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Diaper/wetting references found in movies and on TV

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    • Is it bad that I want to see Carly,Holy, and Katie have a play date together. I could see it being a ranged by Carly’s grandmother to help Katie feel more comfortable in her new world. Also with Carly’s girlfriend as their baby sitter they would be safe. Maybe another princess party or a doc mc sweetie one. Don’t they generally have adoption showers/parties for new mommies? I honestly want to see Carly be told the truth of what happened. 
    • Hello everyone. Sorry for the four and a half month wait! We're coming into the last few chapters now and I hope to get them out a lot more quickly. Chapter 12 – A Day at the Pool Oliver awoke from another night of pleasant dreams in the quiet Summer home. Sunbeams pierced the window pane and flooded the room with a rapturous warmth. He lay in the morning solitude thinking back on the past few days. This was to be the last day of their vacation and they would depart that evening. A growing feeling of security and love at the periphery of his conscious mind was in an intense bidding war against an acute sense of embarrassment and shame, urging him in to give in and accept his new life. He would have pondered on these thoughts further if an even more basic need had not seized his attention in the form of a growing pressure in his lower abdomen. No sooner had he given that any thought, however, than the door of his room opened with a softness reserved for entering a room in which one is trying not to wake a sleeping child. But instead of Abigail or even his aunt Sue, it was Julia who met his gaze through the crib bars with a warm smile. “Good morning, sweetie. Your mommy and your aunt are gone out to the store to get some stuff for breakfast. They’ll be back soon. Would you like to get up?” she asked rhetorically as she undid the latch on the crib and lowered the side. “Hi.” Oliver offered meekly as he accepted her helping hand to step out of the crib. But instead of relinquishing it once he was on his own two feet, she kept a firm grasp as she lead him towards the kitchen. As she made idle conversation about their breakfast options, Oliver tried to get a word in edgewise about his pressing urge for the bathroom. “Umm..” “My boys love all love my pancakes. Of course, those two sleepy heads are still out cold.” “Yes, okay, but...” “Or! I think I saw a waffle iron around here.” she mused with as much panache as the proprietor of a struggling diner reading out the menu. “Julia!” “Yes, sweetheart?” “I... uh... really need to go to the bathroom.” “Oh, yes, of course dear.” she said amicably, knocked off her stride. “Do you need any help?” “That’s okay!” Oliver shouted down the hall after he broke free of her grip before shutting the bathroom door behind him. But it was not okay, he soon realised, as his fingers fumbled uselessly against the intricate assemblage of velcro and snaps on the back of his neck that kept the zipper on his pyjamas securely in place. “Stupid fucking broken zipper.” he mumbled in frustration at the garment that was performing perfectly from the dual perspective of both the designer, and their real target consumer, mothers. He mightn’t have given up so soon was it not for the rapidly mounting pressure that could not be delayed any longer. He paced back to the kitchen at a rapid clip. “Julia...” he began breathlessly, the words catching in his throat momentarily before he was driven by a painful gurgle in his stomach. “I actually do need just a little help. It’s just this zipper.” “Oh, of course honey.” she acquiesced, requiring no further explanation as she closed the gap between them. But Oliver had been so myopically focused on the problem at hand, he had failed to notice the audience they had acquired during his brief bathroom interlude. “Actually,” Jessica began sweetly, flashing Oliver with a smirk that would surely be mistaken for a sympathetic smile from his more mature cousin by Julia, but was, to Oliver’s experienced eyes, the obvious tell of a cruel ploy in motion. “Oliver’s mommy doesn’t allow him go by himself just yet. He has a history of making more than a bit of a mess when he does. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how little boys can be when they’re potty training.” she said, addressing Julia as if they were peers discussing the care of a toddler, with no need for discretion. “That’s NOT TRUE!” Oliver exclaimed in desperation, raising his voice in desperation. “Oh, well, sweetie...” Julia began, feeling a little out of her depth. Oliver could tell from her expression that cogs were turning in her mind and she was at the very least failing to dismiss Jessica’s obvious lie out of hand. “Your mommy will be home soon. I’m sure a big boy like you can hold for a little bit.” she reasoned, diplomatically. “She’s lying!” he exclaimed again, more weakly this time as tears formed in his eyes. But it didn’t matter, he had reached breaking point and began almost involuntarily to hunker down into a squatting position. But just as he did, he heard the sound of latch turning in the front door. Abigail opened the front door and was immediately met by the sight of her son earnestly filling the seat of his diaper. He was powerless to stop for several seconds. When he rose to his