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  1. Madeline simply sighed and rubbed her back, not pushing her any further. She understood that the girl was frustrated having to share everything with Amelia... But she was doing the best that she could! She looked down at the girl and offered her a small smile, to let her know that she wasn't upset with her. Amelia kept pointing to the TV and instructing Raven to watch the "cool show".
  2. When both ladies were done eating, Monika carefully lifted her up and wiped her little face to get the sticky honey off of her cheeks. "There..." she mumbled and nodded slowly. "All better. And no crying, yes?" She smiled a small bit seeing the girl looking all happy and full. It was a good feeling... the girl didn't look stressed at all like she did before.
  3. She sat him in his seat and wiped his eyes. "Sh... Oh, don't cry..." she reassured him, giving him a concerned frown. "You're alright, dear. This is nothing to worry about." She whispered. He just looked so small there... Sitting in his seat, wearing just a diaper with no covering, crying and looking up at her with a terrified expression... "I'm right here, darling. You don't worry for a moment." She reassured him and smiled softly. "Here." She whispered and helped him get his airplane issued blanket over his lap. "There now... You'll be nice and warm for the rest of the flight, and there'll be no risk of leaks. Alright, Andrew?"
  4. Well, Madeline decided to join the girls once the dishes were done, and she pulled Raven close, rubbing her shoulder and smiling. "Aw, where's that pretty smile, Raven?" She asked softly. "Why are you so upset, hm?"
  5. (Neat!) Monika got herself a simple meal of bread with cheese on top. She ate and watched the girl sip on her honey. She cringed at the idea of the thick, syrupy liquid just being eaten plain! But, she didn't want to be rude... so she stayed quiet, and just offered a weak smile when the girl looked up at her.
  6. Finally, Amelia's whining and crying died down, and she gave Raven big puppy dog eyes. "Thank you sissy." She said and ran to sit by her again. Madeline smiled softly, fully believing that they were getting along, and that Amelia was entirely sincere.
  7. (Huh! Didn't know that!) Monika held the little dish of honey up to her. "And... You eat like this all the time?" She asked in shock. She couldn't imagine- all that sugar would make her sick! But the little fairy clearly seemed excited to get back to this "normal" diet of hers.
  8. Madeline lifted up the 'poor crying baby' and held her close, rocking her and stroking her hair. "Sh... It's okay Amelia... sh..." she whispered and smiled lovingly. "Maybe you girls can compromise on a channel, hm?" "I wanna watch this!" Amelia sobbed out. Madeline turned to Raven with pleading eyes. "D... Do you think you would mind...?" She asked desperately.
  9. So, Monika looked through her cupboards. There was a distinct lack of anything sweet... Monika really couldn't afford to eat a lot of sugar if she wanted to maintain her body. Then, she remembered! She had some honey! So, she grabbed the jar from the very back of the cupboard, and poured out a little bit. "Here... Do you drink like a butterfly?"
  10. Well... Unfortunately for Raven, Amelia still had the power to scream and cry and get the attention of her loving mother, who dropped what she was doing and ran to check on the situation. "She took the remote!" Amelia sobbed out. Boy, she was good at pretend crying.
  11. Monika looked down, and slowly plucked the girl out. "There..." she mumbled. "What... should I make for you?" She asked as she heard her little tummy grumble. "I don't want you to spit it out again."
  12. Amelia frowned. "Stop bein' fussy! You gotta watch good TV!" She said, returning the loud tone with her own command. She even held the remote close so Raven couldn't change the channel! The bright colours and shapes on the TV continued flashing at them, being quite the underwhelming display.
  13. Monika by that time was sitting on the couch, thoroughly exhausted by all of this new mommy work. But, her trials were just beginning, as now she had to get the girl a meal she wouldn't refuse to eat!
  14. Amelia looked up at her and smiled. "It's for you!" She said sweetly. "It helps with the- the brain de-elephant (development)." She explained as best as she could. "So you can get really smart when you grow up."
  15. While the little fairy was asleep, Monika got to work securing the house. She put away breakable items, made sure the toilet lid was down and that all other water was drained away, and at last she put away the new items in their shared bedroom.
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