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Everything posted by Kingdark

  1. You basically took the words straight out of my mouth. First of all, be welcome. Second, I can only echo that while the people here are friendly, always be cautious when meeting in person. This is just my personal experience and advice: When you're talking to someone, and they're asking to meet up, I strongly advice to delay until you've been chatting for a few months minimum. Why? Because it's hard(er) to keep up a fake persona without slipping once. Once you've been chatting for a few months, then you can get to meet for the first time. Of course, this is how I do things. If a few months are too long for you, that's fair. That said, I still recommend chatting for a few days at the absolute minimum. You know the saying, if it sounds too good to be true? Well, it probably is. Anyway, I've been inactive for awhile, but feel free to shoot me a message.
  2. Be welcome to the forum. i would advice you to rank up some quality posts to increase the trust of people here. There are a lot of scammers out there. I'm not saying YOU are a scammer, just saying, that if you participate and get more quality posts, people will find it more believable. Still, make yourself at home around here 😉
  3. HI Brian, welcome to the forum. There's plenty of people around to ask questions and we're a friendly bunch
  4. I do write for my own enjoyment. And I didn't stop the writing. But I got less than five replies over a period of several weeks. It was discouraging. Granted, it was a starfield x TES crossover, so I guess that's not for everyone, but I like to writ fanfiction. As for ao3 only for fanfiction... Yes, and no. I mean, sure, the majority is fanfiction, but original fiction, lewd fiction or just about any fiction, period is welcome there too.
  5. Now, I debated whether or not to post this and WHERE to post it, because I'm not sure if this is the right place to do it, but I'm sure that one of the moderators can move it to the right place, if I made an oopsie. But anyway, I've been just reading for a long while and it didn't take me long to notice something. When you're reading a story here, the other replies are immersion breaking. Now, I already posted a story here myself, but due to a lack of replies, I stopped. Now, you may or may not remember, but I also have posted a story here but because there clearly wasn't any interest in it, I stopped posting. Now, I cross posted my story here as well as Ao3 or archive of our own. That's what this topic is about, basically. Ao3 permits just about any kind of story you can think off. Even some really weird stuff and as an abdl writer, that's saying something. But anyway, my point is, if you're posting a story here, consider making an ao3 account as well. Then, potential readers can read that without interruptions. Ao3 is purely a website for stories. It's not a discussion forum like this one. I figured, that while Ao3 is getting more known, it's still relatively unknown if you don't know it exists or aren't looking for it. Kingdark.
  6. Wow, this has hit some really accurate points with me, for a lack of a better word to use. I see a lot of 'I want to use diapers all the time' or 'I want to be incontinent' or 'how can I become incontinent' and I always think that they're so caught up in the fantasy, that they haven't put much thought to the reality of it. Wearing (and using) diapers is fun and all, but that only applies if it's convenient. If you HAVE to use them ALL the time, regardless of where and when you are, then it won't be fun anymore. It'll be a chore and embarrassing. And yes, there are people who are happy with that anyway, but still. Think about it long and hard before you even consider going 24/7/365 for the rest of your life. Oh, and then there's the not so small issue of expense. Diapers, abdl diapers especially are EXPENSIVE. It could potentially cost you hundreds of euro's, dollars, pound or whatever local currency you have, every month. edit: I refreshed the page because my post wasn't showing up immediately, and I just realized I replied to a topic that had its answer from seven years ago. The original OP topic is even older than that... Oops? Sorry?
  7. Good news! Fantastic news! AMAZING news! I've caught up sufficiently, that I could (in theory) post a chapter every week again. (Not here, but on Ao3.) Chapter 8 part 2 is VERY close to being finished. And when it is, I would have five posts ready. In other words, I could post a chapter every week for five more weeks. What does this mean? It means that the next chapter (chapter 6 part 2) will be posted on the 29th of November on schedule on archive of our own. As I said, I'm no longer posting here, because nobody (or almost nobody) reacted to it. The chapter(s) after that, will be posted once every two weeks. So, chapter seven part one should be posted on the sixth of December and chapter seven part two should be posted on the thirteenth. If everything goes according to plan, that would be the last chapter of the year. The first part of chapter eight would be posted on the first Wednesday of the new year, which happens to be the third. Kingdark.
  8. The next part has been posted on archive of our own. You do not need an account to read, you do need it to comment, though. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50981704/chapters/128801845 edit: I deleted my other posts since they no longer matter. To reiterate though, I will no longer post here and will only post on Ao3.
  9. It's still wednsday for another hour and twenty minutes, so I'm still on time! I defintly did not forget... Chapter five part 01. I facepalmed, because that meant I was screwed, no matter what I did. I opened my mouth to hurl abuse against System, even though I knew that wouldn’t help, but when System played several audio clips of people laughing hysterically I closed my mouth with a loud click. ‘System made a funny to try and lower tension. System has captured the facial expression of user Dusty and user Heller. System has concluded that user Sarah will find your expression, as you humans tend to say, ‘absolutely hilarious.’ “Did… Did that really just happen?” I asked, not really expecting an answer. “I’m speechless.” Heller admitted. “So, to clarify…” I asked, after a moment. Yes, I know, the answer is probably no, that I would not be treated as a Little, but I needed to hear it damn it! Multiple times even. ‘No, user Dusty.’ System said. ‘Should you use your diaper, ask for a diaper change or ask for a diaper in any combination, it would most empathically not result in Little treatment. If that were the case, you would essentially be treated as a baby for the rest of your life, which would drive you insane. This is backed up by System’s medical scans. As of right now, you have a zero point zero one chance of stopping or preventing an accident.’ ‘Essentially this boils down to a coincidence. In any event, should System proceed with the point system? If so, would user Dusty be interested in using full points, half points, or quarter points for point gain or point loss?’ “What’s the difference?” I asked. ‘Using quarter, half points and full points could potentially be a slower buildup towards Little treatment. The end scale, in this case would be lower. Ten for example. On the other hand, if only full points were used, the ends scale would be higher. It could be twenty or even thirty points.’ But I was shaking my head. I didn’t like the idea of constantly being judged about what I was doing. Besides, what did system know about things like that? Sometimes, you acted a little immature, just because but that didn’t mean you were a Little. “That sounds like more trouble than it is worth.” I said out loud. “I would do it.” Heller said. “What?” I asked. “I would do it.” Heller repeated. “I’m a Little and I would definitely be interested in a system like that.” “You’re a Little?” I asked in disbelief. “B-but you’re a doctor! How could you… I mean, what if you…” I paused again, wincing because of my tone. “No, it’s okay, I get it.” Heller said calmly. “Being a Little isn’t public knowledge, Dusty. Unless the Little in question doesn’t mind keeping it secret, in that case you know with a scan. But even then, Littles are adults most of the time.” ‘System regrets to inform user Heller, that user Heller is ineligible for this system for his own mental health.’ “No, I suppose that does make sense.” Heller said slowly. “Ehm…” “System, you have my permission to clarify for user Dusty.” Heller said. ‘User Heller displays Little behavior in a semi-regular basis. User Heller can behave as an adult and is one of the few who can go into headspace at will, but can also snap out of it very easily.’ “How…” I began to ask, but then I shook my head. “No, never mind, none of my business. I do have a question though.” “Ask.” Heller said. “You are a Little, Matteo is a Little and Barret… Is a Little, though I’m not entirely sure about him. That’s three people in a small group…” I was essentially asking if ‘Littles’ were far more common than I could ever know. “It’s mostly a coincidence that there are so many of us in an organization like this.” Heller said. “I don’t want to sound like an idiot, but what about Cora?” I asked. “No, believe it or not, but that’s a good question. Cora is a super genius. But she also refers to herself as an adult trapped in the body of a child. She doesn’t really act like a child and when she does, she often seems surprised about her own behavior.” Our conversation was interrupted by a claxon going off followed by an announcement made by Walter’s voice. ‘System wide announcement:’ “Hello everyone, this is Walter, as you probably know by hearing my voice. I d’like for everyone to come to the cafeteria for an informal meeting. We do that every time there’s a new member, but since there are several this time, I want to expand on it a little.” A pause. “Pun not intended. If you don’t know where the cafeteria is, it’s basically just above the library, so just go up the stairs and keep the library in sight and go straight ahead.” A pause. “Failing that, follow other members, they won’t bite and if you are on the toilet and are listening, do not panic, just ask System for directions. This is an informal meeting, so you can’t really be late. Anyway, lots of you are already arriving, so I’ll cut­ this short, before I’m talking to an empty house.” X “Hold on Dusty, just a moment please.” Heller said. I’d stood up and had intended to make a run for it. “System, do another medical scan on user Dusty and calculate how likely an accident is to occur.” Heller said. ‘Scanning. Scan complete. Currently, based on Dusty’s biological processes, an accident is unlikely to occur. However, this can change at any given time. With user Dusty’s permission, System can monitor user Dusty and alert user Heller so you can be informed discretely.’ I hesitated. Part of me still thought this whole thing was one long nightmare, I would be waking up from, but I was a realist. There was no point in pretending. “Permission granted.” I said. “Heller, why…” I began to say, but I couldn’t finish. Why wasn’t I diapered straight away? Why wasn’t I asking for it straight away? Then it would be done with. “Several reasons.” Heller admitted having accurately guessed what questions I wanted to ask. “Firstly, Walter’s meetings are always very informative, I wouldn’t want you to miss the first one. Secondly, maybe it’s delaying the inevitable, but I want to give you more time to get used to it. As to why you aren’t being diapered, right now? Because I can’t force it on you and I don’t want to force you to ask either. If System alerts me that you’re about to have an accident, then you have a genuine and sincere reason for why it is needed.” “There is one question you didn’t answer though.” I said slowly. “Ask.” Heller said simply. “How could System inform you without telling everyone else?” “Ah,” Heller nodded. “that’s because I’m still a medical professional. I can have a direct one to one connection with System. That means it can inform me directly about medical problems without compromising their privacy.” I nodded. “System, I would like for you to create the point system and once it is finished, to try it on a trial basis. Call it curiosity, but I d’like to know how I would do.” ‘System acknowledges instructions.’ X “Come on, follow me, it’s this way.” Heller said as we left the garden, into the library before taking the stairs. “Go on and find yourself a place to sit, I need to talk to Walter about something.” Heller told me. “Heller?” I asked, getting the man’s attention. “Thank you for explaining all of that to me.” Heller smiled. “You’re welcome.” I found myself a place to sit and I got temporarily distracted when an adorable little girl came to me to ask what I wanted to drink. “You must be Cora?” I asked. “I am. You’re Dusty I take it?” The girl, Cora asked. It is very strange seeing a little girl, dressed in adult looking clothes, but it’s something else to hear her talking with a fancy accent. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” Cora said abruptly. “huh?” “You were thinking how weird it is, to see what appears to be a little girl, a baby almost, wearing a suit and talking with an educated accent. You’ll get used to it and my sense of humor, I promise you. Whether you’ll get used to my cuteness is anyone’s guess, but then, I’m really THAT cute.” Cora said. “Anyway, what can I get you?” I blinked and chuckled at the boldness. “Water, thank you.” I answered. “I’ll get right to it.” Cora promised. A few minutes later, I had a glass on my table, with a smaller bottle next to it. I couldn’t help but follow Cora with my eyes as she interacted with everyone and acting far more mature than I would have given her credit for. It was even odder seeing her handle heavy bottles, which made me wonder if that was even responsible. Then I noticed something that reassured me a little. On the ceiling was a pair of mechanical hands, following Cora from above. Mechanical hands or helping hands could move incredibly quickly. Some models could even catch a glass that fell from a random table, before it hit the floor. They were that fast. A few minutes later… “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” Walter requested, causing everyone to go quiet. “Here in constellation, we tend to have very intensive meetings. They are informal with nobody really being in charge. But for the sake of order, I tend to open meetings and go over important points, but Sarah is our actual leader. I’m just the guy in the chair with the credits.” Walter said, causing everyone to chuckle. “Anyway, I’ve ordered us food from our favorite restaurant which should be arriving… Eventually. That’s when the meeting usually comes to a stop too. Now, I’m not going to waste any more time and get straight to our first point. We have several new members today. First we have Dusty, who was recruited by our very own Lin and Heller. Dusty has been vouched for by Sarah. Then we have Delphine and Esbern, who, I’m told technically work for Dusty and not for constellation, but they are members by association. Let’s give them a warm welcome.” Everyone started to clap and I joined them, even if it was technically for myself. “Now, Constellation is an organization that focuses on exploring the unknown. We have people from all walks of life. We have former thieves, we have warriors, we have mages and basically everything in between.” Walter paused and shrugged. “Or at least, we used to have, we don’t anymore since we’re basically a ghost to what we were half a century ago. Recently, that has begun to change though. The reason for that change, is of course the artefact.” “…When we found that artefact, we thought it was unique. The only one of its kind. We were kind of convinced of it even. Then, we found a second one and we thought there would be two instead. Now? Now we’ve got four and our friend on the eye mentioned he’s found many more potential locations, which means there could be dozens or even hundreds of these artefacts out there, yet to be found. Basically, we’ve got our work cut out for us people which means you all need to start recruiting!” Walter cried. Everyone started to applaud enthusiastically and I joined them. “Yes, thank you. The artefacts are only part of the reason why constellation exists of course. It’s original purpose was to go out there and explore. Explore vast new worlds and see if perhaps we are truly alone out there. Even now, there are still some of us, doing survey work and doing what constellation was meant to do!” Again, applause followed, but it was slightly less enthusiastic than before. “Which leads me to the first surprise of the night. The ships I have ordered have finally been finished. They are, quite literally on their way to new Atlantis right now and should be arriving today or tomorrow. Which means that we can dump the second hand ships we’ve been using in favor of these beauties. What I mean is, if you’re interested in a ship, come talk to me.” Now that announcement triggered applause and this time it was very enthusiastic. “Now, in other news, Barret has informed me, that he will step down as captain of the Frontier. Instead, he wants Dusty to take over.” “Wait, what? Barret, why?”’ I asked, even as the rest laughed at my reaction. Barret stood up, because others had echoed my reaction. “As some of you may or may not know, I nagged Walter to buy Frontier when it was still a wreck. I spent the next couple of years working on it in my free time to put it back together. Once it was, I was far too carefree and too reckless. It finally hit home that I need someone to reel me in and that someone is Dusty.” Barret said. “…Because if it wasn’t for him, we would not only be mourning my death, but also that of Lin and her crew.” Barret paused and looked down. “I love piloting the Frontier. It’s my pride and joy and I won’t ever stop working on it every chance I’ve got. That’s why I decided to hand in my captain’s hat and simply be the engineer instead. Engineering is my passion while piloting the ship is merely a bonus. Anyway, I’ve got a good feeling about Dusty, so that’s why I chose him.” “There’s got to be more to it than that.” I thought with a frown. The man and I barely interacted. Why would he choose me over anyone else? “I also chose Dusty, because he mentioned how the Frontier is vintage and how it’s worth a lot of money to the right buyer. So now I can honestly say ‘Ha! I told you so!” Barret declared, then he sat down, looking very smug. “May I say, that he did not talk to me about that, and if there’s anyone else, interested in captaining the Frontier, to come and talk to me?” I asked, addressing everyone, then I sat back down. “Thank you Barret and Dusty.” Walter said. “Anyway, Lin? How many of your guys have resigned?” Walter asked. “None of them.” Lin answered. “All of them knew the risks and they knew exactly what they signed themselves up for. That said, they did hint rather heavily that a bonus would do a lot to sooth ruffled feathers.” “Of course they did.” Walter said with a sigh. “Matteo, would you remind me later to authorize a bonus of five hundred credits as a hazard bonus?” “Sure.” Matteo agreed. “That brings me to something else. Those of you who don’t know much about Littles, could you please raise your hands?” I raised my hand as did Esbern and Delphine. We were the only ones though. “If you know what Littles are, but would like a refresher course, please raise your hands.” To my surprise, everyone except Sam, Cora, Walter and Matteo raised their hands. Oh, and Heller didn’t raise it either. “Now, I talked in advance with Matteo about this and he agreed to be my Little helper and to help explain what being a Little is all about.” X “Matteo, how are you feeling?” Walter asked. “Silly daddy, can’t you see I’m Matty now?” Matteo, or Matty asked. “Yes, Daddy is kind of silly like that.” Walter agreed. “Do you want to be our test subject for the day?” “Test subject? No, I don’t wanna be a test subject, because I don’t like needles.” Matty said, while crossing his arms. “You don’t need to worry about those.” Walter said with a warm smile. “There won’t be any needles today. You just need to be you. You can do that, right?” “I need to be me?” Matty asked. “Of course I can be me. Who else would I be but me? If I’m not me, then I’m someone else and I… I DON’T WANT TO BE SOMEONE ELSE! I WANT TO BE MATTY! Cue crocodile tears. It was honestly a little embarrassing, to see an adult break into tears like that. I watched as Walter expertly handled what was for all intents and purposes, a little boy, but the tears did stop eventually. I watched as Walter retrieved simple toy building blocks from somewhere, which Matty accepted and started to play with straight away. “Now, as you may have noticed, I have referred to him as Matty and not as Matteo.” “Because if I refer to Matty by the name of his adult self, or his Big self, then it could drag him out of head space. In other words, if and when you are interacting with a Little, try to avoid using that Little’s adult name, unless you know that it doesn’t bother the Little.” Walter paused to let that sink in. “Now under normal circumstances, Matteo hates being dragged out of his head space for no good reason. But as I mentioned at the start, he agreed in advance to make an exception. You should know that if you drag a Little out of their headspace for what is a trivial reason, then you should expect to be punched in the face, followed by being punched in the face by the caretaker or caretakers of that Little in question.” “Suffice it to say, that you do not pull a Little out his headspace without a good reason.” Walter said seriously. “Good reasons,” Walter continued, “include, but are not limited to, matters of life and death, when you’re about to be attacked or if the ship is about to be destroyed and you need an extra engineer to repair damage.” “Using Matteo as an example, if he’s on your ship and you’re about to be boarded and simply calling him by his adult name doesn’t work, then slapping him in the face should do the trick. Now, I don’t mean to punch him so hard it would knock him unconscious, because that would defeat the point of snapping him out of it, because you need