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Sam's Vacation


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Good chapter, a couple of times you indicate same is with or following Chrissy when I think it was actually Nina. 

i find it interesting that when you are in these type of parks you always seem to meet up with the same families and personnel during the few days you are attending. Poor Sam always meets up with Karen!

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Karen is either stupid or sadistic, last time they explained it to her that Sam is an adult 😀

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Throughly enjoyed this chapter.  It was almost inevitable that Sam was going to end up in a swim diaper in the kiddy pool.  I wonder how bad the accident she has is going to be.  A swim diaper isn’t designed to hold liquids so I am pretty sure she is going to be having a little pooping accident. Unless Nina can find her first.  Story wouldn’t be as good if she finds her and prevents the accident. 
I have come to enjoy these Thursdays because there’s always a new chapter.  Now I am looking forward to next Thursday. 

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Left in the kids' area of the pool Sam needs to find a place she can hide. She manages to find just such a place until she is found by someone she hadn't ever expected to see again.


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and everything else are the same across both



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The door to the changing room was opened and Sam’s hand was taken. She waddled out of the changing room into the noise of the swimming pool. Despite being so much calmer about it all now she still cringed as she looked around at other people. She saw a group of girls in sexy bikinis walking nearby. They started going up some stairs to a waterslide, something Sam had never experienced despite being roughly the same age as them. Whilst they could do whatever they liked she was stuck in the baby pool surrounded by toddlers.

“Right, you have a nice little splash with the other babies.” Karen said as she let go of Sam’s hand, “I’ll be nearby if you need a change or anything.”

Sam didn’t want Karen to go. It was like the Midforest employee was her one link with the adult world, a strand that was fraying all the time. Her friends were nowhere near, the only person who knew she wasn’t actually a baby was walking away to the other side of the baby play area. Sam looked around and felt incredibly alone, there were plenty of small children around but she was obviously different to them.

Not knowing what to do and being anxious not to draw the attention of the other children or their parents Sam started to walk over to the pirate ship inflatable. She’d barely taken a couple of hesitant steps when a couple of young boys, who nevertheless towered over her, ran past. Each of their steps caused water to splash up. Sam squealed as the cool water covered her lower half. She hadn’t acclimatised to the water temperature yet, it was cold!

Sam continued to the entrance to the inflatable. There was a lot of children here. On the plus side that meant she could disappear into the crowd easily, on the negative side it meant she was around a lot of the loud children and being smaller than a lot of them she was pushed around a little. It wasn’t intentional but it was certainly annoying. A boy about twice Sam’s height spun around quickly to talk to his friend as he did so he bumped into Sam who fell against the side of the inflatable.

“Steven!” A mother standing nearby chided her young son, “Watch out for the little one.”

“Sorry…” Steven said carelessly to Sam before going back to his friend.

“Are you alright, sweetie?” The young mother asked Sam.

Sam didn’t think the woman would understand how she was feeling even if she had hours to explain it. She shyly nodded her head and, seeing an opportunity, scrambled on to the inflatable before anyone could say anything else. Thanks to the inflatable’s bouncy and uneven ground Sam found it a lot easier to crawl inside even if it meant she was nearly stepped on a couple of times. As the giant inflatable walls enclosed her the sounds of the rest of the swimming pool seemed somewhat dulled.

It was like a madhouse. This seemed to be a domain the children ruled as there were no parents or adults in sight. Boys and girls were running, bouncing, playing and rough housing as Sam sat near the corner and watched. She almost felt like she had entered a parallel world that was ruled by kids. She crawled to a corner, slipping and sliding over the wet floor as children bounced and knocked her this way and that. She used the wall to climb up to her feet and looked around.

The inflatable was very large and full of activities and things to do. It was like a floating playground with lots to explore, Sam was sure she’d have loved it as a kid but as an adult in a vulnerable position she just wanted to get somewhere safe and quiet. She started slowly making her way through the obstacles, her butt swaying behind her as she waddled around the air-filled columns, through the small tunnels and over low bridges. Twice Sam was bowled into by children racing through the activity centre and each time she landed heavily on her rear end.

“Watch where you’re going!” Sam yelled the second time it happened.

No one listened to her. Even if the children in this Lord of the Flies-esque atmosphere were willing to listen it wouldn’t be to a “baby” as they saw her. All she could do was try to carefully make her way through.

The end of the inflatable had the main attraction of the whole thing. A big slope acted as a slide with water being pumped up over it to make it more slippery, it ended in a shallow pool area where the kids could climb out and go back to the start of the inflatable to go again. Just before this slide there were a couple of corners with little dips. Sam saw one and practically dived into it. Thanks to its position and the excitement of the slide it seemed very few of the children even bothered to look round to the relatively quiet spot Sam was now sat in. Aside from an inch of cold water at the bottom it was actually fairly comfortable.

