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Potty Training

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I think at that age it's not their decision. Mabye when they're old enough to make smart decisions on their own, then yes. In all honesty, though, kids usually don't really make smart decisions until they've become adults. That seems to hold true with around 85 - 90% of kids, though, and the ones who are "advanced" generally want to be treated as adults. There is such a small number of intelligently mature kids who would want to be back in diapers, that it doesn't really matter.

So in short, no, I don't think kids have the right to choose.


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Okay, subjectively speaking, yes I wish my parents let me wear diapers longer, and if they had maybe I wouldn't be wearing them now. Alternatively maybe if they hadn't trained me appropriately I wouldn't be able to fit in to modern society. Oh the dichotomy!!! Uggggggghhhhhh! ;-)

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Yea, good point, nomatter whether we like it or not, our children have the right to be the way they want to be naturally. Even if they somehow get the liking for diapers and want to be unpotty trained, then I still think they should be trained and untrain themselves if they so desire, atleast they will have a chance to be trained. Plus, most of us went though the search for incontinents where most of us just gave up, it's part of being DL or AB, if they too have the fetish then they should find their own damn information and go through what most of us went though to reach our goal. Wishing is half the fun. But do you really know the chances of our children growing up to be an AB or DL? unless it's introduced to them, they probably won't naturally develope it.

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I think at that age it's not their decision. Mabye when they're old enough to make smart decisions on their own, then yes. In all honesty, though, kids usually don't really make smart decisions until they've become adults. That seems to hold true with around 85 - 90% of kids, though, and the ones who are "advanced" generally want to be treated as adults. There is such a small number of intelligently mature kids who would want to be back in diapers, that it doesn't really matter.

So in short, no, I don't think kids have the right to choose.


I agree with the above responder that not potty training your child would be negligent. No child at the age of three or four has the ability to make a wise and reasoned decision. It takes years of growth and maturity before most humans can make such a decision.

There is a reason why we don't give children/young adults the chance to make larger decisions such as drinking, voting or driving a car until their late teens.

As for when they should be allowed to return to wearing diapers, that is a tougher question since the reasons we may want to wear could stem from different reasons. For most children who want to wear out of desire, I'd probably suggest they wait until they are 16 or 18 years old. My reasoning is: If you allow them to start wearing at an earlier age they maybe imprinted with a need/want to wear at an age which is more suspetable to suggestion. By the time they are an adult th decision to wear permanently or semi-permanently will already be made through conditioning.

My two cents...

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i say potty train when the child is ready, that does not mean to wait till they are 5 years old. If the child wishes to return to diapers then they should be out of them at least 3 yeasrs after potty treaining (to let them get the hang of being potty trained)

Imagine where we'd all be if we were able to express our desire to wear diapers earlier. If i knew about eh Ab community before i was 18, I probably would have been in diapers at 13

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I think the problems I have with this are twofold:

First, all children will chose the path of least resistance when given a free choice, especially very young children. They'll go for the diapers every time rather than deal with the stress of potty training. That's just the way children are and it's the parent's job to teach them that sometimes the hardest route has to be taken. Potty training is one of the first and therefore most important of these occasions. Another such occasion that I can think of is going to school - can you imagine if we had a thread about "well, maybe we shouldn't be forcing our children to go to school if they don't want to" - nobody would ever go to school then, would they? It's the parent's job to make their children do hard things sometimes and those who don't are negligent in my eyes.

Second, and on that predicate, I can't see how it would be anything other than involving, or at least influencing, the child to take up a fetish. Infantilism and DL'ism are sexual fetishes at the end of the day and it's absolutely not the parents role to influence or even touch upon this part of their children's personality.

It boils down to this; ABDLs are a tiny, tiny percentage of the population (0.1% or 1-in-1000 was mentioned in another thread recently and I think that's probably way too high) and yet in our teenage years, we all start to feel these diaper-related desires and explore them. That's when sexual exploration is meant to happen. To provide a means for it to happen earlier would be to cause massive problems and, they way I see it, would be nothing short of abusive.

[Edit] 100 Posts! :beer:

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Second, and on that predicate, I can't see how it would be anything other than involving, or at least influencing, the child to take up a fetish. Infantilism and DL'ism are sexual fetishes at the end of the day and it's absolutely not the parents role to influence or even touch upon this part of their children's personality.

It boils down to this; ABDLs are a tiny, tiny percentage of the population (0.1% or 1-in-1000 was mentioned in another thread recently and I think that's probably way too high) and yet in our teenage years, we all start to feel these diaper-related desires and explore them. That's when sexual exploration is meant to happen. To provide a means for it to happen earlier would be to cause massive problems and, they way I see it, would be nothing short of abusive.

[Edit] 100 Posts! :beer:

I see your point, and agree with most of it......

