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Everything posted by spark

  1. I've worn to concerts at Shoreline, and obviously baseball and football games.
  2. I like this question,and it is different from the 'when did you know?' question. This one goes much deeper into my psyche and asked why. I never suffered through any real trauma as a child, and lived a fairly balanced life. I was fortunate enough to have two loving parents, and very good relationship with my brother (who is still my best friend). I never really faced any personal demons that would explain my desire, nor did I wet my bed or having toileting issues in my childhood. However, I was a very late bloomer when it came to milestones, and remained immature for my age my entire school years. I think of my milestones were late. I'm told I didn't begin walking until I was nearly 15 months. I was also late with potty training. I know I was well past 3 years old before I got out of diapers, and was still struggling with it when I was 4 and half. At four and a half I think my mom and dad were still prompting me, and helping me when I had to use the bathroom. I also know that I was diapered at least once when I was that age, because I have memories of having my diaper changed. At 4 my dad was sent overseas for 6 months, and we moved to Indonesia just before my 5th birthday. By this time all of my toileting issues were through, even wetting the bed. I was finally potty trained, but still a very young 'five-year-old'. My mom had to the option to start me in Kindergarten, but decided to wait one year. Even by then, I was less mature and ready than a lot of my peers. I had speech therapy, struggled with my motor skills (nothing major, but I was always the last kid picked for games), and wasn't really a good reader in elementary school. I know that I already had infantile desires at that age. I would pretend to be a baby at times, and generally didn't want 'big kid' things. We moved back to California when I was nine, and going from a very small school (8 kids in my class) to a full size American public elementary school was a bit of a cultural shock. I struggled to make friends, and remained socially awkward all the way till 6th grade. By this point I started to want to wear diapers again, although I never actually did anything about it. I was also fairly late reaching puberty and still lagging behind my peers when I started high school. I was essentially a momma's boy, although it wasn't anything that out of the norm for a child (just on younger side of maturity). At 16 I suffered the most traumatic experience in my life, which was the death of my mother. I was suddenly shifted from a child into an adult in one instant. I matured greatly after my mother died, and was finally reaching up to my peers. It was also at this point that I started to get some physical size as well. I went from 120 pounds as a Freshman to 180 pounds as senior, and probably grew a 5 inches. Athletically I was no longer the least talented player (I was never the most athletic, but at least I could hold my own). All those things would imply my need for infantile urges should leave, but it was at that point that I began to explore them in much more detail. I learned about adult diapers, and wanted to try them. So as I got older, my infantile desires grew. I'm thinking that I'm an AB because I had an innate reluctance to grow up, and remained a 'child' as long as possible. I was forced to grow up very suddenly, and even though I accepted the challenge, a part of me held on to my infantile mind.
  3. Oops. I guess all those years of education have their effect. But then I even punctuate my texts.
  4. Spelling and grammar are a bit like manners. Using basic good manners is a way to show that you care, and it is the same with spelling. When people write with a lot of spelling errors and really bad awful punctuation, I assume you just don't care. If you don't care, why in the H should I care. Now we aren't writing doctoral thesis here, so it doesn't have to be perfect. However, I make perceptions of the poster's intelligence based on the quality of the writing, which includes grammar and spelling. For me, I admittedly am not a good spelling, and rely heavily on spell check as well a Google (I will search the word to find the spelling). I also tend to skip words when I write, and try to reread my posts before I publish. It doesn't come naturally for me, and I really have to work to make sure my posts are readable. For example, I needed two Google searches, one spell check fix, and 2 other changes just to write this post. Nw if u rit n txt spk i asum u r a lzy bstrd hu dosnt car y shld i car wat u rit
  5. I think you're stealing my plan for dealing with diapers. I essentially do the same them. I find the periods of ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO have gone down quite a bit as I've gotten older and accepted that I feel comfortable wearing them. In most cases, just putting a diaper on at night, and using it before I wake up is enough for me. I will also tend to use them during the day when I'm riding my bike. As far as the dreaded binge/purge cycles, it happens to everybody. It tends to find an equilibrium and the extreme swings go away as you get older (again nearly everybody I've heard go through that as well). I've never heard the hormone theory as to why that happens, but it definitely makes sense. Usually when you're at the height of the binge/purge cycles is the same age as hormones are raging through your body and men are supposedly at their sexual peak. I always figured it was maturity and wisdom. I know when I was going through the cycles I was also dealing with a lot of guilt associated with my desires. I felt bad about them, and wanted to 'cure' them. As I've gotten older, I have learned to accept it for what it is, and don't feel guilty about it. That is not to say I have a wish to go and tell my muggle friends what I do in private.
  6. I have to agree with you. Anytime there is a person profiled on one of these shows there is a sort of 'humanizing' effect. A show like Taboo, which is an awful show to begin with, intends to exploit peoples desires and tries to say "Hey! Look at this weirdo!" However, in saying that it gets people to actually look at it and realize there are real people who feel that way. Even though they may not feel the same way, but as people hear about more 'weirdos' they don't same as strange. BTW, if you think that diapers are the only fetish that gets exploited, Taboo doesn't discriminate. I watched a recent preview for a lady wanting to be a paraplegic, and I was with a muggle friend. My reaction was the exact same reaction we're worried about. I don't understand the desire and had to catch myself from making a snarky comment to my friend. I then remembered that I had skeletons in my closet, and kept my thoughts to myself.
  7. Don't know what they sell, but it does look like a pretty good sale.
  8. You mean there was something before the internet, and we couldn't just look something up immediately. How did we ever survive? I'm actually old enough to remember a time when there wasn't an internet (I also had a black and white television in my room to watch 'Gilligan's Island' reruns). Anyway, I was convinced that I was 'weird' and the only person who had these desires. One day in 1987 I was channel surfing and came across the DPF episode of Phil Donahue. I was with my grandma at the time, and at 17 years old certainly wasn't ready to act interested in something like that. I think I only watched a few minutes of the episode, but it was enough for me to realize I wasn't the only one. I continued to explore my feelings, and try to make versions of diapers. I would head to the library and look up bed-wetting (I probably have read enough about it to be an expert), and potty training problems. My first pair of diapers were some 'Goodnites', which I bought shortly after they came out. It barely fit, but was the first experience with wetting into a diaper freely. I saw ads for HDIS, and ordered cases on the phone (remember phone orders). Finally I got online and made a search for 'bedwetting'. At first it was 'Parents Place', but then I found DPF.com. I recognized the name, and suddenly learned how many people feel the same way. It gave me courage to explore my desires deeper, and I didn't feel as alone, or as 'weird'.
  9. Sarah, all authors are defensive to what they read as criticism of their work. It is an instinctive reaction to something you've put a lot of work into, and is something that the person giving the criticism has to take into account. If you have class where the professor wrote the book, make sure not to criticize it, or you're going to get a crappy grade.
  10. Not at all diaper related, but too funny to pass up. I know English isn't spoken very much in Japan, but somebody should have realized. Of course if the sale is good enough, it might be appropriate. http://gawker.com/5874304/japanese-department-store-may-want-to-look-up-the-word-fucking?_ft_qid=5696235355306339497&_ft_mf_story_key=10150462803197595&_ft_filter=h_nor&_ft_substories=2&_ft_fbid=307723592604708%2C215288328557800&_ft_c=m
  11. GOOD DAY!! Thank God everything worked out ok, and I've been hired.
  12. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day. I go in for a 3rd interview with a job. They are really interested and want to see if I'm a good fit.
  13. You mean an article written for a Pakistani Website I've never heard of with some ridiculous claims of Nato soldiers running out of diapers might not be true. Actually looked up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansar_Abbasi in Wikipedia. He sounds like a Pakistani version of Skip Bayless- only commenting on news with about the same amount of accuracy.
  14. I for one am jazzed about "Red Dwarf X".
  15. spark

