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Oh my goodness, hi there everyone! I'm so excited to bring to you all this little side story that takes place in the world of A Mother's Love. Now, this will be a mini-series, but it will still be a fun ride! At least it feels like one to write! I hope you enjoy it! Mother's Little Magicians (Chapter 1) by Panther Cub "And now, for my final act," the jackrabbit in the splendid azure blue pinstripe suit and matching fedora and domino mask said, standing atop the brightly lit stage before the audience. Once more, the theater had been packed to the max, his fans eagerly awaiting his final illusion. "The Flaming Swordsman!"With a snap of his fingers, his lovely assistant, the buxom blonde wearing her stunning red sequin dress, began wheeling out the tank filled with the deadly piranhas. Jayce the Astounding began to ascend the steps leading to the top of the open tank. He snapped his fingers, an elegant jeweled rapier appearing in his hands. With a twirl, the blade became wreathed in blue flames. He opened his mouth to speak when his lovely assistant looked up to him and spoke instead."Jayce!""Not now, sweetheart," Jayce whispered with a wink. Usually his assistant should be giggling right about now, but instead she furrowed her brow and planted her hands on her hips, the audience begging to chuckle."Jayce! Get up already!" she said, her voice sounding annoyingly like Melissa's. Wait, wasn't she a human? And wasn't she twenty? Now she looks just like Melissa, a red panda who, like him, was in her thirties."M-Melissa?! Where's Tiffany?" Jayce said, the audience now laughing hysterically."GET UP, JAYCE, YOU DUMMY!!!" Melissa shouted, making Jayce angry. Suddenly he blinked and he was laying on his couch, with the annoyed red panda standing over him, paws on her hips, wearing her sequin red pantsuit. Realizing it had all been a dream, Jayce sat up, the jack rabbit man was now agitated."Oh, why'd you have to go and wake me up! I was having a great dream!" Jayce said, throwing his paws up and sighed. He looked between his and Melissa's stage outfits. Both were very worn, having been torn and sewed, and in some areas patched over. Why, there were spots on Melissa's coat where teh sequin had been rubbed away. She flicked her big bushy tail in annoyance."How can you sleep at a time like this?" she asked, incredulous."Well, I was tired, and so I slept," Jayce said with a roll of his eyes. Getting up, he groaned and stretched, heading straight for the coffee pot."Jayce, the venue cancelled on us! What're we going to do for money?!" Melissa asked, her tail flicking again. Jayce exhaled, not having a good answer to her question. He looked over at his business partner and felt a pang of guilt for dragging her into debt with him. Even though she was a year younger than him, she had somehow become the older sister he'd never had, or asked for really. But he still cared for her. Ten years ago, they had met in community college. Jayce had just been starting out when Melissa had approached him after one of his little campus shows. She'd been learning stage magic too and the two had decided to partner up.Unfortunately, striking out in Las Vegas as a pair of magicians hadn't been Jayce's brightest idea. The market was already saturated with magicians. The fact that Jayce and Melissa were actually talented only got them so far, when it came to securing work. So, despite Melissa's objections, Jayce had taken out a loan in order to help with their brand. Securing merchandise, which hardly sold, obtaining props and items for bigger and better tricks, where the audience tended to be so small that it made little difference, and even paying someone to help set up an official website, which didn't pan out as the guy that Jayce had approached without Melissa's approval or knowledge had simply taken the money and ran.To make matters worse, Jayce hadn't been able to get a loan from a bank. Instead, he had gone to a "friend"... said friend actually being a loan shark. So now they were in debt to a group of people known for breaking legs when payments tended to be late. It is putting it mildly that Melissa was not happy when Jayce finally told her the truth. But, to her credit, she didn't simply leave him holding the bag all by himself. Still, as far as Jayce was concerned, she didn't have to be so bossy about it."Well... we could do some street magic out by the bus station, at least before the cops tell us to move along again," Jayce offered, pouring himself a mug and slurping it up."Jayce... we're in trouble here, and I don't know how to fix it," Melissa said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Jayce had become her little brother over the years they'd been together, the annoying reckless kind."We can try running," Jayce said, though not sounding too sure of himself there."With no money, we won't get far," Melissa countered, noticing Jayce's ears perking up and twitching, a serious look on his face as he moved to gently peek through the blinds of a nearby window. "What is it?""... We've got company..." Jayce said it, a note of fear in his voice. Melissa hugged her tail to her chest, a habit she had developed when she was little, and stood there, frozen in fear. They didn't have to wait long before there was a pounding on the apartment that they shared's door."Open up, Jayce," called a gruff voice. "We gotta talk about the money you owe." Not responding, the pounding became harder, and both Jayce and Melissa were wondering how long the door would hold up when the collector knocking decided to try kicking it in. They doubted very long. A whimper escaping her muzzle, Melissa spotted something out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw a plain white door that hadn't been there before. The wall it was set in had nothing but open air three stories up behind it. On it was a sticky note that the red panda lady walked over and grabbed.Hi there, sweeties! I normally don't like to get involved without being invited first, but I'm afraid time constraints have forced my hand. Please, please hurry through the door as soon as possible! I cannot stand the idea of any of my babies getting hurt! There's a whole world of love and care waiting for the both of you on the other side, I promise! With love, Mother (i.e. Mommy)The pounding had gotten even worse, and Jayce was still just standing there, dumbstruck. Confused, Melissa then had a spark of memory. The entity in Chicago. It referred to itself as 'Mother' and actually regressed a whole group of people, and claimed to have its own realm."Could it really be?" Melissa asked out loud. Shocked by a sudden cracking sound, she looked to the door to see a large crack near the bottom. Without any further hesitation, she grabbed Jayce by the arm, shocking the surprised jackrabbit out of his stupor. She dragged him to the door and threw it open, leaping through and pulling Jayce behind her. The door slammed shut behind them and winked out of existence just before the apartment door was kicked in."Melissa!" Jayce called out in sheer terror. The jackrabbit was tumbling alongside the red panda in the darkness. There was light coming from somewhere, bright enough for the two of them to be perfectly illuminated, but otherwise there was just blackness. They both felt an odd pressure pushing down on them. Closing her eyes, Melissa hugged Jayce close to her, and he hugged her back, tears in both their eyes."Just hold on, Jayce!" Melissa called out, she could feel their descent slowing. There was a scent in the air, it smelled familiar like... baby powder. "It's all going to be alright, I promise!""What is this?" Jayce asked, his eyes tightly shut too. Suddenly, the pressure abated... but he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. Melissa felt it too and, when their feet touched down on a soft carpeting, their knees buckled. Opening their eyes and looking around, the two blinked, their movements sluggish. Eyelids heavy and drooping, they took in the sight of some kind of... pastel-colored reception hall. There were murals of smiling suns and clouds and rainbows on the wall. In front of them was a brand new, polished mahogany desk, with a sign hanging from it that read Welcome!Blinking, and finding it harder and harder to remain awake, Jayce slipped unconscious first, his ears twitching at the sounds of hurrying footsteps. Melissa wasn't far behind. Before her eyes shut and stayed that way, she saw a very tall bear woman running over with a look of concern on her face. Eyes closed, she felt a pair of strong, yet gentle arms, scoop them up."Phew! We weren't sure just where you two would be ending up. We've never pulled mortals in like this without establishing contact first." Melissa felt a gentle kiss on her forehead, and the gentle swaying of whomever this was carrying them suggesting she was carrying them somewhere."But that's not for either of you to be concerned about, sweeties. Now, I think a nap will do you both some good. Then I'll see about fixing up those cute little outfits of yours. Oh, but first we'll have to get you into some cute jammies..." Melissa nodded off completely and fell into a dreamless slumber.One restful nap later...Melissa stood there on stage in front of the packed audience. She smiled, her red pinstripe sequin pantsuit and matching fedora twinkling in the light. Through her red domino mask, she winked. With a twirl of her magician wand, it burst in a shower of red and gold sparks, allowing Jayce behind her to finish setting up the illusion. She always loved how like a well-oiled machine their act was."And for our final feat... The Slaughter Saw!" The red panda snapped her black gloved fingers and from above, a giant gleaming circular saw descended. The had she had tucked behind her back she motioned for Jayce, who was quick to activate the saw. Above, with a roar, the circular blade wirled, flames erupting around the serrations. The audience ooh-ed and ahh-ed Jayce, with a flair, wheeled out the large metal table with the arm and leg restraints out. It was a simple table like a gourney, with the underside completely exposed... or so the angled mirror and false legs would make it seem."My lovely partner shall strap me down to the table, and ensure that my arms and legs are completely secure. Then, the blade shall descend!" Melissa twirled, flicking her tail. "And, while most magicians would attempt to escape from such a predicament... I shall be doing no such thing!" She sauntered over to the table and proceeded to lay down on it. As Jayce went to her arm restraints, he smiled down at her. He was wearing his matching blue sequin pinstripe suit and domino mask."Hey, Melissa, wake up!" he said, his voice sounding frustrated, despite his warm and happy smile."Huh? What're you talking about Jayce?" Melissa asked."Melissa WAAAAAKE UP! We gotta figure a way out of this!" Jayce said, now looking cross at her as he finished putting on the restraint."Jayce," Melissa whispered, "there is no way out! There's just the hidden panel for my legs to go into that will cover my lower half and replace it with the fake lower half before the blade touches down! Remember?""Melissaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Jayce whined, pushing on her. The stage and the world around them seemed to melt and become distorted. And then the red panda girl opened her eyes and sat up, blinking.Looking around, she saw that she and Jayce were both in a crib built for giants, with alternating red and blue bars. Above them was a mobile with plush bunnies and top hats slowly spinning. Looking around, the room was some kind of nursery, built for some kind of gargantuan children. The walls were a light blue, with the ceiling being a dark navy. There were red glow-in-the-dark stars. Looking at the floor, which was some kind of red and blue puzzle piece-theme, all with bright colored numbers or letters of the alphabet on each piece. There was a red and blue wardrobe next to a changing table with a half red and half blue padded top, stocked full of diapers and changing supplies. There was a toy chest and a dresser and a rocking chair in the corner, next to a bookshelf. And then Melissa looked within the crib.There was a soft and warm fleece red and blue checkered blanket around her legs, that she quickly kicked off. She started when she noticed she was wearing a bright red footed sleeper with crescent moons patterning it. She blushed when she took notice of the bulge around her waist. A squish from the diaper she had been put in suggested that it had been thoroughly soaked. Looking over at Jayce, the red panda girl saw that he was dressed the same, but his sleeper was a bright blue with stars all over it, and a very noticeable bulge around his own waist. The tan-furred jackrabbit was frowning, his arms crossed, looking at her."About time you got up, sleeping beauty!" Jayce snarked. He sifted as he sat, wincing, and the sound of a squish when he moved suggested that he too may have wet in his sleep."Where are we?" Melissa asked sleepily, making Jayce throw his hands up in the air in exasperation."That's what I wanted YOU to tell me! You're the one who dragged me through that stupid door with you! I figured that you knew!""Well, there was a note... from Mother...""I thought your mom died when you were a little kit?" Jayce asked without any thought. Melissa winced but ignored it."She did! It was a note from Mother!" she noticed the lack of recognition on Jayce's face and rolled her eyes. "You know, Mother! The entity that appeared in Chicago not too long ago and regressed the age of a bunch of people? Claiming to be an entity with their own Realm? It was all over the news."Jayce looked at her blankly for a few moments, before he shrugged, causing Melissa to facepalm. "Ugh, of course you never watch the news.""Why would I want to be depressed?!" Jayce asked, annoyed. "But fine, okay, so we've been abducted by what, some kind of baby goddess or baby obsessed alien?""More like a goddess of motherhood it seemed. But... yeah... but what would you have had me do?! That guy was kicking the door in and we couldn't have run anywhere!""Well... we would have thought of something! Something that didn't involve being dressed like toddlers, complete with diapers! That we were clearly forced to wet from some chemical or something!" Jayce then paused and, putting both of his paws on Melissa's cheeks, he started turning her head up and down and from side to side, looking curious. "Woah... did you get younger?""Huh?" Melissa asked, suddenly looking at Jayce in a new light. He didn't have the worry lines that were starting to form around his eyes, or the early greying on the sides of his headfur. Even the cute little puff of a tail sticking out the back of his padded butt looked fluffier and fuller. He even seemed to have lost some weight... and maybe height? All in all, she would guess his age to be around... seventeen? "Did you?"They then started examining themselves and both came to the conclusion that they had been regressed. Spying a mirror facing them from next to the wardrobe, Melissa stood up, needing to grab the bars of the crib to help her due to the very thick bulk around her waist. Steadying herself, her legs feeling a little weak still, she used the bars, the top of which were still a foot over her head. She looked into the mirror and saw a face she hadn't seen since high school. She smiled a little, using her free hand to grab her even bushier and soft tail, to hug it close to her chest."Okay... we're younger now... but not young enough to warrant diapers!" Jayce complained, trying to stand, and instead fell onto his bottom with a squish. He blushed and started to move to stand again. As he did so, he let out a reflexive grunt without noticing, and managed to stand. Shortly after, Melissa sniffed and started to smell something... icky."Uh... Jayce... did you just... take a poopie?" Melissa asked without thinking, pausing as she realized what she had said, and knowing that that had not been the word she was going to say."Don't be ridiculous, Melissa," Jayce said, puffing out his now scrawnier chest. "If someone here made a big stinky, it was you!""Now, now, no bickering you two," a voice filled with warmth and love cooed at them from the open doorway. Jayce and Melissa simultaneously turned their heads to see the female bear giant from before. She was wearing a yellow apron, a pair of khaki slacks, a red and white striped turtleneck sweater, and a happy smile. "We'll get you changed and ready for a fun day of playing in no time!" She walked over to teh crib, towering over it and its occupants. Despite the two instinctively cringing back, she reached in and scooped them both up, nuzzling the tops of their heads as she carried them over to the changing table."Wh-while we appreciate the help, we can take care of ourselves... uh... Miss!" Jayce said, trying to sound tough."Awww, it's just so cute how often you silly mortals say that!" Sarah said with a lighthearted giggle. She laid the two of them down on the padded surface. With expertise, Sarah whisked the sleepers off of them in what seemed to the shocked duo like the blink of an eye, despite how much Jayce was trying to struggle. Sarah blushed and covered her, admittedly, small chest. A gentle brown paw pushed her down into a laying position and pulled a soft but secure strap across her tummy. She repeated the process with Jayce, who was whining like a real toddler."No! We're not babies! We don't need diapers!" he said, a red pacifier pushed between his lips silencing him. His eyes went wide in surprise, and he moved to pull it out, but his movements slowed. Then he began to suck on it, calming down."There we go, would you like a binky too, Melly-welly?" Sarah asked, holding up a blue one. Melissa bit her lip but, looking over at how relaxed Jayce was, she gave the slightest of nods and opened her muzzle for the rubber nipple that she almost instantly began to suckle on, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her. "Such a good girl!" Sarah praised, taking a moment to rub both of their bellies. She hummed as she reached under the changing table and pulled out a canister of baby powder, a tub of wipes, and two diapers. One was a simple white with red trim around the waistband and leg gathers, the other similar, but with blue around the waistband and leg gathers."Now, I know that this must all seem scary, being in a new place and in a new situation... or rather, an old situation in your cases. But you have nothing to worry about. You are where you shall be loved and cared for, forever more!" Sarah then set about opening up Jayce's fully loaded moon-themed night-time diaper. He whined a little at the feeling of the baby wipes cleaning him, but didn't struggle. Sarah hummed as she cleaned him with no qualms about it. Soon, the used diaper was balled up with the wipes in it and dropped into the diaper pail by the changing table. Soon, Jayce's diaper area was thoroughly powdered, and the blue diaper was laid beneath him and pulled up between his legs, finally being taped on, nice and snug."There, one messy jackrabbit all sorted. Now for the soggy red panda!" Melissa blushed just a little, no longer covering her chest. As her diaper was opened, she thought back to when she was this age the first time around, and how she had been so self-conscious about the size of her chest, and how she had been made fun of by the more "developed" girls back in school. Now, after all she had seen and experienced she lay there, sucking her pacifier and having her diaper changed, she couldn't be bothered enough to care. Although, she recognized that that might be from the possibly enchanted pacifier. Smiling at the scent of the baby powder, she found that she wasn't afraid or angry. The diapers were embarrassing but... it had been a long time since someone had fussed over her, and care for her like this."And done! My, what a couple of little angels I have here!" Sarah said, unbuckling the two of them and pulling them into a hug. "Now, I've got a special surprise!" Sarah said in a sing-song voice as she sat them both back down in sitting positions on the padded surface. Melissa poked her white and red diaper, Snuggies brand it appeared, and looked up as Sarah pulled from within the wardrobe something that caught her eye. In Sarah's left, massive, paw was what looked like Melissa's red pinstripe jacket and vest with the white undershirt and red sequin tie, with her red fedora on the tip of the hanger. Jayce was being held in the right paw, and Melissa noticed that neither outfit seemed to include the pants. With the same care and speed as before, Sarah dressed them in their outfits, leaving their diapers on full display. She then finished off their outfits by putting their red and blue domino masks on them, clasping her paws together as she looked them over."Awww, you two are just so cute!" Sarah practically squealed, pulling out two simple purple lanyards and attached them to the binkies, clipping the other ends to their shirts. "Now, let's go introduce you to your new Mommy! And then we'll get you two something to eat, and then you can play with your new brothers and sisters!"Cuddling the two close, she carried them out of the nursery and out into the brightly colored hall. They passed by other rooms with cribs, everything looking brand new and clean. Jayce and Melissa both spotted other occupants sleeping in some. Some seemed to be actual children and toddlers, others seemed to be around their current ages. Some were sleeping, some were sulking, some were happily playing with the toys in the chests or reading books or even exploring, even wandering out into the hall and waddling in their juvenile outfits to and fro. And not one of them was human."What is this place?" Jayce asked, absentmindedly, his binky having fallen out from his mouth hanging open in shock."Your new home! Loving Paws Daycare!" Sarah said, the giant motherly grizzly leaning down to nuzzle the cute jackrabbit boy again, making him blush. Rounding a corner, they entered a bright white kitchen that seemed massive to the two. There were multiple fridges, ovens with stovetops, pantries, and rows and rows of colorful highchairs, with different 'children' milling about, some in the chairs enjoying their meals, others walking out with bottles. Humming as she moved about, Mother was seeing to the hungry little ones, looking overjoyed.Jayce and Melissa's eyes went wide as they looked upon the mysterious figure. Melissa saw a giant happy pink red panda, while Jayce saw a giant pink jackrabbit. Whatever doubts that may have been in his mind winked out of existence. He was in the presence of a deity. He was in the presence of something he had been searching for his entire life... REAL magic! Mother then turned and saw them, freezing where she stood. Her paws shot to her face and she let out a squeal."Oh my goodness! They are just too precious!" Practically leaping over, she took the two from Sarah and cuddled them in her arms. Both Melissa and Jayce felt a warmth emanating from the giant pink goddess, and visibly relaxed. "I'm so happy that you two were able to come before something bad happened!" She said, before raining down kiss after kiss after kiss on the two, both squirming a little at the fawning. When it finally let up, the two were both surprised to find that they'd been securely buckled into two high chairs. A red one for Melissa, and a blue one for Jayce."Now, let's get some food in your little tummies!" Mother said with glee, her glowing pink eyes twinkling."This is humiliating!" Jayce said, blushing furiously, while Melissa simply took her binky out, still not speaking."Oh, Jayce, honey-bunny, it's okay," Mother said after securing the trays to their seats, and slipping red and blue bibs around their necks. "Now, what's your favorite food in the whole wide world?""Well, a pepperoni and olive four cheese pizza, but I don't see what that has to do with anything!" Jayce said, crossing his arms and trying to glare, but only managing to look pouty."And you, Melly?" Mother asked, looking at the nervous red panda girl, who was swinging her legs a little."Uhm... cheese ravioli?" she said, blushing under the loving gaze."Coming right up, sweeties!" Mother turned away and went over to the nearest fridge and rummaged around in it. Sarah was busy seeing to the other little ones, especially a wolf boy around sixteen who had decided to wear his mashed potatoes like a hat."Oh Toby, that goes in your tummy, not on your head!" she said with a giggle, going to a sink and getting a washcloth."It's more fun to eat it this way!" Toby said in excitement. The entire time this was happening, Jayce was trying to undo the buckle, but it just wasn't responding to his paws."Jayce, calm down. We're safe here," Melissa said, chewing on her thumb absentmindedly."Mel, it doesn't matter if we're safe or not! This is humiliating! Also, there's ACTUAL magic here, and I'm gunna go and find out how to use it myself!" Jayce finally gave up trying to open his buckle and sat there, pouting some more. Melissa could only giggle at how cute he looked. He looked over and stuck his tongue out, which a giggly red panda returned."Alright you two, enough of that," Mother giggled as she walked over, carrying two plates of food. Both Jayce and Melissa's eyes went wide. The whole pizza that was set on Jayce's tray looked so perfect and delicious, like it was the very essence of what pizza should be. The smell that hit his nostrils had the jackrabbit salivating. Melissa's plate of cheese ravioli drew her attention. Each flawless ravioli looked hand made, and fit to bursting with flavor.She didn't object when Mother speared one with a fork and held it up to her mouth. She simply opened up and accepted the sauce-dripping ravioli, not hearing the praise from Mother for being so good. The taste that exploded in her mouth could only be described as blissful, spreading a warmth throughout her entire body. She didn't even notice when some of that warmth went into her diaper, nor would she have cared in that moment. While Melissa was being fed, Jayce, without any hesitation, dug into his pizza. Cheese and sauce and chunks of pepperoni and olive lined his lips and cheeks from the speed at which he wanted the tasty goodness in his mouth and tummy. His reaction was similar to Melissa's, the glorious taste taking him to realms of flavor he never knew could be experienced.Okay... I can search for magic later! he thought to himself as he smiled and munched down on the crust, that was just as good as the rest of the slice. And he was already reaching for another. That's all folks! Please consider leaving a comment or review, as they are just so lovely to read!
