Veggeto Posted December 20, 2020 Posted December 20, 2020 Chapter one “Good morning Layla, are you getting up sweetums?” Mommy said softly as she entered my nursery. I was barely awake. I have never been a morning person and I never will be. “Five more minutes? Please?” I asked mommy, slowly opening my eyes and saw mommy standing next to my crib. “You know better than that Lay,” mommy said as she reached into the crib, unsnapped my onesie and checked my diaper. “And from the looks of it, you quickly need a change,” she said as her fingers crawled over my belly. “Please mommy, nooohoo,” I let out as mommy slowly started tickling me. My eyes sprung open and I started giggling and trashing my limbs around the crib. “Pleahease!” I yelled out, flipping on my belly, trying to protect it. Mommy moved to my sides and continued her tickle attack there. “So is Layla going to be a happy baby instead of a grumpy baby?” Mommy said as she slowed her tickling down. “Yes, just, please, stop!” I took a breath with each word, gasping for air. “So what do we say when mommy enters the nursery in the morning?” Mommy asked. She stopped her tickling and stood straight again. I got on my knees and looked up at mommy. “Good morning mommy,” I said, trying to sound as the sweetest baby possible. “Did you sleep well?” Mommy asked as she held out her hands to pick me up. “Uhu! didn’t even wake up once!” I said as I was being lifted out of the crib. Mommy walked to the changing table and removed the onesie. “Good girl!” Mommy said. She softly pushed me down on the changing table and gave me my teether. “Thwanks Mwommwy,” I said, biting softly on the teether. Mommy removed the tapes from my diaper and unfolded the front. She made quick work with the wet wipes and tapped on my legs, signaling me to lift up my butt. She removed the old diaper and threw it in the diaper pail. “Pink, blue, or white?” Mommy asked. “Not twhe pwurple one?” I asked, laying my butt down. “Not today Lay, doesn’t really fit with the outfit I have in mind,” Mommy said. I removed my teether “The white one please.” “Okiokie,” Mommy said, grabbing a white diaper from the stash underneath the changing table. I lifted my butt again and mommy quickly slid it under me. Mommy gave me a dash of fresh powder before taping the diaper shut and patting the front. “Time for breakfast,” Mommy said as she lifted me up, resting me on her hip. “I will fix your hair when we are full and dressed,” Mommy said as she looked at my long blonde braid. “Wait! We mustn't forget Ollie!” I yelled, leaning towards my crib. Ollie was my favorite stuffed animal because he was an elephant. And luckily not a big one, so I could carry it with me everywhere. “He’s still sleeping in there,” I said, pointing at my crib. Mommy walked to the crib, bent down, and grabbed Ollie the olifant through the bars. She gave Ollie to me. “Sssshhh, Ollie is still waking up,” mommy whispered. “So we should give him lots of tickles?” I asked mommy, giving her a naughty look. “Little smartypants,” mommy said, squeezing my cheek. We walked downstairs and to the kitchen, where mommy placed me in my highchair. “Why don’t we let Ollie sit here?” Mommy asked, grabbing Ollie and placing him next to me, but just out of my reach. “But, that way I can’t reach him!” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. “I know, you don’t want to make Ollie dirty with your messy fingers, right?” Mommy asked as she stroked my head. “N-no,” I said, trying to hold back my tears. “That is why Ollie sits over there and you here. Where you can see him, and Ollie you,” mommy explained. “Okay,” I said softly while I looked down and played a little with my fingers. “So who wants oatmeal?” Mommy asked chirply. My eyes darted back to mommy. “I do! I do!” I yelled, bouncing up and down in my highchair. “Looks like we got a hungry little Layla, don’t we?” Mommy cooed, pinching my cheek again. “Uhuh, can I have raisins in it?” I asked mommy. “Of course,” Mommy said as she made her way into the kitchen. “Raisins are my favorite Ollie!” I explained to him for the thousandth time. Mommy quickly made my oatmeal while I tried to be patient. Trailing my fingers across the tray of the highchair to keep me from boredom. “One oatmeal and a milk bottle coming up,” mommy said as she placed a pink bottle and a pink plastic bowl full of oatmeal with raisins in front of me. Mommy quickly stepped behind me and tied a light pink bib around my neck. “We don’t want you to get too messy, now do we?” mommy asked as she gave me my plastic spoon. “Nuhuh,” I said while I started digging in. Mommy made her own breakfast and sat down next to me. I took a few sips from my bottle in between bites. “It’s almost Matthew’s second birthday here, what do you think is a good present for him?” Mommy asked me. Matthew was a boy from daycare who I like to play with very much. The first few weeks, Matthew was very shy and needed to get used to almost everything! Mommy says that was because Matthew is not from here. I asked mommy which country he came from, but she didn’t answer that question. “A stuffy? Or a ball! Matthew likes to kick against balls!” I said enthusiastically with my mouth half full of oatmeal. “Matthew’s mom doesn’t allow any more balls in the house. So how about a stuffy?” mommy said, taking a bite from her fried egg. “A very soft ball stuffy?” I asked mommy. I picked up my bottle and almost drained it. “If they have them at the store. We will see when we get there, okay?” “Okay mommy,” I said. I hastily ate the rest of my oatmeal, making a mess of my face and hands. “All done!” I said after a few minutes, putting my now empty bottle down. “Can we go to the store now?” “Nonono, first we need to clean you up and get you dressed,” mommy laughed. Mommy cleaned her plate and with a few wet wipes she cleaned my hands and my mouth. “So, you’re no longer the messy oatmeal monster,” mommy joked as she cleaned the last bit from my cheek. Mommy picked me up from the highchair and checked my diaper. “Just a little wet, good girl,” mommy cooed as she kissed the top of my head, I giggled. “Time to get you dressed,” she said, grabbing Ollie and making her way upstairs, carrying me on her hip. In my nursery mommy placed me and Ollie on the floor. She dressed me in a white t-shirt, a pink jumper, knee high pink socks, and white sneakers. She undid my braid and combed it carefully while I nursed on my pacifier. “Let’s do braided pigtails for today, what do you think Lay?” Mommy asked me. “With pink bows?” I asked. “Well of course! Or else your outfit wouldn’t be complete!” Mommy said as she grabbed a handful of my hair and started braiding. “Are you excited for Matthew’s party next weekend?” Mommy asked, tugging my hair a bit. “Uhu! He said there is going to be a bouncy castle!” I said, spitting out my pacifier and leaving it dangling by it’s clip. “That’s nice,” mommy said as she moved on to the next braid. “Is there going to be cake?” “Mommy!! It’s his birthday!” I yelled. “Ah I am sorry, what is a birthday without cake?” Mommy said. clipping pink bows at the end of my braids. “All done Layla, why don’t you take a peak in the mirror?” Mommy said as she placed me on the ground. I waddled over to the mirror and spun around. “I like my hair mommy! Thank you!” I said as I waddled over her, hugging her legs, my head resting on her thighs. “You’re welcome Lay,” mommy said as she patted my head. I let go of her and picked up Ollie. “Can Ollie come with us?” I asked mommy. Mommy was filling up my diaper bag on the changing table. “No Layla. Ollie can get lost at the store,” mommy said, zipping up the diaper bag. “And the other stuffies will get jealous seeing you holding Ollie,” mommy said, putting the diaper bag over her shoulder and picking me up. “Can we buy them all?” I asked. “But then there would be no more room for you in the nursery,” mommy chuckled, walking down the stairs and to the front door. “Then, then I will sleep next to you,” I said. “Awh, aren't you the cutest,” mommy said, slipping the pacifier back in my mouth and closing the door behind