For Sam this was good enough. She would be happy to sit there until she could leave, unfortunately for her that presumably wouldn’t be until the children’s area closed in the evening. It would be a long time and her friends would worry but she really didn’t want to be stuck with all the children.

Sam couldn’t quite relax in her spot but she was happy enough to be out of the way. If nothing else it allowed her to get her bearings. She hadn’t planned on wearing a diaper and yet she found herself in one anyway, with a bit of a jolt she noticed that a vast majority of the kids running around were not padded. Occasionally some of the children would look back and see her but she was left alone, at that point that was all she wanted.


Sam had been lying down in her little dip when she heard a young girl’s voice very close by. She lifted her head and saw a familiar girl who couldn’t have been much older than six looking down at her with a tilted head. Water dripped off the child on to the inflatable, some of it forming a river and invading Sam’s hiding place. It was Alice. The girl Sam had met at the end of the “treetop” obstacle course, the one who had been nice to her when she’d had an accident.

“Hi…” Sam said bluntly. She hoped Alice would pick up on her hostility and leave her alone.

“What are you doing?” Alice asked.

Sam was overcome with a feeling of shame. She didn’t feel like she could admit to this child that she was hiding in a corner. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away hoping the girl would lose interest.

“Are you scared?” Alice asked.

“No.” Sam quickly retorted.

Sam turned away from the girl and faced the side of the inflatable. She crossed her legs and folded her arms in front of her. After a few seconds she looked over her shoulder to see the girl was still there, she was certainly persistent and didn’t seem to care about the social cues telling her to leave Sam alone!

“I was scared the first time.” Alice said, “It’s a tall slide. It was like you with the monkey bars…”

“I’m not scared!” Sam replied without turning around.

A couple of seconds later Sam felt the floor next to her sag as Alice came and sat next to her. Sam turned away again, she knew she was acting like a petulant child but she wanted to be left alone. The last thing she needed was some kid annoying her as she tried to hide away. The girl didn’t say anything which was somehow only annoying Sam even more.

“Are you on your own?” Alice asked eventually.

“Yes.” Sam replied after a little think. Whilst technically at the pool with friends they were nowhere to be seen and she certainly felt alone.

“Where’s your mommy or daddy?” Alice continued.

“I don’t…” Sam was about to say she didn’t have a “mommy”, she had a mother who was back at home. Sam felt her stomach do a flip as she thought about what her mom would think of her if she saw what Sam had been doing on her vacation.

“Huh?” Alice asked when Sam trailed off.

“She’s in the big pool.” Sam finally said. Her cheeks blushed furiously as she thought about Nina.

“Mine too.” Alice said, “I have to stay in this stupid place.”’

For the first time, Sam was intrigued. She slowly turned around so she was facing the slide just like the small child who had joined her. Alice was scowling slightly as she wiped some of the water off the front of her costume. Sam thought that if she had been an actual child this area would’ve been fantastic. She would’ve wanted to go to the pool every single day.

“Stupid?” Sam asked.

“I hate being in here with all these kids.” Alice replied as she looked around at the children she was barely older than, “I wish I could just be a grown up so I can do the fun things out there.”

“Being an adult isn’t so great…” Sam said before she could top herself. Her eyes widened and she looked at her young companion, “I mean, I don’t think it would be anyway.”

“Why not?” Alice asked curiously.

“It’s just… stressful. I mean, I think it would be.” Sam was not good at concealing the truth but thankfully her audience wasn’t good on picking it up either, “College, work, taxes, bills and having to worry about how other people see you and stuff.”

“At least they can do whatever they want.” Alice said.

“But look at what we get.” Sam said, “They don’t have anything as fun and cool as this pirate ship. There’s loads of cool stuff for kids that adults don’t get to do.”

Sam hadn’t expected to warm up to this young girl and she certainly hadn’t expected to be extolling how good being a kid was. She didn’t regret her words though. It was true that despite trying desperately to be an adult for as long as she could remember Sam had never really thought about what being one really meant. She was coming to the realisation that having spent all her formative years being as responsible as possible she hadn’t really had the childhood she wanted. She had never allowed herself to enjoy things like the very inflatable she was now on for fear of being seen as a child, even when she WAS a child!

Alice stood up again and turned to face Sam. She held out her hand and smiled. After some hesitation Sam reached out her hand and was helped to her feet. The girl didn’t let go of her hand.

“Then let’s slide!” The girl said, “Come on, it’s super fun!”

Before Sam knew what was happening Alice was hurrying to the slide area and pulling Sam behind her. A second later she was on the edge of the steep slide with her new friend next to her. From up here the slide seemed a lot taller and although Sam didn’t think she would be scared she was suddenly feeling a little nervous.

