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  1. I've been pooping my diapers for so long that I think I've pooped in every position and just about every situation. I've pooped in private and (discreetly) public. Laying on my tummy, standing, sitting and squating. I enjoy them all. My favorite scene starts with some serious "fiber loading". Usually 24 hours prior I will consume 2 heaping serving spoonfuls in 16 ounces of water every 2 hours for about 12 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I try to stay active during the day and also force myself to eat some regular food like cereal. I resort to taking a couple hydrocodons if the bloating becomes to uncomfortable. I'm diapered by mid afternoon and my headspace begins to take me back to my bedwetter days. I like to become the 8 year old who has just awakened from my afternoon nap. My diapers ( a dry 24/7 disposable with holes poked through the plastic, a babykins pull-up cloth diaper and plastic pants ) are wet but not soaked. Mommy is busy and tells me to watch tv until she can get to me. I plop on the couch and put my thumb back in my mouth. Soon it's dinner time. Mommy forgot all about me. My other brothers and sisters all start filtering in for dinner. I'm hungry too so I
  2. I stopped wetting the bed when I was 14. Out of 6 kids 3 of us were bedwetters and the youngest 2 were still in diapers. Our house was full of diapers and it wasn't uncommon to see a child well past the normal age of potty training running around in a diaper and plastic pants. My mother had been an RN and was matter of fact diligent
  3. By the end of the weekend I was feeling sluggish and slightly bloated. On Monday I was ready to do some serious prep. I began at 7am by taking a heavy triple dossage (3 heaping tablespoons in 16 ounces of water. I continued this procedure every hour on the hour. At round 5 I was feeling full and bloated. At this point I took an oxycotin to ease the discomfort. It would also slow me down a bit on transit time(which is usually about 7-10 hours with just straight Metamucil). The opiates have a constipating effect on most but for me I never get bound up. It just slows me down ever so slightly and firms my poo up a bit. At noon I put on my diaper combination and went back to the fiber. I went for a long kayak run around the lake to get my exersize in. I've found that moderate exersize helps my digestive system.
  4. I've always been curious about how much poop my diapers can actually hold. I've always been a big pooper and experienced real bowel incon for a few years after surgery. At the time I enjoyed it. I was lucky in that my poop was usually pretty firm but not hard. I think it was all the opiates I was taking that kept me from having runny stool. Never thought I'd be saying this but I was glad when control returned. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But it did get old after a while.
  5. Pooping my diaper is one of my favorite things. I usually like to maximize the experience and by that I mean multiple big poops. With such a huge volume of poop I need a diaper with enough capacity. And with a desire for volume I need to do some planning. My diaper of choice is an abena max. I prepare by poking holes in the plastic to let the wetness through to my outer diaper when the abena is saturated. My outer diaper is a cloth pull-up covered with plastic pants. This way I can change the outer diaper when that too gets saturated. I guess you could say that the abena works like a diaper liner. It minimizes poop that can get (and often does) on the cloth diaper. Planning is a bit more complicated. We all know how unpredictable our digestive systems can be. Over the years and with a lot of experimentation I've pretty much nailed it down. I try and keep my diet "clean" by eating as healthy as possible. This means mostly high fiber foods. I add measured doses of a fiber supplement, in most cases Metamucil. I consume the fiber supplement several days in advance increasing the dosage as I go along. As you can imagine it can get quite uncomfortable after 2 or 3 days of ever increasing doses. I use an opiate based painkiller to smooth out the discomfort that often accompanies injesting such large quantities of a fiber supplement. By day 3 I'm bloated and uncomfortable. The painkiller has constipated me and I know I'm getting close to optimum fullness. By then it's "diaper up" time. I'm sure many of you wonder how I can pull this off with typical time constraints. I work the commodities markets from home and choose when I want to work allowing me all the time I need. At this point I use either a frozen glycerin suppository (for delayed action if I choose to wonder up town for coffee), or a liquid glycerin suppository for quicker results. On a recent morning I chose the frozen suppository method and dressed myself to hide the wet, bulging diaper. My outer diaper was wet but not saturated. The walk up the hill towards town heated things up but the frozen suppository would still need time to become effective. I ordered a large decafe, bought a SunTimes and took a seat outside at a vacant table along the sidewalk. I felt the first contractions after about 15 minutes. The fullness and bloat were much more uncomfortable. When I had finished my coffee I headed home feeling ready to explode. I reached the corner of Maple (my street) and Main when I felt a contraction that stopped me in my tracks. I knew I was close. I really enjoy a bowel movement when it's uncontrollable. And I was oh so close. While standing on the corner I felt another painful contraction and despite clenching my cheeks, a huge, firm poop began to slide into my warm, wet diaper. After what felt like a foot of firm poop had piled effortlessly into the seat of my diaper, I felt an involuntary contraction and a mighty surge of semi-soft poop escaped my rectum. I suppose this is what I love best. An involuntary poop filling my diaper, spreading into all available space until it starts to spread up the back and up under my balls. The relief was instant. My dick was as hard as a rock. And I knew I could count on at least 2 or 3 more before afternoon. How does it feel? Like having an enormous pile of warm poop in the seat of my warm, wet
  6. I've awakened with a surprise load only a few times. I much prefer to be conscious so I can enjoy all the sensations. The odd thing is that I usually wake up wet when wearing a diaper to bed. No diaper, dry bed. Weird. I am a daily user of a fiber supplement so it is to be expected when the urge to go wakes me. Nothing quiet like the feeling of a heavy, wet diaper between your legs as you lay comfortably under the covers. Usually the poop urge doesn't become "critical" until I stand up. But even if I choose to remain in bed, the urge will eventually get to that point. I've become expert at total relaxation and letting a bm progress naturally. It always does. There's just something about the urgency intensification. If I wasn't wearing a diaper I would be running for the bathroom. But when diapered, I just continue to suck my thumb and wait for the urge to overtake me. The beauty of "daily fiber therapy" is that it