us. Mommy opened the car and put me in my car seat, buckling me in tightly and taking her place behind the wheel. The drive towards the store always took too long, I always wanted to be there right away. They have a whole aisle filled with stuffed animals! The toys even got two! That’s why the store is my favorite place to be, I could spend hours just looking at all the toys and stuffed animals. I can't remember if I ever saw a stuffy shaped like a ball. “Mommy?” I asked behind my pacifier. “Yes Lay?” Mommy asked, looking at me through her mirror. “What if the store doesn’t have a ball shaped stuffy?” I asked. “Then we will have to find something else. What does Matthew like besides balls?” Mommy asked. I thought about it for a few minutes, going over everything Matthew likes. “He likes seals!” I squealed out, finally having an answer. “Those are his favorite animals!” “Very good Lay, I think the store will definitely have a seal,” mommy said, concentrating on the road. “Why don’t we find out?” Mommy asked after a few minutes, as she pulled into the parking lot of the store. Mommy parked the car close by the entrance and stepped out. She opened my door and unbuckled me. “Do you want to walk? or the buggy?” Mommy asked, lifting me up and setting me down on the asphalt. She grabbed a hold of my hand while she reached for the diaper bag. “Walk!” I said, tugging at mommy’s hand. “Easy now Lay,” mommy said, closing the door. We walked to the entrance of the store, me pulling mommy along The store was big, but I knew where we had to go. I kept pulling at my mommy’s hand. “Come on mommy!” I said, almost trying to run. “Slow down Lay. Or else I have to pick you up,” mommy said, grabbing a basket. “Owkay,” I said, slowing my pace. Luckily the store wasn't that busy at this hour. Only a few mommies and daddies with their littles. Mommy and I slowly walked towards the aisle with the stuffies. Stopping here and there looking at stuff that bored me. “Mommy, please! The stuffies are behind here! Can’t I look by myself?” I yelled, pointing through the shelves. I have always looked by myself. Sometimes people asked me where my mommy was. Usually she was looking at me through the shelves and would yell that she was there, always keeping an eye on me. “But only at the stuffies, and no running” mommy instructed for the hundredth time. “Okay,” I said, slowly walking away from mommy. I pulled the pacifier from my mouth and left it dangling by its clip. I turned the corner and saw the wall of stuffies in front of me. Every time I see this, I am in awe. So many stuffies, in different shapes and sizes. From tiny like my hand, to bigger than me! I walked across the aisle, eyeing every single one of them. Gorilla’s, panda’s, cat’s, and even spiders. I quickly walked by those. I didn’t see one ball sized stuffie, so I grabbed a stuffed white seal as big as my arm from the shelf. I saw it earlier, but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a ball somewhere. I quickly walked back to where mommy was. “Mommy! Mommy”! I yelled while holding the stuffie above my head, “I found it.” I turned the corner and was met with a bright flashing light. I bumped into something and fell down. “Owh, that hurt!” I said as I rubbed my eyes, slowly opening them. “Look at that!” “Where did she come from?” “Who goes out like that?” I heard voices talking. I slowly got my vision back, as I stood up and looked around, trying to find mommy. “Is it a new trend?” “Is that a diaper?” the voices said. I almost could see clearly again, seeing shapes my size. I still couldn’t find a shape that was my mommy. I hugged the seal stuffy close to me, giving me a little bit of comfort. “Mommy?” I called out. “Mommy?” “Awh, looking for her mommy,” I heard someone saying, mocking me. “Meanie,” I said, looking at a boy my size, but dressed like a daddie. I looked around, I was still inside the store, but everything seemed smaller, much smaller. The shelves with stuffies were gone, replaced by tiny cans. I spun around and couldn't see mommy anywhere. “Mommy!?” I yelled across the store. “Look at this freak,” two girls said, pointing towards me. “Stop it! You’re just meanies and bullies,” I said. Tears started welling up in my eyes, stumbling away from the two mean girls. I turned around, wiping the tears from my eyes when I bumped into someone else and fell to the ground again. Luckily I landed on my diapered butt. The diaper let out a little squeal from the pee it contained now. “S-s-sorry,” I stammered out, trying to hold back the rest of the tears. “Miss, please come with me,” a male voice said. I squeezed my eyes to clear my vision to see it was a security guard I bumped into. “Do you know where my mommy is?” I asked him. Hoping that he has an answer. “I, euhm, well,” he paused. “If you know her phone number we can give her a call,” He said, giving me a weird look as his eyes focused on my diaper. “I don’t know her phone number!” I yelled, not liking the way he looked at me. “Why don’t we go to the back and figure something out,” he said annoyed, reaching out his hand. “No! Mommy says I shouldn’t go with other littles!!” I yelled. I got up and quickly ran off. I passed the two mean girls who were still laughing at me “There goes miss pottypants!” One of them yelled at me. Tears started to stream down my face. I dodged an older looking woman who came from behind the shelves. “Watch where you’re going!” She yelled. What is this place? Where are all the grownups? Why are all the littles dressed up as them? “Miss, stop!” I heard someone yelling from behind me, I took a look behind me and saw that the security guard was following me. “Nonononono! Please! I just want my mommy!” I yelled, Tears blurred my vision but I kept running. “Leon! Grab her!” I hear the security guard behind me yelling. In front of me I saw a big figure standing, blocking off what I assume was the exit. Finally a grownup! “Please! Help me!” I yelled at the person standing in front of me. I came up to the person and saw that it was a man. Tinier than I expected, maybe an in-betweener, even for that he was on the small side. “You’re coming with me Miss,” the man said with a stern voice, grabbing one of my arms with force. “Ow! You’re hurting me!” I yelled. I started thrashing around. “Please let go of me! You’re hurting me!” “Calm down!” He yelled, grabbing my other arm and locking me down. Defeated, I let my limbs give out. Tears streaming like a waterfall down my face, snot covered most of my mouth. “Please, I want my mommy,” I sobbed. “Good job Leon!” The other security guard wheezed, walking up to us. “What the hell is this?” The man holding me asked. Still sobbing I looked at the ground. “Don’t know, She seemed to appear out of thin air! Better bring her to the back and figure it out there,” the security guard said. “You smoking again Hugo?” “Still clean Leon!” The security guard named Hugo said. “I swear it, out of thin air!” He said, putting his arms in the air. “Better let the cops deal with this,” The man named Leon said. Leon picked me up by my shoulders and knees and carried me down the way I came. “Please,” I whimpered. “Everything will be alright Miss, we just need to make a few calls,” Leon said. 10 1
ausdpr Posted December 20, 2020 Posted December 20, 2020 Well it's definitely an interesting inversion ;). I just wonder if there's some repressed memories of being more mature that might start to come out now.
Renly Posted December 21, 2020 Posted December 21, 2020 At first I did not quite like it due to lack of context, but as I was reading the lack of context was the context, without a doubt it is a very interesting plot inversion and I like it, I hope more from this story ??
BabySofia Posted December 21, 2020 Posted December 21, 2020 This has a lot of potential. I've seen a number of people start stories like this, but no one has really finished one. Looking forward to more!
kerry Posted December 21, 2020 Posted December 21, 2020 Totally agree with everyone else. It's a lovely notion to invert the "accidental little" concept. I'm interested to see where it goes.
