses and cheek pinches from her grandmother, but before she knew it her mother came into the room and declared themselves ready to give the baby a nice feed before bathtime and bedtime. After a quick crawl to the kitchen, Jackie stood up and prepared to get into the highchair. Only then did she realize that her parents must have ensured that there was a highchair present for her. The knowledge that even while they were away from home her parents were this concerned about such details made Jackie sick. As she climbed in, another aspect of the highchair struck her. It was meant for real babies! Jackie didn't really realize it at first, but her mother had to sort of push her in in order for her diapered hips to squeeze into the seat. The strap had to be loosened all the way to fit her, and the tray could barely reach the locking mechanism, and even then was making Jackie feel like her stomach was much bigger than it truly was. When she was settled, she realized that her toes were very close to reaching the ground, which was never true in her much larger version of baby furniture at home. The feeding was at once no different than any other and as humiliating as any Jackie had ever experienced. She choked down the usual concoction of atrocious baby foods, had the same amount of it spilled down her face, and got all of the usual comments that her mother always made. It was the peanut gallery that made her so dreadfully uncomfortable. The comments about the faces she made when the food hit her tongue, about how messy of a little girl she was, how adorable she looked and how obedient she was that rang out from her aunt and grandmother were all enough to make it quite clear that this was no normal supper that could have happened at home. All through the bottle feeding that followed, during which both her grandmother and her aunt had the opportunity to hold the drink up while Jackie sat helplessly, her father answered all questions and comments as if he were some sort of tour guide for the dinner. All of his answers, of course, seemed designed to emphasize that Jackie was a baby, and that her actions were just like those of any other baby as well. After the fuss of dinner, Jackie was exceedingly grateful for the relative privacy of bathtime. Only she and her mother retreated into a bathroom near the room her parents would be staying in, though Jackie suspected that this privacy was not due with a desire to provide Jackie with modesty as much as it was because the bathroom hardly had room to lay her down and take off her clothes and wet diaper without any other visitors. The bath moved quickly enough, with her mother doing a thorough but efficient job washing Jackie, just as she did every night. As she began to drain the tub, her mother looked down at Jackie, tweaked her pacifier, and told her “I know it's a few minutes earlier than normal, but as soon as you are dressed and everyone has said goodnight, you are going to go to bed, baby. You've had a long day, and you have another exciting adventure ahead of you tomorrow.” If she had expected that Jackie would be upset, Jackie couldn't really understand why. She didn't really know what time it was, but guessed it was really only a few minutes early. Besides, Jackie was indeed emotionally spent and wouldn't mind being able to get away from all of the attention she was facing by retreating to bed. She had just been glad for the second bath that had earlier apparently been in doubt. She was helped out of the tub and onto the changing mat. After being quickly taped into yet another nighttime diaper, the fourth she had worn at some point that day, she was told to get up. Her mother led her out into the hall. To her horror, instead of being lead into whatever room would be serving as her nursery, she was lead back into the kitchen still as naked as the day she was born with the exception of her diaper, although she was certainly a little more self conscious of her breasts than she had been more than two decades earlier during her true infancy. “The pizza is almost here, honey,” her father said. “Has baby Jackie come to say goodnight?” “Yes she has,” her mother answered. “Get up on just your knees, baby. Everyone is going to give you a kiss, and then I'm going to get you ready for beddy-byes.” Reluctantly, Jackie did as she was told. On all fours, at least her boobs had been somewhat concealed. Kneeling like this made them totally exposed, although if anyone besides her noticed in the slightest they did a convincing job hiding it. Soon she was back on her hands and crawling back down the hall once more, having been kissed condescendingly on the top of the head and told that she should rest up for what promised to be an exciting day to come. “Exciting for everyone except me,” Jackie had thought, but she certainly kept that thought to herself. Jackie was a little surprised to be led into her parents' room. She was never allowed into her parents' room at home, and was told that she could only go into rooms that were safe for little girls, which her parents' room apparently was not somehow. She assumed this exception must be because her suitcase was in the room, but when she got in there another surprise awaited. Sitting at the foot of the bed was a small, baby sized portable playpen/crib that Jackie recognized acted as something of a traveling crib for infants. To her mind, it was impossibly small, but she immediately had no doubt where she would be spending the night. She was half lifted, half dragged onto the bed by her mother. There she had a footed sleeper, which seemed too warm to Jackie, put on her. It was quickly followed by what she knew would be the last of her daily bottles of the sickly baby formula, in case there wasn't enough that would already be finding its way into her diaper over the course of the night. After the bottle, it was down from the bed directly into the “safe bed” as her mother decided to call it, as if Jackie needed the clarification between the two to be made. The portable crib was just as tiny as it looked. From the slight wobble it made when she entered it, Jackie could tell it was on wheels. Jackie had no chance of getting comfortable. She lied on her stomach, which was how she was always told to lie, ostensibly so that she wouldn't spit up in her mouth and choke, like other small babies might. Given that this wouldn't be an issue with Jackie, it was just another way to make her seem like a baby. Tonight, with only about three and a half feet of length in her crib instead of the normal six, she had it even worse. With her head all the way at the top of the pillow, she still had to bow her knees all the way out to the side of the crib in order to fit lengthwise, and she was thankful for the soft sides of the crib for a little extra leeway. This position didn't last however. Her mother couldn't get her swaddled in her enormous baby blanket the way she normally did, so she commanded that Jackie get onto her side and into a rather tight fetal position. From there, she was able to provide her normal wrapping job on Jackie. As usual, it was uncomfortably tight. Jackie spent all of her nights essentially unable to move. It was normally a good deal looser by morning, but Jackie was, and no doubt on purpose, essentially unable to move before she fell asleep each night. Tonight, she could tell, would be especially uncomfortable. The position was worsened by the fact that the sleeper was too warm and, combined with the blanket, Jackie figured to be even warmer than she normally was during sleep, which she already considered to be too hot. “Nighty-night, baby Jackie,” her mother said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Mommy and Daddy will be in in a little while to go to bed too, but we will do our best not to wake up our little sleepyhead. Sweet dreams!” Jackie fell asleep quickly, but her dreams were not exactly sweet. She dreamed that she was an adult again, wandering around the reunion as any other family member would. At first, this made it a good dream. But, as she was interacting with cousins, aunts and uncles, she quite suddenly became the focus of attention. Her dream-self looked down and was greeted with the sight of a growing wet spot on the front of her stylish, white shorts. Quickly, the looks turned to taunts and she was told to go find her mommy and called a baby. Jackie awoke with a start. The warmth in her damp diaper told her that the accident in her dream might not have actually been fiction. She was hot, cramped, and unable to move, just as she had been when she had fallen asleep. Jackie knew it was going to be a few moments before she could get back to sleep. The dream had rattled her a bit. It seemed even her subconscious didn't think she could handle being an adult. If she couldn't convince herself, she mused, how could she ever convince her parents that she was ready to be a big girl again? Jackie couldn't tell what time it was, but she sensed that it must be sometime in the dead of night, based upon the total lack of light and the rhythmic breathing she could hear coming from the bed above her. The room was much darker than she was used to, as her nursery at home contained a small nightlight. At first that had driven her crazy, as she didn't really like light while she slept, and she certainly didn't appreciate being told that it was there so she wouldn't be afraid of the dark, but she was now used to it, and she was somewhat surprised by her eyes inability to adjust. Ultimately, both the nightmare and the discomforting lack of light were no match for Jackie's tiredness, and the next thing that she knew she was being woken up to the sound of her mother's morning cooing. She began to unwrap Jackie from the tight blanket as Jackie muttered out her groggy “Good morning, Mommy,” which came as a great relief for Jackie. Once she was freed from the blanket, she was boosted up and onto the bed. Jackie felt tremendously sweaty. As she stretched her legs out, she felt very stiff as well, no doubt a result of her tight sleeping quarters. Jackie had little time to get comfortable, as her mother slid her right back down onto the floor, and in one motion she found herself on all fours. In no time, she was crawling out into the hallway behind her mother. Entering the kitchen, Jackie was greeted with the hellos of her father, aunt and grandmother. She lisped out “hewwo ewybawdy” from behind her pacifier in response, which seemed to to satisfy everyone. Soon Jackie was lifted up into the highchair and the tray was stuffed into the locking mechanism tight against Jackie's chest. The microwave was soon at work heating her oatmeal. Her aunt brought over a bib, and after a quick kiss on the top of the head, moved around Jackie's back and fastened it around her neck. Her aunt crossed the kitchen and removed the oatmeal from the microwave. She grabbed Jackie's baby spoon and moved back over to the highchair. Jackie quickly realized that it wouldn't be her mother who would be feeding her this morning. “Open up for the airplane!” her aunt commanded, which Jackie was already obediently doing. The feeding was really quite like normal. Her aunt made sure she ate it all, except for the portion that she made sure wound up on Jackie's face and bib. She kept the food coming at a relatively quick rate, and continued to keep up a constant chatter of coos about Jackie's status as a baby. Despite all of the ways that the feeding was similar to what it would have been like had it been her mother, the fact that it was not kept Jackie squirming with humiliation throughout the ordeal. Finally, she reached the end of the bowl of mush. Two bottles were quickly brought over, and Jackie got another kiss on the forehead from her aunt as she tipped back her neck and pushed the nipple into her still-messy mouth. As Jackie began to suck, her father made the announcement she had been dreading. “Looks like Bill and Sarah are here!” he said. Bill was his brother, making him Jackie's uncle and his wife Sarah her aunt. Jackie had always particularly liked Aunt Sarah, and really didn't want to be seen by her like this. Her instincts told her to try to wriggle away from the bottle, even though she was strapped in the highchair and didn't really have anywhere to go, but her aunt was ready for her anyway. She held the bottle tight and put her spare hand on the back of Jackie's head, keeping her in the humiliating suckling position, and quietly said “Don't worry baby, you just drink your milk. Uncle Bill and Auntie Sarah will be here in a minute and you can see them then.” Trapped, Jackie did as she was told. The rest of the family started to move outside to greet her aunt and uncle. Jackie was just starting her second bottle when everybody came in. “Oh there she is!” her aunt exclaimed. “You're so cute! I'm your Auntie Sarah, Baby!” Sarah planted a kiss on Jackie's head, and Jackie wanted to melt at the way her aunt acted as if she was a newborn that she was meeting for the first time. It only got worse when Sarah's next comment, which was directed at her mother and seemed to assume that Jackie was too little to understand, reminded her that her face was still a mess from her oatmeal. With little other choice, Jackie, slurped down the rest of her formula. The commotion meant that it was actually another minute or two after she finished before her Aunt Sally realized that she had finished. She set the bottle on the tray of the highchair and used the clean spots of Jackie's bib to wipe the loose oatmeal off of Jackie's face. She removed the bib and brought it, along with the dishes, over to the sink. Her mother took over, using a baby wipe to thoroughly clean the stickiness off of her face and then removed the tray from the chair. She unbuckled her daughter and helped her down to the floor. As Jackie dropped to her knees, her mother told her “I have the most wonderful new dress for you to wear today for when you meet them! Let's go get you out of your diapee and make you look like a pretty little angel!” “Perfect,” thought Jackie. “I can't wait to look like an angel when I meet everyone.” She didn't say that out loud, of course, as she wasn't expected to say anything and certainly wasn't allowed to let fly with such sarcasm. Instead she obediently began crawling down the hall and back to the room she had shared with her parents the night before. Once she reached the room, her mother motioned for her to move towards the bed, giving her a boost when she got there to help her up. Jackie lied there while her mother rustled in a bag below the bed. She soon returned to view, and Jackie saw that she had in her hands wipes, powder, a diaper, and a changing pad. She put the changing pad and supplies down next to Jackie and helped her sit back up on the bed. Her mother took off her footed sleeper and set it aside, leaving Jackie in just her diaper as she was guided onto the changing pad. It wasn't long before the diaper was gone as well, and Jackie was soon being wiped and powdered by her mother, who then expertly diapered her once more before returning to the suitcase below the bed. Jackie scarcely had time to reflect on how she was simply lying on the bed and waiting to be humiliatingly dressed for her humiliating day before her mother returned, holding an armful of clothes that Jackie knew were destined to wind up on her. The clothes were put down above her head so she couldn't see them, and she had to wait for them to be put on to catch a glimpse. “You're going to look so adorable, little one!” her mother commented as she brought the first item to the foot of the bed. It was a simple pair of white tights, which were quickly slid up Jackie's legs and stretched over her diaper. Next came a pair of frilly panties that went over the tights and settled over the diaper. The panties themselves were white, but both the front and back featured layers of blue, lacy frills that rendered most of the white invisible. The tights were followed with the main attraction: a blue dress that clearly had been made to match the panties. Her mother sat her up, and the dress was pulled down over Jackie's head, and she had an opportunity to take in the dress for the first time. It had white shoulder panels that gathered to an elastic only a few inches into the sleeve, creating a distinct, babyish puff. It hugged her upper torso somewhat tightly, but fell away off her chest in baby-doll style. But, Jackie noticed, it didn't fall far. Sitting still and straight upright, it still barely came to her waistline. Jackie was sure that all of the frills on her panties would be on display even when she was at her most modest, and knew that even those frills would do nothing to hide the bulge of the thirsty diaper that was concealed underneath them. Jackie could feel her mother pull her hair into a ponytail behind her, which was surprising, given that she normally found herself wearing pigtails to accentuate her childish status. But before Jackie had had much time to wonder what the ponytail meant, she got her answer. She felt something pulled over her head, and then her mother was tying a bow underneath her chin. Jackie could see above her a blue brim turning into white lace, and knew she had just been tied into an oversized bonnet that not only made her look even more ridiculous than she already did, but also served to limit her peripheral vision somewhat and make her feel even more useless than usual. Still, her outfit wasn't quite complete. Her mother added a pair of frilly socks that went over her tights and came up to her ankles, and added a pair of black Mary Jane shoes that fastened with a buckle. “You look so precious!” her mother exclaimed. Jackie thought she probably looked stupid, but kept that opinion to herself. “Oh, one more thing.” her mother added. She rustled around in the bag on the floor for another second, and returned with a blue pacifier, which she quickly swapped with the pink one that Jackie normally sucked. It was identical to the other except for color, but the coordination was just another level of humiliation for Jackie. “Perfect!” her mother almost shouted. “Let's go out and show everyone how pretty you look!” Jackie was led out into the kitchen again, where her family did indeed find her to be just as cute as her mother. The compliments poured in from all over, but Jackie didn't find any of them particularly flattering. All of them commented on how little she looked, and many also made note of just how much of her diapers could be seen. The limited vision that she had because of the bonnet helped Jackie to keep her eyes focused squarely on the floor that she was crouched upon. Mercifully, she wasn't forced to remain at everyone's feet in the kitchen for too long. After a minute or two, her father came into the kitchen, although Jackie hadn't even noticed that he hadn't been there until she saw him returning. He motioned to her, and said “I put your playpen out in the living room. Why don't you come play with your toys.” She crawled after him. She wasn't really sure where the living room was, but she was sure that she didn't care, because it couldn't be worse than the kitchen had been for her. She turned down a different hallway in the large house and came out into what was a quite large room. It had several open doorways that led to bedrooms, and also had a sliding door leading to a large deck and the backyard. Inside the room was an enormous couch that looked like it could seat a dozen people. Sure enough, her father had set up her playpen on the side of the couch. She crawled over to it, and was helped to her feet by her father. He put his hand on her diapered bottom and boosted her up and over the railing and into the playpen. Inside the playpen, Jackie found three stuffed cloth blocks, a rattle, and a doll in place of the blanket and pillow that had been in there when it had served as her crib the night before. Her father bent over and kissed Jackie on her head. He then demonstratively turned on a baby monitor, reminding Jackie to be a good baby and assuring her that they would bring everyone in to meet her when they arrived for the reunion. Jackie had hoped that they might somehow forget, but had already guessed that she would not be so lucky. After her father left, Jackie looked for a way to entertain herself. These toys were the same ones that she often found herself with for hours at a time at home. She had decidedly not yet found a way to entertain herself with them, however. The toys were simply not entertaining for someone of her maturity, no matter how much she sought that entertainment. She still made sure to always have a toy in her hands when she was told to play. If she was ever found without one, her mother invariably decided that Jackie must want to do something other than play. At home, this meant that she would either be put in her bouncer, put down in her crib for an extended or extra nap, or forced to play some sort of horribly embarrassing baby game like peek-a-boo or horsey rides with her mother for an extended period of time. Jackie had decided that each of these options was either more boring or more embarrassing than playing with the mind numbing toys in her playpen, so she was always careful to keep up her activity rate. Right now she found herself shaking her rattle a little bit, until she remembered that that would be heard by everyone in the kitchen over the baby monitor and decided that instead she would play with her doll. Her solitary confinement ended before she had completely grown bored of the moment. She was moving the doll across her face when her father came back into the room with a pair of relatives she didn't remember having ever met. Apparently they were his cousin, Cindy, and her husband, Harry. It was unclear if she had met them at the last reunion, because she was introduced to them as if she were a baby that had not even been alive at the time of the last reunion. Like everyone else, Cindy and Harry cooed over Jackie as if she were any other little baby. In fact, Jackie was somewhat curious how not even one family member had seemed surprised to be introduced to a baby who was clearly in her twenties. Everyone seemed to simply take her babyhood in stride and act as if it was totally normal to see babies that were over 5 feet tall and weighed comfortably more than 120 pounds. Soon Cindy and Harry moved on, and Jackie was once again left alone with her toys in the living room. The interruptions began to come much more quickly, though, and Jackie realized that the majority of the relatives that were coming must be starting to arrive. Eventually, her mother came in with a few other women who were at the party. She was carrying a pair of bottles and a bib. “Baby must be hungry! We've come to feed you!” she said. She quickly helped Jackie out of the crib, guided her the one step to the couch, and sat her down across her lap. She was quickly fitted with a bib, and another round of cooing ensued