Elfy Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Thomas is a college student who is very low on cash. Overhearing a conversation one day provides him with a chance for what seems like easy money. Will the money be as easy as he hoped? What could be inside a supposedly abandoned building? --- This story instalment like all others I post was available one week ago to patrons on my Patreon page. Patrons get access to all story updates one week before everyone else can see it and they also get access to exclusive stories (At least a dozen of them available for $10 and above patrons) they can also get discounts to commissions, short stories written for them, images, a Discord server and more. If you would like to become a patron and help support my writing and allow me to keep up my schedule of posting once every four days then please head to my Patreon page where you can find out more information. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Haunted Nursery Ward By Elfy It was a cold winter’s morning as Thomas Jackson left his college and walked down the street towards an independent local coffee shop. Thomas was no coffee connoisseur but they gave out free water and cheap food which for a college student with no money to his name that was a big selling point. It was lunchtime and Thomas pulled his collar up against the bitter wind. The door to the coffee shop opened with the tinkling of a bell. It was quiet inside and combined with the smell of brewing coffee it felt very homely. There was a group of students at a table talking as Thomas walked past and up to the counter. “Hello, what can I get you?” The smiling girl behind the counter asked as Thomas approached. “Could I get a bagel and some of the free water?” Thomas asked as he looked at the display of delicious looking foods on and under the counter. The smell of this shop was enough to make his mouth water. “Of course.” The assistant said. She took a small plate and placed a bagel on it before filling a glass with cold water. She walked over to one of the few tables and placed the lunch down. “Thank you.” Thomas said as he sat down and took his bag off. It had been a tricky morning for the college freshman. His classes were really tough and he was having to work very hard just to keep up. It could be very stressful but this little lunch spot was a great place to unwind. “You are such a baby!” Came a loud male voice from a table nearby. Thomas looked up to see the group of students sitting at the nearby table. They were talking excitedly about something and Thomas couldn’t help but overhear their conversation, they were quite a rowdy group or at least a couple of them were. “Baby? I’m telling you that place is haunted!” Came another of the voices as the group laughed, “It’s creepy as fuck!” “He thinks it’s haunted!” One of the students loudly laughed, “There’s no such thing as ghosts.” “You spend the night there then!” The defensive guy said with a smile, “Sorry if I don’t want to get involved in some freaky shit.” “I’ve already spent a night in there.” The first guy said with some bravado. “Bullshit!” Another of the group replied loudly before they all started laughing again. Thomas was frankly a little annoyed that his quiet lunch spot had been taken over by the rowdy students that he hadn’t met before. He came to this little coffee shop to avoid crowds and noise. If he wasn’t so shy he would have asked them all to keep it down a little bit but he sat quietly and ate his bagel in silence. “Alright, so I haven’t spent the night there but so what?” The guy conceded, “I bet I could offer you $100 and you would still be too scared. In fact, I’ll do just that.” The mention of money got Thomas more interested and he looked up from his food to see one of the group pulling out his wallet. The guy was clearly quite well off since he pulled out $100 in cash and slammed it on the table. “I don’t know…” The scared guy seemed to be swayed a little by the money but he eventually shook his head, “No way, it’s not worth the risk.” “Risk!?” The guy scooped his money up again, “What risk? There’s no such thing as haunted houses!” “I’ll do it.” Thomas had spoken before he even thought about what he was doing. Thomas smiled shyly as all the heads at the table swivelled in his direction. They seemed to be looking at him with interest and Thomas felt even more uncomfortable than usual. “You’ll do it?” The guy holding the money asked. “Sure…” Thomas replied slowly and with a shrug, “I could use the money and like you said, it’ll prove it’s not haunted, right?” The person holding the money looked around at his friends with a smirk on his face. He seemed to be sizing Thomas up a little before nodding his head. “Sure. My name’s Sam by the way.” Sam said as he started scribbling something down on some paper, “Meet us at this address a little before eight this evening, OK?” “I’ll see you there… Oh, and I’m Thomas.” Thomas took the paper with the address and gathered up his things. He had finished his bagel so he drained his water and started making his way towards the exit of the café. “See you tonight.” Sam called after him. Thomas smiled and waved back as he walked away and back towards college. He would have to stop at the library after his classes had finished so that he could search the address and find out where he was supposed to go. This could be two strokes of good fortune for Thomas. This seemed like an easy way to make a little extra money which was something that he always struggled with and he may come out of it with something else he was sorely lacking in. Thomas had never made friends easily but with this group of people he had a chance to make a lot of friends at once. This was an opportunity that Thomas couldn’t afford to give up. --- When Thomas turned up at the address he saw the people from the café already there. He felt butterflies in his tummy but was unsure exactly why. He could see building he would be going into already, through the fence he could see an old and half-dilapidated one storey building that was at the end of quite a long path. The grass either side was overgrown and the old trees were without leaves. To the side of the building was a child’s play area. Once used by happy children it now appeared twisted and rusted. It was undeniably creepy in the darkness but Thomas had to remember that he had money waiting for him. Thomas kept repeating to himself that there was no such thing as ghosts and that it was just an old and empty building. “Thomas?” Sam called when he saw Thomas getting close. “Hi.” Thomas replied with a nervous smile. “All ready to go in?” Sam asked. He pulled the collar of his jacket up, it was starting to get cold now that night was descending. “I think so. When do I get the money?” Thomas asked. He saw Sam chuckle at his question. “Right down to business, eh?” Sam smiled, “How about I give you half now and half in the morning?” “Sure.” Thomas replied as he took fifty dollars from his possible friend. “Cool. Well, this is the building. It’s supposed to be an old nursery or children’s ward. I found some newspaper articles about it that you can read, it’ll be a boring night after all.” Sam chuckled, “Everyone around this area says it’s haunted but that’s bullshit. I want you to prove to everyone that there is nothing over there except an empty and abandoned house.” Thomas nodded and looked through the gate again. He started feeling increasingly nervous of what he was supposed to do and started wondering if he should back out. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all, it was cold out here, he couldn’t imagine it would be any warmer inside the broken down building. “I’ve got some things for you to take in.” Sam said as he reached into his bag. Thomas turned back and looked at Sam again. He wondered if his increasingly frightful feelings were showing on his face. He looked at the other people in the group and saw their smiling faces, were they just being friendly or did they know something that Thomas didn’t? “This is a wristwatch that doubles as a camera.” Sam said as he handed a small metal watch to Thomas, “It’s so you can record your whole time in there.” Thomas let Sam place the watch around his wrist and saw little holes on the side of the timepiece. He had no idea how a camera was fit in there but it must have been an expensive piece of equipment. “We’ve also got some bottles of water, some snacks and a flashlight.” Sam placed these items into Thomas’ backpack, “Do you have a cell phone?” Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out an old cell phone. It was so old that it wasn’t even a touchscreen, it was as far from a smart phone as you could find. The sight of it made the group giggle a little bit. “Did you find that in a museum?” Sam asked with a little shake of the head and a laugh, “Can it make calls?” “It receives them but it doesn’t make them.” Thomas blushed as he admitted his own poorness. “That’s perfect.” Sam said. His tone worried Thomas a little. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea…” Thomas said slowly as he looked at the building, “It might be private property or something.” “You’re not chickening out are you?” Sam’s voice was suddenly much harsher in tone. “N-No…” Thomas slowly stuttered. “Good, because if you’ve wasted our time tonight we won’t be happy about it.” Sam sounded threatening now. The whole feeling in the air was suddenly a lot more hostile, it was like a switch had been flicked. “I-It’s fine.” Thomas said, “It’s just an old building, right?” “Exactly.” Sam replied, “So, in you go and we will see you in twelve hours with the other half of your money.” Sam pushed the gate open and Thomas looked up the dark path with a gulp. Sam gave Thomas some old newspaper clippings and articles and then a little push to send him on his way. Thomas took a couple of steps into the darkened front yard and heard the gate creaking close behind him. He turned to see Sam looking at him. “See you in the morning.” Sam said. He waved and then walked away. Thomas flicked on the flashlight and pointed it up the path in front of him. He started walking slowly towards the old building and every step seemed to send a further shiver down his spine. To distract himself from his fears he held up the newspaper clippings in front of him and scanned the headlines. None of the headlines were very reassuring and Thomas had wished he had seen these before the gate had been closed. “People Missing in Strange Ward”, “Strange Noises Coming From East Wing, Experts Baffled”, “Things That Go Bump in the Night – Is Mystery Nursery Haunted?” The oldest clipping was about how the building had been shut down decades ago when it was found to be unfit to leave children at. It looked like there had been a lot of scandals surrounding what happened in there. Issues of staff cruelty and unfit living conditions. Those were just some of the headlines that Thomas scanned over as he walked up the path and towards the main building. He didn’t like what he read and each article only made him more fearful of what was to come, the building seemed more foreboding the closer he got. Thomas shivered as he reached the front door and gently pushed against it. He hoped that the door would be locked so he would have an excuse to turn back but the old wooden door creaked open on its rusted hinges. It almost felt like a relief to leave the outside behind but it was very much a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire. The inside of the building was a complete wreck. The main foyer had been torn apart over time and graffiti was etched all over the walls. Glass was strewn everywhere and plants had started taking over the building, it was dark but not pitch black and moonlight came in through several holes in the roof. Old plastic seats were cracked and faded, none of them seemed to have been saved from the ravages of time. Insects and spiders seemed to have taken over and there were webs in every corner. Thomas wasn’t fond of spiders but when he shined the flashlight around the room he didn’t see any creepy-crawlies. Thomas walked into the room and shone the light around but there was nothing there that shouldn’t have been. Thomas walked into the centre of the middle of the reception area and saw a hallway to the side, knowing that he was there for twelve hours he decided he should probably have a look around if for no other reason than to make sure there were no homeless people or anything around. “There’s no such thing as ghosts… There’s no such thing as ghosts…” Thomas repeated to himself out loud as he walked down the hallway. Vines twisted overhead and across the walls it partially obscured the hallway but Thomas still saw something interesting. On the walls, in between the vines, Thomas could see pictures that looked like they had been drawn by children. Crayons and bright colours covered white paper haphazardly and were signed by names of the children who had drawn them. Even though the pictures were entirely innocent in their subjects it somehow made the scary building even more foreboding. It was a scary juxtaposition between the spooky building and the seemingly happy drawings. Floorboards were creaking with every step and Thomas stopped a couple of times when he thought he had heard noises from the other end of the building. He spun around and scanned the area with his flashlight but saw nothing untoward. Thomas peered through the windows in the doors and saw old abandoned classrooms offices against one side of the corridor. Blackboards were still against the walls and encircled by vines that now framed them, the chalk writing was cracked and eerie. Desks sat in position as if waiting for the next day’s classes that Thomas knew would never come. It was actually quite sad. Along the other side of the hallway were a different set of doors. There doors had no windows and despite everything else in the building being broken they were still locked. There were clear spaces where signs had obviously been until somewhat recently. They were nowhere to be seen. Just as Thomas was starting to feel a little easier about where he was there was suddenly a loud crashing noise from further down the hallway. Thomas jumped almost out of his shoes and dropped his flashlight. He quickly bent over to pick it up and shone the light to the end of the hallway. Right at the end, the final door seemed to have a light shining out from under it. Thomas frowned, had the light always been there or did it just appear? “H-Hello?” Thomas called out nervously. There was no answer and Thomas wasn’t sure where he should go. Half of him wanted to go and see what was happening and the other half wanted to run away. He remembered the money and how much he needed it, it was the only thing stopping him from turning back and leaving immediately. “There’s no such thing as ghosts… There’s no such thing as ghosts…” Thomas continued to repeat to himself as he felt adrenaline flooding his body. Thomas was about to turn and head back into the main foyer when he suddenly realised what must be happening. Sam and his group of friends must have snuck in behind Thomas to play a prank on him. The crash must have been one of them knocking something over. “I know you’re there.” Thomas called out as he shined his flashlight on the door at the end of the hallway. He was hoping they would give themselves away by laughing or something. There was still no response so Thomas started walking down the corridor towards the mysterious light. As he reached the door he could see the glass was intact and had the words “Nursery – East Wing” stencilled on to it in old black paint. Unlike every other part of the building this door seemed to be functioning and clean. It almost looked new when compared with everything else around it, Thomas wondered how it had escaped the ravages of time when the rest of the building looked on the brink of collapse. Thomas slowly put his ear to the door but could hear nothing from inside. He slowly pulled on the handle and was surprised when the door opened quite freely, the light inside the room flooded the dark hallway and Thomas was left momentarily blinded.