Planets and Pacifiers By Horatio Husky Ion engines engines efficiency at 87% Cooling system: normal Internal atmospheric composition: normal Navigation system: active Radiation shield: active Cargo Hold temperature: 282.9 degrees kelvin Cockpit temperature: 293.9 degrees kelvin Bridge temperature: 293.4 degrees kelvin Exterior temperature 2.7 degrees kelvin Complete system diagnosis: nominal Current Coordinates: 14.22524 tesseracts, 1532.24642 leths, 35.99946 endons Nebula Location Adjacency: Iago’s nebula “Yeah yeah yeah, stuff it.” A light orange fox lounged in a pilot’s seat, designed to be sat in in an upright, rigid position in order to maximize alertness in its user. Apollo did not seem to be so keen on respecting the design of the chair, for his posture gave off every impression except one of attention. He rolled his eyes and twirled a finger in his thick, yellow-dyed headfur. Did the machine really have to recite the information out loud every hour he thought to himself, as he yawned and stretched his arms and legs lethargically. A little shorter and light furred than most orange foxes his age, the 20 year old pilot was bored of his freight mission. “Work in the space fleet they said. It’ll be an adventure they said. You’ll rise through the ranks quickly they said.” he spoke aloud in a mocking tone, scrunching his face up and bringing his lip back, wagging his head in mock chipperness. The fox once again rolled his eyes, and glanced up at the various monitors in front of him, his well trained eyes picking out the pertinent pieces of information before him amongst the myriad of pointless stats and figures. The fox was driving a standard issue military freighter, loaded with food rations, armor supplies, energy cells, hygiene products, and other various necessities required by the military. A crucial job to keep the military sane, but still a very boring one. Apollo wished he wasn’t still such a low ranking pilot, and getting assigned a two month mission of just going from system to system had been taking a serious toll on his mind. He had grown tired of video games, movies, and even the virtual reality simulator, which unfortunately for him, had only demo access on the ship model he’d been stuck with. Cheap bastards. A notification appeared on one of the 9 monitors displayed on the glass in front of him, behind the glass a dual star system was fast approaching, the twin suns each radiating their light, as if to welcome the pilot to their system. The ship itself was shaped like the tip of an arrow, with a larger cylindrical portion hitched to its back, containing the various supplies. The dragon sperm was the nickname Apollo had unaffectionately dubbed his ship which he was more and more beginning to see as a prison of little stimulation. He waved a paw lazily, the dashboard registered his lackadaisical movement and opened the notification. A green x-ray image of what looked to be an abandoned station appeared in front of him, along with coordinates. His eyes glanced to them, and then excitedly sat up in his seat, boredom and self-pity forgotten. “It’s in the upcoming system, along the way!” he said aloud, ecstatic at finding such a relic. Running a quick diagnosis he was told that the station’s power system was in sleep mode as well as the on board AI, for how long it had been deactivated wasn’t specified, but the exterior looked as if it had taken a few decades of being beaten by the radiation pouring out by the sister stars only around 19 million kilometers away. Its primary objective for construction was also stated as infant care, which took him aback for a second. Recovering quickly, Apollo stuck his tongue out to the side of his maw, and excitedly concentrated at overriding the ship’s commands to continue on its passage, just for a quick stop to explore this obviously very important case of spatial exploration. He scratched at his white chest fur with a paw absentmindedly as he flipped a few switches, and pressing a button a semi-circle attached to a bar appeared, grasping the steering wheel he began to gently guide his ship towards the abandoned space station. “Haha!” he grinned to himself,”Finally I can actually use this piece of ship!” Grinning at his stupid pun, he approached the station. As he grew closer he noticed that it was larger than he expected, with a wide array of solar panels that seemed mostly intact, and surprisingly large ship loading and unloading docks. It’s gravitational anchor was a small, red looking planet which Apollo knew from his space class was probably due to oxidation of iron with the soil. Ignoring the planet he synced up his speed to the velocity of the station and chose a smaller landing area that seemed best sheltered from the radiation pouring from the center of the solar system. “Easy does it, come on you’ve done this dozens of times, YES!” exclaimed Apollo, as with a resounding noise the ship docked with the docking area, and the all too familiar hiss of an airlock engaged, connecting with the station. The scrawny fox giddily hopped out of his pilot’s seat and scampered his tail swishing excitedly over to his space suit. Almost shaking with glee, he quickly stepped into his space boots and allowed the system to place the rest of the suit on him. It couldn’t do it quick enough, however after a minute his helmet had set in place, and, clicking his heels together, the static adhesive pads activated on his boots and he stepped into the airlock. More hissing followed and the sounds of heavy metals moving was heard, and with a shudder, the airlock opened to reveal a more colorful spectacle than he had expected. A green light appearing on his helmet as he entered, he clicked a latch on the side of his space suit neck while also pressing a button on a wrist terminal on his left arm. With a sharp hiss, the helmet came off, and Apollo breathed in deeply. A strange yet oddly nostalgic smell entered his sensitive nostrils, and he frowned sniffing further, trying to identify the smell. “Is that… talcum powder?” he mused to himself, as he took a step further into the station. Along the walls were various infantile patterns of little cubs, kittens, puppies, and other children, some of them wearing little space suits and diapers, while others slept on crescent moons or floated through space, attached by a lifeline on a spacewalk exploring the galaxy. Cute, thought Apollo to himself, as he tapped his shoulder to activate a flashlight on it and after moving his eyes up and down and side to side, its beam synchronized with his own focused vision. He continued to walk through the facility, which was only lit by some of the twin star’s lights coming through windows that appeared every once in a while spanning from floor to ceiling, the red gravity anchor planet also reflecting the starlight into the station, giving it a soft, almost pinkish atmospheric light. On his way he passed a particularly sophisticated looking synthetic arm, hanging from the ceiling presumably via magnetism, for there seemed no obvious mechanic for it to be able to move from its spot as it hung dejectedly from the ceiling. “Aww man, is there going to be any loot in here? I really want to be able to show off to the others that I had an actual adventure!” Apollo complained, as he rounded into a corridor with several entrances. Picking the closest one to his left, the door opened automatically when he stepped in front of it to his great surprise, and revealed to him what looked like a room to change an infant’s diapers. A changing table with a menagerie of baby products stood as the centerpiece in the room, along with more depressed looking yet highly futuristic mechanical arms hanging above it, their skin a shiny white color and their exposed wire and machinery parts a glistening black. He noticed that the floor he’d been walking on was a rather soft looking blue carpet, and looking back the way he came he also observed that everything seemed to be designed with comfort in mind, for the safety of the children being taken care of here presumably. Clicking his wrist terminal, he tapped around until he found a locator, and followed the instructions on his monitor through a series of doors and corridors. Seeing much more of the cutesy tyke space exploration mosaic, he finally arrived at a hallway where he saw what looked like a terminal at the end. Striding over to it, he tapped experimentally on the large black screen. To his delight the screen illuminated, and he tapped through various windows until he arrived at an inventory and functionality list. His trained mind perusing quickly behind the boring details, he arrived at the description of the station’s purpose. “The primary objective of this institution is the cultivation and upbringing of infants through the first few stages of development; giving them an opportunity to develop stronger immune systems through systematic control of inoculation as well as stimulated development via exposure to an environment such as this space station, where the air, food, and lifestyle are all designed with the healthy and happy development of the child in mind. After the period of post-birth incubation is over, the children are then shipped out using a state of the art long-term space travel system to arrive at their final destination with highly stimulated beginnings and a matured immune system. As of this past century, the entire system has undergone a success in complete automation.” “Huh, a retro-nursery. Sure wish my parents stuck me in one of these before I turned 2, maybe then I could have become a cyborg engineer,” the fox muttered to himself sarcastically. He tabbed through more information screens, which just displayed various shipment records of supplies as well as a few analytics on the function of the energy system. Apollo was a little confused why the station was in a state of hibernation, for as he clicked through he realized that all of the systems in the place were running smoothly with no need for any major repairs. He frowned, and tried accessing an administrative tab to see if he could see if the station had been turned off intentionally. Something squeezed his shoulder and Apollo yelped loudly, ”BWAH!” His helmet which he’d been toting with him under his arm fell from his grasp, and landed softly on the carpet. Whirling around he found that one of the mechanical arms was firmly grasping his shoulder, tapping its index finger expectantly. He brushed away at it, but before he could try and get away from it it released him and pointed down the hallway to the right of the terminal, as if saying,”Come on bub, this way.” The fox blinked, then leaned down to pick up his fallen helmet, cocking his head to the side curiously,”I thought this place was in the hibernation mode.” As if to directly prove him wrong, the hall he was on became illuminated with cheery yellow lights, and he could hear whirring and clanging, as well as what sounded like a generator firing up somewhere in the institution. He looked around, bewildered but a little excited to see the station coming alive again. His excitement turned to a startled feeling however as the arm, seemingly rather impatient, grabbed his wrist and began tugging him down the hall at which it had pointed. Apollo protested, and tried yanking his way out of the arm’s grasp, but found himself comfortably yet firmly trapped in its vice, and all he could do was keep up with wherever it was leading him. His heart rate increased and he tried getting to his wrist terminal, but found that the jostling rate of the arm’s tugging didn’t allow him to punch in the code for a distress signal back to his ship. “Let go you piece of scrap! I’m the captain of a ship! Even though it’s a one man ship… Still a ship!” The arm utterly ignored his indignance as they rounded around a bend and the fox found himself back at the familiar hall with multiple entrances on the left and right. He was half lead half dragged into an entrance to the left, where he found himself faced with five more arms all expectantly holding various physician’s items and forms of measurement. Apollo was seriously starting to panic as the arm that lead him in released him only to immediately click a button on a panel next to the entrance and shut the door behind him. Two more arms descended from the ceiling and grabbed him by the upper arms, he thrashed and kicked, dropping his helmet once again and flailed, trying to get away from the metal captors. The arms began to assail their poor victim with the various instruments, looking inside his ears, forcing his jaw open to inspect his teeth with the instruments, grabbing at various muscles and one arm even had the gaul to gently squeeze his unspeakables. He yelped and twitched a little bit when that happened, yipping at an arm as it passed his head, furious with being manhandled without any consent. The arm that he had snapped at stopped moving, and quickly reversed direction back upwards into a surprisingly high ceiling. Noting that it seemed to reach for something high above him, it quickly descended back towards him and before he could react popped some sort of rubber bulb in his mouth. He tried spitting it out, but found that another arm was fastening something behind the back of his head which pulled on his cheeks, and with a muffled gasp he realized he was being gagged. Not just any gag though, as he moved the alien structure around in his mouth and attempted to suck on it, he realized the arm had stuck a pacifier in his mouth. “Em nawt a ba-MMM!” the bulb in the pacifier suddenly inflated in his mouth substantially, and Apollo found to his dismay that he was not longer able to open his mouth enough to even attempt to say words. He huffed into his pacifier, but before he could further reflect on his situation a panel appeared in the wall in front of him approximately a yard wide and tall, and looking closer he saw that a conveyor belt appeared to be moving inside of the panel opening. Jostling him the arms pushed him towards the conveyor belt and then lifted him onto it, he thrashed and flailed but to no avail, as he was deposited on the conveyor belt the panel shut behind him, and the only illumination was the flashlight on his space suit, which still followed wherever he gazed. The company which had designed the clever device warned strongly to never have it synced with in total darkness, for only seeing light in one’s central vision but never in their peripheral vision could cause bad paranoia and even hallucinations. Given the situation the fox seemed to have landed himself into, his paranoia was already sky high. He got himself up to his knees on the moving belt, only to have something thump him on the back back onto his stomach. He growled into his pacifier gag with frustration, and then began to panic as he felt something unzipping his space suit and grabbing the wrist with his personal terminal on it. The flashlight switched off, and the poor vulpine was thrown into complete darkness as the suit registered it was being taken off. Helpless and blind, the fox soon was being completely stripped of all clothing he wore. He shivered, terrified as his naked body continued to progress on the belt. He felt more things touching him, the machine examining every nook and cranny of his body, leaving him feeling completely helpless. Suddenly another panel opened, and he found himself being thrust unceremoniously into a pool of bubbly water. He spluttered, his thick yellow hair in his face. He tried to clear his eyes of hair but once again found his arms restrained and felt several brushes assault various parts of his body. Surprisingly pleasant, he was able to see past a break in his sopping wet hair that he was being scrubbed head to toe by more mechanical arms in what he guessed was a large bath. Unable to do much but allow himself to be cleaned, Apollo cursed his stupidity at not being more careful. “Still,” he thought,”once the system does whatever this integration protocol is or whatever, I’m sure when it’s satisfied I’ll be able to get back to my ship.” Confident in this assumption, he reluctantly allowed the arms to finish cleaning him, lifting him out of the tub and blasting him with air from vents below where they had deposited him. As the air shut off, his hair fluffed out. He groaned, he must really looked like a little kid with all his fur all over the place. He reached back to try and unfasten his pacifier gag, but wasn’t quick enough for once again an arm grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of the room, down the soft carpet, which the still naked Apollo now appreciated, and into the room he had first seen. Before him stood a changing table. “That is a big no from me,” thought Apollo, as to his dismay he was lifted up onto the table and had his wrists and ankles strapped to the corners. The poor fox whimpered, unhappy that he seemingly had lost all freedom and trust to do anything for himself. He winced and tried moving away from an arm that began to spread a white cream into his fur around his groin, on his bottom, and, tensing, around his sensitive bits. Another arm gently slid a hand under his lower back, and lifted him upwards. The fox looked down at himself, and saw that one arm was rising up clutching a thick, dark blue diaper with constellation patterns adorning it. The solar sailor squirmed and moaned in objection as the diaper was unfolded and slid gently under his quivering bottom. As he settled down on it he was surprised at the incredibly softness of the material against him. Another mechanical arm began applying generous amounts of baby powder in his diaper area, causing him to sneeze and shiver. Putting away the various infantile cosmetical supplies, the arms folded the front of the diaper over Apollo’s front, and snugly taped it in place, three tapes on each side. Apollo flexed his thighs and his buttcheeks, realizing that the soft padding was firmly in place. The corner restraints released, but before he could attempt to escape where previously the restraints held his wrists and ankles arms grasped him, lifting him out off of the changing table and unceremoniously carrying him out of the room, much to his displeasure. Trying to thrash and twist out of their grasp, the fox suckled nervously on his pacifier gag as he was carried into yet another room, inside of which were various mirrors and cabinets from the floor high up into the tall ceiling. The arms carried him to the center of the room, where he was able to see his pathetic state in one of the mirrors. His cheeks reddened, the fox was already a little bit on the small size, but the pacifier and the diaper did little to make him look like the adult he was. The poor pilot had gone from commanding his own ship to looking like he able to do little else than use his own diapers and suckle his pacifier. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed some more arms that had appeared from above shuffling through the cabinets. The four arms that had carried him in still firmly holding him in the air, and the arms that had been searching through cabinets soon descended on him with various items. He felt a pressure on his ankle, and looked down to see a slim black bracelet placed above his footpaw. A small red light appeared on it, which turned to green and quickly vanished. His tail curled around his thigh, right under his diaper. “I’ve just been tagged! Am I going to be imprisoned here? Why would they need to track me?!” he thought apprehensively. Something went over his ears and onto his head, then fastened underneath his chin. He looked up into the mirror to see what was being put on him but was blinded by yet another thing being pulled over his head. The arms meandered their way into releasing and grasping his limbs once again as he was forced into a piece of clothing. His head emerging, he saw in the mirror that he was garbed in a thick, and rather heavy infant gown with a bonnet fastened over his hair. Feeling incredibly humiliated and infantile, his indignance was further increased as the arms thrust his hands into blue rounded mittens, and locked them in place with a touch of a finger on the wrist cloth, a lock symbol glowing briefly, telling Apollo he was not getting out of them any time soon. “Blasted station! How on earth is such a sophisticated looking system mistake an adult for a newborn infant?!” he once again thought to himself in frustration and panic. He moaned desperately into his pacifier, realizing that he may not be able to get of his situation as soon as the machine was done babying him. He’d have to wait until the machine left him alone with some time and he could figure out somehow how to get his gag and mittens off. Seeing how his clothes and wrist communicator had been confiscated by the machine, he’d have to do some exploring through the facility to voice activate it. In an all too familiar motion the arms grabbed his limbs and raised him up once more, parading him out of the room and down the hallway. They traveled for a longer period than previously, and Apollo was able to marvel at the true size and infantile design the station sported. It really made him feel as if he were inside a giant nursery, designed to make the environment as soothing and babyish as possible with the patterns on the wall, soft curves of the corners, and the ever persistent smell of baby powder lingering in the air. Or maybe that was just him,”Ugh…” thought the fox to himself,”Where on earth are these things taking me?” After a minute more of being carried through the various passageways they arrived at a large arch, above which was written ”Incubation Pods.” Apollo’s pacifier would have dropped from his agape mouth had it not been snuggly strapped in. The room they entered was gigantic, several hundred meters from wall to wall, ceiling to ceiling, with wide pathways in the center allowing access to both mechanical arms and any bipeds or quadrupeds wanting to admire the space and walk through it. Between tall, narrow windows revealing the gorgeous outer space outside were several spacious pods, around three meters long and two meters wide. Apollo’s question of what was inside of the pods lining the walls was soon answered as the arms magnetic rail connection clipped onto a vertical rail line and he began to ascend upwards. Although a pilot, Apollo still was rather uncomfortable with large heights and with no titanium and carbon fiber vessel to hold him securely in place he tensed with apprehension as the arms carried him upwards. Maneuvering towards a pod in the center of the room, a few pods away from the nearest vertical window the fox saw that the interior was lined with soft, blue padding, a thick fleece blanket covered the middle, and several large fluffy pillows and a few choice large stuffed animals were contained within the pods. The upper half was made of a clear substance, and one of the pods lifted this translucent lid slightly with as hiss as the arms approached with their prey: the poor, rather babyishly garbed fox pilot. Presuming that he’d be put in one of the pods Apollo once again resumed his struggles, now in bigger earnest than before. He kicked and thrashed, yelling into his gag in anger as he exerted himself. His elbow connected with something hard, and he felt a rather nasty pain coming from his arm but realized with delight he must have succeeded in causing some damage. He glanced down, just in time to see one of the arms shattering into a million pieces on the walkway below. Looking up, he saw the end of what remained of the arm, sparking with electricity. Using his now freed arm he reached to attack the others that held him, but almost wet his newly acquired padding instead. Two dozen arms were now surging towards him, they grabbed his arms, legs, torso, and head, with the firmness increasing more and more as he attempted to resist them. They deposited him into the pod, pulling back the heavy looking blanket several arms pulled out several straps and folds hidden within the seams of the internal bedding. A harness with straps thick enough to almost constitute as clothing were drawn across his torso and crotch, tightly fastening them by what looked like velcro the fox. He tried moving and pawing at the restraints with his mittens, but found that it held him tightly in place in the center of the pod. He threw his head back and harrumphed in frustration as the arms retreated from the pod, the glass covering sealing back into place leaving the pilot to his own thoughts. He squirmed, pathetically tring to his use mittened paws to grasp at his secured torso, his pacifier, and the bonnet on his head tied under his chin. “This is humiliating,” he thought to himself,”I’ll never be able to live this down if anybody finds out, but how the hell am I supposed to escape if every time I do anything I get swarmed by those wretched arms!” He gasped slightly, and suckled on his pacifier a few times before consciously stopping himself when he realized what he was doing. “That’s it! I just have to do exactly what the system wants me to do and behave like a baby, then pull a fast one at the last minute!” Had he not been limited in his mobility, Apollo would have patted himself on the back for such an ingenious idea. Before he could further congratulate himself on being the smartest space pilot in the entire galaxy he jumped with surprise as a panel in the side of the bedding of the pod appeared out of nowhere, and more arms appeared. Gods above he was getting really sick of him he thought, as he wearily watched them approach him. Unstrapping the pacifier gag behind his head, the fox had hardly an opportunity to say anything until another rubber stopper was deposited firmly in place. He frowned, biting down on it. A squirt of sweet liquid came into contact with his tongue, and he looking down he saw a large baby bottle had been placed into his maw, patterns of stars, comets, and planets adorning it. The liquid inside of the container was a slight pink color, and as the fox took an experimental suckle on the thing, realized it was flavored strawberry. Apollo loved strawberries, and against his better judgement listened to the anguished growl that arose from his stomach as he realized he had not eaten in quite a while. Mentally shrugging, he allowed himself to be fed from the bottle, the contents tasted like a creamy strawberry milkshake, one of his favorite treats as a young kit back on his home planet. His eyelids drooped, and the interval between each suckle on his baba lengthened. A soothing female voice suddenly began to filter into the little crib pod, whispering little nothings into his ear, cooing and admiring on how incredibly cute and sweet he was. Apollo’s ear twitched and and a drol smile spread across his face, feeling surprisingly content albeit the situation. He wondered why he’d been so worked up just a few minutes ago. Why fuss? He was snuggly secured in his little crib, and his belly was full of delicious strawberry flavored milkshake! He wriggled comfortably, feeling almost fuzzy with coziness. He hardly noticed as the arms withdrew the bottle from his milk stained lips to be once again replaced with the pacifier gag, pulled the heavy blanket onto him, moved a pillow under his head, and placed a large, red dragon plushie in his arms, which he sleepily hugged tightly to himself with both arms. The little pilot’s consciousness dripped, then ebbed, and then slowly sank into a deep sleep, his breath slowing and his mind set at an ease he hadn’t experienced since he had been a little kit oh so many years ago. Apollo would barely remember this occurring later, but after what must have been only a few hours he woke up, but still felt incredibly sleepy from his deep sleep. He squirmed uncomfortably, and found that his surroundings were dark. His mind still in the clouds of hypnos, he tried to get up to empty his bladder. For some reason he wasn’t able to, and his still incredibly sleepy mind didn’t want to put forth more effort than it had to. He settled back down, and as he drifted back to sleep he felt a warm dampness spreading near the front of his crotch. His previously very full bladder now relieved, Apollo snuggled his cheek against the dragon plushie he hugged tightly, his padding now a little bigger and more tightly pressed against him than it had been previously. Apollo let out a sigh, and went back to sleep. ~ ~ ~ His vision was blurry and the light too harsh for his dark-accustomed eyes. He raised a paw to shield them from the brightness, and as his eyes went back into focus he saw the locked mitten still fixed on his hand. The events that had recently happened to him came flooding back, and suddenly he was wide awake. Shifting around to check if he was still secured in the straps, he felt something damp in his diaper. A feeling of shock and slight dread filled him, as he moved around further. “Did I wet myself when I slept?!” his mind screamed, as he brought his thighs together. To his dismay the absorbent material inside his diaper squished and crinkled, confirming his suspicions. His stomach gurgled, and his anxiety intensified as he realized that he had not used the toilet in a very long time. A pressure began to form on his lower abdomen, building up and pressing on his furry behind. Groaning he covered his face with his mittened paws and unconsciously suckled on his pacifier, he clenched his cheeks together, refusing to give up this aspect of his adulthood. The battle was waged for several minutes, but Apollo saw how it would eventually end. He whimpered, the pain beginning to register a higher intensity as he tried not to mess himself. A tear welled up in his right eye, and with a defeated cry muffled from his pacifier the contents of his bowels thundered into the backseat of his padding. He leaned forward slightly, bringing his legs up only to be hindered by the heavy blanket still weighing down upon him. The warm messed ballooned into his diapers, spreading out slightly into the front of his diaper. His release had been complete, for along with the back he had also wet the front even more. Apollo, military space pilot, captain of the ‘dragon sperm,’ had helpless used his diapers like a baby. No readjustment or movement allowed him to get away from the mess in his pants, the crinkling was muffled by the blanket as he shifted, the restrictive straps further pressing the padding onto his body as the material had swelled with his multiple instances of wetting. He lay there for what felt like an hour, during which he once again wet his diapers. “I must have been drugged, why would my body be reacting like this just because I’m dressed in baby clothes?” He shook his head, cursing himself for being so stupid as the puzzle pieces fell into place. They must have given him quite the cocktail to have completely incapacitated him to the point of being unable to keep his pants clean. “Good morning piddlepants!” a voice rang through the pod, jumping Apollo out of his revery. He looked around confused, the voice behind the exclamation was the same as the AI announcer voice he had heard before his rather lengthy nap, and it surprised him to be hearing it addressing him so directly. “How’s our little baby boy today! Did we use our diapers last night? Good little babies use their diapers and let their mommies and daddies love them for it!” Blushing at the infantile talk, Apollo saw through the glass that several arms were approaching his pod, clutching various changing supplies they approached, reaching into it as with another hiss the upper dome opened. Moving the blanket off of the little pilot they worked at unstrapping him out of the bundle and unclothed him until only his used diaper was open to the air. The smell hit his nostrils and he whimpered, a feeling of complete helplessness coursing through his mind as the arms held his own above his head and untapped his diaper. Cool, soothing baby wipes began wiping his messed fur, and he was slightly relieved that the arms were doing a good job at cleaning his accident from his body. The diaper was wrapped up, and a cream and powder was once again generously applied to his diaper area, his boy parts and cheeks rubbed with the substance to ensure maximum coverage. Cringing at the infantility of it all, he was both glad and dismayed when another, even thicker, diaper was placed beneath his raised behind, and he was securely fastened back into thick padding, the tapes snuggly ensuring he was nice and comfy inside of his thick underpants. The arms did what they did best and grabbed and lifted him up, his heart falling somewhere into his thick padding as he was retrieved from inside of the pod and carried back down onto the walkways in the middle of the vast space. At the bottom he saw what looked like a carriage, and found himself being placed into a thick, cushy bag of sorts. His arms were wrapped around himself and his knees were brought up to his chest. The fox squirmed, not uncomfortable but confined in what the fox took to be an oversized bunting bag. The arms placed and secured him into the carriage, strapping the bunting bag in over his chest and legs. Apollo could only suckle on his pacifier still lodged in his mouth and squirm as he was lead out of the giant room and further into the station. Something about the structure of the station where he was traveling through rang a bell, and he realized that they must be heading towards the main docking station he had spotted earlier when looking for an appropriate entrance. One of the arms delicately pushed the carriage through the station, and after what seemed like the longest hallway in the entire facility they emerged into another open space, smaller than where the pods were kept but still impressively large. The docks overlooked the vastness of space and were separating the bubble of air that Apollo relied on by a pink force field which buzzed quietly. Apollo was lifted out of his carriage and saw out of the corner of the force field window about half of his ship, still docked where he had left it. His heart leaped up in excitement, as he began to struggle even more against his bonds, hoping the ship would register his distress through the force field and send a signal for help. Help arrived at that very instant, but not the kind that the pilot expected. Another military freighter arrived, decelerating as it approached his docked ship, and Apollo whooped into his pacifier as he saw it approach his ship. His vision was blocked as the arms placed him into a small ship he hadn’t noticed. Seeing his reflection in one of the arm’s shiny white limbs he saw a picture of a stork in a spacesuit flying a ship with the words, ”Baby on board” written across its side. A glass seal then slid in front of him as arms located inside of the little space vessel secured him into a small baby seat, like the carseats he had seen kits being placed in when going on car trips. His pacifier gag was removed, and a bottle was thrust in instead, he bit down on the nipple of the bottle clenching it shut, he refused to be drugged again, he refused to be babied, he wanted release! A sweet, tinkling melody began playing from the speakers in the ship, and the voice of the AI once again began to coo at him, reassuring him that everything was going to be alright, that he was just a little helpless infant, and that he was well loved and comfortable. The ship rumbled, and the engines fired. As the little vessel rocketed out of the station, he saw way off in the distance the new freighter that had arrived, towing his old ship behind it as the ion engines reached maximum velocity. Apollo looked up in dismay and frustration at realizing that the new ship had not noticed his plight, and saw that a mirror was placed above him. He gawked at his appearance. The pilot was small for his age true, but now he looked even fluffier, shorter, and younger than he had before. With a bit of effort, he pulled his arms out of the bunting bag and examined his mittened paws. It was true, they seemed stubbier and shorter for some reason. The arm holding the bottle in his mouth squeezed it, and the fox found he was no longer able to contain the liquid from entering his mouth. As the liquid poured into his mouth the effect was almost immediate, he relaxed, his arms laying down by his sides as the babyseat began to rock forwards and backwards slightly, a slight vibration starting at the front and back seat of his diaper as the seat worked away at his tense nerves. The stars outside of his window twinkled, and the voice informed him that he should be excited for the future. His new mommy and daddy were waiting for their new baby. Apollo felt a release happen, and uncontrollably wet the front of his diaper. The sweet, strawberry solution tasted rich and creamy as allowed himself to be fed. His mind felt once again at ease, why should he care about his freighter? He was only a little kit! Piloting ships was something big furs did, not little baby ones! His eyelids grew heavy, and the fox began to doze contentedly; the ship cruised through the ethers of space, gently rocking the little fox to a pleasant sleep. The last thing his eyes saw before they dropped were the twin suns, their bright light still warmly radiating into space, now as if to wish him a farewell. ~ ~ ~ Do you enjoy reading my content? Check out my other stories on my page or follow me on Twitter or FA! Twitter: https://twitter.com/horatiohusky FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/horatiohusky/
This is a cute little story based off an amazing short that came out from a certain animation company that begins with a P. I absolutely loved that short and so wanted more of that story. And then my creative mind kicked in and said "But what if... diapers?" Sorry, I couldn't resist! Just something I wanted to share with the lovely members of Daily Diapers forum. I hope you enjoy the resulting wholesome tale of community, caring, and crinkles. You can download a PDF of this story free now on Patreon, where all stories and chapters are released to patrons a month early! Story Link: KABLAM! By Champ (Patreon.com/ChampTehOtter) Our story begins with a young rabbit holding a hammer in a field. A rabbit who had just finished putting the final touches on his new home with the help of his neighbors. It was a momentous occasion moving into his own burrow, and the project had really come together thanks to a whole network of critters who made up his underground community, especially the mole and field mouse who had first greeted him as he began digging his new home. He had been nervous and shy at first, but the neighbors were there to help. "Stronger together!" they had exclaimed as they set to work. Soon what had been a humble one-room plan now branched out into multiple rooms including a bathroom/disco, a bedroom, and a nursery. "Why do you need a nursery? Are you planning on starting a family soon?" the field mouse had asked, once they finally got a look at the reluctant rabbit's plans. "Yeah, something like that," the rabbit had said, not wanting to give the real reason for his interest in the infantile room. Now it was all done, and the rabbit's friendly neighbors were putting away the last of his items. Excitement, and the smell of Mrs. Hedgehog's' fresh-baked cookies were in the air because it was nearly time for the burrow warming to begin. "I don't know why I was so nervous," said the rabbit, coming back down into his burrow after fixing the always-askew mailbox one last time. "They didn't make fun of my crude diagram or my ideas of what I wanted. Not even the disco ball. They've been so nice to me..." The rabbit's thoughts trailed off when he walked into his bedroom where the mouse and the mole were. When he saw the mouse unzipping his backpack to put away the last of his things, his heart skipped a beat. "Hey! D-don't open that!" "No worries, it's not a problem... Lemme just..." the mouse's eyes went wide as he realized what he had pulled from the rabbit's bag. It was a diaper. A diaper too big for a baby. The mouse and the mole blinked a couple of times, too stunned to react. The rabbit's face went crimson. He quickly dashed forward and grabbed the diaper and the backpack. "Th-that's really not necessary," he said, stuffing the diaper inside and zipping up the backpack. He scooted off to the nursery and closed the door before they could respond. He would say they were for a baby if they asked. Maybe they would drop it. "Yeah, that's what I'll tell them," he said, as he stashed the diapers in his backpack on the shelf under the changing table. "Tell us what?" asked the mole, who had tunneled in and was now right behind the rabbit. The rabbit jumped and hit his head on the ceiling. "Guh! Owwwwww.... darn my legs..." "Careful, bud," said the field mouse, coming in through the new hole the mole had made. "We didn't build the ceiling in this room too high. If you want your rooms taller it's gonna take another few hours. "N-no thanks," said the rabbit, not sure whether to be more embarrassed about what his neighbors had seen or how he'd just knocked himself flat on his butt. "What'sa matter? You look like you seen a ghost," said the mole, bending down to help the rabbit to his feet. "Nah, he's just a jumpy little critter," said the field mouse with a little grin. "I think he must just like to