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boys playing with girls toys

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I don't know what anyone else thinks but I think that it's appropriate for boys to play with girls toys as it is healthy for them to experiment with whatever kind of toys they want to play with


Why not, a kid has no idea between the differences of toys, it might just make them kinder gentler adults that understand.


the current generation will never change. sure, laws will, but opinions wont. not untill the next generation grows up will society change. and then we will all become free.


If it's a toy, I'll try and play with it. I ignore the warning that says "3 and up".


In a adult free zone kids graduate to that which interests them either as objects to play with by themselves or with others in social play regardless of perceived gender and no harm is done when a girl plays with say a Soldier doll or a boy playing his sisters Princess ones because the child is playing in an imaginary scene which is not indicative of their own gender as perceived


I don't know why most boys don't like to play with girls toys as most girls toys are perfect for most games that boys play with, games such as using an action figure as a hero rescuing a damsel or any other great games.


i don't know why anyone would disagree with you, esp today, attitudes are much more relaxed. Me, as a girl growing up in early 1990s, i spent little time with girl toys, probably toys which were common to both sexes


Boys playing with dolls is how great fathers are created. Boys who like to cook might someday make a world-class chef. And some of the most famous designers of women's clothes are...you guessed it...MEN.


I have probably already mentioned the Chatty Brother doll I had when I was a child. According to my mother, I got that when I was two, but I swear I have memories of another doll, a girl doll with brown hair, that I had to have gotten from one of my girl cousins. There was even a picture of me holding it, which I wish I could find.



When I was turning 5 and not really LG, that would not happen until I was about 6-3/4, my sister came to live with us. She had the first doll I ever saw. She was about, I guess 20" so she was big for our size, had blackish-brown hair, glass sparkley eyes and the typial doll expression. She wore a brown plaid dress with a lace trimmed whit Peter Pan collar and pink rubber panties under the dress

I did not know what to make of this. I had seen toy men and this was person-shaped so I got that but it was larger than any of these toy mean and had a discernible face and expression and the hair felt like human hair and she was wearing clothes and was discernible as a girl so it also seemed to be a person of some kind

I got so much more play out of her than my sister did while she lived with us that my aunt used to refer to her as 'your" doll

As I developmed other girlish interests from being with girls One could almost see where this was going. I did not mind that they were girlish, I just thought that that made me part girl in some way and did not bother me. The rest of my story is in my blog

I think the best thing to come out of this was that my uncle had me compartmentalize the two parts of me. I was no less a "red blooded boy" than any. That plus understanding that one part, because of my body, must take precidence, enabled me to stay sane. When I was Christine, I was all girl and happily so, when I was not, it was all boy and happily so since at the appropriate time it was "all right" for me to be a girl. The only person who had a problem with it was my aunt. My uncle's thinking was that If I was not to be let to fully run with the boys, then I would be with the girls much or most of the time and I had to fit in where I was. Anything else would be unfair to me and to the girls and unworkable


'I don't know what anyone else thinks but I think that it's appropriate for boys to play with girls toys as it is healthy for them to experiment with whatever kind of toys they want to play with'

  • 4 weeks later...

Playing with girls toys was ok by me.

My cousin had a toy stove and she used to cook me food .The set came with plastic food steaks porkchops fried eggs. She let me store my crawdads in the oven.we thought they were mini lobsters and my mom was mad when she found them in my room. I played tea party with her.The best part was she had betty Crocker easy bake oven she made me brownies.Then I got snoopy snow cone machine for my birthday.I made her snowcones.I had fun with girl toys.

  • 2 weeks later...

Somewhat-related, but still interesting:

  • 1 month later...

Kids should play with whatever they like. My daughters like hot wheels and transformers as much as Barbies and makeup.

  • 3 weeks later...



Not my opinion, but more like the worlds;

If boys play with girl toys they are gay

If girls play with boy toys they are different but normal

  • 4 months later...

I got at least two different Barbie dolls the ordinary one that you can dress up while the other is a Barbie Pink Shoes Ballerina Doll that has the blue outfit. I'm planning to get two more Barbie Pink Shoes Ballerina Dolls one that has the purple outfit and the other that has the pink outfit

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