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Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 111 - 5/3/24

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18 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Beth shook her head, “No, the court only let me go to him if I was altered.”

She gasped, “No!”

“Yeah, it was about as bad as it gets… The judge wanted to make sure my ‘maturosis’ was treated. So they took away my ability to control my potty training. I couldn’t walk, my teeth were pulled and replaced with one of those old gum implants, and I was limited to essentially the life of a six-month baby.”

Fuck so even with his grandmother Connor isn't safe... And that means I wouldn't be even if I was married to or adopted by an Amazon.

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2 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Depending on if the courts get involved? Nope. 

Yeah my full conclusion after reading this far is that I would not set foot in this dimension for love or money unless I was prepared, trained, and equipped for a one way mission.... This place is like Disneyland North Korea....

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5 minutes ago, YourFNF said:

This place is like Disneyland North Korea....


I'd still rather be in the dimension than in that country! At least in the dimension you'll be well fed!

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1 hour ago, BabySofia said:

'd still rather be in the dimension than in that country! At least in the dimension you'll be well fed!

Fair lol... I honestly prefer the one where death is on the table; although I suppose if I force their hand hard enough and get the "Sucker Punch" ending that's close enough? Basically a beating heart cadaver at that point 😅🤷‍♀️

Let's be real I'm basically the insurgents from I think it was? "To Good to be True?" In this scenario... 😅🤷‍♀️

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Chapter 25: Phones

 I HAD HUNG out in the living room talking with Shelby and Ryan for a while after dinner before they went ‘home’ with their mom to the ‘playhouse’ next door. “When Meggy gets here tomorrow, we should hang out together,” she told me.

“Sure,” I’d said with a shrug.

Grandma watched them walk across the yard before she turned back to me. “You seemed to hit it off well with Shelby?”

I smiled, “She reminds me of Riley a little bit. It’s almost like having my sisters here with her. They would get along really well.”

She smiled at that, “I’m glad to hear that. Want to go play with your new toys now?”

I saw a clock on the wall, “Maybe just for a little bit? Even without the forced bedtime from Mackenzie, it’s been a long day.”

“That’s probably a good decision. Let’s go up to your room, and I’ll show you how to use the phone and goggles.”

I stood up and walked to follow her to the stairs. She stopped there, “Want a ride?”

I blushed, “Please!”

She smiled and reached down to pick me up, holding me underneath securely, and I found myself leaning into her warm body. Then, she gave me a gentle squeeze in my room and said, “Go hit the potty; I’m going to go get the toys!”

I smiled, but as much as I turned red, I was glad for the chance to go. I once again climbed the stairs in front of the potty seat and sat down to go. By the time I’d washed my hands, Grandma was back in the room, sitting on the floor. “Come on over,” she said with a smile.

I started to sit across from her, but she quickly pulled me over to sit on her lap instead. “What…?” I began to say.

“Hush, you’re my grandbaby I’ve never gotten to hold before a couple days ago. I won’t apologize about the fact you and I are certainly going to make up for missed cuddling!” She squeezed me tightly in a hug even as I turned bright red.

I sighed, ‘Grandma’s mothering instincts must be going crazy…?’

“Okay, here’s the phone first,” she said, holding out the thin device. “You’ll turn it on like this,” she said to me, pressing on a corner of the screen. It lit up, showing a MelonCorp logo, before displaying a screen resembling our phones back home. “This is your home screen,” she said.

“Looks like my phone back home,” I told her.

“Probably does; it’s sad, but UI really hasn’t changed for phones much in the last thirty years,” she lamented.

“Do you all even interact with devices like that much?”

“Some things, like phones,” she smiled. “Let’s make sure you have my phone number, Grandpa’s number, and a few others.” When she was done, I had theirs, plus Megan, Meggy, Ryan, and Shelby, and somehow she’d gotten Beth’s number too! I noticed her dad was put under Justice Cameron Sylvester.

“Why’d you put him in?”

“You never know when you’ll need a friend,” Grandma said. “Hopefully, you won’t need it!”

I nodded.

“Okay, so I think you should be good with the phone. Let’s take a look at the goggles!” She said with a smile.

She had already pulled them out of the packaging, “I ran a check and had Tessa check too that there’s nothing on here that shouldn’t be. These are the standard goggles just sized down,” she told me. “All you need to do is put them on, and you can start putting your account and avatar together.”