sonofninasayers Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Wow this is such Great stuff, Please continue it
JustinDB87 Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 How suspenseful! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Eagle0769 Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 Great start. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Elfy Posted November 2, 2018 Author Posted November 2, 2018 Thomas has walked into the old building and started exploring but what he finds was the last thing he expected. His night in the ward appears to be just beginning. --- This story instalment like all others I post was available one week ago to patrons on my Patreon page. Patrons get access to all story updates one week before everyone else can see it and they also get access to exclusive stories (At least a dozen of them available for $10 and above patrons) they can also get discounts to commissions, short stories written for them, images, a Discord server and more. If you would like to become a patron and help support my writing and allow me to keep up my schedule of posting once every four days then please head to my Patreon page where you can find out more information. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 A big thank you to all my patrons: DannyDazzler, Joe, Jerry J, Conta, Mike S, Carter B, Dr. J, Paul F, Trish C, John D, Archibald B, Bojack D, John, Georgia C, Blipp, Duncan G, Jake W, Daniel, Jeffrey G, P, Joe, Tabbi, Anon, Kent J, Nick C, Brandon G, Py7_1986, Pat M, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Tim, Cless, Frank S, Scott S, John D, Pierre-David G, M, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Txdiapered, Kim, Chris, Dorian G, Ceneroz, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, Chris B, WillNotWill, Orion F, Tom H, Sterling W, Ryan, Jens B, Matthew S, Pierry L, VoidofContext, ReiofLight, James K, Lin J, Plus M, Orange, Joe V, Daniel O, Anne Mette B-H, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Eric D, Bruce D, Tim, Alice W, Sophie S, SB1275, John Z, BuffaloBill, Findlay, Rob, Bob S, Nathan, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben R, Ben F, Steven H --- Thomas stood to the side of the door and waited for his eyes to adjust to the new brightness. He blinked several times and was confused by what could be generating the light in such a rundown building. Even stranger was the noise he could suddenly hear within the room, it was loud enough that he would have thought he would have heard it even with the door closed. The general hubbub made it hard for Thomas to pick out any noises in particular but he thought he could hear young children. Remembering where he was and what this place had a reputation for made all of this very unsettling for the young man who now thought $100 wasn’t nearly enough to be doing this. To Thomas’ relief the door swung shut again and he decided that this wasn’t worth the money. He was scared out of his mind and it was time to run away and forget how stupid he might look to people watching. Maybe the other students had gone home and he could trick them into thinking he had been there all night in the morning. That was a problem for when the sun came up though, the first thing he had to do was get out. As soon as the door clicked shut Thomas hurtled back down the hallway and towards the front door as fast as he could. He skidded to a halt and watched a cloud of dust fly up in front of him. He stared wide-eyed in front of him to an impossible scene. “What are you doing out of your room?” Came a female voice from behind the reception desk. Thomas’ mouth dropped open as he looked at an impossible sight in front of him. A nurse who looked straight out of the 1940’s in a very traditional outfit, she had thick red lipstick on and her hair was up in a tight bun. She looked incredibly stern. The thing that most stood out about the nurse though was that she seemed so faded, almost translucent. It was as if she had appeared out of thin air. “I… I…” Thomas couldn’t formulate words as he looked around the room at large. As well as the nurse that was addressing Thomas directly there seemed to some other adults walking around. Men in three-piece suits and women in large dresses, it reminded Thomas of a period drama from television. Some were sat on chairs that had collapsed long ago and others were walking, or to be more precise floating, around the building. Everyone had the same translucent quality as the nurse and they all seemed to be aware of Thomas who found himself rooted to the spot. “I asked you a question.” The nurse continued. Thomas’ attention returned to the nurse just in time to see her float through the desk in front of her and up to Thomas. “I… I’m sorry. I’ll just be going.” Thomas stuttered and made a move towards the front door. His brain was struggling to figure out what he was seeing. Thomas walked past the nurse who was still coming towards him. He was repeating in his head “There’s no such thing as ghosts… There’s no such thing as ghosts…” But all of his senses were now telling him he was wrong. He could see and hear them, he could feel their presence as they glided through the air. These can’t be real people but that only left the option that Thomas desperately tried to avoid thinking about. When Thomas reached the front door he thought he was about to open it and escape but he felt a hand on both of his shoulders. Thomas stopped dead in his tracks, he had expected the strange people to be cold but they were warm to the touch. He turned to look at the two people who had stopped him and found himself staring at two tall men with the same ghostly characteristics as the nurse. Thomas looked at their faint blue uniforms and truncheons attached to their belts and gulped. They were each at least a foot taller than Thomas and they looked down at him with menace. “Bring him back to the nursery.” The nurse ordered from the centre of the room. “Nursery!?” Thomas exclaimed, “Look, I think- Hey!” Thomas was cut-off as one of the large burly guards lifted him off the floor. Despite their translucent state they lifted Thomas with ease and he felt almost like he was floating in the air. He started kicking but his feet didn’t connect with anything and he watched as he was carried away from the main lobby and towards the hallway he had just left. “Stop!” Thomas shouted causing the ghostly apparitions to look his way, “I don’t know what’s happening!” Neither the nurse nor the guards seem to be taking any notice of Thomas as he tried to wriggle free. Thomas couldn’t loosen the guards grip and they seemed unperturbed by his complaining, they didn’t seem to hear him at all. None of the other ghostly figures in the lobby seemed to care about the man now being carried off down a hallway and deeper into the building. The doors that Thomas had ran away from minutes ago now burst open as one of the guards pushed roughly against it. Thomas was carried into the brightly lit room and seemed to have no control over anything that was being done, he was looking backwards over the guard’s shoulder and couldn’t see what was in the room. As Thomas was carried away from the door he saw colourful wallpaper and toys on the floor. The carpeted floor looked immaculate and none of this made any sense to Thomas. He looked at the colourful alphabet that ran around the room halfway up and wondered how this room could look so good when everything else was ruined. It was as if the building had never been closed down. “What’s happening!?” Thomas yelled at the ghostly nurse who was following them down the hallway. There was no reply. The guard’s carried Thomas into the room further and he was forcibly laid down on a long table. Thomas tried to struggle and shout but nothing was having any effect on the strange beings, he wondered if anyone outside of this building could hear him. Would anyone come to help if they could? “What is he wearing?” The nurse appeared at the foot of the table. It seemed like she just appeared suddenly. “I don’t know ma’am.” The guard replied. He had a thick accent and compared to the nurse it was clear he had a rougher upbringing. “Well cut it off.” The nurse waved her