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Infernum Infantem: Nativitas Reunionis (Short Story)

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A short story spinoff by LittleFallenPrincess based on the Infernum Infantem/Parum Mortis universe I created.

So to start off... I know it's a bit late. But thought I'd quickly sneak this in before New Year and the Christmas period is over completely, as I didn't want people to miss out on this small story update to one of my favourite stories that I've written so far, whilst also giving early access to those who support me on SubscribeStar. It's only short, at 4 chapters long, and probably a good indicator as to the length and quality of my soon-to-be commissioned short stories that will be exclusive to my SubscribeStar.

It's a little light on the ABDL elements, but I hope you still enjoy it as it was a lot of fun to write.

And if you're interested on reading more short stories from me, keep an eye out on my SubscribeStar as I hope to start a trial run of commissioned short stories in January, ideally taking on two per month from the following month if the interest is there.




Chapter 1: Christmas Eve

Infernum Infantem: Nativitas Reunionis – LittleFallenPrincess




“Nia, we’re going to be late… YOU BETTER HURRY UP!” Vic shouted from the hallway.

“IN A MINUTE!” I yelled, struggling to pull the zipper up on my new coat.

“Do you need help?” I heard her ask, from the other side of the door this time.

“Damn infernal mittens making everything so difficult…” I grumbled as Victoria opened the door. Her heels clacked on my wooden bedroom floor as she walked over and stood in front of me, quickly taking over and pulling the zip up.

I now looked like an overgrown toddler with this huge puffy coat, thick snow pants, cute pink boots, and these ridiculous mittens which made everything a thousand times more difficult to do with them on. At least it was only the boots and mittens that were pink, I think I’d die and go back to Hell if my coat and pants were pink too, thankfully they were black so I only looked semi-ridiculous.

But no, what scared me most was what was underneath this thick winter clothing. But hey, at least only those attending this thing will get to see that, and they’re all littles too and have seen me in much worse.

“You ready, babygirl?” Vic asked me as she looked down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, wrapping her arms around me and pulling my body against hers.

For a second I completely forgot how ridiculous I looked compared to the gorgeous Goddess that was my girlfriend, with her long, smart black coat and hella sexy sparkly black dress underneath it. For that second, I melted into a subby little pile of goo as I embraced the hug.

Ignore the leg being raised behind me and the tail swishing, it means NOTHING, got that?

“Won’t people get scared if they see me?” I asked, pulling away from the hug and pointing up at my horns and then turning around to show my tail to her.

“We’ll be in the car for the drive over, and our windows are tinted. And you know the Sanctuary has that perception doodad thingy that the street has where Teles’ cafe is. Humans won’t be able to see you, don’t worry. I want you to be yourself today, both as my gorgeous demon girlfriend and also my adorable ickle babygirl…” Vic said, booping my nose before quickly kissing my cheek, making my already red cheeks even redder.

“Stooooooop!” I whined, rubbing my cheek where she kissed it, but not-so-secretly hoping she would just replace the kiss again. It’s not like her lipstick would be noticeable, the benefits of having demonic red skin I guess.

“Right, you ready then, baby?”

“Uh huh. So can you tell me what this is yet?”

She had told me that we were having an ‘event’ at the Sanctuary, but that was it. She hadn’t told me anything else, other than that it was going to be for littles and that all my friends would be there. I wondered if it had anything to do with this ‘Christmas’ or whatever it is that humans call it, as Vic had been so different this month, putting up fancy lights and sparkly decorations all around the manor and playing all sorts of music I had never heard of before. All it consisted of was ‘Christmas cheer’ and ‘love for all’ and  something about decking some halls… which I didn’t understand… but I have to admit, it wasn’t too bad, and it was really nice seeing Vic looking happier than ever. Like seriously, I don’t think I’ve seen her this cheery in… well… ever.

“Nope. Now get that cute padded butt in the car, and watch your tail in the door…”

“THAT WAS ONE TIME!” I whined.

“And I’ll continue to remind you.” She giggled, making my heart soar. “Now go on, off you waddle…”

And so I did, off I waddled out of my bedroom and down to the car, Vic following close behind me, giggling every time my ‘underwear’ crinkled. Which was constantly.


I was really excited to see my friends again. It had been a while since the last time I saw them, Susie and Beth had had another long trip away to help someone again, Lucy had become a bit of a shut in after a very brief attempt at dating again, Grim and Abby were busy with lots of stuff, and even Beatrice had moved out.

That’s right, Beatrice was no longer Vic’s maid, now that her whole ‘setting me up with Vic’ plan went off perfectly. She has moved into the Sanctuary temporarily, whilst she finds a new purpose in life. So I was excited to see her again, as I must admit… I missed having a Nanny. She made changing time… yeah…

Talking of changes! Brelgamur, or Belle as we have been calling her, also moved out. She found her own place and has sworn off returning to Hell. I did ask my sister if she was also one of our siblings, given Belle’s reluctance to return to Hell, but Lucifer insists she was a human originally. And no matter how much I whine and beg and brat, Lucifer still won’t reveal which of the demons are our angelic-siblings-turned-demon. But I swear, one of these days she’ll break…

So yeah, mostly it’s just been me and Vic, which has made the manor feel a bit… empty, but at the same time it’s allowed us to get closer and more intimate. Our relationship has definitely blossomed and I love her even more and more each day. The only time we fight is when I’m a brat and even then that’s fixed with a quick spanking. She’s even learned how to tame my tail so she doesn’t get thwacked in the face whilst trying to thwack my butt!


After a very anxious car ride in which I was worried people would be able to see my horns and skin through the tinted windows, we arrived at the Sanctuary in Vic’s latest sports car, pulling up in our usual parking spot.

Yeah… we spend a lot of time here. When Susie and Beth are around, I’d usually be spending a lot of time with Susie, catching up after all this time apart, whilst Vic and Beth would sit together and chat. Victoria wanted to know everything about this supernatural side of the world, as her library only contains a very very limited amount of knowledge of it all and Beth is one of the most knowledgeable people we know, her library puts both of Victoria’s to shame. So we have our own little parking spot that we usually take.

Waddling into the Sanctuary, through the entrance hallway, I was greeted by all my friends standing together in a group, all looking at me.

“NIA!” They cried out, rushing over and pouncing on me, each one of them joining the hug puddle.

“Hey you lot… it’s good to see you too, haha!” I laughed, trying not to get smothered by affection to the point I couldn’t breathe.

“Aren’t you excited?” Lucy asked, being the first one to break the hug.

“About what? Vic wouldn’t tell me anything about what is going on.”

“What has she told you?” Susie asked, pulling away as Grim and Abby also did the same.

“That it is an event for littles, that’s it.”

“Oh then we’re not spoiling anything…”

“Good girl.” Beth said, grinning down to her wife, making Susie wiggle and blush.

“Yes, I’ve got the camera ready…” Vic said, ominously, as she held up her fancy, expensive camera that I got her for her birthday.

