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The Girl Who Wanted to Wear Diapers (Ch. 34 - 5/29/24)

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Somehow I suspect the next words from her mom's mouth will be, 'I refuse to do that to her...' without even giving her a chance to agree. Looking forward to more of this!

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I agree with BabySofia that the Mom’s response might crush her dream… however she may have to explain herself if she just snaps ‘No’ so maybe we get the reason that pull ups were avoided. I still think it’s a traumatic event involving one of the parents or her sister. Still I think the doctor won’t be successful in getting her the pull ups. 

I don’t think outright asking is how she is going to get pull ups but the sleepover is looming!

oh and I think her sister will be playing a role again soon. She might be the one who figures out what’s happening.

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7 hours ago, A_Pale_Spirit said:

Happy that finally someone mentioned "protection."

I know this is just a story but even in real life, I never understand why parents would be so reluctant for such an obvious solution.

I've read statements from parents where they say, "Well obviously, we're not going to put him in a diaper, but the accidents are every day."   In some cases, they would likely choose protection themselves if they were having the same level of problems.   At some point, it might be the logical move.

This story begs the question, what would happen if Maddy's parents discovered these were intentional acts to get diapers?   

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19 hours ago, spark said:

I've read statements from parents where they say, "Well obviously, we're not going to put him in a diaper, but the accidents are every day."   In some cases, they would likely choose protection themselves if they were having the same level of problems.   At some point, it might be the logical move.

I always think it's crazy when parents have that attitude.

I sort of understand the feelings of parents who think "diapers/pull-ups would embarrass an older child too much," but honestly (and maybe I'm biased) I feel like it's far more embarrassing for that child to wake up in soaked pjs and a soaked bed than to wake up in a wet pull-up/diaper but a dry bed and dry pjs.
At least that attitude, while ignorant, is in consideration of the child's feelings, but far worse are parents who have the mindset that if an older child wears pull-ups/diapers for bedwetting it will discourage them from staying dry, as if a child can help it (making a bedwetter uncomfortable isn't going to help them stop).

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3 hours ago, A_Pale_Spirit said:

I feel like it's far more embarrassing for that child to wake up in soaked pjs and a soaked bed than to wake up in a wet pull-up/diaper but a dry bed and dry pjs.

This was my parents' philosophy. I had a plastic top sheet on my mattress but on the several occasions where my parents test-drove transitioning me out of wearing diapers in bed, the result would be me waking up at 5 AM in soaked sheets, and then laying there, or trying to roll over to a dry area on the bed and fall back to sleep for a bit... but in soaked pajamas, or I'd get up and put on dry PJ's,  but then they'd become dirty immediately, because I was still doused in pee when I put them on, so at some point everything would have to go into the laundry. Once that happened more than two or three times, the conversation came around to "It's not your fault, you're body just hasn't caught up with your age, but a good night's sleep is important for you to do well in school and to grow big and strong, so tonight I think it would be best if..." And then came the long walk over to the closet to get a diaper from the box on the floor in there. 

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I do not think Maddy, as the stories main character, has really "suffered" enough to achieve her goal.  It also seems like she is unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve her goals.  For example she does not want her little brother to know she is a bedwetter and she did not want her older sister to find out either.  She does not want her room to smell like pee because her friends might find out. 

Her parents are very resistant to putting her in diapers or goodnights and I do not think Maddy will be able to overcome their resistance without a lot more time (very little time has passed) or some sort of event that would force her parents in to action. 

For example her family could visit her bedwetting cousins and Maddy could could create a situation where she would be found out to be a bedwetter just like Maddy discovered her sister was a bedwetter.  The embarrassment she would experience would create enough sympathy from her parents that they would buy diapers for her.  Right now though, she is not willing to make a sacrifice like that, and she will not until she has been tortured more by the author.  Unless she wants diapers more then she cares about her reputation and what her brother, sister, parents and friends think about her she should not get diapers, because once she gets put in diapers that will become her identity.

I am still hoping that Maddy decides to increase the pressure on her parents by having daytime accidents.  Thank you for the story it is a very fun read.

Also do you have any plans to release another book?  I would love to be able to support your writing.

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Who knows, it could be that diabetes test comes out positive, either because she really has it or because the reagents they use are defective.

Or maybe just because God (MinnesotaWriter)has a twisted sense of humor.

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On 4/24/2024 at 4:42 PM, warpiper said:

FINALLY! I get that this is a slow burn, but goodness gracious finally someone suggests diapers! Good job doc!

It's only been a week-and-a-half of in-story time, so it isn't that odd that Maddy's parents wouldn't immediately jump on the diaper train (especially as they've indicated they did have their other bedwetting daughter use them.

