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  1. In no way am I trying to attack anyone personally =-)....... Just sharing my opinion On several abdl sites I visit regularily, I noticed postings about a symbol/flag that represents that you are an abdl or whatnot... I was jut wondering what other people think about this... this is my opinion... to see one of the posts that I read it is on these three sites: www.wetset.com www.aby.com www.crinklebutt.com I think it is a good idea to make te community aware that are fetish exists and that "normal" people are apart of it as well as some people who , well are different, but it's the same as with anything. There are people of all kinds into all different things. Anyway, my point is, that why do we need another way to differentiate ourselves in the community? We are certainly not the same as gay/lesbian people, nor are we like a race, culture, creed, religion or anythin of that nature, we are simply group. If you look at every single person you have ever met in this fetish, you find every single person to be different, even within the fetish and nothing exactly similiar. With religion, race, creed, handicapped etc., you find at least one binding thread that makes them alike in some way. Although I agree with informing the community that we exist and that we are like anyone one else and like any other fetish in the sense that we have other interests, dreams, fears and hobbies outside of the fetish, that what we do within the fetish is neither wrong, nor of anything that is a threatto anyone in the community. I guess in short, I do not agree with the alienation of the group , by using a flag or symbol to indicate that we of are any varience, especially if it is a sexual difference (yes, it is sexual , even if it is not sexual in an adult sense, but sexual in more of a developmental sense), but just part of the community in general and having a particular way we behave within the fetish. As much as we would like to expose people to this fetish and make it more of an accepted practice, it will never happen because there are several moral and ethical reasons this should stay within some limits of being behind closed doors. Put it this way.. would you want children to see this? Would you want to take this to church with you? Would you be able to look everyone in the face that is involved in your life and tell them all about it, every "gory" detail? Unfortunately, we must strive in someway to keep this private and behind closed doors. In no way do I support this flag or symbol, because if anything, it just signifies that we are "different" and I don't think that's what is intended.
  2. hey thanks a lot i went to pampers and took the survey.. thatd be neat if they do make larger sizes.. that way we can buy those and shove em with the itty bitty ones
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