I put them on, and she said, “Why don’t you play for a half-hour? Then I’ll come to make sure you’re doing okay and send you to bed?”

I looked at her, surprised I could still see her through the goggles. “Sounds good!” I said.

I used my hand to interact with a virtual button to start things and found myself suddenly in the middle of a completely white space. “Whoa, this looks realistic!” I said.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me that looked like a variation of the woman that Luxuria looked like. “Good evening, welcome to the EdgeSphere Universe!

She looked amazingly realistic, so I said, “Hi,” nervously.

“May I have your name…?” She asked.

I played a lot of games back home, but the setup of my accounts and avatar was never as interactive and… well, perfect? As that next half-hour. I spent time customizing my look, my hair, my eyes, and everything to mostly match my natural body with a few ‘enhancements.’

I was just finishing saving my avatar when I heard, “Come on back, Connor,” from Grandma.

The holo character interacting with me said, “Time is up. It sounds like your progress has been saved, and you can enter the EdgeSphere Universe and play games when you return next.”

“Thanks,” I said and pulled the goggles off.

“Have fun?” Grandma asked.

“Yeah, that’s crazy how detailed everything looks. And I can move around without it seeming like I’m only in this small space!”

She smiled, “It’s pretty cool tech. Now why don’t you hop off to the bathroom, go potty, brush your teeth, put your jammies on, and I’ll tuck you in.”

I blushed but grabbed the pile of clean clothes she handed me. I went to the bathroom and climbed again on the massive potty, used the new u-shaped electric toothbrush she’d bought for me that fit my mouth, and took time to wash my face to avoid any more pimples. ‘They never stop,’ I thought, finding one I needed to pop. ‘Ugh!’

I pulled on the warm fuzzy pajama pants and the long-sleeved pajama top with the Emerson University logo on it and headed out to the room.

Grandma was sitting in a rocking chair that I had a feeling probably remained from when my mom lived here too. She smiled at me as I walked out and stood up. She stretched as she did so, and for the first time, I noticed more of her age showing in her movements. “All good to go?”

“I think so,” I told her.

“You want to change that Pull-Up before you go to bed? You’ve been wearing it all day?”

I noted it looked a little worn in the bathroom, “Umm… I guess it’s not wet or anything?” I told her.

“It’s not really meant for all-day use, though,” she smiled at me. I watched her approach the changing table and pull out a similar Pull-Up. “Here, take off the old one and hand it to me.”

I blushed as I realized she didn’t intend to leave, ‘She’s already wiped your poopy butt once,’ I had to remind myself. With a sigh, I did turn away and pulled my pants and the old Pull-up down. I pulled the new one up as quickly as possible and caught her examining the old one.

“I’m glad to see you’re able to control yourself still at this point,” she said with a smile.

“I hope that lasts…?” I said.

“Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t, Fred did some studying into it at one point, and even if you avoid the hypnosis and tainted foods, it seems like it’s inevitable that portal Littles have accidents like our own.”

I shrugged, “Maybe I’ll be the exception? Doesn’t matter; I won’t be getting a gold potty star anyway,” I smirked.

“Well, good thing they don’t ask about your potty charts back home?” Grandma asked me as she moved to the bed. At the top of the pink bed, she pulled down the slightly more boyish sheets that did nothing to take away from the girly nature of the room. I climbed in and let her pull the blankets up to my chin, and she tucked in the sides some more. To my side, I could see the small rail of bars meant to keep me from falling out.

“Thanks,” I told her.

“Want a bedtime story?” She asked.

I blushed, “Umm… sure?” I paused, “I mean, Mom told me you used to tell the best bedtime stories?”

She smiled, “Be right back with her favorite then!”

‘Her favorite?’ I wondered. Mom had never told us what stories were her favorite, only about being cuddled up with her mommy and enjoying the story.

She returned with a well-worn illustrated children’s book as large as my torso. Little Beauty and the Untamed Beast. She pulled the rocking chair over and began reading, occasionally showing me pictures as the story was similar to the classic Beauty and the Beast tale from back home. It was practically an ancient movie by the time we were kids, but Mom and Mama had insisted we watch it once. Then I was stuck with Riley wanting to watch it on repeat… ‘I never let on that I liked it just as much,’ I thought sadly. I listened to Grandma’s voice tell the story of Belle being a diapered Little who somehow finds herself lost in the woods and comes across the ‘Beast’s’ castle. In this story, the beast was essentially a wolf in human form, and he just about ate her when they met! But, slowly, they fell in love as the beast watched out for her, and in the end, they admitted their love, and both turned into Amazon adults.