“I knew getting you that would come back to bite me…” I groaned, rolling my eyes at her.

“Come on, let's go!” Lucy announced, excitedly, as she grabbed my hand and escorted me through the lobby, which was just as well-decorated as our manor, with tinsel and fairy lights and everything.

“Why are there decorations here? I wouldn’t have thought our world would celebrate such a silly holiday? If anything, maybe something a bit more… Pagan?” I asked.

“Its origins are Pagan, but no, that's not why we do it.” Beatrice said as she rushed over and grabbed me, pulling me up into a huge hug as she lifted me onto her hip. “Missed you, kiddo.”

“Missed you too!”

Everyone else continued towards the play room, whilst Beatrice stayed in the lobby with me, bouncing me up and down gently on her hip.

“Sorry I’ve not been about, been figuring things out.” She apologised.

“Oh psst, shush, it’s okay! Managed to find your new goal in life?” I asked, as she continued bouncing me on her hip.

“Not yet, but I’m sure I’ll find it. Anyway, yes, we celebrate because we like the cheer it brings. Sure, we don’t celebrate the religious part of it, but we do like the gift-giving and all the other silly human traditions. So we celebrate our own way, a bit of human tradition and a bit of our own. Helps those who used to be human, like Lucy.”

“So you do this every year?”

“Look, I don’t want to say this in front of Vic… but we haven’t done this in decades. At the sanctuary? Sure, every year without fail. But at the manor? No. Vic was in a very, very dark place, so she never wanted to celebrate a holiday in which everyone is with family. It was a bad time for her, so I spent most of my time keeping her attention off everything around this time of year.”

“But now…?”

“Now she’s got you. She’s worked on her trauma, and even though she’s got her own new brand of trauma from her trip to Hell… she’s doing better than ever. All because of you. So this year, she’s wanting to go all out. Like I mean… ALL out. So whilst I’m going to keep today a bit of a surprise, I will say that we’ll all be around yours tomorrow.”


“For Christmas dinner, duh!”

“Christmas… dinner? Do you eat… Christmas?”

“Silly baby, it’s just a big family meal, in which everyone eats way too much turkey and roast potatoes and gravy, they wear stupid paper crowns from mini explosive satchels, and then play party games when everyone is in a food coma afterwards.”

“And you’re all coming for it?” I asked, confused.

“Who do you think is cooking it? Vic certainly isn’t a great cook!” Bea winked at me.

“So… everyone? Wow…”

“I know you don’t understand the big thing about Christmas, I don’t blame you. You’re a demon and you’ve spent most of your time in Hell. But just play along, okay? Even if only for Vic’s sake. She needs this. Let her spoil you, let her celebrate this.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on ruining it for her. I haven’t seen her this cheery in forever. It’s… really nice.” I smiled warmly thinking about my girlfriend being happy.

“I’m glad. Now, you’re going to be extra blushy when I carry you through, so get ready.”

“Huh… what?” I said, squirming and wriggling in my ex-Nanny’s arms as she carried me towards the playroom.


The whole play room was decorated with the same kind of stuff the manor and the Sanctuary was decorated with, making it feel… festive? Is that the right word? Either way, it was… nice.

Especially seeing Vic’s face light up as I was carried in and over to the centre of the room, where everyone’s eyes were on… me.

I swear my face couldn’t get any redder as everyone smiled and giggled, before I noticed someone sitting in the centre of the room… dressed… like some of the decorations? A big human dressed up in a red suit with a big white beard…

Beatrice carried me over to the strange human man and placed me down… on his lap!

‘WHAT THE HELL? Why am I being given over to this large human?’ I thought to myself as Bea walked away, leaving me on the lap of this strange man.

“Hello there, little one…” A deep, booming voice came from behind the beard. Upon closer inspection… I noticed it was fake.

“Umm… Vic? What is this?” I asked, nervously.

“This, Nia, is Santa Claus. Or Father Christmas.”

“So is there like a Mummy Christmas or a baby Christmas? Is there a whole family of Christmases?”

“No, silly baby…” She sighed, laughing to herself. “He delivers presents to all the good children at midnight on Christmas day. You wake up to presents from him.”

I knew it was a gift-giving celebration, but that’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge.


“So here is your chance to tell Santa what you want!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly at me.

“I… umm… I ask this big guy for stuff… and he brings it to me?”

“Pretty much!” Lucy said, smiling over at me as she looked adorable in her smartest ‘little’ dress.

“I WANT A NEW GAMING RIG!” I yelled at this strange fat man’s face.

“Ho ho ho… I think that can be arranged.” The bearded man laughed as he… jiggled.

“So what, are you like a warlock or something? What is the extent of your magic? Because there are billions of human children, right? So that must mean you… yeah there is no physical way you could deliver that many presents in one night.”

“I have my secrets…” He winked at me. “You’ve been a very good girl this year, Nia, so I’m sure we can find something for you, don’t you worry!”

“You better…” I squinted at him, giving my evilest look and scrunching my face up at him.

“I think that’s enough… got the pictures?” Beatrice asked Vic as she pulled me off Santa’s lap and started unzipping my coat, taking all these thick layers off me.

“Yeah, I was surprised that she was that well behaved!” Vic giggled, walking over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead. “So that’s what you want? A gaming rig?”

“I mean… I’m just happy to have my family here. That would have been my first wish. But now I’ve got you all… yeah, I want a freaking gaming rig!” I grinned up at her.

“Well we’ll see what Santa brings you tomorrow.” Vic said, as if deep in thought. “Now, why don’t we get you into just your baby party dress and you can go play with your friends.”

“We’ve got all day, right?”

“Yep. Then we’re off home and you’re going to snuggle with me on the sofa as I show you Christmas movies that we’ve both missed out on, ones that Beatrice recommended.”

“I have good taste, don’t worry!” Bea winked at me.

“She does. And then after that, early night for you, baby! You’re going in your crib tonight too.”

“Early night? Whyyyyyyy?” I whined.

“Because we’ve got a busy day tomorrow, and Mummy has some things to work on. And most importantly… if you’re not asleep early, Santa won’t come.”

“So no… no gaming rig?”

Here came the puppy dog eyes. I was getting better and better at them. Vic will be powerless against them once I’ve mastered them.

“Nope.” She snapped back at me, grinning back at me.

“Fine. Early night it is. I better have at least 32gb of RAM though. And be water cooled. And have fancy lights.”

“I’m sure he won’t disappoint.” Vic said, with both her and Beatrice laughing, making me pout and stick my tongue out at the two of them.






Chapter 2: Christmas Day

Infernum Infantem: Nativitas Reunionis – LittleFallenPrincess




I woke up with an energy flowing through me that I had never felt upon waking up.

Usually I wake up and need at least five energy drinks to be able to even string a coherent string of words together to form a sentence, but today… Today was different.

