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A pants wetting

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I'm used to dealing with bedwetting and know the triggers. But recently I had a major pants wetting incident and wondered if others on here deal with this as well. Usually I wear pullups during the day if I'm going out for any length of time. It's just a precaution because I deal with both urge IC and incomplete voiding. In the later case my bladder continues emptying into my pants after I figure I've finished at the toilet or urinal and then zip up. Its caused quite a few wet crotch and wet inseam situations until I learned to wear daytime pullups.

Anyway last Friday evening I joined some friends at a nearby pub for a few pints. I didn't wear pullups because the pub has a men's room with only a single stall as well as three urinals. My pullup has been spotted when I could get the stall before which leads to some interesting looks and a couple times some questions, like "Hey man are you wearing a diaper?" when I've unzipped and pulled down the front of my pullup to take a leak. On Friday I used the stall once after having three pints but when I left I quickly felt the cold and got desperate. Walking the four blocks home became a effort in attempting muscle control. I passed by an alley that I've used before to take a leak. But some businesses in the area have complained about what the locals sometimes call "piss alley" and its now more heavily patrolled by police especially in the evenings and into the early mornings as bars and restaurants in the area close. I got a public urination fine there a while back so I've avoided it ever since.

I got as far as being about half a block from my apartment when I felt that unmistakable feeling that my bladder wasn't going to hold out any longer. I looked around and couldn't see anybody else on the sidewalk and just stood still and let my bladder empty. It was a feeling of amazing relief. And then the reality of the cold air hit my legs hit. There was a fairly big puddle on the ground at my feet and some of my pee had gone into my left sock and shoe. Oh well, it's only beer pee I told myself, so not hard to clean up. I got into my building, hoping nobody else would come out, and quickly headed to my apartment and pulled off my wet pants, underwear and socks. I had a couple glasses of water to take my evening meds and dilute the alcohol and then put on an overnight diaper and went to bed. And I woke up with my diaper soaked at about six in the morning, rewet it and went right back to sleep.



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thats happened to me alot but thankfully im either at home so i can clean up quick and put on a goodnight or training pants or if its nighttime and im walking the dog. whats funny is it got better for a while so id only have to REALLY wear pull ups or something maybe once/twice a week. but it took a turn a few weeks ago and soon i might have to ONLY wear goodnights/training pants instead of real undies. who knows, maybe soon ill NEED diapers...just like ive always dreamed of

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18 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:


The pub has a men's room with only a single stall as well as three urinals. My pullup has been spotted when I could get the stall before which leads to some interesting looks and a couple times some questions, like "Hey man are you wearing a diaper?" when I've unzipped and pulled down the front of my pullup to take a leak.

First thing I would have done is say, "WTF man?  You some kind of pervert checking out my privets in a restroom?"

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18 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

I'm used to dealing with bedwetting and know the triggers. But recently I had a major pants wetting incident and wondered if others on here deal with this as well.

You’re not the only one.  Also a bedwetter, after multiple daytime incidents I began wearing a Goodnite all day every day a little over a year ago.  I try not to use it, but occasionally can’t get to the bathroom in time.

As for men’s room, with normal underwear atop my Goodnite I lower both together at a urinal.  Far as I know no one has noticed, nothing I worry about.

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31 minutes ago, rusty pins said:

First thing I would have done is say, "WTF man?  You some kind of pervert checking out my privets in a restroom?"

When I'm not diapered during the day, I usually wear a Depends RealFit pull-up. When I use a public restroom, I usually get pretty close to the urinal - not touching it, but within a few inches.  I pull down my brief with my left thumb, and get "The horse outa the barn" with my right hand. (Ok, ok... Shetland pony..) A perv would almost have to have his head IN the urinal to see anything. 😂😆😎😲

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On 12/2/2023 at 1:29 PM, rubbersheetmike said:

I'm used to dealing with bedwetting and know the triggers. But recently I had a major pants wetting incident and wondered if others on here deal with this as well.


As @WBxx stated, you aren't the only one.

At your age, if you haven't recently had your PSA and prostate checked, you probably want to get that done, as well a a check for UTI.  I assume you have or will be doing that soon....