“And they lived happily ever after,” was the last thing I heard before I let myself drift off to sleep.


BETH WAS LYING, awake next to Livy as they shared the bed for their sleepover. Since the beds were designed for college-aged Bigs, there was no problem with two Tweeners sharing it. Beth was squeezing Rings tightly as she faced the wall and debated if she’d done the right thing telling Livy the truth about her.

‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ she thought. ‘I’m over six feet tall by more than a foot-and-a-half…?’ She felt her stomach turn as she thought about Nevaeh.

She found herself trying to imagine what her life would have been like if none of the events that happened to her had occurred. Her dad’s life… which was also her former fiancé’s life, would have been so much different too…

She sighed, ‘It’ll all work out… it always has,’ she tried to convince herself.

Sometime after that, she must have managed to sleep but felt completely unrested when she felt Livy wake up. She sat up and watched Livy stretch before being hugged suddenly, “I’m so glad you trusted me enough to tell me, Beth. You don’t have to worry about me telling anyone; my lips are sealed. I think you could tell Cassie, though; she would be fine with it.”

“Not Desiree?” Beth asked.

She shook her head, “Desiree is a nice girl and a good friend, but I don’t think she’d handle this well.”

Beth nodded; there was a reason she hadn’t felt comfortable telling all of them her deepest darkest secret.

The two of them ended up at breakfast fairly early for a Saturday morning and were watching as the Little Nests came in. “There’s more of them today,” Livy noted carefully, not looking too closely.

“Yeah, I’m sure we’ll see more of everyone today.”

“If I was a Little in those dorms, I wouldn’t come back until as late tomorrow as possible,” she said.

Beth nodded, “Yeah… forced early bedtimes, diapers, and who knows what else…?”

Livy shuddered, and Beth knew they both had a kindred spirit in wanting nothing to do with those dorms. “Where’s your new boyfriend at?” Livy joked as she noticed he was missing.

Beth glared at her, “He’s not my boyfriend…?”

“He should be; you make a cute couple together.”

“He looks like he could be my toddler son!”

Livy laughed, “So? Isn’t your mom like a giant compared to your dad?”

Beth blushed, “Yes…?”

“Worried things won’t go together, right?”

“Livy!” She hissed, wanting to die right then. Her friend was harmless on this, but her dating, or lack thereof, was something she was morbidly embarrassed by.

“You don’t know if you don’t try?” She suggested as she took a bite of fruit.

“You’re incorrigible!” She told her right as her phone vibrated. Beth looked down at it and saw a message from someone not in her contacts. She was about to just put it back down when she read it and realized it was Connor. She blushed deeper red then.

“Oh, who’s the text from?” Livy asked, clearly way too observant.

“Nobody…?” She tried to say.

“I don’t know how he would have gotten a phone, but is it Connor?”

Beth blushed and hid her face behind her hair for a moment. Then, “Stop… yes, it is.”

“Wait? Really? How did he get your number?”

“Probably his grandmother and my dad if I had to guess…” she sighed.

“So where is he?” Livy asked.

“With his grandmother for the weekend.”

“They wouldn’t let him live with her?”

Beth shook her head, “Something about his mom, I think. I guess she caused some rules to be written after she left?”

“But he can go for the weekend?”

“I think his grandmother probably convinced them to let him treat Emerson as a boarding school during the week, and he can go home on the weekends.”

“Huh… How are you going to see your boyfriend on the weekends then?”

“Livy, I’m going to kill you someday,” Beth hissed.

She read Connor’s message, Hi, this is Connor… My grandmother gave me your number on my new phone. I hope that’s okay? I figured just in case I ever use it, I’d make sure you had my number so it wasn’t an unknown number. Thanks for hanging out with me the other day. Hope to see you around classes!

Beth debated about not responding at all thanks to Livy’s razzing but ended up sending, Hi Connor, hope you’re having a good weekend with your family. I enjoyed hanging out with you, too; I hope to see you sometime soon too!