as the bottle of sickly formula was pushed between Jackie's lips. The women eventually started up more normal conversations, and for a moment Jackie faded out of the spotlight as she sucked down her morning snack. However, that peace ended rather quickly when another set of new guests came in to meet the “baby.” Immediately, Jackie could tell this experience would be different. She recognized two of the people who walked into the room. One was her cousin, Melissa, who was Sarah's daughter, and the other was Michael, who had been her fiancee when they'd last seen each other. But Jackie knew that her cousin, who was three years older than her, had since gotten married to Michael, and so they were now husband and wife. What she hadn't realized, however, was that the young couple had had a baby. Even as she was still being fed, Jackie was introduced to baby Kendra. Kendra, it turned out, was 13 months old. She was being carried now, but her mother bragged that she was now quite an accomplished walker. As Jackie gazed at her, she came to an awful realization. She was wearing the same exact outfit as Kendra! It was too much for her, and she began to quietly sob when her aunt Sarah, Kendra's grandmother, started cooing at how adorable it was that the girls were dressed as twins, which Jackie could tell must have been coordinated. In all of the months since she had been forced back into infancy, she had never felt more like a baby than she did at this moment. The comments did not end as quickly as they had earlier, and Jackie was still feeling like her embarrassment was the center of attention when she finished her second bottle. Her mother made a big show of checking her diaper, declaring her wet but not yet in need of a change, and finally moved her back into the playpen. The party was gradually moving away from the kitchen and out towards the living room, so Jackie was not granted her wish to be left alone. After a few minutes sitting in the playpen absentmindedly holding her doll, Jackie's plight was once again called into focus when Melissa said to Jackie's mother “Would you mind if I let Kendra play with Jackie for a little while? She's getting heavy and I keep seeing her looking over Jackie's way.” “Of course not!” her mother said. “I'm sure Jackie would love to play with Kendra.” Kendra was quickly lowered into the playpen next to Jackie, though there wasn't that much room given that the enclosure was normally meant for one actual baby, and it instead now housed a normal baby and an adult-sized one. The two looked at each other, with Kendra seeming to spend extra time trying to determine what to make of the big girl who looked so much like her. “Can you say hi, Kendra?” Melissa asked. Apparently saying hi for Kendra was a simple wave, which elicited a round of awws from the assembled crowd. Jackie's mother then repeated the question, asking “Can you wave hi back, Jackie?” That prompted Jackie to give back a similarly shy wave, which elicited another round of awws and earned her a “Good girl” from her mother. Melissa added several toys to the playpen, a couple of which Kendra quickly moved to grab. Jackie couldn't help but notice that the smaller child's toys were actually much more complex than the ones that she was normally given to play with. The girls didn't really play with each other as much as they played in the same space, or, even more accurately, Kendra played and Jackie sat miserably with a toy in her hand in the same space. Kendra could not talk or really communicate, and Jackie was not really allowed to, and wouldn't have wanted to either. They were in the playpen for well over an hour when the monotony was broken up when Kendra began to cry quite suddenly. Jackie was surprised, as she didn't really know what had happened. Melissa, however, seemed to have a better idea. She quickly came over and immediately checked her daughter's diaper, and determined that her wetness was the reason for the fussing. She pulled Kendra out of the playpen and took her into a bedroom for a change. Jackie wished that all she had to do to get out of a wet diaper was make her mother aware, as her cold, wet loins were starting to get uncomfortable, but she also felt like now was not a time when she needed people thinking about the state of her diapers any more than they might already be. Jackie feared that she was about to be subjected to a diaper check when her mother walked over to the playpen just after Melissa and Kendra had left. However, her mother instead announced “Lunch time for babykins!” She helped Jackie out of the playpen. Now the subject of several gazes in the crowded living room, Jackie dropped to her knees and crawled after her mother into the kitchen. The kitchen still had a sizable crowd, many of whom were munching on tasty looking appetizers. Jackie, however, was led straight to the highchair in the corner of the room, and boosted up into it. Her mother quickly strapped her into the extremely small article of children's furniture and put the tray onto the front. She began heating a few jars of baby food in the microwave. While it was heating, she brought over a bib. This one was yellow, and across the front it read “Mommy's Little Stinker,” which was one of Jackie's least favorite bibs. Soon the food was ready. It came over steaming in a plastic bowl, and as usual, the mush looked and smelled terribly unappetizing. A small crowd formed to watch the feeding. There were many comments about how babyish Jackie looked and how well behaved she was, a few chuckles at the face she made when the disgusting food first hit her tongue. As usual, her face ended up quite messy. Just as she was finishing, Kendra waddled into the room, which her mother following closely behind her and holding her hand. “Uh-oh,” said Jackie's mother. “Looks like somebody needs your seat, Baby Jackie. Let's get you down, we'll give you some milk in the other room.” Her mouth was quickly wiped, but the humiliating and messy bib stayed around her neck. She quickly got down on her knees when the tray was removed, and within seconds she had essentially swapped places with the tot, with the only difference being that she had to crawl where Kendra had walked. She began crawling out to the living room, with her mother following with a pair of bottles in her hands. She was boosted back onto the couch, and endured another round of sickly sweet formula. By the time she finished the second bottle, Kendra was coming back into the room. Jackie noted that her feeding had taken much less time than her own, but realized quickly that she probably ate a lot more than her much smaller counterpart had. “Should we set up both playpens in the other room for naptime?” Melissa asked. “I think that would be great. Is it all ready to be used as a nursery?” Jackie's mother answered. “I think so,” said Melissa. “It's got good shades, and nothing in there but the babies' things. Should be a perfect room for them for tonight too.” Jackie hated being talked about as one of the babies by her cousin. It was impossible to ignore that they were quite close to each other in age, and had socialized as equals the last time that they had seen each other. Having her now treat her as an equal to her baby daughter was really difficult for Jackie. Her mother instructed her to follow Melissa and Kendra into the room while she pushed the playpen that was into the living room into the bedroom behind the rest of the group. Once inside, the toys were taken out of the playpen and placed on the full sized bed that would not be used. While Melissa got Kendra into her own portable playpen, Jackie's mother checked her diaper. She decided that while she was definitely wet, she'd be able to make it through naptime without any leaks. She said to Jackie, “I don't want you to ruin your dress, so I'm going to take it off for naptime, ok baby?” Jackie, of course, didn't have a choice, but sat still as her mother took off her dress and her little shoes. She felt ridiculous in her remaining ensemble of a bonnet, tights, ruffled panties, and ankle socks. She was also very self conscious of her breasts, which were on display in front of her cousin. That fear was barely founded, however, as she was soon being wrapped tightly into her blanket in the playpen, essentially trapping her again but once more providing her with some modesty as well. As the two women worked to put their babies down for their naps, they began to talk about the difficulties of their babies, with Jackie's mother hinting at some of the ways in which Jackie's size made her unique. Eventually she confessed to Melissa, “Actually, I'm quite glad that Jackie is going to be in here with Kendra tonight. She slept in our room last night, and it stopped my husband and I from being able to do anything at all. It's not that we couldn't, I guess, because she is just a baby and she wouldn't understand, but we didn't want to wake her up even though we wanted to have some fun because we might have never been able to get her back to sleep.” “I didn't need to hear that about my aunt and uncle, but I know what you mean,” Melissa responded with a laugh. “Michael and I were so glad when Melissa started to be able to sleep in her own room so that we could get back to having our fun. Every time we had tried before, we had always woken her up and it was a nightmare. Plus it was a total mood killer!” Jackie was mortified. If Melissa hadn't wanted to here about her aunt and uncle's sex life, Jackie was even less interested in hearing about it, given that they were her parents. Beyond that, her mother's words represented yet another new way that she was being called a baby. Her mother had implied that she could be in the room while other people were having sex and she wouldn't even be mature enough to understand the adult action that was going on. One of the things that Jackie missed most about her maturity was the opportunity to have at least a bit of a sex life. When she had been an adult, she hadn't really had a tremendous amount of success with men, but she had recently had her first serious boyfriend. She hadn't “gone all the way,” but she had had her first sexual experiences with a man, and had hoped that she would soon be taking the final step when he had decided that they should break off their relationship. Rather than leave her with a sour taste, the relationship had served to awaken Jackie to her sexuality. She had become increasingly interested in finding another man, and in the meantime had even ventured online to find herself a few toys to explore herself with on her own. That awakening had abruptly ended when her parents had changed her into a baby. While her desires hadn't entirely subsided, her ability had. Jackie was never alone in a position to pleasure herself, as the only times that she was out of sight and behind a closed door were when she was tightly wrapped up in her crib for a nap or for the night. Even if she had been sure that she could get enough flexibility, she was stopped by the fact that she was constantly on the baby monitor. While she could perhaps stay somewhat quiet, she doubted that a careful listener wouldn't know what was happening. Furthermore, even without those obstacles, Jackie had another issue to contend with. She simply had no desire to put her hands into her diapers. They were almost always wet, and there was really little that made her feel less sexy than the moments when she realized that her sex was encased with a used diaper. All of her sexual frustration had meant that she had now gone months without achieving anything close to an orgasm, a fact which often had her somewhat depressed when she thought about it. Now, the dismissal of her as someone capable of any sort of sexuality seemed to hit her especially hard, in part because she knew that it was functionally closer to true than she wished to admit. It was just a moment more before Jackie was kissed on the head by her mother. “Sleep well, baby girl,” she said. “I'll come get you when it is time to get up from your nap.” Jackie was then surprised when Melissa bent down and gave her a kiss as well. She made sure to flick on the nightlight on her way out, and shut the door, leaving Jackie to slowly drift off to her nap. She was awoken by the sound of Melissa's voice, who was softly saying to her mother “Wow, Kendra is still asleep. She must have been worn out by the excitement. Normally she only naps for an hour or so. I guess I should get her up so that we don't ruin her night's sleep.” “Looks like my sleepyhead is already waking up.” her mother replied. “Are you ready to go back to the party?” she asked, turning her attention to her daughter. “I think you probably need a diaper change before we do that though.” Jackie might have argued that she could have used a change hours ago, but at the same time she was pretty hesitant to be changed in front of her cousin. She wasn't going to have a say in that though. Her mother was already laying out the changing mat on the carpet next to the playpen that Jackie was still crammed into. Kendra had been stirred and Melissa decided that she would need to change her daughter as well, so she began to set up another changing mat next to the one that Jackie's mother had laid down. In the meantime, Jackie had been unwrapped from the tight blankets she had slept in, and her mother got her out of the playpen. She quickly laid down on her back, on the mat. Her mother took down her frilly panties and then worked her tights down off of her legs. Jackie was once again conscious of the fact that she now was on the floor in nothing but a diaper, an embarrassing fact that was compounded when Melissa approached and put her baby down next to Jackie. Just then, her mother opened up Jackie's diaper, leaving her hairless privates and the soaked, yellow inside of her infantile underwear on full display. Her mother was significantly less worried about her nakedness than she was, and, in fact, Melissa seemed to take it in stride as well, simply attending to Kendra's diaper. Jackie was glad of that, but once again embarrassed that she was being treated as if her babyhood was no different than Kendra's was. She laid with her legs up in the air as her mother carefully wiped the urine off of her privates and bottom, and while her legs were up over her mother's head while Kendra's were only at chest height, there was otherwise no difference in their positions and what was happening to them. Eventually the wiping was finished and a new diaper was taped on to replace the old one, which was good because before her tights had even been pulled all the way up her legs she felt a small, warm spurt dribble into the thirsty padding between her legs, reminding Jackie of just how necessary diapers had become for her. Within a few moments Jackie was back to wearing the ridiculously babyish outfit that she had been wearing all day and was sitting between her mother's legs, preparing to be fed the bottle of formula that she had brought into the room with her when she came to wake her up the girls. Melissa began to move one of the playpens into the living room while carrying Kendra out, leaving the room with just Jackie and her mother. In this position, Jackie was just a little shorter than her mother, who pushed the bottle into her mouth and tilted her head back. The position was strange for Jackie, as her head was essentially cradled between her mother's breasts, and she was forced to look up at her mother, who was looking back down at her. Her mother began to coo, saying virtually nothing meaningful, but all the while making Jackie feel as babyish as possible. Finally, the bottle was done and she was released from the strange hold that her mother had kept her pinned in. Without needing to say a word, her mother got up and began to walk out of the room, knowing that Jackie would follow her on her hands and knees. Jackie was surprised to find the living room deserted when they got there, but her mother didn't miss a beat, leading her straight outside and onto the sizable back porch. There was a game of wiffleball in progress and many other family members were chatting over drinks or sitting on some of the several pieces of furniture that were around the lawn and on the porch. On the corner of the deck, positioned in the shadows cast by the house, was the playpen that Melissa had removed from the makeshift nursery, and Jackie saw that Kendra was in there, engrossed in her toys once again. She was led in that direction herself, and within a few seconds had been helped over the railing and was sitting on her diapered behind in the playpen next to what she was pretty sure was her cousin once removed. The boredom resumed almost immediately. She picked up a stray block that was next to her and simply held it, not really bothering to pretend to be amused. There were a few adults seated a few feet away, including her mother and Melissa, but their conversation was far from noteworthy. Jackie watched Kendra, who was intently playing with two dolls. Given that Kendra couldn't talk, it was hard to guess what they were supposed to be doing, even though she was babbling along in gibberish the whole while. A few times she got bored of the dolls, one time hitting Jackie as she threw one away, but otherwise she didn't interact with Jackie at all. Jackie's boredom was complete, and perhaps was made even worse by the presence of others in the area, as she wouldn't allow herself to play with any dolls in front of them, which she sometimes did at home to pass the time, making up stories that were usually about herself breaking out of the terrible rut that she was currently in and returning to a successful adulthood. After what seemed like an eternity but in reality was only about two hours, Jackie's mother got up and said, “I should probably go warm up Jackie's bottles for her afternoon snack. Be right back.” Before she could get more than a step though, Melissa stopped her. “Hang on a second. I'll come with you. I've got to get a bottle for Kendra, and I think I have a proposal that might make both of our lives a little bit easier.” “Sounds good,” her mother replied. “Be a good girl and play nicely with Kendra, Jackie. Mommy will be right back. Remember, listen to anything the grown-ups tell you.” Jackie went back to faking playing for the next several minutes, glad that the monotonous block of playtime would be interrupted with a bottle feeding. While that was sure to be embarrassing, she’d already been publicly fed earlier, and at least this would be something new to do. Plus, it would take up thirty minutes. She figured it was probably around 3:30, so with that half an hour, she was probably only about an hour and a half of playtime from dinner. Normally she would never look forward to that, but today that would mean bath time would be on the horizon before finally, mercifully, bed time would mean that the day was over for her and with it the vast majority of the reunion, provided that everyone left on Sunday morning like they had the last time. Her mother led her niece back out onto the porch. Curiously, Jackie noted, her mother only had one bottle in her hand, but she was sure it was just that Melissa had grabbed two on the way out the door. Her mother walked over to the playpen and bent down, putting her face right into Jackie's. “I am going to feed little Kendra while Auntie Melissa feeds you, ok little one?” she cooed. More quietly, she continued, “If you so much as fuss one bit for Auntie you are going to spend all day in timeout in the bouncer on Monday, understood?” Jackie couldn't imagine what that was all about, but she nodded anyways, making sure that her earnestness showed in her eyes, lest her mother think that she hadn't come up with a threat that got Jackie's undivided attention. She gently picked up Kendra and carried her over to the seat she had been sitting at before she got up. As Jackie watched, she felt Melissa's hands behind her shoulder blades, helping to boost her up and guiding her over the railing onto the porch. Melissa grabbed her hand, a signal to stay standing, and pulled her the few steps over to a large, padded rocking chair for two that hung down off a metal frame. Jackie wasn't looking forward to being fed by her cousin, but would have complied even without her mother's bizarre threat of relatively harsh punishment. Melissa sat down and scooted over to one side of the chair, still holding Jackie's hand as she made herself comfortable. She then patted right next to her legs, and pulled Jackie so that her diaper was positioned just next to her legs. Knowing the drill, Jackie brought her legs up onto the vacant side of the chair, curling them up so that they fit, and placed her torso on Melissa's body. Melissa fastened a bib around Jackie's neck, which was unusual for a bottle feeding, but explained, “We don't want any dribbles on your gorgeous new dress.” Melissa pulled her head closer to Jackie's, but started talking more loudly. “This used to be Kendra's favorite, but now she only seems to like it at night. My body is still really used to it though, and this will be better for you and easier for me than having to pump it out and store it.” Jackie was now starting to get alarmed. Was Melissa talking about what she seemed to be? Panicking, she began to desperately look around for the bottles she surely would be fed. She couldn't find any. She gasped as she saw that Melissa was undoing the buttons on her shirt, confirming that Jackie would not be getting the mundane bottle feeding she had been looking forward to. Her pacifier dropped from her gaping mouth, and she involuntarily let out a small “no, please,” which she didn't even lisp, a mistake she hadn't made since the first week of her second childhood. Immediately, her mother snapped “Jackie Marie! You just earned yourself a day of punishment on Monday and a timeout when you are done being fed! If I hear one more word out of you, it will be a week of punishment, and that will only be the beginning! Say you're sorry to Auntie Melissa and drink up like a good little girl this instant!” Jackie was already sobbing a little, and the snaps had brought some attention beyond the small circle of onlookers in that corner of the deck. Suddenly a large portion of the party seemed aware that the giant baby was in trouble and about to be breastfed. Jackie wanted to run away, but the thought of a week in the bouncer was unbearably awful, and so, crying harder all the while, she meekly lisped “Me sowwy Auntie Mewissa, me was bad gurl.” Melissa gave her a kiss on the top of the head, and then placed one hand behind Jackie's head, with the other on her breast. Jackie wanted nothing in the world less than to drink milk from her cousin's teat, but wasn't foolish enough to think there was any avoiding it anymore. She opened her mouth and, crying even harder now, put her lips around the nipple. “Shh shh shh, that's a good baby. Have some nice milkies and you'll feel all better,” Melissa whispered. Jackie sucked, but could immediately tell that this would be more difficult than a bottle. The nipple was slightly smaller, meaning she needed to use her tongue to help her to latch on properly. Finally, the first wave of milk came, which was perhaps the worst part of the whole experience for Jackie. Mentally, there was no suggesting that she was pretending anymore. Milk was flowing directly from her only slightly older cousin's breast into her mouth, and Jackie was dutifully swallowing it while laying across her lap in what by now was a quite sodden diaper. Even in Jackie's mind, there was no way around the idea that she was now nothing more than an oversized infant who had no other role in the world than to be taken care of. Thinking about it made her cry even more. Slowly, Jackie suckled her way through her humiliating breastfeeding. The milk came out much slower than it came out of bottles, and the result was that just the first breast took Jackie nearly 20 minutes to drain. The milk was far more watery than the sickly formula that she normally drank, and some of it did indeed drip down onto the bib she was wearing. When she finished, Melissa moved quickly to make the other breast available, and Jackie once again had to endure the humiliating process of suckling her cousin's nipple until it ran dry. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she finished. Seemingly just to add another level of humiliation, Melissa pulled Jackie up so that her head rested on her shoulder and patted her back until Jackie let out a loud burp, which she had to admit did make her stomach feel better, even though she hadn't felt particularly poorly at the start. After she burped, her mother came over and addressed her. “See. That wasn't so bad, was it? You could have made it a lot easier for yourself by just being a good girl.” Jackie thought that her mother's comments made it pretty obvious that she had never been breastfed after earning a bachelor's degree, but left that thought safely within the confines of her own head. Instead, she simply opened her mouth as her mother reinserted her pacifier. “Come inside with me, baby. It is timeout time for you.” Jackie got off of the seat and crawled behind her mother into the house. In the living room, Jackie's mother strode over the corner. Jackie followed her until eventually, her mother crouched down beside her. “Since we don't have your timeout stool or your bouncer, timeout rules are going to be a little different for you today, baby. Kneel right here in the corner.” Jackie moved to do as she was told. Ultimately, her mother positioned her so that she wasn't facing the corner itself, but had her shoulder firmly in the corner and faced the blank wall in front of her. When she was satisfied, her mother continued. “Now, look over there. As you can see, we will be able to see you from the porch. But, just to make sure that you don't act up, you need to hold this penny up to the wall with your nose.” She showed Jackie a penny that was in her hand, then positioned it in front of her nose and pushed Jackie's head gently against the wall. She briefly left the room, then re-entered. Jackie dared not look, but her mother told her that she had brought out the baby monitor. “Every time I hear the penny drop, I will come back in and reset it. Every time that that happens also means another day of timeout in the jumper next week. If you are a good girl, I will come and get you when it is time for dinner. Then it is going to be straight to bed for you. You've been a very naughty baby. Now be good during your timeout.” Jackie tried to settle into her position, but realized immediately that this was going to be a difficult punishment, especially given how weak her legs were. Within just a few minutes, she was feeling a little stiff. Slowly, she shifted herself down from the upright kneeling position that she was in to a slightly lower position, all the while keeping her nose firmly pressed against the wall. For a moment this was more comfortable, but she soon realized that that position actually left her bearing even more weight, and tried to shift herself back up to the higher position. However, the penny seemed to catch on the wall, and her nose continued up while the penny dropped to the floor, loudly bouncing on the hardwood between her legs. Within a few seconds, Jackie heard the door slide open. Her mother returned to her side. As she replaced the penny, she said “Well, you made it 6 minutes. You were already going to spend to Monday thinking about how naughty you were this weekend. I guess you wanted to spend Tuesday the same way. At this rate, you might get to spend two weeks thinking about how much of a bad baby you've been. It's your choice.” Jackie resolved to avoid spending the next two weeks in the torture sling. This time, she held firm in her position, even as her legs experienced increasing discomfort. Eventually she had pushed past the pain and reached a point where she was just waiting out the time. Suddenly, however, the penny fell. She couldn't believe it. She was no longer bothered so much by the position. Instead, she had simply lost focus. Her mother returned, and, as she replaced the penny, she commented, “Well, you are more than halfway through your timeout, but you're also in timeout for more than half of next week. Mommy doesn't mind though. All I have to do when you are in timeout is feed you in the bouncer. I don't even have to change you until bedtime.” After she left, Jackie made sure to keep her focus 100% on the penny. It made the time pass incredibly slowly, but she was determined to keep her boredom the next week to a minimum. When the time was finally up, she had been so focused that she was startled by her mother announcing that it was time for her dinner. Gratefully, Jackie pulled her nose back from the wall and somewhat flopped onto her diapered bottom, which reminded her of just how wet she was. Jackie didn't really care, however, as she stretched out her legs for as long as she could before her mother beckoned her to follow her into the kitchen. Most of the party was still out on the deck preparing for a barbeque dinner, so the kitchen was basically deserted. Jackie was quickly boosted into the highchair and fastened in. In the mostly empty room, dinner proceeded fairly quickly, with the only people who were in there focused on preparing food to be cooked out on the grills and not bothering to make any comments on Jackie's feeding. The clock read just after six when her mother started feeding Jackie her after dinner bottles. As Jackie was slurping down the second one, Melissa carried Kendra into the kitchen and announced that she would be reserving the highchair next, as if there was really much of a line. At that point, Jackie's mother told her, “When you are done with your dinner you owe Auntie Melissa a big thank you. She brought along some of the milkies that she pumped out since Kendra stopped drinking up during the day a couple of weeks ago in bottles. She is going to give it to us so that you can drink it even after we go home! Isn't that exciting?” Jackie wasn't impressed, but when the empty bottle was removed from her mouth, she dutifully said thank you and, at her mother's prompting, she even gave her cousin a peck on the cheek. “Let's get you a bath and then get you off to bed, my naughty little baby,” her mother said. Soon she was in the bathtub in the bathroom, her soaked diaper finally off. After a very quick but thorough scrubbing, Jackie was dried off. On the floor of the bathroom she was taped into one of her extra thick overnight diapers and then dressed in an ultra-short, pink nighty that left her diaper entirely exposed. She was led back through the living room and into the bedroom that was to serve as a nursery for her and Kendra. In practically no time, she was tightly wrapped in blankets and stuffed into her tiny playpen. Laying on her back, she was fed her standard nighttime bottles. Just as she was finishing up, Kendra was brought in, having obviously just had a bath herself. Jackie came to the realization that she was already tucked in for the night before even her 1 year old cousin was. While she knew she was being put to bed about an hour early because of her earlier misbehavior, she was still dismayed. Her mother soon made it worse when she asked Melissa “Is this when Kendra normally goes to bed?” “Yup,” Melissa replied. “7 o'clock is a perfect time for this little tyke.” “Hmm. We had been putting Jackie down at 8. Maybe 7 would be more appropriate. You can consider that your new bedtime, baby girl.” Melissa continued. “I'm just going to read Kendra a story. I'd be happy to give Jackie a good night kiss and get the lights on my way out if you'd like to head out and get some dinner.” “Sounds great. Well, goodnight little girl. Be a perfect little angel. I don't want to hear a single peep out of you tonight. We have a long trip tomorrow, so sleep well.” Her mother gave her a kiss on the head and left her as Melissa began to read Goodnight Moon to both Kendra and Jackie. When she was finished, she helped to ease Kendra off to sleep, gave Jackie the kiss she had promised her mother, shut off the light, and closed the door behind her, sealing Jackie in for a particularly long night in a particularly small bed. Given that it was still before her bedtime, Jackie was still lying awake twenty minutes when a stomach rumble forced her into a horrifying realization. She had not messed herself all day. This was extremely rare for her, especially since she had begun her current diet, and she assumed that it must have been a result of all the nervous energy that had been coursing through her body all day. Why she hadn't yet pooped wasn't really her concern though, as much as what was going to happen now. She knew that she would almost certainly be pooping within the next few minutes, especially since she couldn't even shift positions to try to help with the cramps. Still, Jackie decided that she would try to fight the urge. If she could just fall asleep, maybe her body would be able to hold out until morning. And so, with a desperate urgency, Jackie tried to drift off. Her efforts only seemed to make her more awake. Within a few minutes, she knew, as she had the day before in her car seat, that she would not be winning her fight. She didn't really give up, because she had a sense that a mess she made now would stay in her diaper until morning, but within just fifteen minutes of the first warning sign Jackie lost the battle, and a cramp led to a surge of soft, warm poop sliding into the seat of her diaper. There was more coming, and within a few minutes Jackie was lying in a particularly full messy diaper that smelled perhaps a little worse than normal, though that might have been simply mental because Jackie would be smelling it for so long. Her discomfort was immediate. Her only hope was that Kendra would wake up and be put off by the smell enough that she cried and somehow led to Jackie getting changed, but given that she had just fallen asleep and was showing no signs of stirring in the crib next to Jackie, that possibility seemed remote. She knew that she was never allowed to mention the state of her diaper, and she knew that making some sort of call over the baby monitor would probably only anger her mother. Instead, she guessed that she would have to try to somehow fall asleep. She knew that that would be tough. She remembered when she had been forced to sleep next to her playmate, Stephanie, when Stephanie had messed herself during a nap time. Stephanie had been extremely red-faced when it had happened, but had quickly drifted off to sleep. Jackie, however, had found the smell almost too much to handle. She had taken much longer than normal to fall asleep and had only done so because she was genuinely tired because she was normally asleep at that time. Tonight, the smell and the discomfort of her own poop had Jackie unable to escape the senses associated with her plight. As it had been when she was cooped up next to the exorbitantly smelly Stephanie, genuine drowsiness was what finally got Jackie to sleep. Even her filthy, stinky bum couldn't stop her from falling victim to the combination of a stressful day, a physically demanding timeout, and the (for her) late hour of 8:15. It was some hours later when Jackie was jolted awake by an unfamiliar sound. She could place that she was hearing screaming, but she could not figure out why. Eventually, she slowly remembered where she was, and realized that the screaming she could hear was her young roommate crying. Jackie desperately just wanted to get back to sleep, but that was not going to happen anytime soon with the noise coming from the makeshift crib just a few feet from her own. In just a few moments, Melissa entered the room, immediately whispering “Shh, shh, Mommy is here baby.” As she crossed over to Kendra's playpen, she took a sniff and whispered, “Ooh, I think I can smell what you want, baby.” Even with how tired she was, Jackie was clear-headed enough to think “No, that smell is me.” Instantly, she was filled with dread. Surely now her cousin would discover the mess in her diaper, and then who knew what would happen. Would she be subjected to the most humiliating of changes? Would she die of shame? Melissa's bent over and picked up her daughter, holding her tight while setting up a changing mat. Jackie heard the tapes being opened up, and then Melissa said “Ooh, stinky girl. Let's get you all cleaned up.” “What?” Jackie thought. Wasn't she the source of the acrid air in the room? Her diaper was certainly full of poop. She knew that from the way that it clung to her backside every time she wriggled in her tightly wrapped blankets. But her cousin was certainly proceeding as if Kendra was in a messy diaper herself, and surely she must be right, given that she now had the diaper open. Jackie didn't know if this would perhaps mean a reprieve for her. Kendra had soon been changed into a new diaper, and had stopped her fussing but for a few stray whimpers. “Let mummy feed you now honey,” Melissa said, and though Jackie couldn't see it from her position, she could hear that Melissa had begun to feed her daughter the same way that she had fed Jackie earlier in the afternoon. Eventually the feeding had ended, and as Jackie could hear Melissa get to her feet, she heard her say “Oof, baby, that might have been the smelliest diaper you have ever had. I'm going to have to take that straight out to the trash or else the room will smell all night.” Jackie started to breathe easier. Obviously, Mellisa did not suspect her of being the cause of the majority of the stench in the room. Her fear that she would be changed by her cousin seemed to be misplaced. Sure enough, after a few minutes of cooing Kendra to sleep, Melissa departed the room, never having even come over to the playpen where Jackie had been cooped up the entire time. Finally, Jackie's heartbeat finally began to slow down. She had been on edge for the entire time that Melissa had been in the room, which she guessed must have been close to a half an hour. As she settled down though, she realized for the first time that her mess was even more uncomfortable than it had been when she had fallen asleep for what she had assumed would have been the night. Then she had been trapped in a warm, gooey sludge that had seemed almost invasive in the way that it was slowly seeping up into her crotch and the wider regions of her thick nighttime diaper. Now, the mess felt quite different. It was thoroughly cold, which seemed to make it even more uncomfortable against her skin. It also had spread throughout her diaper. She could feel it caked onto the small of her back, almost all the way to the top of her diaper. She could tell that it was very much stuck to her skin now, and she felt reasonably sure it was the most unpleasant diaper she had ever been in. In a way, she began to wonder if she had been as lucky as she thought she had been. She was still glad that Melissa hadn't changed her, but had her mother come in when Kendra had broken out in crying and changed her while Melissa had attended to Kendra, surely she would be much more comfortable and already asleep, rather than helplessly trying to ignore the itchy, smelly mess that she was laying in. After what she could have sworn was hours of uncomfortably trying to fall asleep, morning seemed to come amazingly fast for Jackie. She woke up disoriented, which was helped by the fact that she was not woken up in her normal way. Instead of her mother gently rousing her, the first thing she heard was “Woo, Melissa, is that Kendra? Man, is it smelly in here.” “I guess it could be,” Melissa answered, “but she was stinky in the middle of the night, so I'd be surprised. I think you're the one who got this present.” “Uh-oh, are you the little stinker?” Jackie's mother asked, with her face just inches from her daughter's. As she unwrapped the tight blankets that had held Jackie immobilized over the course of her miserable night, they were both struck by a fresh blast of the horrible, acrid stench coming from around Jackie's waist. “Oh, yup, it's mine alright!” her mother called. “Whew, ok, well, I guess we won't be going first for breakfast after all. She's going to need a change right away or else everyone out in the kitchen will gag on their food!” As Jackie was helped out of the playpen by her mother, Melissa said “OK, I'll give Kendra a quick change and then take her out to the highchair.” Jackie was sat on a changing pad in the center of a room, where her mother took off her nighty, leaving her naked but for her diaper. As her mother laid her back down, Kendra was brought over and laid down next to her, which made Jackie feel distinctly exposed with her cousin looking down on her mostly naked body. The day before, Jackie would have been filled with an unbelievable discomfort at the realization that Melissa was about to see her being changed out of a messy diaper. This morning though, having been stuck in the filthy undergarment for so long, she was significantly less vain. Sure, she was still not looking forward to having her smelly crotch on display, but more than anything she just wanted to be clean again, especially since her cousin already had a pretty good idea about her diaper's content. Her mother opened up the diaper and both she and Melissa briefly turned away. “Man,” Melissa finally said, “that might be the grossest diaper I've ever seen. Hopefully Kendra only has to grow up once so I never have to deal with something like that!” “Yeah,” her mother responded, “this is as bad as I've ever seen, but she was a little easier to clean up the first time around. But oh well, babies can't help themselves, no matter how big they are. Isn't that right, princess?” Jackie was glad that she wasn't required to lisp out a response as her mother took the first wipe and began to carefully clean the caked-on waste off of her bald crotch. Kendra had been completely changed, dressed and gone to breakfast for nearly five minutes before her mother had finally gotten all of the poop off of her bottom. “You have a little bit of a rash, baby,” her mother announced. “Let's put a little cream on there for you.” After lotion was rubbed into her tush for another minute, which did make her bottom feel a little less itchy than it had, she was powdered and taped into a fresh diaper. Even as she was wondering why she was being taped into another overnight diaper, her mother said “We're going to leave pretty much right after we get you fed, so we might as well get you ready for our trip now.” Next Jackie found herself being dressed in another pair of white tights. Over her head came a seafoam green dress that was, as usual, far too short to do much to obscure the bulge underneath it, though Jackie was glad that it was at least more subtle than yesterday's, if no less babyish. A matching headband with a small green bow was placed in her hair, and finally her mary-janes completed the ensemble. Without needing to be told, Jackie crawled behind her mother and out towards the kitchen. She found herself amongst about a dozen pairs of legs, which she successfully navigated as she crawled over to the tiny highchair that sat in the corner of the room. She was helped into the baby furniture one final time, squeezing in tight as the tray was closed around her midsection. As her mother tied a bib around her neck, her father came over and took out her pacifier to give her a kiss. “Good morning, princess,” he said. “Goo moawaning, daddy,” she lisped. “I heard you were a very smelly girl this morning,” he said, loud enough for anyone in the kitchen who didn't already know to become aware that she had thoroughly used her diaper overnight. Jackie didn't know whether she needed to respond, but was given a reprieve when her mother approached and immediately began spooning oatmeal into her mouth. Although the feeding left Jackie's face as messy as usual, it was clearly somewhat rushed and industrial. She was quickly fed her bottles and then had her face cleaned. Apparently her parents had already packed, because she was told it was time to head out to the car as soon as she was done. Before she could get down though, several family members came over to bid her goodbye, all of them making sure to address her infantile status and to give her condescending kisses on the forehead. The last to come over was Melissa, who was holding Kendra in her arms. Melissa gave her a quick peck like all the others, then addressed both girls, saying mostly to Jackie, “Give your new friend a kiss goodbye! Next time you see her she will be much bigger, but who knows if you will have grown up at all.” Miserably, Jackie gave Kendra the babyish smooch that she had been trained to give when she was told to give a kiss, which Kendra sort of returned, sparking a wave of “awws” from the onlooking crowd. Finally, the tray pinning her into the tiny seat was removed and she was helped back onto the floor. Her parents finished their final goodbyes and Jackie was led to the door, which was opened to reveal her stroller just on the other side of the threshold. She got up and into it. With the family left in the house, she and her parents made their way down the long driveway and to the car. Once they reached the car, she was taken out of the stroller and her mother helped her up into the car while her father folded the stroller and put it in the trunk. Jackie settled into the carseat and her mother began to tighten the restraints, once again leaving her immobilized. “I hope you had fun this weekend, baby, because you are going to have a long time this week to think about what a naughty girl you were yesterday afternoon,” her mother said as before she closed the door. Momentarily alone, Jackie sighed. She certainly had not had fun at the family reunion. It had been terrifically