hide things." "You should talk, small fry," said the rabbit, dusting himself off. "And thanks for the hand," he said addressing the mole as he tried to recover from his adrenaline rush. "Small?! I never talked about your size," said the mouse, crossing his arms and turning his head, but he looked back at the rabbit with a smile and one eye open to let him know he wasn't really mad. "Okay okay," said the rabbit. "I am a bit jumpy... and I guess I am a bit secretive. I'm just embarrassed is all. You all are so knowledgeable and experienced. You have so many talents, and I'm just a dumb ol' bunny." "Hey now," said the field mouse, giving the rabbit a pat on the back. "Don't think of it like that. We're all helping each other. Stronger together, right?" he said, turning to the mole for confirmation. "That's right," said the mole, "stronger together!" Thanks guys, said the rabbit, "but can we move it to the living room?" "Hold up," said the mole, grabbing the rabbit's wrist as he made for the door. The rabbit felt the tug and stopped, his heart thundering in his chest once more. Were they going to say something about the diapers? Did they know? Did they not like him now? Was he too weird? Would they talk about him behind his... "You've got a little schmutz on your..." The rabbit crossed his eyes to see what the mole was reaching at, but the mole stepped forward and his paws went right past the rabbit's little nose to come around his back and envelop him in a big hug. The field mouse soon joined in. "What was that for?" the rabbit asked, as the two of them let go with a final comforting squeeze. "You looked like you needed it," said the mole. And to the rabbit's surprise, he was right. He had needed that hug. The three of them went back to the living room to find it occupied by the great mass of creatures who had pitched in to help. From badgers to wood-mice, animals occupied every piece of furniture, doorway, and nearly every room of the rabbit's humble home save the nursery and bedroom. Momma Mouse was running around frantically trying to gather up all the squealing younglings from underfoot and she was quite thankful to be pointed to the nursery, which was just past the rabbit's bedroom. "Announcement, announcement," said the rabbit, doing his best to get everyone's attention, but no one seemed to hear him above the excited chattering of their peers. The large badger, who was standing nearby, saw what was happening and let out his famous roar, which effectively caught the attention of everyone in the burrow. The bunny nearly hit his head on the ceiling again at the unexpected outburst but was fortunately held back by the mole. All eyes were now on the badger as critters from all the other rooms peeped their heads in to see what was up. "Proceed," said the badger, leading all eyes to rest on the rabbit with a sweep of his paw. It seemed like the whole neighborhood was watching. "Uh... th-thank you," said the rabbit, his heart still hammering in his chest from the sudden scare. He took a deep breath and thought of his friends. Then, he spoke. "I just wanted to say thank you, everyone. You made my dreams come true. And... well, I'd like to invite all of you to pitch in one more time to celebrate this new chapter of my life." "Hear, hear!" said the badger. "You heard the rabbit! Let's all make this the best burrow warming yet!" The animals were quite animated by this speech and clamored to contribute in whatever way they could. "I'll bring cookies," said Mr. Hedgehog. "We've got a boom box," said one of the fitness fanatic moles who lived next-burrow. "We've got plenty of nuts to share," said the chipmunks, who lived two burrows down. "And I've got towels," said the bath-loving lizard, who stood there in nothing but a towel. "Eh... I think we can skip the towels for now," said the rabbit, with an awkward smile. "Thank you, everyone, for your generosity!" Before long, the party was underway, and every room of the house was once more taken up by animals chatting, snacking, and having a good time. "Hey, what's with the nursery?" asked one of the fitness moles. "Hush," said the rabbit's mole friend, cuffing his nosy boyfriend on the back of his head while the rabbit's face went bright red. "What did I do?" asked the fitness-loving mole, rubbing his sweatband. "Heyyy! Look what I found," said the lizard, sauntering into the room in nothing but a diaper. "This is much better than a towel!" "H-hey! Take that off!" said the rabbit, who was about ready to have a heart attack as he saw his deepest secret paraded around in front of everyone. "Those look great! Where'd you get those?" asked Mr. Hedgehog. "Oh, I just found 'em in the nursery," the lizard said, holding up a couple more. "I don't know where they came from, you'll have to ask him." The lizard pointed a finger squarely at the bunny. Everyone's eyes turned to the rabbit, who went wide eyed, suddenly the center of attention. "Eh, uh... hehe, I dunno. The store? Th-they're not for me!" he added quickly. He looked around for some escape route, but there was none. He was stuck here while his neighbors judged him. "Hey, you okay?" Asked the field mouse, grabbing a paper bag he had thoughtfully stashed by the couch in case the bunny had another of his rather frequent panic attacks. "Here, breathe into this." The mole rubbed the rabbit's back as he sat down on the floor and breathed into the bag. "You're ok, buddy. Just breathe." The music stopped and animals gathered around with concerned faces, but that just made the bunny more nervous. "I think I know what's going on here," said Mr. Badger, stepping in. "Everybody back away, give the little guy some space." He got down to the rabbit's level and put a hand on his shoulder. "I want you to tell the truth. You don't have to say anything. Just nod for yes and shake your head for no." The rabbit looked up to the badger with wide eyes as he blew a final few breaths into the bag. Then, he slowly lowered the bag, gulped, and nodded. "Are these for you?" The rabbit nodded. "Do you have a medical issue we should be concerned about?" The rabbit shook his head. "So, you just wear them because you like them? For comfort?" The rabbit nodded yes to both questions. The badger looked around to the neighbors and nodded, like he knew exactly what was going on. "Tell me, little bunny. Does this help calm you down?" Asked the badger as he held up one of the diapers. The bunny squeezed his eyes shut and nodded vigorously. "Would a diaper help right now?" The bunny's eyes shot open at the unexpected query. For several breaths, he didn't move, but the badger was patient. Eventually, the bunny gave the most imperceptible of nods. "Okay then," said the badger, grabbing the rabbit by one paw and holding a diaper in the other. "As you were, everyone. Everything's fine. I'm just going to help the bunny calm down. Be right back." His authoritative tone reassured everyone but also let them know that it was not an invitation for an audience. "So, who wants cookies?" asked Mrs. Hedgehog, breaking the silence. Everyone resumed their merrymaking, and the mole's boyfriend started his workout mix back up on the boombox. Meanwhile, Mr. Badger slipped out of the room with the rabbit in tow. Mr. Badger nodded to the mole and field mouse to join him and the three of them made their way to the nursery. A couple of the moms were already there watching all the neighbors' children. There was certainly enough room for it since the nursery was especially large. That was not unusual for a rabbit warren. "Excuse me, coming through," said the Badger, walking up to the big changing table and lifting the rabbit to set him gently on the soft padding. "What... what are you-" "I think you know very well what I'm doing," said Mr. Badger, flapping the diaper open, and fluffing it. "And I think it's exactly what you need, don't you, little bunny?" The rabbit covered his face and nodded, blushing brightly under his fur. Soon, Mr. Badger was grabbing the rabbit's ankles and lifting his tush up in the air to set it on the fresh fluffy undergarment "You two better pay attention," said the badger. "I'm not coming up here every time the baby bunny needs a change. "Ch-change?" squeaked the rabbit. "I don't actually use them..." "I never said you had to use them," said the badger in an even tone. "But you better believe you're taking a trip right back here next time your little bunny heart starts pounding. If this is how you relax then this is what we'll do. It's for your health, you understand. Everyone deserves to feel safe and comfortable in their own burrow, Isn't that right, boys?" The field mouse and the mole looked to each other, then back to the badger and nodded, wide eyed. Admittedly they had never changed a diaper themselves. That was usually their mom's job. "Well, come on," said the Badger. "You can't see what's happening from there." The bunny covered his face with his hands as he lay there on the diaper with his two closest neighbors pressing up against the changing table. "Here," said momma mouse, handing the badger a mouse plush. "These tend to help keep the little ones distracted while you take care of 'em." The badger nodded and handed the plush over to the bunny, who immediately squeezed it tight and closed his eyes. He used the plush as a shield between himself and the three furs as he tried to imagine he really was a baby bunny and not an embarrassed, supposedly independent young rabbit. He only felt the cool powder, and then the bulk of the diaper as it enclosed him, crinkling all the while. "And that's all there is to it," said the badger, sitting the rabbit up and giving him a pat on the back of his diaper. "How do you feel?" The bunny looked down between his legs to squeeze them against the fluffy padding, looked back at his poofy butt to wiggle his tail with a *crink* *crink* *crink*. "I... I feel good," he said, giving a shy little smile as he looked back at his companions. "Good. Then you can keep it on for the rest of the party," said the badger. "And don't even think about arguing with me. You deserve to be healthy and happy, got it?" "Y-you don't think they'll make fun of me?" asked the bunny, with worry on his face. "Not a chance," said the badger, making a fist. "Not on my watch." "No fighting," said momma mouse. "you'll set a bad example for the little ones. Speaking of little ones, this nursery would make a wonderful daycare for all the pups, kits, and hatchies... would you think of sharing this wonderful space, bunny?" The bunny nodded reluctantly. "Yeah... It's kind of a private thing for me but... I suppose I can share." He felt guilty saying no right off the bat, but he was still getting used to the idea of other people even knowing about his biggest secret, much less being in his space for what had always been a solitary indulgence. "I might just think about it a bit." Mr. Badger picked up the bunny on one arm and carried him out of the nursery, patting his butt and praising him for being such a good little bunny. Soon, the four of them appeared in the living room once more, the bunny clinging to Mr. Badger and hiding his face in his shoulder. The badger set the understandably nervous bunny down and patted his butt. "There we are. Much better. Now go play, little bunny friend." "Hey, broski!" said the lizard, who was still in a diaper. "We're twins! How about that? These diapers are great!" The bunny looked up from his fidgeting paws as he heard murmurs of agreement around the room and saw that many of the other animals were diapered as well. His jaw dropped. He was speechless for a minute, then he began to tear up. "Th-thank you!" said the bunny, and he hugged the bigger lizard around the waist. "Was it something I said?" asked the lizard, shrugging. But of course, he understood what the rabbit meant. He patted the bunny's back and stroked his fur. "To our new neighbor. Happy burrow warming!" There was applause and cheers from all his neighbors. "And guess what?" added the field mouse. "He's agreed to let us use the nursery as our daycare!" This drew an excited response as the moms and dads were only too happy for the respite daycare offered. The bunny stood up a little straighter after that, feeling a little proud that he could help out after everything everyone had done for him. "So," said the field mouse turning back to the bunny. "No more secrets, okay? We help each other, and that means being open and honest with each other. Stronger together, right everyone?" "Stronger together," the other animals called in response to hearing their favorite motto. The bunny nodded meekly. "I understand. No more secrets." After that day, the bunny no longer hid his drawing skills or his diapers from the rest of the burrow denizens. In fact, it made such a difference in his anxiety, his neighbors took turns making sure he was diapered all the time. Like Mr. Badger said, it took a village to raise a pup, and luckily, this one had a daycare that was just perfect for him.
From the album: Customized Diapers
From the album: Customized Diapers
Here is chapter one of a new project. This is a shared project from me and Sky Hooves, based on an RP! We both hope that you'll enjoy it! Climbing the Corporate Ladder by Panther Cub & Sky Hooves The city of Sanoto, the gleaming silver jeweled capitol of Lushuin. Population roughly 8,000,000. When I was a little kit, I always used to dream of coming to the big city and making it big. After college, when I was finally able to move into an apartment of my very own… well… let’s just say that those dreams are on hold… The fact that I’m a twenty-seven-year-old jackrabbit suffering from Youngston’s Disease, rendering me fully incontinent certainly not helping. My name is Melody Cooper. I have yellow eyes, a pink nose, and tan fur. After many years of humiliation, I have become very adept at discretion. Still, though, I live every day in fear that my secret will get out. It's why I changed my name after graduating high school. Gunna be late! I think to myself, frantically, as I sprint down the sidewalk. There is a slight waddle to my gait, but I push on. After getting ready for work, I had suddenly found myself with a very messy diaper, which I of course had to take care of, thus eating up so many precious minutes to get to work on time. I ignore the bulge of my padding as I make the next crosswalk in record time. I check my watch, feeling a slight stitch in my side, surprised that I might just make it. It's going to be a close one. I can see the building, Bushel Inc. coming into view. I reach into my purse and pull out my i.d. badge, and practically hurtle through the revolving doors at the front desk, and leap up to flash it to the security guard, as is required of all employees. The bored-looking male polar bear takes it and scans it. I hop from foot to foot as I wait for the o.k. to enter. Then there's a beep, and he hands it back to me, and I dart off. My cubicle is on the twenty-seventh floor, so when I make it to the elevator, my heart soars as I'm the only one, and jump up to hit button 27, taking some time to catch my breath and smooth out my clothes, a simple navy skirt-suit. Linda’s POV: I look down at the bunny that just ran into the elevator at high speed, trying to get her breath under control. It was one of my employees, Melody Cooper. Seems like, she made it just in time. She is a really hard working mammal, but a tad on the shy side. I'm actually a little worried for her, since she doesn't seem to have many friends outside of work from what I heard. My name is Linda Moon. I'm a 31 year-old lioness. I have green eyes and a black nose, and very light beige fur. I also have a daughter named Kira. She is also a lioness, like me. Her father, a loving and wonderful hyena named Jonas, died before she was born in an accident, and I have raised her since then. It wasn't easy, but I managed to have time for her and my company. Melody’s POV: Satisfied, I take a deep breath and smile, certain I‘m gunna make it before I was officially counted as late. It was then that I heard the noise of someone clearing their throat, and I turned, jumping a little at the sight of my boss, Mrs. Moon. "OH! Mrs. Moon," I say to the lioness towering over me, "g-good morning." Linda: I smile down at her, making sure to look as non-threatening as possible. "Good morning Ms. Cooper. Seems like that was a close call this time." Melody: I blush a little and nod, I can't let her think that I'm lazy or something. "Uh... I h-had a minor emergency to deal with this morning." Linda: I look a bit worried. "Is everything alright? I hope nothing bad happened." Melody: "Oh no, nothing terrible. Just an... inconvenience I had to deal with, is all..." Linda: "Alright then. As long as you still make it on time, It's no problem. But try to keep these inconveniences to a minimum. You are a hard worker." The Elevator dinged at the 20th floor, signaling that I had reached my destination. "And here is my exit. I wish you a nice day, Ms Cooper." I say and wave to her as I leave for my office. Melody: "Y-yes Mrs. Moon. Y-you too!" I say, putting on a smile, despite my nervousness, and wave back. I sigh as I ride the rest of the way up, feeling good to hear someone as important as Linda Moon telling me how important I am. Still though, I'll have to wake up even earlier from now on, just in case I start messing myself in the morning again. Linda: I make my way to my office. I couldn't help but worry a bit about Ms Cooper. I meant what I said that she is a great worker and the others really like her, even with the little interaction she has with them. She seems pretty skittish around others... or it is just my size that is intimidating her. "Or maybe, it's just my motherly instincts taking over again..." I say to myself under my breath. It is a well-documented fact that lionesses have overactive mothering instincts, myself being no exception. Melody: I find my cubicle, with just two minutes to spare, and quickly turn on my computer, logging in. I sigh once more, before smiling, getting to work. It may not be glamorous, but I do find the monotonous work to be relaxing. Linda: I sit at my desk and go through some new contracts and other paperwork. Nothing much was happening and soon, after a few calls, I feel the need to use the restroom. I log off my computer, and head out my office door, making my way to the elevator. Melody: I type away at the keyboard, checking each shipment and double-checking, making sure everything is going where it's supposed to. Not the most exciting job in the world, but it's certainly an important one. I just finished another batch, when I smell a sickly-sweet perfume, like rotten bananas, and my stomach tightened. "Almost came in late, Miss Cooper," came a voice just as sickly sweet as the perfume of its owner. I gulp and turn in my chair, which is several sizes too big for me, to look up at the leering face of my manager, Amanda Winter. For some reason, the snow leopardess has always seemed to have it out for me. "Y-yes, Miss Winter. But I got in before I was," I say in my own defense. The primly dressed feline clicked her tongue dismissively. She was wearing a lavender pinstripe skirt-suit, her claws painted a matching color, with two big dangly gold rings in her ears. "Just make sure to be at your desk, on time, in the future." She said, implying that I was late, when I have never been late to work, not once. "Y-yes, Miss Winter," I say, blushing as I feel like a small child who had just been scolded for being bad. The padding I can feel warming between my legs not helping. I wait for her to continue on her rounds before I grab my purse and hop down to take a bathroom break... to change my diaper. I remember getting a memo about how all the restrooms are being worked on on various floors, so I picked the closest floor to go, on the 20th. Linda: After a bit more work, I had to go to the ladies’ room. I sat down in one of the stalls to do my "personal business" as I heard the door open again and little paws tapping around on the tile. Melody: I blush from the extra waddle that's been added to my walk, before I enter the stall. I sigh once more as I am confronted by toilet stalls and toilets meant for much larger animals. Still, I don't suppose I could easily use the toilets in here due to my size. Silver lining, I suppose. I close the door behind me, unable to reach the latch, and instead take off my skirt. I fold it up and put it into my purse, before I untape my wet diaper, letting it fall to the ground with a wet plop. Linda: I sit still in my box and hear a ripping sound and something wet hitting the ground next to my stall. The sound