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Everything posted by just_here

  1. Mick...hey, keep your chin up during these tough times. I know it can be hard, but you'll be alright. My condolences for the loss of Blaze. I know she was very special to you (and a very beautiful kitty too!). May you always remember the good times and keep her memory alive in your heart. *big big hugs* Justy
  2. ^ got an upset tummy and a not so pleasant smell in her diapers when she took a lick of that bowl herself
  3. just_here


    Voted agnostic. Raised Catholic, went to Catholic school (went around wearing a Star of David to class mind you) and even had my atheist phase. I've always had a fascination with religions...simply because it has such a cultural impact which really interests me. As of right now I guess I could loosely be defined as an Agnostic. I don't know what to make of religion...but I do know that sometimes organized religion is a little more trouble than its worth. As for my beliefs, I dunno whats out there. God/Yahweh/Shiva/Satan?...who knows? I figure as long as I live my life as a good person thats all that counts As for the people that do feel I will be "going to hell" because of my lifestyle choices...all I have to say about that is: "If I'm going to hell, then I guess you'll be joining me for criticizing and not loving your fellow man...see ya there"
  4. I haven't been diagnosed with ADD though the way my mind tends to wander has me seriously considering it . I know a few people with ADD though and they are totally functional and do wonderfully in school. I'm proud of them because I know its hard to stay focused as it is...when you have your mind trying to process everything around you...that has to be really tough! Diapered_witch mentioned about studying with music on...I have to agree with her there. Its just about the only way I can study. No noise=a very sleepy Justy who zonks out on her textbook. Now if only I could convince my grandma that I don't need silence...
  5. I usually say Merry Christmas. I don't see why I should switch my wording just cause a few people don't like it. Besides being so politically correct and utilizing a general term just seems like it takes away from the specialness of the season. At the same time, if I know someone celebrates another holiday I will say Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa...Happy <insert holiday here>. I'm not bothered in the least if someone from another background would like to wish me a happy <whatever they celebrate> I'd probably smile and say it right back. The way I see it, as long as we are not doing human sacrifices or anything like that, all these holidays do promote good things to their respective cultures. They're all about family and sharing good times...things like that. So, to each his own is my philosophy. As for me, I'll stick with Merry Christmas...its what I'm used to
  6. AAANNNDDDYYYBOOOYYYYYY!!! *gives Andy a huge massive awesomely humongous birthday hug* I hope its a great one for you! And careful with the candles when you blow em out k? We don't want a waxy cake. *hands Andy a footed sleeper that says "birthday boy" on it*
  7. ^ is actively recruiting members for the Diaper Enforcement Agency
  8. hey diapeygirl WB Hope to see ya around the boards and chat
  9. I was reading through this and I swear I heard my grandmother's voice in my head...she always says "everything taken to an extreme is bad". If you really think about it this applies to everything in life whether it be a fetish in public or too much ice cream I think if you want to wear a diaper under your pants and/or skirt thats perfectly ok...and if you want to wear characters on your tshirts thats perfectly fine too. However, acting blatantly babyish in public (like going out in JUST a diaper) might make the general public uncomfortable. We all have the right to dress and act as we please but our rights end when they infringe upon another person's right to live their lives in a comfortable manner. Diapers4me mentioned about that fine line...its okay to ride the line, but crossing it too many times might just not be seen in a favorable light. I personally would not be bothered by someone whispering in baby talk to their "mommy" or bending over and seeing their diapers...yeah it IS better than seeing a buttcrack I am aware that for many it is not a fetish and it is an actual need in them to be babies. My only concern here is how the public would react to that. I wouldn't want any innocent baby being hurt because of a mean person that wouldn't understand it.
  10. just_here


    Hi Lexi, welcome to DD! Hope you enjoy your time here. I'll see ya around the boards and chat
  11. My favorite part was the snowman But I was surprised there weren't any penguins...they should've had penguins...lol. Thanks for the card it was really pretty. Merry Christmas to ya
  12. ho ho ho merry christmas and a happy new year!
  13. I love userbars! they're so cool!
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUCKY!!!! I hope its a great one! *big hugs*
  15. ^ dressed up as the wicked witch of the west from The Wizard of Oz for halloween...green makeup and all.
  16. ^ Wow, thats a tough question. I'll answer it gladly, but I'd like to mention that sometimes even bad things bring about good things. But storm clouds bring the rain for the pretty flowers to grow . Two people have changed my life dramatically...the first person i was in a relationship with taught me to be strong and sincere. The second person I was ever in a relationship with taught me to broaden my horizons and not be afraid to speak my mind, oh and to keep on even when things are tough. Both mark pretty significant events in my life I think < Feeling introspective as I rest my feet and read the boards. v What annoys you the most?
  17. Mick...wow what can I say? That was a great post! I loved the "just for today" bit lets just say i copy/pasted and saved it I really liked it. Makes you make an effort to keep things in perspective, sometimes we need that. As always, your wise words do make me think. Chelsea...Yeah, depression is a toughie. I was diagnosed with it about..hmm..7 months ago. Of course that is only a preliminary diagnosis I suspect they'll find something else in me lol. I suppose its always been inside of me, but only recently did it get really unmanageable. What Mick said is true, not everything works for everyone, but it never hurts to try. For me it is a combination of medication and therapy. Talking out my problems, sorting them out under someone's guidance, getting feedback and having someone help me to keep my focus has really helped me out a lot. My therapist asks me to journal. To write without really thinking, just write doesn't matter if half the words are profanity; don't rationalize just write as it comes to your head and then read it back to yourself. Once you let it out on paper and read it again, it almost doesn't seem like that big of a problem. However, perhaps the most important thing for me is having a good support system. Friends and family that I can count on when the going gets tough. The sorts of people that I know will listen and not judge. These are the people that keep me going everyday...and even when they drive ya nuts, you still love them. There is no miracle cure for depression and it won't go away on its own. You have to put forth the effort. Make sure you eat right, go out for a walk from time to time. You'd be surprised how wonderful the air feels when it hits your face. Much better than trapping yourself in between 4 walls (something that I know I do often). When I'm upset I listen to angry music and just write write write. yes, there are other methods of "coping" some that are quite unhealthy and don't really resolve a thing. Trust me on that. And always remember that you are worth something. There are no worthless human beings on this planet...as a fellow depressive I can say that we might tend to focus on the small picture, only drowning in the problem at hand and once that problem is resolved we drown in another problem. Its a never ending cycle and it can only be broken when we learn to see the big picture and realize "yeah, its a problem...but its not so bad, I'll just get through it no biggie". Beware of shutting down and going numb inside...while it can be a useful tool at times, it can also backfire and just make you feel even more alone within yourself. I know that it did for me. I hope you're alright and do keep posting. I for one would like to keep hearing from ya. There are great people here and no doubt quite a few who have gone through what you are going through. I see you're 19, we seem to have a lot in common...I was going through many of the same volatile emotions at that age (only a few months ago, not that long ). Thats when I started suspecting I might be depressive. Oh, one more thing, if you ever feel that you will seriously hurt yourself for whatever reason...just go to any emergency room...talk to someone...anything. Letting yourself go down that pit of darkness within us is hard, and even when you think you can't crawl out, you'll find strength within you. you'll see.
  18. *runs after Pax* omg nooo careful my tree has glass ornaments you'll get an owwie! *tries to keep up with the lil hands pulling the ornaments off the trees*
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