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New Comprehensive Ab Survey

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Good morning everyone!!! Michael and I have prepared our new survey and now invite you to complete it. It is 120 questions and if that sounds a bit too much dont worry... As long as your IP address stays the same you can stop and restart the survey easily and so do it over one or two sessions. This data will be helpful in our next book project. If anyone has an questions or issues please contact us direct at rosalie.bent@gmail.com

The link is...


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Interesting survey, I did my part. As an AB who doesnt get to actively participate and regress and fully play the part. Sigh, it gets endlessly frustrating when I see everyone enjoying the lifestyle but me. All i have is my computer. No paci, no local friends, no partner, no diaper, clothes, etc. I wanna experience what others do. Sure, I have worn diapers albeit the last time was 10 years ago. But I have never felt truly regressed. Being held, looked after, swaddled, loved, clothed, changed, etc. It all adds up to the regressed state I have yet to experience.

And yet, I stay positive. If I could only find a partner whom would like somebody small. That's where I have an advantage. If I just found that one person attracted and accepting of my burns and my size.

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the survey seemed very diaper oriented... even though not all regressive or even role playing ab's need diapers or even use diapers all that often... and as DD said, it does seem this survey is basically for regressive ab's only... not their parents/partners, or for DLs or any other type... Also, some of the wording of the questions can be leading when you say things like "most, if not all" or something of that nature, can lead the surveyee to than answer differently than they really are, either to be like 'most' or to make themselves 'different' than this 'most' you mention.. its better to not provide this information as it can skew the results....

but at any rate.. i clearly lied so i could read all the questions.

but it seemed most of the questions were very thought out, and for the most part there were answer choices for all, even if it was a simple N/A or something of that sort... so while incredibly long, and test fatigue set in around question 50, in regards to answer choice was one of the better surveys i have seen.

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Thanks everyone for your responses. Yes, the survey is primarily for regressive Adult Babies are they are the main target at the moment. 120 question is a long one but if youve ever done a psychological profile questionaire then I am still about 250 short!

Anyhow, thanks and I will publish the total results at some point.

DD is it possible to make this survey a prominent link somewhere to try and get as many responses as we can?

Thanks all!

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SARAH... just a question on your post about being 'diaper focussed'. it is my experience that Ive not yet heard of a single regressive AB who doesnt involve diapers or want to. Have you heard other wise? roleplayers certainly can make diapers optional but the survey is not directed at them. Diaper Lovers obviously included diapers and Ive not hear of a single Regressive AB who doesnt do so. Can you clarify this for me a little?

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well it just seems the biggest sifference between regressive and role playin abs .... from your definitions is desire and motivation not a prop..... yet many of your auestions are not so mih geared towards desires and motivations but more towards actions taken .... but both regressive abs and role playing abs take the same actions ..... wear diapers , act like babies, play with toys etc etc etc .... for all outward appearances you cant tell a regressive from a role player apart just looking at them .....

but from what your write it is the reasons behind the behavior that makes the difference .... there are some auestions which do look at this aspect .... but it seems very oritented towards diapers and diaper usage than anythig else is all ..... just an observation ....

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thanks sarah... from the outside roleplay and regressive AB does look quite similar and a diaper is merely a prop to a roleplayer. But to a regressive AB, a diaper is central and perhaps THE central item. After all what do we use as a symbol or simple drawing for an infant? naked and wearing a DIAPER. it is all part of the inner validation of who we are and the external expression of that same thing.

Discovering peoples motives and needs etc are not initally discovered by asking that question directly. It is done by discovering what people in the subgroup actually DO first of all and then digging into the motivations etc. Ive already had a smirk on Fetlife from one poster who declared that one particular behaviour (wearing someone elses wet diaper) was NOT an AB behaviour - because they didnt do it. Unfortunately for that position, approx 40% of respondents have said that they have. It's all abotu discovery and finding out what is REALLY out there in AB land and not making presumptions or drawing boundaries where they may not necessarily exist.

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Are you still accepting answers? I think I fall under regressive 'in part', so I'm tempted to have a nice hot shower, grab some popcorn and do this before bed - or are you no longer gathering results from surveys once answered?

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Unfortunately for that position, approx 40% of respondents have said that they have.

how many responses have you had so far? I know its a newer survey and I know i'm not the only one who clearly lied to read all the questions...

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how many responses have you had so far? I know its a newer survey and I know i'm not the only one who clearly lied to read all the questions...

200 responses so far which is a good number. Id frankly like to get to 1000 but anything over 500 will be excellent. I am trying to get the owners of baby-pants.com, fetware.com and cosyndry,com to send the survey out to their mailing list in an attempt to broaden the base of respondees from just 'the usual suspects'. If they do that it might help get a better and more balanced view of the community.

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how many responses have you had so far? I know its a newer survey and I know i'm not the only one who clearly lied to read all the questions...

LOL Sarah, there are a number of question in there that are essentially the same but asked well apart. If you answer them differently - especially VERY differently, then michael will probably remove your entire response in the post-processing phase. These questions are there (in part) to check that answers are truthful. For example... the first question is "are you a REGRESSIVE AB?". Now if you say yes and then 3 times later say that you never regress what do you think shoudl be done with the rest of your responses? HINT: BIN!

All in all though, the responses have been great.

One surprise was in the binge and purge question with 45% claiming to never have purged. Thats a surprise.!

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wow i'm impressed 200 in just a few days! thats a good amount of responses! hahah yeah i picked up on the questions there to check if you were lying or not...well placed... not super obvious either...

how does surveymonkey work in regards to the responses.. can you see each survey taken and all the responses, or does it just give you statistics? i've never used it before, so am curious how it gives the creator the data? it would be nice if it allowed you to see each survey with the responses... allows you the ability to do so much more with the data...

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wow i'm impressed 200 in just a few days! thats a good amount of responses! hahah yeah i picked up on the questions there to check if you were lying or not...well placed... not super obvious either...

how does surveymonkey work in regards to the responses.. can you see each survey taken and all the responses, or does it just give you statistics? i've never used it before, so am curious how it gives the creator the data? it would be nice if it allowed you to see each survey with the responses... allows you the ability to do so much more with the data...

Michael is the one using it as he is more the techo one. You can see graphs of results online but you can also download the raw data so that you can post-process invalid responses (liars and vandals) out as well as cross-tabulate various responses. He is a database programmer so he plans on creating his own output from it in time.

200 in the first 24 hours is an impressive outcome so I am happy with that. I still want 1000 but I aslo want to access those outside the mainstream AB community - which will always be hard to do.

I think surveymonkey has a 'free' option for you to play with if you want.

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