“We’ll go together.” Alice said. She sat down on the edge and Sam followed suit, “Three… Two…”

Sam wasn’t ready. The girl had barely finished saying “two” when she launched forwards and down the slide pulling Sam behind her. With a yelp, Sam started sliding with her arms and legs flying wide apart. It had looked like she was high in the air but after just a second of sliding the gradient started to flatten until she was in the water. She felt like she’d just skipped like a stone over water as she slowly climbed to her feet.

Sam’s heart was hammering as she reached up and started wiping the water out of her eyes. She couldn’t help but smile as felt the water dripping down her body. She started to laugh despite herself. Alice was right, it had been fun!

“Sam?” A familiar voice came from nearby.

“Nina!” Sam’s eyes lit up.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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Could it be?  Could Sam actually be having some fun on this vacation?  I know she’s starting to actually enjoy the diapers and Nina taking care of her but this is different.  Sam is really having a good time with Alice.  Now I wonder if Nina is going to take her away from this or just go along with the guise that she is Sam’s mommy and just came to check on her.  
This was a great chapter and I am looking forward to next week and seeing more. 

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Great chapter. Perhaps Nina will change her into a regular diaper as they break for lunch. Sam is probably ready to accept the convenience of a high chair on her last day of vacation. Then perhaps back to the kitty pool with mommy watching her playing with her new friend.

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There are only two updates left. The one currently on Ream and SubscribeStar and then the finale afterwards. We're close to the end.

I will say, the next story to take the midweek slot will also be a Sam story. It will be a sequel to "Sam's Flight to Babyhood" (if you want to read that in preparation there is a link in the "About Me" on my profile profile to all my stories posted on here) and will hopefully be as well-received as this one!

As for this story. I do have a soft of unformed idea for a sequel but I don't know if it will become anything more at the moment.

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The penultimate update to Sam's Vacation sees Nina finding Sam in the kids' pool. Instead of taking Sam out she has a very different idea.


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and everything else are the same across both



Thank you for reading and supporting me and my work ❤️


“I’ve been so worried!” Nina was dropping into the water though even at this relatively deep point it didn’t reach her knee, “You were right behind me and then you weren’t. We’ve been looking for you but it was like you disappeared.”

The whole time Nina was talking she continued wading through the water until she reached Sam. The small woman was surprised when her taller friend reached down without hesitation and picked Sam up. They cuddled in that shallow water like a parent reuniting with their baby.

“I should’ve known to check in here.” Nina said as she looked around.

“It wasn’t my choice!” Sam was quick to point out.

Nina carried Sam over towards the changing rooms where the water got much shallower. They walked past the noisy inflatable and stopped at an area with various water spouts that alternately shot water from the wall and the floor. Nina stopped and slowly lowered herself into a sitting position with Sam sat on her lap.

“You didn’t choose to come in here?” Nina asked. Her eyes darted down the swim diaper that must’ve been very obvious.

“Of course not!” Sam did her best to sound offended, “You really think I would CHOOSE to be in here!?”

“Before this week I would’ve thought not.” Nina smiled wryly, “I feel like a lot has changed though.”

Sam blushed furiously. She couldn’t argue that Nina was spot on with her assumption that things had changed. She’d done things this week that would’ve been beyond anything she could’ve imagined before. It didn’t change the fact that she hadn’t chosen to be in here with the babies. It also didn’t explain why Nina was now sitting down in the pool with Sam.

“Why don’t you go play?” Nina suggested quietly.

“What!?” Sam exclaimed as her eyes went wide.

“I mean it.” Nina said, “Amy and Chrissy are in the Jacuzzi area, they won’t see anything. Why don’t you have some fun?”

“W-Who said I would want to do that?” Sam said as she ducked her blushing face.

“I saw you on the slide.” Nina smiled, “I saw that you enjoyed it. Look, no one’s going to judge you. I want nothing more than for you to have as much fun as possible. If you want to play then just do it.”

“You’re so embarrassing…” Sam complained half-heartedly.

Sam finally wriggled out of Nina’s grip and stood in the shallow water. She felt incredibly awkward in her puffy swim diaper. She couldn’t look up at Nina, instead she turned to look at where a bunch of small children were splashing each other and throwing a small ball around.

“I’m not hearing a no…” Nina said knowingly.

“Please… I…” Sam looked down at the water and sighed.

“It’s OK if you don’t want to.” Nina quickly added, “I didn’t mean to pressure you I ju-…”

“I do!” Sam finally said. She lifted her arms and let them drop to her side again. Like saying what she felt was a massive defeat for her, “I do want to play…”

“But?” Nina prompted.

“I shouldn’t!” Sam looked up with a defeated kind of frustration, “I’m not a kid. I shouldn’t want to play on the stupid inflatable or wear diapers or any of this stuff. I’m supposed to be the mature one, I’m supposed to be the adult!”