The way they hyped up the arrival of this jolly fat guy wearing red, delivering presents… I can’t say I’m not excited to see if what they said is actually true. I know lots of entities in this world and other worlds, from vampires to trolls to Elder Gods… but I had never heard of this ‘Santa Claus’. He must have some pretty impressive magic if he manages to deliver all those presents in one night. Maybe I’ll hunt him down and find out his secret one day.

For now though… I should have a fancy new gaming computer sitting there… just for me…


So jumping up out of my crib with the agility of a cat, landing on my feet on the outside of the crib, with a thick, soggy nappy drooping close to my knees, I ran… or waddled… as fast as I could out of the nursery and towards the door.

I wasn’t going to let a soggy nappy slow me down, I wanted my presents!

As soon as I reached the door, I swung it open and dashed out, skidding across the floor as I turned down the hallway, running at full speed towards the living room.

“Ah ah ah…”

That voice stopped me in my tracks as I stumbled forward, trying my best to stop… but finding it hard as I barreled into the wall.

“Oh dear! Are you okay, babygirl?” Victoria asked as she rushed over in her dressing gown and fuzzy slippers, bending down and helping me up.

“I… I’m okay. Sorry. Did I wake you?” I replied.

“No, but as soon as I saw you leap from the crib I knew I better get out of bed.”

“You saw…?”

“The baby monitor has a video function…” She grinned at me.

“EEEEK!” I cried out, quickly hiding my blushing face in her chest.

“Is someone excited to see what Santa left her?”

“U… Uh huh…”

“Well the rule is, you can’t open them without me being there.”

“Wait, that’s a rule? Sorry! I didn’t…” I looked down at my feet, feeling really guilty all of a sudden.

“It’s okay, my love. You didn’t know, and I forgot to tell you last night. I have to watch you open your presents! As if I couldn’t miss that adorable face as you see what you got…”

I nuzzled further into her chest, burying my face deeper into her dressing gown, and wiggled my tail.

“Still… sowwy.”

“That’s okay baby, why don’t we go head downstairs and see what you got?”

I broke free of our embrace and backed up, nodding up at her and smiling from ear to ear as she held out her hand. Grabbing it, I turned and followed closely by her side as she escorted me towards my new gaming computer.


“This… this is… umm…” I said, awkwardly, as I sat cross-legged on the rug near the Christmas tree. There were dozens of little gifts, all wrapped perfectly, just underneath the bristly branches. And I had chosen the biggest one there, pulling it close and tearing the paper off without even thinking about how much of a mess I was creating.

“I thought you wanted a new computer?” Vic said, looking confused from the sofa as I sat in front of this… gift.

“I… it’s not really a computer, you know that? It looks like the babyish toys in my nursery…”

I pressed the button on the fake, colourful keyboard and the monitor showed the image of a cow as a ‘moo’ sound came from the speakers on the back.

“I thought…” That’s when she broke into laughter. “I’m so sorry, sweetie, I couldn’t keep it up… as soon as Beatrice suggested this prank I just had to…”

Beatrice… of course it was her…” I sighed in relief that this was just a prank.

“Check behind the sofa. Be careful pulling it out…” Vic said, pointing behind her.

Jumping to my feet, my even-soggier nappy weighing me down and sloshing about, I waddled behind the sofa to find an enormous box! And because I’m a good girl, I did as my Mummy said and carefully pulled it out from the sofa and around to the front so she could see me open it.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed in delight as I tore the colourful paper off my huge present, and saw the multiple boxes inside it. Monitor, keyboard, mice… everything! Like… this was everything I wanted!

“I did ask Lucy for some help picking out the things. You know how I am with computers compared to you two. Did she pick well?”

“Wait…” I turned to face her, my own turning serious for a second. “I thought Santa brought gifts…”

“I’ll explain it to you later, sweetie. It’s a very complicated system…” She giggled, making me feel like there was another joke being played on me.


After my presents were opened, and after Vic had opened a cute little handmade bracelet I had made for her at the last little’s event, we snuggled up on the sofa, surrounded by Christmas decorations and the enormous tree in the corner. But I could feel my tummy rumbling, so I looked up at Vic as the noise reverberated around the living room. Yes, it was that loud. Demons get hungry, I can’t help it!

“Is that a food thing or a succubus thing?” Vic asked.

“A bit of both?”

“Well your wet nurse is on holiday, so we could always… you know…”

“Oh… fun big girl time?” I looked up at her, excitedly.

“We’d have to be extra careful… But you need breakfast first anyway, and then we have family coming over, so I don’t know if we have time, you may have to wait til later. I told everyone to come over at twelve, apparently Beatrice doesn’t need much time to cook the turkey thanks to her magic.”

“I could always take it to Hell… I’m sure the brimstone will add a nice… flavour…” I giggled.

“No more trips to Hell, Missy! For either of us. Once was enough for me, thank you very much.”

I giggled a bit more before snuggling back into her arms and relaxing. If our friends were coming over soon, I wanted to make the most out of this snuggly time with my Mama whilst I can.

“I wuv you, Mama…” I whispered up at her, earning myself a squeeze and a kiss on the top of my head from her.

“I love you too, baby. My little ‘Child of Darkness’.”

That was her cute little pet name for me that she sometimes uses, due to her expecting to give birth to the bringer of the end of the world and ending up with… this overgrown baby. It made me pout, but it made us both giggle, and it was our special thing, so I loved it.

“So you say our friends are coming over…” I began, before getting cut off.

“I said family, but yes, friends too.”


The doorbell rang, indicating that someone had arrived.

“Wait… is it twelve already?” Vic yelled, jumping up and ruining our snuggly time. “I didn’t realise it was that late!”

I had been too engrossed setting up my new gaming PC and opening all my gifts and snuggling to realise the time, so it seemed like neither of us were on the ball today.

“I’ll go answer that…” Vic said, turning and looking down at me, as I sat on the sofa still. “You go get dressed, into something less babyish, okay baby?”

“Less babyish? I thought you’d want me babyish today…”

“No, our friends are okay with it, but I don’t know about family.”

“You said family again, like it’s a separate thing… what are you talking about?”

“Go! Go get dressed, quickly!” Vic pulled me up quickly, smacking my padded butt lightly, rushing me out of the living room.

As I waddled up the stairs, I heard familiar voices coming from the main hallway of the manor. Beatrice, Beth and Susie had arrived by the sounds of it. I couldn’t make out any other voices, so Lucy’s house must not have arrived yet.


As I was in the middle of taking the huge nappy off, managing one tape but getting stuck on the second, I heard a knock on the nursery door.

“Hello?” Someone called out.

“Occupied!” I cried out, desperate to stop them from coming in and seeing me like this.

“I know, silly! Your Mummy said you may need a hand changing your nappy and getting dressed. And since Susie already needs a change, I offered. Especially as Bea has her hands full with Christmas dinner…”

“Oh… Beth… sure… umm… come in?” I responded, blushing, as she and Susie walked in, pulling that ‘oh, doesn’t she look adorable?’ face at me.

