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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

What Have I Let Myself In For? (Finished)

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Chapter 1

Finn sat on the bus looking at passers by through the window and thinking ‘what have I let myself in for?’.

He’d been an avid user of fetlife for little under 6 months and it didn’t take long for him to make a connection on there. After back and forth for a couple of months, he’d agreed to meet Holly - an experienced abdl mummy who lived only an hours bus ride away. Although nervous about exposing his ABDL fetish to someone he’d never met before, he wanted this and decided to take the plunge.

As he focused on the music blaring from his earphones, he looked down at himself and felt embarrassed and hoped no one would judge him based on his outfit. As part of the agreement for meeting Finn, Holly had sent him some clothes that she wanted him to wear to their first meeting. His outfit consisted of a pair of briefs with dinosaur patterns all over (he had no idea how she found some in his size, he assumed she’d bought them from Etsy), some light grey jersey shorts and a  t-shirt with photos of marvel superheroes all over it. Although he was 19 years old, he in fact looked at 12. He guessed it would all be part of the experience, but he was surprised that she didn’t make him wear a nappy, or even pull-ups. The final detail was that she’d ordered him to have a  breakfast of oatmeal, a large coffee and a  a 1 litre bottle of water. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why.

“Next stop: Baker Road” the bus announcement said.

‘My stop’ Finn thought, as he took out his earphones and got up off the seat and walked down the bus as it came to a stop. He thanked the bus driver and then opened up Google maps to make sure he headed in the right direction. Holly has assured him her house was only a few doors down from the bus stop, and sure enough he found it with ease. The house was semi-detached and fairly unassuming, with a well kept front garden and a small hatchback car parked in the driveway.

“Here we go” Finn said as he took a deep breath and made his way towards the front door. After hesitating for a second, he rung the doorbell and waited patiently for an answer.

In super quick time the door flung open. “Hello sweety, you must be Finn?” Holly chirped. She was exactly how she described, a tall, blonde, middle aged beauty who towered above Finn and was wearing a tight light grey sports vest and matching shorts, revealing her amazing figure.

“Yep that’s me, nice to meet you” Finn replied, shaking with nerves. Holly unexpectedly pulled him in and gave him a big hug, and as she did his head nestled between her plump boobs, due to the height difference. After a few seconds she let go and they both looked at each other.

“Since it’s such a nice day, shall we go for a walk and we can chat and get to know each other?” Holly proposed.

“Yeah sure” Finn replied, slightly scared to suggest otherwise.

“Awesome, I’ll just get my phone!” Holly said as she quickly ran back into the house to grab her phone. As she ran away Finn got a good look at her bum, and he tried his best not to get too excited and did his best to stop him getting a semi.

Holly ran back towards him and walked him down the driveway and back down the road towards a small woods near Holly’s house. As they walked they made basic small talk to put Finn at ease, and to be fair it worked. Although the butterflies in his stomach had been replaced with an ever growing urge in his bladder.

They finally made it to the woods and it was beautiful but also very quiet and secluded.

“So Finn lets get down to business. So you want to be my baby?” Holly asked. Finn’s eyes widened as she asked him.

“Ummm, yeah I do” Finn replied.

“You are very cute Finn and I think you’d definitely make a very cute baby. But you can’t just become a baby just like that, first you need to prove that you are a baby” Holly explained. “Tell me Finn - what do babies do?”.

“Babies play with toys and take naps?” Finn answered.

“Correct, what else do they do?” Holly replied.

“They crawl around and drink milk?” Finn said, confused as to where this was going.

“Right again. Also Finn, what do babies wear?” Holly replied again. Now he realised where this was going.

“Onesies?” Finn said, trying to avoid the obvious.

“Yes they do Finn, but they also wear nappies underneath. Right now Finn you aren’t a baby because you don’t do any of those things and you aren’t wearing any of those things. But if you want to be a baby you need to show me that you NEED all of that, not just want it” Holly explained as he grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. They were both stood in an opening in the woods. “So, did you have the breakfast I told you to have this morning?” Holly asked.

“Yes I did” Finn replied.

“Good boy, so I’m guessing that right now you need to use the toilet right?” Holly said as she looked down at his crotch.

“Umm yeah, I kind of need a wee” Finn answered nervously as he put his hands on his crotch.

“Okay, well to prove to me you need nappies you’re going to have to show me that you need them. So Finn, I want you to wet yourself right now” Holly requested.

Finn was shocked. He assumed he’d be wetting himself at some point during the day but he didn’t expect to be doing it in his pants and not in a nappy. He didn’t want to admit how desperate he was to Holly but tried his best to hide it. “But Holly we’re in public, and everyone will be able to tell” he pleaded.

“I don’t care Finn, you need to prove how much of a baby you are and remember I’m in charge” she said as she bent over and moved his arms to his side and forced his legs open slightly. “I’m going to count down from five, and when I get to one I want you to wet your pants. “Five…” Holly said as she stood back and stared at him.

“Wait Holly, I’m not sure I can…”


“Hmmmm please”


“Please don’t make me do this”




Finn panicked, but for some reason he had accepted what he had to do. He shut his eyes and tried to imagine being stood infront of the toilet with his pants around his ankles. After a few seconds he felt a small spurt of wee get soaked up by his pants, but once it started he couldn’t stop it, a torrent of wee came out as he felt the front of his shorts warm and streams of wee trickled down his legs. After one final push he was finished, and he’d totally soaked his shorts and pants. As he opened his eyes and looked at Holly, he was alerted to the fact she was filming him!