“Oh, Sam…” Nina said softly, “You’re not supposed to be anything. You can be and do whoever and whatever you want.”

“I never wanted any of this.” Sam continued, “Not until we came here. I’d never allowed myself to think about anything like this. I always had to be the most mature and adult of anyone. I’ve always been the voice of reason because it’s the only way anyone will possibly think I’m a grown up… but even that’s not enough.”

Sam sighed. She hadn’t meant to suddenly drop all of this on Nina. The kid pool seemed a very strange place to have a serious conversation. She felt bad that was being a downer and bringing other people’s moods down.

“It’s only because of you that I haven’t totally freaked out about everything that’s happened this week.” Sam finally finished.

“Me?” Nina looked surprised.

“You make me feel safe and comfortable.” Sam was going bright red but she ploughed on, “It’s like I don’t need to worry when I’m around you. Everything will be OK because you’ll look after me no matter what happens. I don’t know why it took until this vacation for me to notice. For the first time in my life I’ve been able to drop my guard and… I like it.”

Sam felt herself tearing up as she filled with emotion. She’d come so far, she couldn’t stop now. Not when this was the last day of the vacation, everything could go back to how it had been before. She didn’t want that.

“I like the diapers!” Sam said a little louder than she had perhaps intended, “I like being carried. I like not having to worry about how people see me or if I’m good enough to be seen as an adult. I like being looked after… I like being looked after by you.”

Sam glanced up at Nina who seemed to be similarly struggling with emotions. A shaky smile appeared on her face and Sam felt like she was on a tightrope. Was she about to laugh at her for her infantile admissions?

“Sam…” Nina’s voice was small but she opened her arms wide.

Sam didn’t need to be told twice. Feeling herself sob from the pure emotion of the moment Sam ran forwards with her arms out and practically jumped against Nina’s chest. The bigger woman’s arms wrapped around her as they embraced in the shallow water of the pool, both of them sniffing back tears.

“I think I love you.” Nina whispered, “I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”

That was the final straw for Sam. All her composure left her as she cried on to Nina’s shoulder. It was the words she had wanted to hear but had never thought possible. She wanted to say she loved Nina back, she was sure she did, but she couldn’t, she was too choked up.

They sat together at the edge of the pool with children splashing and yelling around them but that might as well have all been happening in a different world. There was no telling how much time passed before Nina’s hug gradually loosened and Sam was able to pull back a little. She was beaming with happiness.

“So bearing in mind… everything you just said.” Nina chuckled and rubbed her eyes, “How about a little play time?”

Sam shyly nodded. It was still embarrassing but now that her feelings were out in the air it felt like a roadblock had been bypassed. She wanted to play, no one here knew she wasn’t actually a small child. She just wasn’t sure what to do.

“How about you go through the inflatable again?” Nina suggested, “You seemed to like that.”

Sam nodded again and started walking away. After a few steps she sped up with a big smile on her face. All thoughts of being a grown-up had been cast aside. All she wanted to do was play like all the other kids, experience the childhood she had always avoided. She scrambled up the entrance to the inflatable and hurried through amongst everyone else. She was just one of them.

“I told you it was fun!” A small girl’s voice said.

Sam skidded to a stop on the wet floor and turned to see Alice leaning against the wall and looking very wet. Sam waited for a group of particularly boisterous boys to pass and then quickly crossed to where the girl was standing and smiling.

“It is fun!” Sam replied.

“Race you down the slide!” Alice said as she suddenly took off again.

Sam felt as light as a feather. She had never been in the moment like this before, she had never stopped caring about how others saw her like she did right then. She giggled childishly as she ran after her new friend until they reached the slide. Sam took the other girl’s hand and with an infantile scream she jumped forwards and down the slide again.

When Sam emerged from the water she was laughing and wiping her hair out of her face. She saw Nina and ran over to hug her again. Like a little girl she seemed to want to do everything at once and Nina was happy to encourage her.

Sam played and played. The squirt guns and water spouts were fun in between laps on the inflatable. She joined other children throwing a ball around, she pretended to dig up some buried treasure on the sandy “beach” on one side. As time went on Sam found herself thinking less and less as the adult she was and perhaps that would explain what happened next.

After going through the inflatable pirate ship countless times and losing track of time Sam felt a fullness in her bowels. Perhaps spending so much time with all these young kids had allowed her to go too far into the mind-set of a child because before she was even thinking about what she was doing she had started to push down.


If you want to find out how the story FINISHES you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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Not her first poopy diaper, and certainly won’t be her last. I hope Alice, as a big girl, helps bring Sam to her Mommy to get changed and they don’t have to drain the whole kiddie pool because of Sam’s stinky diaper, though.