“Come on then hun, let's get you changed. Where are your big girl clothes?”

“In… in my bedroom…” I replied.

“That’s okay. Let’s get the nappy done first, then I’ll go get some clothes for you.”

So I watched as she escorted Susie over to the changing table, lifting her up onto it and lifting up her smart, adult dress.

I blushed and looked away, because even though I had been changed in front of other littles, including Susie, and they had been changed in front of me… I still found it embarrassing. Susie though… by now she felt no shame. It had been decades since she got introduced to all this, so she no longer felt the embarrassment of doing any of it in front of other littles and caregivers.

“Any idea why we have to dress up smart?” Susie asked me as she got her nappy changed.

“Nope. Vic won’t tell me.”

“We’ve gotta pretend to be adults apparently. Non-kinksters attending or something like that.”

“Non-kinksters? Who?”

“Don’t ask me, I’m in the dark about this too…” Beth joined in, shrugging.

And so as I waited for my turn to get changed, I wondered just who-in-the-Hell Vic invited.


Shortly after I got changed into a clean nappy and a nice, appropriate dress, we headed back downstairs and I got to say hi to Beatrice, just in time for Lucy, Abs and Grim to arrive. They too were all dressed up all fancy, which surprised me. I thought it must be another big prank, but no… this seemed genuine, but none of us knew why and Vic was mysteriously absent most of the time.

That was… until the doorbell went again.

“Did she invite Meddy and Pandora?” I asked around the living room, but everyone shook their heads and shrugged.

“GET THAT, WILL YOU BABY? I’M JUST GETTING READY.” Vic shouted down from the balcony, loud enough that I could hear it from the living room.

“I guess I’ll answer the door… I hope they’re okay with demons…” I shrugged, knowing that my glamour hadn’t been applied, as this was supposed to be a day I wouldn’t need it.

I shuffled off towards the front door as everyone continued to talk about presents and gifts and what their families are doing and stuff. And as I got nearer, I could hear multiple voices, ones that sounded familiar but I couldn’t place.

‘Maybe she did invite Pandora and Meddy…’ I shrugged, turning the doorknob and slowly opening the large front door.



Four people I had never seen before all looked at me in wonder, with great big smiles on their faces. Apparently not even demon-red skin, horns and a tail could scare these carolers away.

(Yes, I had that experience earlier in the month. Usually the big, creepy manor deters random people coming up the driveway, but some carolers got especially brave, climbed the gate, and made their way to the front door. Safe to say… they won’t be coming back again. I nearly sent them home with nappies, they clearly needed them.)

“I… sorry, you have the wrong house?” I replied to these… very beautiful people. Like seriously… these were like model-status gorgeous. They all wore white winter coats and looked immaculate, two guys and two gals, they all just smiled at me. Except one of the guys, who you could tell was pretending to smile.

“NIA! AHHHHHHH!” One of the women thrust themselves forward, wrapping their arms around me and hugging me tightly.

Despite the uncomfortable unconsenting hug, I felt a warmth from it that felt… familiar.

But it was what I could now see behind them, that made things fall into place a little bit better. Or should I say… who.

“Lucifer…” I croaked to the figure in the background, hanging out a dozen feet or so behind the group. I tried to sound normal, but you try that whilst having the stuffing squeezed out of you by this gorgeous woman hugging you!

“Hey Sis. You seem surprised. Oh no… don’t tell me that lovely girlfriend of yours didn’t tell you…” Lucifer replied, sighing and clutching her forehead in disbelief.

“Tell me… what?” I cried out, pulling myself away from the stranger who may have tried to end my existence on Earth by hugging me to death.

“You don’t remember us?” The hugger said, looking offended as she flicked her gorgeous mousy-brown hair behind her shoulders.

“I told you… her memories are slowly returning…” Lucifer said, before getting cut off suddenly.

“Yes, but I don’t trust anything you say, viper…” She hissed at Lucifer.

“Ugh, why don’t you go shove it up your angelic arse…”

“Angeli…” I said, before getting interrupted.

The four figures clad in white all turned back to me and smiled, before announcing in unison:

“We’re your siblings, Nia!”


“Sib…lings? Wait… are you… angels?” I asked, confused and bewildered.

“Well duh, of course we are!” The black haired woman said.

“Sorry… I… I don’t remember you.”

It’s true, I genuinely didn’t. They felt familiar… but I couldn’t remember anything about them. My memories had been returning, but it seemed to be in reverse. Newer memories were returning, then ones from about a hundred years ago, then two hundred, and so on. I hadn’t remembered anything about my old existence as an angel yet, or any of my siblings aside from Lucifer.

“That’s okay! We certainly remember you!”

“Is… is that a good thing?” I asked.

“Of course! We missed you, silly!”

The brown-haired woman stepped forward and hugged me again, before backing off and introducing herself.

“I’m Gabriel. We were as close as you and Luci were. But then there weren’t any angels who disliked you, hun. Everyone loved you. I don’t think it was possible to not love you.”

The guy who had been fake-smiling before coughed awkwardly, looking around. Clearly he was the exception, whoever he was.

The other guy, the one with long, dark hair stepped up next and hugged me.

“Raph. Or Raphael. It’s good to see you again, Niazriel. I was wondering if any of you would break Father’s curse. But I think we all knew if anyone could… it was you.” He smiled at me. His aura just felt… he felt very ‘big brother’ to me… which felt nice.

The other woman stepped forward, gave me a huge hug and waved at me.

“Azrael. Angel of Death.”

This woman looked different from the others, as she looked a lot more like Lucifer. Dark makeup and jet-black hair… This just made her stand out more with her white coat and white dress. Kinda like if you shoved someone pure into someone dark and edgy… this was the result. But she seemed nice at least.

The last one, the snobby guy in the back, didn’t come and hug me like the others, they just nodded at me and turned their eyes away from me, before taking the lead and walking past me, straight into the house.

“Oh my Dad… is this where you’re living now?” Gabriel said as she walked in after the snobby angel. Azrael and Raphael quickly followed them both, walking straight past me as if I wasn’t there.

Thankfully, that’s when Luci walked up to me, put her arms around me, and hugged me tightly.

“Yeah… that last one is Michael. He’s an ass. He was the only one who didn’t like you.”

“He… didn’t like me?” I asked, feeling deeply hurt.

“Well… he hated how much attention you got from the others. And how much Dad loved you. So when you sided with me, it just increased his hatred towards you due to his loyalty to Dad. He was the one who egged Dad on to give you all this curse and not just banish you to Hell, so excuse him. It’s been way too long since I saw him, he’s clearly not changed.”

“Is… is this everyone? I thought there were loads of angels?”

“Because of the date today, most of us are at Dad’s favourite son’s birthday party… even if he wasn’t born in December and it was just stolen from Pagans. But anyway, yeah, most couldn’t make it, and I’m not exactly welcome up there, so I was free anyway. I was going to just get drunk. Your girlfriend prayed for your family to visit, and Gabriel… being Gabriel… rounded up as many as she could afford to pull away. So you got us.”