“Good boy Finn, looks like you’ve had a big accident! I wanted to film it so I can show you how much of a baby you are. So, you’ve done a number one in your pants, but there’s one more thing you need to do for me to prove you definitely need nappies. I know that the breakfast you had this morning should have already made it’s way through your body. So… do you need to go number two?” Holly explained. He hadn’t admitted it but his bowels were in need of release too and pushing the wee out had now made that more obvious.

“Please don’t make me do that, I’ll do anything please” Finn pleaded. As embarrassing as it was wetting himself, messing was even worse.

“Finn, you want to be a baby right? Surely you didn’t think you’d be messing yourself at some point? This way you’ll prove that you aren’t grown up enough for big boy pants and that you need to wear nappies. Now drop your shorts and turn around so your bum is facing me. If you don’t, I’ll march you back to that bus stop right now and send you home in wet shorts. Come on do it” Holly ordered. Slightly scared, Finn pulled down his shorts to reveal his soaking dinosaur briefs and turned around so she could see his petite bum and hairless legs.

“Good boy, now I don’t mind if you bend over a bit but I want you to poo in those cute pants of yours, I won’t count you down but I want you to push right now” Holly ordered as she held her phone up and began filming.

Finn didn’t fight it. He bent his knees slightly held the bottom of his t-shirt as a comforter and began to push. Due to the oatmeal and coffee it didn’t take a huge amount of effort before a soft lump of poo escaped his bum and met the resistance of his pants. It felt weird, like a big hot lump sat between his cheeks and pants as he gave it one more push and the poo left his bum completely, being held in place by the fabric.

“Uh oh! Looks like Finn has made a big mess in his pants! Oof and it’s smelly too, what a big accident you’ve had!” Holly teased as she finished filming. “Turn around for me Finn” she ordered.

Finn turned around, still in the bent position, and looked up at Holly to see she was still filming him.

“Stand up straight for me” Holly asked. Finn slowly stood up straight as he felt the mush in his pants squelch as he bum cheeks closed slightly. “Now tell me your name” Holly ordered, still filming.

“Ummm I’m Finn” he answered.

“Good boy Finn. Now tell me why you need to wear nappies” Holly said as she looked sternly into his eyes. He knew what the game was at this point and the threat of putting him back on a bus in this state was too much to bear.

“I need nappies because… because I had an accident” Finn mumbled quietly.

“What kind of accident” Holly said.

“I’ve wet and… and pooed myself” Finn admitted as a tear rolled from his eye.

“Show me Finn, lift your shirt up and turn around”. Holly ordered again. Finn then slowly turned around to reveal the darkened lump in the back of his pants.

“Oh dear, looks like Finn here isn’t potty trained and looks like he’ll have to go back into nappies” Holly played up to the cameras as she stopped filming. “You can turn back around Finn, and pull your shorts up” Holly requested. He did so within seconds.

“Well done Finn, you’ve now proved to me how much you need nappies. Let’s get you back home and cleaned up because you are so dirty, and you stink” Holly held out her hand and Finn walked towards her and held her hand.

“One more thing, from now on you are now going to call me ‘mummy’. Understand” Holly said.

“Yes” Finn answered sheepishly.

“Yes what?” Holly said.

“Yes mummy” Finn answered.

The walk back to Holly’s house was thankfully uneventful, apart from one dog walker giving Finn a weird look after seeing the huge wet patch on the front of his shorts, and his slight waddle.

Mercifully they reached Holly’s house and as quickly as possible Finn reached her porch as she unlocked the door. “Shoes off please” Holly ordered as Finn bent down and untied his trainers. He noticed another pair of trainers at the door, that were white in colour with pink accents.

“Phew you really do reek, let’s get you cleaned up” Holly said as she took his hand and led him into the living room. “We’re home sweety!” Holly announced loudly as they entered, and Finn was stopped in his tracks as he was met with a shocking sight. He locked eyes with a young woman, probably around the same age as him, sat on the wooden floor infant of the television wearing nothing but a pink and white striped t-shirt and a thick ABU BunnyHopps nappy with her hair in pigtails and a pink dummy in her mouth. Her eyes widened like they were about to pop out of her sockets. Her eyes then panned down to the large wet patch on his shorts.

He again thought to himself, ‘what have I let myself in for?’.

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Chapter 2

“Oh sorry Finn I forgot to tell you, you aren’t the only baby I’m taking care of today. This is Emily, say hello Emily” Holly explained as the two continued to stare at each other.

“Hewwo” Emily said, muffled through her pacifier.

“Hi” Finn said.

“Emily baby I’m just going to get Finn cleaned as he’s had a big accident in his pants, I’ll check your nappy once he’s ready okay?” Holly explained as he led Finn into the downstairs bathroom. Neither said a word as they watched themselves before they no longer had sight of each other. Finn was shocked, how could he have been fooled by Holly? And was Emily in the same boat as him?

Holly shut the downstairs bathroom door behind them. “Here we go, this is going to be a big cleanup job so take your t-shirt and shorts off and step into the shower. Keep your poopy pants on just for a second” Holly ordered. Finn obliged as he undressed and stepped into the shower as his mess hung between his legs.

“Here we go” Holly said as she took a deep breath and begun peeling Finn’s pants off his body. Once they were low enough she let them drop onto the floor with a thud. Finn got a full sight at the mess he created.

“Hope you are proud of yourself young man. So messy!” Holly teased as she scooped his pants into a plastic bag and placed it next to the door. She then turned on the shower and then hosed him down until he was relatively clean. She then guided him out of the shower and dried him off before handing him a striped dressing gown.