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This was such a sweet moment. I was so glad that Sam opened up to Nina and even happier to hear Nina’s response.  I am not entirely sure if their love is focused more on the mommy baby Sam  and Nina or the Adult Sam and Nina.  At this point I would be happy with either but the mommy baby seems to fit better. 
I have really enjoyed this story so it’s with mixed emotions that come with the knowledge that we only have one final chapter remaining.  I will say I am looking forward to reading it. 

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29 minutes ago, erik_hamburg said:

@Elfy, I really love the story and Sam’s Character. I was wondering if the stories on Ream etc build up on each other? So is it “The Story of Sam” or are there many stories with a Sam-like Character? 

Unless stated that the story is a sequel all Sam's are completely different. Think of it as a "Multiverse of Sam" :D

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The final update to Sam's Vacation has been posted!
With the vacation drawn to a close will Sam be able to save herself from any last humiliations? Can Sam rely on Nina for help? What will Amy and Chrissy think of it all? And is this just a holiday fling?
Find out in the conclusion to the story!
Then stay tuned! Starting next week there will be a new Sam adventure, a sequel to another story (I'll be posting a blog post soon to discuss that!) AND I can confirm that a sequel to Sam's Vacation has been officially started on my end. It may take a while but there will be one!


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and everything else are the same across both



Thank you for reading and supporting me and my work ❤️


At the very last second Sam came to her senses about what she was doing and stopped herself. There she was in the middle of a children’s obstacle course and about to helplessly mess herself, she couldn’t believe she had come so close. She knew she had been put into a carefree state of mind but she hadn’t realised quite how much her brain had accepted the idea that she was a small child. Now she had a problem. She might’ve stopped pushing but that didn’t mean her need for the bathroom had gone away, in fact it had become significantly more urgent.

“Out of the way!” Sam yelped as she hurried towards the slide at the end.

Not many of the mostly bigger children paid much attention to Sam as she did her best to push through. She needed to get out of the pool and to the bathroom right away if she wanted to avoid having yet another messy accident.

Sam tried to ignore the little voice in her head asking why she was so worried. She was, after all, in a swim diaper that was designed for just such a thing. Sam pushed those thoughts away. Playing with the kids was one thing but pooping herself if she could avoid it was quite another and whilst a part of her still wanted to do it she didn’t want to push Nina away just when they had seemingly got together.

By the time Sam had reached the slide she was struggling to keep her diaper clean. One of her hands had gone to the rear of her swimsuit and she was waddling awkwardly. She saw Nina waiting at the bottom of the slide where a lot of the other parents were and didn’t hesitate to drop down. Unfortunately for Sam the sudden drop of the slide in combination with the splash of entering the water seemed to be too much for her small body to take.

As Sam slid she felt a mass starting to expand into the rear of her diaper. She gasped as she splashed into the water and her body pushed down just as it had so many times over the course of that week. As she flailed and sent liquid everywhere her body finished what it had started and Sam felt herself quickly becoming very messy. She struggled to her feet and even though the swimsuit held the padding close to her body Sam could clearly tell there was a noticeable bulge in the rear of her disposable.

“Oh no…” Sam moaned.

Sam couldn’t believe what she had done. She waddled forwards across the landing pool of the inflatable towards the edge where she saw Nina smiling and clapping for her. Soon that smile turned to more of a frown as Nina saw Sam’s look of urgency and worry. Sam was nearly all the way to her love when her friend stepped in front of her.

“Alright, you won that time…” Alice was smiling but she stopped as she smelled the air, “What’s that?”

Sam was cringing. Suddenly she didn’t want to be a kid any more, she wished she hadn’t let herself get caught up with playing. The swim diaper wasn’t nearly as thick as her regular ones, in fact it was little more than a protective shell to make sure the poop inside didn’t escape. It was doing its job admirably but it didn’t seem to be doing anything for the smell which escaped much easier.

“Is that you?” Alice asked with a frown.

Sam couldn’t really blame the girl for pointing the finger of blame at her. After all, how many people in the immediate area were so clearly wearing diapers? Without Sam responding the little girl circled around her and with the lack of tact that only a child could have she pressed a hand against the back of Sam’s swimsuit. The bulge was immediately obvious.

“Oh dear, well I suppose you can’t help it.” Alice said as she patted the load in Sam’s pants.

Sam’s face flushed even redder and tears filled her eyes. She started sniffling from the embarrassment unintentionally looking like a child struggling with potty training who had just had a major accident. The girl seemed to notice that Sam was on the verge of bursting into tears and withdrew her hand.

“Aww, it’s OK.” Alice said as she pulled Sam into a quick hug, “Where’s your mommy?”