On 4/24/2024 at 6:44 PM, BabySofia said:

Somehow I suspect the next words from her mom's mouth will be, 'I refuse to do that to her...' without even giving her a chance to agree. Looking forward to more of this!

That would certainly line up with her attitude so far.

On 4/24/2024 at 8:22 PM, AnythingWillDo said:

I agree with BabySofia that the Mom’s response might crush her dream… however she may have to explain herself if she just snaps ‘No’ so maybe we get the reason that pull ups were avoided. I still think it’s a traumatic event involving one of the parents or her sister. Still I think the doctor won’t be successful in getting her the pull ups. 

I don’t think outright asking is how she is going to get pull ups but the sleepover is looming!

oh and I think her sister will be playing a role again soon. She might be the one who figures out what’s happening.

We'll get some answers at the doctor's office for why the parents are so dead-set against nighttime diapers. The parent's own history of bedwetting is something that we'll learn more about later down the road as well, though.

On 4/25/2024 at 6:32 AM, A_Pale_Spirit said:

Happy that finally someone mentioned "protection."

I know this is just a story but even in real life, I never understand why parents would be so reluctant for such an obvious solution.

It makes sense from a perspective of not wanting their kid to feel humiliated or embarrassed. If parent s think that is how their kid might react to diapers, then avoiding them would be reasonable from their perspective.

On 4/25/2024 at 8:34 AM, LittleAcorn said:

Nice cliffhanger - and I'm excited there will be a lot more of the story.

Oh yes, we're just nearing the end of what I would say is part one of the story.

On 4/25/2024 at 1:41 PM, spark said:

I've read statements from parents where they say, "Well obviously, we're not going to put him in a diaper, but the accidents are every day."   In some cases, they would likely choose protection themselves if they were having the same level of problems.   At some point, it might be the logical move.

This story begs the question, what would happen if Maddy's parents discovered these were intentional acts to get diapers?   

That's a good question about what her parent's reaction would be. 

10 hours ago, seanwill25 said:

I do not think Maddy, as the stories main character, has really "suffered" enough to achieve her goal.  It also seems like she is unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve her goals.  For example she does not want her little brother to know she is a bedwetter and she did not want her older sister to find out either.  She does not want her room to smell like pee because her friends might find out. 

Her parents are very resistant to putting her in diapers or goodnights and I do not think Maddy will be able to overcome their resistance without a lot more time (very little time has passed) or some sort of event that would force her parents in to action. 

For example her family could visit her bedwetting cousins and Maddy could could create a situation where she would be found out to be a bedwetter just like Maddy discovered her sister was a bedwetter.  The embarrassment she would experience would create enough sympathy from her parents that they would buy diapers for her.  Right now though, she is not willing to make a sacrifice like that, and she will not until she has been tortured more by the author.  Unless she wants diapers more then she cares about her reputation and what her brother, sister, parents and friends think about her she should not get diapers, because once she gets put in diapers that will become her identity.

I am still hoping that Maddy decides to increase the pressure on her parents by having daytime accidents.  Thank you for the story it is a very fun read.

Also do you have any plans to release another book?  I would love to be able to support your writing.

Those are a lot of very interesting theories. To kind of flip that idea on its head, rather than needing to suffer to get what she wants, she might get what she wants first and have to deal with the unintended consequences afterward.

I do have plans for another book, though it's going to at least be several more months before it's finished.

7 hours ago, AbyMatt said:

This all feels like a "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it" situation.

That does kind of line up with the last line of the description I wrote for the story.

46 minutes ago, Bonsai said:

Who knows, it could be that diabetes test comes out positive, either because she really has it or because the reagents they use are defective.

Or maybe just because God (MinnesotaWriter)has a twisted sense of humor.

I do have a twisted sense of humor. I would say the best part of this story (as say, compared to All My Mother's Rules), is that I don't feel like there is a clearly obvious direction for the story to go. It makes it easier to have some surprises planned.

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1 hour ago, MinnesotaWriter said:

That's a good question about what her parent's reaction would be. 

I have a story that I've started the shell on that will follow that plot.  I'm not stealing your story, because it's been in my head for a long time.  In my story, the parent assumes the teenager is doing it on purpose.

Maddy's parents seem like ideal parents.  They are supportive, and not overly emotional.   It appears they have high expectations for their children, but not through fear.  As somebody who deals with a lot of parents, I would say Maddy's are very good.

My only criticism is that they are a little over-protective of Maddy.   They are so afraid to let Maddy screw up that they are keeping her from growing up.  She hasn't earned that based on her maturity, but trust me- some kids need to pushed out of the nest to grow up.