embarrassing, and it had led her to get into more trouble than she had since her first few rebellious days of her reduced status. She wished that they had never come. And now she had a day in the car where she would have nothing to do but think about her embarrassing life and the numbingly boring days of punishment she had ahead of her. As they got on the road, Jackie's thoughts drifted back to the last thing that Melissa had said to her at the reunion about the next time she would see Kendra. She had little doubt that Kendra would be grown, as she had only seen Melissa twice now in the last five years and it seemed unlikely that that pattern would change so dramatically that Kendra would still be a tot the next time the family got together. Jackie sincerely hoped that when they met again though, she would have been allowed to mature too. It was pretty clear that her parents intended to keep her as a baby for some significant period of time, but she kept hope that it would end at least within the span of a normal babyhood, even if she did know enough from her developmental psychology class to know that her parents' rules for her behavior didn't really correspond with any actual age. If Jackie met a six year old Kendra still stuck living the way she was now, she thought she might just go insane. She resolved to find a way to ask Stephanie on their next play date how she had managed to keep her mind from going to mush over the four years she had been stuck as an infant. As disturbing as Jackie's contemplations were, they did do a nice job of passing the time. The next thing she knew, her mother passed back her morning snack of a bottle. Jackie brought it to her mouth and began to drink, almost choking as she realized that it was breast milk that filled the bottle. Her mother chuckled as she watched in the rear view mirror. “That is one of the bottles that Melissa was nice enough to save for you. We have enough for you to have one a day for a week. Aren't you lucky?” Jackie didn't feel lucky at all. For one, the milk was cold, no doubt because that was the only way to keep it from spoiling, but that seemed out of place since she normally drank warm formula. In addition, while she wouldn't actually say that the taste was any worse than the sickly sweet formula she was used to, the difference was enough that she couldn't help but notice it. That difference only served to remind her of the miserable experience of being breastfed the day before. If the embarrassment didn't still sting so much, she wouldn't be able to believe it had really happened. Suckling on her cousin's nipple had been more difficult than latching onto the nipple of a bottle, and the milk had come out in strong squirts rather than the steady flow that she was accustomed to. All of that forced Jackie to focus intently on the breasts she had been draining, which made her even more aware of the embarrassing task she was feeding, and she had felt like her cheeks had been on fire as she heard the embarrassing comments that her relatives were making at her expense. Mercifully, Jackie soon drained the bottle of the embarrassing milk and was able to move on in her thoughts. She found herself extremely tired after her poor night's sleep. Even though she had had her bedtime moved up an hour to 7 o'clock, which meant that she would now be spending less time out of her crib than in it when naps were included, she had probably gotten less sleep last night than she had in months. Her body still looked the same as it had when she was still treated like an adult, but more and more she was physically turning into a small child. Not only was she increasingly incontinent, but her body now needed an infantile amount of sleep as well. Having not had it overnight, her body seemed intent on catching up now, and before long she fell asleep. She didn't wake up until her mother jostled her awake by checking her diaper. “Just a little wet,” she said, beginning to unbuckle Jackie from the seat. It took a moment, but Jackie realized that they had stopped at another roadside picnic area. She was helped down into the stroller, which confirmed that she wouldn't be changed. Just as she figured out that it must be lunchtime, she was wheeled over to a nearby table, and had a bib tied around her neck. The lot was deserted, so the feeding passed by without any incident, and Jackie was soon being refastened into her carseat for more of the ride. She was handed another bottle to drink as the car got going again. This one was just standard formula, and went down without much thought. Just as she was finishing, however, an almost seismic rumble occurred in her stomach. She handed the finished bottle to her mother and settled in for what she knew was a mess that was coming on fast. Although it had been relatively shortly ago that she had had the massive bowel movement in her makeshift crib, she wasn't really surprised. She had gone more than 24 hours from when she had messed in this very seat on Friday and when she had messed on Saturday evening. She was basically due for a day when she messed herself twice, as she hadn't since Wednesday and it usually happened every other day or so. Perhaps it wouldn't be today because she had gone so late last night, but she wasn't surprised that poop was on the way. As she had expected, it came quickly, and when it did it was nice enough to announce its presence. As she scrunched up her face and pushed hard to get the poop out into the diaper that was pressed so tightly against her by the seat, a series of long, noisy farts made sure that her parents knew exactly what was going on. In a few more minutes, she was finally able to relax, settling into what was now a warm and smelly load that was spreading around her backside. “Man,” her father said, “just after we could have changed her at lunch. Oh well, let's push on if its ok with you, we're making good time.” “I was thinking the same thing,” her mother replied. “She was really only a little wet. In her overnight diaper she could make it all the way home without her leaking, as long as the smell doesn't get to us.” “Great,” Jackie thought to herself. “Another long set of hours in a stinky diaper.” Still though, she knew that if they decided to drive the rest of the way without changing her she would be assured that there wouldn't be a repeat of the encounter they had had during her messy change on Friday, so perhaps the news wasn't all bad. After the effort required to mess herself in such tight quarters briefly left her body coursing with energy, but since she was so unused to having to exert herself in any way, she found herself feeling a tad tired. Although she had just woken up about an hour ago, it was her normal nap-time and she was still making up for lost rest. She soon drifted off once more. Jackie woke up a little more than an hour later, immediately noticing that her diaper had become colder and was somewhat itchy, though at least it didn't smell nearly as bad as last night's mess had. Her mother noticed her fidgeting and produced another bottle for her to drink. She finished it without too much haste. By then she was more awake and took stock of her surroundings. It was a few minutes after 3 in the afternoon, so if the trip was going as smoothly as it had, they would be well more than half-way home. Still, Jackie knew she had at minimum two more hours stuck in the carseat, and most likely the stinky pants as well. Her thoughts turned to the trip she was coming home from once more. She was glad she hadn't known it was coming. As bad as it was, she knew that anticipating it for more than just the car ride on Friday would have been just as agonizing. Still, she knew the trip would do her some real damage. No matter if she was ever allowed to re-enter the adult world, she would surely always be known by her extended family as the big baby who had demonstrated just how desperately she needed her diapers all weekend long. If she did get to go back to her real life, she decided, she probably never would go back to one of those reunions. The trip also made her look forward to being home. Her daily routine was boring, and mind-numbing, and a little embarrassing, but it was nothing like spending a whole weekend in the company of new people. She was glad to get back to anonymity again, even if she was still going to be forced to be a baby. Even though in many ways she did consider her life to be “that bad,” in a way she thought the trip had helped her to realize that it could be even worse. At long last, they pulled into the driveway. Jackie was glad to be home, ready to get a clean diaper, perhaps with a bath beforehand. She knew tonight she wouldn't put up a fight when she was fed the gross mush that made up so much of her diet. She would even be glad to sleep in her own crib again, where even though she would be wrapped so tightly by her mother that she would be sure to wake up sweaty, at least she would be able to extend her legs before the swaddling began. With a grateful sigh, she realized that her unexpected trip was over.
  19. Summary: After going through a traumatic childhood, Willa needs help. She's unknowingly admitted to Little Beginnings where she's going to have the chance to have the childhood she should've had (whether she wants to or not). ooOoo Chapter 1: “W-Willa…Willa Carolan,” the young girl stuttered. Her chocolate brown eyes focused on the black and white tiled floor as the receptionist typed upon the keyboard. She was the only one in the waiting room which she supposed made her feel a little better. She did not do well with interaction. The thought of even coming to therapy terrified her as she had never been before. She clenched her clammy hands into fists and counted backwards in her mind, trying to calm the beating of her heart. Suck it up. She thought. Plenty of people go to therapy. There was nothing to be worried about. That’s what she tried to tell herself. But she wasn’t so sure. She could barely talk to another person without stuttering or wanting to puke. How could she manage an hour long session? The whole point of therapy was to talk and she couldn’t even do that. “You can just take a seat in the chair right over there.” the woman smiled at Willa, finally having stopped typing. “Dr. Tischner will be out shortly.” Slightly nodding her head in thanks, she quickly scattered to the furthest corner in the small room away from the woman. With her knees pressed against her chest, she rested her head on them, taking in deep and rapid shallow breaths, ignoring the stack of magazines on the tiny table beside her. Willa didn’t know why she even agreed to come to this. She had managed to avoid it for the past ten years, silently suffering, never going out unless absolutely necessary. She was only twenty years old, had no friends, no job, and anxiety that riddled her mind and body. Adrian, her older brother was the one who supported her but she had a feeling he wanted her out of his home. His crazy ex- girlfriend of three years had just left and was still traumatized by... by everything. Willa thought his message was pretty clear when he scheduled the appointment himself and drove her, escorting her as far as the front door then leaving. She was pissed, rightfully so, that he would just abandon her like that. They were best friends. They had been for all of their lives. Even though her brother was five years older, they understood each other like no one else. She could count on him for everything. She didn’t have to hide away. They were exactly the same in everything from their caramel skin, eyes, round face and thick curly black hair. People would confuse them for twins because of how much they looked alike. So, yes, it hurt when he just dumped her at the building. He didn’t even say when he would be back and the unknown was what scared her the most. “Willa Carolan?” a new voice echoed throughout the room. Shooting her head up, a blonde haired woman dressed in a pink cashmere sweater and light jeans stood at the door with a clipboard. She looked to be about forty years old. Some lines were visible on her milky white skin but from afar she didn’t look to be over twenty five. On trembling legs, Willa walked across the room, ducking her head at the woman’s kind smile and followed her through the brown door into a small room. Sitting down on the lumpy grey couch, she examined everything around her. The walls were painted a mustard yellow and there was one small window which was the only light in the room. In front of her was a coffee table and a chair on the other side. An icy glass of water and a bowl of mints was situated in front of her. Her hand twitched, wanting to take a sip to cool her parched throat but she held off. Willa didn’t want to get too comfortable. She didn’t want to let her guard down. “It’s small, I know.” Willa jumped, turning to stare at the woman. The door shut and suddenly the two of them were alone. She sat down across from Willa with the clipboard and pen in her hand. Her blue eyes gleamed in curiosity. “I’m Dr. Tischner,” she said, her voice was low. Without realizing it, Willa slowly found herself relaxing at the woman’s soft tone. it was almost maternal, something she hadn't heard in many years. “You must be Willa. I believe it was your brother that set up the appointment, yeah?” Willa nodded her head. She kept her mouth shut, still inclined not to speak. Her foot tapped against the black carpet. Her eyes darted every which way, determined not to look at the doctor. “It’s alright if you don’t want to talk. We can just answer, yes or no questions.” she waved her hand. “Everyone reacts differently to therapy so there is no one way to feel or act. It’s normal to be nervous or afraid. I like to go at the patient's pace. If you’re uncomfortable with any of my questions we can just move on. Does that seem fair?” Her eyebrows furrowed together, taking in what she said. Willa was not one to bare her soul to people, especially strangers. It was a relief to hear her say that because she didn’t know if she would ever be ready to share what happened. Willa nodded her head once again. It did seem fair. Looking down at her clipboard, she began to speak. “I just want to clarify a few things, first. Your report says that you are twenty years old; full name is Willa Jean Carolan; and that you were born November 12, 2000? ” The young girl gave a nod. “Great! Now that that’s out of the way I thought we could get to know each other a little.” she exclaimed. “My name is Marina Tischner and I’ve been a therapist for about ten years now. I love working with children and young adults such as yourself. I take a really laid back approach when counseling. I don’t push my patients into anything they are uncomfortable sharing and will not reveal to anyone what is said in this room unless it endangers the lives of others or yourself. Do you understand?” Willa tugged at a curl that had fallen loose from her ponytail. She bit her lip, humming a yes and hugged the pillow in her arms that sat beside her. Dr. Tischner continued to question her about different stuff in her life such as her favorite color, food, animal, etc, and by the end Will found herself slightly smiling, not as tense as she had been when she first arrived. There was something about the woman that gave off a maternal presence. Something she hadn’t felt since the death of her parents. Dr. Tischner cared about her. It wasn’t fake. She gulped, holding back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Willa bit her bottom lip, drawing blood but sucked it away. “I’d like to talk about you parents.” she casually brought up, stopping Willa in her tracks. Her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. It was the one thing she refused to ever talk about. A single tear fell from her eye. “You witnessed your parents murder.” Dr. Tischner's voice was just above a whisper. “That’s when the anxiety and PTSD started, isn’t it?” Her chest rose up and down. She didn’t have the words to scream at her to stop the questions. Her shoulders shook as she continued to speak. Willa couldn’t breathe, she was gonna pass out. “You were only ten years old. I couldn’t imagine what that could do to a child.” she sadly shook her head. “You didn’t see your brother until you were at the hospital. That’s why he isn’t as affected as you are. Does that ring true?” The sound of a gunshot echoed in her mind. Her mother’s dead body fell to the ground. A pool of blood surrounded her. Willa’s father was already dead, having been murdered first. The intruders thought no one was home. That’s what they claimed in court. They never meant to kill anyone, they were just gonna rob her house. It didn’t make it any better because her mother and father were dead. She hid upstairs at the top of the staircase, terrified to make a move, afraid they’d hear her. It was two o’clock in the morning. Her brother was sleeping over at a friend's house. That was the day her life changed forever. “Take a sip of water.” Dr. Tischner calmly nodded toward the glass on the table. “We’ll stop the questioning.” She didn’t have to tell her twice. Holding the glass with shaking hands, she tilted it to her lips, gulping it down, barely noticing the change in taste. Willa finished it within a few seconds and collapsed back against the couch, suddenly overcome with fatigue. “We’ll stop for now. Why don’t you take a little nap… we’ve still got ten minutes left.” Dr. Tischner encouraged. Willa didn’t have to be told twice. A haze had clouded over her mind and suddenly she found it harder to stay awake. The only thing she could hear was the doctor’s voice calmly lulling her to sleep. ooOoo This couldn’t be real. Willa naively thought. The last thing she remembered was being at Dr. Tischner’s, her brother leaving her, recounting parents' death, and having a panic attack. She didn’t remember anything after that. A part of her desperately wished for this to be a dream but she knew it wasn’t. It was too real. Warm tears blinded her already blurred vision as her chest rose up and down, desperate to escape the entrapment she had been placed in. Willa wanted to be home in her own bedroom, laying in her queen sized bed. She wanted to be with her brother. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him. She wanted to be away from here. Away from this woman who was holding her as if she weighed nothing. . She couldn’t move her arms or legs. Her entire body was constricted in a tight swaddle by the light pink blanket. It had taken a moment for her to realize that as she slowly awoke, hearing the soft sound of the woman’s voice. That was ten minutes ago. Willa should've been freaking out more than she was. She should’ve been crying and screaming and having a panic attack. But the only sign of her panic were the fat tears that rolled down her cheeks, as she stared up at the woman who cradled her against her bare skin. The only thing she could focus on was her green eyes, unable to see anything else. If she tried to look more than six feet away it all became a big blur. “You’re alright, baby.” the woman cooed as she wiped away the tears. She spoke down to her as if she were an actual infant, unable to understand basic speech.That pissed Willa off more than anything. But she had no way to show it except for the glare in her eyes. “Mommy’s got you,” she spoke in a high pitched voice. “You’re safe with mommy now. You don’t have to worry about those big bad thoughts in your head. Just suck your paci.” she tapped the large object that was stuffed in her mouth. Willa was forced to suck on it, unable to spit it out due to the strap that went around her head. Pitiful whimpers rose from the back of her throat and the woman condescendingly cooed, rocking them both in the rocking chair. They were in the infant ward. The room was light pink and smelled of baby powder. Ten large adult sized newborn incubators filled the room and changing tables ran along the walls. There was also a rocking chair in each corner of the room. Everything was adult sized. Tapping her bottom, Willa’s eyes widened in horror as she felt a cushiony bulk on her bottom half. The woman’s smile widened, showing off her shiny white teeth. “Does baby Willa have to use her diapee?” She began to wiggle as hard as she could, trying to escape but she was too weak. Now she was sobbeduncontrollably as the weight of the woman’s words sank in. She was swaddled like a newborn, sucking on a pacifier, and in a diaper that she was expected to use. Her vision had been blurred. Her muscles were weak. She was as helpless as an infant. Willa was an infant. The woman stood up, pacing as she rocked her back and forth, supporting her head like you’d do a real baby. She wore no shirt and Willa’s cheek was pressed right up against her large left breast. Willa was only faintly aware of the woman’s hand, pressing on her stomach. The more she wiggled the looser her bladder became until suddenly a warm stream flooded her diaper. The thick padding expanded and she screamed and screamed through the pacifier, glaring at the woman in hate for forcing her to piss herself. It was warm and wet, sloshing around her bottom before being absorbed. She desperately wanted it off. She was twenty years old. She hadn’t used a diaper since she was two years old. “I’m so proud of you!” the crazy woman praised her. “You used your diapee like a good little baby-- you’re my good little girl!” She gave her a wet kiss on the forhead and placed her on the changing table, ignoring the screams. A moment later, another woman walked into the room through the sliding doors. Both had curly brown hair that fell right above their shoulders and fair skin. She crooned, brushing her hair out of the girl's out of her face. “I think she’s one of the cutest infants we’ve had yet.” the woman tickled under her chin, causing Willa to try to wriggle away. “She’s also a very smelly baby! I think it’s time for a diapee change!” The second woman held her down as her mommy undid the swaddle revealing he naked body and sagging thick diaper. She continued to sniffle, out of energy to fight. A strap was tightened over her waist and chest while the second woman held down her shoulders. Moving quickly, the straps were undone and the diaper removed. Grabbing baby wipes, she wipes down everywhere, running her finger over her now bare pubic bone. Willa’s eyes realized at the realization only for the woman to giggle. “Babies like you don’t need grown up hair. Infants are bare.” she covered her in baby powder, not wanting to cause a rash and retapped an even thicker diaper making her unable to close her thighs. Undoing the straps, Willa wanted to plead not to be swaddled again but it’s what her mommy did. She wrapped it around her body even tighter than before and supporting her neck, held her against her body. “I’ll go get a bottle.” said the other woman. “Little babies like her shouldn’t be up for so long. Little Willa needs to go nighty- night.”
