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I know the topic of telling others about desire to wear diapers has been raised before but I have a couple of questions that I don't think have been covered in some of the other topics.

What I am looking for is a way to wear diapers around my family whenever I want without them actually knowing about my DL desires.

For financial and other reasons I live at home with my parents who are retired and, aside from the occasional day trip, are almost always at home (sigh). The only real opportunities I have to wear for long periods of time are at night in bed and whenever they're away (which isn't often).

Lately I've developed a kind of "overactive bladder" where I urinate at least ten to fifteen times a day. I chalk this up to the medication I'm on and also because of dry-mouth caused by that same med I tend to drink a fair amount of liquids daily. I sigh to myself every time I go to the bathroom (especially at work or when I'm out of the house) because I think it would be a lot more convienent to just wear a diaper. I don't leak, though, so I'm not sure if my kind of "overactive bladder" can be used as a "valid" excuse to wear them. I also don't want to fake any "accidents."

I've been pointing out to my mom lately that I'm going a lot and it's kind of inconvienent but I have not gotten the courage up to mention the D word. I'm kind of waiting for the perfect opportunity to just slip it into the conversation. I don't want her to have any inkling that it has to do with an actual desire to wear diapers. I also don't want her to insist I go to the doctor's to get tested for problems.

In my imaginaton I conjure up a conversation where I'm complaining, once again, of how annoying it is to have to go to the bathroom so often and my mother says, somewhat jokingly, "Maybe you should wear diapers," or something to that effect. Then I turn to her and say, "Well actually, I did consider it, but I didn't know how you and dad would take it so I didn't say anything cause it's embarassing." The conversation would go from there where I would eventually convince her that I was going to try diapers and see if that helped with my "problem." Yay, the end. Then I could diaper whenever I want, still be in control, and not have to fake being incontinent on any level. I wouldn't have to hide my diapers any more.

On the other hand, I'm afraid if I mention it I'll get the dubious look from mom, the silence, then the disbelieving, "You don't need diapers! Those are for babies/old people! You can't sit in your own pee all day! That's gross!" Then I'd be doubly afraid to wear diapers and it would just be awkward between me and my folks from then on.

So...with that horribly long explanation: What do you all think? Is non-leaky OAB a "valid" excuse to wear diapers? Should I bring it up to mom directly or wait for the "perfect opportunity" that may never arrive? Please let me know your thoughts, observations, and if any of you have used a simmilar excuse with close family members, please let me know how it went. Thanks!

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Thanks for your perspective poopy_dipes! My thinking is, it's OAB, not incontinence. I could explain that I don't leak but want to wear diapers just so I don't have to go to the bathroom all the time. It would be a convienence thing. In such a way, I would be able to wear going out and such or to work but not be expected to wear 24/7.

I'm curious, did your situation of your mom finding your wet diaper put a kind of rift in your relationship afterwards?


It's rough doing your own thing, especially when you live at home with parents :( You have to decide for yourself whether you would rather please yourself and deceive your family in the process. I would think and hope that their only interest is a true concern for you and your health, so of course they are going to suggest you going to the Doctor- that is to be expected from people who care about you. Poopy_dipes has a good perspective on this :thumbsup:

People generally do not accept the wearing of diapers for convenience (save maybe for in Japan) unless it's among friends who have the option of walking away from you. That option isn't as easily available to family members which makes the dynamics different there. Although I haven't had to handle any questions yet my own wearing is need-based which makes it easier for me, along with my age and my history (for the family who already knows this) of my very late gaining of bladder control. Should questions arise I have the option to set the depth of the discussion, and save for those who I might want to share my being DL with, I do not intend to go that deep into the matter with anyone else- it is not their business so I do not have to discuss it with them if I don't want to <_< Living at home you cannot escape those questions so to reveal yourself there is likely to cause even bigger problems :crybaby:

If you are not giving yourself enough time in diapers to keep your mind and wearing in control, then you need to find a way to do that. This is much like an addiction in that unless the need is filled adequately you will have problems functioning in life. You have to find a way to do that, hopefully without causing yourself other problems. It is far easier to do once you're out on your own, which is a step that I recommend you take ASAP. Until than you have to deal with the situation you are now in which is not allowing you to fulfill your needs :o Just remember that you are not solving a problem by trading it for another problem, because at some point all problems that can be solved will have to be solved. There is no escaping that- it is simply reality.