is familiar, and as a mother, it takes me only a few moments to realize that it’s the sound of a wet diaper. Had someone brought their cub to work? Why not leave them at the daycare here at the company? Maybe I need to better advertise to my employees about the free childcare on level fifteen. Melody: I pull out the tub of wipes and start cleaning myself, tossing two used ones into the used diaper, which I then fold and tape up into a ball. Then I pull out a fresh diaper and, not wanting to lay down on the bathroom tile, put it on while standing up, the tapes being the trickiest part. Once finished, I pull out the canister of baby powder, and open it. After I pull open the front waistband of my diaper and powder myself, I repeat the process in the back. Then I double-check the tape just above my tail, brushing off some of the powder that had lightly dusted it. I finish off by putting my skirt back on, double-checking to make sure it's on correctly, before I grab the used diaper and my purse, and walk back out, heading first for the trash can, thankful to have the bathroom to myself. Linda: From my stall, I could hear the familiar sound of a diaper change going on right next to my box. But something was off. It was the lacking sound of a child moving around or making any kind of noise. Also, they aren’t using the diaper change station. I heard the stall opening and the occupant leaving and the lid of the trash can being opened and closed. I finished my business and left to wash my paws. There was a faint smell of baby powder in the air. I don't know why I did what I did next, maybe just out of curiosity, or motherly instincts, but I took a peek inside the trash can. There I saw a rolled up, used diaper. It was a small diaper, like the ones my own little cub used, but the markings on it didn’t look like a child’s diaper at all. Actually, it looked more like a very tiny adult diaper... But who was small enough... my eyes widened a bit as I made a connection as to who the other mammal potentially is. But I wasn't 100% sure. For now, I would just continue work and think about this later. After all, it wasn't really any of my business. Melody: I make my way back to my desk and get right back to it. Amanda stopped by a few more times, just to let me know that she was watching me, I suppose. Soon enough, lunch rolled around, and I logged out before hopping up and making my way down to the cafeteria. Linda: After some more hours of paperwork, lunchtime comes by and I make my way to the cafeteria. But before that, I take another stop at the company's daycare centre to get my own little cub from there. As I entered the daycare, I find a little light beige ball of fluff leaping into my arms. "MOMMY!" Kira shouted gleefully. "Hello, my little princess. Mommy missed you. Have you been a good girl?" I ask her, hugging her close. "Mhm! I have been super good! I colored this for you!" She said, holding out her paws with a piece of paper in them. It’s a crayon picture of us together, holding hands, with a big smiling sun in one corner. "Such a cute picture! I'll make sure to put it right in my office so I can see it everyday! Now, how about we get some lunch together?" I offer, folding up the picture and putting it into my purse. "YAY!" Kira cheered. I first had to sign her out, but then we made our way to the elevator, my little cub in my arms. Melody: I’m in the elevator, lost in my own thoughts, only vaguely aware of the door opening, not paying attention as to who just entered. Linda: I see Ms. Cooper is already in the elevator, lost in her own thoughts. My little girl looks down at her and tilts her head. She motioned for me to let her down, to which I comply. She walks over to Ms Cooper and taps her shoulder. “Hi there! I'm Kira! Who are you?" She says, sounding bubbly and excited. Melody: I jump a little and turn to face the childish voice, to see a lion cub looking at me with a big smile on her face. She's wearing a bright white sundress, which I realize looks very similar to one I have back at home. I blush a little, and then my eyes go a little wider when I recognize Mrs. Moon, towering over us. I realize that this must be her daughter, so I compose myself and give the little girl a smile. "H-hi. I'm Melody. I-it's nice to meet you, Kira." Linda: I smile down at the two interacting, looking like two children becoming friends. My little Kira always loves to make new friends. "Hi! You have a cute name! I like you!" Without a warning, Kira hugged my little bunny employee. There was a ding, and the door opening signaled our arrival at the cafeteria. Kira grabbed Ms. Coopers paw in her own and my left in her other. "We can have lunch together! Can we mommy? Can we?" Kira asks, bouncing on her feet. Kira looked at me with her best, puppy eyes and I just couldn't resist. "Well, if Ms. Cooper is ok with that," I say, turning to look at Melody. Kira looked now to Ms. Cooper with the same puppy eyes. "You want to have lunch with us, don't you, Melody?" Melody: "U-uh..." I look from my boss to her daughter before nodding, making what I feel is a smart decision, at least to keep my job, "s-sure." Linda: "YAY! My new friend and I are having lunch together!" Kira shouts, starting to skip as we walk along. A few employees looked our way at the outburst of my little girl, but they didn't think much of it, since most of them already knowing how excitale she can be. The crinkling sound of her diaper made me think back to the events from the bathroom... But a tug on my paw got me back to the here and now. "Come on, mommy! Me and Melody are hungry!" Kira says, tugging again. "Alright, alright. I'm coming." I say with a laugh. Me and Ms. Cooper are led by my little girl to the line of people waiting for their turn. There’s numerous stations, each with dishes catering to the variety of different dietary needs for my employees. Kira, meanwhile, starts talking with her new friend about this and that. "What is your favorite color? Mine is pink! I also like to play dress up and have tea parties! What do you like to play?" Her words came out practically in a rush. Melody: I blush as I'm sure all eyes are on my holding hands with Mrs. Moon's daughter, but I continue on, wanting to keep the child, and therefore her mother, happy. "O-oh! I've always been p-partial to g-green myself. A-and... uh... I enjoy p-playing games o-on my Z-box." We get in line, and I have to hop up a little to grab a fresh tray. Linda: "You have a Z-Box? That's so cool! My mommy won't allow me one until I'm older." She says, looking up at me with a small blast of her puppy-eye look. I listen to the two talking while grabbing myself a tray. I noticed how Ms. Cooper had to jump up a bit, but didn't comment on it, now realizing that we seemed to have overlooked species of smaller statures, something that’s going to need to be amended. We walked along the line and I grabbed a few things for myself and my daughter. "When you see something you want, sweetie, just point it out." I say to her. "Ok mommy. You hear, Melody? Just point something out and mommy will get it for us." I had to hold back a laugh at that. Melody: "U-uh, th-that's very nice. But I d-don't w-want to be r-rude," I say, hopping up a little to try and grab a carrot and berry smoothie from the nearest station. I had already managed to snag a salad, but this cup was just a little too out of my reach. Linda: Kira giggled at the cute scene of the bunny hopping up and down to try and grab the smoothie. I hear again the familiar crinkle of a diaper but don't think much about it. I smile at the cute scene between these two and just grab the smoothie for Ms Cooper and give it to her. "Here you are. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I actually think we should make a few changes to fit the cafeteria for smaller species." Melody: "O-oh! Th-thank y-you, Mrs. Moon," I say, accepting the smoothie with a blush, "that would actually be wonderful." Linda: We walk over to an empty table and Kira leads Ms. Moon to an empty chair, which is big enough for them both. "Come Melody! We can sit together!" Melody: "U-uh..." I say, unable to think of a reason why we couldn't sit together, but then find myself being tugged up into the chair next to the toddler. My ears twitch at the sounds of what I take to be her crinkling diaper, and hope that I'm not also hearing my own. Linda: Kira got Ms. Cooper up in the chair and cuddled close to her while I set the trays on the table. "Now, Kira. Do you want me to feed you or do you want to eat on your own?" "Feed me, please?. What about you, Melody? Do you want to be fed as well until your mommy comes?" Oh my goodness, that is just too precious! As Kira asked that, I understood why she was so friendly with Ms Cooper. She thought the little bunny was also a toddler. I decided to not say anything and let it play out. It was just too cute. Melody: I blush even more now. "U-uh... I can f-feed myself, b-but thank y-you for offering, th-that is v-very polite. A-also, I-I'm an adult." Linda: Kira tilts her head, clearly not understanding how this mammal, that was the same size as her, could be a grown-up. Then she looked down at the outfit of her new friend. It was rather adult like... “Ooooh… YOU LIKE TO PLAY DRESS UP TOO!” Kira shouts excitedly, bouncing in her seat, while Ms. Cooper seems to be blushing even more underneath her fur. "Maybe we can play something else after lunch?" I couldn't help myself but giggle at the cute little scene. Kira is still very young and hasn't met any adults her own size, so it makes sense that she is confused. "How about we first eat and then talk about playtime later? Don't want to let the food get cold." I say. "Okay, mommy!" Kira says. I start to cut up Kira’s food for her into small bites, feeding it to her, while taking bites from my own food between her chewing. Melody: I feel as though my face is as red as a tomato, yet all I can think to do is instead start drinking my smoothie, and start in on my salad. Linda: As we continue to eat, Kira keeps looking and smiling at Melody, occasionally asking a question between bites. "My Favorite TV-Show is The Lion Guard! Guardians protecting Prideland City from criminals! My favorite character is Officer Kion! He is really cute and silly! Who is your favorite character?" Melody: "I, ahem, I haven't actually s-seen that show." Linda: "Really? Doesn't your mommy let you watch it?" Kira says before gasping. "Maybe you could come over for a playdate! I have every episode on DVD! We can watch them together!" Kira smiled brightly and jumped a little on her seat, making her diaper crinkle and giving Ms. Cooper another hug. I smiled at how well Ms Cooper is behaving for my little girl’s sake. Melody: "W-woah now. I'm a-actually a grown-up, and therefore h-have a lot of responsibilities." I say, looking panicked at Mrs. Moon, whom I'm certain would not at all be comfortable with some strange adult coming over to watch a tv show with her daughter. Linda: I keep watching the whole interaction between the two and couldn't help but find it extremely adorable. But Ms Cooper is right. I pet my little girl's head and lift her into my lap... but since she was still holding onto Ms. Cooper, I also lifted her into my lap. "Sorry, sweetie, but Ms Cooper is right. She still has a lot of work to do here." Melody: I squeak, and quickly scoot off of my boss' lap, her daughter somehow still clinging to me. My ears twitch as I hear a certain rustling as I scoot, but I ignore it and hope she just assumes it's her cub. Linda: I hear again the rustling of a diaper but first assumed it was Kira, until I heard it again as Melody began moving. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of my watch beeping, signaling the end of my lunch break. And sure enough, people in the cafeteria are also already putting away their trays and heading out to the elevators. "Alright, sweetie. Lunchtime is over. Let's get you back to daycare." I say to Kira. I stand up and take Kira’s paw in my own again, while she grabs Melody’s paw and we make our way to the elevator. Kira giggled in excitement and looked to the still blushing jackrabbit while hopping from one paw to the other. "I can't wait to show you all the toys they have there! They even have lots of cute outfits to play dress up in!" Melody: "I-I'm s-sorry, miss Kira, b-but I have to get back to work now." I say now looking with pleading eyes at Mrs. Moon. Linda: Kira tilted her head in confusion. "Why would you want to work? Work is boring. Bah!" Kira sticks her tongue out for emphasis. I decided to step in and help Ms. Cooper. "Sorry Kira. But Ms. Cooper has a job to get back to, before she can play anywhere." I hit the button for the fifteenth floor first, to drop Kira off at the daycare. Melody: My eyes widen as I'm still being dragged along due to the little girl's surprisingly iron-like grip. "Uhm... M-Mrs. Moon?" Linda: "Yes, sweetie? ...I mean, Ms. Cooper?" My saying sweetie just felt so natural to say to Ms. Cooper, her little voice really sounded like that of a little cub. Melody: I blush as I point to my paw still in her daughter's. Linda: I giggle at the sight and bend down a little. "Kira, sweetie? Melody needs her paw back." Kira looks sadly up at me and lets go of my paw to give Ms Cooper a big, kinda protective, hug. "But I want to play with her! She’s my new friend!" Kira whined, giving me the full blast of her puppy eyes. I look apologetically to Ms. Cooper, then back to my daughter. "Maybe when you behave, she can play with you another time?” Melody: "U-uh... m-maybe?" I say, unsure of how to go about proceeding. I'm not really looking to sign on for any babysitting duties, but Mrs. Moon is my boss after all... Linda: Kira smiled brightly and started jumping again, with Ms. Cooper still in her arms. "YAY! We can have a playdate! I can show you all of my toys and drawings!" I giggle at her excitement, but I’m unsure if Melody would be willing to play with a four-year-old girl. The door to the elevator opened and Kira again held my paw and Ms. Coopers as we entered the daycare. Melody: I blush as we enter and I get the chance to look around. Once more I am reminded of my size, seeing all of the young children sitting on furniture and playing in play sets that would fit me more or less perfectly. There are some larger ones for children of larger species, but still. Linda: A warm and happy voice came greeting the group. "Hello Mrs. Moon! I see that you’re bringing little Kira back to us today!" A cheetah woman in a yellow dress and pink apron came over to the group. "Hello Mrs. Spot! Yep, I’m bringing back this little wildcat for some more playtime." Melody: I nod and politely wave to the daycare worker, waiting for Mrs. Moon to help me get Kira to let go. Linda: Mrs. Spot looks down and sees Kira holding the paw of another little mammal. This one may be small, but it only takes a moment for it to register for her that the little jackrabbit is clearly an adult. "Hello Kira! Welcome back. And who is your little friend here?" Mrs. Spot gives the bunny a wink. "This is Melody! She’s my new friend and we’re gunna have a playdate soon!" Kira announced excitedly. "Is that so? That sounds like fun! Now, why don't you go along and play with your other friends, while I talk with your mommy and Melody?" "Okay! Bye Mommy! Bye Melody! See you soon!" Kira said, giving both hugs before finally releasing Melody and running off. I took a second to sign her back in. Melody: I blush, now worried, and look up at the two taller ladies. Linda: Mrs. Spot sees the worried look on Ms. Cooper's face and bends down to get on eye level with her. "Don't worry. I know you are an adult. But sometimes, kids from bigger mammals have a problem seeing the difference." Mrs. Moon looked a bit guilty and scratched the back of her head, as she explained "I'm sorry for that whole thing. I should have stopped it from the beginning, but, to be honest, it was just too cute to see you two interacting. I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable, Ms. Cooper. But I also have to thank you, for being so patient with my little girl and playing along." Melody: I smile nervously and rub the back of my head as well. "N-no problem, Mrs. Moon. Well, I need to get back to work, before my manager starts to wonder where I am." Linda: "Alright. Don't let me stop you. And when your manager asks, tell her to ask me for an explanation." I say. Melody: I sputter an embarrassed goodbye as I jog back to the elevator, crinkling as I did so. Linda: As the elevator closed, with a red faced bunny inside, I turned to Mrs. Spot. "Thank you again for taking care of my little one and all the other children here." "No problem. I love taking care of them. So, Ms. Cooper seems to be a nice person. If a bit on the shy side." "Oh yes. But that's probably because she was talked to like a toddler by my daughter." I say, feeling a small pang of guilt. "I can see how she could make this mistake. With them both being the same size… why, if Ms. Cooper were dressed in something more childish, I could see how she could easily be confused for a toddler, or even an infant, even by most adults!" I think back to earlier today in the ladies’ room, as well as to all the times I heard Melody crinkling when she moved. I then started to imagine what Melody would look like, dressed in just a shirt and diaper, and almost let out a coo at the thought, it being just too cute for words. Melody: I hop up to hit the button for the 27th floor again, and take the time to compose myself on the way up. The door opens and I step out, only to immediately bump into the leg of Amanda, as she leered down at me. "Get lost on your way back from lunch?" She asked in that sickly-sweet voice of hers. "S-sorry, Ms. Winter," I say, my ears drooping, "I got a little caught up with Mrs. Moon and her daughter." Amanda's eyes narrow at that. "Oh? Nice to see you finally taking the initiative and begin sucking up to the boss herself, but I would recommend learning to walk before trying to run." "H-huh?" I ask, bewildered. "I mean, you already have a boss immediately over you..." she trails off before turning with a swish of her white spotted tail and stalking off. Still confused, I make my way back to my cubicle, hop up into my chair, and log back onto my computer. Linda: I head back to my office and continue with work. But I'm a bit distracted as I think about what happened today. Especially at lunch. From the outside, it must have looked like a mother lion eating lunch with her two cubs. I remember how... cute... Ms. Cooper looked when she was so embarrassed sitting next to my Kira. Melody: Amanda walked by my cubicle a few more times, before she had to take a call. I wasted no time signing off and finishing up making sure my work space is cleaned, before I head to the elevator. I ride amongst several different people, some I've seen around that I make polite conversation with. I panic a little as I realize that I'm wet again, but I decide to tough it out and wait until I get back to my apartment before I change. Linda: After finally finishing my work, I prepare to leave. Signing off and making my way to the daycare to get my cub. I saw Ms. Cooper in the elevator among other employees, but we didn't get a chance to talk with each other. I left the elevator and entered the daycare, and again, a little fluffy lion jumps in my arms. "MOMMY!" "Hey there, Kitten. What are you doing? Waiting in a ready position to jump into my arms?" I ask with a chuckle. "Uhu!" Kira responds with a giggle. We thanked Mrs Spot once more, with me signing Kira out again for the day, and started for the elevator. Kira looked a bit upset and I asked what was wrong. "What's wrong, Sweetie Pie?" "Well, I didn't see my new friend Melody. I wanted to show her all the pictures I drew. I even made a picture for her!" She showed me a drawing of herself and Melody, both wearing pink dresses, standing on a green line with flowers and a smiling sun in the sky. It was really cute how attached she already got to her new friend, despite only meeting her for half an hour at lunch. "Could you give it to her when you see her? Please?" I smiled at my little princess and took the drawing from her paws, ruffling her head fur. "When I see her next time, I will let her know you miss her and show her the picture." We got to the parking garage and I got Kira all buckled up in her carseat in the back, before getting in myself. It didn’t take long for us to arrive at home and, after a quick change of my little girl's diaper, I prepared our dinner. We both hope that you enjoyed this first chapter! Please leave a review!