feet, he plodded pitifully towards her, pressed face into her chest, and sobbed. She reflexively held his head tightly, running her fingers through his hair. “Aww, sweetheart. I was only gone for a little bit. Did you miss me that much?” He didn’t answer. Abigail scooped him off his feet and gave his bottom a perfunctory pat. “I think someone just needs a change.” she announced to no one in particular, unaware of the drama that had been unfolding immediately prior to her arrival. She swayed rhythmically as she conveyed it him back to his room, allowing his tears to soak into the shoulder of her cardigan. She easily popped the fastener with her free hand and lowered the zipper as she lay him on the changing table, allowing her to relieve him of the sleeper entirely before she would tend to his diaper. In the breaths between heaving sobs, Oliver offered a fractured explanation. “I couldn’t get... get the zipper and- and Jessica told Julia I wasn’t allow-” He had barely starred when his testimony was cut off by a pacifier, first tenderly offered and then firmly pressed into his trembling lips. Abigail held it in place with the gentle pressure of an index finger and supplemented her efforts to soothe her hysterical son with a series of rhythmic shushing sounds. Only once his weeping had softened, she found an opening to speak. “I bet you’ll forget all about it when we get to the pool.” she said with a raised eyebrow and a coy smile. “We’re going swimming?” he asked, his piqued curiosity audible even through speech broken by the pacifier. Oliver loved swimming, but it was a rare treat. A fact Abigail counted on to deploy it as an effective distraction as she set to work on his diaper and begin to survey the damage. “We sure are kiddo. There’s a pool in town.” she confirmed cheerfully as she took his ankles in one hand and started with the first of several baby wipes. Just as he was having his bottom liberally powdered, Jessica casually sauntered into the room, seeming to intentionally signal her lack of respect for any shred of privacy Oliver might yet feel entitled to. “Aunt Abigail, my mom asked me to help pack for the pool. Where are your bathing suits?” she asked her in the usual, saccharine tone she reserved for adults. “Oh, thank you Jessica. They’re hanging on the chair there.” She grabbed the garments and left the room, but not before flashing Oliver a mocking smile once Abigail wasn’t looking.       Anyone who glanced at the boy in the t-shirt with the smiling sun appliqué would know that he had been taped into a fresh diaper that morning, since the light cotton shorts his mommy had picked provided little more than a token covering. A pair of flip-flops and a bucket hat to fend off the worst of the sun completed the outfit. “I just don’t want you to get burned.” Abigail preemptively explained in response to his grimace, as she fussed with its precise position to shade his face and neck before making their way from the sweltering tarmac of the carpark to the entrance. The the pool itself was abustle with the sound of laughter and splashing as they made their way to the changing rooms. Sue divvied out the bathing suits for her family before handing the bag off to Abigail. Oliver anxiously awaited the opportunity to be dressed like a kid his age, at least for a while, but he realised that this brief reprieve didn’t extend to being allowed to dress himself, as Abigail lead him into one of the stalls and stripped him down to his diaper. As she tore open the sides, he saw it was significantly yellowed but he had no memory of wetting it. Abigail made no mention of this as she promptly rolled it up rummaged around in the bag. “Huh..” she said. “Don’t go anywhere, sweetie. I won’t be a second.” Where did she think he would he go while naked, he wondered? He could hear an exchange happening a few doors down. “I can’t find Oliver’s bathing suit. Did you guys take it by mistake?” “No, not with us. Didn’t you pack it, Jessica?” Oliver’s heart sank when he heard the rehearsed lie. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I must have left it behind by mistake!” Abigail reappeared a few seconds later. “Looks like we left your bathing suit behind. We’re gonna have to find you something else to wear. Luckily I think they have a store here. Just hang tight kiddo.” Oliver sat glumly kicking his legs on the changing room bench for what felt like a small eternity until a knock on the door signalled her return once more. “I’m sorry sweetie, they didn’t have anything else in your size, but we can still have lots of fun swimming.” He traced the sympathetic expression down to the item in her hands. Not a new bathing suit, but a package of Little Swimmers diapers. Jessica’s sabotage had worked perfectly in her favour again. Seeing no other choice, he obediently stepped into one of the nautically-themed pull-ups while Abigail shimmied it up his legs. He ran to the pool leaving her behind to change into her bikini and, not wishing to keep his duds in public view a second longer than absolutely necessary, entered the water with a triumphant cannonball. He resurfaced to the piercing sharp sound of a whistle being admonishingly blown, spinning around in the water to see that he was the target of the lifeguard’s ire. He must have broken a no jumping rule, he thought. Regardless, his strategy to escape unwanted attention had backfired