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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Momma Rosie

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^ The post office has lost more packages than I can count, but they were business packages where I work. At home, I only remember having one package lost, but that was by UPS. We tracked it to my city, and the order (Volkswagen parts) totally disappeared.

> Looking out the window hoping the snow will let up and my commute to work tomorrow won't be another trip from Hell.

V Have you ever changed a baby's diaper?

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^ Not properly changed. It was several years ago and my auntie and uncle had been at my house for the day. And it was quite late when they left, so my cousins changed into their pyjamas for the car ride. And the youngest one was still wetting the bed. He was only little so I got him ready for bed.

< Watching some random thing on TV. It is a film called Before and After. I think I'm gonna turn it over. Ok, it is turned over. It is Scrubs now.

v Do you ever watch a programme just because you can't be bothered to reach for the remote?

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^ A Cd that i actually bought, it would probably have to be the Queen of the Damned OST ... Very dark it gives you a feeling of vampirism :3

> Relaxing in my diaper listening to metal, surfing the web :3~

v Do you come up with stories to scare religious people who come bugging you at your home?

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^ lit my hand on fire and slapped myself in the face. got $200 and only lost part of an eyebrow for a few days, no serious burns. i still have the video, i cringe every time i see it.

< trying to shake off a bad case of the blahs. i really need some excitement today, i'm so bored my brain is numb

v do you know the muffin man?

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^ Holding one now... Metallica - Black album that an impressive record.. Giggle. :lol:

> just got up and looking for a bit of fun before have to go do boring adult stuff.

v have you ever been in a situation where you wish you didn't put that nappy on that morning

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^ yeah, back in the day i was on probation for skipping school, one day i slept in like usual and i had fallen asleep wearing one. as i should have expected he shows up to arrest me and bring me to whittenberg. while there they decide to lock me up for 24 hours and the process involves a stripsearch.

worst of all i had put it on pretty tight so i couldn't just slip it off and it had the crinkly plastic backing.

< hating my blood clot with a passion, i just took my lovenox and it felt like i got shot, i guess i hit a nerve or something.

v describe your utopian world, or if you don't feel like typing that much what was your favorite grade in school?

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^ Must have been the last year of infants ( 4/5 years old ) Had a teacher named Mrs Johnson who was very nice. I remember the story time where we would all sit down on the floor with pillows and she would read to us till most where asleep, and the hugs when it was time to go home. Happy days ( went down hill after that school wise )

> After a day tidying up, been looking at a few places to go on holiday.

V Where did you last go on holiday ??

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^ I just went on a 3 hour strip to a larger city called Moncton, it was fun ... does it count has a holiday? Or vacation at the very least xD

> Enjoying my brand spanking new drawing table!! XD SO comfortable to draw on! No back hurting anymore :3

v Odd question time~> Do you own a dildo? A vibrator? Any toys in particular?


^ yeah, back in the day i was on probation for skipping school, one day i slept in like usual and i had fallen asleep wearing one. as i should have expected he shows up to arrest me and bring me to whittenberg. while there they decide to lock me up for 24 hours and the process involves a stripsearch.

worst of all i had put it on pretty tight so i couldn't just slip it off and it had the crinkly plastic backing.

< hating my blood clot with a passion, i just took my lovenox and it felt like i got shot, i guess i hit a nerve or something.

v describe your utopian world, or if you don't feel like typing that much what was your favorite grade in school?

What kind of f*cking school did you attend(no pun intended)?? Did you go to prison school ... jeez, strip search!?! Before i let a school teacher strip search me i would probably clock the f*cker and move to somewhere more civilized ... (no offense meant to you Restlessfox). Were you considered specially dangerous or something XD!!

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^ ok then... I do have a butt plug... but I am straight.... I am straight honest.... I think!

> just got in from a night out on the pi$$ and am just looking on the boards for a bit of fun before bed

v When was the last time you can't remember anything.... if you can remember...lol

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^ I've never tried. I'm guessing perhaps no more than 30 seconds.

< Getting ready to go run around 13 or so miles. Running...my second favorite addiction.

V If you were staying at an all-inclusive resort for adults only, such as Hedonism II or III in Jamaica, would you opt to stay on the "nude" side or the "prude" side?

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^ I probably wouldn't go to an adults-only resort, but if for some crazy reason I did, I'd be on the "prude" side. I'm very private and modest.

> Clearing up e-mails I didn't get to yesterday.

V Do you remember exactly when you started showing an interest in diapers, and what sparked your interest?

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^ Well, it started with me wanting to regress back to infancy when I was about 3. I liked playing the baby when the girls played "house," and I'm sure my mom found out at some point. She'd let me play as if I was a baby, but diapers were never a part of this. I never really felt like a baby, and then our new neighbors moved in when I was 5. They had two kids, one my age, and another who was about 2. I finally broke down, and had the older kid help me steal some of his brother's diapers. When I finally got the chance to wear them, I felt happier than any kid in the world, and I knew I had to get more. After that, the desires never went away.

> About to get up and have breakfast. :whistling:

v How much did the most expensive meal you've ever had cost?

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^ I don't know really. I think the place I have been to a few times when we go up and see my grandparents is quite expensive. But I don't know how much.

< Taking a break from watching a film and thinking about the fact that I have completely wasted my day.

v How many photographs or pictures are in the room you are sitting in now? As in like pictures on the wall or photos in frames.

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^ 10, with two big ass wall scroll. (I normally have MANY more but i wanted to clean a bit ... its mostly art i do and find cool)

> Relaxing, before bed.

v How many vases do you have in the room at the moment?

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