  20. Hello Babs and Bigs (and all others!) I've been pulled out of the woodwork by The 3rd Kasarberang Story Contest! The NON-CONtest #3 ! Seriously, a thousand thanks to Kasarberang for these, otherwise I would probably never get the gumption to write. Now, I know the contest has very specific themes, and I've selected a couple of them, but they're secret for now, 'kay? I'll add them as tags later, but you don't want to spoil your appetite! So, here I am with a new tale, perhaps a bit based on a somewhat recent horror film, but it's already rapidly evolved into its own thing. With no further ado, here's the first course of "The Kids Menu" First Course - Amuse-Bouche “That’s not even the best part,” Tyler continued, passionately oversharing about his most recent obsession. Sarah smiled widely, her long light auburn hair whipping in the sea breeze, but her attention never broke from Tyler. She reveled in every little excited motion he made as he fixated on every fine detail of his story. She gave every outward appearance of profound interest, laughing, gasping, and even giving him light touches at the right moments, but the truth was it was at best a mild distraction from what had occupied her mind for months leading up to their date. But Tyler was none the wiser, carrying on what was one of the best conversations he had in years, with someone who but days before was a total stranger. It had to mean something, a deep connection, a kindred soul, maybe even love at first… The boat’s horn blew, ending both of their reveries, and turning their attention forward. The nearby conversations ceased just as abruptly, as the dozen passengers took in their destination. The private island that would serve as their paradise for the weekend was almost supernaturally beautiful. The crystal clear emerald waters lapped on the soft sand beach, from which a short wooden dock awaited their vessel. The sun dipped just behind the lush tree line, providing shade for the dock while keeping the sand warm. As the boat began to dock, Tyler could barely make out the path through to their villas and the main hall which would serve as their communal eating area for the duration of their stay. While he sat there taking in the sights, Sarah stood up and leaned over the boat’s railing, watching as a school of brightly colored fish darted past. “Ty, come look!” she shouted, pulling his attention towards her. His head whipped towards her, his shaggy sandy blonde hair falling in his eyes. As his hand wiped his vision clear, he froze and went red in the face. The short pale blue sundress that had framed Sarah’s assets quite nicely until now, had ridden up far enough that even the gentle breeze threatened to flash him. “Sarah! Y-y-y-,” he stammered, hiding his eyes, and gesturing furiously for her to come down. Sarah giggled inwardly, but feigned shock, yanking her dress down and shuffling over to Tyler. “My hero,” she whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. His blush only intensified, but was accompanied with a genuine smile. She milked the moment by resting her head on his shoulder, a safe spot for a quick gaze to confirm a certain stiffening in his pants. Had she been a better person, she might have felt bad for how easily she was playing him, but things being what they were, she was loving every second of this. And, so far, so was he. Tyler would have been content staying in that moment for the whole weekend, but as the other passengers emptied out, he caught the skipper’s eyes and realized it was past time they get moving. He opened his mouth to speak such to his date, but as brief scenarios of saying the wrong thing flashed in his mind, he choked back the words. Again he opened his mouth, and shut it just as fast. He repeated this cycle for nearly a minute before Sarah decided he had suffered enough and lifted her head, miming a stretch. “Ty, babe, we shouldn’t keep them waiting,” she instructed him after taking an exaggerated look around, “it’s rude.” While he processed the change in tone, she stood up first and offered him a hand up. Not thinking any better of it, he meekly took it and stood to realize the rising problem in his pants. As he tried to pull his hand down to try and reposition or cover himself, she pulled his hand harder, and before he knew it they were both on the dock, in full view of everyone else. Without taking time to properly orient himself, he spun away from the group in front of him, and ran into a towering woman. Stumbling, he found himself caught by her firm, yet gentle hand. Her scent clung to him, sweet and strange, foreign and fruity. “Aren’t you an eager one?” she asked rhetorically, talking about him, but addressing the crowd more than she was him. She bent down slightly, both giving him ample view of her more than ample chest, and bringing her eyes nearly in line with him. “Just be careful where you point that thing, okay dear?” Having lost almost all higher brain function, Tyler nodded sheepishly. After feeling a firm prodding in his back from Sarah, he added “Y-yes ma’am.” “Miss Margot,” the woman before him corrected immediately. Tyler’s mouth hung open, his head listing to the side slightly. “It’s ‘Yes, Miss Margot’,” she said, pinching his jaw between two fingers. “Y-e-s,” he formed the sounds as she moved his mouth, “M-i-s-s M-a-r-g-o-t.” “Excellent,” she said dropping his jaw and pulling herself back up to full height and addressing everyone but him once again. “During your stay on my island, you are my guests, and welcome to all of its amenities. However, as your host, I do insist on at least some… decorum. The very least of which, is to refer to me as Miss Margot,” she turned her attention back to Tyler, “understood?” “Yes Miss Margot,” everyone echoed back with varying levels of enthusiasm. Some shouted it joyfully. Others recited it calmly. Tyler for his part barely broke a mumble. The introduction seemingly now complete, Sarah slipped her hand in his, and led the two off the dock along with the other guests. As they walked, she snuck a look back at Miss Margot and mouthed ‘thank you’, getting a gentle smile in return. The two continued to walk hand in hand across the beach, then down a shaded path to the heart of the island. Far ahead, a guide-woman explained the layout and features of the resort, but none of it registered with Tyler, and Sarah didn’t seem to pay it much interest. When they did arrive at the site of the main hall, Sarah split off from the group, still leading Tyler by the hand. The walk had done his head some good, but he hadn’t been able to reemerge from the shell his frightened psyche had retreated into. For now, his only link to the world around him was Sarah’s soft fingers, wrapped around his. It was more than enough. They quickly arrived at a beautiful villa. Thatched siding and roofing hid the modern materials employed in its construction, a solitary skylight breaking the illusion. The whole thing stood more than his head’s height off the ground on thick wooden pillars. As she led him up the rustic stairs to the doorway, he noticed the villa wasn’t as freestanding as it looked at a glance. A hallway ran, camouflaged, to the main hall, joining with one other along the way. He incorrectly assumed this was a matter of convenience, a way for them to reach the central hub of activity for the resort without leaving the comfort of the indoors. It did but that was only a secondary benefit. The door handle chimed as Sarah touched it, stealing Tyler’s attention from the hallway, and a moment later the cool air conditioning spilled out of the open door. “Magic touch,” she commented, waving at him with the fingers of her spare hand, then pulling him the rest of the way inside. The door swung shut quietly until it was closed, when a heavy lock clicked automatically into place. Sarah flopped onto the spacious bed in the center of the room, pulling Tyler down beside her. The two lay in silence for a long minute, still holding hands. “I’m glad, uhm,” Tyler lost his words as quickly as he found them, happy to return to the restful silence. “Me too,” Sarah replied, turning towards him, propping herself up on an elbow. “Not every day you get whisked away for a weekend in paradise by a beautiful woman you met just days before on a silly dating app, is it?” Tyler laughed, feeling the weight lift off his chest, lighting off more than just the day’s worries, but feeling free from what had become almost a lifetime of regrets. Regrets that washed back in like a wave of the sea, weighing him down once more. Noticing him tense back up, Sarah kissed his cheek. “I’ve got just the thing,” she said, getting up and strolling to the mini-bar. “There’s a fruit that grows here. Like, only here,” She explained while mixing various juices. “It’s called Heartfruit,” she paused, lifting up a plump, pink fruit that, true to its name, looked like a cartoon heart, “and it’s really quite fascinating, both medicinally and culinarily.” She tossed the fruit to him and one bumbling catch later, he examined the softball sized fruit. The skin wasn’t just thick, but hard and smooth, almost like a candy coating. “The skin, meat, juice, and seeds each have their own unique properties,” she continued, vigorously mixing the drink, “including some pretty fascinating neurological benefits.” Tyler sat up a bit at that word, ‘neurological’. Despite his years of undiagnosed depression, he recoiled at the idea of anything that might unknowingly alter his brain. It may not work right, but at least it was a misery he understood. So he barely drank more than a single beer in any given month, and would have been too afraid to get high, had anyone ever offered him the chance. He set the Heartfruit down on the bedside table, and dug for any excuse not to partake. Sarah finished mixing the drink and turned around to see the rising panic in Tyler’s eyes. She set the drink down and knelt in front of him at the foot of the bed. “Ty?” she asked, slowly raising a hand to pull his face towards hers. Tyler began to sniffle and cry. He was about to blow it again, lose everything all because he couldn’t stop being such a fool. When he felt her hand press against his cheek, he sniffled hard, and looked at her. He paused, then sniffed again. His tears cut off rather suddenly as his brain tried to piece together the strange smell. It had a sweetness to it, like a… foreign fruit. “That’s a good boy,” Sarah said, lifting the glass to his lips, and helping him drink down the Heartfruit cocktail. Tyler didn’t, couldn’t resist.
  21. Hello everyone, this is a new story I'm writing, picking some suggestions from a previous topic I made and of course some personal details. I want to try to do something new and try writing with Points of View characters, I want to check out if I'm capable of giving different inner voices to different personalities. I'll be starting with two, might add more in the future. Some details. 1 - My stories feature Mini-Giantess and extremely short men, so if you don't like that please feel free to ignore this thread. 2 - This story is set in a world similar to Earth but just not it, just to avoid me the struggle of being consistent with education laws of a specific country. I know nobody would care about that but I would ENJOY! NOEMI I She couldn't believe she was finally out of that stinkhole of a place its inhabitants call a town. She was entering University, and in a large city at that! Finally no more meeting the same 3 people everyday, finally she could go dancing, she could go to the theatre, she could go to concerts, ANYTHING. Hell, if she wanted she cou- THOMPH! "Wa-was I hit by a truck?" Noemi wasn't a small gal. Not even for girls standards. Yes, women were indeed usually a 2 or 3 feet taller than men, but standing at 7'9 she was ESPECIALLY tall, even more so for someone who was 18. Most women don't stop growing until they are 30, but have a severe deceleration at 25; doctors have however predicted her probably not to stop before reaching 9 feet at the very least, making her one of the tallest women in the world. She looked down at the man who she hit. He was probably around her age or a bit older. It was always hard to say with men, considering their facial features don't change much after reaching the age of 20 and keep being basically the same until their late 40s. She helped him getting up, he was quite chubby and about average in height, not taller than 3'7. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I was just marveling at this place! It's huge!" he scraffled the dust away from his own body and then talked. "No worries, mate. It was my fault to pass in the women's corridor, I was kinda in a hurry and well..." "Noemi." she said firmly, shaking his hand. "George!" "Nice to meet you George! You said a WOMEN's corridor?" "Ay! It's for men's safe to have them separated, to avoid specifically what has just happened to us ahah!" "Yes. That's correct. And you should have known better, Mister." a deep womanly voice came from behind's Noemi's shoulders. It was an older woman, probably around 28 or 30, quite short for a gal, around 6'8, but the authoritative composure, the way she was dressed, accompanied by her frowning made her look twice as large. Noemi had seen her face when online when she was applying to the University. She was one of the assistant of one of her professors. "S-sorry Mrs. Flennigan, it-it won't happen anymore." he excused himself sheepishly, looking down. "I'm sure it won't. Or else." <Quite stern.> Noemi thought, but realized that probably men had been trampled over before this ruling was established. <Poor George.> "So... I'm going to my place. See you around I guess. Try not to die?" she said as she was leaving. Why the hell did she say that!? It was so unnecessary! Well, what was done was done. She walked off throughout the immense chambers of the University. What George said was true. She noticed there were a dark red path, burgundy coloured and a baby blue one, each going to different directions, but both reaching the various classes. The burgundy one was the one that was made for women, and it was noticeable. While the classrooms were common for everyone, there was no necessity for men's roofs to be as tall as those for women, so the baby blue corridors were much less high in order to save money to construct the building. Noemi had read that many Universities were built like that ever since they started allowing both men and women studying together. She kinda wanted to sneak in into the baby blue corridor, seeing all the little guys together was kinda cute and she wanted to steal them, but it was not something you want to do on your first day. Eventually, she reached her room. As she entered, she saw her roommate. And more. "Hey gal! Woah you're gorgeous! You must be my new sister in arms, uh? Welcome to my coven, babe! How tall are you? Woah!" this woman was already way more energetic than she expected to find, but she didn't mind. In fact, she liked it. If there was one thing that Noemi didn't like in people was unfriendliness, and at least on a surface level this woman didn't seem to have that in her. "I'm tall... a lot ahah! I'm 7'9, but I'm aiming for the stars! I'm Noemi! Nice to meet you and... your friends?" she had three men sleeping in her bed with her. All cozed up around her body, they looked like puppies trying to heat themselves up around their mama-dog. "Laura, and yeah, those are my friends. I swear nothing indecent happened here. We just were watching a film together and they fell asleep, aren't they the cutest?" "I wouldn't have minded, y'all adults and free to do what you please." "Nono, we are just friends, I swear, but hey! I feel the same!" "Good, 'cause I'm planning to get some for myself ahahah!" Noemi wasn't the shiest person herself. She wasn't a nymphomaniac by any means, but she liked having erotic activities. Especially lactation. Ever since she started lactating it had become a huge kink for her. Her breasts were immense even for someone her size, and became even more engorged now that they were filled with milk. "Won't they get mad if you take men in your room though?" "Nah, as long as you're the one carrying them around, people don't really mind. So..." Laura gently got up and tidied her friends under the sheets, making sure not to wake them up. Now that she was standing, Noemi noticed that she was pretty big herself. She was 7'3 at the very least, but also very bulky; she definitely was in a fighting sport. "Let's get out of here; I wanna show you around."