catastrophically. He swam glumly to the edge and made his way up the ladder. The lifeguard, a girl who looked to be in her late teens wore sunglasses and a stern expression surprised Oliver by seizing his hand. “Whose little boy is this? Who has left a small child unattended with no swimming aides?” she demanded of the assembled pool goers. Oliver stood motionless, gaze fixed on the water, thinking about how much preferable drowning would be. “I’m his mother. Is there a problem here?” Abigail asked in all sincerity, having missed the start of the commotion and presuming Oliver had done something to get himself into trouble. “Small children can’t be left unattended or enter the water without water wings.” “He’s a very capable little swimmer, actually.” Abigail said in his defense. “Ma’am, if I had a nickel for every parent who thinks their kid is a swimming prodigy before they’re potty trained, I wouldn’t have to work here. Rules are rules.” Another short excursion to the poolside store later, and Oliver was reentering the water with a pair of bright orange water wings and permission to stray more than a few feet from Abigail formally rescinded. She spend the next several hours trying to raise his dampened spirts while he spent the entire time refusing to leave the water. Everyone else, by contrast, rested and took turns minding their belongings. Oliver felt more relieved than anything, when it was time to go. He was tired and cold from spending so much time in the water. Just as things were wrapping up, though, Oliver looked on in horror as each of his items of clothing floated by in the pool one by one. Jessica, it appeared, had one more cruel prank up her sleeve. But this time, no fake apology could save her. Sue and Abigail had reached breaking point and she was grounded for a month on the spot. Sue ordered her to relinquish her phone. But now it was Jacob’s turn to look guilty. He admitted to taking Jessica’s phone to play with without asking, but when he had finished with it, he left it safely amongst their family’s possessions. Specifically, near Oliver’s clothes. Jessica became inconsolable with rage when she was the screen dimly flickering on the bottom of the pool. Oliver felt himself smiling for the first time all day as he stood shivering by the side of the pool. In the changing rooms, he allowed himself to be changed into a dry diaper without protest and carried back to the car. But even after he was dry and securely buckled back in his car seat, the shivering didn’t subside. He struggled to warm up without adequate clothing and by the time they arrived back to the complex, he only felt worse.
    • Most padded I've done is a trest with a Northshore XXL contoured booster and another straight booster pad, maybe by Northshore again, perhaps not, they all look kind of alike lol.  It felt all sorts of wonderful! Made me waddle and held a great amount! Until it didn't lol it did wind up leaking on me, but my plastic pants held everything in until I changed out.  Maybe next time I'll try two xxl contoured boosters lol
    • I think you're being a little harsh on her.  It might be clouded by your perception of guilt for wearing diapers.  I'm going to be harsh on you, because you give off the perception that diapers are bad, and should always be hidden from the public. First of all, what do you mean by abnormality?  She has MS and therefore is incontinent.  She started to wet herself in public at 19 years old, which was traumatic.  Because she has accepted that she needs diapers and now can have a normal social life.   She is sharing a story because she has a story to tell.  She knows that there are thousands just like her, and their story might give them the confidence to accept the need for diapers.  Even for those who need to wear diapers for reasons that may not be socially acceptable to other people. I'm going say this out loud: Most people simply do not give a flying F about somebody needing a diaper or not!  Unless somebody is a judgemental POS, they're not going to watch her video and think "OMG, that lady is exposing herself in a diaper.  What a freak."   I don't think Matt Walsh, or Candance Owens would do that with her, but they've done it to others whose need is not socially acceptable.  They are also both judgmental POS who crave attention. FTR-everybody who does anything on YouTube does if for two reasons.  The first is: they want the attention, and then they want the money that attention brings.  Why are being so judgemental about that?
    • If George had been a father worthy of the name, he would have vetoed this therapy, would have made Eddie do palpatory tractions while he was sleeping until he recovered, and would have made him do regular traditional psychotherapy. At the same time, he should have been a real father, starting to make him responsible and spend time with him (like going fishing together, etc.), not in a punitive way but in a constructive way. Let's say that both George and Alice are not good parents and are not good educators, because one is too detached and indifferent, the other is too controlling and oppressive. Paradoxically, Emily seems to be the one who has grown up best of the three children. Then it also depends on the character, for example Ashley grew up very mature and responsible despite a terrible mother
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