Case and point, the sleepover.  It might make sense to forbid her from going on a sleepover if she was too young to understand the consequences of an accident at her friends house (or the consequences of staying up all night).   IMO, unless a parent is uncomfortable with the arrangement (IE- other parents, history of sneaking out), they should let Maddy assume the risk of potential embarrassment.  As long as she understands the risks, let Maddy go to sleepover.   IMO- a 12-year-old is old enough to assume those risks.

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2 hours ago, MinnesotaWriter said:

It makes sense from a perspective of not wanting their kid to feel humiliated or embarrassed. If parent s think that is how their kid might react to diapers, then avoiding them would be reasonable from their perspective.

Agreed. I mentioned in a second comment that I can kind of understand the feelings behind parents who think like that (that diapers/pull-ups would embarrass an older child too much) but I also think that it's far more embarrassing for an older child to wake up in soaked pjs and a soaked bed than to wake up in a wet pull-up/diaper but a dry bed and dry pjs.


On 4/26/2024 at 10:23 AM, Little Sherri said:

This was my parents' philosophy. I had a plastic top sheet on my mattress but on the several occasions where my parents test-drove transitioning me out of wearing diapers in bed, the result would be me waking up at 5 AM... Once that happened more than two or three times, the conversation came around to "It's not your fault, you're body just hasn't caught up with your age, but a good night's sleep is important for you to do well in school

If that was their philosophy, at least their initial motivation was having you avoid the continued "embarrassment" of diapers, even if the effect was clearly worse.

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Chapter 25: Doctor’s Orders


The implications of that single word didn’t immediately strike me. What exactly was Dr. Mathorn talking about? It was Mom’s reaction to my pediatrician’s suggestion that caused me to put two and two together.

“No offense, Dr. Mathorn, but that’s a bit ridiculous,” Mom said. “No teenager would want to wear that to bed. I already promised Maddy that I wouldn’t make her wear them.”

I had never heard the word protection used to refer to a diaper or pull-up before, but there could be only one thing that would mean. Like the phrases “absorbent underwear” or “nighttime underwear,” it was another way to way to refer to a diaper that was intended to be less embarrassing.

Mom’s reaction was disappointing, but not in any way surprising. It seemed as though my parents had done everything but purchasing diapers for me as they sought to deal with my recent bedwetting. Of course, she would have to respond that way to Dr. Mathorn’s suggestion.

“I don’t know about that,” Dr. Mathorn said. “A bedwetting accident is going to be embarrassing regardless of what steps you’re taking to clean up or contain the mess.”

Dr. Mathorn turned back to face me. “I’m not saying you should feel embarrassed about the accidents you’ve been having at night, Maddy. You shouldn’t need to feel bad about something that isn’t your fault, though it is normal for it to be an upsetting experience when your body isn’t behaving the way that you would like it to.”

“I just don’t see how that is a good solution to her bedwetting,” Mom said. “We’ve already got a waterproof mattress, and Maddy is more than capable of making sure her bedding gets washed and changed whenever there is an accident.”

“Those are certainly ways to handle it,” Dr. Mathorn said. “But letting her wear some protection to bed would make cleanup a lot easier and allow Maddy to get a full night of sleep, which is still extremely important for teenagers as they develop. It’s not going to be good for her to have her sleep constantly interrupted for however long the bedwetting may continue.”

“I’m not making my teenage daughter wear diapers to bed,” Mom said.

There it was. The word that both my mom and the doctor had avoided saying so far in this conversation.

“That’s not what I’m saying,” Dr. Mathorn said. “I wouldn’t ever suggest forcing a teenager to wear a diaper to bed if they didn’t want to. But I think that Maddy’s opinion about all of this is what is important. She’s the one who is having to deal with a wet bed nearly every night.”

Both Mom and Dr. Mathorn turned from their argument to look at me.

“You’ve been unusually quiet,” Dr. Mathorn said to me. “What do you think?”

This was it. I could have everything I wanted, but it would require an admission that it was, in fact, what I wanted.

There was a large kernel of truth to Mom’s objections. She was absolutely right. Girls my age weren’t supposed to want to wear diapers. Someone else in my situation would have to be extremely apprehensive, at best, about a doctor’s suggestion of protection.

Dr. Mathorn was right about the issue of missing sleep, though it wasn’t playing out like she thought it was. Having to stay up until everyone was asleep to wet the bed and toss clothing in the laundry had often left me rather tired the next day.

“Um. Um.”

I looked back down at my feet. Saying yes would have to mean admitting what I wanted. Could I do that in front of them?

This was the final test. I had to make it clear that I was willing to wear diapers without making it seem like I was in any way looking forward to doing so. I thought back to all the preparations I had previously been making for the possibility of having to bring up the topic of those pull-ups directly with Mom.

I stared off into the space between Mom and Dr. Mathorn as I delivered my carefully thought-out answer. “I don’t really want to, but I want to be able to have a sleepover still. And it would be nice to not have to get up and have to change all my sheets in the middle of the night. I guess I could give it a try.”

