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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

ABDL on Reddit

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Found an interesting and funny abdl sub on Reddit. Full of memes related to the abdl and dl lifestyle. I've also learnt two valuable things from it. Always the bottom tapes first and, diaper sales will nearly always arise commensurate with the savings you have, i.e. when your savings are at their lowest, diapers will be on sale ?


I have nothing to do with this sub and only suggest it as entertainment r/abdl_irl

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I have never upvoted or posted on a porn or kink subreddit but I may need to make a sub account just for that subreddit. I have never lol'ed so long.

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16 minutes ago, square_duck said:

Is there a link???


I won't link it here cos it depends how you are accessing Reddit (Browser or app) Just go to Reddit and search r/abdl_irl

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Reddit is getting stricter on things like this, many ABDL subs have been banned and many probably will be banned in future, Reddit in my opinion has gone Rogue and can't be trusted since they change their rules sporadically and enforce them selectively. I've stopped using the site for these reasons and many others.


I wish you and others in the community good luck and I sincerely hope that you can continue to have a sub that you enjoy without Reddit banning/ruining it.

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8 hours ago, Aboo said:

 i.e. when your savings are at their lowest, diapers will be on sale ?

Truer words have not been spoken in quite a while. I know that every single time Bambino has a sale, it's right after my bills are paid, and I have no money left.

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As info, I post all of the memes I generate both there on Reddit and here on DailyDiapers in the ABDL Memes thread in the Scoop the Poop forum:  

So if you prefer not to go to Reddit, consider going to the post here on DailyDiapers instead.




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