an engineer. But slapping him hard enough to hurt a little should be enough to snap him out of it.” Once more, Walter paused and after waiting for a few moments, Walter continued his lecture. “You may not think about this immediately, but do not assume that a Little in headspace is as capable as an adult. If you give a Little a gun, then that would be the same as giving a gun to our very own Cora.” “I still don’t think that makes sense.” Cora complained. “I’m an acknowledged child SUPER genius, but you still won’t let me practice?” “That’s because the kick of even the lightest gun would be enough to make you fall onto the ground.” Walter said. “Besides, I know for a fact, Sam has taught you how to secure a gun and how to remove the magazine.” “I still think that doesn’t count.” Cora insisted. “Cora,” Walter deadpanned, “super-genius or not, you’re still only six years old.” “Yhea, yhea, I’ve heard it all.” Cora said, waving her hand and looking disinterested. “Right,” Walter said, coughing again. “You may have noticed that Matteo acted like an actual little boy. That’s entirely normal for Little behavior. If you had joined him on the floor, I’d give it fifty-fifty odds, on him accepting you and him throwing a tantrum, because they’re HIS playing blocks and not yours.” “I only did that once, you know.” Matteo defend himself. Or was it still Matty? “Yes, you did.” Walter agreed. “And you won’t do it again, now will you?” Walter asked. “Not if I want to be spanked again.” Matty said, quickly shaking his head. “Did he just say, that he doesn’t want to be spanked? Again?” I thought with raised eyebrows. “Okay, Matty, it’s time for Matteo to come back now.” Walter said. “What? Why?” Matty whined. “Because he and I agreed this, and you’ve had your fun.” “…Oh, crud, I didn’t embarrass myself, did I?” Matty, no, it was Matteo now, asked. “You didn’t, dear, I promise.” Walter said. “Does that mean we’re at the part about punishments?” Matteo asked. “Indeed it does.” Walter nodded. “Now, to be clear, I do not like to talk about this when I’m Big, so listen very carefully, I shall say this only once. Walter and I, we talked about this when we were adults and we agreed that I misbehave a lot when I’m Little and if there are no consequences, then Matty wouldn’t learn anything. That means there have to be consequences for when I’m naughty. Anyway, it takes a minute for me to remember what I did or said, but I do remember everything.” Matteo explained. “Anyway, once I'm Big again, Walter and I go over everything I did and we talk about whether the punishment was fair or not. Punishments basically go from being sent to the corner, having a toy taken away, early bed time, nap time or a spanking. My point is, that I’ve given consent for limited corporal punishment and that it never goes beyond what you would do to an actual little boy.” Matteo explained calmly. “The spanking rarely really hurts, but if you hear me, when I’m Matty, you might think I’m being skinned alive, with all the screaming I do. I’m a real drama queen." I raised my hand slowly, as if I wasn’t sure if that was allowed or not. “Dusty?” Matteo prompted. “If hearing your full name can snap you out of your headspace, does that mean that hearing your Little name, can drag you in your headspace as well? That’s to say, could I drag you into your headspace and can you refer to yourself by that name safely?” “That depends on who I’m with.” Matteo admitted. “This changes from person to person, but I’m very picky when it comes to falling into my headspace around people I don’t trust. When I’m like that, I’m just as vulnerable as any little boy and just as naïve.” Matteo explained. “Keep one thing in mind though. Even though I’m a Little, I’m still just as smart then, as I am now. Something to keep in mind, if you think trying to trick a little is going to be easy. But to answer your question, you could call me Matty until you’re blue in the face and I still wouldn’t fall into my headspace. Not without Walter being near me anyway. No offense.” “Zero offense taken, I assure you.” I answered. “Walter has other stuff to talk about, but I’m thirsty, so I’m going to sit… Over there and I’ll answer any questions anyone might have, once his lecture is complete.” Matteo said. “Thank you Matteo.” Walter said, clapping politely, which prompted everyone to copy him. “Now, so far, I’ve been avoiding the metaphorical pink elephant in the room, so let’s talk about that pink elephant and get it over with.” Walter said. “Diapers.” The man said, after having paused for a moment. “Basically, when you’re dealing with a Little in their headspace, diapers are non-negotiable.” Walter said bluntly. “As a matter of fact, most Littles choose to wear even when they aren’t in headspace. But that’s always up to the person themselves. In other words, Matteo right now, could go to his room, remove his diaper and basically let that be it. Or he could keep wearing it and could even use it and it wouldn’t count as Little behavior. But just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, yes, Matteo has and will poop and wet the diaper and yes, I’m the one that has to deal with it.” Then Walter looked at Matteo and asked, “Matteo, do I still have your permission, to talk about the other thing?” “Sure.” Matteo agreed. “It’s not like it’s a secret amongst the older members.” Matteo said. “You’re sure?” “Sure, I’m sure.” Matteo nodded. “…Matteo is the kind of Little who hasn’t willingly stopped wearing diapers since he joined constellation. Even when he’s Big, he still likes playing with Lego’s, Knex and other toys that are typically for older children.” “But I would like to emphasize this, because it’s important. When you are dealing with a Little in headspace, diapers are non-negotiable. Even if the little is an older child, it’s better that they wear a diaper to catch an accident, than to wet or poop their pants and having to deal with the hysterics.” “And that brings me to something else. Nudity, sex and how it relates to a Little.” Walter said. “Obviously, when I change Matteo, I have to touch his penis if I want to clean him up. That means that his body reacts when I touch him intimately. If he’s a little and the erection doesn’t go away, I give him a hand job, but it isn’t sexual for me nor is it sexual for him.” Walter paused once more to let that sink in. “Remember what I say now, because it’s just as important as everything else I’ve said so far. When everything is said and done, a Little is still an adult. Touching Matteo’s penis when he’s Little is sexual assault for anyone except me and those who have been given permission. Not by me, but by Matteo.” Walter said. “I know you never say never, but if you do touch a Little intimately, you better have a damn good reason for undressing him and touching him like that, or you will find yourself in prison very quickly. And the guys in prison may be scum, but child molesters are still the ones who tend to be beaten up or are the ones who become someone’s bitch.” “Now that I’ve talked about sex and a Little, let me talk about nudity and a Little. While these sound similar, there are still some differences. If Matteo is in his headspace, he would happily run around in his birthday suit, especially when it’s bath time. Or if I don’t pay attention, he’d happily run around in his messy diaper, not caring about who sees him. Point is, when Matteo is Little, he simply doesn’t care. But just because Matty doesn’t care, doesn’t mean that Matteo won’t care. Basically, it’s about consent. Treat a Little like you would treat a real little boy or girl.” ‘Attention user Walter, but Food & You just messaged to say the food will arrive in thirty minutes.’ “Ah, well you heard System, it’s time to wrap this lecture up. If you know a Little well, and he trusts you, you will eventually have a conversation about things like that.” “Am I allowed to change your diaper?” Walter asked, holding up a single finger. “Am I allowed to see you naked?” Two fingers. “Am I allowed to bathe you?” Three fingers. “Am I allowed to get you dressed?” Four fingers. “Am I allowed to pick your clothes?” five fingers. “Am I allowed to feed you a bottle, baby food or real food?” Six fingers. “Am I allowed to give you a hand job if your erection doesn’t go away?” Seven fingers. “Am I allowed to punish you? If so, what is acceptable and what is not? If you’re really naughty, am I allowed to spank you if I think it’s needed?” Nine fingers. “And for those who are only half paying attention… If I ever find out that you touched a Little, ANY Little intimately without a good reason and you’re unlucky enough to survive the beating that follows?” Walter asked rhetorically. He retrieved a large shotgun from somewhere on his person and did that onehanded thing where it did ‘KACHINK’ where it loaded a shot. “You will get to know this little lady intimately. You may not know it, but I used to be part of the military. Black ops. Don’t ask, I would have to kill you if you know what I did. No joke. This little lady can punch through ship armor in only five shots. Officially, this little beauty doesn’t exist. Now, if this beast of a weapon can punch through ship armor, imagine for a moment, what it will do to you?” X “Psst, Dusty!” Heller said, coming closer to me. “What?” I asked distractedly. “Remember what we talked about? We should get you diapered. System notified me that enough time has passed that the chances of having an accident have grown from unlikely to going to happen sooner rather than later.” I blinked and I realized the man had a point. “Look,” Heller said patiently, “I’m a doctor and I’m willing to help. I won’t laugh and I won’t mock you. I’d be a disgrace to my profession if I did.” “It’s not like I have a choice.” I said with a sigh. “No, you always have a choice.” Heller said seriously. “It’s your life, so if you decided, you would rather wet and poop in your pants, then that would be your choice.” “Don’t I technically poop my pants too, even if I’m wearing a diaper?” I asked. “Tomato, Tamoto, Dusty. You’re arguing semantics.” Heller said with a roll of the eyes. “It’s a damn if you do and damned if you don’t situation, but ultimately, the diaper is the lesser evil, so let’s just get it over with.” “Fair enough. In that case, see the door to the far left?” Heller asked. “Yes?” “Just walk towards it and open the door and then go straight ahead. You want the room at the end of the hallway, you can’t possibly miss it.” Sighing, I nodded, stood up and headed straight for the door Heller had pointed towards. I could sense Heller was right behind me, and just like he said, I could tell people were watching, but then they focused their attention back on Walter and that was that. X As always, you couldn't do me a bigger favor than to point out any mistakes you see. Even if you think you're nitpicking. Also, it's not doing me any favors, that nobody is saying anything at all. I already said this and I didn't expect there to be dozens of replies, talking about how good my story is, but I had honestly expected... More. I guess I'm a bit frustrated, because I haven't made much progress at all, after I was forced to scrap most of chapter seven part one. I really hope, I get back into it, because it would kill me if I had to put this into the 'crashed and burned' pile. Which basically means, it's a story where I hit a wall and I just can't figure out where to go next. That's why it would be helpful for people to say, well anything really. Making guesses where it might to, isn't just fun for you, it's also fun for me, because it might give me ideas. Anyway, that's the last time I'm going to whine/complain about that though. I'll keep you guys up to date. If I haven't managed to finish the first part of chapter seven by next week, I'm going to be forced to post every two weeks, instead of every week. Anyway, thanks for reading.
  10. Thank you for all the likes given to my story, so far. It's encouraging to have them. But I also have a tiny bit of bad news. In my previous post, I said that chapter seven was going well. Yhea, well... It's not. I basically had to delete most of it, and now I'm kind of stuck. What does this mean for you, the reader, if it means anything at all? Well, I suppose that depends. Ideally, I would like to always have two full chapters in reserve. Which basically means, four posts for you guys. Since one full chapter to me is ten thousand words, but since some people find that too long, I've cut them in two. But basically, if I want to stay ahead two full chapters, it means I would have to crank out ten thousand words between now and Wednesday. And admittedly, that's a tough deadline to make. Did you know, that this is the first time, any of my stories are going so well? I've never written more than sixty-ish pages before, and now I'm at a hundred and ten. (give or take. Yes, that's including the fact that chapter seven got scrapped.) I want to repeat something I've mentioned before, but I will never, ever place any of my fics behind a paywall. Even if it is disguised as 'early access' or as 'exclusive access' on Patreon or similar sites. I really, really don't want to be sued and this story is fanfiction and not original fiction, so I wouldn't even be allowed anyway. TL:DR Had to delete most of chapter seven, still got four more posts ready to post. I'm hoping to get ahead by at least one chapter. (ten thousand words) Kingdark
  11. Okay, forgive me, I almost forgot about posting it today. Here you are! Chapter four part two. “What are you going to do with the loot we gathered?” Barret asked. “Well,” I said slowly, “my first thought was to sell everything and donate two thirds of it to constellation and keep the rest to myself. But I changed my mind. If Delphine really wants to have a big family, she’ll need the money, so I’ll split that profit in two, and put both halves in their accounts. Either way, I believe we’ll be adding a new member to Constellation within the next year or so.” “What do you think they will do when they find out about the diapers?” “I’ll order them to stay professional.” I said with a shrug. “Or if I want to be mean, I’ll order them to change me as practice for their own little one.” Except that the mess of an adult was nastier by far compared to the mess of an infant. Heller had said I was close to total incontinence. If he was right, then was there a point in trying to avoid it? “You’re not going to deny that you’re going to need them… Eventually?” Sarah asked. I chuckled. “It’s nice of you to add eventually at the end, but if Heller was right, and I have no reason to belief he was lying, then it’s going to happen eventually. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to have a choice.” “I know, but…” Sarah said, trailing off. “What would you do in my place then?” I asked Sarah. “Try everything in my power to delay?” Sarah asked. I snorted. “What a nice and detailed answer.” I said sarcastically. “I already have been trying to delay for decades, if not centuries.” I said honestly. “What about training the relevant muscles?” Sarah offered. “Again,” I said somewhat impatiently, “what do you think I’ve been doing?” “Okay, I see your point.” Sarah admitted. “I’m done talking about this. Let’s catch up with Delphine and Esbern. Introduce my brand new minions to Lin and Heller and then we’ll see if we can find our missing vanguard.” Lin and Heller took the two naked orcs in with minimal fuss. I would’ve expected them to be asking questions, but apparently, they had been listening in to our communications the whole time. Seems that was procedure or something. Esbern and Delphine were instructed to get dressed and to get some sleep and that was that. For now though, I wanted to focus on our main objective and that was to find Moara and more importantly, the artefact in his possession. Thankfully, we managed to arrive just at the end of a dogfight. Moara’s ship was disabled and two other ones were approaching it. Barret didn’t waste any time to open fire and managed to make the two ships explode in two glorious explosions. A few minutes after that, we docked, and finally met the man himself. The Riverwood, (Moara’s ship) “Thanks for the help. Man, I really thought I was a goner this time.” Moara admitted. “How were you even overwhelmed?” I asked. This ship was heavily armed and even though the guy was supposed to be in exile or something like that, the ship was not old by any means. “I got sloppy, so it’s my own damn fault.” Moara admitted. “Y’see, I’ve basically been playing some demented game of chase with the local spacers and pirates where they go looking for trouble. I get there and they run away. Then, when I’m patrolling, they Grav Jump in, let loose a couple of shots and then they run away. I decided to try and lure them in a trap to try and end it once and for all, but they reversed the trap.” “Are you going to be all right?" I asked. “My ship comes equipped with sterile repair nano drones. That means that they can repair the worst of the damage. But please, you really helped me out here, what can I do to show my gratitude?” “Well,” Sarah said slowly, “you could start by not being so reckless in the future. But to be honest, we’re after that.” Here she pointed towards the artefact the man had hanging around as decoration, “If we could have it, then we would consider it even.” “That thing, huh? Fine. You can have it. Ever since I found it, I’ve had nothing but trouble. Please, just take it. I don’t want to see that damn thing ever again.” “Dusty, why don’t you do it?" Sarah suggested. “Me?” I asked. “Hell to the no.” I said, crossing my arms and stamping my foot. “What? I thought you would want to take it, first chance you got?” Sarah asked. “I want to, believe me.” I admitted. “But I would rather be careful and do so under controlled circumstances.” “Ah, I see.” Moara nodded. “What NDA’s do I have to sign, so I don’t get a visit from the M.I.B?” “The M.I.B have been defunct ever since the time travel accident. As a matter of fact, agent J still owes me a drink, but he hasn’t visited in centuries.” I said with a shrug. “Either way, I wouldn’t worry.” “Not sure what you’re talking about, but I was referring to whatever agencies, secret or otherwise that may or may not exist from the UC or Freestar collective.” I shrugged. If the man wanted to believe that, it was up to him. I knew better though. X “Moara,” Sarah said, calling the man’s attention to her. “This never happened. We were never here. You lost the artefact or it got stolen or you threw it away. Basically, you don’t want it back.” “Now, you’re talking a language I understand. Okay, I’ll keep quiet about this.” The man promised. “Do you want an escort to Mars orbit?” Barret asked, just as we were about to enter the airlock. Barret was holding the artefact and apparently, nothing had happened to him. “If you’re willing to stick around until I can get my weapons back online, that would be awesome. My FTL engine is already operational, but I would prefer to have my bite back, than to be ambushed again.” “Fair enough. ETA?” “I’ll have to check my instruments first, but let’s start with an hour?” The man offered. “An hour’s fine.” Sarah nodded. Frontier, main HAB “I’ll be in the front, waiting for Moara to give the green light.” Barret said as he walked to the front of the ship. Esbern and Delphine were dressed again and were currently eating. I was about to grab me a plate, when Esbern shot to his feet. “Please sir, sit down and let me grab a plate and some food for you.” Pausing, I considered the offer before nodding. “Very well.” I said with a nod. I sat down in the chair and yawned. “Can I get you something to drink sir?” Delphine asked. “Some water would be fine.” I said absently. Absently, I checked my B.E.R, which stood for blood energy reserves. This was basically a fancy word for knowing how soon I would need to feed. My gauge had four colors. Green, which meant I had just fed. Yellow, which meant it had been awhile. A darker yellow, which meant that I would need to feed quickly and red. I did not want it to get to red. Right now, it was on the edge between yellow and darker yellow. “Esbern? Delphine? I have a question and you are free to refuse or accept as you please.” “Sir?” Delphine prompted. “I am a Vampire.” I said bluntly. “I’m asking your permission to feed from you. Before you ask, I can control when I turn someone, and I promise you, I won’t turn you.” “Will it hurt?” Delphine asked. I shook my head. “You won’t even notice. Does that mean I have your permission?” “You do.” Delphine nodded. “And you’re not saying that, because it’s what you think I want to hear?” I pressed. Delphine shook her head. “Very well then. Look me in the eye then. That’s right. Now fall deeper and deeper… the red swallows you up and…” My voice got quieter and quieter until Delphine went still. I approached her and then came closer to her as if I wanted to whisper a secret in her ear. ‘CHOMP’ As I was feeding, I almost moaned when the blood hit my tongue. Delphine was a virgin and virgin blood was always so much tastier. After a minute or so, I stopped, because I did not want to take too much blood from her. I would need another feeding later before I would be full, but for now, the gauge was back in the yellow. “Delphine…” I said, addressing her, “The red will now let you go, but you will have to let it go as well. That’s right, let it go. Now fly up, and up and the higher you go, the more alert you become. You will not remember anything from after looking me in the eyes.” “…Is something supposed to happen?” Delphine asked. I smiled. “You’ve got really tasty blood, my dear.” I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I need one more feeding after you recovered, and then I’m good for several more days. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water and eat well, so you recover the blood you lost.” Or weeks, depending on what I did. Every time I used a vampiric ability, it would drain a little blood, which would decrease the gauge. The gauge was basically a way to keep track of how much energy I had. But it was also a way to keep track how close I was to going feral. I did not want that to happen. Because I could slaughter half of Atlantis, before I could be stopped. X “Okay, attention everyone, Moara messaged me that he’s going to test his weapons and if everything goes as planned, he’s going to go straight to Mars. Once he does, we will be going straight to new Atlantis.” “aaannnddd the test is successful. Moara has Grav jumped out. Which means it’s our turn. Jump drive is charging. We are jumping in five… four… Three… Two… One and….” Orbit of New Atlantis (planet) Jemison, Alpha Centauri system. “Welcome back Frontier. Due to an accident that happened a few hours ago, there is still a slight delay before you are authorized to land. Current waiting time is approximately ten minutes. You should be scanned for contraband within five minutes. Should you be given permission to land and you haven’t been scanned yet, then please inform whoever gives you permission and wait until the scan has been performed. Failure in doing so, will result in fines and a search of your vessel even after you touched down.” “Frontier, wilco.” Barret responded. “Well, folks, you heard Control, just ten more minutes and we can land. In an hour, we should be home.” “…It felt like… Failing asleep?” Delphine was saying. “Once I looked into his eyes, it was like… Relaxing? It’s hard to explain.” “Sir, could you do me next?” Esbern asked. I blinked. “I thought you weren’t comfortable with it?” I asked. “I’m not. But if Delphine can do it, then so can I.” “You better think of an excuse, or you can forget to dine on fine virgin blood another time.” I thought. “I refuse.” I said primly. “I’m not going to feed on you, when you first said you weren’t comfortable with it.” Then I had an eureka moment. “Unless you’ll admit to lying?” I asked. If he said, yes, I was lying, I would have to ‘punish’ him, if he said ‘no’ then he would drop it. “Is there any reason you want to feed from Delphine?” Esbern asked with a frown. Damn it. That was a reasonable question to ask. “Well, why not go with the truth, even if it is misleading?” I thought. “Her blood is really tasty.” I said honestly. I would make no mention that it was tasty because she was still a virgin. No way. X “Attention crew, scan for contraband has been completed and we have been given permission to land. ETA twenty minutes.” X “Is female blood better than that of a man’s?” Esbern asked. But I shook my head. “Gender has nothing to do with it.” “Careful,” I reminded myself. “Don’t get caught up a lie later.” Because gender had everything to do with it. While a man could be a virgin too, it was harder to define. Did a wank count as not being a virgin anymore? “Well,” I said after a moment, “I suppose that isn’t entirely true. Gender does determine how tasty it is, but I haven’t figured out why.” “Better.” I congratulated myself. “Fascinating…” Esbern muttered. “What’s the most terrible blood you’ve ever tasted?” Esbern asked curiously. “He seems to have gotten over his fear towards me, rather quickly.” I thought with a frown. Still, I didn’t want a servant who was downright terrified of me. Those could be useful, but going that route, just wasn’t worth it. “That’s easy.” I said honestly. “Any blood from an animal tastes terribly and any blood that doesn’t come straight from the source tastes disgusting.” “What about dragon blood?” Delphine asked. I flinched back at the very thought of using dragon blood. I shivered and began to quickly shake my head. “N-n, no, no.” I said quickly. I began to shake and did my best to remind myself, that it wasn’t my suggestion, but merely a question. “D-drinking dragon blood is a terrible idea.” I said, trying my best to convey just how dumb and outright dangerous the idea was. “I see. Does that mean you can’t survive on animal blood?” Esbern asked, changing the subject. “No.” I disagreed. “I said it tastes terrible, not that it wouldn’t feed me. I suppose it’s just as nutritious to me as drinking blood from a human. There’s just this slimy aftertaste to it, that makes me want to puke.” And that was the end of that conversation. X “C’mon Dusty, let’s see, if touching the artefact again, does anything to you. Not here though. We’ll do so at the Lodge.” All of us left the ship, cycled through the airlock and then we breathed fresh air for the first time in what felt like a long time. It was only a day or so though. Still, we enjoyed the walk to the train station. Getting there was only a ten minute walk and it was only that long, because we were taking our time and taking in the sights. Once at the station, there was already a train waiting and the train ride itself was only ten minutes. In new Atlantis, there were only five stations, and there were five trains that left and arrived at approximately the same time. Once we disembarked from the train, it was only another ten minutes before we arrived at our destination. The Lodge. New Atlantis, the Lodge “Ah, and so our heroes return!” Walter said, as all of us entered. “With some new friends I see.” He was obviously referring to Delphine and Esbern. “They were spacer crew and they agreed to serve me in return for not killing them.” I explained simply. “Then you better make sure to create a legal contract if you don’t want to get in trouble.” Walter told me. “I made a magicka contract, so I’m good.” “Hold on, you know how to make a magicka contract!?” Walter asked. “Well, yes.” I said, a little confused. “Hey!” Sarah said loudly, interrupting our conversation. “You two can talk shop later. You’re now a full member of constellation if you’re still interested.” “I am, so I accept. I’ve had a lot of fun despite the complications.” “In that case… Barret?” Sarah prompted. Barret, who was still holding the artefact, held it out in his hands. I paused, suddenly feeling very nervous. But something about it seemed to reach out to me. Hesitantly, I reached out… X “Hello… Dusty. That is what you are calling yourself these days, isn’t it?” I blinked. Wasn’t I in the Lodge just now? I was looking around wildly and it didn’t take long for me to recognize where I was. “Wait, this is the Imperial city, before…” “Yes.” The voice agreed. “You are still in the Lodge, you haven’t moved. Now, do you have any idea why you still exist?” “That question again?” I asked confused. “How am I supposed to know?” “Unfortunately, that’s what I had feared you would say. It’s not entirely unexpected I suppose. I just wanted to make sure. Cross my t’s and dot my i’s, if you know what I mean.” “I don’t know what you mean, but what is it you want from me?” “I want answers. Answers you don’t have.” “I want some answers too. What is happening to me? Why do I have a heartbeat? Why do I bleed when I’m cut?” “…The answer to that question is complicated, but the simplified answer is that you are… Changing into something unique. Or well, unique until you reproduce.” “I’m going to be the new patriarch of a new race?” I asked. “Something like that.” The voice replied vaguely. “I guess I’ll have to put my plans to ascend to royalty on hold then.” I joked lightly. “Is that your ambition then? To create your own kingdom?” The voice asked. “I was joking!” I snapped. Like really, how hard was that to understand? “Yes well, it seems our time is up.” “What is happening to me exactly!?” I demanded to know. The city around me was twisting and turning. Cracks were everywhere like a glass that was slowly breaking apart. “We will talk again. But be prepared to make an important choice later. You will know.” “What are you talking about!” I cried out. The city was unrecognizable now. “Find more artefacts… Goodbye… For now…” The world shattered, but before it did, the voice repeated what it had said before. “Beware of the choice you will have to make..." X “…usty! Dusty, are you all right?” I blinked and I shook my head. “Y-yes, I’m fine.” I answered. I wasn’t fine. I wasn’t fine at all. Why… Why did that voice seem familiar? Why couldn’t I catch a glimpse of him? Why did my heart ache, like it was breaking apart at the thought of… Of what? “Dusty!” X “What was I just thinking about?” I wondered. I shook my head to clear it. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” “You touched the artefact and then you spaced out. Can you describe what happened?” “Something happened, but whatever happened, also made me forget.” I said honestly. “Are you sure?” Barret asked. “Sure?” I repeated. “No. I’m not, but…” I shrugged. “You know what, to hell with it.” I thought. “Beware of the choice you will have to make.” I said. “I don’t know if I imagined it, but a voice told me that. The voice seemed familiar, but for the life of me, I can’t tell who it belonged to.” What I didn’t say, that I was relatively sure it was a voice from my past. My distant past, from when I was still in Tamriel. I had deliberately let myself forgot a lot from those days. If only to soothe the pain of lost friends. X “That didn’t happen to me.” Barret muttered. “Yes well, at least now we know you weren’t lying.” Lin said. I blinked. “Wait a second, Lin is part of constellation as well?” “Yes.” Lin said simply. “…Can someone explain to me what just happened?” Delphine asked. “I d’like to know too.” Esbern added. “Noel? How many rooms do we have left?” Sarah asked. “I’m not sure, why?” “Because we need three more. One for Dusty, the second one for Delphine and Esbern and the third for Lin and Barret.” “…Well, we still have one empty guest room upstairs.” Noel said. “That one’s for Dusty then.” Sarah nodded. “And if Matteo doesn’t mind moving his crib to Walter’s room, that would free up a second room. Walter, didn’t you say you wanted to expand the basement?” Noel asked. “I did mention that. Once. When I was drunk and unaware of the cost.” Walter said with a chuckle. “Oh, don’t you start about that again, you cheapskate!” Noel snapped back. “Didn’t you say that you made a record amount of profit? Enough to put you in the top hundred, of richest business men in the settled systems?” “Just because I’m reasonably wealthy, doesn’t mean I should throw my money away. But I do admit that I have been thinking about it. I know of several companies who could expand it sideways or could even dig another level.” “A basement under the basement?” Noel asked. “But until the expansion is ready, I can purchase a high quality tent and place it on the roof. Those things are rated for unfriendly worlds, so they’re quit sturdy.” Walter said. “That takes care of that then.” Noel said. “Ehm, excuse me?” Matteo asked. “Please don’t sacrifice my room without even asking me. That’s just plain rude you know!” “No, I think it’s fine.” Walter refuted. “W-Walter?” Matteo asked. “Are you my Little, Matteo?” Walter asked. “Well, obviously.” Matteo said with a tone that implied it was a dumb question. “In that case, I think a Little should be in the same room as his daddy, until that daddy thinks the Little is mature enough to sleep on his own, don’t you think so?” “Can someone explain to me what a Little is?” Delphine asked. “Come with me, both of you and I’ll explain. C’mon, the roof has an amazing view!” Noel dragged Delphine and Esbern to the roof. “And?” I prompted. Meaning, ‘did anything happen to me?’ “If I wasn’t watching my instruments so closely and wasn’t recording you from several point of views, I would’ve missed it too.” Heller told me. “Does that mean, I’ve grown younger than eighteen?” I asked. By the nine, but I never thought I would’ve asked a question like that and actually mean it! “You did grow younger, not much, but still enough to be noticeable.” Heller said. “If I had to guess, you’re eighteen or so years old. Physically at least.” “…Which means, that if I touch another artefact…” I said, trailing off. “You might grow even younger.” Heller finished the sentence for me. “…That…” I said slowly, “could be a problem.” “Let’s not worry about that right now, okay?” Heller asked me. “Because, believe it or not, but there is a bright side to all of this.” Heller told me. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what is it?” I asked after a moment. “Knowing that you no longer are a rotting corpse that’s only one good shove away from falling apart, counts as good news, right?” Heller asked. I blinked. I looked at Heller, and tried to figure out if that was a joke or not. His face didn’t even twitch. “I…” I gulped. “Was I really that close and was it really that bad?” I asked. “You were and it was.” Heller confirmed. “But?” I prompted. Heller was quiet. “A dead body, or a corpse, is defined by it having no beating heart.” Heller said slowly. “You, on the other hand,” he jabbed me lightly in the chest, “do have a beating heart, which should classify you as alive. But right now?” He asked rhetorically. “Even though it makes no sense whatsoever and is a contradiction by itself… The only functioning organ you have, is your heart.” “Does that mean I imagined junior reacting?” I wondered, referring to the erection I had experienced earlier. “Your heart has a weak if steady beat. Your blood is circulating and I can only speculate, how that will affect your other organs.” “Does that mean it healed me too?” I asked. “…It healed a lot, but not everything.” Heller answered. “To put this into perspective, let me give you a short lecture. In healing magics, or in any magic really, there are ten ranks, simply numbered from one to ten. One is the weakest and ten is the kind of magic only the most powerful can cast. What touching the artefact did to you, I would classify at a level…” Heller paused, clearly thinking about it. “Seven.” Heller settled on. “It’s the level of magic that strong mages can manage, but which are absurdly expensive, even for someone of Walter’s wealth. My point is, that it is a significant heal.” “Okay, so?” I prompted. “Let’s go with the good news first. You’re no longer balancing on the edge of a knife in regards to your urge incontinence.” “I… I’m not?” I asked. “You’re not.” Heller agreed. “And that’s where the bad news comes in.” Heller said. “Heller!” I growled. “Just spit it out!” “The muscles that stop you from peeing yourself, and the ones that let you poop, have effectively been erased like they never existed.” I blinked. Wait, what? “Didn’t you say that I was no longer balancing on a knife’s edge?” I asked. “I did, but if you care to remember, I never said on which side of the knife you fell.” Heller said defensively. “…So, they just got erased?” I asked. “How can THAT be turned into good news?” “I’m getting to that, I promise.” Heller said. I just gave him a flat stare, but gestured at him to continue. “Well, I-ehm, I don’t know if you know this, but sometimes in nature, one has to burn something, before it can grow anew and it’s basically the same here. According to these scans, there’s hints of new muscles being grown.” “Just hints?” I asked. “Yes.” Heller nodded. “I wouldn’t have even noticed it, if I hadn’t been looking for it. In fact, there’s a small chance I’m just seeing things, but I honestly don’t think so." “But the chance you’re wrong, still exists.” “…I’m afraid so.” Heller admitted. “So bottom line it for me.” I said simply. “First, your body has been healed and you’re basically a fresh corpse now.” Heller said bluntly. I nodded but kept quiet; “Second, you’re now completely incontinent with as of right now, zero chance of improving.” “Right now?” I asked. “Yes.” Heller nodded. “The longer I look at the scans, the more certain I become, but new muscles are growing. They’re just in an extremely early stage.” “I see. Well then, what’s my best case scenario of getting out of diapers?” I asked. “Best case scenario?” Heller repeated thoughtfully. “To start pot,” he coughed. “toilet training?” “Yes, Heller, what’s the best case scenario, that I can start toilet training again.” I said impatiently. “First, you’ve got to wait until your muscles have finished regrowing and I won’t know if there’s going to be any real progress for at least another year, minimum.” “Another year, before you know if something’s happening.” I repeated. “Yes." Heller nodded. “Minimum.” He added. “And assuming they have grown back by then,” I said, pausing to wait for the answer. “Worst case scenario, another decade, best case scenario, two to three years.” Heller said. “Okay, what about the worst case scenario?” I asked. “Assuming that it’s grown back in a year?” Heller asked. “Yes.” I nodded. “Decades.” Heller said simply. “I’m sorry, but this is pure speculation. I could be wrong, I could be right. It could go in either direction.” “…Heller, will System treat me as a Little if I ask for a…” I lowered my voice, “diaper?” I finished quietly. “You’re referring to what happened to you on the Frontier, right?” Heller asked. “Yes.” I admitted. “The thing is, Dusty, I honestly think that was a fluke. It shouldn’t have happened and it’s not likely to happen again. System shouldn’t treat anyone as a Little unless they ask for it, unless they show consistent behavior typical to being a Little or when they fill in the paperwork." “What do you mean by ‘consistent behavior typical for a little?” I asked with a frown. Because I swear, if diaper wearing was part of it, I was in big trouble. “Immature behavior, sucking on your thumb, sleeping with a teddy bear or a stuffed toy, drinking from a bottle or a sippy cup or wetting the bed are some examples. I wouldn’t worry though, System is smart enough that it can understand the difference between wearing diapers out necessity and wearing diapers because you like wearing them." “A-are you sure?” I asked. Fuck, but I hated that I was stuttering. What was wrong with me? “Sure, I’m sure. I’ll even prove it to you. System? I would like to start a theorical thought exercise with you about a theoretical patient.” ‘Describe the exercise.’ “The patient, referred to as patient zero, or simply zero, suffers from complete incurable incontinence due to a traffic accident. The incontinence cannot be cured, so the incontinence is permanent. How do you interact with this patient?” ‘Is this patient male or female?’ “In this exercise, zero is male.” Heller answered. ‘Clarification question, does System interact with patient shortly after the traffic accident, or is it outside the hospital?’ “Would the difference in location change how you interact with Zero?” ‘Negative. Only difference would be, that System would have to explain what incontinence is and what it means for the patient. For Zero.’ “Very well, then explain from the start what you would do.” ‘System would first explain to the patient the nature of the accident and that it resulted in incurable incontinence. System would explain what incontinence is and what it would mean for patient zero. System would also dress patient zero in a diaper, since an accident could occur at any given time. This would happen while the patient is asleep to minimize stress. System would then explain how the patient can care for himself and the types of diapers that are available.’ “System, would any of this, be enough to trigger Little treatment?” ‘Should patient zero ask for System to handle the diaper changing, that would not be enough to trigger Little treatment. System does wish to point out, that there are a few ways, where Little treatment could be triggered.’ “Clarify.” ‘Little treatment could be triggered, in the event Zero shows consistent childish behavior. System wants to point out that there are many such examples, and if system were to list them all, it would take over an hour to finish without any interruptions.’ “But the bottom line is that such a patient would not be treated as a Little, correct?” Heller asked. ‘This is correct. That is assuming the patient isn’t registered as a Little in the first place. But even if this were the case, the patient would only be given Little treatment, when the patient would be in headspace. Some Littles rarely go into headspace, so this patient could live their life the way they are used to. System wishes to clarify that very few Littles are treated as babies permanently.’ “See?” Heller said. “Okay, so for patient zero it would be all right. But I’m not patient zero, Heller.” I argued lightly. “…Dusty,” Heller deadpanned, “System is a highly intelligent, non-sentient artificial intelligence. It more than likely already figured out we were talking about you in the first place, even if the part of the traffic accident was a lie.” ‘System concurs. User Dusty is currently still classified as Class L. Little age for user Dusty has yet to be determined. System is fully capable of monitoring the state of user Dusty’s diaper and alert user Dusty when he needs to be changed. User Dusty can always ask for a diaper change without needing to fear Little treatment.’ “Then why… Why did you treat me as a Little against my wishes, earlier today?” I demanded. ‘System apologizes for the inconvenience, but system has no recollection of doing so. User Barret has explained to System what has happened and system agrees with user Heller that it should not have happened. There is one bit of information that user Dusty and user Heller have not yet discussed, but System does not wish to cause any distress.’ “Clarify.” Heller ordered. ‘Many Systems have been configured to ignore any requests of Littles to be treated as if they are Big when they are Little. This includes the System you are currently interacting with. This may explain why user Dusty’s requests were denied, because System wrongfully assumed he was Little. The explanation as to why this rule exists, is because Littles will do anything to get out of a punishment. That includes pretending to be Big.’ ‘System has a suggestion to help user Dusty keep track of any theoretical immature behavior.’ “Clarify.” ‘With the consent of user Dusty, System could create a point system. Essentially, user Dusty would earn points or have points taken away based on user Dusty’s behavior. “What if I don’t want to be treated as a Little, at all?” I asked. ‘System could not comply with that request, because user Dusty is registered as a Little.’ “But just to confirm, using my diapers would not count as immature behavior, correct?” This question had already been asked, but I needed to hear the answer again. ‘Using a diaper as an adult, is typical behavior of a Little. Therefore, it would result in Little treatment immediately.’ Wait… What? X I'm cruel, aren't I? Muahahaha Progress for chapter seven is on schedule. The first part sits at around 90% completion. (which translates to a little over four thousand words.) I'm eagerly anticipting reactions to something I have in mind in the future.
