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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Benjamin

  1. Yes, I think there is a connection between the two. I was also abused/humiliated at a young age (maybe 3 1/2 - 4).
  2. Picked up a can tonight at the grocery store to test it out. <sprays into air> ... Nice fresh disposable diaper smell. It definitely has that "80's Pampers" smell that I'm so fond of! Seeing that the product is made by Procter & Gamble, it may be closer to the coveted 'Pampers scent' then you may imagine it to be. I plan to spray it in all my new Abena X-plus diapers when they arrive. Cool product, thanks for the suggestion cruxshadow !!
  3. I had a buddy in the Navy a few years back (2000-ish) he sent me the tape-type "Attendo" diapers in size "M" and a few samples or some other brands as well. I thought they blew away most any other type I have tried here in the states: the leg gathers felt very fluffy and ruffled, the front panel was nice and the sticky tabs stayed in place. The absorbency was not quite at the level of Mollicare or Abena X-plus, but they are quite nice. Just another perk of living in Japan would have to be their adult diapers. I wouldn't recommend anybody spend over $35 on a single package of 20 or so, the Japanese diapers are quite good (and I REALLY like Japan and most consumer goods that are 'Japanese'), but I have to agree with the above poster that mentioned that the European adult diapers are superior, especially regarding matters of heavy absorbency. Abena really raised the bar when it comes to absorbency! Good luck to anybody who wants to try the Japanese models though.
  4. Kinda Sorta. My girlfriend bought me this water bottle that is very babyish, it's called a "bobble", and I drink out of it in public all the time. It gets a few strange looks and double takes. She told me she found it at "The Container Store", looks like amazon sells them too: http://www.amazon.com/Bobble-BPA-Free-Water-Bottle/dp/B003LTFSHM Pretty cute babyish water bottle, it's fun way to "get away with it" in public.
  5. DL88, From reading your first post, it looked like you handled it the best way you could have given her personality. Evidently, she was a pretty trashy girl. You mentioned that just about everything she said was a turnoff, it sure looked that way from reading the conversation. I hate seeing a girl drop F-bombs in every single sentence, such a turn off!
  6. Wow! Thanks "timmyc" for posting that commercial! I couldn't seem to find it when I looked on youtube last night. I kept thinking they were made by Pampers, but that was probably just my Pampers bias kicking in again. Did you happen to read that in a Consumer Reports issue from 1989? The reason I ask is because I seem to remember seeing that as well. I use to have that issue several years ago, no telling where it is now. Probably lost it during one of the 'teenage purges' we all seem to have had at one time or another. Cool to remember this again.
  7. These are all charming in their own bad way. The food commercials seem to be the best so far. Any more?
  8. A few months ago, my friend in PA described the "Luvs Blowout" commercial to me on the phone (he obviously knows about my interest) and I didn't believe him. Now I feel bad after seeing it. I just never believed a diaper commercial would use potty humor like this.
  9. Yeah, I really like her youtube video's as well. Her latest video about preparing a diaper is cute and interesting. She seems like a really nice girl.
  10. I love "Marvin" comics. I always wondered if the artist was an AB? Lots of them seem AB related, I've clipped and saved several over the years. I'd love to find a book of those Marvin comics someday. Thanks for posting!
  11. There was a commercial for the pink and blue diapers around 1988. I remember two kids drinking apple juice from a sippy cup and the commercial announcer talked about additional padding where each gender needed it most. Anybody have that commercial? I still remember seeing the store display for the gender specific diapers at the grocery store, I sooo wanted a package of the pink ones at the time, but I was "too old" since I was in kindergarten and all.
  12. It's so funny, I was just reading over that page on Monday. Kinda silly, but like others mentioned; it's just a goofy site. Their articles about 'Phil Collins' is funny as well.
  13. Uncyclopedia is known for it's over the top, tongue-in-cheek content. I find it hard to take anything on the site too seriously, especially when you read things like: "In Japan, where heaven knows omorashi is so wildly popular, the danger comes not from the law, but from the legions of omorashi fans who love a girl who wets herself. You'll have all kinds of otherwise jaded, dour Japanese businessmen following you around in Tokyo in throngs, waiting for you to do just that,..." Completely un-PC, but this, along with it's constant use of 'inside jokes' is the appeal. Like Family Guy, some people will find it funny, and others will not. I think it's completely hilarious.
  14. That sounds like it was a lot of fun. It would be cool to meet people at hotels. I started reading about AB/DL stuff around 1996, but I never imagined meeting anybody in person, especially in boring Dallas.