“Right little boy, are you ready for your first nappy? We don’t want a repeat of the disaster you just had in your shorts” Holly asked him.

“Yes… mummy” Finn replied.

“Okay let’s go!” Holly said as she opened the door.

“Wait aren’t you going to do it in here?” Finn asked.

“No no, there’s no room in here so I’m going to get you changed in the living room. The supplies are ready!” Holly explained as she grabbed his hand. Before Finn could reply he was being led into the living room and caught another sight of Emily as they approached.

“Emily I’m just going to get Finn dressed, unless you need a nappy change first?” Holly said as she let go of Finn and helped Emily to her feet. She then placed her hand on the front of Emily’s nappy, felt around before turning her around and peeked down the back of her nappy.

“Just a bit damp, you can last a bit longer in that” Holly said as she patted her bum and Emily quietly sat down. Finn was shocked at how docile and willing Emily was to let Holly do that.

“Right ready Finn?” Holly asked as she picked a bag up from behind the sofa.

Before Finn could answer Holly unzipped the bag and pulled out a plain changing mat and laid it on the floor. She patted the mat and Finn quickly laid n the mat trying his best to not let the dressing gown expose his private parts.

“No need for modesty Finn, you need to get used to being comfortable around us!” Holly said as she forcibly removed Finn’s dressing gown revealing his naked body. He quickly placed his hands infront of his penis and balls so Emily couldn’t see but he could see her turning red and awkwardly looking away.

“Before I put you in a nappy, there’s something else I need to put on you” Holly said as she pulled out a plastic object. Finn had been on fetlife long enough to recognise what is was - a chastity cage. “This is to make sure you don’t do anything naughty in your nappy infront of me and Emily. Without hesitation she grabbed his penis and swiftly installed the device. Finn had never worn one before and it was an odd sensation to wear one but not particularly uncomfortable. He guessed this would change if he got aroused.

“Nappy time now Finn!” Holly excitedly announced as she pulled out a ABU Little Kings nappy and unfurled it. Mere seconds later she was slipping it under Finn’s bum and covering his crotch in baby powder. In a blur Finn found himself being strapped into the nappy. Once Holly was finished she stood him up and poked and prodded his nappy to make sure it was on properly.

She then produced a light blue t-shirt and held it open for Finn to put on. “All done! Doesn’t he look cute Emily” Holly asked.

“Hmm hmm” Emily quietly answered.

“I suppose I have some explaining to do don’t I. Emily is my other baby and we’ve known each other a lot longer than you Finn. She’s an ABDL just like you, and she is never going to tease you. You are going to become best friends! And don’t worry, she’s been exactly what you’ve been through. In fact…” Holly paused as she pulled her phone out and begun tapping away. After a few seconds the television lit up and they both realised Holly was screen casting a video of Emily onto the television.

“Please no mummy!” Emily spat out her dummy and pleaded with Holly, but it was no use. All three watched the television as the video depicted Emily wearing a short, flowing sundress in the same place Finn was in earlier going through the same ordeal he did. The video continued as it showed Emily lifting her dress and then wetting her pastel pink knickers before turning around an pushing out a log of poo into the back of her knickers. The video concluded with Emily admitting she had an accident and needed nappies. Finn looked towards Emily as she burst out into quiet tears.

“There we go. You are both in the same boat and you should both get to know each other. I’m going to go and make lunch, I’ll give you some time to chat” Holly said as she stopped the video and walked towards the kitchen. Finn crinkled towards Emily and sat next to her as she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her t-shirt.

Emily was pretty much a similar build and height to Finn. She had a cute face with her brown hair tied in two pigtails with pink bows on both. He guessed she was a similar age and he had to admit he was slightly attracted to her. He always has something for women in nappies as well as an attraction to being in nappies himself.

“I’m sorry, don’t worry I won’t tease you” Finn said sheepishly.

“It’s okay, thank you” Emily replied as she sniffed.

“So how long have you been doing this if you don’t mind me asking?” Finn asked.

“It’s fine. I’ve been mummy’s baby for about 6 months on and off. I have a job but most weekends and some weeknights I stay here. I’m guessing you met mummy on fetlife?” Emily asked as she shifted position and accidentally gave Finn a peek at her damp nappy, which was slightly discoloured at the front.

“Yeah I did” Finn replied.

“So did I. Has she told you about her… methods yet? If not you might want to prepare yourself?” Emily questioned.

“No she hasn’t, what should I prepare for?” Finn asked rather nervously.

“Well mummy likes her babies to be fully invested into the lifestyle. I hate to admit it that I’m basically incontinent nowadays, even when I’m at work I have to wear discreet adult nappies. I think it’s due to all the diuretics and laxatives she puts into food and drink. Plus wait until it’s TV time after lunch, you’ll 100% be needing that nappy” Emily explained.

“Oh god really? I’m not sure I’m ready for that!” Finn said, becoming more and more agitated.

“Don’t worry I’ll be doing it all as well, honestly it’s pretty fun once you get into it. Mummy is so lovely and she’s going to ta….” Emily paused mid sentence and slightly lifted her bum off the floor. Finn looked at Emily as she closed her eyes and sighed quietly, before his eyes were drawn to her nappy as he saw a dark wet patch appear on the front and heard a quiet hissing sound. He soon realised that Emily was wetting her nappy right infront of him.