hand dismissively, “If parents won’t dress their infants properly I’ll do it for them.” “Infant!? Cut it off!?” Thomas exclaimed loudly as he looked around at the ghost staff around him, “I’m an adult! My name is Thomas, I don’t know what the fuck is going on!” “Such a mouth as well.” The nurse looked scandalised, “Fortunately we know how to properly train our little ones to be respectful.” Thomas couldn’t understand what was happening and when a new nurse appeared above his head he couldn’t react in time as a big rubber bulb was pushed between his teeth. Thomas went to spit it out but was held to his head by a leather strap that wrapped around his head. The rubber was pulled closer as the leather strap was tightened. Thomas’ eyes went wide as he realised he was being gagged by a pacifier. Was this what they did to kids in the past? Was this why they were closed? As Thomas mumbled around the rubber bulb he felt the guards pull his arms and legs so that he was laying down and stretched out on the long table. He wondered what was about to happen but when he saw the nurse from the foot of the table walk to the side of him with a large pair of scissors he started violently shaking his head. The metal blades got closer and closer to Thomas and he instinctively looked away and winced. Tears fell from his eyes as he expected pain at any second. Instead, Thomas heard a cutting noise and felt his clothes loosening, he looked back at the table tentatively and saw his clothes fall away from him leaving him naked on the table. Thomas gasped around the soother as he watched his clothes fall away leaving him open to anyone who cared to look. He felt so small and vulnerable to be lying there like that. “Stop!” Thomas tried to yell but the pacifier muffled his words and turned them into incomprehensible gibberish. Thomas looked up at the guards pleadingly but they seemed to be enjoying their job. They were smiling at each other as the nurse pulled off the stricken man’s shoes leaving him naked and afraid. “I’m not having this…” The nurse pointed down at Thomas’ crotch. Thomas had no idea what she meant and he was very afraid he was about to find out. Thomas had tears obscuring his vision and despite pulling with each of his limbs he couldn’t move. Whoever these people were, they had him trapped and there was nothing he could do about it. The more he pulled against their grip and didn’t move the more desperate he felt. The nurse walked away from the table and Thomas thought that perhaps the nightmare was over but she soon returned with a towel, a washcloth and a bowl that seemed to be full of water. Thomas yelped as the towel was slid underneath his butt, he saw the bowl get set down next to him and the nurse pulled out a glass bottle of something. Yet again Thomas started trying to shout for help but it was useless. There was no one to help him and he would’ve had a better chance to escape if he was strapped down such was the strength of the apparitions. Thomas watched with wide eyes as the nurse poured some of the mysterious liquid on her fingers. It was strange, Thomas saw the liquid come out of the bottle and hit the floor with a splat as if the translucent woman wasn’t there but when the nurse rubbed her hands together it was clear there was lotion on them. With a gasp Thomas watched the nurse lean over the table and apply the lotion to his most sensitive area. He could feel the thick cold liquid rubbed into his skin all over his crotch. He cried harder and went scarlet underneath the pacifier gag. This was humiliating and terrifying! Thomas nearly fainted when he saw the nurse pull out a razor and start leaning down towards his private areas. He instinctively tried to move away which caused the apparition to look at him with impatience. “Stop wriggling, baby.” The nurse said as she held the razor up, “We wouldn’t want to slip and make this little boy into a little girl.” As the guards and nurse laughed Thomas used all his powers of concentration to override the instinct to try and move away from the blade. He felt the sharp metal press against his skin and then scrape down. Thomas didn’t dare look as the nurse pulled his genitals this way and that to rid him of his pubic hair. After a couple of minutes the nurse pulled away and gathered her things. As she returned the shaving equipment to a drawer Thomas looked down to see his now hairless groin. He blushed as more tears fell but no one seemed to notice or care. He looked smooth and hairless, just like a baby. Thomas was scared and crying through his pacifier as the nurse floated back over with a bottle of lotion and some kind of thick cloth. He struggled again but the guards had no problem holding him still as the nurse squeezed some lotion on to his crotch. Thomas’ face went as red as a London bus as the lotion was rubbed into his groin by the translucent nurse. Much to his embarrassment he found himself getting slightly aroused at the soft touching but it seemed to have no effect on whoever these people were. Thomas tried to scream through the gag but the only noise he could make was a useless muffled mumbling. The cloth was expertly folded by the nurse and slid underneath Thomas. He could feel the softness underneath his rear end as the cotton material hugged to Thomas’ butt. He shook his head uselessly as he tried to deny what was happening as being impossible. Thomas very belatedly realised he was being diapered and he couldn’t believe this was reality, this must surely be a terrible nightmare. Could it be a prank? Thomas thought as tears fell from his eyes. He imagined the group of friends busting into the room and laughing at him but surely this was too elaborate for a joke. He didn’t know if it was more unlikely that this was a very twisted joke or that these really were paranormal beings. “Hush little baby don’t say a word…” The nurse began gently cooing at Thomas and softly singing a nursery rhyme in her gentle voice. It was as if she was trying to soothe a cranky toddler. Despite how upset he was Thomas couldn’t help but calm down a bit as he heard the ghostly song. He couldn’t explain why but he felt himself relaxing as the diaper was folded and finally pulled up between his legs. The cloth diaper tightly hugged his crotch as the nurse expertly affixed it to the young man. It fit perfectly and Thomas whined as he felt the cotton brush against his sensitive and newly hairless crotch. Thomas didn’t look down as this happened, he was just too embarrassed by what was going on but he felt the cloth diaper get pulled even tighter as a couple of large safety pins went through the cloth and pinned the diaper to his hips. “Nearly done, little one.” The nurse said as she walked away from the table again. Thomas wondered what more she could possibly have planned as he was still held against the table. He didn’t like the feeling of this diaper, he hated the way it stuck to him no matter how he moved and it felt hot and sweaty. He imagined family or friends seeing him right now and he felt a strong shame come over him. When the nurse returned less than a minute later she was holding a pair of translucent soft pink plastic pants. Thomas didn’t immediately recognise them but as they were pulled up his legs he realised they were waterproof and designed to prevent leaking. They seriously planned for him to use the diaper. Thomas shook his head and told himself that there was no way he would ever do that. Thomas had thought that when the guards moved their hands to get the pants on that he might have a chance to fight back but they never relinquished their grip. The pink plastic simply passed through their ethereal wrists as the nurse pulled them up and over the thick diaper hugging Thomas’ waist. “He’s yours now boys.” The nurse said to the guards with a thin-lipped smile. The guards let out barks of laughter as they sat Thomas up on the table. They made sure he couldn’t climb down but at least Thomas had some freedom of movement now. The plastic pants crinkled exceptionally loudly as he moved and he could barely believe he was wearing a diaper. He wanted to rip the diaper off as fast as possible. “Welcome to our nursery.” The nurse said with a hint of menace.
