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Fecal Incon

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I been having issues for awhile and been to the doctor all tests ran blah blah, bascially I am told deal with it. "Perhaps keep a spare pair of underwear in the car" that type thing. So that said was wondering if anyone has similiar (real) issues. And what have they done/do? Any particular brand of diaper better for incon then others? I am leaning towards something thicker because everytime I wear one I end up having to pee, and if I pull down the diaper etc. It loosens up etc. And becomes a pain, so my thinking is if I need diapers then I might well as use them. Sorry sounding blah, I am a bit down today.


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You got to love Doctors in general. That’s why they call their business a practice.

Try some tight fitting unidies or perhaps some shareware if you are not too proud.

BTW, I was having similarly issues and found giving up caffeine was a big help.

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Hi Troy,

I too have a 'mild' (As if any form of crappying yourself can be called mild) form of fecal incont, went to see the doc after many years of worry, got about the same. Its a mild form live with it. It was suggested she could give me a diralac, or go for some investigative surgery, which has a chance of causing some deeper problems. and she was not happy to recommend either.

So i have to live with it... I know if i go to the toilet i have to return within about 10 min max to do some further wiping. I dont carry a spare pair of undies, although its not a bad idea. as well as still messy, there is often some more substantial contents.

I already have a thread about it, it might help you to see others also have similar problems.


I dont consider my problem currently warrents wearing a nappy, and there are other reasons to think its not a good idea. But if its what you wish to do, ill leave it to more qualified users than myself to answer you on what to do and what best to use.



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The thing that's really worrisome about this, there are some serious ailments that can cause such to happen. While rare they do happen. It's the "well you aren't dying so there's no reason to care" mentality of doctors that's killing us now. Modern medicine has extended our life expectancy so much, imagine how long we'd live if doctors actually started caring more? Almost every case of someone dying from a major complication is because the doctors ignored their complaints, not because of some strange "out of the blue" thing. If something doesn't work how it's suppose to work, it's broken, even if it still kind of works, it's broken. When something in our bodies breaks, there's something wrong.

Get checked for colitis, it's a guess and probably a wild shot, not knowing your medical history, but it's one of those often undiagnosed problems, and that's one of the symptoms.

Special note regarding symptoms: You do not need to have all the symptoms of something to have that ailment, some symptoms our bodies can cope with or even eliminate on their own. It's the "big" symptoms that should be red flags.

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thanks kitten,

hopefully that is something else Troy can ask about.

I for one dont think i have such a thing, last autumn/winter i had an apointment to have such a thing checked :( because for four days i bleed out of there. But from the space shuttle booster rocket size probe they stuck up there there was no sign of anything bad, i had some inflamation which they took a sample of and tested (Probably inflammed from the booster rocket up my arse). I got a no go no, for the big C, and no other possible reason, because there was too many to choose from and no signs of any of them.

Troy, i hope you find some answers soon...


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thanks kitten,

hopefully that is something else Troy can ask about.

I for one dont think i have such a thing, last autumn/winter i had an apointment to have such a thing checked :( because for four days i bleed out of there. But from the space shuttle booster rocket size probe they stuck up there there was no sign of anything bad, i had some inflamation which they took a sample of and tested (Probably inflammed from the booster rocket up my arse). I got a no go no, for the big C, and no other possible reason, because there was too many to choose from and no signs of any of them.

Troy, i hope you find some answers soon...


It's a tricky and complicated area of the body, so many different things that can go wrong so ... it's best to get tested until all ailments are ruled out or tests are exhausted. My GP is currently thinking I got a parasite myself, because I lack the symptoms for anything else. I actually hope there is nothing wrong and would be really happy if they discovered that it's just my new normal. Yeah, I'm having problems myself, it's why I posted such a long response. Just never take the first test coming back negative as an all clear sign. That was pretty much my advice, and the advice I give to everyone about everything. The doctors are not the only people to blame though, there have been a lot of people going to the emergency room for a cough only for them to find out it's just a cold or flu, so the patients are part of the problem as well. The problem with the doctors is they now ignore pain, when that is the body's primary method of reporting something is wrong. I feel like writing my entire life story just to give to them so they can see, I know what pain is. LOL

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People (including Doctors) often do not understand the level of your felt pain. It would be wonderful if we could transfer it to them for a moment so they could really understand ;) "Yes doctor, the last time I hurt this bad I would have blown my brains out if I only could have. At least they are giving me something for it this time...." - actually said from me to a surgeon who I hope now understands that unaddressed pain can indeed be strong enough to override one's will to live :o

Age has taught me that pain is a part of life, and that when you wear your body out it will become part of your daily routine. Experience has taught me that you should learn to tolerate as much pain as you can when you're young because there are limits to what any medicine can do to reduce pain- and if you develop a tolerance for those meds, you're really going to feel pain later on far beyond your belief of possibilities. In short kiddos, don't do recreational drugs- even if you live through the experience itself you're going to regret it more than you can imagine someday. Save their effectiveness for when you're really going to need it, because it's coming!

There's a newer concept of 'labeling pain' one through ten by the patient to help the doctors understand what you're feeling. The thing is that until you actually experience a 10 you're going to think it's happening at an 8, so they're also telling doctors to discount anything over that level as being wrong. Since my botched surgery (now repaired) I've had a devilish desire to meet that surgeon in a dark alley just so I could explain to him what a 10 feels like properly :glare: Since I'm trying to be a better person these days I'm avoiding going into dark alleys, just in case :angel_not:


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Bettypooh, the problem is not as simple as them not understanding, it's that somewhere the medical community forgot why we feel pain as living organisms, and the patients forgot that our bodies are pretty durable. As to which is to blame for the mess, that's the whole chicken and egg argument.