A few seconds later Emily sat back down on the floor and felt the front of her nappy. “Sorry about that, I was trying to hold on for as long as I can but that’s pretty hard nowadays. I think mummy might need to change me soon” Emily said. “Do you want to play with me? I’ve got a couple more barbies in the toy box if you want me to get them?”.

“Uhhh…” Finn said but before he could fully reply he saw Holly re-enter the room holding two trays.

“Lunch is ready babies!” Holly announced.

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Chapter 3

Holly laid down the two trays on the coffee table and Finn saw exactly what he’d be having for lunch. He saw some strawberries, a couple of sticks of carrots and a pouch of baby food which read ‘chicken and veg’ on the front. To top it all off, next to the plate was a large baby bottle with what he presumed was milk inside. The other tray had exactly the same on it for Emily.

“Right you two, I’m going to trust you to eat this yourself without me having to feed you, but just so you don’t make a mess I’ve got these” Holly revealed two bibs, one blue and one pink. “Come and sit on the sofa and have lunch” she said as they both got up and sat on the sofa. They both then let Holly tie their bibs around their necks and then she placed the trays on their laps.

“I’m going to read my book over here, ask me if you need anything. Enjoy!” Holly ordered as she sat on the adjacent armchair.

Finn stared down at the lunch and while he didn’t mind the fruit and vegetables, he was particularly hesitant about the baby food and milk. Emily could see his hesitation.

“Don’t worry man, just go with the flow. The baby food isn’t too bad, here watch me” Emily said as she grabbed her pouch and begun to suck it’s contents into her mouth. She ate (or drank) it so quickly it began to form around her lips and as she took it out of her mouth she let out a big sigh and looked at him. “See! It’s tasty!”.

Finn decided to give it a go. He held up the pouch and began to suck it’s contents into his mouth. The taste wasn’t too bad but it was the consistency that bothered him. After about 30 seconds he could feel the pouch constricting as he reached the end. He took it out of his mouth and let out a sigh similar to Emily, who was getting stuck into her strawberries.

“That wasn’t so bad” Finn whispered to Emily as he picked up a stick of carrot and begun munching on it.

“See told you! You wait until you taste the milk” Emily said as she finished the final strawberry on her plate and picked up the bottle. She stuck the nipple in her mouth and begun drinking the contents. She sat on the sofa with her knees bent and her feet on the edge of the sofa. Finn peered around her leg and saw her now soaking nappy bulging between her thighs.

Finn finished his food and then moved onto the bottle. He was apprehensive but after motivating himself he placed the nipple in his mouth and began drinking. It brought distant memories from his early childhood back as he suckled. As he felt the milk pass through is mouth and down his throat, he realised this didn’t taste like normal milk. It seemed much thicker and slightly sweeter than normal but he didn’t dislike it, in fact he kind of liked the taste. A few minutes of chugging later and his bottle was empty, as was Emily’s.

“All done? Well done babies” Holly praised as she stood up and took the trays away from them. Both Finn and Emily looked at each other and both realised they had milk and baby food around their mouths and both smiled and quietly chuckled. Holly came over and wiped both their mouths with their bibs before taking them off and placing them on the coffee table.

“Are you both ready for TV time? But before we do I think this little girl needs a nappy change doesn’t she?” Holly teased as she tickled Emily. She took her hand and laid her down on the same changing mat Finn was on not too long ago. She then set to work on changing Emily’s nappy with relative ease. Finn couldn’t take his eyes off the whole process as she took off the soaking wet nappy and cleaned Emily’s privates before sprinkling her in powder and strapping her into a new nappy. As this stirred up his insides he felt his penis hit the painful resistance of the chastity cage.

Once Emily was changed and strapped into a new nappy Holly led them both out of the living room and down the corridor towards an inconspicuous door next to the bathroom. She opened the door and turned the light on, revealing a small room with two bean bags and a television on the wall.

“Both of you take a seat. I know Emily knows about TV time but for your benefit Finn, I’m going to leave you two to watch some TV in here for a little bit. So you don’t get distracted I’m going to turn the light off and give you both some headphones so you can listen” Holly explained as she placed some large headphones on Emily’s head, and then proceeded to do the same to Finn. She then turned on the television and pressed play on the remote.

“Have fun babies” Holly said suspiciously as she turned the light off and left the room, shutting the door in the process. The room was now lit only by the plain white screen infant of them.

“Emily what’s going on?” Finn asked as he lifted one side of the headphones off his ear.

“Don’t worry you’ll enjoy it” Emily said as she secured the headphones and pointed towards the television. Finn did the same and waited for ‘TV time’.

Suddenly the white screen turned into a black and white swirl, and a strange dull humming noise entered Finn’s ears from the headphones. It made him feel slightly strange, and caused him to focus on the centre of the swirl. Then a distorted female voice began.

’Take slow deep breaths and focus on the centre of the screen. Breathe in… and breathe out. Relax as you watch the television.’

Finn’s breathing began to be dictated by the words. He began to feel light headed.

‘You are now safe. You are in your own space, and you can now relax’ the voice continued on. ‘Today we are going to focus on letting go, and losing restraint. In your world, you don’t have a single worry or care. You don’t have responsibilities, you are free to do whatever you like.’

‘This was really weird’ Finn thought to himself. He couldn’t see anything apart from the screen and he couldn’t seem to turn us head to look at Emily, but out of the corner of his eye he could see her sat up in the same position as him.

‘You are allowed to do anything, when you feel like it. You know why, because you are a baby. Aren’t you? A baby.’ The words echoed around Finn’s head and he felt his thumb enter his mouth. He didn’t even think about it. It just happened.