Sam didn’t hesitate to point to Nina who had obviously noticed something was wrong. The girl took Sam’s hand and started leading her across the small distance until Nina was within arm’s reach.

“What happened?” Nina immediately asked when she saw the tears rolling down Sam’s face.

“She had an accident.” Alice replied before Sam could say anything to ease the blow of the truth.

“Oh.” Nina replied, “Come here, baby.”

Sam let go of her young friend’s hand and waddled forwards to Nina. She was lifted off her feet in a way that had become very familiar with and held against her girlfriend’s chest. Instantly things didn’t seem so bad. She knew Nina would look after her.

“It’s OK, baby.” Nina said softly as she stroked Sam’s back, “Did you just get too distracted playing?”

Sam didn’t really know what had happened but she nodded her head anyway. She just wanted to be taken out of the public so she could get out of her soiled diaper. Fortunately Nina seemed to know exactly what Sam needed and she started wading through the pool to the exit. Sam’s head was buried into Nina’s shoulder as they passed groups of playing children and families.

As Nina carefully climbed out of the pool Sam glanced up over her shoulder. She felt a jolt of embarrassment as she saw Chrissy and Amy standing nearby with towels wrapped around them. They were staring open mouthed as Sam was carried past. Sam let out a little whimper.

“Shh, don’t worry.” Nina said softly, “Nearly there.”

Sam was carried along the side of the pool for a little bit before Nina came to a stop. For a second Sam wondered why, that was until she heard a very familiar voice.

“Oh dear, does the little one need a change?” Karen’s voice was as distinctive as anyone’s to Sam.

“Is that OK?” Nina asked.

“Of course it is!” Karen replied, “Come with me, I’ll unlock the door to the private room.”

The baby changing room wasn’t far from the pool and after a few more seconds Sam heard a beep as the door was unlocked by Karen’s employee card. Sam hid her face. She was already embarrassed but she didn’t want to see the triumphant look Karen must’ve had on her face, from the very start she had been telling Sam she was a baby and now she had been most definitely proven right.

Nina walked inside the changing room and thanked Karen. The lights in the enclosed room flicked on automatically when they detected movement. Sam only dared look up from Nina’s shoulder when she heard the heavy door close behind them. They were alone.

“Right, let’s get you sorted.” Nina said cheerily as she carried Sam over to the long padded changing table.

“Y-You don’t have to do this...” Sam said bashfully, “I know it’s gross.”

“What sort of Mommy would I be if I didn’t change my little girl?” Nina said with a smile.

Sam felt her heart skip a beat before she brought up her hands and covered her face. She didn’t know quite how to explain why Nina saying that filled her with a kind of embarrassment she really liked. She was stood on the changing table but was still shorter than Nina. The taller woman carefully peeled Sam’s swimsuit off leaving a heavily sagging diaper.

“Lay down for me.” Nina said softly.

Sam was more than happy to comply with Nina’s instructions which was good because she didn’t think she could possibly disobey them. She gently lowered herself down trying to avoid spreading the poop in the seat of her underwear though it already felt like it had covered quite a large area. She looked down the length of her body to where Nina was pulling out a fresh diaper, it was a regular baby disposable instead of another swim one. The tapes were pulled away and the smell started to get worse. Sam reached down with a hand to stop Nina.

“Nina, you really don’t have to do this.” Sam said earnestly.

“Did you mean everything you said out in the pool?” Nina asked.

Sam quickly nodded.

“Then I want to do this.” Nina replied. Her larger hand came down on Sam’s and she gave it a little squeeze, “And I think you should call me “Mommy”, don’t you?”

Sam wondered how much embarrassment one small woman could take before she burst. Regardless after a small chuckle Nina finished pulling off the final tape and opened the diaper.

“OK… Mommy.” Sam said slowly. It felt like both the most natural thing in the world and the most embarrassing.

She got straight to work with the baby wipes and Sam had to admit that having everything taken care of for her like this was pretty relaxing. After several minutes of wiping the diaper was finally pulled free, balled up and dropped in the diaper pail. The new diaper was opened and slipped underneath Sam. She bit her lip as Nina sprinkled some baby powder on her and rubbed it in, just when it seemed like things were going to get steamy however Nina stopped.

“Maybe later. If you’ve been a good girl.” Nina said quietly. Her voice was slightly deeper than usual.

Sam couldn’t help but feel excited at the hinting. She couldn’t stop grinning as the diaper was taped closed. As soon as Nina had finished patting the crinkly underwear Sam quickly got to her feet and jumped into another cuddle. Feeling Nina’s hand resting under her butt and supporting her felt wonderful.

“I love you too…” Sam finally said. Returning Nina’s declaration from the pool, “Mommy.”

Nina leaned back and looked at Sam. She slowly moved her face forwards and closed her eyes. Sam could feel her heart threatening to burst through her ribs a she closed her own eyes. Her first kiss and she couldn’t think of a person in the world she would’ve rather shared it with.