  22. This story was written as part of The 3rd Kasarberang's NON-CONtest. Hi guys! The story won the second price of 100$, which has already been received. Thanks to Kasarberang and all of you for the support! A Husband's Regression Oliver sat on the floor surrounded by his baby jail, or as mommy called it, playpen. His diaper, as always, was wet; a pacifier in his mouth and a ridiculous bonnet attached to his head. It would be impossible for anyone to confuse him with the successful businessman he had been a few months ago. No one would even think this pathetic man had once been a husband, a father, a respected man. And yet, in Oliver's mind, those memories were as fresh as if it had been a day ago. Memories of driving his luxurious car. Memories of fucking his sexy wife. Memories of everything he lost. "Why don't we have a glass of wine, and you tell me everything that happened between you and," said Julia, pausing to glare at Oliver's predicament, "Well, Oliver." She was a pretty lady, a couple of years younger than Oliver. Nothing special. Not like his wife or, eh, mommy. He couldn't call her any other way anymore. Not unless he wanted to spend the evening on her lap. Claudia was a beautiful woman, thirty-five and still looking radiant. Even with her pregnant belly, she was by far the most beautiful woman Oliver's ever seen. "Oh, it all happened so fast for little Oli. I don't think he realized it until it was over," said Claudia, receiving a glass of wine from her friend. "What happened to him?" "Little Oli here made Mommy angry. Do you remember it, Oli?" Oliver tried to look away, but he knew Mommy wouldn't like that. He hated it whenever she talked about his downfall. It had been such a stupid thing. An office party, and it wasn't really his fault. She came onto him, his assistant. Claudia knew it. But she still got angry. Yeah, it's true he had been flirty with Sophia before, but it was all platonic. The girl was almost twenty years younger than him. Any sane man would've flirted a little bit, even if it led to nothing. Though now Oliver wished it had led to nothing. It would've changed everything. "So he had an affair?" Asked Julia, pouring even more wine into her glass. "He did. The little stinker claims he never even touched her, but Sophia confessed. If you think Oliver's fate was bad, you should see her." "What did you do to her?" Oliver knew now about what had happened. Claudia's plan had been flawless, but if there was anything he regretted the most was what happened to Sophia. Sighing, he moved enough to allow himself to pee his diaper more comfortably. "That I'll show you later. For now, why don't we focus on Oli?" Claudia asked. Julia nodded enthusiastically. She had never been fond of Oliver. In fact, she had even argued against him when Claudia announced their marriage. The good old days. "So, what happened when you found out about the affair?" "My husband had cheated on me, and I wanted payback. But more than anything, I wanted to humiliate him. Divorcing him wouldn't have been enough, so…" "So he agreed to be put back in diapers just because?" Claudia giggled, "No. Not immediately. It was a bit more complex than just forcing him to wear them and act like a baby. I got the idea from a bizarre story I found once." "I think someone's filling his diaper for Mommy. What time is it?" "Uhm, almost two. Why?" Asked Julia, now a bit tipsy. "Oliver's meal. My breasts are screaming for release." "Release? Your breasts? What?" Oliver knew what she meant. Sitting in his baby prison, his lips were working against him. They wanted something he despised, something he hated. And yet, part of him craved the sweet nectar of his wife's breasts. He would never forget the first time he tasted them. That very first night, he had been forced to suck on her nipples while diapered. He had not eaten anything for an entire day, and he would not eat anything unless he did what Claudia wanted, and she wanted to breastfeed him. And so he did, with tears in his eyes he did, and what was worst, he didn't completely hate it. "You'll see in a few minutes. I try to feed him at the same time every day, it creates a sense of stability, and that's important for babies. Anyway, where were we?" Claudia asked, pausing for a second to glare at the man that was once her husband, "Oh, right. How did we get here?" "Wait, wait. Do you breastfeed him? How do you produce milk?" "It took some work, but there are some treatments you can get to induce milk production. It's a bit expensive and medical. Worth it, though." "If you say so," said Julia, looking a bit disgusted but too engaged in the story to leave it there, "So, how did you get him to accept all of this?" "Easy. I made him think he needed it." "Made him think he needed to be traded like a baby?" Claudia took a sip of her glass of wine, and with a devilish smile, she winked at her former husband. "Remember the accidents, honey?" Asked Claudia about the baby that was once her husband. Oliver looked away. He remembered everything that led to his downfall. It began a couple of months before. One night Claudia surprised him with a glass of wine when he came back from work. A glass turned into two, then four. The next morning he woke up soaked. Claudia wasn't pleased, but she didn't make a big fuss out of it. Instead, she treated him better that morning. Better than she had in a while. However, it wasn't the end of it. That very same night, she gave him a beer while they ate. Nothing fancy, but it was a nice gesture. He didn't think twice. But the next morning, he woke up with a wet bed again. And once again, Claudia seemed fine with it. Somehow, she seemed happier about it. And when it happened again and again, Oliver began to worry about his health. "And then it happened during the day. Your first accident during the day, and it was public. Wasn't it, Oli?" Asked Claudia with that devilish smile he hated. Oliver looked down. It had been a busy day at work. Kendall, his assistant, a young and ambitious man, had given him a glass of water right before an important meeting. Nothing odd about it. It was the way he liked to start his meetings, hydrated. But he didn't know back then what he knew now. And so he drank and went straight to present the reports for that semester. Twenty minutes in, he felt a slight tinkle in his penis, something warm against his crotch, and then a liquid sensation running down his legs. It was over in a matter of seconds, and everyone in the room went silent. And it remained silent until Oliver realized what had happened and rushed out of the room, leaving a puddle of his urine behind. "He wet himself at work?" Asked Julia. "He did," said Claudia as tears began forming in Oliver's eyes. "How? How did you get him to pee himself at night and in front of his colleagues?" "A combination of loop diuretics." "Loop what?" Asked Julia. "Drugs, honey. Drugs that make it impossible for the body to absorb certain minerals, so they just passed straight through the body." Their eyes turned to Oliver, who was now sobbing because he knew what happened after. And because he now knew why it happened. He took the week off after his accident to make sure there were no health issues, but the doctor had simply said that there wasn't a physical problem with him. If he was having accidents, then it must be phycological. And he was dragged to a therapist by his wife, though, surprisingly, she seemed sympathetic to the whole thing. Their marriage had been paying through a rocky spot, and yet, here they were, together like a couple dealing with a problem. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad. But Oliver didn't know better back then. "What did the therapist say? And how did you get the doctor to miss the drugs in his system?" "Money," said Claudia, matter-of-factly, "Buying yourself a doctor is just as easy as getting a new car. And, of course, little Oli here left us with quite a large amount of money." "So, what happened next?" "Well, the therapist we went to was a friend of mine. She knew what I wanted and why, and she was more than happy to help." "How did she help? What did you do? Stop being so vague," said Julia, giggling as she raised her four glass of wine. "Her name's Clara, and she planted the little bug in Oli's head. She said that there was no real reason why a man his age should be having potty accidents, and she said potty to make a clear point. So, Oli was having them because, subconsciously, he wanted." "Did he fall for that?" Claudia shook her head, "Not right away. Of course, I acted shocked and disgusted. But I let Clara take charge at that moment. She simply stated that Oli might be burned out with all the stress of a high-profile job. I mean, it's not like he didn't have terrible neck and shoulder pain already. And as she kept explaining why she thought that, Oli's expression shifted from anger and distrust to looking more like a beaten puppy. And that's when she suggested a new and revolutionary treatment. Regression. Or, in other words, being treated like a baby for a while." "And he accepted?" "Being a baby? Not quite. Not yet, but that's how I planned it. You see, Oli needed one last push into complete babyhood. Something that would make him understand he wasn't an adult anymore, or at least, he didn't want to be one." "What did you do?" "Well, Oli already had an accident in public. But that was contained, and his colleagues just thought he had some sickness or something. Now it was time to push him further. And by further, I mean stepping up the game from number one to…" Oliver tried to block her words, but he could do nothing to block his memories. Even now, just thinking about it was traumatic. He sighed behind his pacifier. "Number two? You mean," Julia paused, a look of disgust on her face," Oh, my." Claudia nodded. And if it had been just one day ago, the image of that day came rushing into Oliver's mind. A beautiful day, sunny and breeze. Perfect for a 4th of July BBQ. Oliver's son, Eric, and his girlfriend, Linda, were part of the crowd that included neighbors, friends, family, and some employees, like Kendall. All of them celebrate and drink and smoke, and enjoy. Even Oliver had stopped thinking about his accidents and diagnosis for a moment, just being present and happy. And that changed quickly after eating. It began like a little rumble in his stomach, which soon turned into a terrible pain and cold shivers that could only mean one thing. "I've heard about it!" Said Julia, "But I thought they were joking or exaggerating." "It probably was as bad, if not worst, than what you might have heard." It was, though, Oliver, and a familiar feeling in his tummy and bowels rushed through him without any objection. A loud fart echoed in the room, a wet one. Julia giggled, but Claudia looked at him with pride in her eyes. What followed was a minute of Oliver squatting right where he was, pushing with little effort, to then feel the warm and soft yes spreading through his crotch. Then he sat right on it as it reached his most private area. There was no fighting it. There was no reason to fight it. If he did, all he would earn was discomfort. And once it was done, he could do nothing but cry. "Did he just…" "He did," said Claudia, chuckling, "Just like how it happened that day. Minus the attire. Though the crying is spot on." "Eww." She was right, though. Oliver had not made it to the bathroom that fateful 4th of July. He stood up, walked a couple of feet, and froze right there in front of his son and daughter-in-law-to-be and in front of everyone that held him in any esteem. And like a toddler, he soiled himself. And like a toddler, he couldn't do anything but cry. And that was it. After what happened, he couldn't really argue the diagnosis. Did he really want to be a baby? Of course not. But he didn't know it had all been Claudia's fault back then. No. He actually believed his subconscious was fucking with him. Claudia grabbed him by the wrist and led him back home, leaving behind the astonished crowd. Oliver just allowed himself to be cleaned by his wife, not even trying to justify his accident. And there was no reason to. Claudia seemed to be okay with what had happened. She even kissed him gently on the forehead, reassuring him that if he truly wanted to be a baby, he needed to decide. She just couldn't handle the whole accident stuff anymore. Either he took the decision to be a baby, or she would take it for him. "And he said yes?" Claudia nodded. "So, what happened after?" Oliver didn't need to hear Claudia's answer. He had experienced it firsthand. That very same day, he was put on his first diaper by his loving wife. It didn't occur to him why she already had diapers ready to go, but he was too shocked to argue anything. So he said nothing when she put a onesie on him, mittens on his hands, and knitted booties on his feet. It wasn't until she said people were waiting for him to see if he was doing better that Oliver returned to reality. "No, please. Don't let them see me," he tried to argue, but there was nothing to argue about. Claudia led him downstairs and to a full room that included every person from the BBQ. His son Eric was the first to see him, and the look of disappointment and disgust in his eyes still haunts Oliver to this day. Linda laughed just as he stepped into the living room, and everyone joined her. And Oliver could do nothing but cry. "I wish I could've been there," said Julia. "I have it on tape." "Really?" "Kendall helped me with it. He had known about the entire plan for a while, and well, not only did he get me, but he's now also Oliver's replacement. So I think everything worked out the way we planned it." "And when did Oliver, I mean, Oli, find out you were behind everything that happened?" Claudia giggled, "That was very recent, actually. You see, he already accepted that he subconsciously wanted to be a baby. But I couldn't just drop the truth on him just yet. I needed him to actually enjoy his time as a baby first." "Enjoy it?" "Well. Let's just say little Oli here might be looking for his diaper change. Aren't you, Oli?" Oliver looked away, still sobbing but nodding at the same time. He knew what it meant to be changed. Ever since that fateful day, whenever she or anyone changed him, he got something in return. The mere thought of it made him blush. Of course, he didn't like to admit to himself. But after he had a wet accident for the first time in his diaper, Claudia took him to their bed, and carefully, gently, she began massaging around his little butthole while her other hand played with his minuscule penis. It didn't take long for him to cum. That process was repeated with every change. Though whenever he had a stinky, she would use a magic wand vibrator to achieve his climax. "Eww, he comes from shitting and peeing himself?" Claudia chuckled and nodded. Standing up, Claudia reached for Oliver's playpen, moving around the massive breasts and long legs she possessed. "I think someone's hungry." Oliver blushed. She managed to carry him off the playpen. It would have been a considerable feat had it not been because, after months of barely moving, Oliver was mostly fat and had no muscle. Julia said nothing as the proud wife sat next to her again with the pathetic husband on her lap. "You're getting stronger." "Got into weights a few months ago. And Oliver's not that tall or heavy." "Are you going to feed him now?" Claudia nodded and, wasting no time, she opened her shirt and bra, revealing gorgeous breasts. A surprising feature for someone her age, but Claudia was the epitome of a well-preserved woman in her forties. "Should I come back later?" Asked Julia. "Not at all. Stay, we haven't finished the tale of little Oli." And without hesitation, Oliver latched onto his wife's nipple, sucking and receiving the tasteful liquid her wife had produced for him. A month ago, he would've fought it back, and he did fight back during that first week. But fighting back meant not release, and it meant a torturous spank given to him by his wife's new boyfriend. His former assistant. The man he knew had to call Daddy. No. Oliver wouldn't fight back anymore. No matter who was around them, he would feed, whether it was a stranger or his daughter-in-law, or his very own son. "How do you make milk?" "Hormones. I started the treatment right around the time I decided to regress Oliver. It worked quite well and right on time." "So, what's left to be said about Oli?" "Well, you know about Sophia now. Do you remember what I told you?" "That she got a fate worst than Oliver?" Claudia nodded, making an expression of pain, "Suck softer, Oli, there's plenty of milk for you." But Oliver couldn't. His heartbeat raced whenever Claudia mentioned Sophia. He wished he could've spared her the punishment her wife had decided for her. But he didn't. And had he tried, he would've accomplished nothing. "What's worst than being regressed the way you did with Oliver?" "Oli here is just Oliver being treated like a baby. He thinks like a man still; that's part of his punishment. But if he ever wanted to leave me, he could just do so. The possibility of getting a normal life is still there." "What do you mean? He can decide to stop it?" Claudia nodded, "He's here because he wants to. Well, of course, if he ever left, he would have to start from zero. No money, no car, no house, no wife, no son. Nothing. I actually gave him that choice a few weeks ago." It had been one night after being milked by his wife. Oli was in his playpen pretending to play as he did most of the time when the doorbell rang. Claudia opened the door to reveal his son, Eric, and his wife, Linda. They had an announcement to make. Linda was finally pregnant. It was a time for celebration, but obviously, Oli wasn't allowed to celebrate with them. "You will have someone to have playdates with," said Claudia. "That's gonna be so cute!" Said Linda, "Imagine, your grandchild will be potty trained long before you ever get out of diapers." "If he ever gets out," said Eric, still disgusted at his father's state. "Well, that can be arranged," said Claudia, "Do you want to be allowed to grow back, Oli?" Oliver nodded enthusiastically. "Wait a second. You need to understand what it would mean. I think it's time I'm honest with you. It's more than you deserve, but it was bound to happen." "Honest?" Asked Oliver, still with a pacifier in his mouth, which just made him sound pathetic. "Well, you see. I know all about Sophia." Oliver froze right there. "Don't worry. I've already dealt with her. But I've known for a while now," said Claudia, and she explained everything to Oliver, from the drugs to the doctor and her therapist friend, everything, including Kendall's involvement. He couldn't believe it. Oliver turned to see his son and daughter-in-law but neither moved nor acted surprised. "What?" Asked Eric, "You thought we didn't know? I don't know why Mom didn't just dump your disgusting ass at once, but I guess this works too. Real, don't cheat, Dad. Or, I guess, baby brother." "You have a decision to make. You can have your old life back. Minus me, your son, the house, your job, or any possession. If already ensure of that." Oliver said nothing, looking up at his wife and son, feeling smaller now than he had ever felt. "Or you can stay like this for as long as I please. Let's be honest; it's more natural, isn't it? You were never much of a man anyway. What do you say?" Oliver's breathing was hard, and his vision was slightly blurry. "Anything?" Asked Claudia with her devilish smile. It was just too much for him to deal with. His little mind kinda broke, and his body decided to answer for him. A loud wet fart echoed through the room, followed by the biggest, most stinky mess he had ever done in his life. One that spread all through his crotch in a matter of seconds. "I made oopsies, Mommy." Everyone laughed. Back in the present, Oliver opened his eyes; he was still attached to his wife's nipple. Claudia and Julia were still giggling about his downfall. And his diaper was still full of his own shit. It was a surprise to him that it had not leaked yet. "I think it's time to change him. And it's also time to show you what happened to little Sophia." Julia stood up with difficulty after her fifth glass of wine, "This I have to see." A few minutes later, they were inside a large room in the house. A nursery, for all intents and purposes, with two large cribs inside and a giant changing table. Why two? Well, that was answered as soon as they got close enough to see what lay inside. A young woman, no older than twenty-five, was sleeping in her crib. Her diaper was also full, almost leaking, and she was sucking on her thumb even though she had a pacifier right next to her. "Is that…Wait. Is that the mistress?" Asked Julia, slightly bit tipsy. "Indeed." Oliver looked away. He hated looking at Sophia now, even though he had loved to do so before. She was gone, though. The pretty girl everyone wanted that he actually got. What remained was not even a shell of her former self. Sophia was now no more than a toddler, newborn, for that matter. He couldn't think about anything else but cooking on her thumb while she drooled. And she had no memory of being an accomplished young woman. No memory of the time they shared together. There was nothing left of Sophia. "When are you going to tell me what happened with her?" "Maybe another day," said Claudia, placing Oliver over the changing table, "Right now, it's time for Oli to make some cummies. Right, Oli?" Oliver blushed, nodding and sucking on his pacifier. He surrendered. Sophia had not chosen her fate, but he was more than willing to play along with it. Maybe they were right. It was just natural to him. Maybe, just maybe, being a baby wasn't the worst possible punishment. And he smiled as he felt the hard vibration of her wife's milking device against his padded crotch. And he closed his eyes in pleasure, forgetting everything else. ............................................. Hey guys! This story is free for everyone because of the contest. If you want to read more stories with similar themes or you prefer female regression, including mothers, teachers, and older sisters, you can subscribe to my website: The Padded Playground
  23. Anastasia de Cruz was 35 year old woman. She have a tall blonde hair with beautiful green eyes. She had a wonderful life. A wonderful work on which she received decent money, a loving husband and our daughter was growing up. Everything changed in one day. When her daughter died as a result of a car accident. The husband blamed her for everything and broked with here. And she got a strong psychological blow. Now, in all the people she met, I saw the face of my dead daughter and she rushed to completely strangers with screams and kisses. Her was admitted to a mental hospital in which I stayed for 2 years. Her pretended to be better. But not really. Medications helped cope with hallucinations. ‐----------- One late night she was driving car and saw a young girl who was standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. She was alone and there was no one else... Anastasia stopped the car not far. She got out of the car and looked at her and grabbed to the heart. As soon as she saw her. Anastasia's dreamed about my daughter again. She grabbed the medicine and realized that it was over. And in her head, Anastasia realized that can’t let this girl go... "Hi sweetheart. I'm can help your? Get in my car, I'll give you a ride. Where do you want it?" say Anastasia.