Moon3ye Posted December 21, 2020 Posted December 21, 2020 Normally you know from me honest comments where you could think I am an evil sadist, I am at least not evil, but here I am so set that I hope that she comes home again. It seems at least that she was not physically abused (tooth removal, mobility restriction, etc.) She could be under hypnosis but I still feel sorry for her because her "mother" also gives the impression that she really loves her.
kirababy Posted December 23, 2020 Posted December 23, 2020 Very interesting start - looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Veggeto Posted December 26, 2020 Author Posted December 26, 2020 Thanks for all the comments and support! I hope it lives up to it's potential and expectations! Chapter two They took me to a small office, in there stood the tiniest computer I had ever seen! Leon carried me to a chair and put me down on it. “Allright, please stay here,” Leon said while carefully backing away. “Hugo, please guard the door and don't forget to call!” He yelled. Leon went in another door and came back a minute later holding a tiny cup of water. “I thought you probably wanted some water after all that,” Leon said. “Can I have a bottle?” I sniffed looking at the cup. It has been years since I drank from a cup “A bottle?” He asked, “Sure,” He scratched his head. The man went into the same room as before and returned with a bottle. Sadly not the bottle I wanted. This one was the same as the bottles mommy used. “Oh, thank you,” I said meekly as I took the bottle from him. The man sat down behind the desk. Inspecting me, looking at my shoes and jumper. His eyes lingered a little too long at my diaper. “So, what happened back there?” He asked, folding his arms and leaning back, raising one eyebrow. “I-I don’t know,” I stuttered, tears were filling up my eyes again. “I was looking for a stuffie as a gift for Matthew, once I found the seal,” I said, holding the seal up. “I ran back to mommy, but when I turned the corner she wasn’t there,” I sniffed, feeling a tear fall down my cheek. “Ah, I see. Aren't you a little old for a mommy?” The man asked bluntly. “No? I still need a mommy,” I said, “don’t you have a mommy?” “Sure, but I have long moved out of her house,” “Makes sense since you’re an inbetweener,” I said, kicking my feet. “Inbetweener?” He asked, leaning forward. “Yeah, you know, because of your height. I am a little, and since you’re taller than me, you’re an in-betweener. Mommy is what she likes to call an amazon,” I explained, trying to open the bottle of water. “Huh? what are you talking about?” “You know, amazons take care of littles. Inbetweeners do their own thing,” I said, opening the bottle carefully, I placed the cap on the table and slowly took a sip, holding the bottle with both hands “Take care? how?” He asked, confused. “By caring for me, changing my diapers, feeding me, and most important of all, love,” I explained. “Do you really use them?” He asked, pointing at my diaper and narrowing his eyes. Before I could answer his question, the door opened. Hugo showed his face, looked at me than at Leon. “They are here,” he said, opening the door a little wider. Two police officers walked into the tiny room. A man with a blond mustache, and a woman with a black ponytail were standing next to Leon. “That was quick,” Leon said as he stood up and greeted the two officiers. “So, what’s the deal?” The man asked Leon. “So far? No clue. She says that she lost her mommy, but giving her age I doubt that. Maybe this is some weird role play?” Leon answered. “She was hysterical when I found her, I tried to take her back here but she bolted for the exit. I assumed she had stolen something,” Hugo chimed in. I sat there in silence, not knowing what was going to happen. At least these people were police officers, so I could trust them according to mommy. Although I have never seen Little police officers. “What about the stuffed animal?” The man with the blond mustache asked. “I checked the tag, it’s not one of ours. I am also not familiar with that brand,” Leon answered. “Why don’t you work out the details with these two? I will try to talk to her,” The woman police officer said. The men nodded in agreement and walked out of the office. After the woman closed the door behind them she grabbed the chair Leon was sitting on and placed it in front of me. “Hello, what is your name?” The woman asked calm and sweetly. “Layla,” I answered short, tightening my grip on the seal. “That is a lovely name! My name is Kara,” Kara said. “Hi Kara,” I greeted her, looking at the floor. “So, Layla, how old are you?” “I am three, turning four in just a few months,” I said, looking up and showing Kara three fingers. Kara gave me a weird look but it quickly disappeared again. “Three years old huh? Do you know your physical age?” Kara asked. “Physical age?” I wondered, “Around twenty-five I think. I don’t really keep count on that anymore,” I answered. “So from what I understood with my quick chat with Hugo, you’ve lost your mommy?” Kara asked. I explained the whole thing to her, shedding a tear again when I told her about the bullies in the store. I took a little sip from the bottle, spilling a bit on my jumper. “Why don’t you come with me to the station? We got more stuffed animals and hot cocoa there,” Kara said carefully. “Is my mommy there?” I asked “Maybe. Maybe she went to the station looking for you,” Kara said. “So, what do you say, want to ride in a police car?” Kara said as she stood up and reached out her hand. I nodded and stood up and put the bottle on the chair. Kara was even tinier than I am! Only by a little bit though, I could almost see over her. “Okay, one question?” I asked. “Sure,” Kara said. “Do you have any diapers at the police station?” I asked. “Euhm, I don’t know, why do you want to know?” Kara asked, confused. “Cause I think I badly need a change,” I said, holding the skirt from my jumper up and patting my diaper, Hearing it squish a little. “What the?” Kara said, looking very weird at me, then sighed. “Let's figure that out at the station,” she sighed and shook her head. We stepped out the door, seeing the three men standing just a few feet away. “Gavin! You good to go?” Kara asked. “Yep, I think I know enough, or maybe a bit too much,” He said, stepping away from the security guards and joining Kara and me. “Thanks for coming, and good luck with her,” Hugo smirked. I bent my head down and hugged the seal, letting Kara lead me to the police car. I tried to block the whispers and looks from the other people in the store as we were walking towards the exit. Some of them slipped through, calling me a weirdo, making fun of my clothes, and hair. A tiny tear slipped from my eyes. I really hope my mommy is waiting at the station for me. We arrived at the police car. I was shocked to see it was also tiny. “Do we even fit in that?” I asked as Kara opened the door for me. “I think you will fit just fine,” Kara said. I climbed into the backseat, even though there wasn’t a car seat for me. “Do you need help buckling up?” Kara asked as Gavin took the seat behind the steering wheel. “Uhu,” I nodded as I sat down. Kara buckled me and took the seat in front of me. There was a weird fence in the middle of the car, separating me from the officers in the front. “So what do you think of this mess?” Gavin asked Kara. “Honestly? No clue, never had a situation like this,” Kara sighed. “We will figure it out at the station, fill a report etc.” I put my pacifier in my mouth and looked through the car window, trying to drone out the talking officiers. Everything was so tiny here. The people, the cars, the trees, even the buildings were small. Not one amazon to be found, I did see another little dressed like me, but she was even smaller than the rest of the littles here, being pushed round in buggy. I hugged the seal tighter to my chest and felt my eyes drooping and I let out a big yawn. I felt my diaper swelling up a bit but paid it little attention. I let my body go limp and quickly fell asleep in the backseat of the police car. “Hey Layla, hey.” Kara said, shaking me lightly. I slowly opened my eyes. “Are we at the station?” I asked, looking sleepily at Kara and rubbing my eyes. “Yes we are, we took a little detour to grab some supplies,” Kara said, unbuckling me. “I haven’t noticed,” I said, getting out of the car and quickly grabbing the seal. “Lets get inside and get that hot cocoa,” Kara said, taking my hand and walking towards the entrance. With the other hand she was carrying a plastic bag. “What the shit!” I heard Gavin saying. Kara and I turned around. “What is it Gav?” Kara asked. “She pissed all over the seat!” He yelled. I felt my cheeks turn red. I did tell them I needed a change. “Just let the cleaners fix it,” Kara sighed, turning around and we walked inside the station. Inside the station it was very busy, people were walking everywhere, carrying papers and tiny cups. Kara was still holding my hand, I squeezed it a little bit. Some people looked at me and shook their heads and quickly walked by. At least nobody said anything mean to me. “Let’s go somewhere without all this fuzz,” Kara said as we walked past a few desks. We walked down a hallway and entered a room with just a desk and a few chairs. On one side there was a mirror covering the wall. Kara put the bag on the table, and grabbed a package