The one simple answer to almost every ABDL issue is that you are going to have to allow for your own needs in life one way or another, so do that in as good a manner as you can. There will always be some compromise involved when it comes to dealing with other people but it has to be done in such a way that your minimum needs are always met. That really applies to almost everything in life when you get right down to it.

It doesn't take a book to deal with this- all it takes is one paragraph when you see reality clearly enough :groupwave:



Kidney stone damage worked for me, I get to wear 24/7 and the wife never says a thing about it. Your situation is certainly a bit different. If your mom thinks your having a bad enough problem to require diapers then she would probably haul you off to a Dr.


Generally this is something that almost everyone in this community has had to deal with, and the title of this thread says it all.....looking for an "excuse' to do something that you enjoy and doesn't hurt anyone.

Personally speaking, you don't need one...period. It's your body, and your underwear, and you are an adult, so what you do is your own business. I just got back from a trip up to Monterey and spent almost the whole weekend diapered :P I drove up wearing a Bambino Bellisimo under my shorts ( I finally got it to fit right ;) ) that was wet by the time I got to my hotel in Gilroy. I went to dinner with a friend and his family (2 kids and wife) wearing it, no problem.

The next day I went to the race track at Laguna Seca in a large Bambino Teddy under my shorts. and spent the day in that, and went to dinner at a diner when the day was done. Got back to my hotel wet and soggy.....and proceeded to poop in it as well...THAT was an awesome night! :thumbsup:

I didn't wear the the car show at Pebble Beach, because I was wearing jeans and they were a bit tighter, and I wasn't sure if there might be a problem or not. I have in the past and it was fun wandering around all the very expensive cars and watching rich people play with their toys! :D I wore jeans because I wasn't sure about the weather that day, it has been both cold and cloudy and also very hot, fortunately, it was mild and pleasant, and I didn't 'need' a diaper anyways.

As I said above, I just spent the weekend hobnobbing and rubbing elbows with a LOT of people, many of them very wealthy, people dressed in all sorts of types of fashion etc, and most of the time I was in a diaper....B*F*D>

I drove up and drove back while wearing...nothing happened. I was discreet and respectful, and no one (hopefully) could tell. and I went about my business and day and no one was the wiser.

The bottom line here is no one cares, and if you are careful and discreet, you can wear when and where you want and nothing will happen. If something does happen, it might be our fault for not being discreet enough. I'm a D/L and don't really want anyone to know, because it's none of their business.

Actually, at the track, I found myself bending down or crouching to take pictures and feeling my shirt moving up, and I worried about the waistband becoming visible poking out of my shorts, but it didn't. :blush: I had a back pack on as well, so lots of things to cover up with ;)

So don't worry about anyone else, just do what you want, with in reason. Be discreet and careful, and if by chance there is a comment or what ever...you have a reason or back up story....or just say it's your preference....again, you are an adult and you're not doing anything wrong. It's just guilt that makes you worry, but as you can (hopefully) tell I gave that trap up a long time ago and don't worry about it anymore, it's not worth it.

Worrying about what others think with stuff ike this is really just a waste of time.

Besides, what others think is none of your business! :P

So don't let it get in the way of what you want to do...it really is OK.....'K? :D So relax :thumbsup:


Can you not just wear them and forget about coping an excuse? You are obviously an adult... what you do with your body is your business. It isn't hurting anyone, so why should it be a problem?


Thanks everyone for your imput. Maybe I guess I have to decide what is best for me at this time.


Can you perhaps start wearing Poise or some other pad and leave them in the garbage for others to see (though don't make it too obvious)? Then maybe you can approach the topic from that angle perhaps suggesting that you leak some and the next logical step is a diaper?


Can you perhaps start wearing Poise or some other pad and leave them in the garbage for others to see (though don't make it too obvious)? Then maybe you can approach the topic from that angle perhaps suggesting that you leak some and the next logical step is a diaper?

Well, 2sail2, I've thought of doing simmilar things like that but I don't really like the idea of faking incontinence as it were. Besides, I doubt I could just go a little in a pad. I tend to flood when I wear a diaper! (Bad DL, no self-control, oh, wait....that's the whole point! LOL!) All joking aside, I believe that road would just lead down to seeing one doctor after another in the search for a "cure." I've come to the general conclusion that, as others have said, wearing diapers for convienence is frowned upon in this country and by most who are not AB/DL is considered an absolute last resort for people whose incontinence just can't be cured yet by modern medicine.