Elfy Posted November 11, 2018 Author Posted November 11, 2018 Thomas is having a bad time inside the building he had thought was empty. Now under the control of some strange beings he is trapped and forced to do whatever they want. --- This story instalment like all others I post was available one week ago to patrons on my Patreon page. Patrons get access to all story updates one week before everyone else can see it and they also get access to exclusive stories (At least a dozen of them available for $10 and above patrons) they can also get discounts to commissions, short stories written for them, images, a Discord server and more. If you would like to become a patron and help support my writing and allow me to keep up my schedule of posting once every four days then please head to my Patreon page where you can find out more information. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 A big thank you to all my patrons: DannyDazzler, Joe, Jerry J, Sith, Jack C, Fernando L, Conta, Mike S, Carter B, Dr J, Paul F, John D, Archibald B, Bojack D, John, Georgia C, Blipp, Duncan G, Jake W, Daniel, Jeffrey G, P, Joe, Tabbi, Anon, Kent J, Nick C, Brandon G, P74_1986, Pat M, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Tim, Cless, Frank S, Scott S, John D, Pierre-David G, M, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Txdiapered, Kim, Chris, Dorian G, Ceneroz, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, Chris B, WillNotWill, Orion F, Tom H, Sterling W, Ryan, Jens B, Matthew S, Pierry L, Trish C, Wet, Curiosity24, Peter C, VoidofContext, ReiofLight, James K, Lin J, Plus M, Orange, Joe V, Daniel O, Anne Mette B-H, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Eric D, Bruce D, Tim, Alice W, Sophie S, SB1275, John Z, BuffaloBill, Findlay, Rob, Bob S, Nathan, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben R, Ben F, Steven H --- Thomas was still sobbing and shook his head again but it did little good as the nurse just faded away in front of him. He reached his hands out not through any belief that she would help but through the hope that she might give him some desperately needed answers. “Making it easy for us, eh?” The guard behind Thomas growled. Thomas didn’t have a chance to react or even see what was happening when a large and thick white coat was brought down in front of his face. His arms were fed into the strange garment and he soon found that his arms had very little freedom, Thomas realised he couldn’t move his arms away from his body. The jacket was pulled tight against Thomas’ body and his arms criss-crossed his chest. He couldn’t push the jacket off as he felt buttons and straps down the back of the jacket being put in place and tightened. With every single restraint Thomas felt his freedom slipping away, the coat restricted his movement completely. Thomas was sobbing as he uselessly tried to twist and turn. The straitjacket held Thomas in place and he was more helpless than ever as the last restraints were closed and the jacket hugged his body tightly. Thomas was still struggling but was starting to tire and was getting no closer to freeing himself. The guard behind Thomas grabbed the young man’s shoulders with his cold and ghostly fingers. Thomas was forced backwards until he was lying down on his back and looking up at the ceiling, without his arms he felt so much more vulnerable to the guards and he had no way of even attempting to stop them from doing what they wanted. It was scary to be at the mercy of things that seemed to have no compassion. The final strap was now fastened closed between Thomas’ legs. Thomas felt his diaper get pushed up towards his body as the last strap was tightened a little bit. The diaper bulged out either side of the strap and the plastic pants crinkled loudly in protest at being squeezed as it was. Thomas was now completely at the mercy of the guards and had no way of defending himself. The guard behind Thomas walked down to his feet where the other guard was. They were grinning down at Thomas in a sick kind of way. He wanted to shout at them and demand his release but he couldn’t do anything with the pacifier in his mouth. The guards each grabbed one of the sobbing boy’s bare ankles and pulled him roughly off the end of the table. Thomas fell to the floor and landed with a thump on his back. The two orderlies still had hold of his legs that were up in the air as Thomas slowly got dragged towards the door back to the corridor. The door was opened and Thomas was pulled through into the hallway again. Thomas’ eyes flew wide open as he looked at the hallway he was being dragged through. Everything had changed and instead of a broken down old building he saw a clean hallway with fresh paint on everything. The smell of damp was gone to be replaced by fresh air and the distinct smell of baby products. It was no longer dark with a flashlight required to see anything, now it was brightly lit and the eerie silence had been replaced by the sounds of lots of children and adults, it sounded very busy. Thomas was confused but as he was dragged along he looked to the side and saw some doors all marked with the worrying words “Special Restraint Room”. Thomas could hear sobbing coming from inside the rooms he was pulled past and he re-doubled his efforts to escape. None of this made any sense to the terrified young man and he wondered what the hell was going on. This couldn’t be a prank anyone could pull off but there was no way this could be real. Had Thomas just gone crazy? “Settle down back there.” One of the guards growled. A door was opened along the corridor and Thomas was dragged inside. The room was completely empty except for a light dangling from the ceiling and thick padding against all of the walls. Thomas was taken to the centre of the room where the guards finally let him go, he climbed to his feet and backed up against the back of the small room. He looked at the guards in horror. “You’ve been a bad little boy.” One of the guards said, “You will have to wait in here until the nurse thinks you will be well-behaved.” The other guard laughed and Thomas felt a flash of anger and desperation across his mind. He acted on impulse and charged forward to try and push his way past the guards who blocked the door, he thought that if they really were ghosts he would be able to pass straight through them. Thomas gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as he put his shoulder down and ran. He felt himself hit something solid and he bounced back into the room and on to the floor. “Big mistake!” The guards exclaimed in unison. A leather belt appeared in one of their hands and Thomas feared they were about to beat him. One guard advanced and grabbed the young man’s legs, he pushed them closed with his strong grip as the other guard wrapped the belt around Thomas’ legs. The belt was pulled tight and fastened together leaving Thomas stuck on the ground without use of his arms or legs. Thomas looked up through tearful eyes as he saw the orderlies leaving the room and closing the door. He wriggled like a worm but had no use of his limbs, all he could do was helplessly writhe around on the floor of the padded room. He started loudly sobbing as he heard the door lock and he was left completely alone and afraid. --- Thomas didn’t remember falling asleep. The last thing he remembered was wriggling around on the floor