For that stupid scale, I always tell them "compared to ..." whatever the last most painful thing I ever felt was, currently the last gallstone blockage before they removed it which is often described as the same level of pain as being gutted alive. Pleasant LOL. So yeah, it's stupid, and it was the government that came up with that whole mess, thank you again Mr. Fed for making matters worse.

The irony is that they don't have to do more procedures, they just need to listen to what it's being compared to and run tests, that's it. Not a complicated fix, which is what gets me. But yeah, my gallstone blockage was diagnosed as "irritable bowel syndrome" ... which is code for "you feel pai but we're too lazy to do all the tests to find out why."

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No its not an easy fix, and honestly my GP basically said nothing she can do, which I find is kinda bs but switching docs is a pain so no easy fix at all :)

Technically, your GP can't do anything, they are suppose to refer you to a specialist for tests. There are very few ailments the GPs can do much on because their knowledge base is very broad. They should be able to just detect that something is wrong based on the evidence, if they have an idea they can order tests to narrow it down to the better specialist, but ultimately they still have to send you to someone else. My new GP is really open about the whole process and such, she is also one of those "test everything" types, it's why I like her a lot. She does her part, but half the specialists are "pain is not an indicator of anything" in spite of pain being the primary and first symptom for ... almost everything. Where the pain is, what type of pain, etc. helps narrow which tests need to be done.

So yeah, unless your GP is refusing referrels, that's pretty true, they can't do much. It is pretty simple, GPs need to send patients to the specialists like their job entails, and specialists need to listen to the pain and do tests instead of just smiling and nodding. Just because a ton of patients are crying wolf, doesn't mean the others should be allowed to die.

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Just hard to accept the issue at times, hard to accept that a diaper is my friend at times. Wearing by choice is one thing

Yes it is hard to accept wearing diapers when you don't have a choice. I will tell you that it does get easier as time goes on. One thing that you have to keep in mind is the alternative to not wearing.

The one thing that I always tell myself is that "they serve a purpose".

As far as what type of diaper to wear, that can be debated until the end of time. It really comes down to the type of incontinence, the consistency of your poop, and how frequent. From what I gather is that you are having just fecal incontinence. Which is good because diapers only contain poop they don't absorb it. So the questions to you are how often and how much do you go? What is the consistency? Is it hard or is it runny (like diarrhea)? Do you get any warnings that you are about to let loose? Does it only happen when your poop is soft to runny or all the time regardless of consistency?

I have been dealing with both types of incontinence for the past few years. So don't feel bad, you aren't alone. If you could answer the questions though, we could help you select a diaper that can meet your needs.


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I been to the doc of course.

Fecal Incon. as we have established.

How often I go depends but several times a day, I can "go" in the bathroom somewhat normally(often), that said I will have a drop what your doing and rush and hope I make it(not as freq.), to basically no warning at all and have anywhere from just a little streaks, or having a small spot to med amounts of actual fecal matter(often i.e few times a day) Most of the time I have no notice eithier I don't notice it or have not much warning. Usually the stool is soft and mushy to the occasional diarrhea like when it happens, unfort. normal is soft and mushy for me, I have tried fiber etc. and usually get clogged up then when I go, I go. (currently trying to try to work dosage out see if that helps). I usually change my underwear/pants depending couple times a day. When I get up in the morn my sleep pants go straight to the wash. So honestly I am usually in a mess literaly.

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If you are not having urinary incontinence, then during the day you can probably get away with a lightweight pull-up. Anything else will be a waste as you will have to change anyways. The small amounts can easily be detained be the pull-up. At night you might want to use a heavier brief but again in the absence of urinary incontinence, you don't' need anything heavy. You will want to consider using plastic pants at night as well.

As far as brands go, that is going to be a trial and error thing. You might want to try a few brands and see which one fits and contains the best. You will want to invest in something to carry changes around with you especially at work.

Cut down on the fiber, caffeine, and alcohol. Try to get your stools to firm to semi-firm consistency. Adding more fiber is going to make the problem worse. Increase your water consumption as well.

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I been having issues for awhile and been to the doctor all tests ran blah blah, bascially I am told deal with it. "Perhaps keep a spare pair of underwear in the car" that type thing. So that said was wondering if anyone has similiar (real) issues. And what have they done/do? Any particular brand of diaper better for incon then others? I am leaning towards something thicker because everytime I wear one I end up having to pee, and if I pull down the diaper etc. It loosens up etc. And becomes a pain, so my thinking is if I need diapers then I might well as use them. Sorry sounding blah, I am a bit down today.


I used the "Attends" brand when I was fecal incontient. Keep in mind that in 1998, you could get Attends at K-Mart. I would check with a local medical supply house. The stuff at the cornor drug store these days isn't too good.

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I been having issues for awhile and been to the doctor all tests ran blah blah, bascially I am told deal with it. "Perhaps keep a spare pair of underwear in the car" that type thing. So that said was wondering if anyone has similiar (real) issues. And what have they done/do? Any particular brand of diaper better for incon then others? I am leaning towards something thicker because everytime I wear one I end up having to pee, and if I pull down the diaper etc. It loosens up etc. And becomes a pain, so my thinking is if I need diapers then I might well as use them. Sorry sounding blah, I am a bit down today.


Forget the GP doc. Go to a specialist! Your life could depend on it. Been there and done that. Mine got corrected with surgery.

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