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I Bought A Record...


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Well, I have to admit I have 2 myself. :blush: I was also wondering why the record and not a CD or other current media?? you like listening to the snaps, crackles and pops so common of vinyl albums?? :P

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A good record player, combined with well maintained records, will not crack and pop. I have a record system my wife and I inherited from her father. It's has absolutely amazing quality that a cd just can't even come close to. Too bad we don't have any songs I actually like though.

Oh Lordy Brian, you need to get a hearing test. There is absolutely no way a record could match the audio clarity and range of a DDD CD, coupled with a tube amp nothing is more audio clearer at present, and given the fact that every time a record is played it degrades it's quality..a CD doesn't. Lets just look at the facts Plastic and Diamonds don't work well with each other ;) The only downfall is speakers which have yet to be able to accurately be able to reproduce the input of either. My statement is this: IF you want to hear what it sounded like when they play it, get a CD, however, if you want to hear a recording of a live performance, get the album :P From just one in the know web site:

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The record in question was only on CD for one year as a re-release and costs over $100 at ebay to find one.

Oh Crap sorry for hijacking the thread, and for christ sakes PM me the song and I will send you a MP3 of it for your darn Iphone 6 or 7 whatever ya have now :P

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Still have the 5S... ordering the 6+ tonight hopefully.

Hint time: I feel GUILTY for ordering it, but the price was not INSANE

:huh: well, since I don't watch TV (and haven't since M*A*S*H went off the air) and don't remember much music from the '70's .... guess I'm S.O.L on this one...

hope others have fun

EDIT: I cheated and peeked somewhere and have the answer....But I won't tell no ones...:whistling: nope....no no no....won't tell NO ONES a'tall!

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Repaid, you're right a cd should be way clearer and ideally wouldn't have any degradation. However, you have to consider HOW a recording is made on a cd. Manufactures routinely crank up the sound on them, so you normally have the volume turned back down. You don't realize this removes the highs and lows on the cd, which greatly degrades the sound quality from the very first time it's played. By comparison, a record will have better sound quality so long it has not degraded to much yet.

DD has a good song, and it sounds like it's in good condition. Ie. Its better than a MP3

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There's a certain 'presence' of sound you get with vinyl which is hard to describe, and one thing which analog recordings have but digital can't is infinate linearity. You can program a thousand 'steps' into a digital format but it can't accept or re-create anything in between those 'steps', it has to be one or the other only. Analog has no 'steps', just a smooth progression from end to end of the range. Even with my awful hearing, I can tell the difference between vinyl and the exact same recording played on a digital format. I can't describe it, I just know B)

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