of plain looking diapers from it, as well as some wet wipes. “I got to take care of some stuff. How about you get changed and I will be in here with your hot cocoa in a few minutes,” Kara said, opening the package of diapers. “Change myself?” I asked. “Please tell me you can change yourself,” Kara sighed, giving me a pleading look. “I-I will try,” I stutterd, grabbing a diaper from the package, inspecting it. It felt cheap, had only two tapes, and felt really thin. “Good, I will only be gone for a few minutes,” Kara said again. She closed the door and a few seconds later I heard a click. I put the seal down on the table and stood next to one of the chairs. I undid my jumper and let it drop to the floor. I inspected my diaper, it was soaking wet and leaking in a few places! Luckily, from the smell of it, no messies. With a lot of effort and a few grunts I removed the four tapes, and clumsy worked the wet wipes around my private area. I cleaned up my behind as best as I could. I put the used wet wipes in the diaper and tried my best with wrapping everything up in a ball. To my frustration, it kept unfolding every time I let go. “How does mommy do all this?” I asked out loud, feeling tears swelling up again. I gave myself a minute to calm down and hugged the seal, which helped a little bit I think. I put one of the thin diapers on the chair and sat down on it. after realising that I had it backwards I fixed the diaper so the tapes started at my back. I carefully taped the diaper shut and stood up, trying to look how well I did. The diaper immediately fell to the ground. With a loud sigh I pulled it up and tried to redo the tapes, the diaper ripped with it. “These are some very cheap diapers!” I yelled frustrated, throwing the diaper in the corner and grabbing a new one. “Okay, attempt number two,” I sighed again. This time it went a little better, but it still wasn't good enough, I threw it next to the other one and tried again. After five diapers I finally successfully diapered myself. To be really sure I had double diapered myself, incase of any leaking. I jumped a little bit, proud of my work. I put the jumper back on and sat down on the chair again. I put the pacifier back in my mouth and grabbed the seal. “At least I don’t have to worry about that for a while,” I said while keeping an eye on the door, waiting for Kara to come back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you make of it Gavin?” I asked. We were both standing in front of the two way mirror, watching Layla sitting on a chair. several ripped diapers lie in the corner. “No clue, maybe some weird kink play?” He asked. “Won’t that stop at some point? I mean, she is sitting inside a police station. At some point she must realize it went too far,” I said, swallowing nervously. I have my fair share of kinks as well, but I wouldn’t dare to expose myself to the outside world like that. I would lie if It didn’t intrigue me a little that Layla would. “I guess, some people just don’t know when to quit,” He said, looking up his report he made at the store. “One of the security guards did mention she just appeared out of nowhere.” “People don’t show up out of thin air Gav,” I huffed. ”Maybe she wore a long coat and removed it inside the store. Anyway, I will try to find out more about Layla here, why don’t you fill in the official report?” I asked Gavin. “Sure, rather you than me, “He chuckled. ”You seem to have a thing for weirdos,” He said as he walked away. “No, just this one,” I said under my breath. I grabbed a cup of hot cocoa from the vending machine and a teddy bear from my desk and walked back to the room. “I got you your hot cocoa, and a teddy bear,” I said, opening the door and slowly walking inside. “Is it in a bottle?” Layla asked, looking up from her lap. Her eyes were a little red. “I'm afraid not, just be very careful, okay?” I said as I put the cup and teddy bear down in front of her and took a seat on the other side of the table. “Oh, okay,” Layla said, grabbing the teddy bear and eyeing the cup. I watched her for a few minutes, trying to think of a few questions to ask. I tried to think of the wording, she said she was three, so maybe I should ask my questions in that kind of manner. Layla carefully picked up the paper cup and slowly took a sip, she sat the cup back down and gave me a disgusted look. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “This cocoa is very bad,” Layla said, moving her tongue around. I raised my eyebrow. “Mind if I take a sip?” I asked, already reaching for the cup. “Okay, but I warned you,” Layla said. I took a sip and let it swirl around in my mouth. “Don’t know, tastes good to me, maybe you’re not used to vending cocoa,” I joked. “It’s yucky,” Layla said, showing her disdain. “Anyway, mind if I ask you something?” I asked, trying to find out where she got the courage to go out like that from. “Uhu,” Layla said, crossing her legs. “Why diapers?” I asked gently. “Because I need them,” Layla answered. “Need them as in, you’re incontinent?” “Uhu, Most of the time I don’t notice I am peeing, but sometimes I pee on purpose, right before I get changed. If I felt that I needed to go.” “Does somebody change your diapers?” “My mommy of course! She changes a lot of my diapers! And Larissa, Vincent, and Emma from daycare,” Layla answered. How many people does she need to change her diapers? and is there even a daycare for her, kink? I wondered, I felt a little jealousy rise within me. How does someone set all of this up? “That sure is a lot of people,” I said, trying to sound genuine. “Not that many! Matthew has like ten people changing his diapers!” Layla said, showing me her fingers. I could see Layla felt more at ease now, she talked more and even smiled a little. Her grip on the stuffed animals was relaxing too. “Wait, who’s Matthew?” I asked, a little confused at hearing another name. “Matthew is my friend from daycare.” “Oh I see,” I said. Better to move on to the harder questions. “So why the dress up?” “Dress up?” Layla asked, looking down at her jumper. “These are my normal clothes. Almost everybody my age wears them,” Layla answered, fidgeting with her jumper. “And where are you from?” “I don’t know what it is called, I hear a lot of different names, it confuses me.” “Describe it to me. What does it look like, how are the people? What do they wear? How does it differ from here?” I asked. She couldn’t come from too far, dressed like that and without any identification. “I can do that!” Layla said with a bit of enthusiasm. “Well, everything is a lot bigger where I am from! My mommy is twice or even thrice my height I am not sure, and us littles, almost all of us wear diapers and have a mommy and daddy,” Layla explained. Is this some kind of make believe gone wrong? Someone who really believes she is a little girl? I thought to myself. “But that stupid light has ruined it, everything is tiny here, and the people are mean!” Layla added, hugging the seal and teddy bear. There she mentioned that light again, hopefully Gavin looks into it and figures out what Layla’s means by that. “Am I mean Layla?” I asked, trying to shift the conversation to something less serious. I doubt I get a serious answer on my previous question from Layla. “No, not at all. I think you’re the only one I can trust here,” Layla said. “Why is that?” I asked, leaning forward. “Because I learned from mommy that I can trust police officers, it doesn't matter to me that you’re a Little. And you have been nice to me so far. I feel like we have a sort of bond already,” Layla explained. “A bond?” I asked genuinely. “Uhu, I can’t explain it, there is just something about you.” We sat there for a good two hours, talking about Layla’s crazy world. Big people, car seats, playing with baby toys, even breastfeeding! I couldn’t believe it really. “Do you think I can visit your place some time?” I asked, trying my best to play along. “I think mommy likes that, but you have to wear a diaper when you come visit my house,” Layla said. “Oh, why?” I asked. To be honest I was a little intrigued by her little make believe world. A part of me doubted it of course, what if she has so many people to play along with her kink. Maybe it was like a small community for people who are into this. “Because you’re a Little like me, even smaller than I am!” Layla said. At that moment Gavin opened the door and interrupted my conversation with Layla. “Hey, Kara, can you come here for a second?” He said, looking worried. “Coming!” I said while I stood up. “I’ll be right back, Layla,” I said, walking to the door and closing it behind me. “What is it Gav?” I asked him. “Well, I filled the report, it was an easy task with how much information was available,” He said, sweating a bit. “And?” I asked, trying to push the info out of Gavin. “Well, a few minutes ago two men walked in and asked about the report. I said they couldn’t see it without proper identification. They quickly showed me their badges and asked about Layla,” He said, pointing at Layla. “Wait, seriously? What do they want with her?” I asked dumbfounded. I turned to the two way mirror. “Who is she?” I asked Gavin. “Someone who does not belong in this world, Miss Garcia,” A man said behind me. 13 1
SGTbaby Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Cool update and interesting how these men know what is going on. Looking forward to more!!