‘Babies don’t need to focus on anything other than play. Even when they have certain feelings, feelings from their body. When babies feel like it, they do it without thought or hesitation’.

‘Babies just stand up’. As the voice spoke, Finn heard further echoes of other voices saying ‘stand up’ repeatedly and after a few seconds he felt himself get to his feet off the beanbag. It felt like an out of body experience. He was now stood up with his thumb in his mouth still fixated on the television. He again could see out of the corner of his eye Emily doing the exact same thing.

‘Breathe in… and breathe out.’ Finn was captivated and hung on every word, he’s never felt this relaxed before. ‘Open your legs slightly baby, and relax’, Finn and Emily both did as the television said. ‘When you hear the word teddy, you are going to let go of your bladder and wee. Remember, babies don’t focus.’ Waterfall and trickling noises began to permeate through the headphones and bounce around Finn’s brain. This carried on for around 20 seconds before he heard a whisper in his left ear. ‘Teddy’.

Finn began to feel a warmth between his legs as he completely let go of all thoughts and feelings. ‘Good baby’, ‘baby is wetting his nappy’, ‘wet nappies feel good’, ‘wet nappies feel right’, ‘babies don’t use the potty’, ‘babies belong in nappies’ - all of these phrases pierce Finn’s ears as he continued to wet himself. After an unknown amount of time he felt himself finish weeing. He couldn’t explain it, but it felt so good. Euphoric even.

‘Well done baby. Mummy is proud of you. You can sit back down now and enjoy being relaxed’. On queue both Finn and Emily plopped back down onto their beanbags and continued to suck on their thumbs.

‘Good baby’ the voice said as the numbing sound quietened until it stopped. The TV then went back to plain white. He thought he would snap right out of it but he didn’t, he felt drunk. Very drunk.

He took his thumb out of his mouth and a line of dribble came out with it and slapped onto his chin. He then took the headphones off and looked at Emily, who seemed to be in a similar intoxicated state. They both smiled at each other and began giggling uncontrollably, and then Emily stumbled up onto her feet and began prodding the front of Finn’s nappy.

“Finny done wee wee!” Emily said in a slurry and high pitched voice.

“Nuh uh, you Emmy wee wee pants!” Finn jokily said, not thinking about the change in his voice.

Both continued to giggle and inspect each others nappies as they looked with slightly open mouths covered in dribble.

Suddenly the door opened and the light switched on, both turned their heads and locked eyes with Holly.

“Mummy!” said Emily and Finn happily., completely in a babied state of mind.

  • Like 15

Good start. Well written easy to follow.

Can't wait for the next chapter. 🙂

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 4

“Hello babies, looks like you’ve had fun in here!” Holly excitedly announced. “Both of you stand up so I can check how your nappies are, although I think I can guess what’s happened!”.

“Emily wet herself cus she’s a baby!” Finn teased.

Both Finn and Emily stood up and walked towards Emily before stopping just in front of her. Finn stuck his thumb in his mouth, not even thinking about doing it. It just felt right.

“She’s not the only one Finn, you have a very soggy nappy!” Holly said as both her hands came down and grabbed both Emily and Finn’s nappy simultaneously, confirming they had both wet themselves.

“Hehe Finn is a pants wetter too!” Emily said as she squirmed on the spot and swayed from left to right.

“You both definitely need nappies, good job you weren’t in big boy and girl pants!” Holly teased. “I think you two have had enough excitement for one afternoon, think it’s time for a nap. Come with me”.

She grabbed Emily and Finn’s hands and they made their way upstairs. Finn was still in a state of drunken euphoria and didn’t care about the situation around him. The idea of a nap sounded amazing and he couldn’t wait to find out where he was going.

As they both waddled alongside Holly up the staircase and straight through the doorway at the top of the stairs. As the door opened Finn’s eyes were drawn to a large bed with bars along one side and the ends, decorated with soft pastel colours and a safari pattern with plenty of soft fluffy pillows on top.

“There we go you two, hop on up!” Holly said as she let go of their hands and immediately Holly ran and jumped onto the bed. Finn saw as her heavily drenched nappy crinkled and squished as she touched down on the bed. After watching that he soon followed but at a slower pace. He sat on the bed and felt his nappy squish onto his bum. He felt slightly aroused as he sat but his penis  soon began to ache from the chastity cage.

Both Emily laid down and Finn soon instinctively joined her. Holly bent over the bed and put matching blue and pink dummies in both their mouths, having no resistance from either. “I’m going to put this tape on to help you sleep, and I’ll be back in a few hours to wake you up for tea. Night night babies” Holly whispered as she stroked Finn’s hair and turned the light off, leaving a small blue illuminated night light in the far corner of the room.

As the door shut Finn heard a quiet lullaby soundtrack and within seconds his eyes shut and he fell into a deep sleep.

Finn woke up to find himself in a school nursery sat on a desk at the front of the classroom. He was dressed in a pair of grey school trousers and red polo shirt. As he looked around the room he saw many other boys dressed in the same uniform with the girls dressed in a red and white chequered dress. He looked to the front of the room and saw a large whiteboard with a tall woman in a long blue dress pointing at the whiteboard.

“Today class we’ll be learning about the process of un-toilet training, and todays focused will be on loss of bowel control” the teacher said as she pointed her large cane at the words ‘bowel control (poo)’ written on the whiteboard.

“As all of you are now back in nappies permanently, the toilet is not something you need nor are allowed to use. It’s a concept that you do not understand and even the sight of a toilet scares you. When you feel like you need to evacuate your bowels, without hesitation you will void them into your nappy”.