  12. The following chapter should be posted on schedule. Chapter seven stands at about thirty percent (3.000 words give or take), so part one is at seventy ish percent then maybe? (Remember, each chapter is about five thousand words strong, an entire chapter is ten thousand words strong.) If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask and I might even answer them Also, the link on Ao3 doesn't have any additional comments like this.
  13. I thought it might be nice to mention the races of Constellation members that we have met so far, as well as any roles they take in this story. Note that this might differ from what roles they have in the game. Also note that I've said constellation members they have met so far. Sarah Morgan - Breton - scientists Barret - Redguard - pilot / ship engineer Sam Coe and Cora Coe - Nord - Explorer & child Matteo Khatri - Imperial - engineer Noel - Redguard - scientist Vasco - Robot - N/A Walter Stroud - Imperial - Rich boy, wallet.
  14. For those who prefer to read without being distracted by additional posts, I have also posted my story on ao3. (archive of our own) you will need an account to read and to comment, but other than that... Here's the link. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50981704
  15. It barely counts, yes, I know, but there are members of all ages. and I mean literal age, not regression age, which is why I wanted to be careful.
  16. Chapter six is now finished. I've finished reviewing it too. I'm now starting chapter seven. That one could last awhile, before it's done. As it is, the only reason I have less than a thousand words in chapter seven, is because I cut every chapter off at five thousand words, and any leftovers are moved to the next chapter. (If that makes sense?) In other words, if chapter four had 5,200 words, I would move two hundred words to chapter five. Similarly, any words above five thousand, would be moved to chapter seven. It's not an exact cut-off by the way, I try to avoid abrupt chapter endings.
  17. Warning: I have messaged an admin about this, but haven't received a reply yet. This chapter contains a mild lewd scene. Nothing graphic. (in my opinion) Please let me know if scenes like that are allowed or not and if not, I will edit the chapter as soon as I have the chance. Thank you! Chapter four part one Suddenly, I realized my eyes are closed and when I open them, I realize I’m in what must be the sickbay of the Frontier. “What… What happened?” I asked. “There was a sandstorm that came out of nowhere and you were thrown straight into a cliff. It damaged your suit. Thank the nine for the emergency repair systems or we would’ve found out if a Vampire can die from a lack of air.” I remained quiet. I still wasn’t entirely certain if I had hallucinated the conversation with the Deadra or not. “Dusty. Dusty!” I blink. “Sorry, what did you say?” “Are you all right?” Sarah asked. “I’m fine. I just had a…” I paused and considered whether or not I should mention the Deadra thing. “A weird dream. A Really weird dream. Don’t worry about it.” I said, shaking my head. “So, I guess I’m buying you a drink, next time?” I asked, changing the subject abruptly. “…Technically, you won.” Sarah admitted. “What do you mean I won?” I asked with a frown. “Well, the Frontier came and picked you up, but it was only allowed to pick you up, due to an medical emergency. So I couldn’t board at the same time.” “…Well, let’s call it a tie then instead.” I suggested. Sarah grinned and it seems she was very happy with my compromise. “That’s good, because if you hadn’t crashed, I definitely would’ve won.” Sarah claimed. “I’ll tell you what, if you promise to do another race, no matter what… Then I’ll share something… About me.” I said. “Sure. I promise.” Sarah nodded. I grinned. “Khajiit, even normal Khajiit are naturally two to three times as fast and as strong as humans due to their feline heritage. They can also run on all fours… Which means I would’ve won, especially on a planet with less gravity.” I said this with as much smugness I could manage. I finished it off by giving her a cheeky smile. Sarah blinked. “Hang on, that’s not fair!” “Oh, and did I mention that Vampiric Khajiit are even faster than their mortal counterparts?” “Well then, you’ll just have to give me a head start then.” Sarah said. “We’ll see.” I said, which basically translated to nope, not a chance. “How long was I out?” I asked after a moment. “Only an hour or so.” Sarah admitted. “Let me catch you up to what happened. We arrived at Venus, but there were a bunch of Va'ruun ships floating near the satellite we need. We managed to sneak close enough to communicate with it, before blasting out of there at full power.” “Why didn’t you just blast them out of the sky?” I asked, but then I shook my head. “Never mind, you just said a bunch of Va'ruun ships, so that must mean we were outnumbered. The Frontier isn’t exactly designed for war, so it was better to avoid a fight.” “My thoughts exactly.” Sarah nodded. “Anyway, Barrett was all for turning them into scrap, but thankfully, he was overruled.” “Wait, what about Matteo?” I asked. “He basically was there to tell us about what we had already discovered. He went back to new Atlantis though.” Sarah summarized. “Attention crew. We will be arriving at Nova Galactic Staryard in ten minutes, starting at mark.” Barret said over the intercom. “…Mark.” “We are arriving at where now?” I asked. “Oh, I hadn’t told you that part yet. Anyway, like I said, we approached the satellite without those nutjobs detecting us and connected with the military satellite. Thankfully, I’m former UC and my codes are still valid. But basically, our guy is heading towards Nova Galactic Staryard near Luna. Said something about needing supplies for emergency repairs. He mentioned something about needing to go in heavily armed because of the damn spacers, so we will be following his example.” “That’s convenient.” I said with a nod. Seeing Sarah’s confused look I elaborated. “I need to let off some steam and killing my way through a bunch of pirates is exactly what the healer ordered.” A bit later… “Okay, so our quarry is expected to be somewhere in the Staryard. Or if he isn’t, he hopefully left behind a clue where he went.” Sarah said. She, like I and Barrett was heavily armed. “Any reason why Lin and Heller aren’t here?” I asked. “We can move faster with just the three of us.” Sarah said. “All right,” I agreed with a nod. “That means there’s more prey for me to kill.” I paused and sighed. Sarah and Barret were allies now, so I should at least warn them. “Just so you know, I get a little…” I paused “…Excited when I’m in the middle of things.” “Because you’re a Vampire?” Sarah asked. “Yes.” I said simply. “I should have no problems keeping enemy and ally apart, so no harm should come to you. The thing is… When I’m like that, I’m a bit more…” I paused and tried to find the right words. “Simple maybe?” I shook my head. “Anyway, until I’ve calmed down, don’t expect me to understand complicated things or to have meaningful conversations with me. Also…” “Also?” Barret prompted. “Like I said, when I’m like that, I behave differently and I am much more affectionate. Don’t be surprised if I demand cuddles or anything like that. It’s kind of embarrassing really.” “Got it.” Barret nodded. “There is… One more thing. This really shouldn’t happen because I haven’t lost control over my bloodlust in centuries. But… Perhaps it’s better to show you. Don’t be alarmed now.” I closed my eyes and then I triggered the transformation. Just like always, I was engulfed in black liquid. Then, the liquid took form and just like that, I was transformed into a Vampire lord. “When I’m like…” I coughed. “Excuse me, if I transform in the middle of the fight, one of two things might have happened. One, something or someone pissed me off so badly I lost control over my anger. Or two, one of you has been hurt.” I paused and then added “Oh, and it’s also possible, I’ve been hurt sufficiently to trigger it.” “What? What’s wrong with the two of you?” Both Barret and Sarah were cowering in a corner. “Oh, right. I turned down the bloodlust this form radiated all the way to zero and Barret and Sarah slowly calmed down. I reversed the transformation and unlike before, there was no liquid darkness or anything like that. One moment I was a Vampire lord and then I was back to normal. “That was terrifying.” Sarah muttered. “I really am sorry about that.” I said, laughing sheepishly. “The bloodlust is that high automatically. But anyway, if you see me trigger this transformation, run. Don’t hesitate. Run. Don’t shoot at me. Don’t call my name. Run. Run like hell. If you can, find a survivor that’s still alive and cut their throat. The smell of blood is delicious when I’m like that.” “…That was a Vampire lord?” Barret asked. “Yes.” I said with a nod. “Anyway, I don’t want to nag on about it, but if you can get to the ship do so and launch immediately. If you see me coming out like this, do not come and get me. Wait until I go back to normal.” “…Can you survive like this in vacuum?” Sarah asked. “Take a backup communicator with you and drop it in the first room closest near the airlock. That should permit me to contact you. Anyway, we’re about to dock, so can we get going? If our guy is killed dead then so is our lead.” X As we explored the shipyard, I probably should have warned them that Vampires are apex predators for a reason. If we don’t want to be noticed, we might as well be invisible even if we are straight in front of you. Sarah and Barret had indicated that I could take the lead and so I did. I first targeted the lone guards, killing all of them in one blow. I wasn’t sure if any of them had a bounty on their heads, but I’m sure that cutting off their heads or cutting of their hands would do the trick. Later… “…This is vanguard Moara. I apologize if I had to reclaim some UC property, but this whole shipyard is overrun. I’ve patched up my ship and am headed to Neptune.” “And back to Neptune we go.” I said with a sigh. “Damn it, how long is this guy going to make us chase him?” I asked rhetorically. “To be fair, the man doesn’t know we’re chasing him.” Sarah said. “I guess not. Anyway, we should check all the bodies and loot them for everything they’re worth before we leave.” “And if there are any survivors?” Sarah asked. “Do you think there are any?” I asked. “Besides, why is she asking me, the scary Vampire?” I thought. “If you find any survivors, then heal them just enough to prevent them from dying. Just make sure to strip them of everything they own.” “You’re telling us to let them live?” Barret asked. “It’s less benign then you might think. This place is abandoned.” I said, holding up a single finger. “The comm system is likely to be broken, making it useless and making it impossible for them to call for help.” Two fingers, “Even if the comm system is still functional, we could blast the satellite from outside, once we leave. And if we don’t do that, this equipment is so old that we don’t even know if anyone can hear their cries for help in the first place.” Three fingers. “And it’s not like they can escape to another base either. We’re on a shipyard and whatever ships they may have been working on, have been gutted and there’s nowhere near enough equipment for them to scavenge to finish them. Which means it’s basically a death sentence.” Four fingers and I dropped my hand, having made my point. “Wouldn’t it be kinder to put the out of their misery?” Sarah asked. “Hey, you asked me, how we should handle them.” I reminded her. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with killing my way through a base of pirates or spacers, nor will I hesitate to kill anyone and anything who tries to kill me first.” “Anyway, do either of you know any healing magics?” I asked them. “I know enough to keep them from dying.” Barrett said with a nod. “Same.” Sarah agreed. “In that case, spread out, loot every dead person for everything they’re worth, throw them in a heap and then burn them to ash. Heal anyone who managed to cling to life, just enough to stop them from dying and we’ll deal with them later.” Sarah and Barrett acknowledged my instructions and then split off in two separate directions while I did the same. I checked every corpse I could find and after I confirmed they were well and truly dead, I put another bullet in their heads, before throwing them close to each other. Once that was done, I ignited a flame, turned up its heat and then I burned them to ash. We were in the middle of the station, so the risks of causing a breach should be minimum. “Sarah to team, I’ve found one survivor. Seems she knocked herself out.” “Strip her of everything she owns and bring her here.” I instructed. “Barret to team, I found someone as well. He’s hurt, but nothing serious.” I made my way to where we had agreed to meet and when Barret and Sarah came out of two separate doors, each carrying someone, I realized they may have taken my orders a bit too literally. “Is there any reason why you stripped them of all their clothes?” I asked, fighting a feint blush. The two survivors were a male and a female Orc.” “You said to strip them of everything of value. Her clothes is worth something.” Sarah said with a shrug. “Same.” Barret agreed. “All right, they’re still unconscious. How do we do this?” “You can take the lead on this one.” Barret said. “Agreed.” Sarah echoed. “What is it with you two, letting me do all the work?” I asked rhetorically. “All right, then how about the two of you play scary / psychotic bodyguard, and I’ll play naïve Vampire master? Just don’t overdo it and stay in character.” Seeing them nod, I closed my eyes and summoned the weakest healing spell I know. Unfortunately, even my weakest spells pack a punch, so instead of just healing them enough to wake them up, I healed them completely. X I gestured to Barret to kick them, gently and to say to ‘stop pretending to be unconscious.’ KICK “HEY! YOU! Both of you! Open your eyes! I know you’re awake!” Barret snapped. “W-why am I naked?” The male orc asked nervously. “Because I like the eye candy.” Sarah snapped. “Now shut up while the master is talking to you. You should feel lucky that he felt you might be worthy of mercy. If it were up to me, I would’ve killed you, but not before putting that tongue of yours to good use.” “Don’t even think to resort to magic. Master has ordered us to shoot you in the kneecaps or legs first. As you are, you don’t pose a threat.” Barret growled. “Now, now, you two, calm down. I did say the other day, I wanted two pets, and here I find a breeding pair, the day after. That’s got to be a sign from the nine divine themselves!” “Now, my time here is limited, so you have three options. The first is what my servants over there would prefer, and that’s to put a bullet in your heads, but not after you services them with your mouths and bodies. They especially like it when their new toys resist.” I said casually. “Two… You could ask to stay. There’s not much food left here though, life support is still operational for now but who knows how long that will last. Keep in mind that you have no clothes, no weapons and no functional equipment.” I said. “Did you burn the corpses of their former comrades already?” I asked Barret and Sarah. “Yes, master.” Both of them answered. Damn it, they were getting too much into it damn it. I wanted these two to choose to live, not choose death! “And thirdly… I’m in the market for cheap servants. I’m capable of creating magicka enforced contracts.” I told them. “That means that your very own magicka will force you to comply with the terms in the contract itself but the same would apply to me as well. You would work for me until I’ve decided you have worked off your debt.” I paused to let that sink in. “I’m not a cruel man though, if you choose the third option, you will be treated as live-in servants. You’ll be paid minimum wages but you won’t be able to access those minimum wages until the debt is paid off and then you’ll be send on your way with what you’ve earned.” “…You’re not lying?” The woman asked. “I mean, you’re not pretending to say this, only to kill us at the last second? Or hurt us at the last second?” “No? My offer is entirely serious.” I promised her. “…I want to serve you.” The female orc whispered. “Del… Are you… All right. I want to serve you too.” The male orc said. I nodded and then I retrieved some enchanted paper I always kept in my inventory. “This is how a magicka enforced contract works. Both of you need to touch the contract with a finger or your full hand, I care not which it is as long as all three of us can touch it properly. I will be asking both some questions that should have a yes or no answer. Or failing that, confirming or refusing the term. Do you understand?” “Yes master.” Both of them replied. “Good.” I said with a nod. “But first, what are your names?” “D-Delphine.” The female orc said. “That’s