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MEET THE GRAYSONS (An Episodic Novelization of the Ground-Breaking Animated Sitcom) Season 1 Episode 2- “Making the Baby is the Best Part.” Original Airdate, April 12th Bo Grayson ached. Not just his back, or his neck, or the joints in his legs, or even the digits in his forepaws; everything ached. Even his muzzled ached. Bo ached. “AAaaaaaahyeeee….” He let out a long half-groan, half-yawn, before sitting down at the breakfast table; the creaking of the chair echoing the creaking of his bones. Damn, he wasn’t even thirty yet. How was it that he felt so old? Across from the table sat Melinda, his loving bride. She was an elephant, he was a wolf, but in this crazy mixed up world you loved who you loved. Besides, in Bo’s mind, the correct response to the Jeopardy clue “A skinny girl can do this for you,” was “What is ‘Not a damn thing.’” Adorned in her flowing yellow dress and pearls, looking every bit the domestic goddess from a bygone era (save perhaps for her smartphone), Melinda sat at the breakfast table, looking at Bo expectantly. “Morning, dear.” A veritable mountain of food sat between them. “Eat up”. Scrambled eggs, muffins, bagels, hot buttered pancakes, and heaps of bacon (mmmmm…bacon….) covered the table, just as it had every day since they came back from their honeymoon. But the honeymoon was over, and Bo couldn’t afford anymore time off at the lumber mill. As was quickly becoming routine, he took a sip of coffee, crammed the bacon into his mouth, and rose up from his seat. “Thish looksh great, but I gotta run. Full day at da mill.” The butter on the pancakes hadn’t even melted, his coffee was still hot, and his seat was still cold. Such was life. “It’s Saturday…” Bo froze. Bits of bacon crumbled out of his mouth, dusting his work shirt with fried brown meat crumbs. “Shadurday?” He swallowed. “Saturday? That means I’m off.” Melinda didn’t even look up from her phone. “Mmmmmhmmmm….” The timber wolf knew what that tone meant. Gingerly he sat back down, making the old hand-me-down chair creak against his weight. “Huh…I finally have time to enjoy all this.” “Mmmmmhmmmm…..” “Neat.” Careful not to appear too ravenous as to not be appreciative, nor too slow as to seem picky, Bo filled up his plate. “Are there little diced onions in the scrambled eggs?” The young Mrs. Grayson put down her phone and daintily took a bite of her pancakes. “Yep.” “I love those!” “I know.” “And is that a plate of hash browns?” Melinda took another bite. “Yep.” “With melted cheese?” “Every day this week…” “Those are my favorite!” Melinda put down her fork and gazed oh so lovingly across the table at her husband. “Gee, Bo, it’s almost like I’M YOUR WIFE!” A tense silence engulfed the kitchen… “Heh…” “Heh-heh…” “Heee-heee-heee-heee!” And just as quickly it was broken as the two lovers laughed together. Maybe the honeymoon wasn’t quite over after all. Bo kept filling his plate up, unable to stop himself from sampling a bit of everything before he put the rest on his plate. “Good one, hon.” “Thanks, babe.” Melinda was back to her phone, obviously pleased with herself. Once again, Bo couldn’t help but marvel at the heaps and heaps of food. “Wow, this is a lot…!” That didn’t stop him from shoveling more eggs, pancakes, and cheesy hash browns into his muzzle. “How can we afford all this? Is this like…leftovers from the check my dad wrote us?” “Nope.” Melinda took another bite of pancake. “I learned how to coupon clip and shop in bulk.” “Cuz you’re an elephant?” Melinda Grayson rolled her eyes. “Yes dear, I’m frugal and good with money because I’m an elephant.” Bo swallowed and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “No, I mean all the-“ “I’m frugal and good with money…” Time for another swig of coffee. “Yup, frugal and good with money. That’s what I meant, all right.” Another forkful of syrup and butter soaked pancakes found its way to Bo’s mouth. “Even so, we can’t keep THIS kind of breakfast routine up. How many times have you made this stuff this week?” “Just one.” “One?” Bo’s wife was still looking at her phone. “Tupperware and heat lamps, babe. Tupperware and heat lamps. Our new fridge has gotten a heckuva workout.” Bo’s fork landed on the table with a clank of finality. Melinda didn’t take her eyes off of her phone. “What? Did you think I made the same spread every day this week?” “Um…yeah…” “And what do you think I did when you just dashed off to the mill every morning? Threw it all out?” “No…” “Then what?” “I…thought you ate it…?” If Bo’s reflexes had been just a little bit duller or the distance across the table just an inch or so shorter, he would have received a Grade-A concussion via an angry wife’s trunk. “Yipe!” Ears full back and only the chair preventing his tail from going straight between his legs, the timber wolf was bracing himself for a second attack when- “OH MY GOSH!” Melinda’s gaze was now dead set on the screen of her phone; her eyes wide with shock. Bo untensed. “What is it?” Slowly, he unclenched his eyes and shuffled around the table so that he could try and look over Melinda’s shoulder. His wife was just shaking her head in disbelief. “It’s…it’s my Uncle Kent.” Her voice was trembling. “The Colonel?” “Yes.” “The peanut oil baron of the South?” “That one….” “The obscenely rich relative with no direct heirs that you’ve managed to stay in good graces with since before we started dating?” “The same…!” “The one that has been in such poor health these last few years that he didn’t even make it to our wedding?” “YES!” Bo saw the tears in his wife’s eyes, and wagged his tail a little bit. “Is he dead?” Melinda hung her head. “Worse. He’s made a full recovery, and he’s coming to visit. TODAY!” The wolf’s ears shot up in surprise. “THAT’S….THAT’S….that’s not so bad, actually.” He looked around. “I mean, the house could use a little sprucing up, I guess, but it’s not that bad, if we’re looking to entertain.” “NOOOOO-O-O-O.” Melinda was on the verge of sobbing. Her trunk was already moving for the nearest case of tissues. The giant flaps of her ears were already trying to hide her face. “THIS IS TERR-I-BLE.” Bo tried to comfort his wife, leaning into her and nuzzling her shoulder. “No honey, it’ll be fine. We’ll go to the grocery store, splurge on a couple of steaks…or maybe a recipe that involves peanut oil…rich people like it when you use their product ri-?” “HE’S EXPECTING A BABY!” Another sudden silence filled the air. Bo could only blink, dumbfounded, as Melinda blew her nose with a resounding HONK. “A what now?” Melinda brushed her tears away and sniffed, regaining some of her composure. “A baby. I told him I was having a baby, and that I was naming it after him. It was one of the ways I was able to keep on his good side.” Confused, Bo cocked his head a bit. “Wait…we’re not, are we…? “No!” A gray elbow almost knocked the wind out of Bo. “And starting now wouldn’t help anything! Elephant pregnancies take two years!” “Two years?” Bo frowned. “How long ago did you tell him this little fib?” “Three years ago…” “Three…three…?” The timber wolf was so surprised that his ears were almost touching the back of his neck. “Three years ago?! But we’ve only been in a relationship for two years, AND WE JUST GOT MARRIED!” A fresh wave of tears poured down Melinda’s face, trickling down to the edge of her trunk. “IT WAS BEFORE I MET YOU! I WAS HOPING HE’D HAVE KICKED THE BUCKET BY NOWOW-OW-OW!” “But now he’s planning to show up today-?” “And he’s expecting a one year old ‘Lil’ Kent…!’” Incredibly, an entire box’s worth of tissues lay used on the floor beneath Melinda’s feet. “We’re gonna get cut out of the WI-I-I-IIILL!” A rough, determined growl rumbled up from Bo’s throat. “No, we’re not.” He smacked his fist into his open palm. “We’ve got this.” Melinda was already opening up a fresh box of tissues. “We do?” “We’ll wine him and dine him and make sure he has such a good visit, he won’t even think about asking about a ‘Lil’ Kent’.” Melinda didn’t say anything to that. “How long is he staying?” Floppy, leathery ears brushed away the last of the tears. “Just for the night.” Bo smiled. “Great! We just gotta keep this act up for one night, and keep him occupied till we put him back on the plane.” There was hope in her eyes. “Do you think we could maybe start working on a Lil’ Kent after? Just in case he wants to visit again in a couple of years?” Bo’s snout crinkled up involuntarily. “Yeah…but then we’d have a baby to take care of, and the Colonel might leave us a fortune before then. So there’d be all that work for nothing…” He saw the look of hope and disappointment in his wife’s eyes. “I mean…one thing at a time, honey. First let’s get through tonight, and then we can talk about making a baby.” “Okay…” “First thing’s first. I bet I can find a good recipe for peanut chicken. It’ll probably be cheaper than steak, anyways. What time is he due to arrive?” Melinda looked at her phone. “The email said seven o’clock.” “That gives us plenty of time! To the grocery store!” And just like that, Melinda was her old self again. “To the grocery store!” ****************************************************************************** As usual, the air was uncomfortably chilly at the WALRUS-MART. The constant thrumming of massive fans and air conditioners nearly drowned out the ever-buzzing announcements over the loudspeakers. “Ink Spill In Aisle 8: Cephalopod Needs and Stationery. Ink Spill In Aisle 8.” Bo’s head was on a swivel, his eyes darting from place to place, his nose constantly sniffing, trying to find a trail. “I hate this place. I can never figure out how the layout works. Like, they’ve got Skunk and Polecat Hygiene right next to the Koala Products. It makes no sense!” He sniffed again. “And all the free samples they keep giving out are driving me crazy!” “I know, I know.” Melinda gave her hubby a pat on the head. “But if we’re going to cook a meal fit for the Colonel we’ve got to-.” “Buy in bulk.” Bo rolled his eyes. “I just don’t see why we can’t buy in bulk at Winn-Dixie.” Now it was Melinda’s turn to scoff and roll her eyes. “You talk about things smelling weird to you and then you want to go to Winn-Dixie? The entire store smells like the seafood aisle!” “Yeah, but Winn-Dixie is special to me. That’s where we met, remember? We met-“ “Because of Winn-Dixie; I know I know.” The pair kept walking, looking for the right ingredients. “But we’re here now and there’s a greater selection available, plus I have more coupons.” She started scanning the aisles, reading each aloud. “Let’s see. Aisle 219 -Vegan substitutes for meat- nope. Aisle 220 -Carnivorous substitutes for vegetables- nuh-uh. Aisle 221- greeting cards, birth through burial- not unless there’s a “Sorry I’ve Lied To You For Years card. Aisle 222- Baby supplies; sizes Kangaroo through Killer Whale. Aisle 223, Décor and hooooold on.” Already several steps ahead of his wife, Bo had to back up to Aisle 222 where Melinda had firmly planted her feet and was now gazing down it as though she were at the gates of Heaven itself. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?” “It’s here.” Melinda’s pupils were shrunken, a dumb, almost awestruck smile spread across her face. “The answer to all our problems. It’s here.” Bo snorted a bit and let out a huff from his nostrils. “I don’t think the Colonel will appreciate chicken with a baby food peanut glaze, Melinda.” “No Bo, you don’t understand.” Melinda’s tone was almost dreamy as she pulled her husband closer to her, as some minor change in positioning would change his perspective. “We don’t have to admit that there’s no baby. We can make one.” “But you said elephant pregnancies last 2 years. Even if we split the difference of a timber wolf pregnancy lasting 9 weeks, it’d still take-“ Melinda put her hand over Bo’s snout and squeezed it closed to keep him from talking. “I didn’t say anything about getting pregnant. I said we could make a baby.” She gave her husband a look he’d become all too familiar with. The timber wolf swatted away his wife’s hand. “What do you mea-?” He stopped as the lightbulb over her head fizzled and exploded above his. “Oooooh no. No, no, no. We are not doing that! There is no way that we’re gonna do that. Absolutely no way!” ************************************************************************************ “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Bo was beside himself with indignation in the living room as Melinda finished the last touches of the disguise she’d made. Unfortunately, it was hard to look intimidating wearing a diaper. Bo could only pout and cross his blue mitten encased hands over his baby-bibbed chest while Melinda adjusted the matching bonnet over the fake ears and trunk she’d whipped up. He glanced down at his feet, paws cleverly concealed in matching blue baby booties, and wiggled his toes to make sure they were still there. Beside him, was a package of Calfies- the baby diaper sized specifically for bovines and pachyderms- ripped open with the next diaper poking out. It was all Bo could do to not kick the darn thing across the floor. Melinda finished fastening the disguise and favored him with a chaste smooch on the cheek. “Just be glad your fur is the right color. Do you know how much dye it would take, otherwise?” Trying to soothe himself and bring down the blush in his cheeks, the young wolf grabbed the pacifier dangling from around his neck and put it in his mouth. “So, explain the plan to me again.” “When the Colonel comes, you’ll be wearing this. You’ll just hop in bed, and pretend to be asleep. Colonel Kent will peak in, go ‘D’aaaaaw, isn’t he cute?’, and then I’ll have dinner with him, send him on his way, and then this whole thing will be over.” Melinda punctuated her idea by giving her husband a light swat on the butt. Wincing, Bo started looking for a way out. “Won’t he be wondering where your husband is?” A dry, almost knowing chuckle came from Melinda as she stepped back and looked Bo up and down. “Naw. The Colonel is old school. Even married men don’t have much to do with child rearing. As far as he knows you’re a lumberjack who wires money every few weeks. ” “I work at a mill!” “He doesn’t know that! We’ll be lucky if he remembers you work with wood at all! Now, all you have to do is pretend to be asleep…or just be asleep for real.” She shrugged. “At seven?” Bo was incredulous; he fancied himself the man of the house. All of Bo’s attempts at protest were waved off. “Seven is a perfectly reasonable bedtime for a baby. And it’ll keep you out of the way so you don’t have to talk. Can’t get caught in a lie if you don’t talk.” “But you’re the one who’s lying.” She nodded. “That’s right, so let me do the talking.” “Ugh…this is so ridiculous. He’s not gonna fall for this.” Furry shoulders slumped a bit in worry and exasperation. This was such a bad plan! Melinda had her hands on her hips. “And why not?” Why couldn’t she see the flaws in this? “Our house isn’t even set up for a baby. Shouldn’t I be sleeping in a crib or something?” “You think we have the money for a crib? I’ll just say we co-sleep. It’s a perfectly hip and trendy modern Mommy thing.” Her foot was tapping. She was getting impatient, for some reason. “Won’t he notice the complete lack of baby furniture?” Bo gestured around the room as if proving a point. “Like what?” “High chair?” “I feed you in my lap.” Melinda cocked her head to the side, almost daring Bo to continue. He obliged. “Playpen?” “The whole living room is your playpen. It’s not like we have anything valuable for you to break.” “Changing table?” “Who needs one of those? I can change you anywhere there’s a flat and clean surface.” Something in Melinda’s tone clicked for Bo. “Would you stop talking about me as if I’m an actual pup?! Err…calf? Err…baby?!” “Oh, you know what I mean.” She leaned over and looked at Bo’s backside, noticing the particularly canine appendage poking out the back of the diaper. “Hmmm…your tail is awfully fluffy. What can we do about-?” “Why do I have to wear this, anyways? Like, I get the head gear, but if I’m just going to be pretending to sleep, can’t I just hide under the covers au natural?” Bo normally didn’t mind his wife thoughtfully staring at his backside, but this was decidedly a major exception. Melinda didn’t seem to take notice of her husband’s rising blush, or the building anxiety in his voice. “Because then the Colonel would know you weren’t wearing a diaper.” “How?” “He wouldn’t hear the crinkle. One move, and it’d be all over.” Bo’s ears flattened as he frowned. “The Colonel would be able to hear me crinkle? From across our bedroom? With me laying down? Pretending to sleep? HOW?” Melinda pointed to her ears. “HELLO?!” “Point taken.” Instant emotional deflation, punctuated by a sigh. “You could have at least let me put the diaper on myself…” “Then it wouldn’t fit right, silly. You’d leak.” “LEAK?!” Melinda chuckled. “I’m kidding…I’m kidding.” Her husband was not amused. He let the pacifier drop out of his mouth and dangle on the little ribbon around his neck. “Why are you making me put this getup on now, anyhow? It’s not even 4 o’clock yet.” “I just wanted to make sure everything fits juuuuust right. It’s like a dress rehearsal before the main perfor-“ THUNK THUNK THUNK! Both heads whipped around in shock as the door took another pounding. “MELINDA! MELINDA DARLIN’! OPEN, I SAY, OPEN UP! THIS IS, I SAY, THIS IS YOUR UNCLE KENT!” Melinda peeked through the gap in the curtains and saw a bushy-browed old elephant, the white on his eyebrows almost perfectly matching the color of his all white suit; his eyes squinting behind a rounded pair of almost too small spectacles. She let out a gasp. “It’s the Colonel!” Her voice was a low whisper. “The Colonel? You said he’s not supposed to be here until seven!” “ I know….!” THUNK THUNK THUNK! “MELINDA, I SAY, MELLY! I KNOW YOUR MAMA DIDN’T RAISE YOU TO BE A POOR HOSTESS! I SAID, I SAY, I SAID THAT I’D BE HERE BY SEVEN AND MY OL’ POCKET WATCH SAYS IT IS SEVEN ON THE DOT!” The last three words were punctuated with a brisk but thunderous tapping on the door. With a whoosh, Melinda closed the curtains completely shut. “His pocket watch!” “What about it?” Bo was so confused. “The Colonel lives on the East Coast.” “So?” “He doesn’t understand time zones!” “HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND TIME ZO-?” The pacifier was popped back into Bo’s mouth before his whiny yelp of a question could even be finished. Holding the rubber bulb in place with her trunk, Melinda held up a finger to her lips. Her voice was now a tense hiss of a whisper. “Will you be quiet?” “NOW, I KNOW, I SAY I KNOW I HEARD SOMETHIN’!” His fingers restricted by big baby blue mittens, Bo started pawing at the front of the diaper. Alas, he couldn’t so much as grip the tapes. Melinda glanced down at her husband’s waist. “What are you doing?” “I takin off da diafer.” Another round of pounding on the doors punctuated Melinda’s confused look. Bo let the pacifier drop. “I’m taking off the diaper. We need a new plan.” Again, the pacifier was shoved back into the wolf’s mouth. “We do not need a new plan. This is a good plan. We’re sticking to it.” Melinda stared, unblinkingly, into her husband’s eyes. Bo whined a little, but looked away. Tail between his legs, he started waddling towards their bedroom. He hadn’t realized just how hard it would be to walk in one of these things. “I DIDN’T, I SAY, I DIDN’T WANT TO DO THIS, MELLY. BUT IF YOU DON’T, I SAY IF YOU DON’T LET ME IN BY THE TIME I COUNT TO THREE, I’M A CUTTIN’ YOU OUT OF THE WILL!” A hand yanked Bo backwards by the arm, and whirled him back around. “Where do you think you’re going?” “To the bedroom. I’m supposed to be sleeping, remember?” “ONE!” “You can’t be in bed! It’s only four! That’s way too early, even for a one-year-old!” “He thinks it’s seven!” “TWO!” Melinda’s eyes narrowed. “Just because Colonel Kent doesn’t understand time zones, doesn’t mean we don’t!” “Then where am I supposed to be? This wasn’t the plan!” “THR-!“ The door opened to Colonel Kent just then. Waiting on the other side of the threshold was, of course his darling niece, Melinda. Riding on her hip, legs wrapped almost all the way around her waist, was a rather bashful and embarrassed looking baby ‘elephant’, sucking on his pacifier. The Colonel stepped in. “Well, well, well, now that’s more like it!” He and Melinda entwined trunks in greeting. “Melinda, darlin’ how are, I say, how are you?” “I’m fine. Sorry about the wait. I was just getting the baby up from his nap. ” Melinda was all big toothy, nervous smiles, her eyes looking nervously to her so-called-baby. Bo was all reproachful stares and resentment. “How are you, Uncle Kent?” “Oh, ‘Uncle Kent’, is so formal, Melly. Please, call me ‘Colonel’!” The older elephant laughed at his own joke. “Besides, you don’t, I say you don’t want the baby to get confused about who you’re talkin’ to, do ya?” He laid eyes on Bo and adjusted his glasses. “Speakin’ of which…” Bo felt a kind of panic rising in his chest. “This must be ‘lil Kent!” Bo felt a sigh of relief as his wife exhaled. Pacifier still in his mouth, he smiled as The Colonel reached over and jostled the fake ear flap tied to Bo’s baby bonnet. “Oh he’s such a big boy! Yes he is! Yes he is!” The hat started to wiggle uncomfortably, and without thinking, the wolf swatted away his in-law’s hand. Melinda’s trunk smacked Bo’s thigh just hard enough to make him wince. “Lil’ Kent! Bad baby! No hit the Colonel! You know better!” He started to growl, but a warning look from his ‘Mommy’ made him think better of it. The Colonel just chuckled. “Oh it’s all, I say, it’s all right, Melinda m’dear. Just means the boy’s a fighter. Ain’t ya, Lil’ Kent?” A big gray hand reached out to pinch “Lil’ Kent’s” cheeks; this time he did not flinch or swat at it. “You gonna join the army when you grow up? You gonna be a fighter just like your ol’ Uncle? You gonna join the army? You gonna be a ‘Lil Colonel’ too?” It was all Bo could do to grit his teeth as his check was flapped around. “A WUJIE-WUJIE! A WUJIE-WUJIE-WOO!” Mercifully, Melinda broke the Colonel’s death grip on Bo’s cheek and stepped back. “Uncle Ken-!” “COLONEL! We don’t want to be confusin’ the boy!” “You do realize that you’re only a Colonel in Kentucky, right?