  15. Sometimes, if I can't sleep and my imagination gets the best of me. Usually things are cool, but watching old episodes of 'Unsolved Mysteries' episodes can still make me afraid of the dark!
  16. It's a funny spoof. But now I want to see the movie in it's entirety. Looks amusing!
  17. Wow DirtyRocker, What a cool dream! While reading your post, I could visualize exactly what the diaper machine would look like. I like the idea of an old school (non transparent) diaper vending machine. So, do you remember the kind of diaper you bought?
  18. I normally like bad movies and find them entertaining and humorous. But this movie was just bad for all the wrong reasons. WAY too melodramatic and not believable in the slightest bit; at least not in this day and age. There was a movie that came out when I was a kid called "Flowers In The Attic", this short movie reminded me a lot of that. It kind of makes you think "god, why did I just watch that!?". Although, I bet it was weird to stumble across that while looking for something else
  19. I agree with 'wolverine0012000' Diapers do seem more fun in the winter.
  20. Ah! I don't know how I missed this the first time it was posted. Thanks for the link!
  21. Wow, Japan rules! I love it when the girls flip up their skirts and she says: "omutsu de~su!" I look forward to seeing more things like this when I finally move there. The Japanese infantilism movies are of such high quality compared to the ones here in the states. An example would be this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU7WoULEeHI&feature=related
  22. I can recall very vividly what got me interested in them. I was about 4 years old. I was often brought to church at night with my parents. Since I was too loud for 'big church', I had to stay in the nursery with the younger kids. I remember thinking that I was sooo much more mature than all the other 'babies' in there. I would spend a lot of time talking with the pretty middle aged lady who watched over us. I kind of had a little crush on her. She would talk with me and I remember she had such a gentle and caring expression. I liked her pretty brown eyes and hair, and how her face was always so full of expression when she would talk with me. Anyway, one particular night I had a stomach ache which ended up as messy pants. I tried to hide it. I sat on the floor and tried to play with some toys all the while thinking that maybe the lady wouldn't notice it. She came over and announced that she 'smelled poop'. First she checked the younger babies that were near me. She then stood over me and asked me if I had had an accident. I remember before I could deny (or say anything for that matter), she picked me right up and brought me into the bathroom. She asked me why I didn't tell her I needed to go and I remember telling her that I couldn't help it. She took off all my clothes and cleaned me off, then brought me back into the nursery. I remember being laid across the changing table and thinking to myself 'oh, those diapers won't fit me, besides, I'm too big for them!'. It quickly became apparent that there was a diaper for every size. She then placed me back on the floor, just me in a t-shirt and diaper. I remember feeling very embarrassed that I was wearing a diaper after being potty trained. But the lady seemed to have sympathy for me and she talked with me. I remember there were several other occasions I ended up being diapered by her. When I got to be 5 or so, I remember wanting to be diapered by women and the desires have not left me. Sorry for the long post, I tried to describe it to the best of my memory.
  23. I just noticed this thread today. I remember first hearing about DPF in a book called "Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission". That book was first published around 1992. It made me curious about the world of infantilism. DPF was mentioned several times briefly in that book. I read that book back in the mid 1990's and searched the internet for DPF shortly afterwords. I bought several publications from DPF over the years including: "Guide To Disposable Diapers", "Psychosexual Infantilism In Adults", and "Paraphilic Infantilism". I still read through these books every few years. It's interesting to read "Psychosexual Infantilism In Adults" because it was published in the 1980's(August 1986). The book included many letters to Tommy from various members. It is kind of sad to read some of the letters because many people felt a lot of shame for their interest. I wish there was a way for other people to see/read these publications because they serve as an early and interesting analysis for infantilism. In the early 2000's a few of my orders to DPF begin getting screwed up, I would receive the wrong things, or some things would be missing completely. It was embarrassing to have to dispute the charges with the bank and not be able to mention what the "merchandise" was. I left DPF in bad spirits at that time. It is sad to hear DPF is gone though, at one time they were a good company, but like others have mentioned, there time has past. They really did star to deteriorate at the end. It is interesting to read about other peoples experiences with them though.
  24. I received a phone call the other day from my longtime friend in PA because he wanted to call me and tell me about these commercials. He said: "Yeah, there grown men dressed up in your kind of baby pajamas and they are gurgling and stuff ...it makes me think of you when I see them". It was funny to receive such a call. Still, I never thought Burger King was very good. You just can't beat a hamburger you make yourself at home.
  25. Very cozy diapers! My Favorite as well.
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