But thank you for your considered response! I love hearing everyone's different perspectives on this subject. :girl_happy: You've all been very helpful! I also love that I get to have some place to talk about my deepest desires without riducule from anyone. DD is a great forum.


Next time there is a journey somewhere of a couple of hours or more, expess doubt saying "I'm not sure, you know how it is, this medication, we'd have to keep stopping".

The next day come home with a packet of nappies, plonk them on the table and say " there, that'll solve the problem" and a couple of days later say "I can't think why I didn't do this in the first place"


LOL! I love it! Great idea Wet Knight! I can just see their jaws hitting the floor! I doubt I'd ever have the guts to be so blatant though. :( That and my family and I don't go on a lot of road trips... I'd have to wait for a long time. Still, nice plan! :thumbsup:


AHHH! if there is ANY reason that would make sense to someone you wish to ''sell'' the diaper idea to, it would surely be to use diapers on a long road trip. I STILL try to build up the courage to propose this idea to my anti-diaper wife for the many long trips we do. Her bladder is very active as well being she is 107lb small frame woman that drinks lots of fluids, her constant requirement of stopping for a tinkle is very irritating when keeping ahead of the sunday drivers on a road trip! :thumbsup:

Not to mention how great it is for the driver...


Just wear them and don't bother with justifying them or making excuses. I doubt the subject will even come up. If it does, just keep the conversation very short. Something like, I'm having a little problem and the diapers protect my clothes and the furnature.


Perhaps you could have an "accident on purpose" which will convince your mother that you need to wear diapers at least some of the time.

Just in case, of course.


Perhaps you could have an "accident on purpose" which will convince your mother that you need to wear diapers at least some of the time.

Just in case, of course.

Well, dlover49, I really don't want to take that route. As I posed earlier, it would then be a barrage of questions and multiple trips the the doctor's to find out what is "wrong," and having to wear 24/7 which I don't really want to do either, etc. Besides, not that I'm a neat freak by any standard, but I really don't relish the idea of wetting my pants (unless they're of the absorbant variety of course), or my bed, or what have you. I know some people have tried this method and it works for them. Kudos to them for having the guts to wet/mess on purpose to get what they want! Thanks for the reply, though. Good thought.

Just wear them and don't bother with justifying them or making excuses. I doubt the subject will even come up. If it does, just keep the conversation very short. Something like, I'm having a little problem and the diapers protect my clothes and the furnature.

Hmm. Well, if my family weren't the overly-caring suspicious type then maybe I could get away with it. Or if I lived in my own place I might be able to excuse the diapers that way. But saying "I'm having a little problem," to my parents would be opening myself to a 3d degree inquisition of epic proportions! LOL! :lol: Wearing thick Abena X-pluses isn't exactly subtle either, even if I'm wearing jeans over them. I'm sure my VDL (visible diaper line) would spark a controversy. I think it would be more practical to propose the wearing of diapers somehow before I start wearing them around the house. I could probably get away with wearing something more subtle like a pullup, but really? Those aren't, in my opinion, diapers, they're more like dinner napkins.... I could maybe manage a small piddle in them once if I was really careful and controlled the flow before I had to change!

But thank you also for replying. This is a difficult subject I think that many of us have to face at some point in our lives. How to get what we want without upsetting our relationship with those we love.


Hi diaper fox

I have been reading your initial post at the beginning of this post, I myself currently live at home ( am a little older than you but that's a side issue)

I hot found out I say found out as I was not home at the time when my family decided to take advantage of the nice day out side and put my sheets in the washing machine, and at that time I kept 21 nappies between my mattress and bed base, my family also turned my mattress over! My cover was blown!. That event. Happened about 8 years ago, it dosent make It at all easier as I do not walk around the house with an exposed nappy/ diaper even if. family did see those products and my younger family member was home to receive a nappy supply from the freight truck that I had ordered online( when I had not planned on her being home and me to have been out and away from the house.

As you know it is t easy to keep the equilibrium while at home. It Is doable to wear a nappy around family but a tad hard. Could I maybe suggest you go to the doctor (gp) if you really are up to this and saying to your doctor hey I have to go to the toilet every 15-20 minutes and hourly over night and asking them what they can offer, if the gp says a catheter ( it is a great idea it would fix your real problem of over active bladder ) the other thing is you could depending on the time the catheter stays in have tempory incontinence. Or even if you just mentioned about the frequent trips over night and just making it to the toilet before a full accident your dr may suggest an absorbent pad over night. Then you have drs backing to use if questioned by parentals!

