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Pet hates

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I was thinking for quite a while to sum up my pet hate, because I definitely have one, and now I know:

It's people doing half-assed work of things. They do it subconsiously, or

Edited by DiapersOfTheStorm
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I thought of another thing...

emojis, specifically ones that don't have an emoticon associated with them that people just use to be different. The biggest culprit at the moment is "XD"... Why someone writes that when :D is available I don't know but it annoys me whenever I see it. I find all the overly cutesy stuff irritating in the extreme because it always seems so fake to me and I think that "XD" is the quickest way to show it.

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I thought of another thing...

emojis, specifically ones that don't have an emoticon associated with them that people just use to be different. The biggest culprit at the moment is "XD"... Why someone writes that when :D is available I don't know but it annoys me whenever I see it. I find all the overly cutesy stuff irritating in the extreme because it always seems so fake to me and I think that "XD" is the quickest way to show it.

I find it annoying when emojis are used in every sentence, it doesn't enhance the conversation and is as bad as "text speak" in emails and conversation.

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people bringing crying babies through my lane, i hate that, give the kid a pacifier or leave the store iwth them, get a baby sitter, i dont want to hear your 1 year old screaming at the top of her lungs because her sucker she wanted had to be handed to me for a minute while i scan your stuff, i dont care that the kid dont understand, i care about my nerves.

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I drive truck mostly in town. Hate when I'm coming up to a light and some freaking a hole who's in a hurry passes me on the left then jumps back in front of me then the light turns yellow and that same a hole jacks their brakes cutting down my stopping distance to which I had already factored. Try stopping an 82,000 lb vehicle in 1/2

Edited by DL4LIFE
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

F***ing swiss bureacracy. I live in a country renowned for paperwork. And I am always knee deep in it. When I was at school I almost constantly had to bring back some sheet or another for my parents to sign. I also hate it when people try to make me organize everything OCDly. I am ADD so I'm rubbish at organizing.

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people who dont speak the language of the nation they are in , i hate that, ive had customers tell me "no habla englais(or soemthing like that, i cant spell it)" or they just have a preselected response when asked a question, and they speak their foreign language to others while in my lane, if i would go to another nation, i would make damn sure i speak the language, not just barely understand anything, i think if you live in a nation with a language you didnt grow up with, you owe it to that nation to learn it, speak it, understand it, if you see something bad happen how the hell can tell someone if there is no one there around you to interpret for you?

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On 11/26/2015, 8:20:57, feralfreak said:

people who dont speak the language of the nation they are in , i hate that, ive had customers tell me "no habla englais(or soemthing like that, i cant spell it)" or they just have a preselected response when asked a question, and they speak their foreign language to others while in my lane, if i would go to another nation, i would make damn sure i speak the language, not just barely understand anything, i think if you live in a nation with a language you didnt grow up with, you owe it to that nation to learn it, speak it, understand it, if you see something bad happen how the hell can tell someone if there is no one there around you to interpret for you?

Thank you, yes.

FYI, I intend to take a week long trip to Japan in April and guess what, I'm already learning Japanese. There is NO excuse for that kind of disregard- especially if you intend to live in another

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  • 1 month later...

last thursday i had a customer that needed a sledge hammer taken to his skull, when he wanted to pay with points, that werent his, i asked him to enter his pin number on the pad, "they always just take care of it for me" i said " i can help you up to 10 dollars worth if i can verify that you are the account holder, then he said "forget it", he wanted to pay with a credit card, as required i asked to see it and he said "you're startin' to piss me off!", the card wasnt signed, so as required i asked to see the license, he gets mad at me and takes the card back, throws 100 dollar note at me and calls me the dumbest cashier he ever been at, i tried to tell him the rule and he said "NO YOU DONT NONE OF THE OTHERS EVER ASK FOR MY LICENSE YOU ARE THE DUMBEST CHECKOUT I EVER HAD!" AND WHEN a supervisor passed by the asshole said that about me to him too, who said nothing, didnt ask questions or anything, i hurried up and got his change and has he left he turned, looked at me and said "you better watch your attitude, or get punched in the mouth"

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  • 4 weeks later...

one thing I am not a fan of is:

Gum that is spat out onto the sidewalks, they are an eyesore when they all turn black, even worse when it is fresh chewed gum that easily sticks to your shoes, I looked into it and there is a Mexican company that produces gum that disintegrates after xx amount of days and washes away in the rain or blows away in the wind, but would any American company pay for the rights to use that technology?? I think not...

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