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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. As long as I got plenty of hugs, had lots of nice toys and blankets and wasn't left in used diapers for too long then I think that it could be a nice experience.
  2. That comes across as being very sarcastic
  3. Nice work! I think that Diaper-Minister operate in France and I think that Tykables must primarily operate in the USA because the USA website has lots of apparel that isn't available from distributors like NRU here in England.
  4. It sounds like trying pullups might be wise Let us know if you have any problems.
  5. Some people find it incredibly easy to wet whilst sitting; more so than in other positions. This is at least true in my case.
  6. I've been thinking that I seem to be more comfortable wearing diapers when I'm in a good mood and not so much when I'm feeling depressed or upset. So when things started improving for me a few months ago I ordered five packs of disposables of different models (two were the same model but different sizes). I'm glad that I tried the different types. I was most excited about trying the Molicare Elastic diapers. This is because I'm weird and like the cloth-backed sort. They are well-built but unfortunately there's a large difference between the medium size and the large size, which would be called extra-large I think if sold by another company. What I'm trying to say is that although I have a subjective preference for cloth-backed diapers, the TENA Slip Maxi Active Fit is objectively the best of the types that I've been trying in this most recent experiment by a significant margin despite having a plastic shell. So I can now answer the question: I currently have five varied packs of disposables and a fluffy stack of cloth diapers in the bunny nursery
  7. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1327453085/adult-solid-silicone-jumbo-adult-perfect?click_key=6ccf36546f169a217b2eeade3b30a799ef485c66%3A1327453085&click_sum=892132f0&ref=shop_home_active_7&pro=1&sts=1 I have three of those
  8. That kind of thing always puts my mood in the toilet as well. It's clear that you have a big heart though and I'm sure good things will come to you if you persevere.
  9. In a nursery soft and cozy, quiet and warm, Where pacifier use can calm any storm, A baby's fretful cries, they start to cease, As comfort reigns and anxious thoughts decrease. A soothing binky, held in tiny lips, Brings peace with automatic gentle sips. Anxiety subsides, it fades from view, In mama's arms, there's tranquility anew. Bunny-soft diapers, taped in place, Avert the worries, keep a snug embrace, For little ones who giggle, laugh, and play, puddle danger is kept at bay. It's a safe talc-scented domain, Where those in rompers will have no pain, Carefree and happy, babies can explore, Without a worry, on the nursery floor. Cindy has a nursery, a haven so secure, And in her locking crib, good sleep's ensured. In an escape-proof high-chair, her tiny bootied feet, Dangle as she suckles her bottle's teat. In that cute world, she's still very small, But the high-chair and crib both stand tall, And she needs her diapers throughout the night and day, But that doesn't phase the infant, Miss Cindy May. Though now aged 20 she doesn't mind, The loving pats on her behind, From a mommy who's both strong and kind, And who had this cosy space designed. Mommy now cleans her tiny face, Then bares her to the crib, in a soft embrace, A fresh diaper awaits but these are loving chores, And then it's nap-time for the one Mommy adores.
  10. I think that you are yearning to feel safe and looked after. It's the same for me when I look at pictures of large cosy cribs on the internet and I think "I'd be trapped but it'd be for my own safety and someone would be keeping me safe because they love me." I have sat in a large stroller at an ageplay event but I had to operate the straps myself. If I'd had my mittens on then I'd have needed extra help and that would have been lovely. When I was 22 I was in hospital for some treatment and a nurse asked me "Do you want me to feed you?" and my automatic reflex was to say "No, it's okay" and then afterwards I felt sad because I knew that I like being looked after but I just had to choose the most inconvenient moment to decide that I wanted to try and be independent
  11. I just came to the site via Google because I cleared my history trying to troubleshoot something. But I searched for 'Daily Diapers Forums' not just 'Daily Diapers' and the first result was the one I needed. I'm in the United Kingdom if that makes a difference.
  12. A few years ago I realised that a diaper delivery wasn't going to arrive on time due to the Easter weekend. So I ordered two packs of twelve Tena pullups on one of the home delivery apps. Since the beginning of this year I'm in the Cloth Diaper Club so I suppose this kind of emergency won't happen again.
  13. Yes with numbers like those it'd be tempting to buy twelve cloth diapers and plastic pants and join the Cloth Diaper Club.
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