Their mouths met and Sam felt like she was going to melt. The softness seemed to envelope her completely. The lips pressing against hers, the hand on Sam’s back, the way she could feel Nina’s body relax into the embrace. It all felt so perfect. When Nina finally pulled back her cheeks were almost as red as Sam’s had been for most of the vacation.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Nina said quietly.

“Then let’s do it again!” Sam replied eagerly already missing the feeling.

“We’ll have plenty of time later.” Nina replied with a giggle, “I don’t want Amy and Chrissy to get worried or I would spend all day in here with you.”

There were spare Midforest branded towels in the room and in the absence of any of her clothes Sam was wrapped in one, swaddled like an infant. She had gone from wanting to avoid anything that might make her look like a baby to embracing it completely. She was sat on Nina’s hip and carried through the door and back into the main pool area. She was carried towards the changing rooms and just by the entrance they ran into Amy and Chrissy.

“We were wondering where you two had got to.” Amy said as she looked at Sam with a small frown.

“Yeah, what happened?” Chrissy demanded.

“It’s a long story.” Nina replied, “Shall we get changed and discuss it all at the lodge?”

“Is that just a way to get us to drop the subject?” Amy asked half-jokingly.

“Yes.” Nina answered with a chuckle.

“Fair enough.” Chrissy said, “Come on, we should get going.”


That evening was their last in Midforest and they collectively decided to go back to the restaurant they had visited on their first night. Sam was put into a fresh diaper by Nina and sighed in relaxation as she even let Nina pick out her clothes. After trying to avoid giving up control as much as possible Sam had seemingly done an about-face and wanted to give away as much as possible.

Sam happily let Nina control everything and as she stood up with a rush of crinkles she thought about how different this was from the first time she found herself in a diaper. It felt like a lifetime ago.

“All ready?” Nina asked.

Sam nodded and followed her girlfriend, something she definitely wasn’t used to thinking, out of the bedroom. The others were nearly ready as well and together they left the lodge. There was an air of melancholy that pervaded the group. It had been a wonderful vacation for the other three and Sam was sure they would miss it. For Sam it hadn’t been all sunshine and roses, in fact a lot of her memories of this place would be of embarrassment and humiliation, but she was coming out of it in a much better place than when she came in. As she looked up at Nina’s beautiful face she knew she wouldn’t have traded the experience with all its ups and downs for the world.

At the restaurant they somehow ended up at the same table as before and when the waiter came over Sam was surprised to see he was the same one from their first night. She noticed when he saw the group he hesitated for a second, clearly remembering the rather difficult time they had given him before.

“Hello, can I take your orders?” The waiter said a little warily.

The girls all ordered. Sam was the last to speak and when she finished she saw the waiter looking at her a little anxiously.

“I’m afraid we still don’t have a booster seat…” The waiter said as if he thought Sam was a bomb that might explode at any second.

“That’s fine.” Sam replied cheerfully, “I’ll have the highchair.”

It seemed like there was a collective gasp from everyone around the table including the waiter. It seemed for a second that even nearby tables fell silent. Sam had to laugh at everyone’s reactions. Once upon a time she would’ve been offended if anyone even suggested she needed that sort of help.

Sam wouldn’t pretend she wasn’t at least a little embarrassed when the highchair came out and Nina put her in it. She could feel everyone looking at her, not least because the height of the chair and the way she was sitting exposed her diaper to everyone. The wetness indicator changing colour also caused her to blush as she was certain it was noticed.

Sam didn’t mind all of that too much though. Whenever Nina looked her way and smiled adoringly Sam felt her heart melt.


Packing the next morning was a melancholy affair. Sam could never have imagined she would end up thinking she was going to miss the crib that had been her bed for the last week but there she was looking at it with a wistful smile. Strangely enough she hadn’t even slept in it the previous night, instead she had shared Nina’s bed. Curled up with her new girlfriend as the big spoon and feeling her hand gently caress her diaper. She had never slept better. She had slept like a baby.

Sam was alone in the bedroom now. Chrissy had gotten dressed after a long period of the pair of them snuggling together, eventually they had to separate so that they could get ready to leave on time. Sam was now dressed in a shirt and short skirt with a fresh diaper underneath as she shoved the last of her belongings in her suitcase.

“Sam?” Amy’s voice called out after a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Sam replied as she zipped up her bag. She made no attempt to hide her diaper. If it was seen then it was seen.

“Hey. Nina’s just gone to bring the car around.” Amy said, “We have to be out of here before the turn of the hour.”

“I’m pretty much ready.” Sam said as stood up again.

