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My journey to become incontinent

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Hey you all! I decided to remake this post as I am starting my journey towards full bladder and bowel incontinence! The last time I did this it was in April and it failed but this time I plan on going at this again threw away my big boy underwear, as this time I won't be crying for it, anyways here is what I am starting out with or what I am getting to sort of remind myself too.

What I will have this month:

Assurance XL (with tapes) count: 34 (I will be getting more in August)

Diaper Creme and Powder 

What I will have in a month or 2:

Plastic pants (about 2 or 3)

Some diaper boosters

Plastic sheet for mattress (and for anything I sit on)

Some proper clothing to wear when in public (to hide my diapers better)

Better diapers (like Megamaxes or Northshore) (and maybe some cloth diapers)

Some duct tape (just incase a tape pops off)


Alright that is all I have! If I missed anything I should need when I start, let me know.

See you all in a few days for a update!


Stay Padded:)

- Diaper Duck





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey you all, I stopped again for a while! I have not had alot of money for a while. Its been kinda hard to get the supplies I need. But I'll keep you all updated as always! Hope everyone is good!


Stay Padded:)

- Diaper Duck

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  • 1 month later...


I got a job! I did it! Been saving up a bit for diapers. I got home from work today and saw a package and opened it. That won't be the last, it will be the first of many! As always I hope everyone is doing well, just wanted to tell you all that I made up my mind and went 24/7 just after I opened the package. Not sure what to call it as I am not 24/7 fully yet as I need more diapers to consider myself in diapers 24/7, lol! Well anyways I will update you all soon! 


Stay Padded:)

- Diaper Duck

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6 hours ago, Diaper Duck said:


I got a job! I did it! Been saving up a bit for diapers. I got home from work today and saw a package and opened it. That won't be the last, it will be the first of many! As always I hope everyone is doing well, just wanted to tell you all that I made up my mind and went 24/7 just after I opened the package. Not sure what to call it as I am not 24/7 fully yet as I need more diapers to consider myself in diapers 24/7, lol! Well anyways I will update you all soon! 


Stay Padded:)

- Diaper Duck

Don't pressure yourself too hard, there's nothing wrong with easing into it. Going 24/7 takes a lot of time and patience and most of all perseverance, especially when you don't "need" them (yet!). Once you find your groove you'll leap on in eventually if it's right for you. Good luck and congratulations on your new job!

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I can only welcome your attitude, because over the years it has gotten me to where I am now. I developed an overactive bladder and that was the first goal I wanted to achieve. Above all, in my head and also physically, I have reached the point where I can no longer dare to leave the house without a diaper and, in particular, I always have to take into account when planning my vacation that I have enough diaper supplies. So it was now urgent that I had to order again before the vacation. Because without it it just doesn't work anymore.

This means that I have already become completely dependent on diapers, which has now become clear to me again and gives me strong inner satisfaction.

I used to pack diapers for vacation "just for fun," but now I can't do without them!

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That is what I am aiming for! I don't know if I should be excited but I know it will be a pain once I get there!

On 10/6/2023 at 5:38 AM, Kevin140 said:

I can only welcome your attitude, because over the years it has gotten me to where I am now. I developed an overactive bladder and that was the first goal I wanted to achieve. Above all, in my head and also physically, I have reached the point where I can no longer dare to leave the house without a diaper and, in particular, I always have to take into account when planning my vacation that I have enough diaper supplies. So it was now urgent that I had to order again before the vacation. Because without it it just doesn't work anymore.

This means that I have already become completely dependent on diapers, which has now become clear to me again and gives me strong inner satisfaction.

I used to pack diapers for vacation "just for fun," but now I can't do without them!

How long have you been in diapers, when did you first lose control?

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@Diaper Duck

As everyone has been telling you, take it slow and take it easy. Is not something that you want to do overnight, and you need to be ready for it. As I've said before going 24/7 in diapers is going to be a life changing experience, and you'll have to alter your life to make sure you have what you need when you need it to be able to make the changes. Means that you will have to have your diapers, and everything you need including your disposal bags and your diaper disposal system. Make sure that you are deodorizing it and making sure your bathroom smells good too, 'cause you don't want anyone to walk into a bathroom that smells like stale pee or poop. I've learned that from experience. We use this disposal bags to be able to take care of the scent that is being admitted from your diapers. You get everything that you have set up, and you have your system working the way you want it, it makes it a lot easier and you won't even have to think about it, you just do it, and when you have an accident or when you use your diaper you just do it and you don't even think about it. It is as normal as taking a shower or walking across the room, and it's so easy after a while you won't even be worried about it nor think about it.

And as I've said before, no one should really notice or care that you're wearing diapers while you are moving around doing whatever it is. You just don't want to have a situation where you're overloading your diaper and then you leak through your protection and you end up with wet spots on your pants. That could be problematic, but it hasn't happened to me on a few occasions so don't be afraid if it does. People are not out there to look to see if you're wearing diapers and they shouldn't be concerned. What you need to do is do what you think is best for yourself and not worry about what other people think or believe. You can trust certain people to tell them what's going on, that's your decision and your call, but be very careful who you tell what to because it can fly right back to your front door then you have a big mess to clean up!

Good luck and keep us advised! 😁😁


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18 hours ago, Diaper Duck said:

That is what I am aiming for! I don't know if I should be excited but I know it will be a pain once I get there!

How long have you been in diapers, when did you first lose control?

My sense of loss of control with OAB is that I have to pee every 20 to 40 minutes when I'm well hydrated. If this happens on the go and I can no longer hold it even though the diaper is full and I still have to let it go, this happens every 3-6 weeks.