Moon3ye Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Ah okay so apparently someone on a higher level knows about the dimensions and there is someone on earth who controls everything. Hopefully she will come back to her mom soon. Maybe Kara goes with her because she wants to take care and then ends up as a little sister in diapers.
YourFNF Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Oh shit Men in Black/SCP agents? *readies a working to protect my mind from chemical and optical hazards* XD
thedman Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 I was hoping to see things drawn out a bit more before she gets taken back. Maybe some of the officials who dealt with her on Earth will have to be ported back with her so they can't spread knowledge of her existence. It would be interesting to see their experiences.
kerry Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Or maybe we will discover that she can't get back. Most Accidental Littles stories don't allow for that.
Moon3ye Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 1 hour ago, kerry said: Or maybe we will discover that she can't get back. Most Accidental Littles stories don't allow for that. Yes well let's be honest Amazons are not exactly known for telling the truth to a little one. 1
Sky Hooves Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 I have a feeling, Kara gets a chance to visit Layla. Probably even for longer than she thinks. Great new chapter and an interesting, new star for a DD Story^^ 1
ausdpr Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Alisa did manage to get back, though the dimension followed her. For a full inversion, Layla might have sometimes have wanted to be big, only to find out it's more than she bargained for during her trip to the panties dimension...
ValentinesStuff Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 I wonder if took a wrong turn one day.
Renly Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 A good chapter, although I think that because of the pace of the chapters I think it will be a short story, even so, it is very interesting and with a lot of potential to try to prolong it, also I think there will be a small playmate who can join him if is that they return to their dimension and that makes me happy ??
BabySofia Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 Enjoying where you're taking this! Hoping we get another chapter or two of her in our world before going back? I like the idea of the officer going back with her! New sister!
Veggeto Posted January 8, 2021 Author Posted January 8, 2021 Sorry for the little wait! The holidays ate up more of my time than I had planned. Also I am moving in a couple of days, so that too ? And again thanks for all the comments! Maybe Layla gets back to her own world, maybe not, but if she does, it's not going to be that easy! Chapter three I turned around to face two men wearing dark grey suits, luckily no hats. “And who are you two?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and folding my arms. “These are the men I just told you about,” Gavin said quickly. He took a step forward and stood next to me. “Yes indeed,” one of them said, showing his badge. “We’ll take it from here. No need to worry, we will take good care of Layla,” The other said, looking at Layla through the two way mirror. “Yeah, no. I am responsible for her. Come back if you have a warrant or an order,” I said sternly, standing in front of the door. “No need for hostilities Miss Garcia,” One of them said and produced a paper from his pocket. “Here you go,” he said, sticking his hand out with the paper. I took it and started reading. “I already checked it Kara, it’s legit,” Gavin said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Oh, okay,” I said disappointed. I looked at the two way mirror again, seeing Layla sitting there, hugging her stuffed animals and sucking her pacifier. In just a few hours I had grown rather fond of her. “Do you mind if I said goodbye?” I said with a sigh, giving the piece of paper back. “Sure, go ahead, we are in no hurry,” The other man said, grabbing his cellphone. I walked into the room and closed the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Hey Layla,” I heard Kara saying softly. I looked up and let the pacifier drop from my mouth. “Hey, Kara,” I answered, feeling the pacifier dangling on the cord. “So, I think I have some good and bad news,” Kara said as she sat down, leaning forward and her arms on the table. “Okay,” I said, wondering what she meant by that. “The good news is that there are two men who are going to help you to get to your, mommy,” Kara said. I noticed she took a little pause before saying mommy “Really! That’s amazing!” I said, jumping up and down in my chair, hearing the diaper squishing under me. “The bad news,” Kara sighed. “Is that you will be leaving without me.” “No! They can’t do that! You’re the only person I can trust here!” I screamed. “Everybody else here is mean to me, and makes fun of me!” “That’s not true, one of the security guards was nice to you, wasn't he?” Kara said, trying to calm me down. “No, he was eyeing me really weird, as if he didn't believe me!” I screamed, throwing the teddy bear on the ground. “I am not going!” I yelled. I sat firmly on my chair and hugged the seal closer to my chest. Kara sighed a little. “Lay, please,” Kara said. “Don’t call me Lay! Only my mommy calls me Lay!” I screamed at her. Tears streamed down my face and snot covered my mouth. I wiped it on the seal and started rocking back and forth. hearing my diaper squishing slightly. “I want my mommy,” I whimpered. “I know, and these men are going to help you with that,” Kara said. “No they are not! They will just take me away and give me to some other people. Just like the security guards, and just like you. I am not going!” I yelled, this time louder. Silence filled the room, Kara stood up from the chair and walked around the table. She knelt down next to me and started rubbing my back. “Everything will be okay, I promise,” Kara said. “No,” I said in between the sobs, I still stood my ground. I turned my head away from Kara. “I am not going.” “What will it take for you to go with these two men?” Kara said softly, still rubbing my back. “Nothing,” I Immediately said back to Kara. “No, one thing, you need to come with me,” I said after I thought about it for a few seconds. “I don’t think they will let me Layla,” Kara said, staring at the ground. “But if you could, you would, right?” I asked her, turning to face her again. “Sure, these past few hours I grew rather fond of you,” Kara said. I wasn’t sure if she meant it, but it was nice to hear anyway. “Can’t you go ask them?” I asked. “Mommy always says there is no harm in asking nicely.” “That’s a good idea Layla,” Kara said and stood up, straightening her back. As she made her way towards the door, it opened. Two men in grey suits entered the room. “Kara, who are they?” I asked, a bit scared, slumping down on my chair. “No need to worry Layla, these are the men I have been talking about,” Kara said, pointing at the men. “Oh, okay,” I said and got off the chair. I grabbed Kara’s hand and stood behind her. “Miss Garcia, you can come with us,” One of the men said. “Really? Why?” Kara asked, confused. “She can?!” I yelled with a big smile. “I have spoken with my supervisor and agreed it was a good idea to bring someone with us who is familiar to Layla,” the man said. “Jeeh! You can come with me,” I said as I embraced Kara. “Uhm, okay, I guess, for how long?” Kara said. I wondered why she was doubting a little. “Hard to say, could be a few hours to weeks,” the same men said again. “So, what do you say?” I could see that Kara was thinking hard, looking at me and back at the men. I guess now that it comes to it, she has trouble deciding. “Sure,” Kara finally answered. “I will go with her,” she said, looking up at me and tightened her grip on my hand. “Great! Well Layla, we are going to try our hardest to get you back to your mommy,” One of the men said. “Let’s introduce ourselves first, this here is Ray,” he said, pointing at the man next to him. “And I am Edmond, but you can call me Ed.” “Well, nice to meet you Ray and Ed,” Kara said, I followed her example. The two men explained to us where we were going as we moved