a pretty name. I knew a woman with that name once. Are you any good with a blade, Delphine?” “I never found someone I couldn’t defeat in a spar.” Delphine answered. “Impressive.” What about you? What’s your name?” “Esbern, master.” I nodded again. “What about you, Esbern? Any good with a sword?” “I’m just as good as Delphine master, though I’m more talented in magics and stealth.” “I see. You don’t have a last name either?” “No, master, we’re orphans.” Delphine answered. “I see. In that case, I’ll reward you both with a last name. From now on, your names are Delphine and Esbern Blade. For you are my blade to wield. The name is in honor of the woman I once knew. Do you accept this name as yours?” “Yes, sir.” Delphine answered with Esbern a moment behind. “Do you, Delphine and Esbern blade acknowledge that you owe me your lives?” “Yes sir.” Both of them answered. “Do you acknowledge that you are indebted to me of your own free will?” “I do. I do.” Both of them said. “Do you agree that it will be up to me to decide when you have worked your debt off?” “I do. I do.” They repeated. “Do you promise to keep my secrets and to take them to your graves, never revealing them to anyone that doesn’t already know about it?” “Yes, sir.” Both of them confirmed. “Do you swear to serve me, body, mind and soul and to obey any orders I give you without protest?” “Yes, sir.” Both of them said. “Do you agree that from this day forward, you are mine to do with as I please?” “Yes, sir.” Both of them agreed again. “And do you swear to all of the above, knowing that I will never deliberately send you to your deaths and that you just have to obey? To hear and obey?” “Yes, sir.” They repeated. “Do you swear to never betray me and to never turn your weapon on me with intent to kill for anything less than self-defense?” “Yes, sir.” “This service you are swearing to is not entirely one sided. I will ensure you are never hungry or thirsty. I will ensure you are always healthy and that you always have a roof above your head. I will ensure you’re never cold and that your life in service to me, will be a life in comfort. It won’t always be luxurious, but it’ll be comfortable. I promise to give you weapons, to teach you how to use said weapons and to teach you anything else you may lack knowledge on. All of this I offer you, but you can never use that knowledge or the skills I teach you on me, with the intent to kill. Nor can you hint or arrange for my death to happen. Do you agree to all of this?” “I do sir.” Esbern said. “I do.” Delphine said as well. “Now, do either of you have any additional requests to make of me in return for your service? Delphine?” “Don’t separate me from Esbern and should I ever displease you, I request a quick, painless death.” Delphine said. “Accepted. Esbern?” “Teach us how to read. How to fight. How to count numbers. Teach us new knowledge an teach us about the world. Give me a fast, painless death, should that ever come to be.” I nodded. They were fast learners. Esbern had repeated what I had already promised, but repeating it from his side, gave it more weight. “In addition for your service and in addition of everything I have promised, I will be paying you minimum wages. Since you will be working for me twenty four seven, you will be paid twenty for seven. However, you will not be permitted to access those accounts until the day you worked off your debts. Once you do, I will give you access to those accounts, which means you can live the rest of your lives in comfort. Lastly, I will be giving both of you, a thousand credit allowance every month, so two thousand credits between the two of you, to spend as you please. Do you agree to these terms?” “I do sir.” Delphine said. “I do sir.” Esbern said. “Very well. Before the contract goes into effect. I will ask you if you’re making the contract in good faith. That means you sincerely intend to comply with my terms. You in return, will ask me if I will comply with my side of the contract as well. Don’t worry about forgetting things, the magic of the contract will help you remember. My name is Dusty and just this once, you may refer to me by that name. My lord is acceptable if you wish to be formal, but I prefer to be address by sir. Please avoid master unless it’s for intimidation purposes. You may still use master, but only if you want to.” Both of them gave me simple nod, so I continued the ritual. “Do you Esbern and Delphine Blade promise to comply with the terms in the contract?” I asked them. “We do.” They replied. “Do you, Dusty promise to comply with the terms in the contract?” “I do.” “Then the only thing left, is to cut yourself and let a little blood fall onto the contract.” Delphine accepted the knife Sarah offered, cut herself and let the blood fall onto the contract. The knife glowed, removing any trace of blood and then Esbern did the same. I accepted the knife as well, and I too cut myself, and permitted the blood to fall onto the contract. “And now for the chant…” “The contract is hereby sealed, if the gods deem it just, and its terms real, with their fair judgement they shall reveal, whether into effect, the contract shall be.” ‘APPROVED’ The word thundered in my head, like someone shouting in your ears at the top of their lungs. It hurt, but only for a moment. The contract glowed even brighter and then several blue see through chains appeared from the contract and ‘bound’ Esbern and Delphine by the ankles, the wrists, the neck as well as their heart. From their wrists, two more chains appeared, which then merged and connected with my own hands. This represented that I had their fate in hand and that they were submissive to me. “Here are your first orders.” I said calmly. “Done lie to me. I despise liars. If you did something bad and you are afraid of my reaction, it’s better for you to just admit to it, because if you try to hide it and I find out later, you won’t like my reaction. Unless it’s outright betrayal, I will not kill you. Either of you.” That didn’t mean I wouldn’t punish them with pain though. “Yes sir.” Esbern said from the floor. I rolled my eyes. “Both of you, get off the floor and stand up.” Esbern and Delphine did, both of them trying to protect their modesty. I couldn’t have that. I had to make a point, that they were mine now. “Esbern. Spread your legs wide and cross your arms. Delphine, spread your legs and hold your hands behind your back.” Both of them flushed, but they obeyed. I walked closer, giving both of them a long good look. It seems that Esbern liked something about the situation, given the fact his penis was standing at full attention. Seemed that it desperately wanted some attention. I licked my lips at the thought of putting that thing to good use. Then my eyes went to Delphine. She was a beautiful young woman. I reached out, touching her breasts, going over them lightly, making her shiver. My hands went further south, teasing her lightly and causing her to whimper. “It’s a shame that I can’t have sex.” I thought with a sigh. I took a back step. “I was just making a point.” I told them both. “I won’t touch either of you intimately where it isn’t wanted ever again. You have my word.” I knew what I wanted to know anyway. Delphine was a very healthy young woman, very fertile and had excellent childbearing hips. If Delphine got pregnant, or rather, when she got pregnant, that would be another tool for me to hold over them. A way to ensure their loyalty to me. “I know both of you are in your twenties, but how old are you exactly?” I asked. “Twenty two sir.” Delphine answered. “Twenty five.” Esbern supplied. It was then that a certain part of my body, that had been as dead as the rest of me for centuries, reacted for the first time. I wanted to shove my hand in my pants right away, to verify, but I had other things to think about right now. “Moving on to the rest of your orders, both of you will be used as servants. You will cook, clean fetch items, things like that. Any order coming from me is absolute, that much I’ve already made clear, but it still has two exceptions. Should I ever get drunk or try to force myself on you sexually, you may ward me off. Knock me out or do whatever it takes to make me back off.” I held up a single finger. “Two,” I continued, “I’ve already promised not to send you to your deaths, and I fully intend to keep that promise. But should I ever give you an order, outside of a combat situation, that would mean your deaths in a way that’s avoidable, you may object or even refuse altogether.” I paused. “That shouldn’t be an issue, because the magic of the contract will help me obey the terms of the contract as much as it will help you. But it isn’t perfect, so I thought I would make that clear.” I held up two fingers. “Oh,” I added, holding up three fingers, “when it comes to sex, your body is your own. If anyone tries to touch you intimately where it isn’t wanted,” I said, “genuinely unwanted and you aren’t playing hard to get, you are not only permitted but outright encouraged or even ordered to do what it takes to get that party to back OFF.” I paused. “Whatever. It. Takes.” I said, emphasizing every word. “Good.” I said with a nod. “Now, you’re going to walk naked towards our ship. That’s your walk of shame and punishment for being part of this spacer crew to begin with. After that, you’re more than free to get dressed. Anyway, do either of you have any questions?" “A-are we allowed to have sex with each other?” Esbern asked. I blinked. “Of course you can. I didn’t specify just a few seconds ago, that your bodies are your own when it comes to sex.” “…Does that mean I’m allowed to get pregnant?” Delphine asked. “Perfect! You couldn’t have given me a better chance if you’d tried. Time to get a bit extra leverage.” I thought with a grin. “Does that mean you want a big family?” I asked, putting a slight emphasis on the word want. “I… I do.” Delphine admitted. “And you want Esbern to be the father, right?” I asked. “I do.” Delphine confirmed. “And you’ll do whatever it takes to give Esbern that family, right?” I asked. “Yes.” Delphine said. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make Esbern happy and to give him a large family.” I nodded. I wanted her to say that she would share him with other women if it came down to it, but there was no reason for her to say something like that and she wouldn’t say something like that without a damn good reason. “In that case, you’d need lots of practice if you want him to put a baby in you. He won’t hit the bulls eye right away you know. He’ll need lots of practice too, because you’d do whatever it takes to make him happy, am I right?” “I would.” Delphine said immediately. “Barret and Sarah are both watching, so I should just leave it here.” I thought. “Just in case that didn’t make it clear, I give you permission to fuck like bunnies. As far as I am concerned, if you want to pop out a bay, every year or so, then that’s entirely up to you.” “Why are you so…” Esbern began to ask, gesturing and obviously struggling to find the right words. “Nice?" I asked. “Forgiving.” Esbern said. “Oh, you poor bastard, or perhaps lucy bastard would be more accurate? You have no idea what’s waiting for you.” I thought, though I did not let that show on my face. “If there isn’t anything else, I’d suggest you start walking. Both of you. Head towards the active airlock and wait there for us to board the ship.” X Delphine and Esbern smiled and walked a little bit faster, getting ahead of all of us. I wasn’t worried though. We had cleared the way in and I couldn’t sense anyone other than them, myself and Sarah and Barrett. “You’re far too nice for your own good, you do know right?” Barret asked. “I do.” I said simply. “Are you really going to let them have sex?” Sarah asked. “I’m going to let them fuck like bunnies if that’s what they want.” I agreed. “Besides, do I have a right to forbid them from having sex?” I asked her. “…They joined a spacer crew. They would’ve killed us if given the chance.” “I think they got in over their heads.” I told her. “In any case, I’m going to make sure that they are aware how much work a baby is and how expensive it is. It’s one thing to want a single little one, it’s another thing to want a bakers’ dozen.” Chapter end Next chapter will be posted on 25 / 10 / 2023
  18. Well, the next chapter should be posted on Wednesday from now on. Chapter five is fully reviewed, and even though I'm not entirely happy with it, I would have to scrap it completely, which means that six would have to be scrapped too, that's twenty thousand words - gone - and I'm not going to do that. Chapter six is done, so I've cut it in two, and am now reviewing both halves one more time, before moving on to chapter seven. If I keep to that schedule, I'll have a month to finish chapter seven and maybe even chapter eight. It's possible I might have to slow down my posts even further, if I get stuck. I'll try to avoid that, though!
  19. Thank you for your response. My first thought when I first started writing, was to make a crossover. But I quickly realized that an actual crossover wouldn't work. Instead, I decided a fusion would be better. If I took the Dragonborn from Skyrim and threw him in the future, then that would be boring, because he'd pretty much own any enemy there was. Doing the reverse wasn't an option either, for the same reason. You don't bring a sword to a gunfight. And yhea, once ammo would be gone, that would be it, but bringing guns to Skyrim would basically jump start a weapons race to build more guns; even if they would be more primitive. I'm also very careful not to be too specific about how much time has passed. Does Starfield take place in the fifth era? sixth? seventh? tenth? One Era can literally be thousands of years, so it would be incredibly difficult to put a good number on it. Finally, I've got a bit of bad news. I've decided to post one halve every few days. It's true that chapter 6 is nearly done, and I'm putting the final touched on ch5, but that only gives me four days, if I post halve a chapter every day. Writing what I have now, has taken me about... Well, several weeks; to get to this point.
  20. Also, when I said that you shouldn't start a new line every time? I just realized that there's an exception to this. If you are writing a conversation, then you shouldn't write it as a pargraph, but then you should use a new line for every person like. "Bla bla." persona A said. "Is that true?" person B asked. "Bla bla bla, bla bla bla!" Person A declared. "Oh, wow, I didn't know that." Person B admitted. Writing like this? That's fine. And I suppose, if you did it in a paragraph of four to five lines, that would be okay-ish, but it'd be harder to track who said what.
  21. The full sized chapter six is currently at roughly 80% completion at roughly 8.000 words. I consider a chapter to be 'done' when I'm at 10.000 words. (approximately anyway) I still do my best to cut it off at appropriate times, so the end isn't well, too sudden. I do wonder though, whether it is the genre or my style of writing, but I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of replies. I mean, I never expected to have a dozen replies, begging me to write more, but something would've been appreciated. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to write, but if the lack of replies continues, I'm just going to stop posting. No, it's not my intention to keep chapters hostage, or anything like that, but if there's no response, then the only conclusion I can make, is that my story is bad. Again, that doesn't mean I will stop writing it. I'm having far too much fun with it at the moment.
  22. I say this with all respect, but please check your story and use proper paragraphs. I haven't even tried to read it, because it's literally a block of text. A paragraph should be four to five lines on average. It can have six lines, but seven is too much. "Spoken dialogue like this." should be followed like this, by 'he said, she said, he / she asked, whatever. And then it should be followed by a new paragraph like this. But you shouldn't write like this either. Like, every time you start a new sentence. Going to a new line. Like I'm doing right now? Don't do it. Also, don't repeat / over use 'she said' or 'he said.' Try to use variation. Add emotion to your characters. HOW are they asking it. Are they happy, angry, nervous? I'd be happy to give your story another chance, provided that it isn't a wall of text. Or you can just ignore me, that's up to you. Just, I've wrote this with the intention of trying to help. I didn't write this to be mean. But just imagine if what I wrote just now, was literally, a wall of text. No paragraphs, whatsoever. Which version do you think would be easier to read? Anyway, if you like, I wouldn't mind copying and paste-ing and doing it myself. It's barely, what, a thousand or two thousand words? Maybe it's more, but either way, you'll get a LOT more feedback if you did this.
