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Diaper one-liners

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I need a change: Make it snappy


When asked in Paris If I wet my diapers, I said "Oui, oui"


They should be called "dia-ers" because they keep the "p" hidden :D


Politicians are like diapers...they are both full of ****! (And should be changed frequently!)

We need a change STAT as they have burst and the stinky mess needs cleaning up!


there once was a neighborhood kid who was always under foot - one day he was asking about how to wax a car, and we told him that baby diapers to a good job - he came back later and said he must have been doing it wrong - turns out he bought pampers!

  • 7 months later...

when that box of pampers says 8-12 pounds, they're not lying.. that is all them things will hold! - Jeff Foxworthy


All patriotic Welsh people should wear a nappy on St, David's day and put their leak in it.


So, I told the DA "I do not know what you are trying to pin on me, but it will not hold water"


When asked on Valentine's Day what type of undergarments I prefer, I started the reply with "Depends" .


Face it Ladies, you can't change your guy...unless he's wearing a diaper


im sorry i cant add my own but i had a good laugh at some of the others :thumbsup:


Diapers that don't retain feces ain't worth a shit

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