  24. The LETO Syndicate A girl wakes up on a bus on it's way to a large, windowless building in the middle of nowhere, strapped to a large car seat, alongside a couple dozen others like her. No doubt you've heard this story before. But I hope I can still surprise you all with my own little twist on the much loved scenario! This one is a lot shorter than my usual stories (mine are usually 40 and an epilogue, though some go way above that), at around half my usual length. It's also very different from my usual stories, but I won't spoil anything. Regression, humiliation, strong Nannies, a strict Headmistress, lesbian romance... it's got it all! Two chapters per week, as usual. Every Wednesday and Sunday. And as usual, if you want two weeks early access to chapters of my current ongoing story, you can sub to my Patreon. You'll also get access to my discord server to discuss chapters there and stuff. And also to tease me apparently. Grr. I hope I've covered everything that needs saying and I hope everyone enjoys this story as much as my other stories! Please feel free to leave comments and feedback, I love reading it all! Also, please link to my stories rather than posting them as files when sharing with others! Chapter 1: Arrival The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess Pulling against the straps holding me in place, strapped tightly into this stupidly comfortable seat that felt more like a baby’s car seat than a normal bus seat, I wondered to myself how I got into this position. I struggled against the wrist straps first, hoping they would give way, even if only the tiniest amount, to allow me to attempt to escape. But alas, they were on as tight as possible. So when that failed, I tried my legs. I quickly found they too were secured to the seat and I was unable to move them. The best I could do was wriggle, and the only part of me that wasn’t completely secured was my head and neck. They even put a strap around my waist, holding me back in my seat. Thankfully, as I stopped focusing on myself, and started focusing on my surroundings… I saw I wasn’t the only one. And just like me, they were all wearing identical white scrubs. Turning to my immediate left, sat next to the window, I saw what looked to be an angel. Beautiful long, blonde hair… shining blue eyes… petite and looking she was around her late twenties… this girl was beautiful. Like the kind of girl I always dreamed I’d be with, but knew I had no shot with. Not that I’m a bad looking gal, just… this girl was gorgeous. Those dazzling blue eyes were concentrating on the window, looking out into the barren green fields, out into the middle of nowhere. “There’s nothing out there. Plus the windows are tinted…” I said to her, trying to initiate conversation. “Sorry?” She said, quickly turning around to look at me. “If you think you’re going to flag someone down to rescue you… no one can see in. I saw this van from the outside before I was taken.” “Oh… no… it’s not that. I just… it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She asked, sounding so… carefree right now. I looked out of the window at the picture-perfect country scene. “I suppose it is. You… you don’t seem worried…” I said, suspicious of why she sounded so carefree right now. “Neither do you…” She replied. “Oh I am, believe me. But my Dad always taught me to keep calm if anything like this ever happened. To not antagonise your kidnapper. What about you, why aren’t you worried?” “I figured this would happen to me.” “Wait… what? You figured you’d be kidnapped by some shady, burly men in guard uniforms and shoved on a bus with tinted windows?” “Not exactly that… but…” She took one long sigh and looked me in the eyes. “My sister went missing last year. She looked just like me. Only a year older than me too. And out of nowhere… vanished. I spent the last year worried that it’d happen to me too. You hear about all these girls going missing in town… I knew it would happen sooner or later.” “Where are you from?” I asked her, wondering what town she had been taken from, which town she was talking about. Her accent sounded Northern, but I was useless with accents so couldn’t pinpoint exactly where she was from. “Sheffield. Why, what about you?” She asked. “I’m from Bath. Sorry, I was just wondering where your accent was from.” “So… so we’re completely different ends of the country. That’s weird.” She said, rolling her eyes towards the window again. “Yeah… they must take girls like us from all over the country and take us to… wherever they’re taking us. Do you recognise any of the landscape?” “Nope. It’s nice though. Very nature…y.” She smiled, making my heart flutter. “Yeah it’s quite nice. I… I wonder where they’re taking us though, out in the middle of nowhere.” “Probably some secret facility.” She whispered, grinning. “And how do you know that?” I asked. “Just a guess. It’s what I’d do.” I laughed, causing me to gain the attention of one of the guards at the front of the bus. “What you’d do?” I whispered. “Yeah, if I kidnapped a bunch of pretty girls, I’d take them to a facility in the middle of nowhere.” ‘Wait… does she think I’m pretty?’ I thought to myself, my heart aflutter. “And what would you do with them? Sell them? Experiment on them? Fuck them until they’re your obedient little whores?” I joked. She paused for a second, thinking, making me worry I had gone too far with the joke. “Probably just play video games with them and eat pizza.” She grinned. “Remind me to get kidnapped by you next time.” I replied, smiling. She smiled back in what looked to be a flirty manner. But hey, what do I know? I haven’t done the whole dating game thing in a while. “So… what were you doing when you were taken?” She asked. “I was at a bar, getting hammered with my mates. Susie had just ordered another round, and I got a phone call. So I went outside, out into the back alley to take the call, and… that’s when I was taken. Bag over head, injection in my neck… world went black. Woke up slightly as they were loading us all on, that’s when I saw the outside of this bus, but quickly went under again. Then, like you, woke up on this journey to nowhere. What about you?” “I had just gotten off from a late night at work. Walking home… I was followed by a couple of rough-looking guys. Tried to dodge them by heading down another street… but they had backup. Grabbed me, shot me with something in the neck, bag over head just like you. Fun times.” “You’re awfully more relaxed than everyone else on here…” I commented. We both looked around at the other passengers. The ones currently in the same predicament, tied to these ‘car seat’ things. Three guards patrolled the aisle, keeping an eye out on each person. Upon closer inspection, some passengers were still asleep. Obviously whatever drug our kidnappers had used worked differently depending on the person. Some were wide awake… but were gagged. They had probably tried to fight back or argue… or even bite. Some were just like me and my new friend, chatting and trying to keep calm, but there were only a few of those. Most were panicking. “I’m not exactly a glass-half-full kinda girl. Not exactly optimistic in the first place, even before being kidnapped.” My new friend shrugged. “Ah… same.” “Sorry, Where are my manners…” She said, “I’m Sarah.” “Judy.” I replied. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Judy.” Sarah smiled. “It’s nice to meet you too, Sarah. Hey… just wondering…” “What?” “Can… Can we try to stick together, whatever happens? I think it’ll improve our chances of getting through this in one piece if we watch each other’s backs.” I suggested. “I mean… sure? I don’t know how easy that will be though… We still don’t know what they have planned. And they could easily split us up.” “QUIET!” One of the guards shouted, the one at the front. “We’re arriving…” “Arriving where?” I whispered to Sarah. “I guess we’re going to find out…” Sarah replied, shrugging her shoulders. The bus turned off the main road, down a private road leading to a large prison-like gate. Stopping at what was probably a checkpoint, the front door of the bus opened and the bus driver started chatting to one of the guards outside. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but I couldn’t make out anything at this distance, it’s a shame we weren’t sitting closer to the front. “What are they saying?” Sarah asked. “No idea. Probably just checking in.” I replied. The doors closed suddenly and I saw the gate in front start opening slowly, rattling the whole way. “Looks like we’re here…” Sarah said. My heart was racing as we slowly drove down the long road, towards what looked like a prison complex. At least that’s what it looked like on the outside. But not one of those usual old prisons we have in the UK, but a much more modern one. One that looked more like a billionaire’s nuclear bunker or something, or a super modern art gallery. Just big blocks of white stone with no windows and only one door on the front. That probably isn’t the only door, but that was the only one in view. “That… is an evil villain’s lair…” Sarah commented. “Yeah, not the friendliest-looking place…” I replied, smirking. “Maybe it’s all kittens and rainbows on the inside?” “Oh and teddy bears and hugs?” She laughed quietly, as to not alert the guard. “And pillows and sweeties!” “That wouldn’t be so bad…” “QUIET!” The guard shouted again. The whole bus then slowly came to a standstill, and not a single noise was made as the engine calmed down. “No talking. Or else. No resisting. Or else. No trying to escape…” That’s when I fucked up. “Or else?” I asked. A gasp of around a dozen people or more filled the bus as the guard who was talking stared directly at me, clearly pissed. “What was that?” The guard growled as he walked slowly down the aisle towards me. “I… I…” “I said ‘or else?’” Sarah said from beside me, as if she was willing to take the blame for it. I turned to my side and looked Sarah in the eyes. She just stared back and smiled. “We stick together.” She whispered to me. “Oh, it was you was it?” The guard asked, looking at her. “Yes. I was just confirming…” “It was me. I was just confirming…” I interrupted, before being interrupted myself by the angry-looking guard. “You both want to own up to it? Big mistake. One strike for both of you.” He growled. “And three strikes and we’re out?” I asked, in a cocky manner that I quickly regretted as the tall, muscly man looked down at me. “One strike equals one punishment.” He grinned, cockily. “Ooooh punishment! What, are you going to spank us?” Sarah joined in, laughing. “Have fun later, girls…” He said as he walked off to the front of the bus again, pulling out what looked to be a computer tablet and pressing a couple of buttons on it. I swear I could see a picture of me and a picture of Sarah on it as he closed it down and slipped it back into his large pocket. “That… wasn’t that bad. Though we really shouldn’t have pissed off that guy… it could backfire on us.” Sarah said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m pretty sure it has. But thanks for sticking up for me back there.” I replied, smiling up at her sweetly. “Hey, you said we stick together, right? I’ve got your back, if you have mine.” “Of course. I wonder what punishment we’ll get…” “Well we still don’t know if this is like a sex thing or a prison thing or an illegal experimentation thing. Either way… I’m not looking forward to seeing what we get.” Sarah sighed. “RIGHT! ONE BY ONE. LETS GO BOYS.” The main guard said, as the other two went to the front seats and then just as I thought they’d undo the restraints to get the first passengers off… they just lifted the whole damn seat out and carried it out of the bus! Like… how freaking strong are they? As they carried the first two victims off, out of the bus, my hopes of trying to escape whilst I was unrestrained were dashed. And then a minute later… the guards returned. Taking the next two… they did this a bunch of times, making their way from the front of the bus to the back end where me and Sarah were sitting. They slowly removed each and every victim that they had most likely kidnapped and took them off the bus, without removing them from these weird baby-car seat things. I counted along, seeing how many they had taken, as I couldn’t tell on the way here from where I was sitting, but it looked to be about twenty in front of us… and I had a feeling there were maybe six behind us I think? And before long… It was our turn. “Time for the troublemakers…” the main guard said, taking over from the guard who was doing our side. “I’ll get little miss trouble, you get the bratty little princess.” The other guard didn’t say a word, he just nodded. Uncoupling my seat from the bus, the main guard lifted me up with no effort and carried me towards the front of the bus. And that’s when the pit of dread started forming in my stomach. But nothing would have prepared me for what I saw next. ========================================================= So... thoughts so far? I know it's only the first chapter, but it's not my usual kind of story and so far those on my patreon are loving it, so I hope you all love it too! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them! Thank you to all my patrons for their support! Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier. New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday! Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!
  25. Hi folks - welcome to the third and final installment of my Mike and Katie short story series. All characters 18+ and of course comments and critique are welcome! Later At Daycare (or Mike and Katie Part 3) Mike knelt on the floor of the playroom, dutifully picking up Duplo bricks one-by-one and dropping them into the tub at his side. He was trying to drag this task out for as long as possible. He didn’t want to have to talk to Miss Katie right now. Prolonging this little clean-up job would prevent that. Throwing the Duplo tub was naughty - he knew that - but it wasn’t such a huge deal. She didn’t have to put him in timeout for something as trivial as a little tantrum. And it seemed especially unfair that he was now missing outside time. He glanced up at Katie and saw that she was watching him. He quickly looked back down and continued to pick up the pieces of his little tantrum. There was another, more tactile, reason why he was avoiding her company and her gaze: Every time he shifted his posture, even a little bit, the rapidly cooling mess in his training pants shifted as well. He couldn’t say with any certainty how or when it had happened. One minute he was picking up colorful bricks in clean training pants, and the next he was doing so with a heavy warmth against his bottom. He must have zoned out briefly, although he had no recollection of that or of snapping back. It was more like he had jumped forward in time all of a sudden. True, he had known he needed to go, (and he probably should have alerted Miss Katie to that much earlier) but he definitely hadn’t known he was going. He didn’t want Miss Katie to find out. Partly because this wasn’t a teeny little accident that could be quickly remedied with a few extra wipes. But more importantly, because with every second that passed, he was further breaking the rule about telling her when he’d had an accident. She’d already had to change his wet undies twice today. What was she going to think if she found out he was poopy? He was in too deep to turn back now. Maybe if he just kept to himself and continued quietly cleaning up the toys, Katie wouldn’t notice until it was time to go home, and then Sandra could change him in privacy. He glanced up again. Katie was still watching him, and he wasn’t quite sure he liked the expression. It was like she was assessing him. In the back of his mind, he knew what it meant. It was the same look Sandra used to give him before she asked if he needed to go potty (whether she suspected he still needed to go or not). Thankfully, she had gotten off his case about that in recent weeks. He looked back down, attempting a nonchalant, relaxed, and innocent posture/ expression. He hoped the smell wasn’t too bad. Oddly enough, it didn’t bother him anymore. In fact, it was super easy just to ignore it or even forget about it unless someone commented. He continued picking up the bricks, one by one, the mess further cooling against him, reminding him of his predicament. Before re-experiencing them firsthand, Mike had always assumed that poopy pants/ diapers felt like warm mush. And they did - at least at first. But what most people can’t remember (at least those not among the ranks of the incontinent), is that diapers and some training pants are cut with extra room in the seat, and that once a mess is deposited there, most of it sits away from the skin (unless the wearer is sitting down) and cools to room temperature fairly rapidly. The actual feeling of “being poopy”, in the infantile sense of the term, isn’t so much mushy warmth as it is sticky clamminess. It’s a decidedly babyish feeling because it means you’ve had poop in your pants for more than a few minutes, and that it happened in a garment that is designed to catch it. Mike was on all fours, reaching for a more distant block when he felt a tug at his rear waistband. He whirled his head around to see Katie bending over him, and peering down the back of his pants. He tried to turn away from her, but she was experienced at this, and she held him firmly in place with her other arm. Katie let his pants go with a snap, and turned him to face her, pushing him back so that he was looking up at her and his bottom was resting on his heels again: “Mike, did you go poopy in your pants?”, she asked gently, but firmly. He looked down without saying anything. As he did, he became aware that he was peeing. He wasn’t even sure how long the stream had been going, but it wasn’t soaking through his shorts yet, so probably not very long. Or maybe it was just a little tinkle. He sometimes did those these days. Those were the hardest to control, because his bladder never got full enough to feel like he needed to go: a sudden gush of warmth into the padding around his crotch was the only indication that his bladder had been filling. His control was definitely slipping. But there was no time to think about that now because Katie was demanding answers about other, more blushy aspects of his toileting. “Mike - look at me please. I asked you a question. Did you poop in your pants? Yes or no?” He looked up at her, tears starting to well up in his eyes. It was so unfair! If she hadn’t made him pick up the Duplo, he wouldn’t be in this mess. He never went potty in his pants during outside time (partly because Katie was very diligent about checking him and taking him to the toilet beforehand along with everyone else). For a moment, he considered lying. But he knew he was caught. She had seen the mess on his backside. There was no getting out of it now. “Yes Miss Katie”, he mumbled sheepishly, looking back up at her and feeling the stream in the front of his pants dissipate. At least that little problem had stopped. “Yes. You did. Thank you for not lying to me. But you know you’re supposed to come tell me if you’ve had an accident. So why didn’t you come tell me?” “I didn’t want you to think I was a baby” was Mike’s straightforward reply. Katie’s faced softened at this familiar but immature response. “Sweetie, having an accident doesn’t make you a baby. The difference between big boys and babies is what happens after. When babies go potty in their pants, they usually don’t tell anyone. In fact that’s the main reason why they have to wear diapers, because diapers hold the tinkle and poop in without making any mess until an adult finds out. But you don’t wear diapers do you? - at least not when you aren’t sleeping?” Mike shook his head “no”. He was glad he could provide such a strong answer to this important question! “That’s right! You don’t have to wear diapers because when you make pee pee or poopy in your pants you come and tell me or one of the other teachers straight away, don’t you?” Mike hesitated briefly, then nodded in the affirmative. It wasn’t strictly true. Case in point, today. And it was even worse outside of daycare. In fact, Sandra had actually asked him to stop “making a fuss” about the condition of his pants when she was busy (which seemed to be most of the time) or when they were out and about. He would just go in his training pants and wait for her to change him. Last week he had broken that new, “no fuss rule” while they were browsing the aisles at Target. In fact, he had demanded that Sandra take him to the toilet for an urgent number 2, and she had begrudgingly complied. But when they got to the family restroom she had refused to remove his overalls, instead sitting him fully clothed on the toilet, and telling him it was up to him whether he left dirty and wet, or clean and dry, but either way his pants weren’t coming off now until after lunch. Unfortunately, his muscle memory was still strong, even if his toilet training wasn’t, and he’d found it impossible to hold it once she had sat him down on the seat. His sphincter just released, and he started pushing involuntarily, going quite red in the face while Sandra watched, patted his head, and teased him momentarily about what he was doing. Sandra wasn’t satisfied with this level of humiliation though. He was in mid-push when she suddenly grabbed his hands, yanked him off the toilet, and pulled him out the family restroom door, and back into the brightly lit store, keeping a firm grip on one hand as she made a beeline towards the back. The large turd he had been working on was stuck halfway out of his bottom, and he was unable to pinch it off without stopping, which Sandra of course refused to do. He was forced into an awkward cowboy waddle as he slowly continued to mess his pants while following Sandra through the store. They had finally come to a stop in the diaper aisle, where Sandra pretended to browse the various brands, refusing to leave until he finished making poopy. The smiling babies on the packages seemed to mock him as he pushed out a second round of much softer poop into the seat of his trainers before also drenching the front - all while maintaining a classic “toddler squat.” Sandra had even had to explain to a disapproving young mother that Mike was one of the Littles from the Regression Center, provoking further embarrassment. Miss Katie wasn’t privy to any of these memories though, and she was still talking about what had happened here, today and with no help from Sandra: “…If I can’t trust you to tell me when you’re wet or stinky, then I think you need to be wearing diapers when you are here. And I can’t have a Little Helper who wears diapers because that’s not setting a good example for the others. You will need to go to the toddler classroom if you want to start going poopy in your pants without telling a teacher. OK?” Despite his embarrassment, Mike felt the need to object to this phrasing. “I don’t ‘want to start going poopy in my pants’ - it was an accident! It just came out on its own.” Katie decided to let him hold onto at least some of his dignity for the moment, even though she was pretty sure she had watched him actively push this particular load into his pants. She simply nodded that she understood, looked at him appraisingly for a moment, then held out her hand, pulling him to his feet, and leading him towards the door while commenting: “Well, for what it’s worth, you actually have pretty good timing, kiddo. The diaper changing area should be free in the toddler room right now.” Mike held back a sob and clenched his fist with his free hand to avoid putting his thumb in his mouth. As they left the classroom, Katie grabbed a fresh pair of his training pants and a pack of wipes that had appeared conveniently on the cabinet next to the door. She kept a tight hold on his hand as they left the preschool classroom and turned down the hall. The toddlers and preschoolers had shared outside time, and it was naptime for the infants, so the whole place was uncharacteristically quiet. There was nothing but the sound of their shoes on the floor and the creek of the hinge as they made their way into the darkened toddler classroom. Miss Julie, the head toddler teacher, was eating an early lunch inside. She looked up and smiled good-naturedly when she saw Mike and Katie. It was immediately obvious why they were visiting, but Katie still felt the need to explain: “Hi Julie - You remember Mike, my Little Helper, right?