through the building to find an exit. They threw in a bunch of letters that didn’t make sense to me. It probably was short for something. The way I understood it, they had an organization that is going to contact the organization where I am from. “So you see MIss Garcia,” Ed said, walking next to Kara and me while Ray was walking in front of us. “To make contact is a bit difficult.” “But why? Don’t they have a bureau or a consulate or something?” Kara asked. “Not that I can say here, we can talk a little more in the car,” Ed said. Ray opened the exit and we were greeted by the sunlight. We walked across the parking lot where a lot of tiny cars were parked. “This is ours,” Ray said as he unlocked the black car with a bleep.This one was a little bigger than the others in the parking lot, still nothing compared to my mommy’s. Ray opened the backseat for me and I was greeted by a pink car seat! Even big enough for me to fit into it! Ray took his seat behind the wheel as Ed helped me into the carseat, but not before a thick white pad was laid out onto it. “We don’t want you to leak on it,” Ed said calmly. He pulled the straps tightly around me and snapped them into place. Ed closed my door and sat down in front of me. Kara took the seat next to me. She gave me a weak smile while buckling herself in. I grabbed my pacifier and put it in my mouth, hugged the seal again and looked outside. Finally, one step closer to mommy, I hope. Ray started driving and Ed started to talk again, not to me, but to Kara. “So, the thing is, as you know, Layla here is not from around here,” Ed said. I looked up as I heard my name. “I figured that, so you’re going to take her back to her, community?” Kara asked. “Something like that, it’s a bit more complicated. Layla is from another dimension.” Ed said bluntly.” I looked at Kara, whose mouth was gaping, closing it again and shaking her head. “So you’re into this joke too,” Kara said with a sigh. Moving her hand to her head. “It’s no joke,” Ray said. “He is right, it’s no joke and we are totally serious,” Ed said sternly. “Layla is here from another dimension. A total freak accident, we have never seen this sort of thing happen.” “Well, not this way,” Ray said quietly. “So how do you know she is from another dimension?” Kara asked. “We have never seen it this way, as Ray said, people from her dimension dropping into ours. But the other way, plenty of times,” Ed said. “You mean people from here, were dropped into her dimension?” Kara asked bewildered. “On accident of course,” Ed said. “Wait, so that means,” Kara said, turning to me. “That all you said is true? It’s not some sort of wild community where people act like babies?” “Nuhuh, we don't act, we are,” I said from behind the pacifier. “Correct, in her dimension we are called littles. There are many stories of people dropping into her dimension and being treated like babies. Because, well, to them, that is what we are,” Ed said. “Who is them?” Kara asked. “The Amazons. They're called that because of their height, most of the people there are twice or even thrice our height. Then you got the inbetweeners, who are in the middle, hence their name. And you have people like Layla here, littles, helpless in the world of the Amazon,” Ed explained. “So how do you know all this?” Kara asked after a few seconds. “we set up a form of communications a while ago, mostly thanks to the Amazons technology. They were the ones to come into contact with us. The leaders there explained how their dimension works to us, and said they got a few portal littles residing there. That’s how we found out where most of our missing people were residing,” Ed said. “How are they residing there?” Kara asked, I guess she already knows the answer. “Well, as her kind does,” Ed said, pointing back at me. “They are treated as babies, since the Amazon world doesn’t have much Little facilities. And, well, the Amazons are a bit baby crazy,” Ed said bluntly. “What? But, they are adults right?” Kara freaked out, looking at me. “To us, yes. Biological, also yes, but to most of them, no,” Ed answered. “It’s a weird dynamic that we don’t fully understand yet.” “So, people like Layla are being treated like this,” Kara gestured towards me. “Against their will?” “It’s complicated, some are being treated as a baby against their will. But I guess seeing Layla here is fine with it,” Ed said. “Are you really Layla?” Kara asked, grabbing my shoulder. “Uhu,” I said, dropping the pacifier out of my mouth. “I let my mommy adopt me when I was done with college.” “Really? Why?” Kara asked, with a shocked look. “Because I like her, she is a good mommy to me and we both love each other,” I said. Kara shook her head again. “I am sorry, but all this is pretty hard to believe,” she said. “We understand, maybe it’s better if we discuss this further at the facility with my supervisor,” Ed said. We rode the rest of the way in silence, I had popped my pacifier back in my mouth and looked out the window. It finally made somewhat sense, a different dimension, with everything built just for littles. No room for an Amazon here, I bet mommy couldn’t use a toilet here. I chuckled a little by the thought of that. I tried to gather as many sight worthy things I could find. I eventually saw a buggy being unfolded out the back of a car as we stood still. The woman was putting a tiny little in the buggy! There are probably lots of those little Littles around here. This world was almost the same as mine, only tinier! But that probably also means they don’t have any good diapers here, only these white stupid ones. We rode again and after some time had passed we stood still again in front of a gate. Ray showed a badge to the guard standing next to the car and the gate opened. “This is it,” Ed said. I looked at the building and saw that it was a low building and very boring. “And what is this?” Kara asked. “The building of our agency, where we do everything related to Layla’s dimension,” Ed explained. “Could use some color,” I said, looking at the boring building. “Sure does, but we are trying to blend in instead of stand out, for safety,” Ray said as he rode into a parking garage. He parked the car close to an elevator and we got out. I held Kara’s hand again, in the other I carried the seal, and we walked towards the elevator. In the elevator Ray pushed a button that said minus three. “Why are we going into the basement?” I said, looking at Ray. “There we have everything that you need,” Ray answered. “Good, I think I could use a change,” I said, patting the front of my diaper. The elevator dinged and we got out. I saw a blank hallway without any art or plants decorating the place. The two men led the way for us, after turning a corner there were two doors. One in front of us and one to the right. “Ray, why don’t you take Layla to her room?” Ed said. “Can’t Kara come with me?” I asked, still holding Kara’s hand and looking at her. “She doesn’t know the building,” Ed said. “But don’t you worry. I am pretty sure you’re going to like this place.” “I will see you soon, okay?” Kara said, giving me a short hug and stood next to Ed. Ray took my hand and opened the door with a badge. It led to another hallway, I sprung up a little when the door closed with a loud bang. “Sorry for that, we don’t use that door often,” Ray said, leading me down another hallway. We took a left turn and descended some steps. Ray opened another door with his badge and held it open for me. “I hope it’s to your liking,” Ray said, gesturing me in. I took my steps slowly and peaked into the room. It was a nursery! Even better it was a nursery like I am used to! It had a normal sized crib, a stocked diaper shelf with colorful diapers. The nursery was painted light blue with pink, and the floor was made of thick white carpet! I don’t know if that was a good idea. “Thank you!” I yelled while giving Ray a hug and quickly ran towards the stuffed animals and dove in. I quickly popped up again from the pile of stuffies. “Wait!” I yelled at Ray, who was still standing by the door, watching me. “Can you change me first?” I asked, pointing at the stocked shelf. “Excuse me?” Ray said, looking at me with big eyes. “Change my diaper,” I said, crawling out of the pile. “I really need a change,” I said again, patting the front of my