  7. Beautiful day. Coolers loaded. Snacks. Sunscreen. Book.
  8. here's a fun trick. 3 days of Metamucil - 3x a day. @ 2x the regular dosage. be patient. really helps to have access to an opiate based pain killer as this relieves discomfort and
  9. After a small bowel resection years ago I developed an urgency problem. I was encouraged to use fiber supplements to make it easier on my colon. I have multiple large bm's a day on a fairly regular schedule. The bm's are soft but well formed. By all accounts my bowel functions great and I'm healthy. The problem is severe urgency. I get little notice that I have to defecate. More times than not, I end having an accident. It's become such an inconvenience that I've started to use diapers. It's so much easier changing a messy diaper than dealing with soiled clothing. I'm told by my doctor that such post-op conditions happen infrequently and usually resolve over time. It's been 4 years and the problem has not improved. Anyone else experience this type of problem and if yes, how long before symptoms faded?
  10. Well, I have to say that Metamucil in large doses over several days can make diapers a necessity. No shrooms needed. I have been using the fiber supplement regularly for years with expected results. Several huge BM's a day. I think I over did it this time. Ingested 5x a day for 3 days and became virtually bowel incontinent. What fun. Have had to wear diapers or else. Today was at the bank making a deposit and completely filled my diaper. I felt like a little boy again. Anyone else working towards authentic diaper dependency?
  11. they make a syringe sold at auto parts stores (or amazon) used for filling differentials and transfer cases. holds 18 ounces. Long filler tube. Like a huge syringe. easy to clean. delightful.
  12. I'm a big fan of metamucil. I call it fiber loading. My best "production" involved taking a triple dossage of fiber every 3 hours. The bloat is admittedly uncomfortable. I eased the discomfort (and slowed the process) with a narcotic pain killer. When I awoke in the morning I really had to go. But first I wiggled a large squeeze bulb filled with liquid glycerin down the back of my wet night diapers. Within less than a minute I couldn't hold it and had a truely uncontrolable release. The poop was enormous. It filled my diapers completely, pushing up the back and spreading warmly up under my nuts. The bulge in my diaper was huge. The diaper had to have had at least 3 pounds of warm, soft poo. It's not uncommon to experience several more poops the rest of the day. Like the previous poster suggested, good hydration and if i might add, plenty of physical activity. You will enjoy a more intense urgency and enormous volume. Sweet.
  13. on-line pharmacy will deliver anything you need. I've always enjoyed the authentic, uncontrolable BM. As for suppositories, I usually go for the liquid glycerin suppository. 2 of those combined with a few days of "fiber loading" and you will get a taste of true incontinence and the subsequent diaper dependency. I prefer this combo because I dislike a "runny" explosion. I much prefer the "soft-serve" experience. Enormous volume, semi-soft poo and yes, uncontrolable.
  14. First, it's not a story. I related an occurence and filled in the gaps with non-sexual history from my bedwetter days. I don't recall feeling anything but shame when an accidental messing brought the attention of sibblings and parents. In present day life the act of filling my diaper brings back those memories. And those memories are what ignited my life-long interest. If I want to contribute a "story", I'll certainly post it in the appropriate forum. In the mean time, lighten up dude.
  15. Funny how a year goes by and I've finally gotten around to trying shrooms again. It's hard to type when the keys keep moving. Ha! If I get the chance , I'll check in with results. I have 3 days of extreeme fiber loading in me so I expect an active production schedule over the next 24 hours. I wonder if others have tripped the light while needing to poo and if they can keep it together long enough to share thier experience?
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