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Foley Catheter

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 Your urologist will want to do some tests ie scope your bladder with a camera and do a retention test once done he can make the determination that a catheter is requited due to bladder retention. if you wesr a diaper 24/7 and are having multiple accidents a day you could request a catheter as your preferred method protection. 

If you do not have a medical issue chances are an urologist will not recommend a catheter due to the infection risks and the risk of scaring your urinary track with constant catheter insertions and removals. 

Just be open and honest with your urologist but don't be disappointed if he refuses to do so if its not in your best medical interest but he may be open to a trial run of a few months for you to try it instead of relying on a diaper to manage your ic issues all you can do is ask :) 







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Keep in mind also that they are available for mail-order on the internet without a Rx (yes, they say "Rx only").

You could wear them "AMA" or Against Medical Advice if you so chose to.  You would definitely need to know the two proper insertion methods:  "CLEAN" and "STERILE".  When I've inserted, I have used a modified hybrid of both methods, more on the sterile side but without the gloves and with as little handling of the catheter as possible.

They can be a bit expensive when purchased out-of-pocket without insurance.  Do you already use Foley catheters but you are trying to get them on Rx so they are covered by insurance?

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i do use them without medical advice, the reason because i sleep a lot better (not going to toilet every hour or so) also i can take fluid tablet when i have coffee early hours and it can do its job when i go back to bed that way i do not need to be available to toilet for an hour so in the mornings

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I have been playing with catheters for several decades.  Lately I have even successfully inserted a 28fr latex catheter with no problems at all.  The secret, other than being very sanitary, is to inject plenty of KY jelly up the urethra before inserting the cath.  That will make insertion much easier, and removal will not be nearly as painful, either.   The last time I tried this I did not even have any sign of blood.  When I urinated normally there was almost no pain at all.

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17 hours ago, bungeman said:

Which country u from ???

USA.  I know I can order them but I don't want my wife to know, so I'll have to order to a pickup somewhere.  Everytime I think about ordering some I get confused and chicken out.  I had a silicon reusable one that I think was too small, too short, and would get kinked up.  It caused alot of pain when my urine bypassed it, which also washed out any lube so it would hurt coming out.   Inserted it many times and was very careful to keep my hands as sterile as possible, no UTI, but lots of pain.  

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8 hours ago, Sarah_Hillcrest said:

USA.  I know I can order them but I don't want my wife to know, so I'll have to order to a pickup somewhere.  Everytime I think about ordering some I get confused and chicken out.  I had a silicon reusable one that I think was too small, too short, and would get kinked up.  It caused alot of pain when my urine bypassed it, which also washed out any lube so it would hurt coming out.   Inserted it many times and was very careful to keep my hands as sterile as possible, no UTI, but lots of pain.  

i am in Aust. and buy mine online but i live alone so no problem but would really like to meet a female who is into catheters also

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Inserted my first foley catheter in this evening.  14g with 30cc ballon.  I was very careful and clean, had a nice flow or urine then a spasm with some bypass.  I got the ballon inflated and I can't imagine having to live with this in, it's like I have to go so bad all the time, but can't.  Does that feeling eventually go away or do you just get used to it?  

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I have kept foley caths in for up to 6 weeks with total comfort. The use of 30cc balloon is not so usual. I have heard that bladder cramps are more likely with the larger balloons. If you persist, perhaps with 5 or 10cc balloon the body soon becomes accustomed. It's great to use a cath connected directly to a 2 litre night bag when sleeping. I cover the bag with a hot water bottle cover. Keeps my feet warm in winter.


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SO just a recap, I installed the catheter around 5:30PM and put on a dry diaper with stuffer.  It went in super easy, no pain at all, but the feeling of pressure in my bladder was very uncomfortable, especially when sitting or laying down.  Standing wasn't so bad.  Experienced several spasms trying to sit and lay.  Around 7 I drove to a park and took a walk for about 30 minutes.  Mostly comfortable walking but had a spasm when getting back into the car.   During the walk I realized that I was very wet, which was really strange considering that I had never wet.   That was kind of mind bending.  I realized that with a catheter in I should always have a change with me.  I had to go by Wal-Mart and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I really needed to get a couple items. 