badly taped diaper, making it squish. “Euhm, can I send someone else? I am sure we have people for that,” Ray said. More people? I knew it! Ray and Ed are giving me away to other people, just like I said to Kara. “No! No more people!” I yelled. “I want a clean diaper by someone I know!” I said. Tears welled up into my eyes again. I heard some music and saw that Ray picked up his phone. “Hello?” He whispered. I rubbed my eyes clean while I sat in front of the pile of stuffies. I still sobbed a little trying to hear Ray. “What, why me? I have no experience in that field,” Ray whispered. “Oh, okay, yes, will do. No Ma-am, not a problem,” Ray said while staring at the ground and he hung up. “Okay,” Ray sighed. “Let’s get you changed.” He walked towards the shelf with diapers and picked a blue one. “Not that one!” I yelled. “It has to be pink to match my outfit!” I sprung up and walked towards the shelve. I picked a pink diaper and opened it. “Not as big as home, but better than the one I am wearing,” I said as I inspected the diaper. Ray let out a big sigh and grabbed the wet wipes and powder. “Where is the changing table?” I asked, looking around. “Euhm, we, we don’t have one. We do have a changing mat,” Ray said with a little stutter. He looked under the crib and pulled out a big plastic covered mat. “This has to do.” I reluctantly laid with my back on the mat and put my pacifier in and lifted my jumper to my chest, exposing my diaper. Ray started nervously tearing at the tapes and removed the diaper. “Wait! No, you first have to clean me with the wipes, then lift my legs and clean my butt,” I said, trying to help him. “Huh, why?” He asked. “I don’t know, mommy always does it like that,” I said. Ray quickly cleaned me the way I told him and taped the new pink diaper shut. “So, how is that?” Ray asked with a red face. “I think you did pretty good,” I said. The taping was a bit crude and he used a lot of powder. I decided not to say any of that. “Thank you,” I said as I put my jumper over the diaper. I gave Ray a quick hug and popped the pacifier in my mouth “You’re welcome,” Ray said with a smile. “I have to go now, if you need anything just yell and someo- euhm me, Ed, or Kara will come down, okay?” “Okay,” I said, eyeing the pile of stuffies again. Ray quickly walked out of the room and closed the door, I heard another click and went running for the pile of stuffies. 13 2
Sky Hooves Posted January 8, 2021 Posted January 8, 2021 Yay! Kara can come with Layla for a playdate! I'm sure, once they are at Layla's home, she will be happily let Kara borrow some cute outfits to fit better in. And her mommy will also be happy to help Layla's little friend^^ 1
SGTbaby Posted January 9, 2021 Posted January 9, 2021 Somehow I wonder if Kara is taking a one-way trip
Veggeto Posted January 14, 2021 Author Posted January 14, 2021 Once again thanks for the comments! Chapter four The door Layla and Ray went through closed with a bang. “Shall we?” Ed said as I stared at the door Layla and Ray went through. “Euhm, sure. Where is he taking Layla too?” I asked as Ed waived his badge near the door. The door opened with a little click and Ray went through. “I think it’s best if I showed you,” He said, holding the door open and gesturing for me to come in. The door closed with a little bang and I stood in what looked like a control room. Several monitors were standing on desks spread around the room. A big window was overlooking another room. A woman in a suit was standing in front of it, making a call. “This is our situation room,” Ed said, spreading his arms. “For what?” I asked, gawking my eyes out. “For situations like Layla,” Ed said with a little laugh, standing proud, arms now folded across his chest. “I thought this was the first time it ever happened?” I asked. “It is. We are a hope for the best, prepare for the worst, departement.” “So what is all this?” “This is where we are going to hold Layla for the foreseeable future and figure out how to get her back to her dimension.” “Wait, hold? Like a prisoner?” “KInda, it’s the best option for Layla, and for us. In here, there is everything Layla needs and hopefully wants. This way we can monitor Layla,” Ed said, walking towards the big window, keeping a few metres between us and the woman who was done with her call. I followed him and took my place next to him. The window overlooked a gigantic nursery, including crib, stuffed animals, rocking horse, and toys. There even hung a big TV on one of the walls. I saw Layla and Ed standing near the pile of stuffed animals. I looked around the situation room again to take in the whole picture and to take a quick look at the woman. She had long black hair and wore a grey suit, just like Ed and Ray, but more feminim. I heard Ed chuckle quietly from behind, I turned round to look at him. He pointed next to the big pile of stuffed animals. “Looks like Ray got the first diaper duty,” He said with a grin on his face. I saw Layla laying on something white, feet in the air. I saw that Layla was relaxed, maybe even happy. I couldn’t say the same about Ray, who looked displeased with the situation. ‘Is it only you three in here?“ I asked Ed, still looking at Layla and Ray. I occasionally took a quick glance at the woman. She had moved to the corner to one of the desks with a monitor on it and was typing like her life depended on it. “The others have been called. We don’t keep a lot of people staffed here for logical reasons,” He said. “Prepare for the worst huh?” I said sarcastically. “We try, keeping people staffed here with nothing to do would slink up our budget pretty fast,” Ed said without a hint of emotion. I nodded and saw Ray leaving the nursery, Layla quickly ran towards the pile of stuffed animals and jumped into it. Ray joined us in the situation room as I and Ray were turning away from the window. “Next time it’s your turn to change her diaper,” Ray said with an agitated look on his face. “And I hope it’s a messy one.” Ed laughed out loud. “Luckily I don’t have to worry about that,” Ed said. “The nanny is on her way.” “Lucky basterd,” Ray said under his breath. Ray looked around the room and spotted the woman sitting in the corner. Without a word to us he walked over to her. “A nanny?” I asked Ed. “Yup, like we say, prepare for the worst. A couple of months back we found someone who was willingly to become a nanny to a person like Layla,” Ed explained. “Is that really necessary?” I asked “I mean, she can change her own diapers and take care of herself. She went to college after all.” “Sure, but that wouldn’t do her stress levels any favors, and we want to have a good relation with her dimension. So we try to accommodate her kind as best as we can.” “That makes sense, I think,” I said with a little sigh, still wrapping my mind around the fact there is a whole other dimension. “Good,” Ed said, looking at me. “How about some water?” “Sounds good.” Ed walked over to a little closet that apparently was a fridge and fetched me a bottle of water. I took a few sips and screwed the cap on again. “Thanks,” I said, looking at Ray and the woman, who were talking quietly. ”So, who is that?” I asked, pointing at the woman. “That is my boss. Irene Esser” Ed said. “I thought you were in charge?” “Nonono, that would have been something. I can’t handle the stress that comes with her job,” Ed said, shaking his head. “How so?” “For one, she has to deal with me and Ray,” Ed chuckled. “And two, she has to deal with two dimension instead of one.” As if that was her que, Irene got up and walked over to where Ed and I were standing. “Kara Garcia, welcome,” Irene said. “My name is Irene Esser, I oversee this operation,” Irene continued, sticking out her hand. I took it and we shook a couple of times. “Ed was just telling me about you,” I said, looking up at her. Irene was at least a head bigger than me, even without her heels. “Is that so,” Irene said, looking at Ed. “I hope only good things.” “Of course,” Ed said with a smile. “Just the basics,” I said. “Good, so how are you holding up?” Irene asked, looking concerned. “I guess pretty good?” “No need to play it cool, discovering there is a whole dimension you never heard about can be quite bewildering. Let alone hearing about the kind Layla’s is from.” “It’s a hard pill to