She pressed send before she could talk herself out of it and pushed her phone back into her coat pocket to where she wouldn’t see if he responded or not.

Beth also tried to ignore the grin plastered on Livy’s face!


Thank you for reading! Please press the 'Star' Button at the top of this chapter to like this work and help others find it! Comments are always super appreciated as well! I've been at a standstill the past few weeks due to long work obligations, help me get motivated to resume and stay well ahead from where you're at!

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 25 - 5/19/2023
1 hour ago, Guilend said:

Good chapter. 

I have a feeling it ended right before something good/bad was about to happen lol. 

There's always something bad about to happen in the dimension! (The question is how soon for it to happen! 😈)

44 minutes ago, TerranV said:

Little Beauty and the Untamed Beast is a badass title.

Thanks, I had a couple I went back and forth with! 

44 minutes ago, TerranV said:

I wonder what his avatar's enhancements look like in that game.

At some point you'll hear more there.

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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Nice chapyer, I was wondering if the googles and the phone have a looking method like the Iphone.  Maybe face or retina scan.  I think the tablet doesn't except his student ID to get on his books.🙂

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The chapter was really nice and relaxing.

But since I've been reading your stories for a while now, I don't trust this peace.

Absolutely not.

Not at all.

I'm curious when the chaos will come and the disasters.

That's what makes a good DD.

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13 hours ago, Baby Billy said:

Nice chapyer, I was wondering if the googles and the phone have a looking method like the Iphone.  Maybe face or retina scan.  I think the tablet doesn't except his student ID to get on his books.🙂

Security for them comes up at some point i think. Thanks for the comments! 

8 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

But since I've been reading your stories for a while now, I don't trust this peace.


Thanks for the comments! 

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Chapter 26: Saturday in the Dimension

I WOKE UP to a giant face shaking me awake, “Good morning, Connor, time to get up,” it said. I pulled back for a second, squinted, and realized it was just Grandma.

“Oh, morning,” I told her. “What time is it?”

“It’s about eight; I thought you might like to go for a swim before a late breakfast?”

I smiled, “Sure, that sounds like fun. I didn’t even see the whole house yesterday? I know Mom said you have an indoor pool?”

“When we moved, we had to get a house with one; your mom was a fish in the water!”

“Dolphin,” I laughingly muttered.

“I heard that,” she laughed. “I still remember the first time we took her to go swimming with dolphins in Selegnasol.”

“She said they didn’t want to let her?” I asked as I stood up and stretched.

“Nope, they insisted that she prove she could actually swim first. Blew them all out of the water when they realized she could!”

I nodded and suddenly felt an urgent emergency level need to pee. “I’ll be right back,” I told Grandma and rushed to the bathroom. I squeezed my bladder with my hands as I closed the door. I managed to pull down my pajamas and the Pull-Up but barely made it onto the potty when my bladder let loose. ‘That was odd,’ I thought but was relieved to make it. The Pull-Up was thankfully dry, but there were some loose drops on the floor that I wiped up before I walked back out to the room, where Grandma handed me one of the swimsuits she’d picked up. “Here, put this on, and I’ll be back in a moment!”

As she was walking away, she asked, “Did you make it okay?”

I blushed but nodded, “Yes… it was a really sudden urge, though.”

“Let me know if it becomes more of a problem. The way the rules are set up, even if you become completely unpottytrained this semester, they can’t penalize you as long as you’re wearing protection.”

I nodded, “I know; I’m hoping that doesn’t happen, though!”

She pulled the door shut as she left, and I pulled everything right back off clothing-wise and stepped into the swim diaper she’d left me and then the swimsuit. Stretching the tight swimsuit over the top of my chest made me grateful for these odd competition-style suits we’d found. I preferred the coverage it gave me over the speedos I’d had to wear for high school swim before I quit!

The bad thing about the skintight garment was it left no doubt that there was a diaper underneath it!

I pulled open the door and found Grandma wearing a one-piece swimsuit that looked quite flattering for her - even at her age. “Ready?” She asked.

I nodded, “Do you have a swim cap, though?”

“I knew I forgot something… Let’s look in these drawers; I didn’t completely throw stuff out from your mommy.”

I watched as she pulled out socks, tights, and a few things in one drawer before saying, “Here we go!”