    In A Word...

    Security. Diapers are my security blanket
  16. I've got my cloth diapers on, and will probably be asleep thanks to Nyquil. 2011 decided to give me one last (censured) with end of year cold.
  17. Betty, we can get through this together. I hope both of us have a much better year. My issues are entirely job related. It really is not my way to be negative, and I'm really trying to find some positive through this experience. I know that I'll either leave this in a box (which I have no intention of doing), or come out a much stronger better person. I'm just ready to actually come out of this funk (2010 sucked as well, 2011 was worse). Sarah, you've had quite a year. Congratulations on reconnecting with your family and the promotion. Hono, may I be the first to welcome you to California. We are little half-baked (literally), but not that bad. It is a wonderful state, but you will have to get used to us complaining about the weather (I'm serious, the weather is so nice, that we complain about it). Just remember, Californians freak out about the rain, and can't drive on wet roads. BTW, nobody (here or FB) has asked what my 2-word review was.
  18. I for one will be glad to see 2011 go into the garbage can (it might ruin my garbage can, but it can't get by here fast enough). So I've had a difficult 2011, or in the words of Queen Elizabeth after a fire in her palace and two children being divorced, "This in not a year I will look on with unyielding pleasure." I could go with a two-word review, but decided with a three-word review: Well that sucked! To everyone else have a Happy New Year, and even if 2011 brought you blessings, I hope 2012 will be even better- at least until December 21- those Mayans might be onto something.
  19. Hopefully you don't feel the same way Peter Griffin did after his prostate exam It is always so comforting to have the doctor stick his hand up there, but it is better than not getting checked out. My bladder seems to be weaker as well as I've grown older, and my diaper usage. I especially notice it after a bowel movement. I do what I have to do (almost always in the toilet), and I may as well be wearing a diaper after. There is always some urine leakage (drops) as I pull my pants back up.
  20. You have to be kidding me. I can't imagine anybody thinking your article was trash. It was really well written, and made me understand things about myself that I hadn't realized in 30 years of being a little one. Thank you rosalie, and good luck on you book.
  21. Bought a case of Bellissimo medium. These diapers seem to fit a little tighter than Abenas (which fit me perfectly), and there are issues with the tapes. It seems that it is important not to tape them to tightly, because they seem to perform better when loose. Capacity is incredible though.
  22. shoelessjoe, thank you for starting this post. It is so easy to think of all the crap in life. It is nice to hear about all the good things that happen.
  23. I think I may have fallen in this category. I slept really soundly and couldn't remember peeing in my diaper over night. I'm usually awake, or at least aware when I wet my diaper at night, but this morning my diaper was definitely wet (not sweat), and I couldn't remember wetting.
  24. Nice Christmas Story. Sort of an AB version of The Night Before Christmas
  25. Well I know that some instances like fore-shadowing in my stories are unintentionally intentional. Let me explain what I mean, and see if it makes sense. Once I actually sit down and write a story, I've down a lot of the play in my head. I know where I'm going, and just retelling in my mind as I write it. However, as a good storyteller should do, I fill in details as I go. Since I know pretty much where my story is going, I include some insights that may point me towards that direction. However, I wasn't intentionally including those insights as foreshadowing, it is part of the moment I feel as I write my story.
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