swallow,” I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “I can imagine. How about you and I talk, while Ed and Ray wait for the other personnel to arrive and set things up,” Irene said. I looked at Ed, who nodded slightly with a little smile. I guess I kinda signed up for this when I agreed to come with them. “Sure,” I said. “Thanks Ed, for the explanation so far,” I said to him. “No problem, good luck with the rest!” He said, walking over to Ray. “If you follow me,” Irene said, already walking at a brisk pace. I quickly caught up to her and walked in what I presume was her office. “Please, take a seat,” Irene said, gesturing towards a chair in front of her desk. I closed the door and took my seat, I took a few sips from the bottle and put it down on her desk. “I guess I will just start from the beginning,” Irene said as she sat down behind her desk. “Thanks, I don’t know if I remember everything Ray told me correctly,” I said. “A few years ago we stumbled upon another dimension, I will spare you all the details surrounding that, but that’s the gist of it,” Irene started. “It turned out, the other dimension was almost the same as ours. The beings were humanoid, they had technology, although they are farther ahead than we are, and spoke the same language. The real difference, besides the continents and of course world history, were the sizes of the inhabitants. Ranging from what we consider a normal height, to twice or even thrice bigger than us.” “But why diaper the small people? You don’t see us diapering people with dwarfism,” I interrupted Irene. She looked slightly annoyed before continuing her story. “Different culture, different mindset, different facilities. Their culture is driven by taking care of Littles, whether Littles want it or not. Their mindset is clouded by a big need to care for a Little, or have control over them. Their facilities are not built to include Littles. There are some Littles that live an independent life there, with their house our apartment adjusted for them. Outside of their living space, there are none of those things.” “That makes sense, somewhat,” I said, swallowing loudly. “Does it?” Irene asked with a curious look on her face. “A little, It’s still a lot to take in and wrap my head around,” I said, taking another sip from my bottle. “Understandable. Why don’t you ask me your questions? I am sure you have plenty,” Irene said. “Euhm, sure,” I stammered. “Well, how did you know to build your facility here? In this city?” I asked. “A very good question!” Irene said, clapping her hands together and giving me a big smile. “Sorry, we don’t have many visitors here, and the ones that do never ask the right questions. Anyway, why build it here? Because this is one of the so-called hotspots for portals between our world and theirs.” “I thought this was the first time something like this happened?” I asked uncertainly. “From ours to theirs, yes. The other way? No. This is the first time someone from their dimension has come to ours, that we know of. Anyway, there are a few places around the world where these portals pop up from time to time. So when we figured out where these portals were located, we built our facilities at those locations and waited,” Irene said calmly. I fidgeted a little with my bottle, trying to think of the next questions to ask. “So, how about, euhm our, people in their dimension, do they come back?” I asked. “We try to, but the organization from their dimension does not make it a priority to return our people to us. We don’t know the exact reason as to why, but we do have a few ideas.” “And those ideas are?” “They don’t want to return them. We figure that they don’t have many Littles to take care of and that they treat earth Littles, or portal Lilltes, as they call them, as a collectors item and therefore don’t want to return them. Or they can’t return them due to unknown effects of dimension travel,” Irene said. “That first reason is pretty messed up!” I said a little too loud. “Sure is,” Irene said calmly. “That is why we are glad we have Layla here. If she can get back to her dimension without any problems, that means it must work the same for our people. And don’t worry, we have every intention to get Layla back to her dimension and mother, we just hope we can get someone back in return,” Irene said, as if she was reading my mind. “I understand,” I said while nodding. “Very good, any more questions?” Irene asked. “Well, how did you know Layla was here? In our dimension I mean?” I asked. “Another good question, and the answer is simple, we screen every police report on a few key words,” Irene said while handing me a folder. I opened it and saw that a few words were highlighted. “I hope a computer does the screening,” I said, handing the report back to Irene. “Of course, people make mistakes, and the workload would be massive,” Irene said. I pondered on my next question a little, wondering if I should ask it at all. “So,” I started, “Why bring me into all of this?” I gestured around her office. “What about Gavin? Or the security guards?” Irene raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry about Gavin or the security guards, we have already handled that,” Irene stated. “As for you,” Irene continued. “You seem to have a good connection with Layla.” “We have only talked for a couple of hours, that’s all. Although I must say I grew rather fond of her in those few hours,” I said. “So we have noticed,” Irene said, grabbing another folder. Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. “What are you implying?” I asked bluntly. Irene opened the folder and scanned through it quickly. “Would you say that you care for Layla as if she was your little sister?” Irene asked without looking up from the folder. I was a little taken aback by her question. “Euhm, well, I guess?” I stammered. “Why?” “As Ed may have told you, we have a whole team standing by. Ready for a case such as Layla,” Irene said, looking up from the folder. “He did mention a nanny,” I said, feeling my hands getting sweaty. “Very good. We have a couple of more people on the way, soon the room you were just in will be filled with people, all with different tasks. We got a portal team, a dimension team, and a well being team,” Irene said. “A well being team?” I asked. “Yes, the nanny is a part of that team. We did have someone else, but she quit a few hours ago, and that is where you come in,” Irene said calmly and slid the folder to me. I immediately saw that it was a folder about me. It had my picture, my school and police information and where I lived. I quickly looked through it and stopped on a page that said *Internet History* I quickly looked at Irene again, who had her elbows on the table and hands folded in front of her. “What was this person supposed to do?” I asked, feeling my heart beating faster and faster ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The nursery was amazing! I looked around when I was done jumping in the pile of stuffies. The mattress on the changing table was thick and soft and the white bars of the crib slid sideways instead of up. I looked under the crib but only found the changing mat from earlier. I walked around the room to find even more stuffies and toys. Next to the crib was an enormous rocking horse, even bigger than the one I have at home! I decided to look around a little more before jumping on it. Apparently one of the walls was not a wall at all, it was one big closet. I slid it open and was greeted by lots of dresses and other clothes in all the colors I could imagine! I closed the closet again, leaving it for now and walked back to the rocking horse and jumped onto it. I slowly started rocking it, grabbing the handles tight. My diaper was squeezing underneath me. Why was it already wet? I didn’t have that much to drink these last few hours, besides the bottle mommy gave me. I slowly stopped rocking the horse and thought of mommy, if only she could see this place! We would have some much fun here! A single tear rolled down my cheek. I got off the rocking horse and slowly walked back to the seal. I sat down next to it and started hugging it softly. “I am glad I still have you,” I whispered, letting the pacifier drop from my mouth and closed my eyes. 11 1 1
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