It was probably a little small, but I knew it would stretch. The cap was grey and looked to have an attempt at an image of the front of a dolphin with its eyes. “Not too girly even!” Grandma smiled at me.

I shook my head, “My mom wore this?” Thinking about how old it was!

“A fair amount it seems to still be okay; let’s see if we can get it on over that hair of yours,” she said. I expected her to kneel down, but instead, she picked me up, carried me to the changing table, and sat me on it. “Much easier to get to your hair up here!”

My butt felt the padded surface and hoped it would be less acquainted with this one than I was getting with the one in my nest room! She pulled at my hair for a moment, found a hairband somewhere that she used to put up in a bun, and pulled the cap on the top. “You know this would be easier for you if your hair was shorter? Less chance of ending up in one of the girl’s nests too?”

I shrugged, “I like my hair the way it is.”

She gave me a piercing look, but I just shrugged. “Swimming now?”

Her laughter was friendly as she picked me up and held me on her hip as she descended the stairs. My mouth dropped as she carried me through the hallways and into a beautiful glassed-in indoor pool area. “Mom said this glass could project?” I asked her.

“When your mom was here, I only had one section of it that could do it; now, the whole walls and ceilings can. There’s also a holo-screen setup over on that half of the room,” she pointed to one end by the jacuzzi and the shallower end of the pool.

“Cool,” I said.

“So your mom told me you swim as well or better than her, but let’s ensure you know the rules. You never come out without me, Grandpa, Auntie Megan, or another Big I trust.”

“I’m surprised you don’t have Tessa able to watch?” I asked.

“She’s a great AI, but I’ve never upgraded her to deal with water diffraction. Some newer emitters can, but I’ve never seen the point.”

She stood me up by the water’s edge, “You can swim as long as you want to this morning. I’ll pull you if we need to get going before you wear yourself out.”

“Okay,” I told her and dove into the water. Her pool was huge!!! At least twice the size of the one in the dorm complex, and it meant I could really get into a rhythm before I had to do a wall touch and turn around. Not that I had to do a wall touch… it was still so ingrained with me, though, that I did it all the time.

I followed my routine of switching strokes and lost count of where I was in the repeat of the pattern when there was a splash beside me, and I registered someone was swimming alongside me. Or at least trying to!

I found myself pushing myself to go faster and quickly was lapping the person several times. Eventually, as I passed to one end of the pool, I was pulled out of the water. “Got myself a fish!!!” A deep male voice said.

I squealed unintentionally as the giant form of Grandpa held me in the air. It was a little unnerving to suddenly be feet above the water in his arms. He cradled me like an infant and said, “Used to catch your mommy like this too!”

“I’m guessing she also told you she was a dolphin, right?”

He laughed, “Yes, she might have tried to insist that to me. Never really believed her, though! I thought your cousin might be able to keep up with you, but you left him in your dust.”

I looked at the pool’s edge and saw an exhausted-looking Ryan. “How do you swim like that?” Then, he added, “Grandpa said your mom was good at swimming; I’m guessing he wasn’t kidding!

I shrugged, “Mom literally taught us how to swim before we could walk.”

“That’s nuts…”

“Does Shelby swim?”

Ryan shook his head as Grandpa carried me over to the edge and placed me on my feet. “She’s like Mom, practically scared of the water.”

“That’s too bad,” I said.

He shrugged, “We all have things we like differently. I’ll have to make sure I come swimming while you’re here, though; you’re great at pushing myself!”

I laughed, “Glad you think that.” Then, I looked up at the giant form of Grandpa, “I’m guessing it’s time for breakfast?”

He laughed, “Yeah, your grandmother came out of the pool to start that about an hour ago.”

“How long was I swimming?” I asked, suddenly feeling tired.



“Your mommy used to do the same thing,” he laughed. “Here’s a towel, dry yourself off, and we’ll eat out here on this table,” He said, pointing to a patio area they had set beside one end with a bar. There were a couple picnic benches there, and soon I was sitting on a highchair on one end beside Ryan and Shelby. “Where’s Aunt Bella?” I asked.

“She’s working on some designs today,” Shelby said.

“She still does that?” I asked.

“Yeah, a few years ago, she made a deal to sell designs to a print and sew-on-demand company.”

“Print and sew on demand?” I asked before I took a bite of the biggest piece of bacon I could have imagined. There was a great seasoning coating it, and I could tell there was some heavy smoking process. It tasted heavenly!

