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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Hi, yes, hello from CO


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Hi there! Just wanted to introduce myself and say hey. I've been into abdl for quite some time, but have never tried to connect or make friends with anyone in the community. I'm hoping to change that and find casual friendships with likeminded people. Apart from abdl related things, I enjoy video games(overwatch, monster hunter, kingdom hearts, etc), reading, doing my nails, yoga, going on walks, and bingeing shows on netflix lol.


Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe these days :)

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Hi and welcome to DD CatStack. Nice to meet you, and glad to have you join us. Yes, there are lots of great, likeminded people here. I’m sure you will enjoy time spent here. It’s always good, to have people who know what it’s like, and have been there, to hang with. So, come on in, adjust your diaper, relax, have fun, and enjoy! See you round!

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6 hours ago, Babyqtboy said:

Welcome, this is definitely the best place to be if, you know, like diapers or that sort of thing ?? 

What?? Nooo. Haha. What. I'm not into that sort of thing..

...Maybe a little...?

On 11/17/2020 at 1:39 AM, thickdiaperedbaby said:

Welcome! Fellow Colorado born and raised resident here! Hope that you're getting to enjoy thick diapers with our colder weather!

Thank you! I'm actually a transplant from another state, but I really love it here :) this is my first winter here and I'm loving it.

Met my gf here so I'm already feeling at home! Cant wait for covid to be over so I can meet more of the great people here :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Welcome to DD - I've been a member here for a year and change - People here are quite unique, and each of us has our reasons for joining, and each has an interesting story to tell.  Some of us like to post in the forums, some of us like to chat, and some of us prefer both. I also have been able to learn a lot from the members here.  There is a plethora of information within our forums, and there are very interesting things that you can find here.  I had been a lurker for 24 years myself, before having to deal with accidents, IBS, Diverticulitis and incontinence.  I have learned to deal with all of these, and accepted my need for diapers, because I have dealt with my CP (Cerebral Palsy) and realize that eventually, due to limited mobility that I will probably have to use them as I age, so I have accepted this, and use them now, and because of this, I understand what people go through as incontinence is more common than some people believe.

Many of us also hang out in chat - Feel free to stop by :)


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Hello and hugs welcome to D&D @CatStack, I am also just 8 months new and would like to tell you its a great place if you want to meet like minded people. I feel like Ive been here longer due to my wife. shes here close to 3 years and we cuddle up on weekends and read stories and forums and I'd sit and watch her have fun in chatroom for hours. I dont know if that was a slip, but I love doing my nails too while reading stories, and it passes the time so nicely. Hope to chat one day and get to know you. There are people here from everywhere and you will find it very comforting.

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