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Hey you all, everything is going well for my training. Recently got my onesie in the mail and I am so excited to wear it to work tomorrow. So far I am getting used to changing everywhere and realizing diapers are my everyday underwear for now on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its been a month, I am off and on but today I made the choice to be diapered from now on. Threw away the last of my underwear and ready for whatever is going to happen. My mom pretty much saw as I was typing this and she is not happy. 

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10 minutes ago, Diaper Duck said:

Its been a month, I am off and on but today I made the choice to be diapered from now on. Threw away the last of my underwear and ready for whatever is going to happen. My mom pretty much saw as I was typing this and she is not happy. 

When I was 21 I would have took a bullet in the spine to be double incontinent, but at that age I couldn't have incorporated it in my lifestyle being so young. I'm in my late 30s now and been wearing nappies 20+ years. If you are committed to wearing a lot you'll have some level of decreased bladder capacity by the time you get to your mid 30s's like me, and you'll be more comfortable wearing 24/7 and peers will be more understanding.

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My mom found out but that does not mean I will stop wearing diapers 24/7! I pay for my own diapers with my job, even though I have my SSI I can't be spending that cause I need to save it for bills and stuff. I know in time she will understand, if not then whatever I just want to be diapered from now on. I did feel kinda bad when she came to me and asked why I was diapered which is already stressful cause I just started back up and want to make this permanent. Anyways I hope everyone is doing good and I hope to update you all soon.

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~hugs~ You could try to explain that needing them for a mental health problem is just as legitimate as needing them for a physical disability. That it actually isn't all that uncommon, and is cheaper, safer, and has fewer side effects than anti depressants. Or maybe just tell her that you don't expect her to understand, but it makes you feel better and you aren't hurting anyone.

I probably wouldn't mention it unless it's brought up, or you suspect they're thinking it, but be aware common questions people tend to have about this stuff are...

Is this some weird sex thing?

Are you someone who wants to do unspeakably awful things with children?

Did they somehow fail as a parent in some way?

It's a good idea to at least be prepared to answer those things, or y'know tell them to fuck right off.

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I think most people who see a person wearing an incontinence nappy will just assume it's for incontience. I've been wearing nappies for 25 years off and on (mostly on) and a lot of people know I wear them and I've never been asked those questions below, or have even implied it! The question I'm most frequently asked is if I want to see a doctor? have I got enough 'pads' etc. They think its for incontinence, The people who do know the real reason (attachment disorder) never mention it and its not written down anywhere in my medical notes that I wear nappies for attachment difficulties.


7 minutes ago, Little Sam said:

I probably wouldn't mention it unless it's brought up, or you suspect they're thinking it, but be aware common questions people tend to have about this stuff are...

Is this some weird sex thing?

Are you someone who wants to do unspeakably awful things with children?

Did they somehow fail as a parent in some way?

It's a good idea to at least be prepared to answer those things, or y'know tell them to fuck right off.



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I feel the same way. Usually people assume that you have a health problem and that's why you wear diapers. These topics are very intimate and therefore there are no deeper questions. For my part, I can say that in the last 12 years only one person has noticed that I wear diapers but hasn't spoken to me about it. It only appeared in a medical report.

I recently talked about it with a good friend who now has to wear diapers after a stroke and is not very happy about it. We have known each other for a long time and I told him that he has never seen me without a diaper. This gave him courage because he realized that diapers don't stand out.

But here too it was the same: he didn't ask why I was wearing diapers. I think most people answer the question automatically.

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32 minutes ago, Diaper Duck said:

I just need to not care who sees my diaper

@Diaper Duck

That's RIGHT:  and with time, you will NOT care about it, and it will be as "Normal" as if you were reading a boring book, and you fall asleep - There are many of us here. me included that does not care about that, because I NEED them, and I have CP, a bona fide disability, and no one's gonna question that, and if they do, well, I tell them that I need them ;)

Take Heart:  In time, it wont matter as much :)


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Hey everyone, I had my first accident. It feels strange as I forgot to put on my diaper last night and when I woke up I thought I was diapered. I got up out of bed and peed myself. I did have control its just I did not know I would be doing it in my pants instead. I had to stop the flow but lets hope that did not effect my diaper training much. I don't think so but anyways, This is the reason I NEED to stay in diapers now even if I am not even close to being incontinent. 


I hope you all have a great day and I hope to hear from you all soon!


Stay Padded:)

Diaper Duck

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2023 at 7:52 PM, Diaper Duck said:

Hey everyone, I had my first accident. It feels strange as I forgot to put on my diaper last night and when I woke up I thought I was diapered. I got up out of bed and peed myself. I did have control its just I did not know I would be doing it in my pants instead. I had to stop the flow but lets hope that did not effect my diaper training much. I don't think so but anyways, This is the reason I NEED to stay in diapers now even if I am not even close to being incontinent.

I think the first step you need to really double down on, @Diaper Duck, is to always remain diapered. I've been actively untraining now for a bit over 3 years and I've made this mistake before. For me I was just "airing out" (I should have been sitting on a pee pad) but I needed to go and just went, only to find out I wet myself. It wasn't so much embarrassing but more of "I really should just be wearing diapers at all times..."

As you continue to untrain and play with fire (i.e., go undiapered) you'll experience more of these events. Since you've thrown out your underwear, it's time to fully commit. You can do this bud.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, my desire came back. I am getting back into wearing diapers. Now I feel like without them it is not the same and I hate feeling naked under there. So diapers feel like my only option.  My mom even wants to get me underwear for Christmas. Wonder how I am going to accept that lol. Anyways that was random.


See you all soon! 

-Diaper Duck

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