Finn looked around confused as he saw the other around him take all of the information in with an intense stare.

“Repeat after me class… when I need a poo, I will poo in my nappy” the teacher announced.

“When I need a poo, I will poo in my nappy” the whole class said in unison. Finn looked to his left and right and saw them repeat it multiple times enthusiastically.

“Well done class. In order to demonstrate what you’ve learnt I’ll need two volunteers. Hmmm, Jessica and Peter, please come and stand up here” the teacher ordered as two of Finn’s classmates stood up and walked to the front of the room.

“Jessica please lift up your skirt, and Peter please drop your trousers” the teacher ordered. Both complied as they revealed their plain white nappies to the classroom.

“Thank you. Now I’m going to show you how you can effectively void your bowels without any resistance from your body. You need to stand with your legs open slightly and rest your hands slightly above your knees” the teacher explained as both Jessica and Peter got into the position facing the whiteboard.

“Close your eyes, and don’t push just yet. Just relax your body and clear your mind” the teacher said. “Are you both in a state of calm?” she asked the two students at the front of the class.

“Yes miss” they both responded.

“Excellent. Now 3, 2, 1 and push” the teacher calmly said.

Finn was captivated as he looked towards Jessica and Peter has he heard muffled farts followed by a loud noise as big lumps both formed at the base of their nappies. A few smaller farts later and the noise stopped.

“Well done Jessica and Peter, a fantastic demonstration. That’s how you effectively void your bowels without using the toilet. Easy, isn’t it… Finn?” The teacher stared blankly at Finn. He was shocked and saw the whole class staring at him.

Finn suddenly awoke and found himself back in the bedroom laying on his back with the dummy still in his mouth. He sat up and was reminded of how wet his nappy was by looking down at his crotch. He looked to his right and could see Emily also waking up. The tape Holly had put on before they went to sleep had now stopped.

“Oh sorry for waking you up Emily, I had a really weird dream” Finn said, noticing he had returned to his normal self after the blur of the past few hours.

“It’s okay Finn don’t worry about it. It’s perfectly normal to have strange dreams when you first come here, it’s because of the tape mummy plays at nap time. Let me guess, did it involve a classroom?” Emily asked.

“Yeah it was” Finn replied.

“I had the same but they calm down after a while don’t worry” Emily explained as she sat up. “Wow we both really soaked our nappies didn’t we! You know what, I kind of need to go poo poo” Emily childishly explained as she held her stomach. “Mummy! Mummy!” Emily shouted.

Within a few seconds Holly burst through the door and turns on the light. “I see my babies are both awake! What’s wrong sweetheart?” she asks.

“Mummy I need to poo” Emily says as she pouts and holds her stomach.

“Okay baby, what are you waiting for? You can poo wherever you like!” Holly said as she came over to the bed and stroked Emily’s hair.

“Can I play… the poopy game?” Emily asked with a grin on her face.

“Oh definitely, we’ve not played that in ages! Come on downstairs then” Holly said as she helped Emily off the bed. “You too Finn” she ordered as she held her hand out to Finn.

“What’s the poopy game?” Finn asked, slightly confused as to what the two women were taking about.

“You’ll find out in a second, now come on” Holly said as she pulled Finn to his feet. As he landed he felt an intense cramp in his stomach and growned in pain. It was like nothing he’d felt before.

“Ooh Emily looks like we might have another player! Let’s go before it’s too late” Holly teased as she led them both into the living room.

When they arrived downstairs Holly positioned them both in the middle of the living room as she temporarily left to collect the necessary ‘equipment’. 

“What’s going on now?” Finn asked Emily.

“It’s just a game, don’t worry you’ll enjoy it. And by the end of it I guarantee your stomach won’t hurt anymore, but your nappy might be a bit fuller than it is now” Emily giggled.

“Right you two, a quick reminder of the rules. The first one to mess their nappy loses, and there will be an unspecified punishment” Holly said. “Put these around your stomach please” she revealed as she handed both Emily and Finn a large elastic bandage-looking band with a zip on either side.

“What is it?” Finn asked.

“Emily baby show Finn how to put it on” Holly asked. Finn then watched Emily hold the band around her stomach and zip up the front. He could also see there was a thin, plastic box attached to the band. Finn attempted to copy Emily and after a few tries he zipped it up. It was tight on his abdomen but not too uncomfortable.

“Please face eachother” Holly asked as they both stared into each others eyes. “Remember, keep eye contact at all times and the first one to go poo poo loses”.

Finn looked at Holly out of the corner of his eye and saw her sat on the sofa with her phone filming in one hand and a remote in the other. He saw her press the first of three buttons on the remote and suddenly the band around his stomach began to vibrate.

“Ohhhhhhh god” Finn moaned as he felt his whole lower body vibrate and immediately he felt his bowels begin to strain.

“Feels good doesn’t it Finn, but I’m going to beat you! I’m going to hold it… can you?” Emily said triumphantly, albeit sounding like she was talking through a fan due to the vibrations.

“I’m holding it don’t worry” Finn said, masking his urgency to release his bowels.

After a minute or so both Emily and Finn stood completely still, both managing to hide their need to release. A bead of sweat began to trickle down Finn’s forehead, but as she stared into Emily’s eyes he was surprised to see how calm she was.

“Well done you two, but let’s crank it up” Holly said as she pressed the second button. The vibration became much stronger and both Finn and Emily moaned.