If you dont want to go down that path please as another poster said be carefull and discrete. Tip one while around family in close proximity to them ( unlesss they are really deaf and don't use hearing aids) Dont wear a crinkly/ noisy nappy - use a material outer shell product, in noisy places in public you can afford to wear plastic outer shell productes that offer better leak protection more noise around less chance the tell tale crinkle will give your secret away. Tip two: don't do like silly me did some ages ago and wear a plastic backed product around my mother in close range in a quiet house and hey make sure the product/ nappy is not really thick variety as if your mother is anything like mine ( even though I maybe a guy) she is for ever observing from a distance my general appearance - a sudden change to how your butt looks in a pair of pant you wear regularly can make them suspicious as to why my butt just got big and a day or so later look more slender.

Maybe try cloth diapers/ nappy and plastic pants that if you could wash and dry them regularly cloth dosent make a noise and plastic pants are pretty quiet. With clever dressing of your outer street wear clothing you will find a nappy will disappear nearly under clothing. I use to use bike shorts( spandex/Lycra cycle / exercise pants shorts not long legs under trousers and that reduced the crinkle noise and I found cycle pants tend to be high waisted so they came up a long way to covering any nappy that may want to have peeked out of my trousers, yourself ding female I have read where other females have used to good effect control top pantyhose and it has cut down the noise nd compressed the nappy to hide a bit of its bulk. With the use of trousers a size bigger and more garments that are not skin tight and mega short you should have no problems wearing a nappy all day and around family - lucky females get that extra two options of dresses or skirts if. They are not form hugging and loose cut can hide a multitude of poofy puffiness of any size and thickness of diaper/ nappy. Just remember to practice at home your walking style ( don't duckie waddle) it is easy to especially with a thick nappy on and that extra thickness between the legs - take what you think is an exaggerated stride and look in a full length mirror you will find that you will then be walking more normal to how you would without all the bulk between your legs!

By from



Hmm. Well, if my family weren't the overly-caring suspicious type then maybe I could get away with it. Or if I lived in my own place I might be able to excuse the diapers that way. But saying "I'm having a little problem," to my parents would be opening myself to a 3d degree inquisition of epic proportions! LOL! :lol: Wearing thick Abena X-pluses isn't exactly subtle either, even if I'm wearing jeans over them. I'm sure my VDL (visible diaper line) would spark a controversy. I think it would be more practical to propose the wearing of diapers somehow before I start wearing them around the house. I could probably get away with wearing something more subtle like a pullup, but really? Those aren't, in my opinion, diapers, they're more like dinner napkins.... I could maybe manage a small piddle in them once if I was really careful and controlled the flow before I had to change!

But thank you also for replying. This is a difficult subject I think that many of us have to face at some point in our lives. How to get what we want without upsetting our relationship with those we love.

Given that it would be perfectly reasonable for you not wanting to be known as a diaper wearer around your family, I think it would make more sense to just start wearing and be prepared for the "inquisition" if/when it happens. Only then admit to some accidents. (I think the "inconvenience" line would sould a bit odd if that's what they hear leading up to diapers). Use embarrassment as a reason for not discussing it with them.

Do you do your own laundry? If not, you might want to sometimes do a small load - pants underwear, a couple misc items - every once in awhile leading up to the diapers. Establishes the idea of you keeping accidents secret.

The thing is, once you establish yourself as a diaper wearer to your family, and they get past the initial whatever, you're probably committed to it, at least as long as you're on the medication.


Wow, I didn't extpect this to be such a hot topic! I also didn't expect the multitude of suggestions for keeping diapers hidden/secret, or openly wearing. I have worn the cloth-outter-style Abena M4s before in front of friends/co-workers with a pair of cotton stretch bicycle shorts over them under jeans with a long t-shirt on top. That seemed to do the trick well as far as no noise but I would still hesitate to wear around family at home since those diapers are pretty thick and create bulges when wet that are not hidden well by clothing.