“ “Only, I say, only because there weren’t any good wars to fight when I was of age. But I am a fighter, have no doubt about that, dear Melly.” “Whatever you say, Colonel.” Melinda gestured for him to step further into the house. “Now please, come on in and close the door. You’re letting the air conditioning out.” From behind his trunk, the Colonel wriggled his big bushy mustache. “Ah, but I brought a surprise for you, Melinda, dear. Or rather, I say, or rather a surprise for Lil’ Kent.” He turned his head back around towards the outside. “BRING IT ALL ON IN, BOYS!” Past the Colonel, clad in navy blue jumpsuits, was a seemingly endless parade of horses, donkeys, and mules. But the pack animals did not come alone, no. In ones, twos, and threes, they were hoisting and carrying baby furniture; baby furniture which was obviously intended for a rather large baby. “Uncle Kent…Colonel…what is all this?” Boxes of toys, a tricycle, and a highchair all made their way past the trio. A couple of jackasses were busy setting up the rigging for an oversized bouncer in the living room, their blinders keeping them heedless to the comings and goings of their peers. Bo cocked his head as his eyes tracked some kind of fancy looking close-lidded trash can. Unable to speak, lest he give the game away, he could only point a mitten encased hand at the hefty plastic cylinder being carted by with the words ‘In case of accident’ stenciled on the side. The hefty shelf with the padded top that followed was a clue…but the boxes and boxes of diapers being carted in on a dolly was the real clincher. A changing table…a diaper pail…and diapers…all of them big enough to service Bo. They weren’t going into he and Melinda’s room either, but the spare “Guest Room” that the newlyweds hadn’t had time to decorate yet. It was being decorated now, that’s for sure. The Colonel must have taken Bo’s shock for a giddy delight. He smiled and gave Bo another rough cheek-flapping pinch before looking to Melinda. “Well I couldn’t, I say, I couldn’t help but notice in all of the pictures you posted on the interwebs of your new home, that you were in short supply…baby supplies, that is. So I decided to help out and bring all of your old baby furniture in. I sprung for a fresh coat of blue paint, and a couple of boxes of Calfies of course. There’s frugal and bein’ good with money, and then there’s bein’ cheap.” Both of them noticed the bars of an elephantine sized crib pass by. Melinda tried to stop things from going too far, as if she wasn’t already too late. “Oh, that’s really not necessary. Bo- I mean Lil’ Kent and I co-sleep. It’s the newest trend.” By the time Melinda finished talking, the old pachyderm had already turned his back to newlywed Graysons and was continuing to direct his impromptu work crew. “No, not that room, fellas, the baby’s room. The baby’s room!” He turned to face them again. “Melly, my dear niece. There’s ‘frugal’, and then there’s livin’ poor! I don’t want you losin’ sleep on account of you frettin’ about rollin’ over and squashin’ poor Lil’ Kent. A boy his age needs a crib to sleep in, anyways. He’s not a newborn.” He turned his back again. “Besides, I’m sure by now he’s leaked on you more than once. It might be nice for you to wake up in a dry bed.” “LEAKED?!” The pacifier was in the young pup’s…err….wolf’s mouth before the ribbon even went taught. Melinda’s hand clamped tightly over his muzzle, eliciting a whine. Colonel Kent spun around. “Em, What was that?” Hand still clamping over Bo’s mouth, Melinda gave her uncle a nervous chuckle. “I said that ‘Lil’ Kent has never leaked on me once in his life.” Bo smiled a bit with his eyes. “His diapers are far too absorbent.” So much for that smile. Colonel Kent seemed to wave off her concerns as the last of the supplies was unloaded, and the uninvited movers headed out as quickly and silently as they had arrived. “Whelp, time for supper.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them eagerly. “Where the, I say, where’s the viddles?” “It’s only four. You didn’t adjust that old pocket watch for time zones.” The younger elephant paused. “Again.” Uncle Kent reached into his white jacket pocket and took out the expensive looking antique watch on a golden chain. “I didn’t?” He looked at the time on the watch. Then the time on kitchen stove. Then he dug into his jacket pocket and took out a smartphone and compared those. “Well, I say, well whaddya know? I guess I didn’t.” He slapped his knee and let out a big belly laugh, thinking the massive inconvenience he’d just caused was marvelously funny. The young couple could only stare, not quite sure how to react. “Yeah…that’s a hoot all right.” “Yes it is!” The older elephant’s thunderous laughter finally died down, and he even wiped a tear from his eye. “That also, I say, that also explains why I haven’t met the third member of your family.” “Third member?” “The boy’s father.” The couple’s uninvited house guest motioned over to the bedroom- Bo and Melinda’s bedroom, not the nursery he’d just created. He readjusted his spectacles and squinted hard at ‘Lil Kent.’ “Where’s the boy’s daddy, speaking of co-sleeping?” He leaned, looking at Bo, but addressing Melinda. “The uh…whittler right? Woodcarver? Not home from whittling, yet? What is he, a beaver or somethin’?” He scanned Bo’s babied body up and down. “Don’t see much beaver in you, though.” Bo received a heavy pat on his bonneted, fake-elephant-eared head. “No, he’s aaaallll elephant.” Bo stifled a growl and continued sucking on his paci to keep quiet, nevertheless doing his best to dig his claws into Melinda’s shoulder. He was not happy. It was bad enough going through all this classist, speciesist nonsense before the wedding with Melinda’s (oddly non-accented) parents, but now he couldn’t even speak up for himself. (And if he did, he’d still be wearing a diaper and riding on his wife’s hip.) “He’s a lumberjack, and he’s off in Canada at the moment.” It seemed his mittens were extra padded on the inside so that this claws could not penetrate; almost as if Melinda has planned on saying something that would irk her husband. “Every week he wires me…us…Lil’ Kent and I, some money.” Once again, Uncle Kent turned his back, slowly meandering towards the kitchen. “Well who needs, I say, who needs a lumberjack when you have rich elderly relatives?” Melinda stood up a little straighter and adjusted Bo on her hip. “Bo is a very devoted husband and he would do anything for me. Anything.” The two shared a look and nuzzled each other’s forehead. “Well, as long as he’s not some predator, like a wolf or somethin’. Almost as bad as those lions; damn moonies.” “UNCLE KENT!” Melinda was so shocked, she dropped Bo, his padded posterior cushioning the landing, but not his pride. Anger rising, but pacifier still in his mouth, he took to all fours, getting ready to pounce. It was only his wife’s hand on his back that made him remember that he was at home with another idiot in-law and not about to get into a bar fight. “I WILL NOT HAVE THAT KIND OF…THAT KIND OF BIGOTRY IN MY HOUSE!” Quickly, Bo backed off his haunches and put his knees to the floor, so that he was crawling. His wife had this. The Colonel was genuinely taken aback, looking hurt as he turned back around. “Well, I say, well gosh, Melinda. I was only makin’ a little off-color humor. Nothin’ you haven’t heard before, and nothin’ your precious bundle can understand!” Melinda put her foot down, literally, and the floor trembled with her fury. “Lil’ Kent can understand far more than you realize, and I will not tolerate anything remotely resembling that kind of talk around my baby!” She softened a bit and shot a look down at Bo. “One of the most wonderful people in the world I know happens to be a wolf.” Melinda’s uncle paused and seemed to take this all in. “Y’know, I say, y’know what? I’m far too old to be making new enemies out of good family. And you’re right, I’m far too cultured and refined to keep talkin’ the same nonsense that my grandpappy did. I’m sorry Melinda.” Then, without prompting, he bent over and looked Bo in the eye. “I’m sorry for that too, Lil’ Kent. Will you ever forgive me?” Both of the Grayson’s expressions softened. Bo had to resist the urge to pant. Melinda glanced back at the Colonel. “Uncle Kent…Colonel…of course we-“ “THEN LET’S GET ON WITH THE GRUB! IT’S STILL SUPPER TIME SOMEWHERE!” Husband and wife shared knowing, worried looks, before Melinda walked over to the kitchen. “I’ll cook.” (After These Messages….) (…We’ll Be Right Back!) “And I’ll play with Lil’ Kent!” Bo found himself quickly scooped up, held by the armpits by an absolutely ecstatic looking Uncle Kent. Even though his bootied feet were dangling only a few inches off the ground, it didn’t make him feel any less helpless. “Are you, I say, are you ready to play with the Colonel? Are you?! I bet you are! I bet you are!” “You two play nice while I’m cooking dinner!” The sentiment had an edge of menace behind it. Little did Uncle Kent seem to realize that that warning likely applied to both of them. “We’ll all be having peanut chicken for dinner.” With Bo still dangling helplessly from his underarms, Uncle Kent turned to the kitchen. “Sounds, I say, sounds delicious.” A trunk twitched and a bushy mustache wrinkled. “Uh, Melinda dear. Just curious. Would you mind checkin’ Lil Kent’s, d-i-a-p-e-r. I think he might need a new one.” If the young wolf could have crossed his arms, he would have. How dare this old fart say he smelled bad, never mind the implication of what, precisely, he smelled like! He settled for a pouted lip and a muted ‘harumph’ through his nose. That wouldn’t break character that much. Quite the opposite in fact, since the stubby little fake elephant nose took that air and channeled it out as an adorable little ‘toot’. “D’awwwww…he tooted, I say, he tooted at me! And somewhere else, if you catch my meanin’.” As though this were ever the most natural conversation in the world, Melinda didn’t even miss a beat. “It’s fine.” Already the scent of peanut oil frying in pan was filling the room. “I had just changed him before you came. His diaper should be fine until after dinner.” The Colonel took a few mammoth steps, and Bo found himself seated on the couch. Not directly on the couch, of course, his bottom crinkling on the Colonel’s knee. “Now what shall,I say, what shall we play?” The old man stroked his chin for a moment. “How about, ‘Peek-a-toot’?” Without further preamble, two enormous ears obscured the elephant’s face. “PEEKA.” And then nothing…. Despite himself, Bo waited. And waited. And waited. Had the old guy fallen asleep? Slowly, he reached his paw up to tap the Colonel on the forehead. He was almost being killed by the antici-…. “TOOT!” -PATION! Bo fell back off the couch in shock, almost braining himself on the new coffee table. That had been a wedding present, too! Afraid to yip, bark, growl, or anything that might give away his lupinity, could only grit down on his pacifier and exhale through his nose again. A comically loud honk, more like a toot, actually, erupted from the thing strapped to Bo’s nose. He looked down his muzzle in horror at the monstrosity strapped to his schnoz. It sounded a little like those cheap noisemakers at kids parties. Come to think of it, it kind of looked like it too when he huffed and puffed through his schnoz. Is this how other…errr…real baby elephants sounded like at first? It didn’t sound anything like the noises Melinda made when she was especially angry (or when they were in bed). Yet, it had to be! Otherwise, why would this old fool be falling for it? Then again, in the back of his mind, Bo was more than a little sure that baby elephants were at least not as tall as him, and yet that didn’t reassure him. Maybe dementia had set in and the old fart was really close to kicking the bucket. That would make this whole humiliating experience worth it. Just get through tonight… “Ha-ha-ha! Kid’s a natural!” Bo was dragged back onto his crazy in-law’s lap. “Let’s I say, let’s do it again!” “Peeka!” “Toot!” “Peeka.” “Toot.” “Peeka…” “toot.” “Peeka…” “toot…” “Peeka…” “Too…” On and on it went. Far too long, by Bo’s reckoning. Pretending that his false trunk was a house made of straw (just like Mama Grayson told him when he was learning to use a tissue) might have been amusing at first, but each iteration was becoming more and more tedious. Eventually, even the Colonel took the hint. “Maybe you’re a little too old for that, hmmm.” Bo only nodded. He figured that showing a little understanding wouldn’t break character. “Um, Melinda dear.” “Whaaaaat?” “At what age, I say, at what age to children normally gain object permanence?” “Cooking over here! Kinda busy!” “It’s just a-” “Colonel…do you want food or not?” ‘Lil’ Kent’ still in his lap, the Colonel slumped a bit and frowned. It did Bo some good to know that at least Melinda had that effect on other people besides him. Suddenly, a light shone in the codger’s eyes. “Oh, what about “Got yer nose?’” A hand reached forward for the stunted little ‘trunk’ on the end of Bo’s nose. Oh no! The ears were iffy at best, but there was no way that this cheap-o imitation trunk would hold up to such scrutiny! “AAAAAAAAH!” Bo didn’t so much fall as much as he leapt off the couch, tumbling and rolling against a box of toys. “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow….!” The blocks in the giant toy chest, stuffed to the point of overflowing, spilled over the rim and toppled onto the diaper clad wolf’s head. Plenty of heavier and harder things had landed on top of Bo Grayson’s head before this, but the sheer absurdity and degradation of the day’s events caused him to tear up slightly nonetheless. The shadow of an overbearing and demented old man loomed over his son-in-law. “D’awwww, did you hear that, Melly. I think, I say, I think Lil’ Kent just said his first word!” “‘Ow’ isn’t a word, Colonel.” The sound of a meat hammer pounding away and a blender whirring to life punctuated Melinda’s remark. “And dinner’s ready!” The Colonel forgot all about ‘Lil’ Kent’ and stampeded (was it even possible for a single elephant to stampede?) over to the dinner table. Bo gathered his feet up underneath him and moved to stand, but a warning look from Melinda made him think twice. Doing his best not to whine, he still threw his wife a mournful look. Come on! He was supposed to be one! Couldn’t one year olds walk?! Based on the rhythm of her tapping foot, Bo could tell that the answer- for him at least- was a resounding ‘No.’ So, reluctantly, the young wolf made do and started to crawl on all fours to the kitchen. Crinkle-Crinkle-Crinkle. Bo stopped. He looked behind him, staring at his padded rump. Now that he was moving, he really could hear the sound that his diaper (the diaper…the diaper…it didn’t belong to him) made, crinkling with every shimmy along the living room carpet that he made. A body didn’t need elephant ears to hear that! When he turned his head back around, Melinda had changed her posture and facade from an annoyed housewife tapping her foot to a doting mother, hands on her knees beckoning her little one forward. “Come on, Lil’ Kent. Come on. Come to Mommy!” Her tone was saccharine sweet, as was her face, but there was something in her eyes that didn’t match. She was enjoying this, and in more ways than one. Bo blushed. Honestly, hearing his wife talk like that was kind of hot. “You’re never going to get to grow up and be a big boy if you don’t eat your dinner…” Bo blinked. The meaning was clear: The sooner this dinner thing was done and over with, the sooner he’d get back to being an adult. As fast as his mittened hands and bare knees could propel him, Bo Grayson crinkle crawled all the way to the kitchen. Naturally, when he got there, the Colonel was already seated at the table…in Bo’s chair no less. “Isn’t one, I say, isn’t one old enough to be walking yet?” From ‘Lil’ Kent’s’ spot on the kitchen floor, a silent I-told-you-so look was shot up to Melinda, which she promptly ignored. For the third or fourth time that day (Bo had lost count) he found himself picked up off the ground and manhandled by an elephant. “Bo’s-I mean ‘Lil Kent is a bit of a late bloomer.” She deposited him into the waiting highchair, positioned neatly between the two ‘grown-ups’. “And I’ll have you know that he was walking a little bit just before you arrived. More of a waddle, really, but it’s a start. I just think he likes crawling better.” As the tray of the titanium reinforced plastic shelled chair was slid into place, locking him in, Bo gave his legs a bit of an experimental squeeze. His knees couldn’t even touch! He let out a surprised gasp. “Mmm-mmm-mmm. Sounds like, I say, it sounds like Lil’ Kent is almost as hungry as I am.” The Colonel wasn’t wrong. Even with his actual nose covered with a half-assed prosthetic, Bo could smell the chicken, and if it was one thing that this morning had reminded him of it was that his wife was a phenomenal cook. Melinda set down an entire rotiserrie’s worth of chicken in front of her uncle. Bo’s eyes widened, and the pacifier dropped from his mouth. A second plate, holding half a chicken was placed at Melinda’s seat. Bo was starting to drool, the sound of his light panting was only being masked by the crinkle coming from this diaper as he unconsciously wagged his tail. They’d gotten two chickens! That meant that the other half was for him! When the meal came, sound from his mouth stopped. All crinkling caused by his tail starting to wag stopped. All sound, save for the thoughtless clinkling and scraping of metal as Colonel Kent started to devour his own meal, died out. Bo did not have a chicken placed in front of him. Instead, a steaming, almost burbling mess of beige mush was placed on his tray, a plastic throw away spoon sticking straight out of the morass. “Mmmm…Lil’ Kent’s favorite. Chicken! Baby looooves his chicken.” Melinda’s eyes gestured over to the counter where she had been cooking. He looked over to the counter. By the sink he saw the blender, still dripping with mush and residue from just minutes ago. She hadn’t…! He looked back to her, now with a spoon all but dripping with pureed meat dangling in front of him. “Heeeere coooomes the chicken choo-choo train! Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga!” She had! “Eat up, Lil’ Kent. It’ll make, I say, It’ll make ya big an’ strong!” The so-called ‘Lil’ Kent’ was not encouraged. His mouth dried up and his jaw clamped down. He shook his head rapidly, as if trying to dodge the oncoming spoon. Still, it chugga-chugga-chugged along on it’s invisible path through the air. No! No, no, no! Not going to happen. A piece of yellow cloth fell across Bo’s chest. Momentarily, he stopped and looked down at the alien garment. The words ‘Mommy’s Messy Boy’ were stitched across it. Suddenly, the front of cloth jumped up to his neckline, and with two ends being pulled back tight. “GAAAAAAACK!” He was being choked! He was being garrotted! It was a mafia style execution, just like in the movies! Gasping for air, Bo gripped the edges of the highchair, and opened his mouth wide. WOOOMPH! Not-quite-liquid chicken was spooned into his waiting jaws, spreading out over his tongue. ‘Mommy’ Melinda withdrew the spoon and smiled as the offending terry cloth slackened, now firmly tied around his neck. “Awww, thank you Colonel. I knew I forgot something. His bib!” A knowing look passed between the two. “Wouldn’t want Lil’ Kent to get food all over himself.” Bo grimaced and swallowed. The plastic spoon was back in the meaty mush and was chugga-chugga-chugging back to his mouth before the young wolf had even to finish muscling down the first spoonful. At least the Colonel had returned back to his seat at the table, though some territorial part of Bo couldn’t help but cast resentful looks at the old pachyderm. That was his chair! Wordlessly, Bo opened his mouth for a second time, and allowed the chicken to be spooned in again. Again, he swallowed and grimaced. What was wrong with this stuff? Bo normally liked chicken, but there was something off about this batch, and it wasn’t the peanut oil, either. Maybe it was because his nose was covered. Food always tasted funny when his nose was stuffed, and the faux trunk protruding out made his nose feel like he had a bizarre kind of cold. Perhaps it was the texture. Being an adult wolf with a full set of teeth, Bo typically liked chewing and tearing his food with his teeth. He didn’t even like pudding for that very reason. Who liked food that they couldn’t chew? None of this pondering or navel gazing stopped the continuous refilling and chugga-chugga-chugging of the liquid chicken train constantly motoring towards his waiting mouth. He would open, get spoonfed, swallow hard as he tried not to gag, and just as he was about ready to come up for air, he’d be confronted by another spoonful. Scam or not, Bo could tell that his wife was enjoying this a little bit. Melinda was going juuuuuust fast enough to make it so that he was constantly eating- always swallowing but never chewing- and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Just as the last spoonful was being scraped along the bowl, Melinda went to the refrigerator and produced another implement of gastronomical torture. “Can’t forget your ba-ba. Baby looooves his ba-ba…” A tiny high pitched puppy-whine rose up in Bo’s throat, as he glanced over at the Colonel, who was only now gingerly wiping his lips. WOOOMPH! Thuck-thuck-thuck-thuck… Glug-glug-glug-glug. It had been all the opening that Melinda had needed to stuff the bottle between Bo’s lips, and obediently the not-so-little baby nursed from it, even being so good as to hold it between his mittened forepaws without needing direction. The milk certainly tasted better than the meal; at the very least this was something that was meant to be liquid. Yet, something still tasted off about the milk. Bo could only assume that it was the aftertaste from the chicken pudding. Dutifully, the cubbified wolf drank down the milk as quickly and as cleanly as he could, afraid to even spill a drop. He could practically feel his belly expanding with each gulp. “Blech.” A gasp came out when he slammed the bottle down on his tray. It was the closest he’d been to drowning since that one time at summer camp, back when he was an actual pup. Melinda still didn’t let up. The tray slid out of place, and Bo found