…That’s right, Sandra’s little boy, err…husband. Anyway, Mike had a pretty big accident, and I need to get him cleaned up before outside time is over. Is it OK if we use the changing table really quick?” Julie replied in the affirmative, pointing towards the clock and reminding Katie that she didn’t have long. The diaper changing room was very different to the stark whiteness of the staff bathroom he was more used to being changed in. It was painted in bright colors, and there were no potties or toilets in here, just two large wooden changing tables along one wall. The other wall was dominated by a large picture window, facing out into the main toddler classroom. With the lights on, Miss Julie would be able to see every gory detail of his change from her desk. Above the changing tables were cubbies, each labeled with a child’s name, containing neat stacks of diapers and other changing supplies. He shuddered. Was this his fate? Would his name end up on one of the unoccupied cubicles soon? The toddler classroom was ADA compliant, meaning that the changing tables were large enough to accommodate a much larger child with developmental disabilities. Sunny Hills didn’t currently have any special needs clients, but the tables did come in handy when a Little Helper had a big accident. Mike’s calves and ankles would hang off the table if he straightened his legs, but it was otherwise more than adequate to accommodate him. Katie was moving quickly. She had him sit on a low chair that was by the door (apologizing when she saw his facial expression as his bottom contacted the hard seat), and then she knelt down and took off his shoes and socks, catching a fresh whiff of his pants in the process. “Pee-ew! You might win the prize for biggest stink today, buddy! Let’s clean you up and get you smelling like a big boy again”, said Katie, with a smile and poke to his belly. The stern-ness was gone from her voice now. She was talking to him like Sandra did when she was babying him. The combination of her soft instructions and the cheerful setting melted any remaining resistance he might have had in a way that felt almost hypnotic. He wanted to be a good boy for Katie during his change. He wanted her to tell him what to do and to make all the decisions right now using that same gentle voice. Katie had him stand back up so she could pull down his shorts and help him step out, leaving Mike standing there in just his heavily soiled and wet training pants. At this point, Mike kind of wished that he was wearing one of the daytime diapers he was normally opposed to (even on a strictly “just in case” basis). At least they would better hide the evidence of his incontinence. The wet stain in the front in the front of his trainers and the prominent bulge in the seat left nothing to Katie’s imagination. He had clearly done ALL his poopy and tinkles in his pants. There was nothing left for the toilet, and thus no point visiting. Katie opened a small drawer under the table and removed a pair of vinyl gloves, which she put on. She also removed a thin plastic bag and set it at the head of the table. Then she turned back to him. Mike had expected Katie to make him lie down before removing his training pants, but instead, she knelt again and gingerly pulled the pants down his legs, taking care to avoid skin contact as much as possible. As he stepped out, he was treated to the same unpleasant view as Katie. At least it was fairly firm and well contained. Strictly speaking, the daycare guidebook instructed her to “shake or scrape” the contents of his soiled pants into a toilet before bagging them up. No one ever did that though. If shit happened in anything other than a diaper at Sunny Hills, it got sent home intact for the parents to dispose of. She wrapped up his poopy trainers in his wet shorts and tied them both into the plastic bag, placing it on the changing table. Standing there, naked from the waist down with a very dirty bottom illuminated by the bright fluorescents was the low point of the whole process for Mike. He started to cry a little as Katie turned back to him to inspect his bottom more closely. She gave him a few quick wipes while he stood there, and then she asked him to hop up on the table so that she could clean him more carefully. Katie was glad that Sandra had opted for the laser hair removal treatment at the regression center. It made cleanup a lot easier, and seeing a hairy crotch adorned in this mess would be downright weird. She noticed he was getting a little rashy in spots, so when she was finished wiping, she reached up and grabbed a tube of diaper cream from one of the cubicles. She was sure the owner wouldn’t mind sharing. She removed her gloves, pushed his legs up and back again, and started spreading cream with two fingers down his crack and up to the base of his hairless balls. She watched his face as she did this, hoping he would relax now that the change was almost finished. Applying the sweet smelling cream often had a calming, almost mesmerizing effect on her charges. But Mike was still visibly upset. In fact, more so than when they had started the change. She lowered his legs down and wiped the cream off her fingers with a spare wipe as she tried to sooth him: “Mike, sweetie, what’s wrong? It was just an accident. It’s not a big deal. You’re all clean now. It’s like it never happened. That’s the nice thing about getting changed isn’t it?” Mike gave a little nod and a hitching sigh. She tried a different tack: “I’m not mad about you not telling me about it. We can just try to do better next time, OK?…Accidents happen to everyone don’t they? I’m sure you will do poopies in the potty for me tomorrow, but even if you don’t, I won’t be mad about that either. All I ask is that you come tell me so I can get you changed quickly. Besides, it’s kind of nice getting to spend this one-on-one time together isn’t it?” Mike didn’t respond this time. He just laid there, still visibly upset. She pulled the fresh trainers up his legs and pulled him up to a sitting position, swinging his legs out over the side of the table so that one leg was on either side of her hips. Then she reached up and gently pulled his shirt back down over his belly, finishing with a quick pat to his freshly padded groin. She’d have to find him some clean shorts when they got back to class. She wondered briefly (but not for the first time) where Sandra had found such thick,adult-sized training pants. They were basically pull-on cloth diapers, except the sides did not tear away or snap open (making cleanup for an accident like the one she’d just changed a more delicate process). He definitely needed such a high level of protection. Especially lately. In fact, she wondered if MIke was using the potty at all at home anymore, or if Sandra was just letting him treat the trainers like a diaper? It certainly seemed to be the latter. She’d been meaning to have a well-rehearsed chat with Sandra about the importance of maintaining consistency between toilet learning/ procedures at home and preschool, but she also knew it was different in Mike’s case since he was enrolled in a program that was actively pushing him towards at least some loss of control. Sandra had never been straightforward with her about how “young” she intended Mike to go, (the response was always something along the lines of: “We’ll see. I’ll know we’ve gotten there when I see it”). Katie didn’t know what the “it” was, but it was clear to her at least that Mike had regressed beyond a point where she would normally recommend starting potty training. He just wasn’t ready anymore. And she had a professional opinion on the matter. He was almost never dry now when she checked him or took him to the toilet, and being wet didn’t seem to bother him. He was also wetting more frequently and in smaller amounts. He would wake up soaked after every nap time. All of these were ominous signs in terms of toilet training readiness. The last vestiges of his prior training were the only things keeping him out of the full time diapers game. And now, just 2 weeks into September, even the kids that were newly graduated to her classroom from the toddler room were outpacing him, and not just in terms of toileting. Today’s tantrum episode was just the latest evidence of a broader trend. She knew that he was finding some of the structured learning activities more difficult now, which was adding to his propensity for frustration and acting out. He was also zoning out more frequently, during which times he was functionally no different from a 2 year old, or maybe even younger. She wasn’t sure if he understood even the most simple instructions or questions at these times. He’d sit there drooling and babbling to himself or smiling up at her adoringly until he snapped back to the present, leaving him disoriented and often a little embarrassed. Mike would probably be happier and less self conscious if he started helping here, in the toddler classroom, where there were no “accidents” and stinky or wet diapers went unnoticed by everyone except the staff. But she also felt an obligation to both Mike and Sandra to keep him with her for as long as she could. Because they had a shared history. And because taking care of Mike in this way, as he lost his grip on his independent self, was her share of the penance for what had happened between them 6 years ago. She moved herself closer in to him, her baby bump just barely making contact with his padded crotch as she pulled his head to her chest. She held him like that for a few minutes without saying anything, just rocking him, rubbing his back, and shushing gently as he continued to cry. She remembered that he had nuzzled into her like this once before, only under decidedly more adult circumstances. It had only happened once, and Mike had been her first. She was just 20 years old at the time, but already more mature than Mike had been at 26 (or now ever would be). They had gone to the guest room because Mike wasn’t comfortable in the bed he normally shared with Sandra. He had actually been quite shy and indecisive about the whole thing, which she found irresistible. She took control, putting his hands on her breasts and then shoving them down her pants while she stroked him through his, and later undressing first herself and then him. She could vividly recall that moment just prior to penetration, as she knelt over him on all fours, her face just inches from his as he thrust his hips upwards trying to make contact with her most sensitive area. His eyes had been so hungry. He wanted her. At first, it had felt amazing. Better than she had imagined in fact, and she had imagined plenty in her bed, in the bath, and even once in the bathroom of her parents house while Mike stood outside during a dinner party, quietly knocking and telling her through the door that he “needed the toilet, please!” Unfortunately though, the actual sex was over almost as soon as it started, and it ended badly. She remembered the feeling of his cum oozing out onto her upper thigh while she dressed in the dark. Other than that, her most vivid memories of what came after were his copious apologies for not pulling out in time, followed by actual tears over betraying Sandra. “The more things change, the more they stay the same”, she thought ruefully as she once again held Mike while he snuffled and cried into her chest about an accident. They had never spoken of that night again. And he had sort of avoided her after that, which had hurt a little. Yes, she had led the briefest of physical affairs (prefaced by a much longer emotional one). But her part In this tale was also one of a broken heart. She had loved Mike. And she had never really been able to show it - not to him, and especially not to Sandra. Part of her wished she could forget like he had. That would be better. It would be easier. She continued to rock him gently, still making little shushing noises. They would need to move in a few minutes, but she needed to get him calmed down before that could happen. The last thing she wanted was for some parent to find her leading a crying regressed little down the hallway in his underpants. “Mike, I can’t help fix it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, and we can’t stay in here forever. So PLEASE tell me so that I can help make it all better, sweetheart.” And so he did. Sitting there on the toddler changing table, his not-quite-diaper pressed against her belly as she held him like a baby, he told her about something that wasn’t very babyish. Something that made his penis stiffen against her as he talked about it. “Miss Katie…I mean, Katie…I…I, remember. I remember us. From before.” Katie didn’t respond. She had read in the Little Helpers guidebook that these regressive breaks could happen, especially after an emotional event. It was like one of his zone outs, only in reverse. They weren’t supposed to last long, and the guidebook had given clear instructions on how to deal with them - namely by redirecting the little’s attention to a recent and more “age appropriate” memory. But for now, she wanted to hear what Mike had to say. She could feel him hardening through his trainers. “I remembered just now while you were…changing me. Sometimes I can remember things. Things from when I was…big…but they don’t always make sense because I’m also little…and, and…we did something bad, Katie. We…we kissed. I touched you. We…had sex,” he said. He started sobbing again. Katie pulled him tighter to her, aware that he was fully erect now. She was filled with a curious mixture of care for Mike and horror at the risks of him carrying this memory around and possibly sharing it with others. He couldn’t be trusted with secrets anymore. Especially not this one. She knew what she had to do. She would have to induce a nuclear-level zone out. Hopefully it would be enough to erase this little episode and the memories that triggered it without inducing a major step change in his regression. She wondered briefly what would happen if she returned Mike to Sandra drooling and unable to form a complete sentence? It was a risk she’d have to take. She’d need to act fast while she still had his undivided attention (on multiple levels). Katie composed herself for a moment before starting to speak in her most gentle, nurturing tone of voice. “Oh Mike”, she said, pressing his head firmly to her chest with one hand, the other reaching around to pat his padded bottom. “That was such a long time ago, sweetie. Things are different now, aren’t they?… “…Everything is going to be OK. It’s good you remember. Because we liked eachother back then didn’t we? We were friends then right? And we still are, just in different ways. I’m friends with all the little boys I look after - even little stinkers like you!” She tickled his sides suddenly as she said this, provoking a small giggle from Mike and a gush of urine into the front of his training pants. “I know it’s not always easy being little is it? You need someone to look after you all the time now…don’t you sweetheart?…” “…Mmhmm. That must feel so babyish. Having everything done for you, or done to you. It’s hard to be a big boy when everyone treats you like a little baby isn’t it? Mike shook his head, “yes” feeling her breasts bounce against his face as he did. He liked this feeling of safety with his face hidden in Katie’s soft shirt. He was calmer now. Katie was so nice. She was rubbing her fingers up and down his back in a way that gave him little shivers down his spine. “Although, sometimes you do things that make people think you are a little boy who needs to be treated just like a baby? Isn’t that right, Mike? Do you do baby things sometimes?” Without thinking about it, Mike nodded and then rattled off a short list of behaviors that Katie agreed were indeed very babyish. He wasn’t the least bit embarrassed about telling Katie about these things. Besides, she had witnessed a lot of them herself “And what about your thoughts, sweetie? Do you sometimes think like a baby? Is that maybe why you made a poopy in your pants right in front of me today? Did you forget you weren’t wearing a diaper?” Mike nodded. He didn’t care if Miss Katie knew that. In fact, it sort of justified it in some ways. “I thought so. That’s OK. I don’t mind. You can be as babyish as you want when you are with me. I won’t tell anyone. It can be our little secret.” She punctuated this last statement with another little tickle to his sides. Mike smiled and nodded, his face still buried in her chest. Her tone was quieter now, almost a whisper into his ear as if she were telling him the most important of secrets. “Besides, I have to confess that I think you’re much cuter like this, kiddo. I love the time we get to spend together. I even like changing your wet and dirty diapers!” Mike decided not to correct her on the difference between training pants and diapers. He was starting to feel very contented and warm in her arms. He hadn’t even noticed that his erection had softened. He relaxed more fully against her, sighing and smelling that sweet perfume she wore. He still couldn’t quite place it, but he had decided a while ago that it smelled most like pancakes. With syrup. Syrupy pancakes that Miss Katie had cut up for him. Cut up, syrupy pancakes she was feeding him in a highchair in the kitchen while she gently teased him about how sticky his face and fingers were… He snapped himself back with a jerk of his head. He had no idea how much time had passed, but it didn’t matter. Miss Katie just pulled him back firmly into her and told him to be a good boy and listen to her story. And as she spoke, he started to drift again, finding that he could remember every detail so vividly just after she spoke about it. It was as if she were unlocking new memories in his mind. Katie told him the story of his poopy accident at the park last week. Except in this story, he wasn’t with Sandra. He was with Katie. And he was little. And not just in his head. His body too. He was wearing overalls, a red tee shirt, and Velcro shoes that lit up when he walked. Under his overalls, he was wearing something crinkly and soft. Not as thick as a diaper though, because he was almost too big for daytime diapers wasn’t he? Yes everyone could see that, and Mike could see it too. Could he remember what he was wearing under his overalls? That’s right! It was his pull up. And it wasn’t a dry pull up was it? No, it was all puffy and soggy because he had done a big tinkle in it on the car ride to the park. Miss Katie had noticed he was wet when she got him out of his car seat, but there were no leaks, so it was OK. Because pull ups were just like diapers once you wet in them, weren’t they? Miss Katie could just change him later, and if he needed to do more potty before then, he could just go in his pull up. Mike was more than happy to agree to this plan - changes were boring and they had just gotten there. Katie reminded him all about how he had made friends with some other babies in the park, and how they were all playing so nicely together in the sandbox (or more accurately, playing alongside eachother). He remembered how cute he looked, playing in his little overall outfit among his new friends. The other mommies were nice too. Then she reminded him how one of those other moms had called her attention to his posture and body language as he tensed and started to push. Mike clearly remembered doing that, and how it felt as the mess pushed into his pull-up. And then Katie confessed that she had decided to just let him finish without trying to intervene. Without reminding him that he was a big boy. And without telling him that she didn’t have any spare pull ups left to put on him. Because it was probably too late already wasn’t it? And because he had also decided that he didn’t need to be a big boy. At least not all the time, right? In fact, they had invented something called the “baby game” that day. Did he remember the baby game? Did he remember the rules? That’s right! All you had to do was act and think like a baby! You had to do both to make it work. And it turned out Mike was very good at both. He must have been playing it already when he dirtied his pants in the sandbox, hadn’t he? Yes, and that was OK. Because it was just a game wasn’t it? And Miss Katie had everything she needed to help him play the game correctly, didn’t she? Katie helped Mike remember how she had lifted him out of the sandbox and sniffed his bottom before carrying him on her hip over to the park bench. He remembered the feeling of his soggy crotch pressing against her hip while the mush in his pants spread further across his bum. She had sat him down next to the other mommy she had been talking to while she readied his changing supplies. She reminded him that he hadn’t felt shy at all, even though the other mommy could probably smell his stinky bottom. Because she knew he was playing the baby game too. Mike smiled at this. That other mommy had been so nice hadn’t she? He remembered giggling while she talked to him, before he was whisked off the bench and laid on a changing mat right there in the grass in front of Katie’s spot. Katie began describing the details of the change in great detail now, interspersing her narrative with questions: Did he remember how it felt when she pulled off his overalls leaving him lying there in just a soiled and wet pull up? Did he remember how good it felt when she pushed his legs back to wipe him? Could he remember what the wipes smelled like? Did he remember what his bare legs looked like, up in the air, and pointing towards the clouds? Did he remember sucking his fingers and smiling up at her when she was putting diaper cream on him? He had been nodding along as she fired off all these questions, but now they combined into such a vivid mental image that it completely overwhelmed his thoughts. He was flooded with dopamine and feelings of pure bliss snd contentment. It was like an orgasm, only entirely cerebral. He was no longer sure if this was happening now or if it was still just a memory. He moaned softly while Katie rocked him and continued whispering soft words he couldn’t quite make out anymore. Katie handed him a diaper to hold while she balled up his dirty pull up and cleaned the cream off her hands with a spare wipe. He remembered turning it over in his hands to see Mickey smiling at him from the front. He pressed it to his nose. It smelled good. He remembered Katie asking in a singsong voice if she could borrow his diaper for a minute and smiling back at her as he handed it back to her like a good boy. He remembered her lifting his legs and sliding the diaper under him and how it felt when she lowered him onto it. But instead of pulling it up right away, Katie had instead paused and crawled forward over him on all fours, bringing her face down and level with his as he lay half naked underneath her, the crisp, clean diaper sticking up from between his bare legs. She had looked intently into his eyes as she spoke in a more serious tone, and it was so real - so intense - like she was looking into his eyes right now. But that was impossible because he was at the park with her. Having his diaper changed. “Mike, sweetheart, before I put this diaper on you, I need to know if you can keep it a secret? Because it’s just for when we are playing the baby game. If Sandra or the other teachers at daycare found out that I put a diaper on you, they might think that you need to wear them all the time. And then you would be a baby for real, wouldn’t you? And we don’t want that do we? No, we don’t.” “So, if you want to keep playing the baby game, then this diaper has to be our little secret. And if Sandra asks about it, you definitely can’t tell her that I had to put a diaper on you because you went stinky in your pants, OK?” Mike nodded slowly and solemnly, prompting Katie to smile and tap his nose before reaching down and taping his diaper snugly around him. She finished with a quick pat to his crotch, declaring him her clean and dry little helper. Mike just beamed at her, unable to avert his eyes from her face. He knew there was something special and secret about Katie, but he hadn’t quite been able to remember what it was until now. But that was OK, because Miss Katie remembered, and she took care of everything. All he had to do was keep their baby game secret. He could do that - at least until he decided to start playing the baby game with Sandra. Katie bent down and kissed him on the forehead, telling him what a good boy he was and giving his sides another little tickle. He could hear himself laughing and giggling as she did so… And then he was back. Still sitting on the changing table in just a tee shirt and hid trainers, his padded crotch still pressed against Katie’s front and his legs on either side of her hips. And she was still tickling him mercilessly while kissing him all over his face and expressing delight that she had found her happy little boy again. She released him from her embrace, reached up and grabbed a tissue from the shelf above, and held it over his nose, instructing him to blow. Mike tried, but for some reason he couldn’t work out how to do it. He looked up at Katie with a bewildered expression, but she just laughed and used the old squeeze and pull technique. She helped him down off the changing table, took his hand, and led him back to her classroom while he prattled on about what they were going to do for the rest of the day and how much he liked being her Little Helper. Because they liked each other. And they had a special secret that was just between the two of them. And no one could take that away from either of them. Ever.
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