for what felt like hours as he tried to find a way out of the secure room. He must have drifted off from exhaustion though because the next thing he knew he was opening his eyes whilst laying in the corner furthest from the door. It took the bound and gagged Thomas a few seconds to remember where he was and what was going on. He had no idea how long he had been there or what time of night it was. He felt a need for the bathroom but there was no way he was going to wet his diaper. Was there still a chance this was a dream? Thomas’ hopes were low. Thomas writhed along the floor impotently again. He was sweating from the effort of moving himself without his limbs and he cried fresh tears as he looked to the door begging for someone to come save him. He felt humiliated but he would eagerly accept more embarrassment if it meant being saved from this padded cell. The need for the toilet grew steadily more desperate. Thomas found himself struggling to hold his bladder even as he laid still on the ground. The urge to urinate grew and grew until it dominated his whole mind. He laid on the floor and mentally begged for the toilet, he was practically hallucinating that there were toilet in the room with him. Just as it seemed like Thomas would have no choice but to wet himself like a baby he heard the sound of the door unlocking. He rolled himself around so he could see the doorway as the guards looked in. It looked like they were about to close the door again. “Mmmm!” Thomas mumbled around his gag. He felt drool rolling down his chin as he inched forward towards the door. “What?” The guard grunted. “MMM!” Thomas tried desperately to communicate his need for the toilet. He was so desperate to pee that it was even overriding his want to escape at that moment. The guards walked into the room and looked down at the floor where Tommy was laying prostrate. One of the guards kneeled down and pressed the cloth diaper up into Thomas’ crotch, he poked and prodded with his fingers and then looked Thomas in the face. “I think I know the problem.” The kneeling guard said, “He’s still dry. I’m guessing he is desperate, is that right?” Thomas nodded furiously. His wide eyes and red face straining to let the orderlies know that he was desperate for the bathroom. “Oh! Why didn’t you say so?” The standing guard said to Thomas with a harsh laugh. Thomas watched as the guard raised his foot and slowly placed it on Thomas’ lower tummy. The whole area was feeling very sensitive from his need for the bathroom and when the guard applied a small amount of pressure with his foot he felt the need to go increase sharply. It pushed Thomas’ ability to control his bladder past its limits. A sudden and hot spurt of pee shot out of Thomas and into the cloth padding. The floodgates were broken and Thomas felt himself helplessly wetting himself like an infant, his full bladder emptied and soaked the diaper taped around his waist. He absolutely soaked himself without control and he thought the diaper would leak for sure but it seemed to soak up every drop until Thomas finally stopped. “That did it.” The kneeling guard said with a laugh as he felt the heat burst all over the diaper. The guard withdrew his hand whilst shaking his head. “I’ll go get the nurse.” The standing guard said. Thomas was crying around his pacifier as the guard left the room leaving him with the one guard that was kneeling by his crotch. “Don’t cry, little one.” The guard said, “It’s all just normal procedure. The nurses are doing this so you grow into a strong young man.” Thomas shook his head uselessly. He already was a young man, whatever was happening here made no sense and he was still couldn’t believe that this could be reality. Straitjackets, wet diapers, restraints… He could see why it had been shut down but that didn’t explain anything about what was happening now. The guard returned with a nurse after half a minute. Thomas had hoped to be taken out of his restraints but when he saw the items the guard carried he knew he would be disappointed. He tried to wriggle away but with so little ability to move his limbs he wasn’t going anywhere quickly, the now soaked diaper pressed against him as he tried to roll away. “Easy there.” The guard said as he stopped Thomas with a single hand. He reached over with his other hand and swiftly removed the belt that had been holding Thomas’ legs together. Thomas felt the ghostly guard’s cold hand and he froze. His ankles were shackled either end of a long bar that spread his legs wide open. He was just as immobile as before and he sobbed as the nurse began moving towards him with a new cloth diaper and pair of plastic pants. The guard’s final act was to undo the straitjacket strap that went between Thomas’ legs. “We can do this this the easy way or the hard way.” The nurse said as she got closer. Her hair seemed to float behind her a little bit as if she were swimming in the air. Thomas didn’t know how things could be any harder than they were now but with guards close by on either side of him he didn’t dare try to move. He understood the threat, if he tried to resist they would find a way to make this even more unpleasant for him. The nurse crouched down between Thomas’ splayed legs and ran her pale white hand over the plastic pants. The diaper inside was still very warm and she smiled at Thomas, it was a victorious smile as if this wet diaper proved everything she had been thinking since she first appeared. The plastic pants had poppers down the sides and they now came undone as the nurse pulled them away. The soggy cloth pooled around Thomas’ crotch and the heavy mass pressed against his genitals, the warm liquid that had yet to soak in ran around his genitals and to the bottom of the diaper. Thomas forced himself to lay still as the nurse started to unpin the safety pins that had been holding the diaper up. He was practically shaking as he felt the front of the soggy cloth lower down and get pulled away. He was very red in the face from embarrassment but also from the effort of keeping himself as still as possible. Thomas jumped a little when he felt a cold washcloth get pushed between his legs as he was rather roughly cleaned. He stole a glance to the side to see the guards sneering down at him, there were so many questions floating around Thomas’ head that he felt paralysed. Did they really see him as a baby? Did they treat babies like this? Why did these diapers fit him? Who were these people? There were so many questions that were going unanswered that Thomas felt lightheaded, it was as if the very absurdity of this entire situation was causing the young man’s head to spin. He hoped this was a nightmare he would suddenly wake up from. When the washcloth was removed a new diaper was placed underneath Thomas’ rear end and he was forced roughly into the air a little so the nurse could correctly position the baby pants. He felt the dry cloth underneath him and he was pleased to feel dry padding after his short run in with the wet diaper. It was a small improvement to a dire situation. Thomas looked at the nurse as she reached into her pocket for something. He couldn’t quite see what she pulled out, only that it was two small objects that she placed on the open diaper. Thomas laid his head back down in resignation and just hoped that it would all be over soon. “Just relax for me…” The nurse said softly.