But to play "Devil's advocate for a moment - there are plenty of other "Adult subjects" being taught to kids way too young to make up there own mind rationally about, in public school - using language, and methods they can understand (at least to a point) - all of it, at that age stresses complete abstinence, but still information is provided. This includes topics such as Smoking, Drinking, Recreational Drugs, and sometimes even stuff like STDs (at an older age, but still too young to realistically make a wise choice).

However, unless there is a medical reason why not - potty training is absolutely necessary - as for any sort of sexual fetish - that's a bit more complicated, but I see nothing wrong with possibly (depending on the child, and circumstances) mentioning it when they are learning about sex anyway - BUT in a way that information is all that is provided (both sides of it), DEFINITELY DO NOT attempt to influence one way on the other, INFORMATION ONLY! - The ONLY type of influence at all should be not to treat those that practice such things any different then anyone else......

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I see your point, and agree with most of it......

But to play "Devil's advocate for a moment - there are plenty of other "Adult subjects" being taught to kids way too young to make up there own mind rationally about, in public school - using language, and methods they can understand (at least to a point) - all of it, at that age stresses complete abstinence, but still information is provided. This includes topics such as Smoking, Drinking, Recreational Drugs, and sometimes even stuff like STDs (at an older age, but still too young to realistically make a wise choice).

Ah but those are topics which, if not educated promptly and appropriately by their parents or school, kids will teach themselves by means of experimentation, rumour, exageration, etc, etc. That's a bit different and would be a rather more positive intervention from my PoV.

However, unless there is a medical reason why not - potty training is absolutely necessary - as for any sort of sexual fetish - that's a bit more complicated, but I see nothing wrong with possibly (depending on the child, and circumstances) mentioning it when they are learning about sex anyway - BUT in a way that information is all that is provided (both sides of it), DEFINITELY DO NOT attempt to influence one way on the other, INFORMATION ONLY! - The ONLY type of influence at all should be not to treat those that practice such things any different then anyone else......

Yep. If anything, the only way I would say that ABDL parents should become even remotely involved in fetishes their (edit - specifically: older) children may or may not develop is if and when the child "comes out" or is "caught in the act." At that point and that point only, it would be appropriate to give a "providing you're happy and not hurting yourself then whatever floats your boat" type conversation. Many ABDLs here have had problems in the past with parents not understanding and/or freaking out - in our cases that can be avoided because by definition we do understand and can be rational about things. But that's as far as it should go IMHO.

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My girlfriend and I had this conversation for when we have kids.

I knew HOW she answered, and HOW she said it would give me much insight in to how well she accepts it.

What she said was, if they want to be in diapers, they can be. However, they have to completely master potty training first. Tis exactly the answer I had hoped for. I doubt my kids will grow up to be ABDL, but if so, I'm sure they'll be thankful for the ability to choose between diapers and toilets (or trees, rocks, etc).

Ha, I can picture it now.

"How many times do I have to tell you NOT to use MY binky! Get your own damn pacifier! *muttering* Damn toddler, taking my pacifier"

I have to be honest. If my kid is an AB when she's a teen, that might weird me out a little. I don't want to have THAT much in common with my offspring. I'd much rather they were gay or something. LOL, that would bring me much joy, as my dad would have a heart attack.

Besides, I'd never have to worry about her coming home pregnant. Man, what's with people who freak when their kids are gay?

Ah, how quickly me and my ADHD get WAY off topic.

I was once told what ADHD was, but I wasn't paying attention. I'm pretty sure its... Hey look, shinny things!

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Don't forget the baseline of socioeconomic status. Most people truly can't afford not to be potty trained. Indeed, it's a useful and valuable skill. Moreover, if they really don't like it, they can undo it in their adult years.

Personally, I wouldn't let my kid wear them until they are able and mature enough to clearly rationalize and express the logical and emotional reasons for it. Next, while I would educate them about the variety of the human emotional and behaviour palette, I would try not to bias toward one thing or another. Certainly, I wouldn't wear diapers, use pacifiers and act impulsively childish in front of them, but I would teach them the value of the maintaining your inner child regardless. That is, I don't want them to feel entrapped by social stereotypes, like how many males avoid cute and fuzzy things, despite actually enjoying them. I want them to remember and respect the emotional directness and honesty that the inner child represents, because of how important this is to intimate relationships, empathy and caring for people in general.

That is to say, I would want my kids to become adults that can wear diapers without serious anxiety, but would only do so when there's a good reason to, not for their own sake.

Just to be clear, I apply the same standard to myself, and I feel that I have good reasons for it, but I've talked about them in other threads.

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  • 3 years later...

i think that kids should stay diapers as long they want

Yay, way to bump a 3 year old topic, dude! :rolleyes: Welcome to DD, as I see you're relatively new, but please try to read post dates...If there's been no replies for over a month or two and the topic isn't locked, chances are it's dead.

~ moogle

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