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Onesies aren't just for AB

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I recently bought onesies  to wear to bed with my my diapers and they are amazing! I know they are popular with ABs but they work great for holding your diaper in place and preventing sagging. I ordered several more and will start using them 24/7. They work friends and they are not just for babies!



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41 minutes ago, Gavin S said:

I ordered several more and will start using them 24/7. They work friends and they are not just for babies!

I 100% agree. I bought a couple of onesies just as novelties maybe 3 years ago, before I went 24/7, but I quickly found them to be an invaluable addition to my wardrobe. By "onesie", I'm referring to a diaper shirt or snap t-shirt - they look like a t-shirt up top but with snaps down below. If I'm leaving the house, 80% of the time, I'm wearing a onesie - they hold my diaper in place and they protect from "toddler's crack", which is plumbers crack for people who wear diapers - the dreaded waistband peekaboo at the back when you bend over to pick up your golf ball or whatever. And if you have an unexpected tab failure at a bad time, they keep everything together until you can deal with it. I probably have 12 or 14 of them now - they are as much a part of my wardrobe as socks or a belt, basically. 

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Sherri I absolutely love rhem! Wish I would have found them years ago. And I've been tossing around the idea of becoming a little so this is kind of my introduction.


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I  wear onesies most of the time even the TSA liked them.. I am urinary inco, so I always tell the agent running the scanner I am wearing briefs before i enter the scanner.. I often get asked to do additional screening, which is normally just a simple pat down. The agent tries to pull me t-shirt up and it doesn't come up so he asks why I explain it is a onesie and he says what a great idea, hides your diapers.. I said exact and he tells me to have a great flight

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I'm not AB but a couple years ago I ordered a black golf style onesie from Tykables.  I chose it for several reasons.  I got it to help hold up a sagging diaper because I'm heavy with a big belly and my pants and shorts ride lower around my hips and waist, but also to look like a regular collared golf shirt.  It also has forward facing snaps making it much easier to snap on.  It's also very stretchy and I wish they still made that style.  It cost me $40 plus shipping.

Within the past couple months I also ordered two onesies from Paddedbums.  One is a white front pocket t-shirt style for $24.95 and the other is a light grey t-shirt style for $19.95, free shipping.  The snaps are much lower and a lot harder for me to snap closed, but for the style and price, I'll make do.  I'm going on a vacation at the end of the month planning to wear Mega Max and Betterdry diapers under my cargo shorts during the day while sight seeing and visiting all the attractions.  As many places will not be all that rest room accessible, like on the boat trips, I expect a pretty wet and heavy diaper after 6 to 8 hours.  These onesies will look like a regular t-shirt but will keep my diaper from being exposed when I have to bend down and will help support it the wetter, bulkier and heavier it gets. 

I also ordered some ink-jet iron on transfer paper and I'm going to put a photo of a steam locomotive on the front of the grey onesie.  I've never done this before but watched the video and read the instructions.  It's a good way for a DL to customize a onesie to make it look more like a regular t-shirt, or an AB to make their onesie have whatever baby print they want.  You have to use either white or light grey t-shirts otherwise it won't come out right.  Unlike a silk screen print process that can use white ink, your inkjet printer can't print white ink!  Hope it comes out OK. 

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I've been adding to my collection.  I started with Kins plain-jane white ones.  Then I got a Rearz Safari onesie (which now is a bit too small) - the first one with patterns.  I now have an ABU Little Paws (diaper suit as they call 'em), 2 from Onesies Down Under, and 2 Bear Hugz from CTDC.  I do like the ODU patterns, but damn their sizing is WAY OFF!  I got the 4XL and they just barely fit me!  A bit too much padding and the snaps keep popping.  Contrast that to an ABU 2XLT/3XL or CTDC or Kins 3X that all fit rather well. 

Kins has a polo shirt style, but they've been mostly out of stock on them for a long time. 

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I'm in a onesie all day every day, and have been for about 3 years.  The main reason I started wearing them was so I didn't need to worry about my nappy or plastic pants showing accidentally.  Now they're just part of my new world of being a little.  I've got plenty of vanilla ones - plain colours or striped.  I've got some polo style polyester ones for hiking trips.  And I've got AB ones for when I can get away with wearing them, which would be all the time if I could.

5 hours ago, Crinklz Kat said:

I do like the ODU patterns, but damn their sizing is WAY OFF! 

That's my view too.  Their onesies are great for ABs, but beware of their sizing.  I'm 34 inch waist, 5 ft 9 in, medium in nappies, large in just about every onesie, but even 2XL from Onesies Downunder are a bit on the tight side.  I may try a 3XL next time!

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I wear onesies all the time , the help keep your diaper in place and prevent your diaper from being exposed when you bend or stretch, Tykables are my favourite ones and I find the romper version to be the best at holding everything inplace. I IC and can not recommend a plain coloured onesie enough Its disappointing Tykables discontinued their polo version as they are perfect for wearing  to work.

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Bodysuit is more or less the same as a onesie, and a lot of woman wear those, even some men.

I don't wear onesie that much anymore, as t-shirts are cheaper and I often get them for free.
Also, in the heat, I like to pull out the shirt to air out, and to use shirt as a towel, so onesie is for winter use.

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I own several different onesies from collared, long sleeve, short sleeve and tank top.  My latest is mesh that I purchased from a men's clothing (online) store.  I really prefer wearing one during cold weather because it help keep cold air off my back.

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I bought one a few years ago, and it didn't really do anything for me. I don't wear in public, or when anyone is in the house (except bedtime), so I don't need one to hide my diapers. It was just a cheap one from Amazon and I tossed it after a few wears...don't miss it, and don't plan on getting any more. I have seen some with really cute prints, like the Rearz Alpaca one, but I don't think I'd wear it enough to get my money's worth.

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I have a drawer full of onesies, regular t-shirt style, long & short sleeve styles, multiple colors, also a number of collared-polo style shirts all for day-to-day wear. I use them primarily to reduce the risk of my diapers peaking out the waist band of my pants. Oh I do have some AB designs thrown into the mix for fun.

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