himself back in his ‘Mommy’s’ arms, his legs wrapping around her waist and his body leaning forward over her right shoulder; her right hand supporting his bottom as the left one started patting him roughly on the back. Bo didn’t have to wait long. “URP!” “Good baby!” She gave his diapered rump a playful little squeeze and a pat before resuming the burping. Really? Now she was feeling flirty? “URP!” Another squeeze and pat, and more cooing followed. “Such a good boy! Now one more.” Bo took a deep breath, so that he might whisper something into his wife’s ear. What came out instead was “UUUUUUUUUUUURP! Ugh…” He went limp, almost ragdolling with that last belch. It felt good to get out, but it also felt like a little bit of his dignity was going with it. “GOOD BABY!” Far too soon, Bo was placed back in his highchair, the tray clicked in place, so that Melinda could eat her own dinner. By the time that the entire vile meal had been finished, Bo had been beginning to feel overfull, uncomfortable and tired. The burping had not helped that much. Finally, Melinda sat down and ate a few bites of her own dinner. Uncle Kent, for his part, had voraciously devoured his meal (ironically, one might say that he’d “wolfed it down”) and was now watching T.V. in the living room. Feeling absolutely bloated, the so-called ‘man of the house’ slumped forward in his highchair and started panting a bit. Gosh, this was exhausting. Melinda put her fork down, stood up and took her husband’s chin in her hand. “Quiet…you don’t want you-know-who to hear, do you?” She pointed to her enormous ears. “Sorry…I can’t help it.” He tugged at the false ears and baby bonnet on his head. “I’m starting to feel hot in this thing.” Melinda twisted her mouth to one side. She leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. “How about a bath, later? Even Uncle Kent won’t barge in there. Then you can get dressed before bed and-” “No!” Bo’s voice was a hoarse whisper but he felt on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “Please no! It was hard enough getting into this outfit the first time. If I get out of it, I’m not going to be able to get back in.” She caressed the side of his face, her voice full of sympathy. “I know, baby, I know. But the bathroom has something else in it too. Something you might need soon. We run a little water in the tubby and no one will hear the p-o-t-t-y flushing.” The offer was tempting. The need to void one’s waste, like the need to consume, was something that was often forgotten until it was pressing, but became ever more pressing the more one thought about it. Now, Bo needed to go. And a bath might be nice…sensual even…maybe even adult depending on how much privacy the newlyweds were afforded, after a trip to the loo, of course. Unconsciously, Bo tried to close his legs, only to have the thick padding of his diaper cut him off, reminding him, gently reminding him that he was already wearing his toilet. Images of himself having to sit on an oversized child’s potty, a cooing Melinda towering over him, and a bubble bath complete with rubber ducky flashed in his mind’s eye. Then him having to lay back down on a bathmat so that Melinda could slip another diaper under him. No. Just no. “I’ll hold it…” “But…” “I’ll hold it…” Bo flashed his gritted teeth. Melinda only shrugged. “Okay…” Bo allowed himself to be picked up again and carried to the living room. This time, the pacifier was back in his mouth without instruction or coercion. The young couple positioned themselves between the Colonel and the television. “It’s still a little early, but I was thinking of putting Lil’ Kent to bed in his new crib. It’s really been an exciting afternoon for him.” “Capital, I say, capital idea, Melly.” The Colonel stood up and rustled Bo’s baby bonnet, not seeming to notice that the floppy elephant ears moved with the head piece. “Sweet dreams, Lil’ Kent. I’ll see you in the morning.” “The morning?” The Colonel arched an eyebrow. “Oh, I didn’t tell you? Completely forgetting themselves, both of the Graysons shook their heads. The building pressure was in more than just Bo’s diaper area, all of a sudden. “I’M MOVIN’!” Two sets of jaws plummeted forward while a third set of eyes didn’t seem to notice. “I managed to snatch up that empty lot next to your house and I’m movin’ my new retirement trailer right in!” Neither Bo nor Melinda could find the words. “I’ve got, I say I’ve got only a few good years left in me, and I wanna spend as many of them watchin’ my Lil’ nephew grow up! We’re gonna be neighbors!” It was Melinda who found her wits first. “That’s…great Uncle Kent. I’m so happy to hear it. Buuut like I said..Lil’ Kent needs his rest.” “Of course, of course! Night night, Lil’ Kent!” It was all Bo could do to keep from screaming as he buried his muzzle into Melinda’s shoulder. “He’s feeling shy…it’s because he’s tired.” Pivoting on a dime, she rushed towards the nursery. Bo angled his mouth towards Melinda’s ear. “What are we gonna do, Mel? I can’t pretend to be a baby elephant this long!” Melinda stroked the back of his head with her trunk. “I don’t know, baby…I don’t know. We’ll figure something out.” “Just a sec, I say just a second there, Melinda!” The lady elephant froze. She whirled around. “Somethin’ just occurred to me and I’m miiiiighty suspicious all of a sudden.” “Oh?” The Colonel narrowed his eyes. “It just occurred to me that there wasn’t a single, I say a single baby toy when I first got here.” Melinda was curling her trunk, doing her best to not chew on it, as she did on the few occasions when she got nervous. It was her one tell. “Oh…really?” “No crib? No highchair? No playpen? I could see all of that being a matter of financial hardship. But not a single toy?” “Um…you see…it’s like this…” “Somethin, I say somethin’s wrong here!” The two elephants stared at each other across the room. Melinda was visibly shaking. Bo held his breath. “You’re not just rottin’ the boy’s brain with cartoons, are ya?” From Bo’s vantage point, the ceiling got a little closer as Melinda stood up a little straighter. “I certainly do not!” “Oh really? No ploppin’ him down in front of the ol’ boob tube and lettin’ Tom Injury or Garfunkle do the heavy liftin’?” “Absolutely not!” Yikes! Melinda sounded like she was genuinely offended. “I play with him all the time!” “You do, I say you do, do ya?” “As a matter of fact I do.” WIth incredible strength, she held out her baby/husband, dangling him from his armpits. “Just watch.” Bo let out a near terrified yelp as Melinda tossed him into the air. “Whoops…!” Just as quickly, he fell back down into her waiting arms. He let out a little giggle in relief. “A-daisy.” “Whoops!” A little harder this time. Bo’s legs rose up parallel to him. For a fraction of a second, the young man felt as though he might be skydiving, before plummeting back down into the safety net that was his makeshift Mommy’s arms. “A-DAISY!” A giggle became a yip of excitement “WHOOPS!” He skyrocketed ceilingwards, a dumb, almost giddy grin breaking out. He was on top of the wor-! WHAM! Pain shot up him, first up in his back, and then shooting to the back of his head before yo-yoing down to his heels. Just as quickly the floor came up at him. Melinda, her face a mask of shock; her hands gripping her ears in panic, failed to catch him. WHAM! The world went starry for a second. Then red. Then blurry. Bo hurt. His back. His head. His belly. His nose. Everything. It was all Bo could do to roll over. His chest ached as he drew a few ragged breaths, and the warm hot pain of bruises and lumps beginning to form filled him up. Another kind of warmth invaded it’s Bo’s space. Bo’s body wasn’t the only thing that was being filled up. So was his diaper. The liquid warmth sloshed around his front before rushing to the back and then being quickly and quietly absorbed; causing the diaper to swell and expand outward. Never before had Bo so genuinely hoped to be peeing blood, but even through blurry star-filled eyes, Bo could see the distinctly yellow discoloration of the thing between his legs. That’s when Bo started to cry. “AWOOOOOOOOOO!” It was a mix of hurt and humiliation, his pride buckling under everything he’d endured. More importantly, the mournful and miserable howl could never be mistaken as anything elephantine. Melinda was over him. “Bo! Baby, are you okay?!” “Bo? Why are, I say, why are you callin’ Lil’ Kent that? And why’s he makin’ that noise?” Melinda ignored the Colonel’s question, instead ripping the flimsy pachyderm disguise off of her husband’s head. “It’s okay, Baby. It’s okay. I’m here.” “I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’d never mean to.” His sense of smell was still diluted but damn, did it feel good to have fresh air on his face again, all the same! The feeling of even this minor freedom, only allowed the tears to flow more freely, however, and soon Bo was crying into his wife’s lap, not sure where the pain ended and the embarrassment began. This moment of respite was short lived, however. “MELINDA! WHAT IS, I SAY, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? Bo couldn’t see what was happening, buried as he was in Melinda’s lap, but he could certainly hear it. “The meaning, Colonel, is that I lied to you!” She was so mad she was practically spitting. “I don’t have a little elephant baby!” Their not-so-carefully constructed plan was falling apart, just as they were approaching the finish line. There was a long silence. Only Bo’s quiet sobs, still not dying down, made a sound. “It all makes sense now…” The Colonel’s voice was even, low, and even tinged with a bit of sadness. ‘Mommy’ Melinda stroked her ‘baby’s’ back. It helped, if only a little. “Yeah…I guess it does.” “So… you adopted?” Bo looked up to his wife, then rolled over to look at her uncle. “And that’s why you didn’t want me talking about wolves like I was?” Melinda seemed uncertain. She looked to Bo, then back up to her Uncle “…Yes.” Apparently, it was time to double down on the crazy. “And you named him Bo?” “…Yes?” “After your husband, the lumberjack?” “Sure, let’s go with that.” “But you’ve been hiding him from me.” This wasn’t a question. “Yes.” “And that whole namin’ him after me was just tryin’ to butter me up? So I’d accept him?” This wasn’t entirely a lie. “Yeeeeeah…” Carefully, the Colonel came over to their spot on the floor and looked his niece in the eye. “Melinda. Melly darlin’. I’m hurt.” He looked down at Bo. “Your little cub might not be blood, but that doesn’t mean he’s not family.” “Really?” Melinda’s voice was full of hope. “Of course.” The Colonel rose, his voice gaining volume as he spoke. “It wouldn’t matter if your baby was an elephant, or a wolf, or even a lion.” A thick gray finger pointed towards the wolf. “As long as he’s your baby boy, then he’s my nephew, too, and I wanna spend some time gettin’ to know him.” Bo gulped. How was it possible to be relieved and terrified at the same time? “Okay….I think I…I think we’d like that.” “Good. Now, we’ll talk about this more, later. Get your boy to bed.” Still sniffling, Bo was carried into the adult sized nursery that had been designated as ‘Lil’ Kent’s room’. Now, so it seemed, it was simply Bo’s room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to almost ruin it…” His voice was hoarse from crying. The wolf had a frog in his throat. Like a mother shushing a scared and confused child, Melinda did her best to calm him down. “Shhhh….it’s okay. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She laid him down on the padded mat of the nursery’s new changing table. “You couldn’t help it. You did everything right. I messed up.” “But now he knows that we lied to him.” He didn’t struggle or flinch as Melinda tugged at the tapes to his soggy diaper. He yawned, instead. His adrenaline cooling, the pain and embarrassment were subsiding into an almost unnatural sleepiness. The gentle, cool caress of the baby wipes against his most sensitive areas wasn’t doing much to keep him awake. It was soothing, really. “Up we go.” Melinda hoisted her hubby’s hind quarters into the air and slid out the soiled diaper. Quickly, she slipped a new one beneath him before setting him back down. She was really good at this! “And no, he only knows that I fibbed to him. He still thinks you’re a cute lil’ adopted wolf cub. His mind must be going, but it works in our favor.” It might have been a sudden case of life imitating art, so to speak, but the young wolf had a sudden urge to suck his thumb. “But he’s moving next door. How are we have to keep it up?” His wife ignored him, briefly. “A little powder, just in case.” Her trunk sprinkled on what might have been considered a little powder, were he an elephant. Bo was left coughing, engulfed in a white cloud of lavender cornstarch as the diaper was pulled up between his legs and fastened on with little tapes. “We’ll find a way. It’ll be more than worth it in the end. I promise.” The room was starting to get hazy. Bo was grateful when Melinda helped him to a sitting position. “But what if I goof it up again? How am I gonna go to work?” A loan moan escaped his lips while his new Mommy tugged a pajama shirt over his head, this one decorated with rocket ships and planets. He had always wanted to be an astronaut when he was a little kid. Melinda, ever the doting Mommy, reached for a matching pair of pajama bottoms. “Legs through here, that’s right.” She picked a suddenly exhausted-looking Bo back onto her hip. “You don’t have to be an elephant; just your adorable wolfish self.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “And you’re doing wonderfully at that.” He didn’t have the energy to even comment as she laid him down in the crib, raising the railing. “Just hang in there for a little while longer, and everything is gonna be juuuuust fine.” Eyelids getting heavy, the world seemed to start to gently sway for Bo, like the mobile dangling above his crib. “Juuuuust fine. Can I have more eggs tomorrow? With onions? But not from a blender?” “Sure, baby. I think I can sneak that by the Colonel.” Melinda leaned over the rail and brushed her hubby’s hair with her trunk. “Night Bo-bo.” She walked to the edge of the nursery, her finger on the lightswitch. He yawned, squeaking a bit as he did. “Night Mommy…” Melinda let out a chirping little squeal of her own, just before turning out the lights. ********************************************************************************************************** The sun had long set when Melinda cracked back open the door to the adult sized nursery. “Bo? Are you up?” He was not. Still clad in his new jammies, waistband of the diaper poking out, her husband was snoring up a storm. “Oh this is just too cute.” Carefully, she inched her phone in and snapped a pic. She smiled to herself. She wasn’t experienced enough to know if a diaper needed changing based on the swelling, yet, but her nose told her that it had definitely been used. She tiptoed back over to the couch, Uncle Kent sipping patiently on a glass of red wine. “How is he?” Melinda took her own glass. “Sleeping like a, well… you know.” The Colonel chuckled. “I suspect, I say, I suspect he would after all the stuff you mixed in with his dinner.” “It’s just to help ease him into things.” The two elephants shared a knowing look. “Thanks for doing this for me, Uncle Kent.” She took a sip. “Melly, I say, Melly my dear; the difference between crazy and eccentric is measured in dollar signs. If you want your baby and your hubby to be the same person, then it makes no difference to me.” “Thank you, Uncle Kent.” “You always were my favorite niece.” He looked back to the nursery door, and then lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “So, what’s the next step?” “Try to get him through the day as a baby.” Melinda thought about the eggs and chuckled. “It should be easier to get him to eat if we switch to some less disgusting food.” Uncle Kent grinned. “Ah, the art of the hard sell. One night of liquid chicken, and a lifetime of peanut, I say, peanut butter and jelly will seem like a feast.” He waggled his finger at her. You really are my heir apparent.” Melinda rocked back. “HA!” She covered her mouth, waiting to make sure that her new baby hadn’t been distrubed. “Anyways, getting to hear his own name, and some better food should help him keep up the act a little bit longer, at least until it’s not an act.” “There’s no con like a long con. By the time I decide to pull up stakes, your hubby child will be well adjusted to his new role in the family.” He drained his glass and moved to refill it. “How are you going to keep him from going back to work, though?” The new ‘Mommy’ pulled up the picture on her phone and pressed a few buttons. “Baby boy probably won’t be welcomed back when I email this to his boss.” Her eccentric uncle nodded in approval. “Devious…devious. But how are you gonna pay the bills now? I’m rich, but I’m, I say, I’m not a bottomless wallet.” Now it was Melinda’s turn drain her glass. “A few webcams, a few videos, and a decent web-design, and baby boy can start paying for his own diapers. The internet is a wonderful thing.” “You don’t mean?” The Colonel’s question was answered by his niece pantomiming with her fist rhythmically shaking up and down. It only took a moment for him to understand the meaning. “Ahhhh that’s a gasser! Just like them ol’ penny arcades but from the comfort of your own phone!” Melinda refilled her glass. “And you’d be surprised how much people will pay for ‘playdates’ and ‘adult baby sitting’. I play this right and I won’t need any inheritance.” They clinked glasses. “This was, I say, this was a real hoot. I didn’t know I could have this much fun.” “Well, you know what they say. Making the baby is the best part.” (The End)
Hello all just was wondering if there was any abdls or babyfurs in Wagoner Oklahoma or close Wagoner who would want to meet up or just chat.
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- wagoner oklahoma
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I'm looking for a roleplay partner/ caretaker. I'd like something platonic and online. I have telegram and discord if that makes communication easier. We can discuss boundaries and what we each expect.
I've probably had an account on here before, but I definitely don't remember my login. I'm a 27 year old gay diaper boy in the city of Los Angeles. I've been around the ABDL community since about 2005, and started meeting alot of ABDL's in person in 2007. I wear more often than not, I tell people I'm 23/6 instead of 24/7, as I don't put requirements on myself to wear all the time. I have several different headspaces I can find myself in; mostly a 3-4yo toddler who isn't taking to the potty training or giving up his pacifier thing too well. But I can also be a naughty teenage boy who's horny as hell, a diapered puppy, a baby fur, or a sissyboy. Though most often, I'm just a 27 year old wearing diapers while going about life.
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- diaperboy
- adult baby
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So I've been wanting to improve on my art recently. These two drawings featured are the best I can do at the moment until I get get more help to improve myself on things like shading and anatomy. If you would, please comment on how you feel about the two pics featured on here >w<.
Please watch me on the following social networks if you are willing to, Thanks! http://dusktheraccoon.deviantart.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/amazingduskraccoon/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjSMZC6y7VZr15U321HpVA smol dusk#8906 - Discord live:skylers_8 - Skype https://discord.gg/TvR4GJR - Discord Server Invite I'm Dusk, btw if you all want to know. I'm a babyfur who enjoys wearing diapers (both in art and in real life). Check me out sometime :).
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- crinklesthebunny
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Hi, I'm a straight babyfur fox from Gippsland Victoria I don't know of anyone else around my area int any sort of ageplay but am happy to chat and maybe meet others if I can beat my shyness. I'm very polite and respectful.
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- australian
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Hi! My name is Apple! I'm *counts on her fingers* 4 years old! I'm a sugar glider! I like ear scratches, cuddles and waking up from a long sleep dry. I adore roleplaying with those who talk down and humilate me or well has no problems putting a bratty fur baby in her place. I dunno much what else to say other than it's almost five in the morning. Hope to get to know a lot of you soooon xoxo
I'm a lurking dragon! I may have had an account before, lol. Trying to stay cute and get in touch with the community for 2016.
From the album: Baby Vespor Pics
This was made for me by Babybabbles, so adorable >w<© The character is owned by me, Vespor, Do not steal
From the album: Baby Vespor Pics
This was made for me by babyblood, I love the stars and moons <3© The character is owned by me, Vespor, Do not steal
From the album: Shine
Page 1 of my graphic novel/comic Shine. It'll have mature themes and basically a comic about a girl exploring her Ab tendancies If you cant wait for teh whole thing to be posted then you can read all teh 72 current pages here[url="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13064945/"] http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13064945/[/url]© err I drew this so I guess its copywrite to me hehehe
Two baby boys looking for a daddy to keep them happy and safe. Baby Reed is 1-2 and is a newborn babyfur from the US needs love and reassurance is known to have accidents, baby Claye is 4-5 and is from Australia, he is mischievous but sweet, our daddy needs to have lots of time to devote to us. He needs to be firm yet loving. He needs to make sure that both reed and Claye are diapered (Claye needs to be forced as he thinks he is a big boy but continues to wet the bed and his pants) Please email baby reed at redvampire100@gmail.com and reply directly to this post as well if you are interested or have any questions. Thank you
Hi everyone, I thought it'd be nice to post a few cubby things I've done. I like to share and sharing is nice ^^ Hope ya likez what I post here Outside Chatting Hewwo Gem ^^