“You heard them?”

“Hey, I’m still an angel. I can hear prayers too. And despite their disgust towards me, and my inability to deal with their Holier-than-thou bullshit… I wasn’t going to miss out on spending a holiday with my fave sis! Though I must say… I was expecting you to be more… infantile…” Luci winked at me, grinning, making me blush instantly.

“Oi! That was… shush! She made me dress up nicely today.” I pouted at her.

“I can hear the crinkles, sis. You’re not completely an adult. Don’t worry, the others won’t realise. Now, shall we go see how our siblings react to your non-human friends?” Lucifer said, putting her arm around me and closing the front door behind us.








Chapter 3: Christmas Reunion

Infernum Infantem: Nativitas Reunionis – LittleFallenPrincess




Walking into the living room, I was still slightly in shock that not only were my family wanting to see me… but that they were here, for Christmas dinner.

I couldn’t remember any of them exactly, but they felt familiar, like… home. But the stark difference between our appearances kept reminding me that I had apparently fucked up big time siding with Lucifer eons ago, as their pristine white dresses and suits they had hidden underneath their coats clashed with my dark purple dress and my red skin… and horns… and tail… and fangs…

“Umm… come on through… umm…” I mumbled, showing them through the main hall towards the living room where everyone else was currently chatting happily.

Opening the door, I hesitantly smiled at everyone.

“Hey Nia, are you okay, sweetie? You look… nervous.” Beth said, holding Susie on her lap. Nia, Abby and Grim were all sitting on the sofa together, and Beatrice was in the corner with her back turned to me, pouring herself a drink.

“I… I’d like to introduce our latest guests…” I replied, awkwardly.

“Who did Vic invite this time?” Beatrice laughed, without turning around.

“My… my family…”

I heard the clink of ice dropping into a glass as Beatrice turned around, her face looking mortified.

“WHICH… ONES?” She growled at me.

“Um… my… angelic ones…”

Angelic ones?” Lucy asked, confused.

“Nia… she used to be an angel. She’s Lucifer’s sister…” Beatrice explained. 

I’m glad Beatrice explained it for me, as it still felt awkward for me to say. I hadn’t told anyone, only Vic. But since Beatrice knew about the whole thing, as her and Lucifer were the ones to set  Vic and me up to break the curse… of course she already knew. My friends though… none of them knew. I mean it’s not something I can just blurt out whilst playing with dolls or colouring something. ‘Oh hey, so I used to be an angel and tried to rebel against God himself and got turned into a creature of Hell forced to suck the life force from others for eternity.’ 

They don’t even write a greeting card for that kind of thing.

“Nia… was an ANGEL?” Lucy looked back over at me with amazement on her face, her mouth open wide.

“Makes sense. Demons were probably transformed angels after the rebellion.” Beth said, as if it was just normal for her to know these things.

Susie, Abby and Grim all looked at me in surprise, but still… nowhere near as excited or amazed as Lucy was currently. She must have a thing for angels.

“Nia… which ones are here?” Beatrice asked, looking angrier than I had ever seen her before.

“Raphael… Gabriel… Azrael… Michael…”

“RAPH, GABE… GET IN HERE, NOW!” Beatrice screamed, her voice echoing through the whole manor.

I turned around to see Raphael and Gabriel shuffle guiltily into the living room, looking at the floor.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” Bea asked, crossing her arms the way Vic does whenever I’ve been bratty.

“We… we didn’t know you’d be here… We honestly didn’t know you even knew our sister…” Gabriel replied, sounding nervous.

“Yeah… what she said.” Raphael added.

“Wait… so Beatrice knows two Archangels?” Lucy asked Grim, who just shrugged his shoulders.

“Bea? How do you know my siblings?” I asked her.

“How do you think…?” Lucifer said as she walked past us all, confidently, pushing past the two guilty-looking angels and walking over to Beatrice, where she began making herself a drink.

“What does she mean by that?” Lucy asked, innocently. The rest of us had figured it out already.

“It means they fu…”

“ANYWAY!” Azrael said, cutting Grim off and walking in. “Hi, I’m Azrael. Hi Beatrice.” She said, nodding over to Beatrice, who just nodded back at her. 

‘At least she hasn’t gone through my entire family tree…’ I thought to myself, rolling my eyes at my ex-nanny.

“Azrael? The angel of Death?” Lucy asked, surprised.

“I’ve met Death. You’re not them.” Susie spoke up, giving the evil eye to Azrael.

“I… well…” Azrael looked around, nervously.

Lucifer laughed, causing everyone to all look at her now.

“She’s Death’s biggest fangirl. She’s probably the first ever fangirl of anything, ever. She saw Death once near the beginning of time and since then has been obsessed about copying them. Hence the edgy makeup.” Lucifer said, popping the olive from her drink into her mouth.

“SHUT UP, VIPER!” Azrael snapped at her, making Lucifer laugh.

“Oh hello! You must be Nia’s family, it’s lovely to meet you all! I’m glad you could come!” Victoria said, appearing in the doorway on the other side of the living room, looking absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. If she didn’t have me getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute just looking at her, I would probably yell at her for surprising me with all this. No, instead I was too busy thinking about jumping her bones to be angry right now.

Thankfully, Beatrice had my back on that front. No, not the jum… oh nevermind, you know what I mean.

“Vic… why didn’t you tell me you were inviting MY EXES?” Beatrice yelled across the room, towards my Mummy.

“Your… oh. Sorry! I didn’t know! I just thought it’d be nice for Nia to have her family for Christmas…” Victoria looked really awkward now.

Lucifer just laughed again, walked past me, towards the comfortable recliner in the corner. But as she passed me, she bent down and whispered:

“Oh this is going to be the best Christmas ever…”



And so we all chatted in the living room. Trying to act like a ‘normal’ family. Whatever that is.

Lucy kept asking Michael questions, but he kept looking at her with disgust. Lucifer explained to me discreetly that Michael is bad enough normally, but he despises the ‘creatures’ of Earth, ‘creatures’ being vampires and werewolves and undead. Humans he can stand… just about. It was adorable really though, because it looked like a toddler asking their Uncle question after question, and the Uncle has had enough but is trying to be polite and not ruin dinner.

Azrael was busy talking to Susie about Death, about their experiences, all whilst Beth sipped her wine, happily listening to her wife ramble on.

Grim and Abby kept to themselves mostly, they didn’t seem bothered by my angelic siblings. Vic got an earful from Beatrice, before our friend turned her gaze to her ‘exes’ and started having a go at the pair in the corner of the room, before dragging both of them out of the room to finish cooking Christmas dinner. It was hilarious, Gabriel and Raphael both following her heels closely, like a couple of submissives… It made me wonder just what kind of relationship they had had in the past. And… how many of my damn siblings she’s dated…

Lucifer sat in the recliner, drinking slowly, happily listening to the chaos that had engulfed our normally-cosy living area.