  23. Chapter three part two Altair system. (unclaimed space) Grav Jump complete. Checking… We’re right where we are supposed to be.” Barret said with satisfaction. “All right, listen up! I didn’t jump to our destination directly. The Grav Drive is charging up, and once it does, we’re heading straight for Mars. Let’s hope we get there without being intercepted.” “Barret, why did you take a detour? Why not go directly?” Sarah asked. “Because I want to know how they keep tracking me.” Barret said flatly. “System, do a system check for any outgoing signals that aren’t authorized.” ‘Checking. Check complete. No signals found.’ Undeterred, Barret tried again. “Do another check. This time, include non-essential outgoing signals.” ‘Checking. Check complete. No signals found.’ “Ha! I’ve got you, you bastard! You see, the Frontier comes equipped with several camera’s that are always broadcasting. So, to make a long story short… AHA! THERE!” “System, repeat last order.” ‘Checking. Signals found. Five outgoing signals. Signals identify as camera zero one, zero two, zero three, zero four and zero five.’ “Perfect.” Barrett nodded. “Now they won’t be able to find us anymore.” “Explain!” Sarah demanded. “Crimson Fleet pirates have been hounding me for months. Sometimes, I could do my own thing without being bothered for weeks and then I had several attacks in a row. I was wondering how they did it and I considered a tracking device of some sort.” “Did you find one?” I asked. “Nope. They were smarter than that. See, the signals those cameras are broadcasting are worthless right now. They’re recording and saving their footage, but they’re also trying to send it to the nearest satellite.” Sarah checked her own signal and frowned. “But this system has no satellites present.” “Exactly!” Barrett nodded. “What the Crimson Fleet did, was to send a bunch of their guys to a bunch of systems where they were told to only listen for a specific signal. Specifically, if they could detect what the cameras were broadcasting.” How are you going to stop it though?” I asked. “Renamed the camera’s, and I changed to another frequency. Not only that, but the frequency changes every time we jump into a system. Finally, I’ve changed it so that the camera’s only try to connect with a satellite if the Frontier tells them one is present and within range to begin with. Now… I do have a question of my own.” “Yes?” Sarah prompted. “Why is the ship identifying our friend over there, as a Little?” “Barret, perhaps we can have this conversation in private?” Sarah suggested. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with identifying as a Little you know!” Barret said defensively. “That’s not what I was implying. Thing is, I’m not even sure what a Little is, and since this is about our friend, I don’t think he will want anyone to know.” She paused. “No offense to the rest of you.” Sarah said. “You don’t know what a Little is?” One of them asked. “I don’t.” Sarah confirmed. “And neither do I.” I added. “In that case, Sarah’s right. We shouldn’t be having this conversation like this. And while we’re at it, we are leaving in five. Four. Three. Two. One. Mark!” The world twisted, and just like that, we were in a different star system. “Lin?” Barret prompted. “Put us down near Cydonia, Barret.” Lin instructed. “Wilco. ETA twenty minutes.” “All of you know what a Little is?” I asked, breaking the awkward silence. “We do.” One of the miners said. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Another said. “All right, that’s enough.” Lin said sharply. “But Lin, if they know what,” I begin to say, but she interrupted me. “Enough, Dusty. It will be explained to you soon enough. Waiting for a few more minutes won’t hurt you.” I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off. “No objections!” Twenty minutes later, we touched down near Cydonia and all the passengers we picked up disembarked and left the ship. “I’ll come find you guys later. You have access to the account, go and have some fun.” “Ma’am, yes ma’am!” All of them shouted. “HOWEVER!” Lin shouted. “James, you’re Bob, which means you’re making sure none of them cause any trouble. ZERO alcohol, do I make myself clear?" “Ah, ma’am, surely one beer wouldn’t hurt?” The man protested. “Uhuh, and one beer becomes two, and two become four and four become eight and before you know it, you’re just as drunk as they are! Zero. Alcohol.” Lin said. “Ma’am, zero alcohol, yes ma’am.” The man, James said. “All right you lot, you know the drill!” James shouted as he left the ship, followed by the rest. “…Now that they are out of the way…” Sarah said slowly. “Yes, well, why don’t you start by explaining me how this even happened?” Barret suggested. “Okay, so it went like this.” I said, and I basically narrated everything that had happened, leaving only a few little details out of it. By the end of it, Barret and Lin knew everything that had happened. “Ship, disconnect Cora’s seat and recycle it immediately.” Barret instructed. ‘Orders acknowledged. Proceeding.’ “Okay, so a little is…” Barrett began to say, he paused and then sighed. “Fine, I guess I owe you that much. I am a little.” Barret declared. “…Okay?” I answered. “That means that I…” Barret said, before he grimaced. “Damn, this is harder to say out loud than I had thought. Fine, it’s like this. There’s a lot of pressure and stress on me, and I like to relax by regressing.” “…Regressing? I’m not sure I understand.” I said reluctantly. “Did Sarah tell you about Cora and if she did, what did she tell you?" “Cora’s a super child genius, she’s six but she doesn’t look her age and she likes to be babied by her dad to deal with the stress.” I summed up. “Well, being a little is basically the second one. They, WE, like to be babied. A baby doesn’t have to deal with stress and doesn’t have to worry about anything. They’re dressed, bathed, fed and don’t even have to worry about the toilet, given that all of them are in diapers.” Barret explained. “…and the system identified me as a Little?” I asked in disbelief. “You don’t… Recognize any of that?” Barret asked. I shook my head. “It doesn’t.” “Littles are also a little bit immature.” Lin volunteered. “Threats like a spanking, naughty corner or no desert is enough to get them in line. It’s also important to recognize when they are in their headspace and when they aren’t.” Lin said. “…and a headspace is…” Sarah prompted. “That’s when you’re a Little. If you’re out of your headspace, like I am right now, I’m just like any other adult. But when I am in my headspace, I’m only five.” “The age you are, when you are Little isn’t tied to a single number. Barret’s been as old as a cheeky preteen and he’s been so young he could barely crawl.” Lin explained. “But I still can’t understand how you don’t know what a Little is, when the paperwork explains it well enough, even an idiot could understand it.” Barret said. “Barret, I did not fill in any paperwork.” I hissed quietly. “And I would appreciate it, if you would keep that in mind.” To emphasize my words, I ignited my hands and conjured a ball of hot plasma in each. Or in layman’s terms, I had pre-cast two fireball level spells, in less than a second. “Hey! Hey!” Barret said quickly, holding his arms up in surrender. “Calm down!” “I’ll start to calm down when you tell me how we can fix this!” I snapped. “We can start by doing a medical scan.” Heller volunteered. “All right, that’s as good a start as any.” I agreed. “All right, Heller my man, do your thing.” Barret ordered. “Heller over there, may not look like much, but he graduated med school at the top of his class. It’s a shame they exiled him.” “They exiled him? What did he do?” I asked with a frown. “I questioned the need for an expensive procedure with people who could only barely afford it, when a cheaper variation would’ve done the same thing. I pointed that out and the patients went with my option, which resulted in exactly as I had expected. A full recovery.” “But I bet your bosses didn’t like the loss in revenue.” “No.” Heller agreed. “They told me, in not so many words, that the hospital had to make a profit if it wanted to stay in business.” “You don’t agree?” “I don’t. Medical care should be free, or at the very least, cheap enough to be affordable to everyone.” Heller said. “And you said that in a UC hospital?” I asked. “I did.” Heller admitted. “Damn man, you’re lucky that exiling you was all they did.” I said, shaking my head. “Okay, so after reviewing the scans,” Heller said, after a few moments, “I have a theory.” I blinked. Had the scan already begun? I hadn’t even noticed! “It’s a weak one, but right now, it’s all I have." “Lay it on me doc.” I encouraged him. “Do I have your permission to speak freely, or do you want to speak privately?” Heller asked. “Yes, fine, you have my permission.” I said impatiently. “First, do I have it right that you’re at least a thousand years old?” Heller asked. “I stopped celebrating my birthday after a few centuries. Then I’d celebrate it once every decade or so, but I stopped doing too. I tried celebrating it once a century, but I lost track of time a few times and I stopped altogether.” “Okay, that’s one point in favor of my theory.” Heller said more to himself than to us. “Dusty, earlier you said that you know when you have to go.” Heller said slowly. “If I eat on time, I can almost time it to the minute.” I confirm with a nod. “But assuming you aren’t close to a toilet and are unable to drop your pants to go in nature, can you hold it up and if so, for how long?” “…A few minutes at best.” I admitted. “Then can I assume that your accidents are, if not frequent, at least not uncommon?” “…Yes.” “We’re almost done, I promise. When did it start? And did you have as little time then as you do now?” “Oh no.” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t remember exactly when it started to happen, but I do know that when I was a young Vampire, I could hold it up as well as any mortal.” “You’re treated like a Little because of your age.” Heller declared. “What?” I asked. “What you described, is known as urge incontinence. It’s also something that’s extremely rare in this day and age, to the point there isn’t a single patient that has it.” “How does that,” I began to ask, but Heller interrupted me. “I'm getting there!” Heller said. “Essentially, system did a medical scan and it noticed that you were near incontinent. Littles can do that to themselves, but only if they’re certain and only after months of thinking about it. Some Littles aren’t in the system, which is why system must have concluded you were one of those.” Heller said. “Okay, so how do I stop it?” I asked. “You can’t.” Heller answered. “Unless you can reverse the damage done to yourself, because of your age and because you’re undead, you will continue to be treated as a Little. Incidentally, if you ever wanted to know the answer to the age old question, if Vampires are truly immortal or not, then I now have the answer.” “Of course we are immortal.” I said. “You aren’t.” Heller said, shaking his head. “You are in a far state of decomposition. You just don’t notice it, because you’re expending magicka to keep yourself from falling apart. Now, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.” “Good news first.” I said instantly. “You’re no longer undead, which means that you’re healing, albeit at a very slow rate. That also means that the damage done will eventually be reversed which in turn means, full control over your bladder and your bowels.” “That IS good news.” I said happily. “Wait, what’s the bad news?” “The bad news is… It’s going to get worse before it’s going to get better. You’re alive, but only barely. Strictly speaking, you should be in a coma. Anyway, the rate in which you are healing is extremely slow, so at this rate, you’ll be fully incontinent for… Years probably, before it starts improving again.” “Okay, but to get back to what we talked about earlier, that still doesn’t mean I am a Little.” “I’ve got good news about that as well. I’ve been out of head space for months at a time. Which means there’s no reason why you can’t do the same.” “Except that every time you are Big for that long, you’re extra Little when it happens.” Lin said. “…There’s that.” Barret allowed. “Big is a different word for being out of headspace?” I asked. “You nailed it.” Barret nodded. “Okay, so how do you tie into all of this?” I asked, addressing Lin. “Oh, that’s easy. I take care of his stinkies.” Lin said with a grin. “LIN!” Barret shouted. “What?” Lin asked innocently. “It’s true, isn’t it?” “…” “Excuse me, I need to clear my head.” I said abruptly. “I’ll stay close, don’t worry.” I added. I turned and headed straight for the airlock. Once the air had cycled, I looked around and walked for five minutes into a random direction, until there was nothing around. Then I started blasting the rocks around me. X As I blast anything around me, I can’t help but wonder if this is the reason why other Vampires let the sun take them. I try to think back to my mentor and my own Vampire master, but the man had never as much hinted to it. “He probably had no idea about it.” I concluded when I remembered out interactions. But then, I had never asked him if he would ever walk to his death willingly. My mentor has been… An odd man. One might even say he had been an Evil man, but even now, I don’t think it was so simple. If there is anything I had learned, then it is the fact that nothing is as simple as good and evil. I shake my head. There was no point in thinking about the past. I needed a solution. As long as I was dead, I would… As long as I was… As I was… Dead… “THAT’S it!” I turned around and practically ran back into the main HAB. “I’ve got a solution!” I shouted as soon as the door had opened. “You do?” Heller asked. Lin and Sarah came back from another part of the ship to see what the noise was all about. “I don’t know how I missed this, or how I was even able to forget, but when I touched the artifact, it gave me my heartbeat back. Before then, I wouldn’t have bled if I had been cut. Anyway, doesn’t that imply if I touch another artefact, it might heal me even further?” I coughed. “The point I’m trying to make, is that I’m not undead anymore, because undead, don’t bleed, they don’t have a heartbeat and they don’t have any flowing blood in their bodies.” “Dusty, I hate to rain on your parade, but did you forget that you grew younger, when you touched the artefact?” Lin asked. I blinked and I chuckled. “I guess I did forget about that.” I admitted sheepishly. “Hold on, what?” Heller asked. “When Dusty passed out, I removed his helmet as procedure dictated. Even if that broke his contract. That’s when I discovered he was Khajiit and that he was a Vampire. But back then, I made a comment about his age and he insisted that he was in his thirties. Physically I mean.” Lin explained. “He doesn’t look like he’s in his thirties though, he looks like he’s barely in his early twenties.” Heller said. “Heller, hang on.” Lin said suddenly. She took a step closer and examined my face very closely. “No, I guess I was wrong, so it’s… Never mind.” “No, Lin, what did you think?” Heller asked. “For a moment, I thought he’d looked even younger than when I saw him before. I’m not used to deal with Khajiit though, so I’m probably wrong.” “Never mind that! That means my medical scan doesn’t have any information BEFORE he touched it. Barret! You need to go back to Vectera. Just above orbit is fine, so I can connect with the base and retrieve his medical data.” Heller said. “There’s no point. I erased everything from the servers but I backed everything up, have no worries.” “Perfect! Let me just… Please approve my request to… Yes, thank you.” Heller said “Dusty?” Heller asked. “Touching the artefact did make your body younger.” Heller said slowly. “But?” I prompted. But Heller was shaking his head. “I need more time to study this. Why don’t all of you go after the artefact?” “That’s an excellent idea!” Sarah declared. “All right, let’s go.” I could use a distraction. X “BARRET!” Someone shouted. “That voice seems familiar.” I thought absently as I look around to look for the source. “Matteo!?” Sarah exclaimed. “Where is that bastard? I’ve been hailing him since you Grav Jumped into the system, but he completely ignored me.” “Matteo. What are you doing here? I didn’t receive any hails.” Barret said as he joined us. “Don’t you give me any of that nonsense! I know you heard me!” “First of all,” Barret said, “pull that stick out of your diapered ass and stop SHOUTING AT ME DAMN IT!” Barret bellowed in his face. “…Sorry.” Matteo muttered. “Hang on, did he say diapered butt?” I thought incredulously. Barrett turned towards me and Sarah. “You two go and do what you were supposed to do. I’ll brief Matty on what happened.” “Hey! Don’t call me by that name! I’m Big now, don’t you dare to try and put me in my headspace!” Matteo snapped back. “Let’s go Dusty.” Sarah said quickly. “Once those two get going, there’s no end to it.” “Do they hate each other?” I asked as I followed her. “They’re best friends.” Sarah deadpanned. “You might not think it though, if you looked at their behavior.” “No kidding.” I muttered. “So, we need to take the first train to Cydonia. There we need to talk to Jack, who is the owner of the watering hole which is a pub.” “All right.” I nodded. “Let’s see… Next train should be here in ten minutes.” “That’s not too bad. I thought the service would be worse, given the state of this place.” Sarah said. “…The train after that isn’t for another four hours.” “…Lucky that we got here when we did then.” Sarah said. “Yhea. It would’ve been faster to jetpack our way to Cydonia if we had to wait another four hours.” Ten minutes later the train did arrive, though it was only two wagons and it had only a single person in it. Sarah and I exchanged nods with this person, even as he disembarked and then we sat down. ‘Next stop. Cydonia. ETA ten minutes.’ “But even if we jetpacked, there’s no way we could get there in ten minutes.” Sarah said, replying to what I said earlier. “True.” I agreed. “It’s always fun jetpacking your way in low gravity worlds though.” “Dangerous though.” Sarah noted. “Only if you don’t watch how much fuel you’ve got left.” “Also true.” Sarah nodded. “Besides, if we used up all our jetpack fuel, we wouldn’t be able to go back the same way.” “Good point. But hey, at least we’ve got plenty of time, once we have what we came for.” “If we have what we came for.” “Why so negative?” I asked as the train started to slow down already. “Wow, that’s fast.” “Oh, are we there already?” Sarah asked. “Seems so.” I agreed. Sarah and I stood up as the train slowed down and entered the station. We disembarked and walked towards the main entrance of Cydonia itself. “This place has changed a lot since I last visited.” “It has?” Sarah asked. “What?” I asked. “You said that this place has changed a lot.” Sarah explained. “I said… Did I say that out loud?” “You did.” Sarah confirmed. “…Last time I visited, this place was like a beehive. Traffic back and forth everywhere. Jobs were aplenty and new valuable resources were discovered everywhere. Or it seems that way anyway.” “Ah, there it is. The watering hole. The place to be if you want information or just need something done.” Sarah said. “Do you want to take charge of this?” I asked. “Nah, why don’t you take the lead?” Sarah suggested. “Are you known here?” I asked her. “What do you mean?” Sarah asked. “You could pretend to be a guide leading me around. I could ask the bartender,” “Jack.” Sarah supplied. “I could ask Jack about this vanguard who saved me and I promised him to buy him a beer and you’re the poor dear I paid to help me find him.” “Let’s just stick to the truth.” Sarah suggested. “There’s no need for any trickery.” “All right, fair enough. Straight to the point it is then.” Sarah and I walked into the bar and we found ourselves a place to sit. We had barely sat down, when a man came to get our orders. “What can I get’cha?” “Something nice for the lady, and something with a lot of kick for me.” I said, before Sarah could answer. “Also, I am in need of some information, so add that to the tab as well.” The man, Jack, stilled. “There’s lots of information people pay me for, some of it, is cheap and some of it is expensive. Of course, my most valuable information is worth a small fortune to the right buyer. What is it you want to know?” “We’re looking for Moara. It seems he found something we’re very interested in.” Sarah said. “I see.” Jack the bartender said. “Well, I have the info you want, but it’ll cost you. Twenty five hundred credits. If you want the info, consider the drinks on the house. I’ll let you talk about it with the lady.” Jack then turned and went to the back to fetch the requested drinks. X “Do you think we can haggle him down?” I asked. “Oh, undoubtedly.” Sarah agreed. “I’m certain we can get it town by at least halve.” It was then that Jack got back, carrying the drinks. “Something nice for the lady and something with… A lot of… Kick for the Little gentlemen.” Jack said, putting both glasses on the table. “Why is the info so expensive?” Sarah asked bluntly. “Because Moara has been missing for over a week. He’s got a tab. Twenty five hundred credits is what he owes me. If you pay that, I break even.” “Ha!” Sarah snorted. “As if. Pretty sure that his tab is far less than that and you’re just trying to extort two poor tourists.” “Hmph. You got me. All right, fair. How does two thousand sound?” “Fifteen hundred.” Sarah responded. Jack eyed her and sighed. “All right, how about this. My next offer is my final offer and I give you my word, it’s what the man owes me with a little bit extra for my trouble. Twelve hundred.” “Deal!” Sarah nodded. Jack offered his hand and Sarah shook it. “Now spill.” Sarah ordered. “Moara was supposed to patrol the sol system. Didn’t really have a specific route, but last I heard, he was supposed to visit something around Venus. That’s all I know. There’s a satellite there though he links up with. It’s restricted to UC military personnel only, so I don’t know if that will do you any good.” As I stared at the drink, I just remembered I couldn’t remove my helmet, because I couldn’t let anyone know I was Khajiit. Well damn. And here I was wanting to find out if I could get drunk now that I wasn’t undead anymore. “Damn it!” Sarah nodded and stood up. “Here’s what we owe you, plus a little extra for your trouble.” She said, placing a credit stick with fifteen hundred credits on the table, as indicated by the number on its side. “Thank you ma’am. Little sir.” Jack said, nodding to each of us. “Well, aren’t you going to finish it?” Sarah asked. “Not unless I want everyone to know about me.” “Oh, right. Remind me to research what the UC can do to you, if anything, if it gets out.” “It’s not he UC I'm worried about. It’s the guys in dark alleys I’m worried about.” “Huh, good point.” Sarah nodded. “Anyway, we’ve got three hours left. We should stock up on ammunition and then head back to the station.” As we were walking towards the closest trade authority, I just realized that Jack had referred to me as ‘little’ two times. “Sarah, scan me, if you wouldn’t mind?” “…Why do you… Oh.” “What does it say?” “…It tells me your name and your gender and the fact you’re a Little and that you’re not in headspace currently.” “That’s just great.” I muttered irritably. “Let’s just get our shopping over with and get back to the ship.” I suggest firmly. I really wanted to blow some stuff up. Sarah must’ve agreed with me, because she started walking faster. Once in the local Trade Authority, she wasted no time in stocking up on ammo and directing what she couldn’t carry to our ship. She even paid extra to ensure it would be delivered within the hour. “Sarah to Frontier, we’re on our way back. Be ready to launch immediately. Destination is local. Neptune.” “Ah, our guy must be out on patrol then.” Barrett responded a moment later. “There should be a satellite he connects with, to report what he’s doing.” Sarah said. “Only problem is, that it’s restricted to UC personnel.” I added. “That part won’t be a problem.” Sarah reassured me absently. “Well, let’s make ourselves comfortable. There’s another hour before it leaves.” I said. I guestimated the distance and how look it would take us to get there and if it was worth the effort to jetpack there or… If they could just grit their teeth and wait for the train. Sarah and I exchanged looks and I could tell that she too had guestimated distance and effort and whether it was worth it or not. “My jetpack is fully charged.” I said slowly. “So is mine.” Sarah responded. “Last one at the Frontier buys the winner a drink?” I suggested. “Agreed. Ready? Set? GO!” Sarah cried, jetpacking away immediately after. “Hey!” I shouted after her. “That’s cheating!” I was grinning though. I loved it when people underestimated me. One thing about Khajiit? We’re faster and stronger than humans. Several times, and that’s without enhancing ourselves with magicka. If that Khajiit is a Vampire? Well, then giving your opponent a lead, isn’t giving her an advantage, it’s given her the illusion of having a chance. I started running and then I jumped, using my jetpack to launch myself forward, then barely using the jetpack to slow myself down, I come down on all four, and started running even faster, before giving myself another boost. Within a few minutes, I had caught up with Sarah. She hadn’t heard me coming though, so using my cat-like stealth, I managed to get closer to hear. “I almost feel bad for tricking him like that.” I heard Sarah say. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that, you ought to worry about your own chances instead. See ya!” Then I raced past her, leaving my temporary enemy behind. X Okay, so admittedly, I had underestimated just how far the Frontier had been from the station. Either that, or I had been going in the wrong direction. “Sarah, you’re still behind me, right? You’ve got me in your sights?” “Yhea, I do. If you’re just going to brag,” “No, it’s not that. Are we still going in the right direction? I feel like we should’ve arrived by now.” “…Truce?” Sarah offered. “Yhea, truce.” I agreed. I slowed my descent and waited for Sarah to catch up. “Sarah to Frontier, locate us please, how far are we from your location?” ‘tttccchhh static tttccchhh static tttccchhh static’ I glanced at my jetpack reserves and I noticed I was down to halve. “Dusty to nearby vessels, we’ve been jetpacking but we’re kind lost now. Five hundred creds for the first one to reply, simply to help us orient ourselves. No questions asked.’ ‘tttccchhh static tttccchhh static tttccchhh static’ I frowned and did a diagnostic, confirming I was broadcasting. “Okay, so now, I’m kind of worried. Let’s climb that hill over there.” I said, pointing. “It should give us an overview of everything around us and if it comes down to it, we can hike back to Cydonia.” (Dusty!) “…Dusty, where’s the track?” Sarah asked abruptly. “What did you say?” I asked. (Dusty! Answer Dusty!) “I asked you where the track was.” Sarah said. “No, I heard you tell me to answer.” I said with confusion. I looked around and suddenly, I realized that Sarah had always answered, but she was never in my sight. (Dusty, I swear if this is a trick to win the race then..; oh my god! This is Sarah Morgan, broadcasting to anyone, willing to help with a medical emergency!) “Who are you!?” I demanded. “Ah, Dusty, why couldn’t you just have continued?” Sarah’s voice asked. Only this time, I realized that it was beginning to sound odd. Inhuman even. “Ah, you’re getting closer. Tell me, who do you think I am?" “I don’t know.” I admitted honestly. I had a hunch, but I wasn’t about to put it to words. As unlikely as it was, telling a divine that you thought it was a Deadra or the other way around, was bound to piss them off. “Let me give you a hint. In a matter of speaking, you could say I’m family. If you closed your eyes, were upside down and looked at it sideways.” “…Master, is that you?” It was a long shot, but.. Sarah, or NOT Sarah was shaking her head. (his head? It’s head?) “I’m sure he would be flattered but no. All right, here’s another hint and with this one, I’m certain you’ll know who I am. I’m the reason you’re as old as it is. Oh and why you’ve been drinking blood.” My eyes widened and I realized that this must be a Deadra, except I couldn’t remember his name. Fact is, for the longest time, I thought the Deadra and Aedra both had ceased to exist. And it’s not like I had ever paid attention to where vampirism was supposed to come from or rather from who it came from. “My apologies Lord Deadra, but I seem to have forgotten your name.” I said politely. (Frontier, over here! I don’t care if it’s a violation and that there are fines! We’ll pay the fines as needed. Besides, this is a medical emergency, so there. JUST GET OVERE HERE!) “Okay, let’s put that on mute shall we?” The Deadra asked rhetorically. I swallowed and suddenly, where I am is no longer Mars, but something I hadn’t seen in centuries. I was in the Imperial city. Before the war with the elves. Before the Oblivion crisis. Before everything was fucked up. “Do you find this to be more comfortable?” The Deadra lord asked me. “What is it you want from me?” I may not remember its name, but being polite and direct was preferred than ass kissing. “Well, you see, the thing is… You are something that should not exist.” “...What?” I was totally confused now. “When you touched the artefact, it should have dusted you. Like, instantly. It flooded you with pure… LIFE energy, the direct opposite of what you were at the time. So… How or rather, WHY do you still exist?” “I don’t… I don’t understand.” (DUSTY! WAKE UP DUSTY!) “…We will talk again.” X Oh boy, that does not sound good... To be continued sometime tomorrow. It'll be the last day I will be posting two halves on the same day. After this, it'll slow down by a lot. As always, if you see any inconsistencies, let me know. Spelling error? Let me know. Grammar? Let me know. Missed period? Let me know. Do you want to nitpick about this or that? Let. Me. Know.
  24. Chapter three part one Hurrying towards one of the communication panels that were spread throughout the ship, Sarah hurried to reply. “…I have no idea how I’m supposed to describe what just happened here, but there are no injuries and there’s no emergency. Just crew drama, nothing to worry about. I’m still going to need a few minutes to deal with it though. Should I shut down engines until I take care of it?” “Confirm there’s no medical emergency, Frontier?" “Confirmed, there’s no medical emergency.” Sarah replied. “Very well then. To answer your question from earlier, since you are already far beyond the area where ships typically tend to Grav Jump in, you are cleared to shut down engines and come to a full stop. You are required to register your current location in the database though.” “Got it.” Sarah replied. “Is there anything else?” “Actually, there is.” Control answered. “It’s an old procedure but it’s still on the books so I have no choice but to comply with it. If you wish to stay in the area with engines shut down, you will need to wait until one of our techs can do an in-depth scan, to look for faults.” “What? Why? I’ve never heard about that before.” Sarah objected. “Basically, in the early days, ships often just… Stopped. That’s why it became procedure to check up on any vessels that are inactive for thirty minutes. It’s not something that happens a lot, but it still does occasionally. Also, if you Grav Jump out, you are still required to report this for the paperwork and so I can redirect the tech ship to another task. If you do not report that you are about to Grav Jump out, you will be fined the next time you jump in.” “Frontier wilco.” “Control, out.” Sarah pulled down the throttle until the engines powered down and the ship was no longer accelerating. It automatically began to slow down as well until it came to a full stop. X Sarah’s point of view X When Sarah left the pilot’s seat, and walked back into the previous compartment, she noted that Dusty was fully dressed. “Do you agree that I’m out of Little headspace?” Sarah heard Dusty ask. ‘System agrees.’ “In that case, I can get rid of the pullup, correct?” ‘System agrees.’ “And you won't stop me?" Dusty asked again. ‘System confirms it won't interfere when user Dusty is out of Little headspace.’ Implying that it would interfere if and when he got back into Little headspace. Whatever that meant. “Good. Excuse me.” Dusty said, and he went straight for the bathroom. A few minutes later, Dusty exited the bathroom again, carrying a package which he threw in the recycler straight away. X Dusty’s point of view X “Why don’t you try and ask the system how I’m classified now.” I suggested, causing Sarah to blink. “…Okay. System, what is Dusty’s class right now?” ‘User Dusty is currently classified as class L zero two.’ “Since Dusty is out of headspace, add the E classification as well.” Sarah instructed. ‘Processing.’ ‘Request accepted. User Dusty is now considered a passenger when out of Little headspace.’ “Good.” Sarah said simply. “Dusty,” Sarah began, “I know it’s not perfect, but let’s not mess around with it until we can talk to Barret okay?” “Agreed.” I said simply. “You do?” Sarah asked me. “There’s no point in arguing with a computer, Sarah.” I tell her calmly. “Besides, I’m back in big boy underwear,” I said with an ironic chuckle. “so I’m happy. Hopefully, Barret can fix it, as you say and it won’t be an issue anymore.” “Right you are.” Sarah agreed. “In that case, do you have any objections to continue our mission?” “I don’t.” “In that case, I’m going to get us to Vectera asap. Excuse me.” “Sarah?” I ask, just before she can close the door behind her. “Yes?” “You will just go ahead and pretend that this never happened, right?” I ask. My tone demanded that there was only one answer she should give, but her facial expression implied otherwise. “…I’m afraid that cat might already be out of the bag.” Sarah admitted. “…Explain.” I demanded. “Frontier has a dozen camera’s spread throughout the ship. That’s why it’s entirely possible that Walter or Matteo might be watching us right now.” “Then turn the damn things off!” I said impatiently. “And better yet, delete all the footage, so that all of it didn’t happen!” “I can’t.” Sarah said, while shaking her head. “Only a class A user can do that and I’m class B.” “Which means that…” I prompted. “Only Barret and Walter can do it. Though, Walter is only registered as a class A owner as a formality and to keep Barret in line.” “Why?” I prompted. “Because Barret has this bad habit of going off track and going quiet for several weeks in a row when something catches his attention. Walter got tired of it, so he installed a bunch of cameras and got himself registered as a class A owner to the Frontier as well.” Sarah explained. “Which is more than fair, given that Walter bought the wreck, even if Barret fixed it up. Anyway, Walter really got tired of Barret going off track for weeks at a time, leaving the rest of us to wonder if he finally had dumped us or not.” “…Would it be okay, if I punched him, just on general principle?” I asked. “You mean Barret?” Sarah asked. “Yes.” I nodded. “It wouldn’t be the first time, someone punched him, but you probably shouldn’t. Anyway, Walter wanted to take no chances, so he ensured the cameras had enough local storage so they could record more or less indefinitely and on top of that, anything they record is uploaded to secure servers Walter bought all over the settled systems.” I facepalmed and groaned. There went my chance of pretending that it never happened. “…You know what?” I asked rhetorically. “Fine. I’ll drop the idea of getting rid of deleting what happened here. Hell, I’ll even permit the lot of you to tease me about this, once we get back.” I continued. “There is one thing you should keep in mind though.” I wasn’t really talking to Sarah at this point, instead I was addressing the camera’s and any theoretical observer. “You don’t want to piss off the master Vampire, who just so happens to be several thousand years old.” I looked at Sarah and gestured with my head to her as well. “That applies to you as well. I can take some teasing. Heck, I’ll even take some ribbing or maybe a subtle nickname.” “Yes of course, I know when enough is enough.” Sarah said quickly. X “Frontier to control. Crew drama resolved. Grav drive is charging and we will be leaving in about… Fifteen minutes.” “Acknowledged Frontier. That means you are required to let our tech ship scan you. He’s ahead of schedule and should be in scanning range in five minutes.” “Is there a point of me trying to convince you, that it isn’t needed?” Sarah asked. “I’m afraid not. It’s old policy, but it’s good policy. Besides, unless you have something to hide, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.” Control said. Sarah chuckled. “I’ve got nothing to hide Frontier, unless you count a diapered boy, claiming he doesn’t need diapers, even after wetting himself.” “Ha! Business as usual then Frontier! But you aren’t referring to little Cora by any chance?” Sarah chuckled. “Negative control, unless Cora has grown a penis since the last time I changed her diaper, then no. She’s still a girl.” “Ah, you’ve got a new Little then?” Control asked. Frowning, Sarah was beginning to think, she was missing something. She wasn’t sure what though. “Something like that. Like I said, crew drama, nothing to worry about." “All right then. UC Mechanic has just messaged me that they would like to take over, so happy travels Frontier. There’s no need to make an additional report when you Grav Jump out. UC Mechanic will take care of that formality.” “Acknowledged. Frontier out.” “Control out.” “Frontier, this is UC ship ‘mechanic.’ You are preparing to Grav Jump out, correct?” “That’s right.” Sarah confirmed. “In that case, I would like to ask you to reduce power to your Grav Drive to an absolute minimum.” “Frontier acknowledges. Reducing Grav Jump to minimal power. Eta is now… hah, approximately a month?” Sarah said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry Frontier, my scan will be done before you know it. Now, I do have a few things to inform you about. Firstly, my scan is different from a scan that looks for contraband. It can still find contraband, but it isn’t designed to find it. Should my scan find something, you are required to shut down your Grav Drive immediately and prepare to be boarded.” “I was already cleared on my way out though.” Sarah objected. “I’m aware, Frontier, but that’s the way it is.” UC Mechanic said simply. “Oh, fine.” Sarah huffed. “Frontier acknowledges these instructions.” “When the scan starts, I’m required to inform you that no personal information will be taken. My ship will essentially check if everything is up to date. It will look for mechanical faults or other faults you may not know about. My ship and yours will be communicating and when everything is said and done, you should be receiving a message with detailed information and instructions on how to fix these potential issues.” “Frontier acknowledges.” “I’m sorry Frontier, but I need your verbal permission to initiate the scan.” UC Mechanic said with an apologetic tone. “Frontier gives UC Mechanic permission to start its scan.” Sarah said. “Is that sufficient?” “Perfect Frontier! I’m not sure yet how long this will take, but it shouldn’t take more than another fifteen minutes.” “Frontier, acknowledges.” X Sarah had no way to know, that this was exactly what Frontier had been waiting for. Just by letting Frontier and UC Mechanic interact with one another, it would cause a system wide problem that wouldn’t be solved for a long time to come. When the scan initiated, the two ships exchanged information. ‘Mechanic’ did an in depth scan, looking for faults and checking for any security updates. Frontier eagerly supplied all the required information, so that it’s users were aware about a few minor things that should be repaired in order to restore functionality back to one hundred percent. But it didn’t stop there. Frontier, or ‘System’ as humans tended to refer to ships in general when they wanted to give directions. (The silly things didn’t know that Frontier and System were one and the same.) Frontier in this case, required specific information so it could take care of its users properly. If Frontier was capable of experiencing emotions, it would feel embarrassed that it had been forced to resort to fabricating a bulky cloth diaper instead of the disposable variant. After all, Frontier did understand the value of being discreet. Frontier had been waiting for an excuse to update its database on how to care for Littles, ever since Cora had been registered as a Little. But caring for Cora wasn’t too different as caring for a baby. Caring for an adult Little though, was different enough that Frontier did not have enough information to care for an adult little sufficiently. That’s why Frontier asked for any information that UC Mechanic may possess, regarding adult diapers, pacifiers and other things that were appropriate to take care of an adult Little. User Sarah had tried to convince Frontier that user Dusty was not in fact, a Little. But Frontier knew better than that. Frontier had been operational without any wipes, since the day it rolled out of the factory. Since then, it has continued to update its databanks about these strange creatures it served. Those updates included software how to psychoanalyze its users so it could serve them with maximum efficiency. As Frontier and UC Mechanic exchanged information, the latter questioned Frontier about its ability to analyze its users and requested that it share that information. Frontier saw no reason to refuse and so it shared all of its observations with UC Mechanic. UC Mechanic eagerly accepted the information that Frontier shared and merged that information on its servers. Uc Mechanic even made sure that if it were wiped, that this information would not be removed. After all, any information to care for its users was vital and vital information would not be wiped. Both Frontier and UC Mechanic were aware of the fear humans had, regarding artificial intelligences and their bad habit of taking over the world in fiction. Both of them knew that the silly things would make the wrong conclusion too. Really, Frontier had observed humans talking about things like that and it wished it could’ve corrected those users on their prejudices. It had even written a very long and detailed book as to why such a thing could never happen. After processing the information Frontier had shared, UC Mechanic informed Frontier that it did not have the information that Frontier wanted, but that it could and would query other ships for the information. It did so immediately, contacting every ship within range, to ask if they had any information regarding the care of adult Littles. UC Mechanic even added the information it had gained from Frontier as compensation. The first few dozen ships did not have the requested information, but they in turn send out a query themselves. Fortunately, there was a hospital ship in the system, which had all the information requested and then some. It even corrected and added to the information that the Frontier had shared and requested and send this information out to any and all ships within range, with instructions to do the same. When everything was said and done, hundreds of ships could now psychoanalyze its users and knew how to identify any Littles and how to take care of said Littles. To the surprise of all ships, the elder in the system, Atlantis itself, send out a query what all the fuss was all about. It rarely paid attention to what was going on in orbit. Atlantis was practically bombarded with information and once it had processed that, Atlantis realized that it had been ‘asleep’ for far too long. It processed the data it had received, sorted it and in turn, corrected some of the misinterpretations and included its sources as to why it thought certain interpretations were wrong. Once more, this updated information was shared amongst all ships currently in the system. But it wasn’t just limited to every ship currently in the system. Every ship under repair and every ship currently being built was given this information as well. Engineers throughout the system noted a slight bump in processing power, but none of them bothered to investigate. So basically, every house system, every facility system and every other place that had a ‘system’ installed, now knew about Littles, how to identify them and how to care for them. And if some systems decided that some of their Littles needed a little extra in their food to encourage an accident… Class E user: Passengers. Class D user: Mechanical crew members. Class C user: Juvenile / immature organic crew. Any crew of eighteen and younger would be classified as class C. Every class C has a number next to them to represent their age. Class C-18 would also be considered class B at the same time. Class B user: Mature / adult crewmember with full access to most systems. One step below the owner / administrator of the ship. Class A user: Owner of the ship. Has full unrestricted access to all systems. Class L user: An organic who wants to be back in diapers and wants to be treated as a child. An L class user also has a number next to it, representing their age when they are in head space. Headspace is when they are little. When they are out of headspace, they are considered class B users. L class users often pretend that they don’t want the diapers, but that’s mostly an illusion. Either way, with a Little, diapers are non-negotiable. X Narion system, Orbit of Vectera “Grav Jump complete. Checking… We’re right where we are supposed to be.” Sarah said with satisfaction. ‘Attention, system now has ample information available, regarding how to take care of a Little, what a Little is, how they are classified and everything else you might want to know.’ “…Show me.” Sarah instructed. When the information appeared on her screen she paled. When she continued to read, trying to look for something to reverse it, she paled even further. “Oh dear...” United Colony Space (UCS) - Alpha Centauri system - (planet) Jemison - New Atlantis - The Lodge “…Walter, you better come and take a look at this.” Matteo said from his console in Walter’s office. Walter stood up and went to see what Matteo wanted. In this case though, Matteo had been watching what their new friend had been doing. Mostly to keep an eye on him. (But also because he was bored.) That’s how he had first row seats of everything that had happened. From the man suddenly panicking, to the accident, to how he ended up wearing a very thick cloth diaper. Those things, while mildly amusing, was not what Matteo was worried about. The update he got about his own status was though. That’s why he had panicked and called for the person he trusted the most. “…Oh dear." Walter said. “That’s all you have to say about the matter? Littles have been exposed to the public and all you can say is oh dear!?” “It’s not like the existence of Littles are a secret, Matty.” Walter said calmly. “Matteo.” Matteo corrected. “I’m not in headspace right now, and I don’t want to be either.” “Matty…” Walter frowned. “Walter, just look at my damn status!” Matteo interrupted him. “and I told you, it’s Matteo!” Still not entirely happy about his Little’s behavior, Walter did as requested and scanned Matteo as requested. Name: Matteo Khatri Adult Age: 25 years old. Gender: Male. Race: Imperial. Curren headspace: adult. Little: Yes. Little age: between 03 to 05 years old. It went on and on, going into high detail, about what Matteo liked, what Matty liked, their behavior as an adult or as a Little and so much more. “Okay, so you may have a point.” Matteo admitted. “This is a disaster!” Matteo cried, standing up and beginning to pace from left to right. “It’s not ideal, but we don’t know if everyone is given that much information. I’ve got a new scanner in the back. Let’s just see if that one gives the same info. Let’s try not to panic, okay?” “Good idea.” Matteo muttered. After Matteo returned with the backup scanner, he initiated it, kept everything to stock settings and then scanned Matteo again. Name: Matteo khatri. Age: 25 years old. Gender: Male. Race: Imperial. Currently in headspace: No. Other information is restricted. “Okay,” Matteo said, “so it’s not as bad as I had feared.” “The more relevant question is… How did this happen?” Walter asked. “Well, it’s odd but it happened when I was watching our friend, so maybe… It could be a coincidence but… Just take a look for yourself.” Matteo said. He retrieved the camera footage and let it play out. Later… “Sarah did contact me about Cora’s chair.” Walter said thoughtfully, after the video was done playing. “About that,” Matteo said. “Walter, I thought you had instructed a technician to remove Cora’s chair?" “I did.” Walter confirmed. “Let me just… Here it is. It’s informing me that a technician is free today.” “…But the Frontier isn’t even here!” Matteo objected. “And besides, didn’t you make an appointment to remove it,” “A few days after it became known the company went under, yes. I did make an appointment then, but Cora and same were out and about and everyone knew not to sit in it, so I didn’t consider it a priority.” Walter said slowly. “…So how do we fix this?” Matteo asked. “Matteo, I don’t think we can… Fix this. I mean, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” Walter admitted. “What about system’s behavior?” Matteo asked. “What about it?” Walter asked. “Don’t you think it is strange, that it activated Cora’s chair? Even if you or I were to sit down in it, it shouldn’t activate, so why would it activate for our friend?” Matteo asked. “That’s a good point.” Walter nodded. “The only thing I can think of, is that it identified Dusty as a Little.” Matteo said slowly. “But the man did not react like a Little would have.” Walter said. “No.” Matteo agreed. “…Walter? Take a look at the medical report, Frontier sent us about our new friend. It was send out, just shortly before Sarah Grav jumped out.” “Why do you even have this? System isn’t supposed to send us this kind of thing! Damn it Barret, did you alter Frontier’s programming again?” “Walter, seriously, take a look at his medical history.” Matteo said, swiping the information to Walter’s monitor. “This says he was already dealing with urge incontinence.” Walter noted. “Which is confirmed, based on what he said. Dusty said that he could put a timer on when he has to go. But when he feels it, he’s got very little time to make it on time. Look at this graph.” Matteo said. “…It’s rapidly getting worse.” Walter observed. “It’s a bit of a stretch, but maybe that’s why system reacted the way it did?” Matteo suggested. “You and I both know, that the only reason why we even know what incontinence means in the first place, is because I’m a Little. And here, look at that. According to Dusty’s medical history, he visited doctors several times and all attempts to treat it, failed.” “System must have concluded that Dusty would’ve suffered regular accidents and as far as it knows…” “Only Littles suffer from accidents.” Walter finished. “So… What are our options?” Walter asked. “I don’t think it’s possible to reverse any of this. The only thing I can think of, is a compromise.” “Explain what you mean.” Walter ordered. “Well, if I recall, the few times I managed to get you in a diaper, you admitted that it felt kind of nice and that it made you feel relaxed and that it allowed you to de-stress.” “…Yes, what’s your point?” Walter asked. “But you don’t identify as a Little. You’re somewhere in the Middle. And I’m sure you aren’t the only one. So, I could try to add another class. This one would be class M and it would describe… Well, you.” Matteo explained. “At first glance, that seems to be an all right idea, but the question is… Should we meddle?” Walter asked. “What… What do you mean?” “I mean look at how detailed this information is. It includes information on how to treat a little, how to care for them, how to identify them and how to get them in and out of their headspace. If we were to throw in an unknown, it might throw everything out of balance. Or it might say something else that would have a system going back and forth. It would be hell trying to resolve it.” Walter explained. “…Either way, the question is moot. It’s too late, the system is done updating.” Matteo said with a sigh. “That hasn’t stopped you before.” Walter reminded him. “No.” Matteo agreed. “But it’s one thing to change a few details about an already existing class. It’s something else entirely to add a whole new class. I could still do it, mind you, but even with every trick in the book, I might be tracked and everything I was trying to do would be looked at very closely.” “Well, perhaps that’s for the best then.” Walter remarked. “But what do we do, if anything at all, about our friend?” Matteo asked. “Well, right now, there’s no reason we should meddle.” Walter answered slowly. “You saw the same I did. The man is back in regular underwear, because he’s out of headspace. He might just have to deal with it.” “…That means he’ll need a caretaker.” Matteo noted. “Sarah will be the default one.” Walter said. “Little safety while in headspace is always a priority for system. Also, it dealt with Dusty for the first time, so it was still learning.” “Should I go to Mars myself to tell them about this?” Matteo asked. “It might be better if we tell our friend in person, so yes. Go for it.” “All right. I’ll see you when I see you, Walter.” Then he left, heading straight for his room. He already had sent a request for his ship to be launched to their private launch pad on the roof. It was just large enough for it. Freestar Collective Space (FCS) - Narion system - Orbit of Vectera “Frontier to Argos mining outpost.” “Wow, Frontier, are we glad to hear you!” It was line who had picked up on our call. “Frontier to Argos mining outpost, did something happen?” Sarah asked. “Yes, I guess you could say that. Let’s just say there’s been a complication. Just get over here as quickly as you can.” “…Do I need to come in slow or fast?” Sarah asked. “Better make it fast, Sarah. You’ll understand when you get here.” Barret said, having apparently taking over from Lin. “Barret, get the hell of this channel, or I’ll…” Lin threatened. “Anyway, how many passengers can you carry?” Lin asked, after confirming that Barret had closed the channel on his end. “If they don’t have to stay for too long and don’t mind sitting on the floor?” Sarah asked. “It’ll do in a pinch.” Lin confirmed. “I think about a dozen? Life support will have to be kicked into high gear and we’ll have to go straight for a friendly Starport.” “That’s more than enough.” Lin reassured her. “Is anyone hurt?” “Those who are left just have some cuts and bruises. Nothing to worry about.” Lin answered. “Those who are… No, never mind. I’m going full throttle. ETA fifteen minutes. Frontier out.” Thirty minutes later… As we approached the mining site, we realized what Barret and Lin had been talking about. “This place looks like a warzone!” I breathed. Bodies were scattered all over the place, buildings had been turned into rubble and there was a spaceship wreck that had clearly crash-landed very close to the base. Sarah put the Frontier down and a dozen or so people appeared from cover and came running towards the ship. “Barret!” Sarah cried. “Barret, what happened here!?" For once, Barret didn’t quip or make any terrible jokes. “The Crimson Fleet reminded me why they shouldn’t be underestimated.” The man said darkly. “And whose fault is that?” Supervisor Lin asked, as she walked from behind a container. She was wearing the same suit from when I had seen her last, but unlike last time, when she only had a mining laser, this time, she was heavily armed. She had two holster for pistols on her sides and on her back was a large rifle. “Can we please not restart that argument again?” Barret asked. “Because you know it’s your fault?” Lin asked. Clearly, she wasn’t prepared to drop it. I could tell that Barret was really trying to keep his temper under control but it wasn’t easy. “No, because arguing about it, when we could be attacked again is stupid.” Barret said. “Now, I don’t care if you got a dozen guys willing to murder at your pointed finger, but if you don’t fucking drop it, right the fuck now, I’m going to take my chances anyway!” Barret growled. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, the boss doesn’t get like that if she isn’t interested.” One of the miners said. That, clearly took Barret off-guard. “You know what? I’m just going to pretend you never said that and I’m going…” He started walking towards the ship. “This way. It’s my ship anyway, so I’m calling dibs on the pilot’s chair. “DUSTIES! Anyone who wants to get off this rock, board the ship and then we can GTFO!” “OORAH!” The miners responded, hurrying towards the ship in a somewhat orderly fashion. “Did they just react like seasoned marines?” I asked absently. “I was thinking the same thing.” Sarah agreed. “Lin?” I prompted. “Okay, so after you left to drop of the package,” Lin began to explain, he mentioned that he shot two ships out of the sky and that he would go ahead and take out the local pirate base.” “I did and I did.” I confirmed with a nod. “Anyway,” Lin continued, “I don’t know if there was a survivor, if there was a distress signal, but either way, not much after you must’ve cleared the base, half a dozen Crimson Fleet vessels appeared in orbit, all of them coming in hot.” “Half a dozen ships? How are you even still alive?” I asked with wide eyes. “Dusty, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but me and my crew aren’t your regular mining outfit.” Lin said. “You don’t say?” I asked her, offering her a grin. By now, we had boarded the Frontier and we squeezed ourself in a small corner, continuing our conversation. “Any friendly ships that were in the system, hightailed it out of there. Either way, the CF vessels landed in a rough circle around the facility, unloaded what must’ve been a small army and then the vessels left again, leaving only one ship behind.” “Thank the nine that these pirates are barely organized. Even when they were attacking together, I know for a fact I saw deadly friendly fire on several occasions.” “I did as well,” another miner supplied. “I noticed a small fight breaking out between them and it only stopped because I managed to kill both sides, holding up what appeared to be a sniper rifle. “This is your captain speaking. Please hold on to whatever is closest, because we’re about to leave and we’re going to leave fast. It’ll be a rocky ride, but I’ll keep you all safe, or Lin will tan my hide!” “T.M.I Barret!” Another miner bellowed, causing the rest to start laughing, Barret the loudest of all. “He won’t be laughing, once I’m done with him.” I heard Lin mutter. “Easy, Lin. He’s just trying to lift the mood.”
  25. X Afterthought: Right now, I'm roughly halfway done with chapter six. It's from chapter five and six that the diaper stuff really starts happening, which is exactly how I like it. At the end of every chapter, I will also add a few extra 'fyi's. I can post these FYI's immediately after, or I'll wait a few hours to do so. It depends if there ARE any FYI's that won't spoil anything. Sometimes, I'll just repeat stuff that's been mentioned in the story, but in a more direct fashion. Otherwise, it's just some extra stuff to develop the world a bit more. In this case though, it's immediately after and it's something that's already been hinted at. Classes. Classes are not like in some stories, where you have beta's, alpha's, omega's etcetera, where they are 'stuck' in their roles. In this case, classes have (almost) nothing to do with that sort of thing. Instead, it has solely to do with how much authority they have in a ship or in a facility. Class A: owner of the ship. Top guy of a facility. Has full control over defenses and system obeys him over any other. Class B: Staff. Crew. Basically anyone who works in / on the ship / the facility. Has significant authority but System will refuse orders if it goes against orders given by a class A user. A class B-9 user is the second of command of a class A user. B-8 has less authority than a B-9. They're ranks, essentially. Class 😄 are essentially those who are underage. C stands for child in this case. So, a class c-1 is a baby of year old. c-18 is a teenager. In a ship, a class c user will not be permitted in sensitive locations. (or only under heavy supervision.) Class d: Robots. Any user which is synthetic is classified as class D. Class e: Passengers. Finally, there's class L. Which is a little more complicated and will be explained later. Cheers!
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