Mom let out a small, defeated sigh. Why did she seem so disappointed in my decision?

“I think that is a good idea for now,” Dr. Mathorn said, “at least until all the test results are back.”

“When should we expect those?” Mom asked.

“Maybe by Friday, but certainly no later than earlier next week,” Dr. Mathorn said. “I’ll give you a call right away, and then we can see if you’ll need to bring Maddy in for another appointment.”

There was a long pause after that answer. Even with having given my decision about how I was comfortable trying diapers.

“So,” Mom asked, “They do, you know, have some in Maddy’s size?”

I bit my lip to hold back from blurting out an answer about the advertisements I had seen. Here I was thinking that Mom might have paid attention to them when, apparently, she had been completely oblivious. 

“Of course,” Dr. Mathorn said. “Most stores would still carry them in the baby aisle, though, in my opinion, they really ought to have them in a separate section.”

There was another pause in the conversation. 

“I guess we’ll get some and see how it goes,” Mom said.


As soon as we had said our goodbyes to Dr. Mathorn, not a single word was said about the decision that had been reached in the exam room while we walked out to the car.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I buckled myself into the passenger seat. I had done it. Actually done it. Mom had agreed to purchase pull-ups for me. The only remaining question was when she was going to do it. Surely, it had to be by tonight. Mom would want to see that the pull-ups worked for a few nights in a row before agreeing to the sleepover that I had already set up behind her back with my friends.

I got an answer to that question a couple of minutes later as Mom pulled into the parking lot of the first big box store we passed.

“Why don’t you stay in the car,” Mom said as she cracked the windows down an inch. “I shouldn’t be in the store all that long.”

Mom was out of the car before I had the chance to say anything else. It took me a moment to realize what Mom was doing, but once I understood, I was a bit grateful. The last thing I needed was to run into someone I knew while going inside with her to purchase the pull-ups. 

I watched from the window as Mom disappeared into the store. The baby aisle was all the way in the back. Surely, it wouldn’t be that hard for her to find the pull-ups. I knew from the ads that I had seen that the package would clearly show that the pull-ups would fit me. It wasn’t as though I could tell Mom that I had already verified the fit the other day.

I pulled out my phone to respond to some texts from Angie and Emma, though I couldn’t resist looking out the window every few seconds. The worst of it was that it wasn’t even noon yet. I was going to have to wait all day until I’d have a chance to finally wet one of the pull-ups. 

I wondered how strict Mom and Dad were going to be about their new nighttime rules for me once I started regularly wearing pull-ups to bed. Was I still going to have to deal with the same restrictions about not having too much to drink, even though I’d shown them that it hadn’t done any good? I figure that at least the part about being made to use the toilet before bed wasn’t going to be going away anytime soon.

And what about Grace? She was observant enough that she would no doubt notice the sudden drop-off in the amount of laundry I was doing each and every morning. I had no desire for her to find out that the reason was because of pull-ups rather than the bedwetting coming to an end.

I checked the time again on my phone. About fifteen minutes had passed since Mom had walked into the store. What was taking her so long? She had said earlier that she was only planning on taking the morning off from work, and with how long the appointment had gone with all the tests, she didn’t have that long until she would need to go into the office.

I rubbed at a sore spot on my arm where the nurse had done the blood draw earlier this morning. It hurt worse than when I’d gotten shots for vaccination. If it was this sore tonight, finding a comfortable position to fall asleep in was going to be difficult.

The van beeped, and the trunk popped open. Mom had managed to sneak up on me, after all. I peeked into the mirrors and got a glimpse of Mom loading up a few bags. As much as I tried, I couldn’t see their contents.

If Mom had managed to successfully find the pull-ups, she didn’t give any indication of that when she took her seat in the car.

“Why don’t we get you something to eat on the way home,” Mom said.


Fast food wasn’t something we did all that often. According to Dad, the price really began to add up when it was our entire family eating out.

So it was a surprise when Mom said I could pick whatever fast food place I wanted to go out to, as long as it was something that we were going to pass anyway on the way home. I weighed my options before deciding that chicken strips and fries were what I wanted to eat for lunch. When we pulled into the drive-through lane, Mom ordered a meal for me but just got a drink for herself.

The best part about the meal being entirely mine was that I could snack on fries on the way home without anyone complaining that I was actually taking theirs.

Since I didn’t have keys to the front door, I punched in the code to the garage door to get into the house that way instead, while Mom went to the back of the car to grab the shopping bags.

I had just finished transferring my chicken and fries to a plate when Mom stepped into the kitchen behind me.