Luckily I do take care of my own laundry and as far as I can tell my parents are not so invasive as to go into my room and actually dig for anything unless I told them they could. It really wouldn't take much digging to find my stash (back of closet and between mattress and box-spring of bed)! My ready excuse would always have to be something like, "I started wearing those when I was having those bouts of IBS a while ago, just in case," which I have suffered from occasionally so there would be some truth in the statement. And of course the OAB excuse.

For now I think keeping things a secret still is probably the best. I just don't have the guts to come out! :(

  • 2 weeks later...

It is easy to wear nappies discretely and the advice given here has been excellent. if I were you I would wear cloth backed and dispose of them asap wrapped in a plastic bag and put it straight in the bin. If you are approached by your parents then I am sure that once you explain that you have been having bladder problems then they may well suprise you and offer their help as you say that they are caring parents then personally I would do all I could to help my kids out and the last thing I would want to do would be to embarass them more than they already are. Hope you manage to work things out :)



This article might be helpful. She doesn't claim to have OAB, and I don't suspect she is ABDL, but she uses diapers to deal with a practical problem.

Also, being 32 myself, I cannot imagine my parents dragging me to a doctor for any reason whatsoever. I live on my own, but if my parents discovered my secret, I would tell them it is a personal issue and none of their business. If they asked if I was seeing a doctor, I would again say, it is a personal issue and none of their business.

I find for myself that even as a grown adult I really worry too much about what my parents think of my life choices. A few months ago I came out to my parents as an Atheist, and even though it was a terrifying thing for me to do, they were fairly ok with it, and told me that they respected my decisions and didn't want any responsibility for running my life. That, I think, is what a healthy relationship with your parents should be like.

Also, my dad said something the other day that really suprised me. We have been suspecting lately that my younger sister (age 22) is dating someone, but she is reluctant to tell us anything. In a private conversation with my dad, he revealed that he would be happy if she just came home one day and announced that they had eloped. He really doesn't want to shell out $$ for her wedding one day, as they are retired and on a limited budget. I thought it was so strange that he would be so ok with that, or even suggest the idea, even though it would be completely outside of her character to elope. I think as our parents age they tend to not take life as seriously as we remember from our childhood.



This article might be helpful. She doesn't claim to have OAB, and I don't suspect she is ABDL, but she uses diapers to deal with a practical problem.

Also, being 32 myself, I cannot imagine my parents dragging me to a doctor for any reason whatsoever. I live on my own, but if my parents discovered my secret, I would tell them it is a personal issue and none of their business. If they asked if I was seeing a doctor, I would again say, it is a personal issue and none of their business.

I find for myself that even as a grown adult I really worry too much about what my parents think of my life choices. A few months ago I came out to my parents as an Atheist, and even though it was a terrifying thing for me to do, they were fairly ok with it, and told me that they respected my decisions and didn't want any responsibility for running my life. That, I think, is what a healthy relationship with your parents should be like.

Also, my dad said something the other day that really suprised me. We have been suspecting lately that my younger sister (age 22) is dating someone, but she is reluctant to tell us anything. In a private conversation with my dad, he revealed that he would be happy if she just came home one day and announced that they had eloped. He really doesn't want to shell out $$ for her wedding one day, as they are retired and on a limited budget. I thought it was so strange that he would be so ok with that, or even suggest the idea, even though it would be completely outside of her character to elope. I think as our parents age they tend to not take life as seriously as we remember from our childhood.

Thanks pampers212. I read the article. I gathered from the topics of some of her other posts that she is traveling around the world over the course of a year and might have control problems as she mentions fearing having a "puddle" under her on the bus. Might be a good excuse to wear, but I'm not traveling around the world! I do have access to clean bathrooms everywhere I go. :blush:

I'm pretty sure if I lived away from my parents that I would have a more open outlook on the whole diaper-wearing thing. I'd certainly wear more often! :)

I don't want them to worry about me or think that I'm strange or that they did something wrong when they raised me that turned me into a weirdo.

Thus, the topic of this thread: An Excuse to Wear Diapers. I would never want my parents knowing I loved diapers in a sexual way. It's fear of that discovery/disclosure that keeps me thinking about "valid" excuses.


You said that you've developed an "overactive bladder" and are urinating "ten to fifteen times a day", being on some medication and having "dry mouth" and drinking a fair amount of liquids. What is/are the med(s) you are on?

I ask because I've been on prednisone most of the year for an illness that almost killed me back in January.