“Yeah, there are a lot of kiosks, and even some home setups now, that you put your design into the system of colors or patterns. In the commercial machines, you can even add textures and things like overlays, glitter, sequins, and other things. Mom was talented at designing, but with Grandma’s help, she learned how to work with the software and systems better than just anyone else. Her designs have gotten really popular!”

“That’s cool!” I said, “I’d love to see that some time!”

“I’m sure one of these days we’ll have her make something for you, Connor,” Grandma said. “She has one of the machines here in the basement.”

“Cool!” I said with a smile and kept eating.

“So, what are your sisters like?” Ryan asked.

I smiled and glanced toward Shelby, “Honestly, Riley is a lot like Shelby. I think they would really get along great. The twins are a little more rambunctious? They’re cheerleaders and tend to be pretty social.”

“Cheerleaders?” Shelby looked nervous.

“Why is that bad?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s right… it’s different over there. Here at least, cheerleaders are the cattiest bullies on the planet. The squad at our school regularly picks on whichever Little is nearest.”

“Some of the ones I’ve known back home can be that way too… I guess the difference is they’re not five feet taller than you?”

She nodded.

“Do they pick on you?” Grandma asked gently.

She shook her head, “No, one tried to one time but… well… You taught me well?” She blushed.

“Good girl,” Grandpa said.

“So you do martial arts, too, right?” Shelby asked me.

I nodded, “Mom trained my sisters and me from the time we were tiny.”

“Who’s better?” Ryan asked.

I laughed, “Honestly if you look at the trophy case, it’s Riley.”

“If you don’t?” Shelby inquired.

“I can hold my own,” I said with a smile. “I got tired at tournaments of it ending up being Riley and me at the end fighting each other. So I decided to leave the trophy hunting to them.”

“They have a lot?” Ryan asked.

“It’s a little ridiculous, honestly. Mom and Mama had to create a whole set of shelves along two room walls for all of the trophies.”

“Any of those yours?” Shelby

“A few,” I smiled.

“We should spar sometime?” Ryan suggested.

“Isn’t that like picking on a little kid?” Shelby asked.

“Somehow, I have a feeling the fact that he’s two feet shorter than me won’t stop him from kicking my a… butt.”

‘Good save,’ I thought to myself, even as he was getting a glare from Grandma. I laughed. Grandma and Grandpa joined in on some of the conversations over breakfast before I was sent up to shower and get ready for a busy day with our family and Megan and Meggy coming over.


BETH SPENT SOME time Saturday going through her class schedule. Just the names of the courses were practically making her want to curl up with Rings and go cry! This was one of the first really heavy semesters for her Electrical Engineering degree, and she knew she would be spending countless hours at night studying!

This semester she was taking a Digital Logic Design course, some throwback course dedicated to early designs as far as her older friends had told her. ‘If it’s a throwback, why do we have to take it?’ Beth thought. She had an Electromagnetic Fields and Waves class, Signals and Systems, and Calculus IV joining the soul-crushing part of her workload this semester. She knew those four classes would eat up all of her time, so she could ensure she never even approached the personal danger of a ‘B’!

‘At least I think this elective of Cinematic Narratives should be fun?’ The thing she had struggled with most was finding good ‘Elective’ credits that sounded like fun to her. The course seemed set up to do a combination of teaching how to film with holocameras but also had projects throughout the semester. ‘I hope that class doesn’t end up being my undoing for time!’

Beth had already put everything in her personal calendars on all of her devices. Still, she also wanted to have old-school binders ready for each. Her friends would give her a hard time when they saw her break out paper instead of her tablet, but she always felt like not having the screen helped her sometimes.

‘I wonder if that’s how I was the first time?’ 

Her conversation with Livy had been long overdue in their friendship, but she’d been thinking all through her shower and breakfast if she really should have done that or not. She found herself cuddling Rings as she looked at her schedule, hoping she could continue to keep up. The worst thing about knowing about her past wasn’t its grossness and horrifying nature.

No, the worst part was knowing she had failed once before, picked herself up, and then turned around and failed so bad that she was basically dead!

Sighing, she decided to try and start reading a little of each textbook’s first chapter to see if she could be more prepared for that first day.

Last thing I want is to be that dunce Betweener that gets lumped in as a Little in class,’ she shuddered, thinking about some she’d seen.