“I’ve got to hurry into the office,” Mom said. “There’s a meeting I’d really prefer not to miss after being out this morning.” Mom reached into the plastic bag and pulled out a bag of pull-ups that weren’t like anything I had seen in any recent advertisements or during the long-ago trips down the baby aisle. “Why don’t you go ahead and put these in your dresser?”

My mouth dropped slightly as I took hold of the package. These were not the pull-ups that I had dreamed of wearing for the past three years. These weren’t the same brand I’d worn just the other day in the upstairs bathroom at Emma’s place. They weren’t even specifically for girls, with the packaging making it abundantly clear that the pull-ups, which in the picture appeared to have some grayish designs on the front of an otherwise completely white design, were meant for both boys and girls.

After all the trouble that I’d gone through to get Mom to make this purchase for me, she had gone ahead and purchased a knock-off store brand. I stood next to Mom in the hallway, staring numbly at the package of pull-ups in my hands, unable to move. 

Mom reached out and placed a hand on the package. “If you’ve changed your mind, I can always return them. I’ve still got the receipt. You don’t have to feel like you have to wear them if you don’t want to.”

I maintained a firm grip on the pull-ups. It may not have been what I had been expecting, but there was no way I was going to let Mom take it away from me. I’d just have to hope that these pull-ups were as good as the real thing.

“It’s fine,” I said. “I’ll see how they work tonight.”


Links to all my stories can be found at https://abdlwriter.wordpress.com/ 

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  • MinnesotaWriter changed the title to The Girl Who Wanted to Wear Diapers (Ch. 25 - 4/27/24)

Yay! Everything she always wanted!!! Something tells me though now that she knows about adult diapers, that's going to be something that she wants instead. 

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Mom clearly doesn't know the first rule about buying diapers.  Don't go cheap!   Trust me, cheap diapers don't work nearly as well as good diapers.

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Yay, pullups!

I wonder what experience her mom had growing up to make her so apprehensive to diapers for bedwetting. Diapers were always used as a threat to me when I was around Maddy's age to try and get me to stop bedwetting and my dad even bought goodnites. Luckily, at that age i would only wet the bed in spurts and the goodnites were usually returned, then my dad would do it again a month or two later when my wetting returned.  So I could see if her mom had similar humiliating experiences, she would be against diapers.

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So, we knew she would react to ‘protection’ but I don’t think Mom has given up. She found the cheapest and thinnest diapers so that they leak. That way either she can say they don’t need them or Maddy won’t want to wear them if they leak. Too bad she doesn’t know Maddy’s dedication. She will have to fight to keep them now.

On the pull-ups, my guess is they won’t be comfortable at all for her. Plus she is disappointed in the design, she seems to want something more ‘baby-like’, despite declaring she didn’t want to be treated like a baby. Hmm, maybe one has to be tied to the other?

Finally, this confirms Grace didn’t use pull-ups regularly right? I feel like that was still up in the air, surely not now. 

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I'm amused by how the gap between Maddy's expectations and what she gets still remains wide open.

 Next likely step is to find a way to demonstrate that the cheap "protection" isn't good enough.

Large nighttime floodings are forcasted for the incoming days.

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I'm happy to see that my hypothesis was correct, there were no diapers until the doctor's appointment, and it was he who allowed the first purchase of diapers, the first in a long series.

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16 hours ago, warpiper said:

Yay! Everything she always wanted!!! Something tells me though now that she knows about adult diapers, that's going to be something that she wants instead. 

I think that might be a safe guess.

16 hours ago, spark said:

Mom clearly doesn't know the first rule about buying diapers.  Don't go cheap!   Trust me, cheap diapers don't work nearly as well as good diapers.

Hard to say, at least with baby diapers, some of the less prominent or store-base brands might be as good as Huggies or Pampers. 

16 hours ago, LGGrace said:

Yay, pullups!

I wonder what experience her mom had growing up to make her so apprehensive to diapers for bedwetting. Diapers were always used as a threat to me when I was around Maddy's age to try and get me to stop bedwetting and my dad even bought goodnites. Luckily, at that age i would only wet the bed in spurts and the goodnites were usually returned, then my dad would do it again a month or two later when my wetting returned.  So I could see if her mom had similar humiliating experiences, she would be against diapers.

With both Maddy's parents having been bedwetters, it's safe to say they have a lot of their own experiences that are impacting their own parenting decisions with their kids. 

12 hours ago, AnythingWillDo said:

So, we knew she would react to ‘protection’ but I don’t think Mom has given up. She found the cheapest and thinnest diapers so that they leak. That way either she can say they don’t need them or Maddy won’t want to wear them if they leak. Too bad she doesn’t know Maddy’s dedication. She will have to fight to keep them now.