Sam pulled up the handle on her bag and rolled it through to the living room. Chrissy was sat at the table with her jacket on and her bag next to her. She was looking out the window where Nina and the car would soon appear wistfully.

“I’m really going to miss all this.” Chrissy said, “Can we come back next year?”

“I’d be down with that.” Sam replied.

The three of them waited until they saw Nina’s car pull up to the curb. As the other two started making their way out Nina was coming back in. Alone with her love Sam smiled shyly, she was still getting used to the new changes.

“Well, this is it.” Nina said as she looked around, “Got everything?”

“I think so.” Sam replied.

“Do you need a change before we go?” Nina asked casually Sam.

Sam found that a difficult question to answer verbally. She sort of sucked in her lips and shook her head in embarrassment. She guessed that was something she would have to get used to. Then again she couldn’t silence the voice in her head that told her this was all just like a mirage in a desert, something that would fade away as they left this place. The little voice in Sam’s head that was sure no one could really love her was wondering if this was something Nina would regret, something that would end when they went back to their real lives.

“What’s wrong?” Nina asked.

“Nothing.” Sam said.

“Sam…” Nina crouched down, “Don’t you think I can see when you’ve got something on your mind now?”

“It’s just…” Sam sighed, “What if this is it?”

“It?” Nina repeated.

“Midforest has been like a dream.” Sam said, “It feels like nothing makes sense and yet everything makes sense. It’s only been a week but I feel like a wholly different person. What if we go back to real life and my walls go up again? What if you decide I’m too much of a burden and you want someone… normal?”

Sam thought that giving a voice to her fears would make her feel better but it didn’t she just felt more worried. She was desperate not to go back to how things used to be, this couldn’t just be a strange blip in her life that she’d move on from. Nina was looking at her sympathetically.

“We really need to work on your confidence, little one.” Nina said quietly.

Sam felt her heart flutter. “Baby”, “little one”, “baby girl”, all these terms gave her the same happy feelings that almost made her heart ache with the amount of love it contained. Nina may have spoken quietly but her words filled Sam regardless.

“Nothing is going to change.” Nina said, “We’ve only been properly together for a day but I already know I want to be right by your side forever. I want to experience life with you, go on dates with you, grow old with you, care and love you… I could go on.”

“Please do!” Sam said dreamily.

“Maybe actions speak louder than words.” Nina chuckled.

Nina covered the short distance to Sam who held up her arms almost automatically. She was lifted into the air and Nina spun causing the small woman’s skirt to ride up. With everything in the background spinning Sam could only focus on Nina’s smiling face, there wasn’t a vista in the world she would rather look at.

Nina slowed and came to a stop holding Sam close. They were sideways to the front door when Nina brought Sam closer to her and they kissed yet again. The first time may have been special but every touch of their lips sent shocks of pleasure and happiness through Sam’s body. She opened her mouth submissively and was delighted when she felt Nina’s tongue exploring her.

“I knew it!” Chrissy’s voice exclaimed from the doorway.

Quickly breaking the kiss both Sam and Nina turned the heads to the front door of the lodge to see their two friends standing and watching them. Sam immediately blushed. Neither she nor Nina had told the others of the burgeoning relationship, it all felt too new and fragile for that.

“It’s about time.” Amy laughed.

“Huh?” Sam and Nina said together.

“Gosh, you two have clearly been destined to get together for ages.” Chrissy said drawing out the “a” in ages, “It seems like you two were the only ones not to notice!”

“R-Really?” Sam asked. She had always been closer to Nina than anyone else in their friend group but her romantic feelings were a much newer thing.

“You owe me ten bucks.” Chrissy said to Amy.

“You made a bet!?” Nina exclaimed. It was hard to tell if she found it funny or upsetting.

“Noooo!” Chrissy said defensively.

Sam and Nina both looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“Maybe…” Chrissy replied guiltily, “Just a little one.”

Nina started to laugh and with reluctance put Sam down. The two women took the handles of their suitcases and held each other’s hands as they left the lodge and prepared to return to college. For Sam it had undoubtedly been the most turbulent week in her life but she had weathered the storm and was coming out of it much, much happier than when she went in. She couldn’t predict the future, she only hoped with all of her small being that hers would be with Nina.


This story is now finished (for now...) But A NEW SAM STORY has already started on my subscription sites!

"Sam's Crawl to Adulthood" is a sequel to "Sam's Flight to Babyhood" (don't worry, links to the previous story and a TLDR are available) it is a story I'm really proud of and I think everyone is going to love. If you want to see how the story starts with a bumper first post RIGHT NOW you can do so at the links below:



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I loved the ending.  For me I don’t think you could have done it any better. I guess I actually got both wishes.  Sam is going to continue to be Nina’s baby girl and at the same time they are going to be intimate with each other. Great Job Elfy. I am looking forward to seeing the next one. 

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