A side affect of an illness medication used and how my body was built resulted in adult onset secondary nocturnal enuresis several years ago....  More recently, a few years ago I needed the Rezūm treatment for early onset BPH.   This fall, the slight occasional day time drip got worse with the colder weather.  I've got an appointment soon to see if I've picked up my second UTI (which the first wasn't that long ago) due to a combination of things including a recent increase in daytime use of my diapers....

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25 minutes ago, zzyzx said:


A side affect of an illness medication used and how my body was built resulted in adult onset secondary nocturnal enuresis several years ago....  More recently, a few years ago I needed the Rezūm treatment for early onset BPH.   This fall, the slight occasional day time drip got worse with the colder weather.  I've got an appointment soon to see if I've picked up my second UTI (which the first wasn't that long ago) due to a combination of things including a recent increase in daytime use of my diapers....

And the Rezūm treatment helped with no significant side effects?

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3 minutes ago, WBxx said:

And the Rezūm treatment helped with no significant side effects?


Short answer yes.


I would say based on hind sight, I was probably going to need to have a prostate reduction procedure done sooner than later.  At this point I would recommend some sort of minimally evasive technique over the TURP procedure, if it is a reasonable option for what one is needing to get handled (i.e. cancer is not the issue).  I was on a watch and wait procedure concerning PSA and Free PSA numbers, and my current Urologist stated my (elevated by some standards, but) PSA numbers were / are supported by my prostate size.  This procedure only reduced prostate around the uretha, and my PSA numbers are back towards pre-procedure values.  I'm "fortunate" that within blood relatives, while we tend to grow things (non-cancerous polyps, etc.) the only cancer has been skin cancer.  So, I am still "watching and waiting" from the stand point of potential prostate cancer.  I do remember dad had prostate surgery earlier than "normal", and non-cancerous.

I was hopeful that that "minor" dripping during the day, present prior to the procedure, where when wearing normal underpants which resulted in a minor wet spot on the front of my pants by late in the day, would eventually go away.  A slight (assumed post void drip) was sometime happening prior to the procedure.  So, for me, after about one week of wearing a catheter to allow for healing, giving the three months to allow the body to absorb the killed tissue, the prostate causing impingement of the uretha was handled without significant (additional) long term side affects.  Before the procedure I was wearing protection (cloth diapers) during the day to keep the pants dry from the post void drip and from concern of reduced bladder capacity and being on the edge of being able to travel in the evening without having the need to re-leave the bladder while driving in the slow traffic or delayed by a vehicle accident.  (OK, the post void drip could have been handle by other products, but since I already had the diapers for nocturnal enuresis is was no additional costs.)   After the procedure, I was on Mybetrique (sp?) for one year, which helped me regain part of the reduced bladder capacity that happened from the BPH.  I never did get back to my old maximum functional capacity, but did get back to "normal" to maybe slightly above "normal" capacity -- and prior to the impact of BPH, my capacity was above normal for what the Urologist expect....  Unfortunately, I can still get strong urges on low volume.  And with how I (have always) "sensed" things, I can have an issue knowing I need to go NOW or it is just a urge from like a temperature change to certain body parts. 

Based on slight blood after removing the catheter, they probably had to stretch some things (uretha) to get the device in to perform the procedure.  After a few days of the catheter being out, I think things were basically back to "normal".  However in the last year or so, I have had occasional (fresh) blood in the urine, which examination has not come up with a specific cause.  From what I've seen, it looks like a scab came off and out with urination, and I have short term bleeding till it scabs back over.  This has now happened a few time.  Is this a long term impact from something that happened during the procedure, or something else going on?  I've tested negative for kidney stones, which considering how I don't sense things (such as a high threshold before feeling pain), was one concern.   So, that issue is still undetermined as to the root cause.

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  • 1 month later...

'The high likelihood of wetting my pants is the reason I always wear a diaper if I'm going anywhere where I might not be able to get to a toilet quickly when the need to pee arises.

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1 hour ago, adhb said:

'The high likelihood of wetting my pants is the reason I always wear a diaper if I'm going anywhere where I might not be able to get to a toilet quickly when the need to pee arises.

I am way past even trying to use a toilet.  I tried pull ups a few year ago, but always had issues with leakage, so I have used diaper 24/7 for some time now.  My problem is that I always continue to leak, so if I went to the toilet and used it, I would end up splashing pee all over the seat and floor after getting back up.

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