Vic… Vic seemed hesitant to even look at me. She could see how weird I felt about this, and I think she felt like she had fucked up.

Which just left me, sitting on the sofa, awkwardly, not talking or interacting with anyone, just watching everyone else socialising or enjoying themselves. Twiddling my thumbs, squirming in place as my other hunger started rising… I was not exactly having fun. This wasn’t the reunion I was expecting. It was somehow better but also worse than what I had imagined. They weren’t at each other’s throats… or mine… but there was this awkward distance between Lucifer and the others, as if none of them could stand to even look at her, let alone be near her. Lucifer, however, didn’t seem to mind this, as if she was used to it… maybe even enjoyed it.

So, taking the initiative, I took a deep breath and walked over to where Lucy and Michael were sitting and completely interrupted what moment they were having by sitting on Michael’s lap.

It seems my inner brat was back, and I was going to take these fuckers down with me if they don’t start behaving like adults.

“So do you have wings? Do they magically appear or are they squeezed under your suit? Can I see them?” Lucy asked him as I sat down.

“Grim wants to chat to you.” I lied to Lucy, making her wander off awkwardly, sitting by Abby and Grim and chatting to them. Once she was out of earshot, I turned and grinned at Michael, who looked just as visibly disgusted at me as he did around Lucy.

“What?” He snapped at me.

“How’s it hanging, big bro?” I replied, my grin growing with each uncomfortable second.

“Hello, Niazriel.” He was clearly an angel of few words.

“So obviously correct me if I’m wrong, as the whole ‘having my memories stolen from me’ kinda ruins a reunion when you can’t remember even knowing them… but it seems you don’t like me. Why is that?”


“Is it my red skin? Tail? Horns?”

“That is just evidence of your betrayal.” He looked up at me and stared at me directly in the eyes.

“But I don’t even remember doing it. And even then, it sounds like Dad wasn’t exactly ‘Father of the Year’...”

“Don’t you dare talk about him that way…” Michael growled at me, trying not to raise his voice.

“Or what? He’ll take my memories again? Oh what a shame. Plus I heard it was you who planted that idea in his head…”

“He can do much more than that. What if he decides to take away your little girlfriend…”

I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder, gripping tighter and tighter until I could feel my nails cutting through his suit. Any tighter and that’s not all that they would be cutting through…

“Michael… don’t underestimate our sister.” Lucifer said, appearing behind me. It appears she had been listening the whole time and decided now was the best time to step in… probably for Michael’s sake. “You hear all the gossip in the Silver City, so I assume you heard about what she did when those cultists took her girlfriend away from her, right?”

“I…” Michael rolled his eyes.

“She. Is. Off. Limits. Got that?” I growled.

Michael just grumbled at me.

“GOT THAT?” I growled louder, gaining the attention of the other guests in the room.

“Understood.” He muttered.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what kind of beef you’ve got with Lucifer, monsters, and more importantly… me. You can come at me with all you’ve got if you want. But if you, or Dad, come for her… I will tear down the Silver City if you even lay a finger on her.”

“She will. Not even Dad will be able to stop her.” Lucifer added.

“Off limits. Got it. Now get your filthy claws off me, Hellspawn…” Michael replied, with venom in his voice.

My anger subsided and I put a huge grin on my face and smiled at him. “Okay Big bro, good catch up!” I said with a chipper voice, jumping off his lap and skipping off to go sit with Vic.


“What was that?” Vic asked as I sat on her lap and snuggled up to her, laying my head on her shoulder.

“Just family squabbles. It’s nothing.” I smiled up at her.

“You threatened him, didn’t you? Because he threatened me?”

“Only a little bit. But wait… you could hear?”

“No, but I saw your tail stand on end when he growled at you. Then I saw the vice-like grip on his shoulder and put two and two together.”

“S… sorry…”

“No sweetie, I’m sorry for not telling you about inviting them. I just thought… I wanted you to have family here for Christmas. And now that your memories are slowly returning, I was hoping seeing them would speed it up a bit and you could be happy. I didn’t even stop to think about the animosity between Lucifer and your other siblings… or you and them.”

“Shush. You did a lovely thing, but it blew up in your face. Plus Gabriel and Raph seem okay with me! Az… she seems okay… I guess… and hey, Michael is a dick to everyone, apparently. And did you see Beatrice’s face when she found out Gabe and Raph were here? Priceless. That alone would be the best Christmas present ever.” I grinned up at her.

“Well I’m glad you’re okay with it. Again, I’m sorry. But don’t worry, that’s not all your presents. I know you got the toys earlier and your computer, and now this… but there’s still one present later.”

My eyes lit up upon receiving this news. I loved presents. “What is it?”

“That would ruin it. You just enjoy your day. Food shouldn’t be too long now, then after a few party games we’ll snuggle up just me and you and have a nice evening together. That’s when you can have your present, okay baby?”

“Is it a sexy present then?”

“It’s… pretty sexy.” She smiled back at me.

I clapped my hands, excitedly, wiggling on her lap as my tail swished back and forth behind me.

“Now, baby girl… how’s that nappy?” She whispered.

“I… umm… it’s a bit soggy…” I whispered back.

“I can tell…”

“Y… you can?”

“Yes. But don’t worry, pretty sure your big brother couldn’t tell you were padded when you sat on his lap.”

I blushed and nuzzled into her shoulder more, enjoying this closeness, surrounded by family.

Even if it is a little dysfunctional.







Chapter 4: Christmas Dinner

Infernum Infantem: Nativitas Reunionis – LittleFallenPrincess




“Who wants to say grace?” Gabriel asked as we all sat around the enormously long dining table in this lavish dining room.

Everyone had their own places, with Vic and my friends sitting at one end, and me and my siblings sitting at the other end. I wish I was sitting next to Vic, but my family insisted on spending more time with me after wasting so much time being yelled at by Beatrice.

“Seriously, Gabe?” Lucifer gave the hardest stare at our sister, and I quickly joined in.

“What?” She replied, not seeing why we were so upset.

“You want to thank Dad for this… when both of us were…”

“You were cast down for rebelling! That’s on you.” Gabriel responded, sounding very ‘holier than thou’ towards us.

“I don’t think it’s in good taste either…” Vic said, thankfully standing up for me.

“But we are his loyal children.” Gabe argued.

“You’re a suck up, that’s what you are.” Lucifer muttered, rolling her eyes.

“SHUT UP SAMAEL!” Gabriel yelled across the table.

“OR WHAT?” Lucifer shouted back.

“OR I’LL SEND YOU BACK TO HELL MYSELF!” Michael joined in.

The three of them started yelling back and forth at each other, picking up cutlery and threatening the other with it. Raph and Azrael hadn’t raised their voices or joined in yet, but I could see them eyeing Lucifer like they were ready to attack her.