“Careful, don’t poo yourself Finn haha!” Emily said before moaning for a second time. Finn knew she was struggling just as much as he was. He thought back to the dream he had and the teachers words began to echo in his brain. Why was he holding on, he is wearing a nappy so didn’t Holly want him to go? But did he want to face the punishment.

“Oh god” Finn said as his face scrunched up, putting all his effort into holding on.

“Gonna break Finn? You know you want to!” Emily teased.

The vibrations were so strong and his stomach ached like he’d never felt before. He stared at Emily before shutting his eyes, attempting to lock in. He began to feel light headed as he began to hallucinate and was taken back to the classroom from his dream. The sight of the two students messing themselves ran again and again in his head.

Emily saw Finn shut his eyes and his face relax. “Look mummy here we go!” She said trying to turn Holly’s attention to Finn.

“I’m, I’m going to poo poo! I’m going to poo poo mummy!” Finn groaned, returning to his childish trance he was under before nap time.

The vibrations stopped. Finn could hear Holly say “Looks like Finn is about to lose the game Emily” but it was very quiet. All he could hear was the words of the teacher from his dream. “3, 2, 1, and push”.

Finn relaxed his mind and gently pushed. What followed was a torrent of soft poo exploding loudly out of his bum and into his soggy nappy. “Ahhhhh poo poo, poo poo” he shouted in a squeaky voice. He felt more wee he soaked into the front of his nappy as his bum became hot from the evacuation that had just happened. After a few more pushes he realised he was done. He opened his eyes to see Emily giggling.

“And we have a winner! Well done Emily. Commiserations Finn, looks like you’ve made a big steamy mess in your nappy. Oh dear” Holly announced.

“Unfortunately because you were the first one to mess your nappy, you’ll receive a punishment” Holly explained to Finn as she stood over him and felt the back of his nappy.

“Wow that’s one of the fullest nappies I’ve ever seen! Right Mr smelly bum, please lay down on the floor. Emily it’s time for your prize, and for your punishment Finn” Holly said.

Finn reluctantly laid flat on the floor as his poo smear all up his bum crack. He had no idea what was coming next…

  • Like 12

Needs a bit of proof reading before posting, but continues to be a solid read.  Looking forward to more.

  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 5

Finn laid on his back looking up at Emily and Holly as they stared back down at him. He could feel his mess squelch and move between his cheeks.

”Right. So Finn made a mess in his nappy, now I think it’s time for you to make one too Emily! How much do you need to go?” Holly asked Emily.

”Ohh please please let me poo mummy I’m so desperate!” Emily pleaded.

”Okay very well sweety. Assume the position” Holly asked as she patted Emily on the back. Finn assumed Emily would just bend her knees and fill the back of her nappy, but instead Emily stood over Finn and squatted so her already wet nappy sagged right above Finn’s head.

”Wait a minute what’s going…” Finn said panicking. He was interrupted by Emily.

”Here we go! Ahhhhhhh” Emily said. Within seconds Finn looked up to see Emily’s nappy expand right in front of his face and the nappy touch his nose and cheeks. He could hear loud crackling and thumping from her nappy as he felt her hot mess deposit in the nappy right above him, with the padding the only thing between his face and Emily’s mess. Not long after the horrific stench hit him, he winced his nose and clenched his fists unable to move

”Ewwww Emily please stand up!” Finn pleaded. Instead Emily squatted down further and rubbed the messy nappy on Finn’s face. Left and right and up and down, she continued for what felt like forever before she mercifully stood up and Finn stared at them both.

”Finn has a poopy bum and then he had a poopy face!” Emily teased.

”Do you see now why you don’t want to lose that game Finn?” Holly asked jokingly. Finn simply pouted as he stood up.

”Oh dear, a bit embarrassed? Phew you know what, I think I’ve got two bums to change it absolutely pongs in here!” Holly said as she swatted both on the bum and led the, back upstairs to be changed.

The rest of the evening consisted solely of both the ‘babies’ being changed and left to watch a Disney movie together. Finn had accepted Holly’s invitation to stay the night and soon he was back in bed with Emily, both clad in a nappy and a onesie, pink for Emily and blue for Finn. They both drifted off to sleep with the sound of another lullaby soundtrack.

Finn experienced another weird classroom dream that night. The conditions exactly the same, but this time the focus of the lesson was not being ashamed of wearing a nappy underneath clothes or releasing in public.

”Wakey wakey babies! We’ve got a busy day ahead!” Holly announced as she entered the room with two big bottles of milk. Both Emily and Finn groaned as they were woken up by the bright sunshine beaming through the window as Holly pulled the curtains.

”Up up” Holly ordered as she pulled the large blanket off both of them. Finn quickly realised he had avoided wetting the bed, which given the events of the last day was a surprise. The same couldn’t be said for Emily though, even through the onesie he could tell she’d soaked her nappy. The both slowly crawled off the bed and stood at the side of the bed facing Holly.

”Here’s a bottle for both of you, we’re going to be going out for breakfast so once you’ve finished these I’ll get you changed and we’ll be going” Holly explained. Before Finn could protest the bottle was shoved in his mouth and they both begun guzzling it down.

”Now, I’m going to change your nappies once you are done so I suggest if you need the toilet now you should use the nappy you are currently in. Let’s open both of you” Holly said as she pulled both of their legs open. Finn looked over to Emily and she saw her eyes point upwards and her face relax. He looked down to see her nappy begin to become even more yellow. Admittedly, he did need a wee and realising the predicament he was currently in, he decided to relax his bladder and let go. It wasn’t long before he let a torrent of wee soak his nappy.