Elfy Posted November 21, 2018 Author Posted November 21, 2018 Thomas' ordeal continues as he experiences a spooky night with the strange ghosts in the wards. How will his story end? --- This story instalment like all others I post was available one week ago to patrons on my Patreon page. Patrons get access to all story updates one week before everyone else can see it and they also get access to exclusive stories (At least a dozen of them available for $10 and above patrons) they can also get discounts to commissions, short stories written for them, images, a Discord server and more. If you would like to become a patron and help support my writing and allow me to keep up my schedule of posting once every four days then please head to my Patreon page where you can find out more information. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 A big thank you to all my patrons: DannyDazzler, Joe, Jerry J, C Dom, Ali T, Sith, Jack C, Fernando L, Conta, Mike S, Carter B, Dr J, Paul F, John D, Archibald B, Bojack D, John, Georgia C, Blipp, Duncan G, Jake W, Jeffrey G, P, Joe, Tabbi, Anon, Kent J, Nick C, Brandon G, P74_1986, Pat M, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Tim, Cless, Frank S, Scott S, John D, Pierre-David G, M, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Txdiapered, Kim, Chris, Dorian G, Ceneroz, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, WillNotWill, Orion F, Tom H, Sterling W, Ryan, Jens B, Matthew S, Pierry L, Miss Amy W, Joe B, Trish C, Wet, Curiosity24, Peter C, VoidofContext, ReiofLight, James K, Lin J, Plus M, Joe V, Daniel O, Anne Mette B-H, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Eric D, Bruce D, Tim, Alice W, Sophie S, SB1275, John Z, BuffaloBill, Findlay, Rob, Bob S, Nathan, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben R, Ben F, Steven H --- Thomas had no idea what she was saying since he was already laying down as relaxed as he could be in this situation. He wondered why the nurse was taking her time changing his diaper. He was just about to look down to see if he could see what was happening when he felt a sudden pressure on his backdoor. With a gasp Thomas jumped as the nurse pushed something inside him and followed that with another of the objects. She pushed them deep inside Thomas despite his wriggling and muffled protests. She held her finger inside Thomas’ delicate ring for a few seconds, clearly she was making sure he didn’t push them back out immediately. “Keep them in there for me, OK?” The nurse said in soothing tones, “Or I’ll have to come back with an enema.” Thomas wanted to push the little bullet shaped objects out. They felt like invaders in his body but the threat of an even more invasive procedure caused Thomas to clench as he felt the nurse removing her finger. The front of the diaper was pulled up and over Thomas’ crotch. His pleasure organs were soon covered by the thick cloth of the new diaper. Maybe it was Thomas’ imagination but this diaper seemed even thicker than the first. Thomas found it very hard to concentrate with the objects in his rectum. He knew now that they must be suppositories and he knew what they were designed to do. The nurse pulled out a pair of translucent clear plastic pants and slipped it under the diaper. She pulled the front up just like the diaper and then popped the sides closed. The partially see through plastic pants hugged the diaper tight and pulled it closer to the crotch. This pair made him feel even hotter and sweatier than the previous ones. When the nurse had poked and pulled at the pants a little bit she declared herself happy with the fit and stood back up with the balled up used diaper. The guards replaced the spreader bar with the old belt holding Thomas’ legs together and they started to leave the padded room. Thomas writhed on the ground in an attempt to follow them and to get out the door before it was locked but he barely got halfway across the room before he was alone again. As he panted on the ground from his exertions he felt a deep rumbling inside his bowels. He cringed as he knew what would be happening sooner or later. There was nothing for Thomas to do except wait for the inevitable. He sobbed quietly as the rumbling grew in ferocity and a pressure soon started pushing against his sphincter. He had crawled up to the door and banged against it with his head but no one was coming to help him, he was alone and trapped in a nightmare. Almost without warning Thomas was overcome by cramps that wracked his body. His intestines had soaked up the suppositories and were now itching to expel all of his waste, his body didn’t care where he was or what his situation was like. Thomas fought the feelings of desperation off until he couldn’t fight any more. Exhaustion started to overcome Thomas as he felt a sudden squirt out of his rear end. He gasped around the gag but he couldn’t stop the inevitable now, poop continued to seep out of Thomas’ clenched body until with a loud muffled cry he relaxed and felt his diaper suddenly expand outwards as he uncontrollably soiled himself. It just seemed to keep coming as he filled his diaper and every time he thought he was done he would feel another cramp force him to push again. He was red in the face and grunting from the effort and by the time he was done pooping himself he was face down on the floor and panting, sweat dripped from his brow. Exhaustion overcame Thomas and he suddenly felt unable to keep his eyes open. He looked to the door to see it open but instead of a nurse and guards he simply saw a bright light, Thomas briefly wondered if he was dying. He couldn’t keep his eyes open and his heavy eyelids eventually forced him to lay his head down and fall into a deep sleep. --- When Thomas finally felt the strength to open his eyes he could tell immediately that everything was different. He was lying on the floor still but all his restraints were gone, almost automatically he reached behind him but there was no messy diaper, Thomas was relieved to find his own clothes and bag. Slowly sitting up, Thomas looked around at the room and saw a dilapidated building that seemed to be dangerously falling apart. Sunlight was shining through a hole in the wall and the door that had kept him locked in was now off its hinges and lying on the floor. It was as if the previous night had never happened, it was very disorientating for the man who felt like he had been in a messy diaper and straitjacket just seconds ago. Thomas checked his watch to see that it was 8am. It had been twelve hours since he had stepped into this place, Thomas couldn’t remember a thing after he messed the diaper though. He slowly stood up and picked his bag up off the floor, he looked around and saw no signs of any activity. The nursery room was just as broken down and empty as everything else and Thomas shivered in the early morning coldness. Thomas leaned out through the doorway and cautiously looked for anyone or anything unusual. The building was silent and falling apart just like when he had first entered the previous night. With aching limbs, Thomas walked out into the main reception area which was exactly how he remembered it the previous night before all the spooky happenings. He