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Mattress Protection

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I get cotton sheets with a very thin waterproof membrane between the sides so the pee does not go through from Babykins in B.C ,it great stuff that they sell by the yard on you of that is a washable bed pad and then me in a diaper with bloomers over top and a onesie, I soak my bed pad once in a while but have never gotten farther than that.

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We have a quilted matteras cover on our bed which is fully water proof. There is always a kylie (washable bed pad) on my side as I wet heavily most nights and my nappy probably leaks a couple of times a week. The pad soaks the wetness away and I stay warm and comfortable. My wife occasionally wets the bed when she takes her strong pain killers for her arthritic pain but just rely s on the water proof cover.

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Some very useful info here. We have been wanting to get a mattress cover for awhile. Leaks don't often happen but they have on occasion. Especially once we buy a really nice mattress which we're planning to do.

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16 minutes ago, gah!ghost said:

Some very useful info here. We have been wanting to get a mattress cover for awhile. Leaks don't often happen but they have on occasion. Especially once we buy a really nice mattress which we're planning to do.

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In the three years I have known ashwee she's only leaked maybe 4-5 times. We use good products well applied so the only time there's leaks is usually during the day when she's sitting on the bed working and I'm working as well and both of us forget to change her. At night it's usually never long enough for that to ever be a problem.

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Still one of the best. It provides full coverage being 60" wide

rubber sheet.jpg

This is my bed. Sine it is just about summertime, there are no coverlets. Also there are Dolly Andrea Lynne Rachel Lisa Christine, Dolly Lisa Michelle Denise Andrea Christine, and what I will be in; the diaper is folded up in the snap-on panties, the rubber panties and the pearlescent babydoll. The long pink thing is a "chastity pad" and is put between two person, or dollies and persons who will be sleeping in the same bed

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