“Please… stop…” Vic muttered, sounding a little overwhelmed. Normally she’d stand up for herself, and especially for me… but these are angels, she’s just a human. I think she felt a little out of her depth around this celestial family feud, so her fight was just… gone.

I could see how upset she was getting as Raphael and Azrael finally joined in the yelling, aiming their hatred at Lucifer. It was now four on one and my girlfriend was getting overwhelmed and Beatrice looked like she was ready to step in but Beth was holding her back, with her hand gripping her sister’s arm.

“This… was supposed to be a nice Christmas… I haven’t celebrated since… her… and I just wanted Nia to…” Vic started quietly crying to herself next to me.

And I lost it.




The scream violently filled the room, echoing through the whole manor, making everyone freeze in place, instantly losing their voices, looking terrified.

As they all stopped and turned to look at me, their eyes widened in fear and shock (well, all except Beatrice, who had the biggest grin on her face right now), I felt my throat ache like never before, so I grabbed a glass of water from in front of me and chugged it down before looking back up at my siblings and slamming my hands down on the dining table.

“STOP. NOW.” I coughed out, sounding scratchy after what was probably the loudest noise I had ever managed. “Can’t you see what you’re doing to my love?” I said, pointing at Vic who had stopped crying at this point and joined the rest of them looking up at me in shock.

“I…” Gabe began.

“NO! Shut the fuck up, Gabe. And you too Michael. And you Raph. And Azrael.” Lucifer smiled and began to open her mouth before I cut her off too. “AND you too, Lucifer.”

They all sat down, awkwardly, giving each other menacing glances.

“I don’t give a shit what went down thousands of years ago. Boo hoo, Lucifer rebelled. Maybe she did it for good reason, I don’t know, I CAN’T FUCKING REMEMBER thanks to the worst father of all time. But no matter what, that shit happened so long ago it should be in the past and forgotten about. People change. Look at me, I was torturing nerds in Hell until not that long ago. And now here I am, surrounded by the most wonderful family. And no, this doesn’t include any of you angelic arseholes. Look at my gorgeous girlfriend… She wanted the world to end for the past 40 or so years, but here she sits, trying her best to give me the best Christmas possible. People change. If you can’t deal with that, or at least play nice together, get… the fuck… out.” I growled, bearing my fangs at my ‘siblings’.

Vic put her hand on mine and smiled up at me.

“S… sorry.” Lucifer said, finally finding the courage to speak up. “I guess things have been left to fester for a while now. None of us ever even tried to move on.”

“Yeah… I’m sorry…” Gabriel looked just as guilty as the rest of them, but managed to smile up at Lucifer with genuine kindness in her eyes.

“Sorry, Sis…” Raph and Azrael chimed in next.

Michael though… no, he can’t accept anything, being the righteous Daddy’s boy that he is… And so he left. Just took the napkin from his collar and dropped it on the plate, before screeching his chair back and walking out in a huff. 

There was an awkward silence lingering in the air as no one knew what to say once Michael had left.

“More food for me!”

We all stared at Grim, who had the biggest grin on his face as he reached over and grabbed Michael’s plate, bringing it over to his place and began devouring it.

And so the silence broke. Tensions were relieved as everyone laughed at the wolf boy shoving a turkey leg into his mouth.


“That, Beatrice… that was amazing.” Lucifer said, undoing the button on her waistcoat and patting her tummy.

“I agree.” Gabriel added, gently placing her knife and fork on the empty plate.

We had all eaten way too much food and collapsed back into our chairs, not a single one of us leaving a scrap of food on our plates.

“Glad we can finally agree on some things.” Luci replied.

“Like how we’ve got the best little sister ever?” Gabe smiled at Lucifer, before they both looked at me.


I quickly hid my blushing face behind my napkin.

“Shame Michael couldn’t accept this new normal. But then he never liked me.” Luci shrugged.

“Don’t mind him, he’s always been like this.” Gabriel said to Lucifer before turning to me. “Thank you, Nia, for all this. And you too Vic, I can’t imagine a better human… no, person, for my sister to be with.”

Vic’s face lit up and found it hard to maintain eye contact with my sister.

“Yeah, Nia… you’ve found yourself a really good human. And who knew these… What is the collective term for you lot? Monsters?” Gabriel asked.

“We don’t really like that term…” Abby spoke up, after staying quiet for so long during that awkward family drama.

“Sorry, what do you call your kind then? We’ve always called you monsters.”

“We never really coined a term, though lately we’ve been going by ‘Monstrum’.”

“That’s literally the same word we use but in a dead language…” Gabe looked confused.

“Yes, but it doesn’t sound as mean.” Lucy piped up.

Gabriel just laughed, making Lucy blush instantly. “Okay then, well it turns out we’ve been a bit hasty in judging these ‘Monstrum’. Okay… I can see it now, it doesn’t sound as horrible, I understand now. Anyway, yeah, I’m glad you’ve found a family of your own Nia. Though please never forget you also have one in the Silver City.”

And in the underworld…” Lucifer added.

“Am I even allowed back in Heaven?” I asked.

“I’ll have to talk to Dad. Maybe I can get you a visitor's pass?” Gabe laughed.

“So what now?” Beatrice asked, changing the topic quickly, thankfully.

“Games and a few drinks?” Vic suggested.

“Brilliant! I’m a pro at that game where you buy property and build hotels.” My ex-Nanny grinned.

“NO! I’m not playing with you again. I ended up owing you like twelve favours that one game we had.” Lucifer replied to her.

“Yeah, I’m out already. Never play against Beatrice.” My other three angelic siblings all said, bowing out instantly.

“I’ll play!” Lucy spoke up, stupidly getting herself into something she wasn’t prepared for.

“Me too!” Abby and Grim added.

Susie and Beth knew better, keeping their mouths shut, as did I. Vic was about to agree to play before I quickly reached over and placed my hand over her mouth, shaking my head violently at her, trying to signal to her not to.

“The three kiddos then…” Bea’s grin grew wider… and more sinister.

“We’ll have to get going, we need to get back to the Silver City and make sure Michael isn’t telling Dad too many lies about today. Plus you know it’s the ‘kid’s fake birthday, and we already got an earful for skipping out part of that.” Gabriel shrugged.

“Awww, do you really have to go?” I whined.

“Don’t worry, we’ll come visit more often now.”

I climbed out of my chair and ran over to Gabe, pouncing on her and giving her the biggest hug.

“I’m glad you’re back with us, Nia. And thank you for starting the healing process for our family. It may take a while, maybe even a few centuries or millennia… but I think we’ll get there eventually thanks to you.”

“And Michael?” I asked.

“I’m sure you’ll drag him along with us, kicking and screaming, if needed. Don’t you worry about him.”

“Oh… Miss Gabriel?” Susie shouted from the other side of the dining room.

“Yes, Susan?”

“Can you tell my Grandma something?”

“Sure. What is it?” Gabriel smiled at my reanimated friend.

“That… I… That I made the right choice.” Susie said, blushing and burying her face into her wife’s shoulder.