The odds of something like Nevaeh happening in her experience were maybe once per year. Around finals, she’d seen more Bigs just drop out when given that option. With Littles… well, like she’d said, it was better. Instead of like sixty to seventy percent of the class disappearing each year, it was down to thirty percent. Given ten percent of Bigs gave up each year, that was closer to the baseline, in her opinion. ‘Of course, the Bigs didn’t end up in someone’s nursery normally,’ Beth thought. ‘Wonder what happens to Bigs like Nevaeh after graduation? I’ve already seen her lose her gold potty star!’ She couldn’t help but giggle at that thought.

Most businesses probably never asked about their Bigs Potty Charts, but she figured it had to be on the transcripts!

No, it was a fact of life that mainly Littles endured. The scary thing was that she’d seen a dozen or more Betweeners sent over to Sanders Hall last semester. It seemed suspicious that when they started running low on Littles in a nest, they often tried to fill those holes! Whether it was with Portal Littles, their clear preference, or a Betweener!

Really, Nevaeh had probably bought someone else their freedom by taking up a spot in the dorm at the beginning of the semester.

Beth tried to go back to studying but eventually gave up and crawled into her bed with Rings to read a fun book for the afternoon to get her mind off her stress.

‘It’s going to be a long semester,’ she thought.


Thank you for reading! Please press the 'Star' Button at the top of this chapter to like this work and help others find it! Comments are always super appreciated as well! I'm currently nearing one of my last productive writing windows until next January. Positive comments and likes are really appreciated to help spur me on! (My goal is to not have any downtime in chapters for this story until it’s concluded!) I'll even make you all a deal, 25+ Likes on this site for this post and I'll give you a bonus on Sunday Morning this week! 

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 26 - 5/25/2023

Good chapter, I was surprised as this is a day early.  I am sure that Connor got some of Stacy's nanites now with how long he could swim and still keep up the speed.  I think Ryan is nuts to want to spar with Connor, but I'm sure he will take it easy on him.  Reminds me when the cop was talking and said he made the mistake of sparring with grandpa Joe.🙂

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2 hours ago, Guilend said:

Poor Beth. 

<nods> She's starting out a rough semester here!

1 hour ago, Baby Billy said:

Good chapter, I was surprised as this is a day early.

I gave a heads up yesterday. I won't get back home until late tomorrow, so I decided to just give an early post here.

Thanks for the comments!

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I'm really excited to meet the rest of Connor's family and how they turned out after Stacy's nanite treatment.

I am happy for Bella that her work continues to work and that she seems to be successful.

I'm excited to see what happens with Beth and Connor.

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8 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

I'm really excited to meet the rest of Connor's family and how they turned out after Stacy's nanite treatment.

I am happy for Bella that her work continues to work and that she seems to be successful.

I'm excited to see what happens with Beth and Connor.

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

43 minutes ago, diaperboymi said:

Wow.. This surly will be a tough one😞😉



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I'm betting Neveah's parents will simply take her back home and "reraise" her for a year or two before letting her try higher education again, with the school or parents, or both having some sort of stipulations regarding her return, probably returning to the Littles dorm or being required to wear pull ups for a period of time without accidents. And that's if she shows her parents that she's mature enough to be considered an adult. If not I'm guessing her being treated as an adopted Little or Betweener could become permanent. 

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11 hours ago, TerranV said:

Good chapter. I am left wonder what would happen to a Big in Naveah's position. Bigs have shown that they're willing to eat their own when they can.

Depends on if they have a court that declares them to be no longer an adult capable of taking care of themselves. Nevaeh actually is in a more precarious situation because she did the same signing over of her guardianship to the university that Littles do when they come to Emerson. She may get out of it, but things could spiral quickly too.

11 hours ago, Guilend said:

I'm betting Neveah's parents will simply take her back home and "reraise" her for a year or two before letting her try higher education again, with the school or parents, or both having some sort of stipulations regarding her return, probably returning to the Littles dorm or being required to wear pull ups for a period of time without accidents. And that's if she shows her parents that she's mature enough to be considered an adult. If not I'm guessing her being treated as an adopted Little or Betweener could become permanent. 

Truthfully her story isn't written yet, so when I say no spoilers, I'm saying it to my ears too! 😈

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 111 - 5/3/24

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