Prednisone isn't meant to be a long-term use but it's not something you can simply quit because your body becomes dependent on it. Anyway, one of the effects it has is to seriously screw with your blood sugar - my docs didn't tell me this and, after several months of using it, while in hospital for something else, they checked my blood sugar and it was around 400. (Above 130 is classed as diabetes) With crazy high blood sugar you can drink all you want and still have dry mouth - i was drinking over a gallon of water a day; and i was having to get up 10+ times at night, and frequent urination needs while at work. (I wasn't wearing diapers because, given how close to death i had come i didn't want to be found dead in a didee, for want of a better phrase)

If you still have the issue with dry mouth, frequent urination and are on the meds, I seriously recommend you go to the dr just to get things checked. Diabetes *isn't* fun.


You said that you've developed an "overactive bladder" and are urinating "ten to fifteen times a day", being on some medication and having "dry mouth" and drinking a fair amount of liquids. What is/are the med(s) you are on?

I ask because I've been on prednisone most of the year for an illness that almost killed me back in January.

Prednisone isn't meant to be a long-term use but it's not something you can simply quit because your body becomes dependent on it. Anyway, one of the effects it has is to seriously screw with your blood sugar - my docs didn't tell me this and, after several months of using it, while in hospital for something else, they checked my blood sugar and it was around 400. (Above 130 is classed as diabetes) With crazy high blood sugar you can drink all you want and still have dry mouth - i was drinking over a gallon of water a day; and i was having to get up 10+ times at night, and frequent urination needs while at work. (I wasn't wearing diapers because, given how close to death i had come i didn't want to be found dead in a didee, for want of a better phrase)

If you still have the issue with dry mouth, frequent urination and are on the meds, I seriously recommend you go to the dr just to get things checked. Diabetes *isn't* fun.

Oh I had a complete checkup (including blood tests) at the beginning of this summer and everything was fine (except my cholesterol). My doc didn't seem to be too worried about the dry mouth. I'm on 150 mg of sertraline (brand name Zoloft) for anxiety. Ever have a panic attack? NOT FUN! Anyway, one of the side effects of sertraline is dry mouth. I also looked up online to see if it could be related to my OAB and the general answer was yes.

Thanks for being worried about my health, though. :) You're a sweetie!


Aside from being truly incontinent a trip to the doctor will result in lots of expensive tests that will show "it's all in your head" to a urologist so no backing there, so why not just admit that you are having a real hard time getting to class when the bell rings meaning the urge to void is coming with not always enough time to get to the toilet , that is something a doctor can not prove or disprove and is very simple and elegant and wetting your pants a time or two so your parents see it will be perfect and then you can wear diapers all you want and your diagnosis will be Functional Incontinence which is a fancy way of saying not enough warning to get to the bathroom before your bladder lets loose.



The other attack to use is go to any Urologists office and snag up brochures on OAB and Medication and such and the doctors card and arrive home with all the reading material and a "SAMPLE of DIAPERS" from your doctor that would begin and end all questions without a single word, and if they wanna talk about it tell them later you are upset and tired and are going to lay down and then later when they are doing something in their routine that the hate to deviate from and the enjoy a lot go to talk to them so that they are distracted and listening to about every 5th word you say tell them you have OAB with Functional Incontinence and will require absorbent products for life and then let them concentrate on the rest of the program that is so important


Aside from being truly incontinent a trip to the doctor will result in lots of expensive tests that will show "it's all in your head" to a urologist so no backing there, so why not just admit that you are having a real hard time getting to class when the bell rings meaning the urge to void is coming with not always enough time to get to the toilet , that is something a doctor can not prove or disprove and is very simple and elegant and wetting your pants a time or two so your parents see it will be perfect and then you can wear diapers all you want and your diagnosis will be Functional Incontinence which is a fancy way of saying not enough warning to get to the bathroom before your bladder lets loose.


ROFL! I'm 33! I don't "go to class." :roflmao: If I did it would be college (which I've already been through) and there aren't any "bells" in college. I'm sorry, I just found that hilarious since the little blurb under my non-picture clearly states that I'm 33 and I have mentioned in this thread that I do go to work.

As for the incontinence thing, as previously stated in this thread I really don't want to fake incontinence because then I would be expected to wear diapers every day. I want the freedom to wear often but I'm not too crazy about going 24/7 for the rest of my life.

Thanks for the imput though. :)

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