“Got it. I’ll make sure she gets your message.” Gabriel replied, smiling at her.

“I’ll see you out. Luci… are you staying or going?” I asked my devilish sister.

“I’ll… stay for a bit. If that’s okay. It was nice seeing you Gabe. Eww… I can’t believe I said that. Nia, you’re rubbing off on me.” Lucifer laughed.

“She’s always been able to do that. On all of us.” Gabe said, squeezing me tighter.


Once my more angelic side of the family had left, leaving just my ‘Monstrum’ side and my devilish sister left, we all moved back into the living room and broke out the party games.

Of course Beatrice won her games against my friends, making them all quickly regret signing up for it. And because they lost… they’re all currently in the cutest, frilliest little baby maid outfits, waddling about, cleaning the manor from top to bottom with feather dusters and washing the dishes after our meal. I swear I have never seen Lucy’s face more red than it was during that humiliating experience. The rest of us all dodged a bullet. A very humiliating, blushy, bullet.

Lucifer had a few more drinks before bowing out and leaving, but not before she teased my friends. I guess having the head honcho for torturing as a sister pays off, it makes her an expert at teasing. Though for some reason, she still pales in comparison to Beatrice, who kept the losers of their little game blushy for the rest of the afternoon and evening, all the way up to the point where they had to leave and go back to their homes.

Nia, Grim and Abby were the next to go, thanking Vic and me for such an amazing Christmas and thanking Beatrice for the food once again. And I noticed as they all waddled out of the manor in their normal clothes… Beatrice hadn’t returned everything back to normal. That extra-wide waddle was not there before…

Susie, Beth and Beatrice stayed for another hour, before announcing that they were leaving, but not before Beatrice handed a little wrapped present to Vic, planting a little kiss on her cheek and winking at me.


And once the door shut… it was just Vic and I, alone together, again.

“What did she give you?” I asked, desperate to know what surprise present Vic got.

“A present. Isn’t that obvious, silly baby?” My girlfriend grinned at me.

“Buh wha is it!?” I whined more.

“Oh I see, as soon as your friends have gone, little Nia comes out to play instantly…”

“I wanna knooooooow!”

“I… fine. Come with me, demonling.” Vic said, grabbing my hand and escorting me into the living room, where it suddenly felt so… empty… so lifeless. All that was left were the remnants of the board games we had been playing, the empty glasses of alcohol that had been consumed, and the roaring fireplace keeping the room from freezing over.

“So… what is it?” I asked again as my girlfriend led me to the fireplace, now holding both of my hands as she positioned me perfectly in line with the toasty hearth.

“This… is a present for both of us.” She said, letting go of my hands and taking apart the wrapping on the small box. It looked like a jewellery box.

“Is that…?”

“It is. A new amulet of protection. Though this is enhanced with certain extra magical properties…” She teased.


“Your wet nurse isn’t on Christmas break, sweetie. She isn’t needed anymore, so I gave her a hefty severance payment.”

“Wait… so…”

“If you ever need to nurse, or you want to feed through more adult means… this has got you covered either way…”

I blushed and nearly melted into a little pile of demon goo on the spot at the thought of her feeding me like my wet nurse does… did… I mean, I was a blushy mess whenever she fed me, and I guess I needed to feed otherwise I’d have to suck on other people’s lifeforce, people who can’t regenerate. But it felt… less special. This though… This was my ultimate fantasy involving Vic.


Or at least I thought it was…

“But I have one last gift to be opened.” Vic said, reaching behind her back.

“Ooooh! From who?” I asked.

“From me… to you.”

“Huh? I thought I got my presents.”

“They were presents for little you. I told you earlier I had one more for you, so this… this is for my girlfriend.”


And that’s when she pulled out another box, though this one was… smaller. Holding it in one hand, she used the other to open it, but at the same time… she knelt down, standing on one knee.

“Wait… I… I’ve seen humans… oh…” My brain was piecing all my memories back together, the ones I remembered about all this, as I saw the sparkling great big whopping diamond on the silver ring in the box.

“Nia, my love… will you marry me?”






And there we have it. So... what did you all think? I loved writing it and so far I've made a number of my supporters on SubscribeStar cry, which I am very proud of.

I just finished writing Little in Love 2, so after a small break I'll be starting Monster book #3, which will be posted once Little in Love 2 has finished (got months left of that, don't worry, it won't be for a while that we see monster book 3 on here).

And as stated, this is going to be the rough length of most of my short stories that I'll be taking commissions for, starting next month. They will be exclusive to my SubscribeStar though. Don't worry, my main series stories are still going to be posted here, two weeks after they're posted on my SubscribeStar like usual.

And lastly... Happy New Year! Expect more LittleFallenVerse and LittleFallenMonsterVerse (Name pending) in this new year! And maybe even MORE evil cliffhangers! 😈


Also if you haven't heard, I'm now up and running on Subscribestar! (Sorry, just trying to get the word out that I've found a new home now, trying to get my supporters back!)


I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

If you want to read the next 4 chapters, thanks to two weeks early access to my main story and also soon-to-be exclusive access to short stories (or even have a chance at commissioning one when I add the tier for them!), why don't you check out my SubscribeStar! The basic tier gets early access and exclusive access to short stories (when they're written), higher tiers will be limited but get a short story each month (1-2 per month in total).

Thank you to all my patrons for their support over the past couple of years! Seriously, your support meant the world to me, and I hope to be set up somewhere new soon.

New chapters of Little in Love 2 every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!

  • Like 4
  • Thanks 3

Thank you for this amazing addition to this story! I loved Nia's journey before and loving the continuation now.


I love it! We get a fantastic new story AND backstory in one package. I just love the connecting threads running through your stories in the LittleFallenMonsterVerse (yeah, that’s a mouthful…maybe just MonstrumVerse?).

You’re such a tease. When are we going to learn more about her?


A nice Christmas special, I must admit.

I like how she managed to put Michael in his place.

But I have to ask what was meant by nurse?

I can't remember.

Did they find someone to breastfeed Nia?

  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/31/2023 at 10:13 AM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

“I’ve met Death. You’re not them.” Susie spoke up, giving the evil eye to Azrael.

Whelp more accurately not capital D no, from what I've gotten from GF; High Reaper of Terra is probably most accurate. I've love the back and forth family bickering vibes XD. Again from what I've heard Micheal is that way because of a bit of Napoleon Complex/Little Man syndrome.... 😅😆🤷‍♀️

On 12/31/2023 at 10:13 AM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

It made me wonder just what kind of relationship they had had in the past. And… how many of my damn siblings she’s dated…

Wow Bee really is just like my girlfriend.... XD


On 12/31/2023 at 10:13 AM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Wait… I… I’ve seen humans… oh…” My brain was piecing all my memories back together, the ones I remembered about all this, as I saw the sparkling great big whopping diamond on the silver ring in the box.

“Nia, my love… will you marry me?”




Eeeehh so happy for these two!

Great little mini installment!

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