After a few minutes both Finn and Emily had finished their bottles and one by one they had their nappies changed by Holly. Both were visibly embarrassed by having their nappies changed in front of eachother but there was no avoiding it. Rather confusingly, Holly decided not to put them into a nappy and instead made them both stand naked as she left the room for a minute or so and return with a pile of clothes.

”So we’re going to have a little bit of fun today. We’re going to go to the retail park just down the road and have a look around the shops. Because I don’t want to carry around loads of bags I’m going to put you both in these” Holly said as she put down the pile of clothes and held up two pairs of Ninjamas bedwetting pants, one was adorned with purple and green rockets and the other covered in different coloured love hearts. Both Finn and Emily looked at eachother in shock. Could they even survive in public without the security of a nappy?

”You first Finn. Leg up” Holly asked as she knelt down and held the pull-up open as he stepped in. She then forcefully pulled it up and around his waist. It felt much thinner than a nappy but still had the plastic-y feel. He had to admit it felt rather nice. He then watched her do the same for Emily.

”Now remember these won’t hold as much as a nappy so please try and keep these dry. Today we’re going to try out you two being big kids. Now time for your outfits!”. Holly said.

A few minutes later they were both dressed, and both utterly humiliated. They were both dressed like they were off to primary school, both wearing a matching red polo shirt, with Finn dressed in a pair of grey shorts and Emily in a pleated tabard pinafore dress, which went over the top of her shirt.

”Ummm why are we dressed like we’re going to school?” Finn was the first to ask.

”Because you’re being big kids today! Plus you both look very cute!” Holly explained as she squeezed his cheek. “Let’s get ready to go we’re running late!” Holly then ordered as she rushed them both downstairs.

They then both sat on the bench next to the front door as they both put on their school-like shoes provided by Holly. “I look ridiculous” Finn said as he stood up and looked down at his outfit.

”Well you aren’t as ridiculous as you’ll look by the end of the day” Emily warned as she also stood up.

”What do you mean?” Finn asked.

”There’s a reason why we are both wearing pull-ups and not a nappy” Emily said as she adjusted her dress.

”What do you mean?” Finn pondered.

”Right both of you in the car!” Holly asked as she suddenly appeared and opened the door before Emily could reply. They were both pushed towards Holly’s family car and bundled into the back as they set off towards the retail park. It was a short journey, but still very weird. Finn could feel his polo shirt rising above his waist and he could tell his pull-up was riding above his waist. He must’ve looked like a toddler going to nursery.

Finally they arrived at the retail park and Holly first parked outside McDonald’s. They were both led into the quiet restaurant and ordered to sit down at one of the booths near the window. Finn and Emily sat opposite eachother and Finn took the opportunity to continue their conversation.

”Emily what did you mean earlier? About the pull-ups?” Finn asked.

”Well Holly likes to take me on these excursions but it always results in me being humiliated in public. Last time we went out, I was forced to play in a park in just  a t-shirt and a nappy. Going by our outfits, I’m guessing we’ll both end up with big wet patches on our dress and shorts. Think about it, why aren’t we wearing a nappy?” Emily explained.

”I’m sure I can avoid having an accident in public” Finn said confidently.

”We’ll see about that” Emily warned him as Holly arrived holding a tray. “Muffins and jam for the two toddlers, and a breakfast wrap for me” she said as she put the tray down and distributed the food. They all began to eat, with an awkward silence filling the air.

”I know neither of you want to be here, so to keep you happy we’re going to go to the toy shop first and get you both something. Sound good?” Holly asked.

”Sounds great mummy!” Emily said enthusiastically. Finn nodded, playing along.

They soon left McDonalds and headed straight to the entertainer, a toy superstore. Both Finn and Emily were apprehensive but the idea of a free toy made them slightly more optimistic. The colourful aisles left them with hundreds of choices. They look around, both restricted by their hands being held by Holly.

”Can we go to the pink Barbie aisle first?” Emily asked.

”Tell you what, be a big girl and have a look on your own and I’ll go with Finn to pick out something for him” Holly said.

”Yay! Okay see you soon” Emily said as she uncoupled from Holly and ran towards the Barbies.

”Right Finn, let’s go and have a look in this aisle” Holly said as she led him towards the plush toy range. They both marvelled at the huge shelves of toys of every animal you could imagine. She then let go of his hand and began fiddling around with a few of the toys on the shelf. Finn felt very little, and could only imagine how silly he looked in his mock school uniform.

”Hey Finn - how about this teddy” Holly bent over and held a big brown bear in front of his eyes.

Finn immediately felt a sharp painful sensation run down his abdomen and into his crotch. He suddenly felt an incredible urge in his bladder and it took all of his strength to resist it. His hands instinctively held his chastity trapped penis and he began shuffling on the spot.

”Ohhhhhhh I really need the potty! I really really need the potty” Finn said rather childishly, beginning to lose control of his mind and his bladder.

”Finn we are in the middle of the shop and there aren’t any toilets, you’re going to have to hold it” Holly explained.

it was too late, Finn stopped moving as he looked down with his hands held either side of his waist. He felt his bladder empty into his pull-up as it began to sag heavily between his legs. It felt different to a nappy, becoming misshapen and more obviously used quicker. He felt the stream stop.

”Mummy I had an accident” Finn said as he began to well up.

”I really can’t take you anywhere can I” Holly said with her hands on her hips, looking down at Finn. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! Just to update everyone I do intend to continue this story but there are a few short stories I’d like to work on first. But watch this space more will be coming soon :)

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