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  1. 1. Which version?

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Hey, I have been making an e-book cover for @bbykimmy recently.

We are still a little undecided on what book cover colours would be best so I have included a poll with the options.

Kimmy is still deciding on what subtitle she wants in place of "A Tale of Discover and Acceptance" which is the one I put in as a placeholder. So feel free to give any suggestions for the subtitle you may have.

General feedback on the cover is also welcome!




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4 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said:

How come I didn't get tagged? XD

I voted for blue because I think it pops better than the original. Plus the original kinda makes it look like the city is on fire.

I think she only tagged people not from Discord.


4 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said:

I voted for blue

Can you vote blue on the poll as it would make it easier for me to total :D

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I voted Original, I like the duality of hot and cold colors. After all the story is very much full of hot and steamy lovey-dovey moments, as well as tragic, sad, and down right scary moments. I think it just represents the ups and downs very well... And as trip mentioned it looks a little like the cities on fire, foreshadowing? :O 

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I like the contrast with the first one. I think it makes it feel more three dimensional with a distinct fore and background.

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I voted for red, I feel that given the emotional...volatility(?) of the narrative red works well as an indication that "shit is in fact about to go down". Also, the red looks really good, quite pleasing indeed. :)

As far as subtitles, "You'll wish for a bear, but you'll only get feels." or "I'm not crying, you're crying!" seem pretty solid to me. :P

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13 minutes ago, Personalias said:

Apologies @HyperShark


"Finding a lover is easy.  Finding love?  That's hard."

"A tale of abuse, deception, anxiety, and yes...love."

No problem!

I have tried both of these on the cover currently in the lead (Original)



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All of those covers are so cool! Great job. I voted for the original, because of the light emanating from the city.

Something like

21 minutes ago, Personalias said:

"A tale of abuse, deception, anxiety, and yes...love."

would work nicely for the subtitle. It lets you know what you're getting ready to experience.

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I'm terrible at thinking of subtitles or any titles for that matter. >_< 

But looking at it again, might I recommend making the subtitles in the same style as the title and the author, the bright white letters pop a lot, and almost leads the eyes away from the beautiful art and the title.

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4 hours ago, HyperShark said:

I think she only tagged people not from Discord.

What dicord? I actually very new to discord, haven't even had mine a year yet, only in 3 servers and one of them is mine lol

I voted blue for the same reasons as @Wannatripbaby

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11 minutes ago, Aries said:

What dicord? I actually very new to discord, haven't even had mine a year yet, only in 3 servers and one of them is mine lol

I voted blue for the same reasons as @Wannatripbaby

Kimmy started a Discord server and invited literally everyone! It's a blast! And I'm sure your favorite Auntie Maya would love to see you there! :D

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25 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said:

Kimmy started a Discord server and invited literally everyone! It's a blast! And I'm sure your favorite Auntie Maya would love to see you there! :D

What really?  My name is Guilend#2075 on discord, not sure if one can friend someone with that or not. I don't know anyone that's in any scene that I'm aware of anyway lol

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43 minutes ago, Wannatripbaby said:

You can change your nickname for that group after joining if you like. :)

I actually haven't used the name Aries in forever lol. It used to be the name i used everywhere, then it changed to Rkansas due to a co-worker giving it to me as a nickname that everyone started calling me, then one day i was making a second character on this game i play and came up with Guilend. It is now my new and improved handle online, though i really wish i could change my name on here ti that. Aries reminds me of a time in my life that i rather forget.

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22 minutes ago, Aries said:

Just an alias, I made it up lol

Was just thinking Anne Rice had about 3 different names she wrote under.

Maybe Blue is a middle child thing.

Now that I look again, I like the mix on the first, but I like the Cream print of Title on the Red.

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