didn’t waste any time hanging around this cursed place. He was sure no one would ever believe him if he told them what had happened, he wasn’t sure he even believed himself. Thomas pushed open the front door and hurried away from the haunted house as he ran down the path back out on to the street. He had expected to see Sam and his friends waiting for him but they weren’t there. He wondered what he would have said had they been present, Thomas couldn’t explain anything that had happened inside that building. Thomas only had one thought and that was to get as far away from here as possible. He quickly worked his way back to his student accommodation hoping that his nightmare was over. He didn’t stop until he was safely back in his room and when he finally sat down on his bed he sighed with relief. Despite his tiredness Thomas knew he had classes to prepare for. He wanted nothing more than to lay down in his bed but he knew he couldn’t afford to miss any lectures. Thomas had no choice but to change into some fresh clothes and head back out. “What the fuck…” Thomas exclaimed as he opened his bag with the intention of putting his books in. Thomas reached in and, with shaking hands, he pulled out a pacifier gag. He looked at it for a second before being overcome by fear and throwing it across the room. It didn’t make sense, if last night had been a nightmare or something where had that pacifier come from? Who had put it in the bag? Quickly filling his bag with books and leaving the room Thomas didn’t look back as he walked to college with an unshakeable feeling of nervousness. Thomas made it to his classes that morning but it was pointless for him to be there. His entire mind was consumed by the previous night and he just couldn’t get it out of his head. He pictured the ghosts and the diapers and when the professor dismissed the class Thomas realised he hadn’t heard a word of what was said. When lunch time rolled around Thomas made his way towards the quiet café that he liked. He knew there was a chance he might run in to Sam there but that was fine with him because he wanted answers about everything that had happened. The bell on top of the door rang as Thomas pushed his way in and he saw no other customers in the whole shop. He walked up to the counter and ordered a glass of water and a small donut before sitting down in his usual seat. He looked at where Sam and his friends had been sitting and was lost in thought. He must have sat motionlessly for quarter of an hour. “Penny for your thoughts?” The young café worker smiled at Thomas. “Oh, sorry. Just had a weird night.” Thomas replied as he broke out of his trance. “Not a problem.” The waitress said, “Need a refill?” “Yes please.” Thomas said. The waitress took his glass away and brought it back with a top up of water. She placed it on the table and began to walk away. “Oh, erm, excuse me?” Thomas said causing the waitress to turn around, “Have you seen the group that I was talking to over on that table before?” “Group?” The waitress replied in confusion, “I’m afraid we haven’t had a group in here at lunchtime in a while, business has been slow.” The colour drained from Thomas’ face as he thought about what the waitress was saying. He looked over to the table again as if expecting Sam to be there, he stood up and shook his head as if in shock. His brain was telling him to leave and he started walking towards the door without another word, his mouth hung open. “Leaving your mess behind?” The waitress’ voice was suddenly colder and older, “That’s just like a baby.” Thomas slowly turned his head and where the waitress had been standing he now saw the tall ghostly figure of the nurse. He felt himself freeze in sheer terror, a coldness came over him except for the crotch where he felt a sudden warmth. Thomas looked down at his pants and belatedly realised he was wetting himself. The nurse smiled cruelly and began walking towards the student who finally got his limbs to obey his commands. He opened the door and ran down the street away from the café. He didn’t care that people were pointing and laughing at his wet pants, all he wanted to do was get away from his ghostly tormentor. Without breaking his stride until he got back to his apartment and giving a lot of people a laugh at his expense Thomas hurried up the stairs to his room. He ran straight into his dormitory and closed the door behind him, he slumped down on to the floor panting heavily. He wondered if he would ever get away from this madness. “I think I owe you $50.” Sam’s voice came from Thomas’ bed. Thomas suddenly jumped back to his feet to see Sam lying down on his bed. He was smiling up at Thomas as if this was the most normal thing in the world. “What… What do you want from me?” Thomas stuttered as he backed against the wall and felt tears forming in his eyes. “What do we want?” Sam’s voice suddenly became deeper as he stood up. Thomas watched in horror as the young adult suddenly grew taller and broader. He aged and his clothes changed right in front of Thomas. The man Thomas knew had Sam had morphed into one of the guards that had tormented him the previous night. “We just want to have a little fun…” The guard barked with laughter. Thomas screamed and threw his bedroom door open again. He didn’t know where he was planning to run but he wanted to run away from the whole world. He had barely gone two steps before he hit something unseen and fell to the ground. Thomas looked up in front of him as another guard suddenly appeared in front of him, the guard who had been Sam walked to the exit of the room. “Looks like someone had a little accident.” The nurse walked straight through the door now and closed in on Thomas. Thomas screamed as the three apparitions closed in on him. His vision became clouded and he felt his whole body become rigid. He felt his vision fading the closer the ghosts got until he blacked out and lost consciousness. “Argh!” Thomas shot up in his bed. He was covered in sweat and panting as if he had just run a marathon. The room was dark but Thomas knew it was his bedroom in his small apartment. He grabbed his phone and used the light to look around the room, he was alone and everything looked as it should. There was just one thing out of place, an envelope on his desk that was unopened. Thomas stood up and walked over to his desk. He was shaking and felt certain he was suddenly about to be grabbed by something. He opened the envelope and poured the contents on to the desk. Another gasp escaped Thomas’ mouth as he saw a $50 note and a large blown up picture of him in a messy diaper and straitjacket. Thomas dropped the picture on the desk and backed away back in shock, he sat back down in his bed and put his head in his hands. 1
Sarah Penguin Posted November 21, 2018 Posted November 21, 2018 Enjoyed that but wanted more spookyness!
CDfm Posted December 4, 2018 Posted December 4, 2018 That was pretty awesome. I had a very strong feeling that I had read this before. I guess it could have been a case where I read some of it and been so tired I didn’t fully remember reading it. At any rate I remember reading it tonight and I loved it. Well worth a like.
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