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Wearing diaper under dress at wedding

Guest kristina_15

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Guest kristina_15

I just registered here , i am not interested in diapers , its just i have weak bladder all my life so i cant hold it very long so i use toilet a lot , yesterday at wedding my mom made me to wear real diapers under my dress because there was a lot ppl , 450 so it can be problems using toilet , i was rly mad and it was awkward to wear diaper under my dress , its actaully a bit sad , i was fine all time there and had no problem using toilet , but before we was about to go home i had to pee quite a lot but there was so many ppl waiting for toilet so we didnt wait , so we just did go in car and i change there into pants so i dont have to sit in dress in car but i did keep diaper on because i didnt had much time to change my clothes and i could survive hour more with diaper under my pants,

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Guest YoungZeppelin

I truely hope you are atleast 18, cuz u sound like a kid... but i was never forced, but it seemed like it saved u from a accident so nothing to be ashamed of.

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It sounds like you are under 18 if your mom forced you to wear a diaper. Yes parents can make you wear a diaper for your own protection. If you are 18 and living under parents roof they make the rules if you don't like the rules you can get a job and your own place. I lived with my parents until I was 19 and had to abide by their rules. I finally moved out do to rules that was unfair and outlandish. It sounds like your mom knew that you'd have accidents do to the lines for the bathroom and saved you the embarrassment of peeing yourself. It sounds like diapers would be a good idea for you. I have a severe case of over active bladder like you and urge incontinence so I wear diapers 24/7 now there are times when I could make it to the toilet to go pee but I don't I just use the diaper because it is more convenient than trying to find a restroom ever 10 to 15 minutes.

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Don't be so quick to judge she is under 18. Trust be verify.

It does sound like she is a bit immature still, but could be 18 none the less. I do have to wonder if this is a shotgun wedding though. It's the most common kind for 18 year olds.

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Don't be so quick to judge she is under 18. Trust be verify.

It does sound like she is a bit immature still, but could be 18 none the less. I do have to wonder if this is a shotgun wedding though. It's the most common kind for 18 year olds.

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Member Since 11 Nov 2014

Offline Last Active Nov 11 2014 04:07 PM

Well, it seems to me this is a 'hit and run' type of fap material post :P The OP was here to post a whole 10 minutes and hasn't returned. 'She' posted this at 3:57 pm according to the time stamp, and left at 4:07 pm. Soooooo I'd say this was probably some minor posting here on a dare or just because they were bored. Given the typos and poor sentence structure, this is more like someone 'texting' than trying to truly communicate.

Entertaining.....maybe *shrug* worth answering, no. worth arguing over, not really. Worthy of allowing it to drift off into obscurity and being ignored.... DEFIANTLY! :P

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Guest kristina_15

no i was not the bride and no i am not 18 , i am 15 and thats not reason for my bad english , i dont live in USA , i am from Europe/Croatia so ye my english writing is not something special , and yes i did register just to ask this , i am not interested in diapers :SSS

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no i was not the bride and no i am not 18 , i am 15 and thats not reason for my bad english , i dont live in USA , i am from Europe/Croatia so ye my english writing is not something special , and yes i did register just to ask this , i am not interested in diapers :SSS

Uh oh, good bye you're about to be banned for being under age.

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Well, you can put 15 in your profile and still make it, the site won't stop you from doing that, so I think they knew the rules, it's why I'm suspicious of a lot of people who put 18!

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I just registered here , i am not interested in diapers , its just i have weak bladder all my life so i cant hold it very long so i use toilet a lot , yesterday at wedding my mom made me to wear real diapers under my dress because there was a lot ppl , 450 so it can be problems using toilet , i was rly mad and it was awkward to wear diaper under my dress , its actaully a bit sad , i was fine all time there and had no problem using toilet , but before we was about to go home i had to pee quite a lot but there was so many ppl waiting for toilet so we didnt wait , so we just did go in car and i change there into pants so i dont have to sit in dress in car but i did keep diaper on because i didnt had much time to change my clothes and i could survive hour more with diaper under my pants,

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