I drank some more water after my walk and then spent 30 minutes in walmart, I had one spasm that froze me in the middle of an isle. I knew I should be in a hurry but I was just curious.  Near the end I could tell the diaper was sagging heavily in my shorts.  I got home and realized I had some very slight leaks.  I changed and spent some time around the house.  I also looked at some arousing images to see what would happen.  Getting erect with the catheter in was an intense feeling.  When I got up from my computer I was hit with a massive spasm that took my breath away.  I doubled over and nearly fell down.  At that point I deflated the balloon to just 10cc and spent some time, but had another spasm and decided it needed to go.   It was uncomfortable coming out, but not really painful.  Peeing was difficult and burned the first time, but the second wasn't bad. 

So the sensation of being truly diaper dependent was a trip, but the discomfort and spasms ruined it.  Might try again one day.

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Sarah the longer you leave it in place the less you will notice it. Same goes with the discomfort after removal. The more you do it the less it bothers you. The exception to the rule is if you go long periods between play time, like three months. Then its like all new again.

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23 hours ago, Sarah_Hillcrest said:

SO just a recap, I installed the catheter around 5:30PM and put on a dry diaper with stuffer.  It went in super easy, no pain at all, but the feeling of pressure in my bladder was very uncomfortable, especially when sitting or laying down.  Standing wasn't so bad.  Experienced several spasms trying to sit and lay.  Around 7 I drove to a park and took a walk for about 30 minutes.  Mostly comfortable walking but had a spasm when getting back into the car.   During the walk I realized that I was very wet, which was really strange considering that I had never wet.   That was kind of mind bending.  I realized that with a catheter in I should always have a change with me.  I had to go by Wal-Mart and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I really needed to get a couple items. 

I drank some more water after my walk and then spent 30 minutes in walmart, I had one spasm that froze me in the middle of an isle. I knew I should be in a hurry but I was just curious.  Near the end I could tell the diaper was sagging heavily in my shorts.  I got home and realized I had some very slight leaks.  I changed and spent some time around the house.  I also looked at some arousing images to see what would happen.  Getting erect with the catheter in was an intense feeling.  When I got up from my computer I was hit with a massive spasm that took my breath away.  I doubled over and nearly fell down.  At that point I deflated the balloon to just 10cc and spent some time, but had another spasm and decided it needed to go.   It was uncomfortable coming out, but not really painful.  Peeing was difficult and burned the first time, but the second wasn't bad. 

So the sensation of being truly diaper dependent was a trip, but the discomfort and spasms ruined it.  Might try again one day.

Those spasms are indeed the worst, if they don't get better after a day or 2 then it won't ever. I wore them with sterile drainage bags for 2 - 3 weeks each until it got more painful and I couldn't keep one in longer than a few days. I used catheters intended for 4  to 6 weeks with special coatings and silicone ones  but it didn't help 

After 4 months I had to stop. The spasms wouldn't  decrease even with medication 

It's important to let your body heal and recover when you had much discomfort with a catheter, not doing so will cause infection and damage over time.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/8/2020 at 10:06 PM, bungeman said:

How do i tell  Urologist that i wish to wear catheters permanently

You say, "Doctor, I'd like to wear catheters permanently." And you go from there. It might be a little embarrassing but how else are they going to know that you want to wear catheters permanently if you don't directly tell them?

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  • 1 month later...

Every 3 months or so my Urologist goes in with a scope, because I get recurring Bladder-polyps & those are usually (slow-growth) malignant. So those lead to a visit (with me out like a light) via a 27Fr Resectoscope. I wake up wearing a 20Fr Silicone  Foley & usually with no noticeable pain. Often my wee Mushroom-cap is tumescent without the shaft of my Peepee getting involved. Sometimes (independently of those 2 parts) the lips of my Peehole are blushing & pouting, apparently on a separate schedule. This Erectile-Diversity (E.D) fascinates me to no end--as does wearing such an intimately-attached leash! Thus far the longest I've worn one is 3 weeks (with no ill effects). More to come, probably, but not now! Best regards!

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