On the pull-ups, my guess is they won’t be comfortable at all for her. Plus she is disappointed in the design, she seems to want something more ‘baby-like’, despite declaring she didn’t want to be treated like a baby. Hmm, maybe one has to be tied to the other?

Finally, this confirms Grace didn’t use pull-ups regularly right? I feel like that was still up in the air, surely not now. 

I don't think that Maddy's Mom is trying to undercut her daughter like that. Like I've mentioned before, Maddy's parents are trying to act in what they see as their daughter's best interest, and otherwise behaving like normal parents. 

There could be a number of reasons why these pull-ups were chosen instead of the Goodnites that Maddy was wanting. It could be that the Goodnites were out of stock in her size, her mother may have just grabbed the first package of bedwetting pull-ups that she saw, the mother may have wanted to be frugal, the mother could have a preference for that brand if that is what she used for her kids when they were babies, she could have thought that Maddy might have appreciated a less babyish or childish design.

Regardless, it's safe to say that the Mom's reasons for her purchase were much more likely to be benign.


As for Maddy, it's less about wanting a babyish design (she's made it clear she doesn't want to be a baby), than the fact that she had her mind set on a very specific product and is obviously disappointed that she didn't get it.


For Grace, this would certainly indicate that she at least hadn't worn pull-ups around Maddy's age.

3 hours ago, Bonsai said:

I'm amused by how the gap between Maddy's expectations and what she gets still remains wide open.

 Next likely step is to find a way to demonstrate that the cheap "protection" isn't good enough.

Large nighttime floodings are forcasted for the incoming days.

Yes, it is fun to show how despite how she thinks her plans are all carefully thought out that they don't always happen the way she expects.

21 minutes ago, DL64 said:

I'm happy to see that my hypothesis was correct, there were no diapers until the doctor's appointment, and it was he who allowed the first purchase of diapers, the first in a long series.

Yeah, there were a number of ways I considered having Maddy get pull-ups, but the doctor visit was the one that ended up making most sense for the story.

Some other options:
-Having Maddy wet herself deliberately during the day: I decided against this as it felt like Maddy wouldn't be up to doing something that embarrassing or wanting to commit to wearing pull-ups/diapers all of the time.
-Maddy getting caught with Hannah's pull-ups: Considered having her sneak one of Hannah's pull-ups home, and then get caught with it. 
-Asking her parents for pull-ups directly: This was probably the only other option that was really considered. But with Maddy still being apprehensive about wanting to make sure her parents don't get the idea that she wants to wear pull-ups, having it come from her doctor still made more sense.

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Chapter 26: It Couldn’t Be Wrong

I stared at the package of pull-ups I had set on the bed. It was the worst type of disappointment, the kind that comes completely as a surprise shortly after being certain that success was inevitable.

For the shortest time this morning, I had been certain that I was going to get what I wanted. My gambit with Dr. Mathorn had paid off, as I managed to prompt her to bring up the topic of protection, which I was then able to tentatively accept over my mom’s objections.

On the drive from the hospital to the store, all I could think of was of the pull-ups I had worn briefly at Emma’s place. That Mom would have multiple options to choose from was inconceivable. And of course she had managed to choose the wrong one.

And the worst part of it was that I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to correct this situation. How was I supposed to convey to her that she needed to switch to my preferred brand of pull-ups?

I tried to think on the bright side. Perhaps these pull-ups Mom had purchased for me would fit as comfortably as the others I had tried. Perhaps they would perform as well when I wet them in bed later tonight. Perhaps they would be capable of satisfying that itch that had begun three years ago.

I walked over to the window and watched as Mom pulled out of the driveway. Here I was. The entire house to myself. Grace had gotten herself a summer job, with hours during the day, unlike previous summers when she had been forced to stick to working evenings as my parents hadn’t wanted to leave me home alone. Her eight-hour shift would have her arriving home in our old minivan around the same time that Mom and Dad finished with work and picked up Jackson from his day camp on the way home.

As I had left to head upstairs with the pull-ups, Mom had given me one final reminder of the chores that she and Dad expected me to have done by the time everyone was home for dinner. The cat litter still needed to be cleaned, my laundry needed to be done, and I was supposed to empty all the garbage cans and take them out to the garbage bin in the garage.

I picked up the package of pull-ups to examine them one last time before returning downstairs to eat my lunch. But I didn’t discover much more information than the cursory glance I had given the package before. Aside from not being specifically for girls and having boring designs, the notes on the package touted the same basic features that I’d seen in ads for the pull-up brand I had been coveting. I checked the information about the sizing and found that I was squarely in the middle of the size range for the pull-ups.

I managed, though just barely, to avoid ripping open the package of pull-ups right then and there. That wouldn’t do. I couldn’t risk Mom thinking I was actually that eager to wear them on the off chance that she noticed what I’d done. I debated for a moment about where to put the pull-ups, then decided that the underwear drawer at the top of my dresser was the most suitable location. 

That decision elicited a small laugh. It brought to mind the phrase that Hannah had used to describe her pull-ups. She had referred to them as absorbent underwear. 

I shut the dresser drawer with a sigh. Tonight couldn’t come quickly enough.

But there were other fun things that I could still do in the meantime.

I walked down the stairs nervously. It was hard to explain, but I could somehow just feel that the house was empty, and not empty in the sense that someone had stepped out and would be back in a minute, but the kind of solitude that came from having a place to myself without any interruptions for the next five hours. And I wouldn’t be leaving. My parents had made it clear that I was to remain in the house and not leave or let anyone in unless it was an emergency.

My half-unpacked lunch of chicken strips and fries was sitting on the kitchen counter. I took the lunch with me to the living room, but not before grabbing a Harry Potter book to read. I hadn’t had a chance to ask Dad to reverse the block on the fan fiction website Hannah had told me about, so for now, I would need to continue with reading the real thing.

For the first time in my life, I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted at home, and I found that, for now, I was doing exactly what I would have been doing had Grace been left home with me like in previous summers.

I quickly gulped down all of my pop well before I was finished with my chicken and fries that I was eating with a fork to avoid getting any greasy fingers on the pages of my beloved books.

 It was time to get something else to drink from the kitchen. I grabbed the largest plastic water cup that I could find and filled it to the brim with the filtered water pitcher from the fridge. I took a few large sips and then topped the cup off again. 

I was already beginning to squirm with anticipation at the thought of how I would soon be wetting my pants again later this afternoon. This time, I wanted to wait until I couldn’t avoid peeing any longer, and the best way to do that was to make sure I drank as much as I reasonably could. While I wouldn’t be wetting a pull-up, this would be the next best thing.

I considered my options for where I should have this fake accident. When I had wet my pants last week, I had done so in the laundry room. With the cement floor with a built-in drain next to the washing machine, it had made cleanup a breeze.

The bathtub would be the easiest to clean up, but that simply felt too weird and gross to do. I simply couldn’t do that given everyone else in my family would stand in it, well, except for Jackson, who was still young enough that he almost exclusively took baths.

Wetting myself over carpet was an obvious no-go, though there were a few other places that could still work, such as in the kitchen or in the bathroom. I could have done it in a room with a wood floor, but I remembered Dad’s complaints from when I had spilled a glass of lemonade on it and his concerns about how the flooring might get warped or stained. That was another option to be ruled out for now.

I had spent the weekend thinking through various scenarios that I could play out. What clothes should I be wearing when I had an accident? Did I want to try seeing what it would be like to pee myself while sitting in a chair rather than standing?

I kept a close eye on the time as I continued to hydrate, making sure to take another sip of water every few pages. An hour and two full cups of water later, I was now finding it almost impossible to sit still, my body squirming in anticipation of my afternoon plans. I still had a book open in front of me, but I hadn’t switched over to a new page in more than ten minutes.

I had made up my mind. I was going to change out of my leggings into a different outfit, and when my bladder couldn’t last any longer, I would be sitting in a chair in the laundry room.

The only chairs in the basement were folding ones that were only brought upstairs for special occasions when there were enough guests to warrant it. But those chairs were immediately ruled out, as the fabric cushion on them would be impossible to clean.

That left me needing to hall one of the wooden chairs from the dining room table set downstairs. I posited it right over the laundry room drain. 

By this point, there was no question that I needed to pee. It wouldn’t have been difficult to go now. All I would have to do is give my bladder the word, and it would release. But that wasn’t what I wanted to experience today. Nothing but the biggest possible accident would suffice. I wasn’t in any danger of having an accident yet, so I headed upstairs to retrieve my laundry and changed into a pair of stretchy denim shorts.

Once I got the washing load started, I took a seat on the chair. I had made sure to only put about half my clothes in with this load, as I would have another to start when it came time to clean up after wetting myself.

I wanted it to be as close to a genuine accident as possible, so despite the pain now coming from my bladder, I forced myself to continue to desperately hold on despite the increasingly irresistible urge to pee. I wanted to experience something that felt like an actual accident rather than a fake one.

The sound of water sloshing around in the washing machine wasn’t doing me any favors. I clenched my hands between my thighs. My bladder ached worse than anything.

I finally reached the point where I couldn’t hold on any longer, even if I had wanted to. I lifted my hands up not a moment too soon as my legs involuntarily unclenched. I looked down at my waist as I began to pee uncontrollably. I gasped as a massive, ever-expanding wet spot appeared between my legs. 

The pain in my bladder was suddenly gone. That alone was a massive relief.

The seat of the chair wasn’t completely level. It had the slightest of slopes from the front to the back. The result was that the puddle forming in front of me was steadily drifting backward, soaking through the entire bottom of my shorts and then dripping down onto the floor like raindrops.

My heart was racing audibly. This was no less exhilarating than the first time I had wet myself in the basement.

Something wet touched my feet. I jerked them off of the floor. I hadn’t thought much about how I had positioned the chair, but with how I was sitting, my feet had been directly in the path the urine was taking down into the drain.

I immediately ripped off my wet socks as I continued to pee. I didn’t like the sensation of them being wet. It was like having to play soccer in the rain or on an early spring morning when the grass was still covered with dew.

And then it was all over. My shorts and underwear were fully soaked, wet, and warm. The seat of the chair was wet, but basically, all the urine that hadn’t been soaked up in my clothes had dripped down to the floor and had turned into a couple of small streams headed for the drain.

I wished that I had thought to time how long it took me to empty my bladder. I couldn’t recall ever having peed for that long before. I wondered if I had been going for nearly a whole minute.

I stayed seated in the chair for several minutes with my feet hovering above the floor. For how much buildup it took to arrive at these moments, they were always over far too soon.

I stood up from the chair, careful not to step on any wet spots on the floor, and stepped back to a dry spot a few feet back from the chair. My shorts felt far heavier than before. Unlike my leggings, the shorts had absorbed quite a bit of urine.

The evidence would be gone soon enough. Once this first load of laundry was finished in the washing machine, a hose would spit out all the water into the drain, washing away any trace of what I had done.

It hadn’t taken long for my wet clothes to begin to cool off, becoming clammy and clingy against my skin, the comfortable, warm wetness having devolved into a clammy, cold, damp sensation that wasn’t at all pleasant.

With that cooling off, the exhilaration of the moment began to wear off, and I started to take in the sight of what I had just done. The chair that was noticeably wet. The puddle of urine that was gradually disappearing down the drain. Demin shorts that had changed from a faded light blue to a much deeper color.

There was a lingering sense of unease in the back of my mind, whispers that what I had just done was gross, unnatural, weird, that I should be ashamed of even thinking of doing it, let alone actually going through with the deed.

I tried to shake that feeling, to refocus on how good I had felt only minutes ago. It had all felt so good, so why was I now feeling bad about it? 

I thought about Hannah again. I didn’t want to be anything like her, a freak who wasn’t potty trained despite being in middle school, a weirdo who needed to have a watch to give her reminders to go to the toilet.

I had never experienced anything more enjoyable than peeing myself, whether that was while lying in bed or just now while sitting on a chair. It couldn’t be wrong. I just couldn’t be.

Everything from the slowly building anticipation as I made sure I was fully hydrated to the moment when my bladder finally couldn’t hold on any longer had been exactly what I wanted. So why was I experiencing this emotional drop-off now? 

I blamed Hannah for it. I hadn’t felt anything close to this before meeting her over the weekend. Sure, there had been some embarrassment at how my parents and Grace had learned about the bedwetting, but that hadn’t come with this same sense of wrongness.

I mean, Hannah was practically a baby, from how she couldn’t tie her own shoes or properly drink from a water bottle to how she fussed and whined when her needs weren’t being catered to. There wasn’t any way she liked peeing in her pull-ups and diapers. She probably didn’t even notice doing so half the time.

Looking at Hannah had been like looking into one of those mirrors at a carnival, the kind that returns some sort of distorted reflection that is too tall or too short or too fat or too skinny, where the reflection doesn’t quite match in some way but is close enough to be discomforting.

When I pictured Hannah, the resemblance was like that. I could hear Emma’s disdain for her autistic cousin ringing in my ears, along with the specific epithet Emma had used to describe her.

I looked down again at my soaked shorts and the evidence of the accident in front of me on the floor. It had felt so good just now. It had felt so good every time I had done it before. And I knew despite what I was feeling at the moment that it would feel so good this evening when I finally was able to pee into a pull-up.

I wasn’t Hannah. I wasn’t some stupid dumb girl who wasn’t potty trained. Not me. I wasn’t some awkward baby who couldn’t behave like a normal kid when necessary.

I was going to be a teenager for real after this first week of getting a taste of independence. I could indulge in these desires without compromising my status of being a big kid.

I did what I did of my own volition. I was completely in control. Besides, it all felt good. It couldn’t possibly be wrong.



Links to all my stories can be found at https://abdlwriter.wordpress.com/ 

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  • MinnesotaWriter changed the title to The Girl Who Wanted to Wear Diapers (Ch. 34 - 5/29/24)
  • MinnesotaWriter changed the title